#this is sadly unironic
vapidsoup · 2 years
me watching literally anything: hm not as good as How To Train Your Dragon (2010)
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epilepticsaints · 4 months
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paiirupie · 10 months
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hey best friend, let's see those molars.
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greypetrel · 11 months
Some spoilers from a person trained in literary criticism, after opening youtube and cringing hard at the title of a video and it had me screeching in annoyance at people who thinks consuming a lot of fiction automatically makes you a Literary Critic, and that will mix personal taste with objective truth.
A long, rantful tirade under the cut that I may or may not delete later.
ALL art is derivative. Or at least, Literature surely is. The great breakthroughs are so because they refused some conventions. Meaning that they had those conventions in mind and actively chose not to follow them. They're still derivative. Using "Fanfiction" as a slur is perfectly pointless and not that slur you think it could be, and "originality" is not something we should praise so much and looks so much to... Not if we don't want to be disappointed. Nothing is truely original in art, not in the "Never done before" way (one could argue that early cinema was original? Oh sure, as a mean of expression! But take a moment and consider "People travelling to the moon" as a theme in literature. I can trace it back at the II century AD, and I wouldn't be surprised if the theme came up before that in other cultures I am not so knowledgeable of. Méliès' Voyage dans la Lune is original in execution because cinema was new... As for the story? Still derivative!
The concept of "Mary Sue" as a slur should die. Really. Stop. That type of character may not speak to you and that's very valid, it's your right in not liking it! still doesn't make it objectively bad or evil, or something to despise. Two people will read the same book in two different ways. That's the beauty of literature: it's not high school math which has a right and a wrong answer. Literature and Humanities work in shades of grey. If some people need to have a main character that's clumsy, that's beautiful but very unsure of herself, that's important to the story, so they can identify themselves in her and maybe gain some more trust in themselves, what's wrong? There's nothing wrong in liking, in needing a Mary Sue, and there's equally nothing wrong in disliking her. It's just a matter of taste and of the right moment you read her. I read Twilight in three days because by that time I WAS clumsy and unsure of myself, I WAS just in high school after years of middle school being bullied. I could relate to Bella, and it felt nice, at 14, to see that even if you can't stand on your feet for more than 10 minutes, you can still live adventures and be loved. I stopped reading the saga because the "Edward dumped me and I stopped living" didn't resonate with me at all, and I didn't go further in my reading. Years of Liceo Classico and Academies got me hating Twilight because EEEEEW BELLA IS A MARY SUE EEEEEEW. That's bullshit.
Personal taste =/= Judgement over how good or bad is a book. I am sorry to relate this to you, but no, reading a lot of fiction doesn't make you a literary critic. Because good literary criticism takes the context into account to judge a book. You can't separate a book from its context, particularly when you're talking about classics, but also talking about modern books. Because no author lives in a bubble and doesn't act influenced by the society they live in. There are objective parameters to judge a book! But beside the fact that most authors played around it, and that those parameters are also HIGHLY depending on the context we're in (just as an example: Shakespeare was HIGLY unpopular in XVIII century Enlightment criticism. Voltaire hated the guts out of him and didn't consider him a good playwriter... Because Shakespeare didn't follow the Ancient Greek/Roman theatre criteria that the Enlightment preferred. That's just it. So you see, criteria vary too with the historical context. A book celebrated today may not be celebrated tomorrow.). But: you can like and dislike Classics. It's ok. It's normal. You have a personal taste, and the fact that a book has some objective value that makes it a classic and makes the book worth studying is totally separated from your personal taste and should always be kept separate. I majored in English Literature: I know that Dickens is a hugely important author, I know why he is and why he's in literature history books, why we study him and with reason. It doesn't change that I find Dickens' books terribly boring, they don't speak to me, they're out of my taste and preferences. Hard Times was probably the only book in my uni I couldn't bring myself to finish and read the summary on Wikipedia of. I tried, it isn't for me. I still think they should be studied in school, because they're very important for their period, and hugely useful to understand Victorian mentality and context.
That's it, welcome to my TED talk, I'm sorry for the tirade but I opened Youtube and there was a video titled "Is Rings of Power Galadriel a Mary Sue??" which had me fuming from my ears.
What if she is? Who cares? Just say you didn't like the show, that you imagined Galadriel in a different way and that's it. Don't deminish people who on the other hand liked her.
I promise, you can write your opinion of a book/show/media as just your personal opinion and impression. I swear it's fine, anyone who studied Literature would know that criticism is just that and doesn't mean much, that you can like a movie that's technically bad and dislike a movie that's technically great and that's perfectly fine and valid.
You don't need to make it an universal experience and an objective truth to be entitled to your opinion. Good taste is overestimated anyway. Embrace the trash. You're not a better person if you only like critically acclaimed stories, believe me, it took me years to realise it.
But still, if you want to write some proper criticism... Context is essential. Otherwise you read Jane Austen and you think she wrote romances. Which she didn't. She was a social satyrist and a terribly brilliant one. We just read her out of her context, we have lost the parameters to grasp the criticism because we live in a different society. The romance is all that's left. You can read Pride and Prejudice just as a love story... But if you want to write a critic essay over it, you can't treat it as such. You can say "I liked the romance plot the best!" and still say it's a brilliant satyre. But you have to know it's satyre.
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umilily · 8 days
the older i get the more i appreciate my mum cooking the things she did when i was younger. considering she doesn't even like cooking all that much and was still working full time back when i was a kid, i'm so impressed when i look up some of the recipes she made and seeing how much effort it actually was.
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wigsinator · 2 months
Thoughts on how technology is depicted in anime?
There's a huge variety and each can be done well or poorly.
Sometimes technology is an aesthetic for a magic system, and I always fuck with that tremendously, until they try to explain it with real physics. The technology is so far beyond anything we can create you don't need to try to justify it.
Then there's near-future stuff, usually full dive VR, which is so fucking funny after seeing BG3 nearly bankrupt Larian and take 6 years. And you're suggesting that developing a good full dive VR game ever releases? Comical. But I suspend my disbelief and move on.
In more grounded, modern settings, it can be interesting to see the ways in which cultural relationships to technology differ. Like, the way it's always email rather than SMS is so fascinating to me. In the past 5-10 years anime has caught up with the fact that people use LINE, but it's really interesting that it seems SMS just never caught on in Japan (I do not know what I'm talking about, this may not be true, this is an assumption made based on watching anime)
Also Serial Experiments Lain is real and has happened.
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Desperately seeking my soulmate (person who enjoys Force Awakens despite its structural flaws)
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coffyblak · 4 months
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This is literally the mod ever <3
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worldwhampion · 1 year
hello all nms fans i'm seriously thinking about starting a nms discord server where we all discuss lore and theorize about stuff, so here's a poll
here's some more info if you're interested:
the whole server would be like a database of collected lore, or at least a big part of it would be dedicated to that. i'll gather ALL sources of lore there (by that i mean stealing it from other sites lol) and putting them on google docs, including my own half-finished transcript of the artemis path (i have no idea how to datamine the entire thing from the game so poor me has been typing it all out for months. maybe other people can help me with that on docs). this way everything will be easily within reach for our viewing pleasure.
and ofc there'll be more than this but that's for when the basics have been set up
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etcnnante · 6 months
saw date day 🤭
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anotherdarkiboi · 2 years
For all my Dracula Daily folks, check out the criminally underrated Dracula musical!
The songs are all bangers composed by Frank Wildhorn, who's the same guy that made the musicals for Jekyll and Hyde, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Death Note: the Musical (I recommend all of them).
Also starring James Barbour (Dracula) and Norm Lewis (Van Helsing) if you're familiar with those guys/phantoms. The music sounds really good and the plot stays relatively similar to the original minus the increased romanticization of Dracula and Mina. Take a listen!
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grimae · 2 years
I know 100% fully perfectly that I make prints of my Book of the Sun pages, but each time I draw a new one I completely throw that knowledge out of the window and draw it in a way that I need to readjust and edit it for printing anyway.
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charlottan · 2 years
It was supposed to be a bit where I acted like a defensive furry except the opposite. Didn't land
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girldraki · 2 years
the actual answer lackoflepers doesn’t wanna hear is that if you want someone who’s genuinely passionate about the art of the scp format instead of the upvotes you want to find autistic people but sadly he’s already cast in his stake with the Harass Autistic People To Suicide Forum so now he has to understand how bitcoin works. SAD
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I rewatched Quinton's iCarly saga because I am insane and man this show is flawed but it has heart. Spencer-Carly relationship is so wholesome. Maybe because Jerry Trainor is just so funny but regardless I really like seeing them on screen. Can't say the same for Victorious
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caiylist · 21 days
I’m like a shame to my family or something. I have ok skill for art but the only thing I have drawn within the past week is self-ship art with goldlewis guilty gear.
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