#this makes no sense whatsoever
idoitdotjpg · 10 months
Hi, I enjoy the concept of this 'enot' creechur. I shitpost excessively and occasionally ramble about cool ideas that my single neuron bouncing around in my cranium forged from my brain goop in the depths of hell at 3 am. Feel free to send in an ask if you want. even if I'm not the best at human interaction, I enjoy people sharing ideas with me and stuff like that.
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My brain firing the serotonin fish launcher when literally anything slightly positive happens online.
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shadowheritageposts · 10 months
(Suddenly about 5 thousand pineapples fall from a portal on the ceiling...Followed by a suspiciously Infinite-like laugh, although It does seem more feminine)
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stardustsnight · 8 months
I hope it is true, what they say about past lives.
I hope we lived happily in our past lives.
I hope we had the best time together.
I hope we met earlier and just fell faster and harder for each other
I hope you were a little bit bolder, I hope I was a little bit gentler
I hope we got sick of love that we gave each other
I hope I never had to miss you ever again
I hope you were happy even without me
I hope I was a part of your life somehow even if in a small amount
I hope you loved me like I loved you
I hope we tore eachother apart with our great love
I hope we became one
I hope we spend one more lifetime, together and not make the same mistakes as before
I hope we make way for new mistakes
I hope that naïve, silly me loves you earnestly again
I hope we'll find eachother again in every life after this just as we did before this lifetime
I hope we learn to love again, together.
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alien-girl-21 · 1 year
this probably wont make sense esp. since im talking as someone whose only seen k5 and mostly through translations lol but it's like- k!Luzu hurts to watch because he's both doomed by fate and his own hands- mostly fate in k4 it seems but like that leads into him being set up to fail in k5 because he doesn't remember the full context of what happened to him in k4 so he ends up screwing over himself and his best friend- but also it's like- he could've stopped, he could've trusted Quackity to handle the mayoral position and respected him instead of acting behind his back, he could've supported his friend and tried protecting him without hurting him even if that felt riskier, he could've accepted that he fucked up and admitted to committing fraud, he could've resigned as mayor- when he's shown the video of all of his and Quackity's moments together it hurts but he still decides to keep going- but then again why would he back down when as far as his memories could tell him the pain he inflicted on Q seemed like a lesser evil then letting him become mayor even if it meant breaking their friendship and overtime his priority shifts from protecting Quackity from Karmaland to protecting Karmaland from Quackity and so he can't just give up now but-he doesn't realize or maybe just doesn't want to acknowledge that things at that it turned out this way because he betrayed him in the first place- that the fraud and everything that follows was all for nothing now. And the longer he keeps going the worse the war gets, but the worse it gets the more like Luzu feels like he's in the right for staying as mayor for the greater good even if it hurts- having strayed so far from why he even ended up here in the first place and like- BASICALLY It's like he was set up to fail from the start but he could've stopped but then again why would he at any point- his unhappiness in k5 is both his fault and not his fault like- omg I didn't mean to ramble this much I've just been thinking about k!Luzu a lot lately and it's driving me a little nuts this ended up longer then I wanted it to 😵‍💫 I wish I knew more Spanish to do a proper analysis on him (and the revolution arc in general) because his character is really awesome- I hope this was alright, I like talking about k!Luzu but the language barrier always makes me feel nervous to do so LOL (Also I just want to clarify I'm not like absolving k!Quackity of any blame here because uh he did a LOT of fucked up shit and I share a lot of general sentiments that I brought up here with Luzu with him- like they're both were screwed by shit out of their control but also like neither are totally blameless for their suffering- I have a LOT of thoughts about k!Q too, but I just felt like focusing on Luzu's side of the story rn because of the k4 posts lol and this ask is long enough 😵‍💫)
I accidentally wrote way too much, dorry
K!luzu is soo tragic once you start thinking about it ngl
Since karmaland 4 he did nothing but help people. Someone needed food? He was giving them as much food as he had. Vegetta wated to tame a cat but didn’t have meat? Don’t worry, luzu will let himself be stabbed so vegetta can have his cat, and so on and so forth, He has the biggest heart during the beginning of the series, not only for the heroes, but for karmaland as a whole. Hell, I mean, his house got blown up like 3 times in one day and he didn’t even bat an eye and forgave the people that put the mines there, even if he lost his pig, Manolo, for a while during the commotion.
He said that he wants to be positive and help everyone else in karmaland. He loves doing good things for his friends, he has an entire episode dedicated to cooking his friends’ favorite foods! And when rubius told him it was part of his electoral campaign he said that no, it was because he loved his friends.
I guess one of the most tragic things looking into k4 after knowing what happens after the elections and everything that goes on in kv are his interactions with the hermandad oscura and his first therapy session with auron. Since the hermandad oscura was formed, they have been trying to get luzu to their side, they have blown up his house, stole his pig, and made him steal so they could give him Manolo back. Thing is, luzu never acts exactly how they want him to. They blow up his house? Oh well, he’ll patch it up. They steal Manolo and ask for ransom that has to be stolen? He’ll just put a lot of signs saying he’s sorry in the most nervous way possible while taking one diamond out of fargan’s chest. It’s impossible to make him do evil in one way or another, and they are tired of it.
When they give him Manolo back, they say: “we have seen there is darkness inside you (…) someday, you’ll know more” which he does have, he has that darkness inside him, and it comes out after the election, and it goes full blast in kv. But they try once again, to get him to their side 2 episodes later, when they swap the fake Manolo for the real manolo:
Luzu: there’s no bad blood (between us) after this mishap. But I think we could make a deal because of this. Hermandad oscura: We’re going to do something we normally don’t do, Luzu. There is evil inside you. L: (snorts) okay? HO: We’re granting you a pact. You can do one evil thing. L: You mean I have to do something evil? HO: No, you can tell us we can do something evil, and we will do it. L: This is a lot of power; I have never thought of something like that. HO: The consequences will be yours. L: Okay, so you will be the instrument for whatever evil I want you to do? HO: Exactly. L: Can I say it now? Because I have an idea. HO: Yes. L: Well, I don’t know if you know, but there’s a new Karmaland member (…) There’s a new member in Karmaland, Auronplay, he just started, and I think it would be funny —I don’t want you to hurt him— I want you to do something to entertain him, to welcome him to Karmaland like the rest of us. I think it would be funny for you to block his house and make a treasure hunt to find something, with different tramps, so he has to fight for his life… what do you think? HO: It’s a good idea, but it’s your idea. Everything that happens now is your fault. L: Okay, but don’t kill him, if he dies make sure it’s his fault, not yours– mine.
So, the hermandad oscura does as Luzu tells them, and auron has to do his little quest for some items that the hermandad oscura put in a chest with a code lock in, and every single sign left blames luzu for what happened. But they end up making up after it, so it’s like nothing ever happened in the first place. No matter what they do until before the elections, it doesn’t work.
Then, during his first session with auron as his therapist, they have many moments that just punch you in the face.
Auron: I’ve heard you are a very kind-hearted person, that you are one of the few that enters conflicts and is always smiling (…) that’s what they say, that’s why I’m asking, why are you here?
Luzu: I don’t know if you’re heard, but there’s going to be elections in Karmaland for being the mayor (…) the elections are coming up, and I’ve been feeling this pressure that grows, that I didn’t realize before (…) you know I’ve been preparing my campaign and some friends have betrayed me during this (…) I think that (everyone should have) free choice, you know? Everyone has to be the person they want, but of course, I think: what did I do wrong? What did I do? Because, of course, I made my friend react that way, so I don’t know what I did wrong and I want support so I know how to take this campaign. And if I become mayor, it’s because of you helping me with the pressure…
So yeah, he wants to be mayor, but he feels the pressure, and it’s even more when mangel, who was meant to be the creative director of the campaign, decided to form his own political party. And then you look at luzu in kv, he’s constantly saying to quackity that he shouldn’t mess around in politics, that it’s not worth it. Which I think lines in with what auron says next:
“This is a tricky subject, my father always used to say: ‘never talk about football and politics on the dinner table’. I have to say politics creates many betrayals, many enemies, it’s tricky, and you knew what you were getting into”
What does luzu say to quackity whenever he brought up running for mayor? That it’ll destroy his life, that it’s not worth it. In kv luzu accidentally became auron, he did not only become the therapist of karmaland, but he was saying stuff that auron had once told him to quackity, the naïve kid with a dream (in luzu’s eyes).
Luzu was betrayed, someone decided to step up last second in the election and run along-side luzu, his friends voted for them; his friend left him behind for the other guy because he had power. Luzu was failed by everyone he knew and he fucking snapped. He had flashbacks to this in kv, and that’s why he repeated his own history, to save quackity from what he thought was going to be a fate worse than dying.
Luzu is just surrounded by a narrative that’s always against him. He tries to do good; he tries to be positive, he tries for people to like him, see him as a friend. But it always fails, people think he’s the hermandad oscura, no way a guy is so nice just because; he gets betrayed in the thing that meant the most to him because of the need of power. But he still does good, I mean, if it wasn’t for him the members of kv could have never gone back to k4. Even in kv, if he didn’t trust anyone, he still helped them out, he was still there in all the events being friends with everyone.
Mucho texto, so I will finish with: tl;dr: k!luzu is doomed by the narrative and the narrative lets you know like it’s a slap on the face and I think cc!luzu should be praised more for his storytelling skills <3
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i-am-darth-feanor · 1 year
Adolin: You don't think I can get married because I'm a man?
Shallan: No, I don't think you can get married because you're in full Shardplate.
Renarin: For what it's worth, I don't think Kaladin could get married in Shardplate either.
Kaladin: Perhaps not, but I'd make a Radiant Knight.
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
Based off s1 it doesn’t make that much sense for miss farahgondah to be in the company of light and im still on a bender that Aisha’s parents or at least one of them should have had ties to valtor or bloom’s parents like helped the company on the sly. Or the head canon of valtor being blooms brother flip it on its head and make him the illegitimate child that’s why he hates andros so much not just because he was in prinsoned there. It could also explain away why Aisha’s parents were so easily willing to give up on andros. Like there should’ve been a connection to why valtor hated andros so much in s3. Like yeah you can say it was just because of the omega dimension but that’s so bland and easy.
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bigboyincowtown · 9 months
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I wrote this instead of sleeping cause I knew I’d forget it in the morning. Please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks like this.
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raveartts · 9 months
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didn't know what to draw and my mom said "draw a dragon" thus: Glory
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mazojo · 1 year
Anyways XO Kitty love interests summarized
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Min Ho
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cistematicchaos · 1 year
Being crippled is so ridiculous sometimes like what do you mean I can't walk? That's literally what my legs are for. Are you telling me they just up and quit on me? For what? Better wages? In this economy? no not wages apparently they just don't like the fact my soul is inhabiting this body and until further notice lmao they're just gonna make sure I'm miserable. 👍 why, you may ask? Well, why not is the real question apparently
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strolldiaz · 18 days
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I have no idea why people think Jon will stop being a POV post-resurrection, or why they think it’s even remotely a good narrative choice. Jon is at the center of the “human heart in conflict with itself” theme that keeps cropping up in these books. A lot of the action in Jon’s story isn’t so much what happens around him but how he internalizes things in his head. He’s always been a very internal character much like Ned and Sansa. So if we lose Jon’s POV, what does it matter that he’s been lied to his whole life and Ned isn’t his real father? What does it matter who his mother was? Who cares about his changing acceptance of magic now that he’ll need to rely on it to survive? Who cares how he views Dany, the only thing to connect him to his father’s family? There’s no point revealing Jon’s parentage or delving into these topics because losing Jon’s POV means losing the thoughts of the ONE person they affect. That is not how you write a narrative guys. And no for the 10000th time, Beric and Cat are NOT good comparisons for Jon. One Beric wasn’t even a POV so I’m not sure why people bring him up in the first place. And two, Catelyn’s arc ended with Robb’s at the Red Wedding. Stoneheart exists but we’re going to see more how her presence affects how other characters move forward: Brienne, Jaime, Arya, etc. Plus Catelyn wasn’t even a central protagonist like Jon is so I don’t understand why she even gets brought up. Beric and LH are there at the baseline to establish that resurrection can be done. Point blank. They’re not a one size fits all such that Jon HAS to be just like them. I’m pretty tired of hammering in this one point over and over again. There’s really no narrative or thematic justification to look at Jon solely through other’s eyes other than “wouldn’t it be cool if?” Istg a lot of people make predictions based on what’s cool (which is debatable) and not what actually makes sense for a character and the themes in their arc. It’s quite frustrating.
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okay so when i was very new to the pjo fandom i had alot of thoughts about being queer and being a half blood, so heres an old rant of mine edited a bit (alot) to be semi coherent and postable!
Being a half blood is by definition queer, not normal. Half bloods are unable to fit in with mortals, they're too different, too strange. Yet, they're able to find community at camp half blood, a place with others like them, others just as weird and different. I think this is something that resonates with alot of queer people, it's at the very least something alot of us have dreamed of or experienced something similar to.
Another thing that I think is worth mentioning is how we see, especially with Annabeth talking about her family–mortals sometimes almost demonizing half bloods, treating them as dangerous. Once again, in a way this speaks to alot of queer people. Being treated as dangerous for something you can not control, something that's just simply a part of who you are, the way you were born.
I think it might be worth mentioning how it's nearly impossible for a god to be cishet? Especially alot of the greek gods were as queer as can be. Humanity feels the need to fit themselves into boxes gods have no need for, half bloods i think fit right in the middle of that which i think might be a little reminiscent of how queer people are shoved into boxes that shouldn't exist by others around them.
I have no idea how to segue properly SO, MY FINAL POINT: The concept of being a half blood is something that i think speaks to alot of people, as a half blood you don't fit in, as a queer person you don't fit in; yet as either there are other's like you, a community that will welcome you with open arms.
tagging some people who might be interested: @agentwaffle @a-wondering-thought (i know you two want to see this) @genderfluidsgetguns @ssavinggrace (i just want you two to see this)
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vicontheinternet · 1 year
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This is wild??!??
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springlock-suits · 6 months
Au where Mike fucking died in that hallway and they made him possess the empty dog animatronic
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trintiitty · 10 months
idk what hurts more the fact that ganke knows about miles g being the prowler and the two barely talk because of that or ganke having no idea and just thinks miles g ghosted him for no reason OR a mix not really a mix where they do stay in touch and ganke knows miles is the prowler but spending time together is either 5 seconds of prolonged eye contact when they bump into each other in a corner store or miles g stopping by the dorm like once every month to check up on him while on patrol as the prowler. which is also just 5 seconds of prolonged eye contact through the window.
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