#tldr 15 year old me was weird
catboymoments · 4 months
So I saw what you said about LatinComrade not being problematic and I kinda disagree. Like yeah if a character is/becomes an adult that’s on thing, but idk, from what I heard it feels they’re using the timeskip as an excuse to draw nsfw of characters who were minors for almost the entire series. Plus not all of the characters were even 18+ at the end (Gus and Matt were only 15-17 years old). Also I heard they drew nsfw of their own fankids as well so that’s a whole nother level of yikes right there.
a) they’re not drawing them as minors though, they’re using their canon adult designs. Also as a young adult I can see and understand how it would be easier to relate to the characters at that age. This is also one of those situations where “they’re not real” is a valid argument. It would be weird if they were real actors or people who had just turned 18 after people knew them for a long time as kids, but they’re animated fictional characters. Personal discomfort is fine and understandable!! You don’t have to agree with me or them, but I don’t consider it weird.
b) they didn’t draw nsfw of Gus or Matt idk why ur bringing them up /gen
c) their fankids are their own? ocs?? who also have canon adult designs.
tldr this picture encompasses a lot of my thoughts on it all
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AITA for "feeding my ex's internalised transphobia" by refusing to date a man as a lesbian? TW for internalised transphobia, mentions of rape and SA
TLDR: i am a lesbian. my teenage partner was sexually abusive to me for a year, mostly through enforced sexist rp scenarios. now, they are out as non-binary and accuse me of misandry and transandrophobia because i once told them i would not date a man regardless of his agab
I (NB20) started dating my ex (NB23) when i was 15. I was always openly a lesbian. When we met a year before we started dating, they identified as a butch. Throughout our relationship they explored their gender identity more, toying with the idea of being vaguely transmasc. I never had a problem with it; i enjoyed being in a butch/femme relationship and honouring their masculinity as much as I could.
For context, I am a very outspoken hardcore feminist; I don't like to generalise and i have a lot of love for the men in my life, but I have also made a couple of "kill all cishet men" jokes at a safe setting, with people who know exactly where I actually stand. I don't hate men, I just don't find them attractive and think they should be raised better. One day, they asked me if i would still be attracted to them if they fully transitioned and started living as a man. I told them I wouldn't; in my head, being butch/masc is extremely different to being a man, and I appreciated their presentation as a part of them being a lesbian (gender expression =/= gender identity, after all). They assured me that this was just a hypothetical question and just them being curious about my boundaries and limits, ended the conversation, and never brought it up again. My ex was very into roleplay during sex, and I was on board with it initially. After a while, however, the scenes they wanted to act out began to get extremely degrading, bordering on abusive, where they were embodying a man in a position of power (something that i was extremely uncomfortable with), while I was a vulnerable woman (usually a sex worker) getting degraded or even raped. Although I was deeply disturbed by some of the things we did, I was a child at the time, they were my first and i wasn't theirs. I wasn't ready to have sex yet and didn't know how to defend myself. Even when I tried to set a boundary, they would press on and claim it was their way of processing trauma, and that I was manipulative for attempting to withhold that from them. Eventually, with the help of a therapist and my family I ended things between us. I dreaded talking to or about them to anyone and mostly kept quiet about it all. Back to the present day, one of my old mutuals found my new account and texted me. They told me that my ex was posting about me, and that I should be ashamed of myself if what they said was true. I gathered up enough courage to view the posts myself. Their story is very different from what I remember. They claim I was being a misandrist and by extension transandriphobic (in their words, my distaste for the behaviour of cishet men was very damaging for masc people. it is weird, because healthy expressions of masculinity are the last thing i would judge a man for). They also claimed I made their internalised transphobia worse by refusing to date them if they transitioned. I have moved on with my life, but now other people are mixed in and im honestly at a loss. I never forced them to be someone they weren't with me. I never shamed them for their masculinity or discouraged them from exploring their identity, I just stated that dating a trans man wouldn't agree with my sexuality. A healthy response would be to be honest with me, and give me the right to decide for myself whether i would stay with them through their transition or only be able to support them as a friend. They could even just leave without justifying anything.
I don't know. Maybe my trauma is blinding me, but I keep going over the memories in my head trying to figure out how I might be the one behind all that hatred and violence. I don't want to be unfair to them, even if it's just in my own mind, so I'm just speaking up about it for the first time in my life through an AITA tumblr post. Any advice or insight is appreciated.
What are these acronyms?
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losergendered · 6 days
listen im antirq but i kind of feel like a lot of the antirq community is not interested in the root reasons that people join these communities or in any sort of understanding or rehabilitation. it kind of seems like yall just wanna mock people. screenshotting people talking about how they wanna “transition to be transraped/transkidnapped” and going “whoaaaa what the fuck 😨” literally just alienates people struggling with intrusive thoughts/selfharm urges. and it makes it more likely that people who experience these things are gonna align themselves with rqs because they think that everyone else finds them gross or weird. honestly (and no one jump down my throat or misinterpret what im saying ffs think) i find transharmful/transharmed to be one of the most *understandable* parts of the rq community. misguided and ultimately harmful, yes, but understandable.
because of my npd, low empathy, and intrusive thoughts, i do often think of myself as a neutrally bad person. in my head, im an immoral person cosplaying as well-adjusted, and while, for the most part, thats the personality disorder talking, its often hard for me to divorce that way of thinking from my actual Self, because, uh, i live in my head. so i can see how seeing something like transabuser or transshooter might be a way for someone to try and wrestle with that kind of internal struggle (granted, a way that’ll most likely make that struggle worse but i digress). and im sure i dont have to explain why someone wishing they had certain forms of trauma isnt a spectacle and is rather, in itself, indicative of mental health struggles that aren’t to be mocked.
it’s just frustrating to see people i largely agree with doing nothing but look down their nose at people. dangerous and bigoted communities are not owed overly tender pussyfooting or whatever but like also its crazy to screenshot 15 year olds just to tongue wag. harm reduction starts with understanding and parading around (mostly teenagers) who are coping poorly is literally just gonna push them further into whatever community theyre in. like ffs just ignore them. especially if youre an adult. thats why i never talk abt this discourse on here. it doesnt fucking help if youre just gonna be an overly righteous asshole.
last time i made a post like this i got a whole buncha rqs in my notes telling me to “stop talking down to them” and that they’ll “do what they want.” okay man. im not your dad. this post isnt even aimed at yall anyway
tldr making a spectacle out of and constantly performing bewilderment at rqs literally only makes the issue worse and alienates those who experience unconventional mental problems. ex. me. cool thanks
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bugsbenefit · 1 year
attraction in ST
or. oh god stop stripping the show of it's themes no please no it needs those, stopppp
actually making this post now bc i'm sick of people claiming anything remotely sexual or even kissing happening to the party (an opinion that often pops up in the context of byler) in s5 would be horrible, sexualising, or out of character for the show
ST has always had a realistic approach to kids growing into their sexualities. the show's never shied away from directly addressing sex and sexual feelings so i'm honestly amazed by the extremely puritan interpretation of the show. i'm assuming, in good faith, that a big part of it is coming from people not having seen the actual show in ages and are just forgetting how explicitly the show handles sexuality. instead of just assuming it's from culturally raised christian people, who feel uncomfortable seeing any portrayal of sexuality, no matter how tasteful or realistic
i'm also saying all this as an ace person myself, i get not being into sex and not wanting to see it. however, refusing to acknowledge entire themes of a fictional show just because i don't experience them is bizarre to me. sexuality is vitally important to a lot of the characters and isn't just there to be fun(gross). essentially, ST is the opposite of porn without plot
so just as a little reminder what's actually IN Stranger Things. canonically.
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sorry i had this sc for ages and wanted to include it Somewhere, so here you go. at a little starter... dorry
also this is an old draft seeing the light of day now, if anything's worded weird it's bc i didn't read all of it over again so oops, grammar hard?
TLDR: the show has never shied away from explicitly addressing sexuality. buying into the puritan fanon version of the show is going to make your s5 viewing experience worse because that show doesn't exist
season 1
we're starting the show off with Stancy, which is very sexually charged in general. (even in s4 Nancy still experiences physical attraction to Steve despite them having unchanged compatibility) the plot surrounding them in s1 explicitly focuses on Nancy having sex with Steve and later regretting that choice. the scene that everyone remembers, is of course, the "explicit" (not really, because ST is really tasteful with how it shows these teens explore themselves) sex scene
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they're in sophomore and junior year of highschool here. around 15 and 16 years old - yet the show doesn't shy away from letting them figure things out. and it's not like this sexual theme is contained in only that scene. it keeps coming back the whole season as Nancy tries to sort her feelings out and deals with the aftermath of that night
also sidenote here while still at Steve and his party: even Steve's friends are very casual with their sexualities. and yes, they can even explicitly mention sex and specific sexual acts, no holding back here
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Nancy's character conflict in s1 very much hinges on her sexuality and sexual themes. and it's not like there is a magic you need to be at least this old rule to know what sex is on the show like so many people seem to believe, because even 12 year old Mike seems to very much know what his sister and Steve are up to. he even goes out of his way to use it against her
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iconic line! but i've seen insane takes trying to spin this into something not alluding to something sexual. i'm sorry to say if he doesn't think they're full on having sex he at least thinks they're getting very intimate with each other regardless
so not even the youngest characters on the show are "innocent and pure" the way fandom likes to claim when it comes to sexuality. and of course they aren't. real 12 year olds know what sex is, they're young not oblivious
and the following seasons make that even more obvious
season 2
as of s2 the kids are getting more involved with the sexual jokes, not just making them about other people but even being directly involved with those themes themselves. which is also realistic. with 13 sexuality starts to get thrown your way by every possible form of media. lots of them start developing crushes, have no idea how relationships work, etc. it's messy, typical teens thrown into the dating game. (i say all of this from a developmental media psychology perspective thanks uni and not personal experience sorry lmao, i'm a bit too ace to have my own input here)
s2 features comedic and awkward mentions of sex(ual activity) towards Lucas and Max,
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older peers giving their 13 year old friends well meant advice on how relationships work,
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and has even younger characters play around with attraction/kissing/love as well, which is incredibly normal for kids to do at that age
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they're all young and the show treats growing up realistically. while the theme of attraction or sexuality gets more relevant for them (in scenes that are often received with awkwardness by the characters themselves) the show offers them safe territory to stand on. none of them are directly confronted with sexuality and are instead offered people to seek advice from for example
meanwhile the sexuality theme for the older kids is still very much explicit. just as Nancy's arc is still heavily tied to her romance and sexuality (which ties into her non conformity themes - she's an ambition driven person trying to escape the culdesac life first and foremost)
not only do we get another sex scene (this time with a cut away), there's also explicit jokes about it after
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sexuality on the show is continuously awkward and messy. Jonathan and Nancy are only 16-17 here - no one really knows what they're doing or what the right way to go ahead is and Jonathan rightfully almost does a spittake here. out of pocket Murray
sexuality. is. awkward. (we get is s2 thanks)
season 3
s3 gets even more explicit with it's awkward puberty sexuality themes
from Dustin talking about how much he likes kissing Suzie (and her liking him not having teeth for it?) which weirds Steve out to the repeating, awkwardly received, "happy screams joke" (which gets a callback in later scene)
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sexuality is still awkward for them. it's a realistic approach to what 14 year olds act like and know. they're actively dating by now, they're kissing people And have messy relationship situations. all while still acknowledging knowing what sex and attraction is, duh, of course they know that. but i'm explicitly pointing it out because i see obscene amounts of people claiming the characters are completely sheltered and even implying that they know what sex is would be gross. to that i say, do you not remember being 14???
and while i'm at s3, also let it be mentioned that even the adults are suffering at the hands of the sexuality theme here. Hopper's hookups with random women are focused on in s1, but now that he's getting closer with Joyce they get very explicitly told to just have sex. literally
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not putting the whole dialogue in here, i already have too many images because there's so many sex mentions in this show and he really just tells them their mating ritual is painful and they should tear their clothes off and fuck right now
thanks Murray, always insightful
season 4
and s4 has stopped just confronting the kids with the existence of sexuality, but is tentatively starting to explore mature themes more directly - which allows them to tentatively start exploring their own sexualities instead of just having to acknowledge the general concept of sexuality
Max gets to ogle shirtless Steve
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Lucas has something under his bed that's never confirmed as anything except "100/10 gross" but had 90% of the audience i saw immediately assume something sexual (magazines or the like)
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and has a bunch more direct nudges, from the kids "experimenting sexually" as Murray says
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to Argyle explicitly telling Jonathan he needs to have sex with Nancy again
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to Hopper and Joyce's escalating make out in a church while shirtless
to visual innuendos (i'm looking at you hose scene. this one wouldn't be such a big deal if there wasn't a genuine moral panic about it last year. which was crazy. people literally had to pretend the scene didn't exist to escape the witchhunting mobs, except instead of being killed for magic it'd be for looking at a canon scene and acknowledging it. crazy times - aside from that there's also more visuals you can take as innuendos in s4e1 which there's already posts about out there so i'm not getting into them here, i'm more focused on the overt textual references)
to Yuir extensively talking about pleasing women and making them cum (I'm sparing you from that, the sc in at the top was already enough)
to explicit graffities all over the place, like here as an example "give me head until i'm dead" which is in frame for the whole phone call and Steve talking about his bitchlesness. and is also some of the only easily legible text (i hope this is readable, most of my screenshots kind of died a bit so maybe you need to look at an actual clip to see the text)
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that is aside from the "DRUGS" poster which touches on another point s4 makes. the show doesn't just explore sexuality, it also puts the kids into more mature situations in general (not talking about the deaths, this is a horror show), specifically drugs
Jonathan uses weed as a coping mechanism the whole season and Eddie even sells the stuff in full bags (insane weed selling practices btw, even i know that). Chrissy (17-18) wants to do weed and ketamine. and we also see Lucas (14) hungover after drinking at a party for the first time
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the show does not shy away from portraying realistic teen experiences
Murray called s4 very well, the kids pound some bears, smoke some ganja, play nintendo, and experiment sexually
literally. you have drinking, weed, and confusing queer sexualities. they took this list step by step
and all of those pretty normal things teens tend to explore. and i say that as someone who was decidedly not into those things. the ace experience is a bit different, but i can still acknowledge how that period was like for my allo friends and people in general
there is an extreme push in this fandom to reject any form of sexual jokes or references in the show, made mostly by people being uncomfortable with portrayals of sexuality. however, the themes not only still exist, they're also very prominent throughout all 4 seasons and are important to a lot of the characters directly
and it's also noteworthy here to see how ST approaches it's sexuality theme. it grows with the characters. starting out as jokes and being received with awkwardness to slowly letting them figure things out on their own time and turns. an extremely realistic progression and very common for coming of age narratives such as ST. it's a far cry from shows exploring sexuality or sexual themes for the sake of the viewers enjoyment like Euph0ria (don't want it to show up in tags)
based on what we currently know s5 could very well be taking place in 1988 or later which would place the party at around 16-17 years old. going into the season with the fanon version of the show that is completely clean and non sexual will 100% set you up for disaster
ST is very realistic and non exploitative with it's exploration of teen sexuality so there is obviously nothing to worry about in the sexualization department, that's just puritan fear mongering. however, it's very likely that we're going to get more than holding hands or pecks on the lips from the characters that are now older than characters we've explicitly seen hook up before. there could be more intimate scenes or making out, yes. but there's also at least one basically guaranteed vulgar joke in there, all seasons have them
there's no real theorizing or speculation about s5 here, anything could happen and i'm not placing bets, i want the characters narratives to be wrapped up well first and foremost and trust the writers to do it well. however, going into s5 with some of the mindsets i've seen circulating on here and expecting the show to be "clean" and cater to a version of it that's never existed outside of purified fandom could genuinely make you feel blindsided by the shows canon themes
not targeted at anyone or anything specifically, just using this as a bit of a reality check of what the show is actually like after recently rewatching all of it in one go
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05/15/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys Darby; The Cryptid Factor; Taika Waititi; Max News and Polite Menacing; June 3rd: Adopt Our Crew; Petition Status; Fan Spotlight; Mermay; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Today's Taika
Hey Lovelies, things got a little cut off cause my son decided to be awake all darn night so I didn't get to finish til this morning I know there's some stuff that wasn't included but I'll try to make sure it's in there tonight! <3
== Rhys Darby ==
Rhys and Dan are back on the mics doing more podcasts! There's a crossover podcast happening too!
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Source: The Cryptid Factor Instagram
Also, new Cryptid Factor short Tiktok! If you've got Tiktok, please go over to The Cryptid Factor Tiktok page and send them some love! If you don't have tiktok, here's that video for you below:
Source: The Cryptid Factor Tiktok
== Taika Waititi ==
Pretty sure this picture has been out for a long while but it was recently reposted by Stephen Langdan on his Instagram so I thought I'd share it because it's a great photo of Taika.
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Source: Stephen Langdan Photo
More Taika out and about with Rita <3
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Source: VIP Magazine Albania
== Max "MakeItHappenHere" ==
In case you're unfamliar with what "Upfront" is (I certaintly was): "In TV advertising, the Upfront is the decades-old practice of buying and selling TV advertising time months in advance. Traditionally, these deals have taken place in the spring of each year, involving ad spots that would air in the coming television broadcast year." - Src: SimulMedia So yesterday Max was pushing for people to buy ads with them and as you can imagine, OFMD Twitter was not having it. I'm just including a few screenshots. Thank you to @neverleftpod and @singletureen on twitter for the polite menacing and capture of the WBD stocks not getting any better.
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= June 3: Dont Stream On Max =
Adopt Our Crew is announcing June 3rd "An Excellent Day" to be another great day to push #DontStreamOnMax! (Just so happens to be that's the day that Stede plundered the infamous plant!) Thanks for continuing to fight the good fight @adoptourcrew!
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Source: AdoptOurCrew Twitter
**More Under the Cut**
= Petition =
Hey all, we are getting surprisingly close to 89K on the petition... I know there are some newer folks to the fandom that have joined recently, would any of you be kind enough to sign it? I realize we're not sure how much it's helping at this point, but 89K would be a nice round number in case it does help David and the cast somehow :) Petition Link
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== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
@melvisik I'm always impressed how you can track down all these cast members! I'm going to include your note since I realize it's less easy with Nancy Lantis below as it was a quick shot: "Tonight is a wealthy woman from the party boat, doomed for daring to insult the future husband of the Gentleman Pirate. I think she's the one giving Ed that devilish grin when Gabriel calls him 'Fascinating' and helps him to his feet"
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Source: @melvisik's Twitter
== Because The Night FanZine ==
The new NSFW Gentlebeard Zine "Because the Night" opened preorders today! They'll be open until June 15th, and you can learn more on their post below!
== Mermay ==
More Mermay! We're half way through the month! I would love to bring some other artists in too, I've been trying to reach out on socials to see if anyone would like their submissions included but haven't heard back a whole lot-- if you're interested please shoot me a dm!
= erostheartist =
Day 9: Revenge / Day #12: Moonglow
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= Hannah's Handmade Magic =
Day 12: Moonglow
Source: Hannah's Handmade Magic on Instagram
= Snejpowa =
Day 13: Roads To Moscow / Day 14: Orange / Day 15: Blind Man's Cove
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= Blueberreads =
Day 14: Orange / Day 15: Blind Man's Cove
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== Love Notes ==
Can I just say I love being weird? What is "normal" anyway? Normal can be weirdness, normal can be social norms, normal is based entirely on who's perspective you're talking about.
I have been "weird" my whole life and I love being weird! All it means is we're different than what people originally expected, and you know what?
That's fucking awesome!
It makes us unique and it's so nice to be a member of a community of other weirdos (said affectionately, I actually think it's a compliment).
Your weirdness is amazing, and I adore every inch of you for it!
Shine on weirdos! You got today and you're gonna kick it's ass!
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Source: KatieAbey's Instagram
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
Just really feeling in the mood for some Hunt For the Wilder People today.
Gif's courtesy of the ever lovely @bizarrelittlemew and @transjudas!
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jankwritten · 1 year
it's interesting that the only pro-tsats posts i'm seeing are people defending Nico and Will's right to be cringe. Which, yes, they're two fucked up 15 year olds who are dating someone for the first time! They're allowed to be Fucked Up and Weird About It!
The thing is - I haven't seen a single negative TSATS post that mentions that specifically. All the negative posts I've seen are about how OOC Nico is, how his actions/speech don't align with what we've seen in previous books, and how a lot of the behavior from both Nico AND Will is WILDLY out of left field or in some other way unexpected.
I've also seen a lot of people who aren't disappointed that they act like teenagers, but are disappointed that even in a book meant to be exploring trauma and healing, it seems like so much of the trauma was in some way glossed over or handled poorly. Like Nico coming out to the entire camp goes ENTIRELY against everything we've seen and heard from him in HoO. Nico getting to see his mom and sister again completely rewrites all the deep, meaningful healing that he did in the previous series. People are upset that a lot of Will's trauma specifically was glossed over, and that as the story went on he seemed to fade more and more into a husk of a character rather than an actual developed person himself.
I've also seen a lot of posts commenting on the whole "Nico's internal demons which are personified and given Actual Life are described as being the offspring of this LITERAL CHILD and a primordial being" situation. which is a WEIRD situation. like why the fuck would rick and mark decide to go with that? of all the options?
so, anyway, TLDR: it's interesting to me that the people who are "defending" TSATS are defending parts that nobody actually seems to have a problem with, and are ignoring the parts that are Off.
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sammy8d257 · 10 months
Did you know that in a recent video Alan made with DJ he confirmed that TSC, Green, Yellow, Red and Blue are around the ages of 10 to 12 years old. He also said that they are just really smart children. I really like that they just young kids, makes their mannerisms and child like behavior make more sense.
Hmmm... okay, I want to preface with saying that I'm happy you find joy in headcanoning the Color Gang to be 10 to 12 year olds. I'm glad you like thinking they're kids.
I've seen a lot of people use that clip of Alan saying they're 10 to 12 year old kids as canon. And like, frankly, I don't see how it can be.
(Goddamn, this is long as hell. Click on the "Keep Reading" if you want to see my entire rant but
It's fine if you see the Color Gang as kids in the range of 10 - 12, more power to you, but I don't see it as canon because it doesn't make sense to me and I personally can't relate to them. So I see them as young adults. )
First off, I honestly don't trust anything Alan has to say when it comes to what is or is not canon to the videos because Alan has said via his Members discord that there isn't any concrete "lore" for the characters and the world aside from a paragraph of personality traits for the Color Gang. While I myself, am not in the Discord, I have a friend who sometimes talks about stuff in there with me. A lot of the things story and lore things he and the team make up as they go. He will just say stuff without really considering previously establish canon.
(Trust me, I know. I've spent so much brainpower trying to connect the stick figure world together in a cohesive manner, its not even funny anymore aldkglsjsgs /lh)
No knock to Alan and his Team though. I understand that AvA/M is an on-going series with SO MANY videos to keep track of. It'd be hard to keep everything inline with lore if you don't have a dedicated keeper of it. But that's the reason why I take anything Alan says outside of the animations themselves, with a grain of salt.
Let's break down this "canon" scene shall we?
Actually, lets start a little bit before the scene, so everyone can get some context:
( https://youtu.be/Oz5mDcDK9I4?t=4668 )
The scene is Purple going off with King, to which DJ says:
DJ, voicing over King: Come on son, let's go
DJ, voicing over Purple: Bye guys! I'm gonna go hangout with my adopted dad. I'm 32.
[Alan and DJ laugh]
Alan: Maybe he is.
DJ: That'd be so weird if you find out all the characters are like in their 30s. [more laughs]
Alan: Yeah even though the internet hasn't been around that long.
DJ: Yeah, that's true. How old are they, like since their creation, I guess?
Alan: Huh, good question. ... 14?
DJ: 15? No...
Alan: Probably like 10, 12, 13,
DJ: Yeah, yeah. Which is cool because I feel like they act around then
[Alan laughs]
Alan: Yeah, they're just very smart children.
Just reading this, it looks like Alan confirmed that they're 10-13 year olds right?
Yeah if you ONLY look at this and not take into account the joking and non-serious tone both Alan and DJ had throughout this entire conversation. They like joking around and saying things. That's kinda their whole thing during their reacts. Alan is a more dead-pan but he was definitely making a lighthearted joke or comment playing off of the statement of them being 10.
Actually, lets go look at the question leading up to this.
"How old are they, like since their CREATION, I guess?"
Since their creation. AvA 4 is the video where Second and RYGB were first introduced and can serve as their creation date (assuming we're not taking about lore because while AvA 4 is Second's creation date, I'd argue the Stick Fighters were created prior and would in fact be older). AvA 4 premiered in 2014
Which is almost 10 years ago.
There is a high likelihood that both Alan and DJ were using the upload date of AvA 4 as the Color Gang's "creation date".
And if you want to headcanon a stick figure's age is how many years since their creation date, then more power to you.
To me that makes no sense because then that'd mean King is 2 years old. (AvM Parkour released April, 2021) Which is insane. alskdjglsjglsgd
I much prefer the idea that stick figures are created with an age in mind (baring the born stick figures like Purple).
And yeah, maybe Alan "intended" to make the Color Gang 10-13 year olds, but as I stated above, with how joking Alan and DJ were while discussing it plus Alan's whole thing about making things up as they go, I don't really believe it.
Not to get too personal, but I just want to address something that's been bothering me with this whole thing.
The idea that because the Color Gang act childish = being children.
Because the sticks are heavily neurodivergent-coded
And as someone who is also neurodivergent, can act childish, see aspects of themself in these sticks, and is an ADULT.
Saying that people who act like this are children??
Now I know, DJ, Alan, and probably even yourself Anon, don't mean any harm when you say the sticks act like children so they must be children.
But there is a LONG history of neurodivergent people getting infantilized because they display more "childish" behaviors like stimming or hyperfixating on specific topics.
So for at least me, someone who headcanons the Stick Figures as young adults, this who "age discourse" feels icky to me.
Plus, I personally can't relate to kids because I myself, am an adult. It's easier for me to relate to characters around my age range.
Listen, this rant is getting too long but here's the long and the short of it
There is nothing wrong with headcanoning the sticks as kids if that's what you want to believe that it's canon,
But it just ain't for me.
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greenerteacups · 2 months
Hi GT, I was reading one of your wonderful responses and you mentioned you don't love what they did to Remus, and I have to say I 100% agree. In my opinion his relationship with tonks is weird (regardless of whether people think he had chemistry with Sirius) like he's at least 10 years older than her and he tries to leave her and it just seems like he goes along with HER infatuation without really caring about her very much. It also puts Tonks back into JKR's frequent dynamic for women, which is "badass who really wants to be with a guy who doesn't seem to appreciate her much" (see Hermione/Ron).
Do you have any further thoughts on that? I always found JKR's writing about women in relationships/who want relationships really weird. You definitely do it better.
JKR has many strengths as a writer, but I don't think anyone would say her romances are one of them. I think a lot of authors either consciously or subconsciously look down on romance as a genre because it's associated with sensuality and frivolousness, but writing and selling the idea that two people should and do want to kiss each other is like, really fucking hard to do, and it requires a certain set of skill checks as an author that not everyone has. Just like writing good horror or good fantasy, good romance has tenets and rules and things you can do to get the audience on board with you, and JKR didn't execute a lot of those things (to my satisfaction, YMMV) in the books. Bad romance is also a high-stakes problem, because it risks flattening out your characters and pitching them into OOC territory if the audience doesn't buy that the dynamic evolution is natural. But again, that's something you don't know if you haven't written romance, or tried to, before.
Mostly, you have to really lean into the vulnerability of the thing. Romance is silly and goofy and embarrassing. It makes you say dumb things and act in dumb ways. It can't be ironic or chilled or demure. At some point, to make a real human connection, someone has to get down, take off their dignity, and bare the rotten core of themselves. When we propose, we kneel on the ground. We get dirty. And all authors have a great terror of embarrassing themselves. They're doing something tremendously vulnerable; of course they want people to think they're cool and intelligent. It's embarrassing to put yourself in the head of a 15-year-old boy with a crush. It's embarrassing to write about a suitor earnestly confessing their love, because — what if this is too much? What if it's corny, what if it breaks the audience's suspension of disbelief? What if my readers are laughing at me? What if I'm the butt of the joke?
Anyway, I think a lot of really great books have terrible romance subplots for that reason. In The Great Gatsby, we never actually see Gatsby and Daisy alone together. We get their story second-hand, from people who can deliver it in a cool, reflective tone of mystery; we don't see them undressed, undone, emptying their hearts to one another. And Nick and Jordan, the romance we actually get to see develop, are easily the weakest plot in the book. Meanwhile, authors like Tolstoy have an incredible gift for writing romance that feels right, and is sensual without verging into purple prose. But Tolstoy is one of the greatest writers of all time. JKR wrote some very good books that a lot of people loved very much, but for her, the romances were accessories to the story. They weren't a focus. I'm certain she cared about Remus and Tonks's relationship, in the same way she cared about Ron and Hermione's relationship. Both take up too much space to explain otherwise.
TLDR: Writing romance is hard because it's really easy to fuck up, even if you care about it. I don't know that JKR put all that much thought into selling us on chemistry and interpersonal dynamics of the couples she threw together; I think she writes for plot, and the couples emerged as a part of that. That means the couples that don't necessarily make sense on paper lose out majorly because the audience doesn't know exactly what they're rooting for, and the couples that do make sense on paper lack a certain... I dunno, va-va-voom.
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The way I headcanon time in FEH goes like this:
Inspired by THIS POST by @moe-broey, I thought I would share my thoughts:
Book One -
Takes about 6 months
Sharena is 15-16, Alfonse is 17-19 (no pressure to marry yet, so late teens makes sense), Anna is 21, and the summoner is somewhere in the middle
Veronica is 14 because I know kids around that age who act like her, Bruno is 20-21
Book Two -
Takes about 6 months,
Everyone has one year added to their age by the end
Fjorm is 18, Hrid and Gunnthra are 24-25, Ylgr is 6-7
Laevatein is 15, Laegjarn is 19
Book Three -
Canonically takes 2 weeks,
Eir is 17-18, little bit older than Sharena, Lif and Thrasir are however old Alfonse and Veronica are +10
Book Four -
Dream time is weird (3 days?)
We can assume at least a few months have passed since Book Three, since no one is mourning Gustav anymore
Peony is Sharena's age, Trianda is whatever that is + 3, Mirabilis is Sharena - 1, Plumeria is about the same as Triandra
Intermission One -
Ice and Fire!
Laegjarn is the same age as Fjorm now since she was dead for a year
Two year mark
Book Five -
Takes about 6 months again
Reginn is canonically around Sharena's age, so around 18-19 now
Otr is should be about 7 years older than her
Fafnir should be 10-15 years older than Otr (he had a wife and newborn while Otr was a tween/teen)
Eitri is immortal
Dagr and Nott give me around 21-25, and they are twins
Intermission Two -
During or right after Book Five, Life and Death happens
Eir has now ascended to Queen of the Dead and Living
Book Six -
Takes about 4 months
Bruno dies at age 25 ish
Letizia is about 24-26
Then she dies
Askr, Embla, Ash, and Elm are all immortal
Book Seven -
Due to time nonsense, takes about an hour linearly, 3-4 months normally
I'm not touching the magic snake lady's age
Intermission Three -
At some point around Book Seven, Nihility and Dream happens
Three year mark
Total Time passed: 3 ish years
Ages are as follows as of Book Seven (estimated):
Alfonse: 22
Sharena: 20
Anna: 25
Veronica: 17
Fjorm: 21
Hrid: 28
Gunnthra: 27
Ylgr: 10
Laevatein: 18
Laegjarn: 21
Eir: 21
Lif: 32
Thrasir: 27
Peony: 20
Triandra: 23
Mirabilis: 19
Plumeria: 23
Reginn: 20
Otr: 27
Fafnir: 37
Dagr + Nott: 25~
Conclusion: I have too much time on my hands, and Askr is probably cursed because holy cow that place can not catch a break
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raayllum · 11 months
...? so if we swap out the immortal character for say, I don't know, a 60 yr old, someone older than both Viren and Claudia and maintaining the same power imbalance and you still don't see the difference shipping a 60/unspecified middle aged person versus a 60 yr old/19 (met at 17) yr old then I don't know man - like I get it yada yada it's fiction I don't care for them either but to pretend one isn't more problematic than the other, for like common sense reasoning, is a little silly
I don't know how to tell you this, but age gaps 1) aren't inherently bad and 2) what can make them bad/worrisome is the power imbalance, typically between men in their late 20s and girls in their late teens, that the age gap can bring in terms of maturity, life experience, and manipulation tactics. All things that Aaravos has over both Viren and Claudia somewhat equally. He's been more outright manipulatory towards Claudia, but he also quite literally has Viren's whole ass life in his hands to treat like a toy. So it kinda evens out there, if you ask me
Also will reaffirm in my tags: I grew up reading greek myth. Aaravos is literally thousands of years old, yet appears to be like, maybe in his 30s-40s (it's hard to tell because no visible signs of aging, but he's definitely more adult than young adult leaning). And if you grow up reading greek myth, gods are banging mortals left and right under extremely or outright non con situations (hi Zeus and Apollo in particular). I also read "Wuthering Heights" (one of the most fucked up quasi-half sibling relationships ever) and "Jane Eyre" (18 yr old girl and her 40 yr old employer) while getting my degree in how fiction can, or when it doesn't, influence reality, how views on age gaps and even incest has changed in society and fiction over time (the Victorians idealized a lot of weird stuff but we also get a lot of their moral hangups regarding sex in general).
Aaravos is not like a '60 year old man'. There is no real world equivalent. This shit happens every single time there's a vampire or god or angel or mortal shit (which errs towards teens, bc YA, but is also there in Adult fiction) but like. You think that immortal being is cognizant of a human being 15 vs a human being 30? You think they have any solid comprehension of what that lifespan is like? You think Aaravos gives a shit as to Viren in his 40s (which, how would death aging work anyway?) vs Claudia being basically 20 when Aaravos is thousands of years old?
TLDR; I get that age gaps on a base level can make people uncomfortable, but that sort of reading requires and engages with zero critical thinking skills, because it's the power imbalance that that kind of age gap can help facilitate that's the issue, not solely the age gap itself. Same as to how most toxic/unhealthy relationships, regardless of the ages of people in them, also have power imbalances, because that's what makes it unhealthy. And the unhealthiness of the ship can sometimes be precisely why people like it, even if it isn't my cup of tea, but I don't have to get up on my moral high horse about it
I think it's a little silly to buy into rhetoric that pushes far right conservative moral panics, sorry
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callmegaith · 5 months
I'm curious why david seems to be such a popular and dare I say, liked character, when I played paradise I thought he was really..gross to be honest haha, maybe I'm missing something, I know he's also Mr Rabbit right so I guess he's popular because of his lore relevance? Love your art though!
You'd be surprised to know it wasn't always like this. 5 years ago most people hated him. And then I came along with my agenda (/j)
Real talk I have so much to say about David but I'll try to not talk your ears off, anon.
David, when you meet him in Paradise, is a kid. He's a dumb 15 year old teenager. He's the youngest Eilander. Obviously he is annoying and kinda weird, being a 15 year old who grew up on a secluded island in a cult...considering the circumstances, he's actually pretty tame. Just a dumb kid doing dumb things to annoy a brother he never knew. Remember, Jakob left when David was just a toddler. He probably just doesn't know how to behave and is socially inept, having not interacted with anyone outside of his own family. Jakob is a stranger to him. Not to mention he probably also grew up without a mother since they sacrificed Caroline.
It's become a stable fandom HC that David was probably overshadowed by Jakob. Jakob was the special one who gets to be sacrificed to the lake and is obviously the smarter one. Craving attention, he acted out and did outlandish shit to get noticed. And that's why he ends up becoming a magician. On stage, he's the center of the world.
TLDR; dumb teenager growing up in a cult with terrible social skills.
Then he becomes Mr. Rabbit, a very very interesting character, not just to Dale's lore but for the story generally. Personally to me what he did in Hotel made him badass to me, even if he was playing right into Mr. Owl's hands. The fact that out of all the guests, David is the one who recognized something was off about the food in Hotel?? You can even see him being worried during dinner
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And ya know, he makes a whole escape plan that makes him the White rabbit, not only that but then somehow he manages to escape and unlike the other souls, he does not remain in the lake but leaves. He's clearly unique in some way, his soul does not look like the other corrupted souls we know.
Obviously him escaping eventually leads him to Dale and the events of Birthday. He leaves Dale a letter to apologize for what he's about to do, which is more than anything any other character has done in this game before killing someone. He's not a crazy psycho killer with a Tommy gun, just a dude who did something bad out of necessity.
Mr rabbit/David is one of the most interesting characters in this game. There are so many unanswered questions about him. But most people brush him off as the weird teenager who put frogs in his pants. He's just one of those characters where it's like... The more you think about him the more interesting he becomes. Why are there two rabbits? Did David go back in time to try and save himself? If so how can he time travel? What did he take from Dale's family box? Was it really the pistol or something more personal? Where is David now? Is he a tree at the bottom of the lake like Rose? Is he dead? Is he a corrupted soul? Why is his corrupted Soul different? Is it an advanced form of a corrupted soul we haven't seen before? Etc.
Chapter 2 TLDR; mysterious character wow what is up with Mr. Rabbit?
In conclusion: I just think he's silly and funny and people have grown to like that about him :D
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WIBTA if I plan to make my sister do my chores on my birthday?
Okay first off, I know it looks bad. Also my bday isn't for another few months and I'll probably forget about this.
Basically I (15, Agender but closeted due to my family's beliefs) am the oldest of my four siblings. I'll only be focusing on Izzy (13F), as she's the only one who is part of this problem.
My parents both work in a weird part time/full time way, but usually one is home during most of the day. The exception is Wednesdays, when both my parents are out of the house from 9:30-11 until 4-5 in the afternoon. During Wednesdays, chores are split up between all 4 siblings old enough to do them (Me, Izzy, Sam(10M), and Bob (8M))).
Sam and Izzy are very close to each other, and fluctuate between liking Bob and excluding him from everything they do. They both have a history excluding others if they want revenge or just don't want to hang out with the person, as evident from the 2 year time frame when both of them basically made me the outcast of my siblings.
The chores we have to do on Wednesdays aren't very hard, clean and vacuum the floors, make lunch and clean it up, wipe down windows, clean the bathrooms, feed the pets, walk the dogs about every hour, etc.
I usually clean the living room and the loft, as well as feed/clean the rabbits and try to walk the dog at least twice. I also either make food and/or clean up the kitchen afterwards. I should note the rabbits aren't fully mine, only one is. My sister refuses to care for them voleneryally and often doesn't feed them if I don't.
My sister often spends her time watching TV with Sam and sometimes Bob instead of focusing on their chores, while my youngest sister throws a fit about something or another. None of them listen to me and challenge me about everything thing I tell them to do, but I am usually able to get them to do something if I threaten them with calling mom. However, I cannot do this all the time, and as such parts of the house are messy or the dogs don't get walked enough and make messes in the house, which I am left to clean up.
Recently, I've been getting more and more annoyed at this, snapping at the others more then usual and getting careless about stuff like how clean rooms are. My mom knows this is going on, but hasn't helped much due to believing that the others will simply grow out of it or some other reason.
On birthdays in my family, we usually have a little get together in the morning with a breakfast that is the choice of the birthday person, and then the birthday person gets to pick an activity or two for the day as long as it isn't expensive. Last year my big present was going roller skating with my two friends, for example. Or someone might chose a shopping trip or a meal out with their favorite parent.
While I am planning on doing something with my friends again this year, I am also thinking about asking my mom if I can get a pass on chores for the day or that Wednesday depending on when it falls, but I'm honestly a little afraid of my sister making my life hell again if I do, since most of the responciabtly would fall onto her.
TLDR: My siblings often hang out with each other and leave me to do a fair amount of chores, so on my birthday I am thinking about asking if I can get a pass for the day, therefore making my sister have the most responsibility
What are these acronyms?
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meikostan · 1 year
just solved a mystery that wasn't really mystery and didn't really need solving 👍 anyway i was going insane re:oshi no ko timeline because i forgot how old the twins are and what year this takes place in and needed to put all of my info in one place. in this essay i over-analyze the models of iphone as they differ from each other in the manga vs the anime. warning: very disorganized as i was sourcing all my evidence all this WHILE writing the post.
regular tldr: they're like 15/16 and the manga takes place in 2020 (but like including their childhood as well as their teenage years).
edit: the image formatting is broken :( idk how to fix it, sorry. they're still there, they're just huge and not next to each other for some reason
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compare and contrast ruby in the manga vs the anime. now i will admit i am not an expert of identifying iphones but in the anime she appears to be holding an iphone 4; we can tell because there's only one camera lens, the power button is on the top, as is the headphone jack. it's also a bit rounded on the edges, which seem to have a little bit more meat on them compared to the manga. speaking of, compare with the manga: here, the phone has 3 camera lenses. the angle prevents us from getting a good view of the top of the phone, but there doesn't seem to be either a headphone jack OR a power button. it's a bit harder for me to tell but i think this is supposed to be an iphone 12 pro max.
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compare. left: iphone 4, right: iphone 12 pro max
BUT THAT'S NOT ALL because aqua has an iphone too so of course we're looking at that
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left: aqua seems to be using the same iphone 4 that ruby was using previously
right: looks more like an iphone x judging by the camera? compare:
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ok so moving on. not from phones in general we'll still be talking about those but we also need to consider some other hints shown by the use of technology here. the anime seems to be pushing harder for us to view vol 1 as being set some time around 2010; if you saw my other post re:my thoughts on episode 1 you'll know that i talked about this already, but i'll restate some stuff here for completion's sake (+ add pictures)
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compilation of flip phones being used throughout ai's death montage; while i did find some articles published in 2009 on flip phones dipping in popularity because of smart phones, they were definitely still being commonly used around that time. i know this because i was alive in 2009
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also a wii, which was released in late 2006. it would have been incredibly common in many households, especially for non-gamers, which it was marketed towards. obviously a lone wii does not automatically mean oshi no ko vol 1 is set in the early 2010s/late 00's, but this in combination with the older models of phones does seem to point in that direction. also i have no proof of this but i feel like if it was set in modern day (2020s) that wii would be a nintendo switch instead.
bonus kana with an iphone 4 btw
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you'll notice that these are all anime screenshots, and this is because pretty much none of this is in the manga. apart from the funeral we don't see any crowd shots, or anything of the public; it's all very focused in on aqua and ruby. what we DO see in terms of technology are ruby's iphone 12 pro max and aqua's iphone x, meaning in the manga either vol 1 takes place around late 2020/early 2021, the cast of oshi no ko is stuck in an eternal present, or this was an art oversight brought upon by early installment weirdness.
also, to cover the use of twitter: twitter was launched in late 2006. the website saw a pretty huge boost in popularity in 2008, and the mobile app launched in 2010. it would be very possible for the twins to go twitter viral and become the oshi no ko version of charlie bit my finger.
OK on to guessing how old they are in the present, which for now only exists in the manga!
so, we know that ai had the twins when she was 16, and died a week before she turned 20. for simplicity's sake we'll just say she died when she was 20. that means the twins would be about 4 years old at this point.
what we're interested in is figuring out their age at present day. chapter 11 opens up with ruby filling out her idol applications; she list her age as being 14.
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however, we know that she's been filling out multiple applications for a good while now, and aqua has continually been sabotaging her. this might not even be an application from present day. speaking of aqua, he mentions right after this panel high school entrance exams:
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in japan, students enter high school (upper secondary school) around the time they're 15-16 years old. of course, aqua says they're "coming up", not that they're soon or currently happening. they could be on the lower end of 15 around here, or the higher end of 14.
additionally, in the next chapter, aqua is seen wearing what looks to be a gakuran (basically, middle school boy's uniform; middle school takes place ages 12/13 to 14/15).
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from this we can guess that around 10 to 11 years have passed since ai died; they're about 14 to 15 here.
if we pretend that their childhood in the manga also took place in 2010, that means present day oshi no ko takes place around 2020.
mystery solved! but i like digging deeper this is fun. so let's continue.
skipping to the next volume!
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lovenow time! here they outright state aqua's grade; high school 1st year, aka 10th grader, aka like 15/16.
can't grab screenshots of where 15 years of lies was established because mangaplus hates me and has locked the relevant chapters behind an app >:(
have to stop it here bc i don't remember as much as i thought i did and i also don't have access to chapters 95 thru 114 (thanks mangaplus👍) so uh yeah thank you for sticking with my rambles. again this was just me logicking through stuff because i forgot how old they are & is for personal reference. next time i do a reread i'll add more ^_^
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kafus · 10 months
this might sound weird, but i like how you actually take your old art seriously. people say that everything you make between the ages of 10-15 is meaningless and serves no purpose other than making your future self cringe to death, and then think, "wow, i'm so glad my work is better than that garbage now!"... and then tell the actual 10-15 year olds to embrace that and continue making said "cringe garbage". as if what they make doesn't have any emotions behind it at all. all it does is make those kids, me included, feel awful about everything they make and not want to create anymore. because all it is is just trash for their future self to hate and laugh at. and so you actually taking your old art seriously and continuing to draw and love your old "cringe" characters even after so long is just. it makes me actually have hope that hey, maybe everything i make and all my characters i love DO mean something more! and its just. its great. tldr sparklecat stuff good ❤️
(btw yes this is the same anon as the old web ask lol)
I SAW THIS EARLIER BUT COULDN'T RESPOND TILL NOW this brought me so much joy to read thank you for sending me this! i'm glad i can make you feel like your art is worth making because it absolutely is. don't listen to sarcasm poisoned adults who have been taught to hate the art they made as children, be yourself go crazy and make whatever and be proud of it hell yeah
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codecicle · 9 months
Read the intro post
wow what a cool and awesome person...
1: YOOOOOO YOU THINK IM A COOL AND AWESOME PERSON?? THANKS MAN :DD and 2: LMAOOOOOO YEA I AM!! I've been on here since I was like, 11-ish? not sure. my friend introduced me to tumblr during the beginning of my 7th grade year! (and fun fact: that same friend is both my mutual and the person that gave me my nickname actually!! which turned into my url ^_^)
anyway, I'm going to rant underneath your ask about being a child now im so sorry 😔
It's always been so weird being as young as I am both on tumblr and in the fandom space I'm currently a part of. Like realistically, a 14 y/o boy liking minecraft/mcyt sounds really normal but I don't know anyone my age that is open about being a part of this space. I think growing up on tumblr instead or twitter or tiktok honestly really helped when it comes to being happy in my intrests, since almost every other freshman to ever exist has no idea what this website is and they have no chance of ever finding my posts to make fun of me with them. I still use the other two, but I don't post and I only really open them when a cc like Charlie or Ted posts.
It's hilarious to me that because of my current intrests (jrwi and charlie in general) almost everyone that I'm friends with on here are much older minors or adults, mainly because charlie has a pretty mature and well rounded audience (THANK FUCKING GOD 🙏🙏), but also because everybody else my age that are in this fandom are on tiktok. Using tiktok for me and actually posting is kinda unsafe because of the way the tiktok contact sharing works? if someone from my classes finds it through "recommend accounts" then they can look through my account and harrass me if they recognize who it is. Not to steal a Charlie Slimecicle quote for a second, but I was rewatching an old podcast episode from the very beginning of 2020 and he described it as "elevated highschool" which I 100% agree with. Even 3 years later it's still very much just a higher form of highschool bullshit to have to deal with.
But since I don't post on tiktok I don't really have much to worry about!! My account is blank and it's the same @ as my url so nobody should recognize it and put a face to a name which im grateful for. However, being on tumblr isn't the greatest either;
People on here are all adults and I feel a little bit intimidated? In a sense? I understand that I'm a LOT different than most kids my age and I don't typically have anything to worry about but!! I feel like that's what makes it worse. The other people my age that were or still are on here don't understand tumblr etiquette, don't understand not to act like this is twitter and not have stupid cubito discourse, or just aren't funny? Idk I've just never found anyone my age (with the exception of like 3 of my mutuals you guys are amazing and I love you) that I can really talk to on here, so all of the friends I've made are much much older. I'm smart with who I talk to and how I talk to them so I'm safe don't worry!! My parents raised me right and online safety is such a wonderful thing, but one of my closest mutuals on here is in college right now, and the others are juniors or seniors in highschool. I kept my age out of my bio for so long but honestly that was because I was terrified I would scare away the people that I trusted so much because literally obviously it's going to feel weird for them to be mutuals with a genuine honest to god child. I'm relatively close to turning 15 so I'm getting less and less worried about stuff like that happening but eh that was still a real fear for a while.
Anyway sorry for the rant!! TLDR; highschool sucks, I'm scared of being this young on a platform and fandom full of adults and I have to be extra careful, and also charlie slimecicle is a pretty cool guy to look up to so I feel like him being [vine boom sound effect] my COMFORT STREAMER kinda works out in my favor ngl :D
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tandytoaster · 2 months
It's so funny but mostly frustrating seeing the "maybe you weren't evil maybe you were just 15" post circulate tiktok and having every tiktok I see about it be a criticism of it making sure to point out that some 15 year olds were in fact evil.
I talked too much so I put it under a readmore jrkwkcjw
But I think here its universally understood that post isn't about them or for them. Its for the people who Thought they were evil and bad growing up or the people who were acting developmentally appropriate for that age.
I really don't think an ex-teenage bully is going see the quote and feel validated in their behavior. I mean probably some will but I really feel the vast majority of people who were heinous to others either 1. Know they were fucking mean back then and own it (whether that be bettering themselves or just continuing to be mean and just saying theyre an ex mean girl or whatever) or 2. The thought of them being evil had never crossed their mind before reading that in the first place.
My interpretation of the post has always been, its for the people who stay up late at night thinking about and regretting mean or bitchy things theyve done as a teenager that every teenager does. And I feel thats the general consensus here, or at least within the people I follow and follow me.
So its just. Idk weird seeing it be taken in a negative light, like people jumping at the chance to remind us that its not applicable to everyone, seemingly in fear that an "evil" person will see it and have the weight of their sins lifted off their shoulders like theyre forgiven for the harm theyve caused.
It feels so different yet also reminiscent of 2015 tumblr, well intentioned "friendly reminders" that ultimately are unnecessary and a little out of touch.
And I feel like an old man saying tiktok, but I also feel like an ignorant kid saying that i use tiktok as well.
Tiktok and tumblr and definitely very similiar in the demeanor of their userbases but I think from our perspective as long term tumblr users, its jarring seeing a face attached to the actions and opinions of the people on there and it makes it easier to think, "why would you say/do that"
I see a lot of really bad takes on tiktok but most are from uninformed children and teens probably but there's definitely shitty adults on there too. Same can be said for here but I think its easier for us to make that claim about tiktok because its kinda like an "us vs them" mentality.
But then again there is a lot of like. Loser attitude going on over there that I don't see around here. Like people being concerned about whats in style or stuff like that but again thats developmentally appropriate for the most part but also shouldn't be normalized because people should just wear whatever they want whenever they way wherever they want
Tldr I'm frustrated that a large group of people are playing devils advocate about a quote that was meant ( ih my opinion ) to soothe people living with extreme unnecessary guilt
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