chronicallykiki · 1 year
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Made my first (tentative) schedule today! Of course there's no way I'm gonna be able to stream all those days (being a spoonie sucks), but I'm hoping leaving time commitments out of the equation will increase the chances of me at all!
This week's schedule template was made by https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/Lovosii
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caseray · 2 months
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Finally, after roughly a year of working on these silly guys, I can finally officially introduce my personal TMNT iteration - TMNT: Shadows & Radiance (TMNT:SR).
The story will be told primarily through short comics, oneshot fics, q&a's, and info dumps. If I can find a way to do the full thing in a comic that doesn't take too much time and I won't lose motivation on then I will do that instead.
Full individual refs for the goobers will be shared soon, and I'm working on the ones for the other characters as well, which will be shared eventually.
Reblogs, questions, and feedback are hugely appreciated. I am looking forward to sharing more of my silly sad turtles soon ^^
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nyarbobo · 2 years
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caseray · 2 months
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Michelangelo! The youngest! The baby of the family!
He uses his younger child privilege often to get away with pretty much anything, which is helpful when he's causing chaos, which is always.
He's very creative and very messy, which annoys the family to no end. He close with all his family members and enjoys spending time with all of them. He cooks and draws with Leo, blows things up with Donnie, and watches films with Raph. He's especially partial to cheesy romance and paranormal investigation. He also gets along very well with all their human friends and their dads.
While he is the self-proclaimed 'therapist' of the family (and the most emotionally stable) he does struggle to recognise issues, only really able to help when they become obvious or someone else points it out to him.
If only he'd noticed some problems sooner.
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caseray · 2 months
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Third oldest brother of the Hamato family is Raphael.
Despite being the second shortest, as well as the medic of the family, he is quite unapproachable. He's violent and can be quite mean. He bites.
His relationship with Donnie is rocky at best, and he's rather harsh to Leo, but he and Mikey get along pretty well. Mikey spends a lot of time getting patched up by Raph anyway, so they talk a lot and often watch cheesy romantic films together that Raph will always deny enjoying. He and Casey get along pretty well despite Casey’s endless flirting and teasing. Raph's not gay, though. He's straight. Obviously.
Although he, allegedly, doesn't care that he's not super liked because of his behaviour, he does have some regrets.
Maybe he should have been nicer to Leo.
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caseray · 2 months
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Donnie! Yay!
Donnie is the second oldest of the fam, (By five minutes), and definitely the most dangerous despite being a pretty awful strategist.
This turtle loves making explosives and weapons just for the fun of it, and he only destroys the house on purpose sometimes. He knows he's cool, and he owns it.
He and Leo are very close, and Donnie is very attached to their twin status. However, he should not be left in a room alone with either of the other two. He and Mikey will absolutely destroy everything in sight, scheming and plotting together. And he'd probably end up murdering Raph (they have a rocky relationship).
He's pretty close with his dads, despite his egregious amount of swearing, especially with Barry.
He knows something is up with Leo. He's seen it, and he's trying to help he just doesn't know how. And he's scared to get anyone else involved, but he's also scared of what might happen to Leo.
... He'll figure something out. ... He always does.
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caseray · 2 months
Happy Trans Day of Visibility!
I don't have time to do an art, but a little fun fact about my new tmnt iteration - TMNT:SR has about 90% trans characters. (This is not an actual statistic, but for real... so many of the characters are trans. Because I am trans and I love self-projecting. So next year I'll be sure to draw them.)
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caseray · 2 months
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First one! Leo <3
Leo is the oldest of the Hamato brothers and is therefore always stressed out trying to take care of them. While he does somewhat share the responsibility of leader with his twin, Donnie, he's the one that takes it most seriously.
He's very close with all his brothers, Donnie especially, despite being the dad of the group. But not so close with his actual dads. He knows Barry and Splinter love him, but he's not the favourite, he understands.
He's not super close with any of their human friends, Casey spends most of his time with Raph, and he accidentally offends April on occasion. Timothy isn't so bad, but he's usually with Donnie.
It's not like Leo is alone, though. He's got friends. Or a friend at least. He just... can't tell his family about them.
He promised.
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caseray · 2 months
TMNT: Shadows and Radiance Masterpost
Status: Ongoing
Main Tags: tmnt:sr, sr!(character name), sr!reference, sr!art, sr!writing, sr!info
My personal TMNT iteration. Focuses on family dynamics with a shit ton of angst.
CONTENT WARNINGS (will be mentioned on relevant posts as well):
Manipulation/Grooming (non-sexual)
Child abuse/neglect
Family/sibling death
Self-harm & Suicide
General bad mental health themes
(Will be added to as I remember/change stuff)
Arc 1 - Antecedent Saga
Leo Reference
Donnie Reference
Raph Reference
Mikey Reference
Splinter Reference
Barry Reference
April Reference
Casey Reference
Arc 2 - Deception Saga
Arc 3 - TBN
Arc 4 - TBN
Arc 5 - TBN
Arc 6 - TBN
Arc 7 - Future
General/Non-arc-specific content
Initial post/Turtle height chart
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