#too muvh good food
ikkosu · 14 days
urgh guess eating a full plate of pasta and beef isn't such a good idea,,,,, I feel so sick
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anyways thinking of g/t with g1 prowl. I want fluffy stuff with that officer
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promiseimnotacop · 5 years
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feiquacker · 3 years
My head cannon on cooking with the gaang. I remember when you said in my last request that Suki isn’t out allowed into the kitchen. Which is funny because in my head I feel like she can’t cook either. She can do make up and fight and other things but not cook so whenever she tries the food just tastes horrible. Sokka for sure can cook he looks like it. Water tribe in my mind are the best cooks. The way this guy has love for meat, he knows how to season his food I can feel it. Up next is Katara, remember water tribe ppl know how to cook, her and Sokka had to learn from her mom or Gran Gran, so automatically they’re good at cooking. Yue never learned how to cook growing up bc she’s royalty everything is done or made for her but I think after someone teaches her she’ll get the hang of it and her food comes out good then she’ll invite everyone over to her place to have dinner almost every night. Toph and Zuko are definitely others that you can’t let in the kitchen. We all know he was bad at making tea so of course he’s bad at cooking too, can’t make anything to save his life and ends up burning whatever he makes 😂. Toph can’t see plus she’ll also destroy the kitchen. They only invite her to taste test the food. Everyone knows ya boy Aang is a vegan but he knows how to whip up something too. He’ll probably make some delicious vegan recipes. Sokka would just get annoyed with eating his stuff tho. Azula can’t cook bc she’s also royalty like Zuko but hear me out, down the line she ends up learning how to cook and throws it in Zuko’s face that she picked up cooking faster him. ( of course he gets jealous) lol. Sorry if this was too long lol. What’s your head cannons
First of all yes.
Suki is the one that would have coal burned toast with iced coffee and camomile tea for breakfast and when Katara confrontes them they argue that it is very healty. They definitely stuble over shit on the floor and end up ruining the dish or they add tooooo much from something. In the end whatever comes out is coal. They can only make tea and coffee. Suki can cook soup because they only have to cut some vegetables and put them in water for 2 days. Right...? (it's a rhetorical question and the answer is no) They are also not allowed to cut the food because they insist that a katana is a perfectly safe knife to cut strawberrys with.
Katara and Sokka are absolute bestes. Like sokka doesn't even complain that it is a woman's job on the swt. He just cooks for fun. Katara and Sokka have cooking dates like every friday together. With date i mean time xD.
Yue and Azula can't cook because of royalty like you said. But they end up learning it. Like they learn it both from Katara and Sokka. And they are actually good at it but not so good with seasoning and stuff.
Toph just accepts that she can't cook. But she insists on testing the food. Zuko just can't cook. He would put to muvh water or alcohol in the meat or would use to much viniger the whole palace starts to stink. His food sucks and he just can't learn hoe to cook. So his food id raw while Suki's is always COAL.
Aang can cook but only vegan stuff. And he knows a lot of recipes. Ty Lee is a vegetarian and loves cooking with him.
Mai had to learn hoe to cook since she grew up in that household. And like. She doesn't enjoy it but she wouldn't mind if she had to cook a meal or two.
You forgot Jet. Jet can cook actually. He is self thaught and eventhough he doesn't know a shit about seasoning he is a good cook because he raised a buch of kides so it counts.
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sukirichi · 3 years
OKAY I WOKE UP TO CHAP 3 BUT I HAD TO GO TO MY BESTIE CELEBRATE HER BIRTHDAY (was just me her and her boyfriend was still fun tho since me and her boyfriend share the same brain cell and we are pretty muvh two hyped bokutos making her laugh) BUT WHILE AT THE RESTAURANT I KEPT READ BITS OF IT CAUSE I COULDNT TAKE IT!! AND SUKI SUKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII My heart was going so soft at the part were y/n is with suna at the swings and she cradles his face with her hands and fhHfhfjs ugh Youre making my solid top 3.....crumble from tsumu to suna SUKI MY TOLID TOP 3 I DONT WANT TO REPLACE TSUMU BUT SHIT- and I had to spot reading there at the restaurant or I would cry 8D so I finished in my car and SHES ENGAGED???????? NO NO NO NO SUKI NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Oh I wish I could purge those easily ahah I wish I also had a bad memory but unfortunately my memory is wayyyyy better than Id like- I can still remember small details from stuff that happened years ago and honestly it sucks xppp there are too many things id rather forget but most of the time I just keep bad memories in limbo and I dont really think about them if that makes sense xp I just wish I could forget them entirely *shrugs*
You welcome dear 😁 but really you don't need to thank me! Im the kne thankful for the fact you always give us extremely good food 😙👌💕
also yeah yeah I feel you, if there was only like a reset button for memories I’d really rather not keep, I’d have deleted them a long time ago !! but also I feel like bad memories are necessary bcos then how’d we appreciate the good moments if there were no bad times, yfeel me? and thank you again for ur sweet messages kya, I always smile at them <33
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sirensimmer · 7 years
50 q's tag
thank you @smol-sims for tagging me!!
1. What’s your favorite scent? lavender !!!!
 2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
 hm probs anna kendrick we’d have some good times
 3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
 harry styles bc he’s a pure soul n i just wanna have deep chats w him n sing in the car together
 4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
 i got married last year at 18 to the loml ❤️
 5. Do you know a hoarder?
 my gma lol
 6. Can you do a split?
 LOL not anymore but i could as a kid
 7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike? i learned in first grade so probably 6
 8. How many oceans have you swam in? just the atlantic
 9. How many countries have you been to? i live in the US and i went to mexico when i was 8 on a missionary trip with my gma lol! 10. Is anyone in your family in the military? my husband is active duty navy !!
 11. What would you name your daughter if you had one? marina or ember
 12. What would you name your son if you had one? dexter, or probs sebastian inspired by @complicite 
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test? shit idk i usually did pretty good in school though 
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child? clifford n curious george!!!!! then once inwas a bit older hannah montana was my Mom
 15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight? probably hannah montana tbh
 16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series? yEe
 17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent? british!!! british accents r so lovely !!!
 18. Did your mother go to college? nah :-/
 19. Are your grandparents still married? they were for 50 yrs but my gpa has passed now
 20. Have you ever taken karate lessons? nope
 21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is? um yes lol
 22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to? i think its was King’s Island
 23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in? sign language!!!!!!
 24. Do you spell the colour as grey or gray? i spell it like gray bc i’m american but sometimes i like to pretend i’m posh n spell thinks like grey, favourite n colour lol
 25. Is your father bald? lol idk ive never met him LOL
 26. Do you know triplets? nope
 27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook? i can enjoy either of them but neither are a fav of mine
 28. Have you ever had Indian food? probably not authentic Indian, but i’d like to
 29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant? i fucking love mcallisters or any mexican restaurant 
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden? ye lol
 31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)? nope i work at starbucks 
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender? my mom said she would’ve named me xavier lol what the fuck
 33. If you have a nickname, what is it? morgs, that 1d girl, etc.
 34. Who’s your favorite person in the world? i SHOULD say my hubs but the truth is harry styles oops
 35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs? definitely suburbs, like a small neighborhood on the outskirts of a larger city. that way i’m away from the hustle and bustle but there’s a lot of things within reach!!
36. Can you whistle? no but my gpa always whistled no matter what he was doing and i’d always try but i sucked in instead of blowing out haha
 37. Do you sleep with a nightlight? i like to sleep in darkness as black as my soul
 38. Do you eat breakfast every morning? usually get a double smoked bacon breakfast sandwich on my breaks @ work lol
 39. Do you take any pills or medication daily? i take cymbalta for my anxiety and depression, and birth control bc i aint trynna get preggos yet
 40. What medical conditions do you have? anxiety and depression, ovarian cysts, n i also get heart palpitations if im not careful when i have a panic attack
 41. How many times have you been to the hospital? just once when i found out about my ovarian cysts. i was in so muvh pain i was throwing up n my mom thought my appendix had ruptured lol
 42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo? hell yeah
 43. Where do you buy your jeans? OLD NAVY AF
 44. What’s the last compliment you got? my hubs tells me every morning that im strong enough to make it through whatever the day throws at me and thats really assuring for me!!
 45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning? i remember the feelings associated with my dream. such as fear, or happiness, or love…whatever the dream was actually about is usually lost on me!!
 46. What flavor tea do you enjoy? sweet tea lol
 47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own? same answer as leah…shit dude too many.
 48. What religion will you raise your children to practice? probably none but my husband kind of believes in a god so we’ll see. but i’d like them to not be pressured to believe any certain way!
 49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real? like 10 but my mom still saved gifts for the next morning to open!
 50. Why do you have a youtube? well i’ve watched other simmers LP’s for years but now i make vids!!! PLUG TIME…subscribe to sirensimmer on yt bye
i tag @crownsims @complicite n @xtinkersimsx
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THIS IS EXACTLY THE KIND OF UNDERSTANDING HUMANS LACK do not give me that it is too expensive excuse. Buying organic can be expensive when you do not know what you are doing, i know because i have been there. PLUS if you are reading my post just ask, believe, recicve i will help you. . . When you educate yourself and find out your metabolic type and see what foods are good for your blood type and stay away from man made foods starch blood refined sugars and harsh hygienic chemicles (develope a plan) you will see it gets easy. Humans of the %85 are lost!!! too expensive to buy organic? but here you are, got on a gucci belt/purse new jays a new car etc... smoking all that tree and can not afford real medicine ???? What a trip....UNDERSTAND that when the human body can not properly filtrate toxins threw the kidneys your body finds other routes to extract the toxins rather it be pimples white heads or extra cellular fluid.... 180 liters of fluid are filtered by the kidneys every day so it is important to drink lot's of water daily. Covering your face in pounds of make up is not going to help and it is not cute...first off your clogging pores preventing your face from breathing now trapping in dirt and making your face susceptible to infection and you really do not look like that at thr end of the day. I can not maybe dome eyeliner lip color and tribal paint when felt is all i need Not to bash my makeup artsit or people who genuinely love the art of make up im talking about the insecure ones the sleepers here. Another indication of bad skin period is YOU NEED A DETOX! especially if your a drinker detox! detox! detox! As important it is for us Humans to look good on the outside it is just as if not muvh more important to look good from the inside HEALING STARTS FROM WITHINL. Watch that true beauty radiate from the inside out #MyWordIsBond why treat your body like a trash can and create the perfect habitat for parasites to live off in you ????Humans still have such a long way to go with overstanding we are by far the worst for the simple fact we even create waste lol what is waste, why do we even have it ??? smh if we were so advanced we would be reusing just about (at 20th Century Fox)
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