#toxic but damn
heartorbit · 6 months
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a fool and a sinner
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chrollohearttags · 8 months
y’all won’t be satisfied until you run every black writer off this app and I’m so serious. Yes, I’m being rude to anybody that takes time out of their day to post some dumb ass remarks (a recycled one at that) and uses it to disrespect black writers of any capacity. Sitting up screaming about wanting more representation and the black reader fics being nonexistent but y’all get mad about everything. Yes, I’m cussing y’all out everytime I see it and I’m blocking idc. Free, FREE content that people took time to create, y’all are being nasty about it. We don’t owe y’all grace or kindness. Especially when we can see the hypocrisy. Go to hell with gas undies on and leave us alone. And please write whatever y’all want and fuck these people. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk
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ash-and-starlight · 2 months
sometimes a woman hurts every man she meets because her true soulmate is a 7 ft tall giant snake alien with 8 heads
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ambibug · 3 months
of course, I just had to post the one and only…
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rambling below cut vvv
I made this SO long ago (I’d say around a year ago, so not that long but still) but it’s probably the piece I’m most proud of as a whole. It was made when I was originally trying to find my style, so this was heavily inspired by Olivecow ,, i stil like drawing in a toony style (and i do draw like this a lot), but i think i draw more comfortably in a semi realistic style :((
GOD i wish this were like my default style I LOVE SHAPES!!!!!!!! I LIKE USING SHAPES TO SHOW A CHARACTER WITHOUT WORDS!!!!!!!! but it’s whatever anyways I HEART MOONJOU!! or kinkamoon, whatever it is, i personally like either ship name and honestly i thought kinkamoon was the unanimously agreed upon ship name until like five months ago?? anwyas
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erineas · 4 months
Did you see 6 skeletons 1 maid updated?
I was saving this ask to make a little comic of how that last chapter felt but- lets say it didn't turn out how i wanted. Instead, i just dug out some of my old Maid-chan drawings and stared at them blankly for the next days.
I'm still particularly fixed on this one little page:
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Mister Green was my absolute favorite and the only light i saw at the end of her tunnel. He was so kind and sweet, and pretty much the only one that treated her like a person (besides Yellow of course). When i first read this fic so many years ago i didn't trully realized the dark tone of this story but i still chose the only "healthy" option. I wanted MC to be happy and free, and oh how i wanted him to give her that. I held those drawings of him for years imagining a chapter where they would encounter again and that would drive her to a better ending (either skeletons overcoming their issues and treating her with respect or him taking her away).
But then this final chapter appeared and it was... a thing.
(Kinda spoilers for the babes that haven't read it)
Second of all, it didn't look good at all and it was getting worse as I read. But then good because it was a week alone for her to rest and Sans was eating with her?? But also that whole scene reminded me how bad her situation really was so it actually wasn't good at all.
And then the scene that broke me.
I was aware that I wanted her to flee before, but I never thought she could.
It was oddly satisfying, if not a bit anxiety inducing because of the thought that they would caught her eventually. As always.
But then Asgore, and Orange. And nothing...
I got mad that he found her. Which was a weird feeling since I remember liking him a lot. It felt to me like he ruined her good enough ending. But despite that, it makes sense it was him so I don't complain.
What crushed me though, wasn't that she couldn't say goodbye or that Sans got tired of trying to get her back. It was the fact the Gs didn't even try looking for her. They didn't even got mentioned. What happened there, I wonder. Didn't they like her? Care for her? Mister Green wrote her letters, of course he liked her. But then why...?
Suddenly he looked like a fairytale.
The ending was great, finally lending her the ability to choose. It made absolutely everything worth it and the way it was written made me feel like I do have a say in the matter. And for the first time, i didn't choose the skeletons.
I realized she could find her happy ending alone.
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(My live reaction)
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misathinks · 3 months
this little trend is so cute omg
but I don’t have a bf…or a husband… so,
things my situationship (?) does that are very Porter coded ♡
obsessed with cars and when I told him I just wanted a regular ford pickup he called me boring and rolled his eyes
“oh btw I won’t be in class today” “what? you’re leaving me? why?” “you’re acting a lot like you’d miss me sir!!” “and what if I did?”
proceeded to FaceTime me while he was sitting in said class
called me emo after I told him my quince dress was black. Mind you I’ve never seen him in anything else BUT black.
threw me over his shoulder and spun me around after I told him I’d be too heavy
Bullied me for my braids the whole day, then, “maybe I should put a hat on.” “Why?” “dunno.” “Do you actually think they look bad?? Never listen to me again”
puts his headphones on me at random times to show off his “hardcore” music taste (rap), but he was in Faye Webster’s top listeners for 2023… also thinks I don’t know this
“hey I love my little pony!!” “honestly??” “yeah, Twilight Sparkle is goated”
remembers almost every episode and its plot, including Equestria Girls
swears up and down he’s a “lover” but has played multiple girls in the past
Interestingly enough though hasn’t talked to anybody but me since we met. Very surprising
“I don’t see the issue you have with me tbh” “get off my cellphone please.” “lemme hit? :/”
gets mad at me if I open doors for him. “I am not going through there.” “you’re beyond difficult.” And then opens the door for me instead
acts nonchalant and tough with his friends and other ppl and then sweet to me
would be endearing if he didn’t join them making fun of me sometimes
says he doesn’t mean it afterwards
“I told you to never call me again. ” “…if I get you Wendy’s will you forgive me?” “yes actually!”
had horrible cramps once and he kept his hand on my stomach for an hour while working because I told him it helped
notices little things like my texting habits and the tone of my voice…He knows what he’s doing. Bastard.
“*talking about my research project*” “you like… smile with your eyes.” “I do?” “yeah.” “oh.” “sorry, I just like to look at you. Keep going.”
please help me.
tbh tho he could be Vincent if he tried.
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houseswife · 5 months
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kaltacore · 4 months
baldur's gate 3 is a game where you can't fuck a dragon. it doesn't mean someone else can't fuck a dragon. maybe someone did fuck a dragon. maybe it was your sleep paralysis demon you've carried along
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
lost a bet with @eliastheownerof0axolotls, so here's today's starstruck shipaganza entry (and also a belated birthday present for elias) featuring his oc flower dee and the rather absurd "blush off":
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m-kyunie · 6 months
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marching forward through the Gates of Hell
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simbasomba · 6 months
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Screeches loudly GET THESE TWO MARRIED
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synodic-lupine · 10 months
Nine and Ten's arcs go hand in hand as a collectively great PTSD narrative imo. I think Ten's wishy-washiness about relationships and inability to fully open up to Rose is often characterized as plain old fear of commitment yet I see that as a progression to another presentation of PTSD. When we first meet Nine, he seems like he's halfway to planning on how to get himself killed. He meets Rose, he heals, he changes, he grows. Then he regenerates into someone with a desire to live and the seeming capacity to just be happy. At the same time, he regenerated for and because of Rose. Recovery that hinges on one person is a tricky thing. When you're with that person it can feel like there's no more work to be done, like you're totally 'fixed'. Every moment with that person feels like the best thing in the world... which makes it significantly harder to open up about anything trauma related. When you're feeling high on a person's presence why would you ever want to think about the bad things? THEN because he finally properly wants to live, The Doctor gets hit with the realization that living a full life means losing Rose in the end and it's downright intolerable to him. It makes him push and pull and act like a bastard sometimes. We get glimpses of who he is without her in the moments when she's threatened. He loses his damn mind any time she's threatened- he gets that crazed look akin to Nine in Dalek more than anything. This is also in contrast to how Nine used to react to Rose being threatened, where he used to still be able to keep it reined in. THEN... he loses her for real and he backslides majorly. We see the effects in Turn Left, that if Donna hadn't been there he would have died right after saying goodbye to Rose. He's more or less back where he started as Nine in the beginning of series one, looking for a way to die. He lives though, and has to accept that no, he's not perfectly recovered and keep on working on it. He opens up about things in ways we saw him struggle to in series 2. Though he's more callous in series 3 and 4, he seems to struggle more with relating to humans, his bastardous tendencies pop up more. He's also a freaking disaster man in series 4 with the number of times he offers or tries to give up his life for others. He DOES make recovery progress through series 3 and 4, just is slow like in real life. All of that makes JE make sense to me in that this is a man who is experiencing turbo PTSD triggering. He pushes everyone away all at once, because maybe being alone will hurt less than losing people after all. Even after all that in the end when he is dying he says he doesn't want to go. He was born into wanting to live and be happy so of course he doesn't want to go.
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elitehoe · 3 months
Not Matthew and Nicholas replacing Kenny Omega with the Kazuchika Okada that mans number 1 enemy
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silverraes · 17 days
so in conclusion: whatever the fuck was wrong with Ming this episode is clearly working for me because mark me down as officially obsessed with this show
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chevs-and-spiders · 2 months
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bekkachaos · 4 days
when I see posts that are like "you need to stop shipping X now because X character is with someone else and it's canon your ship is not going to happen", like... I don't think you understand how shipping works
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