#toxic fndm
matt0044 · 7 months
It matters who started it.
There's a problem with how many who express frustration with the RWDE or overblown RWBY hate in general are countered with "it's just their opinion, bro" from a textbook centrist.
Yeah, from the outside looking in, it does seem like we can't look the other way when some people just aren't jiving with our thing. Thing is that when we do look the other way, there's more just making RWBY their own personal punching bag.
Furthermore, just as anyone has the right to make their dislike for RWBY everyone else's problem, others have the right to say, "Hey, this feels really fucked up and here's why."
Yet we're the ones who gotta suck it up like a sponge whether we back up our arguments or not. Because apparently when we don't, we're fanatics who can't take criticism of our favorite show.
Like... sure. Way back when the RWDE was created because there were fans who liked RWBY but would overreact to negativity towards their faves. The tag naturally sprouted from there.
Except that things aren't like that now. Rarely anybody in the FNDM stirs crap up that hasn't been started by the RWDE or somebody overreacting to RWBY. And even when the FNDM does get out of line, the RWDE seems to overlook their own transgressions and hypocrisies.
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rwac96 · 3 months
PSA: It's fucking fictional!
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Ok, the people in the FNDM can like or not like whatever ship they please. But, for fuck's sake, don't fucking harass content creators and create fucking witch hunts! The FNDM already has a shit reputation, and now the bratty members are driving others away over goddamn shipping!
There is a thing called 'block and move on', learn it! There's also 'innocent before proven guilty', and the people this character draws are fictional! You're not being crusaders, you're being pathetic, whiny crybabies and it makes everyone look bad!
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RWDE: You can block this tag if it's a problem. No one is making you watch this.
FNDM: I HaVe tHE RiGht hArAss YOu!
Where is the lie though? The fndm at large seems very weird about blocking the convenient tag that is solely for takes they hate because they seem to think they have a right to harass us about our takes. I have been told multiple times now that they don’t like people harassing others but I’m “kind of yikes” so they can’t really condemn it. Like I cannot even recall another fndm that behaves this toxically and tolerates harassment and death threats and even the video meant to discuss how toxic the fndm is spends most of the time pointing fingers at RWDE saying we need to be nicer and ignoring the death threats, the threats of violence, the harassment, ect we receive from the fndm that the fndm green lights happening.
It still boggles my mine how the fndm just refuses to even acknowledge that it’s bad and that maybe it should stop.
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lucky303 · 3 months
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i can't really say much else, this sums up the toxicity of the RWBY fandom
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papillaee · 5 months
Do antis on the rwby fandom know the real actually harmful crimes a lot RT people have been accused of? Because they are always weirdly quiet about that 🤔 Gee... I wonder why
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Hey FNDM, the way you treat male abuse victims is repulsive.
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marrow-minded · 1 year
rwby stans on twitter are the dumbest bag of rocks im baffled every day. how can they not understand that stepping up and qrting or rebuking every naysayer is defending the company. you cant be defending blake and yang, THEYRE NOT REAL. by defending blang youre defending the company that created them. its like
person a: its interesting how now that the bees kissed a lot of people have conveniently forgotten all the violent homophobia the company never properly dealt with
like yeah dipshit? ur gonna believe the COMPANY when it says that theyre actually huge allies that have planned this for years? ur gonna believe the company that there are totally queer and poc workers that YOU PERSONALLY need to financially support by not pirating? are you also dumb in the fucking head perchance????
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doomalade · 6 months
Quick little warning but goldsrc has multiple alts and he is block evading.
Stay safe out there and block on sight
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dextixer · 11 months
Oh Dex, you don't get to pull the "I can't be bigoted, stalking, violent trash because I'm more leftist than you are" card.
I'm trans and an ancom and it's no secret that a lot of "ex" gg-ers tried to re-invent themselves.
Funny how it never works for long.
No one outside your diminishing echo chamber believes a word you say.
Actually, that is just wrong. Me being leftist has nothing to do with me not being bigoted. Im simply... Not bigoted. The reason why i point out my leftist "credentials" is to prove through my ACTIONS why you people are fake progressives.
You gave me labels. You are trans and an ancom. Okay. Why should i care? I dont care about your labels (I stopped caring about them during the invasion of Ukraine when people started using the "pacifist" and "anti-imperialist" labels to argue for Russian occupation of Ukraine). I care about actions.
So, let us all recall what YOU anti-RWDE people have done with your actions.
1 - During the RT controversies many of your people came in DEFENCE of RT, people like Lilith Fairen cursed out and attacked people on twitter for criticizing RT and afterwards your anti-RWDE crowd spread Kdins past shitty behaviour. Pointing out her past behaviour is not a problem. But you did so to protect a bigoted company.
2 - Your anti-RWDE crowd has called for people to support RT financially through merch and other such avenues. Showing that you care more for your show and a corporation than its workers.
3 - Multiple anti-RWDE people have been caught using slurs, people like Lilith using ethnic slurs while some of your other people have been caight using the word "ret*rd". One of your people, Darious uses an alt account to spread islamophobic and racist shit to Adel Aka and Vexed Viewer. I dont like their content. But the racist attacks on them come from YOUR crowd
4 - Multiple of your people have been caught faking accusations about others. Canonseeker, a person your anti-RWDE crowd is friendly with for example took issue with me slagging of NAZIS on twitter. Pretending that they were "RWBY fans". I dont know why he stated that Nazis were RWBY fans but you should ask him that.
5- Your anti-RWDE crowd constantly use language or tactics associated with the alt-right. Lilith Fairen often weaponizes an alt right tactic when people call out racism/sexism, to them accuse the accusers of these things. Some of your people freely use the word "degener*te" which is HEAVILY associated with far right ideologies.
6 - Most of your biggest attacks have been against people of colour and sexual minorities. You dont go after chuds. Your MAIN targets are specifically women, people of colour, and those of non-straight sexualities. And that is no coincidence. Hell, quite recently one of your leaders, Lilith straight up made an entire paragraph which just reeked of white saviour syndrome.
7 - It is only from YOUR anti-RWDE crowd that i have gotten shit for supporting Ukraine in their defence against a Russian invasion. No single critic of RWBY has EVER given me shit for that. Only RWBY fans. Why is that?
Need i go on? The reason why i call you fake progressives is not due to the labels you hold. But due to your behaviour. The BEST you can levy in accusations against RWDE people is making shit up.
Xel Writer/Zam/Xelianthought for example is hanging around twitter claiming that the Canonseeker expose document was made with the help of Kiwifarms knowing that its a lie. He wanted to get my Reddit account deleted through false accusations that Lilith wanted to get onto too. Your friend canonseeker is coming up with real life fanfiction about me "controling" RWBY youtubers and r/RWBY mods.
The best you can do are either lies or shouting "YOU ARE SEXIST/RACIST/HOMOPHOBE" with absolutely no proof.
While your, anti-RWDE behaviour has been recorded to be fucking horrible. And none of you ever apologized or even acknowledged the things you have done. None of you have acknowledged or apologized for using slurs. None of you have apologized for defending RT.
You doubled down on that shit.
Also, if you dont care what we say. Why in the fuck do you keep hounding us? Why do i receive nearly daily asks of harassment? Why do you keep talking about us? If nobody believes us or listens to us. Why do you care?
See? Your attacks are so transparent its funny to me. Because in your whole "Nobody cares about you spiel" you reveal just how much of a pain we are to you people. Good.
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lunatriense · 1 year
And of course some dipshit anon sends me an ask calling me (and all the rest of rwde, of course) 'the worst garbage in the world' and saying that I'm 'so pissed off that queer women exist in a cartoon' because of my post about switching Yang and Pyrrha's places.
Nevermind that literally the first thing I listed as a thing that could change is Schneekos, Pyrruby, and/or Monochrome being a thing, which would maintain if not increase the amount of queer women in the story. Nevermind that I'm a queer woman myself with almost exclusively queer ships for RWBY.
I'm so glad we can block anonymous senders now lol.
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lordofwought · 1 year
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Is people still complaining about the Jaune Arc showtime leeching? Do they really got nothing else to complain about besides that?
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awkward-tension · 6 months
RWBY stans are the thinnest skinned little bitches I’ve ever seen
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saltedsnails · 1 year
Me, watching the FNDM with nonsense discourse, vagueposting, harassment, and doxxing:
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Also me, witnessing the most Horrendous Take ™️ known to mankind:
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- 🐌
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Your kind fascinate me with your brand of radicalization.
That's not a compliment BTW.
Are you seriously calling me “radicalized” for pointing out ableism?? Is this really the bill you’re going to die on? You’re cool with ableism? You think stopping disabled people of their humanity because they’re disabled is cool? Because from this ask that is all I can think honestly cuz that is the most recent post I made and this ask popped up not long after that.
I’m seriously concerned about someone intentionally going into a tag they know will piss them off and then harassing someone for their opinion about a cartoon and declaring they’ve been “radicalized” for not liking people being ableist. It’s honestly kind of pathetic. And you know what? The way you wrote this ask reminds me of an anon I blocked ages ago who had a very similar writing style so their is also a high likely hood you’re block evading on top of everything else.
Also how the ever-loving fuck is their a “brand” of radicalization. Your ask is ridiculous, makes no sense, and clearly was only made because you intentionally went out of your way to go into a tag you knew you hated solely to harass people for daring to have opinions you disagree with. Go outside and touch some grass. You clearly need it.
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lucky303 · 26 days
RWBY fans trying not to be racist for 2 seconds challenge
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very telling that you segue straight into the nword
like no filter just 2 seconds in just shoot straight
I'm honestly impressed
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doomatnight · 8 months
Bitches be like: You write Cardin like Jaune Stans write Jaune
And then meanwhile 3 out of like 15 of my top posts are about Cardin
And most of those top posts are Yang/Ruby or Mercury/Yang
And they also fail to see or mention how those Cardin posts are mostly from requests and the only other ones I’ve written by my own without a request or prompt is either with Velvet or Pyrrha and maybe one other girl at a time.
They also forget to mention one of my other popular posts about Jaune x Ren
Literally and I mean this literally to the loser troll who was so much of a pussy you block evaded and resorted to spamming anon asks, you are a moron! An idiot! A fool! A clown!
You’re harassing a smut account because I have my personal boundaries on my blog.
Go ahead and make yourself known so I can block you again and forget about you all over again :)
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