opulusx · 1 month
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John Henry Lingard #bradford #undercliffe #cemetery #remembrance #lingard
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bwthornton · 7 months
Undercliff Day Bag Vase Small
Isle of Wight Studio Glass
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Undercliff Day Bag Vase Small
Isle of Wight Studio Glass
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beweep · 2 years
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moths-daily · 10 months
here have these... (can i get a uhhh uhhh moth that looks fiery for the motd idk)
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Moth Of The Day #143
Fiery Clearwing
Pyropteron chrysidiforme
From the sesiidae family. They have a wingspan of 15-26 mm. They tend to inhabit tops of shingle beaches, areas of railway ballast, broken chalk undercliff and roadside verges. They can be found in Europe.
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fiachrastudios · 5 months
Hello there! Many thanks for the follow, traveler~ I adore your traditional art! It's finely colored...makes me feel all nice and cozy! Have a lovely day 💙
And if I may ask one parting question about your dear Tav, Aelar Melianme; do you have any fun facts about his lore? Cheers!
!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
(I had to redraft like this whole thing after digging deeper into Drow lore and learning that the reason I hate it so much is that the good stuff got buried to make Drizzt more special????? So it turns out my headcanons for them are closer to some of the established lore haha. Anyway.)
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Aelar is a Moon Circle Druid who grew up in the Underdark as a Lolth-sworn drow. I hate the way Drow lore was originally presented to me as being super misogynistic and racist (shocking for D&D, I know) but after learning about Eilistraee I actually like the pre-Drizzt lore more than I expected. Personally, I see the Lolth-sworn Drow as being like, run by radfems and is only seeming like a matriarchy to outsiders, when in reality it’s still super gender-essentialist and transphobic.
Aelar grew up in Menzoberranzan but was always ostracized growing up in Lolth's cult. He was pretty sheltered and cut off from the outside world, so he could never really put into words why he felt so distant from everyone around him. His family forced him into an engagement he didn't want when he was in his 90s, and he finally had enough and ran away.
At first, he ran as far as he could without paying heed to where he was going. He just wanted to get away as fast as possible. When he stumbled across an exit to the overworld, he only took it to shake off his pursuers. He was struck by how beautiful the stars were as he stepped out of the cave that first night. His whole life he had been told that the surface was a disgusting place, so overbearingly bright that no drow would ever have a reason to visit, but instead he was greeted by the gentle cascade of starlight on a cloudless night. He was so entranced by their light that he didn’t notice the smiling drow woman observing him silently from the shadows.
After that, he spent a few years wandering south along the Sword Coast. He preferred keeping his own company, for the most part. The discrimination he faced from Faerunians certainly didn't help but there was something...else, nagging in the back of his mind. Besides, owls made better conversation mates anyway.
His conversations with the bees were really life-altering, though. Drow society is very binaristic and heteronormative, and hearing about the queen/worker/drone system was eye-opening for Aelar. At first, he was just fascinated by it all. Something he felt the first few times he encountered other trans people. But it took him a few decades to realize why he was so intrigued by all of this stuff : ). 
Eventually, he made his way into Waterdeep. The loneliness of the wilds had been getting to him, and try as he might, he could never fully connect with his animal companions. It didn’t help that they lived such short lives, even compared to humans. He worked in Undercliff for a while as a horse groom for the Amcarthras, but he grew sick seeing the foals he raised being sold off to the City Guard to be abused. He moved into the city proper and has been tending some shithole bar while gradually saving up for surgery for the last 60 years or so.
He’s never realized it, but Eilistraee has been silently guiding him since he left the Underdark. He ran across some of her worshippers in Waterdeep, but never gave them too much thought. Even though it’s been a century and a half, he still hasn’t really unpacked everything he internalized from his childhood, and in his mind followers of Eilistraee are still something really taboo. Not necessarily that he hates them, more that it was just never really discussed openly and he feels discomfort the few times he’s been approached by worshippers on the streets. He’s only now starting to notice her presence in his life over the course of the game, and I like to think that his post-game adventures involve her : )
(I have so many more thoughts about Eilistraee and him and Astarion, who I gave the Elistraee sword too, but that’s something I’d like to explore more in a comic or a fic than this post ; ) )
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doodledebris · 1 year
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Do you need to learn magic wizard-like? Don’t have the funds for big-city book learning? Come to Lady Fencey’s Very Official Wizard Night School, located in the scenic Undercliff suburbs of Waterdeep. Follow your magical dreams at mundane prices, at your schedule. Wink!
Disclaimer: Any and all rumors of criminal activities and subsequent banishment from the city proper are untrue and outrageous.
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ymera-dathurn · 1 year
LFRP Ymera Dathurn
Character write-up down below! Feel free to ask questions or DM if you'd like to do some RP!
About Ymera
general information—— —
FULL NAME: Ymera Dathurn
NICKNAME(S): Don’t call her anything but Ymera
TITLE(S): None
AGE: 31
RACE: Human
GENDER: Female
physical appearance—— —
HAIR: Sandy blonde, usually kept in a bun and out of the way
EYES: Like amber honey
BUILD: Feminine (albeit unexceptionally so), slightly toned from working the forge
PIERCINGS: One silver stud in her right ear, the one memento from her late husband she will allow herself
ATTIRE: If working in the shop, her apron is always worn. She made it from thicker-than-usual leather and studded it with steel rivets to have it double as proper armor when on a dungeon delve or if she’s expecting trouble. Beyond that, she favors plain, simple, functional clothing. She doesn’t like to stick out, and being a tinker doesn’t pay well enough to afford or justify expensive clothing.
personal information—— —
PROFESSION: Tinker, craftswoman, occasional adventurer
HOBBIES: Studying magical item theory and application, whittling trinkets, brooding
SKILL(S): Trained hunter and crossbow markswoman, experienced tinker, passable melee combatant
LANGUAGE(S): Common, Elvish, Gnomish
RESIDENCE: Undercliff
BIRTHPLACE: A small, nameless farming settlement northeast of Waterdeep
FEARS: Loud, sudden noises, helplessness, severe storms
relationships—— —
PARTNER(S): Aron, deceased
CHILDREN: Two sons, Fundin and Polni, both missing
PARENTS: Haldun and Iruna Dathurn, both deceased
SIBLINGS: Artun, Sarel, and Rina, all deceased
traits— —09
•extroverted / introverted / in between
•disorganized / organized / in between
•close minded / open-minded / in between
•calm / anxious / in between
•disagreeable / agreeable / in between
•cautious / reckless / in between
•patient / impatient / in between
•outspoken / reserved / in between
•leader / follower / in between
•empathetic / indifferent / in between
•optimistic / pessimistic / in between
•traditional / modern / in between
•hard-working / lazy / in between
•cultured / uncultured / in between
•loyal / disloyal / unknown / in between
•religious / irreligious / unknown / in between
•assertive / timid / in between
Additional Information
SMOKING:  never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Ymera was born in a small farming and ranching village of no great consequence, not even enough to warrant a true name. Her home life growing up was comfortable, if sparse, and she enjoyed a kind and loving family and community. She was a sweet but shy girl, especially so to the traders who arrived to rest and resupply before moving on. One trader, an ancient gnome by the name of Alkur Tinkerbit elected to remain in town, for reasons that were different every time he was asked. Against her shy nature, Ymera took to him like a fish to water, and before long, he made her his tinkering apprentice. She proved quite talented, helping to repair various breakages around the farms and build new tools as needed, by forge and mill.
Alkur felt fortunate to see her truly come into her own, as only a teacher could. But he was old, even for a gnome, and a few months past Ymera's 26th birthday, he passed of natural causes. By then, Ymera was married with two sons, and she and her husband were considering a third. She was a beloved craftswoman of great skill, a resourceful tinker able to fix most anything that could be fixed, and devoted mother and wife.
And then it was all taken away.
Ymera was repairing a villager's plow in the outskirts of their farm, a half-dozen miles away from home. By the time she made the last tweak, the sun had already mostly set and she could hear the rumble of an approaching storm, so she opted to rest in the hayloft of the barn rather than travel by night in inclement weather. When dawn came, she made her way back to town, thoughts of new projects swirling in her head. She was met with devastation. The storm had savaged the village, destroying the levee that had held strong for years, and had washed away whole buildings. Instantly near panic, she started checking houses and outbuildings. Corpse after corpse was all she found. Frantically, she tore through the town as fast as the floodwaters would allow her, trying desperately to get to her own home, hoping against hope that her family was safe. That hope was dashed when she was greeted by the sight of her husband, his eyes staring skyward, glassy and empty of life. There was no sign of either of her sons, no matter how much she searched.
Now robbed of everything she held dear, Ymera was lost. She had no one outside the village to go to, no resources to fall back on. She wandered the surrounding countryside for days, aimless and despairing. She would have perished on the open plains were she not found, near dead from exhaustion, by an elven hunting party from the High Forest to the east. They took her back to the Forest, to the human-led keep of Olostin's Hold. It was there that she was slowly brought back from the brink under the watchful eyes of the few human doctors in the area. Her body was restored to health, but her soul was crushed, and her heart, shattered.
Over time, she assimilated into the population, to limited success. Her skills as a craftswoman and tinker were well-regarded, but her cold and dour nature pushed many away from becoming anything more than clients. She asked (or more accurately, demanded) that the local militia teach her to hunt and fight, but even they couldn't crack her shell enough to find out why. It was just a few years later that she departed Olostin's Hold for the metropolis of Waterdeep.
Today, Ymera owns and runs a tinkering and repair business in the city of Undercliff, on the outskirts of Waterdeep proper. She'll fix just about anything you can bring her, can make just about any tool you need, and - if asked very nicely - can be convinced to inspect and advise on home maintenance and renovation. She remains as emotionally closed off as ever, though, despite the efforts of her housemate, dragonborn druid and tea shop owner Nyomtasaliath, to draw her out of her self-imposed isolation. He holds out hope that, one day, he'll get to see her genuinely smile again.
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mountainclovers · 3 months
Skeemo is a gnome that sells potions
Zhardos Zord - is
house of the purple silks -
falsoons folly - every person that works at the carnival is a drow in disguise? legendary pirate by the name of jarlaxle baenre - master of illusion that looks like a pirate
Soren, are you interested in joining the emerald enclave? come meet us at the falkin mirror in the southern ward - druid guild
A griffin appears with a gnome on top of it -
Two Tours stand out - Melanor -
Jeryth Phaulkon - might know royal cloudswallow
church with warforged
soren gets Charm of Restoration This charm has 6 charges. You can use an action to expend some of its charges to cast one of the following spells: Greater Restoration (4 charges) or Lesser Restoration (2 charges). Once all its charges have been expended, the charm vanishes from you.
scarecrow come to life - no people have been killed yet - farms outside of waterdeep. undercliff.
2 IOUS (ratar question what language is inside the diary i bought)
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justanotherpoetryblog · 8 months
I enjoy the silence except for my thoughts and the waves and the seagulls and the bikes flying past and the murmured conversations of strangers and their footsteps
Peace, at long last. I’m where I’m supposed to be who I’m supposed to be Finally.
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ianchisnall · 11 months
UK: Violence Against Women and Girls - House of Lords
On Thursday lunchtime Diane Warwick, the Labour member of the House of Lords opened a debate that was entitled “UK: Violence Against Women and Girls – Motion to Take Note“ and her opening comment was “Moved by Baroness Warwick of Undercliffe – That this House takes note of violence against women and girls in the United Kingdom.” The debate can be obtained from here and below there are a few…
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bwthornton · 10 months
Undercliff Night Bag Vase Small
Isle of Wight Studio Glass
Undercliff Night Bag Vase Small
Isle of Wight Studio Glass
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cheefstick · 1 year
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The undercliff walk is closed cos of the absolute battering it took in the last month. Makes for nice views up top.
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petnews2day · 1 year
New book launched on Lower Axe Valley bird life
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/7zEP
New book launched on Lower Axe Valley bird life
The author of a book about the birds of the Lower Axe Valley will be signing copies at Seaton Wetlands on Friday, December 16.  Michael Tyler’s book has been produced in partnership with East Devon District Council. It covers a geological area extending from Branscombe to the Undercliff, and north along the river valley to […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/7zEP #BirdNews
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vongyi · 1 year
អាថ៌កំបាំងនៅបាតជ្រោះរណ្តៅក្តោងភ្នំសំពៅAbandoned places in Undercliff #Mo...
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I've just started watching my policeman and realised that the place they're filming in at the start is just a few houses down from where I stayed for a week in October, I have a picture of me and my parents on that staircase down to the undercliff walk 😂
I just had to share with someone cause I totally cracked up, just a few scenes in and I'm like hang on a sec, that looks really familiar...
omg that's so cool!!! what are the odds?! and that's extra cool bc then you have an even more familiar sense with the movie in a way
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75 foot assault course out today Super cool 😎 www.funfactorleeds.co.uk (at Undercliffe Cricket Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CkBq3rXMuGn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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