#unskippable intro
johnnyryall · 2 years
my favorite frames from the succession intro
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zessdeluxe · 4 months
I know it's generally considered poor writing when a game drops the player into a lengthy lore crawl right at the beginning but I dunno man I'm a sucker for retellings of world's history set to stirring music, that sort of thing always gets me excited for the adventure to come
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beans-in-your-socks · 8 months
reblog with your top 3 unskippable intros of all time
Good Omens (for obvious reasons)
A Series of Unfortunate Events (the theme song is a banger every time)
Gravity Falls (if you skip this intro, you're dead to me.)
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not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
me watching the new TCR episode:
appletv: skip recap?
me: no
appletv: skip intro?
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Trying to learn something from a short form video feels like when my dad insists on calling me to give me a piece of information rather than texting it to me
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bloomfish · 1 year
I'm rewatching the best show of all time: H2O just add water and one of the things that always gets me is the way everyone else in the show is super quick to suspect that they're mermaids. Like I think I would sooner believe just about any explanation (it's a hoax, hallucination, trick of the light, weirdly coloured dolphin or literally anything) before coming to the conclusion that three teenagers can turn into mermaids
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helennorvilles · 2 years
watching a tv show on dvd and dealing with all the bullshit you have to put up with before pressing play on an episode is the universe trying to tell you to chill out more. forced boredom time.
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bioswear · 2 years
sdflkjdsfl i really am not a fan of the new CR3 intro :\ like its a cool concept but the choppy rotoscoped animation that DOESNT sync up with the lyrics or even the rhythm of the song??? i cannot accept that 
also as an animator like.. . idk it couldve been smoother??? like it looks like pure rotoscope without any ease ins and overlaps etc etc i just... my eyes do not like it
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wickedghxst · 11 months
mario galaxy unplayable on [Redacted] :(
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landofgay · 1 year
"skip intro" are you INSANE? are you DERANGED???? WHO SKIPS THE MUPPETS INTRO????
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prokopetz · 1 year
The Tears of the Kingdom speedrun is already down to like 70 minutes (not counting the presently unskippable seven-minute intro), and I'm not gonna lie, I'm very keen to see where it goes from here.
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silver-velvet-860 · 2 months
This might be an unpopular opinion, but the lore in this new era of Just Dance feels distributed in such a weird way.
JD feels like it’s in this weird middle spot where it wants to go all the way… but at the same time doesn’t. There’s so many things that you can’t know by just playing the game, such as the nonbinary coaches’ pronouns or almost anything from Lore Week. Only a small amount of the (non-exclusive) coaches on JD+ have names when they could just… type them in?
It also operates a lot on “tell, don’t show”. I want them to stop revealing lore that they consider “important” in their social media and actually put it in the actual game. It also feels weird that Lore Week was done by a community member informed by the Loremaster instead of… the actual Loremaster? Or the actual game itself? This might be just a personal preference, but I feel like key story points should be accessible by playing the actual game without having to look at social media or YouTube or whatever.
Now, there’s only so much you can do with a dancing game. But let's focus in on those two words-- dancing game. The biggest way routines do their lore is in unskippable cutscenes, which feels antithetical to a game where you're supposed to move around. Did you know that the opening cutscene for Can’t Stop The Feeling is 43 seconds long? Did you know that the middle cutscene in Swan Lake is 13 seconds long? Since they’re baked into the routines, it makes me not want to play them. Sometimes I wanna just dance and not have to stand around waiting. And there’s others who likely feel the same way.
But here’s the thing–Just Dance could still salvage this poor implementation. One way the JD team could make their lore work better is to do what JD20 did and relegate it to its own mode.
In All-Stars, there were cutscenes before each song, but they weren’t chained to them. Outside of the mode, you could just jump into High Hopes right away and not have to watch the cutscene. If they put the lore songs into a mode similar to All-Stars, things would be SO much better. AND they could do the same with Lover Coaster, Showdown, BSAV, and any other future "lore" group of songs. They could cut the story intros from the routines themselves and relegate them to part of the story mode. Heck, they could even release exclusive JD+ ones for previous JD songs (kind of like how JDN has a playlist of The Bride and Rasputin's relationship story). Maybe you could also unlock things by completing these individual stories.
Doing what All-Stars did would make Just Dance's "lore" much more palatable, because if you don't care about the lore, you can just play the songs on their own. It wouldn't fix all of my problems, but it would definitely minimize some of them. Maybe I'll make a mockup sometime of what this potential story mode would look like.
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tokiro07 · 2 months
Undead Unluck Week 2024
Day 5 - Favorite Arc: Intro Arc
This is without question the hardest prompt this whole week for me. I don't even have any arcs that I dislike, and you want me to pick the one that I like the most???
How am I supposed to choose between Andy and Fuuko beating Victor by learning that they can reinterpret their Rules in the Autumn Arc, the Union clashing with Under in classic shonen battle manga fashion in the Spring Arc, every Negator banding together to see Fuuko safely to the next world in the Ragnarok Arc, and Feng learning that he's a simp for Fuuko in the Hong Kong Arc??? This is a cruel question that makes me second-guess every decision I could possibly make for it!
However, after much deliberation, I realized that for me, there's only one answer that I could definitively be satisfied with, and one that I think deserves a lot more love than it gets: the introduction
When I say the introduction, I don't just mean the first couple of chapters in Shinjuku, I mean everything leading up to Andy and Fuuko officially becoming seated members of the Union. From their meeting in chapter 1 right up until Juiz challenges Fuuko to work her way up the ranks to become the First Seat of the Roundtable, I consider that entire span to be the first major arc
This is because this is the prologue to Fuuko's development and every single plot beat to follow; from believing herself to be unworthy of living, to realizing that life is worth living, to resolving to make life better for others, the journey of Fuuko's life begins here. Unlearning the lie she believes, learning the truth that she needs to understand, to gaining the confidence to spread that truth, none of that happens without first meeting Andy, then Gina, then Juiz
I really hate to sound like a hipster, but whereas other people had a tough time getting into UU when it started because they felt chapter 1 was too rough, I mean no exaggeration when I say that I fell in love with it instantly. It really did feel like I was the only one who knew it was going to be great all along, and while I'm ecstatic to see that I was right, there's a little bit of a bitter taste mixed in there considering that to this day I see people dismissing its origin
Both fans and haters alike talk about the introduction as if it's this arduous hurdle, something so unlike what comes later that they wish it weren't even there, but to me (and I hope more people reading this than I'm giving credit for), that "rough patch" is an absolute necessity. It is simply unskippable! To appreciate how far Fuuko and Andy come over the course of the narrative, you need to understand where they started, not just as individuals, but as a couple! Everything that Undead Unluck is, was, or will be can be summed up from the events of chapter 1, and the immediately following chapters set up the dynamic of the entire story to come
Without that arc, if somehow Tozuka had skipped straight to Spoil and started in media res, I don't know how attached I would have been to the story. But that's not what happened; instead, I turned every page with wrapt attention, engaged with every single panel, desperate to know what was coming next. And four years later, that feeling has not faded
Every Saturday night I go to bed like it's Christmas Eve; "Undead Unluck tomorrow!" I wake up, roll over, grab my tablet and just start reading the moment it gets uploaded. Everything else in Jump I read in chronological order, but UU? That cannot wait! I need to know what happens ASAP!
All of that excitement, all of that joy, all of that love was inspired by chapter 1 and reinforced by the arc that followed. Other arcs reached incredible highs that I never could have seen coming back then, and nearly all of them are much more refined by nature of Tozuka's growing experience, but the sheer wonder that I could feel being sparked in me from the very beginning? The feeling of the fire continuing to burn is completely different from the feeling of its ignition, no matter how much more brightly it shines
Perhaps future arcs will find a way to overturn this opinion; maybe the final arc will be so spectacular and such a perfect culmination of everything that came before that I can't imagine the story ending any other way, but for now, the beginning that so readily convinced me to follow this series and allowed me to feel so spectacular for so long has to be the one that I consider my favorite
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mekkanicalsol · 9 months
[Draft Intro] Implemented name input, figured out unskippable scenes. There’s poor grammar there yes I know but this isn’t a final product I’ll fix things up I prommy
I had my plans for it posted on twitter but I’ll relay them here once more:
• Will work exclusively on 6 routes in correspondence to the bosses in MM1. (Elec, Cut, Guts, Bomb, Fire, Ice) Might be funny if I did a game for each group of bosses IF I’m feeling up to it.
•Alternatively, I could go with 3 RMs from 1 and 3 RMs from 2, but I’ll run a poll later on which ones would be most desired.
•Might just go with a general black and white with accent-color scheming for all of the visuals because coloring everything would be time consuming.
•Character portraits will also likely be in B&W save for an accent color to help them stand out from the BG. Will include CGs.
•Protagonist/player is GN. Might have to come up with a design for them for CGs OR make the CGs exclusively within the first person POV, or both.
•Thinking of each route having a good, neutral, and bad ending.
•Choosing a RM to pursue might be formatted like how the games will show the bosses in a menu for you to choose from rather than go through with an entire story with all of them at once. This is a hard MAYBE though.
•Will likely ask for help on script writing and editing, etc. Suggestions are also welcome.
•ALSO will likely ask for help when it comes to art and backgrounds.
This is being made on CloudNovel, so a reasonable amount of features may or may not be limited.
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Title pending. Here’s a look at the start screen. Graphic design is my passion.
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gecemi09 · 23 days
Sailor Moon 90s' Season 1 intro is so iconic it's impossible to skip it. It's literally unskippable. Like holy hell why does this song slap so hard
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redjennies · 4 months
man like obviously I think Fallout New Vegas is better than 3 and 4 (like in a Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby way particularly between 3 and NV) but FNV fans use the absolute worst examples to illustrate this. like the intro thing. like first of all: I just replayed KOTOR2 and if you want to talk about long intros, obsidian has like gone into inescapable crushing debt with Peragus. second of all: the Fallout 4 intro isn't even really that long you just spent four hours of your miserable little life that you will never get back in the CC. and THIRD and most importantly of all: the Fallout 3 is long but it's also iconic and I love it so much. it's not just a long, unskippable intro to a middling video game. it is THE long, unskippable intro to a middling video game. you literally watch yourself get born and play as a baby. like it is the creme de la creme, the magnum opus, the dare I say the GOAT of long, unskippable intros, and I wish I never left the fucking vault.
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