#usually always recognisable
hunter-nightwind · 7 months
What ever form Hunter shapeshifts into his colours and markings will always be more or less the same. There's occasionally a little difference, but it's usually always recognisable as Hunter. The only exceptions to this rule are creatures which are only one colour like ravens. He's usually always got his beard in some form too, even if it's only a black patch of colour on his chin. And he can't escape from being a little on the chubby side either. .:: Images under cut ::.
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wyrmswears · 10 months
re: AA/GT crossover post, some thoughts about the crossover:
- Athena would totally be able to tell if someone or something was possessed with her mood matrix
- (free space) Maya & Pearl channeling ghosts, Phoenix possibly dying and being saved
- Camila & Athena have had similar headphones :-)
- Larry Butz sees Banana Man's drip and copies his outfit
- Green Detective is Payne's more successful younger brother
- Gumshoe & Jowd get drinks together often. Mistaken for each other on occasion due to their fashion sense
(sorry I've been a long time fan of both so these were just sitting in my brain bahahaha)
block the tag 'ghost trick spoilers'
1. SHE WOULD! i imagine she would be able to hear some underlying fear or confusion from the person being possessed that doesnt match the ghost's emotions.
2. i think phoenix is genuinely incapable of dying with his current track record. on the topic of spirit channeling though, i think sissel is the kind of guy to be sceptical of it until he sees it, despite all the supernatural aspects of his life.
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3 & 4. im going to have to draw some outfit swaps arent i (another anon also asked for outfit swaps so... i suppose ill do a compilation)
5. this is such a niche headcanon i am now adopting it
6. im sure gumshoe and jowd would get along very well!! both have some very exciting stories to share over drinks..
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threehousing · 6 months
posting again after almost 2 months and seeing all the regulars appear in my notes got me feelin emotional i won’t lie to u all
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celecaster · 1 month
I wish I had a job cleaning up dead bodies because it feels like the only job I might fidn tolerable long-term. No need to do much thinking, minimal socialising and I'm not spooked by dead bodies so it wouldn't weight down on me.
#d#I'm doing this thing again where I'm posting but I can't get myself to look at the dash#I'm really antsy over other people#I always am but more than usual#I feel like even though my circumstances are better now than before#I feel worse than I've ever been#I can neither move on from the few relationships I botched and the lack of 'subtitute' worsens things#I just feel a different form of suicidal#Neither antsy and impulsive nor passive in the background#It feels like an active looming suicidality but one of resignation#A verh definite feeling of wanting to give up because nothing's going to improve#I cannot make the people I look up to even recognise I exist#And I have nothing going on for myself in isolaion#I just can't think of a reason to live and nobody's giving me any or answering my questions and pleas#It's like my frantic resentment is just a small sort of gloominess#One where it's difficult to resist the impulse for dying because it makes no meaningful difference#My life isn't valuable to the people I like so it's evident it makes no difference when I die#I've become too weak to sustain myself so I'm dependent on people who ignore me no matter how directly I try to ask for them to help#And I feel sick that I still feel like people think my problem is just that I'm too stubborn to 'ask for help'#As if there's anything subtle about how I feel and what I want#It may simply be pointless to ask and I disappoint myself by holding hope for anything#What a loathsome existence... years of effort to find I have never done anything meaningful or good is haunting me forever#At the very least I would die with a little more contentment if I could feel like my existence and actions were valuable#Not in the half-hearted 'everyone is intrinsically valuable' way#I want merit for something I chose to put effort in#Not because I want 'merit' alone but because I want the choice itself to matter#Because it just feels too much like it doesn't matter what I choose because everything I do is pointless and ineffectual#Knowing an action I did had the desired consequence makes me feel like there is still a 'point' to actively choosing and doing and changing#But because nothing comes out of my attempts despite the amount of effort suicide does not merely feel 'simple'#It feels inevitable in the way that the sun must always set at night
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shatlass · 1 year
i genuinely so love how fandoms have their own ways of talking. in jokes, references, styles, expectations. like, yeah, it’s silly but i rarely find it cringy or annoying when people are just having fun and connecting with each other about a common interest
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starpros-sunshine · 5 months
Maybe I should do a side blog for live blogs so I can stop bothering my acquaintanceships about it....
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bobendsneyder64 · 9 months
This is so weird. I just found out, through a random instagram story, that I have a condition called Aphantasia. This means that I cannot see mental images. My brain is just words, I never see anything. I always thought that that was normal and thought that the people who could see stuff were special. Guess it's the other way around. Huh, this is a really weird day
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shoutlikethewolf · 2 years
🎸 lessons update: me being my usual perfectionist self thought I’d be a bit behind because I felt like I hadn’t practiced enough, only to be proven wrong by my teacher being impressed at how fast I’m learning. 🤘
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reallyhardy · 1 year
ooooo 11am spongebob musical's UK tour cast is gonna be announced 🥳
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devon-usher · 1 year
What are your opinions on hoodies?
Comfy and full of personality! Never leave home without one. Also wear one at home.
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jakeperalta · 2 years
it's funny to think that in a few years time we'll get the current gif trends (big gifs, lots of blending and gradient maps etc) occasionally crossing our dashes and be able to immediately go "oh that's definitely from 2022" the way that we can with all the previous trends that have come and gone
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The unfortunate cycle of Get Sad -> Feel Desire to Self-Isolate -> Get Lonely -> Get Sad
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mostlykind · 1 year
I keep seeing the same bus driver when I get the bus home and I genuinely think I need start saying hi to him. like ur driving me home…we’re literally besties
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torterrachampion · 1 year
Mochijun reads cocoon entwined?
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truly despise and always feel betrayed by year-long time skips in long form stories. especially in those with weekly updates like manga. and when the timeskips occur at a point where the plot is still escalating.
i imagine that waking up from a coma would feel like this. you spend months if not years growing up with someone. you have weekly catchups with them, and think about them in the time in between. you wonder how they'll continue to grow and are excited to be there for it. you have every reason to believe that you will grow beside them and be by their side for every step they take tobovercome the deep-rooted problems that have been highlighted in the last 5 arcs. then you blink and suddenly they and everyone in their life are several years older. you can recognise them, sure, but they're no longer the same people. everything's off.
i feel like a mother who lost their child's growing years, it sucks there's this sense of loss and confusion and helplessness. like darn i thought this was supposed to be my comfort media, i didn't even think i could feel betrayed in this manner.
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yououghtaknow · 1 year
biting and killing and biting and killing
#just need to vent a little. here we are in the tags as per usual.#SO my avoidance of people has gotten A Lot Worse Lately#and my severe fear of rejection is making it so i can't even mention i got tickets to a concert some of my friend are going to in our gc#because i feel like that's Wrong and Bad and will make me Evil if i do it#because i'm stealing attention and manipulating them into spending time with me#which i can recognise is. a bit of an irrational response.#but i'm just SO FRUSTRATED with myself#i haven't told like half of my friends i'm moving in two weeks because i haven't seen them irl#and whenever i talk to people in real life i chronically overshare and cannot force myself to shut up and it's BAD#no matter what way i do it i always end up doing it wrong#i just want to Connect with people and Be with them but i can't do it!!!!#my social anxiety is still So Bad and i'm beginning to think it may be a part of a bigger issue#i've been questioning having avpd (avoidant personality disorder) for a while and i'm gonna talk to my therapist about it when i see him#because i have been Repeatedly Validated that it is Okay to talk to my friends but i physically can't do it without having a panic attack#and that!!! is something i want help with!!! because it feels bad!!! but i can't Reach Out!!!!!!!!!!!!#luckily i have plans to see a lot of them irl on wednesday so hopefully i can talk about some of this stuff then#but until then i just have to exist in my silly little isolation purgatory#at least i'm rewatching rvd and it's so good. currently on killing thee mr honey#i think i will go get a little snack and keep watching my show and do some uquizzes and then try to sleep#i had like a 3 hour nap today so it's okay to be up a little late#this has fully just turned into me journalling but it's okay this is my blog
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