anonymouscuzwhynot001 17 days
the fact that vertina is included in their family 馃槶 馃
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confessionsofkotlc 2 months
I think there's going to be a plot twist about Vertina in a future book.
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I wanna write a fic where Jolie, Alvar, Wylie, Rayni, Brant, and Vertina are all humans in a friend group and are two years older than Sophie
Like they're all good until Brant almost kills Jolie and Brant, Alvar, and Rayni are revealed to be members of a gang. Well Rayni used to be in the gang. And Wylie still has his tragic backstory too.
Jolie + Sophie + Amy sisterhood.
I have so many plans omg
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crymeariveronceagain 2 years
vertina angst story about how she's just like a magical forest nymph bound for eternally to a mirror and that's why she's so pissy all the time.
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whatever you so don't think about Jolie Vertina "window sleepovers"
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daydream-draws 1 year
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what if we were girl best friends and i was in love with you (also i鈥檓 a mirror)
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isolde-illustrates 2 months
This character is technically a very small role, but I am bored, so here me out.
Vertical is actually a half human, half elf, and she was trapped inside the mirror by the Council to avoid letting the species continue to mix. The Council originally used these mirrors as a way to store prisoners, but erased the idea from their brain to avoid the guilt of it.
These mirror prisons are actually massive, mainly their depths, large enough for a person to stand up and squat, but for the prisoner, they are extremely small considering.
The Council made it so that the prisoners would have sedated air sprayed whenever a person was not within range to interrogate them, so the prisoners often became very forgetful of their past selves. They could dream, but that amount of time would keep them from remembering their old lives.
Since the memory of this was erased, the Council did not know that these were genuinely trapped prisoners and ended up "programming" these people to hwlp with beauty care. However, almost all of them did not work, except Vertina, who had previously worked at a salon and whose father was a dressmaker and used to teach her the skills before he died, having been a human.
Due to the lack of knowledge the mirror prisoners has about beauty, and how the technopaths could not figure out how to program them before putting them in stores, most of the mirrors were discarded and ended up stacked up in Mysterium after the noble families rejected them. Jolie was one of the only ones who kept her mirror, and she could never shake the feeling that the programming was too much like a real person. She was going to get Tinker to look at Vertina after she learned of a technopath in the Black Swan, but Forkle denied her the chance until she would figure out at least one identity of the Neverseen. Tinker was going to do it in Jolie's memory after Forkle eventually told her, trying to respect the memory of a fellow Black Swan member, but when she attempted to go there during Jolie's funeral to fix the mirror, she was unsuccessful in the hour she had.
Vespera was the creator of these mirrors. Once they put her relative, Vertina, in one of the mirrors, she refused to continue them, breaking a lot of the mirrors. Had she not done that, they would have put her in one when they finally realized that she had been searching to find the ability to be ruthless. Vespera had cleverly made a condition that she did not tell the Council the way to create the mirror, so the secret to its making was put away with her. Had she not gone numbers, she would have searched for Vertina. Her search for ruthlessness had started with the want to be strong enough to fight to regain Vertina without her mind shattering from whatever she had to do to bring back her relative.
A lot of the designs that Vertina favors tends to be older styles, similar to what Vespera wore.
Vertina used to have a short haircut (just above the shoulders), but had started to grow her hair out to look more like Vespera. Now, it is grown out by choice. There is no way for her to cut her hair, and the mirror makes her appearance look nicer than it is.
Vertina is really good at finger combing her hair as a result. She also gets nutrients from an air filter in the mirror that reflects the gnomes' photosynthesis.
Any time the mirrors tried to discuss their predicament, the mirror would force itself to shut down, sedating the prisoner, which is why it took Jolie so long to figure out that something was wrong about the mirror.
Here's an old drawing of Biana and Vertina. I like to imagine that her sort of rudeness comes from the fact that she was around twelve years old when she was trapped, so while she has aged, she has not gotten the chance to mentally mature. Her mental capabilities are that of a fourteen year old now because of how much Jolie talked to her, but she still lost a huge amount of the teaching that would have been given to a twelve year old. Her lack of maturity would translate to moments when she thinks of scars as ugly, but then has to rethink her thoughts and "see beauty from the heart" as Jolie used to say.
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The last panel is hard to read, but it is supposed to be Vertina telling Biana, "It's nice to dee someone who embraces naturlal beauty." I kind of hate this art cause it didn't come out the way I wanted and it's half a year old, but it fits with the theme of the post, so I might as well include it.
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purplesoup-lad-le 7 months
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cime get yalls vertina
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bookwyrminspiration 1 year
i don鈥檛 think we talk enough about how hilarious it is that the elves invented AI, like on a sentient (but still programmed) level, but stopped and abandoned the idea because it kept insulting their fashion choices. like that鈥檚 such an impressive feat and such a petty reason. the whole series is fantasy except for whatever sci-fi fuckery is going on with spectral mirrors
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rusted-phone-calls 7 months
the bond between a girl and her sentient mirror entity bff 藛_藛 nothing bad could ever happen to them. surely
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synonymroll648 2 years
the ultimate off-page kotlc love triangle was between brant and jolie and vertina. discuss.聽
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that-glasses-dog 2 years
vertina... that ai girl in jolie's mirror. they were best friends, right? verti was distraught after jolie died.
jolie probably confessed and confided in vertina, her closest friend. they made nicknames and shared stories and laughed and cried together. and at times vertina would desperately wish she was truly real, so just once she could reach out and touch jolie. to hold her hand, hug her, ...perhaps even kiss her.
what i'm saying is vertina had a crush on jolie
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Wdym vertina doesn't have bangs
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jimdead 8 months
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anomanxious 1 year
You should draw Sophie with Hope! Or Sophie setting something on fire!
I agree. The true use of hope the dagger is applying eyeliner though.
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rattypants 2 years
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part two of my short haired sophie comic! (part one here)
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