#virtual employee engagement
headsupcorporation · 8 months
Best Employee Engagement Activities Ideas
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Our Employee Engagement Activities Ideas are designed to create a dynamic and inclusive workplace culture. we offer a diverse range of initiatives to keep employees motivated and connected. virtual employee engagement activities and fun employee engagement activities Check Now
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PerkSweet is an innovative software company with the ambitious goal of bringing positivity to the workplace.
PerkSweet was founded with the mission of making all employees feel valued in the workplace. A positive work environment creates happy workers who drive successful companies.
At PerkSweet, we work with global corporations of all sizes to improve employee engagement through our innovative software platform.
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channeltechnologies · 2 years
When you think about why you need to spend on employee engagement activities, remember that businesses with engaged workforces outperform their competitors by up to 22% in terms of profitability, according to a study of Gallup.
If you’re in doubt about how you can implement these creative employee engagement ideas, don’t worry!
Get in touch with our team of experts for a free consultation. https://channel-technologies.com/event-management/
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teambuilder · 2 years
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Team Builders is one of the leading corporate team building companies in India. Our personal and friendly approach enables us to work closely with our clients to find the right event and create unforgettable experiences. Our team-building activities and events provide entertainment using only the best equipment. As a responsible activity provider, health and safety are a major priority. Let's make learning fun. Partner with Team Builders Now!
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richakalam · 2 months
Chatwise Shares is a dynamic
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Chatwise Shares is a dynamic and forward-thinking tech company that specializes in creating innovative solutions for seamless communication and collaboration in the modern workplace. Their flagship product, Chatwise Connect, is a comprehensive platform that integrates chat, video conferencing, file sharing, and project management tools into one intuitive interface.
In an office scenario, employees at Chatwise Shares experience a highly interactive and collaborative environment. Teams use Chatwise Connect to stay connected, share ideas, and collaborate on projects in real-time. The platform's user-friendly interface makes it easy for employees to communicate across departments and locations, fostering a culture of teamwork and innovation.
One unique feature of Chatwise Connect is its virtual meeting rooms, which allow team members to join video conferences and collaborate on documents simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for remote teams, as it enables them to work together as if they were in the same room.
Another key aspect of Chatwise Shares' office culture is its focus on work-life balance. The company offers flexible work hours and remote work options, allowing employees to manage their schedules in a way that suits their lifestyle. This flexibility helps employees maintain a healthy work-life balance, leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.
Overall, Chatwise Shares is a company that values collaboration, innovation, and work-life balance. Through its innovative products and employee-centric culture, it has created a dynamic and engaging workplace where employees can thrive and succeed.
#writing#chatwise app benifits#chatwise app#Chatwise.co.uk#Chatwise Shares is a dynamic and forward-thinking tech company that specializes in creating innovative solutions for seamless communication#Chatwise Connect#is a comprehensive platform that integrates chat#video conferencing#file sharing#and project management tools into one intuitive interface.#In an office scenario#employees at Chatwise Shares experience a highly interactive and collaborative environment. Teams use Chatwise Connect to stay connected#share ideas#and collaborate on projects in real-time. The platform's user-friendly interface makes it easy for employees to communicate across departme#fostering a culture of teamwork and innovation.#One unique feature of Chatwise Connect is its virtual meeting rooms#which allow team members to join video conferences and collaborate on documents simultaneously. This feature is particularly useful for rem#as it enables them to work together as if they were in the same room.#Another key aspect of Chatwise Shares' office culture is its focus on work-life balance. The company offers flexible work hours and remote#allowing employees to manage their schedules in a way that suits their lifestyle. This flexibility helps employees maintain a healthy work-#leading to increased job satisfaction and productivity.#Overall#Chatwise Shares is a company that values collaboration#innovation#and work-life balance. Through its innovative products and employee-centric culture#it has created a dynamic and engaging workplace where employees can thrive and succeed.
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edverse133 · 1 year
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prarticle02 · 2 years
The strength of every company is its employees. Every employer must focus on improving employee engagement to make sure they continue to stay motivated and in the company for a long time. Employee engagement is an important metric of success for most organizations. Now companies have started to invest in employee engagement platforms to see tangible results and ensure employees’ performance is at its peak. Many companies are still in double minds about employee engagement software. That’s why, we’re here to help. In today’s blog, we’ll tell you the top five advantages of employee engagement software:  
Two-way Conversation: Employee and employer should have a two-way conversation and together work towards a single goal. New-age digital tools such as virtual conference platforms can promote an honest conversation between employees and employers. When conversations take place, issues tend to resolve and thus, employees feel heard. Employee engagement platform gives employees a voice and thus, they also tend to feel more confident.  
Better employee retention: Retaining talent is one of the main struggles of every organization. In some reports, it is found that the cost of retention is much lesser than the cost of acquiring and training new talent. With the help of an employee engagement platform, companies can see higher retention rates. Tools such as virtual conference platforms, and online meeting platforms, help employees and employers connect and discuss more.  
Better productivity: Employee productivity is directly linked to the company’s success. An engaged employee is more likely to perform better. When an employer uses an employee engagement platform, the employee feels more valued and thus, tends to deliver on the metric of productivity.  
Better company reputation: Employees are the biggest advocators of your company. Their word will spread very fast and thus, you need to ensure you keep them satisfied and foster a good working environment. When you use a new-age employee engagement platform and other hybrid event platforms to connect with the workforce, you will see a boost in your company’s reputation. Some companies even strive to earn the badge of the ‘best place to work at’ title so they can hire good talent basis that.  
Simpler on-boarding: With employee engagement software, a lot can be automated. Therefore, with smart tools and hybrid event platforms, employee on-boarding too can become a lot easier, even if the employee is based out of a different state.  
These are the top five benefits of employee engagement software. Small and large companies are now leveraging the benefits of new-age employee engagement software, online meeting platforms, virtual conference platform and so on. They’ve already seen benefits in their company’s growth and ROI; it’s time you try it too. If you want to know more about employee engagement platforms or online meeting platforms which are far better than the ones available in the market now, reach out to Zuddl. They are the experts and offer a robust employee engagement platform, an online meeting platform, and more. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with Zuddl to get their best employee engagement platform now. 
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eagle-flights-india · 2 years
Role of Virtual Group Games in Organizational Growth and Development
Realize why using time effectively in Virtual group games are so significant.
"Regardless of how splendid your psyche or technique is, assuming you're playing a performance game, you'll forever miss out to a group." - Reid Hoffman.         
Virtual employee engagement activity can assist in adjusting your time and offer phenomenal techniques to unite your employees for effective team development. How about we look at how these virtual team games can help your gathering turn into an A-group? These team-building games encourage employees to maintain strong interpersonal communication and create a culture of teamwork and collaboration.                                
Importance of Virtual Employee Engagement Activity  
Virtual group games assist individuals in developing a productive work culture by eliminating communication barriers and inculcating better employee cooperation. Research shows that organizations with profoundly drawn representatives produce 2.5 times more pay than those with low commitment levels.
To sum up, each firm should participate in some virtual employee engagement activity since they give various advantages like-   
Elevating representative confidence
Redesigning correspondence among workers
Building trust among workers
Assists partners with getting to know one another better
Settle the struggles
Expansion in joint effort plans
Expansion in inventiveness
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framez-events · 2 years
Leading Virtual Event Management & Organizer in India | Framez Events
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Framez is a leading virtual event management company in India located in Bangalore. Which offers various virtual events, virtual conferences, virtual exhibitions, product launches, employee engagement & many more. Our in-house production & creative team customized your events as per your business goals & needs. Contact us now & get state-of-the-art technology and digitalization in your next virtual events. Click here https://bit.ly/3PGI0aD
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apas-95 · 4 months
ultimately, idol culture is (and has been for the many decades since it came about) the reduction of celebrity to *specifically* the selling and leveraging of parasocial connection.
unlike more diluted forms of celebrity, like the star musician, the point of an idol is not their music, often fairly generic filler itself - the point of idol music is to engage with and 'support' the idol. idol concerts, and fan events, and behind-the-scenes media, and variety shows, are all about the idol themselves, about fostering an obsession, among the audience, with a carefully-crafted corporate persona manifested through an extremely exploited and overworked employee.
the idol's image is the product, the parasocial relationship millions of people have with the persona of a young, attractive, single, and importantly *palatable* non-smoker (with some minor, manufactured idiosyncracy to latch on to, like 'the serious one'). that relationship, once constructed and maintained, can be leveraged by slapping the idol's face onto a brand deal with the promise of 'supporting the idol', or directly for ticket sales. this is nothing at all new, this has been the industry standard for decades, and plenty of people have gone through the 'idol factory -> idol group -> variety show circuit' route.
the only real innovations in the field have come with the rise of virtual idols, whose largest contribution has been the corporate confidence to more openly sexualise their idols, and an update to an even more 'intimate' and 'real' parasocial relationship to the idol persona - both, somewhat unintuitively, allowed by the same sense of anomymity simultaneously, more clearly than ever disconnecting the persona from the actual employee, but also hiding the existence of the employee at all.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
Do you all have any proof that Invictus wants nothing to do with Harry or is it just a hunch based on narratives you’ve made up yourselves? Or maybe it is just wishful thinking on your part?
First off, reading and context is fundamental. No one has said Invictus wants nothing to do with Harry. We’re saying that it doesn’t make sense why Invictus keeps Harry around when he doesn’t appear to provide them any value. From a liability and risk management perspective, they have to be doing something to protect themselves from his lack of engagement.
And it is actually data-driven speculation. I don’t make stuff up here; I am always researching, I am always reading, I am always learning, and that is what informs my theories. There is very little I take at face-value.
But since your insult was polite, I’ll let you look at my homework instead of telling you to go figure it out yourself. Just this one time.
So this is the financial report from the UK charity registry:
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Expenses (money going out) and income (money coming in, i.e. the donations) are virtually the same. In other words: as of 2022, Invictus is barely breaking even. This is not good; it means, more or less, they're one crisis away from some serious problems.
It also means that their actual Games - which, in 2022 would have been The Hague/Dutch IG - are expensed entirely by the host city. So basically, the charity itself is nothing more than a glorified events planner spending someone else's money. That's...not exactly the mission we're told that Invictus Games is.
Now, that orange line there on the bottom is what the UK calls "governance." (In the US, we call it "administrative.") This is what it means, from IG's 2022 financial report:
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Note that this doesn't include salaries for the 12 (as of 12/31/2022) employees at IG. According to Giving is Great, a UK charity watchdog, senior staff costs (i.e. salaries and benefits) is 26%, or approximately £500,000. Add the governance/admin costs, and we're looking at £750,000 a year just to keep the charity's lights on. When your total budget is £2 million, that's a big chunk of change. 40%, in fact.
Second let's look at their income. The UK charity registry breaks the "gross income" down into several subcategories. For Invictus Games:
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(The column headers were cut off but from left to right it's 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.)
Meaning that in 2022, their income came from donations, trading, and charitable activities.
(Remember that in 2020, the Royal Foundation made a £1 million donation to Invictus Games, which I believe makes up the majority of that £1.4m donation. If that assumption is correct, then that means in 2020, Harry was only able to fundraise an additional £400,000 in donations. Now, 2020 was a very difficult year for a lot of charities and nonprofits so that steep dropoff isn't unusual to see in the financial reports.)
Now from the 2022 financial report, here's what these categories mean:
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So just really quick. Unrestricted means that the recipient chooses where/how to spend the money. Restricted means that the donor directs where/how the charity spends the money. So Invictus could spend £381K of the donations (Category #2) anywhere they wanted to, but for the remaining £700K of donations they received, they had to follow specific directions on how to use it.
What this is saying is that of the total income earned by Invictus Games in 2022, only £1.08 million came from donations.
Now, in my (volunteer) experience working in nonprofit fundraising most lay people (i.e. members of the general public who donate to charities) don't usually direct or designate their donation. So most of the regular donations are going into the unrestricted pot. Corporate donors, sponsors, or partners are more likely to give restricted gifts, where they direct how the money will be spent. So based on my experience, I feel comfortable assuming, or suggesting, that £231,447 received in unrestricted donations is people like, you, me, and Sussex Squad donating to Invictus out of pocket.
That's a pretty poor showing. And in my opinion, it's a direct reflection of Harry's leadership; he isn't inspiring people to donate to Invictus. Instead, the bulk of Invictus's income/donations is coming from corporate sponsorships.
Most charities cannot survive on corporate sponsorships and partnerships. It does not guarantee long-term survival. Long-term survival is predicated on investments, endowments, and contracts...which Invictus doesn't have, which means their patron isn't doing his share.
Third let's look at the actual Games themselves. The Hague/Dutch IG was given a budget of €15 million (~$16 million). According to this leaked letter from the Dusseldorf IG Committee, the Hague IG Games actually ended up costing €25 million (~$27 million). That's a 60% increase, and it's impossible for all of that to be due to COVID-related inflation.
Going backed to the leaked Dusseldorf IG letter, their budget was about €27 million (~$29 million). It's being reported that the Dusseldorf IG actually ended up costing closer to €37 million (~$40 million). This is a 37% increase; they were also very over budget.
And in March 2023, Invictus Games 2025 signed and published, to their website, a Contribution Agreement outlining that Canada's budget for the Vancouver IG is $30 million CAD (~$22 million USD); $15 million CAD (~$11 million USD) from the province of British Columbia and $15 million CAD from the government of Canada.
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So if I split the baby for budget overrun [(60% + 37%)/2=48.5%], we're looking at Vancouver IG to probably end up costing around $44.5 million CAD.
In other words...they're in trouble. Meaning that Invictus and its board should be working together with the local corporation(s) to cut costs and increase savings/get new sponsors and partners. Meaning that the patron should be out there campaigning and fundraising for money or figuring out how and where to cut costs...but he isn't.
Or those efforts aren't visible. Not when the competing PR is about Harry's attacks on the BRF, Spare, Meghan's merching, and stories like this one of key leaders being abruptly fired and whistleblowers leaking to the press.
Now why would someone be abruptly fired without notice? It's not for shock and awe. It's either for incredible malfeasance (like fraud and embezzlement) or because someone much higher up wanted it. Since there's no paper trail or proof of wrongdoing - which Vancouver IG would have leaked in some way, shape or form - all the evidence strongly suggests the two men were fired because someone else demanded it. Maybe, say, someone who costs so much more than he's actually worth, who causes more problems than solves, who has alienated a lot of public goodwill. Of course, that's just pure speculation. But it is strange. One person getting fired without notice, sure, not really worth paying attention. But two people? And two people who purportedly know a whole lot about what's happening behind closed doors? That's hinky.
Have I forgotten anything?
Oh, right. This: growing criticism and dissatisfaction from local host-nation communities, Invictus's competitors and their families, and social media over the Sussexes' inability (and disinterest) to promote anyone but themselves whilst attending events.
The last thing any brand wants (or needs) is an ambassador that alienates their core customer base and prospective supporters and dominates the news with controversy. Brands, including nonprofit organizations, rely pretty heavily on:
The goodwill and positive attention their ambassadors generate
The users, fans, supporters, customers, and consumers that follow their ambassadors and
The networks their ambassadors move in.
Harry doesn't do any of that either:
He loses public goodwill every time he opens his mouth and invites only criticism.
The customers (the veterans and their families) aren't happy that their efforts are overshadowed. The consumers (people at home following along) are unhappy and dissatisfied that they can't find information about the competitors or the Games themselves because the only press coverage is about Harry and Meghan.
Harry is completely excluded from the royal, military, international, and aristo networks that propped him up 10 years ago to launch this thing. Invictus can't tap into that anymore, so why should they keep him around?
Let's review.
Invictus's expenses and income barely break even. Further, their reserves allow them to operate for less than one whole year. That's a really uncomfortable place to be in. Where is their patron to help seek out income streams that would build up their reserves?
Based on donation data, they're wheezing along on spit and prayer. They rely almost exclusively on corporate sponsors/partners. There's no investments, no endowments, no contracts. Actual "from the people" donations is just paltry. Where is their patron to lead fundraising campaigns, recruit new sponsors, develop investment opportunities?
The costs to host the Games keeps ballooning. Some cost overrun is normal, expected, and even budgeted for, but not the amounts that Invictus keeps turning out. Where is their patron to help look for new partners or charm everyone over with budget cuts?
There was a personnel shakeup in the Vancouver 2025 leadership that caused a lot of questions and concerns about their readiness to host their events and revealed a lot of morale issues. Where was their patron to calm the chaos?
There's growing criticism over the patron's behavior that is reflecting badly on Invictus Games and their brand. Where is the patron changing his behavior, changing his attitude, changing his priority?
I'll tell you where the patron is. He and his wife are flying around the world to party at Soho Houses, whine about being cut off from his family after he spent 3 years attacking them, spending other people's money in ridiculous ways, and getting wastedly high after his wife and kids go to bed.
The longer Invictus Games is associated with that, the more it reflects on them and their brand. They can't afford that. Not when they're promoting themselves as "family friendly" or "family supporting" (which is how they've justified Meghan's involvement).
It doesn't make any sense for them to keep Harry on. He's not fundraising for them. He's not schmoozing. He costs more money than he brings in. The people they serve don't like him. He isn't bringing big donors in. He isn't speaking to or supporting his family.
And allllllllll this together is why I say "I wouldn't be surprised if Invictus is trying to phase Harry out." It's why I say "depending on how well Germany Invictys 2024 goes, that may be the proof they can survive without him."
It's data-driven speculation. Not something I've made up. The only thing that's made up is the speculation about why two senior leaders were so abruptly fired. But that isn't even part of the analysis or the calculation.
Next time, anon, you're doing your own fucking research.
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candywife333 · 7 months
I Wouldn't Even Touch You with a Stick
PART 4 of Just Want to See You Like That
This series is based on Jungkook's 3D and is probably going to have close to 6-7 parts, depending on where the storyline takes me. I'm feeling a bit dramatic, so expect a lot of angst. Tumblr is going to be referenced in this fic under a different name, Bumblr (I know, totally goofy name).
Summary: Y/N, an overworked employee at HYBE , only ever posted on Bumblr when she was feeling cornered. It was truly her escape. She didn't really do insta or even twitter. Most people would look at her and think this glass wearing quiet girl would most probably be posting pics of flowers and cute animals. But no, looks could be deceiving. Y/N's posts were far from innocent. In fact , they were borderline risque. She didn't expect anybody but a few horny people to come across these pics; people who would view and compliment in the best case scenario. What she didn't expect was that a certain star would be a regular consumer of her material. A star that technically had no business simping after her like that.
Disclaimer: This work is not representative of the real Jungkook's personality and behavior. It is merely fiction and please treat it as such.
Trigger Warning: voyeurism, exhibitionism, some swearing
Please don't read the fic if any of these themes are disturbing or offensive to you.
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I was floored. I had to go to the get together I promised Tae I would attend. But overwhelming anxiety and panic were piling up into the crevices of my brain. Nobody was supposed to find out about my virtual alter ego. It was supposed to just stay a sexy risqué self exploration that never left the bounds of the internet. Now I literally had a celebrity on my hands who knew about my deepest darkest secret. How was he even consuming all the stuff I put out when his league was different. He had models and actresses and other singers at his beck and call, more beautiful than me. He could merely wink at them and have them dropping their panties for him.
Why the hell was he watching my cellulite ridden, thick jiggly ass and fleshy thighs wrapped in cheap red lingerie? He could have his pick of the lot but he was spending every other day commenting on how gorgeous my ass was and how he would love to bury his face in my pussy?!?!?
He has to be my Mr.DaddyofPop. He was the only one of my followers that had such prominent tatoos (as far as I knew anyway). I was flattered but utterly disgusted at the same time. This dude was a complete fuckboy, engaging in hanky panky regularly with literal staff ?!?! Unprofessional, unethical, and certainly lacking dignity. These were all good descriptors for him. He came off as a deep soul on his profile. But I guess the only thing really deep about him was how deep he could thrust into random girls on the regular.
I righted myself in the bathroom mirror, sprucing up my hair and applying some lipgloss and clear mascara. Well, if he thought he knew me, I would just deny it. After his blatant accusation, I had scuttled off nonchalantly, citing that I had some meeting to attend to.
Gathering everything I needed, and taking my bra off, replacing it with nipple covers, I walked out the door, into the crisp winter air ready to deny any and everything he was ready to label me. Acting obtuse would do the trick.
I didn't even want to attend, but if I did not, I would be forced to withstand the wrath of Taehyung. I got into a cab and was dropped off at a restaurant 5 minutes away. As I walked into the entrance of the establishment, I heard the boisterous laughter of many men. Taehyung caught sight of me and galloped towards me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder, pushing me towards a massive table loaded with boys sporting branded clothes I could never afford. Noodle dishes of every shape and size littered the space , " Gentlemen, this is my wonderful, amazing friend Y/N. She recently got promoted from maintenance staff to admin manager. Give her a hearty round of applause please".
I blushed profusely as I saw many grins and heard the thunderous claps directed towards me. I sat down between Taehyung and Jungkook (who I despised at this point) as there were not many chairs left. The dude must've been inebriated because he was not even giving me personal space. His gargantuan thighs were spread wide into a position I disdained the most, the man spread. My particular compunction with this positioning was the same reason every time, it intruded upon the space of the person seated next to criminal ***cough, cough***, aka man-spreader.
My thighs were not dainty little ballerina limbs, so they did take up space. To my dismay, the disgusting man wouldn't even move his legs slightly to make space for me. He encroached upon my territory by jamming his bony knee into one of my plush thighs. Why couldn't he be like Taehyung, who had a sense of personal space.
I sat there minimizing myself into a tiny compartment so as to evade his touch. But Mr. StupidEntity did not get the message, and so even as I withdraw into myself even more, his freaking skeletal knee continued to lean up against my soft warm thigh. I gave up at a point, because if I were to continue caring, I would probably erupt like a volcano at the table, spewing insults and vitriol at him without stop.
As uncomfortable as I felt, I started talking to Namjoon and Yoongi as they started asking me how I liked the new job. "It is alright so far. Mainly secretarial work and keeping track of appointments scheduled for the different teams. The work is familiar to me, so I am not having any difficulty so far".
Namjoon smiled timidly as he crooned in his raspy voice, " That is great to hear. I remember Bang PD always praising you in front of us even a year back, telling us how efficient you were. We didn't understand why he was talking about a maintenance staff at the time. But when you were absent for even just a week last year, so many things started falling part. The cafeteria had run out of supplies for lunch that week because nobody had done inventory and the bathroom sinks were stuck because nobody was there to do a maintenance check on them. Even our practice room had a nonfunctioning speaker that you would have replaced, but since you had left, nobody else bothered".
Yoongi continued with a soft look in his eye, "If it weren't for you, my sound system would have died on me. It is only because of your regular checkups, that I didn't have to replace some of my equipment". I felt warm at all the praise, so happy to see that my work had made difference. I beamed effusively, elated at their acknowledgements ," That makes me so happy to hear. You don't even know how much all this means to me". Caught up in my jubilant glow, I was taken aback when I noticed a black beady glare filled with irritation pointed my way.
Partly disturbed by the continuous glare that I could drilling into my soul, I turned towards Jungkook asking, "Do you need help with anything Jungkook-ssi?" I shifted my upper torso towards him, to see what the issue was. It seemed as though the man was about to say something since his jet black eyebrows pulled back into pointed peaks, cynically shimmering in the light. Expecting a biting remark, I braced myself for the onslaught. However, I was met with a different predicament altogether. The maknae, ingenue, and Casanova of BTS fell onto my tits with a plop face first. His face was smothered into my cleavage, nose stuffed right between my breasts. Holy mother of Jesus!!! wHAT The FUCK Was I suPPOSEd to do?????
The previously loud table of people all became pin drop silent at seeing the rather mind boggling scene playing out before them. Some of the boys felt like they were hallucinating, particularly Taehyung. I was stunned for a second before, I attempted to get Jungkook off of me, his full dead body weight leaning up against me. I screeched in surprise, "Jungkook-ssi please get off of me". I pulled his arms away trying to disengage his soft lips from mouthing at my breasts. Wait. WTF?!?!! Why did I feel soft lips sucking on the skin of my tits?!!?!
I was becoming livid with anger. Not only could this guy not have any decency or manners, but he was literally harassing me in front of a bunch of people way above me. Even as I pushed very hard to get him away from me, I felt his massive arms come around my back, to encircle me in a rather... intimate embrace. He shoved his head further into my tits, almost shoving my shirt down enough to reach my nipples. Thank god for the nipple covers. He wanted to suffocate in them? What was this dude doing?
He whined out, "So soft and warm. Want to live here forever. Smells like home". He continued mouthing at my tits, now involving his teeth to create marks on my skin. All the boys at the table were stunned till Namjoon ran to us, and shoved Jungkook off. Jungkook fell off his chair due to the force of the push, and I covered my tits with my bag in front of me, adjusting my top as I ran off to the bathroom before Taehyung or anyone could stop me.
This dude was a menace, a literal menace. Was he a cave man or something, turning dumb at the sight of tits? He had been staring at them previously also, but why did he do something as ridiculous as this?He was risking his morality ,reputation, and name. As far as I could recount, nobody ever told me at HYBE that this dude harassed women.
Feeling flushed, overheated, and annoyingly enough, aroused to some degree, I adjusted the top after running a damp paper towel over my tits, to get his cooties off of me. I would need a relaxing bath to calm myself down. I shouldn't have even come to this outing. What a nuisance. As I slowly walked out of the restroom, ready to just clandestinely slip out the door of the restaurant to get back home, I felt arms around my waist stopping me. Taehyung whimpered out in distress, "Y/N we need your help".
I turned around to him , with a drained look in my eye, "Not now Tae. That situation was too much for me to process. I need to get home. Have work again tomorrow". He gulped as he squeaked out in clear desperation, clutching my hands in his, eyes looking down at the floor in embarrassment , "Jungkook said that he won't leave the restaurant unless he goes back home with you. He is fighting the rest of the members because he can't see you. Please Y/N! The guy is literally crying, refusing to leave until you take him with you".
I stood there alarmed at this situation. "What the hell do you mean tae? I barely even know the dude. He is so bloody weird. First he smacked his face into my boobs and harassed me. And now he requests to go home with me as though I were his wife or girlfriend?"
Taehyung gripped my hands tighter as he stammered out, " Please Y/N. I know it is a lot to ask, but he has been going through a lot lately, with all his activities and professional commitments. He seems like he is mentally breaking down right now, and if he was with you, he might not completely lose it. Please just do me this one favor. Host him for just one night at your house. Call me if he does any shenanigans and I will rip him away from you otherwise".
My resolve to avoid this dude drained away. I was exhausted. It would just be one bizarre night, that's it right? I would let him sleep the night and he would leave the next morning. Anyway, I had a taser on me. If he tried to get frisky , he'd be zapped the fuck out. I gestured to Taehyung ,"Well bring on the pain, why don't you"?
taglist: @fortunecookiesworld, @sporadicarcadebanana
@darkuni63 , @jessicalynn85 ,
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saltygilmores · 8 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls- Season 2, Episode 22 (Last Episode of the Season). "I Can't Get Started" Part 3. Aka The Lore & Crusty Pork Party, Aka This Is Not A Post For People Who Like To Read Nice Things About Lorelai Gilmore
Can't believe how close I am to wrapping up the 2nd season, ya'll. And It only took me over a year to get here. Bout ready to tackle The Jess season. Yipes. Feel free to waste your life and catch up on the previous 40-some odd recaps here
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They're confused about what just happened because foreplay from Crusty is a foreign concept to both of them.
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This is usually the part on Forensic Files where we learn of the victim's last known whereabouts.
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Well, his track record with you seems to be pretty good so far so he figures the odds are in his favor.
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At least it's...indoors this time.
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Ma'am, you really just engaged in sexual intercourse at your place of employment. I hope you didn't leave any fun surprises for your maids. Lorelai walks into the kitchen at this undefined time of the night to find Sookie in her wedding dress having a panic attack, attempting to sabotage her wedding cake. Lorelai at first appears supportive and calms Sookie down. She then proceeds to interject herself into this situation in such a mindbogglingly selfish and tone deaf way, one so unbelivable that it blew me away. The only other time I've had to rewind a scene to make sure I had heard something correctly because it was so unbelievable was the time Liz Danes said she drank while she was pregnant. Well here ya go.
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And with that fucking GRIN on her face. I think Sookie meant "talk to me about how otters hold hands when they float", not how mere moments ago your ex baby daddy was sticking his Crusty wiener in you. Lorelai Gilmore, you are a terrible friend, you're selfish and thoughtless, you are a bad role model for your child, you're a terrible employer and employee and people only work for you because the tourism industry has the shaky economies of small towns in a stranglehold, you hold grudges against teenage boys while having affairs with other teenage boys, and you gleefully sleep with Crusties and brag about it. And you're just annoying. You are irredeemable. You have built up such a backlog of bad karma there is virtually nothing you could do it in the future to make your soul clean. Sookie pretends to care about whether or not the porking was any good and Lorelai says that it was so she's a liar as well. You can't judge the quality of a porking that only lasts about a minute and a half. Lorelai and Sookie proceed to discuss Lorelai and Lorelai only for the next several minutes and at no point does the subject of Sookie, Jackson, or her imminent wedding return to the conversation. Then Lore has to go. She has to return to her sullied motel room to bring Christopher the snacks he demanded she fetch him.
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You... want to hear all the disgusting details of Lorelai and Christopher's hookup...during your wedding? Just before she departs to return to Crusty, Lorelai dips into her near empty barrell of non-selfish thoughts and scrapes it until she finds a "You look beautiful" and a hug for Sookie. L: You go get some sleep. S: And you go... get some!
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I envisioned Lorelai taking Crusty's face and shoving it into that plate of food, or just fucking upending the plate, but her maids will have enough work cleaning up their crusty filth so we’ll spare them. I now have "Plate to the face gif" in my Google search history, but my search was sadly unsuccesful. I hope they both choke on a grape. Crusty: What is this? It's good. Lorelai: I don't know, but if Sookie asks who ate it, pin it on Michel. You...did...NOT!!!! Are we sure he didn’t pull a Milton from Office Space and set the Inn on fire in season 3?
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Let me remind you that this current season of the Lore and Crusty Naked Wrestling Foundation (LCNWF) started at Rory’s doctor’s appointment and has been less than 24 hours long. L: I have to think about Rory. We can't go changing everything on her now. Glad you thought of the impact of your actions on your daughter for once (after you first expressed concern for the impact your tragic booty call would have on yourself, and then Sherry, THEN Rory). You think she's not used to this crap by now? High on Crusty-Hormones, these two psycopaths decide they're going to "Give things a try" and HEY LOOK EVERYONE! LOOK WHO IT IS!!!!! THE BABY! HI BABY!
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He's a wizard.
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He returned because he knew we missed ADMIRING THE BABY!!! ADMIRE THE BABY.
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From the Conversations I Have Outloud With Myself Files: Me:Okay, he returned. How does he integrate back into society? Me: What are you talking about, Me, Stars Hollow is not society.
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That looks like a plain gray tshirt to me (okay, when the camera gets a little closer look it does seem to have some kind of faded, barely perceptible design on it...but go off about the butt shirt, Lucas).
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Wish I could travel back to 2016, when I was losing my Gilmore Girls virginity, still a naive little buttercup with no idea he was only going to stick around for one more season. This being on the cusp of season 3, it always hurts.
Luke, being the snitch that he is (remember how he told Jess where to find Rory in 6x8?) informs Jess of Rory's whereabouts at Sookie's wedding, but warns him not to intefere, because Rory and Dean are still together and they have such a good thing going on. How he knows the status of their relation-shit these days, I'm not really sure, since he's still freezing Lorelai out and finally enjoying some peace and quiet at work. He is no longer hearing every detail of her and Rory's lives on a daily basis, not getting paid, wishing he could just shove a bunch of donuts in her mouth and shut her up for one god damn minute. Of course, Rory and Dean prove to be more than capable of spending years fucking over their own relationship time and time again without Jess' interference.
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Okay, just be back by suppertime, love you, mwah.
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anotherkindofmindpod · 10 months
I just listened to a series of episodes on Allen Klein on another podcast I generally enjoy and was surprised by how I felt they didn't give enough attention or weight to Klein's hostile and aggressive treatment of Paul. I find super detailed discussions of specific events, missteps, and actions by both "camps" in this period almost superfluous compared to the foundational truth that Klein's approach to and treatment of Paul was totally inappropriate for someone who wanted to *be his employee and represent his interests,* which required a strong element of trust. That would be true in any situation with any person, but bullying and intimidation were also the absolute worst approach to take with Paul, in particular. This is a trend I notice in discussions of this period in general. For all his alleged ability to read people, Klein pegged Paul totally wrong from the start. Even if all of the other business stuff didn't happen, it still seems to me that Paul would have found it fundamentally untenable to be treated like this by Klein (and his bandmates and closest friends), especially at this stage in his life and career. Klein may have realized that but certainly underestimated it and assumed Paul would be unhappy but cowed by the other three (mostly John) and the payoff of Klein's presumed financial success for the band. He never seems to have seriously attempted to course correct or change his approach, even right up through Paul's lawsuit. I don't think he imagined in a million years Paul would reach his breaking point and leave the band, but I find it hard to see any other eventual outcome (though it may have taken longer to happen if events had played out differently). There seems to be this obsession now with identifying specific business events during this time and assigning weight and blame, alongside a bizarre new trend to reassess or rehabilitate Klein's image by concluding "actually, Klein wasn't a bad manager for the Beatles because he got them more royalties!" I've found that most of these conversations ignore or minimize what seems to me the obvious truth that Klein's approach was doomed to failure from the start because he just did not understand Paul at the most basic level. Approaching the conversation like this also seems to weirdly ignore the fact that Paul was an actual member of the band and Klein was not -- Paul and Klein's behavior and actions toward each other are often assessed in the same way, as if Klein were a Beatle himself. Sorry for this monster of a message, but I apparently have a lot of feelings about this!
We got you, fam! We spend 30 minutes on Klein in our latest episode (answering an ask similar to yours!). Listen HERE Suffice to say: We agree with you on all points and then some! Thank you for taking the time it write in and thank you for listening to AKOM ❤️ My full rebuttal is in the ep, but here's the excerpt from The McCartney Legacy I read:
In London, Justice Stamp handed down his decision on March 12, 1971, and it vindicated virtually every clause of McCartney's complaint. Listening to his brother-in-law's summary of the verdict over the phone, McCartney felt the jubilation that comes from having an uninvolved third party listen to your argument and agree entirely-a striking contrast to the fruitless debates in which he engaged with John and George all through 1969.
Justice Stamp found that the appointment of Klein and ABKCO to run Apple without McCartney's agreement was "a breach in the terms of the partnership deed.” Moreover, he noted that in several cases, Klein had taken fees greater than those to which he was entitled -or as he put it when addressing Klein's commission on EMI earnings, "ABKCO has made grossly excessive claims for commission and has received commission grossly in excess of that specified" in the agreement engaging Klein to manage Apple.
He found that decisions were made that Paul was not, but should have been, consulted about, and he gave the back of his hand to the other Beatles' argument that Paul sometimes could not be found, noting that if they could not reach him directly, they could have gone through his legal adviser, John Eastman. In one especially egregious case, he found that the Beatles and Apple had "acted in bad faith" by making a "covert oral agreement increasing ABKCO's commission" without McCartney's knowledge and consent--a "grave breach of duties" as McCartney's partners.
He also called out Klein's dishonesty in two sections of his affidavit and expressed irritation with Finer, who knew that those sections were inaccurate, but when challenged by Hirst, described them as "silly" and a mistake- something that, Justice Stamp argued, was a waste of the court's time. Klein's statements, he added, "read to me like the irresponsible patter of a second-rate salesman." Nor was he much impressed by Klein's explanation that his recent tax conviction was just a misunderstanding.
The bottom line was, Justice Stamp agreed that both business and personal considerations militated toward the dissolution of the partnership.
"Each of the Beatles has made and is making recordings otherwise than as the group of four referred to in the partnership deed. There is an issue whether the product of these separate recordings is or is not partnership property."
If so, he continued, this would cause "the odd situation" in which the four Beatles, "exercising their art separately, with inevitably varying degrees of skill and success" are contributing to the
partnership in different proportions, all under the management of Klein, who McCartney mistrusts. if, on the other hand, the income from solo work was not "partnership property” as McCartney argued, the Beatles would be competing against one another, and possibly against Beatles recordings. Either way, the judge wrote, the best solution was to bring the partnership to an end.
"The squabblings which are described in detail in the affidavit evidence may in truth be attributable primarily to the management situation but also to the situation in which the Beatles find themselves in the respects which I just mentioned. Confidence is gone; and although the discontinuance of joint recordings- and I am satisfied on the evidence the possibility of their being resumed is negligible-is not in theory destructive of the partnership, it may be thought as a practical matter that it would be inequitable to do otherwise than dissolve it."
Justice Stamp added a final nail to the partnership's coffin by noting that the other Beatles and Klein had treated McCartney unfairly, and that this was unlikely to change.
"The circumstances regarding the appointment of ABKCO and subsequent surreptitious increase of its remuneration point clearly to the conclusion that the Defendants are prepared, in conjunction with or at the instance of Mr. Klein, to make the most important decisions without regard to the interests of the Plaintiff."
Having ordered the partnership dissolved, Justice Stamp turned to McCartney's demand for the appointment of a receiver. "The financial situation is confused, uncertain and confusing; he wrote. "A receiver is, in my judgment, needed not merely to secure the assets, but so that there may be a firm hand to manage the business fairly as between the partners and to produce order.
He appointed James Douglas Spooner, a London chartered accountant with a reputation as a "company doctor," as receiver and manager. But he agreed to allow a week for the Beatles and Apple to prepare and file an appeal. They did so on March 19, but on April 26, they dropped their appeal, opting instead to negotiate Paul's exit from the partnership agreement.
Airing their dirty laundry in public view had not done the normally PR-savvy mop tops any favors, but for McCartney it was a necessary first step to diminish Klein's control of Apple and, Paul hoped, turn John, George, and Ringo on to Klein's nefarious ways.
"I was doing something for them (the other Beatles], McCartney explained. *I had to go after him [Klein], it was obvious I had to go after him, but I had to go after him in this incredibly crazed way. You know, after all that love and peace I had to turn 'round and sue my brothers. But no one could find any other way for me to make a stand against Klein, so I had to do that.... And obviously they hated me for a period after it because all they could see was me just trying to screw them?
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Whether you call it “tattleware,” “bossware,” or “surveillance capitalism,” Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) has had enough of exploitative workplace monitoring technologies. Late last week, Casey and a handful of other Senate Democrats introduced the Stop Spying Bosses Act, which would help protect workers from intrusive employer surveillance both on and off the clock.
The legislation would require “timely and public” disclosures by companies about the data they’re collecting on employees, prohibit businesses from using surveillance practices that obstruct union organizing or monitor workers while they’re off the clock, and create a new division of the Department of Labor to regulate workplace surveillance. Sens. Cory Booker, John Fetterman, Elizabeth Warren, and Brian Schatz are cosponsoring the bill, which has also garnered support from some major labor groups.
Workplace surveillance has been a growing area of concern for Democrats in the past few years, as the shift to remote work during the pandemic has prompted increased use of employee monitoring technologies. Since the onset of the pandemic, the percentage of large companies that digitally monitor their workers has doubled, to more than 60%. At a time when managers can no longer keep an eye on workers in the office, they’ve increasingly relied on technologies such as keylogger software, geolocation tools that track workers’ physical movements, and even software that monitors worker attentiveness with webcams, using biometric data to scrutinize minute body movements and facial expressions.
Currently, federal law gives workers few protections from these kinds of surveillance practices. The Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 does have some safeguards against workplace monitoring, but it has wide-ranging exceptions that allow employers to keep tabs on virtually all communications for “legitimate business purposes.” Currently, no federal law requires employers to disclose that they are monitoring workers, though individual states are increasingly taking steps to protect workers’ rights. In May 2022, for example, New York passed a law requiring private companies to publicly disclose whether employees will be electronically monitored, following similar legislation in Delaware and Connecticut. In California, a bill introduced last year would eliminate tools like facial recognition and emotion recognition technologies from the workplace.
The National Labor Relations Board is beginning to address the issue at the federal level, too. Last fall, the agency’s general counsel, Jennifer Abruzzo, issued a memo indicating that companies have overreached with their aggressive surveillance. She recommended that the NLRB impose a requirement that employers tell workers about the surveillance tools they use to monitor them, the justifications for those tools, and how they use the information they collect from workers.
In the memo, Abruzzo also acknowledged “abusive electronic monitoring” could interfere with employees’ right to organize a union or engage in other protected labor activities. As I’ve written before, unions around the country are currently in the middle of negotiating how data collected on workers can be used by employers. At companies like Amazon, unionization efforts are being driven partly by a culture of relentless workplace surveillance—and in some cases employers are responding to unionization efforts by doubling down on digital monitoring. Whole Foods, which is owned by Amazon, used heat maps to identify its stores at risk of unionization, according to Insider.
While the bill isn’t likely to pass in a divided Congress, it’s a sign that the proliferation of workplace surveillance during the pandemic is finally getting more national attention. “As the power imbalance in workplaces continues to grow, employers are increasingly using invasive surveillance technologies that allow them to track their workers like pieces of equipment,” Casey said in a statement introducing the legislation. “The Stop Spying Bosses Act is a first step to level the playing field for workers by holding their bosses accountable.”
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zerosecurity · 1 day
Exposing the Dark Web Scam: Fake Pegasus Spyware Code Sold for Millions
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Cybercriminals are capitalizing on the infamous reputation of the Pegasus spyware, duping unsuspecting victims on the dark web. According to a recent investigation by the cybersecurity firm CloudSEK, threat actors are systematically leveraging the Pegasus name to perpetrate a widespread scam, offering randomly generated source codes falsely associated with the potent spyware for exorbitant prices, sometimes exceeding a million dollars.
Dissecting the Scam: Insights from Months of Research
CloudSEK's report sheds light on the intricate workings of this scam, which emerged shortly after Apple warned about a "mercenary spyware" attack targeting users across 92 countries. The cybersecurity firm's researchers delved deep into the dark web, analyzing approximately 25,000 posts on platforms like Telegram, many of which claimed to sell authentic Pegasus source code. Anuj Sharma, the lead investigator and security researcher at CloudSEK, underscored the detrimental impact of this scam, stating: The misuse of Pegasus's name, logo, and identity by underground sources has led to significant misinformation about the tool, confusing both experts and the public about its true capabilities and origin. The deliberate misrepresentation complicates the attribution of cyberattacks, making it harder to determine the source and nature of the spyware being used.
Engaging with Potential Sellers: Uncovering Fake Samples and Inflated Prices
CloudSEK researchers went a step further, directly engaging with over 150 potential sellers claiming to offer Pegasus-related services. Through these interactions, they accessed purported Pegasus source code samples, live demonstrations, file structures, and snapshots. However, after analyzing 15 samples and over 30 indicators from various intelligence sources, the researchers concluded that nearly all samples were fraudulent and ineffective. The report also identified six instances of fake Pegasus HVNC (Hidden Virtual Network Computing) samples distributed on the dark web between May 2022 and January 2024. Moreover, the scam extended to code-sharing platforms on the surface web, where scammers disseminated their own randomly generated source codes, falsely associating them with the Pegasus spyware. In one particularly brazen case, a group named Deanon ClubV7 announced on April 5 that they had obtained legitimate access to Pegasus and were offering permanent access for a staggering fee of $1.5 million. The group claimed to be the first to secure access to Pegasus and boasted about selling four accesses within just two days, raking in a total of $6 million.
Combating the Scam: Employee Awareness and Strict Access Controls
To combat this widespread scam, CloudSEK emphasizes the importance of employee awareness and implementing strict access controls. Sharma recommends providing regular updates and alerts about the latest scam tactics involving Pegasus and similar high-profile names, as well as implementing network monitoring to identify unusual activity that might indicate employees accessing the dark web or IRC platforms. Strict access controls should be implemented to limit and monitor employees' ability to visit potentially dangerous sites or download unauthorized software, reducing the risk of falling victim to such scams. Read the full article
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