#wang leehom
wumbletumblebumble · 1 year
I can't figure out if this is just an innocent song to teach the Chinese zodiac, promo for a movie, or if there's some deeper meaning but I was first introduced to this over a decade ago and it popped into my head recently and i can't stop thinking about it.
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mattidwan · 17 days
i had such a crush on wang leehom in high school ☆彡
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nonenglishsongs · 1 year
王力宏 - Julia (Mandarin)
Leehom Wang - Julia
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mediamatinees · 1 year
How Eileen Chang Revived My Fascination With the 'Femme Fatale'
Content Warning: Lust, Caution contains scenes of graphic violence, nudity, and discussions of murder (the book only hints at these things). The movie also depicts sexual assault. Viewer discretion is advised. Spoilers for Lust, Caution (book and film) ahead! femme fa·​tale (noun) 1 : a seductive woman who lures men into dangerous or compromising situations 2 : a woman who attracts men by an…
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doublebillposters · 2 years
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Alternative film poster for Blackhat (USA, 2015), directed by Michael Mann. His latest film is a brooding, high-tech, abstract urban thriller, revealing how cyber security and crime are deeply embedded into our global economy. Memorable quote: “This isn’t about money. This isn’t about politics. I can target anyone, anything, anywhere.” Designed by Mathieu Vancamp and Sarah Schrauwen for doublebill.design.
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moviemosaics · 2 years
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directed by Michael Mann, 2015
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tranquildr3ams · 2 months
Music Obsessions - March 2024
Losing track of time is honestly the theme of 2024 so that’s why this month’s music obsessions is coming at the end of the month instead of the beginning. However, we’re here with another Taiwanese singer as we dive into our next one. While I wanted to alternate between male and female singers, I ended up listening to a lot of this singer recently out of spontaneity so we’re just rolling with it.…
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xoshepard · 2 months
tagged by @spacedoutmermaid in what i can only assume is a terrible prank because my url as an x in it
rules: pick a song for every letter of your url and tag that many people
x: i'll give you TWO!!! xing qiu by jj lin or xin zhong de ri yue by wang leehom (two of my high school faves shoutout to all my chinese high school friends for preparing me for this moment)
o: outta my mind by monsune
s: sea salt quadron
h: hangang by hoody
e: everything she wants by wham!
p: pantone 17 1330 by yuna
a: already there by emily king
r: the rush by janelle monae (spotify listed it under the r's so im counting it :3)
d: distance (m-flo remix) by utada hikaru
no pressure tags: @moonske @jurassicparkiii @menacingmetal @solisaureus @stormikins @tulliusmaximus and anyone else who wants to!
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tuturuue · 9 months
Omg Jeff performed a Wang Leehom song with Chen Chusheng and Cai Guoqing for Round 4
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ilhoonftw · 2 months
4m reunion? alexa play kiss goodbye by wang leehom
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potteresque-ire · 2 years
In light of @rainbowsky 's recent response to an ask, I thought this information may be useful for i-fans:
(Under the cut: On the Chinese paparazzi — why Chinese netizens think they're abysmal at their jobs, and why their words should be taken with little more than a grain of salt.)
Whether it's the paparazzi 劉 大錘 who recently made news in our fandom , or other paparazzis sharing similar nicknames such as 江 小宴 and 張 小寒, they've been ... a bit of a laughing stock among c-ent melon watchers. The "explosive news" these paps promise, which are often hinted several days before the reveal to generate hype, usually involve stars who aren't particularly famous, or are long-suspected, stale pieces of "melon". The evidence presented is often flimsy, such as one or two blurry pictures.
Once, the "evidence" was ... an illustrated comic.
The teasing of Chinese paparazzi's ineptness reached a high point back in June, when it took a Taiwanese paparazzi, 葛 斯齊 Ge Siqi, to expose the alleged infidelity of a mainland Chinese rich-businessman-celebrity, 汪 小菲 Wang Xiaofei. Why did the Taiwanese care? Because Wang's wife at the time of the alleged affair was a famous Taiwanese star, Barbie Hsu 徐 熙媛.
Along with teasing, clinging to every word of the live broadcast by Ge, the Taiwanese pap, Chinese netizens, desperate to know the latest and the freshest gossip, scaled the Firewall to the Taiwanese news sites best known for such content.
TVBS. Apple Daily. The latter being the cousin of Hong Kong's famous Apple Daily, the evil, horrible "pro-Hong Kong independence" newspaper that has been shut down by the government.
The Chinese netizens screenshot the gossip and posted it on Weibo, blurring out the Apple logo, and logos of other "politically incorrect" news outlets. They had experience doing that; they had done that during 王 力宏 Leehom Wang's messy divorce as well.
The Taiwanese, they sighed, know how to make entertainment entertaining.
The whole Wang ordeal was such a blow to the ... "dignity" of the Chinese paparazzi that a legendary figure — to the melon-watchers of c-ent, at least — vowed his return. Zhuowei 卓偉 had a title bestowed upon him by the Chinese media, which the Chinese netizens actually agreed on: 中國內地第一狗仔 The Number One Paparazzi of Mainland China.
Oh, you may ask, so China has skilled paparazzi, after all? Where had Zhuowei been then? Why had he allowed his colleagues to be humiliated in the first place? He vowed a return ... where had he gone to?
Since I'm writing this, some of you may have already guessed. Zhuowei, along with other capable paparazzi of his time, have all been censored since 2017.
In June of that year, the Cyberspace Administration of China (網信辦 CAC) ordered the online social media platforms to shut down the pap's accounts.
The CAC instructions were as follows (Source):
... 責令網站切實履行主體責任,加強用戶賬號管理,積極傳播社會主義核心價值觀,營造健康向上主流輿論環境,採取有效措施遏制渲染演藝明星緋聞隱私、炒作明星炫富享樂、低俗媚俗之風等問題。
... To order websites to earnestly perform their main responsibilities, strengthen user account management, actively disseminate core socialist values, create a healthy and upward mainstream public opinion environment, and take effective measures to curb issues such as exaggerating the scandals and private matters of celebrities, hyping the wealth and leisure pursuit of celebrities, and promoting vulgar kitsch.
Weibo made a similarly-worded official statement about the censorship. Since then, Zhuowei and the paps' "crime" have been summarized by four words: 低俗追星 Vulgar Star-Chasing.
* Nods *, in China, even the paparazzi are expected to "disseminate core socialist values". But this expectation is in direct conflict with the pap's job, isn't it? Papping is a "dirty-laundry airing" profession. While their work's superficial purpose is to provide gossip to melon-eaters, it also necessarily reveals the not-so-nice things about society, particularly among the rich and famous. The powerful people.
Zhuowei never returned. His new social media account was shut down a few days later.
In July, Ge, The Taiwanese Pap, hosted an author's event for his new book. To the Taiwanese media, he revealed another reason why Chinese paparazzi have had their hands tied at their work, in addition to having to spread "core socialist values". While speaking about his early working experience in the mainland (he had actually collaborated with Zhuowei before), he mentioned what had happened when he had tried to follow a Chinese singer (Source):
This singer in China always made friends with the children of government officials. When I worked in the mainland, I wanted to follow him, but I was told by the paps there to not do it, because I would have my everything taken away if I did. There was another paparazzi who followed (the singer) and immediately, their home was searched by the police — it was really like having everything taken.
In short: the reason was corruption. Chinese celebrities making, using their ties with the government to get away with things. The government, helping the celebrities cover things up. The paps, with neither money nor status nor fame nor power, paying a dear price for doing their job.
Papping in China can be a high-risk profession.
How do the 2022 Chinese paparazzi make a living then? Their findings do raise some interest among the Chinese melon-eaters, but the interest tends to be short-lived, and there's competition amongst themselves. Even if they do make a jaw-dropping, explosive discovery one day, chances are, it will involve dirty laundry non-compliant with core socialist values, and they'll have difficulties finding outlets or platforms willing to buy the photos or other evidence — because these outlets and platforms are, too, bound by core socialist values and may never get their investments returned, should the published articles get censored right away.
What do the paps do then? What have they done to get the best financial return from their livelihood?
I'm not a Chinese paparazzi (seriously!) and have no personal connections with them. However, if the many mentions in the Chinese melon blogs are to be believed, then, most likely, the paps will first try to sell the evidence to the celebrities involved — especially if the celebrities involved are sufficiently famous, and have the financial resources to make a (very) generous offer: both for the evidence and for the paps to not say a word about it to anyone. It's very, very commonly mentioned in melon blogs that the management of some (unnamed) celebrity has bought back an incriminating photo of them, for example, staying the night in a hotel with a member of the opposite sex ...
This means: the Chinese paps of 2022 are often half-paps, half-blackmailers.
This also means: their words cannot be taken with more than a grain of salt.
Paps also have a set of professional ethics they're supposed to follow, as crazy as it may sound. I shall let Zhuowei describe it for you, as he did in the preface of Ge's new book (Source). The quote also provided indirect evidence that Chinese stars had a habit of paying the paps:
I remember, many years ago, we exposed the romance of a super-star couple. At that time, they said to the photographer who took the picture, "How much is it? We'll buy it." and the photographer replied flatly, "Our news does not work like this." Fortunately, as far as my colleagues are concerned, most of them stick to the bottom line, keep to their original intentions, and make lemonade out of lemons. For the truth in the news, "I'll charge even when thousands of people have." I think, this is what the professions of reporters and paparazzi have passed on, as the greatest positive energy to the society.
Was it self-aggrandizing, equating the work of paparazzis with that of news reporters? Many would think so. At the same time, though, there is some truth in what Zhuowei said. The words of anyone tasked to report facts cannot be taken seriously, if money can buy their silence; if whatever they wish to expose must be filtered through ... core socialist values.
The eroded professionalism of Chinese paparazzis may not be their fault; it may be more the consequence of their sociopolitical environment. However, in all cases, their trustworthiness as a source of truth has been compromised, and c-ent melon-eaters are aware of it as well, aware that there may be a reason why "explosive" news from the paps now involves mostly smaller stars, who are less able to pay; why evidence to these news is often shaky, if existent at all.
And so, to those of you who're reading this, who may have been recently told that a Chinese pap's word is The Final Word: now you know that in the opinion of their regular audience, the current crop of Chinese paparazzi isn't exactly the star performers of their profession. You may have also gained some understanding why, too. Hopefully, this information can help update your decision on how to interpret That Final Word.
And I'll wrap this once-again-too-long-thing with: if someone tells you Final Words like these again, please be aware that these tellers may know all along that the Final Words are by people who aren't particularly qualified to give them, and "forget" to communicate the fact. The language, the information barrier between c- and i-fandoms make it easy for such prevarication to happen. The ineptness of c-paps is actually rather well-known among c-ent watchers, fans included.
That night, when the Pap's Word got on the hot search, most c-turtles were playing peacefully in their corner, happy and unperturbed. Adding to their ease was: what had happened — what @rainbowsky explained, about the auto-reply — had been known among c-turtles for a day or two already.
The Word didn't faze them. After all, when it comes to seeing love, millions of human eyes are far, far better than a hidden camera lens. ❤️.💚
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zenyteehee · 5 months
Got tagged by @xraiyax thank you! :D it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these
Last Song: Bridge of Fate - Wang Leehom
Gotta give a shoutout to Dear Alcohol by Dax tho, been listening to that on repeat for the past month. It’s a mood
Favorite color: blue
Currently watching: uhhhh Mr. Nightmare on youtube (I have neither the mental energy, time, nor attention span for anything else 😂)
Last TV show/movie: Wonka. My expectations were low, but it turned out to be very good
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: any, depending on my mood. I do pretty consistently have a sweet tooth tho and I love spicy food
Relationship Status: my feelings for my crush are reciprocated, but we live a thousand miles apart with no end in sight. It’s rather sad, really, but there it is
Current Obsession: Wonka 😂
Last google search: gram positive cocci in clusters 😂
Tagging: @cityofperpetualgloom @kittonafoxgirl @palfriendpatine66
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shadowetienne · 1 year
1 for the ask game!!!
How did you first get into K-Pop?
I was into C-pop long before I was into K-pop (which was introduced to through Jolin Tsai and Wang Leehom in 1999 when foster mom brought me back their respective first albums from a business trip to Taiwan, though older stuff had just sort of been around in the background with my foster family). Through C-pop, I encountered some bits and bobs of K-pop before I actually got into it, but nothing that grabbed me in such a way that I dug into it more.
Summer of 2011, when my now spouse and I were hanging out with some of their friends, they showed us a bunch of K-pop MVs (mainly SM groups that were active at that point: SJ, TVXQ (shortly after becoming 2 member), SHINee, f(x), SNSD). I really liked quite a few things, and kind of fell down a rabbit hole. The thing that really hooked me at that time was SJ-M though, which is where my prior exposure via C-pop is especially relevant.
Not that long after that (I could narrow this down to an exact day because it was a week to the day before a member left F.cuz), knowing @redeim liked K-pop, I asked him for recommendations, and got handed a bunch of non-SM groups from slightly smaller companies. F.cuz was a favorite, also the start of my blessing-curse of it's almost always my least favorite member who leaves. I got attached to a bunch of 2nd gen K-pop groups through this, and I was well and truly down the rabbit hole of being into K-pop.
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xiangqiankua · 2 years
Namewee 黃明志 Ft. G.E.M. 鄧紫棋【Stranger In The North 漂向北方 】 on spotify I gotta say, I like the G.E.M. version better than Wang Leehom, sorry. Heard this in a car in Taiwan, always makes me a bit melancholy. 
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ruanbaijie · 2 years
one fine day at the end of january 2021, I started panicking about the day I no longer had any ideas for the untamed gifsets, so I decided to challenge myself by starting a get to know me meme (see post here). I gave myself 100 sets to do - fully expecting to never ever finish them. 
less than 2 years and precisely 100 sets later (although along the way I might have cheated and changed 5 brotps to 5 cinematographies and one “romantic pairing” is more bromantic than romantic), I’m finally done!! 
this meme (series?) really pushed me out of my usual comfort zone of giffing (at that point of time I think I was still... 70% the untamed?), especially with giffing animated shows and more obscure shows. along the way, I picked up and practised new skills, new styles, new colouring tricks, and I’m really really glad that I took this on ( ˙꒳​˙ )
a summary of the 100 sets from my get to know me meme, bolded ones being my favourite edits that I’m really proud of:
🍁 5 cinematographies
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squid game
sweet home
🍁 5 groups
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karasuno volleyball club (haikyuu)
first years (jujutsu kaisen)
kamaboko squad (kimetsu no yaiba)
raizel's knights (noblesse)
tokyo manji gang (tokyo revengers)
🍁 5 animated films
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kimetsu no yaiba: mugen train
prince of egypt
spirit: stallion of the cimarron
spirited away
🍁 5 films
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alita: battle angel
the great wall
red cliff
train to busan
🍁 10 music videos
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aria of life (wagakki band)
believer (imagine dragons)
everybody (backstreet boys)
fantastic baby (big bang)
how you like that (blackpink)
kill this love (blackpink)
love ya (ss501)
my new swag (vava)
no fear of the deep ocean (lin hun)
stranger in the north (namwee ft. wang leehom)
🍁 10 animated shows
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jujutsu kaisen
kimetsu no yaiba
mo dao zu shi
tian guan ci fu
kabaneri of the iron fortress
shingeki no kyojin
tokyo revengers
🍁 10 shows
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alice in borderland
all of us are dead
the fiery priest
the king’s avatar
my roommate is a detective
scholar who walks the night
the untamed
word of honour
sweet home
zombie detective
🍁 10 scenes
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kuina kicking ass (alice in borderland)
thunderclap and flash (kimetsu no yaiba)
dance of the fire god (kimetsu no yaiba)
rengoku’s final words (kimetsu no yaiba)
this is just a club (haikyuu)
the general's funeral (the great wall)
not one of us (the lion king)
deliver us (the prince of egypt)
maeve being a badass (westworld)
yennefer being a badass (the witcher)
🍁 10 romantic pairings
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kurodachi (cherry magic)
jiling (lie huo jiao chou)
jung yi hyun & yoon sae bom (happiness)
gu wol ryung & seo hwa (gu family book)
weilan (guardian)
kagehina (haikyuu)
hualian (tian guan ci fu)
songxiao (the untamed)
wangxian (the untamed)
wenzhou (word of honour)
🍁 15 female characters
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diana bishop (a discovery of witches)
kuina hikari (alice in borderland)
mikasa ackerman (attack on titan)
kamado nezuko (kimetsu no yaiba)
kochou shinobu (kimetsu no yaiba)
lin mei (the great wall)
yoon sae bom (happiness)
zenin maki (jujutsu kaisen)
mori mako (pacific rim)
kang sae byeok (squid game)
nile freeman (the old guard)
luo qingyang (the untamed)
gu ryeon (tomorrow)
maeve millay (westworld)
yennefer (the witcher)
🍁 15 male characters
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akaza (kimetsu no yaiba)
wei wuxian (mo dao zu shi)
kageyama tobio (haikyuu!!)
sugawara koushi (haikyuu!!)
tsukishima kei (haikyuu!!)
jung yi hyun (happiness)
suoh mikoto (k project)
gojou satoru (jujutsu kaisen)
ye xiu (the king’s avatar)
qiao chusheng (my roommate is a detective)
ferid bathory (seraph of the end)
ichinose guren (seraph of the end)
jiang cheng (the untamed)
baji keisuke (tokyo revengers)
kang min ho / kim moo young (zombie detective)
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thronesfms · 2 years
╰  ┈  𝐀  𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍  𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃  𝐀  𝐍𝐄𝐖  𝐋𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑  :  fcs  for  hand  of  the  king  pls  ?  also  where  could  u  see  them  fitting  ?  are  there  any  connections  they  could  fill  ?  ty  sm  in  advance  🥺
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while  not  a  requirement  i'm  only  giving  35+  fcs  because  we'd  love  some  more  older  muses  :  anthony  mackie  ,  jessica  chastain  ,  deepika  padukone  ,  ana  de  armas  ,  sebastian  stan  ,  rachel  weisz  ,  charlize  theron  ,  hugh  dancy  ,  idris  elba  ,  andy  on  ,  jang  donggun  ,  wang  leehom  ,  diego  luna  ,  amy  adams  ,  gong  yoo  ,  sandra  oh  ,  bianca  lawson  .  honestly  ,  of  our  current  great  houses  i  believe  house  harlaw  and  martell  would  work  best  .  for  connections  :  viserra  targaryen's  wife  could  work  ,  the  former  lover  of  our  resident  lord  commander  of  the  king's  guard  ,  and  dilara  stark's  betrothal  if  you're  up  for  some  spice  .  if  you  can't  find  yourself  in  the  wanted  connections  ,  i  can  promise  you  that  everyone  will  be  so  excited  to  plot  with  you  that  your  dms  are  overflowing  .
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