#was there a hawkgirl at one point? did i dream that up???
laysean87 · 1 year
Am I Wrong? - a Justice League Unlimited fanfic
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Author: laysean87
Fandom/Continuity: Justice League & Justice League Unlimited, DC Animated Universe
Characters: Kator Hol/Carter Hall/Hawkman, Chay-Ara Hol/Shayera Hol/Hawkgirl, Bashari/John Stewart/Green Lantern
Pairing: Carter Hall/Shayera Hol/John Stewart or Kator Hol/Chay-Ara Hol/Bashari
Summary: Kator Hol's life crumbled right before his very eyes. His wife and his best friend were caught up in an extramarital love affair. At that moment, he wanted nothing more than to see them dead.
Notes: Set in Ancient Egypt, and set in the story told in "Ancient History."
This is a brief short of what must've been going through Kator Hol's head as he sees his own wife kissing his own best friend.
This is a rough draft of a short story. Constructive criticism would be appreciated, thanks.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters. They are the property of their respective owners - Warner Bros. and DC Comics
Am I wrong?
It was all Kator Hol could ask himself at that point. The sight he saw before him that early evening in the private garden below… was too much for him to bear. To be told about this by his high priest Hath-Set was one thing. It was another thing to actually see unfold before his very eyes.
He could barely keep it together as his hands clutched the rung of the balcony from where he stood. It was like having the serrated edges of a blade held against his throat. The pain would not leave him, no matter how hard he tried to hold it back.
He could never view Bashari the same way anymore. How could he have been so blind to not see this, to see how his own best friend's eye look towards his spouse? If he knew then what he knew now, he would've been far more assertive and protective of his wife.
More significant, he knew he could never see his wife Chay-Ara the same way. Not the same way he did when they were still younger long before they landed in the River Nile in Egypt. Not when she only had eyes for him and vice versa.
Yes, she wanted a child and wanted their bloodline to continue, that much he knew. But never in his wildest dreams did he think she would do something like this.
All I wanted was to help bring peace and stability to these human beings, to this world. To teach these humans how to live in perfect harmony with each other. Am I so wrong in wanting that that I neglected to see my own wife was lonely?
Was I so ambitious in my duty to these people who view us as godlike that she wanted my attention?
Am I so wrong in wanting to help these savages learn and see our way of living that I failed to give my wife what she really desires at this point?
These questions wouldn't stop spinning in his head. If he were honest with himself, he would say that the one to blame was himself. He should've seen it.
Now, as he stood staring down at his wife's betrayal, standing by as his closest friend pulled her closer to him in their passionate embrace, his brow furrowed as each hunger filled kiss they shared felt like a cutting dart, the poison-laced tip piercing his chest.
The injustice was the ultimate cruelty for him. And there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it.
His hands crushed the railing of the balcony, his eyes looked downward. He could no longer bear to see his best friend's betrayal and his wife's infidelity.
"I wish they were dead," he said in a low tone under his breath.
As he turned and walked away, little did he know that an extra pair of ears had listened to his request.
The End
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therulerofallpotatos · 10 months
Just had a badass dream. So I'm at college. Freshman i think but new to that school at least. I have a neighbor. He's this chill guy. Definitely new and more stressed about it than me. Anyways plot demands we have potential chemistry and we're kinda playing it by ear as we navigate our individual days.
At the same time.
There's 2 brothers on campus. They're ancient, immortal, gods. What they're gods of is unclear but one guy is giving Khaleesi's brother vibes (literally was given a flashback to his intro in GOT to compare) and the other is like the size if a worm rn. Worm is weak because he's losing his faithful.
So I meet him in the dorms by chance. He's stuck on a nameplate by a random dorm room and I help him get unstuck. I dont think about or see him again for a while.
So I'm navigating my own typical problems and unknown to me, chemistry guy is struggling w classes and Khaleesi bro knockoff is amassing local power. I run into chemistry guy after first day in the dorm hall. We take thd elevator together and we talk because i notice he's upset and i reach out. We're making plans to help him find his footing when we see his nameplate on his room had been crossed out and he's been expelled for poor grades. This is devastating and we exchange numbers so we can still talk
Timeskip. Not sure how long.
So my life has evolved and its pretty stable. I dont remember the details but shit goes sideways in a major way. Like i think an abusive and/or toxic bf died? I dont know but im unmorred and then WHO SHOWS UP? WORM! except he's not the size of a worm anymore. He's back to a fully sized man and this is when shit gets cinematic af. I pan out to watch myself (not literally my image but for simplicity lets say i looked like CW's Hawkgirl actress. Thats p close). Anyways i watch as im standing in the doorway of my apartment, and Worm bestows this ornate but simple gold choker/pendant on my throat which the moment it touches my skin (i "accept" it) it grows into this badass outfit a la Moon Knight but feminine and sexy and red. (P sure the gods were arabian? Not as in based on real religion. The guys themselves. It was vague and never explained in detail). Anyways Im apparently like a priestess or something now who has like a powerful artifact of my god now and im on a warpath for the other god now. And its cuz he's like indirectly to blame for my shit and he's evil and he's been hurting worm. So i was p pissed at him.
This is when i find out he's been amassing power and see his setup. V classic king of a club and debauchery type deal. I think i based it off of something i saw in Nikita at some point but i never got far in that show. Anyways this was when the khaleesi comparison happened especially cuz me walking up to him was parralleled to Khaleesi walking up to her brother.
I wake up before I can kill him but not before its revealed that Worm regained his faithful through literally magic gold beans and handing them out like candy including to ants to diversify his following for a more stable worship this time. I did tease him about doing a fairytail bit. Worm found this amusing as well.
I never saw chemistry boy again.
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frownyalfred · 3 years
me attempting to write an ensemble TLOU chapter: who the fuck is in the justice league again???
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cogentranting · 6 years
Possible Additions to the Legends Team:
(It has been stated that someone who has previously been introduced into the Arrowverse will be joining the Legends in the back half of the season. Anyone who is currently a series regular on another show I considered invalid (e.g. Wild Dog, Elongated Man, Guardian). I don’t know Supergirl well enough to put any of it’s characters on this list, and I think it’s pretty unlikely anyway. Vaguely in order from least likely to most likely)
Hawkman or Hawkgirl- Technically possible. However, it doesn’t really fit within the idea of a revolving cast and I don’t think either character is popular enough to justify bringing them back after such a long absence (Kendra might be more popular than I realize, Carter certainly isn’t)
Katana- Tatsu would be further up this list except that I’m pretty sure DC has put her off-limits in the same way that Deadshot and Deathstroke are. Katana’s been teased before on the show (early season 2) and is a character I really love who (at least partly because of DC’s restrictions) didn’t get to keep coming back and showing off her mad skills. Would be an interesting personality to add to the mix because, unlike all the others, she was married, had a kid, a stable life. Could fill some of the hole left by Stein, in that sense. She doesn’t have powers though, and the show might be looking for that after losing a powerhouse like Firestorm.
Ronnie Raymond- upside: we know Ronnie, he’s a well-liked character. However, the reason Ronnie was killed in the first place is because Robbie Amell didn’t want to be a regular on Legends. So it’s unlikely that it’s changed. He doesn’t have any sort of superpower or fighting ability- in theory he could retake the Firestorm mantle with a new partner but that might move from ‘filling the opening on the team” to a full ‘replacing Jax and Stein” vibe. Hoewever, he is the only character on this list who could easily replace Jax as ship engineer. 
Vixen (Mari)- She fits in with the story, the actress is available. She’s a known character. Her dynamic with Amaya and Kuasa would be interesting. But, she has the exact same power as Amaya, which is boring. The timeline complications of having both grandmother and granddaughter on the ship wearing the same totem are a little wonky, even for Legends. Adding her shifts the balance a little far into being a show about Vixen... with some other people too.
Huntress-  She hasn’t made an appearance in four years, so it seems unlikely that she’d suddenly pop back up so drastically. How would this happen, who’s gonna recruit her? There’s an existing rivalry with Sara, that could be fun. Her skill set isn’t that interesting at this point unless you wrote in some upgrades, which is possible. But then again the actress isn’t very good so do we really want her back full time
Artemis- Evelyn could get resolution and redemption without taking up space on Arrow (which seems to not have room for her). On the other hand, she wouldn’t be around any of the people she betrayed so her redemption would lose a lot of depth. I’m also not 100% sure she’s alive. Doesn’t quite fill the superpower powerhouse hole left by Firestorm. Does fill the role of “the young one” which Jax somewhat occupied. 
Nyssa- Not very likely because A. I think her actress has her own show and is unavailable B. her skillset is probably too similar to Sara’s and C. It would likely instantly launch her and Sara into a committed long-term relationship which I don’t think is something Legends wants to do with Sara at this juncture. Conversely, they did just reference the relationship between Sara and Nyssa and seem to be showing that Sara missed it which could be interpreted as plans to revisit it (or it could be interpreted in terms of it’s parallel to the Alex/Maggie relationship-- a positive relationship which is nonetheless definitively over). But also Nyssa’s awesome and I’m always down for more Nyssa. Though I’d prefer to keep her on Arrow, cuz I think she fits better there. 
Dr. Light- I don’t remember where we left Dr. Light. I think she’s on Earth 2? And she was only in one episode of Flash so it’s pretty unlikely. But hey it’d be fun. 
Star Girl (or Other JSA team member)- Of these Star Girl has the most development and is thus most likely, but also none of them were particularly remarkable, and it would probably end up a retread of Amaya’s season 2 plot. 
Arsenal- The timing probably doesn’t work out with when he’s returning to Arrow this season. And I think that if Roy were to return to the Arrowverse full time, it would be to Arrow, where all his connections are (technically both Ray and Sara know him but... yeah...) But story-wise, it’s easier to get Roy onto a time ship than it is to unfake his death, and I’ll take anything that gets me more Roy. (Speedy is also a vague possibility. Legends has a shorter season which might work for Willa Holland. But also seems pretty unlikely that they’d separate the Queen siblings like that)
Jesse Quick - She seems to be pretty thoroughly written out of the shows by this point and when she was around mostly had her story revolve around Wells and Wally, neither of whom are present. I also think she’s a full-time superhero on another world, so she has her hands full. But, fills the super power void, and is not being used on another show, and was well-liked by fans from what I can tell. 
Gypsy- Another potential super power big gun to  pull in, but potentially too big. Breachers are really powerful, particularly one as skilled and experienced as Cynthia. I also don’t think Flash wants to give her up. And she has a job on another Earth, so it’d be somewhat hard to justify her giving that up to wander time on Earth 1. 
Pied Piper- He’s around. He’s redeemed. He’s significantly more agreeable than he was initially but would probably ruffle feathers enough to be interesting. He’s fairly different from the existing characters but also could take over some of the science related tasks left by Stein, or possibly take over as Engineer of the WaveRider. 
Golden Glider- As Leonard Snart makes his final exit, Lisa Snart could step in to take his place. She could potentially have a really interesting dynamic with Mick. She could be the schemer in a way that both Leonard and Sara used to be. She’s young, unpredictable and the CW has been trying to get her actress on a successful show for several years now and has been failing, meaning the actress is (to my knowledge) currently available.  
Constantine- He’s definitely going to make an appearance. They’ve said he’s only back for 2 or 3 episodes but that could be old information or a straight lie. He’s a character fans have consistently asked for more of, who is currently unattached to anything else. He doesn’t have strong connections anywhere in the Arrowverse so he would lose anything in transition. He’s significantly different from anyone currently on the show. He would fit with the magicky overarching vibe this season. He would be the third member of the team with magic, but his magic is a pretty different style from that of either Vixen or Zari. 
Ragman- Rory was a great addition to Arrow last season but sadly his superhero side wasn’t a good fit for the show because it was too weird. “Too weird” is what Legends does best. Ragman is powerful enough to make up for no longer having Firestorm (but likely easier on the effects budget). He’s got magic to fit with the season but it’s weird specific magic so it doesn’t overlap too much. One of Rory’s most fun aspects on Arrow was watching him be bewildered by everything and boy oh boy dial that up to 12 on Legends. At the same time, Rory doesn’t have a personality like anyone else on Legends- quiet, spiritual, artistic- meaning he’d contrast really really nicely. He doesn’t have anything/anyone keeping him from drifting through time because all his friends and family were killed-- speaking of which, it would give Rory the chance to avenge his family by taking on Darhk. It would add the complication of having two characters that go by Rory, but also that could be so much fun if you just lean into the fact that the two most different characters have the same name. If it were up to me, Rory is the character I would pick to add to Legends. 
Kid Flash- The Flash doesn’t know what to do with Wally. They’ve said as much. Flash doesn’t really have anything to do with him but also doesn’t want to kill him or anything like that, so they’ve basically just put him on a bus. Moving him to another show would solve the Flash’s problem while still giving fans all the Wally they want. Wally’s story line has also been set up as ‘looking for his place’ which is very much a Legends vibe. Wally had a cars interest early on which could be translated into making him the Waverider Engineer (at least, with Legends/Flash’s understanding of science) which in theory is needed. He’s different from existing characters while still having connections. He’s powerful enough to fill the Firestorm hole. However, Flash may not want to give him up entirely. And bringing him onto Legends may just transfer the Flash’s Wally problems to Legends: Wally is series-lead-powerful. Wally, as a gifted speedster, should be able to handle most problems on his own (he’s at least as capable as a late season 1 Barry- which is why Flash wrote him out). Meaning that including him in fight scenes often leaves other characters (especially ones like Mick) with nothing to do, or just means that problems can be resolved too quickly. 
Anyone I missed? Any viable Supergirl options that I should know about? Thoughts? Predictions? Hopes? Dreams? 
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whitelippedviper · 7 years
Pop Comics #2: Dark Nights: Metal #1
This article originally appeared on my patreon, which you can subscribe to for as little as one dollar a month.  As a patreon subscriber you get to see these and other articles sometimes weeks before everyone else.  Subscribe now.
So this is the second installment of my more informal writing series(my, me rambling into an open window on my desktop...series) on popular monthly comics.  Each week I pick a comic from the top 10 on Comixology's best seller list, and I read it...and then I come over here and write about it.  This week: Dark Nights: Metal #1
Dark Nights: Metal #1 was written by Scott Snyder, penciled by Greg Capullo, inked by Jonath Glapion, colored by FCO Plascencia.  It's I guess the start of the new DC event or something.  I'm not sure.  The issue starts with the JLA in some sort of arena battle scenario on some planet Mongul has taken over.  They figure that whole situation out, return home, and there's a giant mountain that has appeared in Gotham.  They go into said mountain, see some shit.  Cyborg is like "man this shit is some shit, huh?" and then the Blackhawks show up.  Which I thought they were like a WWII team or something, but apparently they are like...I don't even know...Batman.  And they're run by Kendra Sanders, the I don't know what she is in this continuity but I think she's Hawkgirl or whatever.  Or is it Hawkwoman.  I don't remember.  Probably girl, right?  Let's see...it's woman if they are their own hero.  Girl if they are a female knock off.  But then reverts back to woman if they are a lesbian knock off of a male hero....  I think that's how it works.  
Anyways.  Kendra Sanders convinces the JLA to come to her secret base to explain how Batman is the vessel of some ancient evil, which is callback to Morrison's Batman RIP ish run stuff after final crisis--which I did read!  I vaguely remember some of that.  But so they've done all this research on batman, but still just pull guns on him, and so of course he escapes.  For some reason he is able to fool the whole JLA who don't think to look for him...at his Bat Cave?  I don't know. So batman is at his bat cave like looking at nth metal on his microscope.  He finds some journal from carter hall.  And just as carter hall is like "look batman, I know you think shit might not be shit, but let me assure you, shit is way fucking the shit" Dream...from Sandman...shows up and is like "Batman, this shit is about to get real(shit)".  The end. 
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  And I'm not sure if Dream is now just running around normally in DCU continuity again, or if this is meant to be something like special.  Either way, you can see in the above image, Dream has apparently sent his stylist to hell this time. Either way....holy shit.  It's a first issue of a superhero comic, and so of course it ends in a splash page shocking reveal cliffhanger at the end.  I mean this whole thing is just so by the numbers for how you do event comics it is just hollow.  Heroes do a thing seemingly unrelated to the main thing, the big thing happens, it's like multiverse spanning, splash page reveal...the end.  Even Capullo's art here looks bored with itself.  There's two panels in this comic that I can recommend.  One is a small panel of Superman:
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The other panel is when Batman is riding a dinosaur, which I still didn't even bother to take a picture of.  On the whole, it makes Howard Porter look like JG Jones.  And this is supposed to be a big event comic.  If all of these event comics are just going to be continuity porn they should at least be a spectacle.  I'm just not sure what I'm supposed to take away on any level from a book like this.   Even the Variant covers were pretty mailed in.  Great artists like JRJR and Jim Lee just kinda drawing a standard superhero pinup and calling it a day.  Nothing really on the theme of metal.  You get this sexy idea of doing a heavy metal version of a superhero comic, but then it turns out it's nth metal, and that's not really metal at all.  Go get Joe Jusko to paint Wonder Woman riding a vampire bat out of a lake of blood.  Come on.  Metal.  It's like the Met Gala where all these stars who have the money to have taste show up completely off theme and completely boring giving us nothing even remotely aspriational.   If you asked me why I don't care about superhero comics, this comic is pretty much what I'd conjure up as an example of why.  I'm too old to give a shit about which of these palette swaps dies and then is resurrected or what worlds collide.  And I don't care about good versus evil in these basic cop versus robber terms.  I'm not a child.  But like I'm reading JRJR/Williamson and Nocenti's Typhoid Mary comics this week, and thoroughly enjoying them.  And it's not because I give a shit about Daredevil.  It's because there's actually shit on the page to react to.  There's great art to inspire you.  And the writing is in big bold terms, but it has a certain soap opera quality.  It's not ironic.  It just says what it means and is all about these sappy triangles of people.  It works.  It doesn't matter that it's a superhero comic.  It's just a great comic.  I think what I want from superhero comics now, doesn't have anything to do with them being superhero comics.  It has to do with the two biggest companies putting the most resources behind their comics, I expect to see a quality of work, particularly artistically that I can look at and just be in awe and be like "never in a thousand years could I draw that".  I think people don't respect the art in these things anymore because the styles artists have adopted don't scare people, don't put them in awe.  And honestly neither does the writing.  People read these things and they are just like "oh man, I could do this" which is cool, I mean I'm one of those people.  But it's not healthy in terms of the sort of reverence the top artists in the comics game should demand. No one was stepping to Neal Adams or Norm Breyfogle. But I mean, I think it's just a paycheck, and it reads like that--which makes sense, because why would grown adults who have been in the industry for decades in some cases, and who have already written like a million superhero things--past a point, you just get that formula, hit those marks, cash those checks, and try and whittle away on whatever your actual passion is in the background, like the rest of us. But then meanwhile this is the stuff that gets geeks breathless and hyperbolic...and for what.  What is all of this for?  It's just this cycle of fans pushing up artists until they are gibbering self parodies of themselves, and then dropping them off creator cliff to go die in a ditch somewhere.  And these fan groups, what do they do with their shit?  Stay in this false dream for as long as they can.  Throw a tantrum at anyone who says anything negative or threatening to that dream?  Like there's no wrong way to live, all of our lives are meaningless, so value is an illusion.  You just do what best makes sense for you to pass the time until you die.  But for me, this shit fucks up my hustle, because I'm in this life game to see shit.  I want things that at least aspire to be something I haven't seen before.  At least TRY to be beautiful.  But the demands of these fan things, are so insane, who has time for beauty?  And because that's where the money is, it just sucks people in and traps them there until there is nothing left.   You see the effects of this stuff at Image where creators are supposedly let loose to do their passion projects, but they've been so warped by working these fan projects, that there's very little truth left to them.  And all these big two tics of how to do issue #1 arc #1 and so on and so forth come up and really mar work.  It's not just the writing.  It happens to artists too.  There's like a set way these sort of things get laid out on the page, and certain stock ways you do a scene because you're like double shipping a book and don't have time to really like consider the absolute best way for you as an individual to do a book.    So even when artists get outside of that infrastructure, it is usually too late and they are reduced in potential by their habits.  I mean I can't be the only one who can open a comic from these sorts of people, and your eyes just glaze over as you see it's just the same thing.  It's appropriate that this thing ends with Dream, because this comic is sleepwalking.  Like most of the most talented people in comics. Every month you have the opportunity to say one thing to an audience of several thousand.  Which is huge for a comic.  And you are going to say...what?  You are going to show them....what?
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foslad · 7 years
Almost Too Good (A Chris Evans Story): Part 15 - 1/2
A/N: Not quite the Monday I promised, but it’s better than four months later, right!? ANYHOO, enjoy this two-parter you lovely diamonds!
LA was not a place I could ever consider home. Under any circumstances.
Sure it was a nice place to visit, spend some time with people you’ve come to know over the years, visit the attractions, etc. But to live? Hell no.
As I finally got round to unpacking the last of the clothes I had brought with me, I did my best to try and think of the positives around me.
Credit where it’s due, my rented apartment was very nice. Small, but it had a comfy living room/kitchen/dining space that was full of warm tones and the bedroom had everything I needed, even an en-suite.
I liked that it had a breakfast bar and that if I had people over, I could talk to them from the kitchen. The only down side to that of course is that the only ‘people’ to have actually visited so far have just been a solo Amy…
Even then it was because she’d rented the apartment a couple of floors below me to stay close in case I needed anything.
I took my eyes off of the clothing in front of me and gazed out of the window.
The one thing that did make up for it all however, was the view.
At night, my favorite thing to do was go out onto the tiny balcony that was home to two steel chairs with cushions laced onto them and watch as the view sparkled and stayed alive no matter what time it was. The lights reminded me of NYC and in its own little way, they made this place feel a little more welcoming. I’d sit out there most nights and just reflect on the past few weeks.
My time with my sister Gracey had been interesting, to say the least. What is it about siblings and the insistent need to butt into every aspect of your life, no matter what age you are?
Each night I was there, I found myself planted at her dining room table with a glass of something strong in front of me as she and her fiancé Oscar rallied off a list of people that they knew who “would be so perfect” for me. And whilst I could understand that they only wanted to help and see me get back onto the dating wagon after so long, all I really wanted to do was hop back on the plane that brought me there in the first place and go home and barricade myself in a blanket fort and not think about men or dating ever again.
Even now, having been in LA for a couple of weeks, I was still finding it hard to adjust. Maybe if I knew more people it’d help. What’s worse was that I didn’t even have my one visitor Amy at the moment after she flew home with my blessing for a couple of weeks to help nurse her boyfriend Corey, who’d broken both his arms after getting hit by a car late last week, back to health. The whole thing had been very traumatic and had really shaken Amy; to the point where I could tell her priorities in life had shifted, drastically.
Having said that, whilst I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy, it did mean I was pretty much out here by myself. It wasn’t necessarily the idea that I was missing her as my assistant, but I never realized how much I valued her company until it wasn’t around.
I mean, I knew some people out here, mainly old co-stars and such, but I’d feel so uncomfortable reaching out; like “Hey long time no speak, just checking in to let you know that I’m now in LA and I’m lonely and desperate for friends. K. Call me back. Byyyeeeee.” or something.
I shivered at the thought. No.
Come on, less negativity and more clothes folding positivity Adrian.
At least work was going well! That, I had to admit, I was pleased about. Every day when I’d arrive on set, I felt like pinching myself.
Ben Affleck.
What a dream…
He made it seem like directing and starring in your own movie was a walk in the park and transitioned between the two parts flawlessly during and after each take. With every day that passed, I gained more and more confidence under his direction and I was proud of the little improvements I’d made in such little time already.
This role was unlike anything I’d ever done before. For a while now, I had been so ready to break free of the romantic/teen/rom-com typecasting I’d fallen into in my younger years and transition into more gritty roles that really challenged me. Midsummer was a good start, but The Eyes of Nobody was exactly what I needed to prove that I could actually act beyond a few pouts here and there.
Pulling my sweater up onto my shoulder after it had fallen down for what felt like the millionth time today, I looked away from the pile of clothes in front of me and saw that it was starting to get dark out. I decided to do my nightly ritual of closing all of my blinds before making myself a cup of green tea. (I had made a conscious effort to give up coffee in order to help my sleeping pattern and I was damn well going to stick to it).
Going around, one by one, I began to close the world off from my little hideaway, making sure to leave the one in my bedroom for last.
As I made my way past the double bed and towards the far corner, I mentally prepared myself for the image that should’ve probably sunk in by now, but hadn’t.
I slowly reached the destination of the window ledge and despite curling my fingers around the pull string, I paused. Like always.
In some cruel twist of fate, each morning and night, I was greeted by a pair of glittering blue eyes from the billboard across the street. The face was bathed in a warm spring glow as a pair of very familiar hands draped themselves around his chiseled features.
Gucci Guilty – Pour Homme
The New Fragrance for Him
Rolling my eyes, I let out a sigh as I let blackness slide his face out of my view. Goodnight Chris. See you in the morning “bud”.
Our promise to stay friends had equated to pretty much radio silence.
In fact, I’d spoken more to his brother than I had to him.
I’d exchanged a few texts here and there with Scott after he had acquired my number from Chris to apologize for having called me so late that one night and how all he wanted to do, after Chris eventually told him we’d actually cooled things, was build a wall of shame around himself to ‘contain how extra I am sometimes’. Although it wasn’t long before we were making political jokes about the actual image of that and how people would be coming to him for wall building advice because of how extra they were…
Other than that, however, not a thing with the other Evans brother.
Except, of course, our nightly stare down. And that was how it was to remain I guess.
‘Hey Adrian, can I get a sec?’
I inwardly wept as Marco, the production assistant on set, caught me just as I was about to dive into a delicious bowl of hot vegetable soup I’d acquired from the craft table. ‘Ben wants to see you in his trailer.'
After a quick and insincere “no problem”, a sloooooow placement of the soup back down onto the table, a fond look of regret as I walked away, I eventually set off towards the boss’ gaff that resided on the other side of the set that had been built for the day.
I was pleased with the working relationship I had gained with Ben over the past few weeks and so my mind couldn’t help but wander to the task at hand and what this could possibly mean. Was I in trouble? Why in his trailer? We’d been very open with each other up until now and I just prayed I hadn’t done anything to screw this opportunity up.
I wringed my hands together and pressed the creases in my outfit down as the silver of his trailer came into my peripheral. I strode up to it and, taking a deep breath, I knocked in a rhythmic pattern until a quiet ‘come in’ reached my ears.
‘I’m just gonna get right to it, because I’m not one to beat around the bush.’ His strong Boston accent resonated around the trailer as he clasped his hands together onto the desk and leaned forward to look at me properly. His stance was doing nothing to subside my worries and I could feel the tension starting to build in my stomach.
‘You’ve really impressed me Adrian.’ Okay, good start… ‘I can see you’re a good actor. You’re versatile, you take feedback on board, your nice to cast and crew alike’ Mhmm… ‘I like you a lot.’ He finished off.
Despite the slew of compliments, I could tell he wasn’t saying them just for the sake of it.
‘So, having said that… I have a proposition for you.’ He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms over, studying me closely. ‘After this project is done, I’m directing and starring in a movie that is part of a series of movies..’
Without missing a beat, I knew exactly what this mysterious series was. The new Batman and Justice League movies, of course! I had been one of the few to actually really enjoy the last Batman v Superman movie. I had gone to see it with my brothers and their children and it hurt to recall that it had probably been the last time I’d properly spent time with any of them.
Through the silence, he retained eye contact for a moment before he reached down into his desk drawer and pulled out a small stack of white documents. I watched as he carefully unraveled the binding that held them together and as he slid one of them across the desk towards me, the blinding red “CONFIDENTIAL” took my attention. Wait… He wasn’t…
I was frozen on the spot. He isn’t seriously….
‘To cut to the chase - I want to put your name forward for this role.’
He is. Holy shit, he is.
‘Let me just preface, before we get too excited, if you decide to accept my offer, it’s just talks. You’ll still have to audition and test, which can be a hefty process Adrian, I’m not gonna lie and even then, there is zero guarantee you’ll actually get the part. I don’t have much say in this, I’m just the “messenger”, if you will.’
I could feel my head nodding but it wasn’t necessarily corresponding with what was going on inside my brain. I literally couldn’t corroborate my thoughts down to one emotion. Not being able to differentiate between excitement, fear and sheer perplexity, was quickly becoming my biggest battle.
‘I know this is a pretty big deal and I’m well aware you haven’t done any franchise work before, so why don’t you take this,’ he picked up the CONFIDENTIAL document and physically handed it to my slightly shaking hands, ‘have a read over lunch, show NO ONE, and let me know what you think.’
Even now as I sat in my trailer, I felt as though I didn’t have the strength to even pick up the paper.
Shayera Hol/Hawkgirl
As I gazed at the name, a warming sensation washed over me and I was instantly transported back to my younger years, sitting in the kitchen at the breakfast bar. There was a cartoon adaptation of Justice League on at the time and despite most of them being a little too old for it, my siblings and I would sit and watch it on the tiny TV we had on the wall whilst we got ready for school.
And Hawkgirl had been my favorite..
I didn’t even know where to begin in terms of processing what the hell just happened. I felt like I needed to talk to someone about this. To hear my own voice blurt it out as a means of verification this was not a dream!?
Different names swirled in my head but none seemed like the right person to call. Amy was busy with Corey no doubt, Magda would read me the riot act on how if I passed this up, I may as well die, Mom and Dad would be clueless….  None of them felt like the right person to call…
Against my better judgement, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and drew up a now dormant number.
A: This is so random, I know, but are you busy right now? No worries if you are, but I could really do with some honest advice x
Tapping my phone against my chin, I was thankful that I didn’t have to wait long for a response.
-Of course! Did you wanna call me?
A: I have 35 minutes, now a good time?
-Fire away.
It took me a few seconds to finally build up the courage to actually press the call button, but the loud, ticking, clock in my trailer told me that I was just wasting time.
‘Well this is a nice surprise…’ He mused upon answering.
I gave a little nervous laugh before emitting the most awkward ‘Heeey’ imaginable.
‘Your advice guru awaits..’ He joked. ‘What’s up sport?’
‘Okay, I don’t have very long but I just really feel like I need to talk to someone about this before I give Ben an answer.’ I let out in one breath, my jitters plain to see (or hear in this case).
‘An answer to what?’
I took one more deep breath, trying, and failing, to calm myself down from the building anxiety in my stomach.
‘Do you ever have those days where you’re just sat there, minding your own business, so excited to eat some soup and then all of a sudden your boss intervenes by throwing you a curve ball and asking to put your name forward as a candidate to be a part of his franchise film series!?’
‘Ben!?’ He asked, surprised. ‘We talking DC here?’
‘He’s given me a tiny sliver of the Justice League script that focuses on Hawkgirl…’
‘Fuck me! Adrian that’s huge!’ To his credit, he sounded genuinely delighted.
‘I know it is! It’s SO big and I’m so… little. I don’t know if I can do this!’ I put my hand up to my forehead to somehow stabilize myself.
‘Of course you can! Adrian this is a huge opportunity for you, think what it could do for your career!’
‘If I wanted that answer, I would’ve called my agent.’ I deadpanned.
He gave a low laugh. ‘Fair enough. Point taken. Lay it on me, what do you want to know?’
My voice grew shy. ‘I’m so aware that this is a huge opportunity, I’m too aware. I have never even been in the stratosphere of a franchise before, never mind potentially be in one!? It seems so absurd and, beyond me!? I mean, think about it! I’m freaking out over a part I’m never going to get but even the thought alone is overwhelming me.’
‘Trust me Adrian, there is no one that knows what you’re going through right now better than me. I turned down Cap THREE TIMES before I finally accepted it. Can you believe that?’
‘Did you really?’ I pulled my legs up onto the couch and leant my head back onto the top of the sofa as I listened to his soothing voice.
���I didn’t want to do it. At all. It scared the shit out of me and it made me feel uncomfortable to even think about the scale of it all.’
‘Exactly!’ I knew Chris was the right person to call. ‘What made you change your mind?’
‘It’s been batted around so much that it’s probably the cliché of all cliché’s but that Babe Ruth quote? You know the one. “Never let the fear of striking out get in your way.” It reeeallly resonated with me. It took a while but in time, I learnt to feed and grow off of my fear of this… thing. It’s insane, and now I look back and I’m like “how much would I be kicking myself if I hadn’t taken this chance and this opportunity?” It still scares me, even to this day, but fear is good. Fear pushes you to do things that you don’t feel comfortable doing, and I’ll tell you; when you overcome that fear? It’s pure ecstasy.’
I smiled, absorbing every word as though it was the oxygen I breathed.
‘You never know unless you try, right?’ He rounded off, his voice sweet like honey.
‘Thank you. You have no idea what hearing you say that has done for me.’ His words had helped me in ways I didn’t even think were possible when I’d been landed with this bombshell not ten minutes ago.
‘Ah, no worries, sometimes you just need someone who’s “been there-done that” to offer some advice.’
‘Exactly.’ I smiled. ‘This was just what I needed.’
After thanking him again and bidding him goodbye, I pressed end call.
With my new found confidence, I picked up the papers and began to read.
‘Yeah? You happy for me to put your name forward?’
I nodded, still feeling slightly shaky but a little more at ease after having spoken to Chris.
‘Before we can go ahead with anything, I can’t stress enough how confidential this is. You can’t talk about this to anyone Adrian. Not your parent’s, not siblings, not friends, not boyfriends, no one! This is strictly on a need-to-know basis. Anyone on your team who needs to know will be informed but other than that, this stays a secret. Capeesh?’
‘Absolutely.’ I lied. Well, damn. I’ve already fucked up.
‘A’rite great. It’s corporate bullshit, but there will be a confidentiality agreement to sign at some point but we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.’ He smiled wide at me. ‘Well, good luck champ.’ He took the script back and locked it away back into the drawer that it came from originally.
He then clapped his hands together loudly. ‘Now then, chit-chat-paddy-wack time is over, back to work!’ He joked as he stood up, readying himself to shoot some more takes.
I flopped down onto my couch that night, exhausted from the emotional scenes I’d just wrapped, and hovered over a number on my phone. Surely Amy was one of those ‘need-to-know’ people, right? She’d be the one getting me there…
After my daily routine of asking how Corey and she were doing, I decided to take a leaf out of Ben’s book and not beat around the bush.
‘So you’ll never guess what happened to me today.’ I purred.
‘You made a friend?’ She joked, her voice sounding like a Mom picking up their child from day-care.
‘No. I’m still very much aloooone.’ I joked. ‘BUT….’ I regaled to her my encounter with Ben, from the moment I laid eyes on the vegetable soup to the closing of the drawer at the end of it all; taking care to leave out one minor detail…
After calming down, she stated the obvious. ‘I’m surprised you didn’t freak out!?’
‘I did!’ I laughed. ‘Trust me, I DID!’
‘I’m surprised you didn’t call me then!’
My laugh turned nervous almost. ‘Ha, yeah, well, I didn’t want to disturb you. And then.. I kinda wanted the opinion of someone who’s “been there-done that”, you know?’
‘So you talked to Ben about it?’ She queried.
‘Noooo…’ I trailed off. I felt fidgety all of a sudden, the skin on my thumbs suddenly becoming fascinating to me. She remained silent, waiting for me to finish. ‘… I called Chris.’
Her eyebrow arched. I wasn’t even in the same room as her, I had no visual on her face. But I knew. The brow was arched.
‘Did you now?’
I nodded even though she couldn’t see it, finally tearing my eyes off of the pesky piece of skin on my thumb.
‘And what did he have to say?’ Her tone was sickly sweet, rife with intrigue.
‘He was actually really helpful. He talked to me about what it was like when he was debating accepting Captain America and stuff.’
Not wanting her to make a big deal out of it, I began to wrap it up after that. I’d had a long day and listening to Amy go on and on about a dead romance wasn’t on my list of priorities right now. Besides, I had one more phone call to make…
As the dial tone began to resonate, I thought about what I was doing.
Why was I calling him? I could’ve easily just texted him to say “hey don’t tell people.” Maybe I’m bothering him if I call?
‘Hello again.’ A cheery voice greeted, breaking my train of thought.
‘Hey! I was just thinking about how I probably could’ve just texted you instead. You’re probably busy enough without me annoying you.’ I began to ramble, nervous off the bat.
‘No, not at all. I’m glad you called. How did it go?’
‘Well, I’m in the running at the very least.’ I gushed, my mind still having not fully processed it all.
‘Adrian you have no idea what this will do for your confidence. Regardless of the outcome, you’ve taken a risk and you should be proud of yourself. Not to toot my own horn, but it’s pretty awesome to even be considered. It’s not like they just let anyone audition.’ He paused for a second. ‘That sounded so pretentious didn’t it?’
‘Maybe a liiittle, but I get you.’ I chuckled.
‘So how have you been besides?’
‘I’ve been good. Working hard I guess. It’s a little overwhelming trying to do this Gucci trail alongside the long shooting hours, but I’m hanging in there. What about you?’
I pulled a faux fur throw from the bottom of the sofa up and tucked myself into it and leant my head against the soft cushions. I noticed that this had happened earlier too. Just listening to his voice was so calming to me. It felt so natural to talk to him.
‘Pretty much the exact opposite. I’ve been doing… fuck all basically.’
I laughed lightly and I could hear him crack one too.
‘Do you miss working?’ I smiled, wanting to hear him talk for as long as possible.
‘God no! I don’t really miss anything about LA.’
I could feel my bubble burst a tad as I was brought back to reality. Back to the realization that I had been dumped weeks ago and that I was still lamely hanging on to nothing. Stop fooling yourself Adrian.
I coughed a little to clear my throat and my mind, willing it to just skip right to the point before I started to look like an idiot. ‘Anyways, I was just calling because what I confided to you earlier… well, turns out that kind of information is top secret and I prooobably shouldn’t have talked to you about it. So if you could just keep that between us and save me from my own stupidity that would be great.’
‘Eh, I know how these things work, I’m an old hand at it now.’ He relayed, his tone still light and friendly. ‘Don’t worry Warner, your secret’s safe with me.’
‘Cool, thank you.’ I debated saying my next words for a couple of seconds but I guess my heart won out overall. ‘Seriously Chris, thanks again for talking to me about all of this. I really, really appreciated it.’
‘Ahhh, it was nothing.’ He replied softly. ‘I’m glad good things are happening for you.’
I was about to open my mouth and start my goodbyes when he rushed a statement out so quick I only barely caught what he’d said.
‘So, I’m, uh, back in LA next week to do a podcast for a friend of mine. You wanna grab some dinner? Catch up?’
My eyes popped. My brain was screaming. My hands wanted to flail like a wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man. YES I WANTED TO HAVE DINNER. YES I WANTED TO CATCH UP.
‘Sure, sounds good.’ I replied coolly.
‘A’rite, solid. Shall we say Thursday? After you get off work?’
‘Thursday it is.’
A/N: Continued in 2/2
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davidmann95 · 7 years
There's a certain group of fans that hold that nothing will ever top the DCAU in terms of representing the DC Universe. As magnificent as it is, I think a majority of people would disagree with that... but even after twenty-five years since Batman the Animated Series's debut, why does the DCAU still have a particular stronghold in the minds of DC fans compared to other media adaptions? Was there anything it introduced that was actually bad or weakened certain characters or concepts in the DCU?
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I’m willing to concede - it’s not a guarantee by any means, but I’m willing to entertain the possibility - that if I rewatched that whole series now as a young adult, maybe I wouldn’t have any real problems with this shows’ version of Green Lantern. I definitely recall him chilling out by the time of JLU. But to my 6-year-old-eyes? This was the grumpy guy who kept on telling Flash, the character on this show virtually designed to get little 6-year-old-boys to think of him as the coolest funniest dude ever, to STOP HAVING FUN AND ENTERTAINING THE KIDS IN THE AUDIENCE, DARN IT, BEING ON THE JUSTICE LEAGUE AND SAVING THE WORLD IS VERY SERIOUS AND SOLEMN BUSINESS! Plus he used The Most Powerful Weapon In The Universe™ to make beams and bubbles, and his main ongoing subplot was that he could barely contain his love for a character who is one step away from actually being Hawkman. I’ve liked him sometimes in the comics (his original appearance with him basically just telling cops to piss off for ~20 pages was pretty great), but in general I instinctively hate him in the same way a lot of people apparently grew up hating Cyclops; I guess the writers didn’t want Superman to be the official team buzzkill (though their treatment of him still ended up being one of the series’ weakest points), and for some reason they felt that was a position that needed to be filled elsewhere. I absolutely guarantee the reason they started focusing on Xanshi in the comics again after awhile of I think not often bringing it up was solely, 110% for the purpose of making him as grumpy and goddamn miserable in there as he always seemed in here.
For the most part though, in spite of a few other relatively minor issues - Batman/Wonder Woman never much went anywhere and was debatable at best as a good idea in the first place, more grumpy Aquaman, Hawkgirl while actually a fun and interesting character on this show still I remind you almost being Hawkman - the DCAU was by and large incredibly good. Batman: The Animated Series was outright revolutionary, Superman and Static were awesome, Batman Beyond had no right to be even a tenth as good as it was, the original Justice League was a dream come true, and Justice League Unlimited was both the most ambitious superhero TV show until at least Daredevil, and the best shot at translating the kind of long-form, ever-expanding serial continuity of the Big Two comics universes to television we’d get until the CW’s current superhero explosion. The DCAU is influential for the same reason Watchmen is influential: it represented an undeniable quantum leap above anything of popular note that came before it that can never be replicated, and was also genuinely good enough to set an impossible standard that almost nothing since has even remotely approached. As far as I’m concerned, the Cadmus arc is probably still the best superhero TV has ever gotten, and there’s an excellent chance it’s why superheroes are still my favorite genre today.
That said, it’s not as if there never could have been room for improvement. Yes, most of the characters on those shows were perfect for what they were, but what they are on TV is extremely different from what we get in comics. The DCAU Joker for instance? I love that dude, but he’s not exactly the most developed, devious, complex take on the character we’ve ever seen. Probably because he - probably the most prolific villain in that whole universe aside from Luthor - had 25 full appearances across an entire decade’s worth of television and movies, meaning he only had to have 25 appearances worth of depth, most of them as the villain of 22-minute episodes for children where he just needs to carry the audience through a “how’s Batman gonna beat him?” plot. He’s magnificent in that regard, but it’s not quite equal to hundreds of comics, including some by medium grandmasters, across almost 80 years of stories and character developments for him. That makes him more consistent, but it also means that for the most part they never got to plumb the depths of him in the same way as say, Morrison did. And again, he’s just about the most prolific of that bunch. Darkseid was excellent in those shows, but do you think he could have inspired and sustained years worth of epics the way Kirby’s original did? DC tried to find out when they turned comics Darkseid into the closest approximation of the TV guy they could manage, and it worked out so badly the New Gods have been all but scrapped for the better part of a decade.
That’s the issue. The DCAU was consistent and it was for the most part amazing at what it did, making it probably the best DC Universe in terms of average character quality, but the character and narrative demands of a show putting out 22 episodes a year are almost entirely incomparable with what’s required of a universe made up of dozens of monthly or even now bi-weekly titles by an ever-changing set of dozens of creators. What works in one isn’t going to translate entirely to the other, and while inspiration can absolutely be drawn in both directions, you have to put some real thought before deciding to remake a decades-old character in the image of a version designed to sustain all of 5 episodes of a kids show.
And everything else aside, yes: it’s not as if everything the DCAU touched exactly turned to gold.
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
Alrighty, so today was once again a day that did not go as planned because of my terrible habit of not making myself get out of bed in the morning when I'm supposed to. I feel like I should be mad at myself about this, and I guess I'm irritated with myself at least, but probably not as much as I rationally should be. Sigh. Oh well. I just need to stop giving into little things, cuz it starts oh I'll sleep another half hour and go in late, oh I'll sleep another 2 hours and go in late, but then I still don't want to get up so I just don't. Luckily I'm good at lying and concocting perfect stories for these sort of things, though I still feel bad about it. Sigh. I guess there's nothing I can do about it now though other than I go to work tomorrow and work hard. I feel bad though because I'm probably leaving early on Friday to get to my flight on time, and I'll have to try and figure out the prison interview tomorrow which is gonna be another pain in my ass. Sigh. Oh well. Today. So I slept till a little after 1, so at least I got my money's worth there. And for what it is worth, I was fairly productive here throughout the day. But I got up and ate some breakfast, and started watching the Justice League cartoon series from 2001 that I watched for the rest of the day. Around 3 or so I took a break and first folded all my laundry, then dragged in my suitcase of summer clothing and started packing my bag for my trip this weekend. This is rather proactive for me being that I can't remember the last time I took a trip and didn't pack my bag the night before. Progress, I suppose. And I did some cleaning in the kitchen before going back to my show. I also went through a good number of my PT exercises that I'm supposed to do, including the new ones they added this past week, so that was productive at least. My roommate came home around 6:30 and was in for the night, so she just joined me on the couch and watched Justice League with me while playing the LOTR game on her computer she's semi-obsessed with, lol. I asked if she wanted to watch a movie or something but she said she didn't care and she grew up on these cartoons, so that seemed good enough for me. As for the show itself, I don't think I like it as much as I did Young Justice, just because of the difference in characters, but I am still definitely enjoying it. I love the Wonder Woman focused episodes and learning more of her mythos and background, since up to this point my knowledge of that has been limited. And of course I love me some Superman, and Batman is pretty good too. It cracks me up that The Flash is such a flirt in this version, because it's so different than the current tv version, although they haven't clarified which flash this is supposed to be. I thought the episode with the fake world that contained the "Justice Guild of America" was interesting, particularly the flash and black canary knock offs (it seemed odd to me that they had a black canary knock off when she's not a character on the show currently, but whatever, I'm not complaining about getting one) because the flash one was named The Streak, which of course I found amusing with how that names been used in the current tv series. And then the black canary knock off, curiously enough, was named black siren, and she was most definitely a hero. Huh. That's interesting. It was originally posited they were on a different earth, which would've made sense, but it ended up just being a fake reality on their earth. But yeah, I just found that interesting. I enjoy the character of hawkgirl and the fact that she does things like attacks nuclear missiles with just her mace, because I mean that's just all kinds of awesome. I'm not all that familiar with green lantern and Martian manhunter, but I do like their characters as well. Basically everyone is done well and I like them all. I got through a good chunk of season 1 (through episode 18 I think) and there are only 26 episodes in it (times 2 seasons) so I should be done with this version fairly soon, and then there's Justice league unlimited that I'll probably move on to. And yeah, that was my day. Tomorrow I'll have work and then PT, then probably do finishing touches on packing because Friday afternoon I'll be out of here. Took long enough to get here, that's for sure. And I'll probably try to watch the new episode of the Handmaid's tale at some point since we don't have Hulu at home, lol. And yeah, that's it for now. Hopefully I won't have much trouble falling asleep tonight despite the fact that I slept late....fingers crossed. Anyway. Goodnight friends. Sweet dreams.
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