#we stan an autistic king
sadsoftserve · 7 months
I gave Percy the autism bingo
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She did not get bingo sadly 🙁
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Base I found on Pinterest- creds go to whomever made it ☺
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quickhacked · 8 months
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yes i voted in my own poll what about it not enough other people were doing it <3 retagging everyone who was tagged in part one: @adelaidedrubman, @reaperkiller, @aartyom, @swordcoasts, @faarkas, @morvaris, @shellibisshe, @strafethesesinners, @katsigian, @dickytwister, @devilbrakers, @aragorngf, @baldursgate2 CONTEXT: while the start of two sides of the same coin is in early 2077, this fic takes place in early 2078 instead, a few months into cassidy and sebastian's somewhat hesitant but inevitable collaboration after trying to kill each other for a full year :)
Still strange, to hear his name out of the mouth of the man he had once tried so hard to kill.
Cassidy turned to look back at Sebastian, nervously fiddling with one of his rings and barely able to look the other man in the eyes. A regular occurrence, still; though whether it was because of his guilt and shame, or because of his general inability to maintain eye contact with people, or because of how distracting Sebastian’s bright blue eyes were or because of something else, he wasn’t quite sure.
‘You can wait outside if you’d like,’ Sebastian said, his voice surprisingly soft- not surprisingly to Cassidy, of course, but definitely so to any stranger, any outsider watching them talk and not expecting the gentleness to the semi-mechanical voice of the nearly two-meter-tall gang leader.
Cassidy himself was still getting used to it a little. He had seen Sebastian interact with his loved ones enough times to have already known about how caring and kind he actually was; when he was still hunting the man down he had shown him mercy time after time, something that could not be said for all the assassins that had come before.
But to experience it firsthand- to be on the receiving end of such understanding, of such consideration-
No one had ever treated him that way before.
‘I’ll come with you,’ he finally answered, giving Sebastian a quick nod as he averted his gaze to the ground below his feet. ‘I’d rather not be alone.’
‘Understandable.’ Sebastian paused and glared at a passerby who shouldered their way past him and barely looked up from their phone as they did. ‘Manners are off the fuckin’ menu today it seems.’
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fredderssss · 1 year
Jacen Solo has High-Functioning Autism. You know I'm right
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fumifooms · 3 months
Laios Touden and autism; admiring the non-human
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Do you think people exaggerate when they scream about Laios being autistic? Do you feel like it’s weird that so many people including autistics are so set on Laios, the problematic (but incredible and kind) king TM, being the most autistic that has ever autisticed? Why do we cheer on autistic people wanting to be monsters?? Isn’t that weird?
Well, of course it depends on the way it’s done, it can be done quite offensively, but long story short Kui blew it out of the park. The thing is, autistic people really do like monsters and animals and robots. Nonhuman does not mean subhuman, it just means Other. Feeling a connection with them has been shown to be an extremely common autistic experience for that very reason.
Because some people don’t understand why we autistic Tumblr Laios stans cheer “autism! Autism!” whenever he talks about monsters and feeling alienated to humans so! Here’s a post about how yes even research papers are analyzing the special connection we form with animals. I’m not even joking but Laios Touden & the mass cries of relatability with autistic people he gets and all the love for him could be used as study material and evidence for future papers because the link is that strong. Oh also I think it’s notable that being autistic and undiagnosed vs diagnosed makes a huge difference. In my experience as someone who was undiagnosed up until 18, it’s even more alienating to not know that there’s a reason why you’re different, being gaslit that you’re ‘normal’ and you just need to try harder and get with the program, etc. Personally when getting diagnosed I went through the 5 stages of grief because the thought of having been fundamentally different all your life (a difference which you will never be able to change) and mistreated for it when you weren’t “wrong” all along makes you unload all the anger and sadness and loneliness and sheer trauma you’ve built up over time. Like it’s world shattering.
So! Back to seeing dogs as family. Also I implore you to value experiential evidence when it comes to autism and other neurodivergences because brains are complicated and neurotypicals not being able to understand us well even with scientific research is like, a whole thing even though we’re right there speaking about how we feel and being right every time because the topic is literally us and how we experience the world. 
Disclaimer for this whole post that, of course, no group is a monolith and everyone has different experiences or can diverge from the norm of the group, and that doesn’t diminish the validity of either side! Like, I know autistic people who have trauma with dogs and hate them. But, trends do happen, and in this case... Autism is very “My experiences with humans make me feel dehumanized in a bad and lonely way so instead I’ll dehumanize myself in a good and inspiring way”.
“I was treated like a failed human my entire life and you’re surprised that my response was to become a dog.” -Patricia Taxxon
It’s literally well recorded that autistic people relate to animals more than humans globally. With this post, besides spreading autistic Laios truthism and explaining why the portrayal hits so deep for so many,  I want to show in what way this is a very specific experience and not looking at his character through an autistic lense really misses a lot of why he’s everything that he is. (Tacking allegedly onto here for legal reasons, different interpretations are valid etc etc /gen). This honestly isn’t super long though.
To define an important term, anthropomorphism in the studies and in this post means to attribute human traits to the nonhuman, which not only includes anthro furry designs but also animals irl, inanimate objects, and animated media as opposed to live action, to humanize them and empathize with them.
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Paper: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/aut.2019.0027 
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“Dogs taught me how to hunt and socialize and work in groups”, Laios having internalized body language... So real so real. I, too, make a great dog impression. And I want to emphase the part that it helps greatly develop a sense of emotions and relationships! For Laios, he didn’t get along with kids his age, it was him, Falin and the dogs against the world. Since it’s a group of dogs too, it taught him group dynamics and social hierarchies (like with Falin being considered as being below the dogs in authority according to the dogs rip), and the importance of group coordination when hunting.
For me, I cannot like, concisely explain just how much animals were important to me developmentally. I also grew up with dogs, but like I vividly remember encounters with like hamsters as well just radically shaping my understanding of boundaries, the importance of giving something space and the way you interact with them and respect their side of it. Unlike humans they don’t really mask how they feel, it’s direct cause-effect reaction and data gathering. There are no words involved, so the focus on having a perfect phrasing and tone is gone, leaving just pure interactions. 
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There’s also no reason to mask how you feel either, and you don’t have to feel silly over wanting to form a connection and it showing, what, is the dog gonna laugh at you because you obviously want to make friends with it? Toshiro or Kabru might, but dogs and cats will just tell you to fuck off and leave it there worst case scenario. I often say that I think one reason Marcille is special to Laios and he feels comfortable around her is because she emotes INTENSELY, she gestures, she puts her whole body into it, her facial expressions are pretty exaggerated and her ears even emote too- like with a dog’s ears!
I think there’s def also things to be said about how he gravitated towards Izutsumi at first, all excited, was eager to sleep in the same bed as her, but in the Izutsumi sleep rating chart we see they really just casual and chill so it’s not a Laios talking to Shuro deep into the night situation just a “I like sleeping besides animals” situation and that is enough to hype him up. I love how he pet her in the extra about why Chil let her sleep with him too. He’s just so transparently eager to befriend her, even if in the end they weren’t all that compatible and he accepted that.
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There are honestly so many examples I could give for this. Like Grandin the famous cow lady.
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More about autism & empathy:
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https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/double-empathy-explained/ (Also mentions a study in which groups of autistic, allistic then a mixed group played a game of telephone and both singular groups had similar levels of information retention, but the mixed group was significantly worse. As an autistic person yeah duh, obviously autistic people are different from one another and can have plenty of interpersonal issues, but communicating with other neurodivergent people feels pretty intuitive and straightforward and comfortable. One of the reasons why neurodivergent people tend to naturally gravitate towards each other I suppose.) 
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^ Paper: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5932358/  For good, extensive summary of why we relate to animals so much you can go to the “anthromorphizing and asd” section of the paper. This paper extends to our widespread liking of cartoons and robots as well. Ok so this is a whole thing I won’t get into here but this is a big reason why a lot of autistic people are agender leaning as well. Genders and queerness in general is a lot about social constructs, and being queer is being marginal to these, not fitting into boxes or challenging those social norms and conventions. Queerplatonic relationships are a great example of this, where the framework of the relationship is platonic but the intangible nature of what it is exactly is the point, not familial not anything but everything at once too, just adoration, I like to say having pets is a bit like it as well, bc obvi it’s not romantic and often not fully familial, very platonic but also sooo much cuddling and adoration and kissing and whatnot that you wouldn’t typically do with a friend or family member. I’ll talk about qpr and labels another day though.
I got carried away but queerness in Dunmeshi is something I 100% want to make a big post on one day. Experiencing the world with different guidelines and not registering things to have the same boxes, sigh. Personally I also relate to Laios on a gender level, “cis by default because I don’t care all that much but if I were to dig deeper I’m probably otherkin and I want to be socially associated with traits of monsters and animalistic rather than man/woman” sighh hard to be a cryptid in this day and age. I wish we had a term like furry but for monsters, I want to be in the fantasy or folk tale genre ty, like changelings. Goshh changelings... You know, the irl myth where people said their neurodivergent kids were fairies’ children instead of human. Diminished physical sense of self means I see myself as some unknowable black  void aesthetic wise, but like in a way that simultaneously makes me feel seen. Like becoming a monster, losing your sense of self but also somehow just being simplified and seen for what you are, it’s weird to try and explain. This post is more about relating to the nonhuman than about seeing yourself as such, but like connect the dots right, that IS an important point of Laios’ character. It’s because our brains literally work different than allistics which makes us feel as other, but also because of social ostracization and functioning in a different way than society at large, living in the margin of society, being weird and non-conforming.
Meanwhile, animals and social norms... Like ok, showing your neck and rolling on the ground to show that you’re friendly and harmless and play biting might not be proper. But have you considered that it’s also fun and feels very intuitive. Play with a dog in the dog’s way I promise it is so nice and freeing. Play tug of war and growl back when they growl. Hiss at your cat to tell them they do something wrong, engage with them on their level.
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Autism made social life hard, but it made animals easy. Do you have anyyy idea how good it feels to mask all day every day and feel constantly misunderstood or like you’re doing a performance but then you can just, drop all of that in the company of animals and they understand you. They understand you. You form an understanding and rapport so easily.
And this whole thing with Laios is so explicit too, with the Winged Lion saying “You’re sick and tired of the human world”. Notice the choice of words. Sick and tired of the human world. Exhausted from the constraints, sick of the mind games. It really isn’t as much about loving monsters as it is about loving the nonhuman. Relating to them because you feel that you can actually understand how they work and think, and feeling like they could understand you back as well. Animals are safe.
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Like I could go on about how Laios admiring even just demi-humans like orcs is because they’re socially seen as non-humans more than any true physical thing, that they’re not bound by human society and its rules and live with their own lifestyle. But it would deal myself 1000 points of psychic damage and I am not ready to cry today. It’s idealization 100%, and like, Laios DOES want to be treated as human, to be valued, but it feels like an unreachable thing meanwhile becoming a monster is instant gratification and freedom and a sense that now no one will be able to hurt you in a way that reaches you, never again shall you be defenseless, and then if people dehumanize you then that only strengthens your sense of identity as a monster and UGHH ugh ugh.
And like. This post is a mess at this point but if you want to kinda delve into the more “why” then I recommend this Patricia Taxxon video essay. It starts out on a very different topic, but it’s all about autism and finding comfort in the inhuman. Long story short is othering made us like this also animals are just simpler to intuitively get along with.
So when I post this
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I mean it. I really mean it when I say he’s me. I have never felt so seen. So many conflicting emotions all wrapped so concisely yet so intangibly woven into the whole storyline so subtly. 
Not being depicted as a monster of an human being for feeling/having felt that way?? The manga understands you. The world can understand you. Other humans can understand you. You can bond with them. You can. And I think that’s a big part of Dungeon Meshi too- Laios opening up to others about how he really is and his interests, and all the bumps on the way but how it was the only way to truly get to know each other and bond. With the climax being Laios confronting head on his complex with monsters and humans, and his monster-loving side and animalistic side being exactly what saves the whole world, what saves humanity. Because Laios does value his friends, does think humanity has beautiful sides to it, he wants to help it thrive and eat and become more accepting, carving out a kingdom for misfits and demi-humans. At the end of it, transforming into a monster and being free is a daydream fantasy, and the reality of it is that Laios does belong in the world as he is, and does receive and give out love.
If you enjoyed this you’ll probably like some of my other Laios analysis!  Here’s an analysis of his succubus and what it says about his relationships with other humans. And here’s an analysis about his relationship with Shuro from his perspective.
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waterphoenix21 · 2 years
There's something oddly satisfying about Phineas not recognizing Perry while wearing his hat.
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We stan an Autistic king!
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tealmaskmybeloved · 2 months
- Enjoys belly rubs but refuses to acknowledge it in fear of it will make him look weak
- Often carries around Kieran and the other members when needed
- Also helps Kieran reach high places
- Met Dokutaro when Okidogi was kicked out of his pack for being too scrawny and weak; Dokutaro took advantage of that
- Is the weakest of the trio when it comes to strength, uses his powers to make up for that
- Has excellent mobility and flexibility
- Parkours super well
- Is the first to figure out Dokutaro's true intentions with Kieran
- Can both see the future and move things with his mind
- He met Dokutaro when he was lost and away from his family (he fell due to his clumsiness and got separated)
- Wanted to be beautiful to impress a male Unfezant
- Didn't get the Unfezant but got chained to Dokutaro's will
- Collects and hoards shiny objects and glass
- Wants the Loyal 3 to be as beautiful as himself, so he makes sure that they look their best when robbing towns
- Is the one who did Kieran's new hair
- Likes the nickname "Fez"
- Is a lot bigger in my AU for reasons (about the size of a human head)
- Hates peaches and bans them from the household (Also dislikes oranges)
- Only opens up its shell when offering people/Pokémon its mochi or Toxic Chains
- Is the one who takes his job the most seriously (he's the leader after all)
- Stayed at Peachy's for like hundreds of years and even tested out controlling people on the shopkeeper there
-Allows the Loyal 3 to have some kind of free will most of the time. They still feel a sense of loyalty to him, but it's not outright mind control. (He only does that in certain situations)
Kieran (yes I'm adding him here because in my AU he's a member so)
- While he hates Ogerpon now, he didn't have the heart to completely throw away the mask he had of the Ogre, so it's just stuffed under the bed in a box
- Survives off of chocolate and spite
- Was a regular customer at Peachy's and always wondered about the odd plush there, imagine his surprise when he found out that it was a Pokémon
- Autistic and ADHD (like me)
- Hates presenting stuff
- Doesn't go home after school so he just hangs out with the Loyal 3 most of the time.
- Avoids Florian/Juliana and Carmine at Blueberry Academy
- Dreams of going to Paldea and away from Kitakami someday
Alright I think these should be good
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Rtc neurodivergency headcanons:
Ocean isn’t professionally diagnosed because her parents think that smoking weed will somehow cure her autism
Noel was diagnosed when he was five and I feel like his mom started out as one of those mommy bloggers who was like “autism has stolen my son 😭”
She got better don’t worry
Penny is very attached to her doll and loves it to death but if she accidentally touches the fabric on the dolls dress when she’s having a bad sensory day she will yeet that bitch across the room as fast as humanly possible
We stan Mischa our favorite undiagnosed adhd bisexual Ukrainian king
Constance is the one who diagnosed Ocean because like A. She’s been friends with this girl for her entire life and B. She is also autistic
Ricky has a stim that is literally just him signing the word for cat
Ocean and Mischa are the perfect pair during group projects because Ocean has the unlimited energy that she gets out by writing as fast as humanly possible and Mischa just has these bursts of productivity that he uses for the more creative parts of the project
Ocean has a verbal stim that she got from Penny where she just kinda makes a small little “hmm” sound
Noel has a stim where he just kinda…blows on his fingers. Like Ocean will be in the middle of talking and he’ll just kinda…bring his hand in front of his mouth and blow on it
Constance’s mortal enemy is this specific blanket that is brown and has those little fuzzy cotton balls that are like sensory hell
Mischa messes with his phone case as a stim
Penny and Ricky are the least experienced people at masking
“People already think we’re weird, why try to hide it now?”
Ocean almost never stops masking
Like it is so hard to get her relaxed
One time she was having a meltdown in class and the only person who noticed was Noel because she was gripping her dress so tightly that he knuckles looked like pieces of paper
As much as they argue, Noel and Ocean are really good at calming each other down when they’re having a meltdown
They’ll notice the other is in the middle of one during class and then figure out a way to somehow get them both out of class and into a secluded location
Mischa has a very specific set of headphones and a very specific hoodie for whenever his executive dysfunction is at its worst or he’s just having a really bad sensory day
Whenever Ricky’s having a bad day whenever he gets home he makes it his personal goal to pet every single cat in the house because A. It is an impossible task and B. The cats’ fur always sends him to sensory heaven
This either comes out one of three ways:
He gets so caught up in trying to pet all the cats and the difficulty that this task brings that he forgets about his bad day
He gets so distracted in the fluffiness of the kitties that he forgets about his day
He accomplishes the task and is so proud and happy with himself that he forgets why he felt bad in the first place
Ocean came over one day and he could tell she was really wound up so he gave the challenge to her instead
She was later seen running after a very chunky orange kitty throughout the hallways while Ricky rolled behind with the biggest grin on his face
His parents took a picture of that moment that he now has on the wall of his room
Noel has a basket full of stim toys in his room
Sometimes when they have a sleepover at his house there’s like a solid few minutes of just fidget toy noises
They all steal hoodies from Mischa and then proceed to steal Mischa’s hoodies from each other
Constance has a lot of information on a lot of things because she has a new special interest about every month or so
She makes comfort cupcakes when she knows the others are in that place where everything is just too much
One year for her birthday present Constance bought Ocean noise cancelling headphones
Ocean almost sobbed
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firecrackerhh · 6 months
*listens to the Westend recording of the Charlie and the factory musical*
*really like Douglas Hodge as Wonka.*
*reads this*
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MY HEART!!!!!❤️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
We stan an autistic king.
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vitasexualiiis · 7 months
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look at this bts photo from the stage. it's incredible. i am obsessed.
mori and francis are serving not ONLY pussy but ALSO cunt. they are eating everything in sight and leaving zero crumbs. francis's smolder. mori's cunty cunty boots. they know they're beautiful. the elegance. insane.
meanwhile fukuzawa is like 🧍‍♂️
not even facing the camera.
affect flat as fyodors ass.
we stan an autistic king who does not want to be there.
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lithominium · 4 months
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We stan an autistic king
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batwithin · 2 years
heres every thing i know about Queen Marika's giant family for now
hes like, The Father Radagon kids love him his actual name is Hoarah Loux but Marika tried to gentrify him and gave him a white guy name aparently has a daughter out of the marriage but no one talk about that he fucked Radagon at least once
Queen M malesona all his kids hated him cool dog tho blessed the whole bloodline with luscious red hair tbh didn't seens that he has much going on he just hot and mute
the reason why Marika had a malesona pulled the baddest of all bitches by being autistic silliest hat ever a very powerful sorcerer her husband left her to marry his lesbian self wich is kinda sad got that mental illnes going on and we love her for that
... he dead he was cool he was banging a dragon aparently tbh thats the only thing i know about him
he seens nice :) he's an Omen, wich was a good thing till god said it was a bad thing his momma threw him in the sewer ppl like to poor little meow meow the shit out of him and they're right loyal to the golden order even tho they're shitty to him HES NAKED ALL THE TIME AND I RESPECT THAT
WORLD WORST GAY REP just saying, he would make a GREAT priest Rykard:
literally the only one with a normal life sure he's a god devouring snake but its all that he wanted his wife loves him so much its ridiculous cute snake daughter too
HORSE GIRL very big man, he give Ganondorf vibes yeah i don't vibe with him very much but he was a hottie tho very tragic ending
mad powerfull, could have done everything herself if wasn't for the weak body she seen very serious but its actually a dork cool big hat with the LED strips cannonically fell in love with someone that die in every "try jumping" troll message voice make her sound pissed off 90% of the time kind of a Bissexual queen (we stan)
little guy had all the braincells he hated the golden order too, king shit rip Miq you would have loved to overthrown the government with your big sis could have gone far if wasn't for the child molestor tbh i though he was a girl pretty hair runs in the family
she was kind of a himbo also didn't had much going on, just like her father i support her rights and wrongs too had 5 childrens her dick game must be insane (i know they're spore kids leave me alone) just wanted to protect her brother also has a very tragic ending SHES ALSO NAKED ALL THE TIME JUST LIKE HER BROTHER
Honorable mentiouns to: Melina who could have been Ranni other self (like Radagon), Godrick and Godefroy i guess they're Godwyn's kids?? Roderika who either Marika or Godrick's daughter based on that Hewg dialog, Nepheli Loux implied to be Hoarah's descendant, all of Malenia's girls, Blaidd and Maliketh.
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sanjifucker42069 · 7 months
Alright babyyyyy I wanna write down some of my viewpoints so you can see why I write strawhats the way I do:
I'm autistic, you bet your ass Luffy is autistic. He screams asexual and probably aro to me. Not bc he's autistic. That boy just has asexual energy. Love you king.
I high-key love Zoro's sassy ass. I also love how he actually isn't that bad at reading his friends. He is an idiot tho. Actual adore idiot!zoro, that man's a gem
Nami has such lesbian energy girlies. I really love Nami. Queen Shit, honestly. I will be writing some barely coherent shit about how much I really love Nami.
Sanji.......I love this whore. I will whine non-stop. This man deserves everything. This guy is as bi as they come baby. This man is the true definition of switch, but leans sub af. I REALLY wanna write something that explores Sanji's complex feelings around gender. I see this guy as someone who has had views of being feminine highly warped, bc baby I'm sorry, but he has real feminine energy. In fact I dont really know if I see sanji as like as cis!male as they come, yknow?
I think we can all agree Sanji doesn't really know how to handle love. None of the strawhats really can where I'm at so far. I think they all deserve to be shown they can be loved. To me though, Sanji is an interesting case. You can't tell me that he hasnt perfectly formulated a persona he uses to talk to people so he can protect his heart. You can't tell me the Vinsmokes didn't drill into him you gotta be tough.
I also firmly believe Sanji has bad toxic masculinity. I see that as a reason him and Zoro clash like they do. Sanji see women as fragile treasures to protect, whereas Zoro sees women as...well women, and that they can do anything. A lot of my sanji writing 100% revolves around taking that bitch and putting him in a situation where he's cared for and shown that being feminine is an okay thing, that relinquishing control is an okay thing, that you don't have to be some macho guy 24/7
I want to make him cry. Not an observation just a fact.
Also.......yeah he does overdo it, but man...pervert Sanji is kinda endearing, so you BEST believe that man is a pervert in my writing.
You KNOW that man wants to be praised and called baby, and good boy, and pretty and [i am forcibly dragged out the back and shot like the dog i am]
Robin mommy
Chopper baby, love chopper. I am a chopper stan.
Love me some Franky, ADORE me some frobin
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theoships · 11 months
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krasmol · 1 year
We have no other choice but stan our autistic, easter european coded king
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thebumblecee · 1 year
I am very curious: why do you call TK autistic king? :)
It’s my personal HC that TK is autistic!
Because to me he’s very autistic coded with his actions and I see a lot of mine and my friends in him.
Bounces when overwhelmed/over excited.
Can talk solidly about boba for 20 minutes.
Can’t always handle his emotions in an appropriate manner to the situation.
Also we all know he didn’t go through with that red snapper first date because you can’t just spring a new food texture on someone 😉
But joking aside, it’s just a HC and it makes me happy ☺️
I’m a TK stan first and a person second etc etc
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After watching Bullet Train I can confirm that Lenom is absolutely autistic. There is no way in hell he is not. Absolute king, we stan Lemon.
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