#where it’s misogynistic if you hate her OR pro-abuse if you like her
goodqueenaly · 1 year
Do you think willas tyrell will be exactly like how he is spoken about? As this lovely, we’ll-read and respectful man. Or will he have a Tyrion edge to him like how Tyrion is portrayed but his pov shows differently. How do you think his personality and archetype will be? 
I would certainly like to think that Willas Tyrell will be an overall positive character in the story. Every time Willas has come up in the story, he is the subject of admiration, approval, and/or affection: he is the big brother of Margaery’s memory who “used to read to [her] when [she] was a little girl, and draw [her] pictures of the stars”; he is the familial protector of Garlan’s childhood, who dubbed him “Garlan the Gallant” to protect him from crueler, body-shaming monikers; he is the “mild and courtly young man, fond of reading books and looking at the stars” whom Tywin identifies as his preferred new husband for Cersei (and note that Tywin says that “all reports” verify this description of Willas). While it might be easy to dismiss the consistent praise of Willas as merely the product of pro-Tyrell bias, I find it difficult to agree entirely with such an assessment. Oberyn Martell, certainly, had no incentive to praise Willas to Tyrion, even if he, Oberyn, wanted to deflect Tyrion’s barbed observation that the prince of Dorne had “trampled” the heir to Highgarden; likewise, Tywin hardly spared his (private) contempt of Robert Baratheon, for example, even though he actively sought to marry Cersei to Robert in the aftermath of Robert’s Rebellion.  
Indeed, I do not think it at all coincidental that these descriptions remind me most strongly of Samwell Tarly. Just as Randyll Tarly had set out to forcibly mold Sam into (his conception of) the perfect warrior, so Mace Tyrell had forced Willas into a tournament when he, Willas, was “still a green squire” (according to Mace’s WOIAF app entry) and when he “had no business riding in such company” because Mace “wanted another Leo Longthorn”. In turn, just as Randyll’s years of physical and psychological abuse toward Sam caused Sam deep and lasting trauma (so much so that he still fears Randyll’s brutal disapproval toward a career as a maester, despite owing no further obligation to Randyll now that he is a brother of the Night’s Watch), so Mace’s decision to urge Willas into Westerosi (peacetime) martial glory resulted in permanent physical disability inflicted on his son (and, relatedly, the consistent identification of Willas as a “cripple”, a shameful state in the eyes of largely ableist Westeros). However, where Randyll vigorously and horribly attempted to crush Sam’s non-martial interests, Willas seems to have been allowed, maybe even encouraged to pursue the same. Where Randyll treated with contempt Sam’s gentle bonding with his siblings - singing a lullaby to help baby Dickon sleep and sharing a bed in childhood with his sisters - Willas clearly showed himself the caring older brother to Margaery and Garlan; where Sam was chained by the neck for three days in a dungeon for merely suggesting that he become a maester, Willas has seemingly eagerly pursued his interest in books and learning. Importantly, where Randyll refused to show further interest in training Sam as his heir once he had Dickon, Mace has never done the same with Willas: Garlan and (especially) Loras may be the sort of talented young knights celebrated in Westerosi culture, but Mace has nevertheless deputized Willas as his representative in Highgarden (even praising Willas as such when he rejects Cersei’s suggestion that he, Mace, “is needed in the Reach”). Willas, perhaps, offers something of a glimpse into what Sam might have become, had Randyll Tarly not been such a violently hateful misogynist and male chauvinist - that is, an intelligent and capable heir without performing the expected (read: battlefield) roles of Westerosi male aristocrats.  
That similarity in character I think will result in a meeting of the minds, so to speak, in TWOW. When (and not if, I believe) Euron Greyjoy attempts to take over Oldtown as its apocalyptic god-king, I think Sam will make his way out of the city and toward Highgarden (as the political heart of the Reach and the closest major seat of protection, especially to a Reach-raised aristocrat like Sam). This is where good-natured, empathetic Willas Tyrell may work far better for the story than a more cynical or caustic take on the character: where Sam has been throughout his life mocked and derided for his lack of martial interest and his bookishness, Willas is exactly the sort of person to empathize with Sam and be keenly interested in what he has to say (especially given that Willas himself had warned Leyton Hightower of the ironborn’s coming). It is Willas who may appreciate Sam’s diligent study into ancient texts, especially into the supernatural, and so Willas who may be willing to listen to whatever advice Sam can provide, or even help himself with such research (in whatever archives Highgarden may have) in the quest to defeat Euron. (Incidentally, if Alleras-who-is-really-Sarella makes it out of Oldtown with Sam - and I certainly want to think she does - then Willas’ amiable relationship with her late father and demonstrated interest in learning may appeal to not only Oberyn’s proud daughter, but the one who had “wanted to know everything there was to know” on her dad’s field trip to the ruin of Shandystone.) 
So this is all a very longwinded way of saying that yes, I think Willas will be a Pretty Cool Dude when he gets introduced (so far as anyone in Westeros can be, anyway, and certainly anyone in a feudal aristocratic system). I don’t think it makes a lot of sense for GRRM to build him up consistently as such a positive figure and then say “actually just kidding, he’s a big old jerk” (though we’ll leave Jaehaerys I out of this discussion …). Rather, I think it works much better for the story if Sam finds one much like himself, but with the political power he never had - a true ally, kind, empathetic, and willing to listen to what he has to say when few others have. I firmly place Willas on the side of the good (along with Sam and, so I hope, Sarella) in the fight against the evil that is Euron and his attempted apocalyptic takeover.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
I remember all the handwringing over Reylo, how it would teach young girls that abuse was okay, how it would lead them to accept being mistreated, how liking him was as bad as a girl who thirsts over school shooters, etc. And yet look! Society has yet to become pro-abuse and the fans of the pairing who identify as women have not been murdered by their romantic partners en masse.
But despite this open contempt for the pairing, people also convinced themselves the only reason you could ship Kylo/any guy was hatred of women and not, y'know, trying to avoid the obsessed haters who had devoted anti-Reylo blogs for 5+ years. Also it was totally unhealthy of you to ship Kylo with anyone, said people with a dedicated blog where they discussed their hatred of a fictional man for half a decade, and you should get therapy for your sickness.
My personal least favorite moment of the the new trilogy fandom's plague of antis was them attacking a friend of mine. See, if you don't ship Finnrey, you're an anti-black racist (unless you ship Finnpoe in which case you are of course a misogynist fetishizing Poe, a space Latine). No one told my friend this, so she very obliviously drew some Finnlo, and all hell broke lose. People said it was like shipping a slave with a Nazi, that it demonstrated the dehumanization of black men by fandom, that it was akin to zoophilia since Kylo owned Finn, etc. It hit a peak of ridiculousness when someone self-harmed and sent my friend video of them doing so to show her how 'wrong' it was to ship the two.
My friend responded by contacting the parents of the person who self-harmed. Cue antis saying she was an adult harassing a minor. You know, because if one person is putting cigarettes out on themselves to spite someone on the internet and another person is saying "that's concerning", the latter is in the wrong, obviously.
I'm not even in this fandom but I support Reylo and Finnlo out of sheer spite at this point because I hated the manipulation and massive freakouts from the Finnrey crowd so much.
Sometimes people are going to ship something that's not your OTP and that's okay. It's not worth burning your skin off for.
Kylo is ew, but supposed Finn fans who can't even see that Finn also had an interesting potential connection with Kylo in that first film are idiots.
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delumineight · 7 months
shipping one women with countless men is inherently misogynistic. and i’m not just talking about within the harry potter fandom, i’m talking across all fandom but of course i’ll be using hp as my focus point considering that’s what i’m most familiar with. specifically, hermione granger.
she had one (1) canonical boyfriend who she ended up marrying and having two kids with. MAYBE two if you count krum, but they say that they never really label it or anything so we’ll go with one, that being ron. there’s also cormac but she canonically only entertained him because she thought it’d make ron jealous.
of course i get fandom shipping (not specifically with ron and hermione considering they’re canonically soulmates) and wanting them both to be with other people, but in the terms of romione somehow hermione is always the one that people want with somebody else. ron is constantly put with somebody random just as an excuse to get him out of the way, or even worse, made abusive or a cheater which… boy i could go on about that one. but i digress (for now).
despite her canonically not have a s/o until ron she is relentlessly shipped with her oppressors such as lucius malfoy, draco malfoy, tom riddle/voldemort, scabior, and so so so many more. you shouldn’t need an explanation on why that is wrong. then, of course, your regular pro ships like her with sirius black, remus lupin, severus snape, etc. which is appalling that i feel the need to explain that even though she’s an adult by the end of the series (without 19YL) she met these men at 11, 13, and 14. and yes, it’s more than “fiction.”
the urge that people, and sadly specifically women, feel to ship her with these men that sound insane when you explain it in simple terms like “this is a muggle-born and someone who wants her dead” or “this is a man and girl that he met when she was a preteen” is rooted in misogyny in hatred for who hermione really is, a “not like other girls” archetype. and no, i don’t really like the archetype and the portrayal but it’s really and truly who she is. she’s a bookworm and her two best friends are boys, throughout the series she makes fun of more traditionally feminine girls (lavender, fleur).
and while it’s okay for women to do whatever they want, it’s harmful to not allow them to do so, in the case that hermione granger’s character and personality is changed simply for the sake of shipping. passing her around to multiple men, who she canonically hates, is destructive to her character and her stance on political issues as a woman during a war where she is a main target for oppression. it itself is oppressive.
when a woman’s personality is taken away, changed, obstructed, or anything else that takes away from what she really is for the sake of putting her with a man it is misogynistic. dampening a female character’s traits for the sake of putting her with a man is misogynistic. giving hermione granger the personality of a brick to ship her with a death eater is misogynistic. and no, don’t ship hermione with someone other than ron as a “gotcha” moment toward jkr. i’m sure she doesn’t give a shit what you think, ship people who make sense. not ones you think someone would dislike.
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tori-artemis · 2 years
I don't usually make posts when I'm upset about something (or like, at all) but honestly I'm just. Really sick of the Loki fandom as a whole. Like I'm just tired of all the pettiness and bullshit. And tbh it's on both ends of the Loki series/Ragnarok split. Both pros and antis.
This isn't so much a vague post as it's a vent post for me. You see, I've been having these feelings about the Loki fandom overall for months now, and I've seen certain posts from the positive side where I just want to - jump in and say something, or at least speak for myself as an ""anti"" (hate that word btw) bc the amount of generalizing I've seen that goes on over there wrt ppl who dislike the show is just - well it's fucking frustrating. Like it annoys me bc I've heard every dumb overgeneralization since the show first came out, from not wanting Loki to move on bc we're oh-so-traumatized to we're just bitter bc the show didn't go the way we wanted/our hcs of Loki weren't validated, etc.
I think one that annoyed me the most was the claim that ppl who hate/dislike Sylvie as a character do so out of misogyny. And like - maybe there's some truth there wrt how the character/actress tend to be bombarded with gendered slurs, and yes that's not cool, but I've never referred to Sylvie or Sophia as any slur. (In fact I don't even hate Sylvie - what I do hate is how the writers have set her up as a "superior" contrast to Loki, which to me seems very intentional on their part, particularly wrt the Trauma Olympics™ as in "Sylvie had it so much harder" 🙄 - but I digress). Yet I can't help but feel like I'm being lumped in the "antis are misogynists" bin every time I read any of those posts from the pro side, simply bc I dislike the way a character was utilized. The way those posts are written, the way they sound - it's very black and white, overgeneralizing an entire group of fans, there's no nuance or side notes or disclaimers of "hey - I know not all of y'all are like this, this is just about some I've encountered" - not even in the tags, nothing. And I've just wanted so badly to jump in and say: "hey, anti here and I'm not like that" but I refrain, bc I've grown so tired of all the fandom infighting and discourse that I usually don't have the energy to get into it. So when I see someone from that side of fandom jump on a post and say how they dislike being overgeneralized as a fan, and how they feel like they're being misrepresented, or condescended to... I can't help but feel kinda upset by that, ngl. Part of me just wants to say "yes it sucks, but recognize that your side (if not you yourself) does it too. Some of you folks do it too."
Like I've read posts implying/stating that antis who hate the show lack critical thinking skills - and like, look, there might be a bit of truth wrt, say, calling Sylvie an outright abuser (and even I've been a little guilty of agreeing to view her as a person with toxic traits as opposed to the enemy-to-lovers trope she clearly falls into - tho I still can't really fault myself for not being able to take that romance seriously due to how damn rushed and forced it felt - but that's besides the point). But there's just something about the way a lot of these posts are worded, like yes some posts are pretty reasonable, but others are practically dripping with condescending sentiment (for lack of better words) as if we're fucking stupid for having emotional reactions to media as opposed to critical reactions, when isn't that the point of media and art, to illicit emotions? Like yes, the story might be trying to say something (and it might epically fail in doing so, which is how I view the show overall) but it's also meant to move ppl. And if it fails to do so, or it garners an unintended reaction, or the characterization is too inconsistent or the story telling itself is rushed/filled with inconsistencies then can you really blame fans for, well, being blindsided by disappointment/their emotions as opposed to critically analyzing it? And yes I know this is a matter of opinion, but still.
(Like sometimes a story can be extremely well written overall, and very well thought out and fans will just be oblivious to, choose to ignore or even outright refuse to pick up on the symbolism within a story, or the internal motivations/conflicts within a character, or how a character progresses/character arcs in general. Sometimes fans will even completely and intentionally misread a character in their entirety, and the role they play within a story, no matter how skilled and how excellent the writing is within a piece of art. And sometimes fans will just overall fail to realize the major themes/hints that a writer carefully lays out. Yes this is a thing, and one I've been made aware of in the particular fandom that I'm about to join.)
But then there's stories that are just... lazily/half-heartedly written at best, and so I just don't understand where pro stans get off by being condescending to ppl like me who just couldn't be immersed due to all those flaws in storytelling. Especially when I didn't get enough out of it to even see where a lot of these conclusions fans seem to have drawn from it. Like there are some inconsistencies within the story itself, there are things that just don't make a whole lot of sense, there are many contradictions, I didn't just make them up. And again I know, everyone interprets media differently, but I don't really see what a lot of pro fans have taken from the series, bc I personally don't think its there. And I really don't appreciate being thought of as some kind of imbecile for not "getting it" when the media in question is, objectively... not all that great tbh. And I'm being absolutely neutral when I say that, like I'm literally not even hating here.
And like I could've easily have turned around and made a bunch of posts stating how pro fans are "stupid" for putting so much thought into a piece of media I personally find to be stupid or just lacking in general, but I haven't. Bc one: that's a shitty thing to do to ppl, and two: it wouldn't even be true bc so many ppl who I consider very intelligent have enjoyed this show, and do put a lot of thought into analyzing it, so despite me not really seeing where they're coming from I want to respect that. And look, it's not like I haven't had those presumptuous thoughts or knee jerk reactions, bc yeah I am in an echo chamber too, and I'm no saint - I'm definitely human and I've had some overgeneralized, uncharitable takes. But I recognize this about myself, I don't post that shit. Which is why I get so upset when I see so many other fans do just that.
Also there is a definite misuse of the depiction of torture, which is used to convey certain themes, and that's very unfortunate, and IMO very bad writing/storytelling. I probably would've been a little more charitable towards the series overall if the Sif-beatdown timeloop scene had been scrapped altogether like the writers seriously should've considered doing (due to the fact that torture has so many misconceptions and is grossly excused in the majority of media which has unfortunate real world consequences) and instead focus more on Loki confronting his fear of being alone, if that truly is what the intention for that scene was. Like yes, some antis might go overboard wrt the messaging within the show, but when it comes to things like the atrocious time loop scene... that's not a made up thing we just happen to pull out of nowhere, that's something the writers put in there and therefore, yeah that's pretty fucked.
Then on the other side I'll find myself liking a post from a negative series fan bc I'll agree with the overall sentiment of it, only to unlike it right after reading the tags bc they've said something like "ppl who like this show/movie/etc are stupid" or "if you ever defended or even enjoyed TR fuck you" - and like??? WTF. I understand disliking the show or whatever but why the hell would you brush over an entire group of real, actual people as "idiots" for simply liking a piece of media??? Like - do I think the show was a disjointed mess? Yeah, I do. Do I think it was poorly written? Yes. Do I even think the reasoning behind a lot of these writing decisions was really fucking stupid on the creators part (or at the very least, that they failed to convey their ideas clearly)? Absolutely. But that doesn't mean anyone who's ever enjoyed the show is stupid for doing so, and I say this as someone who does have the knee-jerk reaction to go "how could you like that show, it sucked so much!"
But like, at the end of the day I understand that ppl take different things out of media. And just bc you find something so stupid or unwatchable, doesn't mean others will, and that's okay bc ppl are different and have different tastes and IDK how ppl don't fucking get that??? Like why is this even a hot take when it's literally just a fact???
It's shit like this that makes me feel like leaving the fandom all together. Which I don't really want to do, bc despite everything wrong with fandom and despite my own personal disappointment with the latest Loki/Thor franchise installments I still really love Loki as a character, and I still want to write fic revolving him. I even still want to make friends within the Loki fandom bc that's literally why I created this blog in the first place, to befriend other Loki fans, like I could've easily stayed being a lurker within the fandom but regardless I think at this point it's farfetched to want this bc the fandom's just way too split and way too hostile and way too fucking eager to be uncharitable and condescending af. And I'm just tired. I'm just... really really tired of the pettiness, the condescending attitude a lot of fans seem to fucking have for anyone who might think differently from them.
I'm tired of the gatekeeping - on both sides. It's on both sides. Because saying "real Loki fans would never like/defend TR/the show" and "how anyone can claim to be a Loki fan if they hate him/his own show" aren't so far apart from each other, both sentiments basically say the same thing, just from polarized viewpoints.
And I wish more fans would just recognize that.
#Loki fandom negativity#I refuse to tag this as anything else bc this isn't about the show - it's the fandom#look I'm just tired guys#I've been fed up and sick of all the damn fucking pettiness#Maybe I'm being overdramatic here#But in my defense I too am in the middle of experiencing that time of the month...#(I swear this isn't so much about that particular post as it is about all the other posts and nonsense I've seen#and the disappointment I've had with fandom that's just been pent up inside of me)#I know ppl follow me who are really entrenched in the negativity side who might take offense to this#And while I'm not really trying to offend anyone here I don't really want to go on pretending that I'm not kinda upset by all the -#posts and hot takes and hate bashing of fans/folks who might've actually enjoyed the show - bc yeah I hate that damn show too#but I can't help but feel disappointed when ppl start calling folks ''idiots'' and whatnot for enjoying a piece of media#THIS IS A BOTH SIDES ISSUE AND IM FUCKING TIRED OF IT#ALL OF YOU (GENERALLY) FUCKING GATEKEEP THE FANDOM#BOTH CONDESCEND THE OTHER SIDE AND ITS. FUCKING SHITTY#NO IM NOT A MISOGYNISTIC IDIOT WHO'S INCAPABLE OF CRITICALLY ANALYZING A MEDIOCRE/SUBPAR SHOW#AND NO JUST BC I HATE THE SHOW DOESNT MEAN I WANT TO HATEBASH ANYONE WHO ENJOYED IT#PPL ARENT IDIOTS OR STUPID FOR LIKING/DISLIKING A PIECE OF MEDIA FFS#like even discussing with some friends on discord is frustrating when they say things like ''i judge ppl who like the show''#like no. stop doing that shit. dont condescend others like that#if anyone seeing this feels offended and wants to block/unfollow thats okay#ive already made another blog focusing on a completely different fandom#so im probably going to be dipping out of here soon anyway#i just wanted to get this off my chest before doing so#also i know there are some cool ppl here on both sides/in the middle but im just done#i said i wasnt going to talk about the show but then i just went and did so#loki series criticism i guess#might as well title this post 'How to lose friends and alienate loki fans'#tldr: everyone (generally) in this damn fandom is fucking petty and IM TIRED
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alwida10 · 2 years
Men as victims - what makes the reactions to the Loki show so telling
Recently, I noticed something concerning on Twitter. There are several categories of people who liked and support the Loki show (2021), varying from casual fans who knew nothing about Loki before, over fans of the general MCU who perceived Loki mainly as a villain in The Avengers (2012), to rabid show fans who generally call everyone a misogynist who dares to admit they didn’t enjoy the show. Now, while I normally find some kind of common ground with people who are part of the first two groups, the last one belongs to a special kind of people. I noticed their habit to turn to verbal abuse quite fast (like so many others), but now there is something more they have in common: most of them believe and support Amber Heard.
The thing with supporters of Amber Heard is that many of them support her just because she‘s a woman and they claim all women should be believed in general, obviously regardless of all evidence.
There are people on Twitter who love the show (by loving Sylvie as a proxy) to a degree it becomes meaningless to them if they thus support torture, abuse, and other crimes that are framed as morally acceptable. And they treat the Heart vs Depp trial just the same, attacking both Depp and people who believe him. They do so by utilizing ad hominem attacks, like calling people misogynists, social rights warriors, or men’s rights warriors, abusers, and toxic. They are trying to refute rather by character defamation instead of arguments. A frequently used move is to switch the abuser/victim dynamic and call everyone speaking up for Loki or Depp a victim blamer. To support their claims they apply other manipulative tactics, such as twisting facts.
Here is one example: after the show aired many fans of Loki (the character, not the show) pointed out that the relationship resembled autogynephilia, a harmful hypothesis that claimed trans women would want to adapt their gender because they were attracted by the idea of themselves, but as women. The pro-series fans claim to point out this would be actually transphobic (reversing the accusation), citing an article written by Julia Serrano (a famous trans-women who works in science). But if you check what she actually said about the matter, the article does not support the claim. She argued a dislike of the relationship could be caused by subconscious transphobia because people might perceive Sylvie as trans since she is the only female Loki variant. When genderfluid fans pointed out to her on Twitter that they did not feel comfortable with the Loki show, Serrano herself cited a tweet where she points out the flaws of the genderfluid representation herself. In conclusion, 1) fantasies about one’s own body but of another gender are normal, not limited to trans-people and not to be looked down upon! 2) presenting the relationship in the show in a way it will inspire discrimination against non-binary people because it reminds us of the harmful claims some “scientists” have made in the past is not a good representation. 3) pointing out this fact is in support of GF fans, and certainly not transphobic.
At the same time, men face much greater problems being believed when they get abused by women than the other way ‘round. Still, those people close their eyes from the abuse and support the abusers and in case of the Loki series, the framing of torture and abuse as being just. (While I am not a fan of Sylvie, since Loki was mainly disparaged to make her look superior, she is not mainly responsible for his abuse. That would be Mobius doing the death threats and the gaslighting, and ordering the groin kicking.)
Now why is this important? I think there is a social current happening we should be aware of. Women who hate men just because of their gender, who fight for increased discrimination under the guise of feminism and even pretending to act to protect trans-people. This is just as bad as patriarchy.
So, if you ever happened to be in a situation you were discriminated against and wanted the support of someone who would be believed where you wouldn’t you should fight this social current. I recommend doing so by asking if they liked the show. If they do, explain the torture, the transphobic representation, and the disparaging, and ask again. If they still stand behind it, that’s a bad sign.
On a side note: 1) those people are giving both feminism and LGBTQIA+ supporters a bad name, and I am getting annoyed by that. 2) I agree that the public defamation of Heard is not ok, and needs to stop. For one thing we should be over lynching in 2022, and secondly, it only contributes to the hardening of the fronts. Instead, we need to think about how we see people who have been convicted and that it is still a crime to abuse them.
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emerlovesinvaderzim · 2 years
Okay, I understand if anyone disagrees with me on this but I think the Invader Zim fandom is pretty shitty. You know the way people always say there's always a quiet majority and a loud minority? Well this is different. This time it's a loud majority and quiet minority situation. Zim is the main protagonist of this show, is he a good character? No. Does he have flaws? Yes. Do characters need flaws? Yes. Is it good that Zim has flaws? Yes it is. But does the fandom treat his flaws like they're even flaws at all? No, they don't.
The fandom obsesses over Zim and acts like there's nothing wrong with his character. He was seen committing terrorism throughout the show and he acts like he's better than everyone and throws them (Including his robot GIR) under the bus yet they'll always comment on how "cute and small" he is and how everyone just wants to hug him. (even though he'll most likely kill you if you do.) You can still like Zim but please acknowledge that he isn't a good person. He has narcissistic personality disorder.
However, Zim's arch nemesis, Dib Membrane, who is the main antagonist of the show, is also a terrible person. He wants to expose Zim for fame and money and is often seen bullying or picking on Zim at school however the fandom actually acknowledges that Dib is in the wrong for this and people tend to hate him a lot because of this. I know there's a lot of Dib fans out there (myself included.) but even they're able to critique his character and understand he's asshole but Zim's fans don't seem to do the same with Zim. This really annoys me. I've seen people who'll hate Dib for his selfish and entitled behavior but then they'll love Zim for the same reasons. What the fuck?
I had someone tell me Dib being a terrible person is overlooked while Zim being terrible isn't, which isn't anywhere near true. I explained to them why and they just gave me a skull emoji and said "It's not that hard to comprehend, I've seen media where Dib is easy going, chill and nice where as Zim is a huge dickhead." I have never seen that and they never even showed me any proof of fans doing that. There's literally a whole AU called "The lovebug AU" where Zim is a sweet and kind little guy with wings and Dib is mean and cruel. I have never seen an AU where it's the other way around. I have read a read fanfictions where he's a portrayed as this high school chad who's racist and misogynistic and I even read a fic where he was pro-life. I never read any fics where Zim is portrayed that way. The person wasn't lying when they said Zim is portrayed as mean though but when he is portrayed as mean, it's meant to be in a cute and light hearted funny way and when I see Dib portrayed as nice, it's in a dumb and creepy way.
There's a comic called "Trainwreck" (it's a Zim x Dib comic incase you're uncomfortable) where Dib is portrayed as a dumbass and crazy obsessed stalker while Zim, is mean yes, but is also chill and just wants to go about his own day and his cruelty is kinda glamourized as humor in this comic. I also have read stories where they've abused each other but when Dib abused Zim, it wasn't glamourized or made funny but when Zim did it to Dib, it was. This one fanfic had Zim abuse Dib and he held a grudge against him (as he should) but the comments where calling Dib salty for refusing to forgive him and they said they wanted to slap him while I was wanting to slap Zim.
Same with Gaz, I can understand her anger and see why she finds Dib annoying but she's no better than him. She constantly abuses him physically and emotionally yet their dad does nothing about this. I know Dib has also done bad things to her and he has no excuse for doing that. He put a curse on her in one episode and she had every right to be mad at him. I have seen no one defend him for doing that, everyone was pretty mad at him for doing that. Also just because Dib is mean to Gaz doesn't give her the excuse to actively try to make his life more miserable than already is everyday. They're both toxic towards each other and they both make life harder for each other, we need to end the harmful standard that men can't be abused.
I don't hate Zim or Gaz, they're actually two of my favourite characters. I can still critique characters I like, that doesn't make me like them less. I'm still able to critique Dib and I have done it throughout this rant. I won't disregard anyone's experience with the fandom, I promise. They're are Zim and Gaz stans who are able to understand that they're both terrible characters and there are Dib stans who are toxic and won't accept that he's also a terrible character too. It's Invader Zim, everyone in this show is a terrible person. Not just Zim, not just Dib, everyone. The only one who isn't terrible is GIR. I'm just expressing how I feel and what I have seen with in the fandom, please don't take this personally and feel free to disagree with me.
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babyfairy · 2 years
I always KNEW there was a reason I didn’t like your ass and today you decided to prove me right by logging onto Beyoncé’s Internet and admitting to being a full fledged defender and apologist of one of the most abusive men known to Hollywood as Johnny Depp. First of all bitch, fuck you. I always suspected you were moving funny and yet here my dumb ass was following you for like six years thinking there’s gotta be SOMETHING off about this chick because I just don’t feel it with her. And of course, as I am an excellent judge of character, today was the day I finally got proven right. And how dare you come on here and brazenly say some victim blaming shit like that while claiming to be progressive and pro-women? Babyfairy AKA Bri AKA SO progressive and SO intersectional except I stan racist homophobic misogynist Johnny Depp! I’m still progressive though! I’m still Black! Bitch, truly from the bottom of my heart and soul, fuck you, you self-hating, pathetic, misogynistic piece of flaming garbage. I have truly never loathed anyone as much as I loathe you in this moment and I don’t care if you block me, I don’t care because I am done with you and I already didn’t like you from the start, I just can’t wait for others to catch on now. If you stan Johnny then say it with your whole chest next time and see how many of your so-called adoring followers stick with you. You’re trash. 🤮
bae i’m sorry but 1. i stopped reading this after the first sentence and 2. i literally have not and will not defend johnny depp because i hate that man and want him to die. so i have no idea where this is coming from but you wasted your energy typing all this out for nothing
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inksinger · 1 year
Finally, some decent pinned...
Find me on the Archive at Inksinger!
Born in the early 90s
Pronouns: thu/thum/thu's | fae/faer/faen | she/her/hers
Bisexual, polyromantic, genderfluid/nonbinary
Married to @zofmoesia, my adoring spousevoid
Lokean hearth witch
Native to the northern end of California
I own too many cats and dogs
World of Warcraft
Real life junk
Cat videos
Literally anything else I decide I want to post or reblog
Honor System - If you do not list your age or age range (minor/adult) in your header or pinned, I will assume you are an adult and treat you accordingly unless and until I am given evidence to the contrary. I am making every reasonable effort to be clear about what this blog is for and avoid minors where I can; if you are not comfortable making a similar effort on your own blog, that's okay - just be honest with me and yourself, and stay away or let me know if you're a minor. It's as much for my own security as it is for yours.
Bots Are Scum - I've been auto-followed by at least fifty different bots since I started this blog a couple months ago, and blocked every single one. If your blog looks like it's a bot, I will block you.
Double-Checking - I will check the header and pinned post of each blog that follows me to make sure they adhere to the DNI list below. This is my personal blog, and I will maintain the space around it as best I can. This isn't about being hostile or paranoid; it's me looking after myself and my peers.
Be Cool - I can and will block blogs for abusive behavior, even if they don't fall under any of the DNI flags below. Don't be a jerk. I don't have time for it.
See Something, Say Something - If there's something I post or reblog that you need me to tag in the future, or if you think I've forgotten a tag on an existing post, please let me know right away so I can fix it. This goes for triggers, sensitive subjects, spoilers for old content, and characters/series you just plain don't like. It also goes for things you want to be able to find more easily!
Inclusivity Doesn't Include Hate Groups - This blog is pro-BLM, pro-ACAB, pro-LGBTQIA+, and pro-reproductive rights, often aggressively so. If any of that bothers you, go away, we don't like you.
Minors (US standard, so no one under the age of 18 - not everything on this blog is for kids, and honestly even if it was sometimes tweens get a little annoying)
Transphobes, homophobes, antisemites, misanthropes, misogynists, racists, bigots, pro-birthers, etc (if you hate another group purely because they are different from you and/or seek to strip another group of their human rights, stay far away from me and maybe go walk into the ocean)
Apologists (this includes sealions, gaslighters, goal post movers, and what-abouters - I'm not going to "discuss" my extremely justified hatred of someone who's actual garbage, go have a poor-faith debate with somebody else)
Pearl clutchers (adults who think ns/fw or deep topics simply don't belong on public websites at all because kids or sensitive adults might find it - if there are kids interacting with my posts specifically it's on them for not adhering to the publicly accessible DNI list, and adults have no excuse for not blacklisting or blocking without interacting)
Purity stans (adults who think writing something in a fictional piece means the author must surely be endorsing that something - nobody in their right mind would accuse any of the writers who worked on Nightmare on Elm Street of being totally down with torture and murder because that's ridiculous and everyone knows it)
If there's anything you think I should add, let me know and I'll make sure to update this bad boy. Stay cool. ✨
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vixensfire · 3 months
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#VIXENSFIRE: An independent, private, selective, semi-lit to literate RP blog, featuring muses from Disney, Pokemon, Genshin Impact, Pixar, and more. 18+ to interact- minors/ageless blogs are blocked on sight (age ranges are fine, including 18+ / 21+).
This blog contains strong NSFW and/or dark themes, including but not limited to: Sexual content (including BDSM), alcohol/drugs, toxic relationships, abuse, manipulation, and general violence. Proceed at your own risk, I am not responsible for you being unable to curate your own space.
Penned by Vixen. 21+, she/her. Most active on @luminovas. Rule highlights are below the cut.
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-My tagging format is #____ cw. I don't do catch-alls or personal trigger tags. My NSFW tag is #( nsft. )
-This blog is anti-censorship and pro-survivor. I have no patience for people who are unable to curate their own RP experience without harassing people about what they write. In other words, if you are pro-censorship / pro-harassment over fiction, then the door is to the right (and hit the block button on your way out)!
-Be 18+ to interact. No exceptions, I am not responsible for what you see if you choose to lie about your age to get into 18+ spaces.
-I hate RP elitists and you'll be blocked on sight. Whether you're a snob about graphics, mobile users, people who don't have English as a first language, or anything else like that. I don't care, you can GTFO.
-I don't RP with any blogs that don't have a strong distinction between mun and muse. Kin blogs, alter blogs, most self-inserts, etc.
-I don't RP with muses from Harry Potter, Dream SMP, Attack on Titan, Hetalia, Homestuck, or South Park.
-Personal blogs can follow me, but don't like/reblog my posts.
-Highly NSFW and shipping friendly for most muses (I will directly state if they are not open for NSFW or shipping), though I prefer chemistry and plotting beforehand. No cheating dynamics.
-RP is a mutual effort, and if you're consistently ghosting/ignoring my attempts to interact, I'm just gonna softblock you. I will not waste my time or energy with people who constantly ghost my attempts to interact.
-I only reblog callouts if the person being called out is exhibiting dangerous behavior towards real people or animals. In other words, I'm not about those callouts where the premise is "this person writes ____" or "this person ships ____," nor am I about the callouts where it could have just been resolved by communicating properly or blocking eachother. That being said, if I'm following someone who has previously been called out for dangerous behavior, please privately message me with the callout- and make sure it has definitive proof and not just word of mouth.
-I'm fairly vocal about the RPC's many problems. Such as misogyny, racism, queerphobia (especially transphobia), ableism, the mistreatment of OCs, the trigger happy callout culture, the many RPC blogs that solely exist to give the most toxic members of the RPC a place to thrive, and so on. I'll tag these rants with #salt cw.
-I'm picky about fight scenes and plotting is essentially mandatory due to this, unless there's a very clear premise. I'm passionate about stuff like godmodding and metagaming, and I will never have my muses kill, maim, or control your muse in a thread without permission, but I will also not water down the power level or experiences of my muses.
-Queerphobes, racists, misogynists, antisemites, ableists, etc. will never be welcome here. I stand with Palestine and other occupied nations, and if you don't then you can go pound sand.
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luminovas · 3 months
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#LUMINOVAS: An independent, private, selective, semi-lit to literate RP blog for an original character from an original universe. 18+ to interact- minors/ageless blogs are blocked on sight (age ranges are fine, including 18+ / 21+).
This blog contains strong NSFW and/or dark themes, including but not limited to: Sexual content (including BDSM), alcohol/drugs, toxic relationships, abuse, manipulation, and general violence. Proceed at your own risk, I am not responsible for you being unable to curate your own space.
Penned by Vixen. 21+, she/her. Rule highlights are below the cut.
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Rule Highlights:
-My tagging format is #____ cw. I don't do catch-alls or personal trigger tags. My NSFW tag is #veneri. ( nsft. ).
-This blog is anti-censorship and pro-survivor. I have no patience for people who are unable to curate their own RP experience without harassing people about what they write. In other words, if you are pro-censorship / pro-harassment over fiction, then the door is to the right (and hit the block button on your way out)!
-Be 18+ to interact. No exceptions, I am not responsible for what you see if you choose to lie about your age.
-I hate RP elitists and you'll be blocked on sight. Whether you're a snob about graphics, mobile users, people who don't have English as a first language, or anything else like that. I don't care, you can GTFO.
-Personal blogs can follow me, but don't like/reblog my posts.
-I don't RP with muses from Harry Potter, Dream SMP, Attack on Titan, Hetalia, Homestuck, or South Park.
-I don't RP with any blogs that don't have a strong distinction between mun and muse. Kin blogs, alter blogs, most self-inserts, etc.
-Highly NSFW and shipping friendly, though I prefer chemistry and plotting beforehand. No cheating dynamics.
-RP is a mutual effort, and if you're consistently ghosting/ignoring my attempts to interact, I'm just gonna softblock you.
-I only reblog callouts if the person being called out is exhibiting dangerous behavior towards real people or animals. In other words, I'm not about those callouts where the premise is "this person writes ____" or "this person ships ____," nor am I about the callouts where it could have just been resolved by communicating properly or blocking eachother. That being said, if I'm following someone who has previously been called out for dangerous behavior, please privately message me.
-I'm fairly vocal about the RPC's many problems. Such as misogyny, racism, queerphobia (especially transphobia), ableism, the mistreatment of OCs, the trigger happy callout culture, the many RPC blogs that solely exist to give the most toxic members of the RPC a place to thrive, and so on. I'll tag these rants with #salt cw.
-I'm picky about fight scenes and plotting is essentially mandatory due to this, unless there's a very clear premise. I'm passionate about stuff like godmodding and metagaming, and I will never have Nova kill, maim, or control your muse in a thread without permission, but I will also not water down the fact that they are an extremely old and powerful god with a ton of battle experience under their belt.
-Queerphobes, racists, misogynists, antisemites, ableists, etc. will never be welcome here. I stand with Palestine and other occupied nations, and if you don't then you can go pound sand.
0 notes
pinkarachnia · 1 year
Lesbian Anime Review #2 - Netsuzou Trap NTR
If the title wasn’t enough of a red flag, let me go and raise several more for you because ladies, this anime was BAD.
Content warning: sexual situations with dubious consent and themes of domestic violence
Hoo boy.
I’m not going to go into any graphic detail about any of that, and tbh the show doesn’t go so far that I had to step away, but damn it was pretty uncomfortable!
All the reviews for this on Crunchyroll were one star. Seems a lot of people got the same impression I did.
So the basic premise here is that two girls who are childhood friends both have boyfriends, when one girl starts making sexual advances at the other under the premise of “practicing for our boyfriends”. This keeps happening over time until one of their relationships breaks down over it and the other relationship is revealed to be a pretty bad and abusive one, but eventually both girls are able to admit that they have real feelings for each other and they both leave their relationships and are happy together. That’s the whole show.
There are several problems with the way these events are depicted within the show that make it hard to watch.
Black hair girl keeps coming onto pink hair girl, who spends the whole show ruminating on how weird the whole situation is for her. She doesn’t seem to like it! That’s clear to everyone watching from the Crunchyroll review section.
What they were going for is that she’s actually suppressed her romantic feelings for her friend since they were younger and she’s been put in a situation where she now gets to be intimate with the girl she loves, so she doesn’t refuse. But she takes so long to come to this realisation that most of the show just feels bad to watch.
Then there’s the boyfriends. You’ve got one nice boy and one evil boy.
Nice boy (brown hair) is honestly a pretty great guy. I liked him. Always felt bad for him. He’s even still able to remain amicable with pink girl after they break up. He is a fucking champion. He’s able to help pink hair come to terms with her feelings by telling her, “while we were together it always felt to me like you had feelings for someone else”. Stan him.
Evil boy (grey hair) is such an inhuman kind of character. He is not sympathetic in the slightest. His backstory is never explored and he’s just evil. His entire deal can be summed up with one of his lines, “I hate women, I just like sex”. Just an unrepentant misogynist. It would have been nicer if he got some kind of comeuppance by the end but nothing even happens. I guess he and black hair girl break up off screen.
Now apparently this show is a terrible adaption of the manga it’s based on. I believe that, but I don’t think I’ll be picking it up any time soon. There’s actually good lesbian manga I could be reading.
Final thoughts
This show was trashy as fuck but it at least had the decency to be short and the girls did start dating each other by the end. They actually used the word “lesbian” at one point which they don’t usually in anime. But this was a bad show. Don’t watch it. I have suffered for you even though I know you didn’t ask.
12 9-minute episodes made it easier to swallow
gay ending
trashy as fuck
deeply uncomfortable sex scenes all throughout
toxic characters in toxic relationships with little to no character development
only 12 9-minute episodes? That sucks on principle.
And I’m giving this one a 2/10
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sodalite-thistle · 2 years
I struggle to understand how a lot of the pro-life crowd expects banning abortions to work in a practical sense. I get that from their perspective abortion is no different than killing an one year old child and can even appreciate that angle. I think abortion is a tragic thing.
But suppose you do get it banned. As we know, banning things doesn't make it go away, it just pushes it underground and creates a lot of organized crime around it (see alcohol, drugs, prostitution) and often makes things worse for those involved, such as prostitutes being/feeling unable to go to the police for being abused by a pimp or client. I imagine that the women who would take the risk of getting an illegal abortion would be desperate, not well off women in stable marriages. Corrupt/bad doctors would take advantage of these women, knowing they couldn't be reported for medical malpractice.
I haven't seen too much discussion of the after effects of banning abortion so I'm not sure what their take is on it but do they think women who get abortions should be charged with murder and go to prison? What would that actually help beyond making her life even harder? Would that stop her from getting another abortion in the future?
I find it all very frustrating because I think there are many avenues to reduce the amount of abortions without having to make it illegal. I don't think you could ever totally eradicate the practice but it isn't like drugs or prostitution where there is a pleasurable aspect to it, getting an abortion isn't a happy experience. I think most women would rather not have to have one at all.
This could be because I don't follow anyone who is mainly a pro life activist but just follow people who happen to be pro life, but the only reason I see pro life discussion is when it is explicitly about banning abortion. I don't see much other talk about preempting the need for them altogether, which you think they would talk about more when they see abortion as murder. Anything that would stop any abortions would be worthwhile. But it usually just boils down to "don't have sex" which, sure, isn't incorrect but saying that isn't going to change anything, it's not a realistic solution. It would be helpful to know what the factors are that prompts a woman to choose to abort a pregnancy. How much weight do finances, relationships, health, etc. each have on her decision?
I also have a lot of resentment for the crazy segment of the pro choice side, like the women who flaunt the number of abortions that they've had or those who pass laws that allow you to abort a baby immediately after birth. Their level of extremism has prompted the reaction from the pro life side to start pushing for full bans. I think the pro life sees it as a slippery slope of "if we allow abortions for any reason we inevitably end with killing babies after they are born."
Maybe the thing I hate about it the most is the vitriol and black and white thinking that comes from both sides. I haven't found anyone that can discuss the issue with nuance, it's just one side calling the other baby killers and the other responding by calling them misogynists. It is such a complex issue and it has been boiled down into such incredible stupidity.
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kkusuka · 3 years
oh man, here we go-
disclaimer!!- my feelings towards these people have nothing to do with their cannon actions, it is simply based on how much i want them to step on me!
also, if you think i forgot someone, let me know! i am always up for dilf/milf conversations!!!
(all photos are form either the manga or cannon animation<3)
the dilfs<3
there are so many of them so these are just a few, lol
toji fishiguro<3
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this man makes my pussy leak.
take a second and look at him, google this man, it send me into shock every time without fail
(ignore the worm that i am most definitely not jealous of, definitely not, never)
idk if it’s the scar on his lip, but HIS SMIRK
ahem, back to the dilf-ing
you can’t tell me he wouldn’t domestically abuse your holes
this man would give you the dicking of your life then let you sleep alone and i’d let him
and if you pretend he didn’t forget his own sons name, he’s a pretty decent guy!
jk, lol
unfortunately, he has some cons:
would not remember your name
cares more about money than you
would leave you in the dust the second something came along
overall, 10/10
would do again, def recommend
(pro tip! if you shift into jjk and get to fuck him, you can convince yourself that you aren’t forever alone!) deff not a personal experience
enji todoroki<3
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pls don’t kill me
have you seen his thighs?
and/or his titties?
i’d let him suffocate me in either of them
plus i think he’s grown out of the whole misogynistic/ sexist front so there’s that too
 and there is no way this man is 6’4 and doesn’t have a magnum dong
he’d wreck my pussy them ask me to get palates for him, and i would
and his whole breeding kink thing, definitely into that
overall: 7/10
y’know the five kids thing, that’s a lot
ukai keishin<3
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this is understandable
not technically a dilf, but accepted in the community as the technical team father and i’m good with that
how could anyone pass up being fucked on the counter of his shop, exactly, you can’t
in real time, right now, he’s 32
so he definitely has some experience, he knows where the clit is
this man tears you like royalty in public then fuck the shot out of you when you get home
100% dilf material
(not that anyone was doubting it)
overall 9/10
i will never not think about being fucked over the store counter, never
ikkei ukai<3
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he knows where the clit it
and he still has a fair amount of stamina left in him
and he still has muscles, he could throw his grandson onto the floor sooooooo
seems unconventional, but he would be a good sugar daddy, no question
overall, 8/10
he’s definitely really sweet to you too
silver fullbuster<3
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look at him
he has big strong arms
and abandoned his son, but that doesn’t matter
he is also a villain, but that doesn’t matter either
this man would dick you to the end of the earth then ask you what’s for dinner
plus, he has earrings which is an immediate pussy getter
and he has a really hot voice, like really really hot
overall: 9/10
he’s a total asshat, but definitely would rearrange my cunny
ryuuji azuma<3
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he likes food
doesn’t gain weight
it all goes to his dick, that’s cannon
he also has a hot voice, and i would actually die if he called me a good girl
he’s like 31 so it’s not that bad and he used to be a swimmer so he has a hot body
i could go on and on about how much i want to do this guy
he has a blog to do real dad behavior!
overall: 8/10
i love this man, have a nice day!
the milfs<3
mitsuki bakugo<3
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hate to bring this up but: boobs
i feel like she would take good care of me too
she would let you wear the bakugou family matching slippers too
but you do have to deal with katsuki, sooooooooo
overall: 8/10
she’s just a regular, extremely attractive, milf
irene belserion<3
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she’s a pretty bad person
but that makes her a perfect mistress, or maybe a dominatrix
lemmie tell you, i would be this woman’s submissive in a heartbeat
plus her thighs are out of this world
no but she would definitely treat you great, no objections
overall 9/10
she’s still sweating vengeance for things that happened 400 years ago but we can move past that
hoshiumi’s mom<3
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i literally don’t know what to say about this woman other than i would let her use me as a step stool
thank you
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i feel like this is self explanatory too
i would be her fuck toy
plain and simple
this was short, but it said a lot
overall: 10/10
i would let her do literally anything to me
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androgynousblackbox · 2 years
What did vaush do this time?
Oh, boy. Okay, so this the timeline of events as far I could gather: 1. Vaush made a tweet in which he said that Joane Karen could have stayed quiet and she would have been revered for years to come. That is true. Then he added "women should apoligize and stay quiet more challenge." If that were all nobody would have cared that much. 2. Joanne Karen, making honor of her second name, screenshot his tweet though, doing the usual "see, see?? this is what pro-trans activists are all like! They all just hate women! And I am the most suffered victim of all! Woa is me!" bullshit everytime she gets a papercut. 3. The whole online left was then divided on people who said Vaush did nothing wrong and people who, very correctly, pointed out that weaponizing misogyny against a very powerful TERF is only going to hurt trans people and especially trans women on the long run, directly feeding into the victim narratives that they use to explain why trans woman can't use the bathroom. 4. Enters Kat Blaque and Contrapoints, both trans women. Contrapoints didn't liked the joke and I think that was literally all she did? I think some patreon post too but I didn't saw much of that so meh. Kat Blaque took another screenshot of the original tweet of Vaush, censored his identity and asked other trans women if they agree with people using misogyny against transphobes. 5. Vaush, in a incredible display of manchild behaviour that I frankly didn't expect from him, decides to then DM Kat and "debate" with her about how he was actually right and she is wrong, using a weird ass hypothetical about a black rapper using misogyny on his lyrics and then being criticizing by Shapiro? Kat answered essentially "no, I wouldn't defend misogyny from him but also it's not the same? you are not a trans person on this situation" and Vaush kept ignoring that to keep demanding a yes or not answer. When she keeps saying that she didn't care about his content that much in the first place and just wanted to have a conversation with other trans women, Vaush insists that he is better to advocate for the trans community than she is, that he is "concerned" for Kat and other dismissive misogynistic bullshit that I am honestly amazed that she could tolerate as well as she did. 6. After this conversation, Vaush did what I think was a 7 hour stream about the whole issue and somewhere on it he talked about how Kat "yell at white men but in private fetishize them" and how obssesed she was with him. 7. Following this, Kat released sexting messages (no pics, though) that she and Vaush exchanged years ago where Vaush approached her first. Somewhere she tweets again that she will settle for white dick sometimes but find it overall "underwhelming." 8. Because of this, a fucking legion of people are now calling what Kat did the same as sexual assault/abuse/rvenge porn and how Vaush, again, "might" have done something wrong, "maybe", but really it was Kat and Contra the true villains for not agreeing with Vaush because, what, do you want to defend a terf??? 9. For the record, Kat admits and recognizes that she shouldn't have said that or released those messages. I agree that she shouldn't have said that either. Does anyone of the Vaush defenders cares? No. The worst I have seen people say about Vaush comments on Kat fetishizing white men is that they were "spicy" and nothing else. Vaush now uses a old tweet where Kat was admitidly awful to a trans suicidal kid as for reason as to why she isn't good for the trans community, unlike him, the cis guy, which is fucking priceless coming from the guy who is constantly clipped out of context and has every awful accusation flown his way. Kat apoligized for that old tweet, again admits it was an awful mistake on her part, but Vaush doesn't care because she didn't played his debate game. So now people keep making videos about how Vaush did nothing wrong, Kat is a monster, Contra is a hypocrite and I just want to scream.
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madara-fate · 3 years
Bro what's ur opnion on people calling kishimoto a misogynist? People are claiming this as a fact and if you claime otherwise your dumb because it was very obvious according to people. Because he didnt develop sakura, made her annoying who only get into sasukes and narutos drama, didnt give her a back story, did give her any major power ups. And treated the rest of the females as trash. The same thing with Ikemoto man they actually think he is a pedophile. I always wondered that if kishimoto was a misogynist then why would he make females run thier village? Tsnadae, mie etc. How come he made the strongest person/alien a female who needed like 4/5 to take her out? This fandom Is just out if its mind.
I fucking hate whenever I see people labeling Kishimoto as a misogynist, and Ikemoto as a paedophile. I fucking hate it. People just carelessly throw these horrible terms around (especially the paedophilia accusation towards Ikemoto), without having the slightest clue what they're actually implying by slandering the names of these men with these slurs that are completely unwarranted.
I remember this post, where I explained to that Anon in detail, how utterly stupid it is to label Ikemoto as a paedophile just because they didn't approve of Sarada's manga attire, or a few suggestive poses here and there. I don't like her manga outfit either, especially those damn heels, but I'm not about to accuse him of having a psychiatric disorder which causes him to be sexually attracted to young children.
Similarly, I ranted about the absurdity of labeling Kishimoto as sexist in this post. People really do need to familiarise themselves with what these terms actually mean before throwing them around so carelessly. I used to think it was mainly the antis who did this with the way they threw around terms like "abusive" and "fangirl", but pros also do the same thing with this misogyny and paedophile nonsense.
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hailpiratekingrouge · 3 years
Hello! I'm alive! Academia has been kicking my butt but what else is new? Anyway, @lowkeyspiderman said I should post these so here they are.
For the record, this is still a One Piece blog. I recently binged My Hero Academia (and I'm up-to-date with the manga) and found two characters I adore that needed some more love.
Characters: Fuyumi Todoroki & Ryuko Tatsuma
Ship: Fuyumi Todoroki x Ryuko Tatsuma
Trigger warnings: mentions of canon-compliant child abuse, mentions of toxic relationships
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Fuyumi Todoroki is the eldest daughter of an abusive father, a victim of abuse mother where the quirk you were born was prioritized and valued over who she was as a person.
Fuyumi knows she puts on a facade. She knows that her family is broken and it aggravates her family on a good day and pisses them off on a bad one. But when you're raised in a misogynistic household where her brothers are trained (Touya and Shouto were/are at least, Natsuo was quirkless so no training for him), the only role she could play to make things a bit better was to maintain the peace and take care of everyone.
As much as Fuyumi likes to put on the facade of everything being okay at home and that she is a healthy and happy individual, Fuyumi is exhausted. After Touya died and Rei was institutionalized, she was the one who had to hold it together. Keep everyone safe and maintain the peace as much as she could. She tried to fix the cracks in her family even though she knew she alone couldn’t do it unless the others were willing to cooperate.
It was tough for her to befriend people who either wanted to use her to get to Endeavor or bully her for her soft nature, calling her a liar for saying Endeavor is her dad.
Fuyumi often used the library computer and had her own Wattpad and Tumblr account.
That's how 10-year-old Fuyumi Todoroki (silverflowers10) and 13-year-old Ryuko Tatsume (dragxnclxwzzzz) became online friends via this hellsite.
Fuyumi had learnt of "stranger danger" and never gave any private information while Ryuko was a private and shy person. They often spoke of fandoms, shared jokes and laughs. As years progressed, and trust strengthened, they began divulging more personal details to the other: hobbies, likes/dislikes, school, aspirations... home.
"If he hurts you I will come over and eat him"
"Ryu, no!"
"Fine, bite off his limbs"
"... Maybe his right arm"
"Is that a yes?"
"No!" (Ryuko still doesn't know her dad is Endeavor)
This goes both ways:
"She did what?!"
"Chill, Silver. It's not a big deal"
"I'll give her frostbite!"
"As much as I would love to see that, I can't be a future pro-hero if people think I had someone give my mother frostbite now can I? :P"
Unfortunately for Ryuko, she was also Fuyumi's sole witness in four toxic relationships with abusive and emotionally unavailable men. Fuyumi could never tell her family about them. She was the caretaker and peacekeeper who always smiled, chastised her brothers for stupid things they did, so how could she ask for help from them? It killed Ryuko for living so far away and not being able to do anything for Fuyumi
“You have to leave him, Fuyumi”
“I can’t. He isn’t always like that. It's my -”
“- don’t you dare. Don’t. You didn’t do anything wrong, Starshine. This is him”
“.... It’s not that easy”
“I know”
Ryuko Tatsuma was a 22-year-old pro-hero when she met 19-year old Fuyumi Todoroki in person. She wished it wasn't to hide a body but what can you do?
Ryuko respected Fuyumi's wishes when the silver-haired individual said that they prefer they/she pronouns
Ryuko is a romantic at heart and knows how much Fuyumi hates people associating them with quirks. So all of Ryuko's terms of endearment steered clear of Fuyumi's ice quirk. After all, what made Ryuku fall for Fuyumi wasn't her quirk but the compassionate, intelligent beautiful soul they were and she makes sure Fuyumi remembers it.
"Starshine, morning light My guiding star, my love"
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