#which is why i can afford to have everything at low prices in person
first ever pride is completed and was SO much fun. 
#tj talks#everybody was so kind oh my god#i sold most if not all of the earrings and a lot of the zipper pouches!!! i still have some left over#it was just so comforting and loving to have people come up and just 'you should be proud tehse are wonderful' :')#everybody was so SWEET#some girl gave me like three dollars extra and i told her and she went 'i know.' and smiled and walked away and i almost cried#why can't i do pride booths every single month????? pls#something about people fo the community liking my crafts is just. the greatest feeling ever#and since nearly everything is gone i have to make  M O R E for the sixteenth now lmao#but im gonna do more mando and grogu themed things too#was very fun but also. exhausting#cause i was there from 8 am to 6 pm on my feet for most of it#doing long events like this is tiring cause its all day but also great because you make M O NE Y#the moment the parade ended the booth was SWARMED by people and it was so exciting but also like holy shit#everybody is so beautiful and kind i love our community i wanted to live in that day forever#but also i am. home and snuggled up now rest time ehehehe#i want to sell more stuff online but that means increasing prices because seller websites take percentages#which is why i can afford to have everything at low prices in person#which almost feels like i'm?? lying to people/???#im worried that when i post online people from events will be like 'well it was THIS much at the market so why is it more online'#but websites take an arm and a leg *cough cough etsy and depop* so there's no other option really
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deramin2 · 1 year
All Clothes Are Handmade
As a sewist with access to a lot of fancy commercial-grade equipment, I think about this a lot. People have this idea that there's a lot of automation in making clothes, that robots do most of the work. They do not. Very low-wage humans do.
The machines can make fancy stitches, but they can't guide them. Cloth takes fine dexterity and constant adjustments to work with. Any sewist who's tried to sew a straight line but had their thoughts stray know how fast it goes tits up. The 2+ pieces need to be carefully pinned together (expert sewists can use very few pins, but still need some), and then carefully guided and managed so they stay exactly together as the same tension without wrinkles. And if there's any kind of curve, it takes great skill to do all of that while turning at precisely the right angle at the right time while keeping everything together. And then a human has to detect the end and change the stitch appropriately to secure the ends.
And then there's fabric management. A the front the fabric bunches in your lap and tries to fall down at weird angles. At the back in bunches up and tries to pull at weird angles. So you're constantly having to manage where all that fabric is going that you aren't currently sewing. And if you're sewing in the round (like putting on a sleeve), you have to manage bringing the back around to the front. All of this twists the entire garment, which has to be managed even when most of it is sitting next to you. In home sewing this is sometimes a 2-person job.
A machine cannot do any of that that. Automating clothing manufacturing is a holy grail people have been working on for a couple hundred years and are nowhere close to achieving. It takes the kind of very precise and constant adjustment with a sharp mind and keen eye that humans are very good at and machines are very bad at. Machines only sew in straight lines.
But people look at fast fashion prices and assume robots must be making their clothes. But they aren't. Highly skilled human beings in horrific work conditions at breakneck speed and brutal hours are being paid pennies to make even the cheapest and most low-quality garment. The entire commercial and consumer chain has simply dehumanized them into "must be robots."
This red swimsuit is selling for $10.99 from Walmart. It probably cost $2-$3 to produce.
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This striped swimsuit is selling for Beefcake Swimwear for $99. This is the fair price for a swimsuit made with ethical labor.
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Beefcake is a small Portland, Oregon company that uses local labor, local materials, and doesn't have a high markup. They cost $49 to manufacture (maybe more now with inflation). (With business expenses, trust me that margin is really slim.) Beefcake talks about "The real cost of American-made swimwear." Half the cost to produce is labor costs. I'd wager half the cost of the fabric is also labor costs. This is why clothing isn't typically made in the US, except using prison labor that's pretty literally slavery.
This is the true cost of a product that attempts to not exploit its workers. It's a luxury most people can't afford because the entire labor market exploits workers to the point of being unable to afford anything but exploitative goods and services. Fast fashion has convinced people they greatly benefit from supporting the worst of that exploitation.
These swimsuits were made on similar machines with similar materials by people with similar skill. The same degree of automation went into both of them. But the Walmart manufacturer sewists got paid less than a dollar to make that one and live in abject poverty, and the Beefcake sewists got paid $22, which is livable.
But robots didn't make either of these. human hands did. Human hands made every single piece of clothing in your closet. Think of how to cherish and care for their work.
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imjussaiyan · 4 months
Anyone else have a sibling that HAS to have ALL the attention and is entitled as fuck?
My sister is so fucking entitled it makes me sick. And she’s fake on top of it all.
So I know accidents happen and it only takes one time to get pregnant. And I know you’re wondering why this is an issue and you’re probably thinking I’m an asshole.
Well, we live on the family farm with our parents because this country is a hellscape. She was going through trade school, which fine I get them supporting her through that. However, her boyfriend lives here too (that’s partially my parents stupid mistake) and neither of them have a job or source of income.
Like. At all.
My parents FULLY support them financially and otherwise. And they had the fucking nerve to get pregnant and KEEP it..? On someone else’s dime? In a home that there is literally no room for a good damn baby? With a broke ass, dead beat ass fiancé..? Because of course they’re engaged. Idk how they’re going to get married or with what money. She wants to do that before she has the baby. L O FUCKING L.
Oh, but there’s more. Not only did my parents and I pay for her trade school, she slacked off and took too many “personal days” because she was upset about social things at school. Which created MORE fees adding up to 2300 dollars. Which I paid so she could graduate. Bitch. You are almost 22. Shut the fuck up.
ON TOP of that, I found a nice little manufactured home for a low price and showed her because it was cute. Not that I can afford it, but it’s fun to window shop and the bitch says, “I should have mom and dad help me with that.”
Our parents cannot afford to do that. And I told her so. She then gets all sad and butthurt. Like, excuse me? We literally grew up poor as dirt and she thinks our parents are just going to buy her everything? I know they spoiled the fuck out of her and that’s partially why she’s such a selfish brat, but honestly, it’s her personality.
But wait. THERE’S MORE.
Not only is she pregnant on our parents dime, she signed up for state insurance incorrectly and was just going to give up even after our other sister told her exactly how to do it and offered help. Her response? “Oh, mom and dad will pay for it.”
She does next to fucking nothing around the house and is overly fucking sensitive about anything and everything. She’s also a little bitch ass know it all and she literally has no fucking clue about how anything in this world works, including her own body. Yes. She doesn’t even know how her vagina works and she decides to have a god damn baby that no one can afford.
And now I’m the asshole because I’m NOT excited. Nor do I have to be. She lied about “the condom didn’t fit right.” Then why did you do it? Especially when she KNEW she was ovulating..?
She tried to have a kid with her last fiancé under the same exact circumstances, but aborted that one because she realized it was a bad idea. Mind you, I’m the only one who knows this. If my hyper religious parents found out, they’d go ballistic. Part of me wishes I hadn’t protected her from that. Anyway, she did this shit on purpose. I know when she’s lying and she can’t even keep her lame ass story straight.
I am so done with her rn.
He finally got a decent job. Even though he could’ve been working a meager in between one instead of relying on my family for everything for over a year… but whatever I guess. At least he’s got a job now.
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hawkeyedflame · 1 year
I won’t lie your constant exposure to carnivore diet and other things you talked about have intrigued me but I’m currently a poor uni student with no job rn. Do you have any small tips for me on a low budget? I know I should be more specific about the advise but I’m asking as a catch all I guess. Sorry if I’m being a bother
(Sorry for the ramble I get sidetracked easily)
You're not bothering me. To some degree my advice will depend on whether you're a man or woman and what animal products you're willing to include/exclude. The "purest" form of carnivore is only red meat (meat from ruminant animals such as beef, lamb, elk, venison, goat, etc) with no dairy and no eggs. If that's not your style then include whatever you like. HOWEVER. I strongly recommend making fatty red meat the primary food, as well as eggs and butter if you like them and have no allergies. A lot of people think that the trick to keto/carnivore is that it's a low carb and high protein diet, but in fact the key to carnivore is that it is a high fat diet. Fat is the body and brain's optimal fuel source, so make sure you eat a lot of it. Lean meats like poultry and lean beef/pork cuts will not produce good results. If you're a woman, you will likely find that a caloric ratio of about 80% fat to 20% protein will feel the best. It is unclear exactly why women seem to benefit so much from this while men don't see much difference, but this means that women seeking this so-called "high fat carnivore" will have to supplement their meat with extra fat sources such as butter or fat trimmings. Personally, I get beef fat trimmings from a local butcher and cook them with each meal. If you're not a woman you can still do this, but it may not give much benefit over just eating meat normally (although there are male athletes who report that high fat is better for them, so for men it may come down to activity level). My theory for why women thrive more on a higher fat ratio is that large megafauna, most of which are now extinct, likely had a fat-to-muscle ratio that was closer to what the female body needs to support optimal hormonal and reproductive health. In the evolutionary timeline, these animals have not been gone for long and there's no reason to assume our biological processes would have evolved to be fully adapted to their absence yet. That's just my speculation though.
Anyway, for affordability, I think the most obvious answer is to shop the sales on everything and learn to work with cheap cuts of meat. I personally buy my beef by the animal, so I end up with a small handful of the prized cuts such as ribeyes and strip loins, and a whole lot of roasts, ribs, and ground beef. as a university student you do not have the financial bandwidth to do this, so you are stuck searching for the cheaper cuts like chuck, shank, top/bottom round, sirloin tip, as well as ground beef. all of these cuts can make delicious meals, especially if you opt to continue using seasonings (i personally do not, but neither do i begrudge those who are unwilling to give them up). these cuts are leaner, but if you add extra fat (trimmings or butter) then you can still get a good caloric ratio out of it.
if you or anyone you know has a Costco (or equivalent store) membership, you can also buy wholesale primal cuts. upfront cost is a bit high, but the price per pound is significantly cheaper than grocery stores. you can get brisket for like $2/lb at Costco
chicken is generally pretty cheap, especially if you buy the cheaper cuts like drumsticks and thighs. but again, it's very lean so be mindful of that. same goes for pork. also salmon is a really good and fatty option if you like fish.
i also save the melted fat which comes off when I cook beef fat, and reuse that whenever i need cooking oil for a different meal, so i don't burn through store bought tallow/lard or butter.
one of the biggest factors in determining your cost will be whether or not you are fussy about conventional vs pasture raised meat. if you are happy to eat conventional, then your costs will be significantly lower than if you insist on pastured products. as far as the impact on your health, there isn't much information about the difference between the two, i know people who eat conventional and others who eat pastured, they all feel good. for myself, and many people who choose pastured products, it's an ethical decision more than anything.
lastly, again i don't know your financial situation but if you have some wiggle room, you can look into an online butcher such as butcherbox, moink, betterfed, and others. the meat is a bit more wholesale so the price per pound tends to come out much cheaper than buying from a grocery store, however this again, like Costco, has a higher upfront cost.
i hope this information is helpful! let me know if you have any other questions and i'll do my best to answer them (hopefully with less rambling next time).
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inkofamethyst · 1 month
March 27, 2024
daylist: symphonic nerdy wednesday evening (city pop, japanese jazz, orchestra, film score [it was exclusively ~vgm~ (lots of NieR and Final Fantasy, lots of vocal tracks!) lol], mmorpg)
song obsession of the week: The Old Witch Sleep and the Good Man Grace - The Amazing Devil gfkgdkjgkjfgkjd
Man I am just so pro-right to repair. Was thinking about getting some new headphones because the earpads on the ones I've had for years have been flaking bad for months, but they sell what are essentially the same earpads online! The headphones themselves are still fully functional, so why contribute to electronic waste when I don't have to? And now they feel perfect :)
Speaking of repair though, I've been done dirty by orthodontists and dentists all my life. And now I might have to pay, again, to fix issues that were ultimately caused by them. I've done (almost) everything right. Wore my retainers nightly, brushed, and I'm now into flossing regularly. So annoying.
Anyway I'm lowk stressing about the future (because of course I am) because even though I could "afford" a solo apartment, I also can't help but feel like that would be squandering my opportunity to save a ton toward the future when my savings would make the most impact (yeah, sorry, it's another one of these, and won't be the last I'm sure). Living solo is something I want and would love to do. And according to my calculations, I could. Even without sacrificing retirement and saving toward a house. Which is more than most graduate/PhD students are ever able to do during their schooling. But it's the anxiety of knowing that I could do more if I had even just one roommate. It's like, considering my situation as a student, what I already have saved, what I will be able to save, what I will have left over each month (a seriously comfortable sum (because, like a platypus, I don't do much)), I would be fine. I would be happy! But having one roommate wouldn't be the worst thing in the world, I guess. And then I could contribute more to my future happiness.
I don't know.
Can I place a monetary value on comfort?
I have a little under a year to figure out what I'm going to do. I can tell you what I want. I want someone to tell me that choosing to live alone would not be ruinous. That it'd be okay. That it'd be worth it for my contentment. That I'm taking the right steps, that I have a good foundation set. But I have to make the decision by myself. And then live with it. Through whatever comes. Because I don't really want to move more than once more before my program ends (and another thing, it would be much more difficult to save up for moving again if I lived alone).
Part of me wants to approach this with the mindset that the future is never guaranteed. And that, as a result, it's okay to splurge now. (Also there's the part about my grandmother potentially not being able to take care of her dog as she ages, and I wouldn't want to rehome her entirely (the puppy, not my grandmother).)
But like, okay. The 50-30-20 needs-wants-saving axis, right? I could stick "living alone" as part of wants since I don't otherwise really spend that much in wants ultimately.
Let me go calculate.
Okay. Post-tax (which is how you're meant to calculate 50-30-20), I'd be doing a bit better than the suggested model (but!!! this includes all the help I'm getting without which I simply would not consider this in the first place).
Let me... let me do some future sims.
nerdwallet says I'll be fine.
Okay. Okay! okay.. Ohh-kay.
I'm not completely decided but at least I have all that information available to me.
Today I'm thankful that.. I don't have a lot of homework tonight. So I can go to bed. OH OH ALSO thankful the person I've wanted as my secondary advisor for months but was too afraid to ask said yes and seemed happy to say so <3
[edit, ~a week later: the trouble will be finding a 1b/1b at my price point (still pretty low for this area since I don't really want to settle for a studio) that's close enough and has my minimum requirements (I suppose another potential option would be saving aggressively for another year to grind out a pot of money that would sustain me for three years at a slightly higher price point)]
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(8/4/2023) Everyday Tarot
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I am interested in this deck because it seems that everyone got one, and I want to bond with people 😂 It's super affordable and I am interested to get a mini tarot deck too, so it's a perfect deck to add to my collection.
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The quality is amazing for such a low price. The cards are sturdy and feel smooth to touch. It's not a deck that will be worn after a few uses, despite the cheap price. They also have a golden edge that looks gorgeous.
The image on the cards are minimalistic. It looks very clean and simple but really pleasing, and also full of necessary details. The purple used gives an elegant feel for the deck. The gold used in this deck is absolutely beautiful. It's not yucky muddy yellow and it also not super shiny cheap looking gold. The booklet is super informative and there are easy 3-cards spread suggestions, making sure that you can do a reading with it even when it's your first time. Also, the King of Wands in this deck feels super handsome and idk why (he doesn't even have a face smh 🥴) He makes me understand the heat of the Wands' suit 😃 Overall, I feel that this deck is so worth it.
I bought this deck expecting that the messages will be gentle and motivating, after seeing readings others did with the deck. However, my deck is totally not the case. (I should've known this when I feel the rage in the deck tho 💀) The energy from my deck is masculine, full of Swords energy. He will not sugarcoat things. He tells the facts, even though if it's unpleasant. He will not suggest the person to work things out if it's a "stupid" idea. His message definitely leans more towards logical thinking instead of being motivational. Although it's not the vibe that I expected, I feel that it makes sense because almost all the people in the deck are faceless. Emotions are not depicted in the images. Only necessary information is on them, and this matches the vibe of my deck.
His message will definitely offend someone, but he is not giving those messages out of spite. He does this because he cares about the person and want the best for them. I use this deck to ask questions that I want clear answers. Also, the message from this deck is super easy to read. They are really straightforward. No motivational messages. No deep life lessons. Just necessary information. One time, I was woke up by my sister to do a reading for their friend and I managed to give an on-point reading for her, while being emm... half awake lol 🥴
At last, I want to share that I saw a pale male soldier (?) after doing the deck interview for this deck. His appearance is similar to Viego in LoL. He is a thin, young man with almost platinum blonde hair. He wears a silver armor and has a long sword with him. He feels scary and even intimidating at first, but it seems that he's just sad. He looks very ghostly but I don't feel that he's malicious. I feel like he's the spirit of this deck, so I use he/him pronouns for this deck. I believe that there's spirit in everything, but I've never seen an entity so clearly when I got a tarot deck. It's a special experience. It seems that he's been through some shit before, which explains why his message is so direct. He wants people to get out of suffering asap, even when the most effective path is painful.
I never seen him clearly again after that, but I feel his presence is still here. Sometimes when I miss something during the reading, he will remind me. Also there are so many little things showing that he's here with me when I use the deck. I think him showing himself to me the first time I use the deck is just his way to say hello and introduce himself 🥴
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tryingtimi · 2 years
Happy Blorbo Blursday!! Tell me about the relationship between Adran and Dane. What's one of their fondest childhood memories together? Did they get along as children? Etc. I want the deeets.
Thank you, @aschlindartroom! 💙 Deets you want, deets you shall recieve. Buckle up, legend, this is gonna be long and spoilery, as everything I always give you. Side note: I've tried to write about both of them, but I kind of got biased and wrote more about Dane. So maybe, next time, I'll talk more about Adran lmao.
Adran and Dane had a very good relationship when they were little, even though they have a seven years age gap. Adran always looked after tiny Dane, who mostly tried to prank his big bro all the time. He used his advantage on being more into science-y stuff, so he surprised him with harmless bombs — that their dad helped him build it — or weird, little creatures hidden among his stuff. Adran also returned the favour, but since he never were much of a sneaky person, he just wrestled with Dane, tickled him, challenged him etc. Adran was always very touchy and loudly affectionate, so he gave lots of hugs to Dane, always sat close to him or behind him so he could massage his shoulders (what Dane loved) and brought him gifts from wherever he went, even if it was only the grocery store. And Dane always shared the gifts with Adran. He had his silent care attitude as a kid too though, so he tried to seem cool while he did that. He was never a loud kid, but he was mischievous, because he knew how to use his head well. He also told everyone that how cool brother he has. Plus the "fact" how cooler his gonna be when they both get into the Corps; Adran as a soldier, Dane as a mechanic. Just like their parents — even though their dad was never part of the Corps, but he figured he'll be one in there anyway. PARENTS. Kallista Cohren and Hido Riordan
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side note: on Ionera, if your a child of a Corps memeber, you always inherit their family name. In any other cases, your parents can choose. Hido was a talented mechanic, who managed to move from the Aquor Sector to Terrana. He was a strict, mute man, who owned a humble workshop, where he repaired stuff for a very low price to people who couldn't really afford it. He also maintaned and made Kallista's mechanical hand, which is basically how they met. Kallista was a fearless woman in the water, but a more gentle, cool mom at home. Dane and Adran got a lot from both of them. They even got to learn how to swim (which is rather rare, considering the circumstances) with the help of Kallista's suit that could change to the shape of any wearer, thanks to their dad's little hacking in its technology. The boys were also taught to not fear the water. It's dangerous, but it's also part of their life and it's always gonna be. So, it's better to be on good terms with it. This was Kallista's philoshophy that Hido seemed to support, even if he always kept his distance from the water. Adran tried to ask him about his parents, past and get him to learn swimming together, but he never budged, which Dane somehow understood more than his brother. He took the lessons with his mom and Adran and enjoyed it, but then always joined his father sitting far from them alone, watching them contently. They had a kind of understanding, that Adran found more in Kallista.
This is why, their fondest childhood memory is probably a holiday, when they were all home through the whole day. Kallista tried to make a secret plan with Adran to prank Dane and Hido, while the said two also did the same. But, when the time of the pranks came, the two adults found themselves "attacked" by their own ideas, because the two kids secretly ganged up together against them.
They were also half a religious family. None of them forced Dane, nor Adran to believe in the same thing as they did, but the latter automatically joined Kallista in believing the Almighty. Corps members had a tendency to become a believer anyway. However, Kallista used to tell the boys that Hido was never really into God before he met her and he never really joined the church either (but went to preaching with the family anyway). Dane liked his father’s take on the subject, though, which said he did not deny the existance of a higher being, but he didn’t think it had any intrest about them, lessers.
Dane was ten, Adran seventeen, when the famously high Rising and a very messed up transfer occured. They lost both their parents through the process. Hido and Kallista died helping the desprate aquorian people get into Terrana, while Dane also lost one of his leg fully when he tried to dash after his sinking parents. Adran saved him, but from that point, Dane did not speak for months. He also refused to leave their apartment and engage in any kind of social or physical interaction, so young Thaddeus offered to help Adran and they switched each other between training days, so there was always someone who stayed with Dane. They got no professional help because of the chaos that the event followed.
Adran never gave up on Dane, though. He asked for advice from all the older Corps members how to run a household, took care of Dane, talked to him everyday, tutored him of the things he should learn in school and got him a prosthetic, finally. That broke the ice. Dane treated Adran as a stranger through this time, his eyes hollow, not even looked at him once. But, with getting the prosthetic, he was puzzled at first, then furious and then devastated. He shouted, thrown the mechanic leg at Adran and yet again, refused to use it. The next day, Adran found him sitting on the sofa, prosthetic nicely seated beside him (not attached yet), Adran’s favorite food on the table, even though it was burnt a little. When Adran sat beside him with the food, clearly touched by the gesture, Dane did “thank you” in their own sign language, not looking at his brother, before they spent the rest of the morning in a comfortable silence.
Important note: They have this thing that they never say “thank you” or “I love you” with words. They use sign language for that, which they got taught because of their father. They also made up their own signs for it, because there were times when they didn’t want their parents to understand what they were talking about. They made this into a habit and now it’s something that connects them. Dane, however, never uses “I love you” anymore.
From that point, Dane slowly came to terms with wearing the prosthetic outside (never at home), going out etc. Their connection, however, transformed. Dane wasn’t near to being better, because when he got back to school finally, he provoked others to beat him up (as Adran later figured out), he shouted at Adran a lot, trying to provoke him to hit him too (which he never did, nor said a word when Dane got this worked up) and spent a big amount of time in his room, alone. He refused to go to a professional to get help with everything he was going through, so Adran — secretly — tried to use all the mental training methods he got to know through his Corps training. Which Dane could spot very easily and they had a big fight after that.
Dane was ruthless with his words by the way, but Adran never spoke to him like that. When he had the urge to say something hurtful, he stayed quiet instead, even though his face could tell everything.
Nevertheless, they always aplogized and cried together after a fight. Dane eventually got out of his room, while Adran sat beside the door, waiting for him. Those moments were the only ones when Dane let anyone to touch him, because Adran always hugged him tight. They also never talked about their parents or what happened. At least with each other, because Adran needed to, on his training.
As they grown, Dane changed more, and he would have been popular in school if he wasn’t cold and unfriendly with everyone. Adran saw that some were afraid of Dane because he never ran from the bullies, but some got very interested in him, even admired him. Adran saw Dane’s transition when he reached the age of 16. He got quieter, their arguments got more rare and he stayed in school more. Turned out, his teacher showed them some things in the lab about their water and the sealife. Dane became obsessed with examining all these stuff in his free time. Which Adran thought strange at first, considering how Dane bacame completely incapable being even near the Everocean or any kind of water since The Events. But, if this helped Dane, then who was he to stop him. In fact, he got Dane all the stuff he needed for researches to one of his birthday and started to save up for his education. Which Dane did not ask for, and he even secretly started to work to save too. Either way, Adran spoiled Dane, because he didn’t know how could he support him more.
Dane wasn't blind though, so he take up all the chores from him and most of their arguments transitioned into arguing over why Adran wants to do anything at home, when it's Dane's job. Also, Adran tried to lure Dane into their religious community, since the day he got back to him, but he was furiously against it. At the end of his teenage years, he switched to questioning things about it, though, intead of plainly attacking it. He also seemed to completely forget what happened with their parents by this new obsession over studies and sience. (which we know isn't how things work, so)
Dane and Adran had no problem with living together still when Dane started university. In fact, all the people who was sound of this and suggested Dane to move out (his partners usually), was generally destroyed in a very thoughtout and seemingly unassailable debate about why he has no intention doing it and that's okay. He also payed the bills before Adran could, from all the scholarship money he got or won on competitions. Which Adran was always a little upset of; he wanted Dane to spend on anything else.
Also, with being more and more educated, Dane stopped to start arguments with Adran, and instead, he tried to debate. He questioned his worldview, morals and his belief, which Adran didn't mind; their parents did that a lot anyway and he had answers and liked that his brother began to talk more. Unlike the people in the university where he successfully got in; Dane was insufferable in most people’s eyes. He was intelligent and quick minded (not a true genuis though) and he wasn’t afraid of being sound of someone’s lack of skill in something if that hurt the community too. He seemed to got a hold of his emotions, but was still not be able to stay in control, when he got frustrated. So, he got into a lot of trouble because of his sharp tongue.
Anyway, Dane moved into a closer place to the lab at last, because of his research projects and the frequent overnight stayes, but he still talks to Adran everyday through holo calls and Adran still uses their sign language everytime, especially the "I love you" at every message he leaves for Dane, or at the end of every meet up they're having. Dane do not uses any of it anymore and calls Adran childish for doing it, but never tells him to stop.
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nickgerlich · 3 months
Oh, Baby
Life was so much simpler in ye olden days. If your company or CEO stepped in the doggie-doo, you just found a stick and cleaned it off. But today, we have social media, and backlashes can be far worse than anything you stepped in.
Case in point: Ying Liu, the CEO and founder of Kyte Baby, and the Bamboo Moms who are furious with her. It’s just that Liu stepped in it twice, maybe even three times. Oh, it’s so important that what comes out of your mouth after the first misstep isn’t equally as offensive.
Herein lies the rub: Bamboo Moms are a dedicated group of customers who adore Kyte Baby clothes for their little tykes, because they are spun from bamboo fibers. Some babies have eczema and other skin disorders, and bamboo garments are a godsend.
You would think that Kyte Baby would embody everything that goes into being a baby, a Mom, and the culture of that, but no. Liu denied one of her own employees work-from-home privileges while the worker’s baby was hospitalized. Shame. How can you be baby-centric and then do this? The employee—known by her first name, Marissa—was fired.
But wait, there’s more.
After the uproar went viral, Liu opened her mouth and stepped in it again by issuing an apology that seemed heavily scripted and disingenuous. You can always tell when someone is reading from a script. Well, most of the time. I hope you cut me some slack on the audio version of this, because I seldom ad lib from the written. There I go, digressing again.
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Anyway, this caused yet another uproar on social media, and you most definitely do not want to upset a bunch of Momfluencers, the people who take their Kyte Baby-clad darlings to play dates and so forth, showing the rest of the world what great clothes they have bought.
So Liu issued a second apology, and…oh…this was all on TikTok, where it could be seen and shared the world over. Essentially, the situation has now spun completely out of control, with new videos emerging showing indignant Moms throwing away their Kyte Baby clothes, or selling them.
Now it is time to cue some common sense. I understand why the Moms are upset and all that, but you have already paid for these onesies and related items, and at no small price, mind you. To purge your baby’s dresser of these is no different from Kid Rock last spring when he was firing shotgun blasts at cases of Bud Light (he has since recanted and returned to his favorite brand). Sunk costs are sunk costs, and this has nothing to do with the sunk cost fallacy. You are biting off your nose to spite your face.
I mean, unless you are just so fabulously wealthy that you can afford such shenanigans.
People were doing the same thing with their Nikes after the Colin Kaepernick incident. It’s one thing to firmly resolve never to buy something again, but to throw good money away? Nah.
As for Liu, this is just the latest example of a corporate communication crisis. This kind of thing has been happening for a long time now, and has greatly intensified in the social media era. I recall when Lowe’s (the DIY chain) was faced with controversy in 2011 when it was one of among roughly 60 advertisers on TLC’s All-American Muslim.
The Florida Family Association—a state-level organization, mind you, and not at the national level—chose Lowe’s as the object of their scorn, and staged a boycott. This alone caused quite a stir.
So what did Lowe’s do? It pulled the ads, which then caused those in the pro-Muslim community, as well as those supportive of diversity, to become enraged. Lowe’s then took to social media, which had the effect of an inebriated person drunk-tweeting at 2am on a Saturday when the bars close. Not a good move.
Apologies can—and in this case—look disingenuous, and the Lowe’s Facebook page had more than 30,000 negative comments. The Twitterverse was also afire. So what did Lowe’s do next? Simple. It just deleted the entire post and comments, which was like pouring gasoline on a fire.
It took awhile for the embers to die down, and eventually Lowe’s walked away more or less unscathed. But it was pretty rocky for about six months, and folks on both sides were busy vowing to boycott. My colleagues and I published several papers on the incident, as well as boycotting behavior.
As for Ms. Liu, she needs to let any employee who needs a little compassion to work remotely. This is even more true for a company that champions babies and motherhood. How could she be so tone deaf?
Let the lesson be learned. Your constituents are watching closely all the time, and waiting for you to step in that pile. What you do next will be done under a magnifying glass.Watch your step, my friends. Your turn may come sooner than you would like. And the internet does not forget.
Dr “Baby, Baby” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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zoyalannister · 4 months
i agree with everything you said, is just things i forgot to say, that made no sense as well as the no mention of time, timing is important. i do not see any similar traits on lucie and cecily, but this persons said even their romantic relationships are similar which i don't see at all
the parabatai ceremony did not add up anything to the story actually, i wonder how clare would deal with those extra stories of better in black, if they will be similar to this or offer what is going on with other characters
I think it’s just this person who claims that Cecily and Lucie are similar, and her friends who say she is right for reasons.
I was sent a post about how JesseLucie is similar to Gabrily and I think I lost my lungs for too much laughter. Jesse and Lucie are a forced couple who has no personality and no reason to be together except for being CC's favourite and therefore they must be together, while Gabrily is a couple with an actual dynamic, the characters talk to each other and have a personality. This is enough just to seal the deal of why they’re nothing alike, but they’re so different that I could write an entire other post.
There is another ship that it actually similar to Gabrily, one is the child of the villain who has been brainwashed and manipulated since childhood but recognizes that the villain is evil and tries to server the ties, the other is a person who never judges them and who believes that they’re not like their parents and is always kind to them...
(Hint: it's not JesseLucie).
I tell you, anon, the only reason why Lucie and Cordelia are parabatai is because we already have many man-man parabatai (Alec and Jace, Will and Jem, James and Matt) and man-woman parabatai (Clary and Simon, I don’t count Julian and Emma because they were actually in love and not platonic parabatais), but we never had woman-woman parabatai. So, despite it doesn’t make any sense, not only Lucie and Cordelia are parabatai but also they have a whole ass short story about it.
I frankly don’t care about the Better in Black collection. I found insulting that a super rich YA author did a kickstarter, but also the fucking crazy prices. Many of her readers are either students or from countries where 500 or 1000 dollars are a shit ton of money and they can't afford it for just 4 low quality books and some fanart.
Also, when she did the kickstarter she hadn’t announced the ships of the 10 short stories book, so I would have had to spend 500 dollars+VAT+shipping bc I don’t live in the US just to find out that Gabrily isn’t even there? (This assuming I hit my head so hard to forget how much CC treated them like shit in TLH).
Personally, I will only consume fan works from now on. I can reccomand you some nice fics, besides my own obviously, because CC fans at least don’t insult the intellect of their readers.
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11 Ways to Completely Ruin Your replica bags designer
I am positive Many people have heard about pretend luggage, and in many cases acquired them in advance of.​ Pretend baggage are a huge challenge in the present vogue planet.​ They are really designed to seem exactly like designer luggage so it's not easy to notify which is which.​ It can be this kind of bummer that people would even stoop so low and make these fake baggage, which not only really are a rip off to designer makes but in addition, are reduced high-quality.​
Once i saw my Pal using a designer-looking bag, I was so envious and wished to get 1 myself.​ Until finally I discovered that it absolutely was a phony, And that i almost fainted! I used to be so mad, figuring out that she experienced likely been jipped of her income.​ To make issues worse, the bag wasn't even properly-manufactured nor did it glimpse pretty much as good as the actual thing.​ A number of times later the strap broke and that's when she realized it was a phony!
The worst aspect was the bag experienced Charge her a lot of cash.​ It was not low-cost, yet the quality was terrrible.​ It had been distressing to view an acquaintance encounter such a decline.​ I mean, who really Advantages from these bogus bags? Certainly no person.​ And It is not only the large names that fake luggage damage, and also little enterprises who craft primary bags and have to contend with fake luggage.​
I have stumble upon quite a bit of people that acquire these pretend luggage because they Imagine they will just 'get away with it'.​ They might get away with it for a while, but it is a subject of time right before they recognize the true price of a faux bag.​ It is a squander of money and time.​ Let alone, the morality concern.​ It's common awareness that purchasing fake luggage is unlawful, and however individuals hold obtaining them, regardless.​
Nonetheless, for those who find yourself in the need for your designer-seeking bag, you will discover alternate options like 'vintage shops' or even branded outlet shops.​ These shops have incredible bags that can search fantastic and last longer than a daily faux bag.​ Naturally, it will eventually cost greater than a bogus, but top quality by no means will come affordable.​
Not to mention, the pretend luggage tend not to normally Screen the classic options that authentic luggage do.​ Facts like hardware, lining materials, stitching, stamp of authenticity plus more, are lacking in bogus bags.​ On the flip side, the initial designer luggage have an added amount of sophistication which the faux baggage, Unfortunately, usually do not possess.​
An additional situation Using these phony bags is that they are usually built with counterfeit supplies like leather, which aren't only harmful but will also degrade effortlessly.​ They do not past lengthy and break aside, which, in turn, affects the caliber of the bag.​
Also, bogus luggage ordinarily lack lawful warranties that include real manufacturers.​ Meaning, even if they damage unintentionally, you are able to in no way get it mounted with the help with the designer's label.​ This is why it's far better to pay just a little extra than Have a very bag that can certainly stop working.​
Eventually, the scent of pretend bags is almost always sufficient to identify them from the actual deal.​ Bogus baggage have an uncomfortable oder to them as a result of fakes supplies They are really designed with.​ This is exactly why it is important to examine the scent of the bag when producing a acquire, to ensure that you're not remaining tricked.​
I don't forget trading in my laptop for The cash needed to get my very first duplicate bag.​ I couldn’t believe that this dream of getting a designer handbag was finally close by.​ And when it arrived, I felt like I was in heaven! It experienced everything - lovely leather, a fragile strap in addition to a vibrant lining that matched the color of my costume.​ I felt like a celeb.​
It had been the proper dimensions for my on-the-go Life style.​ Whenever I used to be out and about, I could effortlessly slip it around my arm, have all my essentials, and even now appear classy.​ I could also fit in all my knick-knacks and more which made it the best companion for weekend visits and receiving about town.​
The better part of proudly owning a duplicate bag was that it was a lot more reasonably priced than a designer model.​ Don’t get me Erroneous…I even now like designer brand names, but the price tag just doesn’t constantly fit in my price range.​ With reproduction luggage, I used to be capable to help save a ton of cash and nonetheless get an incredible hunting bag.​
Even with each of the great options of the reproduction bag, there was a single down aspect - the sturdiness.​ I anticipated louis vuitton outlet the bag to very last me for awhile, but just after about 6 months of employing it, the fabric began to break down.​ The bag just didn’t hold up in certain climatic conditions.​ This wasn’t a large deal for me as I just replaced the bag with a newer just one, but this may be worth thinking about for those trying to find a much more extended-lasting accent.​
The bottom line is, if you’re searching for a trendy and economical bag that’ll make it easier to appear set-collectively, a replica bag is a great way to go.​ From my knowledge, I'm able to state that it’s surely well worth the dollars you’ll be spending.​
I have also used a number of other replicas - like a Kate Spade inspired replica.​ I thought this was a very good invest in because it gave me the feel of a designer bag with out breaking the lender.​ I acquired plenty of compliments for it, and it felt like it absolutely was just the appropriate dimensions.​ Furthermore, it had sufficient depth to make it look incredibly distinctive.​
I've also tried using a Gucci influenced duplicate which was created from higher-quality resources and a far more intricate structure.​ It was absolutely breathtaking, however, the detail was somewhat a lot of and I felt like it was far too extravagant for everyday have on.​ I'd personally usually save it for special instances or evenings out.​
Another great duplicate I tried out was a Michael Kors encouraged bag.​ This was a thing I reached for Any time I necessary to glance elegant although not overly dressy.​ It was great for Specific situations, nevertheless still casual with its minimalistic design.​ I did find the straps a bit limited for me, but nothing at all too bothersome.​
My working experience with reproduction baggage has actually been good General.​ I discover them to get a terrific way to get designer appears to be with no sacrificing a ton of money.​ I love that I get to express my private design and style via the choice of replica luggage I individual.​ Every now and then I like to replace them for one thing diverse, as they sometimes very last me about six months before breaking down.​
Having said that, I do recognize that not All people feels the exact same way about reproduction baggage.​ Some individuals think that they’re not well worth the revenue, and that designer baggage are excellent concerning quality and magnificence.​ I'm able to unquestionably regard that impression.​ What I do know is that, for me, reproduction baggage happen to be an incredible method to check out many different designs with no breaking the bank.​
The moral with the Tale is usually that It truly is just not worth it purchasing faux bags.​ You will find a lot of risks included and the quality is generally not worth it.​ The original high-quality designer bags have colonial coverage, warranties, superior building in addition to much better materials.​ Paying out a bit more will assurance you the standard and pleasure of proudly owning a real bag.​ Besides, It can be unlawful, and against the ethical code.​ Don't be fooled into purchasing a faux!
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shinypeachdelusion · 6 months
The History of replica bags designer
I'm positive many of us have heard of fake luggage, as well as purchased them prior to.​ Phony bags are a tremendous dilemma in today's manner world.​ They can be made to glimpse specifically like designer bags so it's difficult to inform that's which.​ It's this kind of bummer that men and women would even stoop so very low and generate these phony bags, which don't just absolutely are a rip off to designer brands but will also, are lower good quality.​
After i noticed my friend having a designer-hunting bag, I was so envious and desired to get a single myself.​ Till I found out that it had been a bogus, And that i Nearly fainted! I had been so mad, knowing that she experienced likely been jipped of her money.​ To help make matters even worse, the bag wasn't even effectively-produced nor did it glance pretty much as good as the real matter.​ Several days afterwards the strap broke and that is when she realized it was a phony!
The worst component was which the bag experienced Price her a lot of money.​ It wasn't affordable, nevertheless the quality was terrrible.​ It had been agonizing to watch a friend practical experience this type of loss.​ I necessarily mean, who genuinely benefits from these pretend baggage? Certainly no person.​ And It is really not just the big names that faux luggage damage, and also compact enterprises who craft authentic baggage and possess to contend with bogus luggage.​
I have encounter a great deal of men and women that buy these pretend bags mainly because they Imagine they can just 'get away with it'.​ They might get absent with it for quite a while, but it's a matter of time just before they realize the true cost of a pretend bag.​ It is a waste of cash and time.​ Not forgetting, the morality concern.​ It's normal awareness that buying pretend luggage is unlawful, and yet persons retain obtaining them, No matter.​
On the other hand, for those who end up in the need to get a designer-hunting bag, you can find possibilities like 'classic shops' or simply branded outlet stores.​ These merchants have remarkable baggage that should glimpse terrific and very last lengthier than a regular bogus bag.​ Naturally, it's going to cost over a phony, but high quality in no way will come cheap.​
Not to mention, the bogus bags will not generally Exhibit the typical characteristics that reliable baggage do.​ Facts like components, lining content, stitching, stamp of authenticity plus much more, are lacking in pretend bags.​ Alternatively, the first designer bags have an additional level of sophistication which the bogus luggage, sadly, usually do not possess.​
Another challenge with these phony baggage is louis vuitton outlet that they're normally designed with counterfeit resources like leather, which aren't only unhealthy but additionally degrade conveniently.​ They do not past very long and break aside, which, in turn, influences the quality of the bag.​
Additionally, pretend luggage normally deficiency legal warranties that come with genuine manufacturers.​ Which means, even should they injury unintentionally, you may never ever get it fixed with the help of the designer's label.​ That is why it's much better to pay for somewhat additional than Have a very bag that can easily break down.​
Lastly, the scent of pretend bags is almost always ample to identify them from the real deal.​ Bogus luggage have an disagreeable oder to them as a result of fakes resources They may be built with.​ That's why it is important to examine the smell on the bag when creating a acquire, to you should definitely're not staying tricked.​
I don't forget buying and selling in my notebook for The cash necessary to get my first duplicate bag.​ I couldn’t feel that this desire of having a designer handbag was at last within sight.​ And when it arrived, I felt like I used to be in heaven! It experienced everything - lovely leather, a fragile strap plus a bright lining that matched the colour of my gown.​ I felt like a star.​
It absolutely was the ideal dimensions for my on-the-go Life style.​ Whenever I had been out and about, I could easily slip it around my arm, have all my Necessities, and even now look classy.​ I could also fit in all my knick-knacks plus more which built it an ideal companion for weekend journeys and finding all over city.​
The better part of proudly owning a replica bag was that it was much more affordable than the usual designer manufacturer.​ Don’t get me Incorrect…I however like designer models, but the price tag just doesn’t always fit in my budget.​ With reproduction baggage, I used to be able to help you save a ton of cash and nonetheless get an incredible on the lookout bag.​
Even with all of the great functions of the reproduction bag, there was one particular down side - the sturdiness.​ I envisioned the bag to past me for awhile, but soon after about six months of making use of it, the material began to break down.​ The bag just didn’t delay in specific climatic conditions.​ This wasn’t a giant offer for me as I just changed the bag with a newer a person, but this might be worth looking at for the people seeking a a lot more prolonged-lasting accessory.​
The underside line is, when you’re seeking a stylish and inexpensive bag that’ll enable you to look set-with each other, a replica bag is a great way to go.​ From my knowledge, I can say that it’s undoubtedly well worth the income you’ll be paying out.​
I've also used a variety of other replicas - like a Kate Spade motivated reproduction.​ I believed this was a very good obtain because it gave me the feel of a designer bag with out breaking the financial institution.​ I acquired numerous compliments for it, and it felt like it was just the ideal dimensions.​ What's more, it experienced ample detail to really make it seem pretty special.​
I've also tried a Gucci impressed replica that was comprised of substantial-quality materials and a far more intricate style.​ It absolutely was absolutely gorgeous, even so, the depth was a little an excessive amount of And that i felt like it absolutely was too extravagant for daily put on.​ I'd ordinarily reserve it for Distinctive events or evenings out.​
A further great reproduction I attempted out was a Michael Kors encouraged bag.​ This was a thing I attained for Anytime I required to search classy but not overly dressy.​ It absolutely was great for special situations, however nevertheless casual with its minimalistic structure.​ I did discover the straps a tad short for me, but nothing at all too bothersome.​
My practical experience with replica luggage continues to be good Total.​ I uncover them to be a great way to get designer appears without the need of sacrificing a ton of money.​ I really like which i get to precise my personal design by means of the selection of duplicate bags I very own.​ From time to time I like to exchange them for one thing diverse, as they typically final me about 6 months prior to breaking down.​
Nonetheless, I do recognize that not Absolutely everyone feels a similar way about replica bags.​ Many people think that they’re not worth the revenue, Which designer bags are remarkable regarding quality and magnificence.​ I am able to absolutely respect that belief.​ What I do know is that, for me, replica baggage are an unbelievable method to examine many different models with no breaking the bank.​
The moral of the Tale is usually that It is really basically not worthwhile obtaining faux baggage.​ There are actually too many hazards associated and the standard is frequently not worthwhile.​ The original quality designer luggage have colonial coverage, warranties, good building and also better materials.​ Shelling out a bit more will ensure you the standard and pleasure of possessing a real bag.​ Aside from, It is unlawful, and from the moral code.​ You should not be fooled into buying a pretend!
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just6f · 10 months
GYMNASTICS GIRLS COLORFUL PRINTED WALL CLOCK FOR 18% OFF? BUY NOW. You don't want to miss this -- snatch your Gymnastics Girls Colorful Printed Wall Clock from our store for a 18% discount today! Discover customer favorites such as Gymnastics Girls Colorful Printed Wall Clock Sports Home Decor Gymnast Moving Clock Hands Decorative Wall Watch For Girls Room, all for a limited time only. MORE ABOUT GYMNASTICS GIRLS COLORFUL PRINTED WALL CLOCK Material: Acrylic Diameter: 30cm Dimensions: 300mm Feature: Antique style Body Material: Plastic Sounds like a tempting offer, right? Therefore, ADD TO CART the desired variation of the Art Watercolor Painting and enjoy your purchase! PRODUCT QUESTIONS & ANSWERS I would probably want to look at some more variations. How can I do this? You can see all the available product options in the product description, so ADD TO CART whichever Gymnastics Girls Colorful Printed Wall Clock you prefer. Can I be sure that the colors in the pictures match the real ones? The product pictures show the true colors of the Gymnastics Girls Colorful Printed Wall Clock. However, your screen might be showing a slightly different shade due to your settings. What about taxes? There could be some taxes depending on your location. If so, you’ll see it included in the price of your Art Watercolor Painting on the checkout page. I want it! How much does it cost? Got interested? Our price for this product is $40.80. Can I post a photo of my purchase on social media? Dear client, we absolutely don’t mind you posting your photos with our products. Moreover, we’ll highly appreciate it. What’s the best thing about your Gymnastics Girls Colorful Printed Wall Clock from the previous buyers’ perspective? Most of our customers were happy with their purchase. Furthermore, they mentioned impressive quality and affordability as the product’s most valued benefits. ORDERING & STORE POLICIES Do I have to indicate my personal address? Can I request the package to be sent somewhere else? It doesn’t matter whether you want us to send the order to your personal address or to any other location because we’ll arrange a top class delivery anyway! Is the package secure? We take packing responsibly since it’s one of the most crucial aspects of online shopping. So, you have nothing to worry about! I made a mistake, so I need to fix it. What can I do to change my order? Feel free to contact our support service. After that, our experts will do everything possible to change your order or completely cancel. How many are left? If you want to buy the Gymnastics Girls Colorful Printed Wall Clock today, there are enough items left available for purchase! However, in the next 2-4 days the stock is expected to run low, which is why it is wise to place your order as soon as possible. How can I know that your store is better than any other one? Our team aims to provide customer support of the highest quality and make you genuinely happy with the purchase! Is it legal for you to distribute these products? Our store has the full authorization to distribute all the listed products including the Gymnastics Girls Colorful Printed Wall Clock, so don't worry. https://just6f.com/gymnastics-girls-colorful-printed-wall-clock-sports-home-decor-gymnast-moving-clock-hands-decorative-wall-watch-for-girls-room/?feed_id=5253&_unique_id=64a7d99763ebe
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ivirginus · 10 months
How to Choose a Business Location
I Don’t Know Where I Should Start My Business… Now What?
Choosing a successful location for your new business requires many considerations, including affordability, accessibility, and competition. Unfortunately, not only are finances tight when starting a business, but there’s often tremendous pressure to get the ball rolling and start bringing in sales. As tempting as it may be to sign the first available lease in your price range, it’s crucial to remember that your business will likely be in the same location for years—and your location will affect nearly every aspect of your business. Below are 7 key steps small businesses can take when looking for an office, storefront, or other physical work site.
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How To Choose A Business Location
1. Form Your Business Where You Do Business When people ask about the best state to start a business, common responses are states with low or no business taxes (like Wyoming or Nevada) or business-friendly laws (like Delaware). However, small businesses—particularly brick and mortar companies—tend to fare better forming in their home state. Why? Odds are this is where they’ll be conducting business. Companies form in one state but are legally required to register in any additional state they do business in (a process called “foreign qualification”). Now, every state varies a bit on what is considered “doing business,” but if you have a physical presence (like an office or warehouse) or employees in a state, you’re usually considered to be doing business there. Imagine you form your business in Nevada because they have no corporate or personal income tax. However, you conduct all your business in your home state. You would need to pay all of Nevada’s steep formation and maintenance fees (and hire a registered agent since you don’t live there). On top of this, you would have to apply for foreign qualification in your home state and pay any recurring local fees. And after all that, it’s highly unlikely you’d avoid your home state’s taxes entirely—you reside there, make sales there, and work there. So, if you’re starting a small local business, forming in another state may not be worth the headache. 2. Research Zoning Restrictions and Ordinances Zoning restrictions are common, especially for manufacturing and other industrial processes that create noise, odors or pollution. Businesses that may create excessive traffic (like a stadium or convention center) usually have zoning restrictions as well. If your industry is considered potentially harmful to youth—like alcohol or weapons sales—you’ll have to navigate restrictions preventing you from setting up shop near schools or other places with large number of minors, such as parks or libraries. Politically contentious businesses may also inspire new ordinances, protests or other restrictions. For instance, Greenfield, Massachusetts has successfully protested against chains and big box retailers that might hurt small businesses. And when the state of Washington legalized recreational marijuana sales, some cities (such as Pomeroy and Othello) responded with local ordinances prohibiting these businesses. The takeaway is to always check for restrictions—and even if there are no current restrictions, it would be wise to tune into local attitudes toward your particular industry before opening your doors. 3. Stay Close to Resources (and Ensure Availability) What does your business actually need to function? For instance, if your business manufactures, processes or retails physical products, is it possible to find a location near suppliers, a distribution center or an order fulfillment center? The more removed you are from your supplies or products, the longer delivery times will be, and the more shipping and transport will cost. Also, not every location has the basic infrastructure or even legal permissions for everything your business might need. For instance, if you’re opening a gym, you may need to install showers—which would likely require extensive plumbing and permits. Opening a coding camp? You’ll need a location that can support your internet connectivity requirements. Essentially, if you’ll need building permits for extensive construction or depend heavily on third-party utilities, make absolutely sure these will be available before settling on a location. 4. Go to Where the Customers Are  For customer-facing businesses, you ideally want to bring your business to wherever your customers are. For instance, if you sell golf accessories, it would make sense to locate your business near a golf course or a high-end shopping area that might attract customers who can afford this kind of recreational activity. It’s always a much tougher sell to convince customers to travel far or go out of their way to seek out a product or service. Choosing a location near complementary businesses is especially important for retail and service industries that typically benefit from foot traffic. On the flip side, while it’s a good idea to consider the customers already in an area, you want to be sure your business isn’t entirely dependent on the customer traffic of other businesses. If you’re selling lawnmowers in suburbia, odds are that lawns in the area won’t disappear overnight. However, if you set up your tutoring service across the street from a local college, imagine what would happen to your customer base if the college closed or moved locations. 5. Don’t Necessarily Avoid Competing Businesses Your gut reaction may be to avoid areas with lots of competing businesses. After all, businesses with similar products and services can easily end up hurting themselves with price wars and other desperate measures to win over a small client pool. In some cases, however, it may be beneficial to be surrounded by competitors. Ever notice how there tends to be five or six furniture stores on a single street? Furniture is a product that people typically want to see (and poke and squish) before purchasing. As a result, customers might be drawn to a neighborhood where they can quickly and easily comparison shop before making a decision—instead of driving an hour out of town for a single store. Businesses that easily reach capacity (like bars and restaurants) or that benefit from lots of foot traffic (like retail stores) also often do better in clusters. 6. Check Your Location’s Safety and Accessibility  The safety and functionality of your space is essential for customers and employees. Finding out the real issues with an area takes some digging though. You’ll want to hire safety inspectors to check the property for any concerns (much like you would when buying a home). You’ll also need to spend some time in the area. Try to pay attention to any inconveniences when you visit the location yourself. Is it hard to find parking? Maybe it’s hard to find the building—can you see it from the street? Is there a good place for signage? Is the parking lot well lit? What’s that weird smell? Talking to business neighbors can also give you insight into problems. For instance, is the street slow to get plowed in the winter? Does the area suffer from break-ins, vandalism or other crimes? 7. Research the History of Your Business Location You don’t want to have the business location “where all those murders happened.” Look into the history of any building or location you use. Places have reputations, and even if you have a great new business, a dark or even just unsuccessful history can be damaging. For instance, if your business is the most recent in a long string of failed businesses, customers may be wary, assuming you’ll disappear as quickly as those who came before. Ask your realtor and potential neighbors about previous owners or tenants, and follow up with an online search of the address. Ready to start your business? We can help. Set up your new business without the hassle—hire Northwest to form your LLC or corporation. We offer business formation and registered agent services in every state, as well as wide variety of other services, from annual report filings to free business forms and guides. LEARN MORE ABOUT STARTING YOUR BUSINESS! Read the full article
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superkilometerfilter · 11 months
How To Lower Car Insurance – Everything You Need To Know
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How to lower car insurance?- This is the most frequently asked question among those willing to have peace of mind and at the same time get high-quality service at a reasonable price. Sometimes you just need to meet legal requirements, because it is required by the law. Nowadays there is a wide range of companies on the market which offer their conditions and prices. They pay attention to the mileage and calculate if the miles are too much. You should need to pick the one that works for you. Not all of them have the same parameters for determining the price, but they all agree to some extent. So, it will take some effort to get affordable insurance. 
Before choosing what is suitable insurance for you, you may want to know: what is it?  Why is it crucial for your automobile? What affects it? Here comes the most important question, how to get lower car insurance? So Let’s get down to business and explain everything from top to bottom.
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When you are on a tight budget and want to know how to lower the odometer reading and decrease your car insurance, you should consider that you may need to share financial responsibilities with your insurer company. So you have two kinds of costs to cover: Policy premium and deductibles.  The deductible is the amount of money you agree to pay in case of an accident before the insurer covers the rest. The amount of money is determined in advance and it depends on you.  However, bear in mind that if it is lower, the higher will be your insurance rate or vice versa. 
As a famous American insurance company, Progressive suggests, mind your driving history and the risk of accidents before opting for deductibles. If you are a high-risk driver and therefore tend to file a claim, be cautious in determining the amount of money you promise to pay out of your pocket. 
When it comes to searching for ways to reduce car insurance, it is necessary to weigh all possible options for reducing the price. If you learn more about factors affecting insurance premiums, you will try to fix what is in your hands. Most of them depend on your personal decisions that influence on the condition, engine hours etc. However, some of them are out of your control. Let’s take a closer look at all of them one by one.
Your car
Needless to say, think twice before you choose between the make and model of your automobile. If you own a luxurious automobile with additional features, it’s more expensive to insure than any reliable model with built-in security features.  According to Forbes, the Honda CR-V, Jeep Wrangler Sport and Subaru Crosstrek are the least expensive cars to insure among popular 2021 vehicle models.
Your age and gender
If you are a male driver below 25, I have bad news to tell, you should pay more for insurance because you are considered a less experienced driver. You may wonder why females have priorities. Despite the controversial statistics, insurer companies consider women as more reliable drivers, don’t get me wrong but this statement contains a seed of truth.
Ownership status 
Consider your automobile ownership status before you ask how to lower my car insurance? Automobile ownership can be categorized in three ways: owned, leased, and financed. To put it simply the price of insuring leased and financed automobiles are not different, but the point is you need full coverage insurance in case of leased and financed vehicles. In addition to that, you have to think of a monthly lease payment. Hence, you need tips on how to lower car insurance, which I promise to provide later.
Insurance rates are different according to the miles driven. For example, low-mileage drivers have the opportunity to get cheap insurance quotes. On the contrary, higher mileage is associated with higher risks for accidents. So, it is also crucial to know how to check the mileage correctly.
Bad driving record 
It will be difficult for you to find ways to get lower car insurance with a bad driving record. different types of traffic violations can affect your insurance price. For instance, after a ticket, you are more likely to pay more for insurance. You may get a ticket for a variety of reasons: speeding, running a stop sign, driving without a license, reckless driving, after DUI ( driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs). Hence, your insurer takes a closer look at your record.
Credit score
It is one of the most important criteria for insurance companies to determine the price you have to pay. Keep in mind that a low score will affect insurance prices.
We have discussed all important aspects of insurance, now it’s a good time to move on and answer the principal question, how to lower your car insurance. As above mentioned information suggests, as the owner, you have responsibilities. If you are unable to reduce risks related to your automobile you will have trouble finding a balance between your needs and budget. So, if you are ready to make every effort, here’s all you have to do.
Make your research
Choosing the insurance company which meets your requirements and needs is key when it comes to saving money. I will provide you with a list of companies which you can search online and compare if their policy is suitable for you. Erie, State Farm, USAA, Metromile, Geiko are part of a list. If you want to know more about them, read through the previous article.
Hunt for discounts
Insurance companies offer you a wide range of discounts and you can take advantage of them. For example, a multi-car discount is good for you if you have more than one car. You can benefit from a safety discount if your car has built-in safety features. In addition to this, you have several options such as a new car discount, self-employed allowance, a good driver and a good student discount.
Drive carefully 
It sounds simple. But it isn’t. Trust me, considering driving habits will simplify your life. Avoid traffic violations as long as it is possible. I know that sometimes accidents are inevitable and not your fault. If it is obvious, you are not charged, so your insurance price remains the same. Just make sure that you act accordingly after an accident.
Park safely
Make sure that your car is parked legally. Moreover, your insurance provider will be more satisfied if you parked in a garage rather than on your driveaway.
Mind your mileage
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As I mentioned, how to lower your car insurance is mostly related to lowering mileage figures on the odometer. People are trying to alter those figures with various devices. Some of them, like rollback tools, are easily discovered by anyone who makes an effort. On the contrary, some people choose a mileage blocker for altering mileage-related information to pay less for insurance.
How does it work?- It is a module that stops a mileage recording process untraceably from all control units. Manufacturers designed it for ethical purposes. The primary purposes of this module are testing and tuning. Keep in mind that you should use it in a controlled environment. It has easy DIY installation instruction as well. In case of any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us anytime.
Thus, you get all the information that you will need to answer how to reduce car insurance. As you can see there are a lot of details worth considering. Do not hesitate to search and to weigh up all possible options to find the one that is suitable for you. Take into consideration everything I told you and you no longer need to ask yourself: how to lower my car insurance? I’m sure you have already got the answer. Now, it’s up to you. Good luck!
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mark6f · 1 year
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christill · 1 year
Thoughts on Black Friday and Physical Music
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I’m not buying anything on Black Friday. Same as most other days, for obvious reasons. I don’t want to consume and help this economy. I’d make an exception if iTunes is doing a sale on albums I’m going to buy anyway. It’s taking a while to catch up on all the stuff I didn’t buy during my kind of lost decade of not listening to music as much. I’m not into collecting physical music though. I just don’t want any clutter; especially if it’s plastic. Digital music is more than good enough quality, convenient, and supports the artists properly. And I’m even more against physical formats now after realising that older albums are likely to be hard to find and expensive on vinyl or CD. It seems obvious but I never thought about it that way before. When I used to buy CDs, everything I listened to was new or recent enough where it was easy and cheap to get. I love that I can buy pretty much any music for a low price and never have to worry about it getting lost or damaged (unintentional climate reference there). I won’t have to lug it around in a big van when I inevitably move house at some point. It really fits my world view nicely.
And what I find quite funny as well is that I would maybe be considered old school for downloading the music of my favourite artists now. Are vinyl and CDs cooler than downloads now? Or is it in the middle between the two? I feel like CDs are more nerdy because people buy them to rip them for higher quality than the downloads, and then have to maintain this giant music library which will inevitably go wrong. So you end up with the plastic clutter as well as a digital headache. Buy them on iTunes and they are right there to be downloaded or streamed on any device, including Apple TV. The album artwork looks great on there too. But what about streaming? It’s definitely mainstream. It’s definitely the number one format because of its convenience and affordability. But it doesn’t support artists enough. Especially those who are smaller and up-and-coming. That’s why I use streaming in conjunction with downloads. I’m not going to buy every album I’m intrigued to listen to or that I end up liking. Just the ones I love. And that combination really works in my view. Personally and from a sustainability point of view, I imagine that’s the best way to go. Although now there’s probably going to be some study that comes out and says that the server activity from downloading songs is somehow worse than manufacturing, transporting and playing big plastic discs. Also, does the needle on the vinyl disc fill the room with tiny micro-plastic particles that will slowly kill you? Someone should probably do a study on that too.
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