#which isnt fair on the new actress
variousqueerthings · 11 months
who's the black dwncompanion???? i'm genuinely curious bc i've only seen pics/news about that blonde girl that looks vaguely like rose
i didn't seeya there. yeah, I got corrected, yasmin finney is playing rose tyler (in some way, we shall seeee), so not the new companion. new companion is... yeah... looks vaguely like rose. lol
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misterradio · 28 days
okay here are some tron 2.0 thoughts TEE HEE....... you have been Spoiler Warned for REAL!
tron fans talk abt this game with me okay 🥺
THIS GAME IS BEAUTIFUL .... MWWWWWAH!!!!!! i just love all the different environment designs, the color coding that went into the different computer systems was really cool too. my main takeaway is that the visuals Rule.
the npc designs were cool too but i kind of wish there was More variety (visually as well as voice acting)... but i really enjoy the design direction here ::-) why so many bald antagonist though? lol (AND WHY SO MANY MEN?)
In regards to gameplay i felt like it was pretty standard? i ended up using the basic disc weapon for most of the game because switching weapons takes Way too long if youre actively fighting, which is kind of a shame cuz there are so many weapon options... i did really enjoy the energy claw though 👍also the light cycle racing SUCKED and there was a graphical glitch that made it so that a bunch of visuals to my cycle were missing so i couldnt even enjoy the new design that was hyped up lol. as complicated as gameplay felt up front it definitely felt much better as it went on so it was pretty good.
game progression was very straightforward which i didnt expect..? go do this and then do that, etc. i thought it would be more open. this isnt rlly a complaint bc at least i wasnt lost or anything.
finding all the build notes was thankfully not hard but i enjoy poking around as much as i can in games already... and i liked the mechanics of searching archive boxes and being able to read emails between people ::-) YAY NOSINESS !!! despite finding all the build notes i still didnt end with the highest version i couldve...🤔 no idea how that works then...
moving on 2 story...
all the characters felt a bit flat so that was unfortunate... i wouldve liked to see some more emotions from everyone, bit more personality, etc...
i dont rlly know where jet's attachment to mercury came from, is he in love with this girl, if so why?? im thinking that since she was the first program to really reach out and help jet, that he latched on to her. but as the player i was kind of neutral on her SORRY although her design is cool
i was in disbelief that lora died and i was thinking she would just have been digitized and b in the computer somewhere? and there are allusions to her at least being superficially present in the program ma3a/ma2a etc (they have the same actress ^^__^^) but neither jet nor alan mention this which really shocks me??!!!??? thats your deceased mom or wife can u show a bit of tenderness or something..... maybe this can be cooked up more in an AU or something . idk i was really hoping she (and yori) would be around. i held on to hope for so long ✊️
OBVIOUSLY WISHING TRON WAS THERE... but omg alan being in the digital world shocked me so much i really liked that HEHE. him wearing tron's outfit was fun. i saw someone else in the tag say this, but if tron is "retired" then where is he?? INQUIRING MINDS WANNA KNOW !! he and jet werent very fazed by being digitized which surprised me buuut they also have to adapt fast given the urgency of their situation..
i felt rlly bad that thorne died SNIFFLE SNIFFLE jet and alan just watched a real guy die in front of them thats MESSED UP!! he was really cool too i enjoyed the corruption concept ::-) i was really worried the three fcon employees were gonna die too but im glad they implied that they could be repaired and manifested again.. (what is the word for un-digitized..?)
evil ma3a was really cool 👍 tbh all the antagonists are cool except im neutral on the kernel. i was confused that he was red i thought he was evil like in the original movie with the MCP's soldiers.. but i think hes just a guy who happens to be red. and also trying to kill u but just bc you (jet) are a freak of computer nature and should not be there. thats fair. i enjoyed his boss fight too.
THE FCON MONSTER WAS RLLY COOL HOW AM I NOT SEEING ANY FANART OF THEM.... ::-( i have to fix this... ALSO I WISH they had dialogue. like are they even aware of their situation. missed opportunity !!
okay thats all i can think of now.
WAIT UM I READ THE COMIC CONTINUATION(?) the ghost in the machine AS WELL and i dont have many thoughts on it bc it was really confusing BUT i did enjoy the layers of horror and unreality which i really did not expect. was also expecting the titular ghost to have more to do with lora (SIGH I REALLY WANNA SEE HER AGAIN) but it didnt but thats okay. i really liked the art of the first book specificaly.....
do any tron fans also like soma (2015) haha just wondering [TWIRLS MY HAIR
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lucidpantone · 2 years
Which seasons would you recommend to watch first from the remakes? The best from each or in order?
The remakes? I dont do remakes(I have watched each one tho) .... I do seasons. There isnt one remake that has an end to end astounding run so no point on limiting yourself to one remake. They all falter at one point or another. Italia is very consistent in watch ability but thats because they didnt take many chances in their early seasons so its very safe and feels very carbon copy to OG.Not totally but some clips are literally identical. Where other remakes do more interesting things in their approaches. So If I had to do seasons:
Season 1
Eva: Skam espana / I like this remake because you get these bonus clips where it showed what Eva and jorge did to her besties and it really flips it on you how honestly she was kinda of asshole and out of line. She isnt completely the victim here and so it makes the story way more textured.
Isa: Skamnl / It feels like almost a different show to me this season and I just think the actress is really good and nl does funny little tweaks. Only thing with nl dont get to invested because it got cancelled early on so your just left wanting more.
Season 2
Wtfock, Italia or Espana.
They are all different takes on this situation but I like them all and I like the couples. Espana its a little hard to pick up if you haven't seen the lead up because(its actually their s3 not s2) you dont know the history between Pomme and Nora and how Miguel is not only trash but really fucking up the love story and you won't get the emotional pay off in s4 as much but yea still good. Standalone wtfock and italia are easy to watch.
Season 3 (The evak season)
This is entirely personal and everyone feels different about the evaks they like so for me personally. 1. Druck, 2. wtfock and 3. espana but honestly all the evak seasons are good for entirely different reasons. Like Marti/nico are also good and their issues in s4 maybe won't make to much sense if you dont watch their season. Elu also has a lot of up and downs even up until today and so for me their season looks very different so many seasons down the road. I will say its nice that skamfr depicts how tough relationships can be and they dont sugar coat it but lucas still a bossy pants.
Season 4
Italia its not even a competition. To be fair this season is a Netflix production so it looks really good and just feels very lux for skam.
Druck isnt terrible you will just be left a little dumbfounded at the end because it does a weird hardcut out of Amira's pov and your left confused wondering if we are done with her story or not and we are but its like a weird transition.
Original seasons
Druck s5 Nora
Its amazing and very emotional because by telling you Nora's story they tell you kiki's and its just really heart breaking. It also makes me hate Alex(s2 german william) even more for the plastic surgery stuff in s2 because you realize how badly kiki was struggling during that time with her body and him making those comments about plastic surgery is just horrible.
Skam france s5
Its not the best season but it may be the best acted. Robin is a beast. The topic is very interesting honestly. Its probably in the top 3 new gen seasons for me and its the one season that was brave enough to prioritize Arthur at the end which doesn't happen much in skam. Also you will hear about "the car". ITs a running joke in the skamverse and it comes from this season. You gotta be in on the joke.
**Tip: If your gonna pick up Maya’s season then you need to watch lola’s season its honestly pretty important you understand Lola to contextualize Maya.**
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3, episodes 7-13 thoughts! cannot believe im finishing this series so fast. ...cannot believe it ended like that...uh. one of the weirdest finales to a show I think I've seen, it really stood out against the rest of the series, and not in a good way, in my opinion. I paused to yell in caps lock...several times, I think, out of anger... BUT. ANYWAY, HERE WE GO.
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-the fentons putting the kids to Work in the lab, with NO SAFETY GEAR. AT ALL. THEY JUST GOT BACK FROM SCHOOL AND ARE TIRED!!! and when jack asked how danny his day was and danny tried to say it was bad jack cut him off :( for the 400th time, i am stealing these kids.
-maddie and jack IMMEDIATELY SELLING THEIR LAB AND WORK FOR A LOT OF MONEY. and danny cant get into the portal anymore, oh no!!! he could always just steal vlads I Guess.
-THEY ARE VLADS NEW NEIGHBOR. OH MY GOD. this is a sitcom format. a butler came with the new mansion. i would absolutely try a kiwi fudge milkshake, why is the butler disgusted.
-the..guys in white bought the lab to shoot a missile. into the ghost zone thru the portal. bro i hate these guys
-jazz straight up setting her new bedroom up in the library. i am very very jealous
-I like how the 14 year olds very quickly realize if the giw destroy the ghost zone itll destroy OUR ZONE because its just. like. the other side of the quarter so to speak. and the giw, a fully funded government agency, didnt consider that...(or worse, are willing to risk that anyway...)
-a...graphic novel version of the constitution? what in the world have you been READING SAM
-'cool, I always wanted to be called a meddling kid!' scooby doo reference...
-can they keep the butler. I love him.
-ecto latte....I also want to try that. is ectoplasm edible...
-youngblood is also into astronaut stuff, thats really cute. and him being like 'phantom, dude!! :D' ALL EXCITED. THATS ADORABLE.
-the slapstick comedy of the giw slipping and falling and running into shit in the lab. is funny, but also, because this lab has NOOO safety codes in practice. god its a wonder dannys the only one to have died here...
-JOHNNY, SKULKER AND YOUNGBLOOD HELPING DANNY!!! I keep saying it but the other ghosts helping him. is my fav thing in the world. and, it's a really good thing the missile in the real world was harmless...otherwise the fentons wouldn't have had a home/lab to come back to...
-WULF WANTED POSTER!!! we havent seen wulfy in so long :( very funny the box ghost is offended by how much these ghosts are wanted for. first off, what do ghosts even DO WITH MONEY. does the ghost zone have its own currency??? what are ghosts BUYING
-the box ghost is So Funny, im so glad hes still got his bubble wrap. u are VERY wanted in THIS house box ghost. you are SO scary king. dont give up on ur dreams
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-this needs to be a meme format. I made a transparent version, very very messily, for future use.
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-this is a Fellow and a Friend
-box ghost accidentally bringing lunch for everyone, and giving people at the mall free shoes. SHOES ARE SO EXPENSIVE, ID BE SO GRATEFUL. helpful king. i feel SO bad for him lmao, he's putting in SO much effort. he wants the evil aesthetic So bad but hes Just Too Silly. I understand your plight, box ghost....
-oh my god. pandoras BOX. 'THOSE OF US IN THE BOX TRADE' HOW MANY ARE IN THIS BOX TRADE. I WANT IN. pandora is a multi-armed ghost goddess and i love her.
-box ghost...where did you get the cowboy hat. I respect it, i just want to know
-JAZZ COMING IN WITH THE BAZOOKA TO FIGHT THE 10 HEADED DRAGON!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! and the rest of the fentons I Guess
-ignoring the sam/danny moments. I simple do not see them.
-...why doesnt danny just fly over the maze. or do the whole 'real world people act as ghosts in the ghost zone' and turn back!!! I know its just to show off the ghost greek monster designs. but STILL.
-danny being like. um. hi pandora. i found your box. >< polite...PANDORA IS SO GIANT. GIANT GHOST WOMAN. SHES GOING TO BEAT BOX GHOSTS ASS. another ghost thats nice to danny to add to the list :) and HER FORCING BOX GHOST TO APOLOGIZE. and having sandwiches with danny after making box ghost clean up. I LOVE HER.
-okay, when dash pulled out danny's seat and was calling him buddy, for half a second I was like 'this is a prank, hes gonna pull it back' BUT THEN FRIGHT KNIGHT MY BELOVED IS BACK. AND EVERYONE STARTS CHANTING FOR DANNY TO BEAT HIS ASS WITH GHOST POWERS AND DANNY DOES WAY TOO EASILY, and im like, yup, this is a dream LMAO
-danny is getting an A+ in science :) my smart son
-DANNY WAKING UP FROM THE DREAM RIGHT BEFORE KISSING SAM AND BEING LIKE 'that was a dream...no, a NIGHTMARE!' same. not to be a hater but, shouldve been val. maybe I am a hater
-...danny running and checking the 'tapes'...why is his whole house constantly being recorded. hes been in ghost form/fights plenty of times in his house. does he have to run and wipe the tapes after?? every single time?? god
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-letting this image speak for itself
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-this is SO cursed
-NOCTURN'S DESIGN FUCKS SO HARD. the Venice mask vibes. also his space pattern not moving while the rest of his animation does is big chowder vibes. but this guy is basically the sandman but Evil, huh. I love dream plots. also, nocturn's design feels very similar to clockwork, like, red eyes and a scar over the same eye, but also just the purple, and the Cosmic Vibes. I want to see them fight. anyway nocturn's va was also avatar roku AND alfred in several batman cartoons.
-the 'sleepwalkers' designs were super cute in shape (kinda remind me of oogie boogie! pillow-cased shaped, which is appropriate for the 'king of dreams's minions) until I looked closer at their eyes. why do they look sewn shut!! (they open their eyes a few times, so they aren't, but they look like it...)
-I like how this show has been pretty consistent (with a few exceptions) about a Ghost Being Huge (or getting larger) = Very Powerful
-2 months of summer camping??? wtf, do camping things usually take that long?? I've never been to a camping...thing like that. but isnt that basically their entire summer??
-'the entirety of nature is your bathroom!' and thats why I do no camping despite loving nature LMAO.
-sam, at least TRY TO BE NICE TO THE OTHER GIRLS YOU'RE GOING TO BE SHARING A CABIN WITH. also, the amount of times people in this show have their SHOES ON THE BED!!! IM DISGUSTED
-swamp creature Is A Ghost. Big Foot is a Ghost. starting to think in this universe, every single cryptid or legend is a Ghost Actually
-paulina crying not only because star is missing, but because SHE FORGOT HER SUNBLOCK AND SHE BURNS SO EASILY!!!! okay girlfriends
-ghost cops are the real monsters at the camp. i.......I mean. fair. no one missed you walker
-WULF!!!!!!!!!!! WULF IS BACK!!!!!!!! MY FRIEND WULF :D MI AMAS VIN!!!!! kaj danny lernis Esperanto :)
-'relax kid, we arent here to do any harm' *immediately shoots danny* yeah. ghost cops. and also danny bringing walker 'wulf' and walker IMMEDIATELY SUCKING DANNY IN A THERMOS. FUCK OFF
-haha walker Bald. and haha walker Frozen Now
-the fenton thermos can...reverse its polarity to close portals? okay
-ohhh they end the ep with them star gazing, thats pretty cute...
-dani is back! ...with a new voice actress? wiki says AnnaSophia was in 3 diff movies in 2007 when this aired, so she was probably too busy... (including, bridge to terabithia aka the movie that ripped my heart out that I mentioned in the first ep Dani was in...kinda wanna rewatch it now)
-shes still scared of vlad, who's still being creepy and spying on her. 'shes hardly going to come home to daddy!' I WONDER WHY. also does vlad's cat look more evil than last time? love the concept of him going shopping for cats and being like 'give me your most EVILEST looking cat, please, so I can pet it in my spinny chair dramatically!' ...oh god white cat hair on his black suit. I have a black cat and her hair is still way too noticeable..
-vlad has a big 'valerie' button in his office. can he be pressing that button every episode, thanks
-'theres a GIRL called dani phantom?' yeah valerie. no relation, obviously, even with her looking EXACTLY like danny. so sad valerie just wants to help her dad and her get out of the place theyre in now and vlad using her. ill MAUL HIM
-dani having to STEAL FOOD. :( and valerie immediately being like oh poor kid :(( and trying to help her!!! and then dani immediately helping valerie!! this episode is starting SO well
-...and then valerie catching her. DAMN IT. and being surprised dani knew danny?? HELLO VALERIE I KNOW YOURE SMARTER THAN THIS. I AM SO SORRY THEY WROTE YOU THIS WAY. I STILL LOVE AND BELIEVE IN U !!!
-valerie lying her ASS off for a chance at gettin danny. ok <3 also 'they couldnt catch a ghost if it was living under their own roof' JSDHKJHNK
-danny. why dont you just tell valerie!! this would be so much easier if he was direct. there is NO way valerie would hurt danny (fenton) she'd be HORRIFIED. esp since she got on board helping dani!!
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*is held* :)
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-look at valerie and danny. flying together. about to go beat vlads ass together <333
-...fucking vlad convincing valerie hes a good dude with his stupid duplication. FUCK. DANNY JUST TELL H E R
-jesus christ how many times has danny had to watch loved ones die. even if she didnt stay perma-dead. glad they fixed her...
-valerie and dani pranking danny when he came out, oh :( cute...them havin fun and laughing together...babies
-BUT THEYRE JUST LETTING DANI LEAVE, AGAIN??? SHE WAS PREVIOUSLY STEALING FOOD. CHRIST GIVE HER A PLACE TO LIVE. OR A FAMILY. actually, I think it'd be really cute if, since danny isnt ready to out himself, dani went and lived with valerie?? dunno if her dad would have the money but,, it'd be a cute concept. big sis valerie...
-'tomorrow, it's game on!' 'and ill be ready to play!' THE FLIRTING....DANNY/VALERIE REAL
-oh my god,, valerie found out about vlad in the end. But he doesn’t know she knows!!! the DRAMA!!! HOLY SHIT THAT ENDING.
-this episode was. SO Much and probably one of my favorites out of s3. (I mean, there has been a gross lack of valerie this whole season, so thats not a hard choice to make...)
-the title screen looks different! so no title card...
-vlad has his own fucked up satellite that looks like him?? okay. why does the animation look so different?? are they mixing cg in?? for what. anyway, vlad and the gang in SPACE. danny is 100% living his astronaut dreams rn
-wait oh my god. vlad is the final series boss, isn't he. I half expected a fake out, for another boss to show up midway, and for him to finally have to have a real truce with danny for this ep. ITS THE FINALE. VLAD FEELS SO UNDERWHELMING.
-And it's like-- his character isn't bad, i just feel like..he has more potential! they WANT him to seem like some smart super evil genius, but the way he's written makes that SO hard to believe...but the solid backstory and design is THERE and its FRUSTRATING.
-my grandpa technus is in the finale too :) 'well look on the bright side, at least im not downloading them illegally!' he says while stealing dvds. feels like hes calling me out. im watching this series on a bootleg website lmao. anyway, him turning the tech into a transformer. love that
-mASters BLASters sTOp diSAsterS shut the fuck up. you will never be valerie or danny. bite chomp kill. violence
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-like this if u crie everytiem
-my god the 3d/cgi mixed in looks SO BAD IT DIDNT AGE WELL AT ALL
-the white stripe in dannys hair kinda rules tho. did he just KILL HIS GHOST HALF??? 'revert his human half back to normal' UM. you ever unkill yourself. why are his friends/jazz so mad about it, he'll be in a lot less danger!! christ. they can still hunt ghosts!! as humans!! if they want to!! hes 14 if he wanted to be normal. let him. vlads stupid little team has things COVERED apparently. why are they acting like this. jazz would never act like this. is this fake whats going ON
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-oh my god jack was in a college band. vlad was also in the band. what did instruments they play. i didnt need that headline to tell me they sucked, but i want to KNOW MORE REGARDLESS
-valerie was here for 0.3 seconds.
-sam calling danny selfish. the audacity. no one is stopping YOU from hunting ghosts, girl. valerie does it!!
-I'm halfway through the episode and incredibly underwhelmed so far.
-why would they send jack and 3 teens to space to destroy the asteroid. why not professional astronauts. not even the 3 teens that have already been to space this episode...
-jack getting beat up by teenagers. ON TV. IN SPACE. I GUESS. I GUESS EVERYONE AGREED TO SEND JACK BECAUSE..VLAD SAID SO? we know it was to embarrass jack, but why would everyone agree. why didnt any other space program Do More or whatever, they sent like, 3 rockets/missiles tops?? no way
-danny attempting to punch vlad in the face. i WISH HE WOULDVE LANDED THAT HIT.
-jack just now, on the last episode GETTING TOLD HE MADE VLAD A GHOST. THIS SHOULDVE HAPPENED WAY SOONER. jack's reaction was one of the only times in this entire show hes seemed human. 'an old friend? no. you? yes.' GET HIS ASSSS ACTUALLY. HE STRAIGHT UP LEFT VLAD IN SPACE. GOD DAMN. that is a Murder! I mean, I guess vlad could fly back to earth, but...I mean, he'll have to, right? no food in space. (that we KNOW of...)
-'thE WHolE EArtH, INTangiBLe?!' oh my god.
-...the white strand of hair somehow still had ghost dna, I guess, and getting blasted turned him back into phantom. I GUESS. I GUESS.
-the fentons being the first to clap for danny despite not knowing hes phantom...that was sweet. and very sudden character development, not at all gradual over the course of time or episodes like it probably should have been...
-sam and danny kissing. IT SHOULDVE BEEN VALERIE, BUT OKAY, I GUESS. also, its a little underwhelming, considering theyve kissed already...
-ALL of the ghosts being ready to beat danny's ass? really. no they wouldn't, they've worked together before, and some of those ghosts are friendly!! cringe. why is the last ep written like this. I mean they came thru at the last minute but. was really cringing for a minute there, why did they write it like that
-valerie is there for another 0.3 seconds! ....she should've been more involved. dani is also there! for also like 0.3 seconds. almost fast enough to miss. (btw, I think shes still homeless at this point, are, we going to...do ANYTHING ABOUT THAT IN THE LAST 5 MINS OF THE SHOW)
-the cgi smoke or whatever it is. this whole post is me saying the cgi is bad, but IT IS.
-'danny or should we say. DAAANNNNY.' this is like the 3rd or 4th time hes been outed damn, but to the whole world, again. and valerie saw, and is just. an extra in the bg clapping. bro im so mad.
-i think. this is still linked to the dream ep a few times ago. hes still dreaming. this is a plot a 14 year old would write. this feels like a bad fanfic. so much got rushed, and not tied up. vlad wasnt really even the villain this episode, a fucking. non-being asteroid was.
-they kiss again. ok. sure. whatever at this point.
-VLAD IS NOW A FREE-ROAMING SPACE NOMAD. I GUESS. THATS. SURE. WHATEVER. THE END, I GUESS. cannot believe I'm saying this, but: they did vlad dirty.
-IF YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE HIM A VILLAIN, MAKE HIM A VILLAIN!!! DON'T MAKE IT A METEOR!!! STOP BEING WISHY WASHY WHO WANTS TO SEE DANNY VS ASTEROID!!! I didnt even WANT vlad to be the final villain because his character is SO back and forth (esp this season.) but he has done some FUCKED UP SHIT AND I WANTED THE WRITERS TO DOUBLE DOWN, PERSONALLY, IF THEY HAD TO MAKE HIM THE FINAL BOSS. the cabin ep where he basically held danny and maddie hostage? FUCKED. THE DANI THING? FUCKED. FUCKING COMMIT AND MAKE HIM ACTUALLY SCARY OR HAVE HIM FUCK OFF AND AGREE TO A TRUCE!! WHAT IS THIS DYING IN SPACE NONSENSE. (and, he will (fully) die out there, right? still half human, still needs food and water. I imagine he'll like, slowly half-die but this time his human side is dying. will he come back 100% ghost? we dONT KNOW. WE DONT GET TO SEE, ITS PLAYED LIKE SOME FUNNY THING AT THE END, THEN THATS IT!!! WHAT!!!)
-I don't know how to articulate how FRUSTRATING THAT IS. having him basically out himself and ''hold the world hostage'' does not track at all in my brain. like. he's always been scary because he is HUMAN, TOO. like, if he was 100% ghost, he'd be LESS scary, but vlad MASTERS has more power and influence than vlad PLASMIUS because of his position as mayor, his money, too, and his (supposed, s3 made me doubt it) intelligence/manipulation skills, and his being in good graces with jack made it HARD FOR DANNY. him outing himself for,, money and to 'control the world' i guess?? MONEY WAS NEVER HIS LIKE, MAIN GOAL. yeah obv he likes money and is materialistic and values his Rich Life, but hes got billions, the end goal? 1. getting maddie (and or danny as his son, but to me he always treated that as secondary) 2. ruining jack. this feels like they wanted to say 'oh he just wants POWER' which is. HMM?? OKAY?? obv he /does/ want power (usually over certain ppl, tho), but seeing him try to get it like this FELT WEIRD SOMEHOW. weird like the ep where he tried and failed to take over various historical civilizations, because like,, how is that realistically going to do anything for him?? just, being in that time forever and never seeing maddie aka Goal #1 again?? HELLO??? this was like that, but worse
-this was such a weird ending to an entire show. why did season 3 only have 13 episodes?? why did it feel so weirdly paced?? WHY WAS THE ENDING LIKE THAT. I think. I am going to pretend I did not see that. fucked up, dudes. I'm like...hm. I shouldn't have watched that because now I'm mad. valerie sweetie im SO sorry you shouldve been more present. it felt like..if they knew this season was going to be short, and the last season, they should've spent more time wrapping up EVERYONE'S plot lines for the entire season. imagine how cool it wouldve been if every single ep of season 3 was working towards something, a big, nice wrap up at the end, with nothing feeling TOO rushed because they'd been heading towards the End for the whole season....
I will probably end up writing a follow up full series thoughts post. In a couple of days so I can sit with my thoughts. BUT. overall, I really liked the show! (ignoring the finale and some of the moments that aged pretty poorly...) it was charming and a fun concept and very fun to watch in general :) and I am pretending the finale didnt happen <3 and I’m gonna dive RIGHT into the dp tags and mix fanart and posts in my queue, very excited to run and look at that 🏃🏻 (and, of course, make more fanart myself hehe >:3)
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roughentumble · 3 years
I would like to hear.. your silence of the lambs series opinions......
series as in, the new clarice tv show that's out? haven't watched it yet. series as in, those old movies that feature anthony hopkins as hannibal lecter? surely!
fair warning, i probably dont have anything new to say that hasnt been said before, considering these are all long since classics, and my thoughts might be a little disjointed.
it's difficult to sum up opinions about it on the whole, since the movie quality honestly varies so wildly, and as i recall basically every single movie had a different director lol. also like, there's definitely a reason silence of the lambs stood out as The hannibal movie that got talked about and went into The Annals Of Film History n' all that. there's something about jodie foster's performance that's particularly electric(though that could be nostalgia talking, i suppose)
the opportunities she had, as an actress, to really show emotion on her face, like the claustrophobic close-ups we got were really intimate and interesting, added to the sense we were getting into her head. that HANNIBAL was getting into her head. i've already used the word intimate, but really, the long drawn out conversations/monologues between her and hannibal are just that-- intimate. you have to have stellar performances to pull off that much dialogue, and shots that intensely focused, where a face takes up so much of the screen. but it works! because hopkins and foster are fantastic actors, and jonathen demme is a good director.
there's a reason a lot of people didn't like the switch to julianne moore, and i would say it isnt entirely moore's fault. ridley scott, for one, is simply a different director with different ideas of shot composition, which changes how the character feels pretty drastically when the style so heavily informed your feelings for her. but also, in general, the film just kind of approaches clarice from a different angle, which is pretty bumpy territory to go into on the tail of switching your lead actress. not only is moore just really different from foster, but we've gone from this kind of invasive intimacy with hannibal probing her in confined spaces, to her being on the chase. in particular what sticks out to me is a chase sequence where she's trying to find hannibal in a crowded mall.(i think it was a mall?? its been a minute since i last watched the film haha) despite how the crowd might lead to a sense of claustrophobia, these are wide open shots with lots of spinning and movement, no time for introspective face journies. it's a chase in a totally different sense than before, and that i think is major difference in tone. which isn't to say it's a bad choice, or a loss, or that it's worse, just that it's fundamentally very different material that moore was given fo work with. of course her performance differed from fosters!
i still think jodie foster did it better, but some folks were too hard on julianne moore. if anything, hold beef with the writers and new director for pivoting tonally(although, dont do that either, i think it was an interesting shift. the scene with her and hannibal, where hannibal fries up that dude's brain was SO GOOD, i loved loved loved the return to a twisted sense of intimacy for that scene, and a few others, and that sense of return wouldn't have hit the same were the whole movie to follow the same tone as demme's work.)
also quick sidebar, when i watched hannibal(the movie from 2001) i was BLOWN AWAY by realizing, in retrospect, just how absolutely perfectly micheal pitt nailed the role of mason verger in hannibal(the tv show). vocally, he sounded almost identicle to the og performance, WHAT!!! major props, i love micheal pitt. so cool
manhunter 1987 or whatever year it came out is garbage and we dont talk about it. it was physically painful to watch. my poor mother made us stop watching hannibal movies for the rest of the day because it literally put her in physical pain. it's so 80s i want to vomit. do not recommend.
red dragon was pretty good, and if you entered the series of films armed only with knowledge of hannibal nbc, gave some really fascinating context to some of the events therein. edward norton's performance was fine-- didn't blow my mind, but i do love to watch him on screen. anthony hopkins' portrayal of a free hannibal, on the run, who still can't help but taunt the police and stick his nose into investigations was shockingly compelling, despite how much of a cliche trope that's become in recent years. can't say i recall anything interesting to say about the directing, but it certainly doesnt hold the same intimacy of the previous films-- but then again, we've lost the intimate character of clarice, swapping her out for graham(who simply isnt as close, or interesting, or compelling, when he isnt on nbc and shaking like a wet chihuahua)
hannibal rising, the last film in the series, was very very very bad. BUT, unlike manhunter 198whatever, it managed to be fun about it! lots of very goofy deaths and things to make you roll your eyes, stupid character motivations and odd acting choices. but it seems aware, on some level, that it's the last and the silliest of the entries into this particular film series, which earns it some good will. whether or not its worth a watch comes down to how much you're willing to consume everything with the name hannibal on it, and whether you can abide by a hannibal that isnt played by sir anthony hopkins.
OK. ok. we're getting to the end of my thoughts here, kids. i prommy.
it's also, despite every single part of it that i enjoy and that brings me joy, almost unforgivably racist and transphobic. the weird exotification and obsession with asia(and japan in particular), especially when none of those elements felt important or relevant to the story was consistently shocking, and consistently present in essentially every single hannibal movie, ESPECIALLY ones that dealt with his childhood. it didn't ever feel like a natural part of the story, where they happened include people from another culture or anything, it felt like the author's fetish. i never truly understood how these reoccuring themes and symbols were meant to tie in with the rest of the story, even after an entire film set in the past, showiing hannibal's childhood and how he came to live with a japanese woman. it was weird! it was uncomfortable! it was bad! even hannibal nbc couldnt make it not weird. i'd love a hannibal movie with a japanese person in it who WASNT treated really, really, really weird. but i dont think i will ever get that.
and like. wrt transphobia-- do i even need to say it? buffalo bill's been talked to death. we all know the issue there.
if a japanese person, or a trans woman, came to me and said "shawn, everyone says its a classic, but i cant bring myself to watch [insert hannibal movie here]" i would not blame them. it isnt the whole movie, but its enough to feel real bad, scoob.
its not enough to make me fall out of love with silence of the lambs, or hate hannibal(the film, god thats a confusing name), or even hate the film series, but its something that deserves tl be talked about. i've heard lots of discussion on the transphobia, but basically none on the racism, which is a real shame. sometimes it feels like no one else even noticed it, and it really leaves me floundering, because its like-- its RIGHT THERE and its so weird and bad. thomas harris, what the fuck
OKAY I THINK THATS ALL MY THOUGHTS FOR NOW?????? i could maybe come up with more, *shrugs*, but i'd need more time at least.
summary:: very problematic, and not because he eats people. but overall some of the films are fantastic, and silence of the lambs does hold a special place in my heart. and even if i didnt like it nearly as much, i'll defend hannibal(the film with julianne moore) till im blue in the face, because even if it didnt quite capture lightening in a bottle it still brought some interesting things to the table. decent enough movie series with enough variation in film tone and quality to make watching them all in a row enjoyable, because it keeps things from getting stale. (could probably have done with SOME consistency tho, lol, they were really flying by the seat of their pants. they had hopkins and that was IT, only thing that carried over from production to production lol)
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vasiliassuns · 4 years
thistle gimme the tea on ruby
♥ oh gods, you really just love getting me on the analysis trains, hm ?
♥ ( note ; do not read this post if you absolutely love ruby with all of your heart and believe she is 100% innocent , to each their own , these are just my own personal opinions and im not trying to offend anybody ) 
♥ warning ! this post is very long, and essentially turned into a character analysis of specific moments and nearly an entire volume largely based off of how i see the show. it is multiple paragraphs long, standing at exactly 3444 words exactly. there will be a tl;dr at the end for anybody who doesnt want to read the full post, or has trouble focusing ! thank you for understanding. 
♥ where do i start ? personally, ruby’s character really got it’s worst in volume 7. i really enjoyed her character pre - fall of beacon, and a decent amount in volumes 4 - 6 as well. there is a moment in volume 4 that make me let out a long sigh, as well as a singular moment in volume 5 that greatly confuses me on her character, so i will touch up on that as well.
♥ volume 7 is what kills my love for her character, in all honest, as well as some moments in volume 6 that i feel could have been written better. i’ll go in chronological order for this, starting with my “:///” towards a part in volume 4, then confusion of a scene in volume 5, then the slight issues that developed with her in volume 6, then moving on to volume 7 and how im no longer really enjoying her character
♥ so, in volume 4, its very common knowledge that tyrian was sent to attack and retrieve ruby to bring back to salem, due to her having silver eyes and the damage she cause salems fall maiden. when qrow shows up to save ruby at the perfect last second, he adamantly tells her and the rest of team rnjr to stay out of the fight. at first, ren and nora dont listen, but then do, which is fair. but ruby continued to push her helping qrow. as we all know now, qrow was telling her to stay back due to his semblance. while, yes, ruby did help qrow against tyrian with a couple of the blows, the fight would have gone much different should she have not interfered (personally, i feel like qrow would have had a shot at beating tyrian, especially because their auras were both flickering and they seemed very evenly matched). but due to her constant interference, she nearly got knocked out by a large wooden beam, had qrow not sliced it in half. she wound up (even if it was accidentally) distracting qrow, giving tyrian the opportunity to nearly poison him. i dont hate her for wanting to help in this scene, because its her uncle who she cares about, but i feel like she also should have trusted qrow and stayed out of the fight. the line “this is my fight too” also gets me. maam, this isnt your fight, the fight is about you, but doesnt need to physically involve you.
♥ with volume 5. its a very well known scene, at least in my opinion. when weiss got impaled by none other than cinder fucking fall. within the few episode long battle for haven, we did see ruby’s eyes activate once when jaune and cinder were running / flying at each other to fight. i do understand why her eyes activated there, because jaune is her first friend from beacon that wasn’t her sister, arguably one of her closest. what i dont understand is why ruby’s eyes didnt activate when she saw that cinder had impaled weiss with the spear, weiss sitting in the same position ruby last saw pyrrha in, weiss an inch from death. it just doesnt add up to me how her teammate and partner, somebody who’s saved her multiple times and shes saved multiple times. it may be that she was too stressed in the moment for them to properly activate, which we’ve seen ( in volume 7 ), but i still feel like something should have happened with her eyes. 
♥ continuing on with volume 6, i really didnt have many issues with her character here either, but a few of her lines / moments kinda made me go “:/ bruh why tho” closer to the end of this volume. it’s really only two quotes of her’s that get me, which is “Just because you don't have an idea, doesn't mean we're out of options! Oz hasn't been here to tell us what to do, but we still managed to get this far anyway. We've been in bad situations before, and we don't need an adult to come save us or tell us what to do. We just did it our way! And I say we do it our way. And if you think you can keep up with us "kids"... we'd be happy to have you.” from the episode ‘lost’. i partially understand what she’s saying here, but at the same time, she says this to qrow, who saved her life on multiple occasions, and who wanted to get to atlas without breaking any laws. the way she said it (nothing against lindsay, she is an amazing and very talented voice actress, and she delivers nearly all of rubys lines perfectly, but imagine as if this was a real person we knew), kind of seemed decently rude to me. i understand that she knows they need to get to atlas, because james can help them (ill bring this back up later, trust me), and shes clearly not afraid to break the law that involves james’ military to get to him. 
♥ the second thing in volume 6 about ruby that semi-upsets me / makes me go “:/” is in the episode seeing red, when she was talking to cordovin, she said “ We're going to Atlas. Bigger people than you have tried to stop us and failed, but we're supposed to be on the same side! We're supposed to use our power to protect people, but you just use yours to look down on everyone! We didn't want to steal from you. We did it because you gave us no other choice! Now I'm giving you one last chance to stand down and hear us out.” this semi-upsets me mostly because of the line “bigger people than you have tried to stop us and failed”, as well as “we did it because you gave us no other choice.”. the “bigger people than you” gets me because while, yes, in the grand scheme of things within the war against salem, cordovin is a small footnote within it, the only other people who physically tried to stop team rwby was roman (who sadly was eaten by grimm due to his negative emotions with flocks of grimm around, not because of ruby), cinder’s miniature faction (who only partially failed. as much as i hate cinders character, she didnt fully fail in stopping rwby, she just was forced to step back for a while...multiple times.), and tyrian with rnjr. roman didnt inherently fail, he just chose to walk away from the fights hed been having with team rwby in order to devise a new plan to beat them the next time. cinder’s faction only partially failed because ruby managed to get on top of beacon tower in volume 3 with weiss’ help, watching pyrrha pass away thus activating her silver eyes for the first time. the only reason tyrian failed to stop rnjr was because qrow was there to help, and ruby managed to get an opening to slice his tail in half (which. ew that shot looked disgusting). yes, bigger people have tried to stop her and her friends, but they didnt inherently fail, at least not yet. with the line “we did it because you gave no other choice!” mostly just confuses me. while yes, technically cordovin didnt really give any options for the group, it didnt automatically mean that they had to instantly resort to stealing from the military. 
♥ now ! onto volume 7, where my salt really starts. because i have a growing icky feeling about her character in volume 7, im going to split this next bit up into three parts. the first part being the first 4 episodes, the second being episodes 5-9 and the third and final being episodes 10-13. buckle up!
♥ episode 1, i really have nothing against ruby. she has the same attitude she did in volume 6 and before, which is a mixture of pure but also wanting to stop salem.
♥ its episode 2 that starts to get me. as i mentioned earlier, ruby knows they have to get to atlas because they know james can help them, and that the lamp is safer if its locked away in the vault, but then she suddenly doesnt trust james. i dont know if this is because the ace-operatives arresting them, but in that situation, james also couldnt have known who the unlicensed huntsmen were. as seen by his and winter’s reactions to the soliders bringing rwby+jnr+oscar & qrow in, they instantly tell them to let the 9 go, because james and winter personally know them and know they would never attack people. so, i dont really know why ruby would stop trusting the idea that james could help them because of that. it may also be the fact that ruby doesnt like the idea that james was planning on telling the people of atlas and mantle about salem (which, honestly? to me? this decision seems fully rash and makes a lot of sense.), but even then, if the students at the vytal festival knew about salem, or the world did, it may have proven to be more beneficial to them, because the more people that knew she existed, the more people who can fight her or the more people that can support those who are fighting her on the front lines, so ruby no longer trusting him over that doesnt make sense to me either. ruby’s sudden distrust of james upsets me quite a bit, because she and the team shed been traveling with had learned ozpin was hiding things from them (my feelings on this is a whole different post, but not necessarily a negative one), and was very upset about that. really, her openly lying to james about not knowing why ozpin had disappeared / locked himself away in oscars mind, as well as the amount of questions jinn has left, really ticks me off. they spent the entirety of volume 6 trying to get to atlas and to james because they needed his help, and once they finally got there, in front of the man himself, she lied. she became the exact same thing that she and her group had openly not liked what so ever, which was a blatant liar. id understand if ruby said that jinn had one more question left, to see how james would react, and tell him of salem’s immortality at a slightly later date, when they got into the rhythm of being around each other and working as a team against salem, but just blatantly lying, without consulting her team prior, to the man who could in all honesty make or break how they fought this war, was plain wrong.
♥ in episode 3, ruby was mostly back to who she had been prior to this entire mess. she explains why theyre hiding stuff from james, albeit in the vaguest way possible (weiss and blake explain the thinking behind it more than she does, honestly). we also see the beginning of a conversation between ruby and oscar about them lying to james. though, with the lying situation and who she was turning into, this is really all for this episode.
♥ in episode 4, the largest scene we see with ruby openly talking about her distrust for james is her conversation with qrow. she says “I'm trying to do what I think is best, but I really can't tell if what's best is what's right. Or if I'm no different from Oz.“, which at this point, shes nothing like ozpin. shes worse. ozpin was hiding the truth about salem due to the trauma connected to her and the fact of her immortality that the ozma line of reincarnations had, which isnt entirely a bad thing. should he have tried to find a way to tell them she was immortal without disclosing his own personal traumas? absolutely, i dont disagree that he hadnt made brash decisions, that should have been made differently, but the sad truth is, is that ozpin chose to hide what he hid, but that one mistake (albeit, a large one) doesnt entirely make him a terrible person. ruby, however? her choice on telling james wasnt brash, it was blatantly impetuous. she barely thought and decided to lie on the spot, unless shed purposefully been internally planning for a long while to lie to him, and had a lie stored up to use should he have asked. that isnt okay, what so ever. the conversation ruby had with qrow eventually delvs into talking about summer, which isnt really important.
♥ when thinking about episodes 5 through 8, nothing particularly stands out to me as ruby blatantly lying. those episodes are mostly team rwby and jnr doing huntsman work, yang making a terrible decision and making blake talk for her, and r/enora turning into something i honestly really hate. episode 9 however, gets me thinking.
♥ in episode 9, the finally tell james that salem cant be killed, but ruby doesnt tell james, oscar does. a quick side note, i really like the fact that crwby had oscar tell james and not ruby, because oscar is the current (and hopefully final) reincarnation of ozma, and its a secret his past lives kept for a millennia. but! back to ruby. within this episode, before she decides they can finally tell james about salem (which, as you can tell, i believe they should have done instantly), ruby is preaching to james about how they can figure it out and that how they should all work together. this pisses me off because shes standing there, hiding one of the largest, if not the largest secret in the show, to a man who has done everything for her and her team. james trusted rwby, especially ruby, with everything he knew, gave them new weapons, clothes, a place to stay, food, etc. all for free because he trusted they wouldnt hide anything from them. another thing that gets me about ruby saying it was finally time to tell james, was that it seemed solely up to her to tell him or to chose when to tell him. it was up to the technically youngest in the group to chose when to tell james about salems immortality (i say technically, because oscar is the current reincarnation of a millennia old line, and i personally have seen him be wiser than ruby in this, weather hes more mature than her or not. physically, yes, oscar is the youngest. mentally? i really dont think hes the youngest in that regard). it doesnt make sense to me as to why everybody was trusting ruby with when to tell james. why wouldnt qrow tell him? qrows known james for years, weather they were close friends (that hug and sincerity tells me that they arent the bickering work partners v3 shaped them up to be) or not. qrow knows he can trust james because simply of how long theyve known each other. weiss knows she can trust james, hes been seen multiple times in the show defending her against jacques, even offering her a place at atlas academy (that bit to me seemed like james offering weiss a way to get away from jacques, because she would need to live at atlas to properly be a student, not the manor), he even said “shes the only one making any sense around here” after weiss got rightfully upset at the woman talking beacon down in volume 4. oscar knows he can trust james, simply because of his connection to ozpin. seeing as ozpin can access oscars memories, and its cannon that their memories merge, its safe to say that oscar was able to see who james used to be pre-fall of beacon, and to see the kind of man he was, as well as making his own judgement based on their first introduction together. so, why would these three, and the rest of the team traveling with ruby not tell james the truth? hell, qrow is a mother fucking spy. im pretty sure he would be able to tear james apart and figure out his intentions pretty easily. why couldnt qrow have just had a one on one conversation with james to make his own final call, as the fully fledged adult of the group? it doesnt make sense to me why they would trust ruby with this extremely important decision what so ever. 
♥ episode 10, there really isnt anything i have against ruby. shes fighting to protect mantle and is doing her current job, which is one of the few details i can appreciate, but thats about it. 
♥ episode 11 and 12 specifically piss me off, and not just about ruby, about nearly everybody involved. i understand rubys standing in this, saying that they need to stand their ground and fight salem head on, unlike they had in the past, i honestly probably would have said the same thing if i were her too. james had emotionally shut down at this point, i think that this is very clearly evident, especially seeing as the white sparkles in his eyes have dissipated, something we commonly see in the eyes of rwby characters to represent their humanity or emotional status. james is emotionally shut down, the ace-operatives have their own opinions on this situation which is entirely okay and valid, and they happen to be siding with james. blake is trying to take the calmer approach, most likely having noticed that if they lashed out like yang began to, it would go very bad very quick. weiss was in a state of semi-shock, her mind most likely naturally connecting their current situation with trauma and abuse she endured as a child (most prominently ; isolation). but how ruby handled going against james and the fight against the ace-operatives / specifically harriet, was down right wrong. she should not have jumped past james with her semblance to reveal james’ plan, which automatically escalated the situation from bad to even fucking worse. she yet again made a decision for herself and a group of people that can cost them their lives if things dont go their way (which, knowing how this show can be written sometimes? it will always go their way in the end), without thinking. i really dont feel i have to explain how spontaneous her choice on this is, especially because i know multiple people have covered it in better written posts. it essentially boils down to rubys blatantly reckless actions and absolutely moronic choices to do what they did. do not get me started on her line of “then you trained us” or the fact that all the ace-operatives walked into that fight with less aura than team rwby, which already gave them an unfair advantage. i really do not have the patience to fully type out and explain why i hate these two episodes with my entire being, but it mostly boils down to: nobody in this situation is right. not ream rwby, not james, not the ace-ops, very clearly not salem and her lackeys, not qrow choosing to fight 1v1v1, or cinder for a multitude of reasons. the only characters in these episodes i dont have a burning hatred for, be it temporarily or a fire i have a feeling will be burning for a while, is team jnr and oscar. they were trying their best in regards of what was best for everybody, oscar wanting to help james to the best of his ability. 
♥  tl;dr : basically? ruby rose in volumes 1 - 6 was actually a really enjoyable character and only had a few moments of “okay but why?” but everybody also has those moments. ruby rose in volume 7 turned into a hypocritical, blatantly rude and whiny little girl who i honestly cant really see as a good character at the moment at all, because of how she acted the entire volume. 
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queermediastudies · 5 years
Milk - It’s not just for cereal anymore.
Milk, is a biographical film based on the life of Harvey Milk, who was the first openly gay San Francisco politician, who was gunned down by a disgruntled city supervisor. This film was also not just about the life of Harvey Milk, it was also a film that depicted the time frame in which he lived in, the 1970’s, a time where men and women came together to fight the injustice and inequality that was being levied against the population of the city of San Francisco, and across the United States of America. The film follows the last few years of Supervisor Milk’s life, starting on his 40th birthday and follows him to his 48th birthday, as well as following his endeavor to incite change and provide for not only the LGBTQ community, but for everyone (seniors, minority, kids, and heterosexuals). Milk is the story of leaving a mark on society, and helping cause change that would affect the lives of the people around you.
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The film originally started to gain traction when Oliver Stone showed interesting producing the film, in early 1991 (Gus Van Sant); however, after signing a director in 1992, the film production fell on hard times in 1993 and was not revisited until 2007, when Van Sant wanted revisit the biopic. Before filming, Harvey Milk’s life was heavily researched, and many one of the sources used to recreate the life of Supervisor Milk was the GLBT Historical Society in San Francisco, his personal belongings, as well as speaking with people who knew the City Supervisor. With several weeks of photographs, researching film, video, historic textiles and other resources ( The Times of Harvey Milk, a documentary that was released in 1984, directed by Rob Epstein, was a huge resource) Milk started filming until January 2008, after a second project, helmed by Brian Singer, met its demise due to a writer strike.
Milk provided a look into the life of the first openly gay city supervisor in San Francisco, however the cast was made up of primarily of a heterosexual cast. At the time, this was seen to be common place for Hollywood, however as the times are changing there is the potential for blow back of having a heterosexual actor portraying an openly gay politician. Was the issue of representation at the time? Or was it as Dr. Martin states “cisgender heterosexuals are “brave” in taking on roles different from themselves” (Martin, 2018)?
While the main plot point of Milk was that of equal rights for gays and lesbians, the production company responsible strayed from the belief that City Supervisor Milk strived for. Was the film more successful or successful because of the actors that were picked to portray their on-screen versions of their real-life counter parts? While the performances that were delivered in a manner that would be considered believable, if not true to the real man that the film was based off, were there not other actors capable of giving authentic performances as well. This topic is something that has just, in the last decade or so started coming to light, the casting of heterosexual actors/actresses. This has been a hot topic as there has not be fair representation of the LGBTQ community on television or film, but there is change coming, this change is due, and slow to come.  With equality balancing slowly for the LGBTQ community, more and more actors/actresses have been accepted in larger and larger films, they are no longer bottom of the barrel actors/actresses in mediocre movies, or low budget straight to DVD movies.
While watching the film, I also had noticed that there were minorities being represented in the film as well, but once again they were being represented by cisgendered heterosexual males. This did not bode well for LGBTQ community members who are a minority. While there was minority representation in the film, again the bigger roles were filled by the heterosexual actors, and unfortunately there was no way for me to ascertain if any of the smaller actors (extras) were of the LGBTQ community. However, as progress is being made with equality for those of LGBTQ community, the biggest being that members of the of the LGBTQ community are being included, nay, not included but being placed in positions on where they have the ability to put real life back into art. More importantly, they are putting themselves, their culture, on to the screen. In away they are educating masses, they are providing information on what was one considered to be a taboo, disgusting life style. As Milk took a chance to show us life back in the 1970s for members of the LGBTQ community had to face, but as mentioned before, progress has been made. Take for example, the show Pose, has been taking strides and advances to create equality at one level. “But there is something transgressive about what Pose is doing” (Fallon, 2018), they are placing trans actors in main roles, they are placing them in the writing rooms; Ryan Murphy, creator of show, chose a cast of actors and actresses who are breaking ground and creating a foothold in territory controlled by the heteronormativity. Murphy placed Janet Mock, the first openly trans woman of color, not just in the writing room for Pose, but also behind the camera allowing her to direct an episode of the popular show.
Now, as the bard say, here in lies the rub; the creation of shows and film that cast LGBTQ members, placing them in staring rolls, are great educational tools that don’t require the violence that has been exposed in the past. The history, the hate, the animosity that the people have faced is something that cannot be erased; more importantly it is something that can be untaught, but it will take time and patience. As the Stonewall riots brought a physical stand, the line that drawn in the sand so to speak, about equality rights; shows like Pose are just a new face on a prolonged battle equality.  In the third chapter of Stonewall and Beyond, it was brought to our, no my attention that there were shows in the past that were attempting to make the same head way as Pose, “the success of the 1972 TV movie That Certain Summer drew the attention of activists because of the potential it demonstrated for television to reach national audiences” (Gross,2002,p.43). This allowed for more people to become aware of the issues that men and women of the LGBTQ community were facing, I say this in the sense that it opened the eyes of millions to the fact that there were people hiding their true selves from the rest of the world, because of fear and persecution.
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Watching Milk unfold on the screen in front of me has opened my eyes about a lot of things, and being a person who has seen themselves as a neutral party for my those of my friends who are of the LGBTQ community, I find myself trying to find a reason as to why people need to be afraid of difference. I am a minority, a member of the heterosexual norm, so to speak, of a near complete college education. I find that to me; it is neither my sexuality or my skin color that influences my engagement on this topic. It is, the education that I experienced in the real world. I have friends, I have served with men and women, who are members of the LGBTQ community; and it is from those men and women that I have learned my lessons. As a friend to these men and women, equality is starting to play a big factor into my understanding on how society runs and how we a species, are so willing to draw a line in the sand and shun people are on the other side of that line. Critically, looking at the movie, I am some what dismayed that Milk did not take the time to break more barriers at the time. Opening the door on a politically charged topic like equal rights, would have been a great platform on which one could have chosen actors who were of the LGBTQ community to be the cast of characters, creating a stronger foothold for which to spread the word of equality. Despite that, Milk was a great film, the story telling was complied with real new reel footage that was shot during the time of Harvey Milk’s rise and untimely fall, added more of a personal touch to the film, as well as having an actor who bore a similar resemblance to the late Harvey Milk. In the end, consuming Milk opened my eyes to one thing that has been, until recently, and that is “writers seem to continue you balk at the idea that queer characters of color are deserving of dynamic and standalone narratives” (Leiva, 2017). The research and writing that went into developing this film did not leave out any of the characteristics of Jack, portraited by Diego Luna, as Milk’s second lover in the film, who suffered from serious depression, alcoholism and suicidal thoughts. While, Sean Penn delivered an award-winning performance, and being able to humanize the character so that people unfamiliar with the plight of the LGBTQ community and the on-going battle for equality had a better connection to the story and struggle.
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   Jr, A. L. M. (2018, August 2). Pose(r): Ryan Murphy, Trans and Queer of Color Labor, and the Politics of Representation. Retrieved from https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/poser-ryan-murphy-trans-queer-color-labor-politics-representation/.
Gross, L. P. (2002). Up from invisibility: lesbians, gay men, and the media in America. New York: Columbia University Press.
Fallon, K. (2018, June 1). 'Pose' Isn't Just Great TV. It's Making Trans History. Retrieved from https://www.thedailybeast.com/pose-isnt-just-great-tv-its-making-trans-history.
Leiva, L. (2017) TV Is Getting More Progressive, But It's Still Failing Queer People Of Color. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.bustle.com/p/tv-is-getting-more-progressive-but-its-still-failing-queer-people-of-color-64520.
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historicwomendaily · 6 years
hi! we appreciate all your edits (believe me, we do. why do you think we follow you if we don't?). but i think you are indeed a bit defensive and offensive to some anons who are being constructive with the issues with race and representation. the last thing i want is to start a social justice argument with you because tumblr is already a shitsite full of it, but i'm a poc too and i want our film industry with actors/actresses specifically from my country be properly represented
.. and exposed at least here in tumblr. why? because it rarely happens for us. i get that you think how often it happens that a british actor plays a french/ russian etc character. but the hollywood, british (and the rest of european) actors already have their worldwide fame, so it wasn’t really much of an issue? (still some would prefer to be as accurate as possible) but asian, african and other poc actors don’t get that much exposure so i think that’s why some of us feel bad when (2/3)
..our backgrounds are not properly represented. yes, we may be of the same race, but we are very very diverse. we already are so tired to be offensively interchanged chinese = japanese = korean / indian = arabian = persian when we are very different. it’s nice that the western history are well known in tumblr history, but if our history will be portrayed here, i hope it would be properly done.. (3/3)
thanks for sending such well thought out asks!
a lot of the defensive/on the offence bits comes from an overall fustration that there isnt much material to draw upon as POC in period dramas are sadly few and far between, esp POC from very specific locations. I wish everyone was represented!! It isnt fair at all, and the film industry should focus a lot more on the amazing stories of the women on this page. As for the whole ordeal youre referring to (as I’ll call it)  most of the anons/ the conversation happened over the course of a day or two- a day which i had already logged on to tumblr in a fowl mood, which I probably shouldnt have. Usually I ~ among many others ~ use tumblr as a form of escape from the stress and hecticness of daily life. Learning about history and celebrating these amazing hidden gems of countless unknown women brings me joy!
That day I happened to get some very bad news from my doctor. I wont go into it much b/c this isn’t about me, but I’ve been sick for a couple years with a rare, unknown illness and I found out one of the experimental treatments I was on wasn’t working very well. The drive to the medical research center is long and the appointment ended up lasting near the entire day, and so I got home late that night and logged on to tumblr to escape and immerse myself into what I love only to find out that the gifset I had been pretty proud of wasn’t being recieved all that well, which bummed me out to say the least. The last thing I had ever wanted to do was to offend anyone, especially as my goal has been to celebrate amazing women and all the diversity that entails. Still, its true I hadn’t put much research into my faceclaim and only chose one that aesthetically looked like her real life photograph, and to be quite honest, didnt even think to research the actresses background. That’s on me- I took for granted my own freedom of expression/representation in the media and extended it to people who dont have the same experience. I wont be doing it again. 
so as stated before, I completely understand/empathize (as much as someone in my position can) what you are saying, and all my gifsets and edits following Noor’s will try to adhere to the women in questions’ rightful background
I know I came off a tad defensive, and Im sorry if that made it sound like I wasn’t being as empathetic or understanding to those who are POC, but I am trying and learning- tbh I’d just had a rough time of it that day and hadn’t been in the right state of mind to fully digest everything you all were trying to say.
again though, thank you for the asks
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amozon28 · 3 years
I mean mlm wanting mlm rep and talking specifically about how the show treats gay aka mlm characters? Yeah wlw rep doesn't = mlm rep. Same as how white woman rep doesn't equal black male rep. I'm dfab nb black bisexual and I don't jive with any of the queer rep in the show honestly. All the current queer rep is white/light skinned. Illia is close but as many other poc fans have pointed out the WF plot is super racist when we met her she was basically a terrorist and tried to kill Blake's parents
I'm glad she didn't and they went a different route with her but that first impression soured the character for me. Also like Illia is way to young for me of all the queer rep in the show May and FG are the closest for me to connect to and yeah what ever you feel about the writing in the show the way the authors handled the fallout does not give me any real faith in them to handle queer characters. May is wonderful but I suspect that is connected to the voice actress's presence and influence.
i just want to start that it took my 20 mins of racking my brain trying to figure out which rwby post this was about. i post a lot of rwby so next time pls reference the specific post. im going to guess (???) its this one
im going to break down this post into different points for clarity sake
how the show treats gay aka mlm characters?
except it doesnt because there ARE NO canon mlm characters or ships in the show. theres a lot of FANON mlm ships, and theres fanon headcanons about mlm characters but as of v8e7 there are no canon gay male characters in the show. therefore there IS NO mistreatment of mlm ships by the show to date. Clover dying and fair game shippers being upset isnt queer baiting or even a bury your gay trope because Clover isnt canonically gay. that was the point of the original post
there is an argument to be had that rwby needs to include mlm representation. this is a fair and accurate criticism, one i have myself. but criticizing rwby for “how it treats mlm characters” is a fictional arguement. 
im not going to argue about the showing needing more nonwhite rep, how you dont relate to illia, and how te handling of the WF was racist. all these things are true and valid. both miles and kerry have talked about how having two white 20 yearolds writing racism allegories prob wasnt a good idea. 
of all the queer rep in the show May and FG are the closest for me to connect to and yeah what ever you feel about the writing in the show the way the authors handled the fallout does not give me any real faith in them to handle queer characters. 
you only mention illia, who is an ex terrorist (so is blake btw) who has reappeared in v8 and is most likely going to come back again based on gira phoning her in that scene,  and May. but you have forgotten about jaunes sister who is happyily married to a dark skinned woman, both were integral to the plot is v6 and have reappeared in v8. there is also the ongoing slowburn of bumblebee which has been acknowledged within the text of the show and by other characters that they are infact a thing. i think thats pretty good handling of queer characters being happy and good. also May’s va as been a rt staffer since 2013 and has worked on rwby for a long time, she isnt a new hirer to voice May so i dont think her influence should just be dismissed as a side thing and not an intentional thing done by rt. 
thats A LOT of good handling of queer characters by rwby to all by thrown away because FG wasnt canon and one of the characters died. 
personally i ship FG as well. i still to this day cannot watch clovers death and qrows cries because it upsets me so much. i remember watching that episode and having a bitter taste in my mouth that my fanon ship inadvertaintly became a bury your gays trope. fanonly, not canonly. 
so yeah, the op and i are annoyed that a good chunk of FG shippers are criticizing rwby for something they didnt even do, when they actually have a really good track record with writing lgbt characaters. theres is still A LOT of room for improvement and i will hold them accountable to any misteps but bashing them for fg is frankly a bit stupid. 
edit: scarlet from sun is gay but hes so minor i dont think it even counts so i didnt include it in arguement but im including here incase anyone comes after me for not including him or whatever
0 notes
artificialqueens · 7 years
A Head, A Heart, & A Movie {Biadore} Chapter 1 -C*NT
A/N: I want to apologize to all of the mobile readers because this is a 7.5k monstrosity. But on the other hand, I know you guys love the long chapters so I hope you all like this! Sorry it’s been so long since I updated last, I’ve had a battle with writers block and it was winning for quite some time. For those who are just tuning in, this is the sequel story to A Head, A Heart, & A Crown, so it’s set in the same universe. Of course, this AU is about Bianca and Adore begining to film Hurricane Bianca 2, but there is going to be a more established side of Witney for this one(is it really one of my fics if there isnt a side of Witney?) as well. TW for alcohol, a panic attack and weed. And as always, a tad bit of angst. Enjoy!! 💕 PS: If I ever write a short A/N, something is seriously wrong lol.
After an unfortunate flight delay from New York, one lost bag, and an incredibly sleepless night, they had finally made it to Austin, Texas for Hurricane Bianca 2.
It was already a warm day for January, 70 degrees at 9 am. It wasn’t an unusual weather pattern for the south, but it was quite a jump from the 40 degree chill that New York City was currently experiencing. Adore began to feel sticky in the humidity the minute she stepped out of the car as Bianca’s fitted blazer clung to her arms uncomfortably.
Bianca had been smarter: she checked the weather, and had made sure to wear a knee length sundress and lightweight cardigan. Unfortunately, Adore’s role required a more business like approach, so she had no choice but to wear thicker garments. B had given her the thinnest blazer she could find as an effort to help combat the bipolar weather of the south, and hoped Adore wouldn’t drench it in sweat. Especially since they were filming in HD.
They had managed to rent out an adult continuing education school for a couple of days to film some of the classroom scenes, which was way more realistic than doing it in front of a green screen on a Hollywood set. It felt more authentic to Bianca, thus making it easier to get into character
“How are you feeling?” Bianca asked, peering at Adore curiously through her heavily lashed eyelids.
They stepped through the maroon double doors of the school, feeling instant relief as the air conditioner hit their skin. For being an adult school, Bianca was surprised at how well kept it was. It was huge, first of all. There was a large stadium in the back, and the hallways were long and wide. She smirked to herself and thought, that’s what she said. It really was the perfect place for the movie.
Today was their first day on set of Hurricane Bianca 2, and Miss Del Rio would be lying if she said she wasn’t nervous about it. She knew Adore had a little bit of acting experience, but never performed in an actual movie setting before other than on drag race. Which she was fabulous on.
Well, in the last acting challenge of the season anyway.
“I’m great!” Adore bubbled nervously, twirling a piece of blonde hair around her finger.
Adore definitely wasn’t great. Her wig was sticking to her forehead from the humidity, her palms were clammy from nerves, and she had only gotten 2 hours of sleep last night. She had spent the better part of yesterday going over lines on the plane, trying her hardest to drill them into her head. This wasn’t drag race, she couldn’t charm her way through the movie if she didn’t know her lines. She was already feeling like a catastrophe and she hadn’t even uttered her first line.
“You’re doing it again.” Bianca warned, eyeing Adore closely. She had been running her hands through her hair all morning long, which B learned a long time ago was a nervous habit of hers. When she was anxious, Adore was more susceptible to crumbling under the slightest bit of pressure, even if she knew what she was doing. She was easy to psych herself out, which B didn’t understand because she was so talented. She just needed the confidence to go behind it. B was worried about her performance later today, to say the very least.
“Ugh, you know my every weakness!” Adore exclaimed, throwing her hands up in frustration. The last thing she wanted was for Bianca to worry about her today.
Twirling her hair around her fingers was one of many signature nervous habits.
And Adore was incredibly nervous.
This was her first major role on screen since drag race, and it was in Bianca’s movie. She knew she couldn’t possibly afford to fuck it up, and was well aware that she’d be compared to Bianca every second she was on set.
Bianca would work on something until she got the job done, no matter how long that took. Adore on the other hand, could only do so much before she began to fade or lose passion. Whenever she lost passion, she lost interest because she found no point in continuing if she wasn’t giving it her all. She was the type of person that needed to step away from a project and come back to it later.
Their work ethics were quite different, but what worked for Bianca was too intense for Adore, and vice versa. Adore was scheduled on a really intense filming schedule, since she had such a big role - she had been cast as Miss Del Rio’s student teacher who was in almost all of the scenes. She knew it was going to be really challenging for her, but for the time being, Adore didn’t have much of a choice. She would have to do her best to work through the long hours and the many lines of script. All while impressing her peers, and not pissing off Bianca herself.
“You got this, it’ll be okay.” Bianca encouraged warmly, noticing the unusual quiet atmosphere between the two of them. Their heels were clicking together in unison as they walked down the school hallways. Adore found comfort in their walk together, and smiled to herself as she looked down at their coordinated heels: both were wearing modest looking black pumps. The matching shoes had been Adore’s idea, and she didn’t expect B to agree to it - though she was thrilled when she did.
Adore nodded silently as they made their way towards the classroom. It was weird seeing so many cameras inside of a school. Camera men were everywhere, rushing back and forth to get supplies and other equipment ready for the first scene.
They came to a hault in front of the burgundy classroom door, both of them staring nervously at the bright gold star stuck to the center of it that was labeled “Room 5, Miss Del Rio’s Room.” This was it. The begining to their very crazy first day of filming.
Adore reached for the door handle but was stopped abruptly.
“Hey, hang on a second.” Bianca murmured, gently grabbing Adore’s hand.
“What is it?” Adore asked confused. She knew she had been very quiet, but that was mostly because she was running through her lines in her head over and over again. She was just trying to get the right characterization down, which was proving to be more challenging than what she realized.
“Listen, you’re going to be great.” Bianca soothed, stroking Adore’s cheek gently. She swore she melted underneath her warm hands every time. She smiled as Bianca cupped her cheek and pecked it softly. “Please don’t worry. It’s okay to mess up. Nobody is perfect. You should’ve seen me on the set of the first movie, I didn’t know shit!”
Adore smiled at Bianca’s valiant efforts at comforting her in her time of need. She couldn’t imagine Bianca ever truly fucking up at anything, especially since she was such a seasoned performer. In her mind, it was completely unrealistic to even imagine such a thing. But what Bianca was trying to tell her was exactly what she needed to hear, despite it not really breaking down the voice inside her head telling her otherwise.
“Thanks B.” Adore smiled weakly, putting on her best game face.
As soon as they opened the door to the room, they were swarmed by a whirlwind of crew members. People were speaking into walkie talkies, taking notes, and re-arranging cast members. Bianca was immediately surrounded by a swarm of people asking her questions, powdering her face and meticulously checking every single angle of her outfit.
There were already extras waiting on set, sitting down neatly at the schoolroom desks and off to the side of the classroom. The front of the room had a blackboard, podium and teachers desk. It looked just like any real classroom would look.
When the crew was satisfied with Bianca’s appearance, they moved quickly over to Adore. One woman blotted her nose and forehead, while another person removed the lipstick print from her cheek swiftly with a makeup wipe. Bianca had left it no earlier then 2 minutes ago, and just like that it was gone. She was stunned, the crew had combs, wipes, makeup brushes all within reach. Her long blonde waves were combed out a little more by a shy looking intern. When she was satisfied with the way that it looked, she sprayed her vigorously with a can of hairspray. A cloud of product surrounded her, and Adore swore they used at least half of the bottle on her.
“Jeez get the hair, not the actress!” A nearby camera man howled as he saw Adore squint her eyes shut.
“You’re unlockable. It’s not fair.” The intern, who Adore learned was named Mary, muttered. Adore chuckled and thanked her, mentally noting that she already liked the girl.
“Places everyone! Let’s start with Miss Del Rio.” Matt called. The crew shuffled Adore out of the camera’s view and off to the side.
Bianca cleared her throat nervously and looked directly into the camera. She had done this a million times over, but yet felt a little anxious with Adore watching her on the side of the room. She didn’t want to let her down, or make her feel like she had lost her spark.
She smoothed down her white cardigan, and straightened out her paisley print dress. They had gotten a few of the student actors back from the last movie, including her favorite student “Bathmat.” She smirked at her as she spotted her near the back wall of the classroom. The whole bathmat bit from the first movie had been improv on her part, probably her most favorite improvisation she had ever done.
Action!” Matt shouted.
“Guess who’s back? That’s right children, I’m here to actually teach you something this year.” She smiled for the camera and paused dramatically. She slammed her fist down on her podium, startling the students. “You. Yeah, I’m talking to you Bathmat!” Bianca yelled, going deeper into her dialogue as she continued to pick on the girl.
Adore watched in wonder as she breezed through her lines. It was like Bianca had a switch that she would turn on everytime she got in front of a camera. She would go from a normal human being to Bianca Del Rio, one of the only queens that could read you to filth within seconds of meeting you. It was amazing to watch.
“I hate her.”
Adore turned around and noticed Willam had arrived to the set. A day early, Adore realized grimly.
“Why?” Adore asked, making sure she didn’t seem too uninterested in the conversation. She really couldn’t care less about who he hated, but Willam and his antics truly scared her. He was so honest, and always made her feel incredibly stupid whenever they got into debates about current events. She would rather be short with him then spend all of her free time arguing.
“She’s a natural actor, and it’s not fair. I saw her shoot pretty much half of the first movie in just one take. Do you know how fucking rare that is?” Willam hissed into Adore’s ear, trying to talk low so the camera’s wouldn’t pick up the sound.
“You’re telling me.” Adore muttered, now even more nervous than before. Bianca had conveniently failed to mention that part earlier. She had made it seem like she had fucked up a ton when they were talking about the first one on the plane. But seeing that she was clearly over exaggerating to make her feel better, just made her feel even more nervous. She was going to look like a moron if she messed up.
“And cut! Fantastic. Let’s clear the set and prep for Miss Delano’s debut!”
“Fuck me gently!” Adore groaned, but soft enough so only Willam heard. She didn’t wanna seem ungrateful for the opportunity because this whole experience was a huge deal. But at the same time she was terrified.
“Are you nervous?” Willam asked bewildered.
“Of course I am. This is Bianca’s fucking movie.” Adore exclaimed.
“Bitch we were all nervous. We all thought she was gonna kill us every time we fucked up. Every time we’d fuck up, she would give us the worst look ever. I mean, seriously if looks could kill: we all would have died. Then, whenever we were done filming for the day she’d read us all to filth afterwards. But since it’s you, she’ll probably just shove her dick down your throat a few more times than normal and call it a punishment.” Willam shrugged.
Great, like that was going to make her feel better.
Adore heard a loud roar of laughter, and realized that Bianca must have heard the tail end of their conversation. She smirked as she heard B’s signature laugh ring throughout the set, making her chuckle along with her.
“I’m going to shove my foot up your ass if you don’t shut the fuck up.” Bianca exclaimed in between cackles.
“The old man has supersonic hearing.” Willam said annoyed.
“Yeah and you have a thing for imported skinny blonde twinks. Your point?” Bianca cocked her head, grinning at Willam knowingly.
Adore grinned amused at her other half. Bianca winked at her before she turned her attention to one of the crewmembers.
Bianca was talking about Courtney of course. Willam and Courtney had this weird on again, off again fling going on. Sometimes they’d be together, sometimes they wouldn’t. Adore had learned to stop asking about it after awhile, but she knew they made each other happy and they would always made it work when they wanted it to. But when they were on good terms, they also kept their relationship under wraps; probably because they couldn’t stay serious.
However, for the time being they had had some sort of falling out again- usually it was because Willam was a bit of a whore, but Adore was never sure.
Flustered from Bianca’s comment, and now beet red, Willam excused himself to get a glass of water.
“Okay Adore, you’re up.” Matt, the director called.
Adore gulped, feeling the butterflies in her stomach resurface as she was escorted to the front of the classroom. She was suddenly feeling really hot again.
“Okay Adore, do you remember your lines?” Mary asked.
“Yeah totes. I got this!” Adore exclaimed.
“Great! So I’ll count it down then.” Matt said.
Bianca shared a look with her, trying to read her emotions to see if she really ‘had it’. Oddly enough, she couldn’t really tell how she was feeling. Adore looked at peace, despite being a nervous wreck earlier.
“3, 2, 1 and action!”
“Hi, Miss Del Rio?” Adore entered the room, doing her best to look intimidated.
Bianca’s lips twitched up ever so slightly. Adore was starting out strong, already fitting the part as the incredibly hot student teacher. It reminded her of the beginning of a cheesy porno, where the hot girl teases the teacher and acts innocently before they fucked. Before Bianca lost it and ruined the scene for the both of them, she did her best to correct herself, making sure that she was giving Adore the meanest mug of her life.
“Who the fuck are you?” Bianca snapped, making sure to scan Adore’s outfit with disgust. Adore was dressed very much out of character, in a small knee length plaid pencil skirt and black blazer. She was holding a binder and a clipboard as well, and had a small black satchel wrapped around her body.
“I’m your new student teacher!” Adore exclaimed excitedly.
“You must have the wrong classroom sweetie. I don’t do student teachers.” Bianca sneered putting air quotes around student teachers.
“Well…” Adore trailed off.
Fuck. Her line. What was her next line?
There was an awkward pause. Bianca froze as she began to see Adore’s mask come off. She looked petrified. She had forgotton her line.
Ugh, she had told her she needed to go over her lines more.
“Line?” Adore asked meekly.
“Cut!” Matt called. “Can we get Adore her line?”
“ ‘Well, you don’t have to do me Miss Del Rio, but you can give me a task to help the students with.’”Mary read from the script.
“Oh okay!” Adore said, running the lines through her head a couple more times.
Bianca waited patiently as Adore mouthed the lines quickly over and over again.
“It’s okay Adore. You’re doing good so far.” Bianca encouraged.
“I’m ready.” Adore announced.
“Great.” Matt said monotonically. “Action.”
“Well, you don’t have to do me Miss Del Rio, but you can at least give me a task to help the students with.” Adore snapped back bitchily.
Just a minor setback: you got this, Adore thought.
“Miss Delano was it?” Bianca asked sweetly, stepping towards her. Her heels clicked ominously against the tile as she approached the young girl. She stopped, standing only inches away from her. She glared at her through her heavily lined eyes, making sure she had her attention.
“Y-yes.” Adore stammered.
“First of all, your skirt doesn’t match your outfit. Secondly, this is my classroom which means it’s my rules. If you want any chance at doing anything successfully as a teacher, you will listen to me. Understood?” Bianca spat, lips only inches away from hers now. She did her best to glare deeply into the younger queen’s eyes, resisting the urge to kiss her plump, pink lips.
Adore was so shocked by how well Bianca just acted that she erupted into nervous laughter. First it started out as a giggle, then it turned into a long roar. The laugh went on for a few minutes, varying from cackling to pure hysteria.
The room was silent as Adore laughed loudly to herself. If you dropped a pin on the floor, you would probably be able to hear it from the parking lot.
Bianca froze, her heart pounding nervously as she scanned the room. The classroom shared the same look of confusion and being absolutely mortified at the same time. She was afraid to even look at Matt, hoping that he wouldn’t be getting too frustrated with Adore. This was only the second time she had messed up, but she had already been somewhat unprofessional on set.
Bianca didn’t know what had come over her, maybe it was the nerves; but she could not stop laughing for whatever reason. She began fidgeting nervously with her rings, twisting and turning as she pretended to disappear. She sent up a silent prayer, hoping Matt wouldn’t yell at Adore.
Get it together Adore, Adore thought to herself.
Adore was trying her hardest to hold it together and calm down, and finally got herself down to a giggle when she looked around the room.
Matt, the director, didn’t look the slightest bit amused. The crew was silent, they all looked incredibly uncomfortable - some even looked afraid by the sudden outburst.
Then she looked up at Bianca, who looked horrified. Adore felt her heart stop as she saw how grim Bianca looked. Her lips were pursed tightly together as she had her arms crossed in front of her.
She was fucking up her movie.
Everything that Adore had reassured Bianca wouldn’t happen, was happening, She wanted to he professional for her, and make the role work for her. She wished she could just erase what had happened just now, but alas it happened. Now Bianca probably thought she didn’t know what the fuck she was doing, and most likely had zero confidence in her ability to act professional.
She didn’t want to look like a failure to her.
She felt her chest tightening and tears start to sting her eyes as they threatened to come out. Her heart ached, she felt like shit.
She was humiliated.
She felt like she was going to have a panic attack.
Everyone in the room was staring at her, waiting for her to explain herself.
Adore felt her chest tightening as she tried to figure out what to say. She was finding it harder to breathe in the tense atmosphere. She saw two makeup artists share a look and Adore realized something. They were all thinking that the rumors that they had heard about her were true. That she was lazy, unprepared, and unprofessional. It was written all over their faces.
“I, um. I need a minute.” Adore gasped, turning away from Bianca and running out of the room.
Bianca looked after her with wide eyes as the door slammed shut behind her. What the fuck just happened?
“It’s a good thing she’s charismatic.” Willam mumbled, leaning against the far wall of the classroom. He was happy he wasn’t the center of attention for the time being.
“Shut the fuck up Willam.” Bianca snapped irritated. His commentary was underappreciated, and Bianca was one snarky comment away from punching him in the face.
“Can you go and talk to her? We’re on a pretty tight schedule.” Matt asked annoyed, examining his clipboard.
“Certainly. I sincerely apologize.” Bianca said, rushing out of the classroom.
Adore was standing in the unisex bathroom, trying to get her breathing under control,
She had to go back in there.
Why was she like this?
She looked at herself in the mirror as she wondered.
What made her act like this?
She sighed as she turned on the water faucet, splashing water on her cheeks where the mascara had run. She had been crying from the second she ran out of the room and hadn’t stopped. Her eyes stung from the mascara irritating her tear ducts.
“Why can’t I be more like her?” Adore asked herself, thinking about Bianca and her strong work ethic. Why couldn’t she be mature enough to handle a serious gig? She sighed to herself, feeling a breakdown coming as she dried her hands with a papertowel.
“You can.”
Adore jumped at the unexpected voice. Startled, she turned around and saw Bianca staring at her sadly.
“When did you get here?” Adore frowned, even more embarrassed now than before.
“About a minute ago.” Bianca answered, as she leaned against one of the bathroom stalls. “Nice to know these are just as disgusting as how I remembered them.”
Adore giggled softly, but then stopped when she looked in the mirror at her. Bianca looked visibly upset. It wasnt often B let her guard down enough for you to actually read her real emotions, but she could tell she was disappointed in her.
“Look, B I’m really sorry. I don’t know what came over me. You were just so impressive, and I knew you were amazing but I guess I never realized how incredible of an actor you really are. When we were doing that scene, you just blew me away and I guess I just didn’t know how else to react.” Adore confessed.
“Adore, this is a serious job. This isn’t a gig at a club or a concert.” Bianca started. “I didn’t expect you to memorize all of your lines, but I did expect you to act professional.”
“You’re saying a concert isn’t a serious job?” Adore raised her voice annoyed, bypassing the second half of what Bianca had said to her. What, so now her work wasn’t valid?
Bianca had instantly regretted her words the minute they left her lips. She sighed frustrated.
“That’s not what I’m saying.” Bianca groaned.
“Do you realize I perform live in front of an audience of at least a couple thousand people now? I have to train my voice vigorously and follow a strict diet. I have to eat foods that nourish my vocal chords at least once a day, otherwise my performance is altered. I practice singing every single day. Somedays I can hardly even speak, you of all people should know that.” Adore snapped.
“Adore, your work is valid. I know what you do is hard. What I was trying to say, was that being in a movie is a different kind of hard. One that you aren’t necessarily used to. Not even well trained actors are used to this-”
“I’m not stupid. I don’t have to be a well trained actor to do well in your movie Roy.” Adore spat. She was angry now. B clearly thought that she was a complete idiot, and didn’t understand how being part of a film worked at all. Yes it was foreign to her, but that didn’t mean she couldn’t acclimate to it.
Bianca felt her throat close as Adore’s blue eyes pierced hers angrily. She really didn’t mean to upset her, she was just trying to explain the difference to her. She thought maybe it would help calm her down enough to go back to the set.
Clearly, that wasn’t happening now.
“Well, you’re obviously in the wrong state of mind to continue filming today. I’ll go tell Matt-”
“No. We’re fucking finishing this today. I’m not a diva that has a meltdown and just walks off when shit hits the fan.” Adore interrupted, flipping her hair over her shoulder. “I’ll meet you back on set. We’ve already lost enough time.”
Adore stormed out of the bathroom and left a very confused yet stunned Bianca in her dust.
I’ll show her, Adore thought.
“Action.” Matt called wearily, noticing the tense atmosphere between the two of them.
Bianca and Adore had resumed their positions in the scene. The tension between them was very thick, the rest of the cast could tell something had happened between the two of them once they had returned. Usually Bianca would tease the other crew members and joke around with everyone, but instead she stood rigidly as they touched up her hair and makeup. The room had been unusually quiet, until they had begun the scene again anyway.
“My skirt may not match my outfit, but at least I know how to apply makeup for daytime. Have you ever heard of a color other than black?” Adore grimaced, gesturing to Bianca’s heavy eyeshadow.
The two had no problem going through the rest of their lines, especially since the scripted exchange was negative. Adore felt like she wasn’t even acting anymore, she was allowing herself to truly be a bitch to Bianca.
So this is what it felt like to get into character, Adore thought.
Bianca was impressed. Adore had whizzed through the rest of her lines in one take, which was the exact opposite of what she had expected from her, especially after her mini meltdown. They had bounced lines off of each other seamlessly, proving that they worked very well together.
“Cut. Your guys’s chemistry is…incredible.” Matt said stunned. “Adore, I am pretty impressed with you. One meltdown isn’t bad at all for your first day.”
Bianca felt relieved to hear Matt say that. She knew from the past that he had a bit of a short fuse, so knowing that Adore’s performance had impressed him was a relief. During the first movie, he had fired 5 actors for forgetting their lines on the third try. He was a hardcore director, but he knew how to get the job done, which Bianca respected.
“Thanks man!” Adore said excitedly. “I’m not a trained actor, but I know how to spit my lines.”
Bianca swore Adore gave her side eye as she spoke to Matt. She groaned internally as she realized Adore was still pissed off at her for their conversation earlier.
She would never hear the end of this. Not until the end of time. Adore truly proved her wrong.
“Wow, looks like your girl is just as good of an actor as you are.” Willam commented.
“Of course she is. Did you really ever doubt her?” Bianca asked.
“No, but you did.” Adore hissed, walking past Bianca swiftly as she exited the classroom. She let the door shut loudly behind her, and Willam visibly winced.
“Out of all of the people that could’ve been in the dog house today, I truly did not expect it to be you Del Rio.” Willam mused.
“Willam, why the fuck are you here?” Bianca changed the subject annoyed.
“I had a gig in Austin last night and decided to come join the party.” Willam smirked, throwing his arm around Bianca’s shoulder as they left the room. “Besides, I need to pick your brain about Court.”
Bianca groaned as they walked out of the school and into the parking lot of the school. The last thing she wanted to do was to even try to begin to understand the fucking relationship between the two of them.
“Can we do that later? I have some damage control to take care of.” Bianca questioned.
“Sure. Meet me at the bar down the street later.” Willam called.
“Not likely.” Bianca grumbled as she power walked to her rental car. The kinds of bars Willam liked were not her cup of tea. She would make him go to a bar she preferred; if she even met up with him at all. She was expecting to see Adore waiting by the car, but was surprised when she realized she was nowhere in sight.
Was she really that extra that she would take a fucking Lyft back to the hotel? Her phone buzzed in her hand, and she looked down just in time.
Adore:I took a Lyft. I’ll meet you at the hotel later.
Bianca sighed heavily. This was the first time she had really fucked up since they had gotten together. She really didn’t mean to upset Adore, but the situation had escalated so fast she didn’t know how to stop it from snowballing further.
Maybe Adore just needed time to cool off, she thought. She exited out of their conversation, and began to type a new message. It had been quite a rough first day, so she decided maybe she would take Willam up on that drink after all.
BDR:Meet me at the bar on 2nd street in an hour.
Willam:What happened to defusing the bomb?
BDR:I’ll tell you when I see you.
She shoved the phone back into her purse, and got into her car.
She didn’t know what haf d came over her, but since Court wasn’t here, she had no other option but to vent to Willam about all of this. Hopefully he would actually give a shit about her problems, and not make it about himself.
After de-dragging and slathering his face in expensive moisturizer, Roy left the empty hotel room and ended up at a very modern looking bar with an already very buzzed Willam. He idly wondered where Adore had gone off to, but he pushed the thought away as he listened to Willam vent.
“So I told her, it’s either me or the dating show. And she chose the dating show! Like, I understand that she wants to stay relevant and meet new people but seriously? I have to see her instagram live go off every few hours, and it’s her with all of these different men. They’re all gorgeous too. It fucking sucks.” Willam complained, taking a sip of his cocktail.
Roy knew that Courtney had an odd obsession with staying in the public eye, but he didn’t think Willam was telling the whole story. Courtney wouldn’t just go on a dating show out of the blue like that. Especially since he knew how Court felt about Willam. She wouldn’t give that up for no reason.
“And you swear you did nothing to push her towards that decision?” Roy queried, scrolling through Courtney’s instagram. Her whole page was full of content from the new reality show. There were videos of her dancing with very attractive men, selfies, and pictures from a wild party that she had thrown in Austrailia.
“I swear!” Willam yelled, a bit too passionately. The bartender jumped, turned around and gave Willam the side eye before she continued mixing a drink for another customer.
“Okay, cool it. I don’t want spit in my next drink.” Roy hushed, lowering his voice hoping Willam would take the hint. Willam rolled his eyes and took another sip of his drink, shugging. Roy didn’t know how he didn’t see what Courtney was trying to do. It was so obvious it was almost adolescent.
“I know for a fact you aren’t telling me the whole story. Because it’s clear as day that Courtney is trying to make you jealous.” Roy explained sternly.
“Well I mean, I might be omitting the truth a little bit…” Willam trailed off playfully.
“Okay, so explain that to me then.” Roy huffed frustrated, finishing his drink and sliding it away. He waved the bartender down, flashing a 20 at her to get her attention. He was going to need more than two drinks to deal with this.
“I may have said that I wanted an open relationship.” Willam shrugged. “I didn’t think her going on dates with other people would bother me so much though!”
“That’s because YOU’RE usually the one messing around with other people, while she’s staying exclusive to you.”
“Well I don’t like her with other people damnit!” Willam snapped.
“Then when she gets back, you need to tell her that.” Roy explained. “If you really care about her, it’s what you have to do. No more games, no more bullshit.”
“You’re a smart old man. I hope I can be smart when I’m as old as you.” Willam smirked.
“And you’re clearly feeling better.” Roy said dryly.
On cue, the bartender set down their next round, and Roy slipped the 20 to her; encouraging her to keep the change for having to put up with Willam’s antics. She warmly thanked him and left to go help the other guests.
They sipped their drinks in silence for a few minutes, enjoying each others company. Willam was always interesting company to hang out with, he always had something fun to talk about, or something to say regardless of the subject matter at hand.
“So.” Willam started, setting his drink down, “You had your first major fuckup today didn’t you?”
Willam was also keen on reading people’s emotions, even Roy’s. Which was impressive, because Roy always made sure to keep his face as neutral as possible especially when he felt upset.
“Clearly. I was only trying to help.” Roy sighed, hanging his head down in frustration.
“What exactly did you even say? I’ve never seen her that pissed off before.”
Roy groaned as he went through the conversation in his head again, trying to remember every last miserable detail. The anger flashing through her eyes, the hurt written all over her face. He truly felt terrible about what he had said, and didn’t know what to do to fix it.
“I was trying to comfort her, and I said that not even well trained actors could do well in movies.” Roy muttered.
“That’s true, but that’s not what set her off.” Willam stated. “It would’ve been something more than that.”
“Well, I tried explaining to her that being in a movie and performing in a concert are two very different things. You can’t just wing it for a movie like you can during a-”
“Stop. Do you realize what you’ve done? Jesus Roy.” Willam interrupted, staring at Roy with wide eyes.
“What did I do?” Roy asked bewildered. “Please enlighten me because I don’t know what the fuck I did wrong.”
“You completely underestimated her. First of all, performing at a concert IS different but the majority of it is still scripted if you think about it. Adore usually follows a general setlist at all of her shows. If something does go wrong, yes, she can improvise and fans will still be okay with it but honestly? It’s not that different from being in a movie. The environment is different and there’s singing and a band but that’s it really. It’s still show business.” Willam explained.
Roy nodded as he realized how he spoke to Adore had been really condescending. No wonder she had looked so upsetz
“I talked to her like a child, which probably made it worse.” Roy admitted with realization written all over his face.
“Probably.” Willam agreed sullenly.
“I didn’t realize how much I cared about her until today.” Roy confessed.
“Gross. Go whisper that in her ear or something.” Willam rolled his eyes.
Roy downed the rest of his drink and stood up.
“I think I will. Thanks for listening.” Roy patted Willam on the back before he walked away.
“Don’t forget to douche!” Willam called after him.
When Roy got back to their room, Danny was already home, de-dragged, and on the balcony smoking a joint. Roy sighed in relief at the sight of his boyfriend. He just wanted to fix things between them, but for the moment he was fixated on his ass. He was wearing a beanie and his favorite black pajamas, which meant he had been here for awhile now.
Despite what everyone thought, Danny was actually somewhat hygienic.Not when it came to his dirty laundry or makeup, but when it came to showering he was very precise. He wouldn’t just get home and change into something more comfortable. He would go through a ritual, removing his wig, then clothes, and then going directly into the shower. It was pretty cute. Roy felt his heart flutter at how sexy he looked in all black as he scanned his boyfriend up and down.
Danny turned around, feeling eyes on his backside and met Roy’s gaze through the sliding glass door.
Roy bit his lip and looked away, pretending that he hadn’t been staring but it was too late. Danny smirked slightly before he turned back around.
It was now or never, Roy thought.
Roy stepped outside and sat down on their patio. Nestling his back into the cheap paisley print outdoor pillows, he sighed loudly as he attempted to get Danny’s attention.
“You don’t have to speak to me, or even acknowledge me if you don’t want to.” Roy began, taking a deep breath. “But I owe you an apology.”
Danny inhaled deeply, letting himself focus on the smoke hitting his lungs.
It wasn’t like Roy to apologize. He was stubborn, and would’ve stayed firm to what he had said to him unless someone interfered. Which meant he had to actually vent to someone about what had happened.
Danny was impressed that Roy had even let his guard down enough to do that. Despite them both having their relationship public, they kept their sex life and other details very private.
That didn’t mean he didn’t feel hurt about what had happened. Danny took his job as a drag artist very seriously, and to have him take his talent for granted reminded him of his early days where he was consistently being invalidated by other queens. It had hurt to come from Roy of all people, who had defended him against the very kinds of people in the past.
“I was wrong to say those things to you,” Roy continued, silently noting that Danny’s shoulders were starting to relax as he processed what he was saying to him, “Singing is just as valid of a performing art as acting is, and not just anyone can do show business. But you can sing, act, and dance. You really impressed me today, and I promise I’ll never underestimate you ever again.”
Danny smiled, elated that he had impressed Roy with his first day despite the mental breakdown in the middle of it all. He was relieved that Roy had realized he was wrong, and that they were okay again.
“I told you man, I can fucking act.” Danny laughed lightheartedly, pressing the last of his joint into the ashtray next to him.
Roy chuckled, shaking his head.
“Apology accepted. I’m sorry I freaked out. You’re like scary good at acting. It’s fucking goom.” Adore drawled.
“Oh god, enough with the ‘goom.’” Roy rolled his eyes playfully.
“Grumpy man.” Danny muttered.
“So we’re okay then?” Roy asked, cocking an eyebrow upwards as he scooted closer to Danny.
“Of course baby. Nothing can’t break us.” Danny smiled, pulling Roy close to him by his black v neck. Their lips met, and Roy smiled through the kiss.
No matter how many times he kissed Danny, he always got butterflies. He would never get tired of it. He always felt the same as when their lips met for the very first time, butterflies fluttering through his stomach like a little school girl.
Danny pulled away, smiling widely.
“What is it?” Roy asked smiling wide, showing off his signature dimples.
“Nothing, I just really enjoy being with you.” Danny mused.
They hadn’t said the lovely L word to each other yet. Danny knew he loved Roy, especially after Roy shared his crown with him on the night that she lost All Stars 2. But Danny didn’t want to be the one to say it first and scare him away. He had done that too many times in the past, and didn’t want to fuck things up between the two of them. Plus Roy could be very particular when it came to certain emotions, and Danny had known him long enough to know that love wasn’t something Bianca Del Rio usually associated herself with.
Danny didn’t mind enjoying the relationship the way it was. Other then today, they really hadn’t fought since they actually got together. He knew it was because they were still kind of in the honeymoon stage, but he felt like they could’ve fought a lot more over the last few months. He was thankful that they didn’t.
Roy was thankful that the silence between the two of them was comfortable. They were lost in their own thoughts, and Roy was thinking about home. He hadn’t been back to New Orleans to see his parents in a while now, almost a year. He wondered silently how they would feel about Danny, especially since he looked much younger than him. The first question they would ask him would be his age, and after that his ethnicity. Which he was not looking forward to.
On the other hand, Roy knew that Danny and his mom would get along great. Dan had that infectious personality thay could mesh well with pretty much anyone. He could talk to anyone in any age group and have something in common. It was unfair, Roy was 42 and still didn’t have that skill.
Roy hadn’t brought a man home in a really long time. The last time was over 15 years ago, and his parents had ended up hating him. Turns out, they had a good intuition about him because he ended up leaving Roy for a woman.
His mom would know the minute he brought him home that the way he feels about Danny is serious, which scares Roy. Especially because there’s always that small possibility that they won’t like him.
That also meant that for the first time in a really long time Roy was in love. He had made up a silent rule with himself: don’t bring home a man unless you know you love him.
He had known for awhile that he loved Danny. He didn’t know how the fuck to tell him though. Roy hadn’t loved another person in almost 15 years. It was different now. He was older, he didn’t know if he was supposed to say it in a grand way, or if he was supposed to just blurt it out over donuts at 6 am.
Once he figured it out, he’d say it to him. But for now, he planned on keeping it to himself.
“Let’s go inside.” Danny suggested, finally breaking the silence. He had been studying Roy for what felt like forever, but he had been so engrossed in his thoughts Roy hadn’t noticed.
The two of them got up from the patio, and walked back into the hotel room. On cue, a loud knock sounded against the door.
“Who the fuck is here? I swear to god if it’s Willam-” Roy started, unlocking the door.
At the door was an upset looking Shane. He looked like the shell of himself. He was covered in a large white sweatshirt and baggy grey sweatpants. He had a single bag strapped across his shoulder, and his skin looked sallow and dry,
He was an absolute mess.
A mess neither one of them were prepared for.
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stahhr-blog · 7 years
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But Emily Browning, who plays the recently deceased Laura Moon in TV s latest must-see series American Gods, couldnt be more content. Why? Well, for a start American Gods isnt the kind of show to let a little thing like a fatal car crash get in the way of a good character arc, but its more personal than that. I mean, obviously theres the fact that I used to plan my own death when I was five, the Australian actress tells me within 10 minutes of us meeting. Sometimes my mind goes to a really unnecessary place. Most telly connoisseurs would disagree with the unnecessary part at least. Early reviews for Amazon s darkly delightful new series suggest its the kind of ambitious escapism we need now. Based on the multi-award-winning Americana fantasy novel by Sandman author Neil Gaiman, American Gods tells the story of a brewing war between Old World deities and New World obsessions such as technology, celebrity and media. Trying to make sense of it all is Shadow Moon, an ex-con played by Ricky Whittle, of Hollyoaks fame but dont let that put you off, hes great. Ian McShane is perfectly cast as a shady conman, Mr Wednesday scholars of Old Norse mythology may notice some significance in that name who hires Shadow Moon as his bodyguard. Browning plays Shadows doomed and unfaithful wife. Lauras kind of awful.
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sharksfood · 7 years
so this thought just came into my head and i want to explore it.
in my life i’ve only seen 3 films so far that i read as books before they became movies. im not counting comic books/graphic novels that became movies bcs thats a little different, books that became tv shows, or plays that became movies. but its interesting to think about that.
i didnt read harry potter until well after the films (all of them lmao) were released, i’ve never read how to train your dragon, i’ve never read the hobbit/lotr, the animated alice in wonderland came out in the 50s, i have only recently read the last unicorn, i read World War Z after the movie came out (and ive never seen all of the movie), and i read the neverending story when i was cast in the play.
the books that i read before they came out in film are; The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, Warm Bodies, and Goosebumps.
Goosebumps kind of fits but it was made into a tv series first, and im not sure if i read the books or saw the shows first. i did both, i know that much.
I read Warm Bodies only bcs I wanted to see the movie but thought the book would be cool to read (its amazing and has a completely different feel from the movie), and Lion Witch Wardrobe was bcs my dad read it to me when I was younger. That and The Magician’s Nephew are the only Narnia books ive ever read.
I was going to try and read Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children before the movie came out, but that work out for me.
if you want to count comics and graphic novels, then the list gets bigger. but comics already have the characters drawn out, so unlike books, you dont have an idea in your head on what the character looks like. that is so often changed in film, plus you loose so much detail and nuance when you go book to screenplay to film (this is also true with comics, but its still different)
However, and the biggest reason as to why I’m thinking about this, two movies will be coming out in the next few years, and both of them are based on my favorite books of all time (aside from the alice books of course). 
The first is Captain Underpants! I know that this is a book series with words and pictures, so technically its a graphic novel series, but they’re kids books! and those tend to have an awful lot of pictures. This series was my FAVORITE (other than the alice books) as a kid!! they were fun, hilarious, relatable, and just all around super great. So when i saw the trailer for the animated film that’s coming out this year based on the series i was ECSTATIC!! Were it live-action i would be bummed out since kids picture books usually fair better when animated (im not a fan of the diary of a wimpy kid movies....) but this animation is handled a lot like The Peanuts movie. The animation look like a color and 3D version of the exact art style!! its wonderful and im SO EXCITED
The other one, and this i am VERY VERY nervous about, is Ready Player One. that is my favorite sci-fi novel ever. i often say its my favorite book ever bc it deserves more love! and i do so much love it. ive reread it i dont even know how many times. and what do you know, they’re making it into a movie!! when i heard about this i had so many mixed feelings, and most of it has to do with the style of the book and the characters.
-Ready Player One Spoilers-
In Ready Player One the protagonist starts out as a dirt poor, fat, unattractive teen boy, and later he gets more physically fit/healthy and rich. he claims to still be unattractive at this point (mostly bcs he jues doesnt like how he looks and he looses all his body hair). this is very important to the character! i’m afraid that in this movie hollywood will do as they always do and make him a skinny conventionally attractive teen from the get-go. people will probably pull the Holes excuse of “the filmmakers didnt want to make the actor gain a bunch of weight and then loose it all” BULLSHIT they can cast a fat actor! and through his training and as they film the movie he can loose some weight or they can use movie magic (like when they made chris evans a scrawny little thing). its not that hard, people.
Another character, and this was super important to me and was a big subplot, is that Wade best friend, Aech, whom he only knows through the game (OASIS) plays as a white, straight, guy avatar, but they’re actually a black lesbian named Helen. And she plays this avatar to protect herself and to get a job and be taken seriously within OASIS. is super sad she has to do this, but its a big part of her character. she’s also fat as well, and im REALLY worried that in the movie she’s going to be a skinny straight white girl.
Two other characters who have important characteristics are Art3mis (Samantha) and the creator of OASIS James Halliday. Art3mis is Wade later love interest and GF. She is notable bcs her avatar is just like her, a chubby girl with black hair, but sans her port-wine birthmark. I know they’ll keep her birthmark, since its an intimate reveal, but they’ll probably make her skinny and i hate it. Now it’s only half canon in the books, but i’ve chosen to go with it, but at one point Wade talks about James Halliday’s childhood and his personality and all that, and mentions that he might have been autistic. Now, since it’s only he “might have been” in the books, the filmmakers will probably not make him autistic. That’s fucking sad to me, I mean, it would be amazing!! This character is one of the smartest, most famous, most prolific video game programmers/designers in history!! And he’s autistic! That is some wonderful representation and the filmmakers should jump on that opportunity. It’ll inspire so many autistic people who have a passion for video games to pursue their dreams. But, i have a hunch they wont go with it.
Two other characters, Daito and Shoto, are Japanese young guys who claim to be brothers (and their characters are) but are just friends in the real world. My initial hunch was that the filmmakers would keep them Japanese, but given the recent whitewashing of important Japanese characters, I have my doubts.
My few other concerns are that this movie won’t have 80s pop culture as the main style and focus of the era they book is set in, not to mention OASIS and most of people’s interests. It’s incredibly important to the novel, but so many dystopian movies choose to go with gritty, futuristic, edgy stuff. The other concern is how they will handle the real life vs OASIS look, since over half of the book takes place inside a VR video game. I’ve seen news that they are utilizing VR technology, but i havent read too much. I’m wondering if they’ll animate all of OASIS and the avatars and action and anything in the video game! That would be awesome.
So these are all my thoughts. I havent looks at who they’ve cast yet, so I’m going to do that right now. I do know that Steven Spielberg is directing it, which could be fantastic or terrible. Okay, cast time.
So the IMDB doesnt say who is cast as Daito and Shoto, but Wikipedia says that Win Morisaki of PrizmaX will play him, which is great! I hope that’s what happens.
Art3mis/Samantha will be played by Olivia Cooke, who in my opinion is way too old. She’s older than me! The character’s age (i think) isnt mentioned in the book, but she’s got to be 17-20, and Olivia Cooke looks older than that. She’s also not chubby, but hey, maybe they’ll fit that. She also doesnt have the birthmark, but that’s gonna be makeup. (wouldve been cool if they found an actress with a port-wine stain on her face...)
Parzival/Wade will be played by Ty Sheridan. He was Cyclops in X-Men Apocalypse. He’s the right age, but way too fit and attractive. DAMN IT Well, I guess there’s always makeup and special effects, but i’m 80% sure now they wont make Wade fat.....
Aech/Helen will be played by Lena Waithe who is almost PERFECT. She’s much older than Aech, who is around 18, but like Samantha i imagine they’ll have make up and acting to cover it. My biggest concern is that she’s not fat like Aech, which means they’ll use a body suit or effects or Lena will gain weight, or they wont do anything.....
T.J. Miller will be playing I-r0k, who is another OASIS player and a bigtime douchebag jerk. This is perfect. We don’t know his age, or really anything other than his personality and avatar, and T.J. Miller is hilarious so this/ll be great.
Mark Rylance will be playing James Halliday, witch is fine by me. He’s not quite what I imagined, but thats what makeup and wigs are for. He’s worked a lot with Steven Spielberg, so that makes sense as to why he’s cast here. I just hope he can portray an autistic character well and with respect.... (would be better if he IS autistic but ya know.....)
Simon Pegg will be playing Ogden Morrow, the co-creator of OASIS, and thats perfect. No complaints.
Nolan Sorrento (the antagonist of the book and head of operations at Innovative Online Industries) will be played by Ben Mendelsohn, who was Director Krennic in Rouge One. He is much older and not quite and slimy as I imagined him, but this can totally work. I pictured Nolan Sorrento as Andrew Scott in my head, since he seems like the perfect evil, charismatic, slimy, attractive but ugly inside business man.
So, after looking at the current casting choices im a little let down, but still excited! I’ll have to wait patienly for the trailer, since this thing is coming out in 2018. Dang, this turned into a Ready Player One post, but its been on my mind recently.
If you read through all of this, good job! let me know what you think! i probably dont talk about Ready Player One very often but thats bcs i dont know anyone in real life (other than my dad) who has read this book, and the online fandom seems nonexistent. Who knows?
But yeah, I guess I made this post bcs I wasn’t able to share the collective nervousness, complaints, and excitement of Harry Potter or LotR or Percy Jackson fans when their fav books became movies.
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patheticfrogarchive · 6 years
hey I just saw the news about the actress for nagini but I haven’t really seen anything about people being mad about her being Asian... can you tell me why ppl would be upset over that? I don’t really know a whole lot about the situation or the history behind the character ://
honestly i don’t know too much abt HP either, so i may not be the best person to talk abt this… but basically over the years lots of ppl have started to dislike JKR for kind of like, giving minorities representation in the worst way possible if that makes sense? like not mentioning that dumbledore is gay until the book series is over and done with and people have been asking for queer rep. in the hp universe for years. people say that she does stuff like that for “minority points” or “representation points” which in my view is a fair criticism. forced representation isnt genuine, obviously, and genuine representation is always best i think
i think the issue that most people have with the fact that nagini is actually an asian woman is that its 1) racist that she’s a snake and 2) its racist that an asian woman becomes the pet slave to voldemort, an evil white dude
and honestly…. i personally dont really see how its inherently racist. its just a fictional character, a character who happens to be an asian woman who becomes a snake somehow. also the whole thing of “its a non-white woman becoming a slave to a white man”….. the entire point of voldemort is that he’s evil. of course it’s gross that a person became his slave. thats the point. he’s an evil dude who does evil things, and as far as i know, at no point does the narrative of any harry potter story actually try to paint him as a good person, or redeemable in any sense. i don’t understand why people are shocked that a despicable character would do a despicable thing
and the whole “its racist that shes a snake” thing, i just honestly don’t understand. its a magical fictional universe where literally anything flies and if some lady happens to be a magical person who turns into a snake….. ok?
like i would understand upset more if it was explicitly and intentionally racist, like “hey guys we really don’t like asian women, so we made this character specifically to express our dislike of asian women, enjoy!” like. i don’t think thats it. 
but also again, this is just my personal view on the whole thing, im an asian lady myself and i really don’t see any real problems with it, and theres always a chance im missing info or something. 
and honestly, i feel like if it was a white man or woman instead…. people wouldn’t be as angry.
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latesthollywoodnews · 6 years
Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales
Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales
Jeremy Brown - Latest News - My Hollywood News
Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales, Hollywood Celebrity News 2017.
Upcoming Celebrity News 2017, Walt Hollywood Pictures Celebrities, Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales.
Hollywood Latest Story Moana Celebrities Latest Story next HollywoodToon Studios is an American animation studio which creates direct-to-video and occasional theatrical animated feature films. The studio is a division of Walt Hollywood Animation Studios, with both being part of The Walt Hollywood Studios itself a division of The Walt Hollywood Company. The studio has produced 47 feature films, beginning with DuckTales the Celebrity: Treasure of the Lost Lamp in 1990; its most recent feature film is Tinker Bell and the Legend of the NeverBeast in 2015.
How was Bambi’s dad die?
 After the death of Bambi’s mother, the Great Prince finds Bambi and explains to Bambi what happened to her. He calls for Bambi to come along with him, revealing himself to be Bambi’s father. Later, when Bambi is a young adult, Man returns to the forest. After an incident with Man and his dogs, Bambi is shot.
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How did Walt Hollywood begin?
The Walt Hollywood Company started in 1923 in the rear of a small office occupied by Holly-Vermont Realty in Los Angeles. It was there that Walt Hollywood, and his brother Roy, produced a series of short live-action/animated films collectively called the ALICE COMEDIES. The rent was a mere $10 a month.
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Nicki Minaj isn’t UPSET about her album being number 2 behind Travis Scott, she just wants to punch him in the face.
But don’t twist things, that does not mean she’s upset.
Nicki Minaj appeared on the Ellen Degeneres show on Monday and opened up about all the drama with Travis Scott after her album Queen took the number two slot while his album Astroworld slid to number one.
When all of this went down, Nicki was shading Kylie Jenner for Travis getting more album sales saying on twitter QUOTE, “put my blood sweat & tears in writing a dope album only for Travis Scott to have Kylie Jenner post a tour pass telling ppl to come see her & Stormi. lol. Im actually laughing.”
She told Ellen QUOTE, “The thing is, it’s not anger, it’s what’s right and what’s wrong and what’s fair. I’ve had a number two album and I never cared. It’s just that when you have a number two album to someone who is selling shirts and merch, and selling passes for a tour that’s not even announced yet, it feels like you’re being tricked.”
What she’s referring to is that in the days leading up to Astroworld’s release, Travis Scott dropped a new item of merch on his website. What wasn’t made clear is that every item of merch he sold also came with a digital copy of his album. In reference to that, Nicki tweeted QUOTE, “Travis sold over 50K of these with no requirement of redeeming the album!” Which, to be fair to Nicki, is enough to push his album past Queen. According to Billboard, Nicki’s album sold 185,000 units while Scott sold 205,000.
Now it’s not like this merch+album deal is new to Nicki. She ALSO sold merch associated with Queen. She just didn’t do the 9 days leading up to the album like Travis did. She also didn’t partner with Louis Vuitton and Off-White to make her merch. So logically it makes sense why Travis sold more units than Nicki did, but that won’t stop her from speaking out about the injustice according to her.
She continued telling Ellen QUOTE, “I don’t like being bullied and I don’t like being taken advantage of and sometimes people use scare tactics against you because especially as a black woman, people will call you ‘angry’ or ‘bitter.’ So now it’s almost like we’re not allowed to defend ourselves or stand up for ourselves, and I’m not going to have that.”
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Hollywood Latest Celebrity News, Hollywood Celebrities Official Latest Story, Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales.
Walt Hollywood created a short film entitled Alice’s Wonderland, which featured child actress Virginia Davis interacting with animated characters. After the bankruptcy in 1923 of his previous firm, Laugh-O-Gram Studios, Hollywood moved to Hollywood to join his brother, Roy O. Hollywood. Film distributor Margaret J. Winkler of M.J. Winkler Productions contacted Hollywood with plans to distribute a whole series of Alice Comedies purchased for $1,500 per reel with Hollywood as a production partner. Walt and Roy Hollywood formed Hollywood Brothers Cartoon Studio that same year. More animated films followed after Alice. In January 1926, with the completion of the Hollywood studio on Hyperion Street, the Hollywood Brothers Studio’s name was changed to the Walt Hollywood Studio. Hollywood Celebrity News 2019, Nicki Minaj Wanted to PUNCH Travis Scott Over Album Sales.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 6 years
Jennifer Aniston Isn&#039;t &#039;Heartbroken&#039; After Justin Theroux Split, Thank You Very Much
Jennifer Aniston Isn't 'Heartbroken' After Justin Theroux Split, Thank You Very Much
Despite what you may have heard, Jennifer Aniston is doing just fine.
Speaking to InStyle in her first major interview since announcing her divorce from husband Justin Theroux, the actress is once again challenging the notion that she’s Hollywood’s perennial sad sack.
“It’s pretty crazy. The misconceptions are ‘Jen can’t keep a man,’ and ‘Jen refuses to have a baby because she’s selfish and committed to her career,’” Aniston told Molly McNearney, the co-head writer for “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” (and wife of host Jimmy Kimmel), for InStyle’s September issue. “Or that I’m sad and heartbroken. First, with all due respect, I’m not heartbroken. And second, those are reckless assumptions.”
“No one knows what’s going on behind closed doors. No one considers how sensitive that might be for my partner and me,” she continued. “They don’t know what I’ve been through medically or emotionally. There is a pressure on women to be mothers, and if they are not, then they’re deemed damaged goods. Maybe my purpose on this planet isn’t to procreate. Maybe I have other things I’m supposed to do?”
Earlier this year, Aniston and Theroux revealed in a joint statement that they’d separated in 2017 after two years of marriage and many more together.
After meeting on the set of 2007’s “Tropic Thunder,” the two went on to become one of Hollywood’s most beloved pairings, which unfortunately resulted in almost constant speculation over whether they intended to start a family.
The couple never did have kids together, but in a candid 2016 essay for HuffPost, Aniston hit back at the tabloids for the “absurd and disturbing” objectification of her body and the assumption that she needs a child to be complete.
“For the record, I am not pregnant. What I am is fed up,” she wrote. “I’m fed up with the sport-like scrutiny and body shaming that occurs daily under the guise of ‘journalism,’ the ‘First Amendment’ and ‘celebrity news.’”
JB Lacroix via Getty Images
Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux attend the 2017 Vanity Fair Oscar party.
The “Friends” alum says she’s faced her “fair share of sexism in the media” over the course of her career, which has been marked by relationships with fellow famous types like her ex-husband, the actor Brad Pitt, and the musician John Mayer.
“When a couple breaks up in Hollywood, it’s the woman who is scorned,” she told InStyle. “The woman is left sad and alone. She’s the failure. F that. When was the last time you read about a divorced, childless man referred to as a spinster?”
Still, Aniston has maintained a sense of humor about her own celebrity, laughing off an initial question about the rumors swirling about her personal life.
“When are you getting back together with Brad?” McNearney jokingly asked. “Did Justin ever wear your jeans? And when are the twins due?”
“You’re the only person who could start an interview like that and actually send me into hysterics, not hives,” a laughing Aniston replied.
Even if Aniston were to experience the pain and heartbreak the tabloids claim, she says, it’s not something she’d ever advertise on the cover of a magazine.
“There are definitely moments of not being balanced and poised, but I do that all in my own personal space,” she said. “For the most part I can sit back and laugh at the ridiculous headlines because they have gotten more and more absurd. I guess they’re feeding into some sort of need the public has, but I focus on my work, my friends, my animals, and how we can make the world a better place.”
To read Aniston’s full interview, head over to InStyle. 
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Before Meghan Markle’s May wedding to Prince Harry, the expectation that she would raise the royal fashion bar was almost unreasonably high. Given that she’s American, ran a lifestyle blog, and supports indie brands like Mackage and Black Halo, Markle’s admirers hoped she’d use her newfound status as a duchess to give the British royal family a much-needed dose of sartorial flair.
“I think she will become the new face of the royal family,” Katharine Polk, a celebrity stylist and designer, told Racked before Markle’s May 19 nuptials to Prince Harry. “I believe that she will remain true to her style and … not be swayed by the pressures of becoming a royal.”
The excitement over her taste in clothing was tied to the widespread delight at what Markle represented to the British aristocracy. As the first openly mixed-race member of the firm, not to mention a divorcée in her late 30s with a history of charity work, Markle’s entry into the royal family marked a historic shift. The actress was not the blushing bride that 19-year-old Princess Diana was, nor Waity Katie, the snide nickname given to Kate Middleton for spending her single years seemingly waiting for Prince William to propose.
Instead, Markle has been regarded as her own woman, one expected to use the throne for social good and to dress in a way authentic to her identity. Before she got married, she showed off this individuality with messy hair, moto jackets, and pants, styles that generally don’t conform to fashion protocol for high-ranking noblewomen.
Meghan Markle in ripped jeans at the Invictus Games with Prince Harry before their marriage. Getty Images for the Invictus Games Foundation
But now that she’s a royal, the duchess of Sussex’s fashion sense appears to be more about blending in with her new family than standing out from them. That’s meant muted colors, loose dresses, and no public outings in pants so far. Fans who anticipated that she would make bold fashion statements as a royal have been underwhelmed. The criticism started on her wedding day, when she wore a wedding dress that was dismissed as “boring.”
The disappointment stems from the fact that Markle, a feminist and activist, appears to be playing it remarkably safe in her self-presentation as a noblewoman. She’s not challenging royal fashion protocol but following the rules, even those that might be deemed sexist, such as the requirement that women royals wear pantyhose. In her first public appearance after her wedding, Markle was spotted in hosiery, an undergarment People magazine noted the fashion world generally regards as “dated and dowdy.”
It’s not altogether fair, however, for Markle’s detractors to expect her to use fashion as either a creative outlet or a source of rebellion. As a newcomer to both Britain and the royal family, Markle is under tremendous pressure to show that she’s serious about fulfilling the obligations of her new role — and dressing appropriately is one way to demonstrate her dedication to being a duchess.
Markle with Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla at one of Charles’s 70th birthday celebrations, following her marriage. Chris Jackson/Getty Images
Fans who imagined that Meghan Markle would walk down the aisle in a trendsetting wedding dress had their hopes dashed on May 19. There were no beads, lace, or tulle. Compared to Middleton’s lace dress, Markle’s looked almost austere. She wore a simple boat neck dress that garnered mixed reviews and some unflattering press. The minimalist Givenchy gown was described as “boring.” Yet Markle, reportedly an admirer of the late minimalist dresser Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, embraced simple looks with clean lines well before her nuptials.
The public didn’t just criticize the style of her wedding dress but the cut as well. “I would have done one more fitting,” Katy Perry said. And the title of a Cosmopolitan article about the gown — “The Internet Is Being *Very* Mean About Meghan Markle’s Wedding Dress” — says it all about the reaction to the bride’s style.
Polk said she also thought Markle’s dress was beautiful but agreed that it was not the best fit.
“As royalty there is no excuse for less than perfection when everyone is looking at you,” Polk said. “For a modern-day woman, I think everyone was expecting something a little more daring, so it was a bit of an anti-climax.”
Still, she said, “The design was sleek and respected tradition. The dress is a timeless classic that will never date, and it spoke of elegance and simplicity.”
Amanda Dishaw, who co-founded the Meghan’s Mirror fashion blog with Christine Ross, said that the wedding dress was designed to be functional. In contrast, the sexy Stella McCartney gown Markle wore during the reception better reflected her personal style.
“The Clare Waight Keller dress Meghan wore to the ceremony did incorporate some elements of her personal style, however it also balanced the fact that she wasn’t walking down the aisle at a private church in a small family ceremony,” Dishaw told Vox. “The steps of St. George’s, for example, needed a dress with some volume in order to ensure Meghan wasn’t swallowed up by their size. This dress was perhaps not universally loved because it was Meghan balancing her personal style with her new role.”
The Givenchy dress Markle wore to her wedding ceremony was panned by some as plain and boring. Owen Humphries/WPA Pool/Getty Images
The Stella McCartney dress she wore to her reception was far better received. Steve Parsons/AFP/Getty Images
Conversely, Dishaw describes Markle’s slinky and sleeveless reception dress as “pure Meghan.” The duchess felt more comfortable expressing her fashion sense at a gathering that wasn’t for public consumption, she said. The newest royal is erring on the side of caution with her style because she takes her role as duchess very seriously and doesn’t want to leave room for judgment, Dishaw argues.
“It’s a balancing act, and one we’ll see her continue to grow into as she adapts to the overwhelming life changes she’s going through,” Dishaw said.
The attacks on Meghan Markle’s style have continued in the weeks since she got married. Markle has worn an assortment of muted oatmeals and blush pinks instead of the green, eggplant, and navy outfits she sometimes sported before her nuptials. At her most recent public event, the Royal Ascot, she wore a white collared dress paired with a black-and-white hat that drew comparisons to Audrey Hepburn’s My Fair Lady style. Almost all the other women attendees wore a similar color scheme.
And while she hasn’t totally abandoned her preference for stylishly mussed hair, she’s increasingly worn her hair in neat chignons and defined waves. Harper’s Bazaar noted that how Markle had ditched “her favorite messy bun for a sleek version” during her first public appearance as a royal. She’s also carried clutches rather than the crossbody purses she wore during the months leading up to the royal wedding.
Polk acknowledged that Markle’s style has become more reserved now that she’s a royal but said that some choices, like the muted colors she’s worn as a duchess, have “been gorgeous on her.”
“However, it has the potential of getting a little boring,” the stylist said of the neutral color scheme. “I think it’s also a seasonal preference. We are in the height of summer, and I think she’s leaning toward a softer, cooler palette. She may experiment with bolder colors in the fall and winter. I think she’ll take more risks as time goes on…”
When Markle accompanied Prince Harry to a recent family wedding, the press and the public skewered the material-heavy Oscar de la Renta gown she chose for the occasion. The white-and-blue floral dress overwhelmed her tiny frame, leading to criticism that she was swimming in all of the fabric.
Yahoo! Lifestyle suggested that by wearing the oversized $7,000 dress, “the Duchess of Sussex may have taken her first major sartorial misstep.”
But as with the wedding dress, there was likely a strategy behind Markle’s decision to wear this outfit. Dishaw of Meghan’s Mirror said that if Markle had worn a chic pantsuit or body-conscious dress, she would’ve made headlines for upstaging the bride, Harry’s maternal cousin. Dishaw believes Markle intentionally wore the baggy dress, which she said is “on-trend” at the moment.
The fact that the duchess has yet to appear at an event featuring just her and her husband explains some of her fashion choices, Dishaw pointed out. She’s not choosing looks with herself as the focus but with other members of the royal family in mind.
With pantyhose and coiffed hair, Meghan Markle may now be presenting as conservative in dress to her fans. And the one time she has diverted from those expectations likely shows why she has generally been so careful. The mere sight of her shoulders at the Queen’s annual birthday parade, Trooping the Colour, sparked a minor scandal. At the event two weeks ago, Markle appeared in a pale pink Philip Treacy hat and Carolina Herrera bardot dress in the same hue.
Because the dress exposed her shoulders, the press suggested it was inappropriate. The Mirror called the ensemble daring, suggesting it “pushed the boundaries of the royal dress code.” And while Vanity Fair and Hello! both questioned if she broke protocol, the Express outright accused her of doing so.
Meghan Markle’s Carolina Herrera dress at Trooping the Colour raised concerns because it revealed her shoulders. Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images
“Royal women traditionally wear long sleeves to Trooping the Colour with off-shoulder and revealing styles discouraged,” the Express noted. “The American had the most flesh on show compared with the other royals she stood next to on the balcony. Kate, Duchess of Cambridge, opted for a classy light blue knee-length frock with her shoulders and chest covered while fellow duchess Camilla had a dress suit in the same colour.”
The criticism of Markle sounds similar to that leveled at former first lady Michelle Obama for wearing sleeveless dresses that showed off her toned arms. An undercurrent of misogynoir likely runs through the disapproval these women of color have faced about how much of their bodies they expose. “It seems the new edition to the royal family is a fan of baring the flesh,” the Mirror wrote about Markle’s Trooping the Colour appearance, effectively sexualizing her.
Princess Diana wasn’t afraid to experiment with fashion. Tim Graham/Getty Images
Markle fans disappointed that her fashion isn’t killing it should consider that she’s primarily dressing for her job, similar to how members of any number of professions, from firefighters to flight attendants, do.
“I think she’ll move more to her true personal royal style as she steps out with Harry and by herself in her endeavors, like the trip to Ireland coming up, and then build a little confidence in her royal look that she will translate into the larger scale royal family events,” Dishaw said.
Polk questions the idea that Markle has lost her sense of style. The duchess may be dressing more conservatively, but that’s to be expected, she said.
“Her style choices are constantly under the microscope and I think she is pulling off the modern-day princess look quite remarkably,” she said. “She has a gift for blending tradition with the unexpected. Most of her ensembles are sleek, chic, and relatively fuss-free.”
Polk predicts Markle will use jewelry to add panache to her outfits. So far, Markle has leaned toward elegant diamond pieces that aren’t likely to fall out of fashion. She’s worn pieces by Cartier and Belgian designer Vanessa Tugendhaft.
“I think dainty diamond jewelry is going to be her ultimate enviable style statement moving forward,” she said.
Only a month into her life as duchess, it’s not really surprising that Markle is facing some criticism for her style. More than 20 years after her death, Princess Diana remains a style icon. But it took Diana time to find her footing. Her huge wedding dress, for example, was truly a symbol of ’80s excess and would look outrageous on a contemporary bride.
As Di aged, adapted to, and ultimately rebelled against life in the royal family, she increasingly took more fashion risks. The princess of Wales sometimes wore low-cut dresses but used clutches when entering and exiting vehicles to hide her cleavage, a royal no-no. Unlike Markle, however, Diana was born a member of the aristocracy. A fashion faux pas wouldn’t lead to headlines suggesting that she lacked class.
As an American and woman of color, the stakes are much higher for the duchess of Sussex. Her multicultural wedding service may have signaled that the British royal family was entering a new chapter, but it was just a ceremony, not a way of life.
As the firm’s most unconventional member, one who’s already been publicly humiliated by family members, Markle isn’t trying to shake things up as a royal — she’s trying to master her new role. That means, for now, fashion is not about self-expression. It’s a way to demonstrate that she belongs.
Original Source -> Meghan Markle isn’t the style rebel fans hoped she’d be — and that’s okay
via The Conservative Brief
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