#whiterose week 2023
strawberry-seal77 · 8 months
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What, I'm 3 months late? but theyre so silly...
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walpywalpy · 11 months
WhiteRose Week 2023
Day 1: Night of the Body Swapping | Body Swapping
Weiss woke in a cold sweat as her breath exited her lungs rapidly. She holds her head in her hands and calms down. ‘What a nightmare,’ Weiss thought to herself. She looks at the dark dorm room surrounding her, but the perspective that she’s used to is…different. She was high up and overlooking the dorm. “Did Ruby drag me into her bed without me noticing?” she groaned to herself. Her eyes flew open as the voice that exited her lips wasn’t hers. She touches her hair and notices that it’s dramatically shorter.
“Weiss!” someone whispered. Well, not someone. It was Weiss’s but it didn’t come out of her. Weiss carefully dropped down and saw herself, panicking. “Who are you? Why do you look like me?” Weiss’s body pleaded.
“I’m Weiss. You called me,” Weiss said.
“WEISS?!” Weiss’s body exclaimed.
“Quiet you!” Weiss hushed. “Who are you?”
“It’s me. Ruby,” Ruby explains.
“Wha- why are you in my body?” Weiss shouts out.
“Shh!” Ruby hushes and Weiss hushes her back. “Okay, let’s calm down and figure out what’s wrong.” Weiss takes a deep breath and sits down on her bed.
“Okay, question,” Weiss says. “Did you dream anything? I had a nightmare and woke up in your body.”
“I did,” Ruby answers as she sits on Weiss’s bed. “I dreamt of being tied up. By a grimm and…someone.”
“I was dreaming the same thing,” Weiss says. She looked at Ruby and her blue eyes reflected the moonlight at her. “It’s bizarre talking to you like this.”
“It is,” Ruby mumbles. “Do you think our taste in food changed too?”
“What? No,” Weiss rejects. Ruby giggles and Weiss pinches the bridge of her nose.
“What if we go to the cafeteria?” Ruby suggests. “We can talk there without bothering Blake and Yang.”
“Good idea,” Weiss responds. She smirks and leans back on her bed. “I think the change in our bodies made you smarter.”
“No, it didn’t. I’m not as pompous anyways,” Ruby teases, and Weiss eyerolls.
“Whatever. Let’s go to the cafeteria.”
The halls of Beacon were quiet. Weiss latches her arms around Ruby’s.
“You scared?” Ruby whispers and Weiss shakes her head.
“Of course not. I can handle monsters. A hallway is barely comparable,” Weiss claimed with a pout. Ruby rubs Weiss’s hand gently, causing Weiss’s breath to soften on Ruby’s cheek.
“Feels weird hugging myself,” Weiss admits.
“Maybe you should do it more,” Ruby says. Ruby stops on her trail and thinks of something. Something so childish and stupid that she blushes. “Hey, this may sound weird but can we try something?”
“Later,” Weiss yawns. “I wanna get this done and get to bed.”
“Yeah, you’re right,” Ruby mumbles as her blush subsides.”
They arrive at the barren cafeteria and Ruby remembers the food fight they had the semester prior. It seemed so long ago, but she could still feel the feeling of her team by her side, fighting for one reason and one reason alone: to have fun. Ruby now understood every movement her team would make on the field and she feels that the fight helped immensely. She also understands Weiss on a deeper level. Maybe even more than herself. Ruby catches herself staring at Weiss. Well, really at herself. Something about seeing Weiss’s expression on her face added to it. She understood how Weiss was feeling at the moment, despite it being outside of her own body. That feeling was something Ruby usually feels from Weiss and it made her heart thump. Maybe, just maybe Weiss would let her use this whole situation as an excuse.
“What do you think is occurring, Ruby?” Weiss asks as she takes a seat at one of the tables.
“I’m not sure,” Ruby admits. “I’ve read about a lot grimm, but I’ve never heard of one that can swap bodies.”
“Maybe it’s a semblance?” Weiss asks. “Semblances tend to be more unorthodox than grimm.” Ruby ponders for a bit, tapping her finger on her lower lip.
“It could be. Maybe it’s a new first-year who isn’t used to their semblance.”
“Maybe,” Weiss responded. Weiss groans and lies down on the cafeteria bench. “Why us?”
“I don’t know,” Ruby admits.
“This was a waste of time,” Weiss complains. “Let’s just ask Ozpin tomorrow.”
“Can we still try the thing I have in mind?” Ruby blurts out.
“Sure,” Weiss groans. “What is it?” Ruby twiddles with her fingers and takes a deep breath.
“You said you aren’t used to hugging yourself but there is something that we can do now that we can never do later.”
“What’s that?” Weiss asks.
“Well you said you don’t hug yourself often…so when do you think we’d ever get the chance to kiss ourselves again?”
Weiss blushes as her feelings that have been brewing within the past two semesters come to a boiling point. “F-fine. Just for curiosity's sake,” Weiss whispers. Weiss wraps her arms around Ruby’s neck and looks into her eyes. “This is weird,” Weiss says as she stares into her own eyes.
“It is,” Ruby whispers back. Weiss grabs Ruby’s chin and inches herself closer. Ruby could feel Weiss’s breath on her face. Ruby stares down at her lips. “You ready?” Ruby asked in a hushed whisper.
“I suppose so,” Weiss replied as her heart pounded a mile a second. She wrapped her hand around Ruby’s head and gently pushed her into her lips.
It was bizarre for Ruby. On the one hand, she was panicking because she was finally kissing Weiss. On the other, she was kissing herself as Weiss. Weiss didn’t dare think like Ruby. She focused on what she was kissing: Ruby’s soul. No matter the body or reason, being able to kiss who is essentially Ruby is a dream come true.
And she wanted to make sure it was spectacular. Weiss ran her hand down Ruby’s back and brought her waist closer. Ruby laid her hands on Weiss’s shoulder. She closed her eyes and took it all in. Weiss ran her fingers from the top of Ruby’s scalp down to the tips of her hair. Weiss pulled away, but not before she gently bit Ruby’s bottom lip. “Well that was…nice,” Weiss admits.
“One more?” Ruby proposes. Weiss leaned in for another kiss.
This kiss was shorter, but it was still just as soft and passionate.
When Ruby pulled away, she looked at Weiss and saw blue eyes instead of silver. She gasped and looked down at her clothes. “We’re…back in our bodies,” Ruby says. Weiss runs her fingers through her hair and, sure enough, she was back.
“What happened?” Weiss asked, and Ruby hugged Weiss.
“I don’t know…” Ruby whispered.
Ruby tightened her hug slightly and began to think. “Ruby…” Weiss whispered. Ruby turns red and lets go of her hug.
“Sorry. Was I holding you too tight?” Ruby asks. Weiss shook her head and clung to Ruby’s hands.
“No,” Weiss admits as her face grew red. “I liked it actually…I just…” Weiss groaned and let go of Ruby’s hands. “Forget it.” Weiss began to stand up to leave.
“Weiss, wait.” Weiss stopped and sat back down. “I want to admit something.”
“What is it?”
“I…used this to try to get a kiss from you…” Ruby admits.
“You did this?” Weiss breathed out.
“No!” Ruby yelped as she turned into a deep crimson. “I had nothing to do with the body-swapping! But I did use it for a kiss.” Weiss looked at Ruby, who was hanging her head low with her hands held together on her lap. “I shouldn’t have done it. I’m sorry…”
“Put your head up. That’s no way for a leader to show herself.”
Ruby lifted her head and was surprised by Weiss’s lips on her own. Ruby’s eyes flew open as Weiss pulled away with pink cheeks. “If you ever want a kiss from me, just ask,” Weiss breathed. She stood up and took Ruby’s hand. “Let’s go. We need to get sleep before class tomorrow.”
“Yeah…” Ruby says dumbfoundedly. Weiss smiles and kisses Ruby’s cheek.
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“But I look like such a dorkasaurus rex!” Ruby said as she adjusted her hanfu, decorated with bats and horses, signs of good fortune and perseverance. “Oh gods, you had to see-”
“That you are a dorkasaurus rex?” Weiss said. “Spoiler I knew that already. I’ve accepted that my girlfriend is a massive dork, even if it makes her look like a bit more of a dolt than she already is.”
Ruby takes her girlfriend home with her to the Dōngzhì Festival, much fluff ensues. She already feels like she's a part of that family...
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fillmargarin · 11 months
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Wrw day 2: scar kisses
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theblueraven5 · 11 months
Hello friends!
This is a singing collab between @rubyfinallyrose and I for WhiteRose Week2023. She did the lyrics and amazing cover art and I just did the vocals.
This is for Day 1: Atlas Ball and we did "Sway" by Michael Bublé. The cover is short and sweet but fun and silly.
I hope you guys enjoy!!
Lyrics are posted below
When the "Red like Roses" starts to play
Fight with me, make me slay
After killing a grimm Nevermore
Hold me close, slay me more
Like a Whiterose bending in the breeze
Bend with me slay with ease
When we fight, you have a way with me
Stay with me, slay with me
Other hunters may be on the floor
Dear, but my wife will be only you
Only you that can love me so deep
When we slay, I go weak
I can hear the sounds of useless gays
Long before we begin
Make me sing as only you know how
Slay me smooth, slay me now
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instantsoupernova · 11 months
This fic was my favorite to write and its another prompt combination. This is when Ruby and Weiss meet while extremely young and promise to meet again.
WRW Day 5 - Childhood Promise AU and "WAIT?! That was YOU?!"
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white-rose-week · 1 year
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White Rose Week 7th Year!
Hello everyone!! Happy 2023! Another year for White Rose Week to come back! Can't believe it's already the 7th year I've been doing this. I hope everyone is just as excited as I am!
Just like every year I'm going to need everyone to send in prompts! I will be accepting prompts from now until January 15th at 10:00 pm Pacific Time.
*** Preferably,  I’d like you all to send your prompts to my main Tumblr @the-heart-alchemist. I’ll get them a lot faster that way since I’m not always home these days to be on my computer. 
Also, my friends and I have our White Rose Server where you can send your prompts to as well. Here is our invite link: https://discord.gg/whiterose-mafia
My team: as always I’d like to give a special shoutout to my wonderful friends helping me out with white rose week every year, Lost,  Shade (@lupos-covidae), and Sharky (@thegreatweissshark)! I appreciate you guys so much! 
Header Credit: Special thanks to my friend @thegreatweissshark for making my headers this year! You’re the best! 
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powertaco · 4 months
2023 Writing in review (Today's promptmas at the bottom)
Long one inc- 
Another year has come and gone. Or something. 
Promptmas was a thing. Kinda fun I think. Hopefully (even though a few are still left) everyone liked their lil promptmas fics!
Burning WhiteRose and Cinwin were far more requested than I thought they would be, so that's neat. I will say Hailstorm (WR+Nora) is the most unique pairing I was asked to do tied with JBS so that's fun.
Not sure why I decided to start them like two weeks before December instead of any other time, but hey. Getting sick kinda blew, and means Shattered Moon will be finished come new year. Apologies BottledLemon for that one, but instead of the story being maybe 10k the first chapter alone was about 8k. 
My inability to be compact strikes once again. 
Plans for next year are to write more, and get better at writing, which is an ongoing process. Also fun would be to get ever closer to getting DWR out of rarepair status (we’re almost to 75 as of the time of writing this which is 3/8th of the way there!).
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It wouldn’t stop me from writing them because I have issues, but hey them is the breaks. 
Favorite short non DWR story this year? 
Probably Shot to the Heart 
Something about it just being a quick want a nail with a start and end point was fun with a large amount of fun work to do fleshing her out as more than an extra Jaune harem girl. 
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Plans for next year include a lot of work. In theory I’d like to finish ALL of my current WIP’s which leads me to a question. Do you prefer the random update schedule like before? Or do you/would you prefer it to hyper focus on one story ala Altered Paths or In Plain Sight where I focus about 75% of the story updates on a fic until it’s done then go to the next one?
Do you have any preferences for fics you'd like me to update first from my WIP's? Do you have a pairing you'd like to see (leave this in the comments por favor)
Next to last: Out of all the promptmas fics which, if any would you liked to see turned into short stories? Take your pic, and leave a comment or reblog with the answer so I can count it.
Finally for those of you that do read the fics what would you say I should work on improving most? Pacing, plot, dialogue, etc.
Goals for the next year are to get back into shape and hit my ee dan belt (kinda slacking on it tbh), write more, and improve the writing. Probably try to save money too, but I'll just end up comming more stuff for my goobers.
Have Tiny Samus wishing you a happy holidays and new year from her favorite gift box.
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Promtpmas 28- When Doing it Wrong Goes Right-
Weiss had always known Ruby was special and strange. She never seemed to do anything right, or at least right by her fathers standards.
So in that regard she shouldn't have been surprised when she didn't even manage to die right.
Have some girls for the road!
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qractus · 11 months
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Whiterose Week 2023 day 1: Body Swap
... I decided to go cursed RWBY. I won't be participating every day, but I'll try to get a few.
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that1pansexualdumbass · 11 months
Well considering I’m doing the rosebird prompts I might as well also do the prompts for my second favorite ship in Rwby
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walpywalpy · 11 months
WhiteRose Week 2023: Day 5
Girl Kisser | Maid Cafe AU
Weiss lays down on her couch and fans herself with a magazine that was nearby. Her roommate, Coco, walks in and sees Weiss. “C’mon, kid,” Coco says. “You have to stop working yourself to death.” Weiss glares at her and sighs. “No counter? That’s a new one from you.”
“I’m too tired today, dunce,” Weiss groans. Coco sits down on the couch. “Hey!”
“You’re small enough for both of us to be on the couch,” Coco jabs. “Relax.” Coco pulls out a flier and gives it to Weiss. Weiss inspects the flier.
Bun-Bun Maid Cafe
Where all your troubles go to rest.
Food! Desert! Drinks!
Weiss tosses it back to Coco. “You really think I would like something like this?” Weiss scorns.
“We all know you’re a girl kisser,” Coco jests and Weiss blushes. “Even if you weren’t, a friend of mine works there. I think it’d be nice if we went.”
“Fine,” Weiss grunts. “Just once, okay?”
“Fine. Whatever to get you out of the house.”
Weiss stared at the front of the cafe and rubbed her forehead. “This is stupid,” she whispered and Coco glared at her. Coco pushed Weiss to the door. Weiss bites her lip and enters the cafe. She had to admit, it was cute. All the waitresses were dressed nicely and it reminded her of her father’s mansion. However, unlike that hellscape, the cafe also had a homey feeling to it with the warm lighting and a good amount of greenery on the walls. On display were various types of cakes and pastries. It was all so sweet.
Well, maybe a bit too sweet because Weiss then saw a blonde maid hand-feeding a dark-haired customer with cat ears. Her eyes widen in horror and slowly begins to walk away. “Hello!” a maid with rabbit ears said. “You’re Coco’s roommate, right.” Weiss nods and tries to formulate a plan for how to get out through the door. “She’s told me so much about you. Please, take a seat.” The girl begins to drag Weiss to a table and sits her down. “Girls, get her a menu.” The blonde girl gave Weiss a menu and smirked at her. Weiss blushes and looks away.
“If you need anything, just ask for Velvet,” the blonde says. “She’s pretty much the captain of this place.”
“May I ask you something?” Weiss asks and the blonde nods. “You aren’t going to feed me like you did the other girl?” The blonde laughs.
“No!” Weiss sighs in relief as the burden has been lifted. “I only do it to her because she’s my girlfriend. Plus, you’re really going to have to push for your waitress to do that.”
“My waitress?” Weiss asks as another customer walks in.
“Oop, gotta go,” she says. “If you need me, ask for Yang.”
Yang walks away and Weiss looks at the menu. She could get a salad, but something about this place made her think that she should indulge just a bit. “Do you know what you’d like to order?” a waitress asks. Weiss looks up and is greeted by the cutest girl she’s ever seen with the cutest smile. Her silver eyes were as brilliant as Weiss’s jewelry. Her hair was brushed perfectly and was dyed red at the tips. She was cute and Weiss’s blushing face showed it. “Um…I was wondering if you’d like to order anything?” Weiss woke up from her trance.
“Oh. Forgive me…let me get um…” Where was Weiss’s words? For the first time in her life, she struggled to get words out. She could only muster one word. “Cake.”
“What kind of cake?” Weiss looked around for something and she saw a strawberry pin on the waitress's dress.
“Strawberry, please.” The waitress’s eyes light up and smiles brightly. Weiss began to blush again.
“You like strawberries?!” the girl asks. Weiss nods. “I love strawberries!”
“Wow…” Weiss whispers. “Marry me.”
“What?” the maid says.
“What?” Weiss says back with flaring cheeks.
“Well, Ruby Rose will be back with your cake,” Ruby says and she walks away.
“O-okay Ruby,” Weiss mumbles.
That would not be the last time Weiss would go to the cafe. And it wasn’t because of the food, although the cakes were delicious. Rather, Weiss would come to talk to Ruby. Something about her made Weiss’s heart skip a beat. Was it the way she looked? How sweet she was?
Or was it something…deeper?
She enters the cafe and sees Yang feeding Blake (her girlfriend is named Blake), and she wonders if she could have that with Ruby. Weiss sits down and looks at the menu. “Cake again, Weiss?” Ruby asks. Weiss puts down the menu and sighs.
What should she say? She knows what she wants but can she get it? Will it be so unattainable that her heart will shatter to nothing? Weiss bites her lip and begins to speak. “I want more…” Weiss mumbles as she looks at Ruby.
“Well, I can always get you more than just cake,” Ruby says with her signature smile. Weiss wanted to tear her hair out as Ruby smiled at her.
“No! Not like that, dolt,” Weiss explains.
“Then what do you mean?”
Weiss sits up and stares Ruby dead in the eye. “I want more with you,” Weiss says.
“Huh?” Ruby gasps. Weiss attempts to take her hands but thinks second of it.
“Do you…want to have a drink with me somtime? My treat,” Weiss offers softly.
“Are you asking me on a date?” Ruby asks.
“Y-Yes,” Weiss stutters as she nods. “I would like it if we got closer.”
“Sure,” Ruby beams.
“Great. How does Sunday night sound?”
“Sounds great.”
Ruby begins to write down her number on her notepad and gives it to Weiss. “Call me,” Ruby says. Weiss nods and holds the number in her hand.
She has a number.
She has a date.
Does she have a girlfriend now?
Velvet smiles at the exchange and sends the picture she took of them to Coco. Coco replies with two words.
“Girl kisser.”
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“...heh, in a way, I’m actually kind of glad I get to hide behind a digital avatar because… heh, I’m really not much to look at in real life.”
Little does she know it, but Weiss disagrees. It's hard to be Ruby Rose, trans girl extraordinaire with feelings for your best friend.
For @white-rose-week
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walpywalpy · 11 months
WhiteRose Week 2023: Day 4
A Little More Time | Time Travel/Reincarnation
“Class, meet our newest student,” Ms. Goodwitch says as she presents a girl with a black shirt, red skirt, knee high socks, and short black and red hair. “This is Ruby Rose. She’s two years younger than the rest of you, so please treat her nicely.” Ruby looks around the classroom and finds a girl at the back of the class with a white dress, white hair, and a scar across her left eye. Ruby smiles as she see’s her, but she hides it as fast as you can. “You can sit behind Weiss Schnee back there. She can share her notes with you.” Ruby nods and sits behind Weiss.
“Hi,” Ruby whispers. “I’m Ruby. It’s nice to meet you.” Weiss turns and inspects Ruby top to bottom.
“Weiss Schnee,” Weiss says. “So you’re two years below us, but in our class.”
“Hehe, I guess so,” Ruby laughs nervously.
“A prodigy?” Weiss contemplates. “Well, I can’t wait to speak with you more, Ms. Rose.”
“Me too.”
“Weiss, let’s walk home,” Ruby beams. Weiss slings her bag over her shoulder and looks out the window solemnly.
“I can’t,” Weiss mumbles. “It is…complicated to say the least.”
“Does it have to deal with family?” Ruby asks. Weiss turns to Ruby and glares at her.
“...Yes. How did you know that?” Ruby realizes what she has said and a bead of sweat rolls down her forehead.
“Oh,” Ruby trembled, “I just have some family problems too. I live alone and far away from them.”
“Where do they live?” Weiss asks.
“Very far. I don’t think you’d know.”
“I have visited every country in the world,” Weiss bragged. “I’m sure I’ll have have an idea.”
Ruby looks through the window of the school and sees the day approaching dawn. She holds back a tear and takes a deep breath. “I doubt that,” Ruby says in finality. She taps her finger on the wood of the desk. “It’ll take a long time before you get there.”
Ruby sat down at a table in the library and opened her book. She stared at the page and wondered about what the author is trying to say. “I hope you don’t mind if I sit here,” a familiar voice says. Ruby looks up and sees Weiss with a book of her own.
“Oh, sit. I’d love to have company.” Weiss smiles and sits down.
“I noticed you are reading Emphasis of Time. It’s a good read,” Weiss comments. “The theory that someone could travel back and forth in time and the consequences that it holds.” Weiss leans forward and stares at Ruby. “It’s quite fascinating.” Ruby blushes and lets out a nervous laugh.
“Yeah, but I don’t think it’s correct,” Ruby says.
“Why do you think that?”
“Well, the future is always in flux, especially if time travel is possible,” Ruby explains. “Going to the past would make something my future, which can’t be affected by the ‘present.’ But if I go to the future, it’s likely that whatever I do won’t matter because it’s bound to change.”
“Are you suggesting that time is never going to change no matter what is accomplished in time travel?” Weiss asks, and Ruby nods. “I suppose that could be right.” Ruby smiles proudly and puffs out her chest.
“Well, time is my specialty,” Ruby brags. “It’s what I want to study once I get back home.”
“I never learned where you came from,” Weiss says. She stands up and approaches Ruby. Ruby looks up and grips her seat tightly. “I’ve known you for five months and I still don’t know much about you.” Weiss leans forward until her face is inches from Ruby’s.
“W-Weiss!” Ruby whispers. “What are you doing?!” Weiss places her finger on Ruby’s lip and hushes her.
“I’m just curious,” Weiss explains. “You seem to know a lot about me, but you always hide how you know. From my love of animals to my family. I want to know what you are, Ruby Rose.” Ruby began to blush and her eyes began to tear up.
“Okay! I’ll explain…” Ruby exclaims.
“Shh!” The pair turn to the librarian who is watching them angrily.
“Just come to my place…”
Weiss enters Ruby’s apartment and glances around. There was a normal looking kitchen next to a normal looking living room. All of it was so normal. Ruby cleared some papers that were on the kitchen counter and grabbed a leather book. She passes it to Weiss. “Open it,” Ruby mumbles. Weiss glances at Ruby for a moment and then looks at the book. She opens it and finds pictures of all their times together. She then sees a picture of them, but from a location she’s never seen before. As a matter of fact, the place shouldn’t exist. The architecture of the buildings in the background looked nothing alike to anything Weiss has ever seen.
“What is this?” Weiss asks breathily.
“Weiss, I—” Ruby begins.
“What is this?!” Weiss exclaims. Ruby bit the inside of her cheek and sighed.
“This picture is…from a time. A different time…” Weiss's jaw drops and looks down at the picture. She turns to the next page, but Ruby lunges at the book. “No!”
Ruby snatched the book out of Weiss’s hands, but a photograph fell out before Ruby could catch it. Weiss picks it up and sees herself kissing Ruby. Weiss blushes and looks at Ruby, who is hiding behind her hood and crying.
“You weren’t supposed to see that!” Ruby sobbed.
“Ruby…” Weiss whispers. “Explain…please…” Ruby lowers her head and sits at the kitchen table.
“I am…”
“I know you are from a different time,” Weiss interjects. “I got that from the picture and the library.” Weiss points at the picture. “Explain why you are here and how I can be in this time and the one here.”
“Where- When I’m from, I got to meet you,” Ruby solemnly whispers. “We had some trouble at first, but we grew close.” Ruby smiles as she continues. “Time passed and we began dating. It was lovely.” Ruby’s expression changed and her face grew dark. “And then…the tumor in your head appeared.” Ruby points at the picture in Weiss’s hand. “That’s…from our last date before you had to go into chemo.”
“I’m…sorry that happened,” Weiss mumbles. She walks up to Ruby and gives her a hug. Ruby held back tears and hugged Weiss back.
“When you passed, I was looking for some information for your funeral and I found out that you were here.” Ruby let’s go of Weiss. “In this time. I thought I was crazy, but I was also desperate. I studied time and reincarnation, and I found out that you and your family reincarnated every century. That means I could see you.” Ruby took Weiss’s hand. “I traveled here…”
“To date me again?” Weiss asks and Ruby shakes her head.
“To get more time…” Ruby mumbles. “More time to hug you. More time to laugh with you.” Ruby puts Weiss’s hand to her forehead. “More time…to get a chance to actually say goodbye.”
They stood there in silence and Weiss’s hand began to tremble as she took in the weight of Ruby’s words. “I’m sorry I didn’t visit you the night you died!” Ruby wails as her face grows wet with tears. “I regret it everyday!” Ruby began to sob into Weiss’s shoulder.
Ruby’s sobs stop as she feels something soft on the top of her head. She recognized this touch. This sensation. She looks up to see Weiss blushing and smiling. “You kissed me…” Ruby gasped. Weiss cups Ruby’s cheek and brings her lips to Ruby’s. Ruby wrapped her hand around Weiss’s head and brought her closer. Ruby’s heartbeat slowed down as she stroked Weiss’s hair. Ruby pressed her finger onto the side of Weiss’s neck and Weiss’s breath quickened. Weiss lets go and Ruby apologizes. “Sorry…I just used to do that when I kissed you…”
“It’s okay,” Weiss assures as she wraps her arms around Ruby’s waist. “I liked it.”
Weiss pecks the tip of Ruby’s nose and whispers, “Stay here with me.”
“I want to…” Ruby whispers back as she kisses Weiss’s neck. “But I have a sister who’s waiting for me”.
“Then I’ll go with you,” Weiss says. Ruby froze and looked at Weiss. “You said the past will always correct itself, no matter what you do to it. It should be safe for me to go with you then.” Ruby tears up once again and hugs Weiss tightly.
“Let’s do it,” Ruby whispers. “I want to stay with you…”
“I want to stay with you as well,” Weiss agrees. “And I forgive you for not coming that night.”
“Thank you…” Ruby smiles and kisses Weiss once more.
“I love you, Ruby.”
“I love you more, Weiss.”
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walpywalpy · 11 months
WhiteRose Week 2023: Day 2
A Dance of Flowers and Snow | Homecoming
“No no! Put the table there! I want this area completely cleared!” Weiss ordered, and the two students moved the table away. She looked at the surrounding area with pride. The round tables were placed neatly around the cafeteria. The middle area was completely cleared. Golden banners were flying between the pillars of the cafeteria. At the entrance, there was a black carpet with a beautiful golden arch over it. The windows were covered in black and golden drapes. At the center of the cafeteria was a large golden chandelier. ‘It’s perfect,’ Weiss thought.
“Weiss!” Ruby screamed out as she burst into the cafeteria. “There you are!” Ruby hugged Weiss.
“Is everything okay, Ruby,” Weiss asks as she hugs Ruby back.
“You weren’t in class so I got worried,” Ruby says.
“There’s no need to worry, Ruby,” Weiss affirms. “I was merely getting the decorations ready for the homecoming dance next week.”
“The what?” Ruby asks. Weiss sighs and turns to show the room to Ruby.
“The homecoming dance,” Weiss repeated “I used to have a lot of these back in Altas. I was happy to hear that Beacon held one every year.”
“Oh, a dance,” Ruby grumbled. “Doesn’t sound that much fun.” Weiss gasps and shakes her head disapprovingly.
“Ruby, this dance is going to be a great way for students to connect with each other,” Weiss explains. “I think it can help you too, so you must start looking for a partner for the dance. I will not have a leader who can’t connect with others.” Ruby groans and walks out of the cafeteria.
“She sounds just like Dad,” Ruby complained. “How am I going to find a partner?” Ruby pulled her hood over her head as she thought about it. Did she have to dance? If she had to, then who would she want to dance with?
Preferably no one, really. But then she had a thought. Why not take someone who probably hasn’t gone to a dance?
Ruby went off to find Penny in hopes of her accepting to be Ruby’s dance partner. She found her sitting at a cafe with some sort of straw hat on. “Penny!” Ruby exclaimed as she waved. Penny waved back as she made her way to Ruby. Penny gave her a massive hug, causing the air in Ruby’s lungs to fly out. Penny let go, leaving Ruby in a breathing frenzy.
“It’s so nice to see you, Ruby!” Penny cheered.
“Nice to see you too, Penny,” Ruby gasps. Ruby regains her composure and takes Penny’s hand. “I was wondering if you’d like to go with me to the dance next week.”
Penny smiles, but the smile fades almost as fast as it formed. “Sorry, Ruby,” Penny mumbles. “Dad needs me back in Atlus. He wants to make sure I am combat-ready.” Ruby whimpered and Penny hugged her.
“It’s okay,” Ruby assures. “I’ll find someone else. Also, what’s the hat for?” Penny leans in and whispers.
“Magnet.” Ruby nods and hugs Penny again. Penny smiles at Ruby softly and Ruby returns the smile. Ruby waves goodbye and walks off.
‘Well, that’s Penny off the list,’ Ruby thinks. She walked back to Beacon, but she still had no clear answer. JNPR were clearly taking each other to the dance. Blake is most likely taking Yang or Sun, so she’s out of the question. So who can she—
Weiss crashes into her and drops rolls of fabric. “Ruby!” Weiss growled.
“Oh, sorry,” Ruby apologized. “Here, let me help.”
They both crouched down and hit their heads together, causing both of them to fall backward. “Great,” Weiss grumbles. “Ruby, be careful, please. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
“Yeah, sorry,” Ruby says. Ruby picked up some of the rolls and gave them to Weiss.
“Have you found a date for the dance?”
Date?! That’s what this is?! Ruby wasn’t anticipating something so intimate. Her cheeks grew red as she thought about it. Weiss caught what she said and blushed as well. “Forgive me, I didn’t mean to say date,” Weiss apologizes. “Sorry for giving it so much weight.” Ruby hides behind her hood.
“It’s okay,” Ruby mumbles. “I haven’t found a partner yet.”
“I was afraid of that,” Weiss says. “Follow me. Take this.”
Weiss passes Ruby a roll, and Ruby follows her into the cafeteria. They enter and Ruby sticks close to Weiss. Weiss takes Ruby’s roll and gives it to a student who walks away. “This dance means a lot to me,” Weiss explains. “That is why I want you to have a partner for this.”
“Weiss, I’m sorry but I can’t find anyo—” Weiss cuts her off.
“I know, which is why I’ll be your partner,” Weiss claims. Ruby’s eyes widen and she blushes. She frowns as she realizes that she never considered Weiss for the dance. “It will be a great dance, so I want to practice tomorrow.”
“Dancing, you dolt.”
“One two, Ruby,” Weiss says as she demonstrates the waltz. “It’s that simple. Now join me.” Ruby sighs and takes Weiss’s hand. At first, the waltz was going well, but that all came crashing down as Ruby stepped on Weiss’s foot, causing Ruby to fall. Weiss catches her and sighs. “Ruby, follow my lead. Please,” Weiss nags. “My patience is beginning to run thin.” Ruby apologizes and takes Weiss’s hand again. Weiss shook her head and let go. “That’s enough for today. If we continue, I won’t be able to walk by tomorrow.”
“Sorry,” Ruby mumbles. Weiss pinches the bridge of her nose and sighs. Ruby sits down on the floor and uses her hood to hide her face.
“Just have fun tomorrow, okay?” Weiss insists, and Ruby nods without lifting her gaze. “I’m going to bed. Goodnight.”
Ruby watches Weiss solemnly walk to her bed and wrap herself in the blanket. Ruby takes a deep breath and looks at the time. 12:03 in the morning. She bit her lip and decided what she had to do next. She silently walked out of the room and walked to the bathroom. She closes her eyes and lifts her arms.
“One two, Ruby,” she says to herself. She focuses on her footwork and realizes that she’s doing it. She smiles, but it comes too soon as she slips and falls backward. She groaned through her gritted teeth and continued until she got it down. When she had the footwork down to a tee, she cheered and looked at the time.
4:28?! Ruby bursts out of the restroom and dashed to her bed. ‘Weiss is gonna kill me if she finds out!’ Ruby thought to herself. Ruby closed her eyes right, hoping that it would knock her to sleep. Luckily for her, the time spent practicing caught up to her and she dozed off to sleep.
“Ruby, wake up!”
Ruby jumped up and hit Weiss in the head. “You have to stop doing that!” Weiss shouts as she rubs her forehead. Ruby laughs nervously.
“Sorry, Weiss,” Ruby mumbles.
“Forget it! Get up!”
“The dance is in an hour!”
Ruby’s eyes widen and jumps down her bunk bed. “I’m so sorry, Weiss!” Ruby cried out. “We won’t be late, I promise!”
“Can’t believe we made it in time,” Ruby says as she runs into the cafeteria with a giant red frilly dress and black high heels (Weiss’s choice, not hers). She looks over at Weiss, who is panting for air after the sprint. Ruby blushes as she looks at her beautiful blue and white dress.
Weiss was gorgeous. She was the prettiest girl in the room. “Ruby.” Ruby breaks her trance and catches Weiss looking at her with red cheeks. “Let’s sit and have some food.”
“Shouldn’t we dance first?” Ruby asks.
“I didn’t think you would want to,” Weiss claims. “Plus, we won’t do well.”
“I’ll do it because you want to,” Ruby assures. She takes Weiss’s hands and smiles at her. “I expect my partner to be able to dance when asked to.” Weiss smiles and walks with Ruby to the dance floor.
Ruby took Weiss’s hand gently in hers and wrapped her hand around her waist. Ruby pulled Weiss closer, which caused Weiss’s face to glow red. They started their dance with some simple and slow footwork. “You’re doing great, Ruby,” Weiss assures. Ruby smiles as her face glows. Then came the hard part of the waltz. Ruby took a deep breath and looked at Weiss with determined eyes. She followed each step to perfection. She carried Weiss and spun her slowly. Weiss took her hand and spun her once and then twice. The dance ended with Ruby leaning backward and Weiss looking down at her.
“You did it, Ruby!” Weiss laughs, and Ruby follows her laughter. They’re laughter subsides as they realize how close their faces are to each other. They both turn red, but neither of them moves. Ruby glanced down at Weiss’s lips and back at her eyes. Weiss cradled Ruby’s head and brought her closer. Ruby felt Weiss’s soft, rhythmic breath on her cheeks. Ruby closed her eyes and brought her lips to hers. Weiss brought Ruby back up and cupped her cheeks. Their lips parted away from each other and they looked at each other.
“That was something…that happened,” Weiss whispers. Ruby giggles and looks around the room. Her eyes widen and her cheeks grow red as she sees the rest of the school staring at them.
“We may sort of have an audience,” Ruby mumbles. Weiss looks and smirks.
“Ignore them,” Weiss assures. “This is our moment.” Ruby’s smile returned.
“Yeah, you’re right.”
Ruby grabbed Weiss’s shoulders and kisses her once more.
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walpywalpy · 11 months
WhiteRose Week 2023: Day 7
Partners Against Crime | Secret Identities
Ruby climbed to the top of the building and got onto the rooftop. She took off her mask and leaned on the ledge. “You let him get away, Ruby!” she scolds herself. She sighs and looks at the sunset. Was there better than being a hero? Better than laying her life for people who don’t care the next week? Maybe she should quit?
A body flies onto the rooftop and Ruby puts her mask back on. She looks at the unconscious body and it was the criminal who got away. “You’re so sloppy,” someone says behind her. Ruby turns and sees her hero idol. “Crescent Rose, correct?” the woman says.
“Y-yes,” Ruby says. “You’re Myrtenaster.”
“Yes,” Myrtenaster says. She takes off her mask. “I prefer Weiss Schnee.”
Ruby almost collapses as she sees Weiss’s face. “You just revealed yourself!” Ruby exclaims as she approaches Weiss. “You’re not supposed to do that. That’s superhero 101.” Weiss looks at Ruby with a disappointed face and walks in a circle around her. Ruby watches Weiss inspect her. From the bottom of her black boots to her red cape to her red mask and hood.
“That’s a bit of childish thinking,” Weiss says and Ruby blushes in shame.
“Sorry,” Ruby sighs and takes off her mask. “I’m still in training.” Weiss’s eyes widen for a moment, but she goes back to her usual demeanor. “My uncle is teaching me. You may have seen him.”
“Harbinger, correct?”
“Yeah,” Ruby answers. “He’s so much better than me.” Ruby sits on the ledge and stares at the city. Weiss sits by her and hesitantly places her hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “Sometimes I wonder how my uncle does it. Does he ever let the criminal get away?” Ruby clenches her hands and looks down the building. “He’s got powers. I don’t. I try my best but…” Weiss takes off one of her silver gloves and passes it to Ruby. Ruby takes it, but almost drops it how cold it is.
“Sorry,” Weiss says. “Ice powers.” Ruby sighs and looks at the gloves. “At least, that’s what I tell everyone.” Weiss takes Ruby’s hand. Ruby feels the warmth of Weiss’s hand, and she looks at Weiss with wide eyes. “I’m like you. That’s why I came here.”
“I thought it was for the guy in the back,” Ruby says. Weiss smiles softly and clasps Ruby’s hand tighter.
“Maybe a bit of that too,” Weiss adds. “I came because I found someone like me.” Weiss picks Ruby up. “Want to see how I get around?” Ruby nods with glee on her face.
Weiss goes to pick up the criminal and puts him on her back. “Let’s go,” she says. Using her silver glove, she makes an ice path from on building to the other. Weiss gets on the bridge and reaches out for Ruby. Ruby looks at the bridge and looks back at Weiss nervously. “It’s safe. I can promise you that.” Ruby takes a deep breath and takes Weiss’s hand. “Hold on tight. This may get a bit fast.”
“I like fast,” Ruby brags and Weiss rolls her eyes.
“Okay, speedster. Let’s see how you handle it.”
Weiss slides quickly from building to another and Ruby clings on to Weiss’s arm. “Okay! This is too fast!!!” Weiss smirks and stops at the tallest building in the city. Ruby begins panting, trying to slow down her heart.
“Do you like the view?” Weiss asks. Ruby looks up and sees most beautiful view of the city with the lights illuminating the dark sky. “I come here to think,” Weiss explains as she puts down the criminal and she sits down on the edge of the building. “I have been thinking a lot lately.” Ruby sits down next to Weiss.
“About what?” Ruby asks. Weiss looks at Ruby and smiles. Ruby blushes and looks away.
“Do you want to be my partner?” Weiss asks and Ruby turns back to Weiss. “I believe that the powerless could make a big impact. I’ve been studying your methods of dealing with crime. It’s merciless yet kind. I need someone like that watching my six.”
“I just follow your example,” Ruby says. “You’re such an inspiration to me. I thought you were so much better than me.”
“Am I?” Weiss asks.
“Definitely,” Ruby compliments. Weiss frowns and lies down.
“You have to give yourself credit, Ruby.” Weiss takes off her other glove and throws it in the air. She catches it and throws it back in the air. “You may be sloppy, but you’re not someone that should lack praise.” Weiss catches her glove and sits up. “So, what’s your answer to my proposal?”
“I don’t think it will work. I don’t have powers,” Ruby explains. Weiss smacks the top of Ruby’s head and Ruby clutches her head.
“Are you going to let me do that to you? Are you going to let anyone do that to you?” Weiss asks, and Ruby shakes her head. “Then put on my glove and become my partner.” Ruby looks at Weiss and then back at the glove she forgot was in her hand.
“If we’re doing this, let me pick the team name,” Ruby proposes. Weiss shrugs and Ruby smiles as she puts the glove on. Weiss smiles and Ruby shakes her hand. “To White Rose.”
“That sounds ridiculous,” Weiss says. “I was thinking Ice Flower.” Ruby glares at Weiss and Weiss sighs. “Which is more ridiculous.” Ruby smiles.
“So White Rose?”
“White Rose.”
Ruby pumps her gloved fist in the and cheers. “Crescent Rose and Myrtenaster going to save this city!” Weiss holds back her laugh and shakes her head.
“I was right. You are childish.”
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Taking a job at a maid cafe, and doing a cutesy little sister act for paying customers? Easy! Trying to control her own feelings around Weiss? Not so much! @white-rose-week
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