#wr600 dbh
vampcubus · 2 years
So, like, out of nowhere, I got an idea and then I saw your requests were open so AAAAAAH I had to come and give you an ask. Anyway— Only if you can, could you write headcanons for DBH Connor, Markus, Rupert, Simon and Ralph with, like, different ways you make them smile? Gender neutral reader maybe? Obv you don’t have to include all the characters, I’d be excited just to see you responded to me, but I was just feeling a good vibe today and felt like popping in for a hot second LOVE YOU sorry if this was kinda all over the place, I’m running off of 2 hours of sleep, McDonald’s and a Pepsi.
characters: connor, markus, rupert, simon, and ralph.
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Connor (RK800)
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— Most humans are indifferent or straight-up rude to Connor because he’s an android, so he doesn’t have much basis for comparison. This means all you really have to do is be nice to him and he’s enamored.
— “Would you give the poor guy a break, he’s just trying to help,” you snapped at Hank when he was giving Connor a hard time the first day you met at the station, before going back to angrily typing on your terminal. 
— The Lieutenant waved you off but Connor’s curiosity was piqued. Most humans refer to androids as “it”, and the fact that you didn’t was intriguing to him.
— Treat him like he’s human. Even the little things, like asking if he wants a drink- even if you know androids don’t eat or drink, it’s the fact that you ask anyways that has him smiling stupidly. Tell him to get home safe, ask if he’s feeling alright, and invite him out somewhere. Making Connor feel wanted without him necessarily having to do anything to earn it is a surefire way to have him smiling in your direction—especially when you aren’t looking.
— Kissing him is a given since he’s obsessed with it. Peck his cheek or the corner of his lips as you pass by and you’ll have him smiling at you over his shoulder with that lovesick puppy dog look.
— It takes a long time for Connor to grasp jokes, so puns and humorous jabs will only get you a confused head tilt in response. But he likes your laugh so if you’re giggling trying to get your joke out he can’t help but beam at you.
— The first time you held his hand was on a case you were assigned together, a suspect veered around the corner and you tugged him by the hand behind a dumpster to avoid detection. You’d been too focused on the suspect to realize you were still holding his hand but Connor noticed.  You didn’t see the way his LED flashed yellow as he inspected your joined hands, fascinated by the sight of your pretty fingers laced between his own. And when you turn to find him smiling at you, you realize your mistake, apologizing profusely.
— So a big fan of hand-holding, please do it more often, the corners of his mouth can’t help but twitch upwards when you do.
— GRINS LIKE A MENACE WHEN YOU STAND UP TO PEOPLE FOR HIM. People are jerks and while Connor tends to just brush them off, sometimes you can’t and you match their energy right back at them. And Connor likes it very much, can’t help but get smug knowing he’s untouchable around you because you’ll gladly throw hands to defend his honor. Will hold you back if things get physical, however.
— If someone were to insult him too harshly he would just say “Y/n will be hearing about this 😌” 
— Everyone at the station knows to fuck off unless they want an angry chihuahua biting at their ankles. Gavin tests your patience and Connor is very entertained watching the two of you bicker over him.
— When you tilt his chin up to look at you when he’s overwhelmed, asking for him to talk to you. And when he can’t find the words, you pull him into your arms and let him press his face into your neck for comfort, telling him he’s gonna be alright. You hold him until you feel him smile against your clavicle and his LED flickers back to blue.
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Markus (RK200)
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— You were a big help during the revolution, hiding runaway deviants and sending them to Jericho. It was only natural that you ended up spending a lot of time together and eventually falling in love, despite your differences. Loves that you treat him like a person and are so kind to his people. They’ve suffered so much at the hands of humans, and it’s you that reassures him that not all humans are incapable of being enlightened. 
— Smiles at you from a distance as you care for the damaged androids in Jericho, knowing they’re safe in your caring hands. You do what you can with the supplies you’re able to swipe, and offer comfort to those who are too far gone.
— Markus likes to share his interests with you. If you ever wanted to paint with him, he’d be overjoyed, just being in the zone and then being able to look over at you and see you so focused on your creation. Sit down next to him while he’s at the piano and lean against him while he plays. Let him teach you to play. Let him move your hands to the correct positions, and listen to his soft voice guiding you through keys and their correspondences.
— Loves when you cook together, though the majority of the time you’re distracted by one another and doing more smooching and dancing than paying attention to the stove. Say hello to slightly overcooking stuff because you were too busy tongue-wrestling with your android boyfriend.
— Markus smiles the most when you somehow exactly when he needs comfort, and do so without hesitation. It’s like you’re able to see his stress levels, which he knows is impossible, but it makes him no less impressed with your emotional intelligence. You really are his grounding force, and when he’s ever uncertain or lost, he knows he can come to you.
— You two have a bit of a habit of lovingly bullying one another at every opportunity, and he loves that you can keep up.
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Rupert Travis (WB200)
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— Rupert doesn’t trust humans easily, but showing affection for birds will draw him to you. Maybe you frequent the same park and he often sees you feeding birds—maybe you even have a bird of your own! His Pigeons are his babies, so if you’re kind to them, you’re being kind to him by extension.
— When you finally get past the walls Rupert built to protect himself from being detected and deactivated, you’ll find that he’s very sweet. Still quiet, but you can see that he wants to be close to you. If he catches you baby-talking to his birds he can’t help but grin.
— Smiles when you tip the bill of his hat up so you can see his eyes, and practically beams if you lean in to kiss him. He’s… so soft ugh. He’s shy about reciprocation at first, his model was programmed primarily for agriculture, so romantic gestures are outside his realm of expertise. He does enjoy your gentle touch, however, so much so that he seeks it out when he requires comfort. Sometimes all he wants is for you to wrap him in your arms and let him lie there, you don’t even need to speak.
— if you go out somewhere together (which will take convincing, especially before the revolution) he sticks to your side and keeps his head down, he needs your shoulders to be touching or your hand to grip as you traverse food stalls and aisles in the grocery store. But if you whisper little jokes or sweet nothings to him he can’t help but smile softly at you.
— Rupert likes to listen to you talk, he doesn’t have loads to add to a conversation but he’s a great listener. And if you trail off thinking you’re talking his ear off he’ll ask you something else to get you going again.
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Simon (PL600)
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— Simon feels things very deeply, lending an ear when he needs to talk makes him comfortable with you. He feels he doesn’t have to keep up a brave face with you like he does to reassure the others in Jericho, he knows you’ll listen and understand. He’s very grateful when you help him work through new emotions, seeing as you’ve experienced many of those being a human and all.
— Saying thank you when he inevitably does things around the house for you once you settle into domesticity, being thanked for things is still quite new to Simon. It feels good to be appreciated and treated like he’s a living being.
— If you thought being thanked wasn’t enough to give him whiplash receiving gifts certainly will be! If you’re the artistic type, make him something and tell him that he inspires you. The prospect of being your muse makes him feel very special, and the fact that you’re always thinking of him and what he’d want makes him feel even more in love with you.
— You’ll often catch Simon gazing at you with that soft smile while you’re doing everyday things, even though he offers to take care of housework you insist on sharing responsibilities. “You’re my boyfriend, not my maid, we’ll do it together.” It’s then when he realizes just how serious you are about your relationship and he wants to cry he’s so happy.
— Smiles at you when he catches you staring with that loving look in your eyes.
— Has to bite back a grin every time you refer to him as your lover to other people, especially if it confuses them and you say “Yes my boyfriend is an android, is that a problem?” Your confidence is usually enough for people to awkwardly drop the subject, but the few who have pressed get the cold shoulder very quickly.
— He’s proud to be yours, so he enjoys it when you reinforce the idea.
— Simon very much enjoys being called pet names, by the way, call him honey, sweetheart, baby— makes him melt into a puddle every time. Watch his eyes soften and his cheeks fill with blue blood as you call him the sweetest things, he appreciates them, no matter how silly they become.
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Ralph (WR600)
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— Humans have terrorized Ralph and his psyche has suffered greatly because of it, so for you to be kind to him after all of that seems too good to be true. But when you look upon him with so much affection and treat him with so much care Ralph can’t bring himself to rip himself away from you. You who see him as a person, and not a machine.
— Ralph is always happy to see you, and the moment you walk through the door he’s practically beaming and jumping for joy. Your presence is a comfort to him once he is no longer afraid of you. While Ralph is glad to be “free” he gets very lonely and craves companionship, like you saw with Kara and Alice he wants to be a part of a family—even if he initially went about it the wrong way.
— He smiles the widest when you ask him if he wants to live with you, because of course he does. The idea of being a part of your life, being able to see you every day? He couldn’t imagine anything better than that. And when you drive it home that you want him to be safe, he gets a little teary. Reminding him that you care makes him smile like nothing else.
— He’s so happy when you help him around the little garden he grew outside your now shared home. He talks to the plants like they understand him and will melt if you do the same. Ralph loves that you’d try to participate in his hobby, even if you aren’t all that into gardening, he appreciates your help and your company. Buy him new plants as gifts, please!!! He accepts them so graciously and cradles the pot close like he’s made a new friend, murmuring to himself about where he wants to plant it.
— Compliment him! He flusters at any and all praise, shuffling in place and smiling ear to ear when you say nice things to him. Say thank you- or kiss him in thanks when he cooks for you or cleans up around the place, he loves the validation.
— Surprise hugs! Ralph is jumpy, but surprising him with hugs and affection is a good way to start making positive associations. He may gripe a little if he accidentally spills or knocks something over in his fright but if you go to pull away he grabs your arm, “Don’t go.” Once he’s grown used to your shenanigans doing this will make him laugh.
— You’re shocked to find that Ralph is ticklish, which is amazing to you, how technology is able to replicate such human sensations. So naturally you tickle him more. You’ll have him wheezing and writhing around in no time, begging half-heartedly for mercy. How could youuuuu. He absolutely will get revenge so watch out, he’s stronger than you so it’s harder to escape from his tickling onslaught. He laughs if you laugh so it’s a win-win.
— Kiss all over his face and he’ll burst into giggles.
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cepsil · 1 year
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In a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is Ben Lambert and 10 is Matt Vladimery, how much you bonded with your own character?
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elusiveanomaly · 18 days
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Some WR600 portraits cause Detroit: Become Human is 6 years old now! My god does time fly.
It's been a minute since I've done Ralph and the likes — I missed 'em. I thought they were fitting in this circumstance considering what I was first known for.
((Any people here that came from my Instagram will know what I'm talking about. Let me tell ya.)) .. . .
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halstaff · 7 months
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Ralph | Three of Cups
2/2 tarot cards for @dbh-tarot
White daisy - Alice • purple Petunia - Ralph • pink Peony - Kara
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matixsstuff · 1 year
Part 10, a sudden urge to make more memes catched me today, probably because I have flu and I'm dying in my bed, stay healthy guys
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samepictureofralphdbh · 4 months
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Same picture of Ralph everyday
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The Ralph soft head cannons are just UGH perfect ❤️ like he makes my caregiver soft dom side come out. Can I request a fic of like the first time with him! And reader coddles and loves him in the deepest way possible, make him feel so safe and loved just like he deserves ❤️ ♥️
- 🦎
A/N: sorry this took a bit! I’ve been really busy recently but I’m trying to get back into posting at least every other day :)
Ralph can hardly help that he’s a huge crybaby, especially with how gently you hold him in contrast to how hard you’re fucking him <3 he tries to watch the way your cock sinks back into him but it’s so hard when tears starting brewing in the corners of his eyes, being graced with all the praise he could ever want <3
Imagine, you finally get home from work and Ralph is fiending for your touch <3 he’s been so worked up since you left, only the thought of what you would once you get home spurring him on. You don’t even have time to take your coat off before he’s on his knees begging to pleasure you, he’s close enough that he’s basically mouthing at your crotch while begging for a taste of what’s underneath <3
Baby boy is loud! And he’s unrestrained! He loves telling you how good you make him feel <3 Ralph sounds almost pornographic at times, he’s nearly sobbing at every little thing you do to him, you could probably get him to cum just like that before getting even slightly close to his pretty flushed dick <3
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rking200 · 1 month
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Ralph in the camp. Some of these I made in other sizes. Check those out the Ralph Page of my Gif Archive
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sokadrawws · 4 months
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feel him so damn well...
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clopinasworld · 5 months
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"Connor, the fuck are you doing? Did you find something?" "No... No, it's not here..." "Yeah, just like I said in the first place... C'mon, let's get outta here." • ✦ • "Thanks." "Protect the little girl... The humans must not find her."
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vampcubus · 2 years
your ralph headcannons are my kryptonite, i love them so much. Could you do kiss head cannons with ralph or connor? pretty please !
a/n: why not… BOTH. on my knees begging for forgiveness it’s been months I’m so sorry, I hope this is adequate!
also if y’all want more dbh characters for this prompt I’m game 👀 just ask
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KISS HCS | ralph & connor
Ralph (WR600)
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— a shy but enthusiastic kisser! the very first time you kiss him you think you did something wrong because he immediately starts to cry, but it’s happy tears I promise! You must forgive Ralph, he’s so easily overwhelmed by emotion.
— While Ralph definitely isn’t shy about asking for kisses after he’s grown used to it, he’s still the type to stare at your lips and get all flustered when you catch him looking. You can only grin and lean in extra close, lips a hair away from his before you ask him if he perhaps 👉👈 wants a kiss. And he always shudders, before muttering a “yes please.”
— honestly way too fucking cute, always gets what he wants from you- often with just a pitiful look.
— His favorite way to kiss you is softly, slowly, and sickeningly sweetly. The kind you pull away from and just stare at each other afterwards with that lovesick puppy look.
— Ralph will actually sob if you kiss over his scars.
— Kisses are 100% a part of his routine, a kiss hello and a kiss goodbye at the very least, and if you forget he will chase you out the door for his kiss he don’t play.
— And if you haven’t been smooching him as often he will overthink and assume he’s surely done something wrong to not deserve them. Imagine your surprise when you come home and he’s throwing himself at you, sobbing and begging you to tell him what he’s done wrong. And you cup his coolant-stained face and ask him what could possibly make him think you’re upset with him, he says “W-well you didn’t kiss me goodbye today and-“
— Please don’t skimp on smooches please he’s sensitive.
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Connor (RK800)
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— Connor might be a little obsessed with kissing, and you absolutely tease him about it.
— and he always says the most endearing shit in response like “I like kissing you 🥺” which is reason enough to marry this man on sight.
— The first time you kissed Connor you thought you broke him, because he was so still and just stared when you pulled away, as if in a trance. As if you’d just changed his whole world— and you did! His hands catch your face before it strays too far and his lips are on yours again. You don’t remember how long you spent on the roof kissing him in the pouring rain but you remember how breathless you felt walking back to your apartment that night, lips bruised and tingling.
— Your favorite part about kissing Connor has to be the longing look he gives you every time you pull away, more often than not his lips chase yours and drag you back into a vicious cycle of sharing spit in places you absolutely SHOULDN’T be sucking face. You’ve been told to get a room by Hank at too many crime scenes.
— You were never big on PDA before entering a relationship with Connor, but the android had a way of drawing you in and getting you into trouble way too easily. Too often you didn’t even remember who leaned in first, or what you were doing before he was sighing into your mouth and smiling against your lips.
— Connor is a big fan of tongue-kissing too, he really can’t help it. Mans is obsessed with tasting you. His tongue is a strange texture but it’s hardly a deterrent when you’ve got him pressed between your warm body and the wall of an alley and his hands are everywhere. Lightly tug his bottom lip between your teeth and he’s lost to the world, groaning out loud. It drives him crazy.
— He’s definitely partial to kissing your lips, but he’ll leave soft kisses to your forehead or the back of your shoulder when he passes by. Doesn’t realize he does it most of the time.
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senorpugbean · 7 months
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"If I keep believing, maybe I'll be free" -AURORA "You keep me crawling"
Hi imma be spamming some Kara artworks for the next 12 days (because my birthday:3)
I will be feeding the Kara simps for almost 2 weeks
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Detroit: Become Human -> Androids being abused by humans
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sh-haashi · 1 year
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series of screens for subscribers (2021)
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halstaff · 8 months
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#15 Dagger
“Wanna learn how to skin one o’ these?”
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