#ww rover
Wuthering Waves is coming out in less than a week and I watched the opening cinematic [ Set Sail ] one more time. Goodness me it's a fucking treat.
Even if you won't play Wuthering Waves, please watch the cinematic! I promise it's worth your while.
Just a lil TW for flashing lights.
Ramblings and pics under the cut~
Male Rover is featured cuz I'm picking him but they have a version with Female Rover too!
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> this establishing shot is so fucking pretty
> that lil space vortex thingy is so bright and eye-catching but it's off to the side so the characters are in the middle and you end up focusing there
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> hello Lucia hgjdjdkdfjkdksksk
> i don't mind them reusing face models like this honestly
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> the particle effects!!!
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> so she gave us the Tacet mark
> on a side note i need to read the lore on how resonators came to be and how they get their Tacet marks
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> the initial smile tells me that she knows Rover can handle the path they will take but!!!
> she also knows it wont be easy
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> casting Rover off to start the adventure
> fckin hell man this is so beautiful and emotional
> this is her send-off for Rover
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> another bout of second-guessing and worry
> lady hasn't even said a single word but i get the vibe she's compassionate and that she trusts thst Rover will overcome the challenges
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> sound waves, frequencies
> kinda like and acid trip lmao
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> Rover swims up and surfaces
> love the expressions
> the camera work on how it panned out to give the reveal was 😩✨✨
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> bro what a fucking entrance to your new world and new adventure
> a whole ass ocean over the sky
> also, literally setting sail cuz Rover is cast off into the sea
> something something creation myths starting in seas/oceans something something Rover literally popping up from the ses idk i think there's some symbolism there but im not smart enough to figure it outtttt
I love this cinematic so so much. Both sad and exciting. And I love that there's a Goddess out there looking out for Rover. It's got this whole Chosen One vibe to it but not overtly.
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starless-nightz · 24 days
Female MCs >>> Male MCs
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robilover · 6 days
Dating Female Rover headcannons? 🥺👉👈
Female Rover Dating Headcanons !
pairing(s): female rover x fem!reader
cw: purely SFW, men and homophobes dni.
a/n: first hc request! so sorry if this took a while to make </3
dating female rover is very interesting. most of the time, she can be quite nonchalant, but she brings out some jokes here and there!
it’s either you laugh at her jokes or cringe— it doesn’t really matter to her. she loves your every reaction to her jokes.
she can be protective but she knows her limit since you’re also a person who has her own life.
a bit of a flirt. if you do return the flirtation, she would sometimes be caught off guard. she immediately recovers though, and returns it again to see your face flush because of her. she would smile proudly right after.
female rover is a green flag. that’s it.
...but she does like to tease you every now and then, just to see you blush and stutter around her. she knows when to stop though.
she always tells you where she’s heading; whether it may be going out with yangyang and chixia, fight tacet discords, or even help people in jinzhou. however, if you wanted to go with her, she wouldn’t mind since she loves your company. just, keep a safe distance when she fights the tacet discords. she wouldn’t want to see you get hurt.
when she is in the middle of a fight against tacet discords, she always asks either yangyang or chixia, or anyone who tags along, to watch over you to keep you safe.
in the corner of her eye, during fights, she would notice you getting all blushy and wide-eyed. it’s like a booster for her, as she feels determined to finish them off since she knows that her beloved girlfriend is watching her fight. she knows that you admire her a lot.
female rover isn’t so much of a woman who is into physical touch, but she doesn’t mind holding your hand in public or hugging you in public. you just have to ask!
she would sometimes get embarrassed if chixia points out how lovey-dovey you both are. you could already see the faint blush on her cheeks as she jokingly tells chixia to mind her own business.
however, if you are someone who is not fond of showing affection in public, she respects your boundaries. after all, she doesn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.
in private, she loves to cuddle you. she doesn’t really notice that she’s already giving you her puppy eyes when she asks for cuddles.
she’s always the big spoon, but she doesn’t really mind being the small spoon! whatever cuddling position you want, even if you’re taller or shorter, she doesn’t care as long as you’re in her arms. <3
she loves to kiss you on your forehead. to her, it’s like a promise that she’ll always be there for you and that she will never leave you.
when hugging or cuddling, she would be quite confused when you bury your face into her chest. however, she finds it endearing.
she likes to pull you on her lap just so she could take in your scent. her arms tightly wrapped around your waist as she occasionally presses fleeting kisses on your nape or even your shoulders. also on your cheek because she loves to hear you giggle.
all in all, female rover always ensures your safety, makes sure that you’re loved and cared for, also protected since she’s a strong woman! very strong woman <33
another a/n: you can tell how much I love female rover🔥🔥
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evernight-beat · 11 days
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happy pride month theyre t4t (gay dude who picked fem rover bc the design is cuter)
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tragicdruid · 20 days
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androgynous king. he's so pretty....
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oh-my-may · 6 days
Hi it's me. Finished playing main quest in Wuthering Waves so lemme give you a few thoughts on it, and development with the game in general.
First of all I like the length of the main quests so far. Long enpugh to tell the story in proper parts that feel concluded, but short enough to not lose my attention. Overall gameplay for me for most parts of the story so far was like 2 hours I think? Very good length.
The final chapter focused more on Jiyan and the Threnodian more so than the Fractsidus, since their active involvement kinda came to a stop when Scar got arrested. They focused a lot on them in the previous chapter so that was alright with me. They'll save mlre important stuff for later, which is totally alright with me.
Something that WuWa does that I really like is giving us complete trial teams for certain parts of the story, so it felt even more immersive going thrpugh the battlefield with Rover, Jiyan, YangYang and Jianxin. Still a big fan of the combat in this game, I wonder what future characters are gonna be like gameplay wise and how they'll influence the playstyle and meta.
I like that we get scraps of Rover's identity and backstory pretty early on. They make it no secret that Rover woke up on the world before and had a previous life? And also the girl who wakes Rover up/gives them life or so in the very forst scene in game being explained pretty early on is very helpful. I wonder where they will take this story.
Also love Aalto and Encore. Kinda a sucker for quirky child with adult extroverted guy as their guardian who do shenanigens together. They were very fun.
The story boss fights don't feel too hard, which is very nice for someone like me who is only slowly getting a hang of the battle gameplay on mobile. Still have a problem coordinating my exact thumb placement at times. Me problem.
Final boss was cool. Havoc MC is very cool, too. Just MC on general. Still haven't taken her off my team, probably won't for a while. Slays with either Spectro or Havoc. Very refreshing. In hyv games I dropped MC at around level 50 and only took them again later (genshin with dendro and hsr with harmony now).
I'm quite curious to see where else they'll take the story now. The threat of the Threnodian is quelled (for now?) so the one enemy we have remaining is the Fractsidus. There's also the Black Shores ofc, who seem to know A LOT about the world and Rover'a origin. Very funny how I first thpught Chamellya was with the Fractsidus. Must have been the colour palette lol. Loved her though, but I'm curious to find out what her deal is and what she wants from us. They did tell us a few basic informations about Rovers origin and backstory, but its still very little.
There is still Jinhsi and the missing Jue. She will be playablw next patch and apparently Jue will be a new boss? Curious to see where this will go.
Thid leads me to talk a bit about current changes to the game. Because of certain improvements the devs want to implemdnt sonner rather than later they have pushed forward content by 1 week and already gave us Yinlin banner and second phase events. I understand that to a certain extend but I was really worried I wasn't gonna be able to pull Jiyan in time 😭 SO I decided to pull then and there and got an early, which was Jianxin. Wasn't gonna complain but I was kinda losing hope. Jiyan came through for me at like 40 pulls. This game has blessed me with lots of early 5stars until now. Idk if I'll get Yinlin, her gameplay is really cool tho. Gonna take some time to think. Bit since I habe decided to take WuWa more casually than hsr and genshin, where I am careful with who I pull for, I might just make a few pulls on her banner and see what happens.
I'm now at level 31 in the game and still have basically the entire map to explore still. They have announced that controller support is gonna be a thing for mobile in future patches, which means it won't be implemented in 1.1. It's okay, though. I have gotten a good understanding of most controls now and I'm starting to level my characters and look for good builds. There's just so many layers to the character leveling, and having the bosses cost 60 waveplates for the 2 drops you get feels kinda expensive. Apparently they will work on that too? Implement a system tp save excess waveplates when you have reached full storage of them like in hsr and stuff.
Overall having good experiences with the game so far! Really looking forward to future patches, maybe I might also save for Scar? Idk.
As always, some screenshots from my gameplay!
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(btw gotta mention love how basically everyone is in love with Rover. Everyone they meet is immediately down bad. Scar, Jiyan, Yangyang, Chamellya. Jinhsi... same)
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gabbingwaves · 9 days
Just finished Act IV. Had thought.
One of my favorite things about Scar is how sometimes he'll look at the MC and his whole face will just soften, mostly and primarily because the only thing this achieves is making him 1000% creepier.
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ya-boi-ferals · 1 year
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reverberation-layla · 13 days
This notion that character design and animation in Wuthering Waves is somehow less then Genshin is ridiculous.
First off Genshin has 5 character models and 3 (maybe 4 eye) styles they reuse. Which makes total sense because it save their team a lot of time, but it also leads to a lot of characters that look the same face wise.
Wuthering Waves has unique face shapes, noses and eyes for most characters. This is just a fact, though the females can look a little samey here as well.
Listen, Genshin puts a lot in to their clothing because they don’t have a lot to fall back on in other areas, but if you’re telling me that you could tell Navia was a defacto mob boss, Lisa was a librarian or Garou (or Cyno or Kokami for that matter) are leaders of an army just by looking at them you are a fucking liar.
Gaming? He’s just a kid in street clothes that doesn’t fit in with the fantasy setting that is Genshin and he most certainly doesn’t scream lion dancer by looking at him.
You know these things because you were told these things. Let’s be honest. These characters always appear in game before banner and if not in game they are plastered over every YouTube video, livestream and drip marketing.
For fucks sake. You’d have to have your head in the sand to not anything at all about these characters before release.
Next the super special Genshin animations that take oh so long to do.
Most characters, especially outside of 5* characters (and even then some of the 5*) use the same attack animation at varying speeds. It’s noticeable in everyone, but most of all archers and lancers.
Again, it is to save time and that is understandable, but we are not going to pretend that Genshin does not recycle assets to a degree that characters are beginning to blend together visually as well as play wise. After all, you only have 3 buttons to utilize.
Buuut Layla, there is only so much you can do with a bow?!? Yeah sort of. I guess and if it was just limited to that I would understand, but it’s not. Heavy attack broadsword? Spin.
Go ahead. Tell me I am wrong. I have played Genshin and I played it for a very long time.
In comparison Aalto, Chixia, and Mortefi all feel and look different in their movements. Aalto feels and looks like he flows with the wind, Chixia playful and fast, Mortefi flashy and arrogant and it shows in their animation.
As for catalysts they too play different. Verina rides her vines on heavy attack, Baizhi uses her bird thing, and Encore literally lobs sheep.
Short swords. Everyone I have poked at is unique. Yangyang has a quick step with very purposeful moves, Spectro Rover quick finesse, Havoc Rover slow and sweeping. This also turns in to a scythe by the way. Danjin girl a mix of low and high stance and she stumbles a bit on heavy.
Broad sword. Jiyan uses both his sword and a flipping lance to fight as well as his whole body. He kicks and there is very little wasted movement. Cal I have not tried yet, but I promise you none of them heave attacks involve spin to win as is the case with every great sword user in Genshin.
The most unique characters so far in Genshin is Wrio and Heizou. Both catalysts and both punch boys. Lingyang punches and Yanwu kicks and they are both unique. Neither requires spam plummeting to play.
Lastly, Genshin recycles movement in talking cutscenes. Characters, if they have a mouth, are not visually expressive a lot of the time due to the limitations of their game. Pretending otherwise is being disingenuous.
WW has not only facial expressions, but unique animations that coincide with the words coming out of faces which have mouths, noses and sync animations.
Clothing is not personality (behavior, expression and even the way they fight is) and the characters and their designs do tell you a lot about them if you bother to actually play the game.
There are 2 known regions in this game, these characters all look like they come from one of these two places and they all fit in to the world that has been built. You shouldn’t need over the top outfits to carry your characters, but this “I can’t tell anything about them” bull shit is from people who haven’t touched the game.
Little touches like Yangyang’s feathers, Jiyan and Mertefis scales, Lingyang as a whole, Verina’s vine tail? That tells you nothing? lol
If you can’t tell anything about them by looking at them it’s because you haven’t played the game or bothered to learn about the world and thus it is a you problem and your “criticism” is invalid.
Everything can always be better and Wuthering Waves is far from perfect, but at the end of the day this shit is from Hoyo bots and it simply holds no water.
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resonatorover · 10 days
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WW . " 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞… 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐨𝐰. "
An independent + public roleplay blog of ROVER from the game WUTHERING WAVES , as viewed FIXII. REQUESTS AND INTERACTIONS [ OPEN. ]
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the gifs belong to @/sinsofsinister, the character(s) are from KURO GAMES and all rights go to them. the creative writing and specific posts however belongs to this blog's agent only.
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i. be kind; mod is open-minded. ii. discrimination of age, race, religion, sexuality or gender will not be accepted here. iii. will NOT do adult x child, or NSFW topics involving a child. [ side note: due to personal matters, updates will be sporadic. ]
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© @resonatorover do not reproduce.
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cw. fem!reader, tartaglia and shanghen fighting over you (psychotic men my beloved), self-aware characters, creampies, threesome, marking and biting, possesiveness and jealousy, dacryphilia, breeding kink, knife play, choking, dirty talk, implied fourth-wall breaking, male rover and zhongli walks in accidentally + female rover appearance
a/n. this was inspired by my own post about psychotic villainous men having their arms out while paper thingies fly around them and omg just the sheer imagination of the two of them fighting for me has me on my knees. (Now I gotta write the tags from scratch for future WW writers bcus shanghen's from a different game.)
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Tartaglia was more than just jealous at the fact you admired someone other than him. Let alone someone that’s similar but worse! His game isn’t even released and you’re already drooling over him? What does Shanghen have that he doesn’t? Was it because he manipulates fire? Maybe he’s stronger? Well, he’s more than happy to challenge the man if it means putting your attention back to him.
Not yall expecting a smut scene ahashdjasdas. Happy late april fools babes. I had to add a bit of context at the start to throw you off and to not assume this wasn't an april fools fic
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© notsodivininglover 2023. reposting, plagiarizing, translating or claiming my works are strictly forbiddened.
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cinamun · 7 months
Hey Cin! I have two wcifs. What poses did you use for the Range Rover for the freeway scene? Also, where can I find this kitchen clutter? ( dish soap and plates etc )
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Hey bestieeeeeeeeee!! So, for the freeway scene I used various sitting poses (I have some by Katverse, SamsSims and Starrysimsie) and then posed them with WW and moved them into position. Posing with WW is great if you want to be able to move your sim around. There aren't a ton of driving poses so just sitting poses work well.
For the driver, specifically, I used this one and adjusted as needed.
For the clutter, its permapaywalled but here is the set <- check the vault or dhm, definitely there.
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starless-nightz · 17 days
female rover... I’m obsessed with her GRRHGHJRHD she’s so girlboss and charismatic but she has those adorable, gentle eyes that I can’t help but want to be all hers AAAAA
can you do hcs about female rover with a fem!s/o who always gets flustered around her? 😍😍
Fem! Rover with a flustered! fem! S/O
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warnings -> none.
content includes -> fluff, flustered reader, confused rover.
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Rover doesnt understand why you get so flustered around her, especially when she kisses you on the forehead or when she kisses your hand
She doesnt understand that just her being next to you makes you want to fall on your knees, and dont get me started on her gentle voice and eyes
Rover isnt completely oblivious tho, she knows what makes you get to your knees, but she tries her absolute best not to tease you too much
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robilover · 14 days
hear me out—
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female rover.. nghhhjtjghdjekkwkdns
I want her to just AAAAAGH I want her and I need her and I love her.
SHE’S SO, SO CUTE AND PRETTY AND EVERYTHING OH MY GOD I wanna squish her cheeks so bad. I want her to hold me tight in her arms.
I wanna kiss her so bad, give her cheek kisses and forehead kisses— AND I wanna kiss her tacet mark on her hand like plsplspls female rover I want YOU
read at your own risk under the cut. went a tinyyy bit silly (it’s suggestive.)
I want her to hold me up against the wall and kiss me silly. I want her to litter love bites all over my neck to show everyone who I belong to.
I want to be pinned down by her like how she did to camellya— just without the sword hshajaha she looked so hot doing that help me
she’s good with her fingers I just know it.. I want them in me HSHAJSJA
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angiestown · 1 year
What was the first Animal Crossing game that you played and what was your first town named? I also just want to say that your Animal Crossing town's are the type of towns that really harness the Animal Crossing vibe as a whole (hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say). I've never seen any towns quite like yours! Your talent and creativity always amazes me!
ah ty ty !! I think I get what you're saying. I take a lot of inspiration from my city (winnipeg) for my towns because I like how it's both a big city but also kinda small and cozy. it tries to look nice but doesn't have the budget to commit to it so everything is a little shitty and worn down. there's also just a lot of art and gardens and parks around the city too, I pull a lot from those
my first AC was on gamecube and it was the first game I ever picked out for myself. my friend had let me try WW on her DS for a few minutes and I was amazed to find out that there are games out there that don't make you fight enemies since I always hated doing that. a few months after trying it, dad got us a used gamecube and when we went to buy games for it I recognized animal crossing and chose it. before that all the games we had were really dad's games that he just let us play.
my first town was called "the bar" because I didn't understand what rover meant when he asked where I was headed and "the beach" didn't fit and I knew a bar was another kind of place you can go
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qqchurch · 20 days
huh, ww's fem rover has two toned hair, that fucking rules
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