#you guys remember mario golf world tour right?
Our London Podcast Festival Script
Two weeks ago, Gather The Suspects were invited to perform a short live piece as part of the Audio Drama Debuts Hour. We had such a blast and while we don’t have a recording of the brand new material we performed, here is the script we performed in full: 
JACK and GERAINT are sat in JACK’S flat. They are playing a game on the PlayStation…
JACK: Get him! Get him! Aaaaah, balls. G, why didn’t you cover me!
GERAINT: I told you I’m rubbish at this game
JACK: Are you still stuck in the doorway at the spawn point… hah - you are! What a noob! Coo-ey…Geraint...
GERAINT: Hey! No friendly fire!
JACK: Ger, you know the rules, if it’s part of the game then it’s all fair…
GERAINT: You shot my guy blank in the face… I really don’t see how that’s part of the ga- oooh, I have another life left! 
JACK: You don’t get lives anymore in games, G… this isn’t the 80s
GERAINT: What about Super Mario?
JACK: Nope… you run out of lives, you just lose coins now…
GERAINT:  I dunno, society really is beyond repair! Talking of which…what about this ‘big case’ you’ve been working on...  (reacting to the game) Ha-hah! I’m out of the door! Finally! (back to Jack) I’m guessing, as you’re sat here with me getting your arse kicked at video games... likely by some random twelve-year-olds… that it’s going swimmingly!
JACK: Hey, I’m not getting my arse kicked… I’m just… never mind that. I have a day off...Who’d have thought going undercover would be so exhausting! 
GERAINT: Yeah, to be honest, the thought of you having a job is still quite amusing, even if it is just for appearance’s sake.
JACK: Hey, what’s so funny about me having a job? 
GERAINT: (laughing) Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s the… (Jack shoots him a look) 
GERAINT: (composing himself) Oh, you were serious... Oh, nothing…just didn’t really see it as your...um… ‘scene,’ that’s all... So, you reckon you can solve it?
JACK: Uh-huh… 
GERAINT: Aaand? 
JACK: Just uh-huh… nothing much to write home about yet, really. 
GERAINT: Jack, it’s a murder, surely there must be something exciting! Like what happened?
JACK: Angry boss…disgruntled employees... shot, by the looks of it… (reacting to the game) YES! Take that… right in the…(remembers what they were talking about)... oh, uuh… that’s about it really…
GERAINT:  “That’s about it?” Sounds like quite a big deal to me… so, you got any suspects?
JACK: That’s the problem right now… there is literally an entire office full of ‘em! But, it’s my day off and I am not thinking about it… just going to chill here and play some…
JACK: (Sighs)... hello…
KARA (on phone): Hey…
JACK: Hey Kara
KARA (on phone): Guess what?
JACK: The office has burned down and I don’t have to go back to work tomorrow?
KARA (on phone): Hah, you wish… no… Harrison just announced in the morning meeting that the police are coming in today to search everyone’s lockers… The whole sales team is freaking out! 
JACK: (excitedly) What!? The police are actually doing something? I can just imagine their panicked little faces!
KARA (on phone): Dai blew up at Harrison in the meeting and called it ‘an affront to his human rights...” Like, since when has douchebag Dai cared about anyone’s human rights when he’s been sleazing his way around the office. 
JACK: Ooooh, I’m coming in! 
KARA (on phone): You won’t be allowed… your card won’t let you into the building if you’re booked off on holiday… 
JACK: What about if I ask Harrison about coming in? Surely he’ll -
KARA (on phone): You’ll be lucky, he’s gone golfing. You’ll just have to wait for me to get home and fill you in on all the fun and games, I’m afraid.
JACK: Gaah! Just give me a call if they find anything, alright? 
KARA (on phone): Jack, it’s the police... they couldn’t find anything if it was surrounded by a big shiny arrow and neon writing declaring ‘I’m a clue’. Think you are safe on that one… It will be interesting to see how people react though. Like I said, they all seem pretty worried at the mo... Me and V are going to watch - I’ll let you know if any fireworks happen.
JACK: Thanks, K. Bye.
KARA (on phone): Tarra, bye. 
Phone beeps as JACK hangs up. 
JACK: Ger, get your coat… we are going to work……..
GERAINT: What?! Now? I was just getting the hang of this bloody thing too!
JACK: I’ll explain on the way. We are going on a stakeout!
We open on JACK and GERAINT stood in the carpark of the Weltel call centre.
JACK: Oooh, how exciting, our first stakeout! 
GERAINT: While I’d like to share your enthusiastic outlook on the situation, couldn’t you at least have hired a car or something… just standing here in the open staring at the building doesn’t feel very… well, ‘discrete’, quite frankly. 
JACK: (mocking) Oh, I’m sorry ‘chief inspector’, I would have gone for the usual unmarked car with tinted windows, but the carpool budget has been rather reduced since, you know, the world fell apart. 
GERAINT: Alright, alright. I was just saying... We aren’t exactly inconspicuous stood here though, are we? Particularly when you keep looking through those opera glasses!
JACK: I was rushing and couldn’t find my binoculars…
GERAINT: Why do you even have opera glasses anyway… have you ever even been to the opera -
JACK: (interrupting) Shush! Look… (whispering) act natural… (they act very unnatural, suspiciously looking around staring at the sky and their shoes. 
GERAINT starts to whistle and turns away from the mic) what’s she doing?
GERAINT: Who is it? I can’t see because of all the acting natural….
JACK: (gives up whispering) Oh, just turn around, mun. Look, it’s Amy…
GERAINT: Jack, you seem to forget, I don’t work here… I have literally no idea who that is!
JACK: OK, so… Amy is married to Dai, who is possibly having an affair with the other Amy, who is definitely selling coke in the toilets to Hikari, who got in a fight with Harrison, who is having an affair with Julie, which was discovered by Cathy...
GERAINT: Who swallowed the fly… but, we are yet to discover why she swallowed said fly… perhaps…
JACK: Don’t be facetious… It’s Cathy who has been murdered, mun…
JACK: Get it now…
GERAINT: (unsure) Uuuh, not entirely… no… it sounds like being in school again!
JACK: Very much is, G. Just exchange flashing your rare pokemon cards around the playground for flashing your five-figure Rolex around the weekly stats meeting... and it’s basically the same.
GERAINT: What’s she doing, can you see? 
JACK: She’s stuffing something into the wheelie bins… 
JACK: Good she’s gone… let’s go see what it was…
GERAINT: Wait… who’s that…
JACK: That’s douchebag Dai… let’s just hang back here a bit…
GERAINT: Douchebag Dai?
JACK: Yup… his name is David and he is a douchebag… easy enough…
GERAINT: And he is the one selling coke in the toilets?
JACK: No, keep up, G… That’s Amy… the other Amy… the one that Dai is sleeping with and not the Amy he’s married to and just saw shove stuff furtively into a wheelie bin.
GERAINT: She’s isn’t the only one either… look where your Douchebag Dai’s headed… 
JACK: The bins! Quick, what’s he holding, G… can you see?
GERAINT: (sarcastically) Why don’t you take a look with your opera glasses?
JACK: Aaah too late, he’s stuffed it in there… 
JACK: Right, quick let’s go see what…
JACK: (annoyed and too loud) Aah, Jesus Christ! What now... 
GERAINT: Sssshhhhh!
JACK: Uh-oh, she’s looking around… duck.
GERAINT: Back to my earlier point… I’m not sure ‘absolutely nothing’ provides us with the best form of cover for quickly ducking out of sight...
JACK: Look, It’s not like I’m particularly experienced in hiding around spying on unsuspecting people, is it…just get over here by these flower beds… Oooh, It’s Julie! 
GERAINT: Another one heading to the wheelie bins! (innocently) Clean office, is it?
JACK: Like the Tour de France, G
JACK: Let’s just hang back and check no-one else wants to empty the content of their guilty conscience in the bin before we go… (wait and look around)
GERAINT: I think we’re good
JACK: Right, let’s have a look at what we’ve got… (lifting the lid) Eeeeugh it stinks… (they both peer into the bin)...look there’s some stuff right down there at the bottom… G climb in and get it - I’ll hold the lid…
GERAINT: I’m not climbing in there! This is your case, you climb in there...  
JACK: Well I can’t go in, it’ll set off my asthma…
GERAINT: Since when have you had asthma?
JACK: (coughing for effect) I don’t tell you everything about my life, you know, Ger...and, if you must know, it comes and goes… 
GERAINT: What? like, comes when you don’t want to do the dirty work yourself and goes all the rest of the time…
JACK: My doctor said I’m not to go near anything that could set it off, like dust.. Or uum…
GERAINT: Hard work? Oh, for goodness sake, just give me a boost in, OK? But you owe me! (JACK helps GERAINT into the bin) So… what have we got here… (rustles around in the small amount of rubbish covering the floor of the bin.) Some receipts for a restaurant called ‘Chez Henri’ and what looks like a stack of love letters badly wrapped up in cellotape… here you go…
JACK: (reading) “To my Darling, H. Each moment I stare at you through the glass is pure torture…” Well, that’s creepy! Anything else…
GERAINT: A lot of empty tinfoil packets… you sure you had the right Amy?
JACK: Well I didn’t say who else she was selling the stuff to...
GERAINT: There’s a folder in here too… It’s got pictures in here of Harrison and Julie… wait, there’s something else in the back part… oh my god… Jack - It’s a gun!
JACK: What?! Let’s have a - Jeeeeesus, that’s a bloody gun! 
GERAINT: I see why you have developed such a good reputation for your detective skills… What are we going to do with it? 
JACK: Look don’t touch it - I’ll…
JACK: Oh bloody hell, it’s the fuzz… hide (Jack slams the lid shut and runs)
GERAINT: (whispering angrily) Jack! What? Let me out of here! I swear to god I’m going to…
The POLICEMAN walks over and lifts the lid
GERAINT: (flustered) Uh, hi? 
POLICEMAN: Hello, sir… may I enquire as to why you are sat inside a wheelie bin holding a gun?  
GERAINT: I...Uh… oh bloody hell
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markipliergamegifs · 6 years
My List of My Fav Videos From 2017!!
Hold onto your hats kids, this is gonna be a long list cause I have no self control with these types of things. I LIKE THEM ALL SO MUCH I CAN’T NARROW IT DOWN! I had to stop myself from watching all of these over again lol They are in chronological order too btw
My Mom Plays Five Nights at Freddy's (starting off the year right, with this fantastic video)
THE ULTIMATE BET (where we found out Mark’s real age is 7 years old)
Markiplier's Adventures 2 (there was just something fun and special about this fan game! and Tiny Box Tim and Tiny Box Tina were so cute! pls more fan games in the future)
How Do You Pronounce "Archive"? (this was cool cause it was one of the first videos he did where he got fan participation in the video)
Markiplier Makes Fanart (loved this, so much fun)
Buried (this game was so cool, cause the story was great and I was waiting excited every day for a new video)
I've Got Something for YOU!! (he made fans twitter banners and it was amazing)
Golf With Friends (always fantastic)
Resident Evil 7 (I really loved this game okay)
Friend Yoga (where Mark and Tyler try not to kill each other while doing yoga)
Mr. Massagy - Part 1 (so fun)
Cards Against Humanity (they are the worst kinds of people)
Raft (mark goes insane on the ocean)
ghost dog (chica is a ghost)
Markiplier Makes Videos (all of them are on this list cause they are amazing and one of my favorite series)
Markiplier Footballs the Super Bowl (this is was a lot of fun but also Mark abandons Tyler at the park)
The Challenge Challenge (best challenge vid)
I'M SORRY!! (Ethan and Tyler are mean to Mark and we all loved it)
A DATE WITH MARKIPLIER and also the Bloopers (the start of something so amazing the my heart can’t handle it and neither can the fandom. definitely gonna binge this year on Valentine’s Day)
Oxygen Not Included (a great game, so amazing I bought it)
Markiplier Going on TOUR!? (hilarious and amazing)
SAVE MARKIPLIER (that time Mark and the gang were trapped in Boston so he punched all the snow)
Winter is Coming - OFFICIAL TRAILER (that time Mark and the gang were trapped in Boston and Mark went crazy)
OneShot (a great game that Mark keeps saying he’ll finish)
THIS GUY is allowed to STREAM?! CHARITY????? GONE WRONG? YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT! GONE VIOLENT! CRYING! (okay..okay..I couldn’t not include this stream as one of my favorites, cause it’s where Mark called me on Skype! I was the first one they called and still almost a year later I’m like WOW THAT WAS ME)
360 VIDEO | Let's Play Minecraft | Part 1 (the return of Google)
Markiplier Bounces on a Trampoline (so meme-y)
click here if you want to see unending sadness (that time we celebrated Wade’s birthday instead of Mark hitting 17 million)
Don't Play This Game (that time Dark appeared in a Let’s Play)
You're Welcome (that time Mark fell on his ass and it was hilarious)
Playerunknown's Battlegrounds (this game is amazing, I need more always)
Markiplier TV and Bloopers (that time the egos all came back and everyone lost their shit over it. one of my BIG FAVS from this year)
PREY (great game!)
spongebob meme (i love memes, what can I say)
FIDGET SPINNERS RUIN LIVES (”You’ve been in there since St. Patrick’s Day!)
Kindergarten (also a good game!)
Google Gets An Upgrade (Google is back and say hello to Bing!)
Quick Message! (this was freakin adorable)
World's 4th Quietest Let's Play (so quiet, so many mouth sounds)
Reading Your Comments #18 (so good, it has Chica hiccups and Amy doing Mark’s makeup)
Mario Kart w/ Ethan - Part 1 (THE GOO)
snoot (best vid of 2017)
Doodly Doo | Markiplier Remix (sprintin down the hallway!)
putting on AND taking off 48 SHIRTS (it’s always funny when they take them off and Mark get’s squooshed)
My longest hello everybody ever (he turned 28 and this was the first thing he did)
I Google Myself (I love this)
Crash Bandicoot N'Sane Trilogy (pls more, I love)
Dream Daddy (A GOOD GAME)
DARKIPLIER vs ANTISEPTICEYE and Bloopers (the video people wanted in a way they didn’t know that they also wanted)
West of Loathing (BEST GAME OF 2017 OKAY)
The Man With No Shadow (best original song. mark started singing this at the Louisville show but then realized he didn’t know the words)
MaRkiPLieR JuSt WatChES aS PeOple Fu$^!NG DIE (best sub reddit ever and brought me so much joy)
Ed Sheeran - Thinking Out Loud - Cover (so beautiful and amazing, so proud of Mark)
Who Killed Markiplier? and Bloopers (what can I even say about this, so so amazing. so proud of the team and also killed the fandom again and still is killing us to this day)
JIM NEWS (The Jims have a special place in my heart and I love them and will protec)
Van Vlogs (such an amazing idea! like honestly, thank you for bringing us with you on your adventures)
Playing Dead with CHICA!! (chica is cute and deserves everything in the world)
nyoom (this video was just so badass?????)
The Evil Within 2 - Part 1 (more interactive streams!)
James Arthur - Say You Won't Let Go - Cover (so beautiful and so much improvement!)
7 Second Challenge: KNOCK-OFF DAN & PHIL (always funny)
BALLOON ANIMAL CHALLENGE #2 (where is the proboscis?)
Don't remember (woke up and watched this and then couldn’t get back to sleep cause OMG WTF IS HAPPENING)
big MOOD? (this was a big mood)
Chica's First Ball Pit (I love the Chica’s FIrst videos so much omg!! Also why is there no playlist of these, it’s a crime)
Mashed Potato Bath Tub (hiding in my room to watch this video while my family was downstairs on Thanksgiving)
Five Nights at Freddy's: Pizzeria Simulator (I really enjoyed this game, fun times)
Cuphead (omg such an amazing game, so well done, inspired) 
Are You Ready For Christmas QUIZ (laughed...so much)
Doki Doki Literature Club (it brought the spooks in the best way)
CHICA'S FIRST SNOW (saw this after opening presents on Christmas and it was so beautiful my mom didn’t even realize it was Mark singing and gosh, the most pure video ever, also the Peanut’s Christmas is my fav so 11/10)
And here it is! My way-too-long list of favorite Markiplier video’s from 2017!! This took me 2 hours lol There were just so many good one’s this year!! Thank you Mark so much for all the amazing videos you make for us. It’s so inspiring every day. I look forward to all the videos you’ll make this year~
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everygame · 3 years
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Mario Tennis Aces (Nintendo Switch)
Developed/Published by: Camelot / Nintendo Released: 22/05/2018 Completed: 10/01/2021 Completion: Beat the story mode. Trophies / Achievements: n/a
Wow, I hated this sooo much I must have blocked out that I’d played it, because I’ve overlooked writing it up until now.
That’s right, straight at you with the flaming hot takes--if you love Mario Tennis Aces (in fact, I picked it up because I know some people do love it?) you should probably check out now because I’m not going to say anything that doesn’t annoy you.
To be honest, playing this I was like “wait, do I just hate tennis games?” but then I remembered that Windjammers is basically just tennis and I love the shit out of it. Plus I played a ton of Virtua Tennis 2 on the Dreamcast, and even if that was, like… a disturbing number of years ago, I still like tennis games, even if I’m not, like, a guy who ever cares about tennis unless Andy Murray is playing for obvious nationalistic reasons.
I haven’t played a ton of Mario Tennis games; I may in fact still own a copy of the N64 one (which I remember liking well enough, which makes this even stranger) but I’ve never (notably) played the GBA Power Tour, which is a bit odd too because I love sports RPGs. Of which this is 100% not one.
What this has is a simplistic story mode that sorta seems like it’s there to teach you how to do the fundamentals of Mario Tennis Aces’ systems, but it doesn’t do that great a job of it. The reason I’ve asked all the Mario Tennis Aces fans to leave is that they absolutely would just yell “you don’t like it because you don’t know how to play it!” and frankly they’re probably right, but also… the systems of the game didn’t make me want to. Zone shots and special shots stop play dead in their tracks and are annoying to counter, trick shots have that horrible game feel of “committing to a lengthy animation” and while there’s probably a trick to the three kinds of normal shots… I honestly felt like I’d rather be playing Tennis on the original Game Boy rather than put up with the screeching Mario-ness of it all (there’s definitely some dissonance between the drooling baby level of the plot and the brightly-colored world and the intense complicated control scheme.)
Also: it doesn’t try to ease you into playing any of the other modes, feeling completely siloed from them, meaning that as soon as you’re done with the miserable story mode you’re like “wait why would I keep playing this?” and you stop.
Will I ever play it again? Not even at gunpoint. Final Thought: I’m swearing off “Mario doing things that aren’t being in a platformer.” Don’t get me wrong, I can extremely enjoy the tiny Italian’s adventures (and I’m looking forward to finally playing through 3D World on my Switch Pro when they drop the price to $40 in 2023) but golf and tennis and parties and all that shite can get to fuck because I never like them and I’ve got to stop thinking “oh this will be good” because it’s got Nintendo on it. Lesson learned.
Support Every Game I’ve Finished on ko-fi.
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shylaxgameblogs · 6 years
Shylax’s Top 10 Games (Played in the Year) of 2017
Yep, it’s the return! You’re going to be here a while, so...
10. Mario Golf World Tour (2014)
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Yep, that’s right, a golf game. It wouldn’t be right without one, and here it is.
I really wanted to play this game because @pawelcyril kept gushing about it, but I don’t really play it anymore. It’s not a bad game, it wouldn’t be on this list if it wasn’t, but it could have been a lot better than it was. There are a lot of 9 hole only courses, which is disappointing. The single player story mode is fun, but short. Online’s loading times are disappointing. Being able to create and customize a Mii golfer is fun, but the Mii’s driving distance sucks compared to Star Mario. The tournament system is fun, and solves World Invitational’s cheating problem by just letting you go as many times as you like, but...Hot Shots Golf World Invitational was so much better. That game had so much more staying power, even with its own flaws.
9. Fire Pro Wrestling World (2017)
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I remember playing Super Fire Pro Wrestling X Premium on a SNES emulator. That was my first experience with Fire Pro, and it was so much different than any other wrestling game I had played before. Probably the closest that comes to the Fire Pro experience are the aki wrestling games, most notably WWF No Mercy.
If you’re a fan of American-style wrestling, this game will probably disappoint you, because even though you can create your American favorites and have them battle each other, this game doesn’t feature the wild and crazy antics that make American wrestling tick. There are no storylines here, and no cutscenes. This is pure puroresu. Japanese wrestling is treated more like a legitimate sport, and so does this game. It’s all about the competition.
This game has no license, but it has a robust Create-a-Wrestler system, allowing you to create your favorite wrestlers, characters outside of wrestling, or original characters. You can even create bear wrestlers if you’d like, which is a major plus in its favor in my book.
However, the meat of the game is its robust wrestling engine. It’s 2D at its very best, relatively unchanged since the SFPWXP days, although it does look much better. The action is displayed in a 3/4 isometric view, and the grappling system is unique, and unlike American wrestling games, punishes button mashing, instead of rewarding it. There are three styles of grapples - weak, medium, and strong. You have to build up with successful weak moves before moving up - if you try to go for medium and strong moves too early, you’ll get countered.
The only reason I don’t play it more is it’s still in Early Access, and more features are being added and refined. Online play is there, but the netcode is pretty laggy. There’s not a story or career mode, so unless you have friends who are ubercompetitive at this game, its only other real use is as a supreme @tangobunny Watch Mode game.
8, Parascientific Escape Gear Detective (2015)
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The sequel to 2014′s Parascientific Escape Cruise in the Distant Seas, which was a refreshing take on the Zero Escape formula, adding in powers you could use during “escape” sequences, and being able to backtrack to rooms you already completed, was a huge improvement over the original. The first game felt like a teaser for a much larger story, and felt pretty generic and cheap (the localization didn’t help).
Gear Detective (the Parascientific Escape games are eShop only games for 3DS) wasn’t anything groundbreaking either, but it was a much better use of your $5 than the original. While it seems to abandon the story the original set up, it is a more fully fleshed out story, feels more complete, and has multiple endings, which the original did not feature.
It still doesn’t compare to more full-budget and full price titles like the Zero Escape series, but the escape room genre is pretty limited, and this game is well worth your $5. I’m hoping to play the third game in the series soon so it can be eligible for next year’s list.
7. Pokemon Moon (2016)
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This game was a mixed bag for me. I really enjoyed it, but there were some annoying decisions that prevented me from playing it more.
First, the good. I really liked the character designs in Sun/Moon. I enjoyed Alola more than Kalos, I enjoyed the new Pokemon in Alola more, and I appreciated that they tried to do something different with the Trials instead of the Gyms. I liked that they tried to breathe new life into old Pokemon with Alolan forms.
The downsides: Breeding is still a hassle, even with quality of life improvements, so competitive is still a hassle. Online was a huge step back, no more Super Training, no more being able to access online features while playing, you have to go to a separate screen. For its flaws, the PSS >>>>>>>>>> the Festival Plaza. Let us be able to chat via text and speech online, you cowards! There was a golfer character, but no golf minigame.
6. Pocket Card Jockey (2016)
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Pocket Card Jockey was an unheralded 3DS eShop game that combined horse racing and solitaire. But while I played it, it was oh so addictive. I loved raising my horses, racing them, and naming them after obscure video game systems. If you don’t have it, you should definitely buy it. It’s a great way to pass the time.
The art style is incredibly cute as well, you’ll love your horses.
5. Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator (2017)
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I almost forgot this game. @hopeies would have killed me if I had, so I put it on the list. I’m not super keen on romance-based visual novels, although I did put Katawa Shoujo on there last year. Being a heterosexual male, I did not think I would enjoy this game, but I was pleasantly surprised. I got to enjoy meeting and getting to know the various dads (Damien and Hugo were my favorites), but the game got some things right with the whole visual novel experience (and some things wrong).
My favorite thing about Dream Daddy, is that you can romance who you want. You can just go, “I want to romance that guy”, and YOU CAN FUCKING DO IT. No decrypting mysterious route conditions, no looking up a guide. And if you don’t know who you want to romance? You can get to know the various dads before committing to one. It also makes it very clear when you’ve pleased or displeased a dad, and pleasing or displeasing a dad is obvious if you’ve paid attention to what they like and don’t like. It takes a ton of the crypticness out of visual novels, and other VNs should take heed.
On the other hand, it doesn’t feature basic visual novel features like being able to backtrack or see a chat log, which is disappointing. DDADDS manages to mix up things by including minigames, made possible by the Unity engine. It also allows you to create your Dadsona, averting the typical blank slate protagonist of most visual novel games.
4. Mystery Chronicle: One Way Heroics (2016)
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I bought the original One Way Heroics for 78 cents on Steam and loved it. It was a delightful hybrid of 16-bit JRPG and roguelike, and I was so excited when I heard Spike Chunsoft was doing an enhanced remake of this game. I haven’t played it as much as I want to, but it’s the original game but better, and that’s all I wanted.
To keep you from dawdling, you have to keep moving forward, or else the left edge of the screen will consume you. You also have to keep track of HP and hunger levels. Once you die, that’s it - but you can transfer items between playthroughs and gain perks that will help you do better in future playthroughs.
It’s such a delightful throwback to the old days, and a fun roguelike.
3. Love Live! School Idol Festival (2014)
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This is the first ever mobile game to make the list. I knew I wanted to download this once I joined the mobile world - Cute girls, trading cards, and music? What’s not to like? The rhythm game aspect is very good. It’s very responsive, and fun. The visual novel aspect is kind of hit or miss, but I love the girls, so it’s all good. It’s basically just the characters being themselves, and no real story of importance. I wish the game was a bit less stingy with love gems, but otherwise, I love it.
2. Nier (2010)
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Nier is kind of punching above its weight here. While the game itself isn’t anything special, it’s wrapped up in this awesome music, beautiful graphics, and innovative storytelling that makes it something special. Besides, Yoko Taro is just a great guy. I can’t wait to get a chance to play Automata, so I can surely put it on a future list.
1. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (1997)
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This is the video that convinced me to give SOTN another try:
It truly is a masterpiece, but some of my own thoughts: It’s a shame Sony discouraged 2D games on the PS1, because the 2D games on the PS1 are timeless. 2D is timeless. 3D ends up looking like shit later, and the PS1 3D games surely do look like shit.
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Caribbean Stud Poker And On-line Table Games
There are a number of sorts of low cost Nintendo DS games like Mario Kart DS, Mario Celebration, Guitar Rock Tour and so many others. There are a variety of websites that may refer you to online gambling centers but most of them do their referring to gambling centers that pay them a kickback fee. There's a consistent comprehend the second an individual may possibly produce an mistake and enable 1 transfer. These odds online may be out there at sure times of the day, so it is never too early to take a look at the betting markets. You might win more prizes way more often once you play the reduce odds decide-5 games. That implies that in case you’re a lousy poker player, your odds of changing into penniless are excessive. Gamers with the poker qq on-line video game mix their gap playing cards using all the institution playing cards of this match, thus generating the 5 amazing playing cards to generating the optimum/optimally arms to enjoying with the match. In some instances, video poker machines return greater than 100% once you play with perfect abilities and strategy. The preferred form of casino poker nowadays is called Caribbean Stud Poker, getting its title from first being popularized on the Caribbean island of Aruba.
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BlueStacks 2.
The industry of mobile game advancement has presented an essential aspect to the market - the capability to conceptualize, create, as well as release video games on gadgets with far more success and also ease compared to in the past. It includes tons of elements from the initial games, including real town and dungeon explorations, hidden prizes, secret dungeons, and tons of tradition. We guarantee that this is an enjoyable, free game for everybody. Golf Clash is among the newer games on this list, however while it hasn't already been around for as well long, it's already drawn in a lot of committed gamers. Tales of Web link is enjoyable, habit forming as well as easily accessible mobile experience suited for professionals and also newcomers alike. Yes, we're in one-thumb platform-game territory once again, however Blown Away's classy teleport mechanic (basically, faucet where you wish to go) really feels interesting as well as fresh. This is one of those 'massage your stomach, pat your head' titles that has you play two games at once. Joystick controls are on-screen, and also it's remarkably not irritating to use a mobile phone. Fire Emblem Heroes does an outstanding job of translating the existing gameplay formula to iphone and also Android. Somewhere near the begin of the story, a pal you have actually fulfilled along the way is unintentionally transported to a different time (yes, you get to utilize a time maker) as well as you heroically toss on your own right into the website to save her. Highways is one of those games that doesn't resemble much in stills, but shows ridiculously engaging from the minute you fire it up. Basically, it's everything about developing highways for autonomous automobiles. The primary Globe Scenic tour plays one of the most like a traditional Mario game, with gamers navigating hazards and gathering coins to reach the end of the level in a limited quantity of time, while an asynchronous Toad Rally mode has you contending versus your close friends' ratings and gathering toads and coins. http://eh-ma-doc.over-blog.com Nintendo's initial venture right into smart device game is a victor, and also currently Android users can join in on the enjoyable with this jogger game. Occasionally all you truly want to do to launch stress with the real world is slam the hell out of someone in a computer game. Lara Croft games have arrived on Android to rather variable outcomes. It's extremely straightforward in comparison to lots of method games, meaning there typically aren't too many in-game options as well as products, not that it doesn't provide a challenge. try these guys out Big, deep games are still reasonably rare on Android, however you could add another to the listing with The Banner Legend This Viking-inspired tactical RPG provides you control of over 25 different personalities across 7 various classes as you fight your way through gorgeous hand drawn atmospheres and also make decisions both in and also out of combat which influence the story. In all, Linelight's an enchanting, lively, wonderfully designed experience - an important purchase for your Android device. Everyone will have to download the application to play, after that input the silly password displayed on the game leader's display. Similarly, Oppression 2 takes care of to hold its very own against the console variation as well as is the vital application for any individual that wishes to pound superheroes and also bad guys on the move. As well as it turns out you'll be thankful for rockets that shoot out of your behind when tackling giant (and also oddly goofy) caterpillar-like bosses and the big flame-spewing demons established making your time in hell, well, hell. It's thoughtful as well as smart (as well as frequently chilling), yet First Strike always remembers it's a game - and a great one for real-time approach followers. Rockstar has always had an excellent credibility for producing fun, open world games and that applies on mobile also.
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