#yugioh sevens theory
overobsessedfanboy23 · 5 months
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....I mean...? If Yuna IS Kuaidul's daughter (in some way) then the Goha siblings would be Velgearian descendants... just saying :)
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gem-knight-lady-opal · 9 months
Go Rush hypotheses/theory:
Since both Phas-san and Zwijo are already using dark attribute decks maybe their evil cards will be light attribute. I shall name them Brightness!!
Based on Tre-kun aura in ep 56
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he is clearly under the influence of the relic (same green shade) and he uses light attribute cards so evil light is confirmed! it will be nice if he also gets a Brightness card when the relic /Otes will control him.
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taxguy314 · 2 months
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crack theroy: The darkness that took yuamu was goha yuga's evil earthdamar
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wanna-sleep-all-day · 3 months
Because at this point everyone can be Otes. It isn't impossible though.
So, Yuga and Otes were sent to go rush world in a future rush duel (which happened in the ending of sevens)
We know Yuga is sent to earth and we see him throughout the story so it isn't a big deal.
However, it has been specifically pointed out that Otes' earthdama is sent to a long, long time ago world and become the valgearians' creator, while Otes himself is nowhere to see. Which will lead us to 3 possibility: 1)Otes himself is sent to the ancient time with his earthdama and is naturally d3ad now 2)Otes himself is just hiding in somewhere and hasn't showed up yet 3) Otes himself IS a earthdama
In first scenario, Otes no longer exists by the time go rush starts, so there's no point talking about him unless he left something important or undone, which we have not known yet and may potentially be third year plot.
In second scenario, the consequences may be the same as the first scenario, but we may see an living Otes from sevens jumping around in the future. However, I think Yuga would have known about this and won't talk like he does not exist anymore. In 100, Yuga said "I...am going to become Otes" (This is not an narrative sentence, but his resolution to decide to become Otes), as if Otes does not exist anymore and someone else has to take Otes' place.
In third scenario, this will mean that Otes is an earthdama all along, whether in sevens or in go rush. And his ending is to be absorbed by his own creation, Kuaidul(Not blaming Kuaidul though the poor bunny kid just wanted some love). Though we never see Otes uses superpower directly in sevens, it can be simply explained that Otes need to hide his power or he'll become Goha city's no.1 lab rat or something.
If Otes is a human himself, then there will be too many people as candicates. Yuga, Yuhi or Yuamu can all be him(I am not sure if Yuamu would change her voice or something, though)
However, if Otes is an earthdama, we have only one already-known character here: Damamu.
I know this sounds crazy, but think about it: Otes has to live long enough to know every secrets and everyone in Goha city from the ground. Otes has to be intellegent enough to be working in Goha incorporation or at least know someone working for Goha company. Otes is shown to be mischievous and values "joy and happiness" a lot. Most of all, he has to know where and when to show up to lead Yuga to start the events of sevens. The only person that can meet the "live long enough" condition is Damamu. Damamu is an individual himself so he may not be dead like Yuhi will. Yudias may also meet this condition, but we see neither of them are in UTS list that is shown in 62. Other aliens like Chupataro or Mitsuko also do not show up in sevens, so I think we can say that sevens world don't have alien, only assumed descendents. But Damamu is also missing, who should also be counted as UTS gang. Unless Damamu went out and left UTS for something else...
Though Damamu isn't shown to be a technology nerd, he may pick these up later in the future. Or he just brainwashes someone to do the actual work for him-
There are still some loose end, though. Why would Damamu want to go and start the events of sevens? This will cause a closed loop between sevens and go rush, and everything we have seen so far would be destined and Damamu will remember all of this, including him being absorbed by Kuaidul. But Dmamu stated that he doesn't want to diasspear as in the S1 final duel.
And how would Damamu know exact how to act in sevens? He doesn't share Yuga's memory like Yuhi or Yuamu does. Any of them can tell him but again, why would they do it? Yuhi won't want Damamu to become Otes for you know reasons, and Yuga and Yuamu would rather become Otes themselves.
Furthermore, won't Damamu do something beforehand for the valgearian disappearance? Damamu likes to play with people and rush duel, I don't think Damamu will do nothing to prevent valgearians from disappearing, not when he already knows Yudias.
I would like to type more but this is already too much for me. Anyways, thanks for watching these nonsense if you actually read through it.
Remember, it's just a theory, AN ANIME THEORY!
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birdhouseblog23 · 10 months
Duel Links/ Yu-Gi-Oh Theory:
Yusaku's Homura Arc (Edited 3/3/24)
@Spoilers for Madoka Magica Rebellion Movie and Vrains anime@
Am I the only one who believes Yusaku will go through a Homura Akemi arc in Duel Links? When I think about it, their arcs may not be close but the similarities are there in terms of their situations.
-Both Lost someone they hold dear to save the world from destruction.
-Both characters suffer a case of trauma in their past they're trying to resolve, only to relive a new trauma in the present losing that special someone and they're never coming back.
-Both characters want to change, to move on from the loss of someone they hold dear keeping their promise, but at some point will start questioning their motivation to wanting to keep that promise developing an inner conflict and turning them into an antagonist.
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The problem is we still don't know what happened to Yusaku after the 6 month time skip when he found out Ai 2.0 was resurrected through the digital cloud system of Duel Links. Maybe they'll explain it more in future Vrain World stories, to get to know Yusaku's inner conflicts, but I doubt it.
Yusaku is the only protagonist so far that was left with a bittersweet if not bad ending, with a weird uplifting open-ended finale in the anime and Duel Links story. And now that Duel Links exists, foes from the past will defiantly resurrect from the digital grave and will come after Yusaku to harm Ai due to his existence as an Ignis.
Yusaku going down the route Homura went through in the Rebellion movie is something that CAN happen.
Both characters want to save their only friend from a fate worse than death, yet refuse to move on not wanting to bear that much regret. Whereas Homura wants nothing more than to make her friends turn against her to become the villain of her story to keep Madoka safe, Yusaku has his friends trying to help him, getting into duels to stop him. His friends keep him from going down the path of despair.
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Now chances are Yusaku might get himself together at one point in time, but that's not the case, at least from how the circumstances that led to Yusaku down this path. Yusaku has been through some crazy conflicts with someone getting hurt or nearly erased from existence. Let alone how it affects him mentally.
-His past trauma in the Lost Incident
-Losing all of his closest friends and allies during the war with Boman and Lighting.
-The never-ending conflict of A.I. at war with humanity with seemingly no conclusion as to how both groups will cooperate for peace.
-And the final nail in the coffin, the death of Ai and Ai's plan to save Yusaku from that non-conclusive future of a.i. and humanity at war with no clear winner.
Yusaku will soon realize that he'll take matters into his own hands. Yusaku will only end up becoming a demon, a devil, to the point he would have to betray his friends and Ai to become their enemy if means protecting the one person he cares so much.
Let's not forget that Yusaku has Link sense. An ability that I doubt they will bring back to how lackluster its powers work only to connect plot threads, but it clearly shows that Yusaku has a psychic link between the real world and the cyber world through this power that he could most certainly use against the dream cloud system to intact his plans moving forward.
Yusaku would become a HUGE threat to Duel Links. No amount of heart of the cards is going to change his mind from his goals, but I could see the other Yugioh protagonists trying to help him at one point to save him from going down this path of despair. Or at least have a.i. come to his senses. And by doing so, yusaku will need to forgive himself for what happened in season 2 and let go of past Ai to accept the new Ai.
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art-ember · 1 year
Quattro (Yugioh Zexal) and Yuga Ohdo (Yugioh Go Rush
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I had to do this, okay-- I drew them both back in 2021 but that drawing looked awful so I wanted to draw them again and the recent cat plot twist gave me inspiration
Oh and context for why I drew these two in one drawing: I have a headcanon that Quattro and Yuga are cousins, and wanted some wholesome art of them.
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impliskin · 2 years
Where to start... Okay.
Ever since the first episode , I've been baffled by the fact that Yuudias has a duel Disk and type of monsters that no one in the Rush universe has ever seen before... Today I needed screenshots from the first episode of Rush and the last episode of Sevens... And... The puzzle began to come together(?)...
You know, I'm of the opinion that Otes = the Yuga... In one form or another... And it's too early to forget them. They have a role to play in Rush...
In episode 93, while trying to save the Rush duel, Yuga creates a kind of hyperspace(?), which, according to the Internet, allows traveling between stars/galaxies(universes...?) , after which Otes and Yuga's robots collapse and for a moment we see their spaceships, which immediately disappear into space as a red "X"... A similar "X" is depicted on the boosters that Yuudias had (which no one on Earth has ever seen before[1] and which are different from Earth's boosters ). My point. Perhaps the Yuga and Otes are traveling to Yuudias' homeworld thanks to hyperspace. Which is either an existing space cluster in the Sevens universe or an alternate universe.
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Maybe Yuudias, Yuga, and Otes aren't directly related. But the duel disk, which is a modification of Ohdo's Yuga, and the cards Otes/Yuga presumably could have created somehow got to Yuudias.
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Back to the dueling disc. Even Zwijo has the rush version of the disk, we can assume that he acquired it on Earth, and Yuudias is somewhere in space or on his planet... I lean towards the second option, because the culture of the Velgians is "as if" connected with the rush duels (in the first series there is actually a lot of information...) (whether the Yuga has a hand in their culture...)
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Or maybe the Yuudias are not Velgians at all... They don't really have any distinctive features...?... The same eyes that seemed so distinctive at first weren't so distinctive, judging by the fact that some other aliens had the same eyes...
Otes mentions that he is one of the creators of the first duels...(episode 92)How old is he, in that case??? Or how old was he at the time he created them...? ?... The sevens don't mention any specific time periods... Besides, Goha in both Goha City and Matsuba City claim that it was their company that created the duels in some form or another... Or trying to appropriate them for themselves.
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What if Otes = Yuga, but from an alternate universe where (rush) duels in their original form ceased to exist ( Or perhaps they were used as weapons (as in rush)), so he went to another universe to provoke his version there (or a conditional receiver) to create rush duels and return them to their original form. ../find a way to bring the duels back to their pristine form/conduct some tests (?)...Anyway, I didn't quite make myself clear, but I really think that Otes and Yuga are connected... And thinking along the lines of what I said above, maybe Otes is the Yuga from the Rush universe ( and Rush could really be a prequel to Sevens... Or there's some sort of Moebius ribbon here...or the Rush universe is a third dimension different from Yuga and Otez's universe)
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Anyways...they have same vibes...
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(Yuga and Kaizo vibe)
Perhaps the Earth Damar, another of Otez's ploys, ... A certain MacGuffin... Who will end up forcing Yuudias/Yuhi to destroy the (rush) duels???
[1] in episode 3 we can see that the boy is opening boosters like those of Yuudias... Someone started distributing them on Earth (?)... Meegchan is a monster of these boosters and she has a space-related lore... She mentions evil aliens... She mistakes Yuudias for one of them... 🤔...
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I feel that all these Chekhov guns will go off sooner or later...
I would be glad if you could share your guesses as well... I came out rather crumpled... 😅
Thanks for attention...
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moonlightgirl-05 · 2 years
Time for theory
With the recent episode, a character appeared with red jacket. Sounds familiar? Ofc. We all suspect it's Yuga.
If that's the real Yuga that's explaining why Yuna got Sevens road magician. He gave it to her to continue his legacy. Remember, they said that she invented the rush duel.
Maybe Yuga didn't wanted to involve himself and Yuna took the credit.
Also, one of my theory is that Go rush actually prequel to Sevens.
Why? Remember the technology is a bit strange. Got antique stuffs like pager who in 2022 no one is using (except in hospitals etc.) but! Here the common people use it. Also we got those antique machines for dueling from distance. Just use Zoom you idiots! Gosh ahem. I don't think those stuffs can be used in the future... Unless... There was apocalypse and the end of the world. That makes sense...
Yuga couldn't accept this and uses some mojo jojo and voila we got go rush characters who look like his previous friends because of his grief.
Or it's just the alternative world xD this theory is still here
Well it's just a theory. Anime theory xD
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ladyazurith · 2 days
So both of my current hyperfixations are Disney related. (Twisted Wonderland and Lorcana). And because of this I can’t help but think of the Lorcana cards in relation to Twist. 
If you don’t know what Lorcana is, a brief explanation is that it’s a TCG (Like Magic the Gathering, Pokemon Card game, Yugioh etc) but Disney themed. And it has three types of character cards, Storyborn, Dreamborn and Floodborn. 
Storyborn is basically the characters as they appear in their canon story. Dreamborn is basically what they dream of becoming. Easy enough (There are cards for instance where Maleficent wins)
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Floodborn, is where the characters have been altered by the ink. Their story changes completely. That's how you end up with things like “Gaston: Intellectual Powerhouse” where he’s a mechanical genius. (one of my personal favorites because of how funny it is.) 
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There is also Lady Tremaine who became queen: 
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My absolute favorite Floodborn story is Cinderella’s. In her Floodborn story, she becomes a royal knight. Given I am a believer of the Caterella theory, it opens up a lot of possibilities for that dynamic. 
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And while I know the only thing the two projects have in common are that they are both Disney IP’s, It’s easy to imagine Twist as part of Lorcana, an entire Floodborn world where the character’s stories were altered, giving us the Great Seven. Esteemed heroes of their world, rather than evil villains.
There are a lot of other examples too, and all would be fun playing with the different Twist characters.
This one would be very relevant for Silver:
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And this one just absolutely screams Vil :
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Anyway, I've always enjoyed AU's so Lorcana is definitely fuel for that fire where Twisted Wonderland is concerned. Also wonder if there is anyone out there who plays both games like I do.
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nightingaletrash · 4 months
Since there are multiple shows- which yugioh show is everyone watching? If I wanted to get into it, where do I start?
Honestly, I'm not a great source of advice for this nonnie because I've only ever watched the original Duel Monsters, Season 0, and a bit of GX when I was a kid. I couldn't tell you much about 5Ds or anything about the other shows that came after, and I don't plan on watching them either.
What I can tell you is that there's not a running story throughout the shows that makes it necessary to watch them all or necessarily in order. As far as I know, they're each their own self-contained show with no strong dependency on the others, so in theory you could start anywhere and enjoy yourself.
The chronological order is Duel Monsters -> GX -> 5Ds -> ZeXal -> Arc V -> Vrains -> Sevens -> Go Rush!!! but anything past 5Ds is completely out of my comfort zone in terms of who the protagonists and what the stories are about.
My advice would be to start with Duel Monsters because its the first one, its near and dear to my heart, and it sets the stage for what Duel Monsters the game really is and where it came from. But if you started it and didn't have the best time, there's no shame in trying out one of the other shows. Like I said, to my knowledge they're largely self-contained, so you wouldn't be missing out on story beats or character plots by trying out another, and you might find something you genuinely fall in love with.
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shitpostingkats · 8 months
Hi yes I need you to know that your analysis on Jaden and Yusei (June 16, 2022, idk if you’ve done multiple on them but that’s the one I’m talking about) is the realest thing I have EVER read and you’re so right and you should say it MUCH louder that is the greatest take op it’s amazing and I’m screaming /pos
Jaden is my favorite character like,,,, ever, and you have nailed him I’m going bonkers
Another thing, I love your Groupchat AU but you have made me become aware that there is???? Another???? YGO show????? I was like who on God’s Green Earth is Yudias and then Google attacked me with information. I still remember. When Vrains was new. To me Vrains is still new. It came out 6 years ago. I feel old. I am not okay. I have yet to acknowledge the existence of Sevens and will continue to do so with Go Rush. Oh I got off-topic, whoops-
Anyways, love your Groupchat AU but I saw the one part with the Eldritch language that Jaden and Yuya are both fluent in and I humbly request more of their dynamic???
I had an epiphany last night, they’re so similar I’m actually losing my mind. All I can think about is that one audio of Batman and that girl on the swings and it’s like “They got their weapon, I got cheated out of my childhood” “I know what that’s like.” “You do don’t you?” Tell me that’s not them I am dying /pos
Much love <3
Oh my gosh, thank you! <3
Jaden and Yusei, my beloved blorbit. The painfully monstrous and the painfully human. The narrative foils of all time. Jaden Yuki, the creatchur autism boi of all time. <3 I need to write about them more.
I know what you mean about the new shows. I'm still a ways off from watching them, but I still want to remember they exist but keep forgetting. What do you means vrains is six years old??? (<- was not even a yugioh fan when vrains was airing) You're telling me there's probably going to be new one after that??? That the days start coming and they don't stop coming?????
Shoutouts to the sevens and go rush fans. They are the mightiest of soldiers. I know nothing about their shows but I'm hesitantly penciling them into the groupchat au anyways because I have seen maybe three clips but I know this funny little alien guy is near and dear to my heart.
Obviously there's a bit of a shift between Vrains and the Sevens era, being made for new audiences, a little tone shifting (which we LOVE, because any franchise that stays the same forever is no bueno.) and that makes it easy to group the first six shows into one group. But I also think there's a fascinating dialogue between shows 1-3 and shows 4-6. I didn't realize it until I was a good way into Arc-V, but each of the second trilogy protagonists sorta reflects the first three.
With Yuma and Yugi, it's very purposeful, a stated "return to form" with the chipper kid and his ghost companion who lives in his special necklace. And when I was gushing over Yusei in 5Ds, I got a lot of people saying "Man, you're going to love Yusaku." They're both the rbf hacker protags who fight the government. Lots to love.
But Jaden and Yuya????? Did not imagine I would come out of Arc-V going "omg they're foils. They're the same story through a different lens. They need to TALK to eachother and bond over their shared experiences."
Even leaving out my pet theory of "Zarc Was An Incarnation Of Jaden In The Original Timeline", they're just so. *clenches fist* The childhood trauma of being a weird kids and masking with an overly bubbly personality only to learn the great anger they've been trying to hide is powerful enough to rip apart reality and they're secretly harbingers of destruction.
By the end of GX, I think Jaden has wonderfully come to term with that. By the end of Arc-V, I think Yuya hasn't.
Their dynamic in the gc AU is very much to me Yuya is still struggling with Z-arc stuff, but not saying anything about it because that'd be weird, so he just kinda frets about it until he hits a breaking point and Jaden gets to offer his advice on dealing with all this.
I am so interested in exploring this that it actually got me started writing fic again,,, which I haven't done in like a year, so wish me luck. I'll keep y'all updated :)
Angst aside, they're also just. One braincell between them. Theatre kid and guy who has never once acted natural in his entire life. Kid making a scene at a Waffle House while his friend slowly eats the entire menu and offers suggestions. Jaden is a pokemon fan and Yuya is a kingdom hearts girlie, I've decided this, and they takes turns infodumping to each other. Jaden summons duel spirits so Yuya can ride around on Hiphippo even when he's not dueling. They trade funny things they've heard their dragons say. They're eldritch and inhuman and best friends, your honor.
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You know... I didn’t want to say it, but this second half of Sevens has really been reminding me of Zexal II what with the whole “a group of aliens come down to play card game and get into other whacky hi jinks with the protags.”
Now I realise they might have intended those similarities considering all the Zexal references in this baseball episode.
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^ This might also be a jab at the dub for changing “Hope” to “Utopia.” Good luck making the Home Run pun work, Sevens dub XD
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Also, Home Run as I’m gonna nickname this monster has fireballs swirling around it that look like overlay units :D
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I wish it was an actual XYZ monster, I miss the other special summons in general though I guess the Rush Duel format doesn’t have an extra monster zone and I do still love maximum summon. Still, I love all the Zexal nods here. There’s a fine line between paying homage and ripping off and I don’t think they’ve crossed it, this feels firmly like it’s paying homage and just making us Zexal fans go wild in general.
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Yugioh Go Rush + Sevens Theories
was looking thru my old drafts and found this. its old ik it was made when 52 came out dont ask me why
these will be put in the order that i think of it. get ready for huge paragraphs-
hhh ok first YUHI WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, DUDE I DON'T THINK YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO GET YOUR EMO PHASE AT 13. also, MIK IS EVIL???? second, i'm betting that Yuga/'That Guy' is going to lose in his battle against Ryugu. still excited to see it though, and also happy that he didn't leave this time period and go back to his time within the timeskip.
he's also probably going to be unmasked, cuz probably plot reasons. really excited for that part, if it happens, due to me liking Sevens way too much for the average Yugioh fan. i think he's probably leaving at episode 77 tho- for instance, episode 77 of Sevens (i mean in the subs cuz the dub skipped over a episode) was when Goha Yuga was revealed. tbh he might get unmasked in episode 77 instead of leaving.
anyway, i'm getting off task. Ryugu Phaser and his smol brother are probably actually aliens. no one in Yugioh has dilated eyes unless they're either possessed, actually evil, or alien, in Go Rush's case. ALSO. WHO the FUCK NAMES THEIR CHILD PHASER. WHAT. i mean, japanese naming, but PHASER. seriously guys. what.
next time on Yugioh Go Rush: The Life of an Average Emo
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taxguy314 · 2 months
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a newer theory i seen about this poster is that the blue guy is Manabu since the blue guy and Manabu has some similar traits the theory is Manabu will be affected by monster reborn similar how to gakuto was in sevens but since Manabu is not good mentally as gakuto it would way worse for Manabu than gakuto
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asterism343 · 1 year
ok so like, Yugioh Sevens and Yugioh Go Rush are 97% certain to be in the same timeline with Go Rush taking place many years later. But how many years later? well...I'm gonna try to figure that out with some wild guessing!
if you have something to add, or have a wildly contradicting theory, please tell me! nothing is confirmed yet afaik so i'm open to considering lots of theories!
ok so here's the info we have
many Go Rush characters seem to be descendants of SEVENS characters, with the same voice actor and last name. Additionally, London and Rovian are explicitly confirmed to be cousins, and Yuna Goha said that she "inherited" the Goha Company.
However, the characters are of drastically different ages. i made a spreadsheet of my best guesses
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so, all the kids are in one generation, and then there's a gap, and then all the old people are two generations back.
here's my theory: all the old people at UTS are the first generation after SEVENS. so Mondai's dad is Ushiro, and so on. all the kids are the third generation after, which means that Rovian and London are third cousins.
ok so let's do some calculations here. let's say that, for example, Galixon Tazaki (or maybe it's "Gyarikuson"? idk) is about 60–70 years old, and was born about 20 years after SEVENS. that would put the time difference between the series at about 80–90 years which sounds about right to me.
what are your thoughts on this? tell me!
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voiddemon · 2 years
Tell me more about your blorbos from that 2000’s anime, the yoyo-go
wow i love yoyo-go it is my favoriteee. i gotta make it clear i take everything from the show and not the manga. Which you can watch for free on their website (use an adblocker but honestly only watch the show with a friend and make fun of it)
i have two core blorbos from yugioh and they are the closest thing to being the main villain (who isn't in most of the show for some reason) and a barely relevant side character who the writers forget more often than not. Spoilers for season one mostly but who fucking cares it's yugioh.
Uhh basic rundown of the show first. I'm mostly talking about Season One. The important thing to know is the protagonist is named Yugi, who has something called the millennium puzzle which houses a thousands year old pharaoh from egypt with no memories of his past named Yami(Dark) Yugi. Everyone plays a popular card game called 'Duel Monsters', which is made by a guy named Pegasus. In Season One he hosts a tournament called Duelist Kingdom which takes place on a private island, and forces Yugi to participate by trapping his grandfather's soul in. Like a video tape or some shit.
The overall main villain is named Yami Bakura and the random side character is Tristan. An important facet of Yami Bakura is that he is just possessing the body of the actual Bakura (who is basically a non-character). Yami Bakura is a thousands year old spirit from egypt and I don't think he has memories from his past? I haven't actually watched the season where his tragic backstory is revealed. He plays the role of a secondary antagonist in the first season. While he isn't part of the Duelist Kingdom tournament he is here bc he snuck on the island.
Yami Bakura is actually in an artifact called the millennium ring, which is one of the many millennium items. There are like seven, but not all of them contain spirits, just the Puzzle and the Ring. There are seven items in total and he wishes to collect them all for. ultimate power or something? show isn't clear but what does matter is that all the items being wielded by one person is very dangerous.
Tristan is literally just a guy. He's a normal high schooler who is friends with Yugi, as well as joey who is a secondary protagonist. He is supposedly closest to Joey which yeah but also Joey is not paying it forward. He and Joey used to bully Yugi for being a nerd but then through some anime logic they became friends. In my opinion which is very biased he's vaguely characterized as being very headstrong and a problem solver, who doesn't get all of the magic and card game things happening around him but still tries his best to keep up and help. He's also canonically really, really strong, which the show often has to forget for anything to happen since every person who actually plays the card games is built like a twig.
OK I am now going to get to the fun blorbo bits. My crack theory with a lot of evidence is that Bakura and Tristan are become bffs during season one off screen. After some weird shit goes on with Yami Bakura (which is relevant, but Tristan thought it was a bad dream) Bakura and Tristan are seen together VERY FREQUENTLY. When the show wants to do something without them, they go off to do something else together. If they're on screen they're together, if Bakura is off doing sus things Tristan is always the one to ask "Where's Bakura?"
Before the final duel Bakura, Tristan, and another character (who I hate) believe that Pegasus is using cameras to cheat in the duels. Pegasus has another millennium item that allows him to read minds and see what the other player is holding. So they sneak around at night, looking around the main dueling area. They then break into a tower after finding nothing.
While this is a big interaction the stuff that happens between them after that isn't super important. Because while something big happens Yami Bakura wipes Tristan's memory of it. The important part about it for me is that Yami Bakura gets to see that Tristan is at least a bit competent despite the show they're in.
During the final duel (Yugi vs Pegasus) the show switches between the actual Duel and Tristan/Bakura.
Tristan and Bakura talk about how Pegasus has the souls and bodies(they're separate right now) of two characters, and therefore is holding all the cards. Tristan decides to be the only dude who does anything productive and goes off to find either of the two, since if he does Pegasus wont have as much leverage over all of them.
After a few scenes that I described in three paragraphs Tristan finds a soulless body of a character named Mokuba, Yami Bakura saves Tristan after he's cornered, they run together and again Yami Bakura saves Tristan from falling to his death. However they both are cornered at the top of a very high tower and Pegasus' Goons catch up to them.
So Yami Bakura summons two monsters and literally kills the guards just cus. BUT instead of turning on Tristan and killing him he talks to him, revealing his goal that he wants a new body to possess. He threatens Tristan, demanding he hands Mokuba over.
Tristan refuses. Instead of making good on his threat he reminds Tristan that he will kill him and have one of his monsters devour his soul. I'm pointing out again he really could have just done so already instead of giving Tristan chances to comply. For a third time he tries to reason with him, implying that he wouldn't kill him despite stating that yeah he's an evil spirit in the ring possessing his friend.
Tristan fakes giving in, throwing Mokuba's body to him before laying his ass out which yes was the best moment in the show. Tristan takes the ring off Bakura's body and literally chucks it into a small forest on the island. Tristan then carries Bakura and Mokuba back to where Joey and another character are watching Yugi duel. Later in the next episode the ring just appears on Bakura's neck again by magic so lmao rip didn't quite solve the problem but it was still cool as hell.
That is sadly pretty much the last they interact in any meaningful way, which sucks SO MUCH ASS. In season 2 when Bakura/Yami Bakura gets put in a card game coma by a different villain he's the most concerned for him and they have a few more small interactions, but that's kind of it. Tristan gets shoved to the side and Bakura straight up doesn't show up for half of season 2, and makes no appearance in Season 3 and supposedly 4. BTW the writers also straight up forgot about everything above by season 4 which makes me SO MAD but season 4 is so bullshit anyway from the 3 episodes i've watched (and it apparently gets worse).
OH-K so here's where my blorbo bingo brain comes in. I personally headcanon that Yami Bakura has a long-standing grudge against Tristan after the events of season one. While he is (as stated by his edgy ass) a puny mortal who knows nothing of magic, he is still cunning and strong enough to be a proper threat, especially since he is personally close to his host. The only reason he didn't kill him in that scene is because of a separate headcanon that the spirits in the two millennium items are biased to liking the friends of their hosts, as well as hating their enemies.
If me and my sister ever seriously wrote like a fanfiction rewrite a core element that we would want to include would be a prominent dynamic between Bakura, Yami Bakura, and Tristan. Idk, I think it would be interesting, especially since every other character pays no attention to Bakura in the show. Especially if at some point they had to work together again. Hell, the whole Yami Bakura doesn't want to kill Tristan thing could come back through Yami Bakura seeing him as a useful pawn to his schemes.
I think Tristan has a lot of thoughts on the whole thing, but doesn't know how he feels about the spirit in the ring. He obviously doesn't like the fact that Yami Bakura has to control and possess his friend, but it's not like he has any other options. He's also saved Tristan's life and refrained from killing him, so overall I think he is spirit neutral.
im gonna stop myself this is so long and im not reading over any of it again.
TLDR: Tristan and Bakura are friends, Yami Bakura hates Tristan and sees him as a threat because he foiled his plans but has a weird respect for him. Tristan has complicated feelings about the whole thing. None of my thoughts matter because the writers set all of this up and dropped it for no reason.
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