I’m essentially suspending myself from using this platform as I have been distilling things to a much more simple and concentrated platform. Thank you ;)
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Anchored to hope doesn’t mean you won’t have difficulties. It means when difficulties come, nothing will move you.
(via spirituality-and-words)
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Attempting to create a routine
Routine is something mentioned by Jordan Peterson as an important role in ‘success’. I know on a deep level that I heavily benefit from a routine but with my young, free flowing mind I often find myself completely failing to meet the criteria of any routine I create. So here I’m doing something different,
1. Try to wake up with the alarm, the first time it goes off 2. Do something physical every morning 3. Find time to read, it’s incredibly enjoyable once I start 4. Work on the novel every Monday 5. Stay healthy and reinforce my health by being financially sensible 6. Don’t wait to work, get on with it 7. Keep to do lists short and sweet 8. Spend 10 minutes every morning to meditate 9. Don’t fret about fucking up the 'routine’, it’s not as serious or as important as my mind makes it out to be
These points are different to the normal approach to routine and scheduling. I think it’s important to recognise the fact that things will get in the way, shit happens. It’s a matter of adaptation and acceptance.
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I've moved house, started uni, changed my shifts in work and am in the process of getting my Internet connection sorted, once it is I'll hopefully be outputting posts on a regular basis.
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Never be neutral. Always be brave.
You aren’t here to just coast through life. Pick a side. Stand for something. // @abillionlittlethoughts (via abillionlittlethoughts)
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“Play like your momma has just died.” - George Clinton, under the influence of LSD said this to Eddie Hazel during the recording of Maggot Brain, allegedly.
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The body is false, And so are its fears, Heaven and hell, freedom and bondage. It is all invention. What can they matter to me? I am Awareness itself.
Ashtavakra Gita (via pure-awareness)
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Self care is good for the skin
My mental health has a huge impact on my physical health, and of course my skin and acne. I have to be mindful to keep my stress levels low in order to be happy and healthy. Here are just a couple of self care tips that I use.
1. get a cup of tea. Fruit tea, green tea, camomile tea, spearmint tea are all good options for your skin. ☕️
2. Go for a walk. Often if I’m feeling down about my skin or something I just wallow in my room, a quick walk round the block really does me good. 🏃‍♀️
3. Appreciate things. If you see a rainbow stop and stare, if you spot a cute cat stop and play with it. Slow yourself down. Allow yourself to stop and appreciate things.🌈
4. Talk to someone. Your parents, partner or friend or whoever, talk to them about how your feeling that day. Or just chat about tv shows or the weather. Talking to people helps me feel less alone and just overall more positive.👭
5. Journal. Whether it’s a skin journal or an emotions journal or just accounts of your day it’s good to get it out on paper. You can throw the paper away if you need to after but writing it out feels cathartic.📔
6. Write out your routine. From skincare to brushing your teeth. Write out what you do and what order you do it in for the morning and nighttime. This stops you from forgetting things and gives you a structure to work to. 🗓
7. Try meditation or yoga. This might not be your thing but just try it. There’s lots of beginner guides on YouTube.💆
8. Have you remembered all you medication? Take your meds and supplements if you haven’t. They could be contributing to you feeling low. 💊
9. Water. It’s an easy way to help your body and skin. Drink your water. 💧
10. Go to bed on time. Beauty sleep is real people. You’ll be helping your health and your skin by getting an early night.🛌
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Writing: Flow & The Creative Process
I’ve mentioned in a post a few days ago that I want to be much more active with this blog, it’s a fun format and I really enjoy writing posts - Though, as often as people say they want to “get into something” more, it many times over turns into a lack of that thing and then disappointment when you didn’t meet your personal goals / expectation. Think of a simple question, how many people say they’re working on a novel? How often do those individuals sit down and write, actually getting pen to paper, finger to keyboard. #Writers will know this very well, it’s a fun idea and appears all over the place, the most common one is probably #Dieting - I personally think the word diet is an excuse, if you really wanted to be healthy or get fit, just as much as you would want to finish that novel you’ve been writing for years - You’d get on with it and force yourself to do the work. Of course, everyone is in different circumstances but I really like Stephen King’s idea which he explains in his memoir, On Writing (fantastic read!), the first like of the first chapter is the following,
“If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There’s no way around these two things that I’m aware of, no shortcut.”
It’s a brilliant sentiment which I find very fun to think about as a writer, creative and general ‘pursuer of dreams’. However, that’s not what I was planning on talking about, not motivation or any sort of writing gobbledeegook we’ve all heard before. I just wanted to write and this is what came to mind, which raises the thought I will now bring to attention,
How on Earth do some people just hone in on their creative side and throw themselves straight at it every day?
I think motivation is a no-brainer but I think it goes much further beyond that, it’s like you have to set the intention and then don’t think about it, don’t give your mind a single chance to second guess the decision. So, as a creative myself, I sit here wondering on where these brilliant writers acquire the (what Joe Rogan calls) “Just show up mentality.”
We often as people get ourselves (I know I do for sure) into thought patterns in which we assume certain circumstances need to be in place for me to do X thing. If those circumstances are not in place, we can’t perform, we can’t succeed and to some extent, just can’t do anything. I think part of the whole creative & competitive mindset is actually getting OUT of your mind, because even though it’s helping you be creative and stay focused, it’s also where the inner critic lays, creeping on the corners waiting to challenge your ideas and plant second guessing seeds inside of you. Flow is a big component to this whole idea, since when we’re in Flow, the inner critic shuts off (simple but brilliant primer on Flow from Steven Kotler). When this happens, you flow (parden the pun) straight through your creative process and can reach points in which any decision becomes possible. Without going into Flow too much, it’s a science I only know the basics on but it interests me heavily - Even saying this now, I feel that time has passed very quickly and my critic has shut down completely, I’m writing this impromptu and rather enjoying myself. It’s a fun idea to think about, I didn’t exactly know where this would go once I started writing but overall we’ve come to writing, Flow, creative process, etc, etc.
Thanks for reading,
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The body is false, And so are its fears, Heaven and hell, freedom and bondage. It is all invention. What can they matter to me? I am Awareness itself.
Ashtavakra Gita (via pure-awareness)
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I've been really into Post-Rock recently, this is a superb track!
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Spiritual Seeking is Pointless
You already have everything you’re looking for, if you don’t know that, sit down until you do. If you know it already, I ask why are you seeking?
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No wonder babies cry when they are born, they've just been waken up from the most blissful sleep.
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With patience, practice, and time, change will come.
Dalai Lama (via thebuddhistmind)
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