theempathmars · 3 years
what do houses mean in astrology?
1st house: assertiveness, authoritarism, beginnings, behavior, being forceful, character, competition, conclusiveness, confidence, decisiveness, firmness, general temperament, imprudence, individualism, indocility, insistence, integrity, obstinacy, obstinateness, physical appearance, physical force, physiognomy, purpose, purposefulness, resolution, roughness., self-assure,self-image, selfdom, singularity, strengths, stubbornness, sunrise, uniqueness, willpower.
2nd house: beauty, belongings, comfort, environments sensibility, gardening, gifts, how you earn and deal with money, investments, love, loyalty, luxe, material world, my money, nature, personal belongings, plants, possessions, property, reversals, savings, security seeker, self-regard, self-respect, self-worth, stubbornness, values, wealth.
3rd house: acquaintances, adolescence, basis of knowledge, communicating skills,communication, debate, entertaining, friends, good humor, gossips, information, intellect, interest, learning, locals, mental abilities, mental stimulation, mind, primary education, problem's analysis, relationship with peers, short distance, short trips, siblings and relatives, social interaction, styles of thinking, talk, teacher, will power of mind, young, youth.
4th house: ancestry, emotional core, emotional memory, emotional sensibility, emotional structure, emotional traumas, emotions, familiarity, family, family investment, heritage, home, internal life, intimacy, mood, mother, nearness, nurture, origins, parents, private space, resentments, roots, shape of the being, your ideal model of family.
5th house: child, childness, creativity, delight, dignity, ego, elevation, happiness, honor, jealously, joy, my individuality, nobleness, personality, pleasure, pride, self-esteem, self-importance, sex as a desire, summer love.
6th house: aliments, charges on yourself, control, discipline, energy, focus, health, how you face adversities, hygiene, intelligence, introversion, jobs, occupations, organization, pets, physiology, rationality, responsibilities, routine, schedules, service, shyness, tasks, think and do, well-being, work.
7th house: affections, apego, appearance, arts, balance, business, commitment, contracts, emotional bonds, enemies, fancy, generosity, good manners, harmony., kindness, law, marriage, partners, persona, personal connections, projections, relationships, soulmate, sympathy, where you like do give your time and energy.
8th house: clandestineness, competition, confidentiality, crime, danger, death, debts, extreme, fears, hate, hostility, inheritance, jealously, lies, masturbation, mystery, obsession, obstinacy, personal unconscious, privacy, rebirth, secrets, sex, spiritual values, transformations of oneself, vulnerabilities, what is hidden, your money.
9th house: books, culture, curiosity, deep knowledge, diverse studies, ethics, expansion, faith, fortune, freedom, good luck, higher beliefs, higher education, human diversity, language, law, long-distance travel, philosophy, religion, spiritual identity, spiritual knowledge, travel.
10th house: careers, conservative, constancy, desirable power, future, goals, life mission, limitations, obstacles, orthodox, outside life, public image, reputations, stability, status, stint, time, your style of seek success.
11th house: aspirations, co-workers, collective conscious, criticality, dreams that can become reality, friends, kink, oddness, peculiarity, radicalism, social awareness, society, the individuality of others, unorthodox, unpredictability, weirdness.
12th house: abstract, addictions, altruism, charity, cheat, collective unconscious, delusions, escapism, fantasy, ideal, imagination, introspection, music, mysticism, psychology, suffering, what nobody sees.
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theempathmars · 3 years
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🌻Inner Garden 3 Card Spread🌻
🐝What to grow? (What to focus on, nourish & cultivate in the coming lunar cycle)
🍄What to prune? (Things to watch out for or work on, the shadow work that needs attention)
🌸What takes root? (What general element or theme will shape the next month? Often a little outside of our control)
🪐Got this spread from tumblr. Very grateful to have come across it. May you find some clarity too 💋🪐
I chose this spread because it felt most right to do with what I wanted to know. I love the versatility of 3 card spreads & they are simple yet so skraight to the point of the matter.
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theempathmars · 3 years
The Signs Based As Songs off of Not In Chronological Order
All Your Exes: Aries
Love Is Weird: Cancer, Virgo
Pessimist: Aquarius
Little Did I Know: Libra, Gemini
Orange Magic: Sagittarius
Lie Like This: Leo
Wrapped Around: Taurus
History: Capricorn
Undertone: Pisces
That’s The Kind of Woman: Scorpio
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theempathmars · 5 years
Taking Aesthetic Requests
Hey everyone! Send me your zodiac aesthetic requests for moodboard, etc. I’m thrilled to start making them again. 😊💜
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theempathmars · 5 years
The Signs Based on Julia Michaels Songs
Aries: F***** Up, Kinda
Taurus: Into You
Gemini: Uh Huh
Cancer: Don’t Wanna Think
Leo: Falling For Boys
Virgo: Anxiety
Libra: Body
Scorpio: Shouldn’t Have Said It
Sagittarius: 17
Capricorn: Work Too Much
Aquarius: Issues
Pisces: Happy
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theempathmars · 5 years
The signs based on people I know:
aries: very oblivious to their actions, very indecisive when making plans, always where their heart is, have strong faith, get shit done, love a little rebellion ;D, will always be there to help / go the extra mile for you.
taurus: very observational, laugh a lot, say a lot of random crap, repeat themselves a lot, tend to wander, love to share experiences, sing a lot, do a great deal of impersonating, when you get on their bad side you cease to exist within the blink of an eye.
gemini: stylish bebs, always wearing those vintage lace ups, always very beautiful, very captivating, besides their beauty they have wondrous intricate minds, indecisive, gentle, creative, they always stand up for whats right / their opinion, friendly as hell, hard to read, lost in their fairytale.
Keep reading
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theempathmars · 5 years
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S a g i t t a r i u s
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theempathmars · 5 years
Sun and Moon Sign Differences
I’ve noticed that the significations for the Sun sign and the Moon sign are often conflated. When someone hears that a person has a “Capricorn Moon,” the first assumption is that that person shares traits and commonalities with Capricorn Sun people. I’m not saying that this is wrong, because the energy of the sign is still the same, it is just that the energy of the planet gives the particular placement different significations. I would go so far as to say that the Moon sign is a more neurotic version of the Sun sign, if they are to be compared. Where Virgo Sun is diligent and organized, Virgo Moon may be obsessive and a bit compulsive in maintaining concepts of organization in their own mind. I know a Virgo Moon who adjusts toilet paper rolls whenever they are facing the “wrong way” and Virgo moons who cannot have the TV volume on an odd number. The organizational scheme is in the mind, and peace of mind is reached when Virgo moons can manipulate their environment to fit their “needs.” Where Taurus Sun is no-nonsense and self-preserving, Taurus Moon represses emotion further and takes sentimentality too far, struggling to let go of the past. Where Scorpio Sun is suspicious and wary of the motives of others, Scorpio Moon may be paranoid and fixated while the mind is overtaken by scenarios that become “truth,” or mistaken for intuitive knowing. The moon may represent the mind, and depending on the house, may show the state of the mind. A 12th house Moon may emotionally feel trapped and isolated while a 12th house Sun may actually experience confinement. Perception is filtered through the emotions, which tinge reality into whatever hue suits that emotional state. While the Sun does not always take things at face value, the Sun organizes information through different schemas and presents a more straight-forward expression of a sign’s energy. Both are complex, and neither represent a purer expression of sign energy than the other.
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theempathmars · 5 years
Some Fresh Sagittarius Hate
We think we’re the Best Sign
Always Late
Makes everything emotion a Joke
Would die to have fun
Always Broke
Would kill a man for the Aesthetic
Will talk shit about you
Will get drunk and talk about themselves to anyone who will listen
Needs Everyone to like them All The Time
*Says something super bitchy* “I’m just being Honest”
*says they’re gonna be productive* *takes a nap*
Will Never Change
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theempathmars · 5 years
Zodiac Aesthetic’s
Credit: All Aesthetic’s made by me.
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Tag yourself.
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theempathmars · 5 years
(Requested) Pink sagittarious moodboard
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theempathmars · 5 years
fun post: first impressions
Read for Sun & Rising
Aside from the fearlessness and arrogance they might emit and strength, we see a little wisdom, they carry themselves based on some knowledge which seems wise and it is sometimes hard to read them upon first meeting them.
Mysterious and do not tell much about themselves. So upon first meeting them, you might not feel you can trust them because they are so mysterious and would rather have small-talk. They like taking it slow and enjoying each phase completely before moving forward.
People feel like they do are so careless. But it is just an impression they are actually pretty dedicated friends, to the real ones of course. Also they have this joy about their presence.
They do not feel the need to start talking about themselves anytime soon, and at the same time they are not that noisy about others’ lives. So sometimes they leave an impression of a shy, uninteresting person, which is so not true. But they always give you a sense of feeling at home, of feeling free to be yourself which allows you to touch them and let them talk about themselves after some time, it is an interesting paradox. They feel like home, comfort.
Sure of themselves, talkative, charming sometimes people who are insecure are jealous of them. Warm, with beautiful smiles.
Very closed-off and reserved, it takes time for them to make friends and might seem a bit anti-social at first. But they pay attention to everything, they are observers work with logic and can surprise you.
Super elegant, stylish, kind with excellent mannerisms which is not far from how they really are.
A puzzle that charms each and every person they meet. Once you meet them you just want more and more, you are drawn.
Super chill vibes, they want to communicate about their philosophies immediately or are really into their thoughts, either way you feel that sense of arrogance as a first impression. You also feel it is hard to approach them, but actually they are super chill and want to be approached.
Ambitious and strong, intimidating just as they are in reality, or a significant part of what they are.
They look as cold and closed-off people, but that is not the case they actually want to socialize and make new friends but that is how their outer shell functions. You get the detached, aloof feeling first.
They often look sad and/or lonely, they have eyes with depth. Once you get to know them, yes that is a part of them, but they are also very charming, fun and artistic.
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theempathmars · 6 years
Heavens Fable:Aries
Aries calls out in the language of forgotten divinites
1-10° degrees: blessings of war- Domain of War gods
1° in Aries- A brazier is lit during a covens initiation
2° in Aries- A blade is sharpened with a whet stone, whilst the smith whistles a jaunty tune
3° in Aries- hawks swoop at a lake, clutching at the salmon swimming upstream
4° in Aries- A quill over paper
5° in Aries- a glutton feasts on a corpse of a fallen warrior king.
6° in Aries- Mellifluous song and dance fills the chambers with happiness and joy
7° in aries- Cackling crone
8° in Aries- a vagabond rogue seduces a young women
9° in aries- Crystals ring with an ephemeral tune
10° in aries- a bitter king clutches at his chest, sick and dying
10-20° blessings of authority-Domain of God kings
11° in aries- a weeping women finds solace in her lovers arms
12° in aries- a crude drawing of a naked man touching himself
13° in aries- angels singing praises
14° in aries- a wanton dancer sticks out her tongue
15° in aries- cherry wine
16° in aries- the flags are burning over an azure lake
17° in aries- a woman scolds her child who has stolen candy
18° in aries- a pitiable man roams the streets in search of purpose and meaning
19° in aries- a pigeon coos
20° in aries- the parting gates of heaven pour pearly white waters onto the earth
20-30° blessings of wisdom-Domain of Warrior Sage gods
21° in aries- a cloister of monks brews illegal vodka
22° in aries- honey drips from a bees stinger
23° in aries- underwater springs burble
24° in aries- gods return to earth
25° in aries- ethereal whispers
26° in aries- the gods are screaming
27° in aries- a wicked man is hung for his crimes
28° in aries- a man cries seeking acceptance for his appearance
29° in aries- gargoyles in a church
30° in aries- victory for the fallen.
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theempathmars · 6 years
Natal Mercury Sextile Aspects
Mercury Sextile Mars: Energy is given to intellect and communication. These guys have a knack for figuring out people’s weaknesses and can be strategic in the social realm. They can have subtle combative influences behind their observations and intellect. 
Mercury Sextile Jupiter: This aspect is promising for speech and communication. There is a high association with studying languages, translating, and persuasion. There is a love of learning and love for words. This person can be gifted with optimism and charisma.
Mercury Sextile Saturn: Reliability and logic are gifted to the area of communication. Integrity is also very strong in how this person thinks and communicates. They are no nonsense and has little patience for… BS. Their mind can be very in tune to the average Joe’s concerns, experience, and joys. They come off as down-to-earth and might express concern/interest in many “Saturn-like” topics. Laws, work, general dark topics, history, tradition, practical tasks, overcoming hardships, etc.
Mercury Sextile Uranus: This aspect indicates an open mind and increases any nonjudgmental behavior and thought. This can make someone witty, think outside the box, and a quick learner. They are not about stereotypes and labels. They appreciate others individualism.
Mercury Sextile Neptune: There is a big emphasis on creativity in the spoken word. This makes someone imaginative, poetic, romantic, and possibly quirky in how they express.  Intuition can exist here too, mostly concentrated on communication. They read others like a book.
Mercury Sextile Pluto: This aspect gives people a great depth of perception. They are emotional but they try to understand the world through intellectual means. They are highly observant and detailed. They are attracted to secrets and mysteries and love figuring out problems.
Mercury Sextile Ascendant: This tends to boost the social trait for an Ascendant and makes one observational in social situations. Mercury traits could also be given to the Ascendant overall such as persuasion, being talkative, and cleverness.
Mercury Sextile Midheaven: With this aspect people choose their words carefully out of fear of being misunderstood. They could have a reserved side or uses humor and shallow communication to guard from being examined by others. They can be highly observational and is in tune to social situations. This could be a promising aspect for networking. People with this aspect rely heavily on intellect and communication skills to succeed.
Mercury Sextile North Node: Mentally open to the lessons and knowledge from the nodes. Intellect, detachment, objectiveness, and the sharing and gathering of information play a big role in the Nodes lessons/fulfillment.
Mercury Sextile Chiron: To overcome their wounds they must tap into self-expression or communicate their pain. Words are healing for this person. Those who hold back their expression or that can’t seem to get them should be avoided.
Mercury Sextile Juno: A soul mate is the person they truly groove with intellectually and communication wise. This can indicate a relationship that forms from long-distance or online communication. This person also seeks a partner who is supportive and engaging.
Mercury Sextile Ceres: Vocally reassuring. Is good at forming and sharing encouraging messages to the world. Needs to be around those who will let them talk it out. Sometimes needs intellectual reassurance and confirmation.
Mercury Sextile Pallas: A talent in communication, technology, learning, studying, and teaching. Needs to exercise their mind constantly.
Mercury Sextile Vesta: Much like the Conjunction, “The ability to express ones self and being able to find mental stimulation is NEEDED for emotional, spiritual, and mental health. This aspect needs room to breathe and to vent.” Here there can be more of a focus towards finding people in their life that can give them the mental stimulation they need.
Mercury Sextile Lilith: Expression and reasoning will help overcome Lilith’s issues. If this person taps into their Lilith traits they might have a lot of power and talent in sharing their experiences.
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theempathmars · 6 years
What your birth month says about you?
People born in January are Unpredictable, abundantly intelligent, ambitious and hard working. They are extremely crucial about others, heartless and stubborn and often get annoyed. They also have the ability to make people feel joyful and cheerful. They know how to share and get the ideas from others. They are sassy and hot as hell.
People born in February are silent and simple. They are truthful and faithful, committed to their goals and ambitions and are extremely independent. They get rebellious when restricted, loves aggressiveness and are extremely sensitive and gets easily hurt. Intelligent and clever and have the ability to transform their personality.
People born in March have an appealing personality. They are timid, self – contained, secretive, are genuinely sincere, kind-hearted, comforting and supportive. They get easily angry, they are moody and revengeful. It’s very difficult for them to select a partner. They love to travel and want to be noticed by each and everyone.
People born in April are energetic and lively, active, appealing and caring for oneself. They have a good sense of humour. They are Communicative, calm and composed. Inspires oneself and others, loves attention, diplomatic and love to solve others problem. They can be easily consoled and sassy in the manner that their mate can see.
People born in May are sassy, beautiful in all the ways. They can appeal others without any efforts, always want attention and are self-motivated. They can easily get annoyed, are heartless and stubborn. They love to dream, can be consoled effortlessly and are very comprehensible.
People born in June are very demanding and always want best from their life. They are fun loving, loves to do different things and are friendly and communicative. Opposite sex easily get attracted to them, are extremely hot and mysterious. They are energetic and have lots of thoughts and ideas. They are easily hurt, often gets cold without any effort, easily bored, stubborn and can often become sentimental. They have the ability to make lots of friend.
People born in July are outgoing, loves to make new friends. They are hot and attractive, always proud of oneself and are very reputed people. They are fun loving as well as private. They can be consoled without taking any efforts, honest and always concerned about others feelings. They are moody, can be easily hurt and are often emotionally temper, unpredictable. They are quick-witted and sharp. They are caring and as well as very sensitive.
People born in August are brave and fearless. They are outgoing and love attention. They are generous and confident people, loves to be appreciated and feel very proud of themselves. They can get angry without any effort and jealousy is prone to them. They are romantic, caring and loving people. They have the ability to make lots of friends.
People born in September are heedful, cautious, organized and choosy. They love to chit chat and will only love those who love them. They are stubborn and are very critical of themselves and others. They appear to be silent but have a good speaking capability. They are calm and composed and have control to oneself. They have the ability to motivate themselves as well as others. They are extremely hard working and love to be known for their hard work. They are understanding, fun loving and very confident people.
People born in October are reliable and faithful. They love to chit chat and will only love those who love them. They are beautiful from all the way. They are the daydreamer, indecisive. They often get angry, lies but never fake it, secretive and sometimes get sentimental and temperamental. Loves making new friends and are extremely independent people.
People born in November have a dynamic personality. They are brilliant and extraordinary people and have extraordinary ideas and schemes. They are sharp mind, knows how to inspire oneself and others. They have the never giving up kind of attitude, determined, patient, highly capable, generous and brave. They are stubborn, heartless and don’t like to praise. They are hardworking, truthful, reliable, romantic and homely. They are extremely sensitive and can’t control their sensitiveness, loves hard can feel deep love and emotions.
People born in December are faithful, generous, and sassy. They are ambitious, fun loving, love to socialize and be praised, want lots of attention and wanted to be loved. They are impatient and speedy, short – temper, brutally honest and are very proud of oneself. They love freedom and hate restriction. They have good sense of humor and are reliable and truthful people.
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theempathmars · 6 years
My Opinion on The Signs, As a Sagittarius
Aries: You are beautiful (or handsome), strong (both physically and mentally) and bad ass. You kind of have that I don’t give a f*** attitude until you find someone that really means something too you, and than you care about them more than anything, whether you show that vulnerability or not is a different story. When you get mad, you get MAD, kind of like everything just gets pent up & than you explode - don’t piss off an Aries. You’re a very caring person with those closest too you, probably popular but have a select few friends you’re closest with and kinda casually social with everyone else.
Aquarius: well, sh*t, you’re a spiteful little prick that is a sarcastic arse that holds onto petty grudges forever. <no offense> When things are going well, you’re a lovely human to be friends with. Quirky, funny, pretty in your uniqueness, kinda selfish though. It’s not always a bad thing to be selfish - but you tend to want others to drop things for you but rarely give the same in return, and you don’t really realize that. You can keep a secret, and tend to be into kinkier things in the bedroom.
Cancer: You’re known for being a little more reserved and shy initially, but when you’re cozy, you’re one of the funniest people ever who pretty much thrives on laughing and being close with those they care for the most. You may be a bit of the outcast for fear of opening up and being judged - not cause you want to be the outcast, but just that little fear of not being enough haunts you in the back of your mind a bit. You love deeply, and care for many. You want to be a light in this world.
Leo: You’re def the life of the party, extroverted, fun, loyal, sexy. You know you’re sexy, despite low key being insecure in your head of what everyone else thinks of you. You are more than just a party girl or guy though, you also take your passions very seriously and have a good sense of self. You won’t take any less than what you deserve, cause you’re a fu*king queen/ king.
Libra: *sigh* you love deep, intellectual conversations about life, what ifs, etc. You love making others happy & being kind to others, keeping the peace. Vulnerability scares you, even though you love to love and be loved. Sometimes you’re the most indecisive person in the world, but once you choose, your decision doesn’t waiver. Your mood can easily be affected by those you care about most, as well as your outfit. If you don’t look good, you don’t feel your best. Adventurous, fun, quirky and adorable, a Libra will brighten up your life.
Gemini: So, I’ve noticed in Gemini girls, they are more shy *at first* and HATE conflict, don’t want to upset anyone. When the gemini girl is comfortable around you, she’s the most extroverted person ever - likes to keep some stuff to herself, a bit hard to open up, a bit of a drama queen. She cares about everyone, always wants to see the best in others, protective of those she cares for the most. May be more prone to anxiety! The Gemini male is hot, and a play boy in a sense of lacking emotional maturity, can lie without batting an eye and he can be incredibly manipulative. However, he is incredibly funny and can always make you smile or laugh - a ball of energy and sexual frustration. They can either lighten up your day or break your heart on the same day, or both, depending on their moods.
Virgo: Virgo’s tend to be uniquely themselves, quirky, silly & undeniably attractive. They just have this great sense of humor that draws you in & makes you feel instantly comfortable around them - they really care about those who they’re close with & tend to be very hard workers. A Virgo will be harsher on themselves than they’ll ever be on anyone else, except potentially their partner on a bad day; They just want to see everyone smile. Tend to be annoyed by laziness!
Pisces: You are so creative & have the biggest dreams in life. You tend to be a little bit more naive than most, a hopeless romantic. You want the best for others, to help anyone in need that you can - if a family member, close friend or partner is having a bad day, you may take it out on yourself if you’re unable to cheer them up.
Taurus: wow, how I loved you, haha, awk. All that aside, if you befriend a Taurus, you’re incredibly lucky. They’re loyal, won’t ever tell your secrets. They care so much about those they’re closest with, they’d go to the ends of this world just to see that person smile - also the biggest foodies in the universe. However, you don’t want to anger a Taurus. They are incredibly stubborn & hold grudges for quite sometime, if not for forever - forgiving until you push them to a certain breaking point. Great sense of humor!
Scorpio: Scorpio’s are kind of jerks, tbh. They’re like those popular kids that won’t let you sit with them. 😂 Jk not all Scorpio’s are mean - they are incredibly passionate, attractive, and strong willed. They don’t let many people in, so if you’re close and have the trust of a Scorpio, consider yourself blessed. They can be a bit controlling & possesive in relationships - mainly cause what’s theirs is theirs, and they really don’t care deeply about a ton of people, so you are it for them.
Sagittarius: HEY Y’ALL! We are extroverts, wanderers/ travelers, who like to live with only fun & spontaneousity. Super blunt, sometimes too blunt, very dirty minded & kinky and silly. We will befriend anyone but really only have a few CLOSE friends, cause we suck at texting back everyone. We can commit when we really care about someone - it just takes more for us to really get that genuine emotional vibe with someone, and if we want more than a good f**k, we need to feel that vibe, it’s essential for us sags. 🌙
Capricorn: You tend to think & over analyze every little detail until it emotionally stresses you out way beyond a healthy amount. You want something real, but let anxiety get in the way of that. Sometimes you have a short temper, but you’re funny, considerate and loving! You are proud of who you are and enjoy being you. Confident, which isn’t bad, but sometimes you come off as arrogant.
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theempathmars · 6 years
Lol, fair enough. I really only talk to like two people on a daily basis, my bff and boyfriend, and I sometimes get distracted there 😅😂
For the zodiac rating, Sag sun + leo moon/ rising :) thanks so much lovely
Hey. Reminder I will be bias. Sag sun 2 leo moon 7 leo rising 7 overal 5. You’re that flaky friend from high school I see once in a while. You’re fun to hang out with but not BFF material. I mean your loyal cause of your leo moon but your sag sun makes you flighty and hard to keep in touch with. But if I wanna get drunk and get a tattoo I’ll hit you up… I just don’t know if your going to write me back or not. And if you do it will be like three weeks later 😂😂😂💛💛💛
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