tormentedbitch 10 years
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Tormented Bitch turned 4 today!
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tormentedbitch 10 years
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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My whole life, I considered myself a 'dog person'.聽 As a child we had rats, guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, fish and always a dog.聽 I even kept geese for a time in my 20s.聽 When I moved in with my fella, our first responsibility test was our rescue Lhasa Apso, our Princess Jacey.聽 Then along came babies, another Lhasa, a Boston Terrier and a bearded dragon.聽 My children wanted a cat.聽 There was one in the local paper 'free to good home'.聽 I relented, and he is the cutest and most charming little kitty ever.聽 Welcome Boris!
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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that weird lizard woman/girl is pretty much gone now.聽 thank you my canine friends.
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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feeling better already....
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tormentedbitch 13 years
On a right downer again.聽 I had so much to jaw about.聽 Courtney Stodden.聽 (WTF is that all about?), and a internal rant about why the hate about Christina putting on a bit of chunk.聽 I thought we were so over all this skinny = good, thinspiration bollocks, but obviously not.
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Thankfully I can always find something on the interwebs that lifts my spirit, and I can't wait for Christmas.聽 I have asked for a sewing machine, and think a bit of crafting and making will be theraputic.聽
Happy days tumblr.聽 I know you are always here for me!聽 I may neglect you occassionally (often), but like a dog, you are always pleased to see me.
Now Courtney Stodden.
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Unfortunately those hooker boots and almost exposed crotch area have made my brain explode with wtf, so I am gonna have to go look at cute puppy and kitty pictures to restore the equilibrium of my universe.
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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聽Check out the full thread at: http://canv.as/p/fhfun?nav=nerdy.
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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Gotta feeling that my daughter's Beardie, Yoshi, is trying to get in on this meme business....
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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This is a post by my ovaries (damn you).聽 Mariah's babies are fucking georgeous, and I love this shot.聽 Mariah looks natural and happy.聽 Proper bliss.
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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i don't want this, i fucking need it.
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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awww, this is (almost) heartbreaking.
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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oh yeah.
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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1980s Clarkson.聽 He's rocking it.
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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i never met a man who disagreed.聽 just wish girls would understand.
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tormentedbitch 13 years
my head is so bloody noisy.
Totally on a brain buzz at the minute, and once again find myself in the pickle that my fingers cannot keep up with my brain.聽 Frustrating, cos I can actually type quite proficiently.聽 (Old school, trained on an electric typewriter) Anyhoodedoodle, I got so much I would like to post, but it's in the brain, and then gone, whilst I think of the next thing.聽 Mashed too.聽 Had some days off weed, and we are only smoking after kiddies gone to bed, so that first spliff after a while is a right banger.聽
It is such a weird thing at the minute, and I am fully aware that it could be my mental state, my citalopram or the weed causing the feelings, but whilst still terrified and paranoid, I actually feel pretty much at peace, and dare I say it, happy.聽 It is a sad thing that I daren't admit to actual contentment for fear of jinxing it or some such idiocy, but there you go.聽
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The only time Ashton Kutcher was fuckable.聽 Look at those lips.聽 Man I would use him bad.聽 But only as the dude from this movie.聽 Just like I would only do Brendan Fraser from California Man.
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tormentedbitch 13 years
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These are fantastic.聽 These are from someone called Avanaut, check out Avanaut's Photostream on Flickr. 聽
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