truths33k3r4 · 3 hours
The Mutation Situation Comic Dub ~ Part 16
Next part of the MUTATION SITUATION COMIC DUB is UP!! :)
All credit for the art and comic itself goes to @indieyuugure, while I lent my voice to do the dialogue and theme song in A Cappella. :) I also edited. Music and Sound Effects were produced by Epidemic Sound.
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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truths33k3r4 · 3 hours
Things are moving so fast- I am both extremely excited and very worried- This story is amazing and I can’t wait to see what happens next!! 😁
~ Melissa
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Episode 5 of Dudes, Tunes, and Mutagen! Uh-oh…
Previous: (3) Episode 4
Next: (4) Episode 1 -Get the next part a week early on Locals at indiey.locals.com
See all...
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truths33k3r4 · 2 days
SIW AUDIO BOOK Chapter 1 - Sneak Peak
This is a test. :) For a little while now, I have been getting comments to turn my tmnt story,  " The Strength in Weakness " into an audio book. And I prayed about it for a good amount of time, as well if God wanted me to try. So eventually, I decided to give it a shot. :) This is the result! If this video reaches 1,000 views by May 10th, then I'll continue making my story into an animated audio book. :)
 Voice Talents and Editing by Melissa Story written by Melissa Music and Sound Effects by Epidemic 
Sound To God be the glory! 
~ Melissa
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truths33k3r4 · 2 days
Okay- it is a rare occurrence for me to cry from something I have stinkin READ- And then THIS BEAUTIFUL CREATION POPPED UP and now there’s liquid pathetic leaking out of my eyes~
@hatekawa this is amazing. Your storytelling is wonderfully done- and you can truly feel the emotions through the dialogue and STELLAR expressions. I also love how you handle the power of light and shading- Mikey usually having both seeing how he’s glowing.. So BEAUTIFUL- WELL DONE!! :)
~ Melissa
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Information Part 6
Previous, Next Don't hesitate to point out any grammar/spelling mistakes!
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truths33k3r4 · 3 days
This.. is.. amazing. Please watch if you want a laugh or a smile! XD I got both! :)
~ Melissa
(Sorry I'm asking so late!)
ok I have a bit of it done but idk if I’ll ever finish it I’M SORRY (here’s all that I did as my apology)
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truths33k3r4 · 3 days
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CHAPTER 29 - Beginning of Their Nightmares
The hopelessness that had once infiltrated its way into Don’s anxious heart vanished as soon as he heard the sound of his twin’s voice. All his doubts and the many ‘what ifs’ plunged into the forgotten corners of his mind as he called out to his brother.
“Raph, are you alright?? They didn’t hurt you, did they? Do you feel ok? How many fingers am I holding u-”
“- GEEZ DON- You’re makin’ my headache worse! I’m fine, you can stop freaking out now.”
“I wasn’t freaking out. This is not freaking out.”, Don gestured to himself as best he could whilst being tied down to the floor, “You’re ok? No injuries?”
“Yeah, bro. I’m fine.”
Don recognized the exhaustion laced into his brother’s usual tone, but besides that nothing seemed amiss. All the purple-clad brother had to go by at this point was his hearing, seeing how his brother was still morphed and distorted into nothing but tired and angry pixels.
“What can you see?” Don asked with a hint of ember in his tone, still annoyed with the aching reminder that he still didn’t have his glasses.
Don heard the whispers of fabric sliding across skin. He quickly connected this to Raph’s mask tails moving as he turned his head to search their new cell. Quickly following was the subtle taps of Raph’s fingers, signifying he was beginning to get anxious. He would always do his little taps when school got too boring, or when he was waiting his turn to join in a sparring session in the dojo; He wanted to move.
“Raph, are you tied down too?”
Don’s ears caught the shuffling sounds of his brother squirming.
“DUH. Otherwise I woulda been over there smackin’ you in the head for letting us get caught like this.” Raph’s voice didn’t burn with bitterness, but instead warmed with brotherly affection. Or at least- as affectionate as the hothead could manage, going against every temper-fueled bone in his body. Don could just imagine the smile gracing his twin’s face.
Even when we’re captured he can’t help himself to tease me. Never change, brother.
“Yeah thanks for that lovely sentiment, dear twin of mine. But we still need to focus on an escape plan. Now you, the only one in this room with proper vision, describe to me what you see so I can calculate a way to get us out of here. Please and thank you.”
Don could tell from the muffled vibrations that Raph was biting his lip as he hummed to himself.
“There isn’t much, brainiac.. Four walls, a roof and a floor..”
“Thank you for explaining to the audience that we are indeed in a room.”
Don still had that same feeling of someone watching him and his brother, so going by that, he theorized there was another camera hidden in the walls of their cell.
“Oh shut up, dude.. At least I’m not blind.”
Don’s countenance fell at the reminder. He knew his brother didn’t mean for his words to become sharp blades, but Raph’s ignorance didn’t negate the fact that his simple sentence drove a piercing sting into the freckled brother’s heart.
Even with the pain of his brother’s words pulling him down, Don still took the opportunity to get some ribbing in as well.
“Well, at least I have a functional brain, compared to your useless, tied-down muscles. Intelligence can’t be restrained.”
“Ha! Yeah right. Call me when someone wins a wrestling match using nothin’ but their brain.”
“Not exactly what I meant- but regardless, we need to find a way out of here.”
As much as I’d love to continue in this lovely banter, we really need to focus here, Raph.
“Are you tied to the floor too?”
“Not exactly.. I’m on a table.”
Raph tugged and yanked, but no rings of chains echoed. It sounded closer to straps of leather, accompanied with a small tink of what appeared to be a belt buckle.
“You’re what? On a table?.. Like a surgeon’s table?”
Don should’ve thought through those sentences a bit more thoroughly before allowing his brother to hear them.
“A WHAT? Surgeon?!”
Don’s shoulders rose as he hissed through his teeth in regret. Raph’s tugs and yanks became far less controlled by the second.
Yeah, perhaps I should’ve thought that through a bit more..
“Raph stop- you’ll dislocate your shoulder or break your wrist- just.. Calm down.”
“Yeah, we’re BOTH gonna be screwed if you don’t let me use your perfect little vision spheres to find a way out of here!”
Don could sense the stress building in Raph’s body, like lava filling to the rim of a volcano. Only instead of the raging inferno being fueled by his temper, it was being fueled by something far less predictable: his fear.
If Raph has a meltdown he’ll be more useless than I am. Calm him down FAST. Use facts. They almost always help me in stressful situations such as this, so hopefully it will be the same for him.
“Please stop yelling. A headache will make my brain, the only useful internal organ I have left, far less helpful. And panicking isn’t going to help anyone. You’re only going to further injure yourself.”
Ok yeah- that didn’t work. Try being more real and honest with him. Less facts, more truth.
“Noted. But if you continue like this you’ll have a panic attack, and that will render you either catatonic or inconsolably violent. Neither of which will help us here.”
The constant tugs of leather stopped.
“.. Did you just call me a cat?…”
You know what, I can work with this! At least when Raph’s confused he’s not moving or hurting himself.. Yes, keep him asking questions, it’s helping him calm down!
“You know, catatonic. Comatose.”
The pixelated blurb that was Raphael’s head tilted ever so slightly.
Hehe.. This is fun. I should do this more often.
Don continued on as he began to list synonym after synonym, further deepening his fiery brother’s confused, dazed state. As long as it kept Raph from hurting himself and panicking, then he would be happy to oblige to confuse the heck out of his brother. Don couldn’t help the growing grin on his face as he specifically chose the most convoluted of words; ones that would leave Mikey with his pupils slowly separating. Normally it would annoy him that his family and brothers didn’t understand the meanings to his wide variety of vocabulary. But now the thing that he had been teased and ostracized for..
.. had become his greatest strength. And with this assumedly useless gift, he had been helping to calm down his fearful brother.
“Don, what the shell are you even sayi-”
The melodious sounds of Raph’s confused tone were jarringly cut off with a sharp gasp. Don twisted his head to face the blur which was his brother.
“Raph what’s wrong?? What’s going on?”
Did he see something? Is he hurt?
“Quiet Don, someone’s comin’.” Raph shout-whispered to his brother, as his voice changed to ‘protector mode’.
All Don’s work to calm down his brother vanished before his malfunctioning eyes, as the sounds of footsteps drew nearer to the door of their cell.
Don’s posture straightened as much as he could manage while still being tied down to the floor. Memories flashed behind Don’s eyes of the Man touching and prodding him like some science project.. He had felt so small under the monster’s watchful eye.. The cells of humanity flowing in his veins seemed to disappear as he refused to speak in front of his captor. It was worth it though.
It was worth it to not reveal to the Man just what he was up against.
It was WORTH IT to keep his humanity from being seen by the monster.
The door opened. Don’s spine shivered at the sound of boots.
Ochitsuke. Focus, Donatello. FOCUS.
As the Man walked towards the chained-down mutant, his pixels combined and formed into a crisp image. But for once today, Don was absolutely fine with not being able to see clearly if it meant he wouldn’t have to peer into the ghost’s face again. The mutant leaned as far back as he could as the Man’s face edged closer. The familiar sound of Raphael’s growls echoed from the back of the room.
“Welcome to your new home. Here you’ll form so many new memories.”
Don’s muscles all tensed as he fought with all his might to not back down from the creature of a Man. His stiff form wasn’t helping the growing ache in his wrists from the chains and cuffs, but it was worth it to prove his strength and will to his captor.
The Man reached out his hand to Don’s face, caressing the fabric of his mask. The purple-clad mutant let out his own warning growl, but that did nothing just as it hadn’t before. The Man’s slender hands brushed across Don’s cheek, making that same awful chill enter into the mutant’s soul.
Don wanted to throw up if it meant the horrible feeling of dread in his stomach would cease.
The Man took both his hands and wrapped them behind Don’s head, fluidly slipping off his purple mask. The Man pocketed it with the smoothness of a master thief.
“You won’t be needing this. Not an inch of you will be a mystery once my studies begin.”
Don’s face being fully presented to his captor made the mutant shrink in discomfort. Sure it was just a piece of cloth with two eye holes.. But he had worn that mask since he was twelve years old. It was part of his identity. But now he watched as the Man continued to deny everything that made him him; Proof to Don that what was coming for him and his brother would test everything they had in them:
Their constitutions.
Their will.
Their faith.
And especially..
..their understanding of who they are.
“These walls have kept many different… creatures at bay, and over time all of them fell. Some to their madness.. Some to my blade.”
Don’s spirit suddenly felt the embers from his brother’s seething flame.
The Man turned to face Raphael, but stayed uncomfortably close to Don’s side.
“Ah yes. Rabid Red..” the Man tsked in a facade of pity, “Seems the surplus of sedatives did nothing to cure you of your infuriatingly pitiful temper. But that’s fine with me.”
The Man reached for his coat pocket, while refusing to break eye contact with Raph. By the sound of his brother’s growls not wavering, Don figured the Man’s intimidation attempt wasn’t so successful.
But then…
All went silent as the Man revealed a syringe filled with a noxiously potent green liquid inside. The Man rose off the ground and began walking towards Raph, a frighteningly bright smile spread across his face like some awful infection.
“.. I want you to be fully awake for every second.”
Don’s pupils constricted as he turned his head to face his brother.
The cap of the syringe was removed with practiced hands, revealing the needle shining in all its horrible glory.
“.. I want you to feel every fluid ounce of agony slowly creep through your skin and into your blood. I want you to see the monster I know you are.”
Don’s ears drowned out the sounds of his captor slowly drawing closer to his brother, and instead focused on the shivering breaths and tight gasps escaping Raph.
He’s terrified.
“.. This is what you get for biting me, freak.”
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Don’s heart painfully beat in his chest as the Man creeped into the pixelated shadows, once again becoming the faceless Specter that would forever haunt the freckled mutant’s nightmares.
Don’s hearing finally betrayed him as the sounds of his brother’s anguished cries seared into his ears.
Andddd that's it for this chapter!....
.. Is it bad that I truly enjoyed writing for Specter in this-??? Is something wrong with me?... Have I officially lost my shell? Heheh.
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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truths33k3r4 · 4 days
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Oooh popcorn!! 😊
Thank you, my fine feathered friend!
~ Melissa
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truths33k3r4 · 7 days
PART 15 of Mutation Situation Comic dub is UP!!!!
Thanks guys for being so patient!! :)
All credit for the art and comic goes to @indieyuugure , while I lent my voice to do the dialogue and edited. I also sang the theme song in A Cappella. :) Music and Sound Effects were by Epidemic Sound!
To God be the glory!!
~ Melissa
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truths33k3r4 · 7 days
LETSSSS GOOOOOOO Next part of the Mutation Situation is UP!!!!
OHHH NOOOOOOOO 🤣 Indie, amazing job as always! This story is really picking up and chaos is coming I can JUST FEEL IT-
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Episode 4 of Dudes, Tunes, and Mutagen! Alright finally it’s here! 😭 Thank you guys for being so understanding and patient!
Previous: (3) Episode 3
Next: (3) Episode 5 -Get the next part a week early on Locals at indiey.locals.com
See all...
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truths33k3r4 · 8 days
Alrighttttt another Mikey central story LET'S GOOOOO!!!! :)
I've been following this for a little bit now, and the angst? MMM. The storytelling and characters? YES. The FACIAL EXPRESSIONS?? STELLAR. I love everything about it so far. :)
@hatekawa amazing work on these comics! They look amazing, and it's really obvious to me how much work and time and love you put into each panel. :) Thanks for making this comic! Can't wait to find out what happens next!!
~ Melissa
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Information Part 4 Draxum got emotional, I wonder why Previous, Next Don't hesitate to point out any grammar/spelling mistakes!
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truths33k3r4 · 8 days
Ok @indieyuugure challenged me to do this little challenge where you post the last fictional character saved in your phone, and that character has adopted you.
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I screenshot this so I can use it for reference when I make fanart later of @phoebepheebsphibs OC Peaches! :) I legit have no idea how it would go to be adopted by her.. She seems super sweet! Kinda gives me “fun auntie who always has candy in her purse” vibes. :)
Ok here’s the tags for the next people I challenge!
@allyheart707 @poetique823 @nyaboshi @exhaustedwriterartist @jasminegazer
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truths33k3r4 · 8 days
CALLING ALL ARTIST AND WRITERS WHO SIT AT A DESK- You should do this. ;) I just tried the whole routine, and I'm going to try to do it at least once every day- Just to give my body a break from sitting at my desk. :) It's super important to still move around- so please do this to help keep your body loose and healthy! :)
Thank you, @tizzymcwizzy, for making this!
~ Melissa
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this is a poster i made for my call to action assignment in humanities! it's a bunch of basic and easy stretches for people who sit and work at a desk all day (me)
the idea is that you'd put the poster up above ur desk and do the stretches every 30 minutes or so,, the whole routine won't take more than about 6 minutes to complete and when done regularly it can prevent wrist, shoulder, neck and back pain! :)
all these stretches can be done while sitting (although i HIGHLY recommend you stand up and move around while taking a break from working)
you can get a free digital copy of this poster here on my gumroad!
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truths33k3r4 · 10 days
GUYS. GUYS IM NOT OK. THIS IS NOT OK- Donnie is… He’s getting a wheelchair- I think that’s a wheelchair- GUYS LEO IS NOT OK- DONNIE IS NOT OK- HECK! IM NOT OK-
@sarathrwizard you blessing from above- WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO TORTURE US WITH YOUR INCREDIBLE STORY HUH???????????????
* picks up turtle plushy * I WILL USE THIS AGAIN-
I Care. Chapter 5 cover art
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Donnie can't help but feel responsible for Leos injuries. Despite his condition, he will find a way to fix or help Leo, even to the point of risking his own health.
(I know I said I would take a break but I CAAAANNNN'TTTT!!!)
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truths33k3r4 · 10 days
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I've been waiting for an opportunity to make some fanart of Ren now- and hey- how about I add two other sisters? ;)
Ren is @renisrandom's oc- Also please go check out her page her art is beautiful and her comic is really good so far! :)
MJ is @howtotrainyourdragonprince's oc- Go check her page and youtube channel out you will NOT be disappointed! Her story is so sweet, and the voice acting is wonderful in her dubs!!
And Lotus is my own oc from my original story, " the Strength in Weakness". :)
Hope you guys like it!! And thank you to both of you for inspiring me so much! :)
~ Melissa
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truths33k3r4 · 10 days
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CHAPTER 28 - An Un-Sound Mind
Murky black morphed into overwhelming, piercing white as Don’s vision steadily began to return. The growing ache in his shoulders were revealed to be two sets of large, gloved hands dragging him through the first dimly-lit corridor. His ears were echoing with a screeching hum as he once again was pulled back to consciousness. He tried to blink away as much of the sleep crusties in his eyes as he could, despite it making little difference given he still couldn’t SEE. That makes planning one’s escape and taking notes of surroundings just a bit more difficult. 
I bet Raph’s got the seeing thing covered.. Knowing that flame-head he probably fought off the sedative far quicker than I did.. 
Don got a little worried by how much concentration he needed just to turn his head. His mind still lagged, and his body still felt unreasonably heavy and uncomfortable to move.
Don slowly turned his head to face the guard on his left. The only human traits of his captor were their two legs, two feet, and their head. Anything else regarding the features of their hair or the color of their eyes was concealed behind their reflective helmets. Instead of looking into the face of another person- another soul, the only eyes that met his were his own mirrored in the reflection of the man’s helmet. 
While Don stared at the faceless soldier, his eyes quickly fell on to the design of their gear and armor. Thanks to the guard’s close proximity to himself, his infuriatingly blurry vision only partially distorted their image, making it easier for him to study the fine work of the man’s armor. Its sleek design and firm material moved with ease as the man walked. All the seams stayed pressed and tidy. Not a button was loose. It was excellent craftsmanship.
Of COURSE it is- look at the size of this place.. Pretty sure whoever’s in charge can afford giving his guards quality gear.. I should probably make some alterations to ours when I get back.. Maybe I would have enough saved up by then to be able to-
His words echoed painfully back to him like a slap to the face.
‘ ..when I get back.. ‘
This is not some vacation or a WEEKEND GETAWAY. 
He and Raph are prisoners.
.. And the chances of them returning to their home are slim at best. That isn’t fear. That’s fact.
Nevermind that- Focus. Raph is most likely awake now, if he hasn’t already been for the past few minutes.. I don’t hear any struggling, but if he got hit with the same stuff I did, then his body must feel heavy too.. I can hear footsteps behind me. Most likely Raph is being carried by two more guards..
And then a new problem arrived at the door of Don’s brain: 
HOW THE SHELL AM I GONNA COMMUNICATE WITH HIM? I can’t speak. I can’t reach him.. How-
Almost immediately a childhood habit reemerged from the forgotten corner of his matured mind.
Don inwardly groaned to himself.
That’s self-demeaning.. But it just might work.
As quietly as he could manage- cause he still had some dignity - Don sounded the tiniest of chirps; a sound he had not made in more than ten years.
Before he was taught how to speak, this is how the brothers would communicate to each other. Raph, Leo, Mikey and himself would sound an assortment of clicks and chirps, each in different orders to translate to specific messages. 
Click- chirp - click ~ “ Are you ok? “
Chirp ~ “ Hey “
Chirp - click  ~ “ Yes “
Click - click ~ “ No “
And so on.
The refreshing nostalgia that washed over Don with the memories of his childhood was quite welcomed in the situation he had found himself in. But with the joyous feelings of memories long past, comes the sadness of the fact that those times are, indeed, OVER. In fact, he was so lost in the past that he failed to pay attention to what was occurring in the present. Like if Raph even heard or answered his call..
Deafeningly silent minutes passed as Don’s anxiety only grew. The jingles of his chains no longer swayed, but shivered. He could feel the same painful ache in his chest infect his heart as it had throughout his teen years.
Now’s not a good time for a panic attack, calm down.
In spite of his clear refusal, Don’s body continued to betray him. Theories in his mind began to transform into worries; What ifs. 
What if Raph’s not here?
What if they took him away to some other lab?
What if he’s in another city entirely??
What if he’s being tortured as I just sit here being blind and USELESS?!!
NO. STOP IT. FACTS, DON. You don’t know where he is. BUT there’s a possibility that he’s literally right behind you, just unconscious. And if he’s asleep, then of course he wouldn’t answer your call. 
The jingles of keys snapped Don back to the situation at hand. He raised his head just as he and his captors reached what appeared to be the final door at the end of this eternal hallway. Thankfully, moving his body was slowly becoming an easier feat.
Guess the sedative is finally wearing off.
As one of the guards fumbled with the set of keys, Don took the opportunity to take one last look around. 
Why the shell did he use the word ‘ last ‘ ??
What if it was.
Ochitsuke, Don. THAT’S ENOUGH.
To Don’s right, a pane of see-through glass stretched across an entire wall, revealing the inside of another room. He tried to peer through, but his blurry vision once again became a hindrance. He had to squint and grimace to even begin forming the floating blobs into a recognizable image.
Something.. was kept upright. But the angle of the something made him think it was being held up. He could see that the something was mostly consisting of a pale green color as well. His confusion only grew when he noticed what appeared to be a large growth coming out of the something’s back. It was rounded, and covered the length of its body perfectly- 
And then it hit him.
That something was a turtle. A turtle LIKE HIM. And the only other turtle like him in this nightmare lab was Raph. And if that’s RAPH, then what the heck happened to his skin?!?!?? The shade of it was all wrong. It was misty and faded- not vibrant and healthy like his own.
He wanted to cry out. To scream to his brother. To make sure he was ok. To make sure that he was ALIVE. 
He could try to run. Attempt to save him and his brother from this nightmare. Or just try to get a closer look to see if there was even a brother to save anymore.
The decision was made for him as he was pushed through the now open doorway in front of him. He yanked and tugged and fought, but the grips on his shoulders stayed firm. Even so, he continued to try to elbow and kick at his captors, aiming always for the areas he knew would cause the most pain. His actions were harshly cut short with a single blow to the side of his face. His ears rang so loud it gave him a headache, pulsing and pressing deep into his mind. The nausea that came with the disorienting hit made his whole head go limp, hanging lifelessly as he tried to keep down his dinner. His cheek began to swell, burning with a reddish- purple bruise, and the fresh tears falling from his eyes stung as they trickled down his face.
Raph.. I’m sorry.
As he watched the door close behind him, he kept his eyes on his brother’s faded form till the last second. Then he was pulled to the floor and tied down by the cuffs and chains restricting his wrists. They locked into place in a slot on the ground, pulling him down to his knees. The room smelled dank and the cold, dirty ground dug into Don’s shins. His wrists ached from the abnormal pressure and weight.
But despite all the pain flowing freely through his body..
.. all he wanted was his brother back.
Without knowing if Raph was ok, Don’s mind could only guess. Estimate. Hope.
The room’s aura deepened into a chasm of fear and anxiousness as all he could do was think. His fear constricted him worse than any of his chained cuffs could. His anxiety weighed him down far below the floor he was already kneeling on. His doubt yanked and tugged at his thoughts relentlessly until they went to places he didn’t want to go. 
The thing about having a strong mind is.. It can turn on you. Like the monster from Frankenstein, the thoughts you give life to will eventually have a will of their own. And if you’re not strong enough..
.. it will consume you. It will control you, beginning with your thoughts, and ending with taking full control of your body. 
Sensei had noticed the power of Don’s mind when he was a kid. But not just on the technological side. He noticed Don would overthink things. Become super anxious if he were left to his thoughts. When one of the brothers got sick, Don would hide in his closet praying like a warrior. Not for his brother’s health, but for his own. He would stay up all night, not looking for remedies for his ill sibling, but instead searching for ways that he could make his body an impenetrable fortress against the germs. And when he became a teenager, things didn’t get much better. If anything they got worse.. He just got better at hiding it. 
Eventually, Sensei pulled him aside and told him about the dangers of his mind. How easy it is to become a slave to your thoughts. An empty shell, always worrying, always afraid. How if he didn’t learn to hold truth in his heart, then the lies his mind would create would roam freely, taking full control.
Don didn’t understand all those years ago.
Now he’s beginning to. Here, in this dark cell, held down not by his chains, but by the overpowering grip of his mind.
Sensei’s words echoed in his heart.
‘ Remember this, my son. When worry begins to pull things apart, never forget to speak truth in your heart. 2 Timothy 1:7, “ For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and of a sound mind. “ ‘
A sound mind.
A.. sound.. Mind..
Sound - which means reliable or Sensible. Well, it seems my brain is quite reliable when it comes to solving diverse equations AND creating worries.
Ok. Let’s try this mind that is sound thing. 
Don did his best to get into a less- uncomfortable position on the ground as he took a long breath.
Or as long as he could make it, that is. Which was like two seconds, but it was close enough.
He closed his eyes and harnessed all his focus into keeping his thoughts at bay. 
Lord. I am scared. I know You already know that, but I will still communicate it.. I am scared and I don’t know what’s happening to Raph- but I know YOU do- You know all- You’re omniscient, which means that You know all, but ANYWAYS. I um.. I know You have Raph in Your hands right now. I know You’re with him. Please, God.. Please keep my brother safe. I don’t even know where we are- but AGAIN- I know You DO, so I really shouldn’t worry- but I am- cause my brain is being stupid right now- but uhhh please- please Lord- help us to make it back home. Alive preferably.. That’s not sarcasm! Just being honest- I’d really prefer to not die today- You’ve seen my list- there’s still so much that needs to be done in the lair- And I’ve already lost so much time being here- AGhhhhh I’m so bad at this. Which You.. already know.. Cause You made me this way.. And I know You still love me- despite my blatant faults and failing to do the simplest of chores… Aaand there I go again.. I’m sorry- my brain just won’t stop- yes, that is my request- Please, Lord, help me to have a sound mind. Help me not to have a spirit of fear. Uh.. A- amen.
Don let out a frustrated groan as he rubbed at his temples. He flinched at the tenderness of his bruised cheek as his hand skimmed over the fresh bruise.
“..D - don? “
 A familiar voice strained from the far corner of the cell, making Don flinch something awful to the sudden noise in the silent room.
Don twisted his head as far as it could turn towards the dark corner where the voice emanated from.
 Even with blurred vision, Don knew it was his twin.
“ RAPH!!!!! “
That's it for this chapter. :) Not sure if you can tell- ( I truly hope you do since its spread out all throughout this chapter ) but Don deals with anxiety. The kind that pulls you to silent, dark places. The kind that doesn't ever let go of your brain and thoughts.
In my Biblical Study of Anxiety, I am learning how imperative it is to speak truth in your heart. " Don't fill your heart with what if's, but instead truth. " And I wanted to explore this with poor Don here. XD Worry and fear have been a huge part of my life- just as much if not more than my faith. But slowly, I'm learning to let go of the lies I tell myself. I'm learning to give all my fears and worries to God. And it's hard. It's very hard to let go of control. But the peace I have found in Him- It is indescribable. And I pray that this chapter will touch hearts- and help them to see there is a way out of your anxiety. There is hope to quiet your noisy soul and mind. :) And giving it all to God is a good first step. :)
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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truths33k3r4 · 10 days
DUUUUDE You drew Lotus!!!!! Yes- You most DEFINITELY have done her justice OH MA GOSHHH!!!! I love the swish of her mask tails!!!! And wrong again- you did her mask exactly as I designed it!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE THIS!! * Saves to computer so I can keep staring at it and smiling *
You also have really good timing- I just finished writing the next chapter of Strength in Weakness today, and am now working on the art so I can post it tonight!!! :)
~ Melissa
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Fanart for @truths33k3r4 's Strength in weakness (go forth my good fellows and read it, it's amazing)
I do not feel like I did Lotus justice, I probably messed up her mask, but I hope you like this
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truths33k3r4 · 10 days
Wonderfully Made Comic Dub - Part 7
And here it is!! The FINALE of Wonderfully Made!!! Man alive, this was so much fun to bring to life! :) I know the artist very well, so it was a huge pleasure to bring her adorable puppies and amazing message of self worth and identity to the screen!
All credit for the art and comic goes to @waggishcomics, while I lent my voice to do the dialogue, the editing, and Epidemic Sound covered the music and sound effects. :)
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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