valeskabaikal · 7 months
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Very important content, as every time Emma opens that Joni Mitchell CD, I want to throat punch my husband.
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valeskabaikal · 8 months
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- the colors of evermore by taylor swift ✨
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valeskabaikal · 8 months
The New Yorker!
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valeskabaikal · 9 months
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I've never felt this way before. I think I love you.
via Reddit AMA with Amanda Row (director of the series finale, among many other eps)
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valeskabaikal · 11 months
So many thoughts on the fabulous Barbie film, but especially on how anyone who thinks it’s “hateful towards men” clearly isn’t getting the message.
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[Credit for both gifs goes to their makers!!]
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valeskabaikal · 11 months
barbie is not an "anti man" movie at all. it's so obvious to me that the kens were written like idiots not to call all men idiots (well... maybe a little) but instead to show how easy it is for someone to get taken advantage of. it's important to remember that while the barbies and kens are played by and written as adults, they function in the real world and overarching narrative as adolescents that don't know very much about the world.
reading ken as a young boy, he's initially nice to the girls around him (if insecure, lonely, and feeling pretty disrespected) but as soon as he steps into the real world, he sees all these men who feel very secure in their masculinity and self-assured, and he wants that for himself. he falls into the trap of the patriarchy much like a lot of young boys in real life fall into extremist right wing ideologies. but ken's insecurity never really goes away, it just gets covered with faux fur and headbands and country music. it's why he cries and admits to barbie that leading was hard. he never really wanted to hurt the barbies at all, he just wanted to feel confident and accepted by everyone, but especially barbie.
ken was never the problem by himself. he wasn't made into the world hating women. he was manipulated and turned into a misogynist by society.
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valeskabaikal · 11 months
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valeskabaikal · 11 months
“Ken wouldn’t do that to Barbie, it’s out of character!” Babes, that is the point.
Ken and his discovery of the patriarchy and the way it changes him is the exact same as what happens with adolescent boys. You have these guys who were so close to you, wether through friendship or family become people that they aren’t due to both peer pressure and the desire to hold power. Especially with the whole “podcast bro” thing he had going on in the Ken Dojo Casa House scene, Ken represents all the boys that lean into the patriarchy and change for the worst.
Ken was always so sweet, he was stupid and lovable and would do anything for Barbie. Then he got roped into toxic masculinity and all of a sudden he was cruel and pretentious. This is the same path that many of the guys I was friends with as a kid fell down. Barbie represents growing up as a woman and Ken represents growing up as a man.
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valeskabaikal · 11 months
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speak now week day 5: create something that celebrates individuality and standing up for yourself.
and all you’re ever gonna be is mean
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valeskabaikal · 11 months
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WELL. SO. I’ve been counting down for months and finally the ‘I Can See You’ video is out. I wrote this video treatment over a year ago and really wanted to play out symbolically how it’s felt for me to have the fans helping me reclaim my music. I had my heart set on Joey King, Taylor Lautner and Presley Cash starring in it. Joey and Presley had been in the video for ‘Mean’ when they were 9 and 13 and they are back and so ridiculously bad ass!! Taytay is INCREDIBLE in this (didn’t have a stunt double!) and shout out to Tay Lautner for being so awesome to hang with on set. The Tale of 3 Taylors 😆 I always wanted to direct fight scenes/a heist storyline and had the most incredible time plotting this out with my amazing DP Jonathan Sela. So proud of this one. 
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valeskabaikal · 11 months
Love and ferrets - Ace in 4x06
Ace, Ace, Ace, my dude, you had the best of intentions but boy you did not think this through.
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valeskabaikal · 11 months
Unpopular opinion (apparently) alert: I don’t like Carmy and Syd together romantically on The Bear. And, in fact, I enjoyed Claire and could see her and Carmy working. Syd is his BFF, his work wife if you will. Soulmates even. But platonically. Carmy needs to be with someone completely outside of the restaurant industry - at the very least, not at the very SAME restaurant. I get in the beginning he needs to be all about it and there’s not room for much else, but he’s going to be miserable if he doesn’t have something outside of that. Someone to take his mind out of that world. He seemed to genuinely enjoy his time with Claire, doing things he had never done before. He needs to find that work life, personal life balance. His work life (by that I mean the entire restaurant industry) is too toxic to also have a relationship within it.
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valeskabaikal · 1 year
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shimmering beautiful
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valeskabaikal · 1 year
Ahhhhhhhhh I finally got to watch! I’m just…
1) Ace, as suspected, looks very hot in scrubs
2) Bess “parent trapping” Nancy and Ace. Angry Ace telling Nancy that it wasn’t fair to lose their friendship over an almost kiss.
3) Nancy telling literally anyone who will listen that she’s in love with Ace and has been basically non-functioning for the past 5 weeks “I’ve feel like I’ve lost my true north.”
4) Nick telling Nancy how messed up Ace has been and how she “shattered his barometer”
5) Ace getting arrested for the missing bodies and Nancy blaming herself for not solving the case faster
6) Nancy writing Ace’s name on the paper in the bottle to reunite lost lovers/souls mates.
7) The bottle breaking when they almost kissed again (Nancy my god you have no self control!)
8) Ace finding the note with his name later and presumably running god knows how many miles to Icarus Hall, showing up sweaty and panting, and being like “You lied. You have feelings for me.” Right after the lights go out obviously because this episode was FAN FICTION.
9) Them almost kissing again (Jesus Nancy!) but Nancy’s flashlight cracks “we can’t do this” WHY NOT?” “Because you’re cursed.”
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valeskabaikal · 1 year
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valeskabaikal · 1 year
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The fact that Mario feels so weak around her is canon. I’m weak at my fuckinh KNEES
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valeskabaikal · 1 year
I always wanted to do a deep dive on Summer & Raven’s characters, and after that finale I think it’s time. So as we all know RWBY characters are based on fairy tales & stories of real life. I want to dissect the inspirations for Summer & Raven & analyze why it’s so interesting that these two are paired together.
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So Summer’s base allusion is from the poem The Last Rose of Summer. Her grave has lines from the poem, her name, etc. The actual poem is an allegory for death & the acceptance of it. “Thus Kindly I Scatter” refers to the act of peacefully dying and being returned to the universe, not to mention her intentional ghost like appearance.
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As for her secondary allusion, well, she basically fills all the remaining roles in Little Red Riding Hood. She’s the (grand)mother Ruby visits, the wolf with the shiny big eyes, & the brave huntsman with the ax. This telling of Little Red is a lot more Grimm than the original, pining Summer with a not so happy ending.
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Now onto Raven. A lot of people think her base allusion is Huginn, one of Odin’s all-seeing ravens. Although this is true, it is not her base allusion, but her secondary. Secondary allusions only work when another character is involved. She can’t be Huginn without Munnin (Qrow) or Odin (Oz). Odin’s ravens were meant to represent his eyes, so when Huginn left, he lost one of his eyes. Similar to how Cinder’s lost eye was revealed after her fight with Raven.
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Her real base allusion is of the poem The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe. The poem is about a talking Raven consulting a man about losing his loved one. Both of Raven’s allusions come full circle within her fight against Cinder in Volume 5. Cinder’s theme song has been teased since her introduction & it ended up being a diss track about her downfall and telling her to accept her death. The entire scenario played out as if this was Cinder’s final fight. And of course, Raven was there. And you know who else died there? Vernal. Raven officiated her passing by closing her eyes for her, one again linking Raven with death, just like the poem.
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Now, we have a theme here. Both Summer & Raven take cues from poems about death & passing & acceptance. With all of this information, rewatch their scene again. Raven, the death doula, is sending Summer, the Last Rose, to her death, and Summer is accepting it. That’s why she left the rose pendant with Ruby. Deep down she knew there was a major chance that she wouldn’t come back. But she accepted that fact. She then traveled with Raven to hopefully put an end to Salem, but this is where both of their stories come to a plot hole.
How can someone accept death if they can’t die??
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