wr1t3w1tm3 · 4 hours
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 4 hours
not to give pirates of the caribbean too much credit but it really is the only major franchise Ive seen that was able to pull off the “historical and mythical exist at the same time” with any sort of success
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 4 hours
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 4 hours
I just thought of something and now I feel miserable all over again...
During Kurt's eulogy, he said that he believed Remy was bluffing and that not seeing himself as a hero was just Remy being modest...
...except it wasn't.
We got a peak inside Remy's head in ep3 when Madelyne was taunting the team with their inner-most fears, and his was literally Rogue telling him that he was a piece of shit and that she'd found a real man in Magneto who was a hero and way better than him.
Also, the showrunner literally said it was "key" that Remy thought he didn't deserve to be a hero when he died.
So don't try to bullshit us, writers. It wasn't fucking modesty. Remy truly DIDN'T see himself as hero and he fucking died believing that.
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 4 hours
in my head the star wars equivalent of tswift is some human woman named tay’lor spiff or something and her stans are losing their minds over theories that she’s secretly a jedi singing about the horrors of war, even though she’s from a neutral system that hasn’t seen so much as a moral panic in 50 years
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 5 hours
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#this entire scene though #like nobody knows what the actual fuck jack is waiting for #and beckett thinks he’s won of course and that they’re giving up #but oh no #no no no #captain jack is one step ahead as usual #like even the audience at this point is clueless #but this motherfucker knows #he knows the flying dutchman is gonna rise up #and he knows will is going to be captain #that’s why he keeps staring off into the distance #it was just a matter of time #this motherfucker knew what was coming and it took me years to work out why he never just attacked the endeavour #he was waiting for the whelp to reemerge #good business my ass
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 15 hours
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 16 hours
Would pay to read this.
au where pony actually died in the crash and one day he shows up at the curtis front door as one of thise fuck ass black eyed children mfs in 2016 would NOT shut up about and darry and soda was greivin so bad they just let him in and try to live a normal life w em
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 23 hours
This is what posting your artwork after a mutual posts a big life update feels like
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 23 hours
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 1 day
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 2 days
It frustrates me how many people misunderstand my girl
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While I’ve definitely seen it more on TikTok and not so much Tumblr it is still quite prominent. All of the “Gambit girls 😜🤞” (Gambit is literally my favorite character but just those new fans who like him because of the crop top) are coming out and saying that Rogue is to be blamed for Gambits feelings being hurt but what they don’t realize is how much both of them were hurting. We see Gambits pretty clearly but guessss Rogues we’re a little harder to catch even though I think it’s pretty obvious
What I feel like a lot of people don’t realize is how much suffering she was going through because of her feelings for Gambit. He would tease her and flirt with her yet for her it was just a constant reminder that she can’t touch him. His whole existence is just a constant reminder of what she can’t do. She thinks that because she can’t touch him she could never make either of them fully happy in a relationship
Plus that makes perfect sense because the closest romantic relationship she has to her are Jean and Scott who constantly love and kiss each other. We see her multiple times in the original just stare at them as they touch, just another reminder of what she can’t have
On top of that her literal first experience with her powers was with a person she had feelings for. She has been obsessing over the ability to touch since she was thirteen years old. People get mad at her for not realizing that she valued her feelings over the ability to touch sooner but that is literally everything she can think about. To her a happy relationship ‘needs’ intimacy so she thought that the only way she could be in a happy relationship was with Erik
That’s why the dance is so important because she finally got that intimacy she has been looking for. She put off the fact that she didn’t have feelings for Erik and thought that she would be alright plus if it means helping Genosha
I mean she’s just weighing out feelings and intimacy and since she’s been idolizing the ability to touch since she has been thirteen years old that’s obviously what she’s going to choose. Then of course she was faced with grave disappointment when that thing she has been searching for her whole life wasn’t enough
I know a lot of the Gambit and Rogue shippers felt relief because she realized she valued feelings over touch but I just can’t get over the amount of disappointment she probably felt in that moment. She finally got what she had been searching for, what she thought would be enough for any relationship, but she still wasn’t happy because she didn’t have feelings for him
I would also like to mention her relationship with Erik before because that is probably the biggest comparison to her of all. She had both feelings (no matter how healthy or unhealthy they were) and intimacy with him so in her head if he didn’t have those struggles that would be the perfect relationship. It’s also likeee the only happy relationship she had had intimacy but that was also only because she thought that a relationship needed intimacy… if that makes sense
Anywaysss I know I kinda rambled off but it’s important to understand how much she has been idolizing the ability to touch someone and how complicated her feelings were after the dance because realized that intimacy is not even good if it’s with someone you don’t love
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 2 days
20 Emotional Wounds in Fiction That Make Readers Root for the Character
Abandonment: Characters who have been abandoned by loved ones or caregivers can evoke sympathy from readers.
Betrayal: Being betrayed by someone close can create deep emotional wounds that make readers empathize with the character.
Loss of a Loved One: Whether through death or separation, the loss of a loved one can be a powerful emotional wound.
Rejection: Characters who experience rejection, whether in relationships or by society, can be relatable and evoke empathy.
Abuse: Physical, emotional, or psychological abuse can create complex wounds that shape a character's personality and behavior.
Neglect: Characters who have been neglected, especially in childhood, can evoke sympathy from readers.
Failure: Experiencing a significant failure or loss can create emotional wounds that make characters more relatable.
Guilt: Characters who carry guilt for past actions or decisions can be compelling and evoke empathy from readers.
Shame: Feelings of shame can create internal conflict and make characters more relatable and sympathetic.
Injustice: Characters who have experienced injustice or unfair treatment can evoke strong emotions from readers.
Trauma: Characters who have experienced traumatic events, such as war or natural disasters, can be sympathetic and relatable.
Loneliness: Characters who feel lonely or isolated can evoke empathy from readers who have experienced similar feelings.
Fear: Characters who face their fears or struggle with phobias can be relatable and evoke empathy from readers.
Self-doubt: Characters who struggle with self-doubt or low self-esteem can be relatable and evoke sympathy.
Identity Crisis: Characters who are grappling with questions of identity or struggling to find their place in the world can be sympathetic.
Addiction: Characters who struggle with addiction can be complex and evoke empathy from readers.
Betrayal of Trust: Characters who have had their trust betrayed can be sympathetic and relatable.
Unrequited Love: Characters who experience unrequited love can be sympathetic and evoke empathy from readers.
Isolation: Characters who feel isolated or disconnected from others can be relatable and evoke sympathy.
Fear of Failure: Characters who struggle with a fear of failure can be relatable and evoke empathy from readers.
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 2 days
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Kurt Smiles.
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 2 days
Lmfao Trask fell to his death and both Nightcrawler and Jean didn’t bother to catch him. Nightcrawler’s in the confessional later like
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 2 days
I like how when Rogues going on her rampage, no one is like “Gambit/Magneto wouldn’t have wanted this” because they would 100% be so down for it if they could see her rn
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 2 days
Pin for survivors
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