sophoccles · 2 years
stranger things bingo pt2 volume two
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sophoccles · 2 years
this was a long undertaking but i’m beyond excited to post what i believe is the most comprehensive daemon-finding quiz to date, featuring 34 categories of animals and over 320 total possible outcomes! from insects to owls to seals to wild cats, you’re sure to find a unique result that fits your personality.
tag or comment what your daemon would be! :) mine’s a cocker spaniel!
EDIT: the quiz has two parts, the category which this post links to (34 options), and then the specific animal within that category (5-15 options) which you’re linked to once you get your result!
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sophoccles · 2 years
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Dark Wen Yuan AU where Wei Wuxian still lived and A-Yuan grew to be his disciple. WWX doesn’t leave Burial Mounds and A-Yuan meets with other sects on his behalf. He doesn’t hate LWJ, he’s still fond of him, but him and WWX have a wrong perception about what happened They think LWJ attacked WWX with all the rest during the fight at Nightless city. Of course WWX and A-Yuan don’t know that LWJ actually saved him and suffered the punishment for it. THEY DON’T KNOW ABOUT THE SCARS ON HIS BACK AND BABY DOESN’T REVEAL IT TO THEM! Anyways Lan Wangji has not seen Wei Wuxian for 13 years, because wwx closed himself off with the strongest fucking barrier known to the cultivation world. (YES. It’s our genius YLLZ), and only sees Wen Yuan from time to time. However in this au, 13 years later there have been very fierce attacks that the cultivation world cannot handle and they think it’s the Yiling Laozu at work again of course, so they plan to make another siege. LWJ hears of this and hurries to see WWX and talk to him, to find out if it was really him who caused it (although he’s the only one who doesn’t believe it), and to warn him as well. He’s very nervous because he’s never seen WWX since 13 years ago and WWX never showed himself and neither replied to his confession. So LWJ kinda understood this as his decline and let him be. BUT NOW BABY HAS TO GO UP THE MOUNDS. And that’s where they meet again for the first time. With WWX wearing this cloak (I had too, it’s sexy ok?) and still demanding to respect Hanguang Jun even after all that happened :’(((((
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sophoccles · 3 years
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Season two!!!
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sophoccles · 3 years
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psst...if you have five minutes to spare and want to watch the wlw version of the untamed + world of honor please watch red devil and heroine su on youtube (it does have english subs). the cinematography is gorgeous and it’s extremely well produced too. these screenshots does not do it justice let me tell you jwjdjd. this short film really gave us enemies to lovers, multiple hand shots, hair brushing, sword fighting, clutching fans in repressed gay panic, and girls pinning after girls!! please stop sleeping on this i’m begging you!
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sophoccles · 3 years
Don't Forget about the WoH Epilogue!
Seeing so many people still watching Word of Honor for the first time, and it feels like a good time to remind everyone that the end of Episode 36 on Prime and Netflix is not the actual ending of the series.
There is an epilogue/aka 'episode 37/aka 'the HAPPY ending', that can be found on Viki, and can also be found HERE.
Also, if you want more information on stuff that got cut or dubbed over due to censorship, or would like to learn more about the poetry quoted throughout the script, or the implied romance behind some of the Chinese idioms used, etc., then I highly suggest checking out all of Avenue X's Word of Honor Videos on YouTube. I compiled a list of them all HERE. The 'Lip Reading for Sugar' videos are pure gold.
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sophoccles · 3 years
Facts huney. If you want to ship Darklina I won't hate on you, it's a ship, it ain't that deep. But I find it really difficult to ship a young woman (a teenager in the books) who is portrayed as fairly naive and also isolated from what she knows and trusts, with a centuries old man who manipulates those qualities against her. He is not cute, or pure or wholesome, because he is not a teenager or a young man. As his mother said, the Darkling has had CENTURIES to perfect this image of himself to manipulate young girls to like him.
Lol that wasn't meant to be so long. Ship who you want, but please recognise the issues behind Darklina (especially in the real world, abusive, possessive men ain't cute)
Am I the only one who thinks D*rklina has no chemistry? It may be because I am such an anti of the relationship and also knowing how scummy the D*rkling is and how much older he is from Alina just is off putting for me and not to mention he manipulated Alina so much and lied to her about who he really was. There is no trust there. The ship is just gross in my opinion. Never in any universe would it shippable but that is just me. Also, the D*rkling wants to use Alina for her powers, and he never really cared about her as a person. Not like Mal, her best friend. Like the dynamic between the D*rkling and Alina is super toxic and unhealthy - really an imbalance of power. I cannot understand why anyone would ship it.
(D*rkling shippers do not interact).
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sophoccles · 3 years
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Some initial sketches and designs for a mdzs AU I’m writing at the moment where wwx is a harpy.
also i’m about to watch the last episode of Its a Sin, so pray for me :((
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sophoccles · 3 years
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A wee sketch for my current fan fiction ‘Beasts in the Flower Field’
Chapter 5 up today which can be found here:
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sophoccles · 3 years
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Some quick sketches of my Song of Achilles fan fiction ‘Fig Seeds in our Fists’ on AO3
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sophoccles · 4 years
So, I've had this headcannon since season 1 that before Five disappeared, he, Vanya and Ben were the closest to each other out of all the siblings. It was based on some small things, like the fact that when he first time traveled, when he ran back to the destroyed Academy, he first called out Vanya's name, and then Ben's, before calling out for their father, which is the normal response in that situation for a 13 year old kid. Like, we know Vanya and Five were and still are very close, but that made me believe that maybe he was close to Ben too. It only reaffirmed it when Five asked Vanya about Ben's death and you could see the pain and regret in both their faces, despite the fact that they both had many years to deal with their grief. Also, in her book, Vanya mentions that after Ben's death, she felt like there was nothing keeping her family together, meaning that for her, Ben was the only thing that kept her family intact (I really don't think it was the same for all the other siblings, especially for Luther, and maybe even Allison and Diego). However, it was after seeing Ben and Vanya's scene in season two, that I knew I was right, and that Vanya and Ben were closer than their siblings.
Let me explain. Yeah, Ben and Klaus were close, and in the present day, they probably were the closest, as they were more or less stuck with each other for 17 years. Before that, I get the feeling that their relationship was more like "older sibling getting the younger one in trouble", like Klaus would misbehave and Ben would be there to watch because he found it funny, like the younger siblings usually do. I think Ben really looked up to Klaus when they were growing up, and had a lot of fun hanging out with him, but I don't think they were as close as he was with Vanya. I think he and Vanya comforted each other and helped each other through the rough times, in a way Klaus couldn't, because he preferred to numb his problems than to face them.
In the scene where she's trying to regain her memories, we see how each of the siblings is reacting to her struggling, but it's not an actual depiction of how they would react now, but rather how they would react when they were kids, or better yet, how Vanya believed they would react as kids. They're all accusatory and judgmental towards her, with the exception of Five and Ben. Five is quiet, probably because he was gone for so long, and Ben is the only one actually taking her side, defending her, looking into her eyes and being sweet to her.
In the scene where Ben goes to talk to Vanya, this isn't Klaus controlling him to do so(Klaus is unconscious at the time). It's just Ben deciding to use up his last energy to talk to his sister, in a way that felt very familiar, as if it wasn't the first time he had approached her when she was upset and comforted her. And, he does it slowly, carefully. When he holds her hand, it looks like she's holding his hand back almost instinctively.
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He asks her if he remembers him, having taken note of her having lost her memories, and then hears her out patiently, before speaking to her in a way that shows he understands her pain, that he spend time feeling horrible for what she went through. The way he says that she is "his" sister, and not "their", shows that this is just the two of them talking, leaving the rest of their family out of it, and that he loves and accepts her no matter what (as he probably always has been). But then, he also mentions that the others are indeed there for her now, trying to save her, telling her she isn't alone on the table anymore, as she would had been after he died. That now she can count on the others too. And it actually works. Because it's Ben telling her that.
And then, you get the hug scene, which broke me. The thing about his line, is that he says it's been a while since anyone has hugged him. But, if he wanted a hug from just anyone, Klaus was right there. I mean, Klaus can touch Ben, and they spend all their time together.
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Plus he loves hugs, he literally hugs his siblings every five minutes this season.
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Yet, Ben says he hasn't been hugged in a long time, presumably since his demise, which begs the question, why didn't he ask Klaus? He would had definitely agreed. Its Klaus we're talking about.
Well, maybe Ben didn't just want any hug from anyone, maybe he needed the hug from the person who comforted him the most before his death. His little sister.
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And then, he says that this time at least he gets to say goodbye. Except, he doesn't get to say goodbye to anyone other than Vanya. Klaus literally has no idea Ben is gone until he much later. Diego, the other sibling with which he talked, also doesn't have any clue they lost Ben again, just when they reunited. Luther, Allison and Five probably don't even know Ben was with them at all. So, the only person he gets to say goodbye to this time, is Vanya.
But, it makes sense, because last time, the only one of his siblings who wasn't there with him when he passed away was Vanya (except from Five, who was missing so he doesn't really count). That is confirmed by Diego in the funeral scene. We don't know anything about his death, except that Vanya wasn't there, so maybe he just wanted to say goodbye to his favourite sister one last time, before he can rest, knowing he saved her and that she'll be safe. Basically, Ben is literally the best and his relationship with Vanya is criminally underated 😢😢😢
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sophoccles · 4 years
Would you be willing to share all of the potential results of your daemon quiz? I play around in it a lot, and I've only been able to find 28 of the base results, which means that I'm missing 6 of them. I've tried a lot of combinations, and I still can't find those last 6. I'm really curious!
hey! so ex.co locked me out of the quiz after my free trial expired and their package costs $500 so getting back in wasn’t an option. BUT a while ago @snakedaemon put together an incredible list of all of the results! i’m sharing their spreadsheet here. they went into the view source code of the quiz so it’s absolutely all of them.
here are all of the results! they also linked to the secondary quiz results so you can take any of the quizzes you want.
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sophoccles · 4 years
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Yo, anyone know what show this is from? I saw it in a YouTube video and the animation style looks neat.
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sophoccles · 4 years
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.✧•˚⋆ Sing Soo-Ling icons
9/23 18/23* 23/23
Reblog/like if you use. Credits are appreciated!
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sophoccles · 4 years
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Just my boys Ash and Eiji chilling in Japan
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sophoccles · 4 years
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This guy who has never been online that I’ve seen just sent me this message after i made a post saying how gay Mika was, and now I’m in tears from laughter 
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sophoccles · 4 years
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I'm half way through season 2 of hq and this is basically kagehinas relarionship
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