study-with-iza · 3 years
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09042021 2:34 am
I’ve failed again with posting here more often, but I didn’t feel the need. I’ve been procrastinating and it’s recently hard for me to even read the notes I’ve made before. I guess it is because there’s another lockdown in my country and I’ve been sitting at home for over a year. During lockdown I started uni and in high school I thought that in the uni I’ll meet a lot of new people, have fun and become more energetic. But sadly, I’ve never had a chance to meet my college friends and the year is almost done. I truly miss going outside to people. COVID drives me insane and the government in my country is a huge circus full of clowns. But I’m trying to do even a little bit, I hate procrastinating. I’m sorry that I shared my sad and probably annoying thought but hey. I’m a human being, I’m not always happy. I think people should speak more loudly “ey yo, I’m having a bad time recently, can we talk about this?”
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study-with-iza · 3 years
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What's a soulmate?
It's a...
Well, it's like a best friend, but more.
It's the one person in the world who
knows you better than anyone else.
It's someone who makes
you a better person.
Actually they don't make
you a better person,
you do that yourself...
because they inspire you.
A soulmate is someone who you
can carry with you forever.
It's the one person who knew
you and accepted you...
Believed in you before anyone else
did or when no one else would.
And no matter what happens you will always love them.
Nothing can ever change that.
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study-with-iza · 3 years
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I definitely like color pink and I’m in love with this little Shiba Inu printed on my mouse stand. I bought it on shein and it’s super cute. I’ve got a lot of exams next weekend and I can’t wait to gain another good grade.
Wish you a wonderful day!
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study-with-iza · 3 years
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Long time no see!
Sorry for being offline here, but uni and private life drink my energy too much and I have to admit - i totally forgot about this account. Too much chores made me really busy. But I’ll try to post here at least once in a week. While being offline here I received many positive grades and even some A+, which makes me really happy! How’s your day going?
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study-with-iza · 3 years
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During the Christmas time I tried to stay a bit productive. But because of the nasty weather I don’t have any motivation and soon I’ll have a lot of tests and exams. I’m scared, it’s my 1st year at uni and I don’t know what to expect. Before going to uni I thought that finally I’ll have more energy to have wonderful grades and I’ll be proud of myself. But I feel like my body is tired and needs to go on a long vacation. I feel like talking about bad days and bad moods is really important. We shouldn’t pretend like we are happy 24/7 and don’t have any problems. What do you think about it? How’s your mood nowadays?
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study-with-iza · 3 years
Can we be a tumblr friend?
Oh i guess that might sound creepy.
Hi! Of course we can be! I’m very open-minded and I’d love to interact with people here. Don’t be shy, just slide into my dms <3
0 notes
study-with-iza · 3 years
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Philippine history notes 🧡 It was so fun to make this
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Purchase your Stabilo Swing Pastel Highlighters here!
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study-with-iza · 3 years
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112720. happy thanksgiving break (if you've got one!) — i've got a lot to be grateful for this year, and it's nice to look back on it all. otherwise, there's still plenty of work— spent the morning rereading some stuff for my political philosophy class. rousseau never fails to confuse me :P
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study-with-iza · 3 years
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not a good idea to look at this on an empty stomach 🤤
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study-with-iza · 3 years
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Hello everyone! Yesterday was a pretty busy day. I had to buy presents for a last minute. I also bought some ingredients for an apple pie, that my family loves. I would like to say a huge thank you for all of you, because when I posted my first post I didn’t think it will have almost 100 likes&reblogs. I’m so happy to see every single like and follow, because it motivates me to study more and show my progress. I hope I won’t disappoint you. This picture shows my notes from psychology, it’s not my favorite class, but I really enjoy the lectures. My professor is such a kind woman!
Question for today: how do you spend Christmas?
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study-with-iza · 3 years
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Hello, everyone! I’ve decided to create this account in which I could share my pics, notes, give some tips. But I think the main reason is that study accounts really motivate myself to do something. Also, it’s such a great reason to improve my English, I don’t want to do a regress. I want to share my pics and notes, to show others that studyblrs don’t have to be perfect, ideal- as long as you define your account as something nice that’s vaild and important. Here I have a simple note from a subject called forensic sociology. I’m a 1st year student of criminology! I was afraid at first, especially because I didn’t know anyone from the uni. I was all alone, but with every lecture my team integrates with each other and we have lots of fun. Hope this atmosphere will stay as long as possible. Have a nice day! Hope you’re doing well!
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