girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years
i don't know if the "true crime podcasters making jokes and calling their listeners their little murder babies or whatever" joke is real or not and at this point im too afraid to ask
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Aran Ryan fanbase headcanons 2 -RESULTS-
And finally we have the results!
I was surprised to see some shared headcanons from the past!!!
Let's begin!!!
Can Aran speak Irish (Gaelic)?
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44,4 % : Yes and he is very fluent
Is Aran liked/supported by his in-universe fans of the WVBA?
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55,6% : Both of them are douchbags and true supporters
OPEN QUESTION of: Is Aran liked/supported by his in-universe fans of the WVBA?
He is genuinely adored by some, who go out of their way to defend his actions and paint him as a better person than he his, but others like him as a villain and others still think of him as a joke and only like him because of that.
yes and they want to see what other ideas he comes up with, maybe he gets mail from them where they share their ideas
It's a mixed bag- You have those the genuinely support him, others who started supporting him as joke & now can't stop, those who support him as a joke only, & unfortunately some who only support him as a justification for being an asshat.
he has fans on either side some fans are douchebags and some are like us on tumblr calling him a silly goose
I can see some if his fans being douchebags by saying, you ruined boxing, cheater or you're fecking crazy,
They’re either bloodthirsty, Irish or just want to watch matches.
Most of them love his crazy behavior and generally think of him as some maniac that escaped Dublin prison and got in by his unorthodox fighting style (which didn’t happen at all, Aran did a bit of fighting before WVBA but he got in clean imo.) Aran tries to distance himself from his troublesome fans, simply because he dislikes rumors made by him. Some of his fans are genuinely supportive and like seeing him and his antics, and think he could genuinely become champion if he stopped cheating.
It’s a 50/50 chance, but it’s likely no since the people don’t like masochists in the ring
I'm not sure but there's a probably a minority that actually likes and they're a true fan
I’ve got a feeling he doesn’t have a lot of fans who would actually come up to him since they’ve seen what he’s like in the ring, so they usually just watch him from afar if they see him in public
I think there are both fans that adore his cheating, but the vast majority thinks he takes it too far in some ways (i.e attacking the ref and aggressive taunting during intermissions), even by WVBA standards bc lets be real, almost EVERYONE cheats.
Yes but in the way of "this guy is a car crash in motion I want to see it get even wilder"
i put my amswer under his fans imitate him but more so because they want to grab his attention. thus they end up being more crazy the guy himself
Who do you ship with Aran? And why? WARNING: ships with minors are NOT allowed as Aran is a 23 years old (before someone made me noticed, I accidentally wrote 25 yrs)
don flamenco i just see them as having a rivals-to-lovers kind of thing tbh
I mainly ship Joe/Aran, but I also like him with Narcis Prince. Other ships with him I don't exactly mind, but aren't my thing.
narcis, i just ended up thinking the idea is funny, both are assholes, narcis would find it funny to see who arans pulls pranks to, i want a man for aran who is just as mean as he is (almost)
I ship Aran Ryan with Glass Joe & will not apologize for it. I'm an absolute sucker for opposites attract type ships.
Soda Popinski: seeing him as a giant, bubbly, gentle (outside the ring) Russian man who hasn't dated anyone, with Aran as a feral and insane Irish man who's dated many in the past is a good relationship. Headcannon that Soda had a crush on him before making a move
Aran Ryan/Glass Joe and Aran Ryan/Don Flamenco or even Aran/Joe/Don
Yes, I ship him Narciss. (Also isn't Aran 23?)
Don Flamenco. IDC if they don’t talk to each other in the game, these two are cute with each and it’s pretty much why I like shipping this.
Wait he's 25?? I thought he was 23??
Personally I don’t ship him with anyone ✋
im not big on shipping but narcis x aran is pretty funny in concept !! just the idea of two (id imagine) rivals who are eventually shocked to find out they like eachother is also Good. bonus points if neither of them know how to go about expressing love.
Aradon. Aradon all the way. Because I'm very normal about Don and Aran's dynamic.
Piston Hondo. I feel like they've got an opposites attract kinda deal that mutually benefits them. Hondo benefits Aran by keeping his violent behavior at bay and helping him explore healthier ways of getting out his frustration. Aran benefits Hondo by getting him to loosen up when he's not actively working and making sure he's not overexerting himself in his rigorous training.
Don bc the dynamic is interesting and Joe bc the dynamic is funny to me💀
Don Flamenco
don! (unrelated but i cant believe that guy is balding at 23)
LGBTQ+ headcanons
pansexual cis man (he/him)
Trans man and bisexual, my mans is NOT cis
he doesnt use labels, he just shrugs if anyone asks or says "im aran"
Either Bisexual or Pansexual with no real leanings & Cis, but couldn't really give a shit what pronouns you call him.
bisexual and SOMETIMES uses they/them pronouns. but only when he feels like sludge (in a good way)
Bi as hell
Aran is Bisexual/Pansexual, and doesn’t really mind any pronouns used as long as they are respectful. Open to poly relationships.
Pansexual and genderqueer AF
Guy’s an angry bisexual who may or may not show his bi feelings to others (usually the ones he adores)
Probably straight or questioning aroace
nonbinary in a ''a boy but not really'' way
He's bi, he told me himself.
I like the idea of him being pan.
Pan, any hole's a goal for Aran
he's trans & somewhere in the bi/pan spectrum
hes pan and transmasc to me <3
What kind of pet does he have (if any)?
a black cat named lucky! she’s his pride and joy.
A border collie/Australian Shepard mix named cu chulainn
i havent thought about that yet, but in my ship narcis might gets a cat and aran has slap fights with it
He's got a scruffy old orange cat who he loves dearly- Baby is like 12 years old & he absolutely cherishes them.
23 rats
Aran loves ferrets, and could break his entire bank just carrying for them. He spends four hours each day playing with them and making sure they get exercise. He once screamed at a woman who watched them while he was away in the USA who fed them nothing but pellets to one of them, they were fine after. (Aran owns four, two boys two girls. He keeps them in separate cages to prevent a surprise business popping up.) He would die for them.
Yes, a puppy named "Empanada"
He’d probably have a German Shepherd and a Kerry Blue Terrier
I don't know, I don't think he's a type of guy to have a pet for a long time
He’d definitely have a pet rat, probably named it something like poison or something to make it seem dangerous
i can see him as a dog person, especially very active dogs that need a ton of long walks. it helps him unwind. Also hed want a smart dog as well that he can teach to annoy people with. why? bc hes aran ryan.
So first off, I have no proofs but no doubts that Aran is a dog person. I love someone's headcanon of him having an Irish Wolfhound? I think? way too much. These puppers are huge, straight up Aran's alley imo. But I also adore the idea of him having a little pet rat, that only the closest of people and relatives know about.
RATS! He has 3 and he takes very good care of them.
He's got an old ass dog he's had since childhood that just lays around like a lazy sack of flour, but not because of age, the dog was just always like that. Its also probably a medium or smaller breed
no actual pets, but he has a soft spot for any strays he passes by
a black cat! (ironic, considering his whole luck schtick)
Why is Aran associated with luck symbolism?
i honestly don’t know, it’s just kind of a thing ig
Partially because of Irish stereotypes but mostly because he genuinely surrounds himself with such symbols out of paranoia. He cannot leave his home without wearing at least one object he considers 'lucky' to some degree.
ireland LMAO
Irony. He honesty considers himself extremely unlucky, but what's better for recognition than an Irish Man with a shamrock?
he's an overall lucky person. he steps out into the rain and either doesn't get wet or looks good afterwards
Idk, cause he's irish.
Aran keeps luck close to help himself motivate. He loves using both good and bad luck charms to his favor. (He’ll keep clovers in his locker and try to give the other boxers bad luck by breaking mirrors, placing ladders, etc. Not black cats though, as he knows that’s a myth.)
Cause it's a miracle he hasn't been banned from they WVBA yet
Guy thinks it’s a good idea to have luck on his side so that he could win many boxing fights
Somebody or some mythical creature decided to put a both curse and a blessing on him
Uhh I don’t rlly know I think it’s about since he’s Irish and they have 4 leaf clovers and the lucky number seven????
luck of irish, of course! also the fact its a miracle he hasnt been suspended yet from boxing
I like to think it's because he's always been this lucky bastard- he's a huge bastard, but he also always had this immense luck on his side for as long as he lived for some weird reason.
He's bad luck if you piss him off, but good luck if you befriend him :)
Teehee four leaf clover!! Haha irish!!!
i'd say just because he's irish. wish it could be deeper but idk
irish stereotype.....
Why did Aran decide to join the WVBA?
tbh i haven’t figured that part out for him yet-
Because they pay well and he finds the work interesting compared to other boxing leagues.
he needs to let that energy out somewhere, he can actually box and does exercise but ended up wanting more and has no patience ya know
It was a childhood dream of his to become a boxer.
"Yer' meanin to tell me, i can get paid for beatin' guys in alleyways? 'Ell yeah, where can i sign up!?"
Wanted to leave his country, away from his baf past and parents. Wanted to prove to everyone and his old folks.
Honestly? So he could have the thrill of the fight without getting into trouble.
Aran wanted to distance himself from Dublin and shoot his shot in the boxing world after developing both a skill and dependence on it to fight his bullies.
To beat the crap out of people
Mostly his skills in boxing and his persuasion to the WVBA, also he wants in because of the money
He joined as a clean and sane fighter, but as a years goes on he goes crazy and began to cheat just like the other fighters.
To just beat the shit out of everyone ig
i imagine he doesnt consider himself particularly fit for smth like an office job (despite his wide vocabulary) so he took up boxing to unwind but ended up having a real knack for it. mix that with his prankster, combative personality and youve got aran ryan. i also imagine hed join a boxing association that was more lenient towards the rules
See, I'm pretty sure it's all written in his SPO poster. Dude got so fed up with all the endless teasing that he just snapped at some point, this point being a mention of his mother.
He probably got into a fight somewhere in Dublin, won by a landslide, and a random WVBA rep approached him to offer the job.
Bc the WVBA PAYS him to fight! Aran Ryan LOVE a good brawl!
work, perhaps? I'd imagine he was scrappy & caused fights in the streets, i have a feeling he saw a flyer for the WBVA one day and just thought "yeah, why not"
fatherless behavior /j (he had always been interested in boxing! then super punch out happened so now hes the biggest cheater in the ring just for the adrenaline rush)
silly momentum: Did Aran punch an Italian DJ???
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50%: What
it's a reference about an infamous Irish boxer (like Aran) who punched an Italian dj (I won't tell who is he bc I am scared to see him jumping in my house and hit me lol)
How is Aran's relationship with his family?
pretty good! though his father’s no longer around so uh that’s something.
Very, very good. He loves just about everyone in his family with his entire heart (Except his mother's mother and older sister) and hates being away from them for too long. He's close with his parents, grandma, and younger siblings and would hate to be without them in his life.
imo pretty good! but in my canon, his parents are divorced but he loves his mom very much, same for his sis
VERY CLOSE- He's got his mother & baby sister, & god help anyone who decides to fuck with either.
mostly good, he has a sister and a mother but his father ran off when he was a kid and is entirely ready to BEAT HIS ASS
He has a terrible relationship with his dad, an alcoholic and abuser. He was very tough and strict as well. Aran got his drinking, cheating and shoplifting from his dad, he started at 15. He was able to provide for the family and living. He's a but sour with his mom because she stayed with his father; but only for the money and being able to live in a house. If they divorced, she loses everything and won't be able to find a job. But she still loves her family. Aran loves his sister, Daisy, he would do anything for her not to be like himself or their dad. Would protect her. He couldn't bring Daisy along because she was in custody with the parents, and he couldn't win. The reason he snuck out with his old Irish friends and went to box in the WVBA was to get away from his parents. He really doesn't want to come back, and ESPECIALLY doesn't want to talk about them.
His sister and pa are close, but his mam is so distant that his sister filled in the maternal role for him.
Strained, but due to forces that were out of their control. He keeps close with them but things can be hard for them to get along.
Good...I guess..
Has an estranged relationship with his mother, in somewhat neutral terms with his father, and in genuine, loving terms and a healthy relationship with his sister
He loves them I think, despite the fact the games mentioned them being a bad example to his life
Has a close connection with his mammy and da and has a really good brother-sister bond with his sister
aran's has a mom and dad, and a lot of siblings. theyre VERY close but also very lenient, hence why aran's so out of control. aran could cause the end of the world and his parents would still say ''thats our boy!''. they also rib eachother constantly (its how they show affection), and aran does this to everyone around him, stranger or not. not necessarily very close to all his siblings, but would still take a bullet for them. in short: mess with his family, and youre DEAD.
Aran's a huge mama's boy; he *loves* his ma. I mean, if you think about it she is a part of his fame, she's one of the few people he's got left of his family. He also got a sis... with which they still fight about absolutely silly and not-worth-fighting-over things.
He loves his family! Except his dad that walked out, but he had an uncle who filled the spot instead.
Parents #suck or otherwise not in the picture so he's taking care of the sister on his own (barely🙄)
good with his mom & sister, but is pretty distant from his dad. feel like he had another father figure pre-WBVA but that's my own lil thing for him.
hes on good terms with his sister, doesnt talk to his mother and his dad is dead
Who are Aran's friends?
tiger, hondo (to some degree), soda, maybe a couple others that i’m forgetting tbh
The rest of the world circuit, without a doubt, alongside Glass Joe, and Disco Kid.
probably disco, SMM, heike, some bitches he met at a pub, he is part of a biker gang in my version btw, also narcis is not only his bf but also his BFF
Joe, Lil Mac, Bear Hugger, Soda, & Bull. Sometimes Doc & Sandman. (Sandman doesn't always wanna put up with him & Doc is only really friends by proxy as he wants to ensure Mac's safety.)
everyone in the wvba is his friend, despite him being pretty much a constant annoyance
He has some old 4 Irish folks back in the day, In WVBA: Great Tiger, Bald bull, SMM, Mr Sandman (sometimes if Aran doesn't get on his nerves)
The Minor circuit, Heike and Mac
I definitely feel he can be friends with Soda Pop, and has a bit of a friendship with Bear Hugger. Don and him have a big of a friendship, but it’s been strained due to Aran fighting to keep his place in the World Circuit. Glass Joe talks to him sometimes, but has a small fear of him.
Soda Popinski and Disco Kid
Bear Hugger, Soda Popinski, Dragon Chan, Heike Kagero, Disco Kid, Rick Bruiser (don’t ask), and Piston Hurricane
I'm not sure how his friends, but he's acquainted with Great Tiger, because they both hate Narcis Prince.
I think that he’s not close with a lot of people but maybe soda popinski and don? Aran and Dons relationship is definitely being frenimies with the whole finding out his hair is a toupee. And soda popinski and Aran just drink together all the time and just spill secrets to eachother
soda popinski, bc he can handle his... quirky personality. Plus, they go to clubs to dance together, along w/ disco kid. speaking of which, he surprisingly gets along pretty well with disco kid, they bond over their music tastes, even if theyre radically different. they also collab on music together sometimes, with aran writing the lyrics and disco doing the instrumentals. they have a lot of creative differences however, but despite that, they remain friends.
The only person I can think of that may have been more-or-less of a friend to Aran ever is Soda. They've been great drinking buddies since the dawn of time, and can be real with each other only when they're drunk as all hell. They don't want anything to do with each other when they're sober tho.
He, Glass Joe, and Don Flamenco are besties. They annoy the ever-living daylights out of each other, but they're hilarious when they hang out together.
Little Mac bc I read a fic where they became best buddies and it changed my brain chemistry, and Disco Kid bc I read a fic where the they were friends but it wasn't the main focus which also altered my brain chemistry
soda, per techicality as I said in the last pole but close enough. he also sometimes crashes with the rest of minor / major on occasions but "friends" would be a strong word
hondo, bear, disco, bull (maybe), don, tiger
Who are Aran's rivals?
macho (pure hatred tbh), don (former rival, now his lover LMAO)
Narcis prince and Don are semi-rivals, their relationships with him at least starting out as hostile. Snes Aran and him also don't get along and neither do him and Von Kaiser for a long time.
joe LMAO, he just bullies him, maybe kaiser, both are chickenshits, he also teases don sometimes but he just thinks its funny, he doesnt hate him
Hondo, Tiger (They mostly just tolerate eachother), Don, Macho Man, Bald Bull on occasion, Von Kaiser & Disco Kid (Only because they're both terrified of Aran & worry for Joe's safety.)
mostly Mac, (still sort of salty about the fight) and Joe (knows he can't fight back)
Don Flamico and Narcis Prince (his ex)
Don, Narcis and Macho (last one is one-sided on Macho’s part)
Narcis Prince is the biggest member of the “BOO ARAN” club. He didn’t like him much when Aran first got in, but he genuinely thinks he’s insane now. Don Flamenco’s there too, but wishes they could go back to being friends. Piston Hondo, Von Kaiser, Super Macho Man, Sandman. The lad has made a lot of enemies.
Literally everybody else
Little Mac (obviously), Von Kaiser, Great Tiger, Narcis Prince, Super Macho Man, Bald Bull, Piston Hondo, and Mr. Sandman
As stated above Narcis Prince, and probably the world Circuit and Don Flamenco
Definitely Joe. They’d definitely throw mean comments at eachother or snobby remarks (mostly from joe) there would be a bunch of back and forth (aran usually the one screaming at him) I just think it’s a funny dynamic of them always having something to fight about
super macho man, aran loves messing w/ the guy while seeing him as an equal competitor. great tiger and piston hondo specifically are his prankster rivals and on friendlier terms w/ him that the rest of the WVBA. a combative personality WILL lend you some enemies, surprisingly.
The entirety of WVBA, of course.
Everyone in the world circuit. Being way younger and not being around as long as they have, he's definitely not as close with them as they are with each other. They're not purposely trying to exclude him by any means, they just have trouble relating to him most of the time.
Narcis prince because hating the British is something that runs deep in Aran's blood. also him and Hondo HAVE to have beef their alignments clash so hard
i'd imagine he'd have some beef with super macho man, considering they've mostly been together in the world circuit i like to think aran likes to get under macho's nerves. i'd even say its a similar case with narcis prince, but thats a bit more.. playful? ik smm takes it personally
super macho man
Most iconic Aran made by a fan?
umm idk?
Not sure if you mean fanart or charatrization, but I do like the Aran by 'ask-the-ryans' on tumblr
any commissions people made for me, any art that contains my ship is super iconic
The interactive choose your own adventure Aran where he was just his head on two stick figure legs. Best post, glad I was apart of that & got to witness it in real time. Tumblr be wildin'
all of them are neat !!!!!!!
They give him nicknames, irish man, lucky rabbit, lucky lad, insane irish boxer, and from douchebags and hater, rat.
The one in Sportsmanship (read it on AO3)
I genuinely think that almost every user on Tumblr has a based Aran.
Ask-the-ryans blog by pulpa-de-gorila!!
Definitely the ask.the.Ryan’s blog . Their actually so talented and the way they draw Aran is amazing 😮‼️❣️
that one drawing made by pulporilla of macho man jealously announcing that aran is on the sexypedia, w/ aran being bare ass naked saying ''the what''
PulpaGorilla's Aran. Definitely.
That rabies pride art. I don't know how those two things managed to cross paths, but someone put them together and it is GLORIOUS.
pulpa-de-gorila / ask-the-ryans on tumblr!!! i sometimes study their art when i draw aran cuz i swear their stuff could be official art its that good. & also shoutout for mossea on tumblr aswell for being so shaped
i genuinely forgot their name but there was this one aran fanart with vibrant colors and it was Very Shaped and i think about it frequently
Best video ever made about Aran Ryan?
literally all of them
I cannot choose one so you get 3 https://youtu.be/RZTRpgjrMqc https://youtu.be/QgErxUeAeAU https://youtu.be/LPeq5_WSaas
i dont know tbh
i don't really watch videos on aran but i remember the deepfried aran fight and thought that was funny
Throwing the ref and knocking him the fuck out.
The infractions one
Fully Baked video talking about why is his fave
The one where the guy lists his 20+ infractions
"Why Aran Ryan is my Favorite Punch-Out Fighter" by Fully Baked
The old YTP’s‼️🔛🔝
That one, by kazooyah: https://www.tumblr.com/kazooyah/185687150065/so-this-is-what-i-do-in-my-spare-time. I've stumbled upon this vid way back im 2021, and I still think about this video daily.
The bus video gets me every time.
bumble mcfumbles's punch-out cheaters video, it's iconic at this point
"whos the biggest cheater in the wvba?"
Put here your thoughts about Aran
my favourite rat bastard tbh, i stole his name and it’s now my third/fourth online name hehe
Aran is a horrible gremlin man who is also my baby boy who I'd die for.
he is very hot and cute and the only character that got me here
I picture Aran as this outwardly abrasive guy- He let's as many people in as he let's those who wrong him go unpunished, which is to say little to none. He's got his reasons for cheating & while he won't share those reasons, it's a hill he's more than willing to die on. If you ever managed to get past the massive amount of walls he's put up, you'd find he's actually a very caring, creative, & intelligent person.
the spoinky woinky!!!!!!
Feral rat man.
silly :3 also what is that hairstyle bro
cheeseburgers. cheeseburgers everywhere. All jokes aside, one of the most interesting boxers in Punch Out. Him or Sandman should be in Smash Bros.
The half-rat half-irish cheating bastard that I love
Guy has so much personality to him. If a new Punch Out games come, please have Aran back, I’d die if he isn’t.
I like him as a character, but if he was a person, I wouldn't go near him as he is bad example
Funny as fuck dude Aran Ryan is 🔛🔝‼️
definitely one of the most iconic characters in the game, and for a good reason. hes funny, his fight is very unique in regards to timing your punches, his voice acting is great, hes got a solid, sharp design, and i love seeing the insane capers he comes up with. a HUGE step up from the SNES version. also hes hot.
dude's so mecore fr
He's a riot, that's for sure.
I like that dude I want to watch him be beaten to a pulp i need to see him sobbing shaking begging for his life
they can't just put an almost normal person / insane cheater among magic users, the most yoked guys i've ever seen, and king hippo and expect me to NOT be my favorite. c'mon now
Other headcanons 
His flail is named Macha, named after an Irish goddess of war, death, and horses
he makes shit doodles of himself or his friends and his bf
Here's my headcanon for why Aran cheats- Aran immigrated to the US as a child & his father passed away shortly after his sister was born- He becomes the breadwinner when his mother gets sick & now in order to support his family & cover their medical bills, he cheats & places illegal bets on his own fights. He keeps this fact increadibly close to his chest & absolutely hates asking for help.
he likes to knit :)
He graffitis everywhere in the WVBA, either paint brush or marker. Ref, janitors and some boxers are tired of this shit. He also pranks most of the boxers in the WVBA.
He can whistle and sing beautifuly.
Guy gets drunk after sipping like 5 shots of Guinness, He’s a dog person, Good Enough Cook, and Rage Quit when he losses at video games.
He can complete Pizza Tower if it was real in his universe (not as a game, but a real tower)
Definitely stole a shopping cart from somewhere once or twice while he was drunk
hes great a rhyming and uses it to annoy people. he is also disco kid's and soda's dancing buddy, they always KILL it on the dance floor. has made sea shanty diss tracks with disco kid. does everything to embarrass macho man in front of ladies and the press. loves drum and base music, as well as sea shanties. has begged every non-english boxer at some point to PLEAAASE teach him some new curse words.
Now, I don't have any miscellaneous headcanons, I just wanted to say thanks to the Mod and anons for an awesome survey here, hope that's okay-
I've been thinking about him actively seeking therapy. Not for his insanity (God forbid we fix that part) but for things he keeps better under wraps (anxiety, depression, self-image, etc.
Second he gets home the pants come off, you can SEE every time he left the house the past week bc he didn't pick up them drawers after he dropped them. Dude HAS to have something to watch while he eats, food ritual is he's always sat on the couch, paper plate of food he has to hold otherwise his old ass dog tries to steal a bite, his own ground gripper dawgs out on the narsty carpet, TV playing trash reality shows way too loud, either shirtless or pantless, usually drinking pop with whatever he's eating. OH WAIT YEAH ALSO Aran's the type of guy to watch trash reality TV bc watching any dumb confrontations either verbal or physical is very fun and funny for him🤪
miiight of said this in the last survey but i fully believe that aran, although born in ireland, currently resides somewhere in new jersey
one time his friends in the wvba held a suprise birthday party for him and he tried SO hard not to cry (and failed lol)
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emmamountebanks · 2 years
Okay, I GOT to ask: what are your Brinivybank headcanons? Like whats the full story behind these besties suffering together? And how angsty does this get? I need to know cuz you put this triplet in my head and I'm obsessed
ive thrown up so much baloney about them over the months so some stuff i say may be lowkey rehashing but oh well! these are my babies!!
i ended up writing more than intended so it's put under a cut
i can already just kind of picture dylan meshing well naturally with both emma and max over the summer (in the event max made it ofc). emma and max would take a bit more time to even interact with each other but the second emma makes a dumb joke and max responds with something dumb back, it's clicked.
since max was originally listed in his bio as class clown before dylan's intro video gave him it, they're already on the same level. supermassive didn't let skyler and miles interact because they would've been too powerful together. the three of them would be just dumb shenanigan snark fests and everyone hates to love them. they are the perfect goofball menaces to compliment their partners, and they love terrorizing them together.
as far as the actual canon events though, i always just like to believe max and emma meet post-surviving that night. they have to. emma snatched his clothes and got his ugly wolf mug on her phone, she needs to make fun of him for it. and with biting/trying to bite her i can just see him being like "whoops my bad i didn't eat before the moon came up". u know she wants to be mad but with his lil hoodie and awkward dumb joke she can't be mad.
i needed just more of emma and dylan, too. they love being annoying!! they want to break into cabins and be gay do crimes!! the most i get for any sort of bonding is if abi's died and dylan recaps the story to her. she opens up in front of him and kaitlyn! she's letting her real emotions out for once and lets her stage presence drop! and then they just never interact again. what the hell!
but post-game! they have a great support system going. they all share almost the same fear, of not being good enough or trying to act like someone they're not because that's what makes people happy. dylan and emma put on a show since they think that's what the people want. max hated upsetting laura since he didn't tell her about college. he wasn't falling in line with the plan of what she wanted them to be anymore. none of them want to make anyone sad. they just want to have fun, tell jokes, be silly, and stay afloat.
after all the werewolf trauma, it's rough for them to bounce back to their normal selves, but i think they'd feed on each others energy and remember its okay to still smile. having everyone else alive and around definitely helps speed up the healing process too.
i also imagine if laura and ryan don't come back, dylan remembers max's name and her story of leaving him there. he and emma go together bc emma wants to know who the hell the bitch was that tried to eat her - and its just some goofball that's wearing a cropped pink hoodie. her desire to throw hands is instantly gone because he looks just so sad waiting for laura at the dock and he's like "who are u guys.. wheres my girl"
my favorite kind of angst for them is the run i just did where they were my only three survivors, and infected each other. i personally feel like there's a strong bond that forms between werewolves after infection - so now that their love interests are dead, they rely on each other 10x more for support. cuz no one is going to understand it like they do. cuz max is the reason emma bit dylan and now they're just stuck with it. they don't know the source of the curse, and no one is around to tell them anymore.
alone but together. every month, they dread the night that reminds them and forces them to be the cause of everything they've lost. they met up right after, realized what happened, and realize that it's just them. emma gets their numbers, they have a little group chat to keep each other sane. then when it's a full moon, they meet up to be together and accounted for, and lock themselves away.
another full moon later, they get a place to stay and move in with each other. it's easier and more comforting this way, and it's easier for them to keep their humor when it's in one safe space.
but the survivors guilt eats at them for a while. max is sad that he couldn't have done anything to help laura, that she died trying to help him. emma is sad she wasn't there for abi, that the last time she saw her she kissed abi's crush. dylan is sad that ryan went off and never came back, and he'll never know if something more could've happened.
while it takes a long time to heal, they eventually slowly come to terms with their fates. but they'll still never be okay.
maybe there's an off chance they can get chris to help, since he'd have to live for them to stay infected. but with the rest of the hacketts dead, chris is just as helpless as them on the night of an actual full moon. who could even cure them at this point?
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lunaencantada · 1 year
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#bruno madrigal: 252 publicaciones
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#the tall bruno i know had a lot of makeup for the eyes and i had a crisis because............... some people don't have natural eye bags??
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Did you know that in spanish we have many expressions with milk? I don't think it's a thing in Colombia, maybe only here in Spain, but forgive me for taking the opportunity to do a silly comic.
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115 notas. Fecha de publicación: 25 de julio de 2022
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New storyboards by Ryan Green!
There are a lot of scenes with Luisa, but I'm biased, these two……….
121 notas. Fecha de publicación: 27 de junio de 2022
Headcanon about Julieta: her magic is in the act of giving the food to someone
Following my last drawing, I want to talk a little about my headcanon. As I said, I don't think her healing magic *is* her cooking. Why would she spend her days in the town waiting for the people to come to her? She could, Idk, send any of the kids, or just set the table with the food and go on with her day.
We have the townspeople...
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132 notas. Fecha de publicación: 21 de abril de 2022
Also, speaking of the Encanto's merch, why did they decide to do a generic jaguar plush when they could do one with Mirabel's style!!!!
I mean!! Super generic, the safe move, boring (I'm sorry Parce!!):
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That's the cutest fucking thing I've ever seen in my entire life:
146 notas. Fecha de publicación: 29 de abril de 2022
Mi publicación más popular de 2022
I don't know about you, but I fear the day that we have a canon sexuality for Bruno because whatever it is, some people will be angry.
I see a lot of people with OCs that are ladies, so I suspect that they want Bruno to like girls. Then you have people who watch him and read his story as the gay uncle whose name the family don't speak, so, achillean. And I think the option of aro and/or ace is popular too? And right now everyone is having a great time with their headcanons, everything is valid.
But Jared Bush doesn't want to answer anything about this topic. He is doing that with the things they want to explore in the future. And yeah, I can imagine the grandkids asking why he is single. They'll make a canon story about that. And some people will be disappointed or angry.
My worst fear? I'm ok with everything, but I guess I can't trust Disney (talking about the company, not the people actually making the movie and trying their best).
I would love Bruno being aro/ace. I crave asexual representation. The A spectrum is so big, they can try so many options (I usually think about him like an ace with a tentative interest in romance). But. Can I trust them to do a nice representation? And, can I trust the fandom who see him as alosexual to be ok with it? Because, I don't want to think bad, but I watched so many dramas in other fandoms... I'm not ready to read more shit about us. I can't do that anymore, I'm tired.
Bruno being gay? Amazing. I love the idea. Beloved character being achillean, nice. But we are talking about Disney. Every year we have a new "the first openly gay person in a disney movie!!!" and is always a background character saying one line or kissing their partner really fast, super easy to cut if they need it. I don't know about the situation in other countries, but here in Spain there is a group of people who are trying to boycott Lightyear because Oh No TwO wOmEn KiSsEd. Encanto is SUPER popular. Bruno is very popular. Some people will be so angry if he is gay. Would Disney risk their public opinion for this? Uuuh.
And if he is hetero or at least they show him having interest in women... It's ok! The movie is not about LGBTQ+ experiences, I don't expect Disney to try more representations after using the "latino representation card" (Too much for them, they'll cry). And we’ll have more opportunities with the rest of the family if we are lucky. But if they go with "he wanted but everyone was wary of him, so Bruno couldn't find a girl" ..... I'll die if the incel community find him relatable or something like that 💀 Or... Imagine if they use Bruno being neurodivergent as the excuse of why no woman wanted to marry him, because he is "strange". More 💀💀
So yeah, I don't know. I'm happy right now. Everyone is having fun. You can read/write about any option or ignore the topic completely. But some day...
176 notas. Fecha de publicación: 28 de junio de 2022
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whatyourusherthinks · 14 days
IF Review
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Boy howdy this trailer was baaaaaaaaaad. I was intrigued by the teaser, but I thought that it would only be good if the teaser was hiding something. Then the actual trailer came out, and well, you read the first sentence. I dunno, it just looked like Ryan Reynolds doing his most child-friendly jokes and that was it. Which, I guess if it carries the Deadpool movies, but I expect more from the guy who wrote A Quiet Place, y'know. (Wait, John Krasinski wrote A Quiet Place Part II too? Well good thing I didn't see it and therefore can't delegitimize my claim to his writing quality.)
Then Twitter got mad at this movie. Why? Hell if I know. I can barely stand to use this website, honestly, why would I ever go on that garbage fire of social media platform. Does it have something to do with the premise's similarity to Foster's Home For Imaginary Kids? Maybe, but why is it a problem for two takes on a similar premise to exist? Batman and the Dark Knight have the exact same plot structure and people love jerking those to movies off.
What's The Movie About?
Bea is a 12-year-old girl who becomes a social worker for Imaginary Friends (or IFs hurhurhur) and she teams up with a cynical Ryan Reynolds named Calvin.
What I Like.
Bea. She's a really good character, clearly John wrote this movie with the intention of her being the completely focal character. (He writes really good female characters, as all who saw A Quiet Place can attest.) The trailer made it seems like a stern female who has to be the support/babysitter for a silly guy (Calvin, in this case), but really it's the opposite. Calvin is a cynical and sarcastic character who is only helping everyone else out because he HAS to, and it's up to Bea to show him why helping out the IFs is a fulfilling life. I also really like the message of the movie, but it's kind of a spoiler. Just know if you are perpetually young at heart (or if you're incredibly childish like me) it's going to cut you completely to your core with warm fuzzies. I also got invested in the IFs. Again, I wasn't really interested from the trailer since it didn't seem imaginative enough for me. Like, oh, the imaginary friends are basically a bunch of anthropomorphic things. A gummy bear, a stiffed animal, the guy from the Neighborhood Watch sign. But they give the character little hints of deeper personalities, even if they are on screen for a few seconds.
What I Didn't Like.
...I don't know if I should bring up the problems with this movie. Not because there isn't problems, or even that they aren't substantial. Because there are certainly substantial problems with this movie. This movie completely falls apart if you think about the it for even a second. But it's nothing a kid is going to notice. Or if they did notice, they wouldn't care. The age demographic for this movie isn't going to care that the stakes of this movie are basically non-existent. They aren't going to give a crap there is a twist that comes out of nowhere, or that the rules on how the IFs work make no sense. They're just going to laugh and silly purple monster and be happy when he finds a friend. And is there anything wrong with that?
Final Summation.
IF is a good kids' movie. There is a lot of bright colors, silly characters, and goofy humor that they are sure to get a kick out of. There is nothing for the parents in the audience, true, but I don't think there needs to be. If you are over the age of 15 and are going to see this movie alone, you shouldn't get pissy when none of your perceptions are challenged. And if you're mad about the movie not making sense, you need to remind yourself that one of the main characters in the movie is a giant furry purple creature called Blue. It's not that serious.
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dorizardthewizard · 1 month
HSM (2006) rewatch pt 6
6: Stick to the Status Quo
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Backpack alert! And Jason was actually carrying school books, there's hope for you yet boys
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Love Ryan and Kelsi’s little glance at each other after Sharpay huffs off. I imagine they're not best friends yet since it was Ryan who flippantly told Kelsi they'd rearranged her song for the audition, but they bond over Sharpay's antics sometimes and obviously get much closer in the second movie.
What is this cafeteria area, it’s so nice? Mine had a hole in the ceiling that they’d cover up with a sheet of paper on parent’s evenings
“Bob, we need the cheerleaders in the jock group” “But sir, how will we know they’re cheerleaders and not girls from the other factions of the school?” “Make them wear their warmup gear in every single scene of course!”
Zeke decides really quickly after the Troy musical news to spill his secret, have they even spoken to Troy about this yet? Guy must have been waiting for the right moment for ages
Zeke: I bake Everyone: WHAT?!
This will never not be iconic. Poor Zeke he looks so sad ToT
Martha: Look at me and what do you see? Intelligence beyond compare!
We stan a confident queen <3 Also I love that they chose a plus sized girl for this
Ahhhh the “skaters”……..
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I’m obsessed with orange shirt guy’s reaction and how he just misses the next dance routine because he’s having a breakdown by the stairs
I like how in the next sequence we can see the groups mixing more as they dance, it basically represents what’s happening in the school as a whole since the audition. Everyone jokes about how they’re singing and dancing about how certain people shouldn’t be singing and dancing, but that’s not actually happening. It’s non-diegetic! An abstraction! A representation of the turning of the social and political landscape!
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What I love about this song is you can go through it frame by frame and find fun little details or interactions in the background. Like here, Chad throws his basketball and it's Zeke that catches it (they face off in the background of another shot too). He dribbles it for a bit but loses it at some point in the song and pops out the crème brûlée instead. Love cheerleader girl who’s just trying to read on the side lmao. Or go against the status quo, as the cheerleaders were previously portrayed as shallow and not interested in topics deeper than discussing their nails, but here she is studying during lunch break, no longer caring if that makes her uncool.
Also I love that part of the choreography is literally just,, ruffling Chad's hair. And those girls in the top left swaying a bit? Yeah that's my level of dance skills too
Martha got done dirty, with the others it’s “stick with what you know!” and “keep your voice down low!” but with her it’s “she has gotta go!” LOL no wonder we never see her with the geek squad again
I had to copy and paste the spelling for crème brûlée I am nothing if not dedicated
That sudden burst into song after Gabriella and Taylor turn up is iconic
And now cello boy is just miming playing the cello??? WHERE DID THE CELLO GO
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Hahaha the way it looks like Gabriella and Taylor are the only ones aware that they're in a musical
I had to comment on this song bit by bit because there’s so much to point out lol, I love Stick to the Status Quo it’s S tier I don’t care. It’s more musical-like than the other songs and it works really well since there are some spoken parts with the confessions. Also it’s just so chaotic, it's impressive what they managed to do with the choreography here and the transitions flow really well. The chorus does sound a little.... quiet? At times though? I think they get better at making the audio sound a bit more natural as the movies go on.
People say it’s silly that everyone’s so against people having hobbies, but that's taking the message too literally imo. High school cliques are a thing (although maybe more so in the US from what I've heard), and let's be honest a lot of interests or methods of expression are deemed "cringe" today, let alone back then before nerd culture became truly mainstream. Gender is a big divider too - we're still socially conditioned to think STEM and sports are for boys while the arts are for girls, plus things like the misogyny directed towards female gamers. And for the boys, 2006 was a time when the tiniest expression of something deemed "feminine" would result in you being called gay. So yeah, the message is still relevant today but even more so back then.
Plus even outside of such extremes, I feel we do tend to put ourselves in boxes. Just look at how many people believe in that left/right logical/creative brain stuff, people taking the Myers Briggs personality types so seriously, or those teenagers on tiktok trying to decide between aesthetics. Especially at that age, you're very concerned with constructing a consistent image of yourself and might feel nervous trying new things or pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, because "that's not my kind of thing".
Ooo I like Sharpay being manipulative of Darbus, showing her as a good antagonist. Not just in the way she acts towards the protagonists, but how she sweet talks others and shows a completely different persona to get what she wants. Girl can act, I’ll give her that.
Ryan just looking at his food LOL mood
Chad’s smile as he goes “What's up? Oh, let’s see…” while contemplating murder is so funny I love that delivery
Chad: Zeke is baking… Crème Brulee!
As opposed to the other stuff being baked in Albuquerque around this time…...
I love how Troy’s reaction is to immediately show interest and enthusiasm for Zeke’s new hobby! Supportive bro! Shut up Chad, don’t be mean to Zeke >.<
I like the detail that after Chad tells him to shut up, Zeke goes up to the skater guys, who seem to have made up as they’re sitting together and cello kid has his cello out. It shows that despite the most outspoken people like Chad and Sharpay, there’s a shift in the school. Generally I love the school scenes in this movie because there’s always something going on in the background, it feels so lived in and like you're watching a play in person
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Yeah Chad’s being a bad friend here obviously, and there's a lot of ways you could read into his reaction. There's the general toxic masculinity, but he also bought into the school hierarchy and enjoyed his position on top with the rest of the jocks. Maybe he just doesn't get it because it's genuinely basketball 24/7 with him and he defines himself by his interests, maybe he just hates change (wait a minute... autistic Chad?), maybe the concept of Troy being less interested in basketball and hanging out with Gabriella makes him feel like his friendship is threatened.
aaaaand maybe deep down he's in denial about his own "unmanly" tendencies and doesn't want to confront that part of himself
But this also shows why Troy is the captain. Chad puts basketball and his own ideas on what's best for everyone above his teammates' feelings, so while he is more dedicated and commands the attention of the team, I feel a captain should be a bit more emotionally intelligent.
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nugnthopkns · 3 years
dance me to the end of love (v)
word count: 4.6k
warnings: fem!oc, cursing, alcohol consumption, mentions of poor parenting and damaged familial relationships
series masterpost: here
a/n: and just like that we're halfway through!!! it's crazy to think about it. however, lots happens in this chapter so buckle up peeps
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Soon Magdalene’s feelings are going to get the better of her.
She knows she’s heading down a dangerous path but she can’t help it. Ryan is like a drug she can’t get enough of even though she knows it will hurt her in the long run. Living with him has opened her up to the laid back, intelligent, incredibly funny man he is and Magdalene doesn’t know how she’s ever going to function in her own space ever again. They complement each other like two peas in a pod, and everyone else is starting to catch on to the shift in their relationship.
“When are you going to fess up to Ryan about your feelings?” Bette asks as the two of them sit on the lawn across from the university library. It’s mid October, but the weather is still warm enough that Magdalene eats her lunch outside. Her best friend decided to join her today, no doubt knowing that she’s feeling a little lonely. The Avalanche are in the middle of their season opening road trip and have been gone for nearly five days. Ryan’s condo feels empty without him in it, and Magdalene misses him an unfathomable amount.
“Never, if I can help it,” she replies casually, taking a bite of the turkey wrap that Bette brought her from Barn Owl.
The blonde scoffs. “Fuck off. You have to. What are you going to do when he gets back from Florida and you tackle him as soon as he steps through the door.”
“Caligula will get there first,” Magdalene shrugs. “Those two are thick as thieves.”
Truthfully, Magdalene wasn’t sure what she was going to do. This is the longest they’ve been separated since she moved in and it’s proving to be a harder adjustment than she thought. Magdalene feels a little silly missing him so much – she went nearly twenty-six years without knowing Ryan but now he’s imprinted on her soul for the rest of eternity. Living without him seems impossible.
Bette drops the conversation then, almost as if she knows Magdalene is in her own world thinking about what to do. She mentions the upcoming home opener and her plans to attend with a couple of the other wives and girlfriends. “We’re going out beforehand and you should join us! I really think you’d like most of them.”
The bell in the clock tower rings, signalling the start of another hour, and Magdalene promises she’ll consider the offer as they pack up the picnic and say goodbye. It’s a short walk back to the building she works in, seeing as they were only across the street, but it takes a while for the elevator to come around. Magdalene could have taken the stairs down to the basement but they scare her a lot more than she’d like to admit. Hopefully June won’t mind her being a few minutes late.
Her boss doesn’t look too pleased when Magdalene strolls through the door almost seven minutes later then she should have, but as soon as she tosses the cookie Bette brought her in June’s direction all is forgiven. They work in near silence all afternoon, background noise provided by the small stereo in the corner and their respective grunts of frustration when an image doesn’t digitize properly. The university has finally decided to undertake the massive project of making all their school records available to the public online, and Magdalene and June are in charge of getting all the files ready before sending them to IT for installation into the website. It’s a huge task and is going to take them the better part of a month and a half to finish. Magdalene spends the rest of her work day finishing up a box of graduation records from the 1870s and leaves smelling of very old paper.
On the drive home she considers the invitation Bette extended to her. Magdalene knows she’ll be attending the game, having promised Ryan before he left that she’d be there, but she doesn’t know how to feel about going out for dinner and drink beforehand – especially with people so involved with the team. She isn’t like them, in nearly every sense of the phrase, and doesn’t want people to get the wrong idea. It wouldn’t be fair to Ryan for people to assume they’re together in case he ever does want to bring someone around, but Magdalene can’t help thinking that the speculation wouldn’t hurt. Perhaps it would be the clue that shows him how she feels.
The invite stays in the back of her brain while she heats up leftovers and eats quickly, knowing that Ryan will call soon. He’s like clockwork with his precise game day routine, and he always calls shortly after four o’clock when out east. Magdalene’s phone buzzes from the spot beside her on the couch and she quickly scoops it up and accepts the call.
“Hey,” she says, a little breathless because she’s so excited to talk to him.
“Hey yourself. How was work?” Magdalene can tell Ryan’s got a smile on his face even though she can’t see him. She indulges the question, telling him all about the stuff she digitized and what’s next. Though she always tries to get out of talking about work, fearing it will bore the daylights out of him, Ryan insists on hearing every detail Magdalene wants to share. He finds it all fascinating and tells her so every chance he gets. During her monologue Caligula wanders over and becomes extremely invested after he hears Ryan laugh at something Magdalene said. The small white cat jumps onto Magdalene’s lap and tries to paw the phone away from her ear.
“Hold on, I’m putting you on speaker. Little boots would like to talk.”
At the sound of Ryan’s greeting, Caligula starts meowing up a storm. It’s as though he’s actually holding a conversation with the man, waiting for Ryan to say something before he continues to make noise. Magdalene laughs through what could barely classify as a conversation until the cat gives her space to talk again.
“So,” she says, drawing out the word in an attempt to make Ryan laugh. “Bette asked me to join her and some of the other girls for drinks before Friday’s game.”
Ryan’s responding before Magdalene has finished uttering the last words. “That’s great! I think you should go.”
“Yeah,” he says sheepishly, “It would be nice for you to know someone other than Bette.”
Magdalene is surprised at the response, but tries her hardest to keep her tone light and teasing. “Why, you plan on keeping me around Mr. Graves?” She can tell Ryan is struggling to come up with an answer because there’s a fair amount of sputtering on the other end of the line.
“I’d be stupid to let you go.”
All the breath in Magdalene’s lungs escapes her. She didn’t expect him to say something like that, and it sends her mind reeling. What does he mean? Unable to process the comment, Magdalene makes up an excuse and hangs up as quickly as possible. She spends the rest of the night wondering if Ryan was trying to make a move and deciding how she should handle his homecoming in a few days.
When Ryan gets home Thursday morning Magdalene is at work. Caligula is happy to see him, practically pouncing on him and purring so loud Ryan’s sure the neighbours heard the cat. For an animal so small, Caligula can make a lot of noise if he wants.
“Hi boy,” Ryan coos, adjusting his grip on the cat so he doesn’t get dropped while the two of them move around the house. “Did your mom talk about me while I was gone? Been thinking about her a lot lately.”
The cat doesn’t respond, of course, but Ryan finds comfort in vocalizing his emotions. Multiple times on the road trip Tyson made fun of him for the silent pining he’s found himself participating in since Magdalene moved in, and hinted that she might have said something to Bette. Neither of them are great at keeping secrets, but Ryan also knows they want him and Magdalene to get together and aren’t above manipulation to achieve their goals. He doesn’t know how Magdalene actually feels, but Ryan isn’t willing to risk losing their friendship. Just a couple of months ago she sat on the deck of the lake house and told him she wasn’t looking for a relationship – he has to assume that’s still her position because if he doesn’t Ryan isn’t quite sure what he’ll unleash. Though the two of them are close, closer than most friends, Magdalene stills keeps a lot of things to herself and Ryan doesn’t want to pry. When, and if, she’s ready he knows she’ll come to him.
Exhausted from the countless hours of travel he’s endured over the past few days and the pains that come along with being a professional athlete, Ryan falls back onto the couch cushions. He hurts in places he didn’t know existed and wants to do nothing but sleep. Caligula settles into his stomach, purring contently, and though he knows he should unpack his gear, Ryan can’t find the energy to move himself or the cat. Everything will still be there when he wakes up, and hopefully Magdalene will be on her way home. She texted Ryan earlier in the morning, no doubt just before she headed out the door, to say that she was taking some holidays to have a long weekend and would be home around noon. Sleep comes easy with Caligula nestled against his body, and Ryan dreams of Magdalene as he frequently does.
Despite Bette telling her countless times she shouldn’t be, Magdalene is nervous. The significant others of the Colorado Avalanche are a tight knit group and are very particular with who they let in. Magdalene is a nothing, has no true connections to the team besides being Tyson’s girlfriend’s best friend, and she’s worried she won’t make the cut. If it wasn’t for Bette picking her up in the morning Magdalene would have found a way to get out of drinks, but the blonde made sure she couldn’t make a run for it.
Sitting in the elevated booth, she not-so-casually sips her glass of wine while Bette tries to calm her down. “They’re going to hate me,” she groans, lowering her head to rest it on the table.
“Shut the fuck up,” Bette counters. “You literally know most of them, and Livy will be here if you get too uncomfortable, but most of them were at EJ’s back in May.”
Magdalene can’t argue with the truth, so she rolls her eyes and finishes her drink. By the time she flags down the waiter for a refill the other girls have arrived. They take turns hugging Bette and shuffling into their seats. Magdalene feels awkward with no one acknowledging her, but she does her best to buck up and deal with it. It means a lot to Bette, and Ryan, that she’s here trying to make friends so she’ll at least make an effort.
A blonde who looks a little older than the rest addresses her first. “I’m not sure if you remember me, but I’m Mel. I think we met last season at a game.”
It takes Magdalene a second to recall the face, but then she recognizes Mel as the person who alerted her to the fight Ryan got into to defend Tyson. “Oh yeah,” she chuckles, though it’s still got a nervous quality, “You’re the one who was yelling about Ryan’s fight.”
Everyone looks at her like Magdalene had confessed to seeing a ghost. “What’s the matter?”
“No one ever calls him that,” a petite girl with tight curls explains. “We all just call him Gravy.”
Magdalene isn’t sure what the comment is supposed to mean, or if it even meant anything at all, but she does her best to push it aside because Livy is trying to catch up with her. The rest of the outing goes well – Magdalene keeps quiet until someone gives an inaccurate analogy about Rome and she has to correct them. It may make her seem stuck up, but she really hates when people spread misinformation. Everyone laughs, and after that it’s hard for Magdalene to stay silent. She talks about work and college, but when someone asks about home she shuts down. Bette notices the shift in her behaviour before Magdalene’s face has even dropped, and shifts the conversation in another direction. Soon it’s a respectable time to head to the arena and they all pay their tabs, Magdalene going first and then ducking out of the bar that became crowded while they were sitting down.
The fresh air feels good against her skin, and she takes the time alone to regulate her thoughts. There’s still several hours until she can return home and cry in the shower over the mention of her family so it’s important to present a calm facade. Bette comes out slightly ahead of the other girls and checks in with her friend, but Magdalene assures her she’s okay. It was a bit of a spook, but the other girls have no idea about how fucked up her familial situation is so Magdalene can’t hold it against them. The arena is a few blocks over, so the group walks towards it at a brisk pace. Magdalene’s mind is still churning from the bar when they step inside, so she peels off from the rest of the group. Warm ups are about to start and she knows that seeing Ryan will help to calm her down, at least until they can go home and she can sequester herself away from the rest of the world.
She finds a space against the glass and strains her eyes for her new favourite number. Ryan hasn’t made it out on the ice yet, but Tyson gives her a big wave when he skates past. It takes a few seconds, though it feels like years, but Ryan eventually steps out, all long limbs and hair and dazzling smile as his teammates give him big hi-fives. Magdalene doesn’t want to intrude but she needs to spend a few moments with him to feel completely present. When he skates by she waves shyly, and Ryan doubles back once he realizes who it is.
“There’s my favourite girl!” he shouts over the crowd, making sure Magdalene can hear.
The phrase brings a smile to her face, which in turn makes Ryan light up more. “Hi Ry,” she yells back. “I just wanted to come and say hi.”
Ryan’s heart warms at her words, but he knows that’s not the only reason. He’s lived with her long enough to know that something is bothering her but he isn’t going to push. There isn’t much time to have a conversation, so Ryan takes the time to make plans for after the game. “You riding home with me?”
Magdalene nods. “Yeah. Bette picked me up this morning so I didn’t drive.”
The loud sound of sticks clapping against the ice startles them both, and it’s Ryan’s teammate’s way of getting him to refocus. Magdalene says goodbye and before Ryan heads back to the bench he flips a puck over the glass for her. She smiles brightly, and watches him skate away. On her way up the stairs she hands it to a little girl wearing a much too big Graves jersey. It makes her night, and Magdalene returns to the private box she’s watching the game from feeling much lighter than when she entered the arena.
Later, much later, after all of Ryan’s post game media and sitting through the traffic of downtown, Magdalene opens up about what was bothering her at the arena. The two of them are curled up in Ryan’s bed buried under a mass of blankets with several pillows strewn about. It’s become a frequent place for them to spend time, and every time they lay down Magdalene rests her head on Ryan’s chest and he keeps her in place with his arms wrapped tightly around her. Magdalene’s clutching his hoodie tighter than usual, her voice small as she speaks into the darkness of the room.
“I didn’t just want to say hi earlier.”
Ryan isn’t surprised by her confession, but wants to know what caused the surprise visit. “No? What was it?”
Magdalene lift head and shifts to face him, propping herself up with an open palm. “It’s kind of stupid,” she mumbles, feeling dumb for even bringing it up. Ryan doesn’t want to know the sob story that is her past life. “But it’s mostly okay now.”
“You don’t have to tell me, and I don’t want to push, but I think getting it off your chest will help,” he whispers, feeling like talking in a normal voice could startle the girl in front of him.
He’s right – Magdalene knows it. Telling someone the truth, as much of the truth as she can share, other than Bette would do her some good. Her therapist once said Magdalene needed to work on letting people in, and she figures there’s no one better than Ryan. “One of the girls asked me about home when we were getting drinks, and it’s just a really sore subject for me. I shut down and just needed to see you to ground myself.” Ryan goes to talk, but Magdalene continues. “No one really knows, but I left for Denver as soon as I graduated high school. My parents weren’t the greatest, and I suffered a lot emotionally at home. When I told them I was leaving, they told me never to come back and we haven’t spoken since. So yeah, that’s pretty much it. And I just needed to see you to remind myself that I’m okay without my family. You’re part of my family now, the one that really matters.”
Ryan is speechless. “Oh bug,” he sighs, heart hurting for all the pain Magdalene has experienced in her life. “I’m so sorry.” He wants to scream for her, maybe even break something, but all his anger dissipates when he looks down and sees her crying. Silently, Ryan wipes away the tears with the pad of his thumb and holds Magdalene until she stops trembling. They lay in silence for a while, sitting with the weight of the confession she just made. At some point Caligula shuffles in and finds a spot at Ryan’s side that isn’t occupied by Magdalene. The three of them feel like a little family, and it’s too good for Magdalene not to do something about.
“Can I kiss you?”
She’s never been so confident while asking a question. Magdalene knows he wants to kiss Ryan, has known for a while, and after baring her soul to him it seems like an appropriate time to take the plunge. They’ve never truly been just friends and everyone around them, including themselves, knows it.
“Mags,” Ryan says in a gentle yet stern voice, “I’m not gonna kiss you. You’ve just been very vulnerable with me, which I appreciate, and though I really really want to fucking kiss you I’m going to take advantage of you like that.”
If it were possible, Magdalene’s heart would expand so much it would be close to bursting. “I promise this is what I want and that I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. So please shut the fuck up and let me kiss you.”
She leans forward to connect their lips, and it feels like a fire has been ignited in her veins. Ryan is soft and gentle with the right amount of grit to make Magdalene weak in the knees. They move in tandem, giving and taking where necessary, and by the time they pull apart for air Magdalene thinks she’ll never be able to kiss anyone other than Ryan. When he looks at her, eyes kind and glimmering with light, Magdalene is certain kissing other people is off the table.
Neither of them make an effort to talk about what just happened or what it means. Instead, Magdalene kisses him again, and again, and keeps going until she’s completely out of breath. There’s no protest from Ryan, and he looks as blissful as Magdalene feels. She rests her head on his chest again and he cards his fingers through her hair as they sit in the comfortable silence that surrounds them.
Magdalene keeps kissing Ryan, and he keeps kissing her. It’s always in the safety of his apartment, oftentimes with Caligula in the way, but wholesome and loving and warm. They haven’t defined their relationship, and truthfully Magdalene is glad. She likes being friends with Ryan and doesn’t know how the added pressures of dating would affect them – though she might like kissing him more than just being friends.
It becomes routine for either of them to reach for a kiss before heading to the door. Magdalene gets one every time she leaves for work, and if she’s there before Ryan has to leave for games he’s pulled into her lips by his tie. It’s fun and it’s new and Magdalene never wants it to end. She keeps the secret for a couple weeks, but eventually it becomes too much to hold in and she tells Bette one Saturday when they meet for brunch at Barn Owl because the boys are away.
“I kissed Ryan.” It’s out of her mouth like a bullet, cutting through the air and ringing out. Bette is shocked, jaw dropping, only to open further when Magdalene corrects herself. “Been kissing Ryan, actually.”
“You’re fucking joking,” Bette laughs, still not one hundred percent sure Magdalene is being serious. When the brunette nods her head, she squeals in what can only be presumed as delight. “Shut up! Tell me everything!”
Magdalene indulges her friend, and spills every detail she’s willing to share. Part of her wants to keep a bit of her life with Ryan a secret so she does, but Bette is more than willing to work with the information given. She listens carefully while Magdalene talks and waits until there’s nothing more to say before diving into a long list of reasons why kissing Ryan is the best thing that’s ever happened to her friend. Magdalene isn’t sure that it’s great because Bette will always have someone to go to games with, but she is in agreement that it is one of the best choices she’s ever made. They spend the rest of the morning giggling like school girls over potential love and Magdalene heads back to Ryan’s place feeling light and airy.
The first thing Ryan does when he comes home is kisses Magdalene. She’s sitting on the couch with Caligula on her lap reading a book, and he doesn’t even bother to drop his bags on the floor before leaning over the worn leather and connecting their lips. It feels heavenly after the days-long absence and Magdalene chases his lips when Ryan pulls away.
“I missed you.”
They’re three words that shouldn’t mean much, but coming from him they send Magdalene spiralling. He missed her? The girl who spends her days geeking out over old documents and talks to her cat? Regardless of how true the statement is she appreciates it, because Magdalene missed Ryan more than she could ever explain.
“How was the flight home?” she asks, twirling a lock of his hair around her index finger and pulling him down for another kiss. Ryan happily obliges, and kisses her until Caligula begins to meow for attention. The cat practically launches himself into Ryan’s arms as he rounds the corner to sit down next to Magdalene, and purrs loudly at being reunited with the tall man.
Ryan laughs at the animal’s antics before wrapping his spare arm around Magdalene and pulling her close. “It was fine. We hit a bit of turbulence that made it hard to sleep but I managed,” he replies, and reaches for the television remote. Magdalene hums in response, resting her head on Ryan’s shoulder and returning her attention to the book in her hands. It’s silent except for the low buzz of the television as Ryan reviews tape, but neither of them mind. Co-existing is enough for both of them, and it’s peaceful and easy. The occasional conversation occurs but they mostly do their own thing, enjoying the feeling of being together again. More than a few kisses are shared, and Magdalene eventually pries herself away from Ryan long enough to make dinner.
They stayed glued to each other until Magdalene falls asleep. Ryan doesn’t even notice when it happens, but eventually he tries to leave the couch to get a glass of water and finds dead weight on top of him in the shape of the girl he just might love. Magdalene’s snoring softly, and he’s positive there is nothing more adorable in the entire world. A glance at the clock on the wall alerts Ryan to the fact that he should go to bed too, and he begins to brainstorm how to get Magdalene into bed without waking her. She’s been exhausted lately, working extended hours, and he knows she needs all the rest she can get.
It takes a few moments to coordinate, but Ryan gets himself upright without Magdalene realizing she’s no longer using him as a pillow. Gently he scoops her into his arms and pads down the hallway, careful not to hit her ankles on the walls or door frames. Once inside her room, Ryan tucks Magdalene into bed and makes sure her phone is on the nightstand just where she likes it. She looks so content in sleep that he can’t help but lean down and press a shirt kiss to her forehead.
“Night Mags,” he whispers into the dark, wondering if she’ll wake and hear all the adoration his voice holds.
Magdalene stirs at the noise, and opens her eyes to see Ryan’s retreating figure. “Night Ry.”
It’s late, approaching two in the morning, when Magdalene’s phone starts ringing off the hook. Though Ryan has told her multiple times that she doesn’t need to turn her sound on before she goes to bed, she can never find it in her to heed his words. What if there’s an emergency somewhere and some hospital has to get a hold of her? Magdalene would never be able to forgive herself if she was too late because she slept through the incoming calls.
Despite her underlying fears of missing something important, Magdalene considers letting it go to voicemail. She’s exhausted, between the high maintenance projects at work and trying her hardest to go to every Avalanche home game she can, and if it’s urgent she’s sure the person will call again if they need her. It rings three more times before Magdalene decides to pick it up – if only to stop the incessant noise.
Not bothering to even see who’s calling at such an ungodly hour, Magdalene speaks in a sleep-laden voice that betrays what she was doing not even a minute prior. “Hello?”
Bette answers her, offering a quick but sincere apology for the time but explaining that it couldn’t wait. Magdalene groans in contempt, thinking that it most certainly could have waited a few more hours. She doesn’t voice her opinion however, instead waiting for her friend to spill whatever news was making her bounce up and down on the other side of the line.
She’s about to hang up when Bette utters a sentence Magdalene’s been waiting for but never thought she’d hear at one fifty-seven am. “I’m getting married!”
taglist: @scrunchmakar @marcoscandellas @toplinetommy @samsteel @lovethepreds @cutiesara23 @hockeyallthetime @stlouisbluesbrat21 @denis-scorianov @danglesnipecelly @c-tangerine @stormingroses @spine-buster @rapidfever @bb-nhlqueen7 (add yourself to the taglist!)
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superman86to99 · 3 years
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Superman #85 (January 1994)
Cat Grant in... "DARK RETRIBUTION"! Which is like normal retribution, but somehow darker. On the receiving end of Cat's darktribution is Winslow Schott, the Toyman, who suddenly changed his MO from "pestering Superman with wacky robots" to "murdering children" back on Superman #84, with one of his victims being Cat's young son Adam. Now Cat has a gun and intends to sneak it into prison to use it on Toyman. She's also pretty pissed at Superman for taking so long to find Toyman after Adam’s death (to be fair, Superman did lose several days being frozen in time by an S&M demon, as seen in Man of Steel #29).
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So how did Superman find Toyman anyway? Basically, by spying on like 25% of Metropolis. After finding out from Inspector Turpin that the kids were killed near the docks, Superman goes there and focuses all of his super-senses to get "a quick glimpse of every person" until he sees a bald, robed man sitting on a giant crib, and goes "hmmm, yeah, that looks like someone who murders children." At first, Superman doesn't understand why Toyman would do such a horrible thing, but then Schott starts talking to his mommy in his head and the answer becomes clear: he watched Psycho too many times (or Dan Jurgens did, anyway).
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Immediately after wondering why no one buys his toys, Toyman makes some machine guns spring out of his giant crib. I don't know, man, maybe it's because they're all full of explosives and stuff? Anyway, Toyman throws a bunch of exploding toys at Superman, including a robot duplicate of himself, but of course they do nothing. Superman takes him to jail so he can get the help he needs -- which, according to Cat, is a bullet to the face. Or so it seems, until she gets in front of him, pulls the trigger, and...
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PSYCHE! It was one of those classic joke guns I’ve only ever seen in comics! Cat says she DID plan to bring a real gun, but then she saw one of these at a toy store and just couldn't resist. Superman, who was watching the whole thing, tells Cat she could get in trouble for this stunt, but he won't tell anyone because she's already been through enough. Then he asks her if she needs help getting home and she says no, because she wants to be more self-sufficient.
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I think that's supposed to be an inspiring ending, but I don't know... Adam's eerie face floating in the background there makes me think she's gonna shave her head and climb into a giant crib any day, too. THE END!
Cat did become more self-sufficient after this, though. Up to now, all of her storylines seemed to revolve around other people: her ex-husband, Morgan Edge, José Delgado, Vinnie Edge, and finally Toyman. After this, I feel like there was a clear effort to turn her into a character that works by herself. I actually like what they did with Cat in the coming years, though I still don’t think they had to kill her poor kid to do that -- they could have sent him off to boarding school, or maybe to live with his dad. Or with José Delgado, over at Power of Shazam! I bet Jerry Ordway would have taken good care of him.
Wait, so can Superman just find anyone in Metropolis any time he wants? Not really: this is part of the ongoing storyline about his powers getting boosted after he came back from the dead, which sounds pretty useful now but is about to get very inconvenient.
Don Sparrow points out: "It is interesting that as Superman tries to capture Schott, he at one point instead captures a robot decoy, particularly knowing what Geoff Johns will retroactively do to this storyline in years to come, in Action Comics #865, as we mentioned in our review of Superman #84." Johns also explained that the robot thought he was hearing his mother's voice due to the real Toyman trying to contact him via radio, which I prefer to the "psycho talks to his dead mom" cliche.
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Superman says "I never thought he'd get to the point where he'd KILL anyone -- especially children!" Agreed about the children part but, uh, did Superman already forget that Toyman murdered a whole bunch people on his very first appearance, in Superman #13? Or does Superman not count greedy toy company owners as people? Understandable, I guess.
There's a sequence about Cat starting a fire in a paper basket at the prison to sneak past the metal detector, but why do that if she had a toy gun all long? Other than to prevent smartass readers like us from saying "How did she get the gun into the prison?!" before the plot twist, that is.
Shout out to our patient Patreon patrons, Aaron, Murray Qualie, Chris “Ace” Hendrix, britneyspearsatemyshorts, Patrick D. Ryall, Bheki Latha, Mark Syp, Ryan Bush, Raphael Fischer, Dave Shevlin, and Kit! The latest Patreon-only article was about another episode of the 1988 Superman cartoon written by Marv Wolfman, this one co-starring Wonder Woman (to Lois' frustration).
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Another Patreon perk is getting to read Don Sparrow's section early, because he usually finishes his side of these posts long before I do (he ALREADY finished the next one, for instance). But now this one can be posted in public! Take it away, Don:
Art-Watch (by @donsparrow​):
We begin with the cover, and it’s a good one— an ultra tight close up for Cat Grant firing a .38 calibre gun, with the titular Superman soaring in, perhaps too late.  An interesting thing to notice in this issue (and especially on the cover) is that the paper stock that DC used for their comics changed, so slightly more realistic shading was possible.  While it’s nowhere near the sophistication or gloss of the Image Comics stock of the time, there is an attempt at more realistic, airbrushy type shading in the colour.  It works well in places, like the muzzle flash, on on Cat Grant’s cheeks and knuckles, but less so in her hair, where the shadow looks a browny green on my copy.
The interior pages open with a pretty good bit of near-silent storytelling.  We are deftly shown, and not told the story—there are condolence cards and headlines, and the looming presence of a liquor bottle, until we are shown on the next page splash the real heart of the story, a revolver held aloft by Catherine Grant, bereaved mother, with her targeting in her mind the grim visage of the Toyman.
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While their first few issues together meshed pretty well, it’s around  this issue that the pencil/inks team of Jurgens and Rubinstein starts to look a little rushed in places.  A few inkers who worked with Jurgens that I’ve spoken to have hinted that his pencils can vary in their level of detail, from very finished  to pretty loose, and in the latter case, it’s up to the inker to embellish where there’s a lack of detail.  Some inkers, like Brett Breeding, really lay down a heavier hand, where there’s quite a bit of actual drawing work in addition to adding value and weight to the lines.  I suspect some of the looseness in the figures, as well as empty  backgrounds reveals that these pencils were less detailed than we often  see from Jurgens.
There’s some weird body language in the tense exchange between Superman and Cat as she angrily confronts him about his lack of progress in capturing her son’s killer—Superman  looks a little too dynamic and pleased with himself for someone ostensibly apologizing. Superman taking flight to hunt down Toyman is classic Jurgens, though.
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Another example of art weirdness comes on page 7, where Superman gets filled in on the progress of the Adam Morgan investigation.  Apparently Suicide Slum has some San Francisco-like hills, as that is one very steep sidewalk separating Superman and Turpin from some central-casting looking punks.
The  sequence of Superman concentrating his sight and hearing on the  waterfront area is well-drawn, and it’s always nice to see novel uses of his powers.  Tyler Hoechlin’s Superman does a similar trick quite often on the excellent first season of Superman & Lois.  The full-bleed splash of Superman breaking through the wall to capture Toyman is definitely panel-of-the-week material, as we really feel Superman’s rage and desperation to catch this child-killer.
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Pretty much all the pages with Cat Grant confronting Winslow Schott are  well-done and tensely paced.  While sometimes I think the pupil-less  flare of the eye-glasses is a cop-out, it does lend an opaqueness and mystery to what Toyman is thinking.  Speaking of cop-outs, the gag gun twist ending really didn’t work for me.  I was glad that Cat didn’t lower herself to Schott’s level and become a killer, even for revenge, but the prank gun just felt too silly of a tonal shift for a storyline with this much gravitas.  The breakneck denouement that Cat is now depending only on herself didn’t get quite enough breathing room either.
While I appreciated that the ending of this issue avoided an overly simplistic, Death Wish style of justice, this issue extends this troubling but brief era of Superman comics. The casual chalk outlines of  yet two more dead children continues the high body count of the  previous handful of issues, and the tone remains jarring to me.  The issue is also self-aware enough to point out, again, that Schott is  generally an ally of children, and not someone who historically wishes  them harm, but that doesn’t stop the story from going there, in the most  violent of terms. In addition to being a radical change to the Toyman  character, it’s handled in a fashion more glib than we’re used to seeing  in these pages.  The mental health cliché of a matriarchal obsession, a la Norman Bates doesn’t elevate it either.  So, another rare misstep  from Jurgens the writer, in my opinion.   STRAY OBSERVATIONS:
I  had thought for sure that Romanove Vodka was a sly reference to a certain Russian Spy turned Marvel superhero, but it turns out there  actually is a Russian Vodka called that, minus the “E”, produced not in Russia, as one might think from the Czarist name, but rather, India.
While it made for an awkward exchange, I was glad that Cat pointed out how  her tragedy more or less sat on the shelf while Superman dealt with the "Spilled Blood" storyline.  A lesser book might not have acknowledged any  time had passed. Though I did find it odd for Superman to opine that he  wanted to find her son’s murderer even more than she wanted him to.  Huh?  How so?
I love the detail that Toyman hears the noise of Superman soaring to capture him, likening it to a train coming.
I  quibble, but there’s so much I don’t understand about the “new” Toyman.  If he’s truly regressing mentally, to an infant-like state, why does he wear this phantom of the opera style long cloak while he sits in his baby crib?  Why not go all the way, and wear footie pajamas, like the lost souls on TLC specials about “adult babies”?
I get that Cat Grant is in steely determination mode, but it seemed a little out of place that she had almost no reaction to the taunting she faced from her child’s killer.  She doesn’t shed a single tear in the entire issue, and no matter how focused she is on vengeance, that doesn’t seem realistic to me. [Max: That's because this is not just retribution, Don. It's dark retribution. We’ve been over this!]
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hela-avenger · 3 years
it’s not you, it’s me- part 3
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1006
Summary: Natasha won’t quit trying to set you up so you decide to play fire with fire. Hence making a deal with an insufferable prince who interestingly enough is willing to fake being in love with you for the rest of the night. Of course when dealing with the God of Lies things are never as they seem. Fake-Dating AU. p&w AU.
A/N: Once again late but once again better late than never. This one’s a little on the short side but quality over quantity!
P.S. I’m tagging the p&w people so if you’ll like to be taken off pls do let me know!
Tags are open! 
it’s not you, it’s me masterlist & poison & wine masterlist
You thought you had a few minutes before Natasha found you again but you were immediately proven wrong. Natasha is already waiting for you when you step back inside from the balcony and she wasn’t alone.
“There you are!” she exclaims a little too eagerly. “Ryan from Accounting has been waiting for you for a dance.”
You force a smile on your face as you look at the man next to her. He’s handsome and probably kind but you had no desire to get to know him. Luckily for you, you weren’t alone either. 
“That’s very sweet, but my dancing card is already full.”
You gently squeeze Loki’s arm hoping he’ll take the hint and he does. In fact, it seems he’s very well ahead of you.
“Yes, I’m afraid I will be occupying the lady’s time for the rest of the night,” Loki states blatantly staring at Natasha to further emphasize his light threat. “We have much to discuss.”
With that said, Loki whisks you away and you can’t refrain from giggling as he stops in the middle of the dance floor. 
“Do you know how to dance?” he asks.
“I do,” you answer. “Do you?”
Loki huffs and places a hand on your waist while the other one is offered to you. You take it and he begins to lead.
“I’m a royal prince,” he tells you. “Of course I know how to dance.” 
“Right, silly of me to forget.” 
Loki hums in agreement and nods behind you.
“He seemed nice.”
He turns you allowing you the chance to catch sight of Ryan lingering by Natasha’s side. It seemed Natasha was playing the long game and waiting you out.
“He probably is. He’s probably kind and funny and smart. She wouldn’t just throw anyone at me.”
“Then why are you refusing the love match?” 
You hesitate to respond considering for a second to lie but Loki had asked one thing of you and you couldn’t go back on your word already.
“I will outlive him,” you answer. “I will outlive them all actually. The people I consider my friends, the ones I have foolishly grown attached to… I will outlive them and that loss is going to hurt.”
“The folly of man,” Loki whispers. “But something you should be accustomed to since spending your half-immortal life here.” 
You swallow then trying to ignore the piercing pain that is brought up at the mere memory.
“I have been protecting my heart ever since I lost my mother. I loved her so much and I think about her every passing day on this Earth and it still hurts as much as the day her hand became limp in mine.”
Loki has stopped dancing and you do too.
“I cannot go through that again,” you tell him. “I refuse to.” 
Loki is staring you down once more. Dark eyes pierced into yours as if he was trying to decipher you but many have tried and failed. Though this night was one surprise after another as he seems to find something. 
“You and I are more alike than I thought…” 
Your interest is piqued but Loki realizes his mistake and is quick to change the subject. He starts to lead you again and you’re forced to follow him.
“The Widow doesn’t seem too pleased with me. Well... more so than usual.”
You let out a sigh knowing better than to ask that burning question he’s implanted in your mind. You follow his lead in the conversation too. The endgame being more of importance than your curiosity. 
“She probably thinks you’re corrupting me.”
Loki grins, “If only she knew you already are.”
“Hey!” you snap at him. 
“Are you offended because I’m wrong or because I’m right?”
You hesitate to respond and look away from his piercing gaze. 
“I hate lying to them,” you confess to him. 
“Then why not tell the truth?”
“Because I don’t know the truth myself,” you answer. “I know my mother fell in love with a traveling Asgardian but I have no idea who it was and why he never came back for us... for me. I wonder if my father even knows I exist or if he does, if he hates me for even existing.”
Loki remains silent avoiding your stare. He seems tense under your hand. 
“If that’s the kind of man he is then perhaps you’re better off.” 
He still won’t look at you and you wonder why . It was in the lack of a response that you found an answer.
“Was that how it was for you?”
“What?” Loki exclaims glaring down at you.
“Thor mentioned you were adopted,” you explain. “And it seemed like you were speaking from experience so I... I just assumed.”
Loki is clearly upset and you wonder how you can manage to do this twice in one slow dance.
“I overstepped, didn’t I?”
You both look away from each other. His in annoyance while yours was due to guilt. The silence grows and stretches between you and you start to feel uneasy. 
Surprisingly, Loki breaks the silence in a way you never expected.
“I was traded from one monster to another.”
Nothing follows that statement. Loki leaves his words to linger in the air.
Heavy and hard.
You don’t know how to respond and he doesn’t expect you to. 
Once again, the conversation is in an intense emotional standstill. It was your turn to change the subject but you didn’t know how.
The many questions that were running through your mind would overstep the invisible boundaries Loki kept setting up.
You look up at him hoping to fill the silence with anything but you’re caught off guard when you find him already staring at you. 
“I’m sorry about this...”
You scowl wondering what he could possibly be apologizing for but that expression is wiped off your face when the hand on your waist loops around your back and he pulls you into his chest and his lips... well his lips are suddenly on yours.
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it’s not you, it’s me: @mywellspingoflife @toe-wind-ek-jou @mejusttryintogetby @marvelgirlonamarvelworld​ @nickkie1129​ @theinfinitenerd​ @lucywrites02​ @nerdyshaddowhunter​ @10velyhaos​ @chantelle-m-93​ 
poison & wine: @damalseer @just-the-hiddles @jessiejunebug @nonsensicalobsessions @smollest-soybean @assassinoftheworld @readerbandit @doyoufeelikeayounggod @strangemcuvlogs @ha-tep @i-dont-know-eiither @gene-king @day-dreaming-fox @bn-studies @devilbat @victor-criss-bish @skinny-macncheese @musicconversedance @baby-bunnyxn @marvelloonie @sulbaeksul @queenmuahaha @accio-boys @eternalqueensworld @umlvk @roger-the-reindeer @punkrockhufflefluff​ @your-local-abyss @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rogerrhqpsody @imsad420 @pandacookieowo @justnerdystuffs @hanoi15 @oneprolificqueen @nikki-who-likes-coffee @fandomrelative @nikki419ninja @onedollarduck @help-i-need-a-social-life @ephemeraljade @catsladen @amwolowicz @captainmarvelnerd @thegirlbeyondtheuniverse @ddaeing @leftperfectionmoon
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas @thesilentbluesparrow-blog @oddly-drawn-muse @josiehosiedaninja @hp-hogwartsexpress @sadwaywardkid @wolf-lover74 @sizzlingbarbarianglitter @sigyn-nightshade @aoirohi @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @just-a-donut-who-reads @day-dreaming-fox @heykathchuu @is-it-madness @writingletterstothefire​ @nonsensicalobsessions​
All Works: @jmb959 @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​ @hellocookiecutter​ @steve-rogers-personal-hell @buckybarnesyard @not-zari-tak​ @strangersstranger @thefridgeismybestie​ @moonlightprime @badhollandfluff @what-a-flammable-heart @fandoms-allovertheplace @polireader​ @hufflautia
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sepublic · 3 years
The Castle Car and the Train to Nowhere!
           This was SUCH an amazing and compelling finale, y’all! The way all these things come together, how it just culminates in humble, silly, yet REAL apologies… Concessions, the parallels in the denizens and one another, I love it SO MUCH!
           Firstly, what started as a funny gag photo with Jeremy, Kez, and Morgan, and the meaning expanded upon- SSSOOO clever, like everything in this entire damn series! But also the grief and symbolism, how Morgan is literally like a prison for Jeremy… And she wants to keep him, hold onto him, but she’s not letting him be his own person, and it reminds me of Min not wanting to be left behind by Ryan! And how Morgan takes things personally against Kez for just being herself, for this accident, at Jeremy for leaving her… And how Min learns not to be mad at Ryan and vice-versa, that they FINALLY learn to say sorry!
           There’s so much to unwrap… Jeremy going on his journey, but he never really left, just like Ryan going off but not REALLY progressing! And this theme of progression and journeys, wanting to get it over with and rush it, feeling like you’re trapped and not getting anywhere… Wanting a plan or a destination, but as Kez said, sometimes it’s just about the journey! To just live in the moment, to enjoy and appreciate what happened… To not stay stuck over the past, while also taking responsibility, mutually admitting where you went wrong! Making concessions because you LOVE a person, you want them to be their own!
           How Kez really didn’t just mean to, just like Ryan can sometimes be thoughtless… How the passengers learn to help the denizens and vice-versa in their examples! Jeremy realizing he never really left the fog, and when he figures this out with Kez’s help, in a sense he goes back to where he started; And only by returning can he start anew his ACTUAL journey, just as Ryan goes back home to reunite with Min, and starts off this whole sequence! And GOD, the horror and creepiness of Kez luring them in for a trap, dragging them along without really telling the plan, no trust and how Min feels like he can’t trust Ryan who just brings him and doesn’t slow down…
           UGH IT’S SO GOOD, and how Kez and Morgan learn to confront their issues, how Kez just wants to make up- And Morgan is rooted in place, stuck in the past, maybe kind of like Min? The culmination of Kez being a welcoming bell for people… AND RYAN FINALLY GETTING TO RING HER, we’d never seen ANY ringing and we finally got it! For a moment I thought it’d cut to an actual bell ringing as we see Ryan and Min at a real-life place to check in for their journey… But no, we got it! God, the wordless trust as Kez fully understands and bows her little head, eyes closed… Kez is phenomenal, 10/10, one of THE best denizens in my opinion, alongside Lake!
           Just GOD, the motif of the train and passengers and journeys, the denizens going on their own journey… I must say, with how the denizens can actually leave to hound after the passengers even after the puzzle is done, even taking advantage of the local tech- It all seems very unintended, doesn’t it? And Amelia, lol, we get to sort of see her take-over; We know it happens across Book 4, and we see the effects with how she’s trying to figure out the Steward and take Ryan and Min’s boots for her own experiments, only to mess up and cause the Steward to self-destruct! It’s kind of hilarious how everything stops for a moment and Ryan and Min have no clue WHAT happened, they don’t know who One or Amelia are, they heard their voices last time in that Party Car and that was about it… Hilarious.
           But damn, Amelia just abandoning everyone and telling them they’re on their own, it’s a contrast to how these people are reuniting and finding solace… Well besides Judge Morpho, I’m glad she’s alive after all- I was afraid she’d be decked into the fire, but no, just out the chimney and gone! She really is unkillable, huh… And the Cow Creamer came back, she’s with her kid again! She’s a good and mature mom… And I SAW Kez’s apology coming and I loved it! And Ryan, Ryan wants to move on, he wants to get away and progress and he’s impatient, but he needs to learn to appreciate the journey, even if he has been feeling trapped and held down…
           UGH IT’S SO GOOD, learning to stick with one another! The character themes, the clever bits of worldbuilding across the seasons, coming together like one giant puzzle as we learn and understand more about the setting, even retroactively, as well as some characters… The storytelling is SO concise, sweet, and to the point! Morgan gets to still cope with her own feelings on her own, that theme of enjoying and appreciating what you DID go through, as part of that theme of progress and learning to move on, while still taking it slowly enough to actually take in what’s happening!
          There’s accountability with the apologies, admitting you did wrong, that you’ll actually learn and progress from here, instead of staying in the same places and repeating the same mistakes… It’s wonderfully cheesy but also heartfelt, I ADORE how this show isn’t afraid to be dark and twisted like Book 3, but then have a happy ending like this; It’s the RANGE that is granted by the setting, premise, and anthological story-telling!
           Amelia doesn’t learn, not until she meets Tulip- And it’s SO fun thinking of how these characters all indirectly and directly interact and come together, the parallels… Amelia meets Ryan and Min, then later inspires Grace, she meets Tulip, who frees Lake who meets Jesse… And Tulip’s efforts get Amelia to change for the better, leading her to eventually meet Grace again, as WELL as Simon, and then Hazel who she made! It really is an interconnected web, a story that overlaps and all comes together as one great end-product and recipe, and DAMN if I’m not salty we’re not getting the rest! We’re missing out on a whole second half… But maybe in graphic novel or book- There’s hope and freedom in that medium, let’s not forget!
           Well guys, this was a PHENOMENAL season, and a wonderful way to end the animated version of this tale… Although hopefully, the story continues on in other formats- And who knows, maybe the animated medium CAN be retained, if this does well enough. We’ll just have to wait and see… But in the meantime, this was a wonderful way to end things, and I genuinely hope that Owen Dennis can tell the rest of his story, perhaps in literal books; All of them, Books 5-8, as well as the resolution to Amelia and Hazel! This was purely amazing you guys, and it really made my day… THANK you, Owen and crew, for everything and Infinity Train- I mourn the destination and end after having reached it, but as Kez taught us, you just gotta appreciate the journey, and what mostly certainly DID happen…!
           Even unintended, this works as a nice goodbye to the animated form of the series; So what better way to end, than with a song that makes the most of the animated format? And a song taking inspiration from the Infinity Train and the friends met there… I’ve always wanted to see a passenger incorporate those experiences creatively like that! Who knows, maybe Tulip did so with her games… And in the meantime, I’d love to see a reference to Chicken Choice Judy in a future Book, perhaps just a glimpse in modern time to see how they did! But then again, Owen does like his ambiguity; And even if Chicken Choice Judy didn’t make it, I think Ryan and Min can both agree that the brief tenure was still worth it, no anxiety over the destination- They’ll get there, WHEN they get there, as Min said… They don’t need to control, just adapt and survive! No knowledge nor certainty, no guarantees required- They have their hope, faith, their past, and one another as guidance to keep company, and they’ll never be alone from hear on out! They can learn to let go, and move on… Just as Jeremy moved on from the death of his own lover (and child), so hopefully Amelia can learn as well, too. We’ll see…
           Until next time you guys… Like Ryan and Min, let’s appreciate what we did get, and keep ourselves open to our next destination, whatever it may be, if nothing; The journey was still enjoyed and happened! To our next destination, or shall we board off at our final stop- We’ll just have to wait and see.
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loudsuitlover · 4 years
A friends to lovers little thing
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If today Y/N were to talk about her friendship with Harry, she’d probably not even mention Mitch, even if she did know him through him. But that has been years ago and even though Mitch was as close to Harry as he was to her, Harry and herself had develop their own friendship, where Mitch was always welcome but not always needed and she didn’t feel Mitch’s absence like a tragedy when she hang out alone with Harry. Which happened quite a lot. 
Like right now, when they are both sitting on Harry’s backyard in LA, and her feet are up on his lap as she takes the sun in behind her sunglasses and he absent-mindlesly draws figures on her jeans-covered calves while he scrolls through his emails. 
“H” she knows he’s listening even if he’s not looking at her “do you think things are going to go back to fully normal after this whole coronavirus pandemic is over?” 
Then he looks up at her. 
“How do you mean?” 
“I mean” she shrugs “you know, I can see that people are a lot more wary now... Me myself I’m a lot more wary... I mean Europeans are starting to act a lot like countries which do not have a public health care system like... We’re afraid of getting sick, you know? And that means we pull away from the sick and that’s just wrong, isn’t it? I don’t know.” She shrugs. 
“I mean it’s hard but... wrong? I don’t think it’s wrong. I think it’s what we need to do.” 
“I know, yeah, but it’s like people are afraid of getting sick not only for being sick themselves but for what being sick means, you know? Like at work there was this girl who tested positive, she was asymptomatic, and everyone was like talking shit about her, you know? Like calling her irresponsable and I was horrified by that. I mean she was sick, when did we start blaming the sick for their sickness?” 
“Yeah, I see what you mean. But people are afraid, you shouldn’t take it to heart, love.” He smirks. 
She smiles and snorts a chuckle at the way he is always so chilled in LA. 
“I hope you know, if you get sick, I’ll get sick too.” 
He rolls his eyes but chuckles. 
“That’s just plain silly, Y/N. I wouldn’t let you.” 
“You would kick me out of your house?” Her mouth opens in the shape of an o and he raises his eyebrows while he nods. “That’s so rude!”
“I’d do it out of love!” He explains. “These days the way to say I love you is staying the fuck away.”
“And wearing a mask.” 
“And wearing a mask.” He agrees. 
“I think masks did a lot of good to ugly people.” 
And like that she changes the topic and makes Harry laugh and they both talk about how useful masks can be. When he doesn’t feel like shaving he doesn’t have to, when she has a zit on her chin for her period there’s no worry and he laughs along because he thinks it’s ridiculous that she’s ever worried about the way she looks. 
He met her four years ago in his own house. Mitch was over and they were going to order pizza for dinner but he said he had plans with a good friend and Harry said he could invite them if he wanted to so he did and there you were. 
You arrived twenty minutes after the invitation and the first thing you said he remembers was this apartment is fucking massive and then your eyes had met his and yours had gone wide and embarrassed while he had just laughed at your honesty. 
You had known who he was beforehand and you hadn’t pretended you didn’t but you had admitted you were not really a fan of One Direction just because you were not really a fan of anything- you didn’t believe in the fandom thing- or so you thought before he proved to you that you were a fan of a lot of things on just that first night. You would talk and then he would say so then one could say you’re a fan of chocolate and you would laugh and find him funny. 
And then when the pizza was over and Mitch was mindlessly playing some chords on his guitar, you were both sitting on the same couch and your bodies were turned to the side so you were facing one another and it had been like such a magnetic connection in just about three hours he had fancied you and you were sipping from your beer bottle and the way you brought it to your mouth and rested your lips against the glass circle had him mesmerised and he thought you were really such a pretty girl and that you were funny and confident and you looked kind to him, even though he didn’t really know you, but he found himself wanting to know more and he wondered whether you would yes to dinner with him. He scratched the back of his neck then as if that was going to settle down the blush creeping up when Mitch talked. 
“Hey, Y/N, we never got to talk about just how mad you were with “men as a gender” last week.” He reminded. “D’you still wanna talk about it?” 
She sighed and had a sip of her beer. 
“Well that depends on how you two are going to take it. If you’re going to be the kind of guy who feels attacked and tries to sell me that bullshit not all mean are the same then I’d rather not. I don’t feel like arguing tonight.” 
And Harry liked that too. That you were fiery and had a mind of your own and had no fear to talk about it. Not because you were a woman, because he thought some men were lacking that too, but because you clearly had some ideas and he had always liked that about people.
“So we’re just supposed to agree with you on everything?” Mitch smirked. 
“Not at all. You don’t have to agree. You just have to shut the fuck up if you don’t.” 
They both threw their head backs and laugh and Y/N herself chuckled too. She didn’t mean that and Mitch knew that, he could always speak up his mind and disagree with her and she would take it but she had had enough and she was tired of men as a gender, of genders entirely, and Mitch had always been the ear who would listen to every little complaint she had so she another sip of beer and then she started talking. 
“You know how you told me everything with Brandon was going to end up badly.” She pointed at him and he nodded. “Well, you were right.” 
Then she tilted her neck so her eyes met Harry’s and she explained. 
“Brandon is a mutual friend of Mitch and mine.” 
“More hers than mine.” Mitch clarified but she just rolled her eyes so Harry smirked.
“They have this weird competition going on, I think it’s the testosterone again.” 
“Not at all. I am like the least toxic masculine guy in England and you know that. It’s him who seems to have a problem with me.” He shrugged. “We know each other from high school and, don’t take me wrong, I love the guy because he’s like family at this point, but it’s true that he always seems to measure himself with me, you know? And then Y/N had the great idea to sleep with him and that only made it worse because, you know, Y/N’s my best friend and I’m her best friend so in his mind, I was a thread.” He chuckled. “Me, being a thread, as if I would ever date her.” He joked. 
Y/N threw a pillow at him that he dogded thanks to years of practice and then she got back to her explanation to Harry. 
“The thing is, I did meet Brandon through Mitch and I liked him” she looked at Mitch “that’s the truth and we were friends for a long time because he had a weird thing with a girl, I didn’t want to be a part of it and all that but then last summer something changed, you know? Like I actually thought he might be interested in me so I flirted with him, despite Mitch’s relentless advice not to-”
“But she’s never been known for listening to me.” He intervened, making her roll her eyes again. 
“And so we became... You know... Special friends.” 
“Friends with benefits, she means.” Mitch explained making Harry smirk. 
“I think he figured that out.” She scolded him. “Well, two weeks ago, we went out and we were drunk, at least I know I was drunk off my ass, and he like literally stopped me at the washroom door and told me that he didn’t want to keep shagging with me because he liked a girl.” 
“Shit.” Harry said. 
“No, that’s not all.” Her eyes widened. “He said he wanted to let me know because I needed to change my behaviour because he knew I still wanted to sleep with him.” 
Harry’s eyes widen and settled on Mitch’s and Mitch just nodded as if saying yeah, I know he’s a dick but he’s our dick, I guess. 
“And the thing is what bothered me is realizing what he thinks of me, you know? He doesn’t see me as a friend and I wonder if he ever has or if he did and then it changed the minute he saw me naked- like what the fuck? So that’s where my problem with men as a gender began because then a few days later, I’m talking about this to another friend from work and you know what his reaction was?” She gave them a few seconds to answer but they both remained silent. “He asked me out! Like- what? I thought we were friends! But we’re not! He was just waiting to ask me out. So then I was like do I really have any male friends who do not want to see me naked? Other than Mitch?” 
“Ryan.” Mitch offered then.
“Ryan is gay.” 
“Still a male.” 
She clicked her tongue but smiled. That had Harry thinking, he even felt bad for thinking of her like he had done before she told them all of that. He was considering asking her out himself then but after all that, he figured that’s not what she would want so he didn’t and for days after that he still thought about it. 
It happened to him sometimes too and he knew some people would never get it, those who would say wait, so you’re complaining about being pretty? And then he remembered that Mika song are you wishing to be ugly like me? But no, it was not about being pretty or being ugly, it was about being objectified and he knew that was how Y/N had felt because he had felt that way sometimes too, so he didn’t ask her out. Instead he buried his feelings and he pretended he didn’t like her but damn right he did... 
He liked the way she would bring up weird deep conversations any minute, he liked that thin black line she would get on her lips whenever she drank red wine because her lips were always so dry but she was too forgetful to have care with something as simple as lipbalm, he liked the clothes she wore and her scent and pretty much everything that had to do with her. And he’s liked that for four years but he’s always been afraid of saying something about it because he didn’t want to add to her feeling of being objectified. 
But then four years later she was coming home from a date with Nate, a friend of a friend, and the guy had been nice and sweet but he hadn’t been as funny as Harry or smelled as good as Harry or moved as lanky and clumsy as Harry and he definitely didn’t have Harry’s sex appeal and she just didn’t like him like he liked Harry. 
She rests her head on the door and sighs like a teenager because it’s been four fucking years of him being nothing but the sweetest, kindest friend; but she still can’t take him out of her mind. And this is the same old story, the girl falling in love with someone so clearly out of her league because Harry would never be interested in her like that- that’s just plain silly- but he loved her and he was so good at loving... 
Sarah: How was the date? x
Y/N: Like every other... 
Sarah: Pal, you’re the Grinch... 
Y/N laughed at that. So what if she was? She rather liked the Grinch. She looked at the clock on her kitchen, it was too late to call Harry so she went to bed because the sooner she fell asleep, the sooner she would stop thinking about him. Even if it was just to dream with him... 
He called her tonight too. He has lost the count of who called who or rather he had never counted. He figures those things some people did in relationships had more to do with pride than with actual healthy patterns and he called Y/N because he wanted to spend time with her, quite simply, and now they are both sprawled out like cats on the couches on his living room after watching Now You See Me and he is still sipping from his glass of wine when she asks him. 
“Do you think I’m pretty?” 
He swallows the sip of wine he’s taken as his eyes set on her. She’s changed her position on the couch so she’s facing him but she’s still somewhat lying down so her eyelashes almost hit her cheeks because she has to look at him from an angle. He takes a deep breath, he studies her, he doesn’t know what she wants him to say. 
“‘F course.” So he goes with the truth. “I think you’re beautiful.” 
He frowns then. Is she being insecure now? She’s going to drive him crazy. He rests his now empty glass on the table and leans on his elbows on his knees before he breathes in. 
“What’s this about?” 
She purses her lips and looks away from him shaking her head. The wine had given her some courage, the wine and all the thinking she did the night before- maybe she should say something because if it has been four years it’s because even though the rational part of her knew it was impossible for him to feel the same, there was a little of irrational hope that he did; but if he said it- if he said no, Y/N, I just love you as a friend then she would have no reason not to move on and she would probably ask him for some time and space until she could mend her heart and then they could be friends without their friendship interfering on her love life. 
“Can you please not do that?” He begs. 
“What?” She tilts her neck and looks at him. 
“Avoiding confrontation.” 
She frowns. 
“I’m not avoiding confrontation! Confrontation of what? We’re not arguing.” 
“No, we’re not. But you asked me whether I thought you were pretty and I answered and asked you why you’re asking me that and now you’re not answering me.” 
“It’s silly, H...” She shakes her head. 
“Well, I want to know.” He presses. 
She sighs. She’s going to say it. 
“It’s just... We’re such good friends. I thought you would be honest with me about that.” 
Except she doesn’t. 
He nods. 
“Why would you need me to tell you you’re beautiful? Do you not have mirrors?” 
She smiles. 
“I just wanted to know if you thought I was pretty.” She smiles. “That’s all.” 
She leans over to the table to rest her empty glass of wine as well and Harry lets his eyes set on every inch of her body. The way that soft green cardigan has almost fallen from her shoulder, her strapped crop top and the way her cheeks has turned pink. And she hasn’t said anything, but that’s the first time he thinks she might fancy him too so he sighs. He has no problem in taking this slow. After four years, what difference does a day make? 
“Well, I do.” He smirks. “I think you’re gorgeous.” 
And that’s how their thoughts about what the other might feel started to change but their relationship didn’t yet change much. If anything, they didn’t look away anymore when the other catch them staring and the sheepish smirks came more often but they didn’t say anything still and it was nice and comfortable and nothing needed to be said. 
And then this morning Harry just appeared on Y/N’s apartment very early when she was still on her PJs and he dragged her inside her bedroom when she claimed she had to study because he had found this very nice small village that he wanted to check out and he had heard they served good food on the town too so you got changed as he waited downstairs. 
“Can I at least have breakfast?” 
“Sure.” He smiles. 
She rolls her eyes like she always did and swats his chest to push him away but that time he holds her wrist and pulls from her until she has to press her free hand against his chest to stop herself from colliding against him and he just smiles. 
“Don’t you roll your eyes at me, love.” 
“Or what?” She challenges. 
His green eyes fall to her lips for a second and she feels her heartbeat accelerating. Please, God, have him kissing me. But his eyes flicker back to hers and he lets her wrist go with a teasing smirk. When she turns around, she rolls her eyes again. 
After breakfast, she’s sitting on the passenger seat of his convertible and he’s driving one hour and a half away until they get to this very lovely clear sand, clear water beach and they step out of the car as he smiles like a kid. 
“Are we in Santa Barbara?” 
“Almost.” He smiles. 
He doesn’t tell her the name of the town and she doesn’t really need to know, all she cares about is out of all the people in the world, he chose her to spend the day with at this town and she quite likes that. 
As they walk up a cement hill towards the town, Harry’s arm wraps around her shoulders and he pulls her to him, pressing a kiss on her hairline and she feels her heart fluttering but not in a painful way, like it sometimes had in the last four years, but in a good one, in a new one, in a way that doesn’t feel inappropriate. 
They walk around the town like that and she likes the way old ladies look at them, probably think he looks like James Dean, but somehow she feels like they think they make a good couple and that thought had never crossed her mind in four years. 
“I like this town.” She says. 
“You do? Me too. I was thinking about filming the Golden music video here.” 
“Love that song too.” 
She stops so she can look into his eyes and he holds her hazel gaze and he wishes he could tell her she is golden but instead he licks his lips inside his mouth so his smirk doesn’t give him away. 
“Thank you, love.” 
It’s true she loves that song. She loves everything she writes or performs, but that song especially, it just feels like he’s writing her own feelings towards him and she felt so exposed when she listened to it the first time because she was so sure he knew it all then but his jade eyes didn’t leave hers for as long as the song was coming out of their headphones and he was sitting in front of her and she almost cried right there but somehow she managed not to. 
And then they keep walking, and they even stop at some souvenir shops and joke around with ugly hats and sunglasses and then they enter a cheese shop and buy two different cheeses and they talk about it like a married couple would and the old man from the shop really did think they were together because Harry held the door for her twice and because of the way they stared at each other when the other wasn’t looking. 
She hasn’t stopped thinking about the Golden song ever since he had mentioned it and his arm had kept wrapping around her shoulders and his hand resting on her waist when they had to pull to the side because a car was passing on a narrow street or when the carriages of the market had passed them by and he had pulled her to him so they wouldn’t accidentally hit her. 
“Are you hungry?” He asks. 
“I could eat.” 
He smirks. He could eat too... 
“Jeff told me about this place... He was there with Glenne, it’s a good one, right by the beach like you like.” 
She smiles and wants to kiss him as he looks down at his phone with a frown checking for the name of the place. 
“H, why are you not seeing anyone?” She smirks. 
His phone is still on his hand when he looks up at her and her smirk seems to be contagious. He shrugs but his eyes look into hers and it gives him away. 
“What’s with the smile?” He asks. 
This time it’s her who shrugs. 
“I’m just happy you chose to bring me here.” 
“Are you surprised?” 
She shrugs again. 
“I mean... This looks like the perfect plan for a date. You know, the beach, the nice restaurant, the lovely town...” 
“It could be a date” he smirks “if you want.” 
They both stare into each other’s eyes and people keep walking past them and cars keep driving down the road behind them but for all they care the world has stopped for these few seconds. They are both smirking and their hearts are beating fast like teenager’s before they kiss. 
“Are you being serious?” 
“Yeah.” He confesses. “You’re beautiful, you like my music... I don’t see why I wouldn’t take you out.” 
She rolls her eyes again and he realizes he just made it sound like a joke but she’s been playing with his mind for years, she can take some mind game for a while too. Let’s see how she reacts too... She could turn it back into a real proposition, which is what she does. 
“Then, yes, I do want it to be a date.” 
He snorts a chuckle and she grins at him. 
“Then a date it is.” 
And for the first time in four years of friendship, he holds her hand as they walk towards the restaurant by the beach and it feels so right and so comfortable, she even caresses the back of his hand with her thumb. 
But they didn’t kiss that day either because none of them was brave enough so despite all the times they had stood in front of one another and their heart had beaten hard and fast against their throats, they hadn’t dared so that night again she went to bed thinking it was all in her mind. 
And then four days later he was having lunch with Mitch on Café Habana and he was munching on his salad when his friend cleared his throat. 
“So what the fuck are you doing with Y/N?” 
“I know you like her. I’m not an idiot but,dude, she’s like... Bad.” 
“What do you mean she’s bad?” 
“She thinks you don’t!” He shrugged. 
“How would she think I don’t?” He frowned. “I’m so obvious!”
“She’s a jerk.” Mitch shook his head and Harry almost chuckled. “But if you hurt her, I’m going to have to kill you.” 
“I won’t.” 
“Then talk to her, mate. She’s driving herself crazy.” 
“She’s been driving me crazy for four years, mate.” 
“You’ve liked her for four years?” Mitch frowned. “But, wait, when did you guys even meet?” 
“Four years ago.” Harry nodded. 
“Wait, what?” Mitch chuckled because  “So you’ve liked her since you met her.” 
“Yeah...” He blushed then and Mitch started laughing. “What’s so funny?” 
“The day after the pizzas at your house, she asked me if you were single, if you had ever dated someone non model, non famous, if she was anything like your type...”
Mitch nodded. 
“Why didn’t you say anything to me?” 
“Mate, you know. I don’t do that.” 
“You’re telling me I could have been with her these last four years and I didn’t because you don’t do that?” 
So that night after talking to Jeff about the Golden music video, he picked her favourite sushi and knocked on her door around dinner time. She was on her housewear, like she liked to call it, so an old t-shirt of his and cottom shorts- very short- and his eyes inevitably roam her body before he even said hello. 
“What’s this?” She asks.
“Sushi number 25 from Quimos.” 
“Oh, God, I love you. Come in.” 
He smiles differently that time, despite all the times he had heard she loved him, because that time he thought she might mean it in a different way. 
She takes the bag from him and walks towards the kitchen, him following her suit and only when they’re in the kitchen he sees the mess she’s made with flour and cinammon and oranges all over. 
“What were you doing, love?” 
“Doughnuts.” She giggles. “Do you wanna help or should we let it be until after dinner?” 
“Can you even let it be?”
“I probably shouldn’t.” She giggles. 
He laughs too and places his jacket on one of the kitchen stools before he turns to her and presses a kiss on her cheek, his hand gripping her waist through his own t-shirt. 
“You look beautiful, Y/N.” 
Her hazel, to him golden eyes, look into his own and as stupid as it might sound, it’s like he can hear his own song in his mind, the instrumental part, and he knows she’s scared but he’s going to kiss her now. 
So with a determination he’s been lacking for four years, he leans in and captures his lips with hers and he feels her breath getting caught on her throat as her lips welcome his. It takes a few seconds to react but when she does, it’s like they’ve been kissing one another for years. Their lips adjust to one another like a ring fits a finger and their hands know where to stand even if now they can probably touch places they never have before but for now they don’t. For now his hands linger on her waist for longer than he’s ever dared and hers tangle on his hair and caress the back of his neck and that freckle he has on the line where his neck meets his shoulder and her tongue timidly comes out at last making him moan and press his hips against hers mindlessly. 
“I should have done that last saturday.” He explains when he pulls back. 
She’s still fighting for breath and her smile almost doesn’t let her peck his lips as many times as she wants but he holds her waist and chuckles as she covers his face with kisses. 
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glitterge1pen · 3 years
To Wake Up To A Mailbox Filled With Letters Only From You
Iwaizumi Hajime x reader, sfw, fluff, word count 2,071
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It was driving him insane. The notes, envelopes, and pieces of paper started appearing at his desk on February 1st. They were tucked away in the cubby and made him incredibly nervous. Whoever was doing this to him was going to really, really make him lose it.
It was nice knowing that someone liked him. Even if he didnt know who it was, it was a good feeling. The only downside was that he had to keep this from you and Oikawa for as long as he possibly could. You two were Iwaizumi’s best friends yes of course, but this was too much.
If Oikawa found out he would stop at nothing to figure out who it was, the teasing would be brutal. If you found out? Iwaizumi didn't want you to think that he had feelings for anyone else, even if you werent dating he didn't want to put that idea into your head. Not only that but anytime romance or dating was brought up with you around he got nervous. Even watching Ryan Gosling movies with you was incredibly difficult. The conversation felt like walking on landmines when it came to yours or his love life.
The first day it was a purple foam heart the size of his palm. Covered in stickers, glitter glue, and in the center was a picture of him playing volleyball. It was from the stands, he could tell the photo had been zoomed in, but he was up in the air on the court. There was no message on the note other than some sharpie bubble letters that said “hottie”, he didn't really pay attention to it. He assumed it was Oikawa messing with him like usual. But when Oikawa made no mention of it he knew that it wasn't his friend.
That night at home he tucked the heart into his desk drawer. He lay in bed trying to imagine who would have made such a thing for him. Since it had been in those somehow taunting bubble letters he couldn't decipher it by handwriting. He did think the “hottie” thing was funny though. The list of people who could have left him the silly little message rattled in his mind.
He knew that he wanted it to be you. He wanted you to do something cheesy, cute, and cliche like that for him. For you to like him so much that it wouldn't bother you to do things like that. It would be your nature to give him gifts and say stupid things to him that made him laugh, that made his chest feel warm.
The next day he was surprised to see another note. He managed to slip it into the cover of his notebook without anyone seeing. It took everything in him not to peek at it during that first class. He knew for sure now that it wasn't Oikawa because they had walked to school together that morning.
It was during lunch that Iwaizumi took out the note to look at it. He had went out to grab drinks at the vending machine. Away from the prying eyes of his friends he opened the front of his notebook. This second card was much more traditional in style. Red construction paper, with white frilly lace on the edge, a mostly straight line of glitter glue outlining the heart.
This one had a picture of a bunny and text that read “some bunny loves you” , another picture of him had been doodled on so he had bunny ears and whiskers. This picture was not from volleyball and he couldn't remember where it had been taken. It was a little creepy but he cared more about who was sending these to him.
The following day he was looking forward to going to school. He wanted to see if he got another note. Even if he didnt know who was sending these, it did feel nice to know that someone could be interested in him. He had spent many valentines sharing the fruits of Oikawa's good looks. It was a good feeling to know that he could receive the same type of attention.
He did get a store bought card that day. It had a picture of a bumble bee and it read "bee my valentine and you won't get stung. A piece of candy had been taped inside the card. After that it was a cootie-catcher with all kinds of pick up lines buried in its folds. There were two more hand made cards that were covered in stickers, shiny tape, glitter and gel pen.
It was halfway to Valentine's day now. Iwaizumi woke up on the seventh of February wondering what type of card he would get. None of the other cards he had gotten helped him decipher who was sending these to him. It was once again at lunch that Iwaizumi snuck off to peak at what had been left to him. Today it had been a plain white envelope with a heart sticker sealing it shut.
Iwaizumi was expecting another bad pick up line but was instead met with an actual typed up letter. Whoever had written this actually, genuinely, liked Iwaizumi. He had this dumbfounded swirling feeling in his stomach. One of dread and excitement. Because he knew exactly what the letter was saying. The letter was true to the way he felt about you. And this letter wasnt from him to you. He didn't know who had written this.
He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he had not seen Oikawa and Hanamaki run up behind him.
"What is this?"
Oikawa's voice had a mischievous ring to it and before Iwaizumi can properly respond the envelope had already been taken from him. His fingers ghosted the traces of the paper, trying to grab it back but missing it by inches. Hanamaki put his arms around his shoulders locking him into place. Iwaizumi was more desperate now as he tried hurling insults at Oikawa.
"Oh my god, oh my fucking god"
The look Oikawa had on his face was of pure joy. A smile spread over his face and he couldn't help but laugh.
"Who wrote it! Come on tell me who your new lover is"
Oikawa sung that last part. But now Hanamaki was interested in the letter and upon reading it he had the same reaction.
"I don't know who wrote it"
Hanamaki scoffed.
"What are you kidding?"
Iwaizumi looked at his friend confused. But Oikawa launched into a rapid fire question session with Iwaizumi.
"Wait you're telling me you have been getting these for a whole week now and you didn't say anything to me! Your dearest friend!"
Oikawa feigned injury at this, falling back into Iwaizumi as they walked.
"I didn't want to deal with it, plus I don't know who is writing these and maybe they don't want anyone else to know"
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
You had been doing your best to not tip off Iwaizumi that it was you leaving him the notes. But you were rather disappointed at his lack of reaction. You didn't expect him to suddenly be walking around like a love sick fool but he appeared no different to you. You still walked home with him and Oikawa, you had eaten lunch a few times since, everything was the same.
It was after school and you were waiting outside the gym for Iwaizumi and Oikawa. On days they had practice you hung around in the library finishing up homework or browsed through the books. The door to the gymnausm swung open, you greeted Hanamaki but were halted by the extra devilish grin he had. You roll your eyes, pretending to be annoyed by his antics.
"What did you do now?"
You ask teasingly.
"Me? I haven't done anything"
He was faking innocence.
You say, raising an eyebrow.
"It's funny though, because, I think thats its you whos been up to no good"
You're taken aback not sure what he's getting at. He drops the sarcasm for a second letting out an exasperated sigh.
"I know about Iwaizumi"
You pull on his arm leading him further away from the gym.
"Did he tell you it was me? Does he know? He hasn't said anything-"
He cuts you off.
"Slow down, that idiot is way too dense to know you like him back"
Hanamaki covers his mouth at that, knowing it wasn't something he was supposed to reveal to you. But you lit up at his words.
"He likes me back? But you said he doesnt know whos writing the notes"
"That's because he liked you before you wrote him that letter...wait did you say notes? There's more than one?"
You felt your face heat up in embarrassment. So you explained what you had been doing. The notes for each day. The entire time you spoke Hanamaki had an expression that was somewhere between disbelief and bemusement. You were about to ask Hanamaki about Iwaizumi some more when said boy walked out from the gym.
You let go of Hanamakis wrist, not realizing you had been holding onto him for so long, to wave at your other two friends. They started to approach you but you waved them off.
“Go on ahead I’ll catch up!”
You turn to Hanamaki once again. More serious than before.
“How did you know it was me?”
“You help me out with essays all the time, that letter you wrote him sounds exactly like you”
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
The next day Iwaizumi was not able to focus. He had received a bouquet of suckers and lollipops. Each adorned with sharpie and a terribly corny phrase like “99% Angel” or “Lover Boy”. Oikawa had of course taken one of these for himself. Saying that Iwaizumi owed him. They were walking home without you today, you said you had needed to help Hanamaki with some homework. But that was exactly what had been bothering Iwaizumi .
The night before when you and his friend had been out in the dusk alone. Your hand on his wrist. You looked flustered, and Iwaizumi could only recall a few other times you had been blushing so intensely. What had you been talking about with him? It was driving him crazy that he didn't know, that you were off with him now.
“Where are the rest of them?”
Oikawa asked, grabbing at Iwaizumi's bag. Iwaizumi pulled out another sucker from his coat pocket but Oikakwa was not satisfied.
“No, the rest of the valentines cards and letters, I wanna see them, you can't hide those from me forever”
Wide eyed Iwaizumi doesn't know what to do or say.
“Those are private property”
But Oikawa knows his friend well, and it was not long before his request was granted. Reluctant and embarrassed Iwaizumi allows Oikawa to shuffle through his desk drawer where he has stashed his paper treasure. Oikawa of course photographs everything. When he reaches for the one valentine with the bunny pun he stops.
“Isn't this photo from that movie night we had a couple months ago?”
“What? No way it was only me, you and…”
His words stayed caught as whispers in his mouth. Oikawa was right. It was hard to tell because the white wall behind Iwaizumi in the photo could have been so many places, but he did remember wearing that shirt. You took that photo. It was you.
“Hey, you know you have to make them a card now right?”
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You and Hanamaki had been trying to sort out some sort of a plan. You were originally going to confess to Iwaizumi face to face on Valentine's day. But you wanted to do it immediately now. You didn't want to drag anything out or confuse Iwaizumi by not telling him that it was you. There was only one more day until Valentine's day and you couldn't decide if it was worth the wait anymore.
The morning was brisk and a bit cold. You were shedding off your coat, opening your locker you saw an unfamiliar shade of pink. It was a paper heart. Similar to the ones you had made for Iwaizumi. Iwaizumi. You recognized his handwriting. It read;
I feel the same. Meet me after school tomorrow to talk. Can I call it a date if we get food? Check yes or no.
☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾
A/N: Did I plan this out at all? No. Did I edit this at all? Also no. But this idea was rattling around in my brain and I needed to get it out. Its a little Jem and The Holograms with the whole “omg surprise its me the person you're in love with and also the person who flirts with you a lot and makes you confused” ALSO I LITERALLY HAD NO IDEA HOW TO END THIS ONE????? so sorry if its more muddled than usual
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pixiealtaira · 3 years
And the Thunder Rolls
This is the first of my Glee Summer Bang fics...but I decided it was too gloomy.
It is a Klaine Break-Up Fic and this Not Klaine or Blaine friendly.
Takes place right after the end of Junior Year:
The crash of thunder shook the house.  Kurt looked out to the pouring rain.  It was nearly pushed horizontal by the wind. “Very Blustery, my ass. Hurricane force winds would have been a better description,” Kurt muttered as he watched chaos out the window.   Kurt still felt that being out in the storm would be preferable than where he was currently at, that the chaos outside would be safer and somehow 'less' than the chaos inside his being as he listened to Blaine. Lightening ripped through the sky, near enough for  Kurt to just see the light of the flash and not a actual bolt  and for the thunder to roll right after it and actually shake the house. He wondered if Finn knew he had a flashlight in his room.  Rachel didn't like power outages. Kurt leaned closer to the window to see if he could see where it might have landed.
“Kurt, I don't think you are listening to me.” Blaine whined behind him. “Do I need to go get Finn and Rachel and have them listen to this as well?  I am setting out guidelines for how I want our summer to be and you just aren't really paying attention to me.  Stop looking out the window and look at me, the boyfriend. I am beginning to think you don't actually love me at all.  You are not at all focused where you need to be focused.” “Blaine, I love you.  I told you that just a few days ago.  And yes, you are my boyfriend.  But that doesn't give you permission to dictate my summer.” Light brightened the whole room again and thunder shook the house and Kurt wished it would just hit the house.  Maybe stop what he suspected would be a defining moment to everything for the whole of the rest of his life. Blaine huffed. “I'm not dictating your summer.  I'm just letting you know how things need to be so we can see each other more often during the summer. My dad got me this job, you know, and it is Important that I am my best during the time I am working and performing.  Important people might be watching, you know.  Nila said that Jason, one of the boys who left the year before I could perform at all, got scouted and got a modeling job and a job as a back-up singer for a band.  That could be me this year, but only if I'm at the top of my game.  I I can only be at the top of my game when I know you are focused on me. You need to know when to keep yourself free to come see me and visit me. If you don't do this for me like I want it done, well then, I'm afraid we will just not be able to see each other at all.” “And I told you I am not going to be going to the amusement park and paying 80  to 100 bucks a day just to see you on your break periods, especially if I'm not 'allowed' to spend the rest of the time enjoying the park.  You can come here on your days off or I can meet you at your place on your days off.” “You cannot go to my place.  I mean...I just haven't exactly told my folks I have a boyfriend yet...so you'll have to wait for that.  And my days off are all booked with family stuff or other things I need to do.  If you love me, you'll come see me on the days I listed at the park.  It is the only acceptable option.  I just do not understand why you are having a problem with this.  A good boyfriend would be perfectly willing to do this for me, I'll have you know. And it's not like I'm asking more than others who work there have.  Nila's boyfriend was there three days a week last summer. Matt and Ryan both worked there, so I guess they don't really count, but it was so unfair watching those guys making out and whatnot and yet the rest of us had to just make due.  Now, this year, I'VE got the boyfriend and so you need to come to the park so I can have good breaks too.  You need to come on the days I listed earlier for certain and also whenever I text that the day would be a good day for you to be there. I NEED you to be there for me, Kurt.  I need to be able to show the others that I'VE got a boyfriend and that he does what I ask of him. But, you also can't like hang out with anyone, or talk to anyone...I mean, you are great and all but you just don't exactly talk about the kinds of things the other kids who work at the park do and so I need you to remember that...but also you need to make sure they know you are only at the park for me...you'll need to sit off to the side of where ever I am, just smiling and making eyes at me.” Kurt closed his eyes and breathed deeply. The lightening hit again and the thunder rolled and the lights in the house flickered and Kurt heard Rachel screech from Finn's room. There had been nothing in any of Blaine's demands for summer about wanting to spend time with Kurt, himself.  Just about wanting to have the boyfriend be there to be seen.  And curtailing as much joy as Blaine possibly could in his demanded excursions. “Blaine. You are being unreasonable.” “I am not. I am being perfectly reasonable. Boyfriends show up to support their significant other when their significant other wants them to, in whatever manner asked.  That is why people have boyfriends and girlfriends.  To have them there when they want them to be there for them.  To show off.  And if you do things the way I told you you need to, everyone will see how devoted you are to me, and to me alone.  It will do wonders for what the others think of me, you there just sitting and looking at me and not even thinking of anything other than me. But, don't try too hard.  And like, don't practice making sexy faces or longing faces or anything.  You don't do sexy.  You do longing OK, so maybe stick to staring at me longingly. It will be cute. Then it will be perfect. I mean, Nila's boyfriend just stopped by to make out with her when lines were too long for rides he wanted to ride, he didn't focus on her only.  Just think how jealous she will be when MY boyfriend just pays attention to Me in such a cute way.”   “No” The flash of lightening hit close enough that even the air in the house felt charged.  The thunder was nearly deafening. It wasn't loud enough to cover Blaine's scream. “What do you mean 'No'? You are my boyfriend, you can't just say no.” “I did just say No. No. I am not going the amusement park, at over 100 bucks a pop when you add travel and food, multiple days over the summer just to sit and stare at you...it is just not happening. There are many reasons why....not the least of which is I would be bored out of my mind. I don't have the time, or money, or inclination to be some sort of living statue for you to use to boost you ego in some sort of ego war with your co-workers. I have work, too, Blaine. And I NEED my paychecks that I get over the summer to be able to enjoy my school year.  They pay for my clothing, any time spent shopping or out to the movies or dinner or coffee or anything else fun.  I could maybe do ONE trip to the amusement park to see you...and to enjoy the park when you can't be with me and thus get my money's worth. I can not go at least twice a week every week all summer long, with a third or maybe even fourth trip to see you on demanded days at a texts notice.” “But Kurt, if you loved me...” And Kurt saw the next bolt of lightening hit.  It hit a transformer on one of the street light poles the block over and half a block down. The thunder shook the house as the lights went out. Rachel screamed like Finn was stabbing her or something.  Finn started screaming as well, telling her to calm down.  Kurt was glad, though, because with the power out Blaine could not see the tears running down his face, with with how Kurt was standing. “I guess I don't love you then.  Not if that is what you think Love requires of me. ” Kurt said, turning to look at Blaine instead of a flames spouting from the blown transformer.  He could already hear the sirens of the police and fire trucks responding to it. “And if you loved ME, and not just the notion of a boyfriend, you would have never demanded any of what you have today.” “Of course I love you.” “No, you don't.  Because if you did, you would know me well enough to not have come here and said any of what you have said in the last hour. You would know me well enough to know I can't afford your plan in the first place.  We don't have that kind of money. You would have listened to me enough to know that I will have a full 40 hour week at the garage every week, and will have hours of work at other places as well.  You would have known about other demands on my time over the summer.  You would have realized I would like to be able to do things with you that I would like to do as well, like go  swimming or go to play mini-golf. Or take you to the car shows with me and have you ride in the parades at the fairs with me.  You would know that I don't like just sitting doing nothing for long periods of time. But you don't seem to know or care about any of that, so you must not actually love me.” “Now Kurt, stop being hysterical and silly. You know none of that is true. You might work at the garage but what do you actually do there, huh? Sweep?  No one needs you there, and what else do you really have to do...that is as important or more important than me?  It is just, face it, your time and my time are not equal.  My folks plans are important.  I need to be there and show up with acceptable company, so  those periods of time are out.  My work...performing is hard, Kurt and the rest of the work at the park is just as difficult.  Do you even know what it is like to have to deal with parents who are upset because their kid is too small for a ride?  That is so much more challenging than anything you might be doing.” “And that just proves you don't actually love me at all.  Blaine, as soon as this storm calms, you need to go home.  Have a great summer. Maybe if I get in touch with Jeff or Nick or anyone else from Dalton, I'll have them say Hello from me, but I won't be getting hold of you for a while.  I need a clean break.  And you need someone else, who can love you like you think love works.” “What are you talking about?” “I am breaking up with you.  This isn't what I want from a relationship. It isn't what I need.” Kurt turned around again and stared out the window.  The lightening strike was far enough away that the whole sky didn't seem to light up with it.  Kurt counted a full Mississippi before he heard the thunder. Blaine was still talking to him, trying to tell him he couldn't break up with him and  how mistaken Kurt was and how Kurt was purposefully being difficult and misunderstanding everything and making a big show and fuss about things. The rain was coming down more vertically again, just as hard and violently, but in a more natural angle and Kurt could tell the fire was out over where the lightening had hit.  He could see a vehicle from the power company over in the area.  The chaos was calming...and things seemed to be easing up.  Kurt wouldn't be surprised if within the next half hour the storm had settled into an steady gentle rain. Oddly enough, he rather felt like he'd settled into an oddly calm and settled state as well.  He wondered if he'd feel bad latter, if he'd feel more crushed and upset at the end of his first relationship, but for now...he felt like he was easing into a peaceful gentle state of being. Not sunshine yet, but the knowing that it could be soon.
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howdyhowdyyalls · 3 years
Where One Story Should End, Another Begins
Okay y’all strap in, my first actual series (instead of just one shots lol) has only been on Wattpad so far but I’m bringing her to Tumblr. Anyone who knows me knows I’m a psych major with my own mental health struggles and Wade Wilson as a comfort character so what the hell, here’s a Wade x reader series with some emotional bits haha. 
Here’s the Wattpad description: You never knew how lost a person could be until you found yourself hanging from the edge of a high-rise building; you also never knew how much life could change from the introduction of a single man. From the day you met on the roof of that building, there has been a connection between you and Wade Wilson. A relationship consisting of a lot of confusion, some anger, and maybe even love. 
Sidenote, several chapters are already out on Wattpad but I think I’ll space out the posts on Tumblr lol, but here’s chapter one! Also, Wade’s personality and healing factor here is based more on the original comic character than the movie interpretation (Meaning he’s slightly less vulgar and feels the full pain of his injuries. They still heal, but he also still feels all the pain until they do. Also, I love Ryan Reynolds’s interpretation, I’m just sticking more to the comics for these purposes.)
 I really hope people will take the time to read this and let me know what you think
Warnings (These will be chapter by chapter, not for the whole series): suicide, depression, swearing, blood mention
Word Count: 2,076
Fuck this. You'd had enough.
As you walked down the street to the highest building in the blocks surrounding your apartment, there was no doubt in your mind that this was the right thing to do. You'd put up with too much pain for too long and you were ready to make it stop once and for all. You'd thought this through very well. You knew what you were about to do, and you were ready. So, you entered the building (a hotel, you believed) and took the elevator up as high as it would go. Your hands were shaking as the pads of your fingers clamored for the cold buttons, but now was not the time to get cold feet.
You had to do this.
The elevator opened on the roof of the building, which served as a nice patio for hotel residents to relax on. Ironic, you thought, that you'd be flinging yourself to your death from a resort that was designed to be a place of relaxation and calmness. Regardless, you pressed on to the railing of the building, looking down at the massive drop before you.
26 stories- enough to kill anyone. It was even more intimidating in person than you imagined, but as you looked down the treacherous drop to the alley below, you waited in vain for the sense of terror that you'd been expecting. This view was enough to scare the living hell out of anyone; perhaps more worrying than the drop itself was the fact that it didn't scare you. Instead, a bizarre sense of peace came over you. Soon, the pain would be gone. Just the thought of that was inviting enough for you to firmly grip the railing and carefully swing your legs over so that you were now on the opposite side, clinging on to the building by just  a few thin bars. You stood there for a moment, gathering your thoughts as you willed your breathing to steady. 
You were ready.
"You don't want to do that."
The voice from behind you startled you so much that you almost fell off on accident. You were careful to quickly replace the look of surprise on your face with one of annoyance. With your hands still tightly on the railing, you slightly turned to glance out of the corner of your eye to see who the hell would also happen to be on the roof of a 26 story building at 2:30 AM. Once you caught sight of the figure though, you turned more fully to take a second look. You could make out the silhouette of a person sitting in the dark corner of the roof patio; you hadn't noticed him earlier because he was sitting just behind the door you'd come from. The stranger was entirely disguised by a red suit with black accents, and judging by the voice and body shape, a man. His suit was designed such that you couldn't see a single bit of skin, including his face- the eyes on the mask were completely whited out, giving him an eerie appearance. Your eyes trailed down from the mask to the rest of him to notice... weapons? Fuck, now that you looked closely, there were at least two pistols on him, and you could see what appeared to be the hilt of a knife poking out of the top of his boots.
"I really need to find a better way of entering a conversation, don't I? Been trying to think of a catchphrase, haven't come up with anything yet," he babbled; you weren't even sure if he was talking to himself or to you.
"...What? Who... who do you think you are, telling me what I want? Just- Never mind. Leave me alone," You snapped. You hadn't planned to even talk to the man, but you also hadn't expected him to make such a silly comment, given the situation. It caught you off guard a bit, so you turned from him to focus on the task at hand. This weirdo was not going to ruin this for you.
"Ouch. Just tryin' to help." He sounded strangely calm and unbothered by the fact that you were literally hanging off the edge of a building, poised to jump- he spoke with the ease of someone making small talk at a bus stop.
"Just FYI, that thing they say about dying from falling being painless is total bullshit. You don't faint in the air, and even though you die on impact with the ground, you still feel all the pain in the world, just for a second. Trust me, it's the worst." He said this with a slightly more earnest tone than anything else thus far, but his nonchalant vibe didn't falter. Even though you couldn't see him, you could still hear him moving behind you, even over the chaotic orchestra of city sounds below you. From his footsteps, you could tell he was standing now and walking around, likely towards you.
"What... what the hell are you talking about?" You finally caved and inquired more of his seemingly deranged mumbling.
"Take it from me, it's not a good way to go," he stated matter of factly. This earned him another glance from you, which he noticed and he returned the stare to you, now standing several meters away. At least... you think he was looking at you. It was dark, and with the mask you couldn't see his eyes whatsoever.
"I don't know who the hell you are, but clearly you're insane. Just fuck off, okay? Leave me alone," you barked at him, desperately wishing this maniac to leave so you could just do what you came to do and die in peace. Though... the longer you stood there listening to him ramble, the more you were able to take in your surroundings. The tears had slowly stopped, likely because you simply had no more to cry. Now with a slightly more clear head, you were able to take in the true height at which you clung to the railing. The breeze threatening to pluck you from the structure was somehow both inviting and terrifying. You'd thought this through well, you had everything sorted out so that you can finally die and die in peace... but the stranger's words lingered in your head. What if it did hurt...
You were very abruptly ripped from your thoughts at the realization that the man was now standing a mere few feet from you, leaning against the railing you clung to, just on the opposite side.
"Jesus! Didn't you hear me? I said to fuck off!" you snapped even more sharply this time, willing anger to hide your fear from this whack job who had no right to be here in the first place. You'd thought through and planned for many things surrounding your suicide, but this certainly was not one of them. 
"Yeah, I heard you. Just 'cause I heard you doesn't mean I have to listen. Same for you. You can completely ignore me and jump if you want. But I'm kinda sensing there's a reason you haven't let go yet..." He mumbled. A wave of emotions came over you at his words. First confusion, then anger at him for barging into your affairs and presuming to know anything about anything.
"Because you're freaking me out. Don't make me say it again- fuck. off." You hissed. Weird... even though he still wore a mask and you couldn't make out even the slightest expression on his face, his silence carried a strange somberness to it, making you feel just the slightest twinge of guilt, so you very quietly added, "Please. I've had enough.. not just with you, with everything. I've thought this out well. I know what I'm doing. I know this is what needs to be done. Just, please, leave me be." The man seemed to be able to hear the cracks in your voice, much like the cracks in a dam, sealing away an ocean of emotion and pain that you fought so desperately to hold back. You were doing this so as to rid others of the burden you put on them. This man- whoever this bizarre stranger was- didn't need or deserve to be burdened by you either. When he still didn't respond, you looked up at him; after only several minutes of conversing, you could already infer that silence was uncommon with this one and that it must mean he is actually thinking. You also noticed that he'd shifted a bit closer to you now, close enough that you might be able to reach out and touch him.
"Yeah, but I'm here now. And I know it might've sounded like a joke, but I was serious when I said I knew what it felt like. Physically and emotionally. I've been through this whole shit show before but from your side, except there was no one there to try and stop me. Not that it would've worked anyways. I know what it's like to feel like there's no other option. I know I can't stop you, too. All I can do is tell you what I know, and that is that you're about to make a huge mistake. Come back over here with me and let's talk about this, preferably when you aren't quite literally clinging to life."
You hesitated for a moment, but soon frustration boiled within you again, angry with yourself this time for even considering his offer. When you didn't respond, he continued to speak.
"Well, if you won't join me-" he began, firmly holding the railing and swinging his legs over to your side, "then I guess I'll join you," he grinned, making you realize just how much of a madman he must be.
"What the hell are you doing?! Get back, leave me alone!" You screamed at him this time, your entire body trembling from adrenaline. Anywhere else, you'd probably have shoved the freak, but now definitely wasn't the time. He just looked out at the skyscrapers surrounding you, then his gaze landed on you once more.
"Beautiful out, isn't it?" He gestured broadly to the city skyline with one hand, but when his hand was towards you, he very suddenly snatched your wrist with an iron grip, tethering you to him and to the building and earning a gasp from you.
"What the fuck?! HELP! Someone-" You panicked now. Suicide seemed like an okay option when you were the one in control, but now that your life was in the hands of this stranger, fear flooded your body. You wanted to try and pry his hand off of you but if you let go with your other hand to do so, you really would fall.
"No one can hear us up here, sweetheart. I didn't want to have to do this but I'm not letting you die on my watch. Will you please come back over the railing with me? I'm asking ever so politely." You honestly couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not, but it was now or never. You turned your head to face him and tried to apologize, but your voice was too weak and no words came out. Instead, you mouthed the words 'I'm sorry' with tears in your eyes as you took a deep breath and let go with both hands.
What happened next was almost incomprehensible, and it happened so fast that you didn't even know what happened at first. When you should've been falling to your death, you felt an arm wrap around your waist and lift you hard, throwing you over the railing back onto the patio with a painful thud against the concrete. As you looked up, you realized with absolute horror that the man was no longer there- he must've lost his balance and fallen in an effort to save you. You scrambled to your feet as fast as you could and dashed over the the edge of the building, terrified to look down but you knew you had to. His death was on you now.
However, what you saw when you glanced down was somehow even more heart-stopping than the knowledge that he fell.
The man was a crippled mess, laying in a massive pool of blood. What made you dizzy though is what happened next.
He had plummeted twenty-six stories to the ground.
And he waved back up to you. 
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mask131 · 3 years
AHS look back: Pilot
Let’s go with the first episode of season 1, the famous Pilot!
Note that I will make notes along as I rewatch the episode.
# 1978. The house is in a state of advanced disrepair, but young Addie is already here fascinated by the house - and knowing its deadly power. There is the morbid hanging of animal bones (I wonder who created it?). I am mostly leaving these notes because I want later to look back at the chronology of the house.
# Ah yes, the twins. Some of the most hated ghosts and characters of this season. I think it was Ryan Murphy that explained that they were born out of two of his personal obsessions: red-haired people, and twins. I personally perfectly see the reason of their presence - they serve as the typical “mischievious/troublemaker” kind of spirits and ghosts. They provide the easy jumpscares, and the classical scenes of weird stuff happening around (like when they open up all of the doors in the kitchen). This is classic ghost stuff, and there needs to be more “classical” ghosts here.
# The use of the song “Tonight you belong to me” has been noted in the audio commentary to be very significant. It signifies how the house itself (which as we know, has a form of sentience) takes possession, literaly, of its owners and residents (especially the double-meaning lyrics “You belong to somebody new / But tonight you belong to me”). 
# At least we know what the Infantata survives on when he doesn’t have someone to eat - possums and other urban vermin.
# I presume all the jars found in the basement are belonging to Doctor Montgomery... I am actually wondering why all of this is back in the basement in the 1970s despite the house having numerous previous owners. I wonder if it is related to some of the deleted storylines, such as Constance’s fourth child or the hedge clipper man.
# “Today”, which is 2011. The comparison the doctor makes between the human body and a house is of course VERY obvious. However it gets deeper when you realize Vivien says she wants to “take back control” over her body after “all that blood” - which parallels how the Harmon family is trying to take control over the house after all the murders.
# The introduction of the Harmon family presents the two defining events that started breaking them, but that also foreshadow the entire themes of the season: Vivien’s miscarriage, which starts the themes of motherhood and the death of children ; and Ben’s cheating - unfaithfulness and infidelity being also a major recurring theme of the season. 
# The wide shots of the family’s arrival at Los Angeles highlights so well what is also explained in the audio commentary: the house was designed to be as claustrophobic as possible, with a lot of dark colors, tainted glass that prevents a natural flow of the light, windows that do not open... You really feel trapped in there.
# Another common theme of this season is dysfunctional families, and I love how you already see in their first scenes that despite the Harmons attempt at acting and looking like a normal, happy family, they can’t truly hide the cracks, the darkness and the bitterness that is slowly breaking them apart. 
# The fact the house is presented as “LA Victorian” seems to me like no luck. A big part of this first season is that they tried to modernize a bit the Gothic genre, and the “Victorian” nod seems to fit in this idea. 
# “The previous owners loved this place like a child” - oh good one I missed this one! Yet another subtle comparison and foreshadowing.
# Dogs sense evil, and it comes from the basement... I guess Hailey is sensing the Infantata more than anything, since she doesn’t bark so much for ghosts in my memory... wait... as far as I can recall the dog is absent for most of the season. They only use her for the pilot, the microwave scene and the end... How come I never noticed it before? Silly me.
# The murals were probably covered by the last owners. I’ll keep this for chronology check. I love how they also subverted the haunted house trope of the hidden history by having the real estate agent directly telling them about the previous deaths (before we realize that they actually played the trop straigth because she didn’t tell them of EVERY death, just the more recent). The “murder-suicide” presentation of the previous owners death also reminded me of how many times the deaths of the house are presented as a “murder-suicide”... Think of it, the Montgomeries... the previous owners. The Harmon didn’t went murder suicide but it was still seen as an external death-suicide ; and Tate’s was massacre followed by suicide by cops... We know that the house loves repeating its history and inflicting patterns on its residents, and it might be one of them. 
# I love how the bully’s behavior was so excentric and over-the-top at the time, but in modern days it looks like something that could happen in real life. 
# I love how Constance describes Adelaide as a monster obsessed with the house, and does not realize this portrait also perfectly fits herself... The same way a first time viewer thinks her entering the house regularly and stealing stuff is just her being a creepy and noisy neighbor, and it takes an entirely different turn once you realize she used to live in the house and still hasn’t gotten over the fact she is not the mistress of the place anymore. Another irony is how she describes her love for “pure-breds” in terms of dogs, despite her admitting her own bloodline is cursed with “monstrosity”. 
# If I remember correctly from the audio commentary, Constance’s character was inspired by the Southern Gothic genre, and more specifically how Jessica Lange played in “A Tramway named Desire” - they wanted with Constance to depict a Blanche DuBois turned bad. 
# Adelaide is the first of Constance’s children. Oh yes, the beginning of the sage joke. 
# Of course Constance is happy that Vivien gets rid of the wallpaper covering the murals - since she visibly painted them herself. 
# I love how the music is so reminiscent of The Shining - I am thinking of the discorded cues whenever something disturbing happens. And oh yes, the Rubber Suit itself... I am pretty sure they took the idea from Level 26 and its heritage. I think Level 26 came before this season, but I might be uncorrect (though to be fair Level 26 was based on a previous television episode, so...)
# Ah, Tate appears and the heart of hundreds of girls (and probably some boys) are robbed. The whistling music of Tate, before going to Kill Bill or being used in car commercials, comes from “Twisted Nerve”, a movie about a stalker obsessed with a young girl and that kills all of her suitors. Pretty fitting. Tate’s makeup in this scene got the AHS team into legal actions, since the man who originally made those tattooes on his body (Rick Genest/Zombie Boy) didn’t appreciate his property being reproduced. 
# Fun fact, there was a deleted scene from Tate’s dream sequence that was supposed to be an homage to Shining, to the scenes of the elevator pouring blood - except here the highschool staircases would have poured blood. The scene can still be seen in bonus content on the DVDs. Here they replaced it with Tate’s “drowning in blood” being compared to Violet’s self harm (which is really clever for me).
# The apparition of Tate’s bloody double has produced an entire range of theories on the fandom, especially since it apparently led nowhere. I personally believe that it is a leftover of a deleted storyline. You see, as I explained in my talks about the deleted scene with the albino brother, it seems that back when Constance’s fourth child was in Tate would sincerely be unaware of his ghostly condition or in denial of the existence of other spirits around him - hitting his head while screaming for whatever he saw to “get out”. As a result I do believe that in early storylines he was sincere upon saying he didn’t remember anything, and this vision of a double might be part of his denial/psychosis.
# Oh boy the foreshadowing in Tate’s words... Everything takes such a different meaning when you know who he is talking about. 
# Another foreshadowing of the house’s sentience, with Moira’s comments about the house having feelings and mistreating it resulting in regrets. You might think it is just Moira trying to lure her way in, but then you realize it is also much more.
# The second outfit of Tate is the one that fits with the deleted albino man scene if you are wondering. 
# Of course Tate would ask for some Kurt Cobain.
# It is very funny how they play with your mind and make you believe some of the living people are actually ghosts - like Larry’s introduction.
# One can wonder how much of Moira’s behavior is out of her personal bitterness and desire for revenge over men, and how much is the house influencing her... We know the house has a nasty habit of influencing people into committing adultery and giving up to their lust, and we also know the house can use ghosts as tools to enact its desires. 
# Ah yes, the famous murals. There are entire articles and blog articles online dedicated to analyzing these murals and identifying here all the elements it foreshadows or reveal about the house - because indeed there are numerous, numerous elements that parallel what either happened or is going to happen (history in the Murder House is one big endless loop). You already have the woman giving birth surrounded by demons and creepy spirits ; or the demons whispering  to a man’s ear, the deads raising up to dance, creepy mothers carrying monstrous children... 
# What actually differentiates the Harmons from the other dysfunctional and broken families of the House is that, despite their flaws, their secrets, their fights, their mistakes, they still love each other, they still try to be honest and to help each other when they can, and they also try to still stay together and come back together as a family no matter how broken they got. Of course one of their other flaws is that they have bad ways of holding up and going over their past mistakes, but at least they acknowledge it - Ben recognizes it already in the episode, and it truly mirrors how in the end, even in death and as ghosts they try to form a loving and protective family instead of giving in to their inner darkness and resentmen like the other spirits. 
# The fact Tate has links/ a control over the Infantata is actually explained in several interiews and behind-the-scenes content, where it is noted that when it comes to the ghosts of the house, Tate is one of the two “masterminds” and “manipulators” with a certain control over the forces haunting the place (which makes a lot of sense when you realize he was probably yet another one of the tools enacting or embodying the house’s desires). The other one being Hayden but I’ll come to her later. 
# Again, knowing the rest of the season puts everything in perspective - especially with Larry’s story. You are so sad for him, but then you realize he is a pathological liar and he just looks so awful. 
# A very interesting detail is revealed in the audio commentary when it comes to how they created the ghosts. They explain they did not just avoid the typical “otherwordly inhuman ghost” look simply to get away from horror conventions, but also because upon looking back at real-life cases of hauntings, they all described the ghosts as looking as if they were alive, as perfect humans, that you couldn’t mistake for a dead. So they decided to play with this idea by creating a confusion as to who is alive and who is dead. 
# If you remember at the end of pilot episode there are flashes, pictures in between the credits. Well, these pictures contain shots of the deleted scenes from the pilot - one shows the Rubber Man trying to touch Vivien’s hair as she is looking at something ; and the other is a shot of the deleted “albino brother” scene, where we see the headless dolls hanging over the baby cradle. But I’ll probably talk more about this in a different post entirely dedicated to this scene.
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anna-pixie · 4 years
//I do actually!! I was wondering if you wouldn't mind doing a Prince Nuada x chubby shy/social anxiety/insecure reader? Maybe he notices her because she is mostly on her own? A little romantic or fluffy, some comfort in his own blunt way? :) I've been feeling down lately and Nuada (even though he's "evil") is my favorite character!! Plus he's cute so that is a bonus. Lol. If not I can pick someone else instead of him. :)
finally got this done, i’m sorry it took so long - i struggled to write for this character for some reason. probably just because i’m unfamiliar with him. i hope i did him justice, but if i didn’t please let me know, i’d love to try again! (i hope the end isn’t too dark, i know you wanted fluff!)
request: Prince Nuada x chubby shy/social anxiety/insecure reader? Maybe he notices her because she is mostly on her own? A little romantic or fluffy, some comfort in his own blunt way? :)
pairings: prince nuada x reader
warnings: violence, death, bullying.
Your leg bounces as you take a seat on the back row, chewing on your nails as you focus on trying not to breathe too loudly. Someone turns, their eyes passing over you as they look for someone entering the room. Your brain tells you that they’re looking at you. Oh, God. Do you have something on your face? You think that person is friends with Ryan anyway. Speaking of the devil, he strides into the room without a care, a smirk spreading across his face when he sees you sitting on your lonesome. 
He stops next to your seat for a moment, flicking your pen onto the floor as he pretends to be apologetic. 
“Oh, silly me!” He exclaims dramatically, and you hear a few giggles around the room, “I’m ever so sorry, fatso. Oops! I mean, Y/N.” He grins at you, baring his slightly yellow teeth as you look at the ground, begging yourself not to cry again. 
You thought you’d be safe from childish bullies by now, I mean, you’re in your last year of university Goddammit. But no, Ryan torments you relentlessly day in and day out. You already have enough anxiety, this was just the cherry on top. 
You let out a small sigh as your lecturer enters the hall using the door at the front of the room. He is followed by a few students, each wheeling in a podium with a glass case atop. You feel yourself getting excited, your professor has managed to rent a few artifacts to enrich your lecture today, you can’t wait. 
Ancient culture has always been your calling. From a young age, you were completely fascinated by it. It’s like your safety blanket, your comfort for when the world gets too harsh for you. You don’t even feel like you’re doing a degree on it, it feels like you’re learning for fun. 
20 minutes later, you stop taking notes to shake your hand out, it gets terribly achy when you write for too long. You listen to your professor talk about the royal crown of something or other, when he is interrupted by the lights suddenly flickering, before going out altogether. 
Your breathing speeds up and you try desperately to get it under control, your eyes widening in fright when you see the man striding into the room. Is it a man? If he is, he must be the strangest looking man you’ve ever seen. You realise he is speaking, but you can’t hear what he is saying, your mind is too loud. You’re screaming in your head, but you can only manage to choke on your quick breaths out loud. You see your classmates panicking, screaming, running to the back of the room. 
You don’t move, you can’t. You’re paralysed. You don’t even move as the white haired man kills your professor with his giant staff. You don’t move when you hear the thunderous footsteps behind you. You don’t move when a giant metal fist slams down beside you, tables and chairs breaking and wood chips flying all over the place. Some slice your skin, but you don’t notice. 
You only move when you feel warmth under your chin. A hand, you think. Your head is tilted up and you lock eyes with the creature that killed your professor. Skin as pale as the paper in your discarded notebook, lips as black as your hair. Your eyes trace the light scarring on his face, and only then do you register that his lips are moving. 
“You didn’t run, foolish girl.” His voice is low, unexpectedly posh, and dare you say - comforting?
“I-I didn’t run.” You repeat. Your brain is taking a while to catch up with the events at hand. This happens every time you have a minor panic attack. 
“I should kill you.”
“Oh.” Is your only response. Very good. 
“You’re shaking like a leaf.” His hand travels to your hand, sliding down before resting on your upper arm. You cringe as he squeezes slightly. Is he going to comment on your weight as well?
“I’m sorry. I-I couldn’t move. I… they probably wouldn’t have let me leave anyway.” You don’t even expect your words, and neither does this strange person whose face resembles Munch’s ‘Scream’. 
“Excuse me?”
“Nevermind, I’m sorry. I-.” You stop talking. You realise that you’re probably going to die, why bother talking and just embarrassing yourself more?
He points his bloody staff towards the door that the rest of the class had escaped through, “The ones who fled, they tormented you?” 
He is oddly perceptive, and although you had just witnessed him kill someone, you can’t help but find his concern comforting. 
“Yes.” There’s no point lying, not now. 
“Why?” You giggle sardonically, as if it’s not obvious. You wave your hands, gesturing to your body. 
“Please, elaborate.”
“Me. I’m asking for it, can’t you see? I’m fat!” You’re crying now. Isn’t that strange, you’re crying at this rather than the thought of your impending death at the hands of a weirdly attractive madman. 
“Your tormentors are nothing but cowards. Action should be taken with reason behind it. Do you think I would kill if not to achieve a goal?” You shake your head, too nervous to disagree with him, “Human bodies. They’re easily destructible. But they’re different. I’ve seen many humans in my time, no two with the same body. Being larger isn’t something that should be frowned upon. Look at my friend here.” You turn to the large blue monster guarding the doorway, “He’s absolutely hideous, to the people who ran away from him. An ugly monster, they say. To me he is precious. Everything that repulses them makes him special to me. Looks change, bodies change. Look at you. You’re beautiful.” A tear slides down your face as the pale man finishes speaking. 
“Wow. I… I don’t know what to say.”
“Stop crying.” He snaps, causing you to flinch suddenly, “Humans.” He tuts, shaking his head. 
“Thank you…”
“Thank you, Nuada.” 
He tilts your chin up once more, this time with the sharp end of his staff. 
“You’re not like them.” That’s the last thing he says to you before he leaves, taking an artefact with him as he goes. You listen to the thunderous sounds of that things footsteps retreating as you sit silently. What had just happened?
Everything went back to normal pretty quickly. You assume Nuada has forgotten about you. Of course he has, why would he bother remembering someone like you? 
Ryan’s tormenting only got worse, it’s clear he is suffering some severe issues ever since the ordeal and he seems to be taking it out on you. 
You accept that this will never change, until one day it does. 
You get home to a parcel on your doorstep. You don’t know what you’re expecting, it’s so beautifully wrapped, with a gold wax seal and everything. You shut your front door with your shoulder, unwrapping the parcel as you go. It’s strangely heavy. You peek inside once you open it, furrowing your brows as you see a large sheet with some beautifully written words on:
You pull the paper out, screaming at the top of your lungs and dropping the box when you see what is inside. The box hits the floor and falls over, the object rolling onto the floor. 
Ryan’s head. 
Just his head. 
You should be horrified, you know. However, you can’t help the smile that creeps onto your face. Nuada sure has unorthodox methods of comforting someone.
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