#And “mi corazón” = “my heart”
anartisticdreamer0 · 3 months
i saw a ghosty say this and- yeah tallulah is acting very “motherly” for her younger siblings :((( and it’s crazy to see this pov of her because she’s not usually like this aaaa
pomme and tallulah both having horrible cases of oldest daughter syndrome but in COMPLETELY different ways
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enchanted-encanto · 4 months
Hi there! For my followers on here who have read my completed Encanto fanfic La Canción de Mi Corazón / The Song of My Heart, I’ve been itching to write some Bruno & Natalia one shots! I miss writing about them and the Madrigal family so much but I feel like I wrapped their main story up the way I wanted to so I’d love to just do some bonus writing about them!
Please feel free to send me any ideas for things you’d like to read in my ask box here!
Slice of life moments, date ideas, parts of their story you want to know more about, whatever you’d like to read I’d love to hear! NSFW asks are totally fine, but I’ll of course only choose prompts I’m comfortable with.
Ask away!
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(Art I commissioned of Bruno & Natalia by the wonderful melodylee23!)
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eternal-reverie · 6 months
I fell down the rabbit hole with discovering new music and then new-to-me old music, and then somehow circling back to familiar yet unknown music that I rarely search for. Music that my mom would play from her country in the background since my childhood.
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emvisual · 2 months
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Entierra mi corazón en Wounded Knee. Un libro de Dee Brown.
Esta es la historia del pueblo indio de los Estados Unidos contada por ellos mismos.
Hablando de genocidios más de un país debería mirar hacia su propia casa. Y no hace falta retroceder tantos años.
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thebellearchives · 3 months
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plusfuckingultra · 1 year
Why is it so easy for you to love me. Accept me, all of me. When it was so difficult for them, telling me I was being difficult. I was difficult. So why do you act like it’s so easy. With no glimpse of anything but adoration in your eyes, you tell me that loving me is the easiest thing in the world. You tell me that you love my jokes, even in a serious situation, instead of telling me it’s not the time. Or I’m an asshole. Or I’m out of pocket. Or I need to just stop talking because it’s pissing you off. You tell me you love seeing me, even when I haven’t showered in a week and can barely bring myself to eat. You tell me you love how I smell, even tho I cry waking up in the morning/afternoon because I feel gross just existing in my own skin that smells horrid. You tell me you love hearing me talk, even tho I talk way too much when you’re trying to get things done. You tell me you love my body, even tho I can’t even stand to look at myself in the mirror sometimes. You tell me you love the way I hold you even tho I’m terrified that every time I let go, I’ll fall apart again without you to hold me together. Even tho I’m scared that if I hold you too tight, you’d disappear into thin air like you never even happened to me. 
But when we don’t let go, when I hold you, you hold me back. Tighter and closer than I hold you. And you hold me like you never want to let go. Like you’re keeping me to yourself, like you want to pull me into you, our souls intertwined, just to keep me safe from all the bad in the world. You hold me like I matter to you. And I only wish you felt even a fraction of how you make me feel. Because for some reason, you’ve found a way to love me. And you tell me it’s easy. 
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biographydivider · 2 years
For @unskilled-dabbler, @lunamadrigal, @emberkyrlee, @naoko-world and @acewithapaintbrush for being so sweet when I felt like crap the other day. Love you guys lots and lots, have some Wholesome Bruno to fortify us for the week ahead. “Mrow.”
Bruno could almost pretend he was still dreaming. Almost.
Scratch. Scratch scratch.
“Annntoniioooo,” Bruno groaned, throwing his pillow over his head. “Come get your cat.”
No reply. Betrayed – and by his own family, too. After all he'd done for them. Better off in the walls, I swear.
“Mow. Mow. Mowwww. Mrrrrrrrra.”
Scratch scratch. Scrabble-scrabble scratch.
“Mow. Mow. Mow mow mrrra mowww…”
Wasn’t his cat. Jaguar. Whatever. He could just...ignore it. Go back to sleep. Have at least an hour – maybe two! – before he needed to be up for breakfast and Morning Briefing…
What followed was the indescribable but unmistakable sound of Parce, up on his hind legs, attempting to knock over the big green plant pot just outside Bruno’s room. The one that, when it did tip over last month and nearly broke, had brought Bruno running to see what the noise was. As well as the entire familia. At six in the morning. Ever since then, the jaguar had held it over Bruno’s head like a threat.
“Alriiiiight,” Bruno groaned again, swinging his spindly legs out of the bed and disturbing poor Rosa as she slept on his pillow, “I’m comin’, I’m comin’ I’m comin’… Parce wound happily around Bruno’s legs as soon as he opened the door; practically knocking him off his feet. He wasn’t the most co-ordinated at the best of times, but especially not first thing. “Yeah, good morning to you too. C’mon, let’s go get your –” Parce was already halfway down the stairs; glancing back over his massive shoulder to make sure he hadn’t been tricked, and that Bruno wasn’t heading straight back to bed. He’d pulled that stunt before. Bleary-eyed, Bruno knocked on Mirabel’s door as he passed.
“Kiddo. C’mon. Let’s go, up up up.”         
“Don’t care. Come on.”
“Tio Bruuuunoooooooo, it’s eeeaaaarrllyyyy…”
“If I have to be awake with someone else’s pet, so do you. Up.”
Sunrise in the Encanto had, secretly, always been Bruno’s favourite time of day. The sky was painted pinkish-bluish-gold, the cicadas were still singing off somewhere in the distance, and the entire town was slowly, gently starting to stir. Before it was filled with gossip, and bustle, and history – both good and bad. It could just be home, for a little while. Uncomplicated, for an hour or so every day. Bruno grabbed Parce’s curry-comb from the dresser where he kept it, shrugging on his ruana for a little bit of warmth. He dug a chicken leg out of Julieta’s larder – she’d portioned off a section just for Antonio’s animal friends to keep perishable food in – and smiled as he heard Mirabel’s footfall coming down the main staircase behind him. “G’morning, mija.”
Mirabel’s hair was sticking up at random angles, and she was still wiping sleep from the corners of her eyes. “Coffee. Coffee would be good.”
“Can I tempt you with some fresh air an’ a morning run, instead? Really sets you up for the day ahead, y’know –”
“Okay, okay. Make enough for your tio as well, then.”
Parce had already chomped down his chicken by the time Mirabel emerged onto the front lawn, two cups of pitch-black coffee in hand. Bruno was sitting under one of the wax palms; legs cross, curry-comb in hand, as Parce wandered back and forth, butting his head against Bruno’s knees.
“He likes you,” Mirabel said, sitting on the floor next to her tio. He laughed.
“Nah. I just got bony knees. Good for scratching on, huh buddy?” He reached out, and the jaguar rubbed his gums on Bruno's hand. “Thassa good boy. Gonna let me brush you this morning?”
Parce huffed. Bruno rolled his eyes with a long-suffering sigh. “H-hey, it’s not you that gets into trouble when your fluff starts tumble-weeding around La Casita. It’s me, for some reason.”
Parce gave Bruno a side-eye, then lay down.
“Yeah, thas’ right. Oh, thanks, kid,” Bruno said with a grateful smile, accepting the cup from his sobrina – inhaling the rich, delicious aroma. “Ahhh, coffee. My one true love. Y’know, i-if I could marry coffee, I would. But it would just turn cold on me in the end, heh.”
Mirabel sat beside him with a deadpan glare that was far too world-weary for a nearly-sixteen-year-old to make. Bruno grinned back at her. “Get it? Because coffee…i-it gets…no-one in this family respects me, I swear.”
They fell to their tasks; Bruno to brushing Parce, Mirabel to sipping her coffee and gazing into the middle distance. Parce stretched himself into a U-shape, eyes closed as Bruno ran the brush down his back.
“So,” Bruno asked, never taking his eyes off the big cat. “You wanna talk about it?”
“About what?”
“Y’think I didn’t see you come in crying last night?”
“I wasn’t crying,” Mirabel said, pulling her knees up to her chest. “I, um, was…I’d been crying. But I wasn’t crying. Not when you saw me.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, my mistake. I’ll just drop the whole thing because you weren’t directly crying in my presence, then.” Bruno bonked Mirabel on the knee with the curry-comb. “Is it about that boy?”
Mirabel turned to her tio and, in a pitch-perfect impression, said; “Mmyeh.”
Okay. Okay. Bruno didn’t push it. The only time he knew when to shut up was when it pertained to the kids in his family. Especially Mirabel. She’d talk when she was ready. He was the only one who knew about her hopeless crush on the wood-cutter’s apprentice, after all. Mirabel shared what she was willing to share, always had. For better or for worse.
The sky was fully blue, now; the colour of an eggshell he’d once found as a kid. He never did work out what bird it was from. Maybe he should ask Antonio, in return for looking after his stupid cat –
“He says ‘now isn’t the right time’. But last week, he asked me if I wanted to take a walk with him! And he said my skirt was cute! I mean,” Mirabel groaned, passing Bruno her coffee so she could throw herself on the ground, “what does that mean, anyway? ‘Not the right time…’”
“Iunno. Your tio hasn’t got the most, um, conversational experience. Nuance fails me, y’know?”
“But you’re a guy.”
“So what does it meeeeean?” Mirabel asked again, eyes crossed, jaw jutting.
“Iunnnooooo,” Bruno replied, copying her expression. Mirabel flicked a blade of grass at him.
“You’re no help.”
Bruno shrugged, returning to his brushing. Parce was behaving himself this morning, which was a rarity.
“It’s not the first time he’s blown hot and cold though, is it mija?”
Mirabel said nothing for a long while. She was embarrassed. Bruno knew enough about how Mirabel’s mind worked to know that. He focused on brushing Parce, and letting the silence stretch as far as she wanted it to.
“Tio Bruno,” Mirabel said in a small voice about five minutes later, looking up into that eggshell-blue sky. “What if…what if I really am just not good enough? What if I’m kidding myself, here; what if I really am, just, maybe…not worth it?”
Oof. That just made Bruno’s heart hurt. “Oh, kiddo. That’s not…”
“Why else would he keep changing his mind? It’s like,” Mirabel’s voice cracked, and she swallowed it with a cough. “Like he thinks I’m nice, cute or whatever one day, then the next he’s like ‘oh, actually I see who she really is. She’s weird, and kinda sad, and obsessed with her family and…and I don’t want to date that person. Better wait ‘til the fun, cute Mirabel comes back.’”
Ay. That sounded familiar. Bruno winced as he thought back on when he, Pepa and Julieta had hit, oh, maybe about sixteen, seventeen? And suddenly all the darker, weirder, less appealing sides of their personalities couldn’t be contained by Cute Kid smiles and Mamá’s excuses. When he went from All-Powerful-Seer to Weird-Kid-Bringing-Constant-Bad-News. When his sisters went from Sunny-Little-Pepa and Oh-So-Kind-Julieta to Pepa-You-Have-A-Cloud and What-Do-You-Mean-You’re-Tired-The-Town-Needs-Arepas. His sisters had become pros in hiding those weird, sad sides of themselves – for the family, for the community, for the Encanto. Smoothing out the cracks. He hadn’t. And he had thought, now that things were better, no-one else would ever have to do that. Obviously, he was wrong.
“Wee-lll,” Bruno continued, carefully, picking at the curry-comb to keep his hands busy, “all I know is that, um, there’s a case for waiting. If it’s true love. An’ if he’s, y’know, working out how he feels or whatever. But if he’s, y’know, just…just stringing you along, then maybe…” Bruno drew the curry-comb over his throat, making a gross noise with his mouth, eyes wide and staring.
Mirabel sat up. “Then I should kill him. It all makes sense now.”
“No! No, no no. What I mean is, like, cut him off. Never speak to the guy again. Show him what he’s missing, y’know? Because,” Bruno fell back onto the ground with Mirabel, “because my baby sobrina is the best, coolest, funniest, smartest, bravest girl in the Encanto. And her family love her, and her tio loves her, a-and Parce loves her –”
Parce chuffed. "See? He agrees."
Mirabel giggled, and Bruno beamed. “Even when she’s weird and sad. Part’ve life, you know? Being weird and sad. And if some big, dumb lunk who chops wood for a living – like, c’mon, your Papi can do that – can’t see that? He’s not worth losing any sleep over.” He prodded her gently in the side. “You deserve better, kiddo.”
Mirabel scooched a little closer and gave him a hug. Bruno’s heart swelled with affection to the point of pain. He would, quite literally, die for this kid. He would ride into hell for this kid. He kinda had; following her and his Mamá to the river that day Casita fell. He wasn’t to know everything was resolved, was he? Not when he stole that dumb horse from a neighbour (ha; neigh-bour) and rode off to save his newly-reunited family from itself.
“Thanks, Tio Bruno,” Mirabel whispered. “Te amo. So much.”
Bruno responded by placing a ball of Parce’s fluff on her nose.
“Pfffffbttttffffffphhhh – stop laughing! Eww, Bruno, that was so not funny –”
“You called us the Family Weirdo Club for a reason, kiddo – ay! No tickling, no tickling, staaaahppit…”
Bruno scrambled to his feet and took off around the side of the house, Mirabel in hot pursuit. Parce watched them go. Then, he put his huge head on his paws, sighed deeply, and went back to sleep.
It was very early, after all.
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emeraldgalleryco · 9 months
Connecting energies
He is so far away but when we talk on the phone I can feel each word, each smile, and each time he laughs in my heart.
Él está tan lejos, pero cuando hablamos por teléfono puedo sentir cada palabra, cada sonrisa, y cada vez que se ríe en mi corazón.
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raphies-art-blog · 9 months
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Happy birthday Hojiro 😍💖💖
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ancpikachu · 2 years
10 feet tall and super strong we always get aaaaaloooonng alright, alright bum bum ba da bum! xD here’s an edit I made back in May of this year. I love this song
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Acto final </3
Se levanta el telón y estoy buscando el amor en un laberinto
El piano suena a la velocidad de tus pasos
Los focos iluminan la oscuridad de mi corazón
Y los acordes dan paso al silencio
Dime por que tus ojos me mintieron
Y si tus caricias solo fueron acotaciones de un guion
Dime si tus besos fueron ficticios
Y si los abrazos no eran frutos del magnetismo
Dime si solo fui un ensayo
Y tus palabras no fueron improvisadas
Dime si solo fui un cortometraje
Al que nunca se le puso titulo
Dime si la intensidad de mis sentimientos te asustó
Y si nuestra canción solo tiene una voz
Dime si yo era el único escribiendo una historia de amor
Y tú solo escribías un largo mensaje que no quieres enviar
Me pregunto si cuando me miraste y me besaste
Tenias puesta una de tus mascaras
Me pregunto si cuando me miraste y me abrazaste
Tenias puesto uno de tus disfraces
Dime si no pediste el mismo deseo que yo
Y si yo era el único que no quería irse
Me pregunto si todo fue una actuación
Y si de verdad no te quedaste dormido en mis brazos
Si no puedes decírmelo , canta como nunca
Que recogeré mis pedazos y encontraré la salida
Después de tantas canciones y el ultimo beso en el carro
Se apaga el amanecer y se cierra el telón.
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Final act </3
The curtain rises and I'm looking for love in a maze
The piano sounds at the speed of your steps
The spotlights illuminate the darkness of my heart
And the chords make space for silence
Tell me why your eyes lied to me
And if your caresses were only stage directions of a script
Tell me if your kisses were fictional
And if the hugs were not the fruits of magnetism
Tell me if I was just a rehearsal
And your words were not improvised
Tell me if I was just a short film
The one that was never given a title
Tell me if the intensity of my feelings scared you
And if our song only has one voice
Tell me if I was the only one writing a love story
And you just wrote a long message that you don't want to send
I wonder if when you looked at me and kissed me
You had one of your masks on
I wonder if when you looked at me and hugged me
You were wearing one of your costumes
Tell me if you didn't ask for the same wish as me
And if I was the only one who didn't want to leave
I ask myself if it was all a performance
And if you actually fell asleep in my arms
If you can't tell me, sing like never before
For I'll pick up my pieces and find my way out
After so many songs and the last kiss in the car
Dawn fades and the curtain closes.
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larnax · 6 months
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wait this is so funny. if you listen to the same album too many times bandcamp starts guilt tripping you about not paying for it yet
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enchanted-encanto · 2 years
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Commissioned this absolutely incredible art of my Encanto OC Natalia Moreno from the wonderful @duckydrawsart, thank you so so much!! My heart is so full ❤️❤️❤️
You can read my completed fic “La Canción de Mi Corazón / The Song of My Heart ” about her and Bruno Madrigal’s love story on AO3 here!
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kasiobite03 · 7 months
>.> <.<
transfem forevver cubito 🫶
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baconkath · 10 months
to all non spanish speaking content creators out there, I beg you:
do not use the term “mija”
“Mija“ is a term your mom uses
“Mija“ is a term your grandma probably uses 
why? because it is “mi hija” shortened, as in “my daughter”. It is not really a term your romantic partner would use when referring to you. In my opinion, it´s kinda cringy and a turn off
remember, just because you saw an endearment in another language it doesn’t mean it can be applied to all situations
it’s a little deppressing when there are a lot of prettier endearments out there:
amor, mi amor = love, my love
cielo, mi cielo = heaven, my heaven (?) or a placeholder for darling
corazón = heart
tesoro = treasure
vida, mi vida = life, my life
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lewisvinga · 5 months
osita | carlos sainz x reader!
summary; carlos and his love for his wife and his osita
fc; various girls from pinterest
warnings; none (?)
notes; requested! i loved writing this sm 🥹
masterlist !
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liked by yourusername, charles_leclerc, and others
carlossainz55: st moritz con mi reina y mi osita 🧸💗 [with my queen and my little bear]
tagged; yourusername
yourusername; alma really loved playing in the snow with her papá, surprised she liked the cold!
carlossainz55: because she was always cuddled up with me or her mamá, she was always warm!
yourusername: thank you for taking us to see st moritz, we love you💗💗
carlossainz55: and i love my girls most❤️
username: girl dad carlos 😵‍💫
username: need someone who loves and appreciates me as much as carlos does with y/n😞😞😞
username: y/n is her i fear
charles_leclerc: alma was the best part of the trip let’s be honest now
carlossainz55: always stealing the show with her chubby cheeks
carlossainz55 uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1; osita wants to drive my ferrari 🤣] [caption 2; taking my girls out shopping ❤️] [caption 3; mi corazón y mi alma❤️‍🩹 (my heart and my alma/soul)]
yourusername uploaded to their story!
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[caption 1; alma has him wrapped around her little finger!] [caption 2; guess who bought us matching chanel kellys🙈] [caption 3; papá making sure alma is a madridista, hala madrid!🤍]
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liked by carlossains55, alexandrasaintmleux, and others
yourusername: life lately ❤️‍🩹
tagged; carlossainz55
carlossainz55: mis tesoros, los quiero a los dos ❤️❤️ [my treasures, i love you both]
yourusername: and we love you so much💗💗
username: putting this in my pinterest board
username: carlos is such a girl dad OMG
username: baby alma 🥹🥹🥹
username: still thinking abt madridista alma
yourusername: she’s a modric fan, she’s cool like that 💅
alexandrasaintmleux:oh alma what a cutie 🥹 i miss her!!!☹️
yourusername: she misses her tia alex too!
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and others
carlossainz55: one year ago today, i stood by y/n’s side while she brought me one of the greatest things she could’ve ever given me. our dear almita turns one today and i couldn’t have asked for better. thank you, my y/n for bringing our angel to this world. feliz cumpleaños, mi osita. te quiero. 💗 [happy birthday, my little bear, i love you]
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: alma has the best papá truly 🥹
carlossainz55: and she has the best mamá!
yourusername: i can’t believe our alma is one, i couldn’t stop crying, she’s so big already!☹️
landonorris: you think you crying was bad???? carlos was SOBBING😭😭
carlossainz55: ok no need to air out my business like that 🙄
yourusername: yeah, amor, you were kinda sobbing in every picture 😕
carlossainz55: i can’t help it!! my princess just turned one 😞
username: carlos CRIED??
username: this is so sweet i’m gonna get diabetes
username: SHES SO CUTE
username: the fairy theme>>>
charles_leclerc: happy birthday, alma!!
alexandrasaintmleux: what a cutie, happy birthday, almita!💗
scuderiaferrari: happy 1st birthday to the princess of our garage! 👑❤️
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