#Captain Paragon
cryptocollectibles · 6 months
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Bill Black's Fun Comics #4 (March 1983) by Paragon Comics
Written by Bill Black, Ben Smith, and R.C. Harvey. drawn by Jim Sanders III, Bill Black, Mark Heike, Roy Richardson, Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, cover by Pat Broderick and Bill Black
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retrocgads · 1 year
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USA 1990
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holy-shit-comics · 7 months
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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“Darkness at the Edge of Town (Part Two),” Avengers Unlimited (Vol. 1/2022), Infinity Comic, #34.
Writer: Alex Segura; Artist: Jim Towe; Colorist: Andres Mossa; Letterer: Joe Sabino
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periodically80s · 2 years
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vo-kk · 1 year
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yourbuerokrat2 · 2 years
You know, when I am gonna rewatch TNG I am going to make a list of all the morally questionable things Picard did. 
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The man licked his lips. "You want your ship? You ain’t going to get her. Kennit took her because he wanted her. And she wants him. She’d lick his boots if she could reach them. He sweet-talks her like a cheap whore and she just laps it up. I heard him talk to her one night, cozying up to her about turning pirate. She went willing. She’ll never come back to you. She got a gutful of being a slaver; she pirates for Kennit now. She wears his colors, same as me." His eyes measured the impact of his words. "Ship hated being a slaver. She was grateful to Kennit for freeing her. She’ll never want to come back to you. Nor would Kennit ransom her to you. He likes her. Says he always wanted a liveship. Now he has one."
"Liar!" The roar burst out, not from Althea, but Paragon. "You lying sack of guts! Give him to me! I’ll wring the truth out of him."
Paragon’s words were another buffet against her. Sickened, Althea stood slowly. Her head spun with the impact of the man’s words. They touched a deeply hidden fear. She had known that Vivacia’s experiences as a slaver must change her. Could it change her this much? So much that she would turn against her own family and strike out on her own with someone else?
Why not?
Hadn’t Althea also turned away from her family, with far less provocation?
A horrible mixture of jealousy, disappointment and betrayal swept through her. So must a wife feel who discovers her husband’s unfaithfulness. So must a parent feel when a daughter becomes a whore. How could Vivacia have done so? And how could Althea have failed her so badly? What would become of her beautiful misguided ship now? Could they ever be as they were before, one heart, one spirit, moving over the sea before the wind?
Ship of Destiny, by Robin Hobb (Liveship Traders #3)
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daftmooncretin · 5 months
my absolute favourite thing about the kirk and spock dynamic is that the whole time you’re watching the show spock is gaslighting you into thinking that kirk is this loose canon and spock is paragon of logic keeping his captain on the straight and narrow when its very clearly the other way round. aside from being turned on by everyone and fighting like an old-timey boxer…. kirk is just like.. quite a logical, stable guy. like yeah he rules with his emotions but he’s rarely reckless or erratic, even in situations of immense pressure he’s always calm and measured. sure kirk is unhinged and insane, but we knew that right off the bat. spock on the other hand tries to hide how insanely balls to the walls crazy he is by standing next to jim and hiding all his derangement with logic. i think the reason bones beefs with spock so much because he is the only one who has noticed that spock is an absolutely unhinged individual. (jim is too busy doodling <3 mr jim spock <3 all over his briefings to notice)
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tomoleary · 1 year
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Captain Paragon and the Sentinels of Justice
How could you go wrong with a title like that.
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After finishing the book I am now so confused over althea’s character
She spends the entire series talking about how she doesn’t want to abide to all that society tells her and how she wants to be the captain of her own ship, not be tied to a man
And then she ends the story by marrying (well they intend to) brashen and leaving vivacia to go with him on paragon?!!??!
Thankfully it has to do with her and vivacia more than with him. And I do love the tragedy of them no longer sharing that connection etc. but I waited 2500 pages for them to reunite, only for her to say “nope she’s wintrows now” !??!!
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comicaurora · 6 months
"I overlooked the greatest part of being truly alive. We grow." has joined
"It won't be easy"/"That's okay, I won't be alone"
In the ranks of quotes that make me feel like optimism isn't dumb naïvete and that yeah, we can fix this.
what's the point of a paragon hero if they can't do a good captain kirk monologue once in a while
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#578 by @thelesseroftwoweevils
"It's a pity we never met Prime Lorca. I'd be interesting to see Jason Isaacs break the typecasting and play a genuine nice Picard style paragon captain."
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anghraine · 4 months
On the one hand, I absolutely love the high tragedy of Denethor's arc in the book, think it's amazingly well-written, and that he is one of the most complex and fascinating characters that Tolkien ever wrote.
On the other, there's part of me that's also a little frustrated by how much it has to happen because Tolkien kind of wrote himself into a corner with the Ruling Stewards. He's insistent on a few things about them:
Their initial rise to power as perma-regents of Gondor was squeaky-clean. Mardil was a paragon of virtue, he tried to prevent Eärnur from getting himself killed, there were no clear successors, and retaining the regency prevented another Kinstrife and created a stable institution that would hold Gondor together for 900+ years after the failure of the kings.
They are a high Númenórean family descended from Elendil, even if they're not formally of the line of Elendil (for unknown reasons, but most likely because they're descended through women).
Denethor is notably very similar to Aragorn, in intellect, wisdom, stature, ability, even appearance. He is a towering and respected figure, and he and his sons are highly popular with their people (even with children).
Denethor's military tactics in the book are very good, and UT says Sauron hoped Denethor would be less prepared than he actually was.
Denethor is proud, unbending, and personally dislikes and distrusts Aragorn. He thinks Gandalf is using him against Sauron for now while planning for Aragorn to take power later (this is filtered through his pride but ... um, is he wrong?).
Faramir, now Denethor's last heir, is a fantastic if reluctant warrior and captain, a super special Númenórean throwback, and a thoughtful, intelligent, and wise person who is humbler than Denethor, but also established as wary about Aragorn.
Gondor formally rejected the claim of Aragorn's family before the Ruling Stewardship even existed.
What all this means is that Denethor, if alive, is someone who will never willingly give way to Aragorn. Denethor has legal precedent on his side, he is himself a perfectly good ruler from a long-standing, stable, legitimate ruling family and a highly capable military leader in war, he is liked by his people, and he even has a viable heir regardless of the personal strain between him and Faramir.
There's just no reason for Aragorn to take power that Denethor, as written, would find remotely persuasive. But Denethor is also too noble and capable and special for a power grab on Aragorn's side to feel right, esp given how destructive it would be in the middle of a war (as Aragorn acknowledges!). Despite the sparkly kingliness and mystical airs, this is fundamentally a dynastic dispute between two different houses descended from Elendil, based on the minutia of Gondorian and Númenórean law and precedent, and a fight over that is ... not the kind of story this is.
Denethor has to be driven to self-destruction by the plot so that Aragorn's rise can happen. It simply would not occur if Denethor was alive and in his right mind. Faramir has to be mystically healed by Aragorn so that his reservations will dissolve and he will voluntarily remove himself from the picture in a way that doesn't feel bad.
And both scenes are fantastic, and make sense for the characters. But I do feel that they kind of get steamrollered by the plot to make way for Aragorn.
The thing that makes that doubly fascinating, though, is that Tolkien didn't have to prop the House of the Stewards up so thoroughly. He could have written a version where the Stewards are inadequate or really sketchy or simply can't be compared to Aragorn's greatness and it's clear why they should be replaced by him and his house. Tolkien could have made this a lot easier for himself! And I do respect the more difficult and nuanced approach Tolkien took with the Stewards by making them genuinely impressive and noble and capable in their own right and not just cardboard-cutouts for Aragorn to kick over.
But, well.
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themalhambird · 10 days
There were times when Ankh-Morpork as a whole possessed a conveniently short memory. Inside of a week “that thing with the dragon” was already being forgotten, partly because nobody wanted to admit they’d thought crowning a bloody great lizard was a a good idea and partly because no one wanted to remind the Patrician that they’d been complicit in locking him inside his own dungeon. The palace was repaired; any damage to the city was propped up or painted over. Nevertheless, there were clearly going to be some lasting effects. It was early in the morning, and Sybil Ramkin was leaning over the Patrician’s shoulder, examining one of the said consequences with a somewhat critical eye. “It’s not bad, Havelock,” she said. “A little more practice, perhaps.”
Lord Vetinari hummed his agreement. His fingers did not stop switching lace bobbins from one position to another, moving pins down the board and leaving a slightly lopsided web in his wake. “I find it…relaxing,” he said. “A challenge, to be sure, but easier to wrangle than the city.”
“To be sure,” Sybil repeated with a wry smile. “Lacemaking is only a craft that takes most people years to learn properly. You’ve read one book and away you go. Honestly Havelock. You’re insufferable.” 
Vetinari smirked. Sybil stepped away from his shoulder and strode gracefully to the far end of the long table, sitting opposite her old friend and helping herself to breakfast. “So,” she said, “Captain Vimes.” 
She waited. Vetinari said nothing. His bobbins clacked. Sybil popped a grape into her mouth. “”I’m not going to sit here  playing mindgames with you, Havelock. I’m not one of your little lace bobbins- I’m your friend.”
“”Captain Vimes” is not a statement that seems to require a response, my dear.” Vetinari set down the bobbins and sat back in his chair, tapping one slender finger on the wooden armrest. Sybil smiled. 
“Fair enough. Let me rephrase. What do you think of Captain Vimes?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Because I like him.” Sybil said frankly. “I like him a great deal.”
Sybil gave a half shrug. “He’s passionate. Blunt, but the honesty is charming. He’s brave- heroic-”
“-an alcoholic. Hardly a paragon of the law. Oh, he may not take bribes, but the Night Watch as a whole doesn’t have much of a purpose beyond running away at the first sign of danger.”
“Now that’s unkind- they were fighting Wonse and the dragon whilst you were sitting in a prison cell. Look, Havelock,” Sybil sighed. “I like him. I really rather like him. So I would like to know what you think of him.”
“...I think,” Vetinari said slowly, “that given half a chance Samuel Vimes would lock me up and throw away the key. I think that Samuel Vimes has a great deal in common with his famous ancestor and I think, Sybil, that if you like him, there wouldn’t be any harm in continuing the acquaintance.” His mouth curls in a sly smile. “Besides,” he said, “Think of how it would annoy Ronnie Rust- Lady Ramkin, consorting with the plebs.” “Well,” Sybil said. She picked up another grape. Vetinari picked up his bobbins. There would be City Business to attend to, soon enough, but the Patrician could spare another ten or fifteen minutes on Ankh-Morpork’s richest daughter who had, after all, been through so terrible an ordeal lately. And, considering Wonse's betrayal- though it had hardly been unexpected- Havelock wanted to spend a little longer in company with his old friend. Besides. It was gratifying to know that he wasn't the only person to see the merit buried deep within Captain Vimes, and Vetinari wanted to spend a little time ruminating on all the doors that Vimes forming a connexion with Lady Ramkin might start to open up...
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1800titz · 1 year
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WATTPAD edition here
* indicates smut
SLIP (potteryinstructor!Harry)
& GLAZE * (potteryinstructor!Harry pt. 2) > coming soon
RIDETHET!GER * (pornstar!Harry)
& RIDETHET!GER is online * (pornstar!Harry pt. 2)
FILL * (one night stand)
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TRIVIA * (trivia!Harry x shy!Reader) — Based on this post
This is a PATREON EXCLUSIVE fic. Find part one HERE and the rest on PATREON.
The one with a tiny island, a small town bar with trivia nights, a bike that can't be rode, a hotdog stand (which a semi-nude jogger approaches), a reader that just can't seem to shut up, and a charismatic trivia host that has enough composure in him for the both of them (rom-com vibes)
THE DEVIL IS A GENTLEMAN * (masked sex club!au)
The one in which there's a sex club, Greek stage names, the exploration of boundaries, an open house, a pair of dress shoes, and two sides of the same coin. (strangers-to-lovers, emotional slow burn)
SAIL MY RIDGES * (pirate!au)
The one with pirates, a princess, the impromptu cancellation of an arranged marriage, a key to the greatest treasure, a captain with loads of undisclosed, mushy feelings (and a peculiar sense of humor), a bordello pit stop, and the realization that love is the most dangerous thing in the sea. (enemies-to-lovers, slow burn)
Paragon * is currently a wip. Find out more about Paragon HERE <3
The enemies-to-lovers one with superheroes, a heroine with a tragically traumatic past, a man called Paragon who spends too much time preening in front of the mirror, an odd, long-time rivalry with a hero who likes to post obnoxiously douche-y mirror selfies to instagram, and the concept of self duplication used to its ultimate potential. (strangers-to-enemies-to-lovers, slow burn)
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@1800titz & @cherryjuiceblues
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