#Crisp design very nice
sysig · 1 month
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Wuh oh (Patreon)
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The novel experience of being crushed by a giant rock, a visual metaphor
#Doodles#ISaT#Siffrin#Loop#Yaaaay suffering <3 <3 <3#Lol#Starting with a cute practice Sif to get used to drawing them a bit more they're so cute what the heck#He's so shaped I love that for him and about him#Crisp design very nice#Sif really is the embodiment of ''Ignorance is bliss'' and being so maladjusted about it :'D#His memory issues make the me a sad#Ironically I try not to think about it too hard or else I'll get Really sad lol#Memory is the foundation of individual personhood! It's such a tragedy weh#Him brushing things off by falling back into his issues is just so agh Sif no you deserve better!#Some sillies lol I never know if I should give content warnings for these kinds of jokes - I don't make them often!#Loop's line in the Jello streams is So good I couldn't not lol#Happy Wednesday fr btw lol yes I did do that on purpose#The last one agh the red and like - can we talk about Sif (and Loop's and Odile's) specific portraits where their hands do the spark thing??#I always forget how art can be Whatever and that overlapping/removing lineart to imply shapes and movement and just jfdslafd#It's so cool I love it so much it's very inspiring#The bonus is mostly a joke lol - again while watching the Jello streams Lenti was talking about how much she relates to Sif#And I was privately like ''Haha thank goodness I don't relate to him! Couldn't be me!'' And Then#It's fine lol I'm aware of my overlapping issues - I fall more on the Isa side of ''Sounds fake but okay'' but yeah.....yeahhhh lol#As long as I don't get trapped in a time loop about it! Poor Sif haha
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wizardmarriage · 2 years
local heroes all have such a nice sense of individuality that makes them all kind of shine when in ensemble.. it's so nice!
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boozenboze · 1 year
Take A Sip But Don’t Spill It TF 141 x Male reader Summary:After joining the Military at 16, and becoming an irreplaceable hacker, M/n ended up leaving the Military after an incident with his old team. 4 years had passed since then and the man had acquired a job at a well known bar in a downtown area. During the 141’s mission, they were in need of a hacker due to the new mission they had been called to. After a lot of digging, Laswell was able to find the location of the once known soldier who went by Tech.
Fun fact: M/n (you) joined the Military at the same age and time as Gaz :)
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
“Hey can I get another shot over here!” A voice rang through the bar as the bartender approached. His fancy attire made his e/c eyes pop under the mood lights throughout the bar. The man poured the shot before returning to the main area where he would greet people. The man wiped of a few tables when a woman walked in, she had blonde hair and blue eyes. The h/c haired male then went to the front and stood inside the cocktail lounge.
“Hello what can I do for you today?” The man asked as he grabbed a glass.
“Yeah can I get a shot of whiskey and vodka mixed together?” The blonde asked as the h/c haired man looked at her confused
“Ma’am I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” The server said looking the woman in the eye. “Mixing a dark and a clear liquor together will make you feel s-“
“Just give me the drink.” The woman cut the server off looking annoyed
The server was heavily annoyed but went ahead and made the drink. He gave the drink and the woman put her payment on a tab. She walked away and went by a group of girls who seemed to be her friends. The server sighed while preparing some more glasses to be put to use.
“You said that he’d be here Laswell.” Price questions, skeptical if they had come to the right place. Soap and Gaz looked at the fancy looking building with sparkles in their eyes. Laswell and the 141 had been searching for a certain someone. M/n 'Tech' L/n, ex hacker and very skilled man. He was the best in his time, being the same age as Gaz when he joined the Military. He gained his code name because of his skills, and his fast working coding. That's the purpose of the 141 and Laswell being where they are now. After a lot of digging, Laswell learnt that Tech had a job at a popular bar.
“To say this guy was in the military, it’s quite shocking that he works at a place like this.” Gaz said as Soap chuckled
“Maybe he’d give us a discount.” The Scot replies playfully as Ghost sighed at their antics.
“Listen up, we came here for one thing, we convince this guy to help us, get into those bastards system and go our separate ways. Clear?” Price said as he looked at everyone with a serious demeanor.
“Yes sir.” The men and Laswell then made their way inside. The place had a nice interior and exterior design, you wouldn’t have thought it was a bar.
“This place looks fancy…” Gaz said as he looked at all the neon lights that’s changed color every so often. The smell of liquor and beer was the most prominent scent and it gave them all an itch to have a drink.
“Ok let’s split up, I’ll go by myself, Gaz and Price you two stay together. Ghost and Soap, same to you.” Laswell said as she looked at them all.
“Yes ma’am.” Soap said sarcastically as he began walking in another direction, Ghost followed close behind him. Gaz and Price moved to where some of the seats were before sitting down. They tried to look like any regular guests, not wanting to foil their current task.
Laswell approached the bar, seeing at least 2-3 bartenders at work. She was looking for a specific man, with h/c hair and e/c eyes. She approached a stool and sat down, waiting to see who would serve her. A good 8 minutes went by before a well dressed bartender approached. His suit looked fresh and crisp, having no wrinkles whatsoever. His h/c hair was well kept, and looked neat as well.
“Welcome to ******* I will be your server for today.” The man asked as he wiped off the inside of a glass before placing it down. He didn’t look at her until he placed the glass down and looked up. A look of surprise could be seen on his face upon seeing Laswell.
“Um…what can I get for you..?” The man said, shock still on his face as he approached the bottles.
“Just a beer would do.” Laswell said as she watched the h/c haired male prepare the beer. He looked pretty calm to say the least, but shock was still clear on his face.
“How’ve ya been M/n?” Laswell questions as she took a sip of the beer. Her eyes locking with M/n's e/c eyes, as he let out a chuckle.
"Alright...for the most part, people here can be quite shitty. But hey, I digress, how have you been Kate?" M/n asked as he looked at the dirty blonde woman. Laswell smiled at him but her facial expression turned full blown serious as she looked at the ex-soldier.
"I'd be fine...if the enemy wasn't stealing information from the Military's data base." Laswell said while looking M/n dead in the eye. M/n looked at her in shock and confusion, if that was happening right now why was she at the bar. Shouldn't she be working on finding the fuckers who were stealing their intel?
"Kate...shouldn't you be working on finding the bastards, and not be drinking at the pub?" M/n asked as he took Laswell's finished glass of beer before setting it aside and crossing his arms. The veins in his arms and hands were visible and those who were close enough to see were drooling over him.
"I have located them..., but we need a guy who has had experience with coding and well, hacking." Laswell said as she looked M/n in the eye. The e/c eyed man looked nervous now, was she trying to recruit him into the mission?
"I-uh Laswell i'm not in the military anymore.." M/n said as he walked to the employees only room. Laswell followed close behind him and grabbed him by the shoulder, making him turn around.
"You can be, plus M/n there's a 50% chance that this mission won't go smoothly without you, I know you've been off the field for 4 years but that doesn't change the fact that you used to be a soldier. A great one at that." Laswell said to M/n trying to convince him, "I know that somewhere in that stubborn head of yours Tech is still there, and that your skills are something you of all people could never lose."
"Laswell I-" M/n was cut off by Laswell saying
"We need you M/n."
M/n looked at her for a few moments before going inside of the employees only room. Laswell stood there, now hearing some approaching footsteps behind her. The rest of the group were now standing behind her, wanting to know what was happening.
"So..what'd he say?" Soap asked as he looked at Laswell, his gaze occasionally shifting to the door that M/n had walked through.
"Nothing, i'm just waiting to see if he'll consider helping us.” Laswell said as she stared at the door with hope in her eyes. M/n walked out the room with a bag that contained his laptop and a few other gadgets.
“Alright, hurry up so we can get this done…” M/n’s voice dragged when he saw the 4 men behind Laswell
“I-Uh…who are they?” M/n asked as his gaze shifted between the men and Laswell. He was quite interested and also intimidated by the me.(Mainly Ghost)
“Task Force 141, but you can introduce yourselves later we have a mission to do.” Laswell said as she looked between M/n and the others. She could see the way Soap was staring at Tech’s attire, and even the others had to admit that the s/c skinned male looked good.
“Eye’s on the target, get in position.” Price said as he looked through the scope on his sniper. He had his eyes on the main man that they were after, the same guy who had been stealing their intel. Gaz and Soap were inside, hiding and making their way through the building. They took down any enemies that would possibly get in their way as they kept moving. Ghost and Tech were on the rooftop, Tech doing what he did best as Ghost sat their sniping down any enemies that were getting to close to Soap and Gaz.
The sound of typing could be heard as Tech hacked into the buildings systems. He shut the lights off in the lower half of the building and short circuited the automatic doors. Tech worked fairly quickly as he began messing with the computer bases that the enemy was using. Every time Tech hacked into the enemies devices they would get flashed by a bright light that stunned them for a period of time.
“You seem pretty good at that Tech.” Gaz said over his radio as he did a takedown move on an enemy.
“I’m in the zone right now don’t disturb me.” Tech said as his fast typing remained the same. Ghost glanced over at the other man who was still nicely dressed. Tech had insisted that he’d be alright without any proper gear, considering that he wouldn’t be getting close enough for the enemy to be able to shoot and try and attack him.
Something that had immediately attracted Ghost to Tech was his hands. Tech may not have been taller than Ghost himself but the veins in Tech’s fast moving hands were something Ghost failed to not look at.
The mission was coming to an end, Soap and Gaz had cornered the main man behind all the stolen info, and they were now detaining him.
“Nice job sergeant.” Ghost said as he looked over at Tech who had shut down his computer. The man stretched his arms and cracked his knuckles, his veins popping out more as he did.
Ghost found himself staring at Tech’s hands for far to long before saying.
“You work out a lot?” Ghost asked as he and Tech made their way down the building that they had set up on.
“I do, not that much though. I usually just do it to stay toned ya know?” Tech said as he and Ghost descended the buildings stairs. Ghost hummed, realizing that he usually didn’t make small talk with people he didn’t know. Tech must have been different from most if he somehow got Ghost wanting to talk to him.
The two then stuck to silence as they went to regroup with the others.
“You did good out there M/n, great job.” Laswell complimented as she walked to M/n’s side.
“Heh, thanks….Laswell.” M/n responded nervously as he sat in the back of the truck that they had arrived in. Gaz was driving, listening in on Tech and Laswell’s conversation.
“Imagine how this thing would’ve ended if we didn’t have your help mate.” Gaz said as he looked at Tech through the rear view mirror.
“What made you quit anyway?” Soap jumped in, looking at Tech with curiosity in his face and tone.
Tech was now quiet, as if he had been sworn to silence as to way he drafted from the Military. The tension in the truck was high, so…thick to the point that it could be cut with a knife. Price cleared his throat, attempting to break the silence as he glanced over at Tech who was now holding his pistol. He seemed to be relishing how he used to always use the gun before his sudden departure.
“So uhh….would you like to join again? The Task Force I mean.” Price questions, his voice holding a serious tone while he continued to look at the road before them. The sound of the ac and the tires were again the loudest thing.
“I mean…I don’t know. I’ve been off the field for 4 years now…” Tech said as he glanced outside of the window. He recalled the day of the incident in full detail. Having endured 5 gunshot wounds, and still having the spirit to finish hacking the enemies lockdown system so he and his team could escape. You could have imagined how betrayed and hurt he was when he heard his team talk and execute on the plan of leaving him behind. That was something that stuck in the back of his mind since he left, and the fact that Price was trying to offer him a spot in the Task Force scared him a bit.
“You’d be a great addition to the team, and, look I don’t know what happened back then that made you quit but guess what.” Price said as he sat up and glanced at everyone in the truck, all of them besides Tech knowing what he was about to say.
“No one fights alone.” Price concluded, earning a nod from everyone in the truck besides Tech. The words seemed to have struck something in Tech as his eyes lit up for a moment.
Even if the words were or weren’t true, they did instill some type of hope in Tech’s spirit. He now had a choice to make.
Join the Task Force 141 or Don’t
A/n-Heyy…. How y’all doin? Expect to see more of me again 😁😅. Also HAPPY PRIDE MONTH BITCHES 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️⚧🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗
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macaulaytwins · 7 months
TSH Thanksgiving
Francis hosts at his country house, provides all the wine, is running around his house all day readjusting candleholders and throw pillows and the silverware so they are aesthetically placed to his liking, refuses to eat the sweet potatoes, steps outside with Henry after the main meal for a smoke (would have done it at the table if Julian wasn’t there), is dressed absolutely to the nines
Henry wanted to host at his apartment—as Julian is invited—but ultimately acquiesces to the country house for the space, isn’t much of a cook but says he’ll bring rolls from a bakery he enjoys, drives in on the day in question with Bunny, gives Francis his opinion on the decor if asked, reads in the sitting room until Julien arrives and the meal begins, carves the turkey
Richard rides with Francis, Camilla, and Charles to the country house the day before, brought canned cranberry sauce, stays out of the dining and living room because Francis is stressing him out, is the taste tester for the twins who are cooking the bulk of the meal, nurses a generous glass of bourbon all day, is the designated potato masher, made sure to meticulously iron his shirt
Bunny rides over the day of with Henry, insisted upon bringing stuffing because he doesn’t trust anyone else to make it the way he likes it, sneaks one of Henry’s rolls much to Henry’s annoyance, day drinks with Charles and Richard, was going to finish up on some homework before the meal but falls asleep in his chair, reaches across to grab sides instead of asking for them and almost catches his sleeve on fire
Camilla is in charge of making the sides so she makes green beans, stuffing (she likes her grandparents’ recipe more than Bunny’s), sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, and roast carrots, sneaks glasses of wine from Francis before the meal, excuses herself before Julian arrives so she can change into a nice blouse for the occasion, keeps up easiest with Julian’s topic changes, picked the music for the evening
Charles prepares the turkey, starts out cooking very meticulously but he gets more lax throughout the process with every drink refill, hovers over Camilla’s shoulder to make sure she got ingredient proportions right, keeps telling Francis that everything he adjusted looks the exact same as it did before, was going to go smoke with Francis but decided against it when Henry went out too (dramatic)
Julian arrives right at 4pm with a nice pumpkin pie that he did not make, compliments the table setup and pretends not to notice Francis’s shoulders slump in relief, gives the toast at the beginning of dinner, will change the conversation topic if it veers into something he finds disinteresting, leaves so he can be home at a crisp 9:30pm
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natsuslover · 1 month
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic todobakudeku headcanons ੈ✩‧₊˚
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✧.* notes— this trio is so chaotic but they lowkey have a cute friendship so i felt they definitely deserved some friendship headcanons
ft. izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugo, shoto todoroki
warnings: minor spoilers but not really?
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they hang out all the time, much to katsuki’s dismay he just gets dragged along before he can even say no
all three of them are huge all might fanboys so whenever they’re at the mall and see limited edition all might merch, well, it’s not a very pretty sight
long story short, they’ve gotten banned from their fair share of stores after things got either blown up or completely burnt to a crisp (but izuku was always able to get away with the merch in hand)
they go to the bookstore together a lot
but izuku is always in the superhero comic section, shoto is in the shoujo manga section, and katsuki will lowkey be flipping through all the non fiction books with tiny ass print
when they were doing their work study at endeavor’s agency, they would go out to eat together a lot
shoto is the mom of the group. no questions.
whenever they’re out in public shoto has to be the mediator to keep katsuki from physically assaulting izuku
in other words, the trio is basically just shoto and izuku being the bestest besties and katsuki getting dragged along everywhere before he has the chance to protest
katsuki’s house is the designated hang out spot (he hates that but can’t really do anything about it)
shoto and izuku just showed up randomly on the front doorstep once and the rest was history
when they’re at school, katsuki’s dorm room is their hang out spot mainly because he never leaves his room and that’s the only way shoto and izuku can force him to to talk to them
the three of them are always doing little group huddle things and their classmates have learned not to question it
“it must be an endeavor agency thing”
shoto is definitely the spender of the group. like he’s always the one that’s paying for food, movie tickets, etc.
izuku and shoto had to help katsuki pick out christmas presents for everyone in class once
katsuki did literally nothing except pay for the stuff once everything was chosen
they go grocery shopping together every once in a while
katsuki hates it at first but he begins to get really comfortable around izuku and shoto and that’s when they become like an actual trio
now they’re always doing shit together like even going to the bathroom
they’re pretty much conjoined triplets who used to hate each other at some point
they definitely have weekly gossip sessions and trauma dumps where they just sit and talk shit about anyone and everyone and they rant about their lives and stuff
and they definitely tell each other all their secrets like middle school girls at a sleepover
all three of them have the most intimidating group side eye when they see something weird in public
like shoto and izuku are generally nice people but they became more and more judgmental after spending so much time with katsuki and now they look mean asf
they have a habit of randomly bumping into each other at the most random ass places
once they all ran into each other at a maid cafe and just silently decided to hang out after that
and they never mentioned that incident to anyone
but shoto and izuku made fun of katsuki for being at the cafe for a long time afterwards
basically this trio is the most unexpectedly cute trio i have ever witnessed and i hope the three of them can grow together and stay friends forever <3
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mintelsa · 4 months
another star wars costume design rant:
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LIKE THIS??? sexy hot. The BELTS!? So good. The cut is so nice. Overall just so mouth watering. It’s very similar to the Imperial tunics but yet distinctly different. Love the rank insignia on the collar, the buckles on the belts. So crisp. Mm.
and then …
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THESE are your combat versions????The green!? Atrocious. Abhorrant. I honestly think the color is the main issue. But the cut is soooo unflattering! It’s so bulky and stuffy.
anyways thanks for listening
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sherashalala · 10 months
Muriel had been doing what they always do best: Organizing. As a Scrivener of the 37th class, Muriel has a lot of experience with organizing, especially since everyone up there always loves it when things are neat and orderly and has no signs of anyone going through it. 
Everything looks the same, and everything, even the labels, are by memory. Nothing is different between shelves. 
This, however, is such a wonder. Colorful, and so diverse, like the Humans are, and how the Angels in Heaven had tried to be. After everyone figured that She loved the humans so much more than she did her Angels, it became all the craze, to take their Form and cherish it just as She had– and the Demons were a mockery of Her design.
However, these books were not by Her design. At least, not directly. These are by the hands of so many different humans.
Muriel radiates Love into every piece of parchment they touch, and makes sure that an equal amount of care and a good dose of miracles are doused on every page to keep it fresh and crisp for when Aziraphale comes back– and for when Crowley decides to visit.
Neither of which has happened for the past six months, which makes this place… rather lonely.
Still, Muriel is an Angel, and she has lots of Love to give.
Their daily routine of rearranging all the books in the bookshop from A to Z and sometimes spicing it up with Z to A is cut off by a sudden sound behind them. They jump, and admittedly they yelp, when the sound echoes at the door and even rings the bell a little.
Muriel approaches the door, and opens it, only to see a Demon at the other side. “Hello! Might I come in? Just a regular check up to make sure the coast is clear of the demon Crowley!” He says in a chipper tone, waving his hands at Muriel.
They blink. “Oh, uhm, I’m not supposed to be welcoming people willy nilly into the bookshop, sorry!” Muriel says with a polite grimace.
“Ah! No that’s perfectly alright,” They wave their hand placatingly at Muriel. “Just need your word that you haven’t seen the guy in a good while now. Also your name, for documentation purposes.”
Muriel smiles. “Ah! Yes. I’m Muriel.” Then they blink. “My word?”
“Well of course! You’re an Angel, Angels don’t lie.”
Muriel blinks, “Oh, oh yes thank you. You’re quite right about that!” Muriel clears their throat. “Well, Demon–” they blink, “Sorry what was your name again?”
“Eric. Eric the Disposable Demon.” He tells them.
They frown. “That’s not very nice.”
“Well it’s true! Pretty disposable.” They pat their chest, “And Proud!”
“Ah, right. Sorry, Pride is not one of my strong suits!”
Eric nods. “Of course, you’re an Angel after all.” Eric laughs. “Now, uhm, word please?”
“Ah! Yes, of course.” Muriel clears their throat. “Disposable Demon Eric,” Muriel says in a booming voice. “This Embassy of Heaven is Clear of any Threat– there has been no signs of the Demon Crowley in months now!” They announce.
The demon nods. “Great! Terrible meeting you.” He waves, and steps back.
“Wonderful meeting you Eric!” Muriel says, and shuts the door.
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Meeting your lich boss
General Plot: You get a new job working for a very strange man
Lich (Lauden) x female reader
Part One, Part Two
Word Count: 2k
W: sfw monster fluff, descriptions of domestic abuse and old injuries eventually in part two, so you might not want to start this if that bothers you, yandere behavior
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“These are…all…the files?” you asked the woman who hired you, Sherry, as she piled a bunch of folders on your desk. 
“Yup this is it,” she said flashing you a sympathetic smile, “the last girl wasn’t much help so they are a mess. We’re lucky what we do have doesn’t have gum stuck to it.” 
She put a hand on yours. 
“Don’t take anything Mr. Heron says personally,” she reassured you, “he’s good looking, but he’s a dick.” 
This wasn’t the first time one of your new coworkers had said this about your boss Lauden Heron, CEO of Heron Consulting. You were his new secretary after the last one had been chased out in tears. Apparently Lauden wasn’t a nice man. 
“I’m sure I’ll be fine,” you assured her. You were an experienced secretary. You’d worked with one of the most well known, discerning CEO’s in the area, Gloria Errolt. She was a titan in the shipping industry, energetic, and had put you through your paces. Now you were a confident, professional who could handle any situation set in front of you no matter how challenging. 
Sherry glanced at her watch. 
“Oh, I’d better make myself scarce, he’ll be here soon,” she said, then looked at you apologetically, “I’m sorry…I mean…” 
You waved her away and gave her a placating smile. 
“I’ll be fine, Sherry,” you assured her. 
She winced at you, but nodded and scampered away. 
You flipped through the files, quickly organizing them by date and urgency based on what you had already learned from Sherry about Lauden’s accounts. You were a really good secretary and had them quickly in perfect order. 
As the doors to the executive suite opened, you hopped up to greet your new employer. 
“Good morning Mr. Heron,” you beamed, sticking out your hand, “I’m (Y/N), your new secretary. I look forward to working with you. If there is anything at all I can do to make your life more streamlined please let me know.” 
The man in front of you was huge with broad shoulders stuffed into an immaculately tailored designer suit. His blonde, almost white, hair was cropped and slicked into a neat coiff. He was good looking as Sherry had said, but you noticed his skin was far paler than you were used to seeing. It almost looked a bit gray. He looked down his straight nose at you with disdain in his ice blue eyes. You were confused for a moment as he almost seemed to be sniffing the air like he smelled something foul. 
“You?” he asked flatly, raising an eyebrow. 
You frowned and pulled your hand away, smoothing your pencil skirt. 
“I assure you I come with the best qualifications,” you explained, “I graduated from (Y/C) and worked for Gloria Errolt for five years. I’m sure you’ve heard of her.” 
He thought for a moment, but his eyebrow didn’t lower. 
“Yes, I suppose I do know Ms. Errolt,” he said, his voice deep and crisp. 
You picked up a notepad from your desk and a pen. 
“I’m here to streamline your workflow,” you said, “so I’ll need to know the personal appointments you need me to manage. Your former secretary didn’t leave me any notes on your preferences. So I’ll need to know how you take your coffee, as well, and a few other things, but baby steps. You have an appointment this morning so I can’t take too much of your time.” 
He blinked at you as if no one had asked him this before. What had his last secretary been doing? 
“Personal…appointments?” he asked. 
You waved at him.
“Oh you know, wife I need to buy flowers for, kids I need to remind the nanny to pick up from school. Work and life overlap, I have to manage all of that for you for things to move along smoothly,” you explained, “I saw all of your appointments on your calendar, but nothing about your family. We can’t expect you to remember your wife’s birthday, can we?”
You chuckled nervously, trying to lighten the mood with a little joke, but Lauden’s mouth was a flat line.
“No.” he said as if that meant something.
“No…? What?” you asked, your pen hovering over the pad of paper. 
“No,” he snapped, sidestepping you and marching into his office, slamming the door behind him. 
You blinked after him. Your coworkers were right, he was kind of a dick. 
It took you a few hours to strategize your next meeting with your boss. You’d worked with flighty CEO’s before. They all thought they were eccentric geniuses and had to be handled with kid gloves. Lauden’s attitude did nothing to put you off, you only needed to figure out how to approach him. 
You knocked lightly on his door, carrying the stack of files you’d carefully reviewed, highlighted and tabbed where he needed to sign. Ignoring his disgruntled glare as you entered without being invited you shuffled around him, carefully laying out the files by which was more important.
“You will need to complete these this morning so I can send them off this afternoon,” you told him, then pulled out your pad, “and I’ll need to know your regular club to make reservations for lunch.” 
Gloria had taught you that every CEO had lunch at a private club where they could schmooze with their peers. He examined the files, his mouth opening slightly. 
“You did all this?” he asked, thumbing through the papers. 
“Is there a problem?” 
You looked over his shoulder for errors, but everything seemed in order. 
He frowned. 
“It’s all organized…and labeled.” 
That sounded a bit like an accusation but not a complaint so you ignored it.
“Your regular club?” you prompted. You couldn’t let CEO’s get lost in their own thoughts. They had a tendency to be flighty and needed to be redirected or you would never get them back on task. 
“No.” he grunted. 
You looked down at him. 
“You prefer to eat at your desk?” you asked, surprised.
“I don’t eat,” he hissed and your eyebrows went up. 
“Ooookay,” you said, jotting that down on your notepad, no family, no food.
“You know, sir. I’m extremely discrete. You don’t have to worry about me sharing any of the details of your personal life, I’m here to make things easier for you.” 
“Get out!” he snapped. 
You folded your notepad in your hand and marched back to your desk. He was a tough cookie, but you were going to figure him out. You’d figured out Gloria and you’d get him too. You were a really good secretary. 
The next few weeks you enacted your plan of being the world’s best secretary, but you couldn’t help but notice some strange things about Lauden.
One, he appeared to have no family or friends. He didn’t make or take any personal calls. He never texted anyone and as far as you could tell he didn’t even have a personal email account. No one came to visit him and he never met anyone for lunch. He simply worked through the hour as if it were any other. You knew he went straight home after work because you organized the car service that took him there. 
The second strange thing was he didn’t eat. Not in a health nut sort of way, picking over calories and drinking loads of water. He didn’t consume anything...at all. You never saw him drink a cup of coffee or even eat one of the little candies you kept on your desk. You’d asked him if he preferred coffee or tea so you could stock some and he just ordered you out of his office. 
Third, when Lauden did actually address you it always seemed like he was sniffing you. Occasionally you’d glance down to see him leaning into your sweater while you arranged his daily documents on his desk. You’d tried to drop hints to see if he had some problem with certain smells, but he never picked up on them. You finally stopped wearing perfume, afraid it was bothering him. 
After two weeks of hard work he wasn’t any nicer to you. He ordered you out of his office as an answer to 70% of your questions, but you still plugged along, arranging his appointments and organizing his documents, doing your best to make his life easier. 
Lauden thought he was going mad. You were the best secretary he’d ever had and you smelled like sugar cookies. Everywhere you went you trailed the sweet smell of sugar and vanilla behind you. It was all over his desk. In every hallway. There wasn’t a place he could go in the office to escape it.
He hadn’t eaten a sugar cookie in hundreds of years but his mouth watered every morning when you bent over his desk with his papers for the day. It was driving him insane. He wanted to fuck you then eat you.
It was unusual for many reasons. After he’d surrendered his mortal corpse and a virgin sacrifice to the dark god for eternal life he hadn’t really had a sex drive. His senses had dulled with death and his cock was one of the first things to go cold. But with you around he spent eight hours with an almost constant erection. You didn’t help wiggling around in those tight little pencil skirts. 
Additionally, you weren’t his usual type of meal. He liked to suck the life force from twisted victims who really deserved their bodies to be shriveled and desicated before their eyes, while they still lived. Only after death to find themselves trapped in the limbo of a void in his chest.
He had thousands of wailing souls floating around in him begging for the mercy of release, but as long as he lived that would never happen and he could torture them for their misdeeds. He thrived off of their pain. You were too sweet to be a satisfying conquest. It would be like killing and eating a baby chick. He would never stop hearing your sad wailing inside of him and the idea was crushing. 
 He did his best to keep you away from him. He would have fired you if you weren’t so damn good at your job. You knew everything he needed before he anticipated it and his productivity had tripled since Sherry had hired you.
The secretary before you had no idea how to use a cloud based appointment platform that provided him with your carefully written meeting notes fifteen minutes before his appointments directly to his phone.
She’d barely been able to use a word document, but somehow you’d managed to link the database you’d created for expenses to Quickbooks to streamline the reporting process with accounting.
That was just the start.
You were a really , really, really good secretary and now that he’d had a few weeks with you, he realized the truth…he couldn’t live without you. 
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starflungwaddledee · 3 months
do you have any tips for leaving compliments on other people's art ?? your tags are always so well phrased !
oooo oooooooooooooo uuhhhhhhhh hmmm!
firstly, thank you!! i'm rather glad to hear that! i try quite hard to leave meaningful comments so it's nice when folks notice or appreciate it!
outside of commenting on the work, i first consider the tone of what i'm saying and who i'm saying it to.
i always try to make sure that what i'm saying will be appreciated by the person! that's the point. for the most part i leave comments to bring joy to the op, and thank them for their hard work, for being here and sharing art that made me happy! if i'm speaking to a mutual or friend, there's gonna be inside jokes and probably an amount of casual yelling. possibly even a little friendly roast, if i know them well enough. if i'm speaking with someone i don't know as well i try to keep it a little more professional, but i keep in mind that this is a fandom so an amount of yelling and screaming is expected. i tend to think about what i would like from someone else.
also if i notice that a caption or a blogs about is not in english i double check. if english is not the first language of the artist i make sure to construct tags that are easily translated and i use only and exclusively positive phrases. saying things like "delete this!!!! /pos" or "eating my own hands" can be totally lost in translation. i also keep in mind the age of the OP. don't tag as though you're Looking Disrespectfully at the art of a minor, even if that's your favourite blorbo.
as for how to comment on art or storytelling itself, this is indeed a learned skill, and it can be helped by training your eye to understand different things in artwork. but it's easy to start practicing! this is intuitive to me now, but an easy way to begin is to pick out one or two things that really stand out to you on a piece. (examples could be line quality; is it smooth? neat? textured? full of emotion?, shading: is it crisp? atmospheric? realistically rendered?, or colour choice: is it vibrant? is it moody? is it perfectly on model?) and draw attention to them and how the artist successfully used them to make the piece work.
if the piece includes design-work, pick something of that which you like as well. (clothes, colour choices, abilities, parallels to other characters, totally new or unique concepts that you haven't seen before. if you see your favourite colour combos or notions, let them know, but if it's a stranger remember they made the design for themselves, and you just share (good) tastes!) if you really want to make an artist/designer/storyteller's day, try to find the Little Thing that they've snuck into their art or design that ties into the story or lore that they are telling. even guesses to this end tend to be appreciated!
generally useful things you can also comment on are how well an artist has utilised a medium for its strengths, especially if the medium is a little unusual. if someone @'d me in particular i make sure to acknowledge that too because they probably read me for something and i should acknowledge the effort!
another thing i also always, always encourage, is to try to periodically share and comment on the work of people who are either less experienced or who have less visibility than you. especially if you have more of a platform! if you want to keep your blog clean of too many reblogs for aesthetic or professional reasons you can even go through and remove them later, but sharing the work of smaller accounts- even temporarily- makes such a huge difference! and encouraging + supporting younger or beginner artists is something we should be endeavouring to do as much as possible!
at the end of the day, i always just try to be very earnest in my tags.
there is generally no reason to withhold any praises i can think of, because it's usually nice to have your work perceived and appreciated! i personally loooovvve long rambling tags, screaming tags, stuff like "AAHH NOOOOOOO (THE BLORBO)" and so on. i try to leave the kind of thoughtful comments that i like (and am lucky enough) to receive, and i try to share artwork from a wide variety of people!
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wisteriagoesvroom · 2 months
Re: suits, there are hundreds of different types of suits, but the most common cuts are british, american and italian. I could see Lando (aka would love to see) most likely in an italian cut (slim tailoring on trousers and jacket, unstructured shoulders, light cloth (not colour but fabric) also looks very nice with an open collar and no tie...). Typical big brand names here are Zegna, Armani or Attolini, I personally love Kiton and Brioni as well, but just googling itlian cut suits should show some good results.
For Oscar, I would adore a (for once) properly tailored brutish cut suit (higher waistline for the trousers, more structure in the shoulders, tapered waist, thicker fabrics). Maybe even make it a proper three-piece bc ever since the wetsuit pics from Australia, I think we all agree that those curves need to be shown more often. Examples here are Ted Baker, Dunhill and ofc everything Savile row.
Tho if we keep with the Mclaren sponsors, Reiss does some great work as well. There's a double-breasted tuxedo jacket in this year's collection that I would love to see Lando in (then again tuxedos are a whole nother topic ...)
This got very long and is probably not very helpful but I love infodumping about fashion lol <3
i know you were self conscious about writing at length about this but all i have to say is: yes. here is some additional photographic evidence from my POV;
lando in snazzy italian tailoring, but to take the stylised vector a bit further:
exhibit a: asymmetric waistcoat with steampunk details
exhibit b: italian but with a fun pattern
exhibit c: open collar a step further, he could so rock a 70s suit. also just really need him to rock the gucci glasses with some shiny loafers like he’s sooooo got that vibe. im thinking how bruno mars and harry styles wear that kind of suiting sometimes
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now to our elusive chanteuse f1 driver oscar jack. i feel like it’s, like what you described, about a classic style but with really fine details. good fabrics, simple cuts, plain colourways. below is pretty stylised but also this is rpf and it’s my playground and if we were claiming realism we should just put the rpf toys down full stop and i am not doing that!!
if taking a costume designer’s perspective too, there could be soooo much you could say with layering and pattern and contrast depending where we are in the story or plot. the idea of fic!oscar in a classic brit cut suit with tiny revealing details like a handkerchief (lando’s) or a button (a nod to a family member or a friend) is very dear to me.
the other option i like is a classic tux jacket with tails and crisp shirt and a a sky blue handkerchief, like idk that image also tickles me for some reason.
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anyway so i had been thinking about a tailor AU- *loud scuffling noise as i try to put wayward au ideas back in their box*
p.s. oscar in dunhill... like u were cooking but u especially cooked w that one....
and tagging the people who might be interested in this conversation i invite y’all to weigh in!! @cx-boxbox @kichona-s and @jusst-you-race
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morrak · 5 months
Untitled Wednesday Library Series, Part 139
I’m in the middle of several very interesting lit searches at work, but few of the results are worth talking about in isolation. Until that somehow changes, more stuff from the shelves will do.
Franz Sales Meyer’s Handbook of Ornament: A Grammar of Art, Industrial and Architectural Designing in All Its Branches for Practical as Well as Theoretical Use in a 2014 reproduction of Dover’s 1957 edition. This is basically a final comprehensive edition, precursors to which go back as far as 1888 — or 1892(?) in English — some of which you can find good scans of on (e.g.) the Internet Archive.
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The How
$2 in a thrift store endcap display -> neuron activation.
The Text
‘If we collect, into groups, the bases or motives of decoration, omitting what is non-essential and detached, we arrive at the classification given in the following pages.’ Thanks, Franz.
His arrangement of these bases or motives is (thank fuck) by principle rather than movement, which does a lot to make the sparing exposition work cleanly. The vocabulary is specific and the tone is exactly what you might expect from a late 20th century European professor of ornament. This translation is…conservative. Many nouns retain capital first letters; sentence structure is nebensatzed all over; it’s hard to say how many of these key words are actually mapped to their most appropriate English counterparts.
Not included here are any explanations of construction or guidance for use — this is a catalog and a visual reference only. Meyer’s earlier folio, Ornamentale Formenlehre, allegedly exists ‘for the purposes of tuition’ if that’s your remit.
The Object
‘3003 illustrations’ counts each numbered component of the 300 plates as well as chapter headers and sundry. All very beautifully done, though often tiny — I don’t know how large the original editions were, but the Formenlehre had them 2.5 times that size, where I expect they played a lot better.
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(‘The Halberd, &c.’ Hell yeah, brother.)
Given this is a reproduction of a reprint, I’m really impressed. Crisp in text and plate; all the hatching is still clean and there’s no artifacting to speak of. Genuinely nice printing, though obviously the binding is cheap and stiff and hard to photograph or scan. Thankfully whatever previous owner(s) this had kept it well enough.
The Why, Though?
Apart from the aforementioned neuron activation? Quick lookup for otherwise difficult-to-search words, I suppose. The section on heraldry is both thorough and genuinely easy to parse, which is a combination I’ve never found. Even though it’s not organized by movement (and even though I don’t know that I particularly trust the author’s knowledge or just-so explanations of historical trends) there are some nice sketches of period and style through time per motif. Mostly for drawing and design reference, though — for my very causal needs (e.g. the long-term lathe refinishing project) figure this is going to be very handy.
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iluvtreyparker · 8 months
Not Yet
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-mentions of alcohol and being tipsy (while they both have a few beers I want to stress that they’re not drunk, I didn’t intend for them to be portrayed as drunk and that all sex was consensual!!!)
-this is my first fanfic idk how to format this
-im obsessed w that pic of Trey I hope u imagine that Trey during this cuz that’s what was on my mind
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday was seeming to grow into an agonizing gift from the gods, or whoever was out there running the show. Waking up seemed to have purpose again; barely making it out the door on time shifted into early mornings crafting carefully coordinated outfits; messy, unwashed hair turned into delicately designed pig tails or braids. For the first time in a very long time, the idea of a class at 9 am was no longer a borderline debilitating task, but like a cup of coffee on a crisp fall morning. Stepping foot in the classroom was like that first sip of coffee passing down your throat and warming your whole body, freeing you from the morning’s chill. You stood before the door, prepping yourself for 50 minutes of pure distraction and inevitable and uncontrollable thoughts, sweet dreams of delusion of a man who you thought barely remembered your name. You sighed deeply. It was time. You pressed open the door and scanned the room for him, in the most natural looking way you could.
“Good morning!” He said with sincerity in his smile.
“Good morning..” you choked out, just a millisecond late enough to make yourself feel awkward about the interaction.
You thought to yourself, “Jesus Christ he was so sweet. He said hello to me. He probably says hello to everyone. But he said it to me today. He wanted you so badly didn’t he. No. No. You have to get yourself together, he’s a man in his 40’s and he is your professor, he’s a very kind man simply greeting you on this fine morning. But wouldn’t it be nice if he wanted me.”
You took your seat near the back of the small auditorium and got yourself settled in. Pretending you be on your laptop you peered above it, getting him in your view. He was still gathering himself together to begin class, as there were a few minutes remaining before the clock would strike 9. You looked upon him as he fiddled with papers. How did you get here? At this university? This major? This class? This specific section? And THIS professor? It didn’t matter, you were here. And there he was.
The way his salt and pepper stubble ruggedly graced his face, his very worn long sleeve t shirt that he must’ve been wearing since before you were out of middle school even, his messy hair undergoing the effects of aging, gently receding in a way that was beginning to leave a patch a the top but something about the way he rocked it pulled you to him a little bit more. He was just an older man, but damn there was something about him. It wasn’t just his looks that captivated you. It was the cadence with which he spoke, the way he could fill up the most casual, unprofessional sentence with an air of eloquence. The way he could make anything make sense. His mind was vast, woven with intricacies of which you felt you could probably never comprehend. And dammit was he funny, and so clever.
Class has started and you sat there, watching intently as he paced around the front of the room, talking about who knows what, God knows you weren’t listening, going on beautifully worded tangents every now and again. He mentioned something about a quiz but all you could think about was how he was in bed. Was he a hair grabber? What day was this quiz? He’s gotta be packing right? It’s on chapter 4? You wanted to put your hands on each side of his face, feeling his graying stubble and pull him in for a kiss, letting each other’s tongues tango and wander to wherever they ended up.
He was talking about something being wrong with the textbook, cursing the idiot writer and the dipshit who edited it and whatever numbskull allowed it to be published, but the articulation of his perfectly chosen words only made you think about what all he could do with his tongue, especially if he was between your thighs. Was he good? He had to be. You just sensed it. He would spread your thighs, look up at you with lust before going down on you, he would know just how to move his tongue, you knew it. And maybe he would start to tease you. He would stop and then begin rubbing your clit only to slide 2 fingers down and into you when you least expected. He would start pumping slowly, starting to curl his fingers up inside you, and holy fuck, when you thought it couldn’t get any better he brought his head down and started using his tongue again while inside you, Jesus Christ alfuckingmighty, and then he would- You felt the room start to blur out as if it were just you and him in an empty auditorium, your cheeks were growing warm and your stomach in a knot. Lord, you felt you needed him so badly. Never had a professor or person in general made you feel this way. It was carnal. Snap out of it. You were going too far again. If you thought anything else you might just have get up and uh.. take a… “bathroom break”… You would never really do that, but he had you so strung up you needed a release so badly. There were only 10 minutes left of class and you tried to ease your mind and maybe attempt to learn something. 10 long minutes of fighting off inappropriate thoughts and watching each minute in agony go by on the clock. But in time, it was over. You quickly grabbed all your belongings and shoved them in your bag with haste, you just wanted to get out of there because partly you felt bad about how far you let your mind wander. You made your way down the short length of auditorium stairs, getting closer to him with each step. He stood near the door, waving a slight goodbye or have a good day to the occasional student who prompted it. You kept your head down, you dreaded passing him, you felt like your thoughts were so loud that he had to have heard them. Like he knew every single thing you wanted him to do to you. Closer and closer you got, mere seconds feeling like hours the closer you got to his presence, you were almost wincing. So close to the door, you would make it. He was right there, you were coming up to him, just nearly about to pass him and get out of there. Until. You sensed a disturbance in your personal bubble. Dear god. He stopped you,
“Hey, Y/N?” He said.
Stunned, frozen in time almost. Are you fucking kidding? Out of all days. You didn’t know what to do, mind racing, you felt your cheeks growing increasingly warm and knew that by the time you turned to face him you would be brighter than the reddest tomato ever grown. You were feeling so warm that surely, your cheeks must be akin to a 3rd degree sunburn, they were so hot they had to have been blistering too, right? Most of the students had filed around you out of the class as the interaction ensued. It was just you two now.
“Uh.. yes..” you managed to spit out.
He stood with a concerned stature, one hand on his hip,
“Are you okay today? You seemed a little off in class today. I just noticed you seemed a little out of it and I thought I would check in.”
Jesus Christ. So he noticed you? He looked at you? He thought about… you?
“Oh! Uh. Yeah…” you trailed off, “… uh. Yeah! Yeah I’m doing okay. Just been a little distracted today is all. I just uh. Adhd. Forgot my medicine today. That’s it! Ha!”
Fucking facepalm. It wasn’t a lie about the ADHD, but you had taken your medicine, and that had in fact probably helped you focus so intently on thinking lewd thoughts about the tall man before you. But god, did you have to overshare like that? Even if it was a only slight stretch of the truth.
“Oh, okay, it happens, Y'know. Glad you’re good! I’ll see you on Wednesday,” he said with a reassuring smile.
“Yep! See you Wednesday!” You stumbled out the door and sped walked without any hesitation to your car. Your mind was blank the whole time until you opened the door and sat down behind the wheel.
God. He was sexy. The way his voice rolled out of his mouth was smooth like butter and it had your knees weak as you thought back on the words he had said to you. You drove home and immediately fell onto the bed and took a nice nap.
As the evening rolled around you started feeling increasingly bored, lonely, and antsy. This was the great combination of feelings that lead you right down the path of deciding to, on a Monday night, hit the bars. For once, you thought, you didn’t exactly want to get totally wasted, but just sit with a beer and be somewhere other than stuck in your room mulling over the woes of life. You’d rather be stuck in a bar, a place with atmosphere and distractions and beer, mulling over life. You had been to most of the bars on the square, and almost decided on going to your favorite one where they knew you, which seems like the best and obvious choice, but something told you otherwise. There was one bar, which you realized you had never been in. It was a sports bar, so this made sense. But tonight you thought, why not? Something new for a dull night? Who knows, maybe you’d meet somebody. Something pulled you to it. It was relatively empty, a few guys were watching the game, but otherwise empty. You sat down at the bar, showed your ID and what not and ordered a Coors Banquet. You sat for a while, almost forcing yourself to try and care about the game on tv. It was the Bengals and some other team who you didn’t really know or care about. You didn’t care about the Bengals either but you knew who they were.
Time passed and you stared, distracted, into your beverage, zoning out the world around you… until… the familiar feeling of someone sitting down right next to you broke your focus on the beer bottle.
“Banquet girl, huh?”
No way. It was him.
“Holy shit,” you said instinctually, “Professor…Parker…” you trailed off in disbelief.
“Uh, yeah,” you continued, “I am a coors banquet girl for sure. Used to be miller lite until I discovered ol banquet. Coors lite on the other hand… that’s just straight piss water”
Embarrassed about saying piss water to your professor, who was sitting next you you at a bar nonetheless, you tried not to bury your face deeply into your hands and scream a guttural scream.
“Piss water huh…?” he giggled, “I always kinda liked coors lite.” He smiled.
There was a brief, stagnant moment of silence, who knows how long it lasted but it was enough for him to decide to clear his throat and break it,
“So… I saw you sitting all alone, I just thought I’d come over here and say hi, hopefully an old guy like me won’t bother you too much, I can sit somewhere else though if you’d like. You just looked a little lonely staring at your beer like that.”
“Oh. Yeah. No, that's fine yeah, keep sitting here.”
This was mind blowing to say the least, it didn’t feel real. He was so close to you. He was so close you could reach out and put your arms around him, embracing his body heat. You tried not to dwell in order to hold a normal conversation, but he was so close you could smell the hint of Old Spice lingering on him. And with just that whiff you caught, it drove you mad. Of course he would wear Old Spice.
“So… I guess… What’re you up to being here tonight?” You asked, unable to think of anything to say.
“I just came here to watch the game. I’m not really all that interested but, Yknow, I guess I just wanted to get out. Really I should be asking you what YOU’RE up to, hitting the bars on a Monday night, miss ma’am.”
Miss ma’am??? What were you? A child or perhaps a naughty cat being scolded? That’s what that sounded like. But maybe you kind of liked it… especially coming from him.
You took a moment to breathe in, “Well, if you must know, miss ma’am here enjoys the fact that there are no covers at the bars on Monday nights,” you paused, “And I just like to sit and think with a beer I guess, and I don’t always want to do it alone in my room. Gets kinda sad after a while y’know”
“Oh, I know,” he responded.
There was another moment of silence filling up the space between you, but it felt more natural this time.
“So, The Cure?” He pointed at your shirt, “I love The Cure!”
“They’re my favorite band!” You say excitedly.
He looks at you with a jokingly cocky expression, “Yknow, I don’t mean to toot my own horn or anything, but after college I made a movie and guess who loved it? Robert Smith!”
“Holy shit???” You blurt out, “Robert Smith?? And?- hold on you- you made a goddamn movie?? Dude!”
As if he couldn’t get any hotter. He made a movie. That your own hero Robert Smith was allegedly into. He could’ve been lying for all you know, but you trusted every word he said. After a bit of beer consumption you were starting to feel more comfortable and natural talking to him, but in the back of your mind you still couldn’t quiet down the thoughts of everything you wanted to do with him.
“Ah it’s nothin,” he said
“Nothin? No!! You have to show me!”
“Oh don’t know about that… it’s a little inappropriate…”
Inappropriate? Trey Parker? God this pulled you in. You couldn’t believe he made a movie, and an allegedly inappropriate one? You had to see this. Now felt like the time, after a beer and a half you were starting to feel more bold. It was now or never. Before you thought about it to hard, the words were already leaving your lips,
“It may be bold and completely out of line, though I have drank this beverage a bit fast so I’m feeling willing to say more than I should, however, I feel inclined to ask… if you might want to come to my apartment and maybe… you could show me your movie…”
He looked stunned. But you could tell by the look behind his eyes. He had been around long enough to know. And thankfully, to your completely dismay, he replied with a smile,
You stepped into his car, and the two of you drove back in mostly silence other than your telling directions back to your apartment. It didn’t feel real. You sat in his passenger seat, looking out the window, feeling warmth in your cheeks, wondering if maybe, since you had successfully lured him to your apartment, he might let you call him by his first name.
“Hey…” you decided to go for the question, nervous on how it would go over.
“Hm?” He said softly, looking over at you slightly but maintaining his focus on the road.
“How mad would you be if I um, if I referred you Trey tonight…? Yknow since…” you trailed off, “since y'know…”
“I don’t think I would be mad at all, Y/N.” He said we a reassuring smile.
You gave a quick tour of the place and then offered up the couch, you sat on one end, politely urging him to sit himself down with you. He placed himself on the other end of the couch at an almost awkward, but definitely safe distance.
“You could sit a little closer y’know.“ you said
“I suppose I could”
He moves a little closer but, still a safe difference. If there was ever a time to use your feminine wiles, you thought, it was now. You knew what you wanted but could barely believe you were in this position anyways.
“I don’t bite or nothin. I mean, I usually don’t anyways”
He lightly giggled, but you could sense the gears turning in his head, and you wondered if he had processed your attempt at flirting. He scooted over closer to you, legs almost touching.
The movie had begun playing, and you teased him about his outfit in the film, and the fact that it was called Orgazmo. But after a little while, something came over you, you just couldn’t hold it anymore. Before you knew it you felt your hand moving towards his thigh. Isn’t this usually a man’s move? You really didn’t care. It’s what you wanted and it felt right. In an instant you felt your palm press against the fabric. You looked up to him for reassurance and he gave you a look that let you know it was okay. Within seconds you felt your body rush with warmth as he leaned swiftly in, placing his hand on the side of your face, pulling you in a locking lips.
Holy fuck? Its happening? Play it cool.
His scruff scratches lightly against your skin. Fuck, he could give you rug burn if he wanted to, you’d let him. Your bodies moved together with the passion of the kiss, feeling around each other as his tongue danced against yours in your mouth. You felt a pressure on your chest as he reached in to grab your boobs, releasing a breathy sigh on impact into your mouth. You found your hand on his thigh again, grasping into it briefly, then running your hand up slowly until you reached his inner thigh. You stopped here for a moment before moving to the big bulge in his pants, rubbing and stroking it through the fabric and feeling it get even harder as you do so.
“Fuck,” he lets out a groan.
He hastily begins fiddling with his pants button pulling them down and off to expose his boxers. He grabs you and pulls you up on his lap, your legs straddled around him, and begins grinding against you, moving your hips against his lap and confined length which ached to be inside you.
You couldn’t take it anymore, you found yourself peeling your shorts off with vigor in order to feel even closer to him and the raging hard on rubbing against you. He sat you back down and pulled you in even harder, breathing heavily with each of his movements against you.
“Please, Trey,” you begged, “I need you to put it in”
“Not yet,” he smiled.
He lifted you up as he stood, and carried you off to your bedroom, laying you down on the bed hurriedly, but with care. With both of you on the bed he slid off your shirt, throwing it to the floor; then crawling up to you for a kiss, he places his hands firmly on your boobs. He moves down, grabbing one gently and putting it in his mouth, his tongue swirling around your nipple as he looks up at you with needy blue eyes. He begins to trail down, leaving a line of tender yet sloppy kisses down your torso as he approaches your underwear. It almost made you shiver, the closer he got.
“Is this okay? You’re okay with doing this?” He asked, looking up at you.
You nodded with a subtle bite of the lip, as you felt you couldn’t handle another second without him inside you.
“Are you sure?” He asked again.
“Yes. Please. I need you right now,” you wined in response.
He got off the bed and stood up, tearing off his shirt with haste and sliding off his boxers, allowing his hard length to fling out, giving it a few pumps as he approached the bed again. Back on the bed, he spreads your legs in preparation to take him. He leans in, taking his cock and rubbing the tip against your clit, teasing you, forcing you to wait even longer.
“You’re so wet for me, huh?” he said slyly and proudly as he continued to tease you.
“Please put it in,” you begged.
He grinned and you felt him enter, pushing himself in slowly, all the way, letting out a groan as he did so, and then waiting just a moment, fully inside you, before he began thrusting. He started slowly, getting you used to the length, quickly picking up the pace. You ran your hands down his chest, feeling all of his hair and the burgeoning sweat within it. He was pumping in and out of you rhythmically, absolutely wracking your brain, and with his thrusting came the occasional groan, or “ah” or “fuck.” He put his hand behind your head and leaned in to kiss you sloppily, letting lust take the two of you over.
All of a sudden he pulled out, just barely out of you, his tip almost touching your entrance. He watched the confusion on your face as he hadn’t yet gone back in, knowing how badly you wanted him back, he began to tease you.
“How badly do you want it?”
“So badly, please”
“Not yet,” he said, “I want to hear you beg.”
“Fuck. Please fuck me,” you pleaded.
He grinned and pushed back inside you with delicate force, putting his hands on side of your waist and pulling you into each thrust. He leaned in for a kiss and you took the opportunity to pull him in to you even closer, chests touching, feeling his warmth. He nestled his head in your neck, sucking lightly, enough to titillate but not leave a mark. You held tightly onto his back, trying to keep yourself from digging into it and scratching him, but maybe he would like that, you thought. As he thrusted, you bucked your hips against him, fucking him back. He let out a moan into your ear, unable to hold it in any longer. You could sense that rush flooding in, trying to overtake you, you tried to push back in order to keep yourself going longer but it was growing increasingly obvious that the time was nearing. You could feel within his recent movements that he was in a similar boat. He leaned in for one more kiss, letting out a moan, “Uugh, fuck,” into your mouth as he did so. With this you found yourself unable to hold it in.
“Trey, I’m gonna cum,” you moan, pulling him in as hard and close as you possibly could, bucking your hips hard, riding out the high as you felt your body nearly shaking against his.
He continued pumping, almost reaching that same limit himself, with your own release pushing him over the edge. He pulled out quickly with an “ah” pumping along his cock as he aimed it towards your tits. He kept pumping, letting out sounds of ecstasy and relief, spurting his cum all over your chest.
“Shit,” he exhaled, while flopping over and laying next to you. You noticed some of his cum had landed on his stomach, sitting lightly on his happy trail.
“Hey, you got a lil sumthin,” you said with a point and a smile.
“Oh…” he looked down at himself and then looked at you, remembering how much he had doused you, “Oh! I’ll get a towel!”
You told him where to find one and he soon returned wielding a washcloth, he gently cleaned you up before tossing the towel off the side of the bed, then laying back down beside you.
“So uh… does this warrant me getting some extra credit?” You joked.
He laughed lightly and responded, “Oh, after that? You just passed the class with flying colors.”
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livielizardcos · 10 months
taking some time today to discuss xiao! specifically the upgrades i made to him for metrocon 2023. i did so much experimenting with new techniques and materials, so i wanted to share that here to document, and maybe inspire some of my fellow artists/cosplayers!
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i don’t think i could ever properly explain how happy i was after remaking xiao’s shirt. the previous version (which was purchased) fit really poorly, and the fabric was not great. it constantly pulled out from the waist of the pants and it practically blocked any airflow. the solution was simple: remake it from a bodysuit. that way the shirt not only stayed in place but also already gave me a much better form-fitting base to start out with. the mesh panel in the back was the part i worried about the most but ended up being the part i’m happiest with! i used power mesh that i hand dyed to be close to my skin tone (though the color isn’t very clear due to my binder’s color).
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the swirling pattern on the bodysuit is a metallic white fabric paint. i made a digital drawing of the pattern on procreate, then printed it onto freezer paper. after cutting it out with an exacto knife, you can actually iron freezer paper onto fabric (shiny side facing the fabric) and it creates a nearly seamless stencil for fabric paint! i see myself using this technique a lot in the future, it’s literally perfect!!
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the black leather piece at the neck and shoulders was my biggest obstacle. not only have i never worked with leather, but it is also a non-stretch material i’d be attaching to the collar/neck portion that very much needed to be able to stretch to be pulled on. thankfully the design worked out that i could have 2 closure points, one on the back of the neck and one at the front of the neck. the entire piece is hemmed by folding over and gluing the raw edge to the inside, then i glued hem tape over those raw edges to cover them and make them softer on the skin (the entire leather piece is unlined, due to its complex shape). all the visible edges of the leather were satin stitched to give them a clean, crisp edge. the gold appliqués on the front and back are 2mm eva foam covered in a gold stretch fabric, then glued onto the bodysuit with e6000!
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the two white pieces that frame the mesh panel on the back gave me more difficulty than i expected. their shape is a bit deceiving, and needing them to lie flat on my back without sacrificing the stretch of the main garment meant i couldn’t just top stitch them onto the back. and while i’m not super happy with how they ended up aligning (where they meet at the top is much further down than i was aiming for), i still think it came out really nice!
and that’s the finished top!
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here’s a front and back of the finished top! the sleeve is held up with clear bra straps that hook onto the inside of the shirt at the shoulder. all in all, i absolutely love how this newer shirt came out.
besides the shirt/bodysuit, the boots also got an upgrade! i snagged some boots on sale on amazon for $20, which was an insane steal! this style is very universal for so many costumes, and it also helps that the boots are comfortable and flat too! all of the accessories on the boots are affixed temporarily or from the inside (velcro, snaps, and elastic) so that the integrity of the outer boot remains untouched and i can reuse them for several costumes and even everyday wear. i also replaced the gold piece around the neck that holds the “scarf.” just like the pieces on the shirt, it is 2mm foam covered in gold fabric. this not only helps the gold elements feel more cohesive but also lies a lot more comfortably on my neck!
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ahlovelightaflame · 10 months
That Locket ~ *Joshua Hong*
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Summary: As the new cop on the beat, you are eager to please your superiors. However, what you didn’t expect was to get tangled up in the secret organized crime you didn’t realize was in town. Although, you don’t actually know there is a mafia out there and of course this handsome man you just met isn’t apart of it… right?
Pairing: Joshua Hong X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Oneshot
Word Count: 3127
Warning: Some swearing and a couple mentions of blood
Mafia Masterlist
“Have a good night, Y/n.” The Captain of the precinct called out to you as you grabbed your jacket. You nodded to him before heading out the door of the police station.
It wasn’t easy being the new girl at the station, but the Captain and the rest of the team were really nice to you and helped you when you needed it most. In all honesty, you were glad to be assigned here at this precinct. The neighborhood wasn’t so bad and even if there was a call or complaint, it was usually a dumb teenager that simply got a warning.
As you left the station, you took a deep breath of the crisp evening air. The last bit of summer was chilling into a cool autumn. It was the perfect time to be walking home from a good week of work. With a small smile on your face, you went on your way towards home, looking forward to a nice meal and a couple of movies.
Passing through Main Street, USA, you couldn’t help but indulge in a little window shopping. It was Friday and you were just personally handed your very first paycheck, which wasn’t too bad at all. Perhaps it wouldn’t hurt to buy dinner or get a new pair of shoes. Who knows what you could find in any of these small businesses?
Just as you passed a small antique store, you paused. There in the window was a gorgeous locket, with an intricate design decorating the front. It was a dashing shade of antique bronze and looked like it could hold a rather sizable picture. Maybe this is what you splurged on. It certainly was exquisite and you could put a picture of your family in it. Before you could negotiate yourself out of a closer look, you opened the door and got closer to the locket. Not only was the locket perfect, the price was as well. It wouldn’t be much of a splurge at all.
Making your way to the cashier, you smiled brightly at him. “Hello, sir. Is that locket in the front window for sale?”
He looked up from his magazine at you, almost giving you a once over before nodding. “Yes, it is. Looking to buy?”        
You nodded. “Yes, please. I can give you the cash right now and then I can wear the locket out.”
Nodding, he took your money and helped you get it out of the window and around your neck. You thanked him before making your way to your favorite take out place. Since you didn’t splurge too much on the locket, food sounded like the perfect plan to pay a little more. After getting your order, you were finally on your way home.
But not without one more unexpected stop.
As you were walking towards your home, you heard someone wince in a shady alleyway. Peering in, you notice a hunched over figure, trying unsuccessfully to hide behind a dumpster. Despite your better judgement, you couldn’t help but take a step closer to the person.
“Are, are you alright?” You called out, gripping your take out tighter.
There was a pause before a gruff, male voice answered. “I’m fine. Just keep walking. I’ll be fine.”
“Do you need me to take you to the hospital? I don’t have a car but I can get some help.” You asked, taking another couple steps closer as he shuffled back.
“No, I’m fine. Just go home already. I can take care of myself.” He snapped.
Sighing, you didn’t turn away. Instead, you opened up your take out and grabbed the napkins inside and, kneeling down, held them out to him. “I’m not a doctor, but I do have some napkins to stop the bleeding. That is, if you’re bleeding. I might have some pain meds if it’s a hangover you got.”
“Go away already!” The man finally turned to look at you, anger in his eyes and blood streaking his face. As soon as he looked at you, he paled considerably before throwing an accusatory finger at the locket around your neck. “Where the hell did you get that?”
You looked at him, confused, closing a fist around the locket. “F-from the antique store down the street. Why?”
He shook his head. “Nevermind, just go away. Now!”
Scrambling back, you nodded at his stern tone. Standing up, you raced out of the alley and stopped at a corner not too far away. After calling the hospital about the man in the alley, you made your way home, still thinking about the poor guy bleeding in the alley. There was something about him that stuck in your mind for some reason. Maybe, just maybe, if you were lucky, you’d be able to see him again.
Meanwhile, Joshua stepped out of the alleyway, the blood still leaking from his nose. After wiping it on his sleeve, he pulled out his phone and called his subordinate. The phone rang twice before he picked up. He was already shouting before he even said hello to him.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Junhui smirked to himself, leaning back in his chair, tossing his magazine on the counter.
Keeping a chuckle to himself, Junhui gave a small gasp. “Oh, that’s the locket you were talking about? Oh man, I had no idea. Sorry, Joshie.”
“Damn it, Jun, don’t play stupid like I know you are. You knew what that locket was when you sold it.” He spat, as he entered the car that Seungcheol arranged for him, sirens wailing in the distance.
Disregarding the obvious blow to his self-esteem, Jun shrugged to himself. “Look Joshie, if it’s any consolation, I just scored you a date, so you’re welcome for that.”
“What the hell are you talking about?”
Rolling his eyes at his subordinate’s obvious dense behavior, he explained, “I have her number. You want it back, you’ll have to call her and tell her I accidentally sold it to her and that it was a mistake. That should hopefully lead to a coffee date, which is all thanks to me.”
“And you can’t call, because?”
“Because you need to date. The others may not tell you, but you’re a bit of an ass. Maybe if you date someone, you won’t be so bad anymore.”
Joshua scowled. “Look, I’m not looking to date anyone. Not now, not ever. Now get me back my mother’s wedding locket or so help me, I will personally oversee your torture and execution.”
“Coups wouldn’t do that to me, he loves me too much.” Jun teased, causing Joshua to angrily hang up. Chuckling to himself, he leaned back in his chair, putting his arms under his head. “He’ll thank me for this. I just know it. I’ve yet to be wrong about these kinds of things.”
It was during your lunch break a couple weeks later that you decided to take a gander at the cold case files in the basement. Cliche or not, you have always had a thing for a good mystery. Plus, it was a secret wish of yours to be able to solve at least one of them. You felt like that marked you as a good cop.
“Y/n? Is that you?” The Captain asked, confusion in his voice. “What are you doing down here? Shouldn’t you be on break for lunch?”
You smile anxiously, holding a file in your hand. “Oh, yes, sir. I am. I just thought I would spend this time looking through the cold case files. That’s all.”
He chuckled. “Ah, I see. Hoping for some extra credit, yeah?”
“Well not exactly, sir-”
“Don’t worry about it!” He waved his hand, dismissing your argument. “I have faith in your skills, but you don’t need to bother with these cold cases. They’ll probably never be solved anyways. Besides, it’s not like they’re big cases, like a murder or arson.” Again, he chuckled before heading back upstairs.
Sighing, you look down at the file in your hands. It was a breaking and entering case, where the culprit or their fingerprints were never found. “It just doesn’t make sense.” You muttered as you laid it next to a different file.
The thing was, at least five of the files you looked at today all seemed connected. No fingerprints, no culprit, and they all dealt with stealing money. Not only that, but most of the reports claimed that there was an unusually large number of people included in these heists. They had to be connected, somehow. How could the precinct not see that?
Shaking your head, you continued looking through the files until the end of your break. Right before you headed up to work, you wrote down a phone number on a sticky note. In one of the files, someone called the police only to hang up a second later. Perhaps if you called, you could ask why they hung up and what exactly happened that night.
As you worked, you waited and waited for the perfect moment to call. Finally, right around clock out time, you managed to find a five minute window to call. You waited in agonizing anxiety as you waited for them to pick up.
“Hello?” A slightly perturbed male voice answered.
A small grin crept across your face, relieved that someone picked up, before you spoke again after clearing your throat. “Hello, is this the Hong residence?”
“Yes…?” He trailed off, sounding a bit suspicious. “May I ask who’s calling?”
“My name is Y/n L/n and I work at the local precinct. I was wondering if I could meet you somewhere and ask you a couple of questions?” You asked nervously, crossing your fingers, hoping he’d say yes.
There was a long pause and for a second you thought he hung up on you. But he soon heaved a sigh. “Sure, although I don’t think I’ll be much help with whatever you’re asking for.”
Smiling brightly, you shook your head, knowing he couldn’t see you. “I’m sure you’ll be a great help! Any information is good information at this point! Thank you so much! Do you want to, um, go get coffee, so I can ask you questions?”
Again, he hesitated before stating, “Meet at the Chewy Café at the corner of 17th and Hartford. Be there at 5:30.”
Nodding, you wrote the information on a different sticky note, still smiling brightly to yourself. “Thank you so much! I’ll see you then!”
He had already hung up.
Turning to Jun, Joshua huffed. “There, I called her. Are you happy now?”
Jun rolled his eyes. “You didn’t call her. She called you and we traced her call to know who she is. That doesn’t count and you know it.”
With a scoff, Joshua made a move to grab his jacket. “Whatever. Either way I have a “date” with her, so now you can stop nagging me.”
“Again, I wouldn’t call that a date. You’re answering questions for a cop. That’s not a date.” He explained.
“Are you done?” Joshua growled. “Date or not, you’re still in deep shit for not only selling my mother’s wedding locket, but you sold it to a cop, the enemy. So I don’t want to hear it from you.”
“Hey I didn’t know she was a cop, so don’t go blaming me for that!” Jun defended himself before smirking. “You better hurry up since the Chewy Cafe isn’t close and you don’t want to keep your girlfriend waiting.”
“Shut the hell up.” He snapped before leaving, right as Coups walked into the room.
“What’s with him?” He asked.
Snickering to himself, Jun explained, “Remember how I sold his mother’s locket to that cute girl so he could score a date? That’s where he’s going.”
“Ah, I see.” Coups smirked. “Poor guy. He has no idea what he’s getting into.”
“Oh please.” Jun scoffed. “You’re dating the boss! How bad can it be?”
Coups smacked him before walking away with bright pink cheeks.
Joshua, on the other hand, was scowling to himself as he sipped on his coffee. He had asked Vernon for a private room so he could speak to this girl, this cop, in private. Of course, Vernon decided to tease him which only earned him a thinly veiled threat. He really didn’t want to be doing this but if he could get his mother’s wedding locket back from this cop, then it might as well be a success.
Right as he was about to ask Vernon where she was, a really pretty girl entered the room. Even though she appeared timid and anxious to be here, she still had an effortless beauty to her. In his mind, Joshua could find himself humoring her for a bit. Especially since the prized locket he was looking for was hanging from her neck.
As soon as she noticed him, she perked up and he had to admit, she had a really pretty smile. “Hello. Are you Joshua Hong? The man I spoke to on the phone earlier?”
There was an eagerness to her voice which he found amusing. She must be new to the job. He nodded, keeping his emotions to himself. “Yes, I am. You must be that cop.”
She gave a nervous chuckle, which was kind of adorable, and her eyes drifted away from him. “Ah, yeah, I am. My name is Y/n L/n. I’m a new officer down at the precinct.”
He nodded. “Pleasure. Now, you said you had some questions? Sorry if it sounds like I’m rushing, I just have other things I need to do today.”
“I understand.” She nodded, quickly sitting down and pulling out a pencil and paper. “I wanted to ask you about the night of August 23rd, about two years ago? You made a call to the police but ended it as soon as someone picked up. Can I ask you why?”
It took Joshua a bit of thinking to remember when he snuck into his parents house one night after a robbery gone bad. He was bleeding heavily and probably should have gone to the hospital, but refused as he didn’t want to get caught. His mother had tried to call to get him help, but he quickly ended the call before she could. That was also the night he explained to his parents what he now did for a living and he grimaced slightly at the thought of his parents disappointment in him. He thought that the call wasn’t on file. What else did that police station have that could be incriminating for the “organization” he was a part of?
Quickly, he concocted a lie. “It was an accident. My little cousin, who was visiting, fell off her bike and was bleeding a lot. My aunt panicked and accidentally called the police.”
“I see.” Joshua couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit bad for her excited expression falling. Nevertheless, he was not about to tell a cop about the bigger scheme behind it. “W-well, on that night, there was a robbery at a nearby convenience store that was, should we say, a botched job. Did you or any of your family happen to see the perpetrators pass by?”
He kept his frown of annoyance at the mention of the failed job to himself. Instead he sighed and rubbed his temples. “That was two years ago. I don’t remember and I doubt my family does. They were all in hysterics over my cousin.”
She nodded solemnly, her once cheery disposition deflating. “I see. W-well, thank you for your time, I suppose. I really, truly appreciate it.”
Just as she was about to leave, Joshua did something he was sure he was going to regret. “Wait.” He exclaimed. “Stay for a bit. I may not have a lot of time, but I still feel bad for making you come here without helping you. At least let me buy you coffee for your troubles.”
He couldn’t help but crack a small smile at her blush and he thanked the heaven’s that he was in a private room where Vernon couldn’t see him and mock him. He was really, really, really trying not to admit Jun was right, but she was cute and when she was happy, he couldn’t help but feel happy too. However, there was no way in hell he was going to give Jun that satisfaction. Never, not in a million years, it will never happen.
She nodded again, a bit more cheerfully, as she sat back down. “Yes, thank you. I’d like that.”
Joshua’s smile grew a little more. “Good, I’m glad. Now, I have a proposition for you. My friend, he works at a little antique store not too far from here. I gave him my mother’s wedding locket to clean and look after for a little while so that I could return it to her on her wedding anniversary and he mistakenly sold it. I believe the locket hanging around your neck is my mother’s.”
A horrified look flashed across her face and she quickly took the locket off before giving it to him. “I am so, so, so, so, so sorry! I didn’t know! Oh my God, I feel like such an idiot! I am so sorry!”
He was confused, looking at the locket in his hand like it was some kind of foreign object. Why would she give it up so easily? According to Jun, she had supposedly fallen in love with it and was desperate to have it. What exactly was this young, naive cop playing at?
“It's… fine.” He mumbled, slipping it into his pocket. “Thank you, though. My mother’s been worried about it.”
“I bet.” She nodded gravely. “Please give her my condolences and apologies. I didn’t mean to. Again I’m so sorry.”
“Think nothing of it.” Joshua replied off-handedly. It was weird; no one had ever seemed to care so much about how he felt like this before. It made him feel a bit uneasy.
She gave a nervous chuckle. “Now I feel indebted to you.”
He couldn’t stop the corner of his mouth from quirking up. “Perhaps we could do this again? Get coffee or go for lunch, I mean. So you can repay your debt, yes?”
Her smile blossomed and he felt his smile widen too. Great, now he was acting like Coups with the boss. “Yes, that would be nice. I’d like that very much.”
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sanajeh1909 · 8 months
The Spy and The Spouse
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Pairing : Chamber x F!Reader
Word Count : 5989
Warnings : Flirting, Romantic Tension, Spying/Action (only mentions of it, there is nothing much except the detailed description of whats happening), Jealousy, Unrequited Love (at the end on Chamber's part), Emotional Themes.
POV : 3rd Person
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
A/N : Sorry for my poor English, its not my native language. Chamber can be a bit OOC. Gif doesnt belong to me. Please do tell if there is any mistakes or off talks/writings on the scenario. There is so many expressions of the situation more than talks because i have no idea what to write as conversation, i have ran out of ideas. I had hard time writing this since i burnt my wrist accidentally now its hard to type without putting my wrist on the side of the keyboard. Yellow is for Chamber, Pink is for Reader, other colors are for side characters. I hope you enjoy it.
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The day of the mission comes. She wears black one shoulder long sleeve black dress with black suede wedge heels. Her glasses are same design as Chamber's, except hers was thin framed and had soft edges on rectangular shape. Her hair is braided on both sides to the back and the rest of her hair is combed to the back. This made their hairstyles match.
While she was getting ready, Chamber put on his suit, matching her outfit perfectly. Chamber had been very particular about his own attire. The suit itself was black in color, it was a modern fashion design. It was tailored to his body to look as sharp as a knife. A crisp white shirt underneath was accompanied by a black tie with little black details. His hair, per usual, was undercut slickback.
When she finished, he walked in looking sharp and composed. When he saw the finished look, he was surprised to see how well put together she looked. Almost to a T to how she looked. Almost.
He raised an eyebrow at her look and expression, as if he were about to laugh at how ridiculous he found her similar sense of fashion. Then, he just grinned devilishly. Arent we a slick couple?
He was very confident in his appearance, as he should. After all, he was going to be playing the smug, arrogant husband. She smirks at him and walks towards him confidently. Her back is straight and her chin is slightly up. We will crush them just with our presence, it seems.
He couldnt help but admire how well you took the role of the wife. His eyes traveled upwards from your heeled shoes to the matching dress to your hair to the glasses that only gave you a more charming aura. One of his hand on his pocket, he offers his other arm to her and a smug smile on his face. I couldnt have picked a better partner. We make quite a pair.
She smirks at him and takes his arm. They get in the car, Chamber holding her door for her before going to the drivers seat. With Chamber driving to the party in silence, they are preparing themselves for the mission mentally.
As they arrive, they walk to the party with their arms intertwined. The party is filled with businessmen, CEO's and their spouses in simple yet classy dresses.
The host gives them both an appraising look before looking at Chamber. That look was followed by a small nod. Well, look at this. If it isnt Mr. and Mrs. Fabron. It was an odd feeling to have someone refer to her as a married couple. It was weird to be called Mr. and Mrs. Fabron, but it had a quite weird feeling that made her wanted to be called like that.
The man gesturs towards the crowd of guests. It was a variety of different types of people. The only unifying factor was money.
The moment they stepped inside was the second that the mission and the married couple act started. They even made custom rings to play along. That costed the couple more than they expected, but it would worth if it meant for success.
Chamber walks alongside of her, enjoying how her arm fit so nicely with his. He couldnt help but look at all the men who kept glancing up at her admiringly as they walk. He couldnt blame them. Even before he was a "married man", she looked good enough to make heads turn. All she had to do was show up.
He smiles at her side. He is still the charming bastard for the night. He whispers in her ear. This is going to be fun.
She smirks at his words and whispers back. Show has just begun, darling. Just watch and see.
He chuckled a little, liking this side of her. In the middle of his mission, he was finding himself to enjoy just being beside her. Being in this role of a married couple was different, it felt more... wholesome. It was... nice.
He gives her a little squeeze of her hand. He looks around, analyzing the crowd, looking for certain people. Alright. Just follow my lead, alright?
She nods. After all, he was more experienced than her in this type of situations, so the both had agreed to follow his lead. They have praticed and spend more time to get used to each other, but now they needed to put them all on the act.
Chamber turns his head to face you. He straightens his suit, making sure everything was clean before facing the guests. She was starting to get some glances. Some from men, and some from women. Of course, everyone thought she were just a beautiful woman with a handsome husband. No one suspected them being an undercover agent. They had to have their guards up. Especially in this kind of party.
A small smile crossed his face. This was going to be fun. Alright. Act, beloved wife.
Of course, mon mari~. She wears her most charming and sweet smile as they get close to a poseur table. The guests greets us and we greet them back.
Chamber does his best to make sure his smile looked both charming and smug. With her beside him, the smug smile had a little more genuine edge to it. With the guests, he looked at her with pride, like seeing his trophy wife. You played the part so damn well, how could he not show some pride? ;)
She takes a deep inhale, enjoying the feeling of the atmosphere around them. No one could tell the twi were anything but an extremely loving, happily married couple. No one would suspect a thing until him and her make a move. This had to be a good plan. This has to go well.
She pulls a waiter towards their table. Chamber looks at her out of the corner of his eye. He was making sure she was acting her part. Do you want something to drink, darling? She asks as she glances at the waiter, then she smiles at Chamber.
Chamber couldnt stop lookin at her. Acting and pretending felt... good, with her. She acter her part, like a good "married couple", and made the act so believable he almost forgot the reason they were there. This moment, the most intimate part of it all, was so convincing it blurred a line in his mind that he didnt know was there.
Chamber looks at her and whispers, still smiling. Your choice.
She smiles at him warmly, not too excessive to pull the attention to me, not insincere to look cold towards him. Then, im ordering Bordeaux Blend for you and for me... You choose. She gives him a subtle smirk with her voice is velvet-like and lowered.
He couldnt help but smile. In this moment, she acted so well, he would honestly consider taking her out of this plan and just make her his wife. He spoke in with a deep, warm and velvety tone, trying to match her. With a certain confidence, he orders a glass of champagne for her. This would work. A toast in advance...
After short while, waiter comes with the orders and they get their beverages. He turns his gaze towards her. For a successful mission.
She smiles at him. No one heard his sentence, that was a good thing. For our success.
A successful mission... and a successful marriage. He said the last part with a grin. It was half out of instinct, the other half just for show. It was part of the act, a married couple that planned their future together. Yet it was odd to him that he wanted that future with her, someone that came into his life at a most unusual time.
The people on the other tables clinks their glasses almost at the same time with them, then they take small sip from the beverage. It was time to wait for the perfect moment to strike. Her eyes slowly returns to scan the crowd. A lot of suspicioous types there... A lot of interesting people...
Chamber leans back slightly, his eyes sweeping across the party as he thought. His eyes landed on a certain target at the right side of the room, clearly a high-ranking businessman that looked to be talking to a woman in a nice dress.
He leans closer to her, lowering his voice to a whisper. You see that man on the right with the gorgeous woman? His name is Laurent Danton. I know him from previous missions. That woman he is been talking to is Anette Chavois, the CEO's daughter. Our mark.
She looks at the targets without making it obvious, then speaks in a tone that matches his. Yeah, lets keep an eye on them and approach carefully.
He whispers into her ear. I have been keeping an eye on him tonight, and the target always moves between drinks. Its perfect for us to take advantage of this.
He pulls his head back to look at her. As soon as he leaves his current target, we should make our move. Do you agree?
Yes, on your lead. She whispers to him, then both takes long sip from their beverages.
He gives her an enthusiastic nod and looks at his watch, keeping on eye on Mr. Danton from the corner of his eye. He could see that the man was getting into particularly... interesting discussion with the woman he was with, his right arm slightly draped on her shoulder. It looked to be a private conversation.
Chamber checks his watch once more, and with a slight flick of his head he indicates that its time. The couple puts their empty glasses on the tray that was on waiters hand which was passing by, then they make their move. Now the show is about to begin.
Once Mr. Danton took a few steps away from his partner, Chamber immediately moved towards the two, with her on his arm. The man looks at them, surprised to see the handsome couple approaching him. He offered a warm smile to Chamber and shifts his gaze to the stunning woman on Chamber's arm, offers a handshake while addressing her...
Laurent Danton. Pleasure. And you are?
She gives a smile mixed with a smirk. she shakes Laurent Danton's hand eleganty. Y/N Fabron.
Its clear Danton likes the sound of her name, and she is pretty sure he just took a long look at her. Danton has eyes for women, that much is clear. Not just any women, though. Women that are just as gorgeous as her. She could tell by the way his eyes were fixated on her.
Chamber speaks before Laurent can come up with a flirtatious comment directed his wife. Vincent Fabron. He shakes Danton's hand, then moves his hand towards her in a welcoming gesture. My wife. She bows slightly as if she is proud to be Vincent's wife, still smiling at the businessman.
Laurent's eyebrows raise. He looks between the two of them, then he chuckles, clearly impressed. What a beautiful couple you make, to have such a stunning and gorgeous woman with you, Mr Fabron. And his eyes lingered back at her. If they werent pretending to be wife and husband, the man would obviously be flirting with her left and right.
Chamber didnt look away but his arm tightened on her hand, and his eyes narrowed in a focused manner. He didnt like these kinds of people in the slightest. After a few moments of silence, he speaks with a casual tone, like this was a random encounter. So, i understand you are friends with Anette Chavois? Thats an interesting woman, if i have ever met one. The tone wasnt quite hostile... but it wasnt friendly either.
He directly went to the topic. No games, no subtle meanings... She still keeps smiling and strokes his arm slightly to signal him if something goes wrong, she will back him up.
A quiet smile on Laurent's lips. He notices that stroke, no doubt. He knew it was meant for him to signal if something was wrong. But she looked absolutely charming, and the fact that she was touching him was just as effective. Even the woman he was with tilted her head, looking at her with admiration.
Laurent clears his throat, his smile growing wider by the second. Of course, we are good friends. Anette and me, we go way back.
Chamber looks over at her and gives her a smug smile, proud of how she was able to carry herself. He then looks back towards Laurent. You two must have a lot to talk about then. He makes a small pause. Or perhaps i can steal my wife for a moment?
She chuckles softly, it was fake but it made the mood that was getting heavy a little bit lighter. Mr. & Mrs. Fabron could see the man considering the decision. He clearly wanted to say yes, being a man of status and privilege... but the hesitation came from him wanting to keep Y/N close, too. An excuse to have her nearby just to look at.
Laurent chuckles. Just for a moment. He gestures towards his partner. Anette looks at her again, her eyes studying Y/N, perhaps a little too intently. Y/N knew that look. Anette was jealous. Of her.
Y/N smiles and they take some steps back, to have some privacy away from the crowd, including the businessman and CEO's daughter.
Chamber turns to face her, speaking quietly so only she can hear his words. His tone was soft and sweet... Are you okay, wife?
His arms wraps around her waist, his eyes closing in satisfaction. She was the only thing he could focus on, like a beautiful distraction that would lead to a dangerous spiral. He was just making sure her part was going well.
She reaches a hand to the side of his neck, gently caressing, her hand trails down to his shoulder sometimes and trails back to his neck. I am, except the hungry looks of Laurent. If we werent on a mission, i would have taken care of him. But i have to bear it now. She speaks in quiet tone, almost playfully and pouting, but he knew she was serious on her words. She was clearly irritated by the flirtation of Laurent, but she was heeping the pose for the sake of the mission and Chamber.
His eyes narrowed slightly in irritation, his grip on her waist tightening in an almost possessive fashion. He was still playing the role, but the words were genuine. He didn't like the way these rich, flirtatious people tried to get at her. He gives a warm, friendly smile, but his eyes were stern. One hand stayed on her waist, the other hand ran across her shoulder to her neck. His thumb caressed her cheek.
Husband mode activated. If he so much as touches you, wife, I'll make him regret it. Dont worry, beloved wife. I will take care of this situation.
Then Laurent spoke up again, a clear tone of sarcasm in his question. Tell me, Mrs. Fabron. He was being far flirtier than anyone should, and he knew it. He was clearly enjoying it.
Chamber had no problems ignoring Danton's presence when she decided to keep talking to the man. If anything, it got him more irritated the longer the conversation with him went on. Laurent was just enjoying the situation a little too much… in an inappropriate manner. Chamber let out a quiet sigh, trying to keep his smile as polite as possible.
Laurent noticed the sigh, and he spoke up while giving him a smug smile.
Laurent seemed almost as arrogant as Vincent thought he would be. It wasn't a good look for a man in his position. It was good that he was an arrogant man, though, because it was exactly what Vincent wanted. What he needed. He was going to let the man have his arrogance, in order to catch him off-guard.
Chamber looked at her softly, wanting to protect her from this person…
Excuse me, Mr. Danton? She asks without turning her body towards Laurent, one hand on Chambers shoulder and other hand is on his arm. Chamber's arms are wrapped around her waist again. She gives a gentle smile to Laurent to not cause a scene, but her body language shows how much she got uncomfortable with his behaviors.
Laurent immediately stops, his eyes shifting towards her. It took more than a second to break the smile he gave. He turned to her, a charming grin on his face. One that could not hide his intentions. I did say just a moment, didn't I? He looked as though he couldn't help it; in fact, he was simply unable to take his eyes off Y/N. He looked at her with such a predatory smile. He gave off a certain aura that he was sure Anette was enjoying. No, she wasnt. She looked at Y/N with that familiar jealousy.
Y/N chuckles softly and let go of Chamber's shoulder, but then she holds onto his arm with both hands. Of course, you did, Mr. Danton. We got carried away, apologies.
The more she tried to act the part with Laurent, Anette's gaze didn't waver. Anette would glare at Y/N, as if to express how irritated she was by the situation. Her partner looked at Mrs. Fabron, Y/N, still with that predatory gaze and sly smile. All he would need was a simple word, and he would drop Anette right away. Y/N could see the attraction to her in his gaze. Y/N could almost feel Anette's jealousy behind her. Anette needed to look good to her own partner, and Y/N was certainly ruining that.
Anette rolls her eyes, obviously knowing the intention of both parties. She can't believe she has to share a partner with Mrs. Fabron. Anette looked like she wants to make a scene to get Laurent's attention back to her. She's the type who's used to having the attention on her. Anette clearly needs a lot of it.
Chamber is still in character, so he keeps a smile on his face. However, his grip slowly gets tighter and tighter on his partner's waist. He was getting genuinely annoyed by this flirtatious bastard.
Y/N feels the tight grip on her waist and puts her hand over his gently, their rings on their fingers were touching each other. She gently stroke his hand to calm him down.
Her hand was exactly the kind of distraction he needed. For a second, his attention was back on her, and her only. He looked to her, her hand stroking his, and the anger on his face slowly disappearing as his grip on her relaxed. The warmth of her hand put a grin back on his face.
He suddenly had a mischievous idea. He leaned in closer, as if they had something between them. He kept his voice low and calm, letting his eyes rest on Anette. Let's cut to the chase, darling. You know that won't last.
Y/N smirks at him. She had a plan and they found their targets, why miss them when they can catch them? Why don't we all sit and talk a little bit? She suggests to Laurent. By we, she meant all four of them, but she is sure he will accept it.
Laurent's expression changed a little, from the predatory and charming smile, to an expression of confusion and intrigue. He was clearly trying to read both of them, searching for their intentions. He looks back at Anette. Anette was still looking at her with anger, clearly not happy with how her partner was acting. He turned back to Mrs. Fabron with a grin. The more, the merrier, darling. Have a seat. He gestures towards the empty chairs. The four of them was certainly drawing a lot of attention from other guests.
Y/N smiles and they all four walk to the empty table enough for 4 people. They sit down on the table. Chamber next to her, Anette across her, and Laurent next to Anette and across Chamber.
Chamber looks at the table. He cant help but notice how close Anette and Laurent are sitting. It wasnt a matter of space at the table, it was an act of affection. A clear display to the other guests, as if it hadnt been clear already, this was a couple. Anette placed her hand on Laurent's, resting on the table. She wore a ring on it. A gold wedding band. Fabron couple saw a small glimpse of it.
Y/N was holding Chamber's hand and gave slight squeeze on his hand, signaling the ring on Anette's finger. Chamber feels her squeeze his hand and he returns the squeeze to reply that he saw the ring too. His eyes were on Anette and Laurent's interaction. They were… comfortable together.
Y/N was wondering how much longer she'd have to sit here in the presence of these people. She had a job to do. That was the only problem. But at that moment, all she wanted was to have a moment for just the two of them, Chamber and her. All they needed to do was get close to the Anette and Laurent, and make the couple trust them enough to give some information. except that everything was nothing but just empty words.
She waited and watched. Laurent and Anette's hand kept touching… and touching. Y/N's eyes wandered to see Anettes's face. Anette was clearly enjoying this conversation. She also noticed the woman kept glancing at Y/N and Chamber out of the corner of her eyes. It was like Anette was jealous, but Y/N couldn't say why. Chamber squeezes her hand again. He was just checking in with her. His grip on her hand was getting tighter. A sign he was getting impatient.
She strokes his hand, then starts a conversation to talk. An easy and light conversation that won't bother anyone. After a good hour, They all laugh and chat. They did their job and got the information they needed. They could leave after not so long.
Chamber gave a casual and handsome smile towards Laurent and Anette. His grip on her hand was starting to hurt, but he didn't care. He was too intent on ending this conversation. He also noticed her hand stroke on his a second time. So, Anette didn't manage to be in a corner of his attention anymore. All he could think about, all he could focus on, were her hands on his, and the way she looked at him with those beautiful eyes. He was too caught in the moment, almost forgetting his job.
Y/N turns her head around to look whats happening around them. Clearly bored from the atmosphere and the conversation yet she had to play it off. Chamber looks around and sees that some partners were looking at them with awe and admiration, some women with jealousy, and Anette with… jealousy as well. From the way Anette kept looking at her, he was sure his hypothesis were correct. …This might work. He looked at her. I have a plan I think you'll like.
Y/N looks at him confused, but they were partners, even if it was just an act, she had to trust him. Especially when they were on a mission.
Chamber takes a couple steps back, pulling her with him. He moves slowly, seductively, and with grace. He took some steps back, putting some space between the table Anette and Laurent were sitting and him and his partner. He grabbed her by the waist, his arms slowly pulling her in. His eyes never left hers, the same captivating look from before, just a little more intimate.
He started dancing with her on the spot. The music was slow, the atmosphere was right, and the way they kept looking at each other… It was perfect. Y/N turns her head around to look whats happening around them. There was a light romantic melody on the background and some couples were dancing together. They can do a little show before they leave, maybe?
She smirks as she understood what he was planning. She puts her hand on his shoulder as they dance, they were close enough to whisper to each other. She whispers with a smirk. You really put on a show, Mr. Fabron. She teases him with the title. He really knew what he was doing.
He just pulls her closer to him with a smirk, his face looking even more smug than usual. At that moment, his eyes locked on Anette's for a moment. The predatory and arrogant look was still there, but it changed ever so slightly. He was observing Anette's behavior. His hand slowly slides up to the back of her neck. It was so warm, so soft. He leans in closer to her ear, whispering with confidence. Did you enjoy the show, darling?
She couldn't help but chuckle, but She tried her best to keep the smug smile on her face. The music was perfect for this kind of slow dance. It has so far worked, beloved Fabron. She looks around the room, seeing all the eyes on them, all the eyes on the two of them.
He pulls his head back. Just enough to see her face, and just enough for her to see that grin. He slowly drags his fingertips across her face, tracing her mouth and chin, still staring at her. The way she looked at him, the way her eyes locked on his. He couldn't look away. Your body is amazing. He whispers. His lips are very close to hers, but the man decided against the last step… yet he was inches away, his mouth at a perfect distance from hers.
The couple was dancing together. As much as Anette hated it, that much was obvious. But even while she looked at the two of them with jealousy, there was no denying it: they were quite the couple. Anette was clearly starting to question her relationship with Laurent after seeing the way he kept looking at Y/N.
Y/N smirks at him, she knew his intention and whispers. Oh, my husband wants kiss? She chuckles softly. I hope you still remember this all is just an act at the end of the mission. I hope your heart won't break after a pretentious kiss.
He couldn't help but chuckle at her teasing. She was too bold sometimes. Still, he couldn't resist. Still inches away from her lips, he leans closer, his eyes locked on hers. He whispered, loud enough for only her to hear. …I do get to kiss my beautiful wife, right? She chuckles silently. Then… their lips meets in a tender, gentle, slow kiss.
It was everything he expected it to be, and so much more. His eyes lit up when she kissed back, their lips touching for those precious, blissful moments. He pressed his lips against hers, matching the same gentle and slow pace. This kiss was tender and beautiful, an act of pure affection. Even if they had to lie, even if this moment was going to be just for a short instant, the two of them kissed, as passionately as any husband and wife would kiss. But they had a job to do.
Their lips part away after the short kiss. She speaks whispering and teasingly as they walk back to the table. Be grateful my lipstick doesn't come off.
Even though he knew he shouldn't, the grin on his face widened. Somehow the kiss made him feel more confident and smug than usual, and he was completely aware of it. I would have been happy to get it off your face anyway. I wouldn't mind the red lipstick on my face. He gave her a devilish look, enjoying the little fun he was having, if not enjoying the mission itself.
She rolls her eyes and chuckles. It was time to leave, since Anette and Laurent was ready to leave this "businessmen party".
Chamber glances at Laurent and Anette, whose eyes were still on the two of them. Their eyes seemed to give off a different kind of energy now, like the kind of people who just got to the end of the perfect date. Anette seemed more enamored than ever, but Laurent seemed… different. Almost as if he was jealous. Jealous of Chamber for being Y/N's husband. Chamber checks his watch. It was time for them to wrap things up.
Chamber turns and addresses the four of them. We have had a lovely night, wouldnt you agree, chérie?
She smiles at him gently. Thats right, it was a pleasant night, mon mari.
He turns his body ever so slightly towards her, keeping his eyes locked on her. He then raises a hand in the air. A small gesture of leaving the party.
Chamber's gaze suddenly turned towards Laurent, their eyes locked, like if they were trying to outstare eavh other. Laurent looked away first, almost reluctantly. He could barely hide his annoyance, like he had the worst case of jealousy.
Y/N could feel Anette squeeze Laurent's hand, and a soft kiss on his cheek. She whispered something into his ear, and Laurent let a smile creep onto his face as he nodded. He didn't look at Y/N anymore.
We should go. Chamber's smirk returned.
She bows slightly and they both turn towards the exit, arms intertwined. She whispers to him, clearly exhausted and frustrated from everything. Finally.
He gave her a charming smile. Their mission was successful, and she did a great job being his wife for that period of time. His eyes fell on her lips, as if there was something to say but he chose not to say it. He held on a little more strongly to her arm. He just enjoyed the intimacy of being with her, like the most devoted husbands might do.
I feel like we should celebrate our success somehow. He smirks, looking like he had a few ideas on his mind.
I want to celebrate it by taking my shoes off and jumping in my bed for a good night's sleep. She speaks clearly irritated by the party, act and Laurent's flirting.
He cant help but chuckle and look at her sideways, rolling his eyes. He smirks at her playfully, still clearly trying to look like the most loving husband. I think i have the perfect remedy for that... He leans in closer. In the meantime, can my wife walk next to me, arm in arm, with a smile in that gorgeous face of hers? He looks at you with more than just a hint of affection.
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head. Chamber opens the door for her, she slumps on the passenger seat. He gets in driver's seat. Lets just end this mission. And since we are done with pretending to be a happy married couple... She takes the ring out of her finger and puts it on the cup holder of the car.
If his eyes could go any wider, they would. His smile disappeared from his face, and was replaced by confusion. His reaction wasnt due to pain or sadness, it was due to the sudden change in tone. His confident, happy-go-lucky expression turned into a look of surprise... followed by something.
She could feel that something in his eyes. It was like a tiny flicker, but she saw it. He couldnt help but look surprised... and disappointed. He turned his gaze away. ...Of course. He starts the car.
She stares at the road in silence whole time back to the quarters. All the act, all the pose of married couple ended. She had told him in the first place, after this ends, everything will be over. Now everything ended, and they were going back to how they were.
Chamber kept driving. The radio was off, the windows slightly open, with a beautiful night and a clear sky outside. The silence was awkward, to say the least. His eyes were focused on the road, while his hand gripped tightly to the steering wheel. His face was emotionless, while his eyes were filled with regret. In such an odd way, even though the act was a lie, he felt hurt. Because of his role, because of who the target was, and because of her.
As he parks his car on the parking lot of headquarters, she had fallen asleep on the passenger seat on their way back after all the tiredness of the mission washed over her.
He opened the door and saw her asleep. His eyes looked down at her, her face so peacefully serene as she slept. He gave a small smile. He was proud at how well she managed to act for most of the time. He wasn't proud of something else, though. He got the ring from cup holder and put it on his jacket's pocket.
He gently picked her up so that she wouldn't wake up. With his arm under her legs and the other supporting her back, he walked to her room to lay her down. The way he walked and his face said: "I just want to take care of you."
He placed her on the bed, her body looking like a sleeping angel. He then sat down on the edge of the bed, watching her sleep as he stroked her hair with extreme tenderness. His face was still expressionless, but his eyes gave the expression away. The look of... Love. He loved her. But that feeling would have to wait. He looked at the ring on the coffee table. He had to keep telling himself he had a job to do.
He placed her down carefully. He pulled the blanket up to my chin and he took off her shoes for her, placing them on the side of the bed. He then turns the light off, but he just stands there. Still no words, nor any hint of movement. He is just watching over her as she sleeps. Making sure she is comfortable. Making sure she is okay. Doing what a husband would do for their partner. It was an affectionate yet sad sight, if one could call it that. He had placed the ring she took off to the table on the bedside. She was still sleeping, her hair draped over the pillow, the blanket over her.
Chamber looks at her. He sees the beautiful and fragile features of her face, and the way she sleeps peacefully and serenely. He couldn't help but place a soft, tender kiss on her forehead. He lingered for a second, letting his lips linger, but he knew time was of the essence. He walked out, turning off the lights behind him, leaving her room pitch black.
On his way to his room, he turns towards her door once more. His chest filled with conflicted emotions, he turns away and enters his quarters, leaving her to rest. The mission was over, but his heart remained undecided.
He enters his own room. He sits down on his bed, looking at the bed beside his own. His face has an expression she've never seen, an expression that he had never expected. He was thinking about her. About the one woman who had the power to change his life. The one woman who made him feel both warm and cold. The one woman who made him feel so much affection and love at the same time. The one woman who could break his heart.
He throws himself on his bed to lay down. As if he was too annoyed with himself. Too much work, too much acting. His head spun with emotions. The mission was over. So why did his heart feel like a trainwreck?
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Sorry if this sucks with too much explanation and lacking conversation and mission scenes/action. I had hard time to write something good and it was hard to type with burnt wrist so it took longer than intended. I hope this meets with your expectations.
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scribefindegil · 10 months
EPP Tutorial: How To Make A Mobtagon!
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Since @legendary-chemistry asked about it, here's how I make my English Paper Piecing hubris rosettes!
EPP is a style of hand-quilting where you assemble your design from small geometric shapes. The shapes are first cut from cardstock or heavy paper (the "paper pieces"), and then fabric is basted directly to the paper. You sew these pieces together along matching sides to create your quilt. It allows for very crisp, precise piecing, is extremely modular and much more portable than machine quilting, and (most importantly for me as a chronically ill person), is something I can work on even when I'm too tired to get out of bed.
I was trying to create a very specific effect (Shigeo "Mob" Kageyama's psychic aura), which involves a double round of paper piecing and some less common shapes. Here's the process!
The Paper Pieces: These are 45-degree triangles. You can make them any size, but I use triangles with a length of 1 inch along the longer two sides. Most EPP templates you can find are for 60-degree triangles, so you'll either need to find commercial 45-degree diamond pieces and cut them in half or make your own from stiff cardstock. I made my own! Some people use cereal boxes; I just bought some card, but it's helpful if it's a slightly heavier weight because it will hold up better to repeated use. Be very careful when cutting them out; the pieces are so small that even a slight discrepancy can really throw things off. If any pieces look especially wonky, just toss 'em!
(If people want more details on how I created my paper pieces I can try to provide, but be warned that the answer is basically "Entered a fugue state and brute-forced it with a pair of dividers and little else")
Basting: Before you can sew your triangles together, you will need to baste (temporarily attach) your fabrics to the paper pieces. There are several methods for this. Here's the one I use.
Cut strips of fabric wide enough that they extend beyond your paper pieces on both sides; I use 1.5 inch strips for my triangles.
Using a glue stick, gently tack the paper pieces down onto the fabric strip, leaving roughly a quarter-inch between them. These are just a few triangles for sample purposes, but when I was working on the body of the piece I would work in sets of 12 rosettes. For each rosette I needed four triangles of the darkest color, two of the lightest, and two of a medium shade, so I would prepare batches of 48 and 24 pieces respectively.
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Snip the triangles apart. I like to keep them sorted by color for ease of organization.
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Grab a basting thread and a needle! These are temporary stitches that will be removed, so I like to use a contrasting color so I can easily see them to take them out. You can also use fabric glue for basting, but I find that messy and unpleasant, so I don't.
The most important thing about basting is that you need to fold the edges in following the same order for every piece! That way all your little central 'ears' are pointing in the same direction and will slot together neatly. Otherwise you will have mismatched pieces that don't want to play nice with each other and you will be sad.
So! With the triangle pointing towards you, fold the seam allowance on the short side snugly over the paper piece. Then fold the seam allowance on the lefthand long side over that
Run your needle and thread through the folded-over section 2 or 3 times to lock the fold in place
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Flip the triangle and fold over the rest of the seam allowance on the side you've already anchored. Then fold over the remaining side. You will have a little pointy ear! Make sure it is pointing to the right, then put a couple of stitches through this fold as well.
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Secure the remaining point in the same way, then snip the thread
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Now do this to every other triangle in your stack! It goes surprisingly quickly once you get the hang of it!
I've hit the image limit (and am also melting from my curse), so stay tuned for a follow-up reblog with assembly instructions!
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