estefanyailen · 1 year
A vos lo que te asusta es que a mí no me da miedo sentir amor.
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theunfathomablefruit · 8 months
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FEFU at night (3-12/????)
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neetexam2024 · 2 months
Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU): MBBS Admission, Fees, and Campus Life | MBBSINFO
Discover Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) for Indian students seeking MBBS admission in Russia. Explore fees, admission process, campus facilities, and why FEFU is a top choice. Expert guidance at MBBSINFO.
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olivia2010kroth · 9 months
TASS / RUSSIA TODAY / NORTH KOREAN NEWS AGENCY / VOICE OF KOREA : Russia and North Korea - Russland und Nordkorea
TASS / RUSSIA TODAY / NORTH KOREAN NEWS AGENCY / VOICE OF KOREA: Russia and North Korea TASS / RUSSLAND HEUTE / NORDKOREANISCHE NACHRICHTENAGENTUR / STIMME KOREAS: Russland und Nordkorea TASS: Kim Jong Un said his visit to Russia illustrates importance of bilateral strategic ties. Kim Jong Un sagte, sein Besuch in Russland verdeutliche die Bedeutung der bilateralen strategischen…
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bloodsoaked-gown · 7 months
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sallysetoncore · 2 years
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15x3 / Fefu and Her Friends by María Irene Fornés
“You used to trust me, give me the benefit of the doubt. Now you can barely look at me. My powers are failing, and – and I've tried to talk to you, over and over, and you just don't want to hear it. You don't care. I'm... dead to you. You still blame me for Mary... Well, I don't think there's anything left to say... Jack's dead. Chuck's gone. You and Sam have each other. I think it's time for me to move on.“
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ghostingfee · 2 years
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Fefu and Her Friends by María Irene Fornés // ‘The Most Beautified Ophelia: The Duality of Femininity in Shakespeare’s Hamlet’ by Emma McGrory
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fromdivwithlove · 5 months
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perhaps it takes longer. perhaps it never ends.
fefu and her friends by maria irene fornes
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toastedstencils · 2 years
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fefu and her many friends by maria irene fornés //shapeshifters in winter by margaret atwood
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estefanyailen · 1 year
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¿Cuántas veces un beso?
¿Cuántas veces un beso?
No lo sé.
No llevo la cuenta.
Sólo sé que un beso puede ser devastador,
también puede ser un bálsamo.
Puede doler como un rencor,
o puede encender la magia de un amor.
¿Cuántas veces un beso?
No importa.
Importa que ese beso sea verdadero,
que no sea un acto rutinario ni por compromiso,
que no haya ni mentira ni engaño.
¿Cuántas veces un beso?
Todas las veces que puedas y que quieras,
siempre y cuando sea un beso verdadero,
un beso auténtico,
un beso sincero,
un beso que nace de tus entrañas,
de tus sueños y de tus deseos.
Porque en un beso se dicen muchas cosas,
y en el silencio se escuchan muchas más.
Aunque la vida a veces nos golpee,
nos haga muchas heridas,
y nos deje cicatrices en el corazón,
un beso siempre puede ser el antídoto
para curar las penas, los rencores y los dolores.
¿Cuántas cicatrices tiene tu corazón?
No lo sé.
Pero sí sé que si tú quieres,
yo puedo besarte ahora,
y aunque no tengo la llave de tus sueños,
tengo la fuerza de mis besos.
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theunfathomablefruit · 7 months
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FEFU at night(13-19/????)
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peculiarbeauty · 9 months
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★ LAST SONG: i wonder , sleeping beauty.
★ CURRENTLY READING: i am reading fefu and her friends currently ! it's a wonderful play.
★ CURRENTLY WATCHING: how i met your mother ( for the 200th time )
★ LAST MOVIE:  this will come as a surprise , beauty and the beast.
★ CURRENTLY CRAVING:  spaghetti. it's a part of me i swear. i think i have a problem.
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tagged by: @sirensought ( thank u , beloved )
tagging: @charroblanco @valleyruler @cupforbrains @maiiden @wendyfulmother @chatcambrioleur @earthssprout @sunlightswallowed @seachant !!
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fenmere · 1 year
Bit of a teaser for our latest book. Twins, Yonatin and Ikri, are talking about using the command language of Fenekere to do tricks on the Network, and they are both trans and the subject of picking a new name for Yonatin has been coming up a lot lately. Fenekere root words are also the names of Crew positions for each Exodus ship. Yonatin and Ikri are new members of the Resistance aboard the Terra Supreme, the predecessor ship to the Sunspot. So, they're also daydreaming about the day they might get to make and take over a new ship:
“Nevermind. Back to your dream,” Ikri dismissed it all. “How did you do that? Can you tell me? I want to try it, too.”
“Oh! I’ll give you the commands! But, if you want to research it yourself and see what you can come up with, I found that the central key words were Jenefere and `e, of all things,” Yonatin explained. “I mean, Jenefere is ‘the Dreamer’, so that makes sense. But, you need to use ‘fefu `e’ to make the commands affect your dream consciousness. Or something like that. I wonder if you might be able to find some other ways of constructing the commands, though. But I’ll give you all the ones I made. Just a second.”
While they were putting together a file to send to their sister, she said, “Ooh, Jenefere. I like that. Maybe an Inmararräo version of it, like Yenifre. Ooh. Ooh! I almost like that more than Ikri. Hmm.”
Yonatin paused in their work and furrowed their brow, lowering their lure, “But you’re such an Ikri right now.”
“Oh, I know. I’m not sure I’m really going to change my name again,” Ikri said.
“Well, and I was thinking of taking something like Yenifre,” Yonatin added in a bit of a mumble.
Ikri sat up straighter and said, “Oh, you should!”
“No, but you are more like Yenifre than I am,” Yonatin protested. “I mean, I love dreaming and all that, but your waking thoughts are like dreams all the time! Or, at least, they were when you showed them to me.”
“I don’t really experience them that way,” Ikri said.
“Well, when I saw them, that’s what they seemed like to me,” Yonatin said.
“Huh.” Ikri seemed to think about that for a bit. But then she said, “No, look. I’m going to keep Ikri for now. Yenifre really does suit you, seriously. You should take that. It should be you!” Then she got a really impish look on her face, squinting her eyes almost viciously and barely suppressing a smile, before she said, “Besides, when we do make a new Exodus Ship, you’ll be so busy being the new `e then that I can take the real name, Jenefere, for myself! Which I do think is even prettier.”
Yonatin pointed and said, “rude.” --- We'll probably start posting chapters of this book to our website a week from now:
We'll share links to the updates here on my blog, though.
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neartheshoree · 2 years
I think of death all the time. Something rescues us from death every moment of our lives. We have to be grateful to something that fights for us and saves us.
Drama: Fefu & her friends // Julia
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mokshconsultant · 2 months
Far Eastern Federal University
Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), a leading educational institution located in Vladivostok, Russia. Committed to fostering excellence in education and research, FEFU offers a diverse range of programs designed to prepare students for success in a rapidly evolving global landscape.
At Far Eastern Federal University, students can choose from a wide array of undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate programs across various disciplines, including natural sciences, engineering, social sciences, humanities, and business. Our renowned faculty members are dedicated scholars and experts in their fields, providing students with a dynamic and enriching learning environment.
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mbbsabroad21 · 5 months
Unlocking Opportunities: Far Eastern Federal University MBBS Fees and Study Abroad Programs
In the ever-expanding realm of higher education, aspiring medical students are increasingly looking beyond borders for quality education. Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Russia, emerges as a beacon for those dreaming of pursuing MBBS with a global perspective. This article delves into the intricate details of Far Eastern Federal University's MBBS fees, study abroad programs, and the enriching experience it offers to students worldwide.
Far Eastern Federal University MBBS Fees: A Comprehensive Overview
Understanding the financial aspects of pursuing an MBBS program is crucial for students and their families. Far Eastern Federal University prides itself on offering a cost-effective education without compromising on quality. The MBBS fees at FEFU are structured to be competitive, making it an attractive option for international students.
The Study MBBS Abroad adopts a transparent fee structure, ensuring that students are well-informed about the expenses associated with their education. Tuition fees, accommodation costs, and other miscellaneous expenses are outlined clearly, enabling students to plan their budget effectively. Additionally, FEFU provides various scholarships and financial aid options, further easing the financial burden for deserving candidates.
Studying Abroad at Far Eastern Federal University: A Global Perspective
Embarking on an educational journey at Far Eastern Federal University is not merely about obtaining a degree; it's about gaining a global perspective on medicine. The MBBS program is designed to expose students to diverse cultures, medical practices, and research methodologies. FEFU collaborates with renowned medical institutions worldwide, offering students opportunities for international internships, research projects, and exchange programs.
The faculty at FEFU comprises experienced professionals from different parts of the globe, bringing a wealth of knowledge and varied perspectives to the classroom. This international approach not only enriches the learning experience but also prepares students to thrive in a global healthcare environment.
MBBS in Far Eastern Federal University: A Journey of Excellence
Choosing to pursue MBBS at Far Eastern Federal University is a decision towards excellence. The curriculum is meticulously crafted to meet international standards, ensuring that graduates are well-equipped to meet the evolving demands of the medical field. State-of-the-art facilities, modern laboratories, and cutting-edge research opportunities contribute to creating a conducive learning environment.
Moreover, the university emphasizes practical training, enabling students to apply theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios. Clinical rotations, hands-on experience, and exposure to the latest advancements in medical technology prepare students for a successful and impactful career in medicine.
Far Eastern Federal University Fees: Investing in Your Future
Investing in education is an investment in the future, and Far Eastern Federal University acknowledges the importance of this commitment. The fees at FEFU are not just payments for a degree; they are investments in a future where graduates contribute significantly to the field of medicine. The affordable fees, coupled with the global exposure and quality education, make Far Eastern Federal University a wise choice for aspiring medical professionals.
In conclusion, 
Far Eastern Federal University stands as a distinguished institution offering an enriching MBBS program with a global outlook. The transparent fee structure, international collaborations, and commitment to excellence make FEFU a prime destination for students aspiring to make a mark in the medical world.
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