mocacheezy · 10 months
TPP Season 5, Ep. 3: Second Citadel--The End Begins (Part 1)
Episode also known as
Quanyi is amazing and desperate for the love of her life,
Damien's head inflates like a balloon
Angelo the YEET!
as well as,
"Jezus Kristus MA NE, no!!", said by me at that cliffhanger.
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ashermichaelprince · 7 months
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refridgerators · 3 months
the pain that comes with reading a fic and then discovering it hasnt been updated for several months is undescribable
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barefeet-only · 1 year
Okay so I just got back from across the spiderverse and going into this movie I watched exactly one trailer, which was the first one. I didn’t want to be spoiled about anything in this plot and did not read anything. So when the ending came I had no idea this movie was gonna be a two parter. Did anyone else who watched more trailers know it was only part one?
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lightprince · 2 years
i am. very normal about brett and reagan
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literaryavenger · 6 months
I love you and I hate it - part 2
Summary: After your fight with Bucky, you put all your efforts into avoiding him, convinced that your friendship is over. Bucky, however, has other plans.
Pairing: Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Warnings: Reader being dramatic. Angst. Language maybe. Minimal use of Y/N. Fluff. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 4.5K
A/N: I promise I didn't mean to make it this long, but I couldn't help myself, again, and I didn't want to end on another 'cliffhanger' so here it is! hope you like it!
Part 1
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Bucky can't believe what he just heard... You like him?
No, you used the word ‘love’. You love him.
Do you love him?
Certainly, he would’ve noticed if you did... Right? He is a trained assassin, he was taught how to see beyond people’s words and actions.
And he knows you, you can deny it all you want, but he knows you better than anyone. He knows you better than he knows himself.
And if he’s being honest, you know him better than anyone ever has, Steve included.
You feel safe, you feel calm. You feel like the peace he’s always wanted, the quiet he needs.
You feel like home. In a platonic way, of course.
His thoughts of you are interrupted by Sharon’s voice. He didn’t even realize he was back at the party.
"Where did you go?" she asks and, suddenly, her grip on his arm was just a little too tight for his liking. But it was probably nothing.
"I went to check if Y/N was okay."
"Oh." something in her voice felt wrong, but Bucky tried to ignore it, that is until what she said next.
"Why would you even care about her? All she does is embarrass you like before. She’s useful to no one, I heard the only reason she’s even on the team is because she slept her way to it." she laughed like it was the funniest thought in the world, and Bucky couldn’t ignore it anymore.
Not only was she saying hurtful, untrue things about his girl, but she has the audacity to laugh at her own cruelty?
"How dare you?" he does his best not to yell, but his tone still startles Sharon. "Y/N is the best agent in all of Shield, that’s why she got in the team! She’s not an embarrassment, she’s a valued member of our family and she’s my best friend! Of course I care about her, she’s the most important person in my life! Don’t ever talk about her that way again."
Sharon seems shocked at his words but, looking around, she realizes people are starting to stare so she tries her best to defuse the situation. "Alright, I’m sorry, I won’t say things like that again. Let’s just calm down and have a nice rest of the evening, ok?"
In his head Bucky knew her request was reasonable, he could forget about this and keep having fun with his girlfriend. But in his heart he just knew he couldn’t let it go.
The words were coming out of his mouth before he can stop them, not that he even wants to.
"You know what, Sharon? This isn’t working. We have to break up." He doesn’t even give her a chance to say anything before he’s turning around and making his way to his room.
Meanwhile, on the roof, Steve’s trying to talk you down the ledge. Metaphorically speaking, obviously. 
"He hates me, Steve." you can't stop the tears.
"Stop saying that, sweetheart, he doesn’t hate you."
"You saw what happened at the party, the way he looked at me. And he heard me say that I love him and walked away like it was nothing." You sniffle. "If he didn’t hate me before, this certainly pushed him off the edge."
Steve has nothing to say to that, he knows Bucky doesn't hate you, but he also knows that you’re too stubborn to hear any reason, especially not right now when you're in the eye of the tornado and can't see a way out.
Right now you need a friend and shoulder to cry on, usually Bucky would take on that role, but, given the circumstances, Steve decides to step up and be that friend.
He wraps his arms around your crying body and holds you as you let it all out. Neither of you say anything else, the only sounds in the dark of the night being your sobs, until eventually you calm down and after a few moments of silence Steve glances down to see you fell asleep. 
Not wanting to wake you he carefully picks you up and makes his way to the elevator.
When he gets to the floor you both reside in he finds Sam and Natasha chatting at the kitchen counter, probably about to go to bed after coming up from the party.
Sam gives him a confused look, while Nat seems to understand what is going on right away as she moves without saying a word, walking ahead of Steve towards your room.
She opens the door for him and walks in behind, moving the covers back as he lays you on your bed as carefully as he can, and then Nat delicately takes your heels off before covering you with the duvet.
As they’re leaving your room the door opposite yours opens, revealing a hopeful Bucky but when he sees it’s not you, his face becomes stoic once again. He’s about to ask where you are when Natasha beats him to the punch.
"Leave her alone, Barnes. You’ve hurt her enough already." Is all she says before she steps into her own bedroom.
Bucky looks to his best friend for help but, at his confused face, the blonde super soldier just shakes his head in disappointment and walks away without a word.
Bucky stands there for a few minutes, just staring at your door like he's gonna will you to open it and talk to him.
He sighs and goes back to his room where he spends the next few hours overthinking about you and this whole night, eventually falling into an uneasy sleep.
The next morning when you wake up you feel at peace for about 10 seconds before the events of last night hit you like a truck, and all you can feel is humiliation.
How can you face the team after they witnessed your fight with Bucky?
How can you face Steve after he saw you at your most vulnerable and, apparently, carried you to bed after you cried yourself to sleep?
How can you face Bucky after he heard you say you love him and he walked away from you?
You can’t, that’s the answer.
Should you just move out? Just quit the team, ask Hill to be reassigned? Maybe you could even get transferred to another country...
You’re not overreacting, right? This is a very embarrassing situation and you have every right to want to run away from all of it.
As you’re making up an escape plan in your mind you hear a knock on your door, followed by Steve’s voice. "Hey, are you awake? We just want to make sure you're okay…"
You try to be as silent as you can, slowing down your breathing praying he’ll think you’re sleeping.
You can hear him exchange some muffled words with what sounds like Natasha, and then you hear their footsteps as they walk away, so you let out a relieved sigh.
Okay, step one is definitely getting out of this room, it’s just the most obvious place where to look for you.
You get up and out of your awfully classy dress, take a shower being sure to clean away all the makeup from last night and put on the most comfortable sweats you own.
Just as you’re opening the door you can see Bucky opening his about to get out and, in a panic move, you run back inside your room and slam the door shut.
Very subtle, yes.
You rest your back against the door and can hear him sigh and then walk away.
You wait a few minutes, just to be sure, and then relax a little. Your plan was to go to the gym and work out a bit, but now all you can think about is getting the hell out of this compound.
You grab your purse, make sure to have your phone and keys in it and open the door, making sure no one’s around before getting out.
You’re practically running, taking the stairs for good measure, and in a flash you’re at the garage. You jump in your car and drive away as fast as you can without breaking the law, not even knowing where to go.
Once you’re in the city you stop at a cafe for breakfast near your favorite book store, the one you and Bucky have visited together a hundred times.
Okay, stop that. No more thinking about Bucky.
You spend the rest of the day just going from one store to the other, stopping to have lunch at the diner you always go to when you’re in the city, and trying not to kick yourself for not being able to stop thinking about Bucky.
Seriously, why can’t you stop thinking about him?
It doesn’t help the fact that every one of your favorite places has at least a hundred and twelve memories of Bucky.
God, have you ever gone anywhere on your own in the last two years?
The more memories come to mind the more you think that maybe transferring wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Go somewhere new, get a fresh start.
When it starts getting dark you decide to drive back to the compound, but when you park and turn the car off you can’t find it in yourself to get out.
You take out your phone, which you’ve been ignoring all day, and go through all the messages of your worried friends, hating yourself a little more when you catch yourself looking for his name in your notifications.
Just as you’re about to answer Tony’s texts first, you get a call from Steve. You stare at your phone, unsure if you can stomach answering him right now, but your decision is rendered moot when someone taps against your car window.
Your head snaps towards it and you let out a breath of relief when you see Steve standing there, holding his phone and using it to tap on your window again.
You close your eyes for a second but resign to your fate as you gather your things and get out of the car.
When you lock your car you turn to see that Steve moved to be leaning on the trunk of your car, so you join him and wait for him to say something, not knowing what to say yourself.
"So," he starts, with his arm folded in front of his chest and looking at his shoes "you’re avoiding all of us now?" You let out a sigh, feeling bad for hurting his feelings.
"I’m sorry, Steve. I just…" you can’t even look at him as you talk, so you just look ahead of you at all the cars "I’m just embarrassed. After everything that happened last night, I don’t know… God, you even carried me to bed like a child." you cover your face with your hands.
You finally look at him when you hear him chuckling. "That’s what friends do, Y/N. They lean on each other." he bumps your shoulder with his playfully.
"I know we’re not as close as you and Bucky, but I am your friend too. I’m not gonna judge you for last night, I just want to make sure you’re okay. That’s what we all want. You made us worry that you might run away on us." He says the last part as a joke, but you can’t help looking away from him.
That’s exactly what you wanted to do.
You bite your lip as he keeps looking at you and you feel like he can see the gears turning in your head, like your thoughts are so loud and your guilt so visible that he knows right away he was right on the money.
"Y/N…" it’s almost a warning, but you still can’t find the courage to look at him. "You were seriously thinking of running away?!" he seems almost shocked.
"Okay, it’s not like I’m a teenager running away in the middle of the night after a fight with her parents!" you finally look at him. "I was just considering… I don’t know, maybe asking for a transfer?"
"So you actually want to leave the team just because you had a fight with Bucky?" He scoffs.
"It’s not just the fight, Steve, he knows I love him and he doesn’t even care!" You yell before sighing and lovering your voice.
"Do you realize how much that hurts? And now I’m supposed to, what? Just go back to how things used to be? Pretend like nothing happened? Even if we’re not friends anymore, he lives across the hall from me! I’m bound to see him and it’s gonna hurt every fucking time!" You’re almost crying, again, but you hold back not wanting to go through that again and you look away.
"I know it hurts, trust me, sweetheart, but… what about us?" you look at him again as he goes on. "We’re your team too. We’re your friends, we’re your family... You can’t just leave us. I'm not saying it's gonna be easy, but we can help you make it better. We all care about you a lot." It’s honestly a miracle you’re not crying already. You feel him take your hand, but don’t look away from his face.
"Please let us help you." you squeeze his hand and nod, not trusting your voice not to break and the flood to hit as soon as you open your mouth.
He smiles at you and you can’t help but do the same. "Good. Then let’s go up and have dinner like we always do." He starts walking and taking you with him, his hand still in yours.
While you’re waiting for the elevator you can’t hold yourself back as you turn to him and give him a tight hug. "Thank you."
He hugs you back just as tight. "Anytime, rookie." you snort and let go of him, giving him a punch in the arm you’re sure he didn’t even feel as he laughs with you.
When you get to the big kitchen most of the team is already there and you sit down next to Natasha while Steve sits at her other side.
The seat next to you is quickly occupied by Sam as he bings the pizza to the table. He gives you a side hug and squeezes your arm in sympathy but aside from that nobody even mentioned what happened last night, which you're grateful for.
You eat like always, having conversations, laughing and teasing each other like normal, you didn’t feel like anyone was pitying you and you realized Steve was right: these people are your family, you could never leave them.
And, as you watch Loki and Peter trying to make you laugh by messing with Thor’s hair, putting tiny umbrellas in it while he's not looking, you just know they’re gonna help you through everything.
What makes you sad to notice is that one brooding super soldier is missing, though you don’t bring it up for fear of opening that particular door.
And that’s how you spend the next few weeks: avoiding anything and everything that has to do with Bucky, including the man himself.
You start training with Natasha and realize how easy Bucky went on you.
You do more missions with Sam and Steve and realize that missions aren't as fun for everybody as they were for you and Bucky.
You hang out during your down time with pretty much everyone and realize that you couldn’t have as much fun with everyone as you had with Bucky.
So yeah, as much as you could avoid Bucky and talking about him to anybody, he lived rent free in your head.
Fun, huh?
It also didn’t help the look that Steve gave you every time you basically ran out of a room as soon as you caught a glimpse of your former best friend. 
Everybody noticed the change in your friendship, but it felt like they all took a silent oath to not mention anything to either of you, and you were glad they were respecting your choice to stay away from Bucky.
He, on the other hand, was going crazy.
He hasn’t seen you in weeks, except for those few seconds before you realize he’s in the same room and run away.
He doesn’t hear your voice unless he’s eavesdropping on you with someone else, but even then he never hears his name come out of your mouth.
Nobody will tell him anything about you, the only thing he can get out of Steve is ‘she’s okay, just give her time’.
He’s been trying his best to give you the space you need, but he feels like he’ll lose his mind if he doesn’t hear you say his name soon.
It’s been a month of successfully and not so subtly avoiding Bucky.
There was one time where, as the team about to land for a mission, he got much too close to you for your liking and you thought he was about to say something so you grabbed a parachute and quite literally jumped out the jet, then walked the rest of the way to the Hydra base.
Everyone had to wait for you, some annoyed, but most found the situation too amusing to be bothered by it.
You’re at the gym for an early morning workout, a habit you took to when you started avoiding Bucky.
You know he usually stays up at night. Occasionally because he still gets nightmares, usually because his overthinking mind tortures him until early hours. So he uses mornings to sleep in when he doesn’t have missions.
You’re on the treadmill when you hear the doors of the gym open behind you but think nothing of it, assuming it’s just Steve replacing his morning run with a workout because it’s too hot to run outside.
When you don’t hear him say anything, you’re about to turn your head to see who it is, but before you can do anything you feel two hands, one cold and one hot, on your waist.
You squeal when they pick you up and take you away from the treadmill, setting you down on the ground in front of it before turning off the machine.
"Bucky, what the fuck?! I could’ve gotten hurt!" you were so shocked you didn’t even fully realize you were actually talking to the person you’ve spent so much time and effort avoiding, or that you were walking backwards while Bucky was getting closer to you.
"Oh please, I’d ever let you get hurt." he’s sounds almost amused, like this is a normal thing between you two, but the truth is he’s just happy that you’re actually talking to him.
When your back hits the wall you realize too late that it’s Bucky in front of you and suddenly you’re looking around you to find a way to escape. But all you find is that he’s successfully trapped you between the wall and his body, his hands on the wall at either side of your head.
You swallow hard and if he notices he doesn’t say anything, but your brain is too busy registering the warmth of his body so close to yours to even be ashamed right now.
"Is this the only way I’ll get to talk to you now?" you almost miss his question, your eyes snapping up to meet his and, where you expected to see a smug look at having caught you not only off guard but also ogling, you found a frown and a slight pout.
Something about the hurt on his face stopped you from lying or straight up kicking him so he’d move and you could run away.
No, Bucky was your best friend, you’ve always felt the need to be honest with him ever since that first day, and even now you owe it to him to tell him nothing but the truth.
"I just need time." You hoped he understood.
"How much more time do you need?" Apparently not.
"I don’t know, can’t you just be patient?" You can't believe you really have to ask him this.
"It’s been a month, doll, I think I’ve been plenty patient. Are you planning on avoiding me forever?"
"Not forever… just… I don’t know." If you were being honest with yourself, you didn’t know how long you would’ve kept on avoiding him.
You were so busy doing the actual avoiding that you didn’t take the time to think about when you’d be able to stop.
You let out a sigh, but didn’t look away from his eyes for a second. He needs to know you meant every word you're about to say. "I was hurting, Bucky. I still am. I get that you have a girlfriend-"
"I broke up with her." he interrupts you.
"You… What?" you weren’t expecting that. "When?"
"The night of our fight. I would’ve told you sooner but it was hard to catch you, you know, with you avoiding me and everything."
You almost lost your train of thought, but it didn’t matter that he was single, he was still the first one to walk away, why was it so wrong for you to do it now?
"It doesn’t matter… I know you don’t owe me anything, but you walked away from me. From my feelings." you can see Bucky’s confusion so, before he can say anything, you explain yourself.
"That night on the roof. I know you were there, you heard me say that I loved you and you walked away like it was nothing. Like I was nothing. I know you don’t like me like that, and I can live with that in time, but it hurt. It still hurts." you don’t know what you were expecting him to say, but it definitely wasn’t he says next.
"Do you remember the day we met?" you furrow your brows in confusion but he waits for you to nod before he keeps going. "We’ve never really talked about it, have we? It's ironic since we’ve talked about pretty much every topic we could possibly come up with. But that day, you introduced yourself and I just got up and walked away. Kind of what you’ve been doing this past few weeks."  he chuckles a bit and you have the impression he's getting closer to your face, but you're probably just imagining that.
"Yeah, I thought I did something wrong, but you were just a rude bitch." he laughs and you can’t help but smile.
"I’m sorry about that, I just… the second I saw you I felt weird. And when you talked to me it was too much, I couldn’t handle it. I didn’t know what I was feeling and my brain just screamed at me to get out, so I did. Then you came to my door and said all those nice things and that weird feeling started to feel more and more comfortable as you talked. It was nice. Then we became friends and I guess I just dismissed that feeling as friendship. It was a different type of friendship that I’d never had... But then again I’ve never been this close to a woman. Emotionally speaking, of course." His hand comes to cup your cheek and you can’t speak, so he takes the opportunity to say everything he needs to say.
"This month has been hell for me, doll. I’ve missed you more than I’ve ever missed anybody in my entire life. Not being able to spend time with you, joke around, talk to you, barely even see you. It's been driving me insane. Being away from you for so long made me realize what that feeling was. You’re not just my best friend, you’re my person. You’re my calm, and my reason. You’re my happiness, my home. You’re the love of my life."
"What?" you're basically whispering, so quietly you’re sure he wouldn’t have heard you if he didn’t have super hearing.
"I love you too, doll. I love you." he holds your face in his hands "I love you."
You feel like your brain shut down all of a sudden. You barely know how to breathe, let alone talk. All you can do is stare at him, the look he's giving you making you weak in the knees.
"You’re killing me here, doll. For the love of god, say something, angel." The nickname seems to snap you out of it, and there's only one thing in your mind left to ask.
"If you love me, why didn’t you tell me on the roof?" He let out a deep sigh, you can feel his breath on your lips, but you try your hardest to focus on his words and not his lips.
"For one I was still with Sharon. And I didn’t really know what I was feeling. Also, I wasn’t even sure you were serious. Honestly, I was just confused about the whole thing, and still mad about the fight. Nothing good would’ve come from me staying and talking to you that night. I probably would’ve ended up hurting you more." All that makes a lot of sense, sure, but it doesn't change the fact that it hurt.
The look in Bucky’s face at the moment though makes you want to forgive him right this second and let this whole thing go. Pretend like the last month didn’t happen. 
So that’s what you do.
"What if…" you start, looking back and forth between his eyes and his lips "what if we forget all of this happened?"
"No." he answered so fast and firmly that it made you furrow your eyebrows in confusion and disappointment. "I don’t want to forget anything about us, doll. Good or bad, it’s all worth it, as long as it ends with you in my arms."
You're melting and can't hold yourself back, you grab his face and bring his lips down to yours.
He freezes, probably not expecting it, but when you're about to pull away, he holds your face to keep you there, deepening the kiss.
After a few moments you hear someone clear their throat and almost throw Bucky off of you, looking behind him while he turns to see who it is and you see Steve and Sam standing there, amused looks on their faces.
"We were just talking." You blurted out and Sam cracked and almost doubled over with laughter.
"Really?" Steve said while raising an eyebrow, almost exasperated and knowing damn well what you were doing.
"Sure they were, Steve, she was obviously trying to get the word out of his mouth!" Sam said to the blonde, still laughing his ass off.
"Oh, of course she was. Tell us, sweetheart, what did you find in Bucky’s mouth?" Steve was now laughing too, and you were so embarrassed you hid your face in Bucky’s chest.
He wrapped his arms around you, barely glaring at the two laughing idiots. "Ok, just get out of here, punks." Fortunately for once in their lives they decided to actually listen and left, their laughs echoing through the halls.
"You okay there, doll?" Bucky was now chuckling at your embarrassment.
You raised your head and, meeting his eyes, you said "I can’t believe Captain Dumbass is making fun of us for kissing."
He started laughing and you gladly joined him, looking forward to making up for the time you missed with him, unknowingly promising each other to never let go of the other ever again.
taglist: @mostlymarvelgirl @spookyparadisesheep @scott-loki-barnes @pattiemac1 @emerald-writes @sapphirebarnes
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hausbabylon · 6 months
flowers and pain
Vanessa Shelly x Reader
Word count: 5,996
A/N: A month passed since the premiere, and I have been head over heels in love with Vanessa Shelly ever since. The cliffhanger ending she had made me wanna cry, so let's fantasize and hope she is fine 🥹 I tried to make it as short as I could but got carried away.
Warnings: Just fluff, except for mentions of Vanessa's terrible childhood and William Afton's acts.
After everything that happened, Vanessa was still in a vulnerable situation where she needed to be taken care of.
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Without meaning to, you often overheard the brother of the girl you babysited, saying that they were going to visit Vanessa in the hospital after school. You didn't want to pry. It was none of your business, and maybe it was a delicate situation to talk about.
However, all that curiosity was assuaged when, as you were cooking something simple for Abby after picking her up from school, you heard the front door open.
You ran to check, ready to punch whoever dared to break in, but let out a sigh of relief when you noticed it was Mike.
"Oh, Mike, did something come up?" You inquired, noting that it was 3:41 in the afternoon, and he was usually back by 7:30 at night.
Before your question could be answered, he opened the door wider, ushering a tall, blonde woman into the house. Just two seconds was enough for you to be mesmerized by such beauty; she had no makeup on and it suited her perfectly, each one of her eyes possessed a wonderful green iris, and her lips were pink and... gorgeous.
"Oh... hello, it's a pleasure..." You hesitated. Your cheeks were burning as you were determined to fix your eyes on anything around but her, and you hoped you could attribute your nervousness to your null ability to socialize, and not to the fact that you were wonderstruck before such a sight.
"Vanessa! You've been discharged!" Abby's excited, boisterous voice interrupted you, and she ran to her to hug her tightly.
"Hey, hey, take it easy," Mike gently called her out. "She's still in a delicate condition."
The blonde girl didn't seem to mind the fact that Abby had thrown herself into her arms, and with a smile, she hugged her tightly.
Awkwardly, you watched the scene, not knowing what to do.
You didn't want to interrupt this beautiful moment they were having, as you knew it was something big. During all the time you took care of Abby, there wasn't a day where you didn't hear the mention of Vanessa, and when she would wake up from the coma, and then, when would she be discharged from the hospital.
But you also wanted to introduce yourself so you wouldn't embarrass yourself by standing there with a smile on your face that indicated you didn't know what to do.
So, you finally opted for the first option. You waited for the right moment to come for you to kindly greet the famous Vanessa appropriately.
Vanessa lifted her gaze and directed it towards you. That's it. You had her attention. You had to act wisely to make these seconds worth it.
"Hi, I'm Vanessa," she introduced herself, walking towards you, extending her hand in a polite manner. "You're the new babysitter, I assume," you were very surprised by her formality, and while you didn't expect her to greet you with a warm hug, the lack of casualness reminded you that you were a stranger, and perhaps this was how she behaved with strangers.
"I'm (Y/N)," you introduced yourself, respecting that boundary she imposed. You took her hand and shook it firmly.
She smiled kindly, "Nice to meet you, (Y/N)," she replied.
From that day on, every morning, you had a little alone time with Vanessa, as Mike went to work and Abby went to school. She would wake up around nine in the morning, and there was nothing you looked forward to more than seeing her sleepy face, her hair slightly disheveled, and her raspy voice saying good morning to you.
You would gladly prepare breakfast for both of you, and let her help you with, say, flipping pancakes or pouring drinks.
On the first day, her hand shook, which made her growl in frustration, and she apologized multiple times for making a mess, almost on the verge of tears. Still, you comforted her, insisting that she did a good job, and you showed her how it wasn't a big deal, for you didn't even take five minutes to clean up.
The next day, she refused to help you, afraid that the same thing would happen. You managed to convince her by telling her you would make sandwiches, which only involved spreading and placing. With a wrinkled nose and a broad smile, she proudly exclaimed that she completed her task.
And so, little by little, by asking for her help in the kitchen at breakfast or at lunch with Abby after school, she began to recover from the aftermath of waking up from her coma.
Although she barely spoke to you beyond jovial topics when you guys were alone together, somehow, your connection transcended words.
You could feel it when she would shyly sit next to you on the couch when you watched TV, or when she saw you reading, and she would pick up another book and sit down to read it next to you, and then look for the right moment to exchange opinions.
She felt more at ease when Abby was at home, and you were grateful that her affection for the little girl allowed you to get to know that side of her, that protective side that was also eager to have fun.
"You're cheating, Vanessa!" Abby exclaimed, and you let out a mock gasp of indignation at the younger girl's accusation.
"That's not true," Vanessa exclaimed, as she laughed.
"Of course it is. Don't think I didn't see how you held the tower so it wouldn't fall!" Abby responded.
"Oh, shame on you," you seconded, shaking your head, manifesting disappointment.
Vanessa had spent all this time at Mike's house, where she slept in his room, and he slept on the couch. You personally felt that she was perfectly capable of looking out for herself again and moving back on her own again, but you preferred not to mention anything about it. Perhaps there were emotional issues that caused her to not want to be alone, and this might remain a mystery to you.
Her progress was becoming more and more noticeable. These days, there was almost no problem anymore, and both you and Abby knew it, so it was only fair to reprimand her if she cheated.
"Oh, come on, I think we should change the rules," she laughed, this time admitting that she did, indeed, cheat. "Be that as it may, the point is to get a block out and keep the tower from falling, so what do you say?" She continued and looked at both of you with hopeful eyes.
You couldn't help it, you always succumbed to those beautiful eyes. Vanessa just looking at you in any way, shape or form was enough to make you succumb to her charms.
"Of course! Why not?" you said with a smile that showed how mesmerized you were by her.
"Hey, no!" Abby countered. "The rules are to remove a block with one hand. If it falls, we start over."
"Well, but where's the fun in following the rules?" You argued and earned an accusatory look from the blonde. "I mean, I mean! Only in board games!" You corrected yourself, knowing full well that those were not very wise words to say in front of a former police officer. That was the only thing she revealed to you that she used to be a police officer who mostly worked during the evenings.
Vanessa laughed at your nervousness, but she continued the main topic's purpose, "Yeah, come on, Abby, don't you want to see if this tower would ever become the tallest and most awesome tower in the world?"
Abby scoffed.
"Fine!" She agreed, and both you and Vanessa exchanged a victorious smile.
That day didn't seem to go beyond the ordinary. You played Jenga, and then Abby decided to go to her room to draw some pictures. Normally, when Abby left you both alone, you would engage in the aforementioned activities, like reading or watching a movie, and Vanessa would join you.
"Would you like to go out with me?"
You heard that question so suddenly, you paused the movie and looked at her with a puzzled look.
"Excuse me?" You said softly. You didn't want to overdo your reaction too much to cause insecurity or regret in her.
"No, no, I mean... not in that way... it's just that..." she hesitated, and you were a little disappointed to hear that it wasn't that way she meant it.
A fair amount of time had passed so that every thought you had, consisted of every little characteristic that made up the woman next to you. After spending a whole day with her, the few hours you were in the solitude of your apartment, all you could think about was how much you longed for her presence, and how would her lips would feel as they crashed into yours as you shared a passionate, loving kiss.
Vanessa considered your silence as an invitation to continue, "Since I've been discharged, it's been a month and a week, and I haven't left here. With you, I haven't shared enough to get to know you well. I mean... it's not that I don't like spending those mornings with you... it's just that.... I'd like to go out... and take advantage of the outing for us to get to know each other... uh... yeah..." she explained shyly, looking down at her hands as she played with her fingers.
You laughed softly.
"Sure, where would you like to go?" You asked.
Yes, maybe it wasn't a date, but she was the one who had the initiative to go and propose an outing. That was more than enough for you to be assured that she really liked you, even if she didn't express it completely.
Uncertain about whether this outing would answer all the questions you had, you decided not to have expectations and appreciate the fact that she chose you for this activity. You learned to embrace the fragment of Vanessa bestowed upon you, and to also blindly embrace the mystery as a part of her being.
"You know this place, Freddy's Fazbear Pizza?"
You knew that place. And you knew why it had closed. Just seeing how neglected it looked on the outside, and the heartshattering story behind its shutdown gave you chills. You didn't understand what did it have to do with what you and the blonde were previously discussing.
"Ehh, I know it's been closed for years. Did they reopen it, or...?" You inquired.
"No, but I know a way in," she said, as if it was the most normal thing in the world for her to enter that scary place just for fun. "I need to go check it out, but don't worry, I know you'll like it."
Vanessa couldn't drive, and she seemed to be counting on you to take her there. Maybe she loved to visit these kinds of scary abandoned places, and you couldn't refuse to grant that wish, given the fact that she hasn't been out for five weeks, and wasn't even in the comfort of her home.
So, on Saturday, you arrived at the time you agreed upon. You were happy to spend time with Vanessa, but you were also anxious about what kind of activity awaited you. You weren't too excited about going at eight o'clock in the evening and then heading to a pizza place that has been abandoned for about two decades.
However, when you saw Vanessa, with that eager smile and her face lit up, any kind of doubt was dispelled. Not because it was something different, it was going to be a bad thing. Maybe you'd even end up agreeing with her, and you'd end up liking whatever idea she had.
First, you headed to a drive thru, and Vanessa insisted on paying for the food. You bought a large pizza with cheese edges, a two-liter soda, and some cheese sticks for appetizers.
She gave you directions to the place, and once you got there, you swallowed hard and took a deep breath. Not enough for her to notice. The last thing you wanted was for her to cancel the plans, plans she was too excited to carry out.
You entered through the main entrance, for which she had a key. The first thing you encountered was an archway that said "Welcome" at the top, and then you got a full view of what used to be the restaurant area.
There were some tables scattered throughout the room and others were stacked together. The room also had a stage, but a red curtain covered it. You knew that behind it, there were what used to be the main attraction; the animatronics.
The only thing you hoped for was that she would not...
"I'm going to turn up the voltage levers, you'll see how well they still work," Vanessa commented after noticing your gaze on the covered stage, leaving the pizza and soda on one of the tables.
"Uh, no, no, no... I don't think it's necessary...-"
"Come on, you'll love it!" she insisted, and you didn't have time to refute further when all the lights came on.
You covered your ears as you heard an eighties song playing at a defeaning volume. It was too loud for a place that had a lot of echo, and that was very empty. The whole vibe of the place felt... off.
Along with the lights coming on, the curtain opened, showing those animatronics moving to the beat of the music. These looked very disturbing, and you could swear that somehow, they were looking at you.
Or maybe it was the fact that your nerves were already on edge and it wasn't helped by the noise and those creppy things moving.
"Are you okay?" Vanessa asked, almost shouting for you to hear her over the music.
"Yeah, it's just kind of loud music," you replied, slowly removing your hands from your ears to adjust yourself to the noise.
Watching such an action, she took your hands and pulled you to her, "Come, let's dance," she proposed, and looked towards the stage, almost as if she was waiting for something to happen.
You asked her what was wrong, but she brushed it off.
"Do you know this song?" She asked, lifting your arm for you to do a spin, which you did with a chuckle.
"Yes, Talking In Your Sleep," you replied, looking up into her green eyes. "My dad usually plays eighties songs nonstop all the time."
"Oh, really?" She said with a small smile. "Do you have a good relationship with your father?"
"Mhm," you nodded. "Of course, in every kind of relationship there are arguments, but in general, my family and I relate very well."
Vanessa's eyes fluttered with a trace of melancholy. Even if it was brief, it was enough for you to catch the attention.
She proceeded to pull you closer, and instead of grabbing your arms, she held on to your waist tighter. Rather than making questions to engage with the subject, you chose to provide supportive silence.
She gently leaned to your height, and rested her chin on your head, displaying a hint of vulnerability. She actually drew you in a little closer, her embrace turning into a quiet cry for comfort.
The song stopped, and the animatronics returned to their positions from before. She let out a giggle and took your hand, leading you to the table where you had left your food and drink.
"Please," she used a fake elegant tone, as she pulled the chair for you to sit down.
"Oh, what a gentlewoman," you commented, sitting down in the chair, making her laugh.
Your eyes followed her as she took about two steps towards the chair in front of you, and subsequently, she let out a sigh to look into your eyes.
"You're really lucky, you know that?" She spoke, opening the pizza box and gesturing with her head for you to take the first slice.
"Hm?" You said, having already forgotten the previous conversation due to being too distracted appreciating her face, her eyes, her gestures.
"Having a good relationship with your family," she reminded you and took her slice once you took yours.
You were in awe. You loved how she wrinkled her nose to take the first bite, and her cheeks puffed out slightly as she chewed.
"You're right," you agreed. You weren't going to deny that too much could happen within the family environment, too many traumas that shifted through generations. You were lucky that your parents broke the chain long before they had you and really prepared emotionally for when you came along. "Not everyone is so lucky, and I wish that wasn't the case. I wish every child could have something like this because that's what they deserve," you continued. "No child deserves to be burdened with the unresolved problems of adults, and no child deserves to feel insecure in front of figures who should be protective."
Vanessa watched you with eyes of sadness, and you didn't know if it was because her way of thinking matched yours or because she herself had been through an unpleasant situation during her childhood... or both.
You heard a robotic sound, and noticed that the bear animatronic turned its head in your direction and blinked twice, with its eyebrows turned upwards.
You jumped slightly, and shivers invaded your body, "Oh, don't tell me they glitch and move on their own," you laughed nervously. Vanessa abandoned her previous expression to laugh softly with you.
"Yes, they move all the time," she confirmed. "Nothing to worry about. You're safe here. Believe me, I wouldn't bring you here if I knew you weren't."
It was kind of scary and unusual to walk into an abandoned pizza parlor, turn on the power and sit down to eat in the parlor of it, especially with those robots whose gaze you felt hovering over you for some reason.
However, you decided to believe her, it's not like those animatronics are possessed by spirits or anything. And in any case, you had to fear the living ones. But of course, you had a badass cop next to you. You were safe.
So you were determined to appreciate the beauty that this moment offered. You were alone with her. There was no noise of third parties intervening, and above all, the blonde was happy.
"Do those Arcade games still work?" you spoke with a mischievous grin, directing your gaze towards said area.
Vanessa nodded eagerly.
"Yes! Sometimes you have to hit them, but.... do you want to try?" She proposed, her eyes shining in that peculiar way that you knew from then on, you'd do anything to see them sparkling.
Once you nodded eagerly, both of you ran to the Arcade. This had almost all the classic games from the 80s, most of which you played when you were a kid, so you were hoping to remember even a little bit and get back in practice to be a competent opponent.
"Just so we're clear, I will show no mercy," Vanessa said, settling on the second Pac-Man game next to you.
"Neither will the eight-year-old me," You laughed asyou placed your hand on the lever that would control the movements. "However, current me is begging for you to show mercy," you added, nudging her playfully.
"Oh, did someone lose practice?" She asked in an amused tone, but it was also not her intention to make fun of you or tease you any more than necessary.
"Kinda," you shrugged shyly.
"Okay, don't worry, we'll take it slow. You're lucky I'm in a good mood today," she joked and pressed the start button as soon as you signaled you were ready.
At first, you had trouble remembering how to be a pro at these games, and even with Vanessa evidently losing on purpose so you wouldn't feel bad, you failed to reach a more or less decent record. But since you had faith that it would happen, you slowly started to remember all those years where you rode your bike to the Arcades with your friends and spent all your coins on hours and hours on games like these.
So, you got your practice back, and it was a matter of about half an hour before the real fun began. Vanessa began to show how tough she was at these games, and you showed her what you were made of too.
You were proud to observe her improvement. The blonde went from growing frustrated with unintentionally dropping something due to the trembling of her hands, to showing great skill and firmness in wanting to beat you in this competition that had been created between you.
You weren't even aware of the fact that it was almost midnight. If it weren't for the fact that Vanessa saw out of the corner of her eye the hands of the clock on the wall about to meet at the number 12, you would have sworn it had barely been ten minutes.
"I think we have to go," Vanessa said, once your game screen projected a "Game Over," indicating that she had beaten you once again.
"Yeah, I guess," you replied softly, looking up at her face that was slightly illuminated by the screen and the neon lights decorating the wall.
You picked up the pizza box that had three pieces left over and the bottle of soda that was half full. In front of you were the animatronics. The night would have been completely perfect except that these things terrified you, as they occasionally moved on their own, or sometimes you felt their heads turn in your direction. Vanessa constantly offered you comfort and told you that it happened all the time, and eventually, you managed to get distracted.
A month after this peculiar visit, Vanessa moved back to her apartment, which was farther away than Mike's house was from you. But even no matter if she lived twenty minutes or twenty hours away, you would've never failed to show up every Saturday to go to Freddy Fazbear's Pizza together.
You both adopted the tradition of visiting this abandoned place that gradually began to feel as if it was regaining its liveliness and coziness. The atmosphere ceased to feel heavy, your fear was replaced by excitement every time you entered, and even those animatronics started growing on you. You realized that there was nothing to be afraid of. They were just robots connected to a bunch of wires, and the darkness would go away once one of you took care of turning on the power.
Saturdays weren't the only day you looked forward to, of course.
When she went back to work, and notified you that she would make a stop to check on you and Abby in, say, forty minutes, it was forty minutes you longed for them to come to an end. Oh, you remember how you almost fainted when you saw her in that uniform for the first time. Your jaw dropped to the floor, and you had no choice but to tell her as calmly as possible that she looked great.
And when she had her day off, she would always call you to notify you that she wanted to spend it with you, whether it was at her apartment watching sitcoms, or getting together for a casual dinner at a restaurant. The plans tended to be spontaneous most of the time.
And if you opted to go out, you always made it half the time if you managed to convince her to drive her cop car at full speed, and the times she refused, you were also happy to go on the way listening to music with her.
Your heart pounded with unstoppable force as your emotions blossomed intensely towards her. Her presence eclipsed everything around you, and every minute without seeing her was a torturous countdown to the next encounter. Even your conversations with friends and family revolved around the blonde occupying your thoughts. No matter what they were talking about, in one way or another, you ended up bringing her up.
From Abby, you found out that every time Vanessa visited her and Mike, it was the same case. The little girl seemed a little tired of never getting a break from either you or Vanessa mentioning each other. And she was a smart girl, she knew what was going on. The only obstacle that kept you and the blonde from going any further was the fear that it wasn't reciprocated, even if it was more obvious that it indeed was.
One day, you were surprised to receive a call from Mike for dinner at his house. At first, you thought he was actually asking you to come to his house to make dinner, since he wasn't the best cook and you didn't interact with him outside of work hours. However, you had heard correctly, he invited you to his house for dinner.
When you arrived, Vanessa's police car was parked next to Mike's, and you immediately felt the familiar butterflies in your stomach whenever she was around. Oh, you hadn't even seen her and already you felt the thrill of excitement take over you considerably.
You rang the doorbell, and Mike opened the door
Even though he was right in front of you, the first thing you saw was the blonde sitting at the table, stuffing her mouth with a hamburger.
She looked up, and when she met your glanced, she widened her eyes and quickly set the food aside, straightening up and wiping herself with a napkin. That action made you laugh too hard.
"I'm sorry," she apologized, her mouth still a little full. "I'm really hungry, and Mike bought some delicious burgers."
You brushed it off with a smile, "Don't worry, you looked adorable."
A slight blush invaded her cheeks. You preferred to believe that this was simply because she wasn't used to receiving compliments. Her reserved nature showed it.
"Come on, sit down," Mike invited you with a half smile. "I ordered enough burgers and fries for all of us."
You watched him with an arched eyebrow and a puzzled expression but agreed to follow his lead and subsequently sat down next to Vanessa.
"Hi, Abs," you greeted the girl, who was sitting on the other side next to Vanessa.
"Hi," she replied simply as she ate fries on top of the paper that previously wrapped her hamburger.
You grabbed a burger from the bag and some fries, and a can of soda that was sitting cold on the table, ready and waiting to be taken. You began by eating in silence, but it was getting a little desperate as time went on.
"What's the reason for this meeting?" you asked curiously, and also to break the ice.
"Well, it's Abby's last day of school," Mike replied. You had been so absent lately, almost in the clouds, that you completely forgot that summer break had arrived.
"Oh!" You exclaimed. "That's right! Congratulations, Abs!"
"So, I wanted to have a get-together with the people most important to me, to celebrate," Abby continued, and you pouted, followed by a brief 'Awww'.
The night had gone wonderfully, filled with laughter and exchange of anecdotes, most coming from Abby, being about how she got in trouble every time she gave a bully their comeuppance or how she began to make friends after many months staying in isolation.
As dinner came to an end, you and Vanessa said goodbye to Mike and Abby, thanking them for the invitation. It was 10 p.m., still early for you. Normally, your outings alone with her ended at around 1 a.m., so you could perfectly well continue on your own if she wished.
Vanessa seemed to be thinking the same thing.
"Do you want to walk around the neighborhood?" She offered gently. Perhaps it was an unusual thing to do at that hour. However, the blonde was wearing her uniform and was armed. Nothing could happen.
"Are you on the clock?" You asked, not wanting such a thing to be an inconvenience or cause for scolding.
She shrugged, "If they don't call me through the Walkie Talkie, I am not," she chuckled.
Vanessa didn't want to stray too far during the walk, so in case she was called, she could easily return to her car and drive to where she was needed.
A comfortable silence had fallen this time, until she spoke first, "Those burgers were delicious, don't you think?"
You laughed, "Yeah, I didn't know that place," you commented, looking down, concentrating on how the pavement moved slowly as you took steps.
"It's a new local business that opened. I go there sometimes. They have really good burritos and milkshakes," she replied. "I'll take you there one of these days. On me."
"Only if next time it's on me."
"On one condition," she replied. Such a statement made you look up quickly.
"That you let me pick you up..." she took a deep breath. "And if it's a date."
And that was the sentence you never expected to hear. That was the moment you never expected to witness. Vanessa seemed to feel the same way you did, it was now a fact and not a fantasy that existed in your wildest dreams.
"Those are two conditions," you didn't know why you said that, maybe to bring a little humor and that way mitigate the nerves that quickly spread through your body, like an electric current passing through your veins.
"Yes," she murmured, as she let out a slight chuckle. "It's silly, please forget I asked you that question."
"Vanessa, I do want to go on a date with you,"
She let out a sigh, and that's when you realized that she had been holding her breath maybe since she proposed her two conditions to you.
To which you agreed. She picked you up punctually at the established time in her regular car. Her hair was down in beautiful waves that showed off her peculiar golden color, and her outfit was composed of a knee-length coat, mom jeans, and a shirt tucked into it. She looked incredibly beautiful. You couldn't believe you were on a date with such a gorgeous woman.
Despite already possessing the title of date, this outing was no different from the others. Deep topics never touched on personal matters, somehow remaining a mystery beyond what each chose to reveal.
That changed drastically when you noticed that she began to dissociate for a moment after you brought up a topic that didn't seem to be of impact. It was only about a stuffed rabbit you had for five years of your childhood.
"Are you okay? Did I say something wrong...?" you asked, concerned palpable all over your face.
"Look, (Y/N), I like you very much," she replied, and as much as you were happy to hear such a thing, you dreaded hearing the next sentence. "I don't know what you want right now, but I do want a serious relationship. I'd rather say this before there are misunderstandings. I need to know, so I'm sure if I reveal to you every aspect of myself, or if I should back off."
"I do want something serious with you," you were quick to reply. The girl next to you was too wonderful a being to settle for only the superficial or the banal. No, you were willing to love Vanessa. "Time will make me start to love you. And there is no turning back now."
She let out a deep breath, "If you want to leave after what I'm about to tell you, I'll understand."
You took her hand across the table and squeezed it in a ressuring manner.
"The disappearance of the children, at the pizzeria. My father is the owner, and he was also responsible," she confessed, looking down at her plate, fear preventing her from meeting your gaze.
Those words hit you like a bucket of cold water on your head. The fact that she frequented that place despite its closure, the connection she seemed to have with it, it all made sense. She seemed to want to cling to what might have been if not for her father's heinous acts, which filled her with overwhelming guilt. You could see it in her eyes.
And since you still had your hand holding hers, you gently rubbed your thumb to bring her comfort, somehow telling her you were still there.
"The first time I tried to stop him, he found a way to bring Vanny back afloat," just mentioning that name made her muscles tense.
"Vanny?" you repeated. As much as you wanted to avoid questions and let her go at her own pace, you were struck by what she said.
"That part of me that's able to endure what he did," she explained. "And that's willing to do what he wants. It's not me, it's complicated..."
"I understand," you nodded. You didn't want her to feel the need to explain further.
"Anyway, he manages to put this mask on me and that's how he's kept me from stopping him all these years," she continued, and her eyes began to water. "I thought I was useless at stopping him, that is, until Mike and Abby needed my help, and they gave me the strength to finally defeat him."
You listened intently to every word, and even if you didn't respond verbally, you provided constant caresses on her hand to let her know everything that words perhaps couldn't describe at once. "I'm here, I will never leave you" was the main thing you sought to convey.
You knew that night that Vanessa was not only conformed by the woman in front of you, but also by a little wounded girl who had to grow up very fast, and had to create her mechanisms to be able to face the terrible childhood she had to live.
Her father did not leave the children alone even after their death and manipulated them to contribute to committing more abominations, just as he did with Vanessa. But we all hit rock bottom sooner or later, and she was finally able to end a nightmare that lasted for decades.
She did it for those missing children, for that little girl who still lived inside her, and for all the children she saved. You understood then that behind her previous coma state was the ultimate act of bravery, and why her connection to Mike and Abby was so sacred.
Vanessa revealed all that to you with the intention of letting you know ahead of time who you were about to get emotionally involved with, and that way, you still had time to decide whether to leave or stay. And for not a split second did you dare to doubt that your decision was the latter.
"I am willing to love you for how you are and for how you were. I will love that part of you that had to face what you couldn't, and I will love that little girl who lives inside you and deserves to heal. I will love you, a survivor who has so much to live for."
She went into your arms, and cried what was evidently stuck for years. You did your best to bring as much comfort as possible both to her and to every version of her that needed it just as much.
It only remains to say that you kept your promise. You showed her in a thousand ways, every day, that if you were willing to love her, you were going to get it no matter how complicated or challenging it might be. It wasn't all easy, but there was no better reward than the fact that your now wife has finally forgiven herself, living the life she deserved, and you were part of it.
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maroon-scarf · 5 months
the only thing that i hate about this episode is the way they end it, such a cliffhanger, they left us with percy just discovered he can breath underwater and then cut to black like how dare you
173 notes · View notes
hiii are you by chance writing a part 3 for anger?! you write so well for 2007 and it makes me so happy because no one write for them anymore 😭
Anger: part 3 (18+) (Angst)
2007!Raphael x reader x 2007!Leonardo
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Part 1 Part 2 / Leonardo's Ending Raphael’s Ending
A/N: Thank you so much!💚 I’m so happy that you like it💕 I’ve been wanting to make a part 3 for sooo long, but I’ve had no idea how to finish it. I’ve now decided to make two different endings; one for Raph and one for Leo, because I can’t choose one myself, so I don’t expect anybody else to be able to pick😂 Anyway, Raph and Leo’s endings will probably first be posted on the other side of Christmas.
After the events on your roof, you, Raph and Leo are shaken. You need time to think, and Leo and Raph try to come to terms.
Warnings: Feelings of betrayal, feelings of guilt, emotions of sadness and regret, memories of sex. Spelling
Raph ran as fast as he could, getting him as far as his feet could get him. He leaped across roofs, jumping over alleys, fighting the prickling feeling in his eyes. His mind was spinning, his thoughts in a chaotic mess as he remembered the look in Leo’s eyes, and fear upon your face. It hurt him to think of it. How angry he was. How he had wanted to hurt Leo. The words he had said to him. All of it came together and made his chest and stomach hurt. He felt nauseous and lightheaded. He had hurt Leo, his own brother. And he had hurt you, the girl he loved, the girl he had spent so much time dreaming about. He had fucked up.
Caught up in his running thoughts, Raph didn’t notice the bump on the roof, before stumbling his foot against it. He fell to the roof’s surface with a veil of agony, landing on his side, his arm slamming against the hard surface underneath him, causing a piercing pain to erupt through his elbow. The fall broke the barrier he had fought to keep up, finally letting a sob he had held back slip out. After the first came out, the rest came like water bursting through an open dam. Tears fell down his face as he slammed his fist against the roof, sadness and anger flowing through his every being, with no clear way to direct them at.
Ignoring the pain coursing through his foot and arm, Raphael stood up, before hurrying in the only direction he could think of. Home. Even with all the anger and confusion that stormed through his body, Raph just wanted to go home.
The silence Raph had left behind on the roof was heavy. Neither you nor Leo said a word, still shaken from the events that hand just transpired. Your legs shook as you sat down on the roof, your head in your hands as you took in a shaky breath. It was as if the world came crashing down on you. You did not know what to think, and you did not know what to believe. It was as if the world around you was shaking on its own, and you were just being thrown around, unable to stop it.
Leo sat up, breathless, unsure of what to do with himself. What to think… What to say… What to do… He felt heavy and cold, his body shivering and his head slightly spinning. But then he heard you, your rugged breath and the subs that were threatening in your throat. He felt a sudden need to comfort you, just like he had done before he left for South America. Hold you close against him while whispering sweet nothings into your ear. But he hesitated, unsure if you would welcome him if he did so. As much as he wanted to comfort you, he could not deny the small pain in his chest. He felt betrayed. But the sight of your tears softened him enough, to the point where he dared sit down beside you.
His throat knotted together when you looked up at him, tears down your cheeks as you sobbed. “I’m sorry, Leo. I thought you were gone”.
“You… you have nothing to be sorry about”, Leo managed to get out of his closing throat. His fists tightening and loosening in his lap, as he tried to calm his own breathing. Though Leo felt betrayed by you, he had to collect himself and remember, you knew nothing. He was the one that stopped writing to you and his own family. He was the one that left you all in the unknown, with no clue about his well being.
But yet, there was one thought that kept pushing its way forward to the front. The words Raph had yelled at him. They taunted him and did exactly as Raph had intended for them to do; make Leo question. Make him unsure about himself and his own abilities. It was a selfish thought, he knew that, but he just had to ask. He just had to know.
“Was- was he better than me?”, Leo asked, not being able to bring his eyes to yours. He tried to swallow the knot in his throat, but it just wouldn’t go away.
You hesitated, not sure what to say. Because in all honesty, you did not know. You did not know if Leo was better than Raph, or if Raph was any better then Leo. They were just so different. Two different personalities. Two different people. Each unique in their own way, they both had hurt you.
But was this really all it was about? Who fucked you the best? Which one of them made you cum and scream the most?
Although Leo never made you scream, he kept you close to the edge, feeling your legs shake as you got close to your high, only to retreat, enjoying your whimpering, before continuing whatever he had been doing. Fingering you while watching you intensely, or eating you out with the skilled tongue of his, before finally, after what felt like heavenly torture, he would fuck you with intens passion, watching your face and whisper sweet nothings while you came around him, pushing him to his own high.
And then there was Raph. Rough and hard, making you cum over and over again, telling you all sorts of dirty things that made you cling around him. Forcing your face down into the bed with your ass high up in the air, he would fuck you with intense speed and strength, making you scream in pleasure.
“I don’t know”, you said, avoiding your gaze when he finally looked at you. It took you a moment before you stood up, your legs shaking to give out under you. Leo hurried up, his hands out in an offering for you to hold onto them. But you stopped him with your hand held out in front of you. At that moment, still feeling overwhelmed, you did not wish to be touched, even if it was just Leo who wanted to help you stand. “I… I need to think”. Those were the last words before you turned, heading back to your fire escape, climbing back down to your apartment.
Leo stood back and watched as you left. It reminded him of that day he told you he had to go to South America. It had made you sad, although not like you were right now. You were honest and told him you didn’t like it, but you did not try to force him to stay. He should just have stayed. He should just have fucking stayed. Had he stayed, then this mess would never had happened to begin with.
Leo stayed on the roof, until he heard you shut your window close. That was his que to leave. Back then, after a long night of deep conversations, tender hands, building you before an earth shattering orgasm, Leo would not leave your fire escape before you closed the window. You in turn would not close your window, before Leo had left your fire escape. It was like couples on the phone with each other, refusing to hang up before the other.
Leo went home, his feet feeling heavy as he walked through the sewer. His head was hurting and this throat was still tightly knotted together. He just wanted to sleep for now, and get some time alone. He just wanted to get home and recharge. But when he walked into the lair, he was far from alone. Donatello and Michelangelo were in the living area, waiting for him to come. Mikey sat on the couch, the television blaring in the background, watching Donnie and Leo in concern. Donnie watched Leo walk in with a stern yet worried expression, his arms crossed as he walked to his oldest brother.
“What the shell is happening, Leo?”, he asked, brows frowning in concern. “Raph just came in with a limb and an injured arm, but he refuses to let me look at it, let alone even talk to me and Mikey! What happened out there?!”
Leo thought for a moment, his eyes locked on the closed door that led to Raphael’s room. “He didn’t tell you?”
“No! He just growled like he usually does and threatened to punch Mikey if he took a step closer!”
“It’s true!”, Mikey said, still seated on the couch. “And I wasn’t even near him!”
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow”, Leo sighed after another moment of thought. “A lot happened out there”.
“What happened?”, Donnie asked, following Leo as he started walking towards his own room. Mikey rose from the couch and followed his two older brothers. “Anything dangerous? Are you injured too? Did you see what happened to Raph?”
“No”, was all Leo said as he placed a hand on his door knob. “Don’t worry about it. It’s between me and Raph. I’ll talk to him tomorrow”. And with those words he slipped into his room, leaving Donnie and Mikey on the other side, sharing looks of confusion and concern.
Leo could not stand the smell in his own room. Once it had been so pleasant, with soft scents of you and him. But now it was violent, attacking his nose with you and Raph. He could almost see it in front of him. You and his brother, on his bed, doing it in ways Leo never had thought of doing it to you. It made him sad, tired, angry… It was too much for Leo at that moment. He therefore waited for his two youngest brothers to leave for bed, before he went to the living area, so he could use the couch as a bed for the night.
He covered himself with a blanket and stared at the pipes on the ceiling above. His thoughts went straight to you, just like they had done while the two of you were together. Just like they had done while he was in South America. God, why did he stop writing? He thought about you every night and every day, but he still decided to stop writing. Was it because he had been so sure that he had to stay in the jungle, to save those poor women and children, who’s lives would have been cut short if he didn’t? And staying in the jungle meant letting go of you? Yeah, that must have been why. His wish to be a hero had cost him the person he loved the most; you.
Leo turned onto his side, as he wondered what would have happened if he never had stopped writing. Would he had returned after a year, just like had promised you at first, or would you have waited out for him all two years? You probably would, and he would still have you. He would have you comfortably in his arms, and feel as you slowly drifted to sleep. Your beautiful face next to his, your eyes closed in a peaceful expression, feeling safe with him.
Leo continued to think of your face as he fell asleep. Your beautiful smile, your pretty eyes, and the way your nose would wrinkle whenever he teased you, or your blushing cheeks when he kissed you. How you would bite your lip while watching him train, or how your lips would be slightly agape whenever he would kiss your neck. The look of your face whenever you were close, or how your beautiful face would form when you came for him. Leo missed it. He missed you.
The next morning Leo was the first to wake up. Under normal circumstances, he would meditate and train before eating breakfast, but still feeling tired and drained from the night before, he went straight for breakfast. As the morning unfolded, he watched as his brothers woke up. He and Donnie greeted each other warmly, before Donnie went to clock in with his phone service job. Mikey woke up with a smile, before bringing a full bowl of cereal to the living area, where he ate them in front of the television. Master Splinter told all of his sons good morning, before he went to the dojo to meditate.
Leo watched and waited, until he was sure his family was fully distracted, before he went up the stairs to the second level of the lair, where he made his way to Raphael’s bedroom. Once Leo got to his door, he didn’t knock, nor did he try to walk in. Instead he waited with his back resting against the wall.
Raphael woke up in pain. His foot was still hurting and so was his elbow. He sat up and listened to the sound of his family outside in the living area. Raph did not wish to face them. He didn’t want to have Donnie bug him about his arm, and he didn’t want Mikey to come and try to do whatever he thought was helpful. Much less did he wish to talk to Master Splinter, and even less did he wish to talk to Leonardo. If he even was home. As far as Raphael knew, Leo could have spent the night at your place. After he ran, the two of you could have decided to get back together. Or, that was at least what Raph feared.
Raph went out of bed with a sigh, pain shooting through him the moment his foot touched the ground. He groaned as he started moving towards the door. His goal was to get to the kitchen and get something to eat. A quick grab and go before anyone noticed. Just like the ninja he was trained to be. No one would see him, no one would hear him.
Raph opened his bedroom door and slowly made his way out on the floor that overlooked the floor below.
“Donnie said you hurt your arm”.
Raph looked left of his door, where he found Leo standing. Leaning against the wall, waiting for him to come out. How long had he been there?
“Did I do that?”, Leo asked, his expression stoic, his gaze avoiding Raphael all together.
Raph tugged his arm closer to himself, feeling the pain once more. “None of your business”.
Leo didn’t say anything to that. He knew his brother, and that meant no.
Silence fell between them. None of them moved, none of them said a word, their eyes did not meet. The tension was thick, so thick that Raph could puncture it with his sai and Leo could cut it with his katana. They stood like that for what felt like an eternity, before Leonardo finally broke the silence.
“We have to let her choose”, Leo sighed frustrated, his knuckles tightening around the thin air. “No matter how much it might hurt, we have to respect her decision. It is her choice now”.
Raph tightened his jaw, felt the muscles in his arm tense before staring off into the distance. “You know I’ll still be angry if she chooses you”, he said, feeling the air build up on his chest as a knot formed in his throat.
“I know”, Leo said, still not looking at his brother. Raph felt that familiar feeling of irritation grow. The way Leo avoided his eyes, and the way he kept his breath calm as he spoke. That God damn big brother talk, that had gotten Raph so angry in the first place. “I don’t blame you. I would be angry too if she chose you”. He swallowed as his eyes fell to his feet. “I was angry when… when you told me. Almost blinded. For… for a moment I wanted to hurt you”. He finally looked Raph in the eyes, with an expression he had never seen on Leo’s face before. “Is that how you felt? Even before I left?”
Raph almost forgot how to breathe. His fingers began to feel numb, shaking slightly by the sudden shock. He would cross his arms to form a kind of barrier between him and his big brother. He felt his lip tremble slightly, bitting it on the inside of his mouth to keep it still.
“Yes”, was all Raphael said. It came out like a growl, frustration building further as he fought to keep his breath calm. A pressure formed from behind his eyes, threatening to make his eyes water. No! He would not cry! Especially not in front of Leo. But Leo’s next words almost broke him.
“I’m sorry”, he said with a deep sigh, voice trembling as he spoke, his eyes searching for Raphael’s. “I didn’t know”.
“No”, Raphael pushed out. “You didn’t”.
Silence fell upon them again. They heard Mikey laugh at something on the television, and Donnie telling him to keep it down. This time it was Raphael’s turn to break the silence.
“Did… did she say anything after I left?”
Leo sighed. “She said she needed to think. I don’t blame her. It was kind of a lot. She didn’t even want me to help her”.
Raph nodded and tried to swallow the knot that was building in his throat. “Then we should let her think”.
“Yes, we should do that”, Leo agreed. He pushed away from the wall and turned to his brother one last time before leaving. “Please let Donnie look at your arm. Him and Mikey are very worried. I almost had to run from them last night”.
Raph nodded. “I will”. This made Leo give him a small smile, before he turned to leave, but then Raph started to feel that burning feeling. He had to say something. “Hey, Leo?” The blue clad turtle turned to look at his brother, one brow muscle raised. “Welcome home”.
Leo smiled once more, this time a little bigger. “Thank you”.
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friedwizardwhispers · 6 months
The fact that we end the episode with Eming crying because they hurt Xie Lian is so rude and mean. How dare....
That's the biggest, saddest cliffhanger.
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wow, this episode was wild from start to finish — the makgeolli scene was ludicrous, sol's elder brother is annoying, and HOW DARE they end it on such a cliffhanger!!!
that said, i LOVED the parallels of sol switching the fan on for sunjae while he was sleeping just like he did for her in previous episodes (it was such a lovely, subtle bit of cuteness) — him unconsciously covering her hand with his own was an added bonus.
that boy is aware of her EVEN IN HIS SLEEP.
i think it's a testament to byeon woo-seok's acting that he's able to communicate the tenderness of his feelings for sol so well with just his eyes — i keep mentioning this, but there's a literal reverence in his gaze when he looks at sol that's simply uncanny. his whole face just softens when he looks at her!!!
kim hye-yoon matches this well with the way her face lights up when she's watching sun-jae — her smile is pure RADIANCE when she's looking at him.
there's such genuine respect and adoration in her expression that it just warms my heart.
sunjae confessing his feelings all in a rush was such a bittersweet experience for me — first love is often so sweet but also overpowering and bewildering — you can see from the beginning of the story how helpless sunjae is in the wake of his emotions for sol.
he put her into music and made her memory eternal!
having said that, i was NOT a fan of the way sol rejected sunjae at the hospital. i understand her reasons (since she's uncertain over her fate after the day of her accident / her having to return to the future) but she didn't have to be that harsh.
the poor boy even said "don't be so cold" 🥺
and the fact that she realized she was his first love and the song was about her — only to get kidnapped right after: EVIL move on the writers' part.
i think she'll manage to get out of this without getting paralyzed again (maybe with sunjae's help) — that's why the promo showed her walking in the future.
i know a little about the webtoon, so i'm pretty sure sunjae DOES remember her, he's just behaving coldly because she rejected him / or because after the accident past!sol returned and didn't remember him and he distanced himself ever since then.
either of those reasons would also explain his refusing not to do the movie that sol's presumably directing.
as far as sol trying to stop him from coming to the bridge — she probably realized something to do with his death. it might be related to her (and the taxi-driver) so she's trying to stop sunjae from meeting her and putting everything into motion again.
i think the first time she went into the past, it was to remember sunjae, the second was to prevent her accident, and the third will be her finally stopping sunjae's death.
hate to say it, but i think sol will have to go through sunjae dying again before she goes back into the past for the third and final time (probably when they're in university) and saves him at last.
she better save him and make sure they have a happy ending, otherwise this viewer is going to become a LOVELY HATER. XD
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kana-de · 10 months
Hiiiii!!! May I ask for a wanderer x gn reader wherein they are rivals suddenly turning into roommates?
This can be hc and/or a fanfic, whatever is comfortable for you.
★ summary: wanderer x gn!haravatat scholar!reader. nahida assigning you to work on a project, translating an ancient plate with old runes in inazuman language, and she happens to have a certain someone by her side who may be willing to help. (im so bad at summaries im sorry)
☆ cw: sfw. fluff. rivals (enemies) to friends (??? idk there's no romance pointed out (but you can say enemies to lovers if you see it in here)). and they were roommates. kinda. wanderer stealing your tea at night. open ending (cliffhanger?). 1000 words.
☾ a/n: the "wanderer stealing your tea at night" part in the fic was so random i genuinely see myself as a genius for hc'ing him that way ohmygod. thank you anon, i really enjoyed writing this one.₍⁠₍⁠ ⁠◝⁠(⁠ ゚⁠∀⁠ ゚⁠ ⁠)⁠◟⁠ ⁠⁾⁠⁾
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"what?!" your voice echoed through the space of the sanctuary of surasthana as you stared at the small figure of the dendro archon in front of you with wide-open eyes.
this can't be happening.
"why am i being paired up with him? he's not even a scholar!" you protested.
but that's not even the worst.
"and the worst! why is he going to live with me in the time of our project?" you threw up your hands, pitying yourself and mentally preparing for what will happen.
"nahida, my dearest, spare my life, would you?" you begged the small archon, trying to convince the goddess to have mercy on the poor you.
nahida knew that you both couldn't stand each other - your constant rambling about how tha "hat guy" often can't keep his mouth shut, continuously speaking out loud his thoughts about you- no, not thoughs, they were insults of his own kind, and you often found yourself mumbling about how irritating he is in the empty rooms of the house of daena; she also listened to how wanderer complained about you - you, who dared to snatch his hat away while he accidentally fell asleep on one of many lectures in the akademiya. yet not only you took it away, you also had the courage to place it on your disgusting head, and walk with it on around for the time he was asleep!
"the runes that were found in those ruins are written in inazuman, [name]. and wanderer is... well-familiar with that language and the nation itself." the young goddess explained in her calm tone of voice, keeping away most of the details.
"but nahida, have mercy, there's no way we coul-"
your pleas were cut off with nahida's small frown and intense stare. you couldn't help but sigh, hopeless.
you thought that when wanderer will have his enter to your house, the building will be blasting with his mocking comments out of everywhere, that arguments and occasional disagreements in everything wouldn't have their end. yet, you were wrong. you and wanderer were ordinary discussing the project of translating the old inazuman runes, talking through about who will deal with this or that topic in it, or who will translate the meaning of the old plate with those runes.
you ofthen found yourself surprised at how he would try to keep down his banter when he saw how exhausted you were after those lectures in the akademiya, so he just shut himself up in case he happened to walk on you in that state, and instead resented how you don't take care of yourself, devoting so much time to all the unnecessary languages ​​and useless pieces of paper called books.
but, there was one more thing.
since wanderer has recently moved to your house, your tea began to disappear as if a cat was sneaking into your kitchen at night, brewing ten cups of tea at once. you already had your suspicions on who could it be, but you needed to figure it out yourself.
so, you waited for him to appear at the usual place you two are meeting every morning for fresh breakfast (for you - a full breakfast, for the puppet - a cup of the bitterest tea you have ever tried in your entire life) - kitchen. sitting in fron of each other while he was already drinking the second cup of tea this morning, and you had just finished with your dish, just sitting there and granting you both with silence.
you took a deep breath, trying not to laugh at your own idea of breaking the silence.
"wanderer, dear, would you please enlighten me on why my tea has been dissipating every night since you got here?" you asked in a fake bittersweet tone, clearly hiding a laugh that has been brewing in your throat.
as he proceeded to raise the cup to his lips, but stopped after your words. wanderer's eyes glimmered with suspense. was he really that obvious, he thought?
"are you implying that-"
"no, i am not stealing your tea at night." wanderer scoffs with a scowl on his features. he needed to get the suspicion off himself. "it even sounds like a joke, do you even hear yourself?"
"so how would you explain the magical disappearing of my tea?" you mockingly raised your eyebrows, prepping your chin and cheek on you palm, your elbow on the table.
"that's none of my concern, [name]." he deadpanned, not even bothering to look at your side. ah, good old mean wanderer. how you missed that.
you sighed with a smile that clearly showed that you definitely knew something, and laid the suss off of him for now.
for now.
yet, you decided to check on him later that night, as you were oh so right in your suspicions. you just needed to cast light on his small, silly doings that he denied every now and then. and so, you sneaked into your kitchen at night to prove your point.
what you saw clearly amused you - you needed you hold a hand over your mouth to not laugh out loud in the middle of the night. this was too predictable.
wanderer was leaning against the kitchen counter with his front, with his back turned to you. he was facing the window, the moonlight illuminating on his porcelain skin and indigo hair as if he was an angel from heaven himself. your feauters softened upon seeing him glaring up at the moon in thoughts, yet your eyes wandered off of wanderer and to the three already empty cups of tea next to him on the counter.
"i knew it would be you." you whispered, not bothering to hide a smile, as you heard him snort shortly after.
"...tch. no peace in this house even at night." wanderer sighed, taking another sip from the fourth cup of tea. he turned his head slightly to the side, a small, genuine smile coating his lips. "how irritating."
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enchantedlov3r · 2 months
My heart is saying let's go! John B Routledge and JJ Maybank
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🎶I'm a genie in a bottle, you gotta rub me the right way! If you wanna be with me, baby there's a price to pay🎶
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Summary: There has been tension between you and the two boys but no one's ever acted on them, plus there the boys! They gotta rub you the right way...
Pairing: John B x Fem!hispanic!Pogue!reader x JJ Maybank
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: pet names, oral (f), flirting, angst, arguing, jealous kiara, angry reader, mention of death, smut, cliffhanger, kiara being a party pooper (i have nothing against her this was just a random idea), pinning and yearning, many emotions, overall good vibes, FLUFF LIKE TOOTH ROTTING, ENJOY!
A/N: I looooooovvvve me some of that John D and Papa J (divider creds to @cafekitsune
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you were walking down the street from your house. you had just recently gotten into an argument with your dad and you really didn't feel like dealing with that right now.
you were walking down the street towards the chateau where you practically lived whenever you and your dad fought.
It was the only safe place you could go to, besides your childhood best friends were over there!
john b and jj maybank, the two boys who grew up to be the hottest men around. you had the biggest crush on them both and they noticed ever since you guys started 9th grade together.
since then you've flirted with each other, tested each others limits to see who would snap first, you even kissed them both at a stupid spin the bottle game.
though kiara has always been a little jealous considering she kissed jj and john b at the same party. And granted they never said they were dating because no pogue on pogue macking but hey, you and them? broke that rule long time ago.
you finally arrived and ran your hand along the Twinkie. you looked inside wondering if anyone was inside but nope, nobody. you went up to the door and knocked. you pace around the front porch before knocking again.
after about a minute you hear someone say, "hold your horses man, i'm comin." You instantly knew it was jj's voice, how could it not be.
when he opens the door he's got this boyish grin on his face as his eyes rake up and down your body. "hi jj, how's my surfer boy?" you greet with a warm smile on your face and open arms.
he gladly accepts your warm embrace along with the feeling of your warm skin on his as you were just in a bikini with these cute little short shorts on.
"i'm doing a lot better now cupcake," he says biting his bottom lip as he checks you out. "gimme a lil' twirl huh cupcake?" he asks smirking. he grabs your hand holding it up as you twirl around with giggles escaping your mouth.
"hey jayj, my eye's are up here." you say snapping your fingers in his face. you roll your eyes when he pouts and push past him to get inside.
"johnny boy, where are you bubba? I missed you," you call out hoping that john b is in here somewhere. suddenly you hear footsteps behind you and as you turn around you squeal out of fear and excitement.
john b has you wrapped up in his arms as he spins you around. john b was always your favorite but at the end of the day, you liked them both and your love for them evens out to the point where there both your favorites.
"there you are, been thinking about you all day baby." he says as he puts you down with his head snugged into your neck and his arms wrapped around your waist.
"Oh really, well then I guess my appearance was good in your favor." you say giggling. You see jj behind him staring at your exposed legs and his bottom lip between his teeth.
"ugh, hey, john b c'mere. Take a look at our girl." he says as he makes eye contact with you. john b let's you go and his eyes rake over your body as he walks to stand next to jj.
"what? do you want a twirl too?" you asks with your hands on your hips. They both smile and look at each other. "no, no. y-you look nice" john b says.
"I mean yea but without the clothes would be reeeaaal nice." jj says.
"JJ MAYBANK! How dare- ugh how could- ugh never mind." you stutter, face flushed. they've never been this forward with you but I guess since you guys kissed, there getting bolder and bolder.
"aww is our girl getting all shy now?" jj said making a fake pouty face with only mockery behind it, no sympathy at all.
you flip them both off before muttering some slight curses in spanish.
"Ustedes, hijos de puta, pueden ser verdaderos idiotas." you say while walking outside. (Translation: you motherfuckers can be real idiots.)
they hate when you curse at them in spanish, only knowing a few words because you use them a lot. "Hey! I know what puta and idiotas means you jerk!" jj yells at you.
you giggle and stick your tongue out at them both. john b is standing there in pure shock like 'what did i do' and jj is just angry. you make your way to pope, sarah and kiara.
"hey guys! what's up?" you asks excited to see sarah and pope. you and kiara aren't exactly on the best terms right now. she was your number one and now she's been replaced with sarah all because of a boy.
it was stupid really but whatever, if your guy's friendship was put in jeopardy over a boy and jj at that, then you guys were never really best friends to begin with.
sarah rushes over to you instantly embracing you in a warm hug pope following and doing the same. You opened your eyes and watched as kiara sat there and gave you a small smile. You simply smiled back before drawing your attention back to sarah and pope.
"hey girl! what's wrong? you look like you've been crying." typical sarah. Such an observer. "Yea i'm fine, just got into another argument with my dad, noting too serious." you say with a weak smile.
She tuts and shakes her head, "I told you just come and live with me for a month at most." she says.
"Yea and risk my father tearing up tannyhill, and risk putting you in danger? yea no chance. Eres demasiado importante para mi" you say to her. (Translation: you are too important to me)
She smiles understanding the words that came out of your mouth as you say them to her and everyone else everyday. You nod at her and walk over to pope.
"Hey. pope pope! Hows papi Heyward doing?" you say laughing as soon as you see pope's face.
"One that nickname is dead. Two, never call my dad papi again. And three, he's alright thanks for asking." he says rolling his eyes with a smile on his face.
"Noted on number one. Never on number two, he's papi forever, and three, that's good, glad he's ok!" You say making sarah laugh.
You see the boys coming outside with beer cans in their hands and they're walking towards the boat. sarah managed to highjack one of her dad's famous boats and now you all have it.
Today was a day where you all go out on the boat, listen to music and swim around and get slightly drunk. That was a weekend for the pogues. And even though it is stupid considering you guys have school in two days, who cares!? your living life like stupid teenagers should.
your making your way towards the boat with john b and sarah when you see kiara rush up to jj. there both talking and jj looks your way but, you quickly look next to them to make it look like your looking at pope.
waving your hand over to invite pope to the conversation sarah was having with you and john b. you three get on the boat and you turn to grab some cans from john b so you can put them in the cooler.
Once everyone is on it's smooth sailing from here until of course kiara has something to say. This has been going on for many weekends now when you all want to have fun, kiara some how ruins it with her jealousy.
"why are you doing it anyway?" she asks. you were scrolling on your phone while jamming to the music in the background and laying your head in jj's lap while he was talking to john b when she said it.
sarah looked at her confused like 'what is she talking about' and then noticed she was talking to you. sarah then tapped you to get your attention.
"¿qué pasa sarah?" you asks her. She nods her head to kiara and kiara rolls her eyes.
"yo kie, is there a problem?"jj asks, it seems her question got everyones attention now. pope looks confused and so does john b.
"I wanna know why you do it. why you lead them on? why you flirt with them sooo much!" she says glaring at you.
"kiara are you serious right now? we're all just trying enjoy ourselves and you feel the need to have this conversation now?" you say trying to keep your composure.
you have your dads temper and when you got angry it wasn't exactly the best. your whole mood would be ruined the rest of the day and you didn't need that.
"i'm talking to you about it right? so obviously i wanna have the conversation now." she says with an atitutude in her tone and you snap.
"look kiara. i'm done with your bullshit ok? whatever the hell you need to get off your chest just fucking say it." you say rising your voice slightly.
she scoffs and then begins her rant, "i'm tired of seeing you flirt with them. it's so annoying and you know how I feel about it. and john b, jj? what happened to no pogue on pogue macking huh? it seems that rule just went out the window!" she yells back.
"Ok hermana, lemme stop you there. no pogue on pogue macking? that rule ended when you kissed them first at that stupid party kiara. then you just ditched them both completely like nothing happened and they did the same thing. When you had your stupid kook phase where you just up and left and fucking forgot all of us, that was cold." you yell.
"So yea maybe i did take the opportunity to try and explore my newfound feelings for the two boys I LITERALLY GREW UP WITH!? you love making this situation seem all about you and your fucking feelings kiara but that's bullshit. i had them first, there my boys! who were with me through everything! When my mom died, were you there? no! wanna know why? because you were too busy acting like a fucking stuck up, prissy kook to even notice!" you yell at her finally getting what you needed to get off your chest.
"No offense sarah..." you add quietly. she shakes her head as a 'none taken' gesture before looking back over to kiara.
"oh ¿por qué haces las cosas que haces? Oh, no lo sé, ¿probablemente porque puedo?" you say mocking her out of anger.
Translation: (oh why do you do the things you do? oh i don't know probably cause i can?!)
She sits there silently. "I bet 20 bucks you didn't even know my mother was dead." you say coldly before turning around to go sit at the bottom part of the boat.
20 minutes later john b and jj come down to comfort you.
"Hey bubs. you ok?" john b asks walking up to your laying figure and lays in front of you. jj gets on the bed behind you and grips your stomach while john b grips your waist.
your still in your shorts and bathing suit. jj's hands are warm on your bare stomach and john b's hands are toying with the back pocket of your shorts.
"really sorry about her. she just, she-" jj is cut off by you.
"she needs to chill the hell out. She needs to stop acting like i'm some girl that's obsessed with you guys when she's clearly the obsessed one!" you say cuddling into jonh b's chest a little more.
jj scoots closer to you, his crotch on your ass, you wiggle against him supposedly "trying to get comfortable" knowing damn well your just teasing.
john b notices what your doing and pulls your hips flush with his. "I'd stop moving if I were you sweetheart." john b says.
"yea, wouldn't want anything naughty to happen right?" jj whispers in your ear.
" 'm sorry, just wanna shut my brain off for a second. i'm so angry, can you help me?" you ask the both of them twisting onto your back to stare at both of them.
They both give each other this look before looking back at you and giving in. "ok cupcake what do ya want us to do?" jj asks, you look at him and smile tiredly.
"I want you to finger me, eat me out, you choose." you say pulling down your shorts and your bikini bottoms to reveal your already wet pussy.
"Damn bubs, that was kinda our job but hey i'll get to work." john b says kissing all down your body from your lips to your neck, down to your breasts until he reaches your thighs.
He parts your legs with his big, warm hands rubbing your thighs in just the right way to make you twitch. You grab onto his hair when his kisses start leading to your now soaking cunt.
"Are you a virgin cupcake? what? you saved your pretty pussy for us? how cute." jj says right next to you. He's kissing and sucking, leaving marks on your neck as he plays with your nipples to stimulate you.
you whine and nod your head lazily at how good it feels. jj chuckles beside you as he whispers dirty things in your ear to get you off.
John b's tongue is now on you eliciting a moan straight out of you. Your hands running through his curls. Your hips moving on their own to chase your orgasm that's building up (he was that good).
Your crying now, the feeling of john b's tongue and jj's fingers were a feeling of bliss and ecstasy. You wanted nothing more than to cream and cum all over john b's face.
jj's hands reach your clit at the perfect time, you clearly must have mumbled something about cumming but you were too drunk off the both of them to even notice.
your mush now, the feeling of your orgasm washing over you and hitting you like a wave. your slowly sinking in to a lulling slumber as your fingers get tired of gripping john b's hair.
You whine out one last time before your out like a light. 'damn they really rubbed you the right way.' you thought once more before your asleep.
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jolieblack · 3 months
Jolie's thoughts on
The Creeping Man (Sherlock & Co. podcast)
Check out these lovely pieces of fanart for the episode:
Stake out by @mayhasopinions
Rip Ratthew by @noodles-and-tea
You feline bastard by @abstractfrog
I hope people in this universe will never get the idea that Watson is the great storyteller. That’s clearly Sherlock - his deduction about the death of Ratthew was easily as engaging as his account of Matheus's death back in "Thor Bridge".
"Get down here and atone for your sins, you feline bastard!" 🤣 I just love how strongly Sherlock felt about Ratthew‘s death. And then how strong a bond he ended up forming with the perpetrator.
And the meta jokes in this podcast! Mariana pleading for donations bc Sherlock & John weren’t getting paid for this case but were still renting high end cars and attending expensive events… John ruining a brilliant opportunity for an ad break at the Thai restaurant… I can’t believe how brilliant a parody of true crime shows this continues to be, as well as a fantastic audio drama, *and* a very very sweet account of one of the most beautiful friendships in the history of literature.
More stuff I liked in this episode:
Sherlock & John playing Scrabble. Joel Emory is the King of Banter.
We got a "come at once"! 🥳
"It’s 2024, no-one needs to be saying 'thus'". 😆
Have we actually just assumed until now that John is short in this universe, too? At any rate we just heard it confirmed by Bill Wiggins and I’m HERE for it.
The uncool non-noir stakeout 🤣
"And are those skeletal entities in the room with us now?" 🤣
"My dear companion" *happy sigh*
John ending up in Chekhov‘s pool just before the 2nd part credits. On the cliffhanger scale of 1-10, definitely an 11.
"There we go, John." - I love how Sherlock reserves the use of Watson's first name for special occasions. And how caring he can be. He also literally just fished John out of the pool!? So they’re both sopping wet in this scene?!
Loved John's little speech about people’s lives getting commercialised. And the ping at the end.
"I hate you both." - Mariana is such a vibe sometimes.
"Say no more." - "So long, sucker." - "Oh no, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" - John Watson , anti-hero extraordinaire, strikes again, pun intended. How can you not love him.
"I have a dog and a detective to look after." - My heart.
On a serious note for a moment, I thought it was interesting how well this ACD story translates to our modern day and age, with the quest for eternal youth going stronger than ever, and people still willing to pay enormous sums of money for scams like that, and even ready to ruin their physical and mental health for it. I love how this show keeps finding ways to make the themes of ACD‘s stories relevant to today’s world.
In the crime solving sense, I dare say it was completely clear what the mystery was about halfway through the 2nd part, even for those who didn’t know the original story… but the showdown was definitely worth waiting for. Glorious.
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Routeriver's selkie Hideduo drawing reminded me of the old Hideduo + Tazercraft Mermaid / Nautical AU I started writing wayyyy back in October, so I dug up my old notes because I was feeling nostalgic.
I've moved on to other fics since then, but I really like the portion I did end up writing, so here's the opening scene along with some extra notes I made when I first came up with the idea.
One of the most common misconceptions about merfolk was that they'd die without water.
The other was that they only lived in the ocean.
Pac didn’t always live in the ocean; he grew up in a freshwater river with a large estuary at its mouth. There were plenty of fish to catch and more than enough space for him to swim freely without fear of the dangers that normally roamed deeper waters. It was only when Pac got older that he ventured out to sea and began traveling – which is how he wound up meeting his best friend.
According to Mike, a common misconception about selkies was that they could swim with or without their pelt. Mike said it might be true for others, but not for him. When he was younger, he almost never used his human form, so trying to swim without his pelt made him panic and claw at the water in a feeble attempt to keep from sinking like a rock. Thanks to many lessons from Pac, Mike was a strong swimmer in both forms now, but when Pac first met him, Mike was stranded alone on a remote beach. A handful of human boys were in the water jeering at Mike, and Pac felt a pang of sympathy and anger as he saw them waving a seal pelt just out of Mike's reach. Every time he tried to wade out to them, they'd move into deeper water, and Mike would have to scramble back to avoid getting pulled in by the current. Only when Pac swam underneath the boys and grabbed one by his ankle did they let go of the pelt, shrieking about sharks as they swam to shore as fast as they could.
He and Mike were best friends ever since, and not a day passed that Pac didn't have Mike by his side.
Except for today.
Even after being trapped with him for so long, Pac still didn’t know what kind of creature Cell was. Cell once told Pac he could smell blood in the water a mile away, and his night vision far surpassed either of theirs, allowing him to explore parts of the ocean neither of them dared to venture.
Both these thoughts were in Pac’s mind as he and Mike executed their escape plan and trapped Cell in the winding underwater caves of a cenote. Pac didn’t know what Cell was, but he knew that Cells’ claws were sharp and his teeth were even sharper. Half of Pac's fins were shredded to ribbons mid-escape while he tried to buy Mike time. That alone might've been a death sentence, but Pac's tail was the real problem.
The water around them was quickly being dyed a murky brown from the deep long gashes Cell left behind on Pac. Every movement only made the pain worse, and the water was getting so dark with his blood Pac could hardly see, let alone swim.
Here's the other thing most people don't know about merfolk: they're mammals.
Without air, they die.
The only reason Pac didn't drown was because of Mike. Mike was a faster swimmer than Pac in his seal form, and he could’ve – should’ve – escaped when Cell caught up to them, but he stayed. Mike did his best to help, encouraging Pac to lean against him as he inched them towards the surface, but Pac could barely keep his head above the water even when they reached it. Mike was a powerful swimmer, but he wasn't strong enough to carry Pac for long, and they were a long way from shore.
I know it's bad manners to end on a cliffhanger, but unfortunately this is all I wrote at the time! :'D I do have notes about what I wanted to happen next however, and notes about the rest of the cast.
After this scene, I planned to switch to Fit's POV. I imagined Fit as some kind of fisherman, and Ramon was his assistant (and adopted son) who wanted to become an engineer / inventor. They'd be out on the water hoping to catch some fish, and all of a sudden a harbor seal would flop into their boat. They'd laugh it off and assume it was after their fish, then Ramon would notice something was caught in their net, and they'd find a very injured and still bleeding Pac, who grabbed onto it to keep himself from sinking / drowning.
I do have a small piece from Fit's POV regarding the injury:
Fit was familiar with treating basic injuries, especially thanks to his time in the war. He knew how to do stitches, which came in handy back in the day when he had to tend to his own gaping wounds, and was still handy whenever Ramon came to him with holes in his clothes. Experience and quick-thinking was the reason Fit was still alive today, but the person – or whatever it was – bleeding out on the wet dirty floor of his boat was way outside his area of expertise. How can we help? Ramon signed to him. His eyes were wide with concern, but he didn't look afraid. No matter what happened, Ramon trusted him to know what to do, and he'd be damned if he let his son down now.
The story mostly fell apart after that because I had too many ideas for where I wanted to take it. I wanted to make Pac and Mike some kind of water-creature from Brazilian folklore since Selkies are from a very different region's mythology (wasn't too concerned about the mermaid bit though), but I also wanted to make sure I wasn't wading into any weird territory with that. (Before moving on to other projects, I was doing a lot of research on the lara myth, and similar "lady of the lake" stories.)
Another route I considered was making Fit a "merman" too, or reverse things entirely and have Tazercraft be human. I imagined 2B2T as a deep ocean battleground, which Fit only leaves after losing his arm in a battle. Pac and Mike find him washed up on the beach, and they take him to their lab, where Fit wakes up and nearly bites Mike's arm off.
Other aspects of the story I wound up incorporating into different projects, so you might see those in future fics (which I'll hopefully finish someday).
Even though this is an unfinished story, I hope you enjoy the concept! I sure do.
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feeblescholarmyass · 1 year
"I learned from the best"
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in which the ever so dependant forest watcher finally over exerts himself and gets sick, forcing him to accept being cared for by you
tags: mutual pining, sick fic, mentions of backstory in the Akademiya, reader is a doctor, sick!Tighnari x doctor GN!Reader, two idiots in love, teeth rotting fluff, switches between your POV and his (you/your or they/them pronouns), kind of long, ends on a cliffhanger
a/n: once again, largely written in the middle of the night, so please excuse any formatting or grammar errors
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You had been working on your most recent (unofficial) project when Collei stormed into your home. She threw open the door with a huff and scrambled over to you, looking terrified.
"Y-Y/n! Something is wrong with Master Tighnari! He won't get out of bed, and he looks paler than normal! Please come check up on him!" She grabbed your shoulders, startling you out of your train of thought.
"Collei? Huh? What do you-" you paused, thinking for a second. You had been living in Gandharva Ville for the past three years after graduating from the Akademiya, seeking some refuge from the relentless focus on scholarship in Sumeru City. You may be a doctor, but that doesn't mean you strive to be the best doctor out there. You found very little reason to stay within that place, especially with the shameful lack of privacy.
In those three years, you had rarely ever seen your senior take a break. Of course, he's finally overworked himself. It's probably nothing.
You sighed and let Collei lead you to Tighnari's home, where a suffocating silence greeted you, instead of the normal soft hustle you knew to follow Tighnari wherever he went.
"I'm fine, Collei, really, please don't bring Y/n in. They have plenty of work for themself, I don't need to bother them too." Tighnari grumbled from the floor, where he sat crumpled like a wet paper towel.
"It's too late for that," you sighed. Tighnari shot you a half-assed glare. You sat next to him and pressed the back of your hand to his forehead. Almost instantly, you pulled your hand away. His skin was practically radiating with heat. "Dear Archons! Tighnari, how long have you been sick?!"
"I'm fine, Y/n. Just help me up and you can be on your way." He turned away, wavering a little as he struggled to push himself up.
"How bad is it, Y/n? Will Master Tighnari be okay?" Collei looked frightened. You glanced at her, then back to Tighnari.
"I am a doctor, it's nothing I can't handle. He just has a little fever. He'll be fine after some rest and care. There's not much more you can do. Thank you for getting me, darling." You smiled at her and motioned for her to leave. Collei nodded at you and hurried away.
"Let go of me…" Tighnari pouted, trying to push you away. He was so weak that you hardly felt the pressure of his hands against your stomach. "I'm fine."
"Liar," you whispered, wrapping your arms around him. You lifted him up with little struggle, shouldering his weight as you half led half pushed him to his bed.
Tighnari grumbled something you couldn't hear under his breath as you tucked him into his bed and sat beside him. His dazed and embarrassed expression would be cute if he wasn't fighting to escape the chains of his captor- his own bed.
"Calm down, you stubborn fox. What is it you're so desperate to get done? It can't possibly be more important than your own recovery." You shook your head at him, placing a hand on his chest to hold him where he was.
Tighnari let out a long, loud sigh of defeat. "I'm not a child, so stop talking to me like one. And I'm not sick, so there's no recovery necessary."
Just seconds after his declaration of health, he sneezed and stared at you, face turning bright red.
"Not sick are you? You're a bad liar, Master Tighnari. I'm going to go make you something to eat. Do try and rest a little," you said softly.
He turned away from you, refusing to meet your gaze. You stood and gave him a pointed look, almost daring him to try and get up, then left his room to grab the necessary ingredients and medications to care for him after your return.
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Tighnari watched you leave, fighting the urge to call your name. He frowned, slipping deeper under his covers. You were right, and he knew it. If he kept this up, he would be completely out of commission for even longer than if he just let himself rest now.
Now that I think about it, I am a little tired, he thought. Maybe I'll rest my eyes for just a while. It can't hurt, can it?
He closed his eyes- just for a second!- and then all was silent.
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You hummed a small tune as you carted around your bag of supplies. It had been difficult for you to limit yourself to what you could carry; you always liked to be prepared.
You had decided only on the soup ingredients, medicine, and a few items to help check on the Forest Ranger once he had rested and eaten.
You couldn't help but notice how wonderful the weather was, and that it sure was a pity that Tighnari was sick, otherwise you might have been able to convince him to come on a little picnic or something with you. Not that much of a pity, though, because caring for him was almost as enjoyable, and you took any spare time with him that you could get.
It had been this way since your Akademiya days when you had studied under him. You had been younger and much more of a nervous wreck than you are now. It had made hiding that silly crush of yours hard. You really had been crushed when he had graduated and moved away. He never visited you after that. Only after you graduated a few years later had you gathered up the courage to see him again.
It was only supposed to be a little post graduation vacation, but you ended up falling in love with the quiet of Gandharva Ville in comparison to the constant overwhelming movement of the city, and the fact that your senior lived nearby was only a tiny factor in your decision to stay.
Ever since, you had taken up residence in the name of psychological study and ecological experimentation, but really you played a role closer to a village nurse.
Just as your thoughts began to wander back to how Tighnari had been as a student, you felt a brush of cold wind against your back and decided to hurry back to Tighnari's house. As nice as the weather was, it seemed that Gandha Hill was due for a storm.
You hurried back and opened the door as quietly as you could, then shut it softly behind you. Even if Tighnari wasn't asleep, you didn't want to disturb him by being too loud for his extra sharp hearing.
You set all your supplies near the kitchen and made your way to Tighnari's room to check on him.
You opened the door and peeked inside. You were greeted with the sight of Tighnari snuggled underneath his covers, with only the tips of his ears visible to you.
I guess the chill must be getting to him, you thought. Good thing I'm making soup.
You shut his door and got to work on making the mushroom soup that, if your memory served you correctly, was one of Tighnari's favorites.
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The first thing he noticed was the smell. The aroma of creamy, cooked mushrooms wafted through the air and made his stomach growl. He groaned and rolled over, still too asleep to take note of how hungry he was.
The second thing he noticed was your voice. You were softly humming a tune he had memorized the sound of from the time he spent tutoring you. Even though years had passed, he still found himself muttering the words of the childish lullaby to himself when he felt overwhelmed.
The final step necessary for him to really realize he was awake was the sudden uncomfortable heat. He huffed and rolled weakly onto his back and glanced around his room. He had somehow tucked himself under every blanket at his disposal and was now dreadfully sweaty.
His stomach growled again and he forced himself to sit up, pleased to find that the nausea he had been experiencing previously had died down to only a slight discomfort instead of an immediate threat.
The sounds of cooking disappeared and were replaced by footsteps. Yours, and by the sound of it you were heading to his room. He startled at the thought, remembering how pathetic he must have looked in his sleep.
He pulled his blanket back up over his shoulders in spite of the heat to hide the red flush spreading down his neck as he wondered if you had watched him while he slept.
"Oh, you're awake," you muttered after opening his door. You carried over a tray of soup, water, and a couple pills for him and placed it in his bedside. "Did I wake you?"
"Not at all," he stammered, glancing at the cute apron you had adorned while he had been asleep. He knew you were far from domestic or parental, but Archons be damned if you didn't look like a vision with that cute little ribbon tied around your waist and your hair pushed back.
"Good, I wouldn't want to disturb your rest. I made mushroom soup, if you're feeling up for eating." You sat next to him, removing your hair from its prison and allowing it to fall back into its normal place.
"Thank you," he muttered. "I am hungry, actually. My nausea seems to have subsided, and now I just feel more weak than anything. A little feverish, too."
"Ah, then I'm glad I brought the medicine. You should take that, too." You reached over and pressed a cold palm to his forehead, pushing his bangs aside. He felt a little childish being treated like this. "Ah, your temperature has definitely gone down. At this rate you should be fully recovered later tomorrow or the day after."
"Y/n," he whispered, reaching up and taking hold of your hand. You startled, making a face he remembered well from his time at the Akademiya with you. Your eyes were wide, and you looked a little flushed. If he didn't feel so awful he might have taken the chance to tease you.
"T-Tighnari..? Do you need something?" You asked, seeming a little uncomfortable, or even flustered if he dared to say it.
"Thank you, really. I never noticed you had grown so much. I still remember you as a nervous little student that needed my help studying for biology classes." He smiled a little, pride swelling in his chest. His little junior was excelling at caring for him, rather than the other way around, like it had always been in the past.
"Psh, of course I have," you laughed, "I did learn from the best, after all."
Don't look at me like that, he thought, just barely managing to contain himself. I never could resist that look.
"Well, I really should go clean up. You should eat and then keep resting, and I'll check on you again later."
Don't go, he wanted to say. Your hand slid away from his and you gave him a little wave before leaving him alone.
"Fuck," he muttered, feeling his face go hot and embarrassment wash over him. "Why did I do that! Stupid, stupid!"
He glanced at the soup you had left him and decided that it was in his best interest to do as you asked.
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A few hours later, you came to check on him, as promised. You opened the door, finding him asleep, just as you had expected.
You sat next to him, observing the color that was slowly returning to his cheeks. He had kicked off some blankets, leaving a singular leg tucked under the blankets. He was shivering.
You pulled the blanket back up over his shoulders, taking care not to move too abruptly.
"Y/n…" you heard him mutter sleepily. You glanced at him, expecting to see his pretty eyes fluttering open, instead finding them still tightly shut. He was sleep talking.
You chuckled under your breath and leaned closer, only hesitating a moment before pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Sleep well, Tighnari. I'll see you in the morning."
You left another dose of medicine and some water at his bedside just in case.
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They kissed me, he thought. They kissed me, they kissed me, they kissed me, they kissed me.
He had wanted to grab your hand, make you stay and maybe do it again. He had wanted to throw his arms around you and pull you into a hold you wouldn't be able to escape. He had wanted to tell you how he felt.
He chose not too. Not only had you left too fast, but he was still slightly delirious and reeling from the feeling of your lips against his skin.
A part of him wanted to march out of his room after you and force you to explain yourself, while the other half wanted to hide away and never mention this again.
His only solace was thinking of the coming morning, where surely, this big game of romantic cat and mouse you had been playing for years would finally come to an end.
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a/n: time for the next wip to be tackled
comments and/or reblogs are greatly appreciated!! 🩷
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