#Homelander gay smut
More homelander fics pls 😫 ur fics are soooo gooooddd
Homelander With Dominant Male S/o
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+.
Backstory: Vought recently presented their new Supe, and Homelander at first wasn't cheery about it...But it seems deep down Homelander carves his attention.
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Oh---oh! Of course, he wasn't fucking happy, Vought was hiding shit now? FROM HIM? Homelander was furious, he wasn't informed of this 'new' supe joining the team. He was overall pissed as he watched the Tv, the Supe's new debut? He was some type of blood-sucking leech, that could do some fancy tricks? What was his name---"The Reaper?" Homelander murmured, What Vought was going all emo now?! The People wanted someone to look up to, not fear!
"When, will I meet him?" He asked Ashley slowly, the red-haired woman looked frightened, "Soon..." She flinches as Homelander pastes around and speaks, "So...a vampire---really?" Homelander begrudgingly asks, Ashley bobbing her head, "Vought wanted--we wanted something uh--er, more on the mysterious and handsome side, I mean Noir's mysterious, but we don't even know what he looks like--! Soo--" Ashley began to ramble on why [Name] was a great addition to the team, Homelander just sped over to her a gripped her face.
"Shut...The fuck----up." His eyes flashed red staring down at Ashley as she shook in fright. "T-Today, you--will be meeting him today." Ashley whimpered before Homelander glared at the door, motioning for her to leave.
You sighed entering the large room, where 'The Seven' Had all of their meetings and group discussions, your blank red eyes, stare at the figure of, Black Noir writing and doodling in a notebook. Black Noir slowly lifted his head to look at you, before turning back to his notebook.
"Hey." You whispered taking a seat next to Noir as he completely ignored you, you also stayed quiet, taking notice of what he was writing. Suddenly both of the doors were opened, revealing america's Supe himself, Homelander.
"Noir, glad to see you, mind leaving while I have a chat with the newbie?" Homelander asked with a large smile stalking over. Black Noir just took his notebook and left no refute or anything.
Boredly you placed your face on the palm of your hand, scanning Homelander down. "You know...I wasn't even informed of--you...our new team member!" Homelanders happy and cheerful voice was evidently fake, as you could tell from the crazed look in his eyes, that he wasn't happy, it honestly amused you.
"But...just because I wasn't aware, doesn't give you the right to parade around, like you own the place." Homelanders voice got cold as his jaw clenched while staring down at you, as you were sitting.
Slowly you stood up, your red eyes peering down at Homelander, as you were taller than him. "I'm a big fan." You teased whispering in his ear, letting your long tongue slide against his neck, "I've always wanted to taste 'the great' Homelanders blood." Your hand placed itself on his hip, and he lost focus for a bit.
"I-I'm--I'm...not gay!" Homelander chirped up, gulping down his saliva, as you pulled away. "Never said you were..but--you might wanna deal with your problem down there." You winked, motioning to the boner he had got.
Over the course of the few weeks, Homelander wasn't sure what to do, his body simply reacted like a wobbling puddle in your presence, and he felt lightheaded, every time you would praise him, for doing a good job. No matter how much Homelander threatened you, you simply weren't fazed.
Homelander did wonder if he was gay, I mean...he tried to, at least interact with another guy with sexual intensions...but it honestly didn't work for him...He just wasn't interested in anyone, expect---expect you, it disgusted him thinking about another man that wasn't you...you, you you you you you you
He can't even get it up with women anymore, however, if he even thinks of you---!!! Homelander slammed his fist into a wall, instantly breaking it.
"Ah, Thanks." Homelander heard your voice utter to---The deep? The fucking deep?! Homelanders annoying looked at The deeps face, enraged, He doesn't deserve your thanks, you should never thank lower beings like this fucking worms.
"Yeah, no worries, see ya." The deep said, patting your chest in a friendly gesture, before leaving the area. Homelander's face was blank, his movements stiff as he saw that.
Walking up to Homelander you noticed his strange behavior, you sipped on your blood which was in the form of a juice box. "You okay ?" You slowly asked Homelander, patting his cheek lightly to snap him out of his trance.
Homelander slowly blinked his eyes looking at you, "Where else...? WHERE ELSE DID HE FUCKING TOUCH YOU?!" Homelander yelled, picking you up by the shirt and throwing you into Vought's main meeting room, the throw wouldn't hurt you, and even if it did you had excelled in regeneration.
Slowly you stood back up, the Pillar that you were thrown into completely shattered as you looked at Homelander as he was stalking towards you.
"What, am I yours are something?" A chuckle erupted from your throat, as your fangs popped out, "Yes." Homelander said with a smirk, this didn't enrage you, in fact, you were overjoyed that he finally admitted, that in some type of twisted way, he liked you. This was a dream come true for you, you've always wanted the best of the best to be yours as well.
"Good." You spoke, pulling him into a kiss, which Homelander eagerly returned with force and possessiveness in it, he didn't care that he felt his blood dripping down his chin, from you biting his lips.
Pulling away, Homelander gasped, rather breathless, as he felt your hands on his waist, tearing apart his suit, and exposing his lean body. Slowly you pulled your fangs out, biting into his neck and taking a bit of blood, before pulling away and beginning to leave your mark all over his body. Hickeys, and bite marks. "Minee~" Homelander whined out choking on his air, from the unexpected pleasure from your fangs.
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marrziy · 2 months
The Boys x Male Reader
.•✪ Resumo: os personagens de "The Boys" usufruindo do seu peculiar e prazeroso superpoder. ⋆͙̈
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Você se considera um super-inútil, mas não odeia completamente estar em tal posição. De qualquer forma, você não se vê salvando o mundo e, mesmo que ser uma pessoa comum fosse o ideal para você, ser o melhor parceiro sexual de qualquer um lhe garante muito mais do que você conseguiria em um emprego comum numa vida comum.
O seu corpo não chega a ser indestrutível, mas é resistente. Afinal, é preciso ser forte para aguentar tanto pau e porra. Você não sabe como funciona, apenas aceitou que a sua bunda vicia e que quem prova vai à loucura. O seu buraco é requisitado; quem te fode sempre acaba tendo o melhor orgasmo da vida e pede bis, isto é, quando não morre de prazer.
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🔞 Dark | sexo rude | protuberância na barriga
HOMELANDER empurra os quadris com tanta força que faz você, alguém que desde virgem sabe trepar como ninguém, gritar. O seu corpo está curvado contra a mesa de reunião dos sete há pouco mais de uma hora. Você perdeu a conta de quantas vezes Homelander gozou dentro nos últimos minutos, apenas sabe que não foram poucas.
O seu estômago cheio e a quantidade gritante de sêmen escorrendo da sua entrada confirmam isso.
A porra acumulada no seu buraquinho esguicha para os lados a cada investida bruta. O choque de peles espalha a bagunça gosmenta no chão e na mesa, para que um pobre funcionário se encarregue de limpar mais tarde.
O pau inchado do loiro orquestra uma cantiga molhada enquanto se afoga na própria porra ao desaparecer no seu corredor esponjoso. O sêmen quente, plantado com pressão em seu interior, às vezes borbulha, vazando para fora com bolhas pouco duradouras na composição espessa.
Você sente os efeitos do composto V estalando no ato curvar o pescoço e ver o seu ventre contendo o pau de Homelander, que só não atravessou seu estômago graças à sua resistente pele maleável. A protuberância em sua barriga some e aparece de acordo com os movimentos desesperados do super entre suas pernas.
Você pode até afirmar que está fora de si por estar babando e gemendo, mas não se compara ao homem choroso te comendo. Ele treme, tão desleixado que erra o seu buraco vez ou outra. Os olhos azuis dele estão marejados e os lábios vermelhos de tanto morder. O herói evita te tocar com as mãos, com medo de acabar quebrando o brinquedinho favorito dele.
Há 30 minutos, você tentou pará-lo, já cansado, dolorido e também por ter mais o que fazer, mas foi ignorado. Ao insistir, inutilmente tentando empurrá-lo pelo peito, você quase teve suas mãos desunidas dos pulsos.
Agora você se mantém pianinho, contraindo para ouvi-lo gritar e apressar aquele que talvez fosse o último orgasmo dele te inundando.
— Porra! E-eu te amo! – ele geme alto, e você sabe que não é sincero, Homelander sempre reforça isso. Ele fica assim quando fode, manhoso e estranho, sem a imponência usual. — Queria que você tivesse um útero pra eu encher de menininhos! Todos seriam fortes igual ao pai!
Manhoso e estranho pra porra.
Ele urra rouco e prolongado, forçando-se dentro do seu anelzinho dormente até não deixar espaço vazio dentro de você, arruinando suas entranhas com mais uma carga abundante do líquido branco. O membro grosso incha no seu interior e o formato exato do pau de Homelander marca o seu abdômen, cada vez mais robusto devido às investidas duras.
Ele cai exausto em cima de você, sentindo a própria liberação lambuzar o pau pela incontável vez seguida. À medida que geme no seu ouvido, ele volta a meter preguiçosamente com o pau meia-bomba - que permanece grande ainda assim - e, mesmo três minutos depois, consegue o feito de gozar mais uma vez, contraindo as bolas e liberando jatos grossos no seu reto judiado.
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🔞 Degradação | Leitor dom | Hughie brat/sub
HUGHIE é uma vagabunda, uma cadelinha que adora latir entre quatro paredes. Você, mesmo sendo um dos sinônimos de vadia, sente-se puro o suficiente para chamá-lo de putinha.
Ele duvida dos seus poderes, assim como você também duvida às vezes, afinal, não dá para comer o próprio rabo. A única evidência que você tem são as expressões exageradas - semelhantes às feições bizarras de uma garota num hentai - dos homens que te fodem quase que loucamente nos seus dias úteis e inúteis.
Mas aquilo não é dúvida, é vontade, do tipo que pulsa na calça.
É notável que Hughie quer que você prove para ele a veracidade dos boatos que ele escuta nos corredores da empresa sobre você e o seu cuzinho de mel - apelido que te rouba um ano de vida sempre que você escuta.
No momento em que ele abre as pernas, afastando as coxas e exibindo o volume marcado no terno, passa a ser visível que o que ele realmente quer é um gostinho do que muitos já provaram.
Depois de tanto ouvir as experiências dos colegas de trabalho, o pobre homem se sentiu tão tentado que doeu todos os dias até hoje, quando ele finalmente criou coragem, entrou no seu escritório e se sentou na poltrona em frente à sua mesa, sorrindo ladino com a provocação na ponta da língua.
Deu certo.
Você pousa as mãos nos joelhos dele, agachado no carpete com o rosto próximo à virilha coberta do homem mais novo. Com a língua para fora, você desliza o músculo pela saliência de Hughie, sentindo o pau dele contrair através da lã azul. Mas você é interrompido por duas mãos nas laterais do seu rosto, apertando suas bochechas e erguendo seu olhar. — Pelo que eu saiba, o seu buraquinho gostoso não é a boca… – ele murmura, sorrindo jocoso.
Você ri soprado, convicto de que irá derrubá-lo e maltratar. — Quanta pressa… tá tão desesperado que não aguenta uma preliminarzinha? – você se apoia nas coxas dele para levantar e, propositalmente, afunda as unhas na carne censurada. — Ok, vou te dar o que você quer, só não vem com chororô pra cima de mim se a sua piroquinha não der conta do recado, tá? – sentado nas coxas de Hughie, você empina a bunda, arrastando o quadril em cima dele até estar pressionando os glúteos na área necessitada do rapaz, que grunhe em resposta.
Você desabotoa o zíper da calça social dele e ele faz o mesmo com a sua. Hughie fica com a peça estagnada no meio das coxas, enquanto você se levanta para se livrar totalmente da sua antes de retornar para o colo do mais alto. Você resmunga ao sentir o zíper dele roçando na sua pele, mas logo esquece.
Ambos se encontram de cueca e com a camisa branca parcialmente desabotoada, friccionando seus membros enquanto se beijam furiosamente e trocam apertões sedentos em regiões aleatórias no corpo um do outro.
Hughie suspira durante o beijo. Com dificuldade, ele consegue falar contra seus lábios. — Em quan-quantas rolas você teve que sentar pra… pra conseguir um ca-cargo tão bom em… em tão pouco tempo? – Hughie impulsiona o quadril para cima, simulando estocadas, já dominado pela vontade de afogar o ganso.
— Em algumas, e todas eram maiores e mais grossas que a sua. – o homem abaixo de você estremece, principalmente por ter os mamilos provocados pelos seus dedos astutos, mas as suas palavras também têm peso nisso.
Hughie gosta desse tipo de coisa.
— Puta merda… – um risinho acompanha suas palavras. Você se diverte testemunhando a agitação patética dele. — Cê nem disfarça. – você torce os biquinhos inchados de Hughie entre os dedos, se deleitando com as contrações que arranca dele. — Se orgulha? Tem culhão pra assumir que é uma putinha patética que fica de pau duro quando pisam em você? – sua mão desce, apertando o pau de Hughie na cueca, enquanto a outra reveza entre apalpar o peitoral e o abdômen do mais novo. — Depois eu que sou o pervertid…
Você congela ao ouvir o som de algo rasgando.
Sua face neutra captura o sorriso maroto de Hughie. É a primeira vez que você deseja tanto fazer alguém chorar.
Ele tem as mãos firmes na sua bunda, separando as bandas com a ponta de três dedos ameaçando entrar no seu anel rugoso, agora exposto após Hughie rasgar sua cueca.
— Era a minha favorita… – você finge denguice, forçando um lábio trêmulo enquanto sorrateiramente desfaz o nó da gravata dele.
Lerdo. Você constata.
Ele está perdido nas próprias sensações, tão focado em esfregar a ereção no seu corpo e em dedar seu buraco que nem percebe as suas intenções perversas.
— Não é como se você não pudesse comprar outra. – responde Hughie. No momento em que você rodeia a seda no pescoço dele, ele sorri ainda mais largo do que antes.
Ele anseia que você dite quando ele pode ou não respirar.
Isso te deixa fraco, faz com que você se imagine empalado no pau dele, que prova não ser pouca coisa ao saltar glorioso da cueca, batendo no abdômen e ultrapassando a altura do umbigo, contrariando suas provocações anteriores.
Você bate na cabecinha inchada com a ponta dos dedos, arrancando um resmungo de Hughie. — Até que é grandinho. – você finge não estar surpreso. — Mas, não é questão de eu poder comprar outra, seu estúpido. – com uma mão na extremidade esquerda da gravata e a outra na direita, você estica ambos os lados. A pressão no pescoço de Hughie limita a chegada do ar nos pulmões, mas, em compensação, faz o sangue pulsar quente e forte nas veias do pau. — Eu comprei porque gostei, porra.
Hughie abre mais as pernas, criando um vão entre as coxas que quase te leva ao chão. Ele agarra a base do pau, batendo-o contra seu estômago, esfregando ele em seu corpo, espalhando pré-porra em você enquanto te encara pidão, implorando com um olhar brilhoso de cachorrinho. — Por favor… bota dentro! Eu não aguento mais!
Você se ajeita no colo dele, encaixando a ponta sensível no seu interior, também cansado de prolongar.
Hughie grita de prazer quando você senta de uma vez, o engolindo por completo com o seu anel de músculos, esmagando as bolas dele com sua bunda. — Shhh! – você aumenta o aperto na garganta dele, sufocando os gemidos escandalosos do homem eufórico.
Ele não consegue controlar os impulsos e guia-se fundo em você, apertando a sua cintura com os dedos trêmulos, empurrando para cima, sentindo e confirmando na prática tudo o que ouviu sobre o seu buraquinho mágico.
É quente, macio e muito, muito apertado.
— Caralho! Você vai entortar o meu pau! – é o que Hughie diz, mas o que você ouve não passa de uma tentativa chorona de fala.
Enquanto você geme de olhos fechados, sentindo seu interior arder, esticado para acomodar o membro necessitado, Hughie esperneia, chora, baba e contrai todo o corpo, encharcando você por dentro com um pau chorão que convulsiona sem parar.
Ele dá três tapinhas nos seus pulsos, pedindo para você afrouxar o aperto, mas como é na sua palma que reside o controle, você resolve brincar, potencializando a pressão da gravata no pescoço dele. Hughie revira os olhos e bota a língua para fora, exatamente como uma peituda num hentai fodido. Você cospe dentro e agarra-lhe a mandíbula, fechando a boca dele e fazendo-o engolir.
Aquilo foi demais para Hughie aguentar.
Você sente o calor e a umidade familiar entupir suas entranhas, te enchendo até a borda. Hughie continua metendo de forma errática e desesperada, gemendo choroso ao liberar cargas grossas no seu interior apertado, lambuzando ainda mais seus corpos com o choque de peles. A porra quente vaza aos montes e Hughie se esforça para mantê-la dentro.
Você sorri maldoso e contrai o reto, estrangulando o pau melado do homem manhoso, sabendo muito bem o que vem a seguir…
Hughie geme sem voz, com a boca aberta, porém muda. Ele volta a foder o seu buraquinho alagado de esperma, à mercê de um segundo orgasmo que escapa do pau superestimulado, mais potente e abundante dessa vez. As bolas dele contraem, batendo nos seus glúteos no ritmo dos quadris, que colidem contra seu corpinho em uma velocidade instintiva.
O último esguicho te enche com o pau grosso fincado, estático nas suas profundezas até o talo. Hughie te abraça com força, tremendo ofegante, tentando se recuperar, desejando descanso, mas o caralho dele simplesmente não amolece. — Você me quebrou…
— Eu te dei o melhor orgasmo da sua vida e você me proporcionou uma foda medíocre. Não me parece justo… eu nem gozei! – você se esfrega para frente e para trás no colo de Hughie, lambuzando as coxas, a cueca e a calça social arriada dele com a porra que escorre do seu anel esticado, ainda com o pau pulsante alojado profundamente em você. — Vai precisar se esforçar bastante pra nivelar as coisas, gatinho… – você sussurra, mordiscando o queixo dele.
Hughie choraminga, levantando da poltrona com você no colo, quase caindo devido ao tremor das pernas. Ele colide seu corpo contra a parede, unindo seus peitos suados e batendo forte no seu corredor esponjoso. — Vou te foder em todos os cantos dessa porra de escritório!
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🔞 Sexo rude | sexo com raiva
BRUTO tem os dedos firmemente rodeados no seu pulso, tão agarrados que machuca. Ele puxa você para um beco, o primeiro lugar disponível que encontra, apesar de não ser nada propício.
— Billy, pera aí! Tá machucando meu braço! – você tenta acompanhá-lo, a princípio, passivo às ações contestáveis.
Mas a sua paciência não é santa; ela evapora ao ser testada.
Sua voz estoura em um grunhido quando Billy aperta seus ombros e empurra sua estrutura menor contra os tijolos da parede próxima. — Mas que buceta! Por que você tem que ser sempre tão pau no cu? Que caralho eu te fiz? – o ardor desconfortável nas costas ocasiona na face contorcida e em frustração genuína.
Na mesma delicadeza de quem acorda durante uma cirurgia e sente a incisão, voam os seus punhos fechados contra o peitoral de Bruto, acertando a musculatura coberta. 
Faz, no máximo, ele sorrir.
Você não sabe o que atiçou a raiva dele, apenas consegue supor, certeiramente, que tem a ver com o grupinho de justiceiros que ele lidera, ao qual ele garante a sua completa ausência e ignorância no âmbito. Billy não te quer naquele meio.
Mas algo o frustra, e ele pretende descontar em você.
Dentro de você.
— Era pra doer? Bora, porra… cê consegue bater mais forte. – o desgraçado sabe que aquele é você dando tudo de si. Ele comprime o espaço entre os corpos, prensando-se contra a sua estrutura vulnerável, provocando ao fazer, com extrema facilidade, o contrário do que você tentou impor com seus socos exaltados. — Filho da puta… amarrotou a minha camisa! – ele curva o pescoço, dramatizando o amasso fútil no tecido floral.
Quando ergue a cabeça e pesca o seu estado acuado, Billy ri fraquinho. Nunca divertido.
A voz, as provocações e a feição risonha estão carregadas de luxúria densa, tão evidente que exala feito aura. A irritação também é notada ao fundo de cada frase, faiscando discretamente na fricção dos caninos, e exposta de maneira didática com a brusquidão com que Bruto te toca, aperta e mantém cativo naquele cantinho esquecido de Nova York.
O sol de verão atua no céu, encenando o terceiro ato daquela sexta-feira à tarde. É possível ver a luz laranja na entrada do beco, que pouco ilumina o espaço entre prédios.
Entretanto, o ambiente taciturno não te faz ceder. — Não… aqui não… – seu embargo dá pistas sobre a libidinagem que você tenta esconder e Billy passa a focar mais nas entrelinhas. — Em lugar nenhum, na verdade! Cê me tratou feito um qualquer, de jeito nenhum que eu vou liberar pra… Ei!
Você fecha as pernas quando Bruto tenta abrir caminho entre elas usando o joelho. Suas bochechas coram e você engole seco, testemunhando a feição destemida do mais velho denotar as pretensões maliciosas por debaixo dos traços.
Billy leva as duas mãos até a parte interna das suas coxas, separando-as e se enfiando entre elas sem cerimônia. — Vagabunda ingênua… tentou mesmo esconder sua ereção de mim? – sussurra rouco no pé do seu ouvido enquanto simula estocadas, esfregando o próprio volume latejante contra o seu. — Para de bancar o puritano, nanico. Você não passa de uma putinha incubada. Esse inchaço na sua calça diz tudo.
O apetite do justiceiro é voraz. Os dedos dele escorregam do seu quadril e pousam na sua bunda, afundando os dígitos na carne traseira, estapeando e apertando com gana.
Você pende o corpo para frente, preferindo a dureza de Bruto à rigidez da parede. — Se for seguir essa sua lógica esquisita, você é mais puto que eu. Seu pau falta explodir de tão inchado!
Apesar do desejo salientado a cada arfada, seu orgulho e teimosia sobressaem às vontades da carne. Você insiste nos débeis empurrões para afastá-lo, com o plus das unhas indo de encontro ao pescoço de Billy, arranhando, arrancando sangue e o fazendo grunhir. 
Ser tão facilmente dominado por Bruto te deixa de perna bamba, mas também faz você querer, mais do que tudo, contrariá-lo.
— Cacete… Deixa de cu doce! – o autocontrole o abandona. As mãos de Billy trilham cegamente o caminho apontado por seu instinto animalesco; uma delas se apronta nos seus pulsos, os prendendo na parede acima da sua cabeça, já a outra ajeita-se na barra do seu short e cueca, puxando para baixo num piscar de olhos.
Nu da cintura a canela, você se sente vulnerável. O peito sobe e desce aflito enquanto você analisa os lados, preocupado com possíveis observadores à esquerda e à direita.
Notando seu incômodo, Bruto se compadece; — Relaxa. Não vai ser gostoso pra você se eu enfiar contigo tenso desse jeito. Ninguém tá vendo, então pode afrouxar o cu. – ele acaricia sua palma, buscando transmitir conforto, mesmo com intenções contrárias para atingir os finalmentes.
— Idiota. – você sorri com os olhos. — Pode me soltar agora? Quero te tocar.
— Não. – Billy segura a parte posterior do seu joelho e a articulação dobra quando ele ergue a sua perna. Ele te tem servido bem ali, em pé naquela caverna urbana. — Tô puto, sem paciência e te conheço muito bem. Só seja um garoto obediente, tá? Não quero te arrebentar demais.
Foi tudo muito rápido. Você perdeu o momento em que Bruto abriu o zíper do jeans e tirou o pau da calça, facilitando para ele te predar.
Ele inclina o quadril para frente, pressionando sua entrada com a cabecinha inchada. Billy provoca o anel muscular esfregando e espalhando sua essência na fenda enrugada, intercalando com impulsos ameaçadores, dando a entender que vai meter, mas recuando em seguida, sem nunca cortar contato.
Percebendo que ele não pretende te preparar, você recua, ou melhor, tenta e falha, pois não há nada além de tijolos nas suas costas. — Cê vai mesmo enfiar no seco? E a elegância, cadê? – sua rigidez pulsa com tamanha aspereza, mas o receio ainda é residente.
— Eu não pretendo ser gentil, foi mal, coisinha. – o sorriso cafajeste nunca deixa a face madura. Bruto mordisca seu queixo e lambe seus lábios antes de depositar um selinho casto. — Mas ó… – ele eleva o corpo sobre o seu e, por consequência, aprofunda um pouco mais a carne dentro de você. — Se tu lamber, prometo atolar meu cacete bem devagarinho na sua bunda. – Billy tem o pescoço próximo ao seu rosto, exibindo os vergões que você deu à pele. Dos arranhões, brota uma pequena quantidade de sangue. — O que cê acha, hein? Até eu prefiro assim, porque se eu meter de uma vez, vou ter que ficar um bom tempo sem te arrombar depois.
— Deve estar ardendo… – seus pulsos são libertos e você usa os ombros do mais velho como apoio.
— Nossa, você não tem ideia do quanto dói! – ele se coloca em um falso estado de lástima, fazendo beicinho e enrugando o queixo.
— Dramático. – você revira os olhos, mas acata as condições, ansiando com a barriga fria pela interação libidinosa.
Seu músculo molhado escapa da boca entreaberta, atraído pelo rubro. A língua quente encontra o ferro, que, na ocasião, se assemelha ao suco conservado na polpa de uma maçã. Você troca o suor por saliva e sente o salgado suave junto ao sangue que quase inexiste, nascido das feridas. É viciante e você quer mais, então puxa Bruto pela nuca e inicia uma escavação com os dentes. O ouro que você encontra é vermelho.
— Filho da puta… Era pra você limpar a porra do sangue, não tirar mais. – ele chia, esmagando sua cintura até te ouvir choramingar. — Bem, se você não cumpriu a sua parte, o que me impede de não cumprir a minha?
Você nega freneticamente com a cabeça, mas vê-se lacrimejando, tremendo e gemendo no instante em que Bruto ignora a resistência do seu buraco despreparado e empurra com força. É tão apertado que um impulso não foi suficiente, apenas metade entrou. Billy enfia os centímetros restantes, sentindo seu estômago acomodar a ponta enquanto o comprimento é esmagado pelo corredor esponjoso.
Você o abraça, gemendo palavras irreconhecíveis e descontando a dor e o prazer com mordias e arranhões em qualquer pedaço de carne à disposição.
Está tão fundo. O pau de Bruto esmaga suas entranhas e rouba sua vitalidade, transformando você na vadia perfeita que geme, controce e contrai.
A pélvis dele bate contra a sua a cada investida violenta, o quadril colidindo até o talo. O som molhado ecoa pelo beco e com certeza os ouvidos nos apartamentos acima ouvem os gemidos e estocadas, talvez até estejam se divertindo com o show.
Se fosse com qualquer outra pessoa, Billy duraria horas, mas é com você e esse seu estranho e maravilhoso poder de extrair tudo daqueles que ousam tirar uma casquinha.
As bolas inchadas, cheias de porra para liberar, batem contra seus glúteos no ritmo frenético e desesperado que Bruto adota. Ele geme manhoso, se provando mais cadela do que você.
Quando ele goza, te enche tanto que o sêmen escorre em cascatas para fora do seu orifício dormente. A transparência espessa é quente e abundante, mas o justiceiro não se contenta com apenas uma liberação. A sensação de atolar seu interior com cargas grossas é incrível demais.
O pau dele não para de contrair; você sente cada latejar, cada pulsar das veias.
Prever o futuro não é uma de suas habilidades, mas naquele momento, é perfeita a imagem que você tem da sua figura cambaleando para fora do beco, mancando e andando esquisito para evitar que a porra acumulada no seu buraco escorra por entre suas pernas trêmulas.
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⣿A parte do Homelander desse tamanho 🤏 comparada com a dos outros. Perdão qualqer erro, terminei e postei direto, mal revisei
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michaelluiscostello · 1 month
Homelander(Anthony Starr)x Male Reader
A young male steps out of his clothes, his bare feet sending chills across the cold floor. He grabs a towel from the rack hanging crookedly on the back of the door, its threadbare surface rough against his skin. He turns on the water, wincing as a rusty groan echoes through the pipes before a sputtering spray erupts from the showerhead.
He waits, counting silently under his breath as the water heats up. The minutes tick by, each one stretching into an eternity of anticipation. Finally, the scalding water begins to mingle with the cold, sending wisps of steam curling around the chipped porcelain walls.
He steps into the shower, letting out a sigh of relief as the hot water cascades over his tense muscles. He lathers up with cheap soap, the acrid scent filling the small space. He scrubs away the grime of the day, the memory of his dead-end job and the gnawing hunger in his stomach momentarily forgotten under the soothing torrent.
As the hot water washes over him, the male allows himself to close his eyes. He pictures himself somewhere else, someplace far removed from this dingy apartment. He imagines a pristine beach, the turquoise water lapping at his toes, the warm sun drying his skin. He breathes in the scent of salt and seaweed, the sound of crashing waves washing away the city's din.
But the dream is fleeting. The scalding water begins to cool, and the harsh reality of his situation seeps back in. He opens his eyes to the peeling paint and cracked tiles, the chipped showerhead spewing its meager spray.
He finishes his shower quickly, the cold air sending goosebumps prickling across his skin. He steps out, wrapping himself in the scratchy towel. He looks at his reflection in the fogged-up mirror, seeing not the sun-kissed beach bum of his daydream, but a skinny kid with tired eyes and haunted shadows under his cheekbones. He sighs, a gust of steam swirling around him like a fleeting wisp of hope. He knows he needs more than a hot shower to escape his reality. But for now, it's enough. It's a small victory, a stolen moment of warmth in the cold grip of his circumstances. And maybe, just maybe, it's the first step towards something better.
There was a tense silence throughout the bathroom, broken only by the dripping water from the showerhead and throaty cough coming from behind the young male. The males tired eyes peered at the man from the mirror, a low groan escaped past his slightly parted lips as he hung his head low. A pair of cold gloved hands held tightly onto his waist, the feeling of the scratchy towel no longer there instead replaced with the feel of fabric pressed against his back.
Blue eyes stared blankly at the mirror and the reflection of the younger male. The blonde's eyes bore holes into the youngers naked body as his cold hands trailed down the others outer thighs. His thumbs rubbing circles into the others hips, causing a shudder to run down the young male's spine.
"John," the younger huffed. He rolled his head back, letting it fall against the older man's shoulder as he pressed his clothed erection into the others lower back.
John smirked, the crease lines on his face becoming even more noticeable as he did. He leaned down, his chin resting against the males shoulder his eyes still fixated on the mirror. "I've been thinking about you," he breathed a slight chuckle following. He pressed his erection against the males ass, rubbing it up and down while groaning.
The younger rolled his eyes, pushing John aside and grabbing the towel that'd fallen from his waist. He didn't say a word, silently laughing to himself at the blonde's open mouth expression to being brushed off so easily. "And I'm sure you've been thinking about plenty of women too," he commented, earning a low growl from the man now beside him.
The sound of his wet feet against the worn and scratched wooden floor echoed throughout the quiet apartment, quickly followed by the sound of heeled boots clicking against the floor. John's gloved hand shot forward, gripping tightly onto the males wrist and pulling his body back against his chest. "None can satisfy me the way you do," he growled.
His lips pressed harsh kisses along the males exposed shoulders, eventually stopped just below his ear. The blonde's tongue trailed down the others neck, then back up before attaching to his neck and beginning to suck at his soft skin. His hands gripped tightly onto the youngers hips, sure to leave bruises in their wake.
The male let out a shaky breath, his hands gripping onto John's gloved ones. His eyes closed tightly feeling the older's lips against his skin.
"I only want to hear you say one thing, one word," he rasped. "And that's yes."
John pulled away, his blue eyes staring intensely into the younger males as they fluttered open. "Is that understood?" He hummed, leading the male towards the dimly lit bedroom. 
"Yes," he whispered, his tone soft.
A sliver of light, thin as a fingernail, leaked through the cracked blinds, barely grazing the chaos that reigned. Clothes, moldered in heaps on the floor, forgotten. Empty coffee mugs, stood sentinel on the nightstand, surrounding pieces of crumpled paper.
John smirked as he pushed the male onto the bed, waisting no time in getting undressed and discarding his uniform among the heaps of clothes. He stood there, the light reflecting his toned body and erect cock. The blonde ran a hand through his hair as he crawled on top of the other who'd thrown the towel off, allowing his own erection to show.
He sucked in air, feeling the warmth of the man's cock against his own. His hands rested above his head, eyes stared half lidded at the blonde on top of him. "Do you want this?" John asked, a devilish smirk crossing his lips.
He knew saying 'No' wasn't a option, and even if he didn't want this he had no choice in his words. "Yes," he muttered.
The blonde's hand gripped tightly onto his throat, squeezing just hard enough to cause the other to gasp. "Good boy," he purred. He slowly leaned down, his lips trailing sloppy hickies down the males body. His tongue grazing the youngers perked nipples as he continued to squeeze his neck.
John's body pressed against the male below him, their erections flush with one another for a brief moment. The blonde moved his hand from the others neck into his hair, yanking it back as he stood. "On your knees," he demanded in a low and commanding tone. He stood at the end of the bed, his throbbing cock resting in his hand as he waited impatiently for the younger to follow his demands. 
As the male got on his knees he looked the blonde in his eyes, a cocky smirk plastered on his lips as the man yanked his head down in a harsh manner. He crawled forward, his eyes now fixated on the man's cock as beads of pre-cum pooled at the tip and slowly leaked down the base. No words were exchanged between the two as the younger took John's tip in his mouth, teasingly swirling his tongue around it as painfully slow as possible. A low growl sounded from the blonde as he thrusted his hips forward, groaning as the tip of his cock hit the back of the males throat causing him to gag at the feeling. John's lips curled into a mischievous smirk as he kept the males head in place as he continued to gag and claw at the man's hips. He rocked his hips back and forth, moans escaping in a steady stream past his lips at the tightness of the male's throat.
The younger pushed himself back, coughing and gasping for air which only made John cackle at the desperation. "I know you like my cock down your throat," he hummed. "Don't you?" John stepped closer, tightly gripping onto the younger's hair and once again yanking his head back. He didn't even gibe him a chance to answer before shoving two fingers into his mouth and forcing it open. He watched as pools of spit drippled down the males quivering chin as he tried to answer the blonde's question. "Y-yes," He chocked out. The blue eyed male hummed, retracting his fingers and watching the string of saliva stretch. He yanked the male's head down pressing the tip of his cock against his lips, before forcing them open and once again harshly thrusting into his mouth. 
Groans mixed with soft whimpers and gurgling filled the room as the blonde continuously rutted his hips forward, the tip of his cock hitting the back of the youngers throat each time. John closed his eyes, his head rolling back as he cock began to twitch in the younger's mouth with each thrust. "Just like that baby," He purred.  Tears cascaded down the younger's reddened cheeks, his eyes shut tightly. His nails dug into the blonde's hips leaving behind scratch marks and indents.  
John's head shot back, his mouth hung open as he thrusted once more finally releasing into the back of the younger's throat. He kept rutting his hips forward, face fucking the male trough his own orgasm. He chuckled as he pulled away with a satisfying 'pop' watching as beads of cum drippled down the side of the others lips. "Swallow," the blonde demanded. He gave a approving smile as the male swallowed his cum while trying not to gag on the salty taste. "Good boy," he growled. 
The younger wiped his mouth as he caught his breath after a moment. That moment was ruined the second the blue eyed male's face got closer. "Beg," he muttered. He walked around the side of the bed, crawling on it and behind the other. His hands roamed the other's trembling body, teasing the most sensitive parts. "I said beg," he grunted.
The male leaned his body back against the blonde's feeling his still erect cock pulsating against his back. "Please," he whispered. "Please John...I need you, I need you to touch me." He begged, his voice hushed  as he spoke. A grunt escaped his mouth feeling the males rough hands squeeze his ass and neck. "I beg you to fuck me, fuck me hard, fuck me till I can't speak. You can do whatever you want with me, please, please just fuck me." He moaned feeling a finger rub over his aching tip, smearing the beads of pre-cum.
John quickly switched their positions, pressing the other's face into the matrass while keeping his ass raised in the air. He brought his hand back, then harshly back down against he males ass causing the other to let out a choked sob at the sudden stinging sensation. His hands gripped onto the bed sheets, bunching them in his fists as John got directly behind him while tightly gripping his ass and spreading it. 
A chocked scream escaped the male pressed against the bed at the sudden and painful burning sensation as John thrusted into him. He didn't stop till he completely bottomed out, his chest now flush with the arch in the younger back. He continued to teasingly rock his hips back and forth, while grunting in the others ear. The blonde pulled out to the point just the tip was still inside, before thrusting back in effectively hitting the male's prostate and earning a high pitched whimper. "God you're so tight," he grunted.
The sound of skin hitting skin mixed with the pleasured moans of the two men as the blonde began to thrust in and out at a fast and rough pace, echoed throughout the room. With each thrust the tip of the male's twitching and throbbing cock hit the other prostate, causing his eyes to roll into the back of his head and pools of drool and spit to soak the bed cover below them. "C...cumming," the male moaned. His back arched and cocked twitched under neath him as he reached his orgasm, but even then the blonde kept at his pace. 
He pulled out, flipping the male over and propping his legs up on his shoulders before thrusting inside him once again. "You take my cock so well, such a little slut," he growled. 
The male whined as he lazily gripped onto the older male's biceps. His body tightened around John's already aching cock as he continued to thrust, surely leaving bruises by the force he was using. The younger's back arched off the bed, feeling the other's cum fill him as he continued to pound into him at a relentless pace. John threw his head back, his hand reaching forward and squeezing the base of the younger cock as it began to twitch. "Not yet baby," he grunted.
Pulling out, the blonde got off the bed and opened the curtains to the bedroom, smirking at the people passing by. He opened the window, before turning and yanking the male off the bed and pressing his body against the opened window. "Call out my name," John huffed. He thrusted in, groaning at the sudden tightness around his pulsating cock. 
The youngers legs gave out beneath him as the male behind him began pounding into him. "John~" He cried out as a few people passed by below them, though didn't seem to notice. John's rough hand gripped the other cock, jerking him off in time with his thrusts, getting off on the other calling out his name each time he hit his prostate.
Both male's back arched as they orgasmed once more, John's cum dribbling down the insides of the other legs as his own coated the windowsill in front of them.  The blonde kept going, chuckling as the younger began to have dry painful orgasms, each time John himself came inside him.
John huffed, his blue eyes glaring at the male who laid motionless on the matrass. He pulled his boxers on as he watched his own cum form a small puddle on the bed as it continued to leak from the other's ass. He sighed, running a hand through his hair and cursing as himself as he went to pick the male up and bring him to the bathroom. The blonde cleaned the younger up, along with the bed and windowsill before laying him down. He stood over the bed, looking between his discarded suit and the sleeping male before ultimately getting himself dressed.
"Till next time," he mumbled. 
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amazingmaeve · 1 year
queen maeve x fem!reader
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summary — after maeve was ruthlessly outed by homelander vought had the bright idea to make one of the first sapphic superhero couple. that’s where you come in, and since you’ve been out vought has used you for profit so it’s not much of a surprise, what surprises you is the feelings that grow between you and maeve.
warnings — smut, oral (r receiving ), scissoring, some, bits of angst, fluff, and vought and Homelander just being really annoying
word count — 6,240 words
authors note — im so excited for this I’ve been wanting to write for her since I first started watching and finally I got to its. anyways I hope you enjoy this and happy reading. gif credits. also got some inspiration from @venus-haze fic kick it out so if you hadn’t read that please of because it’s amazing!
queen maeve masterlist | the boys masterlist
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“Are you fucking crazy,” Maeve snapped as she stood in front of Ashley with her arms across her chest. Her face hardened as soon as Ashley said those stupid words. Maeve could feel the blood inside her start to boil and she had to refuse to punch her in the face.
“I’m sorry this is just what The Seven needs their first lesbian-,” Ashley began to say.
“Bisexual,” Maeve interrupted with a glare in her eyes.
“Bisexual superhero in The Seven and in a relationship with another woman. The world will love this, it will bring a whole new meaning to girl power,” Ashley ranted as her face was filled with excitement.
“I’m sorry I’ve done this shit already with Homelander why would I want to do this again,” Maeve questioned as the word ‘Homelander’ came out her mouth, er stomach was burning with vile and chest filled of vitriol towards the man who thinks he’s the best thing to ever be conceived.
“This will be different, this girl isn’t like Homelander, she’s actually not murderous and she won’t cause as much drama as him,” Ashley defended the idea she came up with.
Maeve sighed as she stood in Ashley's office, she didn’t know what to do, she hasn’t been with a girl since Elena, and yeah she’s had lots of sex with guys but girls are different. She had such a strong bond with Elena and she didn’t know if she could do it over again with this girl Ashley was talking about.
Not to mention that Homelander is a jealous prick even though Maeve and him aren’t together, he’ll cause her life a living hell and this girl as well. Maeve didn’t know if she could bring this random superhero into this already heated up drama.
“You know what Homelander is like,” Maeve muttered knowing that he could be listening at any moment and barge through the door. “You know what he might do to this girl and you want to bring her into this,” She questions.
“Trust me he won’t do anything,” Ashley reassured Maeve. “And plus I think this girl can handle her own,” She says.
“Who is the girl anyway,” Maeve asked, as she was piqued with curiosity. There weren’t many openly gay superheroes and she doesn’t have enough willpower to recognize all of them or she just wasn’t interested.
“Oh it’s The Traveler,” Ashley whispered and Maeve nodded. She’s heard of you, of course, you were one of the few lesbian superpowers. She knows that you can travel between time and make portals to travel place to place.
Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Maeve's head snapped towards the direction and Ashley said, “Come in,” and you came through the door.
You walked through the door and Maeve couldn’t deny that you were a beautiful woman. You were dressed in your superhero costume, a black skirt and a black leotard for a top and leather jacket to cover it. There were purple gems glittering all over your outfit and the end of the outfit was topped with some black boots.
“Can you hurry up Ashley I don’t have all fucking day,” You snap as come to walk next to Maeve without even giving her a glance.
“I know you probably heard that Queen Maeve here is now part of the LGBTQ+ community and we wanted to make something good out of it,” Ashley told you and you rolled your eyes.
You had great sympathy for Maeve as she was outed on public’s television at the hands of Homelander and if you were in her position you would have never worked with a man as vile as he is. But you understood that getting out of the Seven and getting out of Homelanders sight is a hard thing to do.
Plus she wasn’t hard on the eyes.
“You mean you want to capitalize on her sexuality,” You say, letting your arms fall to your sides. It wasn’t surprising since it was what they do to you all the time. Having you do commercials for Vought as one of the lesbian superheroes. It was especially hard during pride month where they used you for monetary gain, having you speak at conventions and on talk shows about how you were so proud of your sexuailtiy and you were but you hated how they took advantage of you. But hey at least they pay you graciously.
Maeve looked at you covering her surprised face with her usual hard shell. You were right, they were just going to use her and bleed her dry until she was just a shell of her old self, as if she wasn’t already.
“You know that’s what I mean,” Ashley defended herself and you let out a huff when she said those words.
“Do we even have a choice,” Maeve questioned and you nodded alongside her. You were curious if you could even say no to Vought.
“Yes of course you do,” Ashley says.
“I guess I‘ll do it,” You muttered looking at the ground at your boot-covered feet.
“Maeve,” Ashley questioned, her tone dropped to a more serious tone.
“Whatever,” Maeve responded in her bitter tone and you understood it all too well. You were just like her when you came out and Vought used you, and plus she was a part of the Seven, she’d be more valuable and by proxy more profitable.
“Then it’s settled we’ll have the both of you post something to your social media about how you two were in a secret relationship and decided to be out as a couple in the public,” Ashely says, her eyes back on the iPad she had and her tone more happier.
Maeve rolled her eyes at the ‘decided to be out as a couple in the public’. Homelander outed her on fucking live television there was option as coming out but she swallowed her words as she always did with Vought. She didn’t like it but it was something she was used to and something she was starting to hate more and more.
You on the other hand were looking at her with sympathy, being outed sucks and you knew this. When you were younger your friends decided to out you as lesbian so you understood to an extent. She was outed on live television where most people watched and now everyone knew.
Letting out a sigh you look at the ceiling getting ready for the shit storm Vought was about to do and how they were going to get money out of it.
It’s been a few weeks since the ‘relationship’ between you and Maeve went public and least to say people loved it. Not the conservatives and the bigots who thought that the LGBTQ commiunity is infecting the youth. But you and Maeve were the number one trending Supe ship.
After the social media post went up the two of you went on talk shows and talked about how you were excited to finally be out and proud.
Obviously not meaning any of the words either of you said. It was just Vought scripts that were as lifeless as a corpse. Nor you or Maeve didn’t believe any of the shit Vought told you to say because you two weren’t in love. At least not yet.
The two of you got along well and you could tell that Maeve was closed off to you and you weren’t mad, you were closed off as well. But when you two did speak it was only for a few moments and it tended to be more awkward than anything, but you had a mutual respect for each other and that was all that you needed.
Maeve on the other hand didn’t want to get you hurt, you seemed like a nice person and you didn’t deserve the wrath that Homelander held, her on the other she felt like she deserved. You didn’t. So if she kept her distance with you unless the two of you were expected to show up somewhere or public dates the two of you go on.
To be completely honest Maeve was starting to like you, you were cute, you made jokes that made her stifle a laugh and that was more of a reason to distance herself. She couldn't get you involved her fucked up mess. She didn’t know if you liked her but you liked her enough to make small talk and to seek her out and ask her about her day. Even if you didn't, she needed to do what was right.
She couldn’t do that to you even though she was finding herself more and more into it, the more she found out the more she was interested. The more she was in this ‘relationship’ was way more comforting than the one she had with Homelander and deep down she was loving every second she had with you. But she would get a happy ending with you or with anyone.
The two of you enter an elevator after a long day of work, going out and stopping criminals and least to say the both of you were tired.
“God this day was really tiring,” You mutter leaning against the wall of the elevator.
“You can say that twice,” Maeve muttered, crossing her arms across her chest looking down at the elevator floor.
“Is it getting any better,” You blurted out the question that you've been wanting to ask her but didn’t want to be too intrusive.
“Is what getting any better,” Maeve questions even though she knew what you were talking about.
“Believe it or not I know how you feel with the whole outing situation but I can’t imagine what you’re going through, especially since Homelander did that to you. But all I know is after I was outed it took me a while to get comfortable in my own skin,” You say and Maeve does her best not to react to his name being brought up. She sure as hell knows that he’s probably listening so she’s going to have to be herself.
“Things are….. better,” Maeve says with uncertainty in her tone and you gave her a look of pity knowing that she was lying.
She had her walls built up higher than you can ever imagine and you wanted to help her break those walls down, so that she could look at herself and see what you see. A beautiful strong woman. You felt your heart start to race as it usually did when you were alone with her.
“Hey,” You say, approaching her and putting your hand on her upper arm and she tenses as you do so but she’s not willing to admit that your touch caused some sparks to go up her spine. “Just so you know if you need anything from me, or just to talk I’m always here for you, just because Vought is making us do this doesn’t mean I don’t care and talking about it really does help. So just remember that, any time of the day you need something, don't be afraid to knock on my door,” You say with a soft tone that almost made her melt, that almost made her just say screw it and kiss you but she held back.
“Thanks, right back at you,” Maeve says and you give her a soft smile before removing your hand.
“I’m gonna need to take something before I go and see Ashely because she is getting on my fucking nerves,” You say to break the tension.
“Trust me you’re gonna need a lot more of anything you have,” Maeve snorts and you let out a small giggle.
“I know and I’m hoping that she’s either too tired to talk too much or just is gone at her home because I can’t wait to go home and finally get some rest,” You say, resting your head against the hard wall.
“Or maybe she’s just getting fucked and even then she might be even grouchier,” Maeve blurts out.
“Maybe, just maybe she finds the love of her life and decides to just quit but hey dreamers can dream,” You shrug your shoulders with a slight eye roll.
“Cheers to that,” Maeve gives you a nod.
The elevator finally reaches level 99 and the two of you walk out and prepare to go your separate ways, no matter how much the two of you want to stay and talk the night away.
“See you tomorrow,” You give her a wave before heading to Ashley's office, getting ready for everything she has to say to you.
“Bye,” Maeve gives you an awkward wave as you turn around and she curses herself and shakes her head.
God she was so awkward with this, with someone she actually liked, not guys she brought up her to just fuck and to get her mind off everything. You were different and she was using all of herself to not just say screw it and try it with you. Because he would always be there and taunting her.
“See you two are getting along,” Homelander says walking up to stand next to Maeve.
Speak of the fucking devil.
“What do you want,” Maeve questioned, her hands turning into fists beside her. She did not want to deal with him right now, she didn’t want to deal with his condescending tone and him just bothering her when she didn’t want it.
“What I can’t see if my teammate is doing well in her relationship,” Homelander says feigning hurt and Maeve rolled her eyes at that. He didn’t feel hurt, he was just upset that he didn’t have her anymore.
“Why the fuck do you care, you and I both know that you’re not hurt by that, you were the who practically had it happen,” Maeve commented, telling the truth. If he didn’t out her, she wouldn’t be in this relationship with you, hell she might not even know who the fuck you are.
“That is true but is it so hard to believe that I hope you two are happy, that you guys happen to be just like the two of us. Starting out fake and ending up in a real relationship,” Homelander says putting his hands behind his back and Maeve had to bite her tongue so she wouldn’t tell him how much she fucking despised him.
“Just leave her the fuck alone please,” Maeve says her tone with an underlining of fear. Fear for you.
“Why would you think I want to hurt her? If anything I might thank her for making you happy, and who knows we all might be friends in the end if things work out right,” Homelander calmly says and Maeve could hear the subtle threat. Even if he wasn’t outright threatening you, she knew something would happen to you if she didn’t do something to protect you. Staying away was out of the question. She needed to make sure you were okay.
“Plus, you seem really comfortable with her, especially with that talk you guys just had,” Homelander says with a grin. Maeve could swear she felt her heart stop but she kept a straight face. “Hopefully she knows what she's in for when she signed up for this, literally,” He chuckles.
“Whatever, can you please just leave me alone,” Maeve snapped and Homelander gave her a shocked and surprised look.
“You know you might want to keep your eye on her, I mean who knows what could happen to her, especially at night,” Homelander says with a cryptic tone as his shoulders tense before he leaves.
Once Maeve made it to her penthouse she finally let out a breath of air that she’s been holding. She knew that he wouldn’t out right kill you right now, so she had some time to get a game plan. She had to protect you. No matter what it took.
Taking a swig of her whiskey she took a seat on her couch as her shoulders slouched with tiredness and stress. Besides everything she couldn’t wait to see you, no matter when.
It’s been a few days since that day in the elevator, but you don’t know what’s changed in Maeve. She’s been more into talking to you and you can’t say you’re upset. She’s been more of a comfort, and you loved that.
But she’s been flirting with you at least more outwardly.
You can’t lie when you say that you've been loving it. Ever since this relationship started a few weeks ago you’ve been trying to talk to her and now she’s actually talking to you. Whatever changed in her you loved it.
She’s also been very sad whenever you have to leave, whether it was to go to work somewhere else or go home. She always looked a bit upset and you didn’t know why, it couldn’t be she’d miss your presence. At least you didn’t think so.
But you've always reassured her that you’d be back whether it's the next day or a few hours from then. She seemed to like the reassurance you gave her and you’ve been using that so she doesn’t get so sad, upset, or hurt when you leave. It sometimes left you up at night wondering if she was just lonely or she acutely did like you.
On the other side of the fence Maeve has been keeping her eye on you after Homelander not so subtly threatened you. And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t enjoy flirting with you. Even though it’s been a while since she has flirted, you seemed to enjoy whatever line she threw your way based on the shy smile you’d give her, or the tiny laugh.
Even though she enjoyed flirting, she’s been getting more and more clingy due to Homelanders eye now being on you. Asking you if you were going to be okay, or when you’re going to be back and you’ve always reassured her that you would be back and you were fine.
It helped but it didn’t help the thought that you may be dead the next day and when you walked in the room with your signature smile she felt herself relax. What usually helped her get through the night is alcohol but she hated drinking that shit even though it helped her clear her head.
On this particular night, Maeve sat down on her couch trying to just watch tv but her thoughts kept coming back to you. If you were okay and if you were, what were you doing? It was only 11 at night so you wouldn’t be doing much and she hasn’t had any alcohol today. So nothing stopped her when she stripped herself out of her costume and into some jeans and a flannel t-shirt.
Looking in the mirror she cringed a little, it’s been a while since she’s been in casual clothes.
Putting her hair into a ponytail and then she shook it out trying to figure out what to do with it. She decided to just leave it down and put some sunglasses on to make sure no one recognized it was her, people were probably already asleep or in their homes so hopefully they didn’t recognize her.
Walking out of the Vought tower she looked around to make sure no one knew her or even worse, if Homelander was following her. He’s been in and out of it recently so she hoped he set his eyes on something else.
She walked in the direction of the Vought owned apartment building where you lived. You told her where you lived, if she needed to see you or if she just wanted to talk.
In this particular moment she just needed some comfort, whether it be talking or just being in the same room as you. Anything would do, if she were there, she would be able to make sure to keep you safe. At least try.
Standing in front of the door she raised her hesitantly and stopped trying to control her racing heart, but she took a deep breath as she knocked on the door and took a step back waiting for you to answer it and took her sunglasses off as well.
No going back now.
At first she was worried that you weren’t there, or worse that you were just dead because you weren’t answering the door but she felt her shoulders drop as soon as she heard you walking to the door.
Once you opened you were surprised to see Maeve standing there, especially in casual clothes since you’ve never seen her in anything else. But you saw her give you an awkward smile and you licked your lips before deciding to say something.
“Maeve what’s wrong,” You question, clearing your throat moving out of the way so she could come into the apartment. Luckily you were still awake because you were about to go to sleep, she probably knew due to you wearing sleeping shorts and an oversized t-shirt.
“Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you, I just wanted to come over since you always said I could if I needed to,” Maeve awkwardly rambled as she entered the room and you closed the door behind her.
“Don’t worry I wasn’t asleep yet, I was about to but you got here just in time,” You reassured her standing in front of her.
“I just needed to talk to you, or to just be here next to you,” She says while shaking her head as she feels her body finally relax. You were safe.
“Oh well, I’m glad you did, I did say you were welcome here anytime,” You give her a cheeky smile making your way into the kitchen. “Want some water, or any other beverage,” You questioned.
“Water is okay,” Maeve answers, scratching the back of her head as she makes her way to sit on your couch. Your apartment was very homey, nothing like the lifelessness of her penthouse back at the tower. This place made her feel safe, like she could just live here with you.
“Okay here you go,” You say, giving her the glass of water before sitting down on the couch next to her leaning against the cushion and facing your body so that you were looking at her. “Since you are here, do you want to talk about whatever is bothering you or do you want to just watch tv, that’d be fine as well,” You question not wanting to feel too pushy.
“Let’s just talk,” Maeve softly replies before turning her body to look at you as well. It was pretty dark but not dark enough to see that Maeve looked really happy and that made you feel good.
“What do you suggest,” You ask, contorting your body so that one leg was under you.
“Uh what do you do besides being a superhero that works with Vought, or is this your full time job like me,” She asks.
“Well I do like to volunteer on my own time, without any cameras to talk to kids in children's hospitals, I just feel like Vought would just use that to monetize it so I just kept it to my spare time,” You answer looking down at your lap.
“Wow, so you're just a real superhero,” Maeve says, looking at you with adoration. She always wanted to be a hero and when she started, she felt like it, she really wanted to help people but Vought ruined it like they always do and soon she was just another person they could get money from.
“Well so are you, I mean you’re Queen Maeve for fucking sake, you make a difference even if you weren’t out in the front line,” You chuckle.
“I don’t think I do,” Maeve answers with a tiny cringe. She wishes that she was everything you said about her but she wasn’t and that just made her heart almost stop.
“Come on, you’re an inspiration to little girls all around the world and now you’re probably helping a lot of kids come to terms with their sexuality and trust me I wish I had someone like you to look up to when I was growing up,” You say, your tone full of happiness.
“I don’t see it,” Maeve laughs, taking a swig of her water.
“I wish you could see what I see when I look at you,” You muse looking at her with such warmth that would make her feel like the only person in the world. You put your hand on her arm giving a smile caress.
“Vought just fucking sucks,” Maeve remarked and you give her small nod.
“That is true, I mean I’m only doing it for the money now,” You say with contempt. “It’s just another greedy corporation that doesn’t care about anything they say it does.”
“It just feels like I’m projecting this persona and no one knows the real me, with all the fucking scripts and talk show interviews, its just fucking tiring,” Maeve sighs, resting one of her hands on your knee just taking in the comfort you’re offering her. “It’s just one thing after another they want you to do and it’s never enough.”
“That’s true nothing will ever be enough for fucking greedy companies like Vought, but you knows what helps me,” You say leaning in a bit.
“What,” Maeve questions, using her thumb to rub figure eights on your knee as she unconsciously starts to move it a little higher.
“Knowing that someone out there, no matter who they are, and they need inspiration and we can give them that, even if it’s just to stand up to their fucking boss or kick a guy in his balls if he can’t take fucking no for an answer. People who just look up to us and know that we make that difference, I know it sounds kind of stupid but it really does help me sleep better at night,” You say knowing the stories your fans have told you, about how much you helped them.
Meanwhile Maeves had started to give your leg some goosebumps. You were already a bit hot and bothered due to her just being her and now she was teasing you.
“That makes sense, I just wish I could look through those lenses,” Maeve lets out a tiny giggle.
“I hoped that helped you though, because I totally see where you’re coming from,” You say with a bit of worry.
“Don’t worry you totally helped me, you just being here and listening to me helped me,” Maeve reassured you, giving her hand a squeeze on your thigh, she moved a bit closer to you as you felt your heart start to race a bit. “Can I uh try something,” She asked with a laugh.
“Of course, anything,” You say with a swallow.
Maeve leaned in closer til she pressed her lips to yours and you put your hand on her cheek and moved your lips along hers. It’s been a while since you’ve even liked someone so kissing someone felt like eons ago.
But it felt good kissing her and her hand lightly caressing your thigh as she kissed you hard and slipped her tongue in your mouth after you lost the battle of dominance. You moaned into her mouth as she started to trail kisses down your neck and started to suck a bruise on your clavicle.
You moaned as you felt yourself get wetter and wetter by the second and the only sound you could hear in the apartment was her heavy breathing and your moans.
“Where’s your room,” Maeve muttered the question as she started to trail kisses up your neck and right below your ear and started to make another hickey right there.
“Uh,” You began to say but moaned when she found your sweet spot on your neck. “It’s straight down the hall,” You say as you clear your throat.
Maeve then surprised you with your strength (which you shouldn’t be really surprised) and picked you up so your legs were wrapped around her waist as the two of you kept kissing as she made her way to your room. Her hand was on your ass and started to gently squeeze, making you moan into her mouth again.
She finally got your door open and walked to your bed and gently put you on the bed but not leaving you alone for a while as she made her way on top of you and started to kiss you again.
Your hands found their way into her long red hair as she ran her hands up and down your thighs which made you sigh into her mouth as her tongue started to explore what felt like every inch of your mouth. You started to grind up into her hips trying to get some friction you most desperately needed even though you were still in the confines of your shorts.
Making her way down your neck she started to pepper kisses along your chest and got frustrated when your shirt got in the way. She moved her hands to the hem of your shirt and you leaned up a little so she could pull it off you. She gave your chest a look of adoration before she started to trail kisses and started to leave hickeys along your chest.
You were letting out little whines and whimpers due to the fact that you felt like your pussy was getting more and more wet each time she kissed your body.
Her mouth finally made its way to your nipple and wrapped her plump lips around the tiny bud that was already hard due to it being a bit chilly. You moaned and arched your back a bit when she began to suck your nipple and you started to grind harder and harder against her own hips.
Moving away Maeve unbuttoned her own shirt and threw it to the side to where your shirt laid. You didn’t even have a little time to stare at her chest before she started to kiss down your stomach and around your belly button and started to toy with the strings of your shorts.
“Please,” You moaned as her hands moved down to your upper thighs and squeezed a bit harder but it definitely didn’t hurt you.
“Please what,” Maeve said with a cheeky tone that almost made you explode into pieces.
“Just touch me please,” You begged, jutting your hips up trying to get more friction on your pussy as you felt yourself get more and more wet if that was even possible.
Her hands made their way to your hips and pressed them down to the bed so you couldn’t move your hips and you let out a whine at that. You felt like you were about to burst into pieces.
“Just relax and have some patience sweetheart,” Maeve said with a sultry tone that made you whimper.
You nodded and decided to relax against the pillow which made Maeve give you a little smile. She moved back to your lower stomach and returned to kissing your body and you closed your eyes and let out tiny moans whenever she decided to give you a little nip.
Once she decided she was done with teasing you which felt like an eternity, she pulled down the shorts and let out a little laugh when she saw that you weren’t wearing any panties. While you moaned as the cool air came into contact with your wet pussy.
“God you are so fucking hot,” Maeve cursed as she moved down little and started to tease your inner thighs and decided to resume her kissing as she slowly made her way up.
You moaned as she sucked another hickey right above your aching clit that was throbbing. Her hands were still on your hips so that you could grind your hips up and that level of strength she held made your insides heat up. She chuckled against your skin as she felt you try to but she didn’t let up.
Once she did decide to take mercy upon you and press a gentle kiss to your kiss, you let out a tiny moan due to the sensitivity. She dragged her tongue along your wet folds, that made you moan and squeeze the blanket that you were laying on and your hand turned into fist.
Her tongue started doing wonders as she ran it up and down your folds multiple times and went up to your clit and your hips stuttered a bit when she wrapped her lips around your clit and started to softly suck on the soft nub.
“Maeve,” You moaned louder this time, that your neighbors might hear you.
Meanwhile Maeve had her thoughts clear of Homelander once you started moaning and she already adored the way she could make you melt with a couple kisses and touches.
Due to her teasing you, you could already feel your organsm rising and you would feel a bit embarrassed but Maeve seemed to know and started to suck harder and her mouth left your clit once which made you whine a bit but was quickly reassured when she ran her tongue up your folds and sucked your clit harder this time. She ran her tongue all around the little nub that she could feel throbbing.
“Maeve, I’m about too-,” You say your voice a little high pitched.
Maeve gave your hips a squeeze and nodded her head in reassurance without removing her lips from the tender muscle. So you just let your body do your thing and you let out strings of moans and yelps as Maeve started to suck faster and harder and with another single suck you let out a loud moan as you came all over her tongue.
Even though you felt like you blacked out, you could feel Maeve dip her tongue into your folds, deciding to clean up your release and moaning at the taste of you. You winced at the overstimulation and put your hand on her arm tugging her back up and luckily she did.
You could taste yourself on her mouth as she started to kiss you again and your hands started to move to her hips wanting to return the favor.
“Come on, take your pants off and let me help you,” You mutter against her lips, which makes her moan into your mouth. She nodded against your lips.
Once she got her pants and panties off and she returned to kissing you, your hands made their way to her hips again and started to move around to her thighs. But deciding that she still wanted to be in control she moved her hands to yours and put them to the sides and gave them a squeeze which made you moan into her mouth.
“I just want to help you like you helped me,” You whimper against her lips.
“I know but just trust me with this,” Maeve muttered moving her lips from yours.
The next thing you knew you felt her grinding her pussy on top of yours and her clit dragging across yours. You moaned but that was quieted once she decided to stick her tongue down your throat again.
You weren’t complaining.
Her grinding didn’t stop or show any hesitance as she felt her own release start to rise. Her clit throbbed against yours as she felt the knot in her stomach start to tighten even more. And due to the fact that she’s been wet ever since she kissed you it didn’t even take one more thrust before she came against your pussy with a strained moan of your name.
You smiled against her lips and kissed her neck and shoulder as she came down from her own release.
Once she felt legs stop shaking Maeve pulled the blankets over both of your nude bodies and wrapped her arms around and rested her head in the crook of your neck, inhaling your sweet scent.
“Feel better,” You quested drawing random things on the arm that was wrapped around your waist. You felt her chuckle against your neck and pepper a few kisses below your ear.
“Feel amazing,” Maeve whispered in your ear which made you let out an airy giggle.
“Well I’m glad I could help,” You laugh as you put your hand on top of hers.
“You definitely did more than help,” Maeve says as her eyes look over your nude form. Even though she couldn’t see much she saw something that made her let out a giggle.
“What are you laughing at,” You smile, twisting your body a bit so you could get a better look at her. But you had to admit a smile looked amazing on her.
“I just wanted to apologize,” Maeve says between little laughs.
“For what and you don’t seem sorry for whatever it is,” You laugh along with her.
“I just wanted to say sorry for the bruises,” Maeve sheepishly says and you look down to your hips and you could feel yourself already get more wet by looking at them.
“No need to say sorry, It’s kinda hot,” You say with a smirk.
“You dirty dog,” Maeve laughs, resting her head on the pillow.
“Says you,” You laugh and for what feels like ages you finally feel happy.
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hockeyforlife · 8 months
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A change from the regular hockey smut I post, this has been living rent in my head for days now. How backward and cowardly the NHL has become in banning Queer support. As a gay hockey player, and gay fan, let me tell you: it DOES NOT get better. Yes, you can play...if you ignore the bigots.
To have had visible support was huge. To have the ultra male toxicity culture take a step back and teach tolerance and acceptance was huge.
Yet, we're back to square one. Because Russian players want to play in North America, want our money, but don't want to wear the jerseys for a 15 minute warm-up or risk supposedly not being allowed back in their war-mongering, illegally invading, homeland. Or because James Reimer thinks homosexality is a sin. Or, because two Stall brothers are grossed out by homosexuality. Then don't wear a cross when you play boys; not everyone believes your religion.
Unless they are closeted, self-hating victims of their environment, or unless they slip and accidentally fall on a dick, they're *pretty safe* from homosexuality in the dressing room.
*Caveat: Chicago Blackhawks Kyle Beach scandal.
*Caveat: Maple Leafs Gardens / Gordon Stuckless scandal.
I jest. No one accidentally falls on a dick.
But still, we take a step back. The NHL reveals their message of inclusion was just window dressing. Some immature players don't want fags in their dressing room. The league still wants all the money it can get, Russian, gay, straight, Aboriginal, cancer...So you know, they support us, just in the shadows.
Now all causes and special jerseys are banned? No offence, but yeah, this better include Military Night, and Hockey Fights Cancer - If there can't be pride tape there can't be pink tape. Or, ignore the cowardly few, educate them why awareness is needed, take your place as leaders in sports entertainment, and make genuine inclusivity a reality.
And while you're at it NHL and Hockey Canada, let's see some real repercussions for ALL the 2018 Team Canada juniors involved in the sexual assult, not just the alledged Alex Formenton. Let's see Kaner and Towes, Hoss, and all the Blackhawk players that deny they knew anything was happening to Kyle Beach admit that they did know, and acknowledge that winning the cup was more important to them than helping out a fellow human - a fucking hockey-bro TEAMMATE - who was being preyed upon. Let's see genuine apologies, not more debunked denials. Enough others in that dressing room have come clean say you ALL knew...but, I digress.
NHL, sponsors, Hockey Canada, US Hockey, take a good long look at the toxic culture you incubate and promote.
One overlooked bright spot deserves recognition. One player made a point over the years of supporting and raising equality awareness for the community and a couple of his gay friends. Comfortable in his heterosexuality, starting in 2016, Anders Nilsson had a Pride flag on the back of many helmets for the different teams he played for over the years.
Cheers to you Anders, shame on you NHL.
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
Black Wings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/y0ahepi
by dreamedwriting
The Fae Prince, Aelyx, was the last of his kind since the battle over the one ring. He possessed a strange beauty, powerful magic, and unique set of abilities, not to mention the black wings he sported.
When trouble came, Gandalf always asked him for help. First, with the Dwarves reclaiming their homeland. Second, with the Fellowship of the Ring. Maybe he would find some love along the way.
Words: 1014, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Original Male Character(s), Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Thorin Oakenshield, Aragorn | Estel, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Gimli (Son of Glóin), The Lord of the Rings Ensemble
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Original Male Character(s), Aragorn | Estel/Original Male Character(s), Thorin Oakenshield/Original Male Character(s), Sauron | Mairon/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Gay, Gay Sex, Intersex, Fairy, Fae & Fairies, Magic, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Eventual Smut, Protective Legolas Greenleaf, BAMF Legolas Greenleaf, Top Aragorn, Top Legolas, Caring Thranduil, Protective Thranduil, Possessive Thorin, Original Character-centric, BAMF Original Male Character, Major Original Character(s), Dragons, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Tags Are Hard, Tags May Change
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/y0ahepi
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
Black Wings
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/S7jzksU
by dreamedwriting
The Fae Prince, Aelyx, was the last of his kind since the battle over the one ring. He possessed a strange beauty, powerful magic, and unique set of abilities, not to mention the black wings he sported.
When trouble came, Gandalf always asked him for help. First, with the Dwarves reclaiming their homeland. Second, with the Fellowship of the Ring. Maybe he would find some love along the way.
Words: 1014, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M, Other
Characters: Original Male Character(s), Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien), Thorin Oakenshield, Aragorn | Estel, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Bilbo Baggins, Frodo Baggins, Gimli (Son of Glóin), The Lord of the Rings Ensemble
Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf/Original Male Character(s), Aragorn | Estel/Original Male Character(s), Thorin Oakenshield/Original Male Character(s), Sauron | Mairon/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Gay, Gay Sex, Intersex, Fairy, Fae & Fairies, Magic, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Violence, Eventual Smut, Protective Legolas Greenleaf, BAMF Legolas Greenleaf, Top Aragorn, Top Legolas, Caring Thranduil, Protective Thranduil, Possessive Thorin, Original Character-centric, BAMF Original Male Character, Major Original Character(s), Dragons, Vaginal Sex, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Tags Are Hard, Tags May Change
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/S7jzksU
0 notes
ao3feed-zukka · 2 years
Chasing Tail
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gB3aqQC
by BlueEyedArcher
(An alternate take on how the events of Chained would differ if Sokka and Zuko were shapeshifters)
Having found a sickly oddly colored Fire Ferret in the mountain forest near the Earth Kingdom encampment, Sokka's wolfish instincts recognize it as another shifter like himself. A rare occurrence in the world, there are very few who have been blessed with such a gift from the spirits, and Sokka is ecstatic to know there are more of his kind in the world outside of his homeland.
Zuko was not expecting to be picked up and walked into the enemy camp while scouting the area for food and other useful resources to report back to his Captains or harvest himself. With this strange turn of events after an unexpected bout of illness had forced him into his changeling form, his fears of becoming a predators lunch quickly turn in a string of bizarre events as the enemy grows attached to his strange ways.
Words: 5827, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Chained
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), How (Avatar), Jee (Avatar), Southern Water Tribe Characters (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), Bato/Hakoda (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Shapeshifters, Crack Treated Seriously, chained, Fire ferrets, Spirit Shenanigans, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, Gay Zuko (Avatar), Protective Sokka (Avatar), Aged-Up Character(s), Sickfic, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, War, Alternate Universe - No Bending (Avatar TV), Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Humor, Bribery, Caretaking, Secret Identity, Spirit Animals, Eventual Smut, Cuddling & Snuggling
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gB3aqQC
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ao3feedzukka · 2 years
Chasing Tail
by BlueEyedArcher
(An alternate take on how the events of Chained would differ if Sokka and Zuko were shapeshifters)
Having found a sickly oddly colored Fire Ferret in the mountain forest near the Earth Kingdom encampment, Sokka's wolfish instincts recognize it as another shifter like himself. A rare occurrence in the world, there are very few who have been blessed with such a gift from the spirits, and Sokka is ecstatic to know there are more of his kind in the world outside of his homeland.
Zuko was not expecting to be picked up and walked into the enemy camp while scouting the area for food and other useful resources to report back to his Captains or harvest himself. With this strange turn of events after an unexpected bout of illness had forced him into his changeling form, his fears of becoming a predators lunch quickly turn in a string of bizarre events as the enemy grows attached to his strange ways.
Words: 5827, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Chained
Fandoms: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Sokka (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Hakoda (Avatar), Bato (Avatar), How (Avatar), Jee (Avatar), Southern Water Tribe Characters (Avatar)
Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar), Sokka & Zuko (Avatar), Bato/Hakoda (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Shapeshifters, Crack Treated Seriously, chained, Fire ferrets, Spirit Shenanigans, Zuko is an Awkward Turtleduck, Gay Zuko (Avatar), Protective Sokka (Avatar), Aged-Up Character(s), Sickfic, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, War, Alternate Universe - No Bending (Avatar TV), Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Humor, Bribery, Caretaking, Secret Identity, Spirit Animals, Eventual Smut, Cuddling & Snuggling
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/37203505
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dominantslasherking · 2 years
Hiii! I rlly love your work it's just amazing <3
Can you do something smutty with Homelander plz??
We love an evil meow meow
Homelander with Dominant Male reader
My Stories are meant for the much more mature audience, 18+.
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Homelander gritted his teeth as the new reporter tried to belittle him----him fucking Homelander himself!! He saves people countless times, and he shouldn't accept this treatment....Suddenly an image of [Hero Name] popped onto the screen, his popularity was unrivaled by everyone in the seven.
Homelander stared at the screen intensely, his breath quickening up as he felt his pants tighten---he didn't consider himself a homosexual---but god every time he saw your face, he would pop a boner!! It wasn't right....why was he, America's greatest hero, weak at the fucking knees by some---male hero----sexy male hero-!
"So [Name] who would you consider your favorite hero other than yourself of course!" The report asked with a smile, the live camera focusing on yourself.
"I'd have to say Homelander, I don't expect the public to understand how hard it is for a hero, drama will get thrown at you, everyone, and can you really say all of its true?" You spoke out, Homelander's eyes widening, his cock aching in his suit.
Suddenly the door barged open revealing Ashley herself, holding multiple papers, "Good news---no great news! So, you know how you requested a meeting with [Hero name?] Well we got it, it should start---oh...right after the interview he's in---" Ashley, gulped down her saliva noting how Homelander was very quiet at her work, her eyes making their way to his...tent....
"Shit---I'm so sorry sir---I'll leave---!" Ashley rushed out, not wanting to feel Homelander berating wrath on her.
Homelander suddenly smirked at Ashley's words....perfect. He couldn't help but begin to get giddy
~~~~~~ You sighed while the red-haired woman led you to The Sevens meeting room, she opened the door before insisting you go in and she wouldn't be able to follow after, once you entered the room, the doors were swiftly shut behind you.
"Ah, Homelander! So good to meet you," Your voice ran out with a smile, marching forward and offering your hand. Homelander tightly took hold of your hand, his eyes grazing every inch of your body until he stopped on your suit's crotch area.
"Its...uh, pleasure..." Homelander spoke, licking his lips slightly, as you tried to tug your hand away, but was unable. Your eyes squinted slightly, as you suddenly pushed more strength, instead of pulling away, you slammed Homelander on the large round desk, holding his arm behind his back, he was bent over, his ass rubbing against your groin as he struggled.
"You know, other heroes like to gossip, they said Homelander was a little brat? I guess they forgot to mention horny huh?" You teased, letting him go, as you expect a response, he turned around and slammed you to the floor.
"A brat huh?" Homelander growled out, sitting on top of you. He trusted his hips slightly, causing his ass to rub on your groin.
You laughed, while shoving him into a kiss, "I always wanted to fuck you~" Your husky voice purred, grasping onto his ass cheeks.
In an instant Homelander ripped his suit to shred not caring one bit as he always had extras.
"Don't worry Vought can provide you with new clothes..." Homelander hummed tearing apart your suit, to let his hands roam around your body.
Homelander clung to you closely as you stood up, and bent him over. Suddenly your ass rubbed against his cheeks, "Don't tell me you're a virgin down here? If so, I don't think I'll be able to hold back my roughness." You teased slapping your cock on his cheeks
"Mm---not gay!" Homelander whined as you laughed in return, "Oh honey, I think your gay-~" You suddenly slammed yourself inside his puckering virgin hole, as he held back his scream of pain.
Suddenly you ran your hands along his lean back, before suddenly thrusting again, not caring you went in dry which multiplied the pain for him.
However you could restrict yourself from doing so, as his walls were so tight and clung to you so good, that you needed to stretch him out, with your cock, his warm insides repeatedly pulsating and clenching, trying to adjust to your size from our rapid thrusts.
Your hands made their way towards Homelander's waist, holding tightly as your pushed yourself in and out, completely impaling his hole onto your cock.
"Ah--~!Slowww~! Do--down~~!" Homelander whined, not expecting you to suddenly use his real name, "No can do~ John....Your just soo--mmm--tight!" You groaned not caring about his pleas, as you used his hole fully for your pleasure, watching his come splatter on the table as you continued to split him open with your large cock thrusting.
His ass was pulsating so much, that you finally came, filling him to the brim, so much of your cum, that it started to leak on the sides of your own cock and out of his ass. Since your cock was still hard, you stopped your short break and continued to plunge inside this time much easier as your own cum as lube, which made his puckering hole slick.
This made your thrust faster than they already were going. Homelander was begging so much, that his cries as well as the sound of sweet skin smacking filled the entire room.
Let's just say, the next morning Homelander officially announced the two of you were dating, There was also the part where he was walking rather funny.....
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gayhardmens82 · 4 years
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Sleazy seed petting Pigs Ota
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gayorgynight65 · 4 years
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impediamenta · 7 years
for the fanfiction virgin (part one, the basics)
Hello, young one. Welcome to one of the most integral parts of fandom, the weird, wonderful, often terrifying world of fanfiction (also called fics, fanfic, ff, etc., etc.). Perhaps you are unhappy with the way your favorite book/tv show/movie turned out, perhaps you loved it so much you want more and you want it right now. Perhaps you aren’t a fanfiction virgin at all and are just reading this for the nostalgia. Either way, let’s get started. 
The main three websites you will use will be the following:
1. Archive of Our Own (AO3 if you’re in the know, which you will be after reading this post). This is the “cool” website, newer and more efficient that either of the other two sites I will list here. AO3 is easy to use, chock-full of content, and most importantly, the homeland of most of the weirdest shit out there. One of the benefits of this site is that you can easily find things without a link from another person, and can easily discover new fics on your own.
2. Fanfiction.net (also called ff.net). This site is more vintage than AO3, and is a son of a bitch to navigate. However, ff.net is useful because about three quarters of the fanfiction classics (to be mentioned later) are posted here. Often, you will end up reading fics on these by going through a fic rec blog (also to be mentioned later). Fanfiction.net often has older, longer fics than AO3.
3. Right here on tumblr! Many of the lovely people of tumblr post their fics straight to their blogs. Tumblr fics are often short, prompt-based, and cross-posted on another site.
There are other fanfiction sites, such as livejournal (super vintage) and other fandom-by-fandom sites. These I will not go into great detail about because a) there are too many to name, and b) most of them are so old that they either don’t work anymore or don’t have any fics less than ten years old on them. These are mainly found in the Harry Potter fandom, mostly because the HP fandom is the oldest and largest major fandom.
One shot: a story that is one chapter. This works the same way for two-shots and three-shots.
Multi-chap: a story that is multiple chapters. Not complicated, folks.
Smut: a story that is *not for the eyes of children*. If you are new at this, chances are you are under the age of fourteen and should stay away from any story tagged smut. See below for rating.
Rating: how a story is rated, much like with movies
- G, K, K+: General Audiences. Probably safe for anyone to read. Movie equivalent of G or PG.
-T: Teen and Up Audiences: Usually includes kissing, mild language and violence. Also often includes “fade to black” scenes in regards to sex. Chances are, if you made it through the book or movie, you’ll be okay.
-M: Mature Audiences. 90% OF THESE FICS ARE RATED FOR SEX. Be warned. The other ten percent have hard language and/or gory violence.
-E: Explicit. 100% OF THESE FICS ARE RATED FOR GRAPHIC SEX. There will be dicks in these stories. Do not say I didn’t warn you. This. Is. Porn. 
Note that the ratings for fics are determined by the author, and their idea of a mature story might be different than yours. If you are a person who is sensitive about coarse language, stick to the G rated stuff, as even T rated fics usually contain strong language. Tumblr fics do not usually have a rating.
OC: this is an original character. Rarely do you find a good one.
OOC: out of character, which means the author completely decided to ignore how an actual character looks/acts/is named. OOC characters are essentially OCs that have a slim basis in an actual story.
Canon: the actual work that the fandom is based on. For example, the canon for the HP fandom is the book series Harry Potter. This is a useful term in distinguishing what actually happened vs what fanfic writers made up.
Headcanon: otherwise known as a fan theory. Usually little blurbs that are not explicitly mentioned in canon but there is no reason that they can’t be true. Some headcanons have become so normalized that the fandom accepts them as canon. Example, people were saying Dumbledore was gay long before JK Rowling confirmed it.
Crossover: Fanfiction written as a part of two different fandoms. Enough said.
Ship: the basis of fandom. A pairing of two characters that people really really really want to get together. A major portion of fanfiction is dedicated to gay ships both possible and impossible. Gay ships are the foundation of any fandom. That isn’t to say you can’t find straight fanfiction, just that you might have to look harder for the good stuff.
Fluff: tooth-rotting, sweet, I-love-you-honeybear, fanfiction. I can’t write it, I can’t read it, but most people like it. I am just mean.
Angst: the anti-fluff. As you may have guessed, depression, job loss, sexual confusion and violence are all usually par for the course when it comes to angst. I love it. I love it so much.
Classic: a fanfiction that has been around in a fandom for so long that it is basically required reading. People will judge you if you haven’t read the classics of your ship. Sometimes there are fanfictions of the classic fanfictions. So, you, fanfiction virgin, need to start there. 
And finally:
AU: alternate universe fanfiction. We’ll talk later about the many different types of AU, mostly because AUs are where things start to get weird.
1. This is the most important rule of fanfiction: if you like a fic, let the author know. On AO3, the easiest way to do this is by leaving kudos. The kudos button is located at the end of a fic or chapter, and you don’t even need to have an account to leave them. On both AO3 and ff.net, comments/reviews can be left. These are even better than kudos and make an author’s day. On tumblr, like and reblog. Doing these things is so important, because it helps an author’s work get read.
2. Sigh. This is going to sound so mean.
If you are new, please don’t start writing just yet. Chances are, you don’t know what the hell you are doing. Read, see how fanfiction writing works, and then you can start writing. It’s different than writing a paper for your English class. If you have an idea, write it down and revisit it later, or write and don’t post just yet. Also, I’m going to do a little self promo for part 3.
3. Don’t correct people’s grammar in the comments. Yeah, their grammar sucks, but no one needs to hear you bitching about it.
This is where I’m going to end part one, because I have realized that the AU section is going to be long enough to warrant its own post.
Also, if you are not new to fanfiction and are just reading this for the nostalgia, reblog this post along with a fanfiction that is considered a classic in your fandom. Include fandom name and title (and link, if you have one). Help the newbies out! If we get enough I may just find the energy to compile a list later on. We’ll see.
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sofeyhh · 7 years
Six Blind Dates
Protagonist: Min Yoongi Main Pairing: Yoonmin Ships: Yoonseok, Namjin, Namgi, Taegi, Yoonjin, Yoonkook Genre: Comedy, fluff, mild smut, semi angst
Summary: Min Yoongi has been a hermit during his first year in college; mostly keeping to himself, burying his head in his studies and holing up in the school’s radio station. Now that he’s entering his second year, his brother has been riling him up to get experimental, since it is college. So he joins a dating website, for men, and waits for his 6 blind dates.
Part 4 / ?
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The ear-splitting sound of his alarm pierced in his ears like a thousand nails. It rudely tore him away from the comfy deep sleep he was in, making Yoongi groan into his pillow. He peers out of his puffy sleepy eyes to check the time.
6:05 am
“What the fuck!” Yoongi yells into his pillow. He lets out a deflated whimper as he frustratedly kicks around.
6:05 am is most definitely not a humane time to wake someone up. It was something only office workers and housewives did. So why the hell was he summoned at this goddamned hour?
Another screeching alarm goes off, this time a reminder on his phone. He lazily lifts up the screen to read. It said ‘Hike Date with Jung Hoseok. Be there at 7’ in white bubbly letters. Ah fuck, he thought.
His date had sent him a pinned location of a hiking trail along with the caption ‘7am! Don’t forget to set your alarm and to bring lots of water! Tomorrow’s gonna be fun!!’ Yoongi grimaces at the reminder of having to walk up a hill under the hot sun for at least an hour. His warm duvet cover pulled him back to dreamland, back to visions of swimming in a pile of money.
Swimming in a non-existent pile of dirty green paper sounded so much better than sweating under a hot ball of fire. And so he drifts back to sleep, mumbling an apology to his date. No one can come in between him and his sleep. No one. Yoongi could feel his body getting enveloped by the dollar bills, tugging him in like quicksand when suddenly his phone starts blaring in his ears.
“For fucking fuck’s sake of fucking fuck gods!” Yoongi bellowed as he tried killing his phone with his pillow. The repetitive hits did nothing to silence the damn device of course.
Tears were threatening to spill as he whines to himself. The gods above must love fucking him over. It was Sunday, and Sundays were meant for him to wake up at 5 pm, not bloody 6:07 am. He grudgingly picks up his phone, biting his tongue from wishing the person on the other line an early death.“Syubbbbbbbb!”
Of course. Of fucking course. If it there was one thing in the universe that was flipping him off, it would have to be his brother. It just had to. Yoongi puts on the loudspeaker and lets his phone fall from his hands, wondering how his brother managed to swallow Jim Carrey’s soul at 6:07 am. Oh right, it was currently 7:07 pm back in Korea.
“Are you ready for your date?!”
“Hyung,” Yoongi croaked. “How long have you known me?” He rubs his face, trying to get the sleepy haze out of his eyes.
“Uh...since you were born…?”
He rests his elbows on his knees and buries his face, muffling his voice while he chatted with his brother. “What’s the one thing you should know about me?”
It was a very easy question, and he had high hopes for his goldfish-brained brother to remember. Mind you, it has even been written down on his school profile by teachers and students alike.
“...you love your sleep?” his brother squeaks.
“Ah!” Yoongi exclaimed as he raises his arms. “Hallelujah hyung! You got the right answer for once.”
The silence over the phone could only mean his brother was busy rolling his eyes at Yoongi’s exaggeration. His brother’s next words made him want to physically row back to Korea and personally strangle him.
“Ok, but have you gotten ready for your date though?”Ok but have you gotten ready for your date though?”
Yoongi was already sweating just by walking from his car to the hiking area and it wasn’t even sunny out. He squinted and looked around while fidgeting in his clothes; also known as the sportiest outfit he could find in his closet. Namjoon had said that his upcoming date had a million-watt smile, not that he knew what that meant. A smile was just a smile, wasn’t it?
The monstrous scream came before Yoongi was attacked by a bear - or at least he thought it was- almost getting down tackled down to the ground. It came out of nowhere, leaving him dazed while being stared at onlookers. Yoongi squirms out of the tight embrace, looking distressed by the sudden human contact.
“You’re Yoongi aren’t you?!”
In that second, he knew exactly what Namjoon meant. The boy’s smile could give the damn Sun a run for its money. It took a second for Yoongi to get his bearings as he calmly detaches himself from the walking ball of sunshine.
“I’m guessing you’re Jung Hoseok?” Yoongi asked with a timid smile.
“Eugh you sound like my Math teacher in High School,” his date cringes at his full name. “Hobi, if you will.”
Hobi, what a peculiar nickname, Yoongi thought. Then again, he had his brother calling him Syub and Yoongi still don't know where it came from. In all seriousness, the name Hobi weirdly suits his date’s personality. It had a tinge of adorableness, or back in Korea they’d called it aegyo, and an all around fun name.
With energetic motivations from Hobi, Yoongi managed to go through the hike without even once grumbling about the heat or the bugs colliding with his face every few seconds. There was something about the boy that Yoongi found comfort in. He always had a smile on and was so open about everything, even talking about his sexuality like it was no big deal despite the homophobia still going around.
“I guess it’s because my family’s pretty chill about everything so being gay wasn’t a big issue,” Hobi explained while walking backwards. “It was over dinner and I casually talked about liking dicks while eating Grandmama’s famous chilli. My parents were like ‘Yeah? Have you found anyone you like? Don’t forget to use protection Hoseokie. Even guys need to’.”
Yoongi blushes at his date’s brazen words. The topic of dicks at Grandmama’s famous chilli can never go hand in hand during his family dinners. He’d get an ass-kicking from his father just for saying the word ‘dick’. But he still had to give it to his parents for being accepting of their son’s sexuality. Not many Korean parents are particularly fond of their sons talking about wanting to ride dicks.
“What about you? You told your parents you’re gay yet?”
They reached the midpoint of the hiking trail where a crowd of people were busy gawking over a 3-story high waterfall. The narrow bridge was jam packed with sweaty hikers that Yoongi subconsciously retreated backwards. Him getting sweaty wasn’t something he fancies but being slathered by gross sweaty shoulders of other humans? Yeah, he would cut off his leg to avoid that at all cost.
Hobi chuckles when he sees Yoongi’s appalled expression. “C’mon,” he says, taking Yoongi’s hands as he leads them to a small path away from the bridge. Though, it could barely be considered a path.
“Trust me,” Hobi nods his head as he gestures for Yoongi to follow the steep path upwards into the dense forest. “It gets you a better view of the waterfall.”
With a reluctant heart, Yoongi treks up the dirt path, pulling onto tree trunks to support his non-existent arm muscles. Now was the time that he regrets not committing into the gym schedule he had drafted back in his first year. So much for wanting to get a six-pack.
“So?” Hobi huffs as they closer to the top. “Does your parents know?”
“Well, first of all, I’m not gay. Or, not officially one. I may consider myself a bisexual but I’m still experimenting. This is only my second date with a guy.”
Finally, after getting slapped in the face by multiple branches, Yoongi reaches the top. He collapses on a boulder and groans until he could feel the nerves coming back to his toes. His numerical age may be 21 but ever since he hit puberty, he’s been possessed by a hundred-year-old man.
“You’re adorable, baby,” Hobi chuckled as he slapped Yoongi’s ass.
His entire body tenses as the heat prickled up his neck. It took a while for Yoongi to register the ass slapping and the pet name calling. By the time he recovers from that sinful act, Hobi had already moved on as if nothing happened. He was sat at the edge of the cliff admiring the waterfall.
What the fuck, Yoongi thought. This guy is mental. He couldn’t come up with words to describe his date’s bold personality but he knew for sure it was so different from Namjoon’s. At the back of his head, he could hear his brother commenting on how this guy would be a good fuck. And surprisingly, he was a little turned on by the idea. He coughs away his dirty thoughts and takes a seat by Hobi.
“So what’s Korea like?” Hobi wondered out loud. “I was born there but my parents migrated when I was two so I’m pretty much clueless.”
Yoongi leans back, resting his head on the boulder as he mulled over Hobi’s question. “Korea’s....something else,” Yoongi sighed fondly. “Indescribable really.”
Hobi leans back and watches Yoongi with a smile. He could see the love for his native country in Yoongi’s eyes. America may be the country where dreams come true, but every foreign student he knows would always prefer their homeland over manufactured burgers and fries.
“I was born in Daegu, a rural city in the north. It’s surrounded by beautiful rocky mountains and can get really cold in the winter. But then we moved to Seoul after my dad got promoted to manage an office branch in the city. And it may be in the same country but Seoul’s vibe is a contrast to Daegu. Polar opposites even, like me and you,” Yoongi chuckled.
“Hey now, you know what they say, opposites attract. Like magnets,” Hobi piped up with a wink.
They spent the rest of the hour slopped in front of the giant boulder and admiring the waterfall. It was decided that they wouldn’t hike up the last half of trail after Yoongi groaned and whined, begging Hobi to have mercy on his old ass. The pair managed to forge a bond with blessings from the 3-story waterfall and the giant boulder. Yoongi came to find that they had a few things in common, but that didn’t change the fact that their personalities were on opposite ends of the scale.
On that Sunday, at 8:10am, Yoongi had one of the best laughs after a long time. His gruffy chortles boomed through the forest; even catching the attention of the people on the bridge. He realised that Hobi mirrored his brother perfectly. He was a jokester, he was crazy and he was loud. The thickness of his skin was no joke because this boy went all out to make a show for Yoongi without a hint of embarrassment.
“Be prepared Yoongs,” he said with a straight face as he pointed at Yoongi.
His phone was plugged into his portable speaker, blasting out a poppy girl song Yoongi was unfamiliar with. With passion, Hobi sticks out his ass, twirling it to the beat with a smirk on his face. Yoongi watched with his mouth hanging open as his date danced to the song with such precision. He hit every move at the right time without breaking a sweat, looking majestic as fuck. The song ended and Yoongi gave him the loudest applause followed by a standing ovation.
“You were bootylicious, for sure,” Yoongi teased, his gummy smile on full display as Hobi bowed dramatically.
The poppy music gave way to a trap beat as Hobi regained his composure. This time, Yoongi wailed a loud yes as he flails his arms around. He’d be lying if he said that this song wasn’t on the top of his playlist. As soon as the song started, Hobi switched from being a sassy ass-jiggling dancer to a sexy rapper. He rapped out the lyrics with full force, not holding back even once. It was a mind blowing switch that got Yoongi staring in awe.
“Yah...I didn’t know you can dance and rap! Fucking hell that was amazing!” he exclaimed.
Hobi chuckles as plops down. His breaths were irregular as he sucks in the much-needed oxygen. Yoongi’s eyes catch the trickle of sweat as it falls from his temple down to the corner of his lips. Without him realising, he lingers onto the sight of his date’s lips longer than necessary.
Yoongi was startled out of his trance and comes to face with a smirking boy. He was rudely biting his lips as if knowing that it would make Yoongi’s lips dart out involuntarily. With red cheeks, he nods to answer. He had been pondering on how it would taste to kiss a boy ever since his date with Namjoon. Would it be rougher than a girl’s or just as soft? His heart started to race as Hobi leans in - this was it, he was about to find out.
It was electric. It was hot. It was heart-fluttering. And it felt soft and firm at the same time. Blood rushes up to his ears as the kiss picks up; it went from light hesitant kisses to a needier make-out. Yoongi feels Hobi’s hand brushing past his shoulders, up to his neck, tugging him closer. He lets out a small whimper, melting under his touch. His hand comes up to clutch at Hobi’s collar, pulling him above him as he feels the warmth of the ground on his back.
There was a possibility he might be a bottom.
If you want to follow this fic, just use the tag sofieyoonmin fic. It’d be easier to find it :)
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Fuck, Marry, Kill
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mwhoMq
by aft33
A Twist on the classic game of Fuck, Marry, Kill!!!
Words: 9355, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Multi-Fandom, The Vampire Diaries (TV), celebs - Fandom, Titans (TV 2018), This Is Us (TV), The Boys (TV 2019), Big Time Rush (TV), 13 Reasons Why (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage
Categories: M/M
Characters: Malachai "Kai" Parker, Derek Hough, Stefan Salvatore, Dick Grayson, Jack Pearson, Homelander, James Diamond, Kendall Knight, Gustavo Rocque, Justin Foley, Clay Jensen, Bryce Walker
Additional Tags: Fuck Marry Kill, fmk, Gay Sex, Sex, mature - Freeform, explicit - Freeform, Smut, Gay Smut, FUCK, marry, kill, Murder, Violence, Bloodshed, Rape, Rape/Non-con Elements, non-con, Non-Consensual, BDSM, Romance, Fucking, Everyone Is Gay, Gay Character, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Public Sex, Sex Toys, Shower Sex, Underage Sex, Car Sex, Marriage, Underage - Freeform, Scat, Pool Sex, Rough Oral Sex, Fluff and Smut, Fluff, Angst, Drama, Killing, Toilet, Male Slash, Gay Marriage, accidental murder, bad marriage
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3mwhoMq
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Dorian's Dilemma
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DzwsqH
by CircleTime
Dorian of the esteemed House Pavus of the proud city of Qarinus in the cultured land of Tevinter was having a crisis of sorts. Leaving his homeland and abandoning his overly-controlling family had been an adventure. Travelling far away from the Imperium and journeying to the quaint southern lands of Thedas, a novelty. Even joining the Inquisition and waging a war against enemies new and ancient alike had been an unequivocal thrill. But had he known beforehand that a significant portion of his time with the Inquisition would be spent with his pillow clutched tightly over his ears in his tent, struggling to get a wink of sleep as his two companions in the neighbouring tent engaged in bouts of loud and deeply-passionate sex, he might’ve had second thoughts about some of his life choices.
Words: 2191, Chapters: 1/4, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition, Dragon Age - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Dorian Pavus, The Iron Bull (Dragon Age), Male Trevelyan (Dragon Age), Male Inquisitor (Dragon Age), Cole (Dragon Age)
Relationships: Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus, Male Inquisitor/Dorian Pavus, Dorian Pavus/Trevelyan, Male Inquisitor/Iron Bull, Male Inquisitor/Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus
Additional Tags: Smut, Shameless Smut, Threesome - M/M/M, Gay Sex, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rimming, Jealousy, Polyamory
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2DzwsqH
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