#Merry Christmas Evan!
fuckedbykai · 6 months
Merry Christmas to everyone!!🎄🎅🏻
My sister ordered me a Evan blanket but it didn’t come in yet, I’m soOoOo excited!😘
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cookieruma29 · 6 months
Hello everyone! Merry to you all! 💕💕💕 here’s a gift for @pixlokita from your secret Santa :). I hope you like it 💕💕😔😔💕💕 and have a great Christmas to you all once again
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gayhoediaz · 6 months
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excuseme-greentea · 6 months
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incorrect quotes | 911 x Schitt's Creek
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diviedrawn · 1 year
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Merry Christmas from the Aftons too! 🎄
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fwakwhakdepakmont · 6 months
Maybe the true meaning of Christmas is watching a gay sims wedding that you’ve been waiting five years for while you’re hungover at 5:30 am on Christmas Day
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olivers-cocoapuffs · 6 months
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Evan to Barty
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mrsfrecklesmarauders · 6 months
I like to believe that The Marauders called Christmas: Prongsmas. It became a joke when every Christmas they saw many deers as decorations and teased James saying: "Prongs, is this you?"
"What do you mean, Prongsmas?" Marlene asked them irritably when they told the girls about it "It's Christmas"
"Christmas? Bah!" Sirius answered "Why do you think there are different Prongs around as decoration? It's a Prongs Holiday, sunshine"
"This is nonsense..."
"We celebrate the day Prongs came into this world" Peter added promptly.
"But his birthday is in March" Lily said.
"You remember my birthday, eh Evans?" James winked.
Lily blushed "Whatever... It's... It's... Because you make a whole deal out of it"
"Because James Potter's birthday is a national day, Ginger" Sirius said.
James nodded. Lily rolled her eyes.
"Prongsmas is not the day James Potter was born..." Sirius continued.
James shook his head.
"It is the day Prongs came into this world"
James nodded again.
"You mean the nickname?" Marlene asked.
The boys giggled amongst themselves.
"Prongs! Prongs! Marlene..." Sirius snapped and James tutted "If you don't know the concept of Prongs, then..." he shook his head.
"Prongs is more than a nickname..." Remus added.
"It's a movement..." Peter nodded.
"A life style..." Sirius said.
"A spirit..." Remus added as well.
"You know that Christmas is actually when Jesus Christ was born?" Mary tutted with a smile.
"Oh that Jesus bloke? He is just trying to steal Prongs' spotlight"
"Dear God... Remus, you too?" Lily exclaimed as she rolled her eyes discreetly.
Remus smirked.
"I don't celebrate Christmas, darling. I do celebrate Prongsmas" he hit Sirius' palm.
"We all celebrate Prongsmas" Peter pointed to the decorations around, especially the little deers.
"What about the Christmas tree?" Mary raised an eyebrow.
"The Prongsmas tree, you mean?" Sirius laughed "Come on, Macdonald. We all know where the nickname Prongs came from"
They all remembered when James, in their fourth year, climbed a tree to be able to spy on Lily, and he fell from there. When he stood up, dizzyly, he had two branches that looked like antlers.
The group of friends laughed, except for James and Lily who were slightly blushing.
"Okay, okay..." Marlene sighed "How do you explain, Santa Klaus?"
"That's Fleamont" James answered, making his friends giggle. "Yeah...he..." chuckles "He is Prongs' father after all, my father..." he cleared his throat.
"But for whatever reason they make him seem fatter, with white hair and a bigger beard" Sirius added.
"Yeah" James nodded.
Lily leaned on the table "And he is all dressed in red because..."
"Gryffindor colors" Remus said quickly "Naturally"
"Also Prongs' favorite color" James pointed out.
"And the green?" Mary teased "Slytherin?"
The four boys gasped.
"Blasphemy" Peter murmured.
"Disgusting" Sirius added.
"The green... The green... Is the color of my eyes" James shrugged.
"You don't have green eyes, Potter" Marlene frowned.
Sirius chuckled.
"It's the color of Lily's eyes of course" Remus carried on "The woman he loves"
Lily went scarlet red while James winked at her.
"How sweet" Mary commented.
"Yes it is esmelard green" Sirius prompted "Not the disgusting green those Slytherins have"
"And Fleamont delivers presents all around the world because he is rich and generous" Peter added.
"And mostly because he is glorified to have such an amazing son as me" James smirked.
"Prongsmas!" Sirius exclaimed.
Lily was still blushing when she shook her head "This is ridiculous"
"Very" Marlene agreed.
Mary frowned "So it is Prongs or you James?"
James snorted.
"Prongs is in essence James, and James can be Prongs but not quite James, in difference to the previous two but nothing at all..."
"What?" Marlene asked confused.
"They are basically the same but... Prongs is Prongs" Sirius shrugged.
"And Prongsmas is Prongsmas" Remus agreed.
"Ridiculous!" Marlene snapped.
"Prongsmas... Prongsmas..."
The boys started chanting and hitting the table in the process.
"Prongsmas.... Prongsmas... Prongsmas... Prongsmas..."
Lily shook her head but she was smiling "They are impossible"
Mary laughed "Oh my boys"
Marlene rolled her eyes.
"Prongsmas... Prongsmas... Prongsmas..."
It all started as a joke at some point in their teenage years. But it eventually became a tradition amongst friends to make a tiny celebration of Prongsmas.
With family and other people they would celebrate Christmas but between them it would be Prongsmas.
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bisexualbuckl-y · 1 month
i can't stop thinking about buck's future reaction to this new eddie storyline in like a best friend way, because i don't know how aware buck is of how much eddie is struggling with his mental health lol, like how long ago was the last time they spoke about shannon in relation to eddie? does buck think eddie is over her death? or maybe not over but at least he's come to terms with it? i feel like we'll see eddie trying to hide this thing with kim and buck will surely know something's going on but i don't think he'll ever imagine something close to what's happening, and then aside from the lying and bad feelings surrounding the situation he'll also feel awful because he just didn't know how this was still an issue eddie was having... yk?
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trapezequeen · 6 months
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25 Days of Christmas Moodboards
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engie-ivy · 1 year
Merry Christmas everyone!🎄⛄
Short Wolfstar Fluff as a gift!
(And since it's actually short, for @wolfstarmicrofic 25th: Merry)
Sirius absolutely hates Christmas.
Just never got the feel for it. Which isn't surprising, considering the kind of Christmases he grew up with.
His mother and father being stressed about all the family members they felt like they needed to impress, constantly snapping at Sirius, already convinced he was going to embarrass them before the day had even started, Bellatrix taunting him all evening, but of course only ever Sirius getting in trouble as soon as he snapped and finally talked back at her.
It always ended the same, with his parents shouting, sometimes striking him, cursing him and sending him to his room. The worse part, however, was when Regulus would appear in his room later at night, angrily asking Sirius why he always had to ruin everything, and they can never have any nice family time because of him.
When he had left his family, Sirius had chosen to stay at Hogwarts alone during the Christmas break, rather than joining the Potters' family Christmas. He didn't want to feel like an intruder on their family traditions, or be confronted with their happy family joy, for that matter.
Now he's left Hogwarts, and everyone's been excited about Christmas for weeks, Sirius supposes there's no escaping it anymore.
As he walks into the living room, Lily is sitting on the couch, staring at the kitchen door while anxiously biting her nails.
"What's going on?" Sirius asks.
"I wish I knew," Lily replies without looking away from the door. "They've banned me from the kitchen. All I can say is that I've heard fire alarm twice so far, but James has assured me it was just 'unexpected smoke development', and the kitchen hasn't burnt down yet, so I think we can believe him. I've heard a few loud bangs, but no explosions, so I must admit it's going better than I expected." She finally turns to look at Sirius and gives him a smile that might've been meant to be reassuring, but looks much too forced.
Sirius frowns. "Lily, what are you-"
But before he can finish his sentence, Lily gets up from the couch and takes him by the shoulders, looking at him intently. "Sirius, we've got to remember that our boyfriends mean well and are trying do something sweet for us, okay? So we just gotta ignore the mess, and if something looks like it'll most likely not kill you, just eat it and pretend to like it."
This really gives Sirius more questions than answers, but he doesn't get the chance to ask them, as in that moment, James’ voice sounds from the kitchen "You can come in now!"
"Here we go," Lily says, taking a deep breath before walking into the kitchen followed by Sirius.
Remus and James beam at them, standing behind a set table. The plates and cutlery are covered in sticky fingerprints, there's a basket with mini-croissants in the middle of the table that Sirius is sure are not supposed to be that dark, and there's a jug dripping with orange juice, strangely enough not even half full, while in one corner of the kitchen counter butchered oranges are piled up. Sirius soon spots most of the orange juice splattered over the kitchen tiles.
James is grinning brightly, his crooked grin with his glasses skewed on his face. Many of the tips of his unruly hair are smeared with some kind of batter, his sleeves are rolled up and his arms appear to be sticky with honey or syrup, breadcrumbs, sprinkles and what appears to be pieces of a napkin sticking to them, and he's holding a plate stacked with pancakes, the bottom ones black, the top ones still dripping.
Remus’ eyes sparkle with excited expectation. His face is flushed from the warmth in the kitchen, which is partly conceiled by the powdered sugar sticking to his cheeks, his trousers are smeared with chocolate, probably from absentmindedly wiping his hands on them, and he's holding a plate of small, odd-shaped buns, with some sort of dark liquid leaking out of them.
Remus’ face possibly lights up even more as he sees Sirius.
"You're awake!" Remus says, haphazardly dropping the plate with buns of the table, so that a sugar jar tips over and a few buns roll off and start leaking their odd filling onto the table. He quickly moves towards Sirius, throws his arms around Sirius’ neck and pulls him close, smearing chocolate and powdered sugar in Sirius’ neck and getting stains all over his clothes.
"Good morning love," Remus kisses him softly. "And Merry Christmas."
Sirius absolutely loves Christmas.
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excuseme-greentea · 6 months
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Merry Christmas
Chris Evans x Fem! reader
Summary: This time on Christmas you and Chris both have been quite exhausted with your two months old but then again, the Christmas spirit will not be down!
Warnings: Nah
Note: English is my second language.
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‘And he’s down’ Chris came running down the stairs towards the couch where you were sitting and drinking your coffee. ‘Thank you, Chris’  you smiled.
‘no need my love, you deserve some rest’ Chris sat down on the couch beside you and leaned towards you to kiss your forehead. You kept your cup on the table and laid your head on Chris’ shoulder, while he held your hand and started to caress your hair with his other hand.
‘Mom called me in the morning and said that she wants to spend Christmas with us,’ Chris said looking down at you, ‘really? that would be so good, it’s her grandson’s first Christmas tomorrow, and I’m gonna be baking her favorite biscuit cake’ you grinned, ‘not only hers but it’s my fav too’  Chris pecked your lips and smiled, ‘it’s been a while since we met her’ he sighed, ‘yeah’ you closed your eyes leaning on Chris’ arms. 
‘What a year this was!’ Chris sighed, ‘I know right, a lot of things took place’ you smiled reminiscing some of the best moments of your life from this year.  ‘The best thing I got to experience this year was your pregnancy and the birth of our own child’ Chris said, you smiled hearing his words.
‘That was no doubt the best thing we experienced’ you grinned, remembering the time when you saw two pink lines on the pregnancy test you took, then you and your husband getting emotional when your baby bump got visible, some cute moments with Dodger and the moment when you felt your baby’s kick, his heartbeat and finally, the second best moment of your life, first being you getting married to Chris, the moment you heard a shrill cry of a baby while you lay exhausted on the hospital bed with Chris on your side, whispering words of pride.
‘Tomorrow will be his first Christmas’ you grinned excitedly, ‘I got him a cute reindeer outfit’ you looked at Chris who smiling at you. 
‘Well, I’m really eager to see him wearing it tomorrow’ Chris leaned down to kiss your lips. The kiss soon became a heated make-out session, a cry broke your kiss and you saw Dodger coming down the stairs barking signaling you to come upstairs and tend to the baby. You and Chris giggled and got up. Chris scratched Dodger’s ears and went after you towards the nursery.
‘Damn, he’s looking so adorable’ Chris laughed looking at his son who was dressed in a reindeer outfit  https://pin.it/6vphfUN  Chris cradled the baby in his arms and kissed his soft cheeks. you prepared the delicacies for the Christmas dinner and you and Chris were waiting for Lisa
You put the baby inside his small crib and started caressing his brown hair which he inherited from his father, you felt muscular arms wrapping around your waist and pulling you backward. your back clashed with your husband’s stoned chest and you turned around shyly.
Chris lifted your face so that your eyes met his and leaned down to kiss your soft lips. the doorbell tinged and Chris went to open the door. ‘Mom’ Chris said out loud and threw his arms over his mum, ‘my darling’ Lisa softly said and caressed Chris’ hair. ‘Y/n’ Lisa smiled at you and came to hug you. you hugged her back.
‘Where’s my grandbaby?’ Lisa asked and you and Chris led her towards the crib where your son lay sucking his pacifier. ‘Oh my goodness’ Lisa cried picking up the baby. 
All three of you had Christmas dinner with Chris’ siblings on skype eating their dinners. All of you laughed and shared some of the childhood stories of your husband and enjoyed the Christmas dinner.
When the time came for the gifts, all of you gave each other’s gifts. Chris gave you a beautiful pearl necklace and while you were taking a look at it, he leaned and whispered in your ear ‘there’s one more gift for you in the bedroom’ 
You looked at him smiling while he gave you a wink with a naughty smirk plastered on his face.
Hey! I posted this fic early because I will not be able to access Tumblr for a few days.
 My life’s going really shit right now! 😢😢
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inkspottie · 1 year
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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from the LaT family and from me!
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penqyslxyz · 1 year
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Can someone please make some aesthetically pleasing lockscreens of this man so that I can use them for my phone? Pretty please? It’s for science. 😳♥️
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kai-slut · 6 months
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Evan Peters Christmas Sweater "Stay Weird"
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