#Rapmonster fanfiction
dollystuartwrites · 2 years
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To the person who requested this short story, thank you! I hope it's to your liking!
All kinks in this story have been requested and I've obeyed.
Pairing: Alpha!KimNamjoon x Omega!f!reader
Genre: fluff, smut (like mostly), strangers to lovers, werewolf AU, soulmate AU, Omegaverse
Wordcount: 9215
Summary: Desperate for a mate you beg your parents to attend the Bangtan Gathering in hopes of finding one. Never did you expect to run into the Alpha of Alpha’s: Kim Namjoon of the Bangtan Clan…
Warnings: God there are so many I will probably forget some sorry - swearing, daddy kink, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, creampie, knotting, breeding kink, virgin reader, dom!Namjoon, sub!reader, fingering, size kink, oral (f receiving), a LOT of dirty talk, pregnancy/impregnation kink, possessive!Namjoon, praising, mating, marking
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'What's wrong dear?' mom asked you.
'Nothing,' you lied as you quickly put your phone away.
Mom pressed her lips together and sighed.
'You saw Nabi's photo right?' she asked you. You knew there was no use lying. She could smell the sadness on you anyways.  
'She's having twins,' you said jealous, your throat feeling like a lump had gotten stuck in it.
Mom got up from her chair and wrapped her arms around you in a comforting hug as you tried to hold back the tears.
'Your time will come,' she said soothingly. But her words didn't do anything for you.
Anytime you checked your social media feed there was always someone  posting about how they finally got mated, or how they were with pups.  You were sure you were the last one in your age group in your city to  not have been mated.
'I doubt it,' you scoffed, trying hard to blink away the tears.
'Come on honey, I'm sure you will find your mate soon,' Mom said petting your hair as a way of comfort.
'What is she crying about this time?' your youngest brother growled as he walked into the dining room.
Your emotions got the better of you and you jumped up in rage.
'You have no idea what it's like being an omega! How hard it is!' you spat at him, your eyes filling with angry tears.
'Nope, I don't,' your brother simply shrugged, not caring at all.
Even though you were the oldest and only daughter of your family, all  your younger brothers were born either Beta's or Delta's, which caused  quite some friction between your family most of the time. You were the  only Omega. And it sucked.
'Do you know what it's like seeing all your friends being mated or  having their first pups? Have to watch their happy family pictures?  Their new lives of freedom and love with their new packs? While I'm  still fucking stuck here with 8 dimwits younger brothers who still  somehow managed to be born Delta's or Beta's?!' you cried.
'Jeez are you in heat or something?' your youngest brother rolled his eyes at you.
You snapped.
The wolf inside you broke out and you instantly shifted, baring your teeth and charing at your youngest brother.
But your paws had barely touched the ground when another large grey  wolf appeared in front of you. He growled. You skidded and came to a  halt.
Your father, in his grey wolf form, stared you down angrily. You knew you had gone too far. Your  tail instantly sagged between your legs and you lay down on the ground  on your belly, averting your eyes and showing my submission.
Dad growled at you. It was clear, "we will talk about your punishment later" growl.
After being verbally smacked around the ears by your Alpha father and  washing up, you went up to your bedroom, emotionally exhausted and  ready for bed.
But when you passed your parent's bedroom you heard something that piqued your interest. You stopped and listened.
'But don't you understand dear? She's lonely! She feels left out.  She's been of age for years and she still hasn't found a mate. How would  you feel if you had to go to your heat alone every time, for years on  end, with 8 brothers beneath you?' your mom spoke to your dad.
'I get that it's awkward for her, and I get that's she's having a  hard time. But I can't let her shift and charge at her brother and get  away with it,' dad objected.
'Oh, bullshit. You let the boys fight each other all the time without interference or punishment,' Mom said annoyed.
'That's because they're boys and Delta's and Beta's. We can't have  our Omega daughter be known as someone who attacks Delta's or Beta's,  even if they're her brothers and even if they deserve it, and even if  she's older than them. I mean, who would want to mate her if they'd know  she was this defiant?' dad explained.
Mom sighed.
'Fine, but I think it's time we send her to a gathering again,' she said after a short silence.
Your heart started to hammer in your chest at her words.
This time it was your dad's turn to sigh.
'Honey we've talked about this. She's been to thirteen gatherings in  the past year. Thirteen! And still no mate! We won't be doing her a  favor by sending her out again and having her come back unmated again. It'll only be discouraging,' dad sighed.
'But what if she doesn't come back unmated?' mom pleaded.
Dad scoffed. 'Honey, there aren't any new gatherings left for her to go to. She's been to all of them this year,'
'Well,' mom said slowly.
You were holding your breath. It sounded like your mom was finally  going to ask permission for the favor you had asked her about a few  weeks back.
'There is one... that she hasn't been to...' mom said carefully.
'If you're talking about the Bangtan gathering, forget it,' Dad said sharply.
Your muscles tensed up at his words.
'But honey,' mom started, but dad interrupted her.
'No. No, I won't allow it. I won't let my daughter go to a gathering  with a pack that has seven Alphas in it. Seven Alphas!? Unmated too! How  is that even legal? How have they not torn each other to shreds yet?  No. No, it's far too dangerous. I will not let my daughter be mated with  a man who is part of a pack with 6 other Alphas,' dad refused.
Your heart sank. It had been your last chance. Your last hope...
But now...
'Oh bullshit,' your mother said suddenly fierce.
Your ears instantly perked up.
'Excuse me?' dad said in his most Alpha tone.
'Bullshit!' mom repeated. 'Bullshit that it's too dangerous. If Y/n  would be safe anywhere it is in a pack with seven alpha's who can all  protect her and have a true mate of their own. The only reason you don't  want it is because it'll mean you'll have to deal with not one but  seven Alphas,' mom hissed. 'And how is that different from all the other  gatherings she's been to before? There were at least 50 Alphas at each  one of them,'
Dad growled annoyed.
'My dear, just let her go. Give her this one last chance to find her  mate before she has to wait for another year again,' your mom pleaded.
'But what if she comes back unmated again?' your dad's voice was soft now. Concerned. 'Will she be able to handle the disappointment?'
'Not letting her go will leave her unmated either way. What's the difference?' mom said irritated.
'I just don't want my girl to get hurt,' dad sighed.
'I won't' you blurted out. The words had been spoken before you could  stop them. You threw all care out of the window and went for it,  opening the door and stepping inside their room, trying to look as  strong as you could.
'I won't get hurt if I come back unmated. At least then I'd have  tried everything right? Then waiting another year wouldn't be too bad,  it might even be easier,' you lied.
Dad bit his lip. 'I don't know dear,' he hesitated.
'Please dad?' you begged him.
Dad's eyes went from you to your mother and back again. There was clear doubt in his eyes.
Then he sighed again.
'Fine. You can go to the Bangtan gathering,' he said defeated by his own Omega and Omega daughter.
The gathering was  similar to human mixers. Wolves of all ranks from all over the country  would go there to find their mates. With human mixers, one would often  go to a restaurant to eat and talk with each other. It would only last  one day or evening and would often support small groups. Wolf gatherings  however often consisted of 25 to 100 wolves which would gather at a  completely rented out hotel. It would start around noon and all of the  wolves would meet in the conference room. Most would dress up as nicely  as they could, for who would know if you'd actually find your lifemate.  Some people would just be there to find someone to spend their next heat  or rut with. Others would find their mate. And for those, the stay at  the hotel would sometimes last up to a week...
It was quite a drive  from your home to the hotel where the gathering would take place. When  you arrived most of the hallway was full of other Omega's. Alpha's  always had to arrive a day before and would be confined to their top  floor rooms to make sure no fights would break out. Omegas would arrive  the day after early in the morning and would only go up to their rooms  to dump their luggage and get themselves ready before going in that  noon.
You could count at least 43 Omega's in the lobby. All of them looked quite a bit younger than you...
And what was it with  their appearances? How could they all look like supermodels? With long  legs, shapely hips and bosoms, and big eyes.
You felt uncomfortable next to them. They looked like their bodies were designed to catch.
And then there was you.
Small, thin, and with few roundings in either the back or the front.
"It's all about the scent, not about the looks" you tried to assure yourself nervously.
'Aren't you Y/n from the Lee pack from Busan?' a voice suddenly asked you.
You turned around to see a tall girl squinting down at you.
'Eh,' you said, not sure how to reply.
'You have seven younger brothers right?' she continued.
'Right,' you nodded, feeling a bit agitated that she seemed to know me though you didn't know her.
'Ah. Yes, I thought I  recognized you. You were in my older sister's class, Soo-jin is her  name. I thought you would've been mated by now since my sister has been  mated for years already,' the girl said carelessly.
'Good for her,' you said trying to sound nice as her words felt like a dagger in you.
'Yes, she's currently on her second catch of twins you know,' the girl said proudly.
You tried to smile but  it came out more like a grimace. Having twins was one of the most  admirable and enviable things in our society as it showed fertility and a  strong bloodline.  
'Anyway, why haven't you  mated yet? Just didn't find the right one or did  you hold out for the  Bangtan pack?' she continued shamelessly.
'Hold out...?' you puffed incredulously.
'Honestly, you wouldn't  be the first one to do so. I've heard loads of girls not going to other  gatherings because they were desperate to get mated with one of the  Bangtan pack. Of course, I'm not one of them.' She said quickly flicking  her hair over her shoulder.
'Why are they desperate  to get mated to the Bangtan pack?' you asked surprised. You knew the  Bangtang gathering was one of the most popular and well-visited ones of  the year, but you didn't know about the popularity of the Bangtan pack  itself.
The girl laughed.
'Uhm duh, because  they're all hot as fuck, they're all rich as fuck, and they're all  Alphas. Of course the Alpha of the Alpha's, Kim Namjoon, is the most  wanted,' the girl said fluttering her long eyelashes. 'And if you  gotta believe the stories of the girl they share their ruts with,' the  girl shook her head and whistled between her teeth before smiling  lustfully. 'Those stories are almost enough to start your heat,'
'So none of them are mated yet?' You asked surprised. Surely you had expected them when being so popular to be mated already.  
The girl shook her head, her eyes glinting.
'Nope, it is said they  only hold these gatherings to find girls to share their ruts with. Some  say they don't want to be mated at all. But imagine, what if they  suddenly realize they're your mate?! Imagine being so lucky as to carry  their pups,' she said sighing deeply, her cheeks flushing slightly.
'Who are you talking about?' Another girl asked catching the end of your conversation.
'Bangtan pack,' the first girl said dreamily.
'Oh my god, yes! You  know I skipped most gatherings to go to this one. Imagine being mated to  Jimin!' The second girl exclaimed lustfully.
'Jimin? I'd rather have Taehyung, I've heard his voice sounds like a lion growling,' another girl said sighing deeply.
More and more girls started joining in the conversation.
They were talking about  the Bangtan Pack as if they were some kind of celebrity group. And  apparently, they kind of were to young Omegas.
The name I heard most  was that of Kim Namjoon. He was supposed to be the Alpha of the Alpha  group. He was also the tallest and according to some the hottest. But  that was very much a point of debate.
You felt overwhelmed. It  was clear to you now why the Bangtan gathering was so incredibly  popular. You could imagine the Omegas being drawn in by the allure of  the famous Bangtan-All-Alphas pack. This in turn would draw in many  other Alphas as well, wanting a piece of the action.
But honestly, you didn't  care much for the Bangtan pack in particular. It was interesting how  they could manage to be an all-Alphas pack without killing each other,  you had to admit that. But the way the girls talked about them made  it clear to you that none of them stood a chance since all they were  interested in were rut mates.
You did think it  interesting to hear how much knowledge the girls had of the Bangtan pack  even though none of them had ever met them. And the rumors that were  going around... They were... spicy to say the least.
But you were just here  in desperate want for a mate. And you were determined not to spend  another agonizing heat alone nor another year of having to swipe through  pictures of happily mated couples with their families.
Even though you knew very well that you couldn't just choose your mate.
It either happened...
Or it didn't...
While you were getting ready in your room, the Bangtan pack was eagerly waiting together in their room.
Hoseok stuck his nose in the air and took a deep breath.
'Hmm I can smell them from here,' he said eagerly. The smell of the Omegas down in the hall was exciting to them.
'Bet I'll have one at my feet within 20 minutes,' Junkook said pacing up and down the floor.
'I was thinking of trying to get two at once this time,' Jimin said excitedly.
'Calm down boys,'  the leader Alpha commanded. They all scowled but  did as their leader said. 'If you continue talking like that you might  incite your own rut,' Namjoon stated.
'I just hope to find my mate,' Taehyung said softly as he stared out of the window. All boys laughed at him.
'What?! Just because you're all in it for the sex doesn't mean I have  to be. I just feel like I'm ready to settle down you know. Mate an  Omega, have some pups. Five would be nice,' he said staring dreamily  into the distance.
Namjoon scoffed, as did the other guys. None of them had an ounce of  romance in their bodies. Especially the leader Namjoon. Because he was a  rare dominant Alpha, most Omegas would instantly swoon at the scent of  him. It wasn't unusual that simply his presence was enough to incite an  Omegas heat. It was easy for him to get any girl he wanted, whenever he  wanted it. And he loved it. Even though he had a breeding and daddy  kink, he wasn't sure if he was ready to be a dad yet. Or ever for that  matter.
Namjoon checked his watch.
'They'll almost be going in, guys. Remember, we will be going in  later to give all of them a fair shot to get mated first before we,'  Namjoon didn't get to finish his sentence as Yoongi interrupted him.
'Before we come in and make them soak their panties with slick and heat?' Yoongi grinned.
'Yoongi,' Namjoon said in a reprimanding tone, but he grinned too.
'Remember the other rules guys,' Namjoon continued in a more serious tone.
'No taking Omegas in their heat,' Jimin said rolling his eyes.
'Getting out as soon as we feel a rut coming,' Jin called out the second rule.
'No knotting unless you're mated,' Yoongi scowled.
'Make sure to ask for consent and check if they're on birth control,' Jungkook said pointedly.
Namjoon nodded at his pack.
Meanwhile, you had arrived in the conference room. You had decided to  wear a black satin slip-on dress, which you hoped would be a slip-off  dress by the end of the night...
You had also worn your hair up, a tip from your mom as to expose your scent glands as much as possible.
Alphas had finally started arriving and you could instantly see some  of them find their mates within seconds. You had seen it happen so many  times.
They would enter the room with their noses in the air. Sniffing out  the alluring scent they had noticed and following it straight to the  Omega. They would smile broadly at each other as they found each other  and after a short introduction, they would be off, back to their hotel  rooms together...
But this only happened to at most a quarter of the wolfs attending.  Most wouldn't find their mate and instead would simply mingle, hoping to  find a rut or heat mate or sometimes just to make some new friends.
You kept yourself apart from the talking and laughing groups of  people. Hoping anxiously that it would help to keep your scent as pure  as possible so that, if your possible mate was here, they couldn't miss  it.
As the time ticked by and no more new people seemed to be entering  the room, you grew hopeless again. More and more couples were leaving,  either as mates or as friends.
You could feel the pain in your heart grow deeper and deeper as you  stared out of the window at the sun getting lower and lower. It seemed  like another failed gathering. Which would mean another year of  agonizing heats, and hearing families talk proudly about their new  catch.
Tears started to well up in your eyes as the hopelessness consumed you.
But a sudden chatter drew your attention and you turned around curiously.
'I heard they'll be coming down now,' a girl said.
'Finally! What took them so long? It's been hours,' another girl said.
And indeed the Bangtan pack was on its way down. All seven of them  ran down the stairs, whooping and yelling, getting themselves riled up  for the hunt they were about to undertake.
Namjoon could feel his wolf being awakened as the strong smell of a  room full of Omegas entered his nostrils. It excited him. It excited all  of them.
And suddenly he smelt it.
I very peculiar and hypnotizing scent set his wolf on high alert. He  could feel a tingle down his spine as he ran to the door of the  conference room, followed by his shouting and laughing companions.
All seven of them burst into the room excitedly and many Omega's  started screaming as if they were fangirls watching their favorite  celebrities pass by.
Suddenly you caught a strong whiff of a scent that seemed to light a  fire in your lower belly. But before you could react to it, or before  you could stand on your tiptoes to see what you expected to be the  Bangtan pack bursting in, a man stepped in front of you. He was small  and wore a crinkled suit.
'Hi, I'm Jack,' he said friendly. His scent somehow seemed off and it was clear to you that he wasn't an Alpha, nor your mate.
'Hi,' you spoke warily, not actually wanting to make conversation as  you were sure he wasn't your mate. Besides, that scent... Not his, but  another scent... the one that, it that fire in you.
Namjoons mind was racing as he followed his nose to that hypnotizing  scent. His wolf was screaming at him to follow it and he was curious to  see where it would lead him. Never before had he smelled something so...  alluring.
He passed a few tables when...
There it was, the source of the smell.
He could see a small thin girl in a black satin slip-on dress, with  her hair in a casual low bun. Her neck beautiful pale neck was  exposed...
She was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
A princess, a goddess an angel.
For a second Namjoon imagined himself walking over to her, taking her  into his arms and digging his teeth into her neck deeply, marking her.
He stopped dead in his tracks.
What the hell was he thinking?
Then suddenly he noticed the man that was talking to her. Clearly a Delta. He was holding his hand out for her to shake.
Namjoon could see the clear doubt in her eyes, your eyes. The wolf in  him instantly woke again. It roared angrily. How dared that man touch  his Omega? How dare he make you feel uncomfortable?
The frenzy overtook him and he charged, growling loudly. All of the  other Alpha's in his pack instantly noticed and stopped what they were  doing. Within seconds they had sped over, but it was already too late.
Namjoon was sitting on top of the Delta he had toppled over, punching  him in the face with all his might. It took all six of the other Alphas  in his pack to pull him off.
'NAMJOON!' Yoongi called at him. 'Namjoon!' he repeated, this time  slapping Namjoon in the face. Namjoon who was just seconds ago all arms  and legs trying his hardest to get loose from the grip of his pack  members, desperate to hurt the Delta more, was now turned to Yoongi.
'NAMJOON CALM THE FUCK DOWN! WHAT THE FUCK DUDE?!' Yoongi growled at  him. The wolf in Namjoon was still on high alert, but Yoongi's voice  pulled him slightly back to earth.
Namjoon looked at the bleeding Delta on the ground. He stopped struggling and the six-pack members let go of him.
'GET OUT!' Namjoon growled at the bleeding Delta. The Delta was all too happy to instantly leave the room.
'Where is she?' Namjoon muttered more to himself, his jaws still  clenched in anger. He spun around wildly as his friends were still on  high alert, ready to grab Namjoon again immediately if needed.
But then he spotted you. You had cowered back into the corner of the  nearest windowsill. If you had been in wolf form, your tail would've  been between your legs and your ears flat against your head. But you  were still human, which meant you were simply trembling on your feet,  praying your knees wouldn't give out.
As soon as Namjoon spotted you his wolf calmed down. You were unharmed and untouched.
He took a few steps closer to you. The scent that had lit the fire in  your lower parts was growing stronger. It was clear now it was coming  from him. The Alpha of the Alpha pack.
But you were too scared.
You pressed your back against the cold glass wall as you watched the tall, broad, and muscled man inch closer to you.
Finally, your knees gave out and you sank down, your wolf making you whimper in submission.
Namjoons heart melted as he watched you cower and whimper in the corner.
'Are you okay baby?'  he spoke in his husky low voice. Your scent  intoxicated him and he wanted nothing more than to take your shivering  silhouette into his arms.
The use of the pet name and his soft words took you by surprise.  Still trembling like a chihuahua you slowly nodded in response.
Namjoon stuck out his hand to you.
'Let me help you up,' he said softly. The sound of his voice was so  mesmerizing. You weren't sure if it was his voice alone, or his  intoxicating scent, or maybe just the fact that he was a dominant Alpha,  but you couldn't help but obey him.
You didn't even care that him touching you like that would make him  scent you. You wanted him to scent you. You wanted to drown in the smell  of him.
Carefully Namjoon helped you up.  
'You're shivering' he stated worriedly. He quickly took off his jacket and put it around your bare shoulders. 'There,'
In the background, the six other pack members exchanged incredulous  looks with each other. Had it really happened? To their leader even. Or  was this a new weird tactic Namjoon hadn't told them about to lure in  Omegas?
You looked around you. The whole of the conference room was looking  at you and Namjoon breathlessly. You felt embarrassed and scared, unsure  of what the hell had just happened, and still with that sizzling fire  in you.
Namjoon noticed the change in your mood and looked up too. He too noticed all attendees staring at the two of you.
'Let's get some fresh air for a bit,' he quickly whispered into your  ear. The proximity of his nose to your neck made his chest swell up and  there was a second in which he had to fight the insane urge of marking  you again.
The feeling of his hot breath on your ear and the scent of him made  you unable to refuse him. Meekly you followed him as he guided you to  the exit.
Once outside Namjoon took you into the hotel gardens.
The fresh air and scent of the trees and earth helped you calm down a  lot. However, the scent of him so close next to you, his jacket around  your shoulders drenched in it...
While the panic was subsiding the fire in you started to rise slowly.
'Let's sit here,' Namjoon said, gesturing to a nearby bench.
You obeyed and he came to sit down next to you.
You didn't dare to make eye contact, let alone look at him, so you looked at your feet instead.
'What's your name?' Namjoon asked huskily. His voice wasn't helping the fire die down either...
'Lee Y/n from the Lee pack from Busan,' You answered.
'Hmm,' Namjoon sounded, his chest rumbling so deep that the bench seemed to vibrate beneath you.
'I'm Kim Namjoon from the Bangtan pack,' Namjoon introduced himself politely.
'I know,' you whispered. It had been clear to you from the moment he  had walked in. His dominant Alpha aura and his scent were impossible to  miss. The description the girls had given of him this morning had been  accurate. To you, he indeed was the most handsome one in the pack.
For the first time in his life, Namjoon felt awkward. Your scent was  so overwhelming to him now that you two were alone. The wolf inside him  was screaming, crying, and clawing at him to hold you, touch you, kiss  you, mark you, mate you...
But the sensation of it all had been so unexpected. Unwanted even. He was confused and in denial.
'So erm,' Namjoon started, unsure of where he was going with his sentence but desperate to keep talking to distract his wolf.
'So erm, what were you here for?' He asked. He wanted to punch  himself in the face. Why on earth would anyone ask that? An Omega was at  a gathering for only two reasons: find a mate or find a heat partner.
While cursing himself out silently he heard your soft voice answer.
'I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that?' he apologized.
You mumbled your answer again.
Your mumbling warmed his heart. It sounded cute and shy.
'You gotta speak up baby,' Namjoon said and unable to help himself he  put his finger under your chin and directed your face to look at him.
Looking at you from up close made his heart skip a beat. Your soft  skin, your perfectly shaped eyes, nose, and mouth. He wanted to look at  that face for the rest of the time. To plant kisses on those pink cheeks  and rose lips...
'I'm looking for a mate,' you admitted breathlessly. His stunning  face silenced you. His dark almond eyes,  his rounded cheeks, full  soft-looking lips. You could feel the heat rising in you. This was bad.  Very very bad. You shouldn't be having your heat right now. You had  already been through one recently so it was extremely off-cycle.
Your words made Namjoon freeze, his finger still underneath your chin. His wolf was still clawing at him. He  could smell it now. Your heat firing up. The slick that had formed  between your legs. His wolf roared. He wanted to mate your right now.  Dig his teeth into your neck. Thrust his cock into you, knot you, and  unload himself over and over into you, until you'd catch.
His pants had become far too tight around his dick, which had grown  into a fullfledged raging boner. His wolf roared louder and louder.
But he had locked his muscles in place. Frozen. Trying desperately to  get a grip on the situation while your words echoed in his head:
"I'm looking for a mate,"
Namjoons wolf answered.
"You've found him,"
But Namjoon kept his jaws locked as he stared into your eyes.
And you stared back into his.
Meanwhile, you were falling deeper and deeper into your heat as you looked at him, smelled him.
Suddenly blind panic overtook Namjoon's mind.
'Good luck. Go straight back to your room,' he heard himself speak.  His fingers slipped away from under your chin as he turned his back onto  you.
Even though your heat was begging you to jump his bones, Namjoon's  Alpha order weighed stronger than anything, causing you to stand up on  wobbly legs. You could feel your drenched panties stick to your burning  crotch while your legs moved on their own, walking you back to the  hotel, leaving a heaving Namjoon behind.
As the distance between the two of you grew, Namjoon's mind started  to become a little clearer. But instead of feeling better, as he had  expected he only started to feel worse. The smell of you lessened and  his wolf started crying and whimpering loudly for it.
You had disappeared out of his sight and entered the lobby. Your legs  barely able to carry you but still executing the Alpha's order. As the  elevator doors closed and you pressed the button it felt like your  insides shattered. Your legs finally gave out as you dropped to the  floor. The only thing you could think of was Namjoon's face. His scent  that you were still carrying around your shoulders. But he was far away  now. Too far away. And for some reason, it hurt.
And it hurt him too. It felt as if when you left him, a piece of his  soul got ripped away from him. He felt incomplete. Empty. Agonizing.
Then he heard it. Even though soft and far away, he could hear your broken-hearted sobs in the elevator as it went up.
He snapped. Fuck not being ready for being a dad, he was ready. More  than ready. Completely and utterly ready to tie himself down forever. As  long as it was with you.
He had lied to himself. He could never send you away. Never leave your side. Never be without you.
Namjoon flew up, and raced into the hotel, running to the stairs as  he followed your scent and sobs up as you went up in the elevator. He  needed you. He needed to be with you. Needed your scent, your touch,  your everything.
Panting he ran up the stairs until he finally heard the ding that  notified him of the arrival of the elevator. He kicked open the door  that led to the hallway and immediately noticed you on the floor in the  elevator, which doors were opened.
Within seconds he was next to you, throwing all care completely out  of the window and scooping you up from the ground into his strong arms.
'I'm sorry. I got you now baby. I'm sorry. I got you. I got you  baby,' he coed into your ear as he pressed you close against his body.
You looked up into his dark and beautiful eyes. It was clear now. He was your mate.
And you were his.
As Namjoon carried you to his room, you could feel his chest heaving as his breath got heavier and heavier.Not because carrying you  took him a lot of effort, as he had carried grocery bags that had felt  heavier than you. No, it was because of what you did to him. What your  scent did to him. What your touch did to him.
There was no way he  could hide the ever-growing massive boner in his pants. Nor could you  hide your heat rising inside of you. Your panties getting drenched in  your wet slick.By the time the both of  you arrived in his room, your eyes were only half-open, your throat was  dry and your cheeks were flushed. Namjoon softly placed you on the bed, but when he tried to get up you grabbed the front of his shirt, keeping him bend over you.'Don't leave,' you whispered, your voice slightly raspy. 'If I don't lock myself  in the bathroom I will mate you,' Namjoon growled with clenched teeth,  fighting hard to keep his wolf down.
'I want you to,' you breathed.Namjoons fingers curled.'You're in heat, you don't know what you're doing,' he said, gritting his teeth.'I do,' You mewed.'You don't even know me,' Namjoon tried one last time, only barely able to hold back now. 'Namjoon, mate me,' you purred, clenching the front of his shirt between your fingers.
Your words broke him. There was no way he could ever hold back now. No way he could hold any of it in.
He roared as he dove on  top of you, planting kisses on every piece of bare skin he could find.  You tangled your fingers into his hair as he licked every inch of you.
He pulled down the top  of your dress, exposing your braless breasts. Namjoon groaned in agony  at the sight of them. His large hands could easily cup your breast  entirely and he tugged, twisted, and softly bit into your nipples. The  feeling of it drove you insane.
'God your tits are so  perfect,' he growled in your ear. You could feel him grinding his  clothed hips into your side as he sucked on your nipples. You let out a  long and high-pitched moan which made Namjoon's member twitch. He used his free hand to find the hem of your dress, pulling it up and starting to massage your inner tighs.Namjoon pulled his mouth  from your nipple and smashed his lips into yours. His lips felt soft,  warm, and wet. His sweet taste was almost addictive.
He parted his lips slightly more and let his tongue glide over your lips. You opened your mouth slightly to let him in.
Your tongues intertwined and the taste of him made electricity shoot through your body.
'Oh baby,' Namjoon groaned as he felt you twitch underneath him.He let his hand slide up in between your tighs, dragging a finger over your soaked panties.'You're such a good girl. All wet for me,' he hummed in your ear. Good shivers went down your spine.
'Hmm, you like that don't you baby? You like it when daddy talks dirty to you?' his low voice tickled your ear.'Yes,' you moaned.'Yes, what?' Namjoon growled as he softly pinched your clit. You moaned in ecstasy.'Yes daddy,' you purred.'That's my baby,' he said licking the soft spot beneath your ear. Namjoon suddenly tugged harshly at your panties, pulling them down in one movement and throwing them on the ground. 'You want daddy to satisfy his baby girl?' he whispered, kissing you again.'Please daddy,' you  groaned onto his lips. You could feel his lips twist into a smile as he  kissed you deeply before breaking the kiss and crawling down, between  your legs.
You could feel his tongue lick from your slit to your pearl.'You're slick is so  fucking sweet,' Namjoon groaned. The hot air of his words caressed your  clit and made you squirm even more. He wrapped his lips around your bud  and started flicking into it with his tongue and sucking it.
You were completely in  ecstasy. The scent of him completely surrounding you, his hands roaming  over your body, his tongue playing with your most sensitive spot.
You could feel your pussy clench around nothing and knew you needed more.'Namjoon please,' you moaned.'What is it baby?' he asked you between licks.
'Please, I need more,' you groaned.'Yeah? You need daddy to fill that tiny empty pussy of yours?' he grinned as he gave a big suck on your clit.'Please daddy,' you moaned desperately.
You could feel him shift his hands, one of his fingers now sliding up and down over your wet entrance.'Please daddy,' you  repeated. He chuckled lowly and suddenly you felt the delicious feeling  of pressure against your entrance. Slowly but surely Namjoon slipped his  pinky finger into you.
'Fuck baby, you're so  tight,' Namjoon groaned, his dick pulsing. The thought and feeling of  your tight pussy around his smallest finger made him groan.
'How will daddy ever get his big knot in there if you're this tight baby?' Namjoon groaned.His dirty words made your pussy clench down even more.
'Fuck,' he moaned at the feeling of you tightening around his finger. He pulled it out and you immediately protested.'Gotta prepare you a  little bit baby,' he said, before sticking his thumb into you. The size  difference was clearly felt by you and you moaned happily. 'So you like it when I fill you up more huh?' Namjoon grinned. He instantly pulled out again and put his index finger and his middle finger into you. You squealed in pleasure as you could feel your eyes rolling back into your head.
'We're not done yet  baby,' Namjoon coed into your ear. The dominance dripping of his words  made you clench again which in turn caused him to moan again. 'You need  to be able to fit at least three fingers for you to be able to fit me,'  he murmured.
His two fingers were sliding in and out of you as he softly nipped at your clit. You were having the hardest time not to lose your fucking mind.
You felt so incredibly  warm, wet, and soft around Namjoons's fingers that he was having the  hardest time holding himself back. His wolf was screaming at him to just  unleash his dick already.But he knew he needed you to get comfortable with three fingers for him to be able to fuck you in a pleasurable way.
He moved his fingers in  and out of you for a while, picking up the pace slightly and spreading  his two fingers slowly wider and wider until he finally felt like he  could fit one more in.'You ready for number three baby?' Namjoon asked, his jaw now clenched again in an attempt to hold himself back.'Yes daddy, fill me up,' you groaned, squirming underneath him in pleasure.Grinding his teeth in anticipation, Namjoon pulled his hand back and inserted a third finger into you. The feeling of it was  almost too much for you. You felt stretched, not in a painful way, but  in a good way. Slowly Namjoon pushed his fingers further into you, then  all of a sudden bending them.
You screamed out in  pleasure. He had pressed your g-spot. Namjoon growled and started  picking up the pace again, shoving his three fingers in you at an angle  and pressing your g-spot hard over and over again.
'Namjoon, I'm- I'm gonna...' you moaned, squirming underneath him. 'Cum for daddy, baby.  Come for me, let me taste you,' Namjoon commanded you. It was all you  needed. The waves crashed over you as heat, electricity and a tingling  sensation warmed your insides from your fingertips to your toes.
Namjoon sucked at your slit, making the orgasm even intenser, licking up your sweet tasting slick.
Gasping loudly, wave after wave rolled over you until Namjoon finally removed his fingers and face from your pussy.'Such a good baby girl,' he growled grinning.
Although your orgasm was  subsiding, your heat definitely wasn't. It was as if the orgasm had  only thrown oil onto the fire. You wanted more. You needed more. You  need him.
'Mate me,' you repeated the words you had said before, begging him almost.
But this time he was too far gone to object.
Within seconds he had  taken off his shirt and pants.  His hairless chest was muscular and  broad, as were his arms. His legs were toned with muscles and the pink  wet knob of his hard-on was poking out from under his underpants.
You could instantly see  why he had been insisting on you taking his three fingers. He was bigger  than any toy you had ever tried. But the sight of it didn't scare you.  It only made your heat grow stronger.
'I'm yours,' you sighed  as you stared at his features. He was like a real-life adonis. Never in a  million years would you have dared to dream of such a handsome,  stunning, and sexy mate.
'Oh baby I'm gonna fuck  you so good you won't be able to walk tomorrow,' he growled before  finally ripping of his underpants, completely revealing his massive  dick.
In one smooth dive, he was back on top of you again, his tip instantly pressuring on your entrance.
'Wait, don't you want to  do it traditionally?' you said quickly, a moment of clarity giving you a  small window to actually think. Normally the mating would be done with  the man behind the woman, literally doggy style.
Namjoon grinned at me.
'I wanna see my baby  girl's face when I fuck you,' He said low, kissing your lips. You could  feel the pressure on your slit increasing and slowly you could feel his  massive girth sliding into you. You moaned.
'I wanna see your pretty  face as you cum for me again,' Namjoon grinned as he slowly inserted  himself into you. Your pussy had never been stretched this far. Luckily  your slick made it bearable as he pressed on.
'I wanna see my mate's  face as I knot you and fill you up with my pups,' Namjoon growled, his  wolf now completely taking over. He suddenly thrust himself into you to  his base. You cried out in shock as his tip deeply brushed your g-spot  and then filled you up entirely.
He gave you a second to  adjust before he pulled back again slightly. You groaned as the pressure  against your walls lessened slightly.
Namjoon faced you again,  hovering over you. His smile was dark, lustful. A sight enough to make  you clench again. He bend down and kissed you passionately. You knew,  were sure, that never in the rest of your life you would ever get sick  of his taste.
Before you knew it he  thrust his hips forward again, his dick stretching you once more. He  started at a slow pace. Long deep slow strides of sliding in and out of  you, your wetness making it easy for him. Every time hitting your g-spot  hard and every time making you sigh deeply as you stared into his  beautiful dark eyes.
But Namjoon's wolf was  growing impatient. Spurring him on to pick up the pace, and so he did.  Within minutes he was pounding into you harshly, looking down at your  ecstasy-filled face and clenching his jaw hard.  
You were totally losing  it. Nothing in the world existed anymore. It was just you and him. The  only thing you could feel was his magical massive dick pounding you,  hitting you in all the right places. Your own wolf was howling too,  begging for your own release, begging to be filled to the brim.
'Your tight pussy takes my dick so well baby,' Namjoon groaned into your neck. 'Your little cunt was made to satisfy me,'  
His words made you burn and squirm as electricity ran through your veins
'Fill me,' you let slip out your thoughts in a sex-driven mind lapse.
'You want me to knot you, baby?' Namjoon growled. He bit his own lip as he started pounding you even harder and faster.
'Yes daddy!' you yelped  getting completely fucked out of your mind. 'Knot me, daddy! Fill me  with your pups, please!' you screamed as you dug your claws into his  back, his pounding sending you over the edge.
You could feel the base of his cock swell, stretching you even further.
'I'm gonna fill you up  so good baby. I will make you catch tonight. I'll make sure everyone  knows your mine forever,' Namjoon growled lowly into your ear.
His words lubricated you  more as you moaned loudly. You could feel his base still growing,  expanding to the size that would've scared you out of your wits had you  not been so far into your heat.
'I'm gonna-' Namjoon  started to groan. 'I'm-I-I'm gonna cum!' he roared. He gave one hard  pound, thrusting his knot fully into you. Your pussy instantly clenched  down at its base as you reached your own orgasm.
You could feel his tip  against your womb, could feel his hot thick cum pouring into you as you  screamed his name in pleasure. At the same time, a sharp pain in your  neck made you dig your nails into the sheets.
Namjoon was digging his  teeth into your neck, marking you as his mate for life, while his dick  still pulsed and poured more cum into you.
He softly licked the holes his teeth had made into your skin, easing the pain and healing up the small wounds.
Softly kissing you neck and whispering words you at first could hardly hear.
'I love you Y/n. I love  you. I'll always love you. I'll take care of you forever,' he moaned  into your neck, kissing your mark and wrapping his arms tightly around  you, nuzzling his face into  the crook of your neck
His knot was still stuck inside you as the last bit of his cum poured from his cock into you.
As the last few waves of your orgasm subsides you felt satisfied, stretched, and very full.
It felt so safe in his  arms. Your mate's arms. The thought of it was almost surreal. You had  waited so long for this. Hopedso long for this. And now it had finally  happened.
And it felt better than you could've ever imagined.
'Are you comfortable baby?' Namjoon asked softly his words tickling your neck.
'Very much so,' you purred back.
'Good. It'll take a  while for my knot to go down so just lean into me. Sleep if you're tired  baby,' Namjoon told you, his chest vibrating nicely against you as he  spoke in his low voice.
The mention of sleep  suddenly made you realize how exhausted you actually were. You hummed  into his chest and cuddled up closer to him. His strong big arms wrapped  around you tighter, pulling you against his muscular chest.
You could hear his  heartbeat. Steady and rhythmic. The warmth of his body was like a nice  bath. The scent of him made you feel calm, happy, at home. You were at  home.
When you woke up the  following morning in Namjoon's arms he was  already awake. His knot had  finally gone down and he was able to remove  himself from you  painlessly.
The both of you spend the entire day in the bedroom, cuddling and talking about everything.
< < < < < < < THREE WEEKS LATER > > > > > >  >
You  and Namjoon had been inseparable the past two weeks. He had met your  family, and you had met his pack and his parents. Most of the time you  had spent in his house, together in his bed...
The two of you had conversed till deep in the night, so much so that your throats had become hoarse of all the talking.
The  markings on your neck had healed up nicely by now and you carried them  around proudly and on display whenever you had to leave the house. But  never his side. You would never leave his side. Nor would Namjoon ever  let you get further away from his than into another room in the same  house.
When you woke  up one morning in Namjoon's arms you noticed him looking down at you.  There was a smile on his face but his eyes... You knew from his eyes  instantly that something was up.
'What's wrong?' You asked as you sat up.
'Nothing, don't worry about it,' Namjoon said kissing your forehead sweetly.
'Joon,' you moaned into his neck, cuddling up closer to him. Namjoon's dick instantly started to perk up.
'If you don't stop that now, something bad will happen,' Namjoon groaned.
'Oh, yea? What will happen daddy?' you purred into his ear, turning around and rubbing you but against his front.
Namjoon growled.
'Stop it, I just got my knot out of you again,' he groaned.
'I  know, but it makes me feel so empty daddy, won't you fill me up again  like you did last night?' you mewed. You knew exactly what to say to get  him hard instantly.
'Stop it!' Namjoon laughed rolling away from you and almost falling out of bed. You giggled.
Namjoon got up and walked around the bed, sitting on the edge and cupping your face lovingly in his hands.
'You  know I would love nothing more than to knot you and fill you up again,'  he said seductively, almost inciting your heat, 'however we made a  promise to visit your family again and a certain sleepy baby, that I  didn't wanted to wake because she looked so beautiful, has already made  us late,' he grinned.
'Fuck, I forgot,' you swore, quickly glancing at the clock. Namjoon was right, you guys were late.
The both of you hurriedly got ready, both of you having a hard time keeping your hands off of each other as you did so.
An  hour later you arrived at your parent's house. Your mom and dad were  waiting for you on the porch. Your brothers were probably out,  patrolling the borders of the land.
As  you got out of the car, you hurried over to your mom as she opened her  arms for you. You gave her a big happy hug as Namjoon followed you  closely and bowed to your father.
When  your mom let go of you you could instantly see something was wrong. Her  eyes were narrowed as she glanced you up and down. She looked at  Namjoon sharply who saw her look.
'You smell it on her too right?' Namjoon said his face grimaced in pain.
'What?!' you said shocked. 'You smell what?' you could feel your heart rate rise instantly in panic.
'I smell it too alright,' your mom said, her brows slightly furrowed.
'What!? What do you smell? What's wrong with me?' you cried out, desperate to know.
'I don't know baby,' Namjoon said, his voice worried, quickly taking you into his arms and hugging you as a way of comfort.
'I  know that smell all too well,' your mom said darkly. Namjoon wrapped  his arms around you tighter as if he was hoping to protect you from  whatever your mom would say next.
She looked from you to Namjoon, to your father, and back again to you.
Then she suddenly smiled broadly.
'Your pregnant honey,' she grinned happily.
Your heart skipped a beat. Namjoon almost squished you in his arms but you could hear him sigh in relief.
'You're sure?' he asked his voice clearly dripping with excitement.
'A thousand percent sure,' your mom nodded confidently.
Namjoon laughed happily as did your father.
'And,'  your mom continued, making Namjoon hold his breath behind you again,  'judging by the thickness of the smell,' your mom paused for effect.
'It's probably twins,' she said her face positively glowing proudly.
Namjoon let out a jubilant roar as he lifted you up in the air and spun you around.
You were unable to say anything. Thick tears of happiness were streaming down your face.
'At  least twins,' your mom added. 'I remember when I was pregnant with my  twins, Yongbok and Hyun Jin, the smell was similar to this, although I  myself couldn't smell it at first either. But what I smell on you my  dear daughter,' your mom nodded knowingly, 'certainly twins at least,'
Namjoon couldn't stop laughing, the sound of his happiness filling your ears and heart alongside your own happiness.
'I  gotta call my sister,' your mom said, tears in her eyes now too. 'She's  gonna be so jealous when she hears my daughter has mated the  Alpha of the famous Bangtan Alpha pack and is carrying his pups. Twins!  At least! The bitch has been nagging me for years about how her daughter  mated the Alpha of the Exo pack. HA! That'll show her, running her  mouth and all,' your mom chowed out.
Your father laughed loudly, following as your mother ran into the house to make the call.
Namjoon turned you around.
Happy tears were glistening in his eyes too.
'Twins! At least,' he smiled broadly.
You couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time. Your heart felt like it was flying over the moon.
Namjoon crouched down to face your still flat tummy.
'Daddy's gonna be taking real good care of you little ones and your mom,' he spoke to your belly. You giggled.
He got up again and wrapped his arms around you tightly.
'I love you Y/n,' he whispered in your ear. He had said it a million times  already over the past few weeks but you knew you could never ever get  sick of that husky voice whispering them to you.
'And you're gonna look so fucking hot with your round pregnant belly as you  carry my pups. I can hardly wait,' he added even softer.
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namsfuriousphantom · 1 year
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Love Him Not (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/314859629-love-him-not?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Maxcarnilius&wp_originator=o%2BsFRhPnwF5Zf795Fx511iNMlDQarXhocCFrM%2BiNu3UjHWGCrw60yW38xlUt3scp12wU%2Bjduh19mNVlxVXoaQQysTVtMelfxG5PAOMbng9kKniGs8xPcJoDCbD%2FK24qU Falling in love with the leader of the most ruthless gang in Seoul was not her plan. Marrying a cold blooded killer was never on her mind. Being hunted...was never on her list. But she was on his. Janet Booker was a humble cafe owner before she met Kim Namjoon, the richest man in the city. He made her feel like she was a goddess but one day she discovers a terrible secret he works hard to keep from her. He'll do everything in his power to keep her. Even if that means turning out the lights.
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assafrsa · 6 months
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Teach Her ✔️ - Mr. Park (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/395357511-teach-her-%E2%9C%94%EF%B8%8F-mr-park?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=michaeledrub&wp_originator=fETxV74f3%2FhMtK%2Fo7JDDacYc2pbM6y%2FNU%2F5wYaCnWvK9P2wg2AH8xsCjg8navUsp3TwMNjAUJUp9%2F2H9eLOGX6YrPx7HY3DtvFnD5ynhMrcgNMLgAreSnge22f%2BImkk5 "Screw the rules. I want you, Kim Y/N." THIS FIC WAS MADE INTO CLICKBAIT FOR A YOUTUBE VIDEO COMPLAINING ABOUT KOREABOOS LOLLL ITS NOT THAT BAD GIVE IT A CHANCE you can find an audio cover on TerryTV :) Highest Ranking : [#1 in Fanfiction] BTS Park Jimin x reader High school teacher AU Translations: Spanish
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sm-entertain-me · 5 years
Here and Now (M)
Requested by @weirdest-who:  Heeey I was on a vacation but I'm back 💜💜💜 and as always I wanted to request a rm shot where you go visit him to his studio, he tells you to wait bf you two leave but you're too needy and start distracting him. You straddle him in his chair and he fucks you sofa. If it can have spanking, slut shaming, rough sex, body glorification and squirting. Please don't rush and take all the time you need. 😊
Contains: Kim Namjoon x (f) reader, adult language, smut, sexual themes, spanking, degradation, fingering, squirting, rough sex, choking, facial, cum swallowing, body glorification.
Synopsis: You know how busy Namjoon is with the new album coming out and him always making music, but you can’t help it when he looks so hot when he’s focused.
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“Baby not now,” Namjoon cooed as you walked behind him, wrapping your arms around the back of the chair and holding him close. Namjoon had been working on the album for the last few weeks and he had rarely been home, so you decided to come to the studio and spend time with him, but you didn’t think he would be so grumpy about it.
You huffed at Namjoon’s denial of the simplest forms of affection, so you walked back to the couch that sat behind his recording chair while he messed with the sounds of the melodies that were about to appear on Persona. While you were very proud of him and the boys and how far they had come, you couldn’t help but fee like second best to Bangtan. Sure, you knew what you signed up for when you agreed to date Namjoon, but you didn’t know just how lonely you would be. And let’s not even bring up all the nights you had to spend at the mercy of your own fingers.
Oh god, the nights you spent alone. All you wanted to do when you were stuffed into your room at night was imagine the way Namjoon would pin you down and fuck you so hard that the imprint of your body could be seen for days. The way his lips would trail down your neck and end up slipping around your nipples, tongue swirling quickly to help you achieve your high. Of course your fingers couldn’t bring you the same pleasure Namjoon always could, but you didn’t really have a choice some days.
As you were in your thoughts, you couldn’t help but rub your thighs together while your eyes focused on the back of Namjoon’s shoulders and how they would rise and fall with each steady breath he took. Your legs found themselves again as you stood up and walked over to Namjoon, nothing but lust on your mind. Namjoon could see you moving out of the corner of his eyes but didn’t bother asking since you were your own person and could do what you wanted, until he found you on his lap and rubbing against his cock.
“Y/N, what do you think you’re doing?” Namjoon growled out at you as his hands remained on the controls, looking up at you with a hardened gaze. He was never keen on you messing with him during recording sessions or sound mixing, so this was particularly annoying to him. But you couldn’t help it, you needed something from him. Literally anything would suffice at this point.
“Please,” You begged, grinding your wet core along the slight hardness in his jeans, throwing your head back whenever his button or zipper would catch on your clit and make you moan. “I need you Here and Now.” The look on your face had Namjoon completely transfixed as he watched the way your mouth hung open, whispering expletives out to the ceiling as the pace on his cock increased.
Namjoon wet his lips with his tongue as he held onto each of your hips with his hands, ultimately giving in to your extremely convincing ways. “Fuck you look so hot,” Namjoon groaned out as his eyes focused on your core rubbing on him in just the right ways, applying enough friction to his cock to make him that much harder in his pants, almost to the point where it was painful for him. Even though you were really cutting into his recording time, he had no problem allowing you to use him for your own personal gain, especially in this kind of way.
But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to play games with you.
While your hips ground down on his cock, feeling your orgasm growing closer and closer with each movement, you were suddenly pushed off of Namjoon’s lap. A big thud could be heard from when your ass hit the ground as you groaned out from both the pain and the uncomfortable throbbing inside of you. Before you could even question what the hell Namjoon was thinking, you were being dragged over to the couch with his hand wrapped tightly around your wrist.
It didn’t take long for Namjoon to place you over the peaks of his knees, your stomach being pierced slightly by the irritating bones. A soft groan could be heard from your lips as you tried to get comfortable while Namjoon held one hand on the nape of your neck and the other worked at the beltline of your shorts, yanking them over the swell of your ass and off of your legs completely. You could practically feel Namjoon smirking as he admired the sate of your body, you being laid out all over his lap while he held you in place for the hellish spanking he would give you.
“Joonie can you-,” You tried to speak but were then cut off by Namjoon’s hand raining down on your ass, slapping so hard that it nearly took the wind out of you. As you were wincing through the pleasurable pain of your steadily reddening ass, Namjoon’s hands would caress the soft flesh in between his fingers, soothing the skin in order to apply another. 
Namjoon chuckled lightly at you, pinching the reddened skin as he spoke, “Did I say you could talk? Little whores like you don’t speak unless spoken to. Do I make myself clear?” You nodded but didn’t respond, thinking that was the kind of response he wanted from you, but the second slap to your ass indicated otherwise as Namjoon’s hand slipped into your hair and yanked you backwards. His eyes hardened as he looked into your eyes, the sexiest smirk you had ever seen brandishing his perfect lips, “Speak, whore. I said, do I make myself clear?” 
“Y-Yes sir,” You stammered as you bit back the tears welling in your eyes from the spankings Namjoon dealt out regularly to you. Usually you could take his spankings with no problem, but something was off with him today. You couldn’t quite determine if the harsher punishments were from getting him more worked up than usual or if he was that frustrated with you.
It honestly didn’t matter as Namjoon interrupted your thoughts by slipping two of his digits into your folds harshly, pulling them out in unison to scissor you and wipe the quizzical look off of your face. Once he saw you bite your lip, Namjoon continued to fuck you open with his fingers, prodding at your heat and becoming infatuated by the way your walls would clench around him. “I can’t believe how fucking turned on you are by just my fingers. But of course, little sluts like you can take much more than my fingers,” Namjoon bit as he forced his fingers knuckle deep into your dripping pussy, playing with the wetness that slipped out and watching the way it would slide down your thighs. 
You were steadily becoming undone as your hands gripped onto his muscular thighs, still laying across his lap as Namjoon fucked you open with just two fingers. “Namjoon I’m gonna- fuck, I c-can’t,” You cried out as you began to arch along his lap, ultimately allowing for his fingers to have more access and for his thumb to latch onto your clit, sending you completely over. 
The minute you came on Namjoon’s fingers, you could feel your thighs shaking against him and a steady flow of your juices fall out of you to coat Namjoon’s entire hand. Namjoon was immediately intrigued as he continued to dig himself deeper into you, coaxing you to squirt even more on him since he loved the fact he could make you cum that hard from just his fingers. It constantly made him wonder how much more you could take or how much would actually come out of you. But that would be an experiment for a different time. Right now, he needed to be balls deep inside of you until you were screaming for him.
Namjoon was always quick to undress for you, mostly because he wanted you to still feel the burn of overstimulation taking over your body whenever he shoved himself inside of you. Although he would usually rip your clothes off just as fast as he did his, Namjoon took his time with you in spite of the painful erection he had on display for you. His hands slipped off your top and bra slowly, his eyes taking in your body in all of its splendor, his eyes softening as a smile appeared on his face. 
“Everything about you is so... beautiful,” Namjoon breathed out as he joined you on the couch, settling in between your thighs to line himself up properly. Namjoon then reached out to grip your thighs, squeezing them softly and admiring the way the flesh conformed to his movements. Namjoon always loved your body and would constantly worship you, no matter what state it was in. Even if you were marked head to toe in his love bites and hickies, or if you felt a little bloated that day, Namjoon would litter your stomach with kisses and whisper praises into your ear. But that easily gets replaced by him fucking you so hard into the mattress that you can’t move by yourself anymore and swear off walking down stairs for a solid hour.
At first Namjoon was slow in his strokes, throwing his head back and relishing in the feeling of how your walls would still be tight around his cock before he would bury himself balls deep into you, stretching you out to painful lengths. “F-Fuck,” Namjoon groaned as his hands gripped tightly at your ass, pulling you up to reach an angle he knew would have you crying out in pleasure no matter what he would do to you. Namjoon’s eyes remained honed in on your face as he thrust deep into you, smirking at how your mouth would hang open and mutter expletives in your mother tongue. 
It didn’t take long for Namjoon to wrap his hand around your throat while his other hand pinned your hip to the couch, thrusting so hard into you that you swore the couch was moving across the floor. “You like it when I choke you huh? You love it when I fuck you like the little slut you are, don’t you?” Namjoon grunted as his hips slammed into yours, forcing his cock deeper inside of you with every word. 
You were in no place to answer him as you simply gripped the hand that rested on your throat and licked your lips, a smirk forming on your face as you looked deep into his eyes. You knew just how to get Namjoon all riled up, and that was the number one way as Namjoon’s grip on your throat tightened to restrict airflow to the point where it was nothing short of orgasmic, his hips ramming into you with such force that the creaking of the wood in the couch could be heard outside of the studio. But you didn’t care, you needed this. You deserved this.
“Namjoon! Right there! Yes, fuck. Oh gooooddddd!” You cried out in a hoarse voice thanks to Namjoon choking you, arching your body against his torso as you came all on his cock. White heat rippled through your entire body as pleasure consumed you, your breathing becoming the heaviest it had gotten all night and your legs shaking uncontrollably around Namjoon’s toned waist. The sight of your face alone was enough to get Namjoon to cum, but he was able to hold out and pull out of you, ordering you to open your mouth.
Of course, you did what was asked of you and opened wide for the cum shot, sticking your tongue out and laying it flat to cover all the necessary parts of your face. “Sluts, don’t get to have, my cum in their filthy pussies. Fuck,” Namjoon cursed as he pumped himself violently, you watching in fascination at how red and swollen his cock looked in his hand, moaning out from the degradation that made your pussy shiver. Before you could even say anything, your tongue and cheeks were coated in Namjoon’s thick and sticky cum, a slight salty tang covering a large portion of your tongue. 
Once Namjoon had blown his load all over your face, he ran his finger over your cheeks and made sure to collect as much as he could before sticking his fingers into your mouth, running it along your already slick tongue from the cum that managed to enter you that way. You looked up at him with fond eyes as your tongue circled his digits, lapping up the salty liquid and swallowing for him. Namjoon smiled down at you as he finally relaxed into the couch cushions, inviting you to cuddle with him to calm down properly. 
“Hey,” Namjoon whispered tenderly as his fingers played with the strands of hair that were askew on your scalp, trying to put them in place again. You looked up at him, waiting for a response with softened eyes, indicating you were wanting to go home and sleep. Namjoon sighed down at your cute face, planting a kiss on the top of your head before he followed up with, “I’m sorry I’ve been so busy. I’ll never neglect my poor baby again.” Little did he know that this one time more than makes up for your long nights alone, but you’ll never tell him that.
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solastia · 7 years
Faith | 2
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Chapters:  [1] [2] [3] [4]
Pairing: Namjoon X Reader
Word Count: 3,569
Genre & Warnings: Fluff & Smut....and ANGST. I’M SORRY. 
Notes: This chapter seems a bit fragmented because it takes place over the period of a year. I wanted to show how good and cute they were together. 
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“Where are your pants?”
You glance up from your movie to see Namjoon had let himself in again. This was slowly becoming the norm over the past month that you’d been seeing each other, and you found that it didn’t bother you in the slightest. In fact, you were pretty sure it gave you those warm, tingly, butterfly feelings everyone always went on about. 
“I’m sorry, sir, but in this household, we follow a no pants rule. The only exception is pajamas or if we have to wear pants to leave the apartment.” You pat the empty seat next to you on the couch and watch as he kicks off his shoes and pants before dropping into it, obviously exhausted. 
Another habit he’d developed over the past month was practically living in your apartment. He still went back to his place from time to time, mostly to get more clothes. However, he always came back here, and it was always the first place he’d go after work. You were already living like an old married couple, and you hadn’t even started calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend yet. 
“Hard day?” You lean in and peck the back of his neck as you massage his shoulders. He moans loud and dramatically, leaning into your touch. 
“Yeah. Construction is no joke.” He mumbles, looking down at his hands. 
Following his gaze, you see several blisters and chipped nails. You jump up and run to the bathroom, coming back with a bottle of aloe vera gel. Grabbing his large hand, you begin to slowly massage the gel in, taking care around the blisters. Namjoon sighed and leaned into the back of the couch with a small smile. 
“You’re too good to me, baby.” He whispers softly, and you smile up at him, shrugging. 
“It’s the least I can do. Maybe someday, when you’re a rich and famous rapper, you’ll think of me whenever you get some fancy Swiss Masseuse.” 
“Baby, when I’m a rich and famous rapper, we’ll be getting those fancy ass couple massages with the rocks.” 
You can’t help but internally squeal every time he says “We.” He uses it so often, especially when he’s talking about the future, and you wonder if he even realizes how it sounds. 
You were about to respond when you were interrupted by a tiny bark. 
Namjoon shot up and looked around, before looking at you in confusion. 
“What was that?” 
You grin sheepishly, before going over to the box that was next to your television. Pulling out the gray pitbull puppy, you use his little paw to wave at Namjoon. 
“Hello, large human. I am still unnamed male puppy. Pleased to meet you.” 
“Why do we have a dog? We didn’t have a dog before I left.”
“Yeah, well, get with the times. Things change. Ugh, you’re just another old guy who doesn’t wanna accept that the world is changing.”
“1, You’re older than me. 2, You still haven’t told me why we now have a dog.”
“You know Mike, the homeless guy that I always give my cans to? When he came to pick them up today, he had this little guy with him. He thought I might be able to take him in. Apparently, he was in a trash can. Like, a really big one. Meaning someone tried to literally throw him away.” 
“Holy shit, that’s fucked up! Gimme.” Namjoon reaches his arms out for the wriggling puppy, placing him on his chest as he leans back. 
“What’s up little guy? I’m your Dad.” 
“You’re his what?”
“What? Did you think I’d let you be a single parent?” He answers without even looking at you, petting the dog behind the ears. 
 You scoff at him. He really was adorable. 
“We have to give him a badass name, babe. Like, Tupac, or Nas.” 
“Does it have to be a rapper?” You whine, knowing that you’ll end up giving in anyway. Anything to see the dimples. 
“It doesn’t have to, but there are some cool names there. What about Snoop? You like Snoopy, I like Snoop Dogg.” 
You smile and kiss his forehead, dodging the puppy’s tongue coming after your face. 
“It’s perfect.” 
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It was your two month anniversary. You were all set to surprise Namjoon with a nice romantic dinner tonight, maybe have some wild and crazy sex, and just have a wonderful day. Only, now you were walking home, dejected because you’d just lost your job. 
You’d been working as a waitress at a little restaurant for almost three years. They’d been promising you more hours for months, only to finally tell you today that they just weren’t making enough to have as many employees as they did. So, you were let go, along with three other people. 
You were so worried about what you were going to do. You didn’t have any savings because that was damn near impossible to do when you live paycheck to paycheck. Unless you found another job in the next two days, you weren’t going to have enough to pay rent, let alone feed yourself or Snoop. 
As you walk up to your apartment door, you can hear Snoop on the other side of it, sniffing and scratching at the door in his excitement to see you. You hoped Namjoon would be willing to take him for a bit if you had to leave your apartment. 
You open your door and Snoop starts jumping around you in excitement. The smells of Chinese food surround you, rap blaring from the kitchen as Namjoon is putting the contents of the containers onto plates. There was even a big bouquet of flowers sitting on the table. He looks up, smiling widely at you, and you melt a little. This was just so...domestic. 
“Hey there, Baby Girl. I had THE BEST show today. We sold out every ticket to get in the club. To see ME! I’m going to perform again next weekend, so make sure you get some time off. I want you to come see me so you can be proud of your man.” He’s talking so fast and he’s so excited. You really don’t want to ruin his mood, but his talk of taking time off reminds you of your dilemma. You watch as Namjoon notices your tears and his smile dims, making you feel guilty. He rushes over and grabs your cheeks between his large hands. 
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Did you not want me to let myself in when you’re gone? I’m sorry. I just wanted to surprise you.” He looks so worried and embarrassed, you feel bad for freaking him out. 
“No, it’s fine. I just had a hard day, and this was a nice sight to come home to.” 
“What happened?” He asked softly, picking you up and settling you into his lap as he sits on the couch. You lean in with a sigh, tucking your head under his chin. 
“They let me go. Now I’m going to have to...I don’t even know. I need to find another job as quickly as possible or I won’t be able to pay rent. I might end up having to have you keep Snoop with you for a while, while I figure something out. It’s times like these I wish I had decent parents. Although, Alan might let me crash with him for a little while.” 
Namjoon starts twirling a finger into your hair, playing with a curl. 
“OR, I could officially move in and pay the rent myself until you find something.” 
You lift your head to look at him, confused. 
“What? Joonie, I wasn’t asking for money. I don’t need you to do that.” 
“You don’t want me to be here?” His hurt tone had you rolling your eyes. 
“Namjoon, I was going to ask you to move in with me today, after a nice romantic dinner and all that jazz. But, now it would basically be you moving in to support me, and I’m not comfortable with making you do that.” 
“You’re not “Making” me do anything. I offered...no...I told you, I’m moving in. You already said you were planning on asking me anyway. I’m here all the time, use your water, eat your food. It’s about time I pay you back. Besides, what kind of a Father would I be to take Snoop away from his Mother? Not to mention, I’d have the added benefit of having 24/7 access to your body.” He wraps his arms around your stomach, kissing the side of your neck. 
“Woman, do you not understand that your happiness is my number one priority? Damn, I know it’s only been two months, but I love you.” The blush on his face contrasted so cutely with the forceful way he declared it. 
You sigh, leaning back into him. 
“I love you too, Namjoon.”
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“Who the fuck puts peanut butter in the fridge?” You mumble to yourself, pulling out the container you were looking for and slamming it on the counter. Now you’d have to wait for the peanut butter to soften up before you could make a sandwich. And you were so fucking hungry. You’d come home from your new job at the grocery store, tired and starving since you’d not had your lunch. All you wanted to do was have a damn sandwich and go to sleep.
You and Namjoon had been living together now for five months. While most of the time it was great, since he was sweet and thoughtful, there were moments where you wanted to choke the life out of him. Like when he snored so loud he’d wake you from a deep sleep. Or how he NEVER changed the toilet roll. OR PUT PEANUT BUTTER IN THE FRIDGE. 
Grabbing the offending item, you stomp into your bedroom, where a corner had been changed into a little work area for his music. Two pairs of eyes look over at you as you stop in front of them. 
“Uh oh, sis is on a rampage.” Your brother Alan play whispered to Namjoon, the latter looking more worried. Ever since Alan had come over and discovered that you were dating the local rap legend, he’d been hard to kick out. Now he was constantly here, making music with Namjoon. 
“You shut up twerp. And YOU. Properly raised individuals do not put peanut butter in the fridge. I happen to know you were a properly raised individual because I adore your Mother. Do it again and die.” You’re shaking the container in front of Namjoon’s face, while Alan is howling with laughter, falling to the floor. 
“I can see who wears the pants in THIS relationship. Oh, wait, no pants rule.” 
Namjoon gathers you up, peppering kisses all over your face. 
“I’m sorry, baby. I made a sandwich and put it in there without thinking. Forgive me? I love you!” 
He even makes apologizing adorable. How does he expect you to stay mad? 
“It’s fine. I’m just hungry and now I have to wait for it to get soft.” You mumble, trying to act like you’re still pissed so you don’t look ridiculous for giving in too easy. 
He nuzzles his nose in your hair, acting cute. 
“You want me to get you something? How about Pho? You love Pho.” 
“I do love Pho.” You murmur in a cutesy tone.
“OK, Imma go get my baby some Pho. You stay here and get comfy and look pretty.” He smooches your cheek, before throwing on his jeans and leaving the apartment. 
“You guys are disgusting.” Alan huffs, and you throw the container of peanut butter at him.
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You stare at the lines on the little stick in your hand. You guys had always been so careful, but apparently not careful enough. You had just taken five of these stupid stick tests, all of them coming up positive. You were pregnant. 
You look up as you hear Snoop yapping and noises coming from outside the bathroom. Namjoon, now your boyfriend for one whole year, had just come home. 
“BABY! I have some amazing news! Where are you?” Namjoon’s deep voice boomed as he made his way down the hallway. 
You quickly put all the sticks in your tampon box, knowing he’ll never look in there. You splash your face with water, trying to calm down before throwing open the bathroom door. Namjoon is on the edge of the bed, changing his clothes and he gives you the biggest smile you’d ever seen on him yet. You swear you’d never seen his dimples look that deep before. 
“Y/N, love of my life, my shining star. I have the best news in the whole world. You remember how packed it was at my show last week? Well, apparently there were talent scouts there. From a big ass label! Like, I can’t go into details yet, they said, but one of their rappers rhymes with Rake, ya feel me? And they want ME!! They want us to move to New York and they are going to sign me! Baby, we made it!” Namjoon is literally glowing, and you can’t bring yourself to mention the tests. 
“Congratulations, my Joonie. I’ve always had faith in you. I told you that you’d be famous as hell one day.” You force a giggle, not wanting him to catch on that anything was wrong. And truly, you WERE happy for him. No one else in the world deserved this more. 
“Let’s celebrate, Joonie. I’ll take you out for steaks!” You declare, shoving yourself into some jeans and dragging him out. 
You watch him over dinner, excitedly talking about his plans for the future (with a full mouth), and you slowly start to realize...you could never tell him. This was his chance. With his level of talent, you were sure he would be at the top in no time. You were going to have to set him free so he could do achieve his dreams, without worrying about you or what was soon to come. 
When you get home, you climb onto Namjoon’s lap as he lounged on the bed. 
“Namjoon? I need you to make love to me.” 
I’m going to need to savor this for God knows how long. 
“Happy to oblige, miss.” He jokes, pulling you in for a soft, slow kiss. 
You try to memorize every movement he makes with his plush lips. The angle of his head, how he teases the seam of your lips with his tongue to ask for entrance, the way sucks your bottom lip before he pulls away to smirk at you. He moves down to your neck, kissing and sucking on the spot that sports a hickey 90% of the time because he loved it. You silently wondered if it would be too cheesy and weird if you took a picture of it later. Your last love bite.
Namjoon pulls off your shirt and expertly unhooks your bra (Heh), throwing both off the side of the bed. He cups your breasts with his huge hands, gently rubbing your nipples with his thumbs. 
“Babe, have your boobs gotten bigger? They feel heavier, and like, the nipples look darker.” He’s staring intently at your breasts and you scramble to think of an answer. You should have thought about the fact that Namjoon knew your body so well by now. 
“Uh, maybe a little? I’ve been doing lots of chest exercises lately. That might be it. Or it could almost be time for my period.”
You wished. 
He shrugged and leaned over to suck your nipple into his mouth, laving it slowly with his tongue. You sigh and lean your head down to kiss the top of his head, smelling the scent of his citrus shampoo. He works his way down, stroking at your core and finding it already dripping wet. He maneuvers you to lay down and climbs over you. Just as he’s about to enter you, you decided that you want to top, so you push him down and hover over his hard cock. 
You look at his face while he’s watching you. Even after doing this countless times over the past year, he still looks at you like he’s amazed every time. His eyes are blown out and hazy with lust and adoration. He looks down as you hover above him, and his eyes follow when you drip all over his cock.
“Fuck, baby, that is so hot. Ride me, yeah?” He bucks up, trying to enter you, but you raise up even higher to avoid him. 
“How much do you want me, Joonie? Ah, I am so wet I would just slide right on. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” You tease, and you know you shouldn’t, considering how you were going to be breaking up with him in the morning. But you had to know. You had to have this memory of Namjoon wanting you so badly that he’d beg for it. 
“Yes, I’d like that. God, I can feel how warm you are like that. Please, Y/N. Please, baby, just ride me. God, I want you so much. I’ll always want you.” He moaned, and you watched as more precum flowed from his tip. Knowing that he liked subbing too would have been useful information to know earlier, you mused. 
Deciding that you’d teased him enough, you slide down his cock slowly, relishing the stretch even though he’d been in you so often. Balancing yourself with your hands on his chest, you ride him, staring into his eyes. You watch as his cheeks start to redden and his breathing hitches. He’s getting close, so you speed up your hips, sliding up and down at a brutal pace. 
“Oh God, I’m going to cum Y/N. Fuck, yes Baby, like that.” He grabs your hips to help, making you go even faster. You can feel yourself getting closer. With a shout of your name, you feel Namjoon fill you up, bucking hard into you. You let yourself fall apart, cumming with him. You fall onto his chest, shaking and sobbing. You bury your face into his neck, and you were sure he felt the tears. He just pets your back in large circles, letting you calm down while his dick slowly softened enough to slide out. 
“It felt that good, huh? Wow, we’re amazing.” He cooed, and you snorted into his neck, before giving it a small kiss, breathing in the scent of post sex, sweaty Namjoon. With a sigh, you slide off of him onto your side of the bed, and he cleans you off with one of the baby wipes that you keep in your nightstand. He tucks you into bed before sliding in himself, pulling you up against his sweaty chest. He falls asleep quickly, the snores that would usually make you want to suffocate him with a pillow suddenly sounding like a lullaby. 
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“You what?” 
Namjoon is staring at you like you’ve lost your mind, and you almost think you have. 
“I can’t go with you to New York. I think you should go by yourself. This is the most amazing opportunity for you, Joonie, and I wouldn’t want to mess it up for you. So you go, become the best, and I’ll be here waiting when the time is right.” 
“So, wait, are you breaking up with me?” Namjoon’s face is so pale, and you’re so damn heartbroken that you want to vomit. 
“Yes. I think it’s for the best.” You whisper, flinching when you hear Namjoon’s indrawn breath. 
“You’re not even willing to TRY? I mean, we could even try long distance, if you’re really so set against moving there?” He pleads, hands out and you back away. 
“No. I made up my mind. I love you so much, and I want you to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of. This is the best way. I have faith that when the time comes, we’ll come back to each other.” You try to contain the tears that you feel building in your eyes, and you avoid looking at him so he doesn’t see them. 
“Y/N, you’re everything I dreamed of.” He whispers, and you sob, running towards the door. You pick up the bag you packed and Snoop’s leash. 
“I’ll be staying at my brother’s until you leave. I...I love you Namjoon.” 
You close the door behind you and let the tears fall as you hear the sounds of his roars and crashing behind it. 
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You’re laying on the hospital bed, sore but happy. You hold the bundle in your arms to your nose, smelling the oddly comforting baby smell. You click refresh on the laptop you were balancing on your thighs, happy to see the video that had finally loaded. It was the first music video of RM, the new rap talent the entire country was talking about. You click play, and watch with silent tears as the love of your life performs passionately about lost love, and you tilt the head of the baby to look at the screen. 
“Look at that sweetie. That’s your Daddy. Isn’t he handsome?” 
The nurse comes in with your paperwork, smiling at the two of you. 
“Here you are, just gotta start getting these all filled out. Do we have a name for our little Princess yet?” 
You smile down at the little face that already looked so much like her father. 
“Her name is Faith.”
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yeoldontknow · 7 years
18 with Namjoon please? I love you as a writer! 🔥😍
awidjasjfjf YES. i was so happy someone requested 18. this takes place just after Y/N has left namjoon in The Body Through Time, and just before he gets a job at the university. 
Prompt: 18: “I wish I could stop loving you” (as part of 600 followers drabble game)
Pairing: Namjoon x implied ex-reader (oc; female)
Rating: R 
Warning: angst; strong language
Word Count: 1,175
Dear……You. Dear you.
You’ve made it hard for me to say your name. Made it hard for me to remember it or think about it, so I’ve taken to calling you Last. The last girl I touched, the last girl I lost, the last girl I could ever love. But, seeing as this is a letter for you, I thought maybe I could write it down, spell the letters like I care about them - not speak it, not think it, just absentmindedly scrawl it and pretend each curve your name felt okay. 
You know that you can’t write God’s name on paper? It’s considered unholy, like it sanctifies the page, making everything you write biblical. Your name feels like that, feels like writing it here somehow brings you back to reality, and makes you mine again. I thought maybe I could write it but…looks like I can’t.
So, I guess now, you’re just you. It’s funny to think you were ever more than this…a word, a memory, a transient object I somehow forgot how to hold. I must have forgotten because why else would you leave? You didn’t tell me I’d done anything wrong, maybe to preserve my dignity or - no. That’s not like you. You were honest, honest to a fault yet somehow you chose leaving me to be the day you learned how to lie.
I could see it, you know. You were biting back your tongue to tell me you didn’t want me to feel conflicted, like you were the problem. Like life itself was the problem. Something was eating at you, and you decided to let it, and you didn’t even let me try to fight, for you or me or us or anything that mattered to me.
Or maybe I never knew you at all. That’s possible, too, and that feels like your biggest lie of all. That you let me love you, completely, with all of me, until I had absolutely nothing left of me because I wanted you to have it, and you left without leaving me with anything of you. Except the pillow.
Except the pillow.
I don’t know why I’ve taken to doing this. This is the thirteenth letter I’ve written, the thirteenth you won’t read, the thirteenth of many. I write these things to you, when I’m full of gin and no tonic - full of confusion and anger and…well, sadness too. I can say that now, since you won’t read this.
Sometimes, I leave these on your pillow, yes. That fucking pillow. I kept it, you know. I kept it and it’s there because it’s yours. No one is allowed to use it, though not that it matters. I haven’t had anyone over except, maybe Jungkook. He brings books like they’re meant to help me, quotes John Fucking Keats like somehow Pygmalion is going to solve the goddamn cavern you drilled into my heart. Once he sat in fucking silence and just let me stare out the window for three hours, he didn’t even try to stop me when I punched a hole in the kitchen wall, just said I hope it hurts enough. It didn’t.
Anyway, I write these a lot now. They feel like love notes to the old you - fuck, I wish I could stop loving you but even these letters don’t let me. I leave them on your pillow and wait for you to come home, wait for you to read them and cry, or scream, or really just look at me like you always did when you were upset - quiet, still, and open.
Other times, I leave them on the refrigerator, and it makes them feel like lists. Lists of why I want to hate you, lists of why I could never hate you, lists of why you should take me back and it’s those that feel almost as inconsequential as the shopping I have yet to do. I’m not hungry, not really. I eat, albeit not well. I’m hungry for things I can’t have, things I used to have but cannot anymore. I’m hungry in a way that makes me think I will never be full again, because, really, you were the only thing that ever felt right, or satisfying, or fuck, even real. You were real, and then you weren’t and I don’t know where you’ve gone.
I miss you. Not just you, not just your laugh, or your voice, or the shit way you sing in the shower like it’s karaoke hour and I’m your bartender. I miss the way you made coffee. Always quiet before I woke up, always full of cinnamon and brewed like it came from your heart. I miss the way you drove a car, handling the wheel like you were scared it would hurt you, easing on the brake like you were petting a cat and never once making us lurch forward in surprise. I miss the way you folded clothes, carelessly, messily, like no one ever bothered to teach you.
You know you forgot your sweater, right? You took all your clothes but forgot this one thing, like it never mattered at all. Okay, so it was my sweater, technically, but I think only wore it twice. You took it, claimed it at yours, and, fuck, it looked so much better on you than it ever did on me. You wore that sweater almost every night for four years, so why did you decide to leave it behind? It didn’t smell like me, not anymore, probably never did.
Hell, it doesn’t even smell like you now. It smells like nothing and I hate it. I wore it everyday for three weeks until it just smelled like regret and woe, and now I can’t even look at it. Might burn it. Might donate it. Don’t really even want to touch it.
I miss the way you seemingly made friends with everyone, like strangers felt like they could talk to you and trust you and love you. Like you were theirs and not mine - you made yourself mine because you wanted to, and you always laughed when they told you their stories. Later, you would tell me that you didn’t really care, but you like that they thought they could tell you. You said it felt like you were learning the world, like you were the secretary of the universe, keeping records and accounts of all lived experiences until it was time to write your own.
Once, I asked you when you thought that would be, and you said the day before I die. I asked, then, when you thought you would die, and you said never. We looked at each other for a long time after that, and I think we both knew we were talking about more than just life and death, we were talking about us. As if, somehow, us as a unit meant more than life itself. For me it did. For me it does. You said never.
So why am I the one writing?
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thrashff · 7 years
Title: P.A. (Personal Assistant)
(Part 1/?)
Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Part Ten
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader (AU)
Word count: 2,700~
Synopsis: Y/N is stuck in a dead-end job, conflicted between pursuing her music career as a producer and her social anxiety. In a tight spot for money, she takes on a new, well-paying job that she desperately needs as Personal Assistant to the cold and emotionally distant Namjoon, an up and coming rap artist. (Cameos from the rest of the Bangtan boys)
A/N: Hello! I’m very, very new to this, so comments and suggestions would be appreciated! I got the idea in to my head and my brain refused to let it go, so this will be a multi-parter, seeing where it will take me. (Very) slow burn, attempted fluff, alternate character histories, and eventual smut, maybe! I hope you guys enjoy!
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It had been a long day, and it wasn’t showing any signs of getting better anytime soon. You stare gloomily at the cheap wall clock hanging on the greige wall of your cubicle, wishing fervently for 5PM to arrive faster. What feels like an eternity later, the second hand finally moves, and you shove your fist into your mouth to stifle the loud groan that escapes you.
It wasn’t supposed to turn out like this. You had done everything right—gotten top marks in high school, finished your college degree, hit the pavement the second you graduated looking for a job. Unfortunately, it was a more cut-throat world than you anticipated, and the only job you could find was as a clerk’s assistant. The pay was bad and the hours were worse, but it was enough to keep you fed and in your tiny studio apartment. You figure things could be a lot worse.
You take a deep breath and square your shoulders, pulling the next stack of files closer to you. If you’re going to be stuck here for another four hours, you might as well get some work done.
Like clockwork, your cellphone rings at exactly 7PM, more or less halfway through your commute home. You startle awake on the bus, automatically clicking the control button on your headphones to answer the call, and a familiar voice greets you.
“Oy, Y/N, are you there?”
“Yes, Yoongi, I’m here,” you mumble, rubbing sleep from your eyes.
“You useless lump, you fell asleep on the train again didn’t you?”
You roll your eyes as you fish your phone out of your pocket, even though you know your best friend can’t see you. “I was watching The Art of Rhyme last night, fuckface. I wasn’t doing what you do.”
He chuckles, the sound low and threatening to anyone else but you. “Which would be what, exactly?”
A dangerous smile dances on your lips and you lower your voice to a whisper so that no one else on the train can hear you say, “Jack off every night to demented clown porn.”
The jibe is enough to startle a laugh from him, forcing him to drop his default pretense of being scary. “YAH, you’re so depraved!” Yoongi exclaims, so loudly that it hurts your ears.
You chuckle, taking an earbud out and massaging your ear. “Probably, but do you have to be so loud? It hurts my ears,” you complain.
“Serves you right, pervert.”
“What do you want, Yoongi?” you sigh, thumbing quickly through the (lack of) notifications on your phone.
“I have a proposition for you,” he says, and you can hear the smirk in his voice. Not for the first time, you wonder what life would be like without a sadist for a best friend.
“No, I will not have sex with you, no matter how desperate for money I get,” you deadpan, rising from your seat as you near your stop. The old lady next to you sends you a judgmental glare, and you flash her your canines in response.
Yoongi groans. “Do you have to be so gross all the time?”
“Do you?”
“You are such a child,” he scolds. “Come out to Roots tonight, I have a prospective job for you.”
Noting the change in his tone, you know that there isn’t room for you to argue, no matter how badly you want to collapse into bed and sleep for the next twelve hours. You merely grunt in response.
“Good. And dress nicely, will you? Don’t embarrass me.”
You make a sound of protest, but he’s already clicked off the call. You feel your face flush as you rush off the bus and onto the sidewalk. Nice? And what the hell does he mean, embarrass him!?
After making yourself some kimchi fried rice (and stowing some in a container to give to Yoongi), you hop into the shower and try to wash off your stress. You do the math in your head and realize that unless you find some other way to supplement your income, you’re going to burn through the last of the loan you took from your parents and you won’t be able to meet your rent.
You sigh as you dry your hair. You suppose that whatever Yoongi has in mind, you’ll just have to take it. You slip into a pair of torn black denims and an old, oversized Thrasher shirt, tie your hair into a high ponytail and slip into a pair of Vans, hoping that whatever it is won’t force you to sell anything you aren’t willing to part with, like your dignity.
You arrive at Roots, an underground dancehall club in the middle of the city, a little past 9PM. Sung Min, the bouncer, recognizes you and lets you into the club without a word, and you wink at him as the people waiting in line groan and complain loudly. It pays to have friends in the right places, you think as you elbow past the crowd to your usual table in the back, cordoned off by heavy black drapes.
Yoongi is already sitting in the center of the booth, sprawled out like the prince that he is, flocked, as usual, by Jin, the owner of the club, and Jimin. The nods at you as you join them, and almost automatically, a drink is placed in front of you.
Jimin grins and greets you enthusiastically, while Jin gives you a more subdued nod of his head in greeting. You can tell he’s already thinking of a corny dad joke to tell you. You smile at them and take a long sip of your drink.
“Long time no see, Y/N! What have you been up to?” Jimin starts.
You shrug. As kind as Yoongi’s music friends have always been to you, you find social interactions exhausting and you’re already wishing you were back at home. In the back of your mind, you make plans to do more digging for new samples when you get home, even as you reply to him.
“The usual,” you respond noncommittally.
Undeterred, Jimin flashes you a grin, and you wonder how so much sunshine can fit in a single person. “You look really nice!” he compliments, and you grimace, hiding your flush behind another sip of your drink.
“Let her be, Jimin,” Yoongi says, smirking at your discomfort. Jin excuses himself and disappears into the crowd, and you automatically take his seat on the couch next to your best friend, tiredly resting your head on his shoulder. Automatically, his arm wraps around you and you bask in the comfort that gives you for a few moments.
“So,” he begins.
You sigh. “What?”
There’s a glint in his eye that lets you know he’s had a rough day, so as much as you want to decline, you give in to your best friend since childhood and merely groan. “Fine,” you relent. “It’s Friday anyway.”
As if on cue, Jin returns with a waiter in tow, who’s holding a bottle of expensive tequila and a tray of shot glasses, salt, and slices of lemon. “I bet I’ll have you all under the table by midnight,” he jokes.
The three of you let out a chorus of boos at him, yelling out your own bets. Surrounded by their efforts at cheering up both you and Yoongi, you start to relax for the first time in weeks. Twelve shot glasses filled to the brim despite there only being four of you, but you all rise automatically and raise one each in a toast.
“To good health!” Jin announces.
“To great love!” Jimin cheers, and you shake the feeling that he was looking directly at you when he says it.
“To better sex!” Yoongi says, making Jimin flush and Jin punch him in the arm playfully from across the table.
“To excellent friends!” you laugh, and each of you takes three shots consecutively. It’s going to be a fun night, you think, as the alcohol burns through you like a fever.
You take turns dancing with all the boys, even Jin as he awkwardly whips out the most ridiculous moves with you. Yoongi rants about his long day at the label as he spins you around the dance floor, the alcohol having loosened his tongue considerably.
He had been recruited by a big company the year after high school, thanks to his quickly spreading reputation as an underground rapper in your hometown. Being so young in the industry, a lot of executives had tried to take advantage of him, forcing him to mature a lot faster. His brutally honest and straight-forward personality had helped, and you like to think that him staying friends with you had kept him grounded. You were the only one left from his “old life” who still treated him like a normal person and knew him best out of anyone else, even the fellow artists that he now worked daily with. You both had a lot in common—reserved on the surface, but goofy and caring only to those who had earned your trust.
But because he was getting more and more popular by the day, he confessed that he was afraid he was growing harder and colder, and that he had been feeling more and more commodified, like aspects of his personality were being packaged and sold off. People copping his style, copying his flow. You shake your head and give him the advice he already knows but needs to hear. You remind him that he’s human, and that it’s normal to feel the way he does; to use his music as an outlet, to make the most of his platform to reach out to people who are feeling the same way. To share what makes him special and help other people find what works for them. “That’s your gift, after all,” you remind him, and he tugs affectionately on your ponytail in response.
Selfishly, you use his struggles to validate your own decisions. This is why you don’t want any part of the music industry, you tell yourself. You don’t belong in that world. A smaller voice in the back of your head tells you, because you aren’t strong enough to survive.
Feeling better, Yoongi slings his arm around you and you both make your way to the bar for more shots. Jin is behind it, talking to one of the bartenders, while Jimin is off to one side already being chatted up by a small group of girls. He gives you a small wave when he catches your eye, and you give him a smile in return.
Yoongi notices the exchange, and flashes you a knowing look. “He’s in love with you, you know,”
You snort, unladylike. “He doesn’t know me,”
He chortles. “True. If he knew you, he’d be running in the other direction,”
You give him a swift kick to the shin, and he grimaces and clutches it. “Yow! If you injure me, woman, you’ll have hell to pay!”
“Try me, shuga bakemono,”
Yoongi rolls his eyes. “Seriously though,” he says as he stumbles onto a barstool and massages his calf. “You should fix that before it goes too far,”
“What do you want me to do?” you ask miserably. “I don’t even know what he sees in me; I’m not that pretty.”
“You have gained weight since taking that office job,” he points out. “And you’re really bad at make-up and clothes.”
You snap your fingers sharply in front of his face. “Focus!”
He tilts his head at you, studying your frowning face. “You’re not that disgusting, I guess,” he finally allows. “But Jimin is soft. He’s one of the biggest marshmallows I know. I don’t want to see him hurt or disappointed.”
You sigh and take another shot. “Neither do I. He’s a cinnamon roll.” You glance at Jimin from the corner of your eye and admire the way the light catches in his eyes, the line of his jaw and the way his biceps tug at the fabric of his sleeves. You lick your lips and swallow the lump in your throat, shaking the image from your head. “But I have bigger problems.”
You take a seat on the barstool next to Yoongi and tell him about your current financial situation. “Which brings me to this: What job prospect were you talking about?”
Yoongi takes a deep swig of his beer (he’s the only person you know who can drink liquor and beer without getting sick), and unexpectedly takes your hand in his, lacing his fingers with yours. He only does so when he’s about to give you bad news, so you hold your breath and steel yourself for whatever he has to say.
“How badly do you want a well-paying job?” he asks. You simply blink at him, and he rolls his eyes. “Okay, wrong question. Would you take a well-paying job even if it’s in the music industry?”
You try to pull your hand out of his, but his grip is too strong. You glare at him, seething. “Yoongi, you know that I can’t-”
He presses a finger to your lips to stop your rant before you get too carried away. “Hush, Y/N. I don’t mean as an artist.” Even though you’re more than talented enough, he says with his eyes. “They’re bringing a new rapper in and apparently, part of his contract is a personal assistant. He’ll be in the city for the next six months recording his debut, and he wants someone local to help him acclimate or something.”
He moves his hand to your cheek once he’s sure that you aren’t going to have a meltdown at the prospect. “It will pay more than enough for you to be able to stay in your shitty apartment, pay your parents back, and maybe even buy that controller you’ve always wanted.”
You bite your lip, considering the possibilities of a decent paycheck, even if it’s just for a couple of months. Your eyes meet his, and you know that you can trust him not to put you in a difficult situation. He’s always wanted what’s best for you, and you would trust him with your life.
“And Jimin?” you prompt. He flashes you a quizzical look, and you lean a little bit more into the hand on your face for comfort. “Does he think this is a good idea? Can he vouch for this new guy and tell me that he isn’t an asshole?”
“He’s all for whatever brings you to the studios more often,” Yoongi responds dryly. “But as far as I can tell, the new guy is around our age-” Young, you translate in your head. “-and he’s all business. Director Bang was saying that he comes across pretty cold and aloof, comes from a well-off background, so I don’t think he’ll be difficult to deal with.”
You keep chewing on your lip, considering all the pros and cons to the situation, but a slow smile spreads across Yoongi’s face as he watches you. You sigh, defeated. You both knew you would say yes, if only for the money. “Fine,” you agree uselessly. “I’ll do it.”
He pinches your cheek. “Atta girl.”
“See, this is why people always mistake you two for a couple,” Jin points out, an eyebrow raised at your intertwined hands and Yoongi’s hand on your face.
The other boy flushes and pushes you away brusquely. “Gross,” he mumbles as you cackle.
“Oh, c’mon Yoongi! This is the perfect time to confess!” you goad him.
Jin hides his smirk behind his glass as he takes a sip. “Yeah, Yoongi, anything to want to tell us about your feelings for Y/N?”
“Disgust. Apathy. Nausea.” the older boy deadpans, leaning forward and swiping the drink from Jin’s hand and downing it in one gulp. “Can we go now? I’m hungry.”
“We can go to that barbeque place you like,” Jin suggests.
“What about Jimin?” Yoongi asks.
Jin glances at their friend, who has already been pulled onto the dancefloor by the group of girls he’d met at the bar. “I think he’ll be fine tonight.” He signals one of the waiters to tell Jimin where they went just in case, and leaves a bottle for him and his new friends before the three of you set out.
“By the way,” you say thirty minutes later as you dig into your midnight meal. “What’s the guy’s name?”
Yoongi stops shoving food into his mouth long enough to answer you. “Kim Namjoon.”
To Be Continued
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chattaboochel · 3 years
The Princess of Bangtan | Chap. 4
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WARNINGS: Swearing and descriptions of torture(will mark it in case you want to skip ahead), mentions of drugs and murder.
And I know Jhope, Jin and RM haven't been in it to much but I promise I have plans for each of the boys!
Words: 7k
Hope you enjoy!
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The unfortunate run in by the alley was a few days in the past and all seemed relatively normal, minus whatever the hell was going on with Jimin.
Kaia hadn’t seen him since that morning in her apartment, only getting a series of texts telling her theres nothing to worry about and adding the tag line of, 'I'll explain everything when I can.’
Maybe that would’ve meant more to the girl that stood at a 5’6 height, if she hadn’t already received variants of that same message for almost a week.
‘Gee I wonder who that is’, she asked herself sarcastically, pulling out her cell to see the man of the hour at it again.
Jimin: Hey, hope you’re taking it easy Kaia, l’m sorry I haven’t seen you a lot this week. Nothing is wrong, I just have a lot on my plate with work.
‘Bullshit’, she thought, knowing Jimin has been busy with work before but that never stopped the make from coming to see her before.
Jimin: I know you have questions and I’ll answer them the best I can alright? Soon I promise.
And there it was…
The temptation itched in her hand to throw her already broken phone on the floor, annoyed beyond belief.
Never mistake how much how much this girl adored Jimin, how deeply she cared for her childhood friend but ever since that night his whole demeanour was off. She knew him well enough to see that he knew something and he was keeping it from her.
Poor girl just didn’t know the scale of what of it was.
"Hey Kaia? You ok?"
Her body jumped at the voice calling out to her, almost dropping the bag of soil from the fright. "Huh? Y-Yes! Sorry, just have a lot on my mind Huening.”
Kaia’s fellow coworker gave her a small but optimistic smile as he helped carry the soil bag she almost dropped. "I've noticed, and I didn't want to point it out but your cheek-"
She sighed, a curse word tethering on her tongue when Huening mentioned her bruised cheek.
Most of the pain had vanished, the skin only now tinged in splotches of yellow and green as it slowly healed. She had done her best to cover as much of the evidence as she could with makeup whenever she would leave the house, apparently it was still visible enough that even the 19 year old took notice.
"Oh this? Was just a silly accident, nothing to worry about", Hueningkai took in her explanation with a slight frown but he didn't challenge it.
He wasn't an idiot, she knew that. He most likely saw through her lies the minute she spouted them.
Hueningkai and Kaia were fairly close, not in the way she was with Jimin but she always saw her her coworker as step in younger brother she never had.
Lying to him didn’t sit well with her but she knew if she told him exactly why her skin was bruised, like a true brother, she would never hear the end of it.
He would worry for Kaia and she didn’t want him to fret over her. Most of all she just didn't want to give her mind an excuse to bring her back to that night and when she was in Daniel's grasp.
Huening erased the concerned look off his face, replacing it with one his beaming smiles. "If you say so, but just so you know that no matter what's troubling you, you'll pull through. You're a tough cookie.”
A soft smile graced her lips at his words as well as his bright eyed grin. Huening always had a way of staying positive, she could only hope he’d never loose that disposition the way she did.
"I'm glad you hold me in such high esteem", She muses, returning back to the stack of soil bags to lift another.
Her associate florist chuckles while rushing over to assist her. "Well you do make my job a lot easier, not to mention our names are similar.”
She rolled her eyes at the younger boy as he referred to his full name, “Don't tell me you only enjoy working with me because my name is very close the end part of yours?"
Hueningkai goes quiet for a moment, almost as if he was pondering his words. "Would you be mad if at first that was true?"
Kaia raised her brows in question, watching him start to shift uncomfortably under her gaze before giggling when he looked like he was going to have a heart attack. Her hand lifted up and began ruffling through his newly bleached hair. "Nah, you're way too cute to be mad at Huening.”
"Hey!", he protested, embarrassment flooding his cheeks. He tried tearing himself away from the teasing female but she made sign of letting him get away quite that easily.
Today’s shift at Freeze was pleasantly peaceful, only a few customers coming through the door every so often, making the day mostly uneventful aside from having to put away different items that came in stock.
Hueningkai enthusiastically waved at a leaving customer before depositing the cash he had received from them into the till, his deep brown eyes fixing themselves on Kaia as she did her daily cleanings around the store. "As I'm sure it's great to be working with me Kaia, it's time for your break!"
She giggled at his cheeriness, setting aside the broom. "I could just keep working?"
"And have Soobin on my ass? No thank you", A visible sweat drop started to form on his brow as he mentions the owner and both Kaias and his boss, his coworker only raised an eyebrow at the younger man.
"When has that stopped you before?", Huening blushes at her jest knowing he had walked right into that one.
"Since he threatened to cut my pay", muttering under his breath, glaring at the ground with contempt.
"No wonder your so pouty today", her comment had the boy with light hair stick out his tongue at the other freeze employee, the smaller one of two had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself from laughing. "Well I'll leave the store in your very capable hands”, Huening nods, giving Kaia a thumbs up as she heads out of Freezes to spend her quality break time out of the store.
A grin found itself on Kaias face as she gulped down her newly acquired cup of coffee, feeling the pleasant warmth travel down her throat as well as the caffeine boosting up her system.
Only still a few minuets into her break, she let herself wonder the streets while checking her phone.
Whilst she thought about messaging Jimin maybe even calling him, her phone buzzed in her palm, receiving a text notification she was not expecting.
JK: How are you Princess?
Jungkook, her savior from the alley had somehow wormed his way into Kaia's phone, not that she minded but it definitely made her eyebrow raise in question.
Kaia: Jungkook? How'd you get my number? And why do I have you saved as JK on here?
JK: Secret :)
Kaia fought out a scoff at his coyness, figuring he had slipped his number in when he had a hold of her phone the last time she saw him.
Not giving Kaia a chance to respond to that with some well equipped sass, He sent through another message, changing topic.
JK: How are you feeling?
Kaia: Aside from a slight throb in my cheek I'm just peachy, what about you? Your ribs okay?
JK: Nothing I can't handle Princess, no need to worry about me.
Kaia: Again with that nickname...
Kaia: please tell me you at least had them looked at?
JK: Yes I had them looked at Kaia, I'm in the clear.
Kaia would've smiled at that message if she didn't feel slightly put off by her surroundings.
She couldn't place it but it felt like something was lingering, that she had eyes trained on her her petite back as she was walking through the streets.
Kaia clutched her onto her phone as her eyes trailed around the area in suspicion, there wasn't many people out in the streets and anyone she looked at was clearly minding their own business or not worth taking note of.
Maybe that night was just making her paranoid, she thought to herself, but that didn't stop herself from darting back into the cafe she had gotten her beverage from.
Never hurts to be too careful, she rationalized before returning her attention back to the phone conversation with Jungkook, unaware on what he was conducting on his side of the screen.
Jungkook was absentmindedly spending his time at Jin's winery, keeping to himself at the back of the store so he wouldn't distract Jin's customers onto him.
He had an annoying habit of attracting specially the females that waltzed into his store and once they knew they would get nothing from him, they'd storm out in a fit and leaving without so much as looking at Jin's assortment of wines or cheese boards.
And Jin would not have any of that so unless he was working, Jungkook was sentenced to waste time in the back away from view.
Of course he still had his duties as Bangtans muscle and solider but his work load had taken a significant decrease due to his new found probation that was thrust upon him as a punishment.
Not being able to act as usual felt so restrictive to him and he couldn't stand it, but Jungkook wasn't stupid enough to fight it with RM when he was already in hot water with his boss.
He felt his mind take him back to that night but he didn't think of Taemin and his new found lackey taunting him in that alley, no he thought of her, the catalyst of all this mess.
Even though it had been days since he had last seen her, his mind couldn't quite be rid of her, often popping up in his moments of silence or just randomly.
She was so intriguing to him, he couldn't place why but there was something that captivated him when he thought of her.
Jungkook couldn't help himself but bring out his phone and type in her number into his contacts that he had memorized sneakily, and started texting her.
He wasn't expecting her respond, after all she didn't have a reason too but he was shocked to see her notifications appear atop his screen, surprised at how quickly she responded to him..
Jungkook let his lips curl up into a smile as he interacted with Kaia through the phone, even chuckling as she worried at the state of his bruised ribs, the sentiment reminding him of Jin which only made him laugh more.
Her responses go quiet for a moment for a few minuets, during that time of unmoved conversation Jungkook's phone buzzes in the group chat of the Bangtans seven.
Suga: We've got a situation.
RM: Wouldn't be the first, shoot.
Suga: YJ spotted a shadow on Kaia, she's being followed.
Jungkooks body stiffened at the information Suga had just unloaded, his ears only faintly picked up the sound of Jin exiting the store front of the winery and entering the back of the store with him, attention fixed onto his phone.
Suga: The fucker hightailed it after they realized YJ had spotted them.
Jungkook resisted the urge to text Kaia, worried for her safety especially given how their own conversation had abruptly ended, he wasted no time typing out his own response to the chat.
JK: Did he get a visual on the watcher?
Suga: Not much of one no.
V: Doubt we need one, pretty safe to assume on whose following her.
Jhope: If that's true then they are working fast.
Jimin: She okay?!
Suga: Looks to be , according to YJ, she darted herself into a close by cafe after she looked around the area.
Suga: He suspects she noticed that she was being followed.
Jin after reading the message clamped his hand on Jungkook shoulder. "She ran into a public area when she realized she may have been followed. Kid's smart.”
Jungkook smirked in agreeance, impressed with Kaia's actions in that moment.
RM: Get YJ to survey the area, see if he can track down the shadow.
Suga: Already on it.
Jimin: What about Kaia? If YJ goes after the shadow, we've got no eyes on her.
Jungkooks phone buzzed a separate notification away from the chat, the name of the sender making Jins eyebrow raised from above his shoulder.
Kaia: Sorry I went quiet, I uh, got distracted with something.
Kaia: I'm on break for work right now, what are you doing?
Jin watched the messages pop up with curiosity before removing himself from Jungkooks shoulder to type out his own message.
Jin: JK has contact with her, we can get him to watch her until YJ comes back with a report.
Jungkooks eyes widened before turning his surprised face to his elder who only raised his hand in mock surrender.
Jimin: Contact? The fuck is that supposed to mean?!
Jhope: Oh boy...
Jimin didn't need to be in the room for Jungkook to feel his glare in that moment.
RM: Enough, JK keep Kaia in your sights till you hear otherwise.
JK: Understood.
Jungkook tore himself away from the texts to answer Kaia.
JK: That's alright Princess, and I just so happen to be on break too, feel like wasting time together ?
Kaia at first was stunned with Jungkooks suggestion, but a part of her couldn't deny she was eager to spend time with the man that had saved her that night.
She did consider denying his request, considering she only had a small amount of time she had to in his words, "waste time" but as she told him where she was, it turns out that the winery was only a street away from her location.
So with newfound eagerness she agreed to meet with Jungkook until both their breaks were over.
"There you are Princess!", Jungkook called out to her as he practically barreled over to Kaia who was standing by the entrance of the cafe, waiting for him.
With a brow raised, she greeted the man as he sped over "That didn't take you long, Did you run all the way here?"
"You said you only had a little bit of time left of your break so I wanted to come as quickly as I could", He shyly chuckled while rubbing the back of his neck, her eyes catching the small tattoos that were inked on top of his hand and over his knuckles.
She wondered if he had any more past his hand but the jacket he had on currently was hiding away the skin on his arms so she couldn't tell.
"You didn't have to Jungkook", She said in between small giggles, her heart beating just that bit faster at the thought of him running over here so he could come spend time with her.
"No, but I wanted to", His sentiment made her smile and she gestured to her coffee, offering some of her beverage to him as they walked away from the cafe.
"So tell me, what's it like to work at the winery?", She questioned as Jungkook too the coffee cup from her hand to take a sip, his eyes widened for a second before reforming back to normal.
"Well what Jimin told you is true, I'm not in the store much, I handle more of the outside affairs", He says firmly, Kaia catching onto the vagueness of his answer as well as how his expression stiffened at the mention of Jimin.
"I see, Jimin doesn't speak on his work to much. The most I've heard about it is how one of his coworkers uh, Seokjin I think his name was, and how he likes to annoy him with puns.”
Jungkook took in her words, finding it impossible to laugh when Jin was brought up in the discussion. "Ahh that's Jin alright, he has a loose tongue shall we say?"
Kaia smirked, a chuckle escaping her lips as she thought about this mysterious 'Jin'. "I have a feeling he and I would get along then.”
"That I don't doubt.”
"I might be reading to far into it but, you and Jimin seemed... tense...", Kaia spoke carefully, not sure she was using the right words. "Do you guys, not get along?"
Jungkooks brows furrowed at her question, his eyes seemed so still to Kaia, making it hard for her to read him. "Well I wouldn't say that, we are friends, brothers even.”
Jungkook passes the coffee back to her, her hands taking it without leaving his gaze.
He sighed, halting his steps. "But brothers fight every so often", Kaia couldn't help but frown at his meek words, she hoped that Jungkook and Jimin would push away their differences and make up. "What about you Princess, you and him looked awfully... cozy.”
"W-what?", Kaias feet planted themselves on the ground, her face burning at Jungkooks accusation. "N-No! I mean we are... close yes but not like that. No..."
Jungkook smirked with his eyebrow raised, amused with her flushed appearance. "No?"
Kaias face burned harder as her mind wondered on the thought of it.
Kaia and Jimin..
Jimin and herself, together...
Jungkook continued to smirk as she remained silent, she not being able to read the genuine curiosity that lingered in his gaze.
Frantically shaking her head to rid herself of her flustered cheeks, she did all she could to avoid Jungkooks eyes. "N-No, I love Jimin but he's family.”
Kaia didn't know why she sounded so unsure of that.
Jungkook however only chuckled at the girl before him "You are way to easy to rile up you know", He teases with a mischievous grin, Kaia narrowed her eyes playfully as she smacked his arm.
"You ass!", He laughed at her attempts to hit him, she kept doing it until even she couldn't stop herself from laughing.
Kaia continued to walk with Jungkook back to her workplace, happy to bask in his pleasant company.
Once 'Freeze' was in sight she turned to Jungkook, a smile still etched on her face. "Hey, thanks for coming to hang out with me"
"Couldn't leave you on your lonesome during your break now could I?", Jungkook grins, Kaia not being able to take her eyes off his gorgeous features as he does so. "Besides I wanted to see you again but under less uh, dangerous circumstances.”
Kaias smile dropped a fraction at the mention of that night, something Jungkook took notice of almost instantly but before he could change topic another voice calls out from behind them.
"Danger makes things a little more interesting no?"
Jungkooks body stiffened as his eyes latched onto the new figure breaking into Kaia's and his conversation, a figure he knew all to well while Kaia almost jumped back from the sound of the new voice.
Her eyes met another set of deep brown irises, similar to Jungkooks doe eyes but this mans had an aura of mystery and maybe even a lurking darkness.
Kaia took in his appearance, so surprised with how beautiful this man was before her, his black hair perfectly tousled onto his head that complimented his tanned skin, his well structured jaw line and his plump lips.
The stranger noticed Kaia's watchful eyes with a smirk, something that Kaia annoyingly thought that just made him even more attractive, he bright his hand through his dark hair as he observed the girl with intrigue.
"I can see why Jimin kept you a secret", His husky voice alone would've made Kaia's cheeks burn if she wasn't so shocked to hear Jimins name come from his mouth.
"You know-"
"What are you doing here V? Jungkook cut her off before she could question this stranger, earning him a slight glare from Kaia from being interrupted. The stranger watched on with amusement as Jungkook crossed his arms against his chest.
Kaia watched the two with a quirked brow, dropping her annoyance for the time being as they addressed each other with familiarity.
"Duty calls JK", Jungkook sighs in response while the other turned his frame to face Kaia. "Sorry to tear him away from you Princess.”
Her eyes narrowed on V as he used the pet name that Jungkook had bestowed upon her. While she didn't mind JK himself calling her that , she would have to resist the urge to blush when he did. There was just something that when V said it made all the hair on the back of her neck stand up.
"Don't call me that", She snapped at V, his smirk freezing at Kaia's firm tone while Jungkook watched on with his bottom lip trapped between his teeth to contain his own smirk.
V collected himself as the Kaia still eyed him with a firm glare, his tongue pressed against his cheek. "Hm", that was all that escaped his lips before focusing his gaze on Jungkook.
Jungkook sighed, gently taking Kaias arm within his hand to guide her a few feet away from V which caused the man to roll his eyes with a scoff.
Kaia looks pointedly at Jungkook, lowering her voice as she spoke. "Ok something is going on here, How the hell does he know Jimin? He knows you too and what the fuck is this secret shit?”
"He really hasn't told you anything has he", Jungkook muttered under his breath, but Kaia heard every word.
"What's that supposed to mean?", She says, becoming more fed up as this common thread of secrecy. He didn't say a word, knowing he had already slipped up. "Jungkook", She presses but still, silence. "What do you know?"
Jungkook silently cursed, raising his hand that laid upon Kaias arm to her shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"Look, I -"
"If you say you'll tell me when you can, I swear Jungkook, I don't care how pretty you are I'm gonna kick your ass", She threatens under Jungkook grip, cutting off the familiar string of words she had been hearing for the last couple days. "I've been hearing enough of that bullshit from Jimin.”
In any other circumstance Jungkook would've teased Kaia on her choice of words, the fact that she had up and called him pretty had not been ignored by him.
If only she heard how his heart rate spiked as he heard her compliment, even if it was laced through a threat. "Then I'll say this instead", He lets out a pained chuckle, before leaning his face towards Kaia's ear. "I don't think it's my place to tell you, I know it's frustrating but trust me", his hand squeezes her shoulder tighter. "Just from now on be careful, you never know who is watching.”
Kaia's eyes could've bulged out her head as Jungkook left those words with her, the eerie feeling from when she was at the coffee shop returned ten fold as it seemed like Jungkook had indirectly confirmed that she was being followed.
Jungkook didn't let Kaia to respond to his words before walking away toward V, leaving Kaia stunned by the door of Freezes Flower Pot.
⚠ Torture Scene up ahead guys ⚠
J U N G K O O K &
Jeon Jungkook was a kind man in retrospect, he was as selfless as they come, competitive but he was always a person who cared deeply for others.
But that kind persona was left behind the moment he walked away from Kaia, the man that was now was with V, was JK. And JK was not the man who joked and played around with Kaia, no, JK was a man who after all was a criminal and one of the heads of BTS.
A man many criminals of Seoul's under city feared to see, and if they did they wouldn't return.
"And here I thought my day wouldn't be interesting", His partner, Kim Taehyung practically sang as he slid down the steel steps leading towards the basement, JK hot on his heels.
The walls were a slick grey, without a window in sight, insulated with sound proofing to hide away all the grotesque goings on that took place in this room.
A room Kim Taehyung reveled in.
In the center, illuminated only by a single flickering light was a man seated upon a chair or more accurately tied down to it.
The shadow as he was cutely named, flinched at V's voice echoing through the drab walls, only silent because of the gag that had tightly tied around his mouth.
V chuckled at the glare his new toy was giving him and his brother in arms but Taehyung could see the one thing that always made his blood burn with pleasure.
He could practically taste it and he hadn't even started yet.
Another figure emerged from the corner of the room, tearing the mafia brothers away from their prey for a moment.
The approaching figure bowed to the heads, a sign of respect before handing over a series of items. "These were found on him when YJ apprehended him.”
JK nodded, taking the objects from him. V viewing them from JK's shoulder. "Thanks BG, why don't you head on out? we'll take it from here.”
The younger male nodded without a word, jogging up back the stairs, leaving the captured soul alone with Jungkook and V.
"Let's see what our shadow had on him shall we?", V jests wrapping his around around JK's shoulder, sharing a smirk with each other.
The man didn't have much, a set of keys, a steel lighter that JK felt the need to hold onto, as well as pack of cigarettes that looked to be newly bought if they had been going off the clear seal that encased the packaging.
Of course those trinkets seemed boring to V, deftly tossing them behind him as JK passed them over for his inspection.
"Ahh, now this is interesting", Taehyung grins as he deftly swiped a leather wallet from JK's hands, not caring for the contents as he fiddled through the compartments until his fingers pulled a singular card.
An I.D of all things.
The man pulled at his ropes but they only kept digging further into his skin, muffled winces barely escaping the gag.
"Keeping an ID on you? Really Minho?", The man lurched in the chair, only to be tugged back his ropes, the reaction getting a sinister laugh from his oppressors.
"Not very smart of you, but given what else you were up to today can't say I'm surprised to find out you're a tool", Minho snarled behind the gag at V's words, completely unaware that he was playing right into the spy masters hands.
"Temper temper~", JK tuts, stepping forward with a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Let's get to business shall we?"
"This is how things are going to go Minho", V also stepping forward, bending down to be at the mans level. "You're going to answer our questions, honestly.”
V keep his gaze firm, borderline unreadable. "And if I don't like the answers", JK threw his tattooed hand across Minho's cheek, striking it with a fierce punch.
"Well, I'm sure that even your simple brain can understand pain", The spymasters voice low and unyielding, thick with malice but with also a deranged glee.
JK flexed his wrist for a second before pulling out Minho's gag from his lips, the man chocked on the air before spitting out by Taehyungs feet.
"Go fuck yourself", the man seethed, hands gripping the ends of the chair he was bound to so tight the skin on his knuckles started turning white.
It only took a gesture from V to get Jungkook to bring down his fist again, only this time into the mans gut instead of his cheek.
Minho let out chocked gag, almost feeling bile rise in his throat from the hit he had taken to his stomach.
"I only want to hear answers from you Minho, you speak out of turn again and I'll make sure JK really makes the next one hurt", V threatens as he rises to his feet, his voice dropping down an octave as he does.
His new toy empties his mouth out of spit away from JK and V but doesn't say a word, a silent acknowledgment that he was indeed listening.
"So the tool can listen, see? we're already making progress", Jungkook taunts Minho, who stills in his chair but still not muttering a single word, only gritting his teeth together to suppress more foul words he wanted to throw at the Bangtan boys.
"Who would've thought", V circled Minho like a shark, waiting so desperately for his prey. "I'm sure you know why you here in this cold little basement.”
Minho nods silently but Taehyung only narrowed his eyes, his hand thrusting into the mans hair pulling it backwards painfully. "Words, Minho.”
"F-Fuck, yes I fucking know!"
Satisfied, V loosens his grip, forcefully pushing Minho's head away from his hand with a grunt.
"Well then, I'm sure you'd be more than willing to enlighten us on what exactly you were doing then? Following that girl", Jungkook asks, his amused eyes only turning into a hard glare as he mentions Kaia, something V had taken notice of.
The captured Minho just scoffs, pulling at his restraints once again. "I was only following her just so I could fuck her, girl had a nice pair of legs on her as well as other things", Jungkook felt his jaw clench, wanting to so desperately tear this man apart.
How he spoke of Kaia made his skin crawl, the way Minho adjusted the lower half of his body as those words left his disgusting mouth, Jungkook didn't realize how protective of Kaia he was.
V sighed in fake disappointment, Minhos resistance a welcome sight for him. “And here thought we were going to be honest with each other.”
The spymaster nodded to JK again, seconds go by before JK started swinging his fists down on Minho, somehow even harder than his last hits. V slipped into the shadows, biting his lip at those delightful sounds that left Minhos mouth.
The grunts and pained gasps could've been mistaken as a beautiful melody to V's ears. The gentle dripping of Minhos blood hitting the floor from all the little cuts JK left as he wailed on him had V's body shuddering with exuberance, with pleasure.
V picked up Minho's unopened cigarette box, tossing it in his hands before turning back, his grin deepened more when he saw Minho's damaged face.
Blood poured from his nose and mouth, his bottom lip was split, scratched and new found cuts adorned his skin.
To any other untrained eye it would just look like JK had went for him like most people do after they get into a brawl but V's job was to see the things that others dont, the finer details that others so easily miss.
While V had seen Jungkook at his worse, what he could really do and how this was nowhere near that, V had noticed that JK had went harder on his shadow, harder than what most of his playthings experience at this stage.
V had a pretty good idea as to why this was.
'Already so protective of that girl.’
He could see it, the way his jaw clenched at Minho's words, the way his body stiffened when he collected him from her, when he spoke with Kaia himself.
He was getting attached.
'But why?', he thought.
Jungkook was no stranger to interacting with other women, so he couldn’t chop it up as him just being infatuated with the first pretty face to bat their eye lashes at him.
He didn't seem to have a previous relationship with her as Jimin did.
What was it about this woman, this girl, that has him acting in this way, a prize that even Jimin had kept secret from him and he despised having secrets kept from him.
'I guess I'll find out what makes you so interesting soon Kaia.’
V licks his lips at Minho's battered body, signaling JK to stop his assault as he approached him.
"Would you believe that he could go harder Minho? That he could punish you to where you begged him just to end it?", Minho who was painfully heaving, looked up at V with shocked eyes, finding that almost hard to believe given the beating he had already received. His shocked orbs falling to JK who raised his brows up at Minho, silently challenging him to dare to find out.
"But you want to know one thing?", V wouldn't allow him to respond, grabbing Minho's jaw in a vice grip, his nails digging and cutting into his skin, bringing his attention back onto him. "The one you should fear in this room is me, so I'm going to give you...".
His grip on Minho's face continued tighten after each word he spoke. Minho desperately tried to pull himself away from V's increasingly strong grip but Jungkook moved behind him to hold his shoulders down. "You were following someone under our protection, why? What were you planning once you had her?"
V's eyes narrowed into slits as he eyed the man squirming in his hold, the glare made Minho wriggle in his seat uncomfortably, Jungkook having to tighten the hands on his shoulders to keep him still.
"I-I told you! I just wanted a quick fuck-"
"A tool to the end I see", V cuts him off, knowing the mans words were full of lies and god was he happy they were.
Now the real fun could begin.
"You know these little things are so bad for you Minho", The spymaster chastises his plaything who just eyed him with confusion.
His fingers start tearing through the packaging, making the process agonizingly slow for Minhos watching eyes.
He let his fingers slowly graze the paper on the cigarette as he pulled it out of the box. "Such a small thing could cause so much damage, Cancer, heart disease, the list goes on really."
"T-This is your plan? Scold me to a confession? This is the great V of Bangtan at work? You're a joke", Minhos taunting words, stuttered as they were, still made V narrow his eyes only this time a flicker of emotion was set ablaze in his eyes.
Minho had no idea how big of a mistake he had just made.
JK however knew very well and he couldn't hold in his chuckle from behind Minho, shaking his head.
"You probably thought you had a little power didn’t you?, I bet your small cock twitched as you tried to get under my skin", V's voice was dangerously low, his eyes flickered up to JK who took that as his cue to reach into his jacket pocket to toss him Minho's lighter which he had taken a few moments earlier.
V caught the lighter within his palm, wasting no time to light the cigarette but he did not take a singular whiff, "but I'm going to clue you in on a little secret", he stepped forward using his head to gesture to JK.
The roles reversed, JK held Minho's jaw, forcing his head back and mouth open, the man squirming in his grip. V's head tilted off to the side with a completely deranged smirk now on his face,"You have no idea how much worse you just made it for yourself.”
"What are you-"
"We're showing you how dangerous these are little Minho, maybe we can get you to quit after we're through", V's voice dripping with fake sympathy as he made sure to let the cigarette linger under the flame once more before placing the singed end directly on Minho's tongue.
The sizzling of Minho's flesh accompanied by his gargled screams permeated the room, the sounds were nicer on V's ears to listen to than the tool's cocky words.
He repeated this process on various spots on his body, making sure V left his mark on Minho's skin so he would never forget who made him scream like this.
Now done with half a packet of cigarettes, Minho was slumped on the chair, panting heavily and too weak to struggle against JK's grip.
"Feel like singing yet little birdy?", V says while getting ready to light another cigarette, Jungkook only laughs at Vs words and at the new pet name he had given Minho, not even bothering to hold onto Minho's weak frame anymore.
"Or do we have to leave our mark in other places", JK asks with that mischievous glint in his eyes that was seen by Kaia on that cold night.
Minho, weak as he was didn't fail to notice JK's gaze focusing on the lower half of his body, catching onto what he was getting at with fearful eyes, he desperately tried to find any strength to pull himself away.
"N-No, please!", his voice came out in gasps, a slight lisp permeating his voice due to the burns V had placed on his tongue.
"God, the two of you are barbaric.”
Another voice sounds from the top of the stairs.
All eyes turned to see Bangtans resident money launderer, Jimin standing a few feet away with his arms crossed, disapproving stare lingering in his eyes.
V pouts at his elder brother as he slowly made his way down the steel steps, "Oh c'mon Jimin-shi, don't spoil my fun.”
Jimin rolled his eyes but ignored him only giving Jungkook a slight glare before kneeling down towards Minho who jumped back into the chair.
"It's been a rough day for you hasn't it Minho?", Jimin didn't let him answer. "Of course you can understand why we don't like our assets being directly threatened especially when they are under our protection.”
Jimin hated his choice of words, he loathed having to refer to his friend, his family, as a chess piece that had been added to Bangtans board but he was at work now, and not only that, Jimin was angry that someone had the nerve to follow Kaia.
Minho wouldn't know that, Jimin kept his face void of emotion as he quickly pulled out his phone, quick dialing a contact while his eyes remained firm.
Once the call had gone through Jimin tapped the loud speaker button before speaking.
"You have a visual?"
"Yes sir, target is in sight, waiting for the order.”
"Good, keep her within scope, don't make a move on Tina until I give the word.”
"Understood Mr. Park.”
The name that rolled off Jimin's lips made Minho physically pale, forgetting all he knew of street life, never show your full cards but Minho too exhausted to think straight, to remember to hide away all weaknesses.
And V picked right up on Minhos panicked body language, the fear that oozed off his body in waves.
"You sly fox", V regards Jimin with a smirk, The money launderer felt his own lips quirk up ever so slightly at Taehyung's idea of a complement and watched him lean down onto Minhos shoulder, his lips teetering so very close to Minhos ear. "So who's the girl? best friend? girlfriend?"
Minho shakily spoke, knowing now not to test V's patience with silence. "S-Sister".
"Ahh a sister", Vs husky chuckle sent shivers down Minho's spine, Jungkook had to resist the urge to laugh at Minhos now flustered form, knowing that they had the upper hand.
"Here is what I propose to you Minho", Jimin ends the call before casually handing Jungkook his phone without looking at him, eyes firmly cast upon Minho's shivering body. "Tell us everything we want to know, you get to leave this room and Tina's head gets left on her body.”
"Y-You wouldn't, your damn code forbids you from killing innocent people", Minho says to Jimin, voice still thick with the lingering lisp, hoping to call him out on a bluff.
"Innocent? Now that's a strong word to use for her", Jimin raises his brow while instructing Jungkook to open his phone messages, pulling out one in particular.
"Tina has been buying Cypher from us for a long time now, and you've had no idea that your darling sister has been trading with your rival gang", Jungkook placing Jimins phone in front of Minho's face, showing off many surveillance photos of Minho's sister Tina buying Cypher, a drug that BTS created and sold onto the streets of Seoul, from J-Hope who controlled its distribution.
"Yes Minho, in fact little Tina owes us a large sum of money, money that should of been delivered a long time ago", "Do you know what happens to those who don't pay our debts? To those who run away?"
V chuckled into Minho's ear once again, "I get to play with them Minho, and she seems like a toy that I would have so much fun breaking", Minho pulls and struggles, the thought and fear of his sister in this chair instead of him taking over his body.
"I can assure that she will at least be alive if you corporate Minho, she won't have sit in this room, she won't become V's next play thing"
The spymaster on Minho's shoulder scoffed in disappointment while Jungkook rolled his eyes at his childish display.
"So what will it be Minho?"
"F-Fine, I'll tell you everything.”
V muttered something about it being too easy before leaning back against the wall with a bored expression while Jimin, a man of his word nodded, Jungkook tossing him back his phone to instruct his men to cease the operation on Tina and to only watch her, for now.
Minho let out a quick sigh of relief and hung his head low, fearing the words he was going to spill. "They'll kill me for this.”
"Not if we do it first", JK retorts from his spot, Jimin glaring at him as a warning to keep his mouth shut.
"I was told to watch the girl, follow her home and secure a route for Taemin", Minho visibly cringing at each word he spoke either from the burns or because he knew that he was a dead man when his gang got hold of him.
The spymaster laughed from his spot, his voice making Minho flinch, V happy to know that he had distilled that fear in him.
"If that were all you would've caved after JK was done with you, no, thats not all there is", V left his spot, hands in the pockets of his pants as he bent down towards Minho. "C'mon shadow, there's more isn't there? be a good boy and spit it out.”
Minho gulped, "Y-You better hope that girl stays the fuck away from that apartment.”
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The Sound: Part 2 Preview.
He was soaked from head to toe and it looked like he’d run in here for cover. He greeted the cashier before looking around the store for something to purchase. He walked into the aisle on the opposite side of, seeing if anything peeked his interest. It wasn’t until he was standing directly across from you that he looked up. At first he didn’t seem to recognize you, he just looked at you a bit confused, then when you two made eye contact, it was as if his whole world had been shattered. His eyes widened and he gasped, he looked happy for a brief moment before the smile that was forming quickly turned into a pout. He looked around before he spotted the stores exit then he looked back at you for a moment before bolting out of the store, it was as if being exposed to the elements was better than being near you, so just like in your dreams, you watched him turn his back on you and run away. But unlike in your dreams, this time you ran after him.
Part: One
The Sound Pt. 2 will be posted on Sunday June 25th ;) Sorry for the long wait guys
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kittaepurrfect · 7 years
Break or Punishment?
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Genre: Smut
By: Admin Podo
Words: 1,372
A/N: In the fandom I know it’s popular for Namjoon to be very dom, but I think it would be possible for him to be one of those subs that is tough looking but not extremely dom at all. So, I wrote a whole sub!Rapmon fic for this! But in my own experience, you can’t judge anyone by their appearance. That’s also why I made the (dom) reader wear pink. I hope you guys like it!
The rain was pouring down hard that night as you brought your hard-working boyfriend Namjoon some green tea. After stretching, yawning, and pushing his hair back he took the tea from you. “Thanks babe.” He sleepily smiled at you.
You put down your tea and carefully sat on his lap and snuggled your head on his shoulder. “Y/N, I still have work to do…”
“It’s past midnight,” you began stroking, or more like poking his face, with one finger, getting in the way of his tea drinking. Ceasing the poking after poking his dimple, “Namjoon don’t you think you should take a break?”
The tea fogged up his glasses and he blinked sleepily behind the lens. You giggled at him.
“What?” he wrinkled his nose at you.
“You’re just so cute.” You suddenly grabbed his face and quickly kissed his lips then went back to leaning on his shoulder. He pretended like that didn’t happen because he was still thinking about work but as he continued slowly drinking his tea you noticed his arm tightening around you.
When he finished his tea, you picked up yours but then put your body flush against his with the no longer hot tea behind his head. Namjoon fake coughed, but put both his arms around you and leaned his head against yours.
Drinking the tea way faster than he did you swung your feet and hummed a little. “Gonna take a break now, darling?”
He kissed your collarbone in response, squeezing you tighter, then slowly running his hands up and down your back. You had to be careful not to drop your teacup. He knew that this always, without fail, would turn you on.
Before you started breathing hard you leaned back and put the teacup on the desk next to his. You looked straight into his smirking face, “Are you going to be a bad boy now?” you said sternly.
He chuckled lowly and grinned at you, with those ridiculously cute dimples. He did not usually submit to you completely and he enjoyed teasing you, but now, he was in for it.
Leaning in quickly you initiated the kiss and when he finally groaned and let your tongue in you began roughly grinding on him. He had been holding onto your ass the whole time and when he tried to stop your harsh movements on his lap you stopped and stood up.
Namjoon no longer looked sleepy but his hair was messy and his glasses askew.
“Still gonna be a bad boy, huh?”
He grinned again and took off his glasses. You cleared your throat and crossed your arms. You thought for a second then pulled him by the hand; he quickly got up and let you lead to him to your bedroom.
“Ok,” you headed towards the closet. “Strip to your underwear while I get changed.”
“Um…Y/N” you turned around. “I’m not wearing underwear…”
You looked at his sweatpants then back to him with a big smile, probably a creepy one. “Ooh I have a good idea then.”
Namjoon was not smiling now. Whenever you had a “good idea” he was usually edged for half an hour or more. After digging around a little you found what you wanted, for both of you. You threw him some tight black briefs and went to the bathroom to change.
When you came back Namjoon was awkwardly playing with the briefs as he normally wore boxers. He looked up at you and gasped. The fact that he admired you so much made you smile. You were wearing a pink lingerie set that had some flowy see thru fabric in the middle and lacy panties. You also wore some white thigh highs. Altogether, you looked very soft. He started walking towards you but you stopped him by motioning with your hand and frowning.
“You forgot that you were bad, didn’t you?”
Sticking out his lip, “Well what are you gonna do about it now, Y/N?”
Putting your hands on your hips, “Lay down on the bed.”
After he did, you quickly tied all four of his limbs tightly to the bed posts. He grinned at you as if to say, we normally do this, how is this punishment?
Straddling him, you hovered over him, not touching him at all. You leaned very close to him, centimeters from touching and leaned in as if to kiss him, but then pulled back at the last second. You got up and almost ran to your ~interesting~ drawer. Grabbing several things, you came back.
You turned on the new toy you had bought and not told Namjoon about. His eyes widened, “What…” It was a big vibrator, about the same size as his dick. You stuck it in his very tight briefs and he winced because he already had a semi hard on. Sitting where he had a good view of you, you began touching yourself and grabbing your breasts. You saw the way he was looking at you and smiled at him. Rubbing your clit slowly you also decided to remove your bra. You also made unnecessary noises because you knew how that affected your boyfriend.
He strained against his bonds but it made the vibrator move more; he groans and bites his lip.
“I can’t take much more, Y/N…” his breathing is getting hard.
“Are you going to be good now?” he nods. “We’ll see I guess.”
He makes a small whiny noise and thrusts his hips a little. You remove the vibrator and turn it off. Namjoon sighs in relief, but not for long as you remover your panties and grind on his clothed hard on.
“Ah!” he was basically screaming your name now. Not much later he came in his briefs, moaning your name.
“Tsk, tsk. I did not give you permission to come, Namjoon.”
He closes his eyes and bites his lip very hard as you are still grinding on him.
Getting off and taking off his soiled briefs, “You can make up for this though.” He raises his eyebrows at you.
“Let me ride your face.”
Gulping, he nods eagerly.
You waste no time and he is quickly licking in between your folds and you begin the same grinding motions on his face. Holding onto the headboard you moan for real now. When you are getting close you quickly remove yourself and look down at the gorgeous sweaty mess that is Namjoon.
You whisper in his ear, “My lovely boy, do you want to make me come with your cock?” then bite his earlobe.
“Yes, oh yes, Y/N” desperately, “I’ll be good now!”
You move back down, then grab his sensitive cock and pump it several times, causing him to gasp for air and slightly strain against his bonds again though he knows that’s futile. Slowly you line him up with your entrance then also slowly let him enter you. Leaning forward a bit you grab him by the shoulders adjusting to him inside you.
By this time, you are both needy and close so you speed up your pace and soon both of you are moaning and cussing. You dig your fingernails into his shoulders but then move your hands to his chest. The sound of slapping skin fills the room.
“Oh fuck baby boy,” you moan. “Ready to come for me?”
“Ah yes!”
First swirling yourself on top of him and earning a beautiful moan from Namjoon, you then go harder and faster until you feel his warm cum inside you. You ride out his high while coming.
After untying him you just lay on top of him, both of you sweaty, heavy breathing messes. He wraps his arms around you and sighs contentedly.
“Thank you for the wonderful break, Y/N.”
Snorting in irritation, “That was punishment you bad boy!”
“Your punishment is always the best, babe.”
“Hmph, okay.”
Chuckling again he skooches you up so he can kiss you.
“Let’s go take a bath.” After a few moments of him whining that he’s tired you convince him that you guys need to wash up a bit.
After a quick shower, you both get back in bed and fall asleep all cozy to the sound of the rain that is still falling hard.
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dollystuartwrites · 2 years
7&ME - Chapter 2 - Introduction
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Pairing: OT7 x F!Reader
Genre: fluff, smut, idol AU, straight, bisexual, gay, threesome
Wordcount: 1123
Chapters: [1] - [2] - [3] - [4] - [5] - [6] - [7] - [8] - [9] - [10] [11] - [12] - [13] - [14] - [15] - [16] - [17] - [18] - [19] - [20]   [21] - [22] - [23] - [24] - [25] - [26] - [27] - [28] - [29] - [30] MASTERLIST Wanna read all the chapters right now? You can find the complete story for free on WATTPAD
Summary: Miracles do happen! Somehow you've finally managed to secure a job at a big company! Even though it'll be a 24/7 job, they promised you a fat paycheck, so you don't care what the job is... But what if the job is managing 7 grown men? Seven men who all have needs...
Warnings: swearing, unprotected sex, vaginal penetration, fingering, size kink, oral (f&m receiving), dirty talk, gay sex, threesome sex, bisexual sex, implied masturbation, this is super vanilla compared to most of my stories, let me know what I missed.
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Y O U R    P E R S P E C T I V E
The boys had sat me down on their couch in what I assumed was their living room. It was a massive space with 3 large couches in a U form, a big table with 8 chairs, an adjacent kitchen, and even a beautiful grand piano next to the big windows that reached from floor to ceiling. 
Although the apartment was beautifully decorated and luxurious, it was extremely messy too. There were empty chips bags, bottles, and cans spread around the room. The floor was scattered with pillows, newspapers, comic books, and books. 
Clearly, they needed a housekeeper.
I got a sinking feeling about what my job here would be...
'Welcome y/n, to our humble abode,' the tallest man said, waving his arm around to show off the room. 'I hope you didn't have too much of a hard time getting here?' he asked.
'Not at all, not at all,' I said nervously, bowing to them. It made me feel uncomfortable that I was sitting down and they were standing in front of me. I felt like an animal in the zoo. Or even more like a dog in a dog show that was being examined by the judges. 
'Would you like something to drink?' the tall man asked me politely.
'No thank you, I'm well. Thank you,' I said politely while fiddling with the end of my sleeve.
It was silent for a few seconds, during which all of them just stared at me and I tried desperately to think of something to say.
'Well then,' the tall men finally broke the silence. 'You must've been quite confused, not knowing who you'd work for or what your job would actually be. Sorry about that,' he said, rubbing his neck and grimacing.
'No, that's okay, I understand,' I said hastily.
'You see, we have to keep everything on the down-low. It's really hard to find the right staff members, especially if they know they're going to be working for us,' he explained.
'I understand,' I said nodding.
It was silent again for a few seconds.
'You're... You're BTS right?' I blurted out. 
The members chuckled and nodded, some huffed and looked at each other in surprise.
'We certainly are,' the tall man laughed. 
'Right... Right...' I nodded. 'I'm not that familiar with the K-pop world, to be honest. But I had some former co-workers who used to be a fan of yours,' I said awkwardly.
'Used to?' The smallest man said, raising his eyebrows. 'They're not anymore?' He folded his arms disapprovingly.
'What? Oh no, she probably still is. It's just I don't keep in touch with her anymore, so I don't know. But she probably still is,' I added quickly.
'So, if you're not that familiar with K-pop, you probably don't know our names, right?' the tall man asked.
'I do know one!' I said excitedly. 
'I know Taehyung!' I pointed out the man who was standing with his arms across his chest, his expression quite blank. 'I mean V, I mean Mr, Kim,' I quickly corrected myself, feeling my cheeks heat up slightly.
A funny square-looking smile appeared on Taehyung's face and he pointed at himself in disbelief. 
'I've seen him in Hwarang: The Poet Warrior Youth...' I mumbled, feeling my face getting even hotter.
Taehyung high-fived the man next to him, laughing.
'Well, since you don't know our names, we should properly introduce ourselves. My name is Kim Namjoon. Also known as RM, and the leader of the group,' the tallest man introduced himself.
'Nice to meet you,' I bowed.
'My name is Kim Seokjin, or Jin, or worldwide handsome,' he said blowing a kiss and winking enthusiastically. 
I tried my best to keep a straight face while I greeted him.
One of the other members stepped forwards and smiled at me broadly. 
'I'm your hope, you're my hope, I'm J-Hope, but my real name is Jung Hoseok,' he said. His face was so bright and happy, it almost seemed to radiate light.
I greeted him happily, feeling a little more comfortable already. 
'Hello, my name is Kim Taehyung or V, and I'm a good boy, but you already knew that,' he said grinning wide and waving at me with both hands.
I grinned back at him and bowed.
 'Hi, I'm Park Jimin,' the smallest of the group said, waving happily at me as well.
'My name is Jeon Jeongguk or Jungkook,' The man with the eye-brow piercing said, smiling broadly at me.
'Hello, I'm Min Yoongi or Suga,' the man with the kind round face waved calmly at me. 
'So very nice to meet you all,' I said politely, bowing again. 
'Now that you know our names, you're probably dying to know what job here is,' Namjoon said informally. I was a little surprised by his change of speaking, but I didn't mind it too much and I wouldn't dream of saying anything of it. 
'I would like to know, yes please,' I said, still speaking formally.
'You can relax and speak informally to us,' Namjoom said smiling.
I smiled back and nodded, feeling slightly awkward as I didn't know them that well. 
'Well, as you can see, the house is a mess.' Namjoon sighed. 'We need some help with the cleaning and such. We're all very busy, so we don't always have the time ourselves. In the past, we tried to reprimand each other when we were being messy, but that only created tension and problems in the group,' Namjoon explained. The rest of the group nodded grimly in agreement. 'We need someone to reprimand us without it creating conflict in the group,' Namjoon said. 
'I understand,' I nodded. 
'Besides that, we need someone to help us keep to our schedule. Wake us up when our alarm doesn't go off,' Namjoon said looking at Yoongi. 
'Or when we spend too much time picking our outfits or in the bathroom,' he said, eyeing Hoseok and Jimin.
'There's more but that will probably reveal itself while you're working. Basically, we need you to be our nanny, housekeeper, manager, therapist, and personal assistant all in one,' Namjoon laughed.
'Not that we're asking a lot of you,' Yoongi said sarcastically.
I laughed nervously. I very much doubted whether I could fulfill all these roles at once, let alone one of them...
'Of course, because we expect so much of you, and need you to be around 24/7, you'll be staying with us in the house,' Namjoon explained.
I swallowed hard. With them... in the house?
I had brought my bag with my stuff because I had been told boarding was included in the job, but I never expected to live at the place I would work. Let alone with seven men...
Seven very handsome men...
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namsfuriousphantom · 1 year
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Love Him Not - Chapter 1: Mr. Kim (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1241282321-love-him-not-chapter-1-mr-kim?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Maxcarnilius&wp_originator=vdb5yVUvM357KGQnWLkZZ7HrEom9p3mrQU5N%2B6K%2BOrqR0LpZBLMWZ1uOC4YlYxRYpd%2BSCRNhkiN8IZKYKaRfZyTgDYiasJ0SLT3gbyNdj%2BowQFWkFk%2BIfxqH3%2FTAiY%2Bs Falling in love with the leader of the most ruthless gang in Seoul was not her plan. Marrying a cold blooded killer was never on her mind. Being hunted...was never on her list. But she was on his. Janet Booker was a humble cafe owner before she met Kim Namjoon, the richest man in the city. He made her feel like she was a goddess but one day she discovers a terrible secret he works hard to keep from her. He'll do everything in his power to keep her. Even if that means turning out the lights.
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BTS fanfiction
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sm-entertain-me · 5 years
Stressed Out (M)
Requested by @weirdest-who:  Hiii! Would you please make a story of a stressed rm comes back home after a long day and catches you masturbating so he has to punish you? Please with rough sex, cum play, marking, degradation, squirt and a bit of ddlg? Thank you so much 💜😊
Contains: Kim Namjoon x (f) reader, adult language, sexual themes, smut, rough sex, cum play, marking/marking kink, degradation
Synopsis: Why would you touch yourself knowing that your boyfriend would be home at any minute? Perhaps you wanted to be caught? 
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Sweat coated your pristine forehead as your knuckles grew white from gripping the sheets tightly in your fist, crying out in pleasure as the sounds of your own arousal sounded throughout the empty house you had all to yourself. Namjoon told you he was probably going to be late tonight because of something that happened with the sound equipment at Bighit. You didn’t really mind since you were more than capable of taking care of yourself, and it had been a while since you had the house to yourself. Usually you would be so good and promise Namjoon that you wouldn’t touch yourself so that he could come home to you and fill your tight walls up with his cock. But the fact that he’s two hours later than he usually is caused you to lay yourself down on the bed and finish the job yourself.
You pushed your finger deeper inside of your pulsating walls, throwing your red hand over your mouth to bite down on something to keep your moans down since you had a habit of being too loud for the neighbors. “Jesus,” You mumbled as you pushed even further, taking your thumb and circling the sensitive bud that ached wildly for some stimulation. The wetness that was once inside of you was now coating your digits as you continued to see how much further you could go before you crashed, flicking your clit harshly to find that release. Images of Namjoon’s pretty pink cock danced in your head as you imagined him standing over you, watching you touch yourself as he pumped himself into his hand, the precum just oozing out onto his palm as he would spread it evenly over his length. 
“Namjoon! Mmf, ahh!” You cried out as the image was the thing that sent you tumbling over the edge, arching your back from the mattress as you gave into your desires, curses flowing from your mouth to emphasize the harshness of the orgasm you just felt. Your legs became like jelly as you sat on the bed, huffing intensely as the pulsing from your swollen lips never subsided. As you lay there, completely fucked out of your mind from simply fingering yourself, you felt the air around you change. It became more tense as you raised your head, coming eye to eye with a very angry Namjoon whose nostrils were currently flaring at the sight of your fingers coated in your essence, the flushed appearance of your cheeks, and the pool of wetness below your screaming heat. Uh oh.
“You fucking slut. You couldn’t wait ten more minutes until I got home? Of course not, you only think of yourself,” Namjoon scolded loudly as he threw his practice bag on the ground, his eyes holding an intense anger you had only seen a handful of times. You tried your best to avert your eyes, not wanting to look at him for much longer since you knew you were in the wrong and could only hang your head in shame, pushing yourself off of the mattress into a sitting position and grabbing the covers to cover your modesty in front of your boyfriend’s intimidating gaze. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? Get over here,” Namjoon growled, standing tall in the same spot he was in, watching you push the covers down and get off the bed to do as he said. Your punishment would only be worse if you didn’t obey.
Slowly, you made your way over to Namjoon and stood in front of him, still hanging your head as you looked down at your still soaked thighs from your orgasm. You felt Namjoon’s glare sharpen as he grabbed your waist harshly, hard enough to leave tiny crescents into your perfect skin as he pulled you closer, immediately running his hand in between your bodies and slipping to your aching core. Namjoon tsked at how wet you still were, pushing his digits into you to get a feel for how well you “took care” of yourself without him being there, something you promised you wouldn’t do while he was at work, “I asked you one fucking thing, not to touch yourself until I got home. All I asked. And you were too selfish to do that for me. Were you really that helpless that your couldn’t wait until daddy got home? Huh? Answer me!” The anger in his words scared you as you parted your lips to let out the most humiliating pitch, “N-No. I couldn’t wait. I’m sorry.” Namjoon plunged his fingers even deeper as he took his free hand and gripped the bottom of your chin to force you to look at him, your cheeks scrunching together from the tightness, “Oh, you will be. I’ll make sure of that.”
It didn’t take long for Namjoon to force you over to the bed where he stripped out of his clothes in record time, already hard from the sight of you being half naked and wet for him. He smirked as he crawled on the bed with you, taking your hands and tying them to each of the bed posts to make sure you couldn’t move, a very common punishment in this household. It was Namjoon’s favorite thing to do to you: tying you up. He loved the way you squirmed underneath him whenever he touched you in just the right spots, only this time he wouldn’t be so nice. The ropes were tight around your wrists as you looked up at him with worried eyes, only to be comforted with a small kiss to the tip of your nose before he responded to your look of concern, “Don’t worry baby, you won’t have to go through this again if you listen to me next time.”
Once your restraints were in place, Namjoon settled himself in between your legs, grabbing each of your luscious thighs in his hands and pushing them apart, revealing your pink pussy that still had your arousal dripping down from your folds. He licked his lips as he immediately dove into you, flattening his tongue against your clit and feeling the way it pulsed against him. Whimpers fell from your lips as you tried to pull your hips away due to the oversensitivity, but Namjoon wrapped his arm underneath your back and pushed your hips against his mouth, his nose pressed tightly against your skin. He began to kitten lick your clit, your protests falling on deaf ears as he pushed deeper to allow for more force on your pulsing clit. “Na-Namjoon please,” You cried out as you began to thrash in your restraints, feeling an orgasm building up inside of you. You would try to suppress it because once you came, he would only continue to abuse you until you’re shaking in his grasp. He was very keen on overstimulation.
Of course, your orgasm came right after your pleads, you arching your back into Namjoon’s mouth. You screamed profanities to the ceiling above as your eyebrows knitted tightly together, your mouth hanging open to let out a plethora of moans to show how hard your orgasm hit you. Surprisingly, you no longer felt Namjoon’s mouth on your clit, which is something that never happens during punishments. It wasn’t like him to stop pleasing you whenever you broke because he was the type that would force you into at least two more orgasms. But the sensation of his tongue on your clit never returned as you instead felt his hands on your wrists, loosening your restraints. Perhaps he was showing mercy for once. Or perhaps he was only untying you so he could throw you onto your stomach and lift your ass high in the air, ready to be taken by him.
Namjoon held your ass in the air and gave you a harsh slap, causing your legs to give out from both the force and the fact that your legs were already weakened from your second orgasm. His hands found purchase on the strands of your hair as he yanked you backwards, moving you into the position he wanted you in again since he was far from down with you. “Did I say you could lay down? I guess sluts like you can never fucking listen, yeah? I’ll teach you to listen,” Namjoon threatened as he spread your cheeks to put your pussy on display for him, sliding into you without warning to hear you cry out from the painful stretch and the throbbing sensation from your swollen clit. He snapped his hips harshly into you as he gripped your hips to keep you in place, throwing himself completely into you. You groaned out from the depth he was achieving from holding your hips in place, tears threatening to fall from your eyes and stain the sheets underneath you. But Namjoon wouldn’t like that, so you continued to take it like the slut you are.
“I’m surprised at how well you’re taking me,” Namjoon grunted in sync with his harsh thrusts, digging his nails into your flesh from him getting carried away. “Maybe this will teach you to not disobey me.” The only reason you were taking him so well was because he was forcing your head into the pillow, muffling all of your screams and moans with the feathery down pillows. You wanted nothing more than to scream out from the intense pleasure building inside of you to show how close you were to your third orgasm, but that would only egg Namjoon on. And you knew that if you reached your orgasm before Namjoon, he would force you through a fourth one that would be equally as painful as the one growing inside of you right now. Your thoughts were interrupted with Namjoon pulling himself out of you to relieve you of the harsh fucking he inflicted on your swollen walls, grabbing your shoulders and flipping you around to look at him.
He towered over you with a smirk as he pumped himself harshly, throwing himself into his hand as he admired the look of your face. Cheeks red, lips swollen from having to bite down on them to suppress the moans, tears pricking your eyes from the pain of his huge length abusing your walls. Everything about the look of your face made him satisfied in his lessons, teaching you to be more obedient and patient whenever he was gone at work for so long. You were so fucked out that you didn’t even know what was going on until you saw Namjoon’s eyebrows knit together, his jaw flexed to show he had just released but not in the usual place. Usually he would cum inside of you without hesitation, but he decided to use your stomach and glistening folds as the appropriate place to receive his cum. 
The warmth on your stomach was sort of relaxing as you watched the way Namjoon pressed his cock into the pool of his arousal, pushing it all around your stomach to spread the warmth and relish the feeling of your skin being coated in his cum. You took your hand to collect the amount on your pussy, thinking it was okay to slide it inside of your pussy until Namjoon swatted your hand away. “Only good girls get to have my cum inside of them. Filthy little girls like you get my cum on everything else. I should’ve cum on your face to show how much of a cum dump you are,” Namjoon grunted down at you as he took the cum on your pussy with his fingers and brought them to your mouth. 
You looked up at him with innocent eyes as he pressed his finger on your lips, silently ordering to clean his fingers for him. He wouldn’t give you as choice as he parted your lips for him, you taking your tongue and running it all over his lengthy fingers to taste his salty yet sweet cum, letting the sinful liquid run down your throat as you swallowed. Namjoon sighed at the sight of you sucking on his fingers as he pulled his now clean fingers from your mouth, wiping the saliva on the sheets next to him. He looked down at you with much kinder eyes this time as he ran his thumb over your cheek, “I’m sorry baby. I just had a really long day at work. I was already in a bad mood and when I came home to you breaking the promise, I just saw red. I’m sorry I got so rough.” You smiled lightly at him, enjoying how gentle he became right after fucking you into the mattress for a solid fifteen minutes, “It’s okay. I kind of wanted you to catch me."
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solastia · 7 years
Faith | 1
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Chapters:  [1] [2] [3] [4]
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 3,280
Genre: Smut, fluff, will probably be some angst, but will always end up with a happy ending because that’s just how I roll.  
Notes: It’s a little-known fact that both of my brothers are hardcore rappers. Like, they have mixtapes and go to rap battles and have fans lol. I was attending one of their battles today to show support when this idea came to me. 
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You were a good sister.
You weren’t going to leave before your brother even got to the stage.
You MIGHT get kicked out before then though, you thought to yourself, glaring as another random hand smacked your ass as they walked past you. 
You decided it was time to find a seat, preferably against a wall, and scanned the venue. The place was absolutely packed; the smell of weed, sweat, and God knows what else overpowering your senses. This was one of the biggest rap battles in the area, and yet they always booked places that were way too small to hold it in. Finally, you spotted a small booth in the very back, somehow free of people, and you make your way through the clouds of smoke and wandering hands. You crumble into the seat with a sigh of contentment. Perhaps your poor ass won’t bruise now.
You pull out your phone, prepared to entertain yourself until your brother was on stage. It wasn’t that you didn’t like the music or the scene. It was just tough to be interested when every other rapper was up there talking about boning each other's Mom’s and getting high. Your brother had his moments where he would say stuff not much better, but most of the time you enjoyed his lyrics. Unfortunately, this was a rap battle so you wouldn’t get to hear his better stuff. These were mostly just talking shit about each other to music.
“Excuse me, you mind if I sit here?” a deep voice rumbles near your ear.
You look up to find an incredibly handsome, and very tall, guy looking down at you, dimples on full display. He was dressed in all black. From the black skinny jeans that encased his long legs, to his black snapback on top of his bleached blonde hair. You must have been staring too long, because he gestured to the seat again, probably thinking you hadn’t heard him.
“Oh, uh, yeah. Go ahead.” You mumbled, blushing with embarrassment.
Don’t act weird, be cool.
“Sorry. Normally I wouldn’t poach on some random person’s table like this, but there is, like, literally no other spot open. This place is packed tonight!” He chuckles, looking around the building, before turning back to you.
“Although,” he says, pointing at your phone, “It doesn’t look much like you’re into this much.”
“Well, I’m mostly just here because my brother’s going to be battling. I still keep an ear out, in case someone says something interesting. Usually though, once you’ve heard one song about Mom’s, sisters, and cars, you’ve heard them all. I think one time there was even a Llama involved.” You shrug, setting your phone down and turning to Dimples (Since he still had yet to tell you his name).
“A Llama? Wait, don’t tell me. I don’t want to know.” He laughs, the sound giving you goosebumps. Usually, you didn’t pay much attention to the guys that hung around these events, but this one had you feeling all types of ways.
“I’m Namjoon, by the way.” He reaches his hand out, and you grasp it in a firm shake, hoping you weren’t sweating and obvious.
“I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.” You managed (somehow) to sound confident and relaxed. This was going well.
“Are you going to be performing?” You ask, curious if he’s just a fan or a rapper himself.
“Not this time. I don’t mind battling my friends, but I prefer solo stage. Like, I don’t mind watching these, I just like my raps to have meaning. Not me standing there dissing some dude’s face. And I promise I have never written any lyrics about Llamas.” He smiles over at you, making you giggle.
“And your stage name is?”
“Well, it’s uh…” he pauses for a minute, rubbing the back of his neck. He apparently thought you were going to judge the hell out of his name. You probably were, you weren’t going to kid yourself, but you wouldn’t say anything to his face.
“It’s Rap monster.”
“Huh. Well, it’s not the worst I’ve heard. Remember Llama guy? His name was MC McGriddle. I convinced him that it would be in his best interests to change his name. He finally did. Now he’s Hilbo Haggins. I don’t think he understands the concept of copyrights.” You smiled over at him.
Even the way he laughs is adorable. Shoulders shaking, throwing his body around. Both dimples showing.
Damn, this guy is fucking cute.
The waitress finally came around to collect orders, and you both decided it would be fun to get shitfaced together, and ordered three beers and five shots each. Go big or go home.  You both spent the rest of the two-hour show drinking, making fun of the horrible rappers, and getting to know each other. You could barely remember you had a brother, let alone if you’d seen his performance. Suddenly, every light on the venue is turned on, and they are calling for everyone to clear out. As you stand up to leave, you realize that you might be a bit drunker than you’d thought you were as you struggle to keep yourself upright. Namjoon grabs your shoulder and puts his other hand on your back to help steady you.
“Whoa, we’re a little wobbly, yeah? You cool?” He murmurs in your ear, as you try to pull yourself together. You shrug him off and stand up straight.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just drunk off my ass is all. You’re not much better there, handsome.”
He had just finished throwing his snapback back on his head and was struggling to put his jacket back on when he paused.
“You think I’m handsome?” He smirked at you, and you could feel yourself blush.  
“Uh, I mean. You’re alright I guess. Beer goggles.” You panic, reaching for your purse and getting ready to leave.
“Hey, uh, I could, like, walk you home? I mean, if you’re not already leaving with your brother?” Namjoon stuttered and surprised you when you saw a blush form on his own face. He really was too fucking cute.
“No, he probably already left with some girl to go to his place. I wouldn’t want to burden you, but I’d appreciate it.”
Namjoon smiled widely. “Well, after you.” He gestures to the doors, and the two of you walk out into the chilly night air.
The silence was driving you crazy. You knew that it was most likely that the two of you were way too drunk to really focus, but it was already so quiet out. You shuffled along, occasionally kicking a rock or sneaking a glance over at Namjoon. He’d caught you looking a couple times, and responded with nothing more than a tight smile. You huffed and berated yourself for being so damn awkward. You were almost home, but you didn’t really want the night to end yet.
Think of something to say already!
Suddenly, you hear what could only be his stomach rumbling, and you have an idea.
“You know whats great after a night of drinking?” You smirk over at him, laughing internally at his suspicious look.
“What’s that?” He drawled, looking down at your mouth, before meeting your eyes again.
Oh ho, I know what you’re thinking about, big boy.
“TACOS!” You declare, finger to the sky, and he laughs.
“That actually sounds great, but there are no Mexican food places open this late, and I have maybe $4.” He sighs, sounding so forlorn.
“Perhaps not real tacos, but Monster tacos from Jack in the box are a drunk person’s best friend. There’s one right around the corner here. And some drunk guy thought I was a waitress earlier, and slipped me a $15 tip. I’ll be your Sugar Mama today.” You chuckle and wrap your arm through his, as he smiles down at you.
The restaurant was packed with other drunks from the battle which all had the same idea, so you decided to get your stuff to go. Your apartment was only another three minutes from the restaurant, so you told Namjoon to just join you at your place, instead of fighting for seating for the second time tonight. He’d seemed hesitant, but ultimately agreed, and now you found yourselves on your couch, back to the awkwardness. You sighed internally, wishing you were suaver.
You handed Namjoon the remote control, telling him to find something to watch, as you divvied out the food. He flicked through a few channels before leaving it on a documentary, and the both of you focused on your tacos.
“You know, I tried to eat one of these sober once. Worse thing I’d ever eaten. But for some reason, when I’m drinking, it’s the food of the God’s.” You joke, trying to ease the tension. You’re relieved when he laughs.
“Actually, it’s not that great when I’m drunk either.” He says around a mouthful, and you giggle, trying to cover your face when you snort.
“Did you just snort? Ah, just when I think you can’t get any cuter.” He leans back, having finished his food, and takes a drink before smiling at you.
“Shut up.” You laugh, tapping his shoulder.
“OW!” He rubs his shoulder in mock pain. “I know you’re my Sugar Mama, but I’m, like, not really into the pain and Sub stuff.”
You roll your eyes. “That’s not a Sugar mama. That’s a Mommy dom. Or Femdom, or whatever.”
“You seem well informed. Is that what you’re into?” He’s laughing but leaning a little too close for comfort.
“Actually, I know close to nothing about all that. Just bits of what I’ve read or heard from someone. I just know that a sugar mama is not the same. Sugar mama just implies the exchange of money and or goods for services.”
“Is that your way of hinting you require my services?” He was suddenly in your face, and you could feel the rumble of his voice vibrating on your skin.  
“Are you saying your services can be bought for tacos? Because, boy, you need to work on your business strategy if that’s the case.”
“Only for you.” He smiles, both dimples on display, and your last clear thought is that you really want to poke them. His lips are suddenly on yours, startling you, but you soon lose yourself into the kiss as his plush lips work their magic.
You know in the back of your mind that you’re both still feeling the effects of the alcohol, and could be potentially making a dumb choice right now, but the moment he picks you up and settles you on his lap, you don’t care. You wrap your legs around his waist and rip off his snapback so you can thread your hands through his hair, tugging gently. He’s moving too slow and gentle like he’s afraid of breaking you, and you want MORE. You bite his bottom lip, something you’ve wanted to do since you met him, and he tightens his hold with a growl. Deciding enough was enough, you grind yourself down into the very hard bulge beneath you. He hisses and grabs your hips, moving his lips from yours to move down your neck,  sucking and biting enough that you were sure there was going to be a mark. His big hands clench your hips tightly, rocking your hips hard into his erection. You look down and see you’re so wet you’ve left a huge wet spot on his jeans.
“Bedroom, baby.” He groans quietly, lifting you up and following the direction you point him in. He kicks open the door and tosses you on the bed, before standing back and starting to rip off his clothes almost desperately. You follow suit, and you’re both soon naked as can be and staring at each other, unashamed.
“Fuck, you’re perfect,” he whispers, his eyes roaming up and down your body. You usually would have been shy in this situation, but something, either the alcohol or the fact that he was looking at you like you were a Goddess, was giving you courage. It also probably helped that you could see how much he wanted you. His cock was already rock hard and dripping with precum, and as his eyes reached your mound, you saw it twitch.
You’re sitting on the edge of the bed, so he drops to his knees in front of you, and you’re face to face. He kisses you once, almost reverently, before making his way down to your breasts. He licks and nips at them, eyes always on you to see your reactions. You swear you could cum just from the intense way he was looking at you.
“Joon, please…” You whine, desperate for more. God, it had been so long since you’d last been with someone. Maybe that was it. You don’t know what it is, you just know that you couldn’t remember ever being this turned on.
He releases your nipple with a lewd pop and trails his fingers down your stomach until he reaches where you want him most.
“I got you,” he says softly, his fingers playing with your folds, flicking your clit lightly, moving like he’s trying to get to know you.
“Damn, you are so wet. Is this all for me?” He grins, rubbing his large finger around your entrance until it’s wet, then slowly entering you. You buck against his hand, grateful to finally have some relief. He pumps his finger slowly, leaning down suck your clit into his mouth softly. You were going to die if he went any slower.
You pull his face up to yours by his hair. “Namjoon, I’m not going to break. Fuck me.”
His dark eyes narrow, and with a smirk, he pulls his finger from you and licks it clean as you watch, blushing. He gets up and fumbles around his clothes, mumbling “Condom. Condom. I know I have one.” He pulls out his wallet, and with a victorious grin, he pulls out a packet. He looks at it closely, turning it back and forth.
“Are you seriously reading the instructions or something?” You groan from the bed.
“No, I’m trying to see if this thing has an expiration date. I honestly don’t remember how long this has been in there.” he smiles apologetically at you, and you can feel yourself soften even more. It seemed you were both recovering from a drought.
“I think they are good for like three years.” You mention helpfully. Anything to get him back to you faster.
“Huh.” he nods, ripping the packet open, and he started to put it on when you stop him.
“Allow me.” You wink and grab the condom in one hand and the base of his cock in the other. You jerk him a couple times to make sure he’s hard enough, pleased when you hear him gasp and buck into your hand, then place the condom on the tip of his cock and roll it down with your mouth. Namjoon throws his head back, groaning, his hand lightly caressing your hair as you suck him. You bob up and down sloppily, twisting with one hand while hollowing your cheeks as you pull up. You pull your hands away and look up at him, and he takes the hint. He fucks your mouth, his hands cradling both sides of your face. Tears are running down your face, but you love how great you’re making him feel, all of his sounds just making you wetter. He pulls out completely, letting you gasp for air, before plunging back inside. His cock hits the back of your throat, and you swallow.
“FUCK. This feels too good. I need to be in you right fucking now.” He pulls out of your mouth with a pop, wiping your tears as he carries you back to the bed.
“Hands and knees, baby.” You flip yourself over to do as he asks, and he groans as he kneads your ass. Giving it one light tap, he finally enters you, slowly.
“You are so tight. I’m worried I’m not going to last long,” he mutters as he starts to thrust. You are pretty sure you’re not going to last either because you’d barely started and you could feel your orgasm building up. You could hear how wet you were, every thrust creating an embarrassing squelching sound. He speeds up, his hips slamming you into the mattress, and the room is filled with the sounds of skin on skin. You can’t even think anymore, the only sounds you’re capable of making are whining and grunting his name. Namjoon leans across your back to kiss and suck on your neck, one of his hands reaching under you to rub your clit. 
“You feel so amazing. You’re so tight and wet. And you sound so hot. Am I making you feel good?”
“Yes! Please, I’m so close!” You moan loudly, thrusting your hips to meet his.
“Oh god, baby, I’m going to cum soon. I can’t hold off anymore. Cum with me.” He whispers in your ear, biting the lobe, and you let go, screaming his name into the mattress. He thrusts hard three more times and cums with a loud, guttural groan into your neck. You both stay like that, breathing heavily and Namjoon strokes your back. After a minute, he finally pulls out, throwing the condom in a nearby wastebasket, before coming back to you and pulling you close to his chest.
It’s quiet as you both catch your breath. You can hear Namjoon’s heartbeat slowing down as you lay on his chest. As you calm down, your brain starts to work again, and you realize what you’ve actually done. You just slept with some guy that you just met. Granted, he was gorgeous, and you don’t think anyone would blame you, but still. You didn’t do that kind of stuff. And now here he was, completely fucked out in your bed, probably thinking this was the easiest lay of his life. You were so upset with yourself.
“I can hear you overthinking.” He chuckles into your hair. He leans back and tilts your chin up, forcing you to meet his eyes.
“So what’s it going to be? Am I staying the night or do you want me to leave?”
You look at him shyly, and bury your face into his chest, mumbling, “Stay…please.”
“Good, because we obviously really like each other, and I wasn’t ready to leave. Give me twenty minutes to rehydrate, and we’re going for round two.”
“I’ll never survive!” You squeak out, as he laughs and picks you up, carrying you to the kitchen.
You watch as he makes himself at home in your kitchen, making sandwiches for the two of you. You wonder what you’ve gotten yourself into. Someone so seemingly perfect was too good to be true, right? How could you be so comfortable with someone you’d known for mere hours?
Three hours and three more earth-shattering orgasms later, you’re both exhausted. Namjoon slips off to sleep, snoring loud enough to wake the neighbors. You watch the rise and fall of his chest, letting your mind ponder the situation you’ve found yourself in as you drift off to sleep. The only conclusion your exhausted mind can reach is faith. It’s time to let yourself believe in someone. You’re probably an idiot for it, but you’re going to put your faith in this man named Namjoon.
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(Fun fact: MC McGriddle was a real rapper I know. He changes his name probably twice a year)
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softheartae · 4 years
Iron and Salt by pikachoi | 122K
Being a vampire and unable to drink human blood served to make Jimin’s life difficult, made worse that he could only stomach the blood of other vampires. Something taboo and forbidden in the vampire society. But Jimin is not a normal vampire and he’s never been apart of this society. Now barely getting by, Jimin starts university to finally gain some normalcy in his life, where he’s soon tangled up with the biggest asshole he’s ever met.
Getting himself mixed up with said asshole just so happens to be the heir of the vampire empire, which unintentionally brings to light dark revelations from Jimin’s past and groundbreaking discoveries that could shake the vampire world entirely.
this story is actually INSANE and as the tags say its a huge plot compared to an average vamp story but it was well written in the sense that the author built up tensions and scenarios so u could FEEL something was wrong genuinely a rollercoaster of emotions 10/10 for the thrill factor
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