#SoftBunny Oc Eleanor
warm-like-autumn · 2 years
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The way Eleanor Rigby and Gwen met was rather awkward. Gwen came as a new student at the beginning of Sophomore year, and wanted to join the Decathlon team.Mj initially wanted to suggest to Peter to give her a tour of the school, but since he left the meet up early, Eleanor had to give Gwen the tour.
                 Eleanor noticed that Gwen was tired and confused, which made him more eager to be friendly to her, to show her that Midtown High was a welcoming place, just like how Peter had shown him.After the tour was over, the two hadn't talked for a week, even if they did want to know each other more, especially Gwen, who noticed Eleanor’s doodles on the sketchbook he always carried with him, but she was afraid to talk, as everyone whom she thought was a friend to her only talked to her to either gossip or out of pity.
                   It was only a rainy day that gave them the chance of a new friendship once again.Both of them were going to the comic book store, but Gwen didn’t have an umbrella with her and Eleanor noticed that, so he let Gwen sit under his umbrella. On their way there, Gwen asked him what were his favourite comics, and Eleanor answered joyfully, since talking about heroes, their stories and the art of comic books was his favourite topic.Gwen was further fascinated by Eleanor, since at first glance he was a shy person, but given the chance to talk, the opportunity of friendship, one could discover a creative and idealistic person.At the comic book store, Gwen also told Eleanor she’s an artist, and a huge fan of animes and cartoons, as they have influenced her art style. Eleanor’s eyes sparkled, suggesting that they could meet up at a caffe to draw one day.And so they talked for hours, and hours and hours.
                   As time went on, the two would start hanging out together more and more. Eleanor felt that whenever he talked to Gwen, his day brightened up, her joy, her passion about her favourite subjects, her rambles about her favourite early 2000s emo bands inspired him.While he also would often hang out with Peter, Ned and Mj, their friendship giving him joy, there was something else about Gwen, something…special.Maybe it was her laughter, or her rebellious attitude, her confidence about the world, her future ,her sense of fashion that made her look like a mix between Barbie and Harley Quinn or how she was a skilled artist and drummer, Gwen being the first person Eleanor showed his electric guitar skills. 
                  “Maybe we could start a band one day, but we would still need a singer” the two of them would often think.Gwen was courageous, defending Eleanor whenever someone would try and mock him or leading people to safety whenever danger would ensure and Spider-man hasn't arrived to save the day yet, Eleanor would ask himself sometimes if Gwen was a superhero like Peter. 
                      Not long after he returned to the blip, it hit him…he was in love with Gwen Stacy.But at the same time he was too afraid to do anything about it, he didn't want to ruin the wonderful friendship they already had,he would wonder anxiously if Gwen would no longer want to be friends with him had he confessed his love to her.
                     But what he didn’t know was that Gwen was in love with him as much as he was in love with her.His kindness, his sparkle wherever he gushed about his favourite subjects, his gracefulness. He reminded her of a prince, or of Howl Jenkins Pendragon.She loved how he romanticised life, how he dreamed with open eyes, his patience whenever she rambled about how annoyed she was whenever her uncle wanted her to be as successful as her cousin, the astronaut, how well he played the electric guitar, his kindness or how well organised he was.
                               Both of them are afraid of what the other would think, were they to confess their love to each other. The best thing they could do was hold onto the amazing friendship that they had, their movie marathons, drawing sessions, their long conversations. Nothing could ruin what they had, it was Eleanor and Gwen against the insanity of the world. 
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warm-like-autumn · 2 years
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Ramona and Jade Rigby never thought their lives would turn out this way.The two of them chose completely regular jobs: Ramona is a journalist, while Jade is a doctor. They promised themselves they would be good mothers, take care of Eleanor, and so they tried.
           And yet something happened in 2010, Ramona had fled to the United States, to interview Tony Stark after his speech.Then, Tony Stark made the grand announcement: He was Iron Man.Everyone went crazy, especially journalists, luckily Ramoana managed to interview Tony and get the most noteworthy information.Her reputation as a reporter skyrocketed.Suddenly she was as busy as ever, reporting every important event, interviews left and right, as after Stark’s announcement more and more crazy stuff kept happening.
               Jade too felt the shift Tony Stark’s announcement had taken on the world.Everyone wanted to play heroes and villains, which caused a lot of casualties,which in result required Jade to spend more hours in the hospital, performing surgeries, making sure people stayed alive.With each person saved, Jade became determined to make sure supervillain attacks stopped takings so many lives.Then… the Dark Elves’ ship came to London,and the rest is not to be mentioned.
                    Both of them were brilliant at what they were doing, because of this, they often travelled to New York, where all the trouble starts.This got them better job opportunities than those they had in London, so they took the tough decision to move there.
                    Eleanor was surprised by this decision, but she couldn't say she was exactly disappointed.While in London Eleanor would visit and revisit the museums, her grandfather’s library and cinemas, she didn't like the school she was going to because of how demanding of perfection the teachers were there.She had initially hoped to go to an arts or language arts school, as art and literature were her favourite things.But she got an opportunity to join The Midtown Highschool of Science and Technology due to her grades and results at science and physics olympics.
                  Eleanor didn’t want to join at first, but her mothers were so proud of her, and it was a good thing to go to a science and technology school, so she could go to a college like MIT in the future, since everyone wanted to be the next Tony Stark.Eleanor thought to herself if she could achieve great things, then why shouldn’t she, so reluctantly, she accepted to go to Midtown High.
                    Now Eleanor realises this was not the worst decision she ever took, since everyone at this school is a nerd, she isn't an outcast anymore, her interests in film, comics and music are appreciated and most important of all, she has finally made friends.Eleanor doesn't need to explore the wonders of the world alone anymore, now she has Peter, Ned, Mj and Gwen by her side.She now knows people who appreciate her and want to spend time with her, who are willing to listen to her rants about her favourite spy movies.
                     Finally Eleanor feels truly happy.And even if her mothers are as busy as ever, she hopes one day to tell them of all the amazing things she is a part of.Eleanor is not upset at how busy her mothers are, but understands them, their reason for working despite the stressful things they put up with.It’s all part of the superhero world, a world she is fascinated about, but a world she would never enter, even though her best friend is Spider-Man, she is contempt with the way things are. Most importantly, she hopes to keep things this way. 
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warm-like-autumn · 2 years
My heart is buried in Venice
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   "Venice, oh Venice. The perfect place to ask someone to be your girlfriend.I needed a vacation to be honest, since I finally managed to get a two week break from the Daily Bugle until I return to my job(Things are more complicated now since they went fully online). But now I just have to focus on this school trip.
Gwen was the one who invited me to take  the boat, and even though I'm kinda nervous to be honest, I said why not.This isn't New York, where aliens randomly emerge from the sky. Gwen is as wonderful as always, smart, confident and more courageous than I will ever be, she inspires me to be my best self.My most anticipated place to visit during this trip is Paris. I want to buy souvenirs for my moms from there, since they always wanted to go to France.
 Oh God, I started rambling again when I should have stayed on topic.Honesty I'm genuinely excited for how this trip unfolds. Nothing bad could happen."
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warm-like-autumn · 2 years
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A simple , but happy drawing of Eleanor. No way Home was an angst storm and I have new ideas for Eleanor's story.I tried to stick to a pink and yellow color palette for this drawing, to kind of represent the calm before the storm in Eleanor's story.
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