#Top Stories
rideboomindia · 11 months
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RideBoom is a leading provider of on-demand transportation services.
RideBoom promises to revolutionize the way people travel around the city.
The app, which is available for both iOS and Android devices, allows users to book a ride quickly and easily from their current location to their desired destination. With just a few taps on their smartphone, users can select the type of vehicle they want, track their driver in real time, and pay for their ride securely and conveniently through the app.
In the words of the RideBoom Founder and CEO Harminder Malhi, known as Harry Malhi, “Our app is designed to make transportation as easy and convenient as possible while also providing a safe and reliable service that our customers can trust.”
In addition to its user-friendly interface, the app also offers several innovative features that set it apart from other on-demand transportation services. These include:
Instant booking: Users can book a ride in seconds, with no need to wait for a driver to become available.
Real-time tracking: Users can track their driver’s location and estimated time of arrival in real time, giving them peace of mind and reducing the risk of missed pickups.
Multiple payment options: Users can pay for their rides directly through the app, using a credit card, debit card, or other payment method.
Driver ratings and reviews: Users can rate their drivers and leave feedback after each ride, helping to maintain a high level of service quality.
Safety features: The app includes several safety features, such as a two-factor authentication system, a panic button, and a real-time monitoring system that alerts the company in case of any emergencies.
In the words of the Founder, “We believe that our new ride-sharing app will change the way people think about transportation, and we’re excited to be at the forefront of this revolution,” Further. “We’re committed to providing our customers with the best possible service, and we look forward to expanding our reach and making our app available to more people in the coming months.”
The RideBoom app is available in both stores and is free to download.
Let’s RideBoom your business.
For more info www.rideboom.com/india
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Jenny Holzer – Peter Nadin, Eating Friends, «Top Stories» No. 7, Top Stories, Buffalo, NY, 1981 [Printed Matter, New York, NY. © Jenny Holzer, Peter Nadin / ARS, New York]
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talyayet474 · 2 years
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usalateslynews · 1 year
Magnitude 7.8 earthquake wreaks havoc in Turkey-Syria, killing more than 100
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According to preliminary details, a strong earthquake occurred in Turkey-Syria today at 4:17 am. In which more than 100 people died painfully, many buildings collapsed.
An earthquake of magnitude 7.8 shook Turkey and Syria today. Due to which South East Turkey and Syria have suffered huge losses. 100 people have died so far due to the earthquake in both the countries. Many buildings have also collapsed in both Turkey and Syria. Hence, the death toll is still likely to rise. (Read More: Magnitude 7.8 earthquake wreaks havoc in Turkey-Syria, killing more than 100)
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indiasuprenews · 8 months
प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी (PM Narendra Modi) की लोकप्रियता दुनियाभर में मानी जाती है. पीएम के मुरीद होने वालों की सूची में दुनिया के कई बड़े नेता शामिल हैं. वहीं, शनिवार अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडेन (Joe Biden) ने क्वाड बैठक के दौरान पीएम मोदी से उनका ऑटोग्राफ मांग लिया
मीडिया रिपोर्ट्स के मुताबिक, क्वाड बैठक में राष्ट्रपति जो बाइडेन और ऑस्ट्रेलियाई प्रधानमंत्री एंथनी अल्बनीज (Anthony Albanese) ने पीएम मोदी से एक अजीबोगरीब चुनौती का जिक्र किया. बाइडेन ने पीएम मोदी को बताया कि अमेरिका में बड़ी संख्या में लोग उनसे मिलना चाहते हैं जिसके लिए उनके पास कई आवेदन आ रहे हैं. बाइडेन बोले, 'मुझे आपके कार्यक्रमों के लिए लोगों से लगातार अनुरोध मिल रहे हैं जो मेरे लिए चुनौती बन गया है
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joaojudah · 2 years
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usaclinic · 2 years
Kevin Conroy, who died at 66, was maybe the greatest performer of Batman ever Actor Kevin Conroy has died.
Kevin Conroy, who died at 66, was maybe the greatest performer of Batman ever Actor Kevin Conroy has died. He was 66. Conroy voiced the Caped Crusader on Batman: The Animated Series from 1992 to 1996, as well as in 15 films, 15 animated series and two dozen video games. To several generation of fans, including mine, he simply...was Batman. That's because Conroy understood something very fundamental about the character that no other actor to play Batman ever has: Batman isn't a disguise. Batman is the real guy.
It's Bruce Wayne that's the put-on — the pose, the performance, the face he shows to the world. Conroy got that. Embodied it, really. But every other actor who's slapped on the bat ears over the years inevitably adopts an overtly theatrical, affected voice when they play Batman. For most of them, it's a whispery rasp meant to seem super-butch, super-intimidating. It's Clint Eastwood's stoic Man With No Name in black Kevlar. There have been a couple exceptions. Adam West went big, comically stiff and stentorian: "Careful, chum! Pedestrian safety!" Christian Bale went even harder, punishing evil-doers (and his vocal folds) with a throaty, if weirdly adenoidal roar: "SWEAR TO ME!" A bullfrog with laryngitis, over here. But Keaton, Clooney, Kilmer, Affleck and Pattinson all Eastwood-whisper their Bat-dialogue, as if they think they can save Gotham via ASMR. All of them see Batman as the role to play, and convince themselves they need to create a separate, menacing persona to do so. Conroy started from a much different place. His Batman was more natural, less forced, less false. He basically used his usual speaking voice. It's something you can just sense immediately, and I think it's one reason so many of us responded to his take as deeply as we did. We could see it: He's not play-acting, he's just acting. The creators of Batman: The Animated Series have said that's exactly what they were looking for. As they were auditioning people for Batman, actor after actor came in and did the Keaton/Eastwood whisper. It was everything they didn't want their cartoon show to be — it was cartoonish.
But when Conroy slid into the booth, he just read the lines. He took his natural voice down only slightly, and inched closer to the mic. But it wasn't a pose, it was just him. He was cool. He underplayed. His Batman hangs back, he's wry, even a bit sardonic. Mostly, though, he's natural. Plus, not for nothing? The guy had real pipes. In an episode of the animated series Justice League Unlimited, Batman is forced to sing a torch song in order to rescue Wonder Woman from the clutches of the evil witch Circe. And Conroy nailed it, while maintaining the character's abiding Batmanishness.On the other hand, it's Conroy's Bruce Wayne that was a bit. An extended performance. He nudged his voice up a skosh, made it slightly softer. The result is the sound of privilege, of comfort, of a life of ease and unconcern. What he was actually doing, of course, was talking like all the other privileged jerks Bruce Wayne hangs with.
Basically? He was code-switching. (Is it too much of a stretch to wonder if maybe Conroy was so good at it because he was gay, and perhaps knew a little bit more about code-switching, was more practiced at it, than other actors to play Batman? Okay, it's a stretch. But I'm just saying: It factors, maybe.) In the years since Batman: The Animated Series ended, he never shied away from the role that would come to define him, as many other actors have done. He continued to voice the character in other shows, movies and games. He was a fixture on the Comic Con circuit, where he loved engaging with fans. He even got to play an elderly version of Bruce Wayne on the CW show Arrow. But it wasn't his whole life. He trained at Julliard alongside Christopher Reeve, Robin Williams and Frances Conroy. He played Shakespeare, he played Broadway, he had long runs on Another World and Search for Tomorrow. He's survived by his husband, a brother, a sister. By all accounts, Conroy was a sweet guy who relished his Batman role and his fans, which is why there's so many of us out here feeling a deep pang of loss tonight.
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newsupdates-world · 11 months
Sanjay Pasari wants to inform you on the occasion of Guru Purnima blood donation camp has been organized by different doctors & CA's in different locations!
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kubato-87 · 11 months
Hello Bro what is to day the amazings
Coment in here now okey my Bro
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A co-worker of mine wrote this and as I adore pushing cool fanworks, here’s some great Legend of Zelda fanfics!
Now just to convince my coworkers to start going full Spirk/Shakarian/Geraskier/etc....
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trutown-the-bard · 1 year
Interesting article. I really appreciated his comments at the end about the dangers of relying on central servers and not having end of life plans for games before they go down:
Every game should make sure they still work at some level without central server support. Even when not looking at end of life concerns, being able to work when the internet is down is valuable. If you can support some level of LAN play for a multiplayer game, the door is at least open for people to write proxies in the future. Supporting user-run servers as an option can actually save on hosting costs, and also opens up various community creative avenues.
Be disciplined about your build processes and what you put in your source tree, so there is at least the possibility of making the project open source. Think twice before adding dependencies that you can’t redistribute, and consider testing with stubbed out versions of the things you do use. Don’t do things in your code that wouldn’t be acceptable for the whole world to see. Most of game development is a panicky rush to make things stop falling apart long enough to ship, so it can be hard to dedicated time to fundamental software engineering, but there is a satisfaction to it, and it can pay off with less problematic late stage development.
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Future of Business 💹
What is digital business? It is one of the most frequently asked questions on the internet. Digitalization means transforming any business into a digital business using digital technologies. The main purpose of digitalization is to generate higher revenue and create new value-added opportunities. At present, many companies are in the process of digitization. Top businesses have already done this technique and are very successful in economic, financial, and customer satisfaction.
This era of business is going to take a boom in the digital marketing platform using is as a most used market for promoting, advertising and selling the products in wide range of customers.✨
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tlfldi · 2 years
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Do you ever feel safe with the people you are spending most of your time with?
Do they bring anything to your life or are they simply just a part of your circle?
Do they agree with whatever you say? Are they 'yes-men'? Do they support all your decisions? Do they come to you when you're in need?
Do they correct you when you're going on the wrong path? Do they help you learn something new? Do they listen to you first and then advice you accordingly?
Feeling safe with someone not only means you're safe with them physically but also mentally.
Does your circle ask you to try things you don't want to?
For example: Drinking, smoking, etc.
Do they make you do things you've wanted to do but hesitated?
For example: Loving yourself, putting yourself first, enjoying your life, etc.
Does your circle educate you or do they just talk/gossip with you?
Yes, friends are meant to be an escape but if you have friends with no ambition or life goals, then they're just empty glass bottles.
Instead, find people who are into life building and have at least some goals in life. Good friends help you structure a good life, bad ones destroy the already made structure.
Your life is a plain canvas, paint it however you want to but make sure you pick the right colors or else you'll ruin the picture.
Think about it.
Have a good day.
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Christian News Network | Donald Trump has blamed the Republican Party’s disappointing midterm performances on the “abortion issue” rather than the failure of his endorsed candidates. Trump posted on Truth Social: “It wasn’t my fault that the Republicans didn’t live up to expectations in the MidTerms. I was 233-20! It was the “abortion issue,” poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly insisted on No Exceptions, even in the case of Rape, Incest...
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educationpostnews · 12 days
Top Stories focus on initiatives empowering female leadership in education
On 28th May 2024, Top Stories focus on initiatives empowering female leadership in education. Various institutions are implementing programs to promote gender equality in academic leadership roles. Mentorship programs, leadership workshops, and scholarship opportunities are being introduced to support women in pursuing leadership positions in higher education. These efforts aim to address the gender gap in educational leadership and foster a more inclusive and diverse academic environment. By empowering female leaders, institutions are poised to drive positive change and innovation in the education sector.
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anahatunnati · 15 days
TSW News Capsule - All the Main Headlines from Around the World in One Place! (topstoriesworld.in)
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