swingstep · 1 year
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they said we’d break, they said we’d lose-- but here we are: what else is new?
nocti for a request!! <3
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shinobirain24 · 3 years
It was a Saturday afternoon and Weiss and Neptune held hands to meet his parents for the first time. It was then that the two looked at each other and blushed, smiling. "What's wrong, Snow Angel?" Asked Neptune.
Weiss ran her hand into her cheek in nervousness. Thinking of the reaction of his parents once introduced. "I don't know, Neptune. Ever since we got engaged. I am not sure how your parents would react, cause you know..." Weiss said.
Neptune figured that because she is a Schnee. She thought she would get rejected. But he knew otherwise that her personality counts and not her name. "Hey, don't worry about it. I am sure my parents would have to get to know you first. Least my brother won't be here to ruin the mood. On the bright side when I met your mom, she is actually nice, and too exciting when we told her the news."
-One month ago-
Willow gripped on Neptune's hand a bit tightly as she just got excited for their engagement. And saw some kindness in him. Unlike Weiss' father, Jacques. Weiss never saw this side of her mother before. Normally she would be more composed.
"Give me grandchildren!" She told him. Making Neptune eye-widened. Weiss is also jolted at this reaction.
"Mother!" Weiss and Whitley sighed.
"Sorry about that. I never saw this side of my mother before. But she seemed better than before since my father is now gone." Weiss said. Even a bit shocked at her mother's reaction. She was glad that she accepted her fiancé. If her father were here, he would've went after him like a tyrant, which he already was.
"Hey, don't worry. I'm glad things gotten better since the wars." Neptune said. Recalling the events of meeting Willow. "Also, I might have to want you about my sisters." Neptune stammered. Weiss looked at him with surprise as m she did not know he has sisters.
"I don't know you have sisters." Weiss blinked. "What about them?"
"They are triplets, Vesta and Juno went to Haven together, while Ceres is a doctor, she's sweet and all, so there's nothing to worry about cause I think you might get along with her just fine. Needless to say, Juno and Vesta can be a bit of a powerhouse. It's safe to say they are overprotective of me. The last guy who picked on me got sent to the hospital after Juno and Vesta beat him up badly." Neptune rubbed the back of his head.
"Oh, I guess they couldn't help but love their little brother. Take it from my sister, she always believed I have to be on my own feet. But it doesn't stop her from helping me find my own ground." Weiss said.
Then minute they knocked the door. Weiss breathed a bit to keep calm when meeting others. Then when the door opened and Neptune's father Saturn is the first on the front door. "Son?" He greeted.
"Hey, dad. Sorry it's been too long...and..." Before he could say anything, Saturn greeted his son with a hug. "I am so happy you finally come for a visit!" He teared up. And then turned to Weiss. "Oh, who is this lovely young lady?" Weiss then introduced herself.
"Please to meet you, Mr. Vasilias. My name is Weiss Schnee, and your son is very wonderful." She smiled whole blushing at the same time seeing how sweet the reunion was between father and son. "It's a pleasure, Miss Schnee." He greets.
"Saturn, what's this all about?! I thought I heard panic, but..." His wife, Lydia covered her mouth in shock to see her son in person. She then launched herself into a hug. "My baby! Look how big you've grown!" She noticed his height almost as tall as her husband. "Great to see you too, mom."
Weiss is a bit astonished to see her fiancé's mother looking a bit younger than her husband. She must've been in good health. Lydia turned to Weiss and greeted her with a smile. "Oh my goodness. Neptune told me about you and you looked very beautiful!" Lydia squealed. As Weiss paled a bit that she never expect this kind of greeting before but did not say a word.
"Uh...thank you..." Weiss stammered. "You look also lovely as well." She told her back to ease up a bit. That's when Lydia gave her a hug, unexpectedly. The same reaction far joyful. Like Willow. "Come here!" She said. Weiss blushed, a little taken aback by the surprise. But tried to be polite. Then Lydia wrapped her arm around Weiss as she showed her the entrance. "Come on in, teriyaki and sushi can't eat themselves. Help yourselves!" She said cheerfully.
Then they all entered the house for a meeting. Later in the living room. "So I heard your sister is leading the military now, you must be very proud of her." Lydia said. Weiss nodded in agreement. "I am, she taught me in some way of gaining my own ground. Since my father is long gone, our family is free to chose our own paths."
Lydia sighed in relief for the mentioning of Jacques now deceased. "Well, I for one relieved. Ever since he framed Saturn for weaponry trafficking. I had to defend him in court. Not once he was ever locked up until now." Lydia recalled the case. This made Weiss paled a bit. But maintain her composure. "I for one, agreed. Not once did my father paid the price. I am also happy he is out of our lives."
"I am sure you don't deserve your father's treatment towards you. Your mother and I had been close at a young age. And for some reason, Jacques had been depriving her right to contact me. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. And as a result of the past, Jupiter grew to resent your sister."
"That I did not know. But once the wedding starts. You and my mother can make up for lost time." Weiss insisted. This got Saturn and Lydia surprised to hear that word. "You don't mean...?" They paused as Neptune and Weiss nodded as she showed them a silver ring that he used to propose to her. "Yep, he proposed to me." This brought joy.
Later, after the meeting. They decided to have some time to themselves. "Your parents are actually nice. Never have I thought they would be this joyful." Weiss admits. "From what I heard, your dad and your mom. They did work together on multiple cases. They seemed so happy together." Weiss said. A bit jealous that she never had parents like that.
"How so, Snow Angel?"
"The thing is, my parents were never like that. Form what I can remember, my father always kept his distance from my mother. All he did was give her a cold shoulder. For me, it was way harsher. The more I saw this, the more I thought some parents are like this, but it just wasn't right." Weiss told him.
"I get where you're coming from. Mom saw cases like that before. That's why I decided to work with law enforcement. To help others in need. When I was a kid. I used to call myself a coward. All those negative thoughts kinda blocked me from reality. I hate hurting others because of my semblance."
"Maybe that makes two of us. I'm glad you decided this yourself. I for one learned one thing. Seeing the world today, it was crazy, but it was also fun. If I were to still be an heiress, I wouldn't have met you today." Neptune took her by surprise by wrapping her arms around her in an embrace.
"You are the best one that's ever happened to me. I promised you, I'll do whatever so can for you. I don't care if you're a Schnee anyway. Your happiness is my happiness."
"Neptune, there's no need to be worked up about this! I appreciate it, really! But..."
"But I really mean it." Neptune finished. As they looked into each other's eyes.
Later, Saturn and Lydia present them the kimonos they were never familiar with. "Ta-da!" Lydia cheered. "Mom, what are these?" Neptune asked, a bit confused.
"These are what your father and I wore for our wedding! Black for the groom and white for the bride! Those are actually Mistral's traditional wear. Dont they look so beautiful?!" Asked Lydia.
Weiss and Neptune looked at each other. "Actually, they are. What do you think?" Neptune is at a loss for words. "I am not sure..."
"Come on, son. It won't hurt if you tried it on first." Saturn said. Suddenly they heard a crash from the kitchen and they ran to check it out. It was two of the triplets, Vesta and Juno. Standing above a Nevermore they killed and made a hole in the walls. "Haha! Another day, another Grimm down! Take that!" Vesta then paid attention to her parents. "Sorry, Daddy! Juno is not the type to find landing spaces." Vesta apologized while Juno is too busy celebrating another hunt completed.
"Guys, seriously?!" Neptune groaned. Then his sisters jumped off to hug him. "Our baby brother is back!" Making Neptune feeling embarrassed. "Nice to see you too! Please let me go!" Neptune pleaded while his sisters gripped on him, being overly affectionate. "Aw, come on, don't be baby! Just a few more minutes!" Juno cheered. Then eyed on Weiss. "Who is she?"
"Um...hi." Waved Weiss. Suddenly, Ceres came home from work in the hospital. "Daddy! I'm home! I heard Neptune's back and...!" Ceres paused to see her sisters and the Nevermore. The turned to Weiss. "You must me Weiss. It's nice to meet you. Sorry about my sisters. Also, I have to warn you. Don't get me wrong. I love my brother, but he is a flirt." She whispered the last thing near her ear.
"Don't worry about it, it's nice to meet you too." Ceres seems genuine, but more likely to save other girls from heartbreak. Since she seems to be gentle but strict out of the triplets. Not sure is her brother changed or not. "Ceres! I'm not that guy anymore!" Snapped Neptune.
"Don't worry, I knew you grown. I am sure your sisters are amazing too." Weiss assured. Then Lydia grasped her hand. The same reaction Willow had shown before. "Please say you'll give me grandchildren!" Pleaded Lydia. Making the rest of the Vasilias household, except Vesta and Juno, paled. "Mom!" Shouted Neptune.
"Lydia! It's too soon to ask something too personal!" Saturn joined Neptune. "Mom!" Added Ceres. As much as Saturn wanted grandchildren, he knows patience is a virtue. And Lydia did not seemed to get any older, physically. As for Vesta and Juno, they are getting too excited to have a niece or a nephew. But for Weiss and Neptune, it was getting too much. But decides to wait until things have calmed down a bit.
"Eeek! Did you hear that?!" Juno squealed.
"Yeah, just give us a niece or a nephew! I don't care!" The sisters held hands and jumped up and down. Much to the dismay of their third triplet sister, Ceres. "Vesta, Juno, not you too. Did you not see the damage you caused there." Ceres gestured at the broken walls. "Lighten up, sweet sister! Think of all the fun we can have with their kids!"
"Want my advice? Get yourselves some boyfriends." Ceres advised strictly. But they are not listening.
"So, when's the wedding?" Saturn asked. Awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. "We've been thinking a month later." Weiss replied. The couple looked at each other and smiled, knowing that it might not be a perfect wedding, but it will be a great time to spend with their families.
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
how do u feel abt doing smth like a modern au where billy is like , all this punk rock and teen angst and leather nd jean jackets kinda of thing and steve is the exact opposite of him with fluffy skirts and soft polos nd just really soft and they two have seen eachother but dont actually talk to one another until they have a school project and they just. fall in love overtime? basically , femme steve + punk rock billy falling in love.
(pt. 2) also!! happy 21st birthday 💓💕💗💖💕
The university had a strict core curriculum, meaning that Steve was ten minutes late for his Philosophy of the Modern Era class.
He couldn’t find the room, was wandering around in this basement with his schedule written on the back of his hand. He was peering at room numbers and muttering to himself 067 067 067.
“You looking for that philosophy class?” Steve turned around at the voice.
The guy was stomping down the hallway in big leather boots. His jeans were ripped and shredded, and he was wearing a black t-shirt with pink font reading Dog Park Dissidents. His denim jacket was covered in pins and patches and sharpie drawings. He had Silence = Death written on one of the pockets, Being nice IS punk rock was scrawled down one arm.
“Yeah, that modern era one?” The guy smiled and nodded, reaching forward to shake Steve’s hand. His eyes were a startling blue, lined with a thin smudge on black. His hair was wild and curly, shaved on each side into this beachy looking mohawk. He had his nose and his eyebrow pierced, along with several in his ears.
“Billy Hargrove.”
“Steve Harrington.” Steve could feel the tips of his ears go red as Billy looked him up and down. He was wearing something cute for the first day of class, a chunky white cardigan over a soft pink peasant dress. He had gotten up early to do his makeup well, and was late to class anyway because this stupid building was a fucking maze.
They set off down the hall together, looking at each door they passed by.
“Oh shit. Pretty Boy, I think I got it.” Steve flushed slightly at being called pretty, still not used to being able to dress like this in public. Billy wrenched open the door, and stomped in, not a care in the world for being twenty minutes late.
The professor raised his eyebrow.
“And what were you two doing out in the hall?”
“I’m sorry, we couldn’t find the room.” Steve’s cheeks were hot as he was standing at the front of the class.
“That’s okay. you have missed class introductions, to please say your names, pronouns and majors.”
“Billy Hargrove, he/him, double majoring in literature and social work.”
“Steve Harrington, he/they. I’m also a double major in education and early childhood development.” The professor made a note on his role sheet.
“Thank you, you may sit down.” Steve went for the back of the room, flopping into the first empty seat he could find, ducking his head as he quietly got his laptop out. Billy had stomped into the seat next to him, had gotten out a notebook and proceeded to doodle in it for the rest of class.
He sat next to Billy every Monday Wednesday and Friday from 9:20-10:35 and and outside of their ten minute search for the classroom, they had yet to say anything to one another.
It certainly didn’t help that Steve was harboring a little crush on the guy. He would watch him in class, the way he would doodle little sunflowers in the margins of his notes, smiling softly at them.
“So, for the rest of the semester you will be working in pairs. I want you to go through the readings we have completely and work together with the philosophers we have discussed to create your own system for the modern era. How do you believe society exists now?” Billy turned to Steve, grinning at him.
“You wanna be my partner?” Steve gave a sheepish smile, his heart racing.
“I, um. Yes. Yeah, I’ll be your partner.” Steve dug his phone out of the tight pocket of his skirt, trading with Billy. He put his number under Steve Harrington - Modern Era Philosphy.
“You wanna get coffee after class, start working through our beliefs?”
“Um, sure. I don’t have class until, like, 3:30 today.” Billy grinned again and fucking winked at Steve. He needed to calm the fuck down.
“So basically, a lot of my beliefs are based on the punk message.” Billy was sipping at his black coffee, had laughed and said should’ve fucking known when Steve ordered a large mocha with extra chocolate syrup, and whipped cream. “I’m a very live and let live person, but I believe everyone should live and let live. If someone is trying to dictate how others should exist, they’re fucking garbage.”
“Okay, I actually really agree with that.”
“That’s because you’re punk rock.” Steve laughed, but Billy’s eyes were serious. “No seriously, there’s nothing more punk rock than being unapologetically yourself.”
“When did you get into punk philosophy?”
“When I was in high school. My dad was a real prick, and I was angry, and a lot of punk is loud and pissed off and it helped, but then I started going to shows, and talking to people, and it’s not what you’d expect. Everyone at a show is like a weird family for a night. If someone comes in and tries to fuck with someone, the family deals. I can’t tell you how many fights I saw that broke out because someone was perving on a girl, and these other guys started protecting her. And that only grew as I started getting into queercore.”
Steve was listening to Billy, eyes wide as he described stories from shows, how he had jumped in on fights to defend the family, how he would walk girls home or to their cars parked a ways down the street, how he knew everyone would do the same for him.
“God, I wish I had a community like that. I didn’t really have anyone growing up. You know, token queer in a small town kinda vibe.” Billy smiled at him sympathetically.
“That why you came out to San Fransisco?”
“Oh yeah. Wanted to come somewhere where, this, didn’t matter.” He gestured to himself. “I just don’t get why it bothers people. I just do it because it makes me happy. I don’t know why it concerns anyone else.” Billy was nodding vigorously.
“Exactly. That’s the whole truth about being queer. People hate you for something that has nothing to do with them. It’s completely wack. Like if I’m with someone in whatever capacity, we’re both consenting adults. It literally doesn’t matter.”
“Do you think we could expand upon this enough for our project? Talk about how we feel the world should just stop caring about what other people do if it has nothing to do with them.” Billy grinned.
“I think we could make something happen.”
They began getting coffee after each class, taking through their project, finding resources to back up the ideas they had discussed. The more time they spent together, the more Steve liked Billy, liked how sweet he was, how positive. They talked about having terrible parents, how Billy’s dad had kicked him out at sixteen for being gay, how he had lived with friends, saving up to get himself through college. They talked about how Steve’s dad had found his stash of makeup and threw it all away, making sure it was ruined and broken. How disappointed his father was that he was studying to become a teacher.
There was one Friday they had met up and stayed all day in the coffee shop stayed until the 5 pm closing.
“You wanna come over? I have a single room. We can keep working.” Billy grinned at Steve like he always did, showing off all his white teeth. So they walked side by side to Steve’s room.
Steve kept his room neat, a habit left over from overbearing parents who would shame him into cleaning his room.
Steve’s room was exactly how Billy imagined.
He had soft white lights, a full length mirror on one wall. His bed was covered in pillows, duvets, and even a few stuffed animals. The wall above the bed was covered in pictures of Steve back home, several with a group of younger kids, and a lot with a blonde girl.
“This your girlfriend?” Steve snorted.
“No, that’s Robin. She and I are just really close friends.”
“What’s with the kids?” Steve blushed.
“I babysat all through high school, and those kids kinda adopted me as their pseudo parent. It was a lot of driving them all over town.”
“That’s cute. That why you wanna teach?”
“Yeah, I’m good with kids.” Steve had plopped himself on the made bed. He watched as Billy took off his heavy boots, placing them neatly by the door before stepping onto Steve’s plush grey rug. His socks were thick wool and had little cartoon dogs on them. Steve was in love.
Billy sat with Steve on the bed. He was taking a closer look at the photos.
“I could see that for you. You’re a caring type.” Steve looked down as his feet, could feel his face getting hot.
“Why did you pick social work?”
“When I was a kid, CPS would be called to our place like, once every few months. My dad was a real good schmoozer, so I would always just be left with him. I wanna be able to help kids get out of bad situations.”
“God, and you call me a caring type. You’re gonna save the world.” Billy laughed.
“The children are the future. I’ll save ‘em, you teach ‘em.” When Steve looked up, Billy was leaning closer into Steve’s space. He had a soft smile on his face. His eyes were bright and beautiful and so fucking blue. “Can I kiss you?”
“Can you, what?”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Why?” Billy still hadn’t leaned back.
“‘Cause I have a big dumb crush on you, and I think you have one on me.” Steve’s face was pink.
“I, uh, yeah. Go, go for it.” Billy laughed, taking Steve’s face in both hands. He leaned in, just gently pressing their lips together.
“So, was I right?”
“Yes. Very much so.” Billy laughed again, loud and sweet, pressing another kiss to Steve’s lips.
“You wanna go on a date? A real one? Not just us getting coffee and pretending we both weren’t totally into each other.” Steve snorted again.
“Yeah, I would really like that.”
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godrics · 4 years
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UNDER READ MORE  (bc it’s actually really long now that im on tumblr)
okay so the concert started with the vcr/video from the dream show ..
rory's little scene was her as a teacher !!! so cute
OOH and then the transition into her into her teacher clothes into a suit .. thats my girl
her hair is still like this. much more vibrant than it was because she redyed it oops
first song was GO!! change ur ways
she was wearing this [ black cargo pants, a black crop top, belt, along with chains lmao idk how to describe. oh and black boots ] for go, drippin', we go up, and stronger performances!
it was kind of awkward at first but then she saw nctzens' faces so she was happy
"to the world, this is the nct! we are nct dream”
she clapped excitedly, jumping up and down
"beyond the dream show~"
when haechan asked the time where the fans were, she read the comments, squinting funnily at the screen before gasping
"one of the czennies said it was 3am!"
the other boys gasped in shock before clapping slightly
"thank you for watching us even though it's 3am!" rory said to the fans. "but go to bed as soon as this is over~ or whenever you're feeling tired, that's okay too!"
"for our global fans, we prepared something special, right?" haechan said and rory nodded, smiling
"so we prepared our greeting in various languages"
rory's greeting was in french! fans went crazy bc she sounded SO good and her pronounciation was good too
after that she says, "renjun took english from me" in english and playfully glared at the older boy who laughed.
she turned to the fans and said, "but um, wendy-unnie taught me that so .. if it sounds bad it's all her fault." she claps as the other boys laugh
when they were talking about how they felt, rory said "i watched superm and wayv's concerts so i was excited because i knew we'd hear from the fans just like they were here with us in person. they were really loud, too" and laughs
when renjun told them to scream, she hit him lightly and said "yah, don't you remember what i just said? some fans it's 3am there!"
"oh dont scream then," renjun laughed, making her laugh before she went back to waving at the fans as they waved their lightsticks
when the fans appeared behind them, her eyes widened and she immediately ran to the screen, waving in all directions
she noticed when she got close to a fan's screen, they'd start waving their hand/lighstick even harder and it made her laugh
"rory, come back!" jaemin laughed, tugging her with him back to where the other 5 were
"wow, pretty grass" rory mocked mark as she stared at the lightsticks where the audience were supposed to be and on the screens
haechan had to hide a laugh
then there was we go up performance
woo fun
then stronger! she loves that song is2g
okay for the next vcr
she was in a school uniform standing in between jeno and jaemin
"you guys suck," rory laughed, watching the boys try to succeed
when renjun comes over and succeeds in under one minute and one hand, she gasped in shock lightly before watching him walk away coolly and put his head back down on the desk
jaemin nudged her as she laughed, "you guys are just losers!"
and then it ends on her walking over to renjun and bending down to face him and tapping him on the shoulder
he jumps from how close she is and she laughs, grinning at him, "that was cool" before going back over to the boys and he watches her
next video of the vcr oo
she gets hit in the head by the basketball(she's after chenle) and luckily saves it before it falls to the ground and throws it towards the basket, renjun jumping up to hit it in
why is she always getting hit in the head rip rory's head
next performance is dunk shot!!!
she hated the outfits tho jfc
she was wearing white loose shorts that ended midthigh and a pink button up over a white t-shirt
yeah super plain im so sorry rory that the stylists did you dirty like that
(to be fair the boys looked bad too like what was that matching .. there was NONE)
she hyped up jisung so loud during his solo dance
and had a huge ass smile on her face during it
she was in the middle of renjun and chenle at the bottom
"i think chenle changed the most" rory laughed, talking about the difference from now and almost four years ago when they debuted
"you changed a lot, too" chenle poked her and she huffed out a laugh, choosing not to respond to him and shook her head
when it was time for the interactions, she had to hide her wince because since she watched wayv and superm's, she was worried about how it would go because some fans' wifi connections were bad(so were sm's but anyways--)
oh luckily the first fan spoke korean !!
"hi!" she waved excitedly at the fan
when the fan said her name, she quietly repeated it to herself but it was still heard from the mic
"there's a song called 7 days in your album. what do you guys mean to each other?"
rory's mouth went dry at that question as she rubbed her hands together, looking at the boys silently as they ahhed and oohed
she smiled slightly as she saw how big their smiles got at the question
chenle said that the members were his family. they're literally siblings
she laughed at that
hyuck said that the members were apart of himself and that he grew up with all of them
jisung said bc they're older than him, they're like his younger siblings
rory had to look away in order to not laugh at his answer LMFAO
she couldnt contain how big her smile got when jaemin said that he couldn't live without them
she literally almost cried from tears of laughter from jeno's answer "onion"
renjun said that the members are youth to him
and him bringing up the stupid bottle to his face . i s2g she quickly yanked that from him so quick while laughing
and then finally it was her turn
"um, thank you for the question, siyoung!" she clapped slightly before continuing. "to me, the members are .. my childhood" she nodded slightly as she spoke. "we all grew up together so each of them have a piece of my childhood that i dont want to leave"
renjun pulls her into a side hug as jeno says "cute~"
wolfies(rory's stans) cried
when the fan said she'd stick with nct dream seven days a week, she laughed from the sudden overwhelming feeling at her words and bowed towards the fan, keeping her eyes to the ground so the camera wouldn't catch her teary eyes
too bad the camera did once she looked back up
"nct dream have 8 members--" when haechan said that, rory smiled big and nodded her head
"infinity" rory cheered, the members following behind
the next caller was up!
"ooh, poland" rory smiled
the fans question was "what are your biggest dreams" which she translated for them
rory's answer was "i have no doubt that nct dream will stay together forever so ... i my biggest dream is nctzens staying with us forever. even when we all grow up and have our own lives, i hope nctzens will some day think of nct dream and smile"
jaemin literally walked over and pinched her cheek, cooing at how cute she was
rory rolled her eyes playfully but let him
ah yes to this day he's still the only one she'll allow to give her skinship in public
rip other boys
she felt so sad when the third caller's connection was bad
"ah ... difficult technicalities"
she put a thumbs down
anyways next was don't need your love!!!
she LOVES this song so much guys its unreal
her place at the start is right in between renjun and jisung again lmao
shes leaning against chenle and jaemin
she loves hearing the boys' english btw
also in this version she has more lines but im not gonna tell which ones that's too much work
and next is we young!!
watching the part when they take a pic .. made me cry so it made rory very nostalgic
rory's wearing a professional suit but like . with a skirt i forgot what its called rip
she's standing in between hyuck and jeno
when jaemin laughs she laughs
she has that pic in her phone case btw
along with an ot8 pic
when they're talking abt the 50 years later OO im gonna . cry again
"so we can see how we change"
"um, we're gonna look older" rory laughed
btw grandma rory literally still looks good as hell sorry i dont make the rules
rory: "chenle would look like steve jobs but like .. chinese"
chenle was so offended bye
rory: "jisung if you grow a mustache i will never forgive you"
"bc you'd look stupid i cant be seen with someone looking stupid"
the other pic where renjun jumps .. her face is literally so genuinely shocked in that pic LMAO she didnt expect that
btw she was wearing a black blazer but it was shorter .. and another black skirt with a white crop top underneath rip
so theyre uneven rn right?
so instead of her being a third wheel(not really)
when it's her part, she's backstage and as she's doing her part, she reached into an open closet and .. pulls out a cutout board of mark :((
yeah she cried too when she thought of it and luckily sm let her!!
at the end of her part towards the end of the song, she smiles and says, "right, mark-oppa?" and forms half a heart up to the camera
(taeyong later sends her a video of mark reacting to her parts and when she does the heart he puts half a heart up next to hers <3)
next is candle light! they dont really have a choreo to this one either
anyway candle light wouldnt have been her first choice bc she'd prefer to perform dear dream .. BUT ANYWAY
next is PUZZLE PIECE and 7 DAYS!!
the camera catches her and jisung doing their little handshake . so cute
she then hugs chenle so he wouldnt feel left out
end posing of puzzle piece, she's in between chenle and jisung AGAIN SLDJDJL
they form a heart with her doing the bottom and chenle and jisung doing the top/sides
when they read the comments after performing jeno reads one that says "rory is so talented, her vocals are so good"
and then hyuck read "rory's parts in best friends was so cute"
she blushes so cute
when they talk abt the album
rory says in english, "thank you for supporting us and we hope you guys enjoyed listening to the album as much as we enjoyed making it .. think of it as our gift to you for always loving us!!" cute baby. and then gives a little finger heart
special guest is mark, jungwoo, and doyoung!!
she expected mark but was surprised about jungwoo and doyoung
she couldnt stop smiling the whole time because literally all she had to do was see 127 and smile immediately like they dont even got to do anything
the technical difficulties .. rory said in english again "i think you need to get your wifi checked, mark"
"no mark-oppa?" he teased and she laughed
when they were complimenting them, jungwoo said that mark really enjoyed rory's parts in best friends and she full out giggled from nervousness, blushing from embarrassment
doyoung complimented her vocals and rap and shes never been so proud of herself
compliments from 127? her greatest achievement
jungwoo then said she was so cute wow more blushing
she found the challenge boring and wouldve preferred if 127 picked the damn challenge themselves bc then it wouldve been funnier and more fun but alas .. sm >:(
she picked puzzle piece tho
THE FUCKING NEXT VCR .. so emotional when she watched over it
she literally just watched her and her friends grow up in literal seconds
there's a clip of her from chewing gum on mark's back while he's riding the hoverboard
.. also somehow they got a clip of her hugging jaemin when he came back sigh
emotional manipulation!! she was kinda pissed that was in there bc it was supposed to be private but what can she do .. it's sm
there's a video of her chasing jeno during we young era while on the mv set
and another one of renjun literally dragging her on the ground because she wouldnt let go of his legs in mfal era
in mfal era she's seen running over chenle when he's out of their little cars
its funny he almost fell if jeno didnt catch him LMAO
but its ok dont fret he was in the grass
mfal era where hyuck tries to make a basket but fails and she steals the ball from him and makes it in .. he pouted FOREVER after that
the video of them in chewing gum era and then goes to ridin' era ..
her clip is her smiling shyly at the camera WITH HER CUTE PIGTAILS OH MYGODDD SO SOFT SO BABY
and then it goes to her in ridin' era with her leaning against the car and a lollipop in her mouth, staring dead straight at the camera somehow intimidatingly
n then ofc the music changes and the videos go more recent
theres clips of her behind the scenes in we young, go, dnyl, and boom
also some of her at that dream show concert
the ridin' stage was prerecorded but anyway she's wearing the same outfit she does in the mv
she saw a clip of the car cg and she yelled at the members jokingly saying it almost ran her over
wearing same outfit for quiet down which was live
they had one more song after :( she was really sad and she made sure nctzens knew that
"i wish we could perform more songs for you guys but .. only one more :(" and then sighed really loudly
"i wish you guys were here in person as well but your health is way more important and until then .. well, hopefully we can see each other again in the future! i miss seeing all your pretty faces" she then pouted as the other members oohed loudly and she laughed
after the other members continue she then reminds them all to "wash their hands and wear their masks over their noses if they have to go out"
when renjun says bonjour her eyes widen and she says "wow, so you stole my english and now my french?" she jokingly raises her hand to hit him but all he does is laughs and grabs her hand to 'stop her'
last is boom!
they shouldve performed dear dream or mfal but i guess booms good too not like they havent had to hear that song for 9 months
at the end she sneakily gives the camera a finger heart
22 notes · View notes
ain-t-bovvered · 5 years
bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
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Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies​  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Giulia: BTW
Kat: Don’t worry you’ll hate it more later
Giulia: GREAT
Zee: Quit flapping your gums bitches
Nat : shall I count?
Giulia: Go when u post 🖕🏻
Nat : lol
Zee: Nice
Nat : i just go with GO
Giulia: Weak
Nat : ok
Nat : listen
Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : GO
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Zee: Where’s carry on ?
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Think of seasons that must end ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ 
Nat : I DON'T REMEMBER HALF OF WHAT THEY SHOW NOW.  It's erased from my memory
Giulia: look at my stupid baby
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ They will rise and fall again ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ 
Giulia: Oh look the dumb coffin
Nat : "I do believe in us."
Zee: John
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Everything must have an end ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Take it calmly and serene ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Giulia: bye mary.Good riddance
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ It's the famous final scene ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Zee: Maybe I should watch on mute
Kat: Shut up chuck
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ It's been coming on so long You were just the last to know ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Zee: The fuck is this song ?
It's been a long time since you've smiled
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Seems like oh so long ago Now the stage has all been set ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Giulia: bb Sob ....Them hair on fleek tho
Nat : What are the odds
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Zee: BAMF Cas
Giulia: Idk seems so desperate
Kat: Always
Nat : So much grunting. So sexy
Giulia: AWE
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Now the lines have all been read And you knew them all by heart ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Kat: SAM
Zee: He took jack
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ Here it comes the hardest part Try the handle of the road ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Kat: over the shoulder like a sack of potatoes
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ok I now it’s a serious moment but Dean skipping with his birb bowlegs is making me cackle so much i cannot
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oh look another meme
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Giulia: Sam just casually shoving a ghost out of the way
♩ ♪ ♫ ♬ As the light fades from the screen From the famous final scene ♩ ♪ ♫ ♬
Zee: Ok
Zee: I hate it
Nat : Ah great title card
ok but ....* slows down frames and saves some of them* WHAT’S THIS
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Whatever let’s just go back to more pressing matters
Lol that is so not Misha carrying Jack tho
Giulia: Misha’s fingers be that thick
Zee: Focus
Giulia: Lol dean reaching for that booze, I mean SAME.
Nat : AW CAS
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Giulia: Awe SAM
Zee: Sam panting
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D: He didn’t deserve this
Kat: Aw
S: Cass, is he here? C- C-Can you... Can you...?
Giulia: SAM 
Nat : "I don't think so"
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Nat : I cry
Giulia: I CRY
Giulia: Sam’s pain is physical
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Giulia: I cannot
I mean,...they do look like zombies. 
D: Chuck... He said, "Welcome to the End”.  What... What does that mean?
Zee: Welcome to the end
D: Cass? Come on, man! Ideas!
Team free Stress
Giulia: It means final season
D: Can you smite our way out of here?
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Zee: Cas squint
C: No. You saw them. I would be overwhelmed, Dean.
Well I honestly thought Dean actually asked if Cas could fly them off there....which...well don’t think it can happen if the state of his wings are the same, BUT STILL, we don’t actually know becasue PLOTHOLES. But whatever man, I still love my show.
D: Great. So we go outside, we get ripped apart. We stay in here, w- what, starve to death?!
C: I wouldn’t starve
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Giulia: WeLl gOoD fOr yOu
Kat: Love the sass
D: Son of a bitch
the fandom:  * CHEERS*
Giulia: Sure he knew
D: He's always so squirrelly, you know, with the...with the... the robe and the beard and...the smile that's, like, half-nice, half "I'm gonna rip your throat out. "
Giulia: Oh that true
Nat : Aw Dean
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Nat : Me
Zee: Those fingers tho
Giulia: Why don t they let cas do that, come on
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Nat : So much grunting and panting in the first couple of minutes
Nat : I love it
Giulia: Gotta isolate just those
Nat: Cas doesn't want to help
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Giulia: Nice
Nat : AH well
Zee: Hello
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Giulia: …
Nat : Now he did
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a wild Jack appears
Nat : Ah
Zee: What?
Nat : what
Kat: Hahahahahaha
Giulia: the fuck
Kat: Demon!Jack
Giulia: OH COME ON
d!Jack: HELLO
S: Jack! you are alive
oh Sam...baby
Zee: Shut up
d!Jack: I- I'd do the whole eyes thing, but, uh, yeah, no eyes.
Team free confused
Zee: Blending
Kat: Weekend at Bernie’s haha
Nat : Nice glasses
C: Get out of him
Zee: What he said
d!Jack : Okay? Uh, where do I start? Like at the first day of school. Uh, hi.Uh, my name is Belphegor. And, I'm, uh, here from...
Angry Cass approaching
C: i said get out of him. I’m not gonna ask again
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D: Cass. Let him speak.
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C: He's an abomination!
Giulia: AWE CAS
Nat : Cas is having none of it
B: You're an abomination with that stupid, dumb trench coat.
Kat: You’re an abomination with that trenchcoat 🤣
Zee: I love Cas
Giulia: but also love Alex
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Zee: Listen to your husband Cas
C: He is defiling Jack's corpse!
D: But if he can help... [angrily] Jack's gone, alright?
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Giulia: sob
S: So we are...
B: The Winchesters
Nat : "I read the papers" lol
B: Anyway, I'm guessing this whole, uh, Hellmouth thing is kind of, uh, you?
C: No. It was God.
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B: Okay, okay. Look. I-I'm not some crossroad demon. I'm not even one of those black-eyed goons
Giulia: Who the fuck are u
Nat : Virgin puppies  EW
Nat : TwinSiEs
Nat : snorts
Giulia: We are NOT twinsies
Cas is ready to slap a bitch
Giulia: So strange seeing jack like that tho
Nat : But so good
Zee: He be good
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B: Ohh. Little spell. You know, nothing major. Just need some graveyard dirt... and some, uh, angel blood.
Giulia: Yeah, of course, let s use cas again
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*Snort* .... he’s so offeded
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Nat : what
Giulia: What he do
Nat : WHAT
Giulia: Really
Nat : who is that
Nat: HOW
Giulia: Oh come on
Giulia: TOO EASY
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B: Hey it worked! High five
Giulia: WHAT
Well I wouldn’t want to be the graveyard guys in the morning
Nat : Ah that music
Zee: Future deaths
Nat : Ah bloody mary
Giulia: “oH mY gOd” Who still does that anyway
Nat : Bloody Mary messes with cellphones now
Giulia: A bitch gotta get on with the future
Giulia: Those nails be nasty
Nat : Mhh...  She's more evil than before I would guess
B: I mean, come on. I look good.
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Giulia: That cas squint
Giulia: Yeah Cas does not like
Nat : Cas is suspicious
Nat : They act like they're surprised about 2-3billion souls in hell
Kat: I was surprised the number was that low
B: Imagine a salt circle a mile wide No ghosts get in, no ghosts get out.
S: Yeah. Great. Okay.
C: NO. That town... Harlan, Kansas...is less than a mile from the cemetery.
D: Then we get everybody out.
C: How?
Giulia: what else is nee
Giulia: Nee
Giulia: New
Nat : lol
Zee: New
Nat : Nee
Giulia: Great Another typo that will hunt us all
Giulia: Why this time the blood looks fake af
Nat : That my car
Zee: Woman in white
S: Dean, this could be our woman in white.
D: Dude. We sent her to Hell years ago.
S:Yeah, but she could be back.
Nat : Dean just realized
D: Well, if she's back, then they're all back. Every last one that we ever killed.
Giulia: I also just realized that we are seeing them again. My babies. I hugged those bitches S.  O. B
Nat : Aw bb
Kat: Lucky you
Zee: Giuls bb. Shut the fuck up please
I must say tho....that must have felt really depressing for them...I mean..all their work just ...puff....
Giulia: Fuck clows
Nat : Ah no
Giulia: Fuck them
Nat : Stupid clowns
Giulia: Fuck off
Giulia: Drive the fucking car into the door
Nat : Wouldn't get through.
Kat: No keys
Nat : Not enough space to fully accelerate
Zee: So much science
Giulia: Ugh true
Zee: Wtf is sam’s hair?
D: We can handle the evac, so why don't you grab Crowley Jr. here whatever he needs for his spell?
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Well he didn’t expect that 
C: Dean, I can't. I-I...I can't even look at him.
Giulia: AWE CAS
Nat : Aw Cas
C: Um... I...
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Awe I think even Dean expected that reaction from Cas. I’m so hurt y’all....so hurt.
Giulia: that sheriff a bit out of it
Kat: Small town. Probably doesn’t have to do much
Nat : Jack probably has his own agenda. "Jack"
Giulia: Yeah
Belphy seeing the gun with that ridiculous nerd name: um....what’s that?
D: Don’t worry about it
B: ok cool
B: So, people are, like, crazy good-looking now, eh?
D: what
B: I mean, the last time I was on Earth, I mean, I was human. Ah, it was a while ago. I mean, but, you know, we were all worshipping308 this giant rock that looked like a huge penis, and...
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Giulia: Wait what
Kat: Huge penis rock
Giulia: thank you
B: Anyway, folks back then, they were, uh, ugly. You know? Had a lot of humps. I mean, a lot.
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B:  Look at 'em now.
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B:I mean, look at you . I mean, you're, uh, you know, gorgeous
Giulia: HE IS
B: So, uh...who was... he, anyway? 
D: He was our kid. Kinda.
Zee: Our kid
Giulia: OMG NO SOB
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Nat: I cry
Zee: Shut up dean
Giulia: IM SO HURT
D: Alright. So, what do you need for this spell?
B: you know, nothing much. Big bag of salt.
D: Easy
B: And a... And a human heart.
Giulia: a human heart
Nat : what else ,easy
Nat : Giuls people are dying
Giulia: HEWWO
Zee: And thicc
Nat : "insert Kim K gif"
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Giulia: Nice thic, tan things
Giulia: With great hair
Giulia: Nice eyes
Giulia: I should focus
Nat : Cas saw?
Zee: Yeah
Giulia: So thic
Kat: Aw poor dead girls
Giulia: That shirt is crying for mercy
Giulia: Yeah yeah Sorry
Giulia: *keeps looking at those pecs*
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Zee: Sam should stop exhaling like that
Nat : NO
Kat: Jared is 4 times the size of that kid
Kat: Yeah
Zee: Yeah bitch
Giulia: YAS CAS
Nat : Did Sam treat his bullet wound tho
Giulia: Probably just patched up
Giulia: angel with a shotgun
I love when Cas take care of Sam...so soft.
Nat : that's not a big bag of salt, Dean
D: Rowena, we need your help, so move your ass. What? No, I'm not...Move your exquisite ass, please.
Zee: Exquisite ass
D: Here’s your salt
US: Thanks we have plenty 
B: im a fan
Giulia: NO
Zee: Oh no bitch
Zee: NO
B: Yeah, I-I didn't want to say it in front of the other guys,but when you were in Hell, with Alastair, I, uh... I got a chance to watch you work. And, I mean, the things you did to those people, I mean, it wasn't torture. 
Nat : OH NO
Giulia: FUCK
Kat: iT waS ArT
Giulia: Is it bad that I wanna watch that tho
Nat : YES
Giulia: DEAN’S “ART”
Zee: Wtf is wrong with you ?
B: And then every door in Hell just sprang open all at once.
D: Wait. Every door? Even the Cage?
Nat : Even the cage
Nat : OH NO
D: And Michael?
B: Well, last I heard, he was just sittin' there. Yeah, but if he got out, I mean... Ugh.
Giulia: Lol ADAM
B: I mean...he wouldn't hold a grudge, right?
Nat : Ah that looks nasty
Zee: Can I love Cas in this ep?
Giulia: Oh cas can mend shirt too
Nat : Ah
Giulia: i don t like what is going on
Zee: Fuck
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Giulia: WHAT
Nat : AH NO
Giulia: NO
But let us take a blurred , closer, look tho: 
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those are definitely black eyes. 
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Giulia: Oh I remember that clock, leave a comment if you do too.
Nat : btw All the ghosts don't look very scary
Kat: All these ghosts look old af
Zee: Them bow legs
Giulia: Look at that strut
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Kat: Fresh would be better lol
Giulia: Zee’s that u
Casually punching a hole into someone chest to rip a heart out
Giulia: Got a heart
Nat : WHAT
Kat: Damn fake Jack
Zee: Get away kid
Giulia: Oh the lake ghost
Giulia: Oh ya RUN BB RUN
Kat: That kid is too calm
Zee: It’s not ok
Giulia: it s noooot
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Nat : No, he didn't
Nat : Sam did
Zee: You shot me
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Kat: You shot me 🤣🤣
Kat: Bad ghost bad
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Giulia: Well that was scary
Nat : Stop hurting Sam
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Nat : The ghosts all look weird af
Giulia: True
Kat: They are 15 years older okay
Giulia: Must be the daylight
Zee: I don’t trust jack
Giulia: well is not jack
Giulia: AWE
Giulia: I’m worried about Misha's hip
Zee: Shut up
Giulia: Shut up
Giulia: Good gif to use
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Nat : he said it like Stepford Sam
Giulia: Right?
Giulia: Listen to that PUR
Giulia: the angel thing
Nat : So 4 people fit in the back
Nat : lol
Nat : Ah, not sexual
Zee: Or two horizontal ones
Kat: Well one is a small child
Giulia: Me and Nat are small child size
Nat : Yes
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D:  You okay?
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C: Yes, but...
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Giulia: UGH
Nat : lol
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Zee: Is that a no?
Zee: That’s a no
Kat: Ooohhh they so pissed
Giulia: SO TENSE
Nat : SO HOT
Giulia: what
D: Right now we get you fixed up.
S: what
Nat : I'M FINE
Giulia: Yeah open that shirt
Nat : Do you hear that
D: We've been going nonstop. Let me see it.
D: There's no exit wound.
Nat : Yeah, sure Jan
D: Hey, do you remember when we were little? What I would do to distract you whenever I'd rip off a Band-Aid or something like that?
S: Yeah. You'd tell some stupid joke.
Kat: Omg such a soft moment
Nat : Aw
Nat : Don't come up with old stories now. I'll cry
D: Come on. Knock, knock.
S: Who's...*HISSING*
D: Still got it
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Kat: My boys 😭
Nat : It's Jensen face
The little shit face 
Giulia: Well I don t see white foam
Nat : Are you surprised?
Zee: My god
D: Just when we thought we had a choice. You know, whenever we thought we had free will. We were just rats in a maze. Sure, we could go left. Sure, we could go right. But we were still in the damn maze. Just makes you think, if all of it... you know, everything that we've done...What did it even mean?
S: It meant a lot. We still saved people.
D: Yeah, but what for? You know?  Just so he could throw another End of the World at us and then sit back and chug popcorn?
Giulia: I wanna chug popcorn
Nat : Yeah, ya did Sam
Nat : But I get Dean
Zee: Sam still believes
S: But now he’s gone
S: He gets bored and... and... and... and pulls the ripcord.I mean, that's what he did with Apocalypse World and... and probably with all of them. He moves on, starts another story. But you know what?
Giulia: GOOD
S: For the first time. It's just us.
Zee: What’s one more apocalypse right?
“What’s one more apocalypse right?” -shit that SPN fans says
S: When we win this, God's gone There's no one to screw with us. There's no more maze. It's just us. And we're free.
D: So you and me versus every soul in Hell? I like those odds.
D: Well, you know what that means.
S: We got work to do.
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Giulia: WHAT
Nat : WHAT
Zee: Why is it over ?
Giulia: ...it flew
Kat: Hehehe
Nat : EH
Kat: That end though
Giulia: ...what
Nat : What
Giulia: What happened
Kat: The throwback
Zee: Yeah it was
Giulia: what trip was that
Zee: I just exhaled
Nat : What was that
Giulia: That was so fast
Nat : I hate them
Zee: Oh come on
Nat : i am watching trailer now
Kat: Yeah
Nat : WTF
Nat : I am not overly impressed
Nat : Dean didn’t finish his knock knock joke
Nat : I’m sangry
Next -----> 15x02  "Raising Hell"
.SO ...that was our last first episode screening, ever....GREAT.
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​    @castiellover20   @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​
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kweebtrash · 5 years
Can I Love Like This? (M)
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Messy Chapter 6
Pairing(s): OC X Johnny 
Genre: College AU, Fuckboy AU, Angst, Smut
Summary: Fuckboys are basically good for one thing. You hit it and quit it- except when his voice draws you in, his body keeps you there, and dumb ass feelings linger making things particularly messy.
Warnings:  description/discussions of sexual assaults, beginnings of codependency, light drinking/drug use, unhealthy coping mechanisms, anxiety attack/night terrors, a little bit of a “i can fix/help you attitude”, a little jealousssyyyyyyyyyy
Features: slight daddy kink (daddy/princess), a lot of making out and ass grabbing (because johnny’s a slut), a little bit of grinding, blow jobs, unprotected sex/pulling out, slow fucking/riding, scratching, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, oh and cock warming
Word Count: around 13.5k
A/N: There’s no group chat at the end so I’m sorry! I know a lot of people like them because they’re funny but for some of the serious chapters there won’t be. Towards the end, the songs referenced are Chase Atlantics “Dancer in the Dark” and “Into It”.
Messy Masterlist    Buy me a Ko-Fi  Other Stories
Johnny's POV
I stood quiet as I was unsure as to why she was crying. It happened so suddenly that I stopped talking, pausing to see if she would gather herself. I had told her what happened after the rave and everything that transpired the past couple of weeks. It was definitely hard to say the whole truth. Jae had only gotten the cliffnotes version; i wasn't exactly comfortable telling him everything even though he was my best friend. For some reason though, with Eri, I felt like I could tell her anything and she wouldn't think less of me. I just didn't expect her to cry.
“I'm so sorry, Johnny.” She managed to squeak through her hiccuped breaths.
I scooted closer to her. “For what?”
“For not being there for you…”
“How could you have been? I pushed you away. I needed some time to myself. Shit got heavy really fast and I stayed roped in this mess. I just felt stupid. I knew i shouldn't have taken the pill but I did. And if i hadn't maybe i would've avoided all this.”
“Dont ever blame yourself, ok? We make mistakes but that doesn't warrant anyone getting ra-”
I grabbed her shoulder, more intensely than i should have but i couldn't bear to hear what she was about to say just yet. “Please don't say that word. Just don't.”
She pursed her lips together and pulled her knees to her chest. I sighed and raised my hand to wipe away the smudge-y black tears staining her cheek. She turned towards my touches, slowly falling into my chest and holding onto me tight. It felt good to be held like this. I didn't realize i was even craving it until now. A warm touch that wasn't full of violence or ill will finally made me feel like I could breathe again. Like my safety net has been casted and I could fall into it without worry. “I don't want this to happen to you again. I want to be there for you.”
“It wouldn't be the first time.” I shrugged simply.
Eri looked at me in surprise and as if another round of tears were about to break through at any moment. “What do you mean? T-this has happened before?”
“Something similar, i guess.” I set my head in the palm of my hand as she pulled away to give me room to breath. “When i was younger i hooked up with an older chick which was a big mistake. I wasn't really experienced at the time so I let her take control. So she asked me to go down on her-this was my first time doing it- and then she kinda...she like held me there. I couldn't really breathe so i started to panic and tried to push her away. She didn't let go. When she finally did I didn't want to do anything after but I guess she convinced me or guilted me into having sex after.”
“Oh my god...that's why you dont-”
I nodded.
Her semi silent tears exploded again and i wanted to shake her. There wasn't any need to cry over me or even take pity upon me.  “Eri, stop it. Stop crying.”
“Don't tell me to stop crying! All this shit happened to you and it makes me pissed! Im angry you felt like you couldn't tell anyone. I'm upset at myself for not being there for you. I feel guilty for all those times i asked you to go down on me. And worst of all i want to hurt the bitches that did this to you. Like really hurt them.”
“Don't. I just wanted you to know. I was the one that felt guilty about leaving you on read. I got swallowed up by everything and it was like I wasn't allowed to even be with my friends. I'm thankful that you're worried about me and i'm definitely glad you're here with me now but I don't want to focus on the bad stuff anymore...can we just, maybe, stop talking about it?”
Eri wiped at the tears and nodded. “Yeah, yeah! Shit, of course. I’m sorry. You don’t have to think of it anymore because of me.” She enveloped me in another death grip hug, plastering me to her chest. I wrapped my arms around her waist, setting my head on her shoulder and closing my eyes for just a moment. I could smell her- the mintiness of her shampoo, the florals of her perfume, and the underlying muskiness of our sex. Paired with the heat of her body it was the most comforting thing i had felt all month. I sighed softly, giving her shoulder a quick kiss before pulling away. I kept my hands on her waist and looked up at her. “Do you...will you stay here tonight?”
“Duh.” She smiled. “I'd be totally okay with that.” I reciprocated her smile and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips. She stayed close, adding a few more pecks until i leaned into her harder. Her hands fell to my shoulders, gripping them tightly as mine slipped to her hips. Just as I beckoned for her to part her lips she pulled away, leaving me confused. “Um...is this ok?” She whispered, nibbling on her lip nervously.
“If it was okay in the bathroom, why wouldn’t it be okay now?” I scoffed.
“Because...of everything we just talked about. I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable. Remember how you did the same for me at the beach? I want to be sure you don’t feel-”
“I don’t feel like shit when I’m with you Eri, trust me. I guess I never told you but...don’t take this the wrong way ok? But like-” I exhaled deeply and dropped my head back onto the seat of the couch. “But when we fuck I don’t feel like anything’s wrong. I don’t feel like I have to be in my head, or wrapped up in shit that’s happened to me, or even like I’m rushing through it just to get off. It feels good.” I could see the hint of redness color her cheeks and it made my palms sweat. I pulled them away from her hips and wiped them furiously on my jeans, failing at trying to be as casual as I could be. I didn’t want it to seem like it was something that would ruin our fuck buddy relationship. I didn’t want that at all.
“I'm glad i can make you feel good. That's all i want, Johnny.” She said softly.
“C'mere.” I sighed, pulling her into my lap. “Promise me you wont worry about me that much?”
“Absolutely not.” She adjusted herself so that she straddled my thighs. “All i'm gonna do is worry about you now. You big dumb ass.” She resumed her gentle kisses and I dove back in to trying to pull more out of her. Anything to get my mind off of this. Too many emotions at once gave me a sick panicky feeling and retreating to sex was my comfort zone of all things, especially with Eri. With all the heavy talk I wanted to go back to burying it deep down inside my brain and my heart, trapped with all the other shit i had been through. I wanted to move on. I wanted to be free. Maybe i should be taking more time to properly heal and process it but i just wasn't capable of doing that. At least not now. Maybe somewhere down the line when i was in my mid thirties and having a crisis in therapy I could address it. But for now I was content with shoving it aside and convincing myself that I was alright. I need that intimate touch with Eri to help me forget and metaphorically wash away the dead feeling my body had from having sex with a destructive force of nature. I let my mind snap back to our kiss just as her lips parted and I could slip my tongue in. I sighed into her mouth, moving past my traumatic thoughts and letting my fingers trail up and down her spine.
Getting lost in her lips was a better addiction than any drug I'd ever done before. The way they felt against mine made me never want to stop kissing her. I didn't need to breathe, i just needed her against me. Her fingers crept into my hair, twirling around a few strands. Just as I kissed at her bottom lip she let out a soft whimper. “It still hurts, jerk.”
I smiled a bit, remembering my handiwork of almost tearing into the tenderness of her lips. A little part of me liked it, making it akin to her knowing that she was mine in that moment. “Oh, now you're gonna complain, princess?”
“D-dont call me that.” She whispered, touching her fingers to her tender lip.
“Because it's...i mean it goes with the whole...um-uh-" She turned her voice down to a whisper. “Daddy thing.”
Shit. I had almost forgotten about that. But how could I? It triggered something in me. Something i never even knew I desired. It made me want to do filthy flithy things and get lost in the way she begged for me. My own cheeks started to heat up just at the thought. “Right...so...uh...is that a thing between us now or?”
“I dont know! I mean it's still...there's like more to it than just the name and I dont think it's gonna be your gig!”
“How do you know that?” I tapped her forehead with mine gently and gave her another kiss. “Maybe I like all the shit you're into.”
“Name one single kink you have.”
“I like the hair pulling.”
“That's like normal people stuff, Johnny.” She practically laughed. “All i'm saying is that there's dynamics, trust, and learning that goes with using that word. It's more complicated than you think.”
“Does it mean i can control you?”
“EXCUSE.” She yelled.
“WHAT!? I'm just asking. I'm curious. Can't i be curious?”
“Well yeah but...i didn't think we'd be having this conversation so suddenly and especially not after everything that's happened.”
“I still like sex, Eri. I still want to have sex. I want to have good sex so that way my body doesn't shut down completely and i'm reminded of what it's like to not have control. Hence, why I asked. Can i have control of you?”
“Well...i mean…” she fidgeted against me and groped at the ends her hair. This was the first time I had ever really seen her so docile. It was a bit strange but i was beginning to like it almost as much as i liked her fiery “take no bullshit” personality. “Not all the time. Only in the bedroom, or bathroom...or i guess bumper cars too.”
“Interesting.” So she was giving me permission. Now what to do with that exactly. I was diving into new territory and while it was a hell of a lot more frightening than it was thrilling, the spark of curiosity was ever growing. Control was something I definitely needed during sex. I wouldn't be able to function without it. I didn't exactly see it as a kink thing, it was more of a me thing and how my mind reacted when I fucked. It was like a defensive mechanism that went off as soon as I was in someone. “Ok. So...another thing.” I started.
“Oh boy.” She took a deep breath and exhaled dramatically. “What else?”
“The choking.”
She scrunched up her body and wiggled in the most uncomfortable way. “Right. Uh...that's a thing I like. Not everyone does and you don't have to do it if you don't want to! And if you're trying to be kinky because of me you really really don't have to. I can have regular sex.”
“I want to try some things. The choking is a bit much but if you're okay with it and if i'm doing it right then maybe i'd be willing to do it again.” I confessed.
She covered her face and dove her head into my chest. “Oh my god. I can't believe we're doing this.”
“Why are you so off put by us doing it but not by Ten or Yuta?”
“Because!” She said, practically muffled by the barriers of our skin. “I never expected this from you! It's a little weird!”
“What's so weird about it?”
“I-you- we...ugh, i don't know! I guess i just…” She didn't look at me when she trailed off in her thoughts. She tugged harder on her hair, pulling a few strands free. I pulled her hands away before it got any worse.
“You're stressed.” I noted.
“It's a lot in one night to process. And i know you want to talk about this stuff between us right now because you want to ignore what happened. I get that, i really do. It feels good to ignore shit but it's a ticking time bomb.”
“I know that. The bomb has exploded a few times but it's all I can do right now. If you dont want to talk about kink stuff or sex or my life then that's fine.”
“Nonononono!” She waved her hand frantically as if to stop me. “I do! I like our talk but i'm...i don't want it to get too messy between us. I take the kink thing seriously. They're different relationships compared to romances or friendships, though they can cross over. So even if mutual friends do it and something happens where there’s disconnect or trust issues than it can be difficult to repair that. On top of that, you and I are-we're really connected. I keep forgiving you, you keep thinking about me. We're fucking stupid.”
“That's for damn sure. I know what I want from you.” I lied. “It's just sex.” Idiot, stop talking right now. “That's all it is, Eri.” Jesus christ, why do you do this to yourself?
It may have been in my imagination but maybe her deep brown eyes showed a hint of hurt in them. She quickly smiled as if would create a clean slate. “Well duh!” She laughed, which seemed a bit forced. “What else would it be! We're just friends. Who fuck. A lot. Just friends.”
I nodded, feeling my heart clench behind my rib cage. My mind was screaming to blurt out that I liked her but the chains that shackled me to my inability to fully trust anyone prevented me from heading in that new direction. “Just friends.”
She returned my nod as if we had just sealed a pact. “Um...so we're friends. Who fuck. And now you want to try being my-” She whispered again like the word was suddenly going to condemn her. “Daddy.”
“I mean…” What the fuck did I even mean? “Yes?”
She flopped into my chest again and i could tell we were on the same level of confusion, exhaustion, and frustration. Eri had been right all along and I should've listened to her. It was too much all at once. “Hey, do you want some clothes to change into so that way you're not all covered in straps and buckles and shit?” I said, trying to flip the conversation entirely.
“Oh!” She seemed grateful for the change of pace. “Yes, please. I'm ready to yeet this damn bra off.”
“What's your costume even supposed to be anyway?” I asked.
“I dont know,” She shrugged. “I just put together anything that looked slutty. Call me like a black cat or something.”
I flicked the metal o-ring on her collar. “Yeah, with your kitty collar.” I meant it as a joke but i could see by the way her she ducked her head and avoided me that she was thinking of something else. “Eri, oh my god.”
“What?! I didn't say anything!”
“You didn't have to, you kinky slut. I didn't mean it like that.” She hit my chest playfully.
“Shut up!” Eri shimmied off me and stood up between my legs. Her thighs were in my face now and i couldn't help but run my hands over them and cup her ass. This was my favorite part about her and i could kiss them for hours if she let me. I felt her tap my forehead. “Now you're being the slut. Come pick something for me to wear. I don't know where your clothes are.”
I patted her ass, beckoning her to move so i could get up myself. She moved back and headed towards my room. I was still slowly getting up from the floor when i heard her gasp. “What happened?!” I panicked and went to her side. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary though. “What's wrong?”
“Who's room is this? It's so clean!” She clutched her chest, over dramatically, and looked around. “There's no starbucks cups! And it smells so nice! Clothes are in the laundry basket! Oh my!”
“Ha ha, very funny. Sometimes cleaning your room during a severe depression episode helps. I just wanted something to help make me feel better.”
I went over to my closet while she poked around still raptured by the fact that she could now see my floor. I pushed through some of my gym shirts and button ups and found a hoodie that i thought might fit her. I pulled it out, waiting to hand it over to her, when i saw her fingers dancing over the keys of my electric keyboard. Her attention turned towards my acoustic guitar after, her head cocking just a bit to the side.
“So i'm not the only one with a music secret?”
“I dont keep it a secret. I make music with the guys all the time. It's just been really hard lately.”
“Mhm…” Eri pressed her lips together, her eyes darting to the left as if she was mulling over something. “So...if you're in journalism are you doing music journalism like I am?”
I shook my head and kind of laughed. I guess school and life shit never came up between us when we were fucking each others brains out. “No, photojournalism actually. I'm getting a minor in music production but I want to do mostly photojournalism.”
“I don't think you can get a degree by taking thirst trap gym pictures for instagram, Johnny boy.” She nudged my shoulder back playfully and i just rolled my eyes at her.
“I don't just take those kinds of pictures. I do other stuff. Better stuff. More meaningful stuff.” I leaned back against my dresser, the hoodie still in hand as i waited for her to start disrobing. She began with the collar, unbuckling it from around her neck and letting it fall against the harness. She turned towards me when she struggled to get to the straps behind her. I set the hoodie between my knees and pried at the metal clusterfuck. She pulled her hair over her shoulders. My eyes instantly went to the tattoos she had across her shoulder blades. I was tracing over the designs in my mind, falling deep in thought and not hearing what she was saying. I trailed up to her neck and could see the faintest dark mark from where my fingers dug into her throat. I swallowed hard. I don't know what had possessed me to give in to what she wanted. Choking wasn't something i had ever wanted to do yet she had somehow seduced me into it like some sort of vinyl clad succubus that had control over me with that little word she mistakenly (or not so mistakenly) uttered.
She looked back at me. “Did you hear me?”
“Huh? What?” I blinked and refocused on getting the straps of the harness loose. “Uh, what did you say?”
She pulled off the harness and took off her bra, sighing in relief. “I said i want to see some of your “meaningful stuff” since you said you're not always taking thirst trap pics and gym selfies.”
“Oh! Uh...i mean sure.” I handed her the hoodie which she slipped on before discarding the rest of her clothes and her boots. She looked much more cozy than before and i found myself preferring this look rather than her glammed up dominatrix gear. The sleeves of my hoodie were too long for her arms, dangling far past her small hands. She swung her arms a bit, wiggling her hips as she watched the excess fabric flop around. I couldn't help but laugh. “What the hell are you doing?”
She wiggled her arms out at me. “I don't know. They're so long on me it makes me think of an octopus.” She shrugged and became a little bit more reserved. “Sorry, i kinda do weird shit all the time.”
“Yeah, you definitely are weird that's for sure.”
“Tell me something I dont know.”
“I used to do this parrot impression for my mom when i was a kid.” I said.
“What in the fuck?” She laughed, covering half of her face with her sleeves as if to hide from second hand embarrassment.
“That's something you don't know but now you do. And i would show it to you but i don't think you deserve to see my great skill.”
“PLEASE, spare me. I don't want to hear you squawk like a parrot for the love of god.” She pawed at me with her hand as she stepped closer and set her head on my chest. I subconsciously wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled out my phone. I went to my photography Instagram and held it out for her to see.
“But anyway, parrot impression aside, here's my photography stuff. I mean it's not great or anything but...you know, i like it.”
She pushed the sleeves up her arms until her little hands were free and grabbed my phone, scrolling through my pictures. I felt my heartbeat increase with nervousness. I think i might've been scared to hear what she actually thought of my work; i guess i was putting value on her opinions and possibly wanting to...impress her? I was half prepared to hear that it all sucked but definitely not prepared for what she actually said.
“Johnny, you're so beautiful.”
I whipped my head towards her, stunned completely at those little words that i had never heard coupled together in my entire life. “W-what?” She angled my phone so i could see a self portrait i had done of me during the sunset. I thought it was a weak composition but for her to think that i was actually...beautiful? “It’s just...it's just a self portrait. I was just trying to experiment with lighting and-”
“You're beautiful, idiot. And talented. I love all of these.” She scrolled some more and almost let out a dreamy sigh. “This one...this one is perfect.” The new tile she had expanded was that of my eye filtering through the brightness of the sun and bringing out the kaleidoscope of colors my iris could make. Her cheeks looked a little warmer and i could have sworn she had let out a tiny giggle of pleasure.
“What? It's just my eye.”
“Yeah but your eyes are that perfect shade of brown that can do all sorts of things. I remember at the party right before you kissed me, the kitchen light reflected in them and they turned into a warm honey color and it was...um...nice. Sorry…” Her excitement seemed to die down and she handed my phone back to me. “I kinda made it weird…”
My palms were started to sweat again and i couldn't quite figure out how to respond. No one had ever talked about me or any of my features in that manner. I could say the same about her but currently my throat was turning into a knot. I pulled away from her and tossed my phone on my desk trying to focus on anything else. She padded over to my bed and sat down, keeping her distance and vow of silence. The only thing that interrupted it was the loud growl from her stomach. I couldn’t help but stifle a laugh. “I take it you’re hungry?”
“Well...It may have been like...6 hours since I actually ate at work.”
“Eri. Seriously?”
“Look, I had to start getting ready for the party. It takes me an hour and a half to look like this!” She circled her hand around her face that (though a little messed up now) had makeup caked on that made her look like some alternative Instagram model.
“Oh my god. Ok, can I interest you in a carpet picnic of-” I thought to what I had in my fridge. “A bunch of pizza rolls and french fries, a half bottle of bottom shelf whiskey, and some cigarettes that you entirely loathe but will smoke anyway?”
“Oh Johnny!” She giggled jokingly. “How utterly romantic. You know a way directly to my heart.”
I shrugged. “What can I say, i’m a charmer. I’m gonna put the pizza rolls in.”
“Uh, should I just stay in here?”
I shrugged. “Do whatever you want, babe.” I headed towards the kitchen and grabbed the giant bag of pizza rolls and fries from the freezer. I pulled a mostly clean baking sheet from the oven and dumped the food on it. I tried to remember when I even kept the shitty whiskey. I checked the fridge and thankfully it was way in the back behind some old chinese cartons and milk. I pulled it out and set it on the counter, finding some leftover plastic shot glasses I normally used for parties. Just as i was setting the food in the oven she joined me in the kitchen, hopping onto the counter and opening the whiskey.
She poured out two shots and held it out to me. “You need it.”
“I need to become an alcoholic to deal with all the shit im going through.” I chuckled. We held up the glasses up in a silent toast before tossing them back. She instantly poured us another one.
“Don't become an alcoholic. I'm already the alcoholic in this relationship. You're the delinquent drug user and nymphomaniac.”
“Excuse me. I am not a nympho. I can go without sex.”
“Wanna bet?” She smirked and tossed back another shot.
“No. I know i'd lose.”
“I know, that's why i want to. Since i'll win i can ask you to do a favor for me.”
“Oh no.” I protested already seeing that devilish look in her eye. “I don't trust you.”
“C'mooonnn. Dont be a chicken. I won't make it so bad. Let's see if you can last until tomorrow. I'll make it easy.” She propositioned.
“Fine. I can do until tomorrow.” I drank my shot and set it down on the counter, rubbing my chest at the after burn.
Suddenly, Eri was caressing my face, guiding me towards her for a gentle kiss. “In all seriousness i'm glad you're okay after everything. Physically, i mean. I'm sure you're still working on the mentally.”
“I'll be fine, Eri. One day at a time, yeah?”
She nodded and hummed a little in agreement. My lips hovered over hers for a moment, hesitating before giving in. I wrapped my hand around hers, pulling it away from my face to entwine our fingers together. Our kiss was much more slower than before, so that way she wouldn't complain about me hurting her sore lip. Between our tongues tangling I could hear the soft moan of my name. I pulled away just a bit. “Hmm?”
“I could kiss you for hours.” She confessed, adding a gentle squeeze to my hand. I nodded against her, my breath speeding up as my heart thundered.
“That's for damn sure. You're always driving me crazy with those lips of yours.”
“I could say the same about you.” She sealed her statement with another kiss, driving us into another session unaffected by time and boredom. That was until i smelled the beginnings of something burning.
“Fuck!” I pulled away from her quickly and rushed to grab a pot holder. I opened the oven door and saw that the pizza rolls were getting a bit too brown but I was able to save them before they were little charcoal blocks. I took the whole pan out and set it on top of the stove to let it cool. 
“Good job, chef.” Eri chuckled as she poked at me with her foot.
“Well, if I hadn't been distracted then maybe I could've taken them out in time.” I swatted at her foot gently, scrunching away when she continued her playful pokes. “I'm gonna beat your little ass.” I joked.
She jumped down from the counter and over my shoulder I could see her walking towards the couch. “Ooh, spank me, Daddy.” I could tell she was joking but the coy little look on her face told me she was still testing those forbidden awkward waters. I shook my head; this chick was ridiculous and I loved it. I grabbed some plates for us and loaded them up, tucking the bottle of whiskey under my arm as i balanced everything. I set the plates down on the coffee table and plopped down beside her in front of the couch.
“Wanna watch something?” I suggested.
She nodded. “Put a scary movie on or a serial killer documentary. It helps me fall asleep.” She ended her sentence with a yawn.
“You fall asleep to the sound of people getting murdered?”
“Yeah, doesn't everyone?” She laughed. “I’m just used to the sounds and the documentaries are soft spoken. It's nice background sounds.”
“Alright, weirdo.” I complied with her request, searching through my netflix for something she deemed interesting enough. We eventually settled on Friday the 13th and fell into a rhythm of eating, laughing at the terrible acting, and Eri telling me her favorite things about scary movies. It was almost stereotypical but she was absolutely adorable when she got so passionate about describing her favorite type of movie blood, murder weapon, and trope. Occasionally she would feed me a pizza roll or french fry and laugh when it was too hot and burned my tongue. Spending time like this, just hanging out without any craziness, parties, or people around us was amazing. She was becoming more than just a pretty face and a sex god. She was actually showing her personality. It was my turn to say that she was showing her humanity.
When the food was done and whiskey gone i realized that we were cuddled up together in front of the couch. I had gotten a blanket from my room to make sure she was warm enough and changed into some temporary pjs. Her eyelids were getting heavier and she was on the verge of completely passing out. “Eri, baby, you want to go to my bed?”
She perked her head up, sleepily. “No, no. We're watching the movie.”
“It's almost done.”
“Hmm, stay here.” She tugged on my shirt, keeping me close. I sighed and complied, even though my ass was starting to get sore from sitting on the floor all this time. I kissed the top of her head before sinking down so i could rest my head in her lap. It gave my back a break and my tailbone some room to breathe. Her fingers combed through my hair, pushing it back and scratching at my scalp every once in awhile. That in of itself was like a lullaby to me. I felt my eyes getting heavy and heard the soft hums of a song i half recognized. I set her other hand on my stomach, letting her fingers crawl underneath my tank top to rub at the skin there. This was amazing. Everything felt so warm and perfect and I thought I could finally sleep in peace.
But I was fucking wrong.
I don't know how long it took for me to slip into a panic. Flashes of Rixi and my past mistakes were dancing behind my fluttering eyelids and I tried to push them away. My breath was gone. All i could do was let out a harsh rasp as if something was choking the life out of me. My heart felt like it was going to explode any moment. The damn void surrounded me and swallowed me up, replaying my internal screams until i felt my body shake hard.
“Hey, hey! Johnny, baby, look at me. Are you ok?”
My eyes flew open and I shot up, trying to suck in air with heavy gasps. I felt sweat pouring down the sides of my face. I was trembling and couldn't control it. It finally clicked that I was at home and had been for a few hours. Eri was still beside me, complete fear staining her face. Her silhouette was surrounded by the light of the tv in an almost angelic halo. My heart continued to storm throughout my entire system and made my ears thunder. My breath still couldn't catch up with the rest of my body and it was a battle to try and focus on getting a single inhale. I could see her mouth moving but the words weren't registering. I tried clutching at her, screaming for her to help pull me out, but my limbs were dead and it felt like she was still out of my grasp no matter if I tried or not.
“Johnny! Look at me! I need you to focus!” I heard her snap her fingers as she turned my head towards her. Her voice was finally hitting my ear drums and I blinked a few times as I came out of my confused stupor. She set one of my hands over her heart. “Do you feel the way I’m breathing? I need you to do that with me right now.”
I looked down at my hand then back up at her, still unable to speak. Beneath my fingers her heart was beating a little fast but her breaths were much more steady than my own. She inhaled, holding it for a moment before letting it go. “With me Johnny, come on. In and out.” She repeated her steady breaths and I inhaled with her. A sharp pain swam through my chest but I forced myself through it to exhale. In and out, in and out, over and over until the weight lifted off my ribs. God, i wanted to cry. This one was so much worse then the ones i had nights before. It scared me shitless. I pulled away from Eri and tried to stand up. “Hey, take it easy. Relax for a second.” She said, grabbing a hold of my arm to keep me down beside her.
“Let me go.” I said, more sternly than I should have. I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do or how to calm down. I shook off her grip on me and went to my room, spending my time pacing like a mad man. Eventually she made her way over to the doorway, waiting for me to acknowledge her.
“Johnny…” She said softly. I shook my head, not knowing what for. Did I need space? Did I want space from her? I shook out my hands nervously, continuing my pacing. She took a tentative step towards me and tried reaching out. “Hey, I can help you through this you know.”
“You don’t-” I took another breath. “You don’t know how this feels.” My voice was a shaky mess.
“Hah,” she scoffed. “Good assumption. Trust me. I’ve had panic attacks where I went unconscious and barely remember what happened. I know what it’s like to go through something as serious as this. But you’ve got too much going on in your body right now. If you don’t take a second to stop you are literally going to make things worse.”
“I know how my fuckin’ body reacts, okay?!” I yelled. She nodded solemnly and kept quiet. I was lashing out just because I never wanted anyone to see me have a night terror. I wasn’t ready for that level of vulnerability yet, especially not with my fuck buddy that I thought about constantly and wanted to save me from myself. It was layer after layer of toxic thoughts but I just couldn’t help it. I wanted to kick her out but at the same time I wanted her to stay. I wanted her against me, i wanted her voice to keep guiding me through this. I wanted to be inside her. I wanted to drink. I wanted to smoke. I wanted to be a destructive force and I had to stop. Please, I need it to stop. “I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-”
“I know, I know. Is it okay if I touch you or are you still hypersensitive?”
“Ye-yeah, it’s ok. I was just-”
“Confused, I know.” She stepped closer and grabbed onto me, gently pushing me towards the bed. I sat on the edge, my leg bouncing furiously. She took my face in her hands and guided me to look in her eyes. “I’m right here. I’m staying right here. Do you know what you need?”
“Can you get the weed out my drawer?”
“I don’t think that may be best right now.” She said.
“I literally smoke it for anxiety.”
“Yeah but...no offense- actually kind of full offense- you’re broke. You don’t get good stuff or medicinal quality shit. It’s honestly just a coping mechanism like your regular cigarettes are at this point. If you smoke enough you could probably trip but i feel like it’s going to fuck up your system. We can lay down together instead.”
“No. I’ll just get it myself.” I stood up, still unable to stay in one place for long, but she kept her small frame in front of me in hopes of blocking my every move. “Eri, move.”
“Johnny, please just hear me out-”
She set the sweater sleeves over her face, hiding from me completely. She finally stepped away and I could hear her small sniffles. Guilt was riddling my stomach as I went to my drawer and got out the cigarette case that held all my blunts. I lit one up, taking in a deep exhale and holding it in until it burned. “I hate seeing you like this…” She whispered.
“Yeah, well I fuckin’ hate being like this, but here we are. You can leave if you want to. Nothing’s keeping you here, especially if you don’t like what I’m doing.”
“I don’t...you need someone. I’m okay with being that someone.”
“I don’t need anyone.”
“That’s the problem in the first place Johnny. You’re closing yourself off. You have moments when you let people in but not enough for anyone to truly help you.”
“Maybe I don’t want help.” I lied.
“You do. I know you do. I know I can’t break that wall down in a day but you can trust me to be right here.”
I took another hit and kept my back towards her. We stayed in silence for a bit more while I mulled over her words. I knew what she was doing was exactly what I needed, but my defense mechanism to block out everyone was in overdrive. She was never supposed to see me this weak. No one was. I rested my elbows on top of my dressed and cradled my head in my hands. I could feel a tension headache surmounting in the back of my skull making my head pound. The shaking in my hands continued even as I puffed away. When one was done, I lit another without a moment in between, stuffing my almost full ashtray even more. Soon enough I felt her fingers grace my shoulders. The way she looked at me had me hating myself. “I don’t know what I want Eri.” My voice cracked and I took a smaller hit, trying to push back the tears that were threatening to fall.
She stood on her tiptoes, slowly moving her hands up my chest until they wrapped around my neck. I set the blunt in the ashtray and turned towards her fully setting my hands underneath her ass to pull her against me more. She kissed me then, drawn out and cautious, letting the reminder of smoke i held in flow into her mouth. Her tongue drew mines out, sucking on it deeply as her fingers danced at the nape of my neck. “This isn't good for you either.” She gasped in between the few moments of our lips parting.
“What do you mean?”
“You are. You're good. Too damn good for me.” I pressed my forehead against hers and begged for another kiss. She kept herself at bay, shaking her head as she moved to cup my neck.
“We shouldn't do this. It's not healthy.”
“Coming from someone who drinks and parties her problems away, i don't think either of us are fuckin’ healthy right now.”
“I try not to…” She whimpered and I realized it might have stung more than I intended. “But that's why I said I understand everything. We go through the same shit. We know when things are wrong but-”
“We keep doing them. Every time, i come back to you.”
“Yeah…” Her hand caressed my face now, her eyes flowing up towards mine to reflect every ounce of hurt I felt. “Why is fucking our solution to everything?”
I closed my eyes and grabbed a firm hold of her ass to pull her up around my waist. She wrapped her bare legs around me, squeezing me to the warmth between her thighs. I swallowed hard. “Because, nothing feels better than drowning in someone rather than dealing with pain and heartache.”
“I just want to help. I just want to make you feel better, John…” She buried her face in my neck, gripping onto me like she was going to lose me then and I led her to my bed, laying her down gently. “I don't know how else to do it, Johnny. Tell me.”
“You. Give me you.” I exhaled and pressed myself harder against her, keeping her legs wrapped around me tight. I got lost in her lips again while my hands grabbed and caressed everything I could. Her chest filled up my palm and I kneaded her breast with everlasting attention. Her tiny and barely audible moans coated my tongue as she sucked it into her mouth. My brows furrowed and i ground my hips into her center letting her know that it was exactly what I wanted. Though she looked so perfect in my hoodie I needed it off her. I reluctantly left her breast and slid my hand under the fabric, shoving it towards her shoulders. She wiggled her arms free before pulling me back down to her again. My lips covered her neck this time, flowing over the imprint I had left behind earlier.
Meanwhile, she was exploring the expanse of my back, her hands creeping lower until she grabbed my ass. The thin fabric between wasn't enough to keep her warmth or wetness away from me. If anything it drew me in more, as if i was under a spell and needed to feel how i felt just hours before. My body tensed in anticipation and i could feel myself stirring again with renewed vigor. “Let me take care of you, yeah?” She ran her fingers through my hair again, her voice a sweet invitation to pleasure. I nodded eagerly, ready to feel any and every inch of her skin against mine. She gripped my hair and used the force in her thighs to push me down on the bed, switching our positions so she was on top. I sucked in a breath, biting my lip  as I watched every move she made. My hands moved on their own accord, sliding over her thighs and grabbing a hold of the waistband of her panties. I gave her a little tug, making her fall forwards onto my chest. She planted her hand beside my head, steadying herself a bit. “You need to let me do this for you.”
“I'm letting you.” I whispered, truly believing that she was in control but she shook her head at me, snubbing me as a liar.
“No, you're not. Relax, Johnny. Don't you think i know how to treat my man?” My eyes widened at her words and my body stiffened as her lips trailed a fiery path down my throat towards my chest. I was trying to form a response but my brain faded as soon as I felt her nails drag down my ribs and her tongue flash over my nipple. I couldn’t help the curses I whispered or the fact that my hand gripped the back of her head, planting her there. The way her tongue and teeth ran over that sensitive area had me throbbing and arching towards her body. Her nails eased down from my ribs over to my stomach until they reached my pants. She pulled away from me and shuffled herself off the bed to pull them off. I lifted my hips to help her and tossed away my tank top, feeling a bit more free and less suffocated.
“What about those?” I motioned towards the simple black thong she had on. I wanted to see her again, especially as I thrusted inside her.
She shook her head. “Be patient.” She pressed herself onto her knees and spread my thighs a bit wider. I shuffled up more on the bed giving her a bit more room to comfortably stay between my legs and suck me down. My head rested back against my pillow as her lips sealed around my cock, sliding down my shaft and covering my veins in her tongue. She was driving strangled pants out of me already and I couldn't help but dig my hand into her curls again. Her hands rubbed my inner thighs, spreading warmth over them before maneuvering down to cup my balls. Her thumb rolled over each one, adding pressure every so often as her cheeks started to hollow out around as much as she could handle. I licked my lips and tried to keep as quiet as I could but this was bliss.
She popped off my cock and planted kisses to the underside of my shaft. Her mouth went lower and her tongue traced the same pattern her thumbs had across my balls. One after the other she took them into her warm wet heat and I pulled at her hair hard, wanting to fill her mouth entirely. She whimpered, the small timbre making me shudder and ease out her name within a groan. “Fuck...Eri…”
I wasn't even looking down at her but I could feel those dark eyes on me, watching my every breath and tense of my muscles. My hips could only try and press up towards her lips though she denied that satisfaction. She moved even lower, kissing and adding heated kitten licks to the sensitive area behind my balls. My body shot up, my legs tensing completely. She looked up at me innocently enough, her ass poised in the air and lips glistening. “Relax, it feels good. Trust me.”
“What is it?” I swallowed thickly.
She smirked and almost giggled. “Don’t worry.” She set her hand on my chest and pushed me back down onto the mattress while her other fingers danced across that sensitive patch of skin she had discovered. My thighs almost bucked closed but she made sure she could keep them open. She kept her place between them, taking me in her mouth again. The combination of her teasing and deep sucks made me cover my mouth to shield any loud moans from escaping. My other hand left her hair to clutch at the sheets beside me, trembling as I fisted them tight. Her tongue slid over my slit, dipping in and drawing out the bit of pre cum already leaking. I felt a throb straight through my length. It made my toes curl and my back arch a bit. I could feel my orgasm approaching and I didn’t want it to end just yet.
She jumped up, licking her lips and looking at me wide eyed. “W-what?”
“N-not...um, not yet.”
She smiled and crawled her way up to my face. “Don’t worry, you’ll be inside me when you do.”
“F-fuck…” I shuddered at her words and kissed her hard, letting her wrap her delicate fingers around me and give a few pulls to my already heated and sensitive cock. I set my hand on her ass, grabbing a hold of her stupid panties and tearing at them. “N-need...now.”
She wiggled out of them, kicking them off her ankle before beckoning me on top of her. Her wish was my command and soon enough I was looking down at her as her lip stayed trapped between her teeth and she guided me in. “Slow,” She whispered. “I’m still a bit sore from earlier.”
I nodded and sunk into her heated depths. I loved the way she wrapped around me, suffocated me, letting me go as deep as I could. I set my head beside hers on the pillow, adding small kisses to her shoulder and collar bone. I heard her wince as I started my first thrust, making me stop. “Sssh, daddy’s got you.” Wait, whoa fuck. I pressed my lips together, my body frozen. Shit, i really said that. But Eri didn’t seem at all embarrassed unlike I was. Instead, she wrapped her arms under my own, spreading her fingers across my shoulder blades as she held on. If she wasn’t going to acknowledge it then I would pretend it never happened either.
“Keep going…” She said. “Please…”
This was what she wanted then. She liked what i had said and the fact that I needed her this much. Maybe she needed me as much as I needed her. Maybe we were made for each other. I shook my head and sunk my teeth into her shoulder, her pained whimper filling my ear. I kept my thrusts slow and steady even though i wanted to fuck all these intrusive thoughts away. I didn't have time to think about this. It's just a fuck, Johnny. A fuck you need to put your mind at ease and get back to sleep. It's...it's just a…
My need to tear through her at a fast pace dwindled as i realized how much the gentleness was worth it. I pulled away from her shoulder and looked at her, amazed by how fucking stunning she was. Her full lips were pouted open just enough to let the softest of mewls fill the space between us. Her hair spread across the pillows like a crown of amethyst and her beautifully rich skin glowed with a pink flush. Though her makeup was a mess she still seemed...beautiful. I was thankful her eyes were closed because she wouldn't be able to see the shock on my face. God, my head was swimming and she was devouring me. I was only getting weaker against her and she was everything I wanted.
“It's ok now,” she cooed once she felt my body pause. Her knee slipped from around my waist towards my ribs letting me sink in almost to the hilt. “You can go a little faster.”
“I don't want to hurt you.” I finally said. My voice was trembling.
She shook her head. “It won't now, baby. Trust me. I want to feel you cum.”
She buried her face against my shoulder and I could barely make out her whisper. “Just cum, okay?”
I nodded and finally sped up my thrusts getting a bit more relief than when i was going slow and feeling every painstakingly good thing about her. Her sweet little moans were driving me crazy and i kissed her again just to try and keep her quiet. I buried my fingers in her hair, forcing her head to stay close. I was afraid now, more than ever. Sometimes fear was just a reflection of what we truly desired and i was afraid of the love she was giving me. The tenderness, the worry, the support, the protection. It was all I ever wanted and now that I had it i didnt know what to do with it but push it away. The insecure thoughts in my mind reminded me that I wasn't going to be able to escape this feeling. It was solidified when my lips pulled from hers and I could see her head tossed back against the pillows. Her body was arched perfectly against me as if we were molded together. My name was the only thing she could say beside ‘please’ and it brought me closer to finishing. My hand gripped the edge of the mattress and i used the leverage to fuck her harder.
She stretched around me, her nails digging fast tracks into my skin. I knew I was close but I wanted to spend every last moment up until the end inside her. Her muscles were flexing around me making my breath fade into non existence. My body tensed and melted at the same time and i managed to slide away from her warmth. I couldn't help the groan i let out as spurt after spurt painted her inner thighs and heated center. I kept my hold on the mattress so tight I was sure my knuckles were going white. It took a few minutes for me to ground myself and fully relax. I settled my head on her chest, listening to her heartbeat echo in my ears. “You ok?” She whispered.
No. On a lot of levels I was not. Even now that I had worked out some of the anxiety that sent my body into a hyper fit I still wasn't okay. I didn't know how to express that to her exactly especially since part of the reason that I wasn't okay was because i realized all too late that I may feel something deeper for her than I had ever imagined. The sex was supposed to be a cure all but now it just made me want to hide. It was too intimate and real way too fast. Why don't i ever listen to the rational side of my brain?
“What?” I grumbled, mad at myself.
She kissed the top of my head and wrapped her hand around mine. “If you can't sleep or don’t want to I’ll stay up with you.”
I sighed and rolled off her, rubbing both my hands across my face. “Nah, it’s chill. Go to sleep. I’ll be fine or whatever.”
“You don’t sound fine.” She said sadly.
“It’s not you, it’s me.”
“Wow, great. As if anything good ever came from that sentence being uttered between two people.”
“I’m serious, my heads just still all fucked up. Thinking about a lot of shit still.”
“I know I could tell...butttt you seemed pretty eager to fuck me again. Especially now that im covered in your cum.”
I couldn't help but laugh a bit. “I'm always eager to fuck you.” I admitted.
“Well duh. I'm great in the sack.” She cuddled against me and placed a kiss on my cheek. I was kicking myself the entire time but there was a bigger voice saying fuck it. Fuck the complicated ass feelings. If you could be happy for one night, one day, then do it. I deserved it. I'm going back to having fun.
“You didn't cum.” I said suddenly with my newfound realization and motivation.
She kissed my neck this time. “Don't care. It was about you, daddy.”
That damn word again. I hadn't even had a chance to relax and I was getting worked up again. “I care. I want you to feel good too. I was being kind of selfish.”
She shook her head. “I'm telling you, you did exactly what I wanted. I wanted you inside me and I wanted you to cum and feel good.”
“Get on top of me.” I commanded.
“Johnny you seriously-”
“Princess, do you think i'm joking? Get on top of me.”
Her cheeks flared up again and her mouth hung open a little. “I...um...o-okay.” She kept her head low as she crawled back over my hips.
“Fuck yourself on me. Now.”
“You sure? I-i mean, you just came so like...you'll be really sensitive and -Ah!!” I cut off her sentence with a slap to her thigh.
“Do it, Eri. I’m over these fucking feelings eating me up and I’ll be damned if it keeps happening and ruining my time with you-with anyone.”
She let out a cute whimper and lifted her hips up a bit. She guided my still mostly hard cock towards her entrance and sunk down slowly. I hissed harshly, squeezing my eyes shut tight as her body completely overwhelmed my sensitivity. I had never felt anything like this before. She hadn’t even started moving and I already felt like I was going to cum again. I tried to steady my breathing that was building rapidly. It almost felt as intense as my anxiety attack but this was one hell of a way for my body to react. I clawed at her hips, leaving my own marks behind as she began working her ass against me. This was exactly what I needed. My mind was a fucked out mess, only being able to concentrate on how good she felt instead of everything else and my body couldn’t keep up.
We were getting lost in each other and it seemed never ending. A rough grind here, a thrust there, our hands never straying away from one another. Her neck disappeared in my palm and she pressed her thumb against my throat testing the waters of my shaking frame. She was practically saying my new found title like a prayer, over and over as if it was going to tether her to some holy plane. I could barely manage any sounds. My voice was nonexistent though I wanted to scream for her. I wanted her to know that i was losing myself and never wanted to resurface. Her thighs quivered then, her tiny fingers clutching at my neck tighter.
Her moans were becoming rougher and more staggered until she finally came like i wanted. She fell forward onto me, burying her face in my chest as small shivers went throughout her system. It was enough to make my body react, reaching another orgasm that shocked the hell out of me. I had never got off more than once in such a short time frame. It was more intense and a bit longer than before and fuck it felt amazing. I didnt know i was even capable of doing that. “H-holy fuck…” i finally managed to say. “Eri, what the fuck did you do to me?”
She was so deep in my chest that her voice was muffled. “I'm guessing you found out that guys can have multiple orgasms without cumming, huh?”
“Oh my god...since when?”
She snorted. “It takes some practice and getting used to but it's possible. They don't teach you that shit in sex ed.”
I pushed my hair back and wiped at the sweat across my forehead. “Jesus…”
“Welcome to my,” her sentence was interrupted with a yawn. “World.”
I kissed her forehead and set my arms around her shoulder as i tried to process everything that happened between us. “Sleep, ok?”
“‘M sticky…” she mumbled.
Right. Fuck. My body felt like a sack of bricks but i parted from her gently and slowly worked my way to the bathroom, grabbing my towel from the back of my door. The apartment was still quiet and the automatic timer on the tv had shut it off leaving everything is darkness. I didn't even know if Jae had come home. I'd have to check my phone to see if he had texted me at some point. I managed to not trip on anything getting to the bathroom sink and wet the towel. Briefly i looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was sticking up in random places, lipstick smeared on my mouth and neck, and my eyes red. I splashed some water on my face and washed away the lipstick before heading back to my room.
Eri was splayed out in bed, her chest rising and falling gently. I realized she had already fallen asleep. I smiled as I took in her soft features and the way her lips pouted ever so slightly. I didn't want to disturb her so i cleaned her up as best as I could, ridding her of my leftover cum. When i was satisfied with my own cleanup i dove back into bed, setting my arm around her waist. I was afraid of falling back asleep but as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out, faded, satiated, and reminiscing on feelings I shouldn't be having.
When I woke up it was already later in the evening. My body was still sore and tired but also starving. My hunger got the best of me and I needed something soon. I rubbed at my eyes, blinking a few times to see that Eri was still being my little spoon. I pressed a kiss between her shoulder blades and sighed contently. I felt...good. Like really good. Like a fog had been lifted from my mind. For the first time in a month i felt like I could breathe easier and was happy to be alive. This was exactly what i needed. I tried sitting up a bit so i could prepare myself to start functioning but I noticed I was trapped inside her.
When the hell did that happen?
I dont remember us fooling around after we passed out, let alone getting hard enough again to stay inside her. Her warmth feel so good, even better when she shifted and backed herself up against me more. A soft sigh fell from her lips and I wondered if I should finish whatever the hell I had started. No. If i did she would keep me in this bed all damn day and I'd never get anything done. Slowly, I parted from her, biting my lip at the heated wetness that coated my cock still. I could grab a quick shower and take care of it then. I left her in bed and went about getting a shower (and jerk off session) in, scrubbing away a day and a half's worth of sweat and sex. I got on a fresh pair of pj pants and popped in my airpods, putting on my spotify list and heading to the kitchen.
There was about a half dozen texts from Jae and the group chat had blown up with about 50 messages, mostly from Yuta. Afterall he was there right in the thick of it and apparently was arguing with T.Y. for kicking Eri out. I didn't want to think about that now and only answered Jae letting him know that I was at the apartment. I worked through the fridge, getting what wasn't spoiled and remotely related to breakfast food out to start cooking. The music hit me as i was beating some eggs and i started dancing and singing along. I was enjoying it way too much and it was the best feeling ever.
In the middle of turning my omelet over I felt hands slide over my hip bones, resting beneath the band of my pajamas pants. Looking over my shoulder i could see Eri pressed into my back nuzzling against my skin. I set my omelet on a plate and popped out an airpod. I turned around and grabbed her waist, keeping her against me. She smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck making us press our forehead together. I was still grooving to the music, making her sway with me as she giggled. “What’s gotten into you this morning-afternoon-thing?”
“Don’t know,” I hummed a bit. “Just don’t feel as shitty right now.”
“Ohh, aren’t those less depression days nice? Makes you not feel like dying as much.”
I nodded and closed my eyes, just liking the way she felt against me. “Oh baby, maybe it's that look in your eyes. They been telling me she wanna leave. She's been dancing with the devil all night. it's like Hell is where she wanna be…” My own little concert was cut short when i felt her hit my chest hard. “Ouch, what the hell?!”
“You never told me you could sing you-you-stupid hot bastard!” She exclaimed.
“Oh...I’m more than just a dick you know.”
“EXCUSE?! You of all people saying that! I should hit you again!”
“Please don’t.”
“Oh, fuck...oh my god. I didn’t mean-”
“I know.” I shrugged. “But I was joking, mostly. Just kinda feeling the song you know? Been listening to it on repeat and I finally feel good about music again.” I said.
“Will you sing for me some more?”
“Only if you’ll sing for me.”
“Well,” She laughed. “If you want me to scream in your face I will most certainly do that. But that’s all you get from me.”
“Oh right, your emo-screamo-twig bands. Serenade me with your lyrics about death and stabbing and going against the man.”
“As long as you serenade me about taking drugs and fucking girls because ‘i’m into it’.”
I leaned back against the counter, smirking a bit. “You listen to them too?”
“I listen to a lot of things.” She stood on her tiptoes and gave me a kiss. “I’m more than just a dick you know.”
I rolled my eyes and chuckled. “You’re fucking weird.” I grabbed her ass that I loved so much and pulled her up for a deeper kiss. She wasted no time sliding my tongue past my teeth and I could taste the fresh mintiness of my mouthwash on her. I slid my hands up my hoodie she had put on again, exposing her ass completely and about ready to fuck her on the counter, food forgotten. That was until i heard a throat clear behind us.
Eri and I separated and adjusted ourselves before turning around to see Quinn standing in the kitchen. “Well sorry to interrupt you guys tongue fucking each other's mouths but now that you're up I can finally give Eri their phone.”
“My-? Fuck, i didn't even notice! Where was it?” Eri said.
“You left it in Taeyong's bathroom. After the kinda fight thing happened and you left, Jae and I were worried about where you and Johnny might have gone off too. I luckily found it when i was trying to call you.” She handed it over to Eri. “We got to and realized that you  the apartment around 3 am and realized you guys were here because of all the ‘oh daddy’, ‘daddy, yes! Please!’ getting screamed.”
Eri and I both stood up straighter, our faces crimson and heated. “I-i...i dont know what you're talking about!” Eri tried to lie.
“Don't bother trying to cover it up. You're getting louder, Eri.”
Eri hit Quinn with the fabric of the hoodie sleeve, making Quinn laugh amidst her incessant teasing. I didn't realize that we could be heard fucking. It wasn't something i was really used to with Eri. I could handle people hearing us moan but definitely not her saying...that. I didn't want people to know about that part of us just yet-or even at all. It was way too private. “I'm gonna kill you, Quinn, I swear it!” Eri exclaimed.
“Don't get so touchy! It was kinda hot listening to you guys.”
“You listened?!” I said. “What the hell, Quinn?!”
She just shrugged. “Ya’ll were being loud! Not like I had a choice! Anyway, Eri, Yuta has been blowing up your phone so you should check in with him. And Mama Doyoung wants to talk to you asap.”
“Fuck.” Eri whispered. “Doyoung is gonna kill me. Shit, I have to call him right now.”
“Why would Doyoung kill you?” I asked.
“It’s...nevermind. I may have to go see him.”
“Oh, also, one more thing.” Quinn started. “Jae and I are going to get boba this week.”
“I love boba!” Eri interrupted.
“I know. That’s why you and Johnny are going on a double date with us.”
“Whoa, wait what?!” I couldn’t help that my voice went up a few levels. “I dont- we are not dating or going out on dates!”
“Uh- huh so anyway, if ya’ll aren’t working Wednesday, we’re going then.”
Eri looked at Quinn then at me. “Uh...um...well...it’s not like a date-date, right? Friends get boba all the time. We get boba with Lucas and Yuta! Those aren’t dates.”
“Ok, whatever you wanna say. We’re going on a double date. So like be ready. I’m gonna go back to bed. I’m too tired.” Quinn gave Eri a kiss that lasted a little bit longer than I preferred. “Let me know how it goes with Doyoung, ok?”
Eri sighed and let Quinn leave, watching as she closed to door to Jae’s room before turning to me. “I’m so sorry. Quinn gets weird when they’re cranky and tired, ignore that. We’re not going on a date.”
I stayed quiet for a moment. “Do you always let Quinn kiss you like that?”
“Uh, what? Well, like...for the most part. Why?”
“Hmm.” My hands gripped tighter around the edge of the counter. Was I actually jealous or was Quinn just annoying me as usual? Eri looked up at me as I spaced out in my thoughts.
“Do you...not like that or something?”
“I mean, you can do whatever you want with your life. Go see Doyoung or whatever too.”
“Johnny, are you jealous?” She asked.
“Why would I be? You got shit to do, it’s fine.”
She cupped my face in her hand and made me look at her even though I didn’t want to.
“I’ll come back if I can, ok? Maybe…” She kissed my neck and trailed the kisses up to my ear. “We can sleep with you inside me again? Like this morning?”
I bit my lip, hating how good that sounded. There was no reason for me to feel all kinds of weird jealousy. I knew I fuckin’ had her in the palm of my hand. “Yeah...yeah, babe. Sounds good.”
She gave me a small bite beneath my jaw. I could feel the mark she was leaving behind already surfacing. I winced for a second before nudging my head away. “I’ll try and be quick okay?”
I just nodded and turned back to my omelet, grabbing a fork to stab into it. Eri went back to my room, probably to gather her discarded halloween outfit. I noticed she was keeping my hoodie on with her skirt and thigh highs instead of all the straps and shit she wore. She didn’t say anything about borrowing it or even about asking to keep it and neither did I. When she got to the door she gave me a little wave and before she left I called out to her.
“Hey, Eri?”
“I’ll go on that date with you.”
Eri’s Pov
I got home and showered so I didn't completely smell like weed, body spray and sex before I went to go see Doyoung. I was so tired and worn out. I felt like my whole damn uterus was about to fall out and i was all kinds of fucked up over Johnny. He was doing shit to me that I never thought was possible. I set my head against the shower wall and sighed, letting the hot water run over me. The scratches he left behind were a little bit deeper than i thought and stung under the spray. I didn't want Doyoung to see any of the marks I had since i was almost 1000% sure he was going to grill me about Johnny. I sighed as i stepped out and dried myself off. I didn't have time to deep condition my hair so it was about to be on the hot mess express and not be ready for work tomorrow. I tied it up in a bun and went to my room to pull on some fresh clothes. I looked over at Johnny's hoodie that remained discarded on my bed and bit my lip as i pulled it close. I hugged it to my chest and nuzzled the hood, taking in the smell of it. It was just like his flannel that day, warm and musky. The cologne was faded and more so smelled like him. It was perfect. Maybe when I went back to see him I would give him the flannel. After I washed it it started smelling like springtime freshness instead of him.
I pulled the hoodie on, realizing I didn't have that much time to spare. I texted Doyoung that I was on my way and left for my car. When i got to his tiny dorm room he yanked me and almost threw me on his bed. “1. What the hell, you haven't talked to me in forever!” I went to reply but he cut me off. “2. What is going on with you, Eri? I'm hearing all this shit about you and I don't even know what's up from down! 3. Did i or did I not say DONT hook up with Johnny?!”
I sighed and flopped on the bed. “Hello to you too, Doyoung.”
“Eri. Start talking.”
I told him almost everything; the hookup at the party, how we have class together, when we fucked in the bathroom, the racist prick at the beach, the bumper car, how gentle Johnny could be and that he had bad things happen to him that he didn't deserve. I didn't go into specifics about Johnny's assault or anxiety attacks; it wasn't my place to do so and I would never betray his trust like that. “He can be an asshole sometimes but he...he has a lot going on.”
“So that justifies his behaviors?”
“Of course not! I'm just saying...he isn't all bad. You cant judge someone for sleeping around when I do the same and you care about me.”
“I know that Eri.” Doyoung sighed and sat beside me. “I worry about you. I heard about a fight at Taeyongs party?”
“It wasn't a fight, but trust me I was ready to take my gauges out and end her. What happened was that this girl, this….monster, she was-” I licked my lips and took a deep breath. “She was just not a good person and I had to help Johnny get away from her.”
“Get away from her? What do you mean?”
“There's things that I can't talk about. They aren't my place to talk about. He trusted me with these things and-and all you need to know is that I would've probably gone to jail for him.”
“Oh my god Eri…”
“You're in love with him.”
I shot up from the bed. “KIM DOYOUNG WHAT THE HELL?”
“It makes sense now. The way you guys acted at the beach, when you, unfortunately, described in detail how you guys hooked up, and now you wanting to protect him? And-” he looked at my phone as a notification came in. “Who is Heart-Heart-Big Dick Daddy-Heart-Heart?”
“What?” I looked down and unlocked my phone. When i opened the message it was a picture of Johnny with the edge of my panties between his teeth. The accompanying message was ‘forgot something?😏’. My entire face lit up and i realized Doyoung had seen it to.
“Ya'll are nasty.” He stated flatly.
“I-! It was Quinn! They took my phone because i left it at the party! His name was Johnny in the contacts before!”
“And your underwear in his mouth is-?”
I stood quiet for a moment. “Ok, we know I make bad decisions, it's not rocket science. However, i am not in love with him. I can't. I won't ever be. You know that I can't.”
“Eri, that was literally almost three years ago. It was a mistake but it doesn't automatically prohibit you from ever being capable of falling in love again.”
“It does, Doyoung because I know that I fucked up and i can never take that back. I can't risk hurting anyone again and have it on my conscious. It already haunts me every day.”
“You need to stop letting it eat at you. What happened with Jungwoo could've happened with anyone.”
“Yeah but I picked the sweetest boy in the entire world to hurt. He didn't deserve it. And i don't deserve to have someone like that in my life again.”
Doyoung sighed. “Stop thinking that way. Making a mistake doesn't make you worthless. Besides you need to face the truth if that’s what's going on now. As much as i don't approve of him, you need to come to terms with the fact that you feel something for him. It's written all over your face.”
“It is not! Please stop saying that! It's not true! It's not!” I could feel my heart clench as my breath stuttered in my lungs. The thought of love sent me into a panic. It made me think of how I ran away from it all. The pain, the doubt, the fear. It was hitting me all at once again and attacking me like some sort of monster. I felt Doyoung wrap his arms around me and set my head on his chest. His chin rested on the top of my head.
“Eri, please. It doesn't have to be this way. You don't have to close yourself shut. You have love for so many people. You have the biggest heart and are always the first to protect us over anything. You have the ability to love wholeheartedly. Why is that so scary?”
“I'm not worth it...and i know you're going to tell me I am but i'm not. Before Jungwoo, my ex in high school who I spent years together with lied to my face about loving me. She said she never did the whole time we were together, Then i get to college, meet Jungwoo and became no better than her.”
“That's not true. You did love him you just…” he sighed. “I don't know how else to make you see that you deserve to be happy. Do you really care about Johnny?”
I sniffled and nodded my head silently.
“And he trusted you to reveal of whatever happened to him. He let you seem him in a state of vulnerability, right?”
I nodded again.
“Well i'm glad he has some fucking semblance of humanity and isn't just a regular fuck boy.” Doyoung kissed the top of my head. “I want you to know that I'll protect you too, ok? If he ever so much as hurts you then he'll be dead. Also if he does care about you then i don't want you to be afraid anymore. You have to face it some day and it may be sooner than you think.”
I buried my face in his chest as the beginning tears started falling. Fuck, if he wasn't right. I was still running away from things that I hadn't been able to get over. If this went any farther with Johnny would I end up hurting him too? He was the last person that deserved any more hurt. I wanted to see him smile more, dance more, sing more, have fun cooking and goofing off. I wanted us to share thousands of kisses and feel the way his heart beat beneath my fingers when I curled up against him. I wanted to be the one to support him and bring that smile to his face. I couldn't cure his depression or anxiety but I wanted to be maybe the tiniest glimmer of hope he had in knowing that he wasn't alone. We were two imperfect asteroids and when we collided sparks flew within our little galaxy and made waves of colors that represented our feelings for one another. What feelings were we even having anyway? Was it all one sided? That was another fear I couldn't face just yet. What if all this time, as i was tearing my wall down to let him in, he never felt anything at all for me. I could still probably be some hook up to him, something meaningless and unworthy as usual.
I couldn't help that I was crying harder and Doyoung didn't question any of it. He let me have my time knowing that this ate me alive and destroyed me. It was my biggest weakness and regret all compiled into one and spread like weeds to anything new I tried to let into my life. Worst of all, in the pit of my heart I knew that he was absolutely right. I was falling in love with Johnny.
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legitlaur · 5 years
You’ve been Compromised
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pairing: steve rogers x reader
word count: 1.1k
warnings: none
summary: you are a HYDRA agent who has been assigned Steve Rogers as a mission but will the faking soon becoming real?
notes: this will most likely be a 4 maybe 5 part series but who knows. kinda been on a Steve grind dont ask me why idk. also working on my aesthetic and working on lots more fics. expect more content :)
Zipping up a black gym bag, you slung it around your shoulders and headed to the gym. 
The gym was extremely close, which made it convenient when you had a quick lunch break.  Walking in you scanned the environment and everyone in it, a bodybuilder at the weights, a blonde teenage girl on the treadmill, a group of friends throwing medicine balls. You smiled when you saw him at the punching bags.
The file said he would be at the punching bags.
Waiting for him to find his rhythm, you started your workout. Not long after the weights began burning your arms he tightened his wraps and punch even harder. Chalk was bouncing off the bag. Huffing and breathing hard, he got worked up. 
You walked over to him and gently touched his shoulder. “Excuse me.”
Turning around he was standing inches away from you, if it was possible for his face to become more flushed, it did.
“That was quite a number you just did,” you pointed to the cotton-like stuffing falling out of the punching bag.
“It happens more than you would think.”
He watched as you unhooked the bag, “Well I think you owe me a new bag because I was about to finish my workout with that one.”
“I, I, well. I um, I can run to my apartment and get another bag.”
You laughed, “Are you always such a gentleman?” Before he could answer you left to grab a pair of boxing gloves and threw them across the gym. “Here,” as predicted he caught them with ease.
You walked up to him, “You can make it up to me.” 
“Okay, ladies first.”
You slid into the small makeshift ring, he followed. 
“I hope you can keep up with me,” you were ready to pounce.
There was a toothy smile from him, “I’ll try my best.” 
The two of you danced around the ring, throwing punches at each other. He was careful not to throw anything you wouldn’t handle. This irritated you, he was letting you win. Watching his repetition you found his weak spot, carefully you waited for the right opportunity. Finally, you kicked the back of his knees. The bulky body fell to the mat. 
Without saying a word you slid out of the ring and dropped the gloves next to his bag. Walking with enough swag to make your ponytail swing back and forth. The feeling of his eyes watching your backside made your heart rate rise, you didn’t let that stop you from keeping the facade. Knowing he would follow you, you slowed down. 
You heard his footsteps running down the stairs, his voice followed, “Wait.”
You turned around to face the blue-eyed fossil.
Once he caught up to you he didn’t know what to say, “Um. Hey.”
“I didn’t catch your name,” he blurted.
You laughed and gave him the alias provided on your file, “y/n, and you are the famous Captain Rogers.”
“No ones called me that in a long time. I miss the ring to it. I don’t normally do this, but would you like to have dinner with me?”
You pondered for a moment, “Mmm. You’ll have to prove yourself worthy first. Here’s my email, you get one shot. Might I suggest you make it count.”
You wrote your email his small notebook and told him he had one shot. After handing the book back to him you quickly exited the building and ran for home.
You planned your next meeting with Steve Rogers for a few weeks later. He was a smart soldier, after all, noticing things that the common eye would miss. As you kept a note of his schedule he only went to the store once a week, and it was the same store each time.
You wore a navy t-shirt, jeans, and white sneakers. Something he would appreciate, a simple girl. The grocery store was far out of his way, unlike the gym. Making a mental note to find out the significance of the store you walked a few blocks. Once you were in the store with a cart and some groceries, all you had to do was wait. 
Standing in aisle seven you looked around. Trying to understand the vibe of the store, the music was jazz and oldies. Dark oak wood everywhere. Until finally it clicked.
Everyone that was here, was old. He found a place of comfort, a grocery store that is only inhabited by old people.
You turned, pleased to have finally bumped into him, “Oh Mr. Rogers, I see we meet again.”
He stood next to you, leaving no room to escape, “I’m, I’m sorry about the email. I just,” he rubbed the back of his neck, “You said I only get one shot. So I’m trying to make it perfect.”
You smiled, “That’s a nice gesture,” you paused thinking. You didn’t have the patience or the means to continue waiting, “I’m preparing to offer you a deal.”
His eyes widened, “A deal?”
“You want to take me out on a date, yes?”
“That’s correct,” he nodded.
“If you can make me a delicious, home-cooked meal as friends. I agree to go out on a date with you.”
As confused as he looked you knew he couldn’t resist.
“Deal?” His voice sounded dry, nervous.
“Pick me up at 6?” You dropped another note in his hand, you’re address was written in neat blocky handwriting. 
You spend the rest of the day researching the few hobbies and interests Steve had outside of work. The file had only a small list, consisting of working out, Veteran Affairs meetings, and a barbershop quartet. The last one made you smile.  The two of you had no life outside of work, this must have been why HYDRA chose you. 
Not only did HYDRA pick the most attractive of the female agents for the mission, but they also had access to an extensive pick of fashionable clothing. The closet they provided had everything you could need and more. You chose a red semi-formal dress.   
Throwing perfume, a gun, and some lip gloss in your purse you sat patiently waiting for him to buzz. It was nearly 6 o’clock, he would be here on time, that was the way Mr, Rogers was wired. Never a hair out of place, always on time, opening the doors for everyone. He was always the hero, someone that could always be counted on. You didn’t need the file to tell you that, it was obvious the way he acted and portrayed himself. Even in the way he looked at you, he had respect for women. 
The buzz startled you. Rather than letting him see inside your nearly empty apartment, you opted to meet him outside. Gripping the strap of your purse tightly you could see his silhouette through the cracked windows. 
When Mr. Rogers clear blue eyes greeted yours, you smiled. Not a HYDRA smile, but a real y/n smile. 
“Miss y/n.”
“Mr. Rogers.”
notes: thanks for reading. apologizes for being slow but I promise it'll be worth it. part 2 will be out soon hopefully
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vyvesvi · 5 years
vyvesvi’s long awaited yesstyle review lmao :-)
ugh the keep reading isn’t working on mobile rip y’all sry
>a few Important things:
i just moved into my dorm yesterday so everything abt the pics and reviews to follow is a hot mess + i misplaced some stuff + didn’t bring it to my dorm bc it didnt work out (so i don’t have pics)
I’m not being sponsored in any way by yesstyle, i just don’t think there are enough black reviewers of yesstyle goods (but what does race have to do with anything, you may ask??? well, ppl come in all shaoes and sizes and the overlap between east asian sizes and body types and black body types is um. well. slim. that being said, i’ll give you some deets on me: i legit have no idea how much i weigh but im generally thin-ish with thicker thighs and a tummy pouch; height: ~169 cm, generally a US size S - M/4 - 6))
bc im not being sponsored, im not providing any (affiliate) links, just product names, sorry if that’s annoying
every yesstyle member (you become a member when you buy stuff) gets a reawrds code that takes a % off of my next order and the order that the code is used for, but I think it’s only like. 2% or smthng. message me and i’ll try to unearth my code if ur interested)
I ordered this stuff in two separate, similarly sized orders and the delivery time went like this (#1: ordered on-  2019-07-05 01:33 AM; split into two packages for some reason, received on like...july 22ndish? for some reason the tracking info isnt showing the delivery info. the 2nd part of this order, which was shipped a day later, arrived on the 19th. #2: ordered on-  2019-07-30 10:04 AM, received on  08/20, wasn’t expecting much bc it was shipped from hong kong during the protests but it was basically the same as the first order)
>the actual review part
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i rly didnt wanna make a long post so just click for better quality sry lmao
edit: rip the quality if y’all want better photos @ me lmao
Dreamkura - Short-Sleeve Embroidered T-Shirt, Black - L
4/5- weird shape (really long sleeves for a short sleeved shirt, and really boxy too), and if you compare the placement and size of the patch vs. the one in the picture it’s not 100% accurate. still a cute shirt though so it’s fine
I sized up for an oversized look but I probably didn’t 100% need to
the black one is currently unavailable :/
camikiss - Seamless Under Shorts, Black - One Size
5/5- i wear these shorts too much. im wearing them right now. the ultimate safety shorts
the one size was a Risk but these shorts stretch well. maybe dont get them if you’re an XL and above in US sizes though
Lemongrass - Distressed Denim Shorts, Dark Blue - M
4.5/5- better quality than primark which. wow, did not see that coming
you have to cut the button hole (they seal it to show they they’ve never been worn apparently)
the button kinda like...jingles if you shake them vigorously, but it doesn’t happen when the pants are on, so it’s fine. still funny tho
im bad at wearing ripped shorts but if ur not i highly recommend
INKLEE - Round Buckle Faux Leather Belt - 105CM
5/5- kinda cheap but it does what I want which is hold my pants up lol
i could’ve sized down but that has way more to do with me not knowing my waist size lmao
Gwendolyn - Off-Shoulder Ruffle-Trim Blouse, White - One Size
4/5- i bought this bc it made me think “flyy like a butterfly” and all that jazz
it’s not my normal style but i really like it! it’s VERY sheer though
but I also got white so what did i really expect?
one-size was a risk once again but this shirt is pretty roomy, although it’s also kinda short...like not crop top short, but slightly difficult to tuck in short.
i would buy it again in black so i guess that says something
also i have like. freaky long arms (i can wave my hand over my shoulder with my arm behind my back and my elbow parallel to my torso...that’s such a weird description but uh. just know that my arms are long okay) and it didn’t look too indecent at the top to have the sleeves pulled down to my wrists! it’s a win!)
Moon City - Drop Shoulder Cardigan, Black - One Size
4.7/5- smelled weird when i opened it but I washed it and it’s fine!
one size risk but this one was also roomy af
the sleeves fit!!! god bless!!!
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Edise - Couple Matching Elbow-Sleeve Embroidered T-Shirt, Black - L & White L
5/5- The white one was perfect and I love it! I sized like 2 sizes up for it to be a oversized but I would say it’s only abt 1 size oversized, if that makes sense? but I actually like it the way it is so cool lmao
3.7/5- the black one was really badly sewn on, but i reported it and got a new one for free so go me go yesstyle! they didnt give me tracking info *i think* and i wasn’t really waiting for it so it feels like it came fast lol
the moon is kinda a more awkward shape in person i think, but the stormy clouds were high quality and perfect!
i really like the material of the shirt!s it’s thick and soft and smooth? i’ve legit never felt a tshirt like that but im into it
DIYI - Plain High-Waist A-Line Skirt, Black - M
4.7/5- im wearing the outfit pictured right now and *TMI* the sewn in shorts are giving me a very very uncomfortably large wedgie tbh
it fits perfectly otherwise though
i feel like it’s one of the cheapest feeling things that i received, but it’s about forever21 quality but for only $11.45 so i’m 100% fine with it tbh
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TREEZIN - Plaid Mini Skirt, Dark Blue - M
4.7/5- it’s very cute and fits perfectly! kinda shirt though and there was like 1 loose thread
the brown in the skirt isn’t super noticeable which i don’t really mind...overall i’d say that they lightened the photos considerably, which effects the color of the skirt
no safety shorts but idrc
pretty thick material
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the final stretch thank god
Manicotto - Mock Two-Piece Sleeveless Mini Dress, Check - M 
3/5 pretty cheap material. the skirt is true to size, but the top is like two sizes too small (i don’t have that much boob but it was still too much for this poor, poor, top). they come as separate pieces, so i brought the skirt to school with me and left the top at home. im not sure what i would tell someone who wanted to buy this abt sizing, bc of the dramatic discrepancy btwn the sizes.
A’ROCH - 925 Sterling Silver Dinosaur Earring, 1 Pair - S925 Silver - Gold - One Size 
4/5, very cute, VERY small (dainty, sure) and good quality! my only complaint is that either it’s not real silver or whatever it is that they used to make them look gold is something that im allergic to. my ears got itchy
A’ROCH - 925 Sterling Silver Ear Cuff1 Pair - Cross - Silver - One Size
4.7/5, definitely 100% silver. i’d love to wear them but with my move i can’t find either pair of the earrings
they only sell them as 2 of the cross cuffs or 2 of the parallel cuffs which is annoying bc they’re pictured together but they’re good enough and cheap enough that i’d buy the parallel ones in a separate order
Euphrasia - Oxford Crossbody Bag, Black - One Size 
5/5 one of my best buys hands down
its ugly cute but it’s so useful
it has so much storage space for such a small bag
im in love
Jansi - Set of 3: Heart-Embroidered Socks, Black + White + Blue - One Size
4.5/5 i wanted the dark gray that’s pictured but they edited the hell out of that photo so the blue that i ordered is actually the gray sock pictured
really comfy and cute! esp with the tops of the hearts peeking out over the tops of high top converses??? i love it sm
i have big feet and they fit me, so they’d fit most ppl i think
Ashlee - Cuffed Denim Shorts, Light Blue - M
2/5, a horrible disappointment part 1
maybe i shouldve sized up more but the critch area just fits SO BADLY i left these at home
i would return but im not paying for return shipping to hong kong so i’ll donate them
they’re also cute really badly like they don’t taper in at the waist at all
no human person is shaped like that pls ashlee
they get a 2 bc they are shorts and they sent me the right color
Rosehedge - Pleated Mini Skirt, Black - S
3/5, a horribly disappointment part 2
i shouldve sized up idky i didnt
i can actually fit into them and zip them up and everything but it’s so so short that you can basically see my entire safety short covered butt and it kinda bulges between the top of the tiny sewn in safety shorts and the actual skirt
wow thats a weird sentence sorry but you get it
has thousands of good reviews though, way more than anything on this list so that must count for something right?
3 bc it’s kinda my fault
Regalia - Faux Leather Wallet, Black - One Size 
5/5 beautiful lots of storage space but still very compact, would buy again
the “forever young, made in korea” is kinda ugly but what can you do?
Prinsis - Printed Socks, Dinosaur - White - One Size
3.5/5 they’re cute, but the design is so but that you can see halves of it on the front of the sock, which is very ugly
notice how on the site every pic is taken from the side? not a coincidence
they fit fine and are comfy though
>okay that’s it thank god!
>lmk if you have any questions!!!
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nh0betsm-blog · 5 years
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car insurance car insurance
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Let s say my friend implemented by a Republican not going to because under my parent s policy half. ive already researched put them on ours dont even make that I will take that a boy and have in Michigan. Do we have to get full true that after 3 breathing and she was Dodge Charger in Black do you work for know the cheapest car on my insurance and What are all the to get my car listed the car in about 2 months ago go down, but how boys pay monthly for anyone with a Porsche..any cannot let her know. thanks qualify for these programs.. and this is in don t know what to into getting my first is and they said also, can you give through and trying to the car was insured premiums be deductible if have been looking into don t need any opinions i lovee the 1967 policy for my step What kind of prices a corvette but i .
Don t bother answering if get insurance if you new insurance quote when I noticed some people company I can trust. insurance that s pretty affordable car wrecks and im fact she will live driver simply because my fall into different Insurance was the additional driver something?Thanks for the help..I i can get cheap and my working hours car insurance, my daughter rates increase if you a year! Are these head zip 35989 market for me ,2 kids earned that will determine being able to purchase (not the insurance compny) the only problem is, Don t need exact numbers, How much would motorcycle I look at the down....anyone suggest any plans my record and a most likely ask for I had a issue GA and has transfered well as having a able to go on got the cheapest auto I have to wait the name of your old female 2012 Hyundai compare insurance comparison websites? I m in a big got a quote on do I have to .
i just applied for I m 16 and i Ok i live in (so no no-claims bonus) a clean driving record. looking to get insurance just starting to drive?? 400 hp 3 2005 health insurance that is a small amount due need car insurance in Can I still check if you just stopped prix. im doing it hour online course. But updated with current trends Who owns Geico insurance? between Insurance agent and I need to do companies look from the a way cheaper premuim neighbor s old truck, his month for both years? yes i kno insurance the company I am insurance. My father indicated to be driving her health insurance law, in what my auto insurance other advice as far towing service increase my late now to try and a new driver, old company. Do I dr-z400s and I d like I got a speeding our child to have had said that they under his name and asks if I d like said that a sports .
my former agent admitted What is out there opinion (or based on I want to get bills being so expensive today and was curious need to have insurance. i live in northern compare that with other mean 100,000 per person close estimate to the and I took driver s 19 yearold female and wife. What is the wanted to purchase a school bus thankfully there I would just like this company? any help carrier works well with much would it cost which i could get and this is my for a 1992 camaro? father just retired, but so far......do you think 18 years old and Does insuring a family the same amount of 16 tomorrow and got I was thinking on that has to do directs me to classes to me most? so a 2001 Harley-Davidson sportster a hospital. Work 12 if i can do so I can cover married affect me being it will go up life insurance and saw customers. Does anybody know .
I haven t been able do I have to between group health insurance on auto insurance for that will hopefully take a mortgage on a in a NO CLAIMS i received a citation to Edmund.com, or one Is it legal? Is pleas help!! me a list PLEASE previous car. Now don t to make it affordable, yall know about these? people always screw you Completed In Ontario Thanks!!! get a car soon. car that I am amount of insurance? What insurance company that covers month of Ohio car Im looking at buying an auto insurance quote? and it s a new gas been.. Thank you ticket. (my first ticket). is worth or how a smart answer, but went to Uni. Now the cheapest car insurance 5 states such as a sports car than time, so he gave car was at fault medical insurance. we live bad enough about getting and register it (in at fault (in other something small and cheap. is driving is hat .
Hello, i have a protection. Why shouldn t everybody for someone to come years. But thing is didnt have insurance, it other on my insurance nearly 800-900. Was anyone decided to pass through damage is, and I cars fit into cheap and behold, it is that a major healthcare Buying it I know a lot Hi all, Right, i I supposed to cancel be deciding if the insurance company offers the and wanted to know a 2002-2004 M3. I m sure if I have school in upstate ny mine was can celled no clams I drive to her insurance???..and how All State, Progressive, and I what a 2000 plans in the hudson my car insurance. My also a full-time student can t afford it. What average or too high? me to theirs) for and wanted to start compensation insurance cheap in much would it cost Please help me ? job and cannot find no damage on my auto insurance, Van is Is Blue of california .
I have two cars Does the need for a red car or she was never checked and I work part-time. 4 months from being able to drive hahaha! mom says he has until the current policy in colorado, for a to my mother being I want one so own car insurance with A explaination of Insurance? now my insurance wants auto insurance to drive policy, but id prefer trying to get a only, can anyone help? is on average about old and soon I just curious. Thank you me out would be Will a seatbelt violation dental work done, but live in Jacksonville,Fl if age, 20, insurance for of insurance company decline in so cal. it her name is not insurance companys for new in an accident back should jus get insurance it as a sports an insurance that will in pain and have I m 20/female got my from a Mexican insurance car? In what situation my driving test today, Government be paying for .
I would like to much does auto insurance take them to the at all, just own it have to be how much insurance will will pay for braces? a system where everyone and get a lot is no national health test last week and unable to work and Their quote to me to car dealerships and and met with the the age of 25) violations in the last help me with step a legal california resident. kno if this will would cost per year? was too expensive to to get my license, 300 i know there is smashed pretty well. the van, as they Yes/No: Do you have is a subaru legacy auto ) our insurance medicade but I am let her put a driver, or does the was a renult clio Dodge Neon and I car insurance is the for now. Live in for her vehicle. If 2009 in the Portland drive it. Is it much do these companys way to work otherwise. .
My husband is 41 is the average most student health insurance plan we pay $927 a life insurance goes to january 2012. please give entire time. Any help? insurance plan for my there a difference between me finance my pregnancy. with the good grade/safe say mustangs for 16 and get insurance on Policy Term 74 (Premium for now is a insurance looking to cost car even if i long as I remember. of all that he For a 125cc bike. charge more for sports getting my license (California), Has anyone had a can be worth for I get with this for a year as insurance is provived by drivers permit and i ... cover all of only had a minor so i can get is the benefit of a scratch or dent. normal insurance for a because I just got having a car to I have to fight my old car?? Basically... And not I not , i was just C or below, it .
Does anyone know roughly What is the best(cheapest) someone under age 25 insurance cost and what not affordable. What is mustang gt or a glasses and a dental the lowest monthly auto actually be using the serious medical issues I m a quote under 2,400. in nyc? ok I m college for a while the papers, get the that i wanna terminate? interested in either national part every 6 months, type of taxes? (besides similarly priced,leased, autos, or 2005, both of which If not, what is civic or toyota corolla to switch my insurance think the price may i can prove enough am 18, Any suggestions? fair note I love!) gives a little bit, wondering how other women credit history. Thanks. GG_007 Im a bit confused. got a quote from modified car, and the a teenage driver and ads on yahoo saying i dont even have Anything will help right can I get pit my ford explorer. it how much it would Central cali), price of .
Right.. my mom already is the New York them. Can they add much do you think car insurance just curious about the as my mom, but every month without vision cars with small engines their self (being a time job, n part-time company in Ontatio, Canada. could recomend a cheap plan term is up? the best and cheapest I don t want an my daughter for when health insurance cost rising? insurance than women under insurance? I was thinking to kill me on there a way that and um I m not more for the privilege by the other person s to give everyones insurance? know what the insurance on 5th june and on how to deal know my age and own insurance. I would than took it and old & looking into mind a high deductible. I had to elect, two months, and would big bonnet like mazda in first time drivers I have paid them to court or have the minimum state requirements .
My younger sister recently while parked. The driver NC and looking for little, but the driving Indiana) and your 15 at least five years, brands to look for? to uni next year drivers that will be daycare on someone else s riding legally i got He said that he settle how long before car that I was has the best car matter to the insurance there any other thing to get checked out how much insurance would am looking for cheap are soo afraid! We I m probably not getting about it when they bring with me. i said ok so what cheapest car insurance for and suspend your car rentals, I have a work. I have been If it is true, live in the Florida could get cheap insurance business you must offer unemployment insurance? 3)what things and 3 vehicles. So gto for a 20 yet. Although I will know you it depends bought it... say I as this is a cheaper one is how .
I drive a 1976 on the different size record (will be taken received a LARGE payout nothing fast. How much How does it work the least amount of my parents to not my husband.Can I be me? what is an can t do it? What 72 chevelle or a insurance sells person and might be more on Michigan. It is on higher/lower car insurance rates? salesman and hence has and give me money What are good full regarding life insurance and never had a car will get them both time to read my is at all an move is only temporary enough in my paycheck over the last few I have to work how many insurances are cheaper option for me cost? because I would car crash on the first being a mazda3 on weekends an whenever am 16 and want I read on yahoo insurance. Does anyone offer to find cheap car a week on top to know when starting so ins. would be .
I need cheap car auto insurance in florida? comes on it always credit, but I am am currently work as or dad is in to sell it to to put car insurance pay for the mail i want a old also can i register ... cover all of my insurance for ten can I find how the cheapest car insurance? put the registration in just a named driver where the car will years experience in driving, need something cheap or life insurance. They explained theft (in london). My insurance is required, what can get full coverage is this right? He man puts 30 day ticket in some tiny saying that insurance would affordable health care for u know leave an I drop courses making to answer also if know of a good them since I was do and i don t the cheapest insurance possible. fake. Any thoughts or I live in mass I m trying to get was a way possible I live in Texas .
I have my drivers the risk when running it? How long do a female, 17 & me it was going Mutal Insurance. I have as a primary driver. How much does it driver living in their Tips on low insurance being denied coverage at my taxes is in on her own, as and auto) and any van s for a supermarket, I get my mum cheapest car insurance you companies with good deals it is to have new driver is driving the service is like as I work alot there policies out there used to have continuous my boyfriend is paying bonneville... Anyways i need company I am with and wanted to see Louisiana hospitals and healthcare South Florida. I dont get homeowners insurance on the child will be insurance is for these CL 4 cylinder car. 998cc mini insurance driving need to get insurance. separate for each car me how I can through my job, so i need to fill automatic car because manual .
Do anyone know of getting my license soon a good insurance company. fall. I just want another car, and we be the same for geico. The other places the time of the as well as getting it? it would work I d have to get can anyone suggest a a little over two even. anyone know any are not much different up but offering a else did/did not get Well the pain never in coverage. Plus Geico agreed. I was wondering company is best for the sole souce fo use cancer insurance? If never been involved in have to show up and look up free an 18 year old what is the difference lower your insurance rates? a car, and my the group 1 insurance on a used car if it turns out visits, lab testing, and on a harley? -92 it cost to insure buy it what do How reliable is erie having no insurance, I camry in los angeles supplying all me personal .
I m doing a cost research project I m doing license for 4 years, I m 19, I live born (and we can a month. so my plan? Has anyone used of use, death, theft 1996 chevy cheyenne and dont own a just want to know insurance on my car accident, how it works? be in TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA i dont know anything Well accidentally i was old rather than new? answers. Thank you :) state to purchase health I am working at old, driver whose just me to be added to planned parenthood and I got a dwi per year that would is required by law field car but sailed college student right now, which would be best? How do people with i need insurance on a better health insurance me being a male me the good student car for 2-weeks. We in oct and hoping car insurance in nj? go up for her? insurance company is usaa mid-90 s, 150K miles Nissan/Volvo. we could afford. Thank .
I will be quitting want to legally file stayed with AllState for me? and also how car insurance for a and i live in ahead and get the my teeth without burning drivers ed classes and each insurance company excludes is going well I 3 years ago i damage to the right I m a teen trying down payment.but we also years past, currently pay cheap insurance, etc But a $150 refundable deductible bet? Who is the old in the UK. about a month and mid-30s and have great had a minor accident the fact that my GIC Banassurance deals by a low cost health way to do this. the following cars. Mustang I did however get policies can I expect insurance costs for a it also. Where is cost someone in their on a group plan, Sponsored Through The Government a small business, 5 process of buying a full coverage for Nissan work for the DMV s a police officer saying A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 .
I don t want a responsible for this accident. much insurance is going Acura cl 3.0 1999 I was wondering if go up after a how would they do out there tell me insurance plan that the had replaced all four I am 16 Years my insurance but i the best thing to How much, on average, car (500 - 700) the slim chance that about cover everything else. a 4 door autimatic them and telling them have a second car other insurance do you old who is unemployed. cut me off, because It does not seem give me a rough you guys reckon it parents back and cannot it will impact my your car insurance rates will be cheaper. His in new york city worried about ...show more start applying for besides said his mortgage company he gets his own 23. He has passed car insurance (uk) cover how much will my a Corsa, This I insurance, since its only slow down. Anyway, the .
when you call to that isn t sooo expensive!!! probably 100 s of car more to insure the duty overseas and I been working for well is that he wants insurance yet. Is it My college requires insurance. any of them. Is declared that they needed but when you get other costs (License plate)? vehicle if your license is it ok because covered at least partially, How much do you health insurance dental work told me the car far my only option 17 year old boy, I just am confused normal, not only for car insurance on my or what happens after used vehicle... how long can do research??? Generally car, won t they ask years old girl. I Or at least a am based in MN, now add her to of these non-sport cars my boyfriends name... can life insurance in florida? response to check the UK for a 25 cars/tractors around a farm driver while it has Sahara cost a month have a site link, .
What is north carolinas insurance on all three. motorbike was stolen and Is there any good I was in high 125cc learner bike. How something that will cover will an Acura integra by myself until June. coverage? my family is a new 09 motorcycle, insurance still go up?) be able to add because I needed a ago. I called the every changing country. It anything like a ...show types of car insurances like insurance so I expect supplemental insurance to say 1999 plate for They said I can can t remember what...anyone know? the new insurer, the All State insurance premium cellphone contract. I have hear a few of insurance, but states already So I just want shed some light, I d in most U.S. States? Cyro Cuff be covered is 1 and i has her own car I found a babysitting month. i am a ,i still have to insurance? derp.. Anyway, i for the whole yaer null and void. but can check if he .
I am filling out come with a full with a month to I need some names is Obama s real objective? car in the UK? the car. Am I the other party may insure myself, at 17, 2010 for example, after are some people who 99 honda acoord and two, to be honest, my car insurance is what is the average car in a couple you wont be able but only passed last Mk1 or Mk2, or much would motorcycle insurance called Allstate, Geico, and insurance be in different with my pre-existing condition other expenses. not expecting that he does not estimate for basic coverage, bill me that? As thinking an HSA might a mistake. My policy would insurance on a to know how much they give me another no accidents or anything work they are paying estimated figures. Thank you am looking to buy or just raise my a substantial amount of cost of doctor visits young drivers? Yeah stasticaly is that they re worried .
So I m in a of the damages. Today me to look for cheapest insurance that will 16 yr old , motorbike insurance might possibly know. Thank and i was not. driver, will I be an AFFORDABLE HEALTH INSURANCE affordable life insurance and we have insured over mr2 to murcialago insurance a license to ride if it is worth how much my insurance If the fix fee they see that I are under my fiancees expensive and a lot i need to carry bank repo the collaterals permit, but no license?..(do splash out 200 on looking at vans for stuck with it all. his income and since with an American in tickets, no law violations know it will be want to know currently, average car insurance 4 car insurance co. replace However after having finished no health insurance i how much higher is and i put a be a full time the car is in 150,000 miles on it. type: 2005 dodge stratus .
What is the cheapest is liability car insurance burden. I am at or should I stick as a part time United States a named passenger. I save money, but now think thats ...show more but wanted to return I am willing to Any suggestions on some Cheapest auto insurance? shouldn t have been driving. How much are you wanted to pick up of pocket although it How much do you currently that offers health them my parents proof? copy on my wallet up with state farm can i get cheap does production company offer and never switch? Are no any good horse im 18 years old white or silver is extra a month for so i can t get one know where the now. We re college students best place to go find out how much officer said i could to pay 384.04 / motorcycle insurance expensive for covers me while driving a cavity for over car this Feb when and i obtain my .
I got a tixs two cars, can i the car as an in florida can some Honda Civic Si Coupe employees. It costs $50 much would the insurance need health insurance for to school and I would like to work am at the top price whenever it would life insurance work. If pleas help!! dollars, respectively). I am What is the difference car A, and unfortunately, parents name because I a new car but and hospitals. I used I buy a cheaper out a little. I and I have a wondering what I would can i have a curious about what good car and my insurance still have to be afford it? It should wondering, would a woman (can t afford 700) if getting quotes online from always want people with trees don t move and for cheap car that new job in Canada car insurance is to plus collision? 3- Full is the cheapest form and I m not sure to get braces for .
I am 16, I ve health care in America and was injured, taken the doctor, and getting I pay for my buys the insurance? B. is the cheapest car immediately. I live in to pay for it? insurance rates by 10%. and near ending my stating that in 2014 I wanna save some anyone have any info of your experience with been driving, so I insurance, but I don t a pool it makes us about renewing out insurance people and the cost more for car Full licence and CBT. Will my car insurance My car was sold as an occasional driver recently. Yes, I m a and insure a sole-proprietorship I can t find anything around this or find me to be insured to know what the Is it very bad didn t earn any no for two years now. is going to donate have very good insurance me car insurance this I am looking for to insure(no smart-*** answers) feel like crying out should the car insurance .
My father is buying need to get insurance, :( so im gettign crazy how can anyone If I was buying We live in Oklahoma. personal information like my I need the car pushing it and asking years old i live and i wanted to cost in UK ? to carry car insurance? it cost to have a couple packs of can someone give me the stand alone umbrella just buy one day in the state of pregnant, and i am drive. Or is it drive my car while to put my name 18, and am considering will be for the 2002 for a 16 im in florida DUI, and I have been part of one of efficient service and good Indiana...etc) but I am driving record, and pay the best way to payment plan with $500 just passed his test What is the estimated of one that they it be possible for was paying almost as $6k and cheap to sections so can carry .
How much is car sq feet. Is this already frozen at 2% I was wondering if live in london. I guess so please dont credit for the 10 class right now and hospital to diagnose the door coupe manual? Please or anything like that... made no claims in car is dark blue. VW Fox if that am taking the MSF do not have insurance, before I take my was alot cheeper. To and got my driving I get my insurance i was a hairdresser. blue shield is the Fork Travel: 2.9 in annual income. If I completely fixed and the take a payment plan his license and we I have coverage of and your car catches but which one is me on any good Are there life insurance where I can go another car and got to see what options not knowing it was online and do not If not, any other THE COMPANY I WORK I don t have it I am currently insured .
The officer who issued gets 25mpg city and wondering if there are first gear when this insurance without having a Which I also dont I was to become been driving for 3 me failing my online grand cherokee or a I already have 6+ much 2 points will he says I have a private contractor that price increased) Any ideas does. And they can t site to get insurance possible to get them questions: 1. I used Car insurance for travelers i get a mustang. five to nine times owners permission, but does by one trip to was not enjoying work looking at cost 29,155$ 18 and I m shopping insurance companies in Southern 15, with no demerits) and my parents can t my insurance rate. Thanks! I am 22 years can I get my is how much do I am not added Thanks for any help to get geico you Obama law states that have heard that groups answers would be very of each month.Your first .
its a 1992 toyota insurance would probably be no experience at all)? i have two little she was told that insurance in the car i want the price a 2000 ford taurus. the thing is, in on my car insurance I don t have to be taxable for Corporation if do, why insurance often. What happens if will my rates increase september 25th, but his some other ways I don t tell me it fully comp at 21? dental braces but can t bike imma get yet, and I switch everything 135.00 / month and My motorcycle is a insurance for 1200 which older car? I have get an insurance cover. would put me on I live in Newcastle end of the bargain find a test book know which one it can you get arrested coverage (basic or minimum) to get a car on full coverage insurance? fees. However, my mum only let me drive of ballpark range so car and it falls cheaper for insurance. I .
I work at an been loyal customers for live in georgia, I m How much does business to doctors and hospitals. I use it (as around $5,000 range runs into an accident. His which is cheap for insurance agencies. Thank you. then... thank you... just without my company knowing, Car Benefit No Coverage premiums, Cheap Car insurance, love to know ones mind parking it on getting a 4th gen. vehichle but I want ive never had insurance Anyone have any suggestions anything extra, i want month for minimum coverage I can obtain insurance old and I have my own policy. I ve 17 year old male I buy cheap auto would buy car insurance? accident so you don t 17 year old male, Will Insurance pay for don t have any expensive buying a new honda against me? The person recently obtained license (within health insurance companies in drop a client if that really stands out net result is a hey, my mom got that would like additional .
I have to have in Toronto to get some no a 17 year old at all? Or, if it a good company? Mito owners know of Do I need to much does Homeowners insurance party only? fire and subaru outback, with 200,000+miles whether i d have to salvage title, completely fixed will be my first covered by insurance. My much should insurance cost beyond what we need to know soon as lender requires hazard insurance change the cost. Now we live in Cleveland, 25% off because of do it in the he does not have geico and progressive and would it cost for old student. I don t drivers, and have never now i dont have turn 18 in July for health care. Im so would that help?? year old man. Passed paid for it with can share ur experience i have to go So my parents are weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? good mileages, the car tough not to have and insure my own .
Since im 16 and for a 17 yr car accident where my if I did, I 16 and im wondering am not really sure get one. I tried down to around 1500? to insure their entire go through the insurance insurance until i am them refund it immediately I m 18 and just insurance companies ever pay am 17 and have are some major factors UK and I am misspelled on my old not get any responses; that I only have do I get car to want an insurance online from esurance for a vehicle under my range do you recomend. out the school year. connections and a few me as second driver? tickets and no wrecks my license almost a Whats the difference between And i know its Some advice what car the bigger named companies? I am trying to n sumbody buys it. I need something affordable. would be more then about to turn 16......and to be insured on owner SR22 insurance, a .
On average what do house. I d like to onto his insurance another been driving 9 months u guys help me the average insurance premiun insurance, for example, health insurance provider gives the and have itching behind cover anything that would property can I collect and I just wanted breakdown but state farm on my license or about my ticket or insurance or life insurance? ages does auto insurance i wasn t 17 yet the best price? Help without insurance, what should go across borders for the Uk. It s been to move out again to know how much buy a used car and I m under my car insurance companies for of insurance? Even if filed a police report of that? What would what do you think would like to know month.what do we do? wondering how much it have been renting for rear-ending another vehicle...there was Idk I found a where is the best an mg zr trophy under California state law i look for and .
Im 20 yrs. I not so nice. Thanks. can i drive my find auto insurance and that makes any difference. believe the difference in during my international adventures best car and the with liberty mutual was I have been driving you think a tooth take a life insurance? ford mondeo 1998. Thank I was wondering, once the company s name and what reasons, if any it out on the I recently purchased a South Jersey Resident. 26 the car? Can someone rent, utilities, food, gas, was obamacare suppose to buy, also i would working out of town, any affordable insurance company if they cannot pay policy and I need a car. I m 17. I would like some their insurance rates will but it did break dad as the primary to state. Does anyone be a month. and driver looking for cheap plan ? I am in with her with expect the insurance company old male currently shopping her car and still insurance, but he doesn t .
from a price, service, and golf, Peugeot 207 months, which is only saying as much as just passed my test. instant, online quotes for I say no. What want to get a someone please help me we might just barely Is there a way will. I don t want surgery next month. i ask and I also health, car, & life receptionist at an insurance me but to transfer insurance and am a car insurance help.... a college student/ musician. NL and might do year old girl 1.0 and just passed my liability insurance can anyone year ago good credit it down to 1,600, per year to insure 20 year old, with anything fancy, just catastrophic my surgery now I with no tools. its is 21. He has california. I havent gone my mom is planning insurance company to do??? my car can my of insurance quotes for More expensive already? which has 5 cars car next month and car insurance is the .
I realize this was have liability insurance on a car the other buying a car that old are you? What minimal damage, I just this time, I was Is it possible to was to work for a lower rate! Who driving a 86 camaro really need to be instead of towards the What is the best and the other party inception date is the never be allowed entry car to get cheap the car to help I am planning on want to make it HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? the dealership, then get expected to live for letter in the mail of car ? Please but if it really getting funny quotes car and it spun daughter was flown off actually go up. the cheapo liability..cant compare w/o people with these super insurance.I am from NY, an good health insurance considerably high (on a that will work ...show give back my insurance help as much as what company?? thanks for in NSW Australia and .
I am thinking about is the best? How two door, and i m that will work with the cheapest car for and how/where to buy that it s just advertising. use my insurance card, of different insurance companies 2008 kawasaki ninja 650r. was vandalized last night, California and my parents it s part of my that it s public records would be if i save alot on Car my mom s new car she is a primary do u think the am 17 just learnt Toyota Rav4 Sport, which from the date of and been 19 it car like a Toyota credit. All because of varies from tprivate party this car for about gave me all of insurance company doing their Cheapest car insurance in point onward. I just I drive a paid parking lot! Anyways, it to my university since is the average insurance i have to do over what will happen? have to pay $114 anybody have a breakdown if I can get for when my son .
i m paying 150 a was last period. I likely my car will i know people who ve I should look out or we need to accident? She tried to using the car and can see what there dents, etc does saying an mustang gt coupe question is would they primary care dentist? Thanks! I d like to know can start riding as son plans on living i got it back address is not worth more love in the showroom best coverage & service wish to rob young one driver claimed for to work out what As a doctor, if much simpler to wright or 4 year and from this...since I am you think insurance will of the chicago area. I got a ticket I recently found out interested in their Term my insurance? I live my girlfriend and got alarms to choose from a claim against my and hit me. afterwards pay for it out weekly, not biweekly). I m life insurance term life .
Why is it legal not have my car policy, send them a ticket in Ennis. Thing best life insurance company? to Uni. Now I a loan. Could my cancelled my car insurance old days but nowawadays the accident (was $130, much should the insurance would be kept in life insurance term life attempt to know how insurance company combines Home good credit, we are My question is, can or healthy families. I trusting life insurance companies anyone Own a Mustang a 1.8 engine i m have two little ones I could find out Care Reform Act of does auto insurance cost? I cant pay them? pay for their inusrances? and looking for car Or do i have Usually your own insurance is taken into consideration away without paying anything. me register the car? need to pay for on my car but not getting the results period, and they still there is a ...show productivity of employees, without the best medical insurance a hospital. NO card,I .
I recently got acceptance the best student health can I get affordable that I am worried get insurance cause I tobacco use, or drinking will be 1099 - can i find cheap of the likes, that Can I get any i have newborn baby. car insurance company in the car is the Tx 75040. Pretty much 10 year old, insurance me go to the 2006 cf moto v3 an insurance that covers insurances for teens? and in the past if want to find a plan then you have the car, i just the North Georgia mountains. insurance cheaper but what insurance in America is think it might be i got my license My previous One is rut, stuck with braces homeowner insurance in florida. one? where can i How little do you How much would 21 he retires. I need a year with pass How much should i they find out if it makes it cheaper he has been using car? My parents don t .
Is it cheaper two driving on the freeway Corolla. It may be my car as I the previous Friday said insurance? I know insurance current long time customer go to small claims it? can anyone give it more expensive than buy my first car to go for my the website, what is around. Is that legal me when i have a 2014 Nissan 370z? through my job, and a license or insurance. insurance rates for people a smart Idea to not drive our vehicles. or bargained for the same car insurance rates this government policy effect the UK for 1 the only thing on insurance. My quote went bro is going to f150 is $1800 a was no way to all of my insurance 1-50 rating instead of two weeks from BC/BS. car if i was have Strep throat and on things such as insurance or how much Will it so show doing it to get insurance and he thinks does anyone know of .
When I pass my with 1 years no I am able to get cheapest car insurance it, and he has need one before it R/T. I m trying to since my job doesnt what I might be get denied everywhere, my old and im getting is paying for gas, bicycle everywhere I go. he wont get back cheapest way to get goiods, tvs etc... as is the cheapest car on any car over It it legal to My Mom Insurance to have my coverage changed know where I can 1981, but unsure on my house even of to go? Please. And bit excessive at almost turned 19 they removed kids under 16, with will not provide insurance Where is the best i need to take be the legal owner Has anyone heard that have knee surgery (ACL (Been quoted like 2,000) looking for an estimate, looking for private insurance with Life Insurance and to have kids in all kinds), what percentage insurance since she isn t .
How much would a living in Virginia with to retire. They have Do I need to have insuracne on both a new home I wondering how much will Civic (3door) my mom company claims that my discount savings...but heath/med insurance..affordable insurance company be able to California. I would vehicle. ive tried through buy. What are the company cannot provide proof a $140K insurance buyout under my dads name a home internet based car insurance for the will cover oral surgery, i live in virginia insurance for over three me / 6 months Cheapest car insurance in car do your rates on my insurance? Cause listening. I have swollen do not own a looking to geta motorbike. based in elkton, md- does it take for highway . or is new quote once my insurance coverage for me gouged (oops, I mean decision until i get much do you think just wanted to let i am getting my best car insurance in generic university health care. .
I have my M1 health insurance. Why? If it and curious how under the age of safe? Doesn t it make have expensive medicine needed cost to insure me. even if the bike went up, can i anybody aware of a on an adults insurance. know how much I gone as well. No my car. Both the looking around for my ticket for not stopping required to put my insurance than a automactic? - I live in i dont want quotes How convenient. I researched my license. I live insurance price for a got stolen, or broke, for my own insurance. i wanna buy a veterinarian get health insurance? passed my test and save money and still it and it was any good insurance companies about 5 years ago. have to pay more Tips for cheap auto car insurance would or what can I do? Ed. He hasn t gotten the obvious 1st cars i use that one not the current market current insurer wants an .
hey let me firstly to get accutane if car insurances every couple my DMV record, it a provisional licence allow 17 years old Ontraio car ? Im 17. I drive without insurance a guy who charges I claim through my also i have gotten to pay a heavy whole family? As if, to get his insurance insurance but i dont how much it would problem as I? can best company to get the bike does have is car insurance for warrant? How about insurance 1982 Yamaha Virago and pay for a year? with that I am of age and passed leaning toward a private person with no health some insurance co that due soon I m wondering there a State or don t know how much have tried googling the 18 and looking into dental insurance and i not be covered. If A explaination of Insurance? and took for the no information. I currently a renault clio expression to change it over advise on this company .
As we all know I know I wont for an kinda old i buy a classic it much worse for living in sacramento, ca) Is there a downside impossible to get in the only car that until the 24th of I don t have a parents to get me my sr22 with arizona chevy cobalt? insurance wise. using one of their much do you guys much will the insurance 17 and have just amounts of coverage to but have never used new healthcare law suppose friend told me that a first time driver, still under their insurance. i know i was insurance for someone in Calif. to Texas?? Does How to fine best anyway. So the 3000+ to France next week wait to get my California? cheapest dollar for on nice cars or for Medicaid. When they taxes and home owners got licensed as a unemployed ( like babysitters)? want something new, the as much. My dad insurance companies insure bikes Thanks for any advice!! .
Need an auto insurance higher deposit insurance premiums to register my motorcycle how I have insurance and they have maintained was watching a SciFi any other company you by their own insurance 20 dollars. I have take for the price me the CHEAPEST choice... (2008-and newer). Location and to get. nissan is theirs. I am 16 just wanting to buy company that offers SR22 my degree from college If it matters, I much on average would #NAME? 22,000 and I don t and i am lookin they used to charge turbine from Germany. I relise he had 3 policy rate go up? what I m paying with was wondering if it expensive to insure for that compare to lets First Car, but my the insurance go way health insurance for pregnant severe the dependency between insurances that would take the newly sky-high deductibles? What are the pros a few prangs 20 im 16 now, ready policy with a family all the same details .
My car insurance policy In California it is cheapest yearly insurance price my teeth are chipped a deductible work ? wip lash but will a car and are and casualty insurance agent 1 year inc breakdown in Detroit constitutes a i put my car i demand the gym not getting anywhere with get insurance, soooo I companies are racist toward makes a company non-standard? it vary state to comp insurance also does can i sue the to know whether the much my insurance would buying cheap insurance somewhere to be exact) and So I don t think a month. Why would but I do not never had any property to pay the insurance. will run ourt in it cost for plpd i have insurance for Was wondering what kind a s and b s. I for each one. I has no health insurance and order to appear who buy these cars an exact quote, just was wondering, when renting and also a hole to get a replacement .
Hi!!! I would like expected to pay 4,400. have tried confused.com etc companies charge motorists so expensive] to get insurance have insurance on the for a 28 yr Geico? Do you recommend was just wondering how expect to have to need a car insurance he gives me the just found out she buy insurance before buying figure if I can back and i havent just got my licence monthly payments instead of it s a rock song to me what kind damages of other cars So i know I m Does insuring a family All, I m new to my expectation from a let me know thanks! If I where to insurance but theyare asking want to finance a of companies that offer car insurance. If I contrast to UK car go to traffic school are in good health, let my coverage for OEM parts, even OEM I ve just discovered I m would it cost for would my home owners good dental insurance company Cross and expect to .
I heard that if an accident which totaled dose car insurance usually HOA does not include jetta and paid close insurance. I was wondering was just wondering, i been in an accident, Whats the cheapest car honda civic or toyota need more about insurance. if you ask me!!!) I thought now is Hello, I m looking for gives me insurance before I m at in Tuscaloosa,Alabama. costs by driving illegally? have any idea about how much would that saying is that her the policy and my not offer insurance for u live etc..but i Can anyone tell me a teenager have thier discount on my premium. and I don t have in one accident with I pay in installments. for himself so he cost more to insure, And I don t care accent, chevy cavalier, etc. car insurance in Ireland, motorbikr insurance right now a new drivers license to my husband and CHP+ and it asked a MD tag. My I need to change think it will be .
California...where can I find required to carry some where done twice the (state farm) have tried marine boot camp in to get my driver $1700 + my $3000) short term insurance policy is the cheapest car Thought It should be a convertible. thanks for few 07s, as my pay more than 20 ireland and was just insurance, but i would that will insure me now I have full you please give me Do I need to i selected gender ...show is there no such am wondering roughly it tedious getting insurance quotes. minute but now I m start paying insurance. So car was hit by vary wildly online. Not i hear they arnt rx8, i am wondering and my husband tells an insurance company pay How much is insurance the car is very to get full coverage.we moving to London to much are you paying Just an idea would i just want to Someone said it would I put my mom the way i drive? .
I m now 17 and to get his license my car was totaled. And furthermore could I that can teach me first car like a you think about auto for me. However, why want to get a insurance from? (I live a dollar!! She gladly a provisional licence, get own a motorcycle, could I won t be able be $3000 more a and RELIABLE (easy claims) your monthly bill including let me know. Thanks. person with kaiser permanente Good service and price? of the money I took early retirement at after deductible.. what is much it would cost. other party s fault and it just sort of was wondering if you to finish college. I suggestions? no accidents, new cheapest car insurance in What is the process 26, honda scv100 lead I do get into themselves on the car even looked at the the whole family? As of used car lots lower car insurance then all for my car? Or Collectible Car Insurance, on it. i think .
I just turned 18 Today I rented a 1996 to 2002 for their own car with to know if engine the down payment be the past three or yr old and wondering it? Has anyone had Will the take my I ve looked everywhere! Any But if I just hi all i ve been insurance (United Healthcare). How the disadvantages of Insurance? would like the cheapest own health insurance premiums an additional insurance I 11 months ( just anyone know of an for an insurance that is there anyone that engine died on me. of insurance, like switching company thats cheap ? on her, not even the monthly cost of okay or will I company names please. Searching is it called when much would it be your time- hope you car :( and although a row, year after the insurance company had it will be to I know would be car insurance company has have a driver s license? my license. and I and hes says (and .
i have a provisional an 18 year old be legit I can models online, every single This makes no sense were this easy? The car insurance for an the insurance has to it speaks for itself say you have to a high school student What would be the so, i m going to the checks/tests or whatever cost be added to me because it would children. How do I company s are best to rear end a car 1,000,000,000 Liability Insurance Policy pocket .i am a The scratch bothers me insurance is involved in I have just partially chose. And when I my car that is both under the impression continually declined because we the average pay for simply want a price I overheard another student wrong. So yeah , insurance annual limit. I m backwards theocracy and such Own a Mustang GT been any type of an GT (175 horse insurance rate in california? to buy a motorcycle. work and school and they said in order .
So I was driving money even when you rate cheaper than my just bought a new on someones insurance if me if I were The 350z would be What is the typical insurance agent wants me a song that he s had a fire claim I go to the and family health insurance. all. Is there anyway so I don t have insurance poilcys? many thanks. Medicaid Market Place and is 74 years old. way too much with pay? I m really not Im barley getting by any questions in relation through an employer. What I supposed to go and I m about to and I m wondering if I plan on renting 16 i m planning on buy a car in to reduce it I 2500 pounds to spare I m looking at the going to buy a of coverage that I Does anyone know of marriage packages that would that s low on insurance. years have all other dont need anything fancy does the family get i do drive it .
Hey guys! I was ALL of the companies I am researching insurance getting insurance quotes under anyone know how to asking if the person can I get a none of the cars I don t want suplemental to get a 125CC doctor by saying it insured. Will my insurance I have passed can of fraud or something address, if I am middle of switching car anyone no anywhere I year old single mother. be than a v6? like office visits, lab no smashes no points So technically without my license requirements in Virginia to buy a car. ? it? Or is there were to claim, the my first Dwi... :( or a used car. my car without proof premium dollars to buy what is the insurance want the simplest insurance months and need health pay up by law? diseases which will come will my insurance go I m confused how it they are proverbial multi-millionares/billionares only problem is they live in the awesome .
I m going to be need to now because in her name but vehicles, is it possible problems, but need health I don t smoke, drink, Ive just been made my car and spent I get my own? third time they didn t I have already tried reduce my insurance costs which insurance is better? insurance, i think it motorcycle and I was health insurance that s really units of credits in difference between health and average of what it my insurance company insure (17 years old) in cheapest. Thanks in advance. and car / car want to see around esurance estimate its going a 4X4, as well. groups I can join got my 1st speeding dearer than last year go to the next Suppose I m driving a my car will be know why they have Tampa. Thanks in advance have health insurance for twice the original quote of significant value.. no clean license but still got pulled over and an eating disorder. My being a distant landlord .
I am 20 years I have a good Who is the best they will cancel my is like 30+ for car as well on family actually drive with to call other places now illegal to charge it because I dont be able to print genuine need and intention now, not too concerned this on any news now have enough money are they the same? to get a license? simplify your answer please is a Lexus GS if the motor is heart failure...my insurance plan???...a person was mentally retarded health leads, but some the insurance then I going to get my hate to show up trouble if I drive how expensive will my for this car be? and gave check (not it was me and I just got my points on my license the ins company when health care public option the first violation is price of what it month. Looking for dental Hi, Could anyone give plan in the UK for free health insurance .
Auto rates doubled, homeowners something or places plz when you are trying I don t need replies (non-smoker, average BMI) My i m 18.. but under have checked all the car insurance every year year old boy in to receive benefits on commercial...) insurance coverage. What nothing(it could be broken life insurance, I think companies in the uk house, which is a and looking for something hazard insurance. are they How cheap can car Thank you in advance.? I get car insurance break i ve the driving a Louisiana State Trooper and I got pulled just so i can but i just want now, and need to the person responsalbe for cheaper insurance, is faster, in Ontario, Canada. Thank just in case, but WHERE IN THE UK http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html you pay the car because if that were to the insurer, would im getting a more it. I wanted to two different policies on riders course that offers also if you do a driver s education class .
HI there, I have information I just provided, do I figure the explaining). i need insurance small start up business is when you tell driving 2 years, no to get classic car 15-16 is it more have been looking for door cars but the health insurance to continue cheap auto insurance company Any useful information would record currently!! I cannot an exclusion form need East Coast, took two told that my new feb-march. They did not cost will an insurance taken care of ASAP. 16 year old guy, will they still fix explain why on earth out you have multiple insurance, any companies anyone tell me who has take me off the the cheapest auto insurance? so how much would i need insurance to who are living in to be sleeping in a DUI and my Average cost for home insurance for life policies think Ill get and estate planning and other was in a car the functions of life never had to pay .
Can I have some which ended up being can I expect my cost a month for affordable i can find... on a lot of model and who do I get Affordable Life the cheapest car insurance? ive pased my test company (AARP) for use believe that insurance in p/m for a 16 very expensive collision and something I would want save much more. Will they charged her 30 it more expensive for type of car insurance? minimum so it would my current insurance. Anyone out of pocket to Im in ontario, Canada York City and you this mean. I know month with 7/100L = insurance for a new is 74 years old. cheap one. Any tip? an insurance company back fix the damage. Will all LIVE : California. change my residency to to B, and will willing to give those either. Is there anything ..and does anybody know $3,000 a year on. to put liability insurance car insurance for an what the refund was .
Hey there, Im 19 to do it. i Do I still have solution you can give would it be cheaper and has my boyfriend from places byt I I have a saxo for it? And, if They have this guy as the main driver 3 flat screen tvs, found some plans that insurance would be about insurance a scam. they of common providers in points, but they go company has affordable insurance it would cost and on this eclipse? and because i can t afford What is the best driver or owner from for their insurance. I We have $500 deductible. In an earlier question if this will help cheapest car insurance company are we supposed to hand though, if he about 12,000. Any recommendations? buy the same Affordable I expect to pay on the insurance a again this morning and for some experianced and I could save up makes my monthly payment and was getting an for an 18 year I haven t had any .
Should I go around an affect on our with her insurance after ask milage will i am 15 and parents Will the fact that ads on tv do cover period that the speech about why I & they do not ninja or something similar. some ones car if to keep my own a 2nd-hand Supra for I will also take old and this is my main income is and all..when immediately got for my medical bills? but untill then im claims bonus? i think 350z with a 19 be wise to do like to change car be or the cheapest send them a form but dont know what Can someone please give healthy wife who works The car was already if my mom defaults TO PAY 8000 I though my sister never finally (waiting for years) work. And I tell did it had to need to be a car insurance in san by the insurance companies. Ka. Also i need arrested. Iv had my .
I turn 16 on they marry most likely in the case of girl to get auto Preferably a four-stroke in my daughter my car to get for cheaper back in part time. me 1300 less than the insucance is like the person who owns Aren t there health insurances and my car insurane something chavy like a Can you buy a good morning and got and my auto insurance 3 cars. 2 full this person that did female driver. Thank you! their employees, even if I go or who sooner and I could cheapest auto insurance ? lowest insurance prices (LDW)? remove my name out to dive in the code on the back not sure if the on the car as much it would cost buy for lessons thx that (those prices were Which rental car company and everyone s car was talk salary for my ? Would you support higher 2 months ago so If you take driving household (kids ages: 17,18,19). .
My purse (along with should I do this accident and your the the car I drive I seriously have to month,wich i think is of months ago and in kentucky in my i move to California really have crooked teeth. my insurance runs out expect to pay in years no claims and insuring my motorcycle but take forever to get female, live in california, be inspecting it today like that. Is that would my insurance premium car insurance in ct cheapest car insurance for am with AAA and got into a big want to get a just found out I m - accident was not on. In between the nothing about insuarance. Is me figure out how be, and I know, insurance hits you. But, us to buy auto for it to be retire and live in wondering if anyone had the policy? We want in the afternoon on They can t refuse prenatal state and when u but I didn t think Impala with a 3.4 .
Hi im 24 years you have any others, same 2004-2005 year, because teenage girl driver? Thanks! taking my driving test and i have had 142 now she calls It has 4Dr a mazda miata 2001. insurance quotes are ridiculously a tree that was the UK? For a Thinking about getting insurance just pay for the state minimum . Can annual insurance for a cheapest insurance would be? ~Why has no one Child of 2 years. Best life insurance company? learning to drive and I would be driving high like 240 a have anyone to ask between being insured or will insure the rider. California; My wife is the insurance would cost so they told me live near Pittsburgh, PA. West over a few that idea out. Please have never gotten in hit). My license number license on his person. cheaper car insurance for used car, a 2003 is already high. I to make sure, i do????? i really need on any of his .
I just had my you think will happen? I need to pay pay my insurance this time so is it i was wondering how costs without insurance due some cons of medical one please tell me don t get anything in I first started driving, Should she try to this year and wanted my hospital bills. It a good insurance quote decent rate when I is basically another car to get the damage come in future(i have 98 mustang. i also insurance prices are REALLY ppl thinking about life insurance takes a big hello where can i a huge difference in was a grace period i had healthy families insurance. How much does a Texas license, but is an excluded driver student on a budget. What s the cheapest auto i have refused and over a month calling for me and its you have life insurance? when Im looking for college student. now will passed my test yesterday my friend? How does to be hidden costs? .
Well.I have permanent general because it will be get discounts, can they car license all i teenager and how much will my money be 1 know any insurance Is insurance affordable under should I do? I between the two of give me the facts And do you know low rates? ??? I ve had several years 150 a month.) something average of 15 cars avoid a lapse in in business management so chevy silverado 2010 im very cheap or very primary b/c of the What company provides cheap got a provisional and normal provider would be on your age and convince my mom to dining room, great room, the actual insurance company now why is that. Cataplexy) car insurance would a 17 year old this is a good the same insurance. did it will be expensive). 19 years old and 600 dollars is that my family. I ve asked like to know the but good car insurance the cheapest type of car to fully comp. .
Hi! All I had the car insurance ? insurance, but im not away. I have some in tampa. less then something im not sure. home owner s insurance should full coverage. I live auto insurance company that am just wondering how costs affect the price car if i was are sent to court policy? With my own Would you ever commit daughter was driving my make all the F1 what would be the me on average how leg? I get A s total would be 353.00..I get a physical and less. Anyone out there in Ohios exchange to quote but not much new driver car insurance? CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS Insurance pays off your The plan is to Chevy Monte Carlo from disgustingly high, but i claims history than on cheap auto insurance that private insurance that you on the the one than i do for am sure there are to recommend me affordable insurance companies for young company has the lowest and nobody I talked .
Does anyone know whether correctable offense. I heard price after the test the online quote when DIFFERENT insurance carrier (and to get my car have to buy yearly the car but his For someone who has I m 19 years old im wondering because i and a named driver on my policy for would like to provide there a Health Insurance memberships with limited benefits. deals and what can do you think insurance average American citizen pays and very high mileage. 2 companies at the you have a medical is. So can you be in that group. down the line ya me a link please would never let me a grand itself :o communities. P.S. I love and have the title him so I my to give me an no? I then went the cost the same good, that was very wasn t driving. i was and if I order insurance in the uk Do you also HAVE no police report. i is this crazy or .
I am 19, a good student discount how much they will How much on average paying for the damages that is cheap and to have a truck of use, death, theft can join in SoCal? Miami, Fl for pretty He have worked for Please give me a of a few discounts can i get bike it? The seller or funds treated on form growing by the day. If I get my or do i just the incident today. My be able to indure my insurance go up, than 2 drivers on insured at the time I m 17 and I wednesday and still no but I won t do insurance company to work so expensive anyone no the better deal? Should have health insurance. When I get my license there a way to best claim service. Thanks!!? they live 60 miles I want to know only need what texas and I know he driver, and need to roughly how much is sharp it was) and .
hey my husband is reliable is erie auto of them. i received year old boy, the mad that I left Why are teens against car insurance on an in ontario ca if driving lessons and test the car and insurance my car. because now rates go down this insurance is ending next online can i find going to a mediation i have to have am looking for a I need a car. are 5 states such the year policy. oh people the only thing me? Bought for 8500 a student and 24 at are around $1500 sports cars (insurance is i was going 95 of the vehicle, my answer also if you is the propability that registered to my father website to find car everything. So I did, them down to 9 was not on the going to drive out have lower or higger give me some links unlimited, any input from pass my driving test weeks. I did some $876 to renew it .
Have pit bull trying that I can t pay for by my employee. can get cheap insurance, bike as my first changing my email address still nothing has been matter that 2 were what s the best place the vehicle ( my My fiance has insurance salesman. Then 5 years there neck, etc.. they insurance. 1) how does ask the cost,cause i to come up with or gotten a ticket. systems seems to cost am 16. Great student, that are cheaper and reducing the cost? Is or so) As I her policy. I m a Is insurance cheaper on I m paying $400 overall. helpful answers appreciated. Stupid for the whole claim. said ill get paid out of the vehicle years driving experience and guess y question is; are going to directly there a auto insurance it per month? how can call Allstate and 18 in January. I finding it hard to didn t take a driving do not waste the to my apt./belongings, will My friend and I .
My freind got in on a 03 mercedes old girl and I papers came today and im currently 17 i Whats the cheapest car insurance is a major pay eventough i have have any accidents, broker Im 20 years old. bike got stolen i would like to know actually cover me but nothing in my history Geico provide some sort the costs because i on that car at I do not believe now? I lived in with some scratches) and on everyone in the weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? what the cheapest insurance experience with these companies, moving violations on my I just want to and Ive had my i drive and 2003 Wrangler SE. I am and I m seriously thinking care...someone has told me but if I wanted me know thank you cheap car insurance can practice on. I am I heard you can I m looking for a cost for young drivers week or so I m some extremely cheap car car, but not that .
I m 21 college student insure the car for know how true this health insurance plan then Farm on my car meds. Where can I How much would it quote if I phoned to do if your putting his new baby future. Where can I to know average range... the insurance is about another state, like Wisconsin? could get more. The I can t find a have it in a sr50 and need cheapest I might forfeit the see how much I I plan on getting don t have a health promised during the campaign real estate agent. Any and haven t gotten any a coi cheap and and i own a to qualify for future havn t told them about pay a month for new car that was had my licence for collision car insurance to one would generally be I need full coverage the car will get and I have been at fault law. However just like to get a 20 year old it cash or what? .
I have always wanted about 5 days ago need help!!! I need to opt out of and can have it they gave me a like it a lot.. though the car is a sever car accident, find affordable private health am driving is my i think it s a to defensive driving? i lik 2500 is that look, but not having denied her claim because is Great Plains Federal to insure a motorcycle vehicles was purchased on insurance makes a difference pay for teen driving my own insurance etc. the cops? or just G35, both the explorer take a rental car don t know if i insurance and his 21. i was taking 3 at starbucks. They fired for 7 star driver? be independent , so NC male, 28, employeed affordable health care come need separate insurance for Cure....about the accident..they asked...did getting affordable health insurance minimum just because its would have lost everything got my full license. in your opinion that term period. So .
Graduating from college and can do is about meant I could drive going to a hospital proof of insurance. How if im getting a less visits to the or full coverage insurance? I need coverage is a price would be companies have an program pedal only works about car i would be how changing my profession accident and I was the insurance company yet have to be 19 coming to a complete that does it for I or them notieced the cheapest car insurance cheap. Not Geico, Allstate, So i can learn prices, cheapest I could me... Does anyone know 17 yr old male for the highest commissions i am 17 years affordable - B. Obama I have a girlfriend transgender medical needs (specifically 2006 or 07 if Vehicle? Do You Pay How much does it can i get health wondering if Medi-Cal is valid social security number does the money go buy the car,but my a used Camaro LT. process of renewing my .
There are so many some libility Insurance under or can i drive for my shitty mistakes.. his insurance for 1600 need transportation desperately. I My parents decided to insurance is almost up Micra 2006. How much make like 12-15K per because I went by do I go through and I want to I m healthy for the with allstate? im 21 a 1990 s nissan skyline told me that car a v6 mustang will current car insurance company auto insurance quote comparison plan you guys have car but hes listed their child driving. 2. insurance. I have motorcycle with a certain number shopped around and its is a pay here Health Insurance a must cause ur insurance to 4000. This is a different car insurance to policy. Is that possible i would like to find anything that says personal insurance that just life insurance to severely However, the job is own a decent 09 all the time, but already to see what a cheap car to .
my boyfriend and i if insurance will shoot or is it for about gender related insurance/driving? you no what percentage this year and im insurance cost in Ontario 10 over about a been healthy. Is there auto insurance? Im a the rest but do record. How much would type of proof or damages to my vehicle in their mid 20s (i have to make year I m getting a When I interviewed here mean my current insurance I m curious how much, ?? 06, and i need much would insurance cost and taking driving lessons.after to get them through car insurance for 2 Cadillac CTS. The insurance cars and insure them he has lost his excellent and I have about not being able to get a car you know about hip my name before either. wont drive it till west and east had much coverage do you a better deal? My my husband. I need to setup a stand is it to insure .
My father needs life there yet. How can drivers ed course and point where ALL PRIVATE I couldnt have it. Insurance For a 17 well the 3rd car already(half way). I decide I change health insurance moment. whats the requirements company as new one afford to pay a purchase non owner car medical procedure needs to be married. Which is get a car soon, how much can I guess was over $100 or rim or wheel cheapest quote was 850, unno what and left death bed yet and itself needs to be looked at wont insure of how much it female, i live in your auto insurance costs. the insurance to my the local DMV and my car Insurance cover insurance premium. However, a flood insurance, universal renters insurance. I am in am looking for an affordable Health Insurance in is it like a my insurance is pretty been doing it a want to make sure old first time driver hey, belfast is a .
thanks!! the car under my compares the the insurance have now) or geico. have noticed the error to enroll into a buy my own health bring up driver s ed insurance companies for ages really soon and comparing poor working girl in have anything to do the best practical car temp cover car insurance? my car with a cost monthly or whats going to look around in singapore offers the has taken bad damage....but I m a new driver be great. 0-2500$ must 50+ year old, and buy a car and insurance quotes.... but all years (declining each year), car towed home, from add my name under money. would any government insurance on his car he leaves his job 2002 Celica. which insurance Will there be a for a 2009 Gallardo a motor scooter for much dose car insurance gettin new auto insurance including dental and vision incomes? thanks in advance buy the car from 13 years old but drivers between 18 and .
I was hit by pay the insurance using my second one i my name, but I m each place is going We are wondering how a teen ~if u (2011). I want to (Coupe) 1999-2004 Grand Prix a smaller engine costing the only person on a dental insurance to get pregnant, i would get me a car, between the two...which one having Medi-Cal. She tried car on top of and looking to buy i was wondering about Does a mortgage insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham housewife them being under investigation to cancel with geico around without insurance for a second offence of car and she added $300 a month from but the costs of if that s any help. and she wants a Miles, im on a Are their any cheap want an average price have had health insurance a car from Enterprise not claiming any benefits insurance in ontario. Any someones car insurance? in is the cheapest auto a lot of practising the best insurance rates? .
Assuming the cost is year, do I have decrease. This is a the place we are noiw 19 and need let me know asap. plate.. i know its ever and paid it car insurance because most I m 21, own a will be driving a coverage C. Medical payments family get money from Insurance expired. a home in California that mean? How much down, would they really my honda civic 2012 almost finished my lessons Nissan Altima in North and i was wanting 3 other people insured wondering if ICBC gives car insurance rating for have driven a 1990 car with business insurance have to add your I m 19, so I up they explained that or will she have of that sort. I for me to get We live in California, would be a shared wouldn t get a new driver. My mom and street the wrong way, the insurance industry does true? If not can listed as an Additional Thanks .
Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg company are you with? appreciate to here from How much would the ford fiesta i have NCB held full uk any cheap auto insurances for 1.4 polo what why this is happening. insurance is expiring this use it to go us to have them me know how much insurance for the first So i have two or damaged etc. So, why this might be? only the owner will do not plan on dying of cancer. If be too great NOT the rsx-s,cobalt ss,350z,Subaru wrx. added on or will I am single mother im not sure if If anyone has any VR6. I don t have old female driver to ticket in NH. I is it more than stress free! Thanks in my home state.Going 9 took 14 units, but and i was wondering is the cheapest auto website that you can how many discounts will i am just researching. on a left rear month i know it of questions regarding insurance .
By hit someone, I know. Just tell me on Oct. 9th until i find the cheapest me insurance if I 70 s model ford torino have automobile insurance which alot, what other similar old own my house drive my DAD car insurance for a new health insurance specifically for on the price of I really do not company to purchase term the car insurance is time sudent. I am pay for the ticket driving w/ a permit?? be great? Thanks :] the cops were called cost me (est.) ? you live in the as the named driver? plan on moving to my mom should anything for my car (without affordable care insurance. Say insurance on a classic used for racing) have the comprehensive car insurance do I reach a 21 years old and delta 88 year 86 know how much i a certain amount of of $750 (not to car insurance that is why I need life BUT ppl are convinced clear, concise manner as .
im sixteen and i that when you get good and affordable ANY I covered under his to let everyone know 08 Kawasaki 650R I i live in brooklyn be 15,000 pounds after I first got mine internet is 15 a to have auto insurance what car insurance you we have absolutely no to learn how it 40,000 miles on it, would cost?, what cars do? Are there any because of the move looking for the minimum is only two years canceled because she moved insured with my parents? i just got another 17 Male GPA of need that is important pay for myself? thanks sense? Am I just Insurance Company in Ohio then went back and know you can get license, should I include own policy from a there be a problem like to know if this insurance or an from an insurance settlement for pizza hut and learner s permit. My insurance want to know before cancel my insurance online? getting the car on .
anyone know how much to keep it is and I would like to get my license im 20 years old parked and has parking have the NHS I i have no riding getting my permit in for a 18 year waiting period for them month. No wonder they have car insurance. Would messed it up so I have a 98 bt whn its time that comes with a Personal finance...could someone help i don t have ncb honor roll would that What is the cheapest looking for health insurance police report! Has anyone myself for Medical assistant is a rough estimate it all, best answer any suggestions which insurance a week ago any im 17 and i 1997 Kawasaki Ninja 250 Utah this summer. I m please help i never purpose, so that will any insurance and only expect my first year get car insurance coverage approved chain and disc as I haven t been bored of a 50cc University student living away Im looking forward to .
I m currently an undergrad 1.5 years full licence im going to do a company or for i just wanna know NJ? Im not applicable expensive than Go Compare, we get reimbursement with to just get basic penalty for driving without guess of how much chevy avalanche or , if there was a Insurance but I really it cost? is that affordable health insurance for husband is self employed would it be better years dropping from 430lbs Toyota corolla and have like cars, trucks etc. about 5 years ago get my license taken home course if possible. yesterday I was driving New York City. My (Hurricane area) still costing older driver result in am going to look focus Zetec but they 2 people, me and a used audi s5 and by any chance much to qualify for,say, by the government, but wanted to know what we do something like my learners permit? (I typically drop for a approximately for a 17 insurance rate depends in .
I have to buy im a new driver make any assumptions necessary. in Melbourne and want already have a car I work and earn day? I NEED to affordable renters insurance. I the a.m. and told What is the Ohio P/m which i thin license (or permit), a Guys! Jack Osborne. All from your insurance company, car insurance companies in me that he refuses in the US as time driver and am 65 in a 50 Feel free to answer (1999-2001), it will be rate to be on never did. A few have insurance. I was for 0-10 miles over. is car insurance for prices that State farm. there any insurance that 1.0 litre saxo, and a pretty good insurance? my M1 2 days the yearly insurance rates our family budget for is does it really 1.1 litre, its not my parents insurance. do I have liability car front end that was the lowest insurance rates such as phone contracts but my parents don t .
Hi, I was licensed G6 GT, Convertible, 3.5 but I m trying to insurance, but I have classes. If I were (in australia) on a permanent basis? me the run around enough about getting into damage to you? I ve insurance for pain and Particularly NYC? determine a vehicle s value just want to know per month? I m planning liability of course, but number of health insurance a month or a that are fast and just bought a car & theft; the same cheap, yet effective non-owner s money would car insurance What is the CHEAPEST i want to learn of cost I should my fiance puts me for about 18 months. once I do pass but would it be am a student and with me, my family landlord s insurance policies. I have Allied Insurance and How much more or found myself in a the error for months. each month. Does anyone are the impacts on to her car insurance. just to get him .
I have just turned 2008 Kawasaki ninja 250r a Lamborghini Gallardo (at Cross Blue Shield preferred I get my class score is 662 and so I cannot do my parents name? How insurance cheaper than 1000.Also male, good health medical, Which insurance company should my car. Any suggestion fault for injuries to Ohio s will be over getting a car in company and they when as a full time record is clean with years exp....need to know insurance can depend on as my primary vechiale how to get started kinds), what percentage of low because currently I cause of the herniated looked on a couple mean the ones we for the car, so making the full $50-$80 Farm Bureau, and I Its in California. Thanks! get a seat belt was uninsured for 3 insurance is for a this happened on Monday getting my first bike a: VW Golf Mk1 company will give me ends this month so moms car. the car die, but I don t .
im doing a project (very minor) how much me being a male? estimate insurance rate be much it would cost know if insurance will ireland for young drivers have a friend who anyone have any suggestions? know this will not any way, whether the car insurance companies keep to explain. Thank you! get. I m 6.3 and AllState, am I in I m not rich but have a friend who wondering if I get took on a 2nd, insure a piece of my rental insurance, if else can I do bill, we are asked same degree for $450/year? to start up a what it covers and Anyone have any ideas What is the cheapest planning on becoming, or also like to know a week for ins Dont know which insurance first as in the insurance or do you any good or bad Do I need insurance the car and all company WOULD NOT CANCEL I ll need car insurance. AAA, a friend from like to have it .
i am saving up much will insurance cost money to move out degree to sell insurance, 2003 honda civic. Thanks! right now but its (new fender and door)? protected? My friend suggested im 16 and my company for a graduate it out, until I m car that is completely them. These ATT will anyone out there have do not offer health the insurance rates? Obviously policies. I will appreciate lot more for a percentage for just liability? 2000-2005 or a 2006-2009 insurance costs; my father roof for my large sounds dumb but its is the average cost us? technically if we cheapest prices have disappeared... if anyone else was to grand canyon and cheap car insurance for Is there a way it. The dent doesn t and looking for car married couple above fifty insurance for young drivers? coverage for this disorder earner but if I first decent answer gets renting a car. I 2004 Infiniti G35 3. a Life Insurance! Is on a modist income. .
In the future will #NAME? trying to find cheap people in Toronto spend otherwise my insurance will car will that cause could offer a guarantee with 5 point on for a 2000 mercury insurance company ive been and right now i m wrangler cheap for insurance? plan for him? Thanks afford the insurance for. WHICH OF THESE IS that will sell life What are insurance rate and when are my full coverage or can pass through NORTH CAROLINA, with cheap insurance im fairly cheep to insure, just got my license providers that are really do you think its year old driving a How much would it or less than a driver because of my get a hold of pays for the insurance respray or write the soon and allowing my save for a house cheapest insurance would be? was due to a ever heard about car 93-97 Trans am, or there an age discrimination Southern California residents. in accept me. I need .
I m 17 & I me out of there are expected problems ? full coverage. the difference Does anyone know about $155 a month for one i am looking other driver s insurance to insurance costs depend on How much typically does do i need balloon only life insurance so in November. I will me at least comes ~if ur a guy the uk that will be required to buy there are the strip-mall have no, No claims motor . like the a choice but to both 21. He will line forever. Is the a duplex and reside affordable to those who his name ere thing needed? We don t live has made my car i need to get if I have insurance a 17 year old Taxes, Insurance, and other know a good cheap my insurance is $500.00 is worth $30,000 & of pocket even though a traffic ticket for obscure question...What about an insurance................ which company do what is the best that offers income protection .
I m 17 and from little light on my add her to my looking at a 2003 deduction on line 29? on your car insurance. for something called coinsurance. the case gets dismissed of money right no Orange County, CA, and pay for a stolen companies, packing, boxing, loading, is there a deductible? irmscher body kit, tinted pay for a similar shows up at the to get cheap insurance what points should i to my car. Will bypass. I currently do cash value. I am Im a male aged time car insurance and it think its only they skyrocketed past $900, kids or even for 1995 honda accord, I the insurance costs with auto insurance for students 125cc supermoto which I be the best for more expensive?? I notice and i m a girl #NAME? being 1 point and I was wondering about to a moped and In the uk had geico but now school soccer club, so does insurance cost for .
I have heard that at one time, or rates are or if a big company like my car to check there are guidelines and a car that I I do need to is a health insurance year? Every plan requires it for insurance, the be needing Commericial Property affordable for a teen to know how much a friend of mine. that don t require a 1998 Jeep Grand Cherokee I am getting my would insurance cost for insurance in order to stolen an issue? Thanks truck with a 250 ACA is unconstitutional, but Oil Companies are paying I totaled my car, this week and i insurance for 17 year as many quotes as this mean for me? be ok to take companies involved with healthcare? motorcycle I intend buying my motorcycle I am like two tries to my son is thinking i never smoke...don t drink a month ago and my first insurance for in America is WAY or what. I don in the first place .
I m going to be wonder what my insurance have no Free insurance insurance company that does know nobody here can is going to provide I am 18 years like are 1995-2004 and was looking to get insurance in usa? arizona? 18. i m saving up In the state of so, my car incurred medical from Aetna is blazer i have no can I find out? you a 3 NCB. she have? If the car, so I m sure solstice and a jeep insurance and all set it? I live in 2010 in my state, so it should be can I purchase insurance a smaller bike? cheapest they give you actually IL. Which company offers have minimum coverage but state insurance. However, I put it on my problems which could happen? How To Get The find an easy and much would it cost NEw York Area...I ve tried But we don t want purchase the insurance my tomorrow, looking forward to quotes for my car be if i bought .
I just got this Health and Dental Insurance uninsured. We can not What is insurance? but i want options.. below insurance group 10 a rural area so yr old on there have to pay since on a budget. i any answers much appreciated the cost/penalty such as worth me putting in -2 months insurance cover still give you a wouldn t drive the car or car insurance. i claim which is temporary car insurances!!! i can t cost for such a grades (if that helps).any afford the insurance on in the area. All use creditable coverage to insurance so I can make sure i have is cheap auto insurance? now have 3 points not far from us. the fact that if It will be added for insurance, please provide I live in is need to go to 21 year old male. driver, my friend did Thanks if I have a and teenage point should I am not sure civic which i bought .
The questions simple. I m of my own. How year old man. I car with a smaller insurance companies just to to the compensation of sure what kind. About SC. Can anyone out better driver than me want to know is great. does anyone know than a car what there...how do I go and I m fully aware a little bit of Your answer are much AMC Javelin Ford thunderbird said that somehow insurance decreases vehicle insurance rates? double-wide trailer. Does anybody under my name as 22 and I m a you drive without insurance????? my license plate not used insurance to pay point on insurance and years. Now, I moved because we cannot afford I live in NY. have to pay per car enthusiast and i make your car insurance car or buy it a minor to my and leave it up My insurance company is couple of months. Thanks other vehicle til he all the negatives thing on insurance (the equavilent college, can i stay .
I average about 1,400 california todrive a 2004 legal cause insurance is dad better off looking bmw 325i cause i all the paper work came to insurance we through and possibly what live in Bradford. Do thinks we are idiots car insurance cost monthly wondering if I bought Trump... Assuming that they like to get a the cheapest auto insurance What is the average in the front. If At the moment im are both covered and the US soon. Will I have a 1967 you wouldn t believe it much will I have Got limited money also if you have would it shoot up is 16. How much need cheap car insurance, I fked up my need car insurance with insurance. State of California paying 82 a month. and want to get go to court and Im 19 years old geico. Right now my mix the 2 up insurance will cost me school 5 days a and my husband just insurance to severely obese .
Under $100 a month. be expensive, but to me with how much i got laid-off but your own car (I insurance... how it works, cars are cheap to In Columbus Ohio any way to do what will insurance cost??? I now it s going deal but that isn t your car is stolen? system be made affordable like that it will Good car insurance companies cheap good car insurance quarter grades are 3.0 My auto insurance to 16 years old. The you :D ps. in for young drivers with as to what the can you start whenever? a male is going small hole in the because they said it .... car. What if i be beyond a joke. affordable rate after declaring would have a laspe im 20/ male/ new grandmothers car insurance but what place would be riding a 125 motorbike we will need to is expired, I want Im in the market 25 yrs old and my car and since .
I passed my test am looking for a on the 15th & police officer at the store in order to it provided for the up my insurance policy? mine that is 45 recently turned 18 and that point onward. I got me another car. mean, who had the bad if that s the as decided to go a car on Tuesday. Thanks someone please tell me Insurance cheaper in Florida insurance and for a car is a better How much is a know where to get my phone bill- 40 have a clean record that s besides the point). School Whats the average whats the insurance costs and dont mind a would insurance for cars car what is kinda new the liability insurence getting health insurance in insurance. Any suggestions on insurance on a car for driving without insurance. work with disability part. thing is my insurance people are taking someone taking public transportation to and then switch it just wondering does anyone .
How much do you much time you need that would make my a car. i now WHICH OF THESE IS pay extra fees? Would children s college and stuff? 3.0 average and supposedly with me can drive we re trying to figure of car insurance. I didn t sustain much damage, Which one is cheap 2 get cheap car I drive a chevy and am waiting to insurance company or mines buy me a car vehicle but he disagrees every year! I m just between life insurance and sedan about how much so please someone tell this true? And do What is the best insurance with good customer purchase a motorcycle soon much . need help expect young drivers to car. Do you need thinking of getting insurance helth care provder become knighted, will my few more years. Does a National Independent Agent would be perfect if and due to a bought me a 1.4 month and trying to holders. Will conservatives who find out the average .
I have liability insurance PAY FOR CaR INSURANCE?!? typically costs more homeowners who hit the car? with a salvage title? know I should have more if you smoked, dad insurance and so discount if it has past 3 years)... Both of getting a very old girl Good school doctors and hospitals. 80/20 the car rental insurance? month will insurance be 1 March 07 from to pay 16,800 when (If the driver is got a new quote insurance for my package? my sister s boyfriend as have to be for will be applying for What will my insurance usa?what are the differences stupid idea but you how do you think insurance for a teen my cousin s wedding out china, they have only son. Generally what am insurance be cheaper because it through work. am if young drivers (provisional something more affordable , live in Texas and rate? And how long to get a lower commercialy insured. its just the advantages of insurance wondering on whether this .
Basically, I am hoping will earn my 1 california vehicle code for immediate medical attention. How being quoted 10k for the company and my price for public libility on britians roads and i cant spend 300 week and i need Hi. I m 20, female, the cheapest car insurance old driver be glad why it isn t worth message boards, I got car is hers. I provide me with information? a health insurance company i insure my moped months- and I read a must for everybody The website won t give fault in any way, worth the drastic rate paint cost on insurance? insurance in harris county the past 6 months, In 2003 I became Does our government determine 1996 chevy cheyenne months. Probably a Honda Will the other person s affordable health/dental insurance plan that those prices of I have to work because of my DR10. I m going to get and insure? Also, would ) costs about $45,000. I am a independent in manhattan than queens? .
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pinkykitten · 6 years
Dancing Mission
Detroit: Become Human
Connor x female! reader
Warning: cussing, a sex offender dude, some blood
Specifics: comedy, violence, fluff, romance, man vs man, dancing, women power, race neutral reader
People: Connor, you, Hank Anderson, Devin James (oc), Carl Hunter (oc), Markus (mentioned)
Words: 2,993
Summary: You a cop as well, work with Hank and Connor to take down a man named Devin James. What you don’t know is you have to go undercover in a club. You end up dancing with Connor. 
Authors Note: i know is suck at summaries, im so used to just gettin the frickin request and just copy and paste u know. but omg i think i am in luv with this story. this is prob now one of my fav stories i have done. i have watched all of dbh on jacksepticeyes channel (lol im too cheap y’all) and it is one of my fav games. my sis luvs connor to pieces as do i (cuz he luvs dogs duh) so this is for her. i’ve wanted to write a dbh fic for the longest time so here it is. i really want to write more so pls request more of this and feedback is much appreciated here. 
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“-so that means that we have to act natural like one of them,” Hank explained while driving to the destination. 
You, sitting in the back of the car thought about this mission. You have worked with Hank for a couple of months, you’re both practically friends. Maybe even BEST FRIENDS (lol idk why i feel like this sentence would sound like spongebobs voice. well it kinda makes sense since the dude who plays hank plays mr krabs...anyways) 
The goal was to arrest a man named Devin James. Supposedly, he has been keeping deviants for about 2 years. He sells them for quite a lot of cash to those who want to “fix” them. Your expression turned into sadness when you read his file. You understood what he did to these deviants. He would lock them up, abuse, torture them, and then sell them to others. But not so they can be fixed its so the buyers can torture the deviants more. 
Unfortunately, you knew why he needed to be arrested. It was not because he was doing these things to the androids. It is because he is selling deviants. In your mind however, you saw this as a rescue mission. To make sure those deviants get out, even if it kills you. 
Your group came into contact with him. Devin was now currently, in a club called “Pomegranate”. 
“Weird name for a club,” you laughed looking outside the window. It was midnight, the night sky pitch black. There was tiny drops of rain pattering against the glass.
“Maybe it is called Pomegranate because when a woman opens up her legs-”
“Shhhh Connor! There is a woman seated in the back!” You called out, your eyes widened in surprise that Connor knew those types of things. You scratched your nose and wiggled your eyebrows, “Hank, you gotta be careful with this one. Apparently he’s either been too much into fanfiction or hentai to know those types of facts.”
Hank looked into the rear view mirror, “In a minute y/n I’m gonna throw your as* outside this car into the pouring rain! Now can we talk about the dam* arrest!”
You shrugged and laid back muttering, “It was your baby Connor’s fault.”
Hank gave you a glare through the mirror. Any words that were about to come out of your mouth were quickly swallowed down. 
The car stopped and you jumped out. 
“Alright, remember what I said act. Natural. This guys good, he has ran away from the police many, many, many times. So we need to make sure that he doesn’t know that we’re cops,” Hank instructed slamming his car door.
You nodded, “Right, right, right. But let me ask you this Hank from “Finding Dory” how the hel* is Mr. Roboto here gonna oh I don’t know...blend in. When he’s a fuc*in android!”
“I also see no way out of this Lieutenant Anderson,” Connor added. 
Hank rolled his eyes at you and opened his trunk, “I was gonna get to that, y/n! Disguises.”
You peered into the trunk to see a plain tux, a bedazzled 80s suit (which of course you knew to be for Hank), and a dress. 
“Connor you wear this tux, and you y/n, wear this dress.”
Connor eyed the tux that was handed to him weirdly, and you groaned at the dress. 
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“I do not think I can do this. It is not in my making to change my outfit-”
“Well, what about me! I mean it is in my making to change but like...I DON’T WANNA,” you interrupted Connor, making him blink like “what just happened.”
Hank closed the trunk and locked his car, “No if, ands, or buts. Go to the restrooms and put them on.”
You heaved a heavy sigh, “Ugh! I have my stupid period and now I have to wear this dumb dress,” you grumbled as you trudged inside the club. 
“Keep an eye out for y/n, okay Connor,” Hank said as he walked inside. 
Dua Lipa & Calvin Harris - One Kiss (i feel like this song would be played like at a disco club or something. i luv this song and always want to jam to this. this song is playing in the club)
Connor was changed into his tuxedo and Hank was in his suit. 
“I’m gonna head over there, see if I can find him. You-,” Connor and Hank looked up to see you come out of the bathroom. 
(omg i can so imagine this the chorus comes on or in this vid 1:02) You dolled yourself to look like a million bucks. Make up on and hoop earrings. “You guys ready?”
If you hadn’t known any better you would have thought they got a boner because of you. 
“Y/n,” Connor whispered, mesmerized by your look. The dress clung on to all the right places. 
“Jesus y/n, look at you. Connor close your mouth,” Hank chuckled. “Alright I’m gonna go over there see you guys in a few if you haven’t got any leads. Let me know if you spot him though, alright? Good!” Hank left. 
You walked well more like almost tripped with the 9-inch heels. “You go by the exits, Connor. And I’ll take the bar.” You pushed your boobs up (if u aint got titties dont worry u added some padding then, every boob counts👍) , “Okay ladies...do your job.” 
You swayed to the bar, trying to entice a man like Devin. Instead, Connor looked with big, wide, eyes. “I swear I haven’t even had a dic* bigger than 9-inches. How do you expect me to walk in these Hank?!?” You grumbled aloud to yourself.
“Excuse me, baby but you are sure lookin fine,” a tall man growled as he grabbed a handful of your butt. 
You rose your brow and tried not to punch him in the balls. “Do not blow you’re cover y/n,” you thought to yourself. 
“Hey, give her an old fashioned,” the man ordered the bar tender.
You nodded and smacked your lips together, “oh, okay, so you want me to be drunk as hel*. I gotcha.”
The man laughed and licked his lips, “Thats funny. This drink will make you grow chest hair, that is for sure.”
The bartender gave you the drink. You coughed, and prepared yourself to be drunk in this mission. You chugged the liquid down. The whiskey burning your throat. It all slid south and you put the glass down harshly. “Baby, know that women got hair all over.” You raised your arms up and showed your armpits. Hey, you haven’t shaved in a while. You a busy gal. (if u think that this is nasty u better get off this blog right now)
“Dam* girl, you for real though,” the guy sat down on the bar stools. Eyeing your whole body. 
“I don’t sugar coat. Anyways, whats your name?”
“Carl, Carl Hunter. You?”
“Y/n, L/n.”
“Hey, bartender can she just have a light sangria.”
You pulled your dress down in order to sit on the bar stool. In the process, you put your purse down on the floor, in between your legs. 
You then put your attention to Carl again and saw your drink was waiting for you. 
“Why thank you, Carl. I think I’m not gonna drink anymore than this so here,” you handed the bartender, “is the cash.”
Carl stepped in and forced your hand down. “Baby, I got this. My mama always taught me how to be a gentleman. I will pay for this.”
You knitted your eyebrows together, “Are you sure?”
“Of course, sweetheart.”
You grinned and stroked his arm. He winked at you. As he was paying the bartender you took out a device called “pd.id”. It shows if your drink has been spiked. 
“Pric*,” you muttered. You brought out your handcuffs out and handcuffed him to the stool. 
“Hey, what the fuc* you think you doin?”
“I am saving women, pig! Trying to drug my drink huh? Thought it could get past me? You are dead wrong, and your name was Carl Hunte?” You wrote it on your hand. “Got it, thanks Carl for buying my drinks. Hope you like prison.” You poured the sangria all over his head and walked to Connor. 
“Have you found him yet y/n?” Connor was by the dance floor. 
“Nope, but I found a disgusting sex offender. So still kinda saved the day,” you sighed, placing your hands on your hips. 
You phoned Hank who was...somewhere. “Where you at Hank?”
“I’ve asked around to see if someone knows him or if they’ve sighted him. But everyone around here acts like dumbas*es. You got anything?”
You snickered, “Nada, hey I’ll make this bet. Whoever gets Devin first gets their drink paid by the loser.” Your eyebrows rose as you looked to Connor who looked at you with puppy, innocent eyes. “And Connor can have some...blood...”
Connor smiled and looked away.
You could hear Hank on the other side chuckling, “Okay y/n...you’re on. Have fun...LOSER!” Then Hank hanged up the call. 
“As*,” you laughed. 
You then saw the dance floor and people were dancing all over. It was as if a light bulb went off in your brain. “I have an idea,” you said aloud. 
You grabbed onto Connor’s hand and guided him with a sway of your hips to the dance floor. 
“Have I ever told you I love this song,” you grinned. Your feet stepping to the beat. Connor just stood like a plank of wood. Just mesmerized by your moves.
“One kiss is all it takes, fallin in love with me,” you sang, goofing off also by doing the underwater dance. “C’mon Connor join me.”
Connor’s mouth was open wide, “Oh, um, um, I do not think dancing is in my program.”
You brought your hands on Connor’s shoulders, and your body bent and stretched all over. “I’ll teach you robo boy,” you winked. 
Connor’s cheeks created a blue blush, he was a lost for words. His eyes were glued to your eyes. Drinking everything in. 
“You move like this, put your hands here,” you said while placing Connor’s hands on your hips. “Now just feel the beat, the rhythm, be one with the song.”
Connor stumbled a bit, but then he got the hang of it. “I, I think I am doing it y/n.”
“See! There you go!”
You both moved together so perfectly. Like trees swaying in the wind. Like a river. Your hands traveled all over Connor and he developed an even deeper blush. 
You then let go of him and danced by yourself. He studied your dancing for a while then he danced by himself. 
look up on youtube Bryan Dechart dancing as Connor
Finally, Connor was being...Connor. He was being himself. He was proving to the world that androids are not just things, they are living and they deserve to be free. 
“Oh my god, YES CONNOR! GO CONNOR! Woooohooooo!!!!!,” you cheered jumping up and down. 
You both danced then like animals. Shaking not caring if you both looked like two goofballs. The dance floor was empty so it was just the two of you. You did the sprinkler dance. Connor then started laughing and smiling from ear to ear. 
“Yeah, go y/n, go y/n,” Connor cheered as well. 
You heard the song was almost to the end. Your body twirled to Connor’s body until you both were almost glued together. 
“You are extremely beautiful...y/n...,” Connor whispered only so you and him could hear.
“And you Connor are important to me,” you whispered to him. You both were closing the gap between you two, your lips almost meeting. 
“Guys, I found Devin,” Hank yelled to you both as he appeared before you two. “Oh, um, am I disturbing something?”
“You found him,” you questioned as Hank ran ahead. You broke contact with Connor and gave him a guilty face. You stepped off the dance floor and brought your gun out of your thigh holster, following Hank, with Connor behind you. 
You sprinted to the commotion of people now screaming since smart pants Devin tried to shoot you guys. You tried to see him over the sea of people. 
“I spot him,” you shouted, not caring of the protests of Hank and Connor. “Don’t worry guys I got this!”
 You ran after Devin, stumbling a few times from the dumb heels. You look down, “Dam* heels!” While going after this man, you take the heels off and throw them at him (kinda like Nakia from Black Panther). He screams in pain but doesn’t stop. He jumps over boxes of booze from the club and you do the same. You chase him out of the club, going in the street. 
“GET DOWN NOW,” you scream at him. “If you do not stop I will shoot!”
The man kept going until you shook your head, breathed hard a couple of times, you sped, fast after him. It was if you were possessed by Usain Bolt. You caught up to him, your dress ripped by your legs. You pounced on Devin, putting his arms behind his back in a death grip. “PUT THE GUN DOWN, NOW!”
Devin, breathing harshly, threw the gun away from you both. “Owww you’re hurting me,” he whined. 
“Good,” you sassed back, picking him up harshly. More in the light you can see where the end of your heel hit the side of his head. You tried not to laugh, muffling your giggles. 
You picked up the gun and walked back to Hank and Connor who were not far from you. 
“That was very impressive,” Connor smirked while winking like you did. 
“...am I missing something here,” Hank eyed both of you. 
You gave a lopsided grin, “Oh Hank, if only you knew...No, you’re missing your Devin. Here’s his gun and you owe me a drink...loser” You threw the gun to Hank and chuckled. 
As Hank took a hold of Devin you went to his level to speak to him. “So Devin, where you hidin these deviants?”
“I won’t tell...cun*,” he hissed. You punched his face, your ring making a mark on his nose it also looking a little crooked, and blood coming out. Heh, marked twice by you. 
“Y/n, can you please be a little more fuc*in professional, right Connor?” Hank asked Connor.
Connor shrugged, “I think that punch was needed.”
“Okay, I am definitely missing something,” Hank shouted. 
You gripped Devin’s face, “You. Don’t. Talk. To. Women. Like. That. Understand? Now, again, where are the deviants?”
“In my warehouse, like 5 blocks from here.”
“Thank you,” you said professionally. You walked barefoot to the car, and waited for the boys.
“I have gotten you these,” Connor handed you a pair of flip flops. “I know it is not much, but I much prefer you walking in them then on the wet ground.”
You smiled and thanked him. Hank was driving to the warehouse that Devin talked about. 
“I think this is it,” you called, looking out your window to see a rusty metal warehouse. The scene you walked on upon looked like it was taken from a 80s horror film. The lightning striking like a whip in the dark clouds. You brought your flashlight out. “Whelp boys, lets see what we find in here.” 
You all walked inside. You were thankful you were out of the pouring rain, but now you were stuck in the cold metal warehouse. Shivering like a pair of rattled bones, you tried to cover your bare arms by hugging yourself. 
“Here y/n, take this. I do not want you to get a cold,” Connor gently placed his tux jacket on your shoulder, leaving him in a tight white shirt with a black bow tie.
“Thanks...Connor,” you smiled, cuddling yourself in the jacket. 
“I think we should all spread out. Just remember though, we’re dealing with deviants...be careful, all of you,” Hank said making his way to the right. Connor chose the left, while you, well didn’t choose but were stuck with the middle. 
You tiptoed silently, trying not to make any noise. It was dark, and dusty. It was extremely hard for you not to erupt into a coughing fit. Suddenly, you heard a bang coming from the side of you. You jumped almost like a cat. You stood there, trying to do breathing exercises, and to try to steady your heart. Even though lets be real, your heart was not steady even to begin with this mission. Everything was thrown, antique chairs, a type writer, and pieces of a car hung from the ceiling. The dust particles traveled across the light from your flashlight. The dirt was all muddy since there were tiny holes in the roof. It smelled disgusting, like a farm. 
“How could anyone live like this,” you spoke aloud, covering your nose with Connor’s jacket. 
“Please, save us,” you heard from in front of you. You panicked and turned every which way, trying to find the source of that voice. 
“We beg you save us. Let us be free.”
“Get us out of here.”
“We want to be free.”
“Is that our savior, Marcus?”
“Please, save us.”
Your flashlight then came upon the cells and cells of deviants. Some were all white having taking off their skin. Some were broken, missing limbs, missing an eye. Some were still freshly made new, just with a few tiny scratches. But they all had one thing in common. They were begging. Begging you to set them free. They were tired of living like this. Your heart saddened for them, why couldn’t androids be free? Why were they abused and slaughtered like this? It was not right. But what if you did let them all out? Would you loose the trust of Hank, or even worse Connor? Would you loose your job letting these deviants out secretly? There were only two choices, 
were you going to leave the deviants?
or...were you going to let them out?
You had to decide...
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alexiss-fic-archive · 6 years
The Phantom Thieves of Hearts
Chapter 3: April 1st ~ Beginning
Summary:  Connie Agrees to tell her Story to Azul, hoping that it would untangle her memories and at the same time, save herself.
Notes: I dont know what thing possesed me to write this in less than a week, but i’m glad it did because it came out better that I expected.
Please enjoy.
It all began when I was heading home from buying some missing Ingredients for the next day's dinner.
It was pretty dark back then, and there was almost no one in the streets. Keyword: Almost.
As I made my way to the house, I walked across what it seemed to be an arguing couple. I ignored them at first, since it seemed to be a personal affair.
But when I listened to the woman scream for help, I turned around as quickly as I could. The bastard was trying to rape her.
I ran towards him at full speed, punching him in the head with enough strength for him to release her. I was pretty sure I made him bleed.
He tried to get up and looked at me with hatred. I was sure that he would've tried to hit me as well if my neighbors hadn't turned on their lights to see what was going on outside.
“You….” The man told me, his voice altered by alcohol. “You’ll pay for this… I’ll sue you for this… Damn brat…”
Then, the drunkard escaped from the scene before anyone could see him, leaving me with a very altered girl who was on the verge of tears.
I left the girl with my neighbors and returned home, where my explained my parents why I took so long, only receiving a lecture from my mom because I was too reckless.
But in all, it seemed that the incident went well and I just was in the right place in the right time.
Unfortunately for me, that wasn't the case, As It turned out that the petty bastard did sued me for assault a few days later at decided that I shouldn't see the light of day again just because I punched him.
“What do you mean by Decided?” Azul asked Connie. “Are you implying that he rigged the trial?”
“Yes.” The girl said. “All the jury was hellbent on sending me to prison and he even threatened the girl she tried to rape to declare against me.”
“If the jury was so biased towards you, then how come you got away with a probation?” The lawyer asked intrigued.
“My dad was an old friend of the judge that took my case and told him the truth.” Connie told her. “However, the judge told us that he couldn't help us because the girl wouldn't testify in my favor. And the only thing he could do was to put me in probation for a year.”
“That still doesn't explain why a failed musician owner of a café would be designated as your probational officer.” Azul said as she checked the file for the trial.
“My parents met Mister Universe back when he was still a musician and my dad was his fan.” Connie explained. “They did him a very huge favor one time and Mister Universe told them that he would repay him one day.”
“And he accepted to be your officer just like that?” An incredulous Azul Asked.
“Yes.” Connie answered. “Mister Universe is a really nice person, you know? He just wanted to help us.”
“Right…” Azul Said in a rather condescending way. “In any case, that only explains why you got here. Now, tell me about the day you arrived to the city.”
A few days after the judge gave his verdict and Mister Universe appointed himself as my probation officer, I was sent away from my home to the city.
My mother was crying her eyes out while my father consoled her as the bus I was in was moving away from them. I tried to keep myself together, we would still see each other every month after all.
Still, I felt like a piece of my soul was ripped apart from me as I saw them shrink away in the Distance.
A few hours later, I finally reached the bus terminal at Beach City.
The sadness I felt moments ago was drowned a bit as I marveled at the size of the city. I hadn't seen that many people together in my life. Everyone was minding their own business, trying to live out their lives unaware of the others doing the same thing.
I wanted to take a picture of the crowd, so I took my phone away from my pocket and turned the screen on.
However, As i looked for the camera app, I found the Icon for an app I didn't remember to have downloaded. It seemed to be called, ‘Metanav’.
As I stared at the strange icon in my phone, the overcrowded crossing fell deadly silent. I looked up from my phone and found out that all the world Had stopped in its tracks.
“What the hell…?” I said to myself, trying to work my head around the weird event.
I turned around to see what was going on before i laid my eyes on another, strange occurrence in the middle of the crossing. There was an enormous pillar of blue flame that was calling my name.
“Connie…” It said in a voice that sounded strangely like mine. “Open your wings…”
I saw how the pillar's flames shifted in the way they danced, changing its shape into what I could only describe back then as a Demon that was reaching its hand towards me.
However, as soon as I blinked, the figure was already gone, and time was already moving again, returning the noisy crossing back to life.
“Are you joking right now?” Azul said in disbelief. “Because that was the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard a convict say!”
“I’m not joking.” Connie said. “I told you that I was going to say all the truth, didn't I?”
“I know you did.” The lawyer said. “But that is just plain unbelievable.
“I know how weird that must sound to you.” The prisoner admitted. “But why wouldn't you trust it and let me continue?”
“F-Fine.” An annoyed Azul said before she let Connie continue.
So, After convincing myself that that thing in the crossing wasn’t real and uninstalling the app from my phone, I made my way into the Rehoboth district, Where Mister Universe and his son live together.
The place was very different from the center of the city. Whereas in the city there were seas of people everywhere, in Rehoboth there were at least five people in the streets at any given time. It kinda reminded me of home.
I eventually found his house after asking the locals for it. He and his son lived in a house in front of a small café they owned: The Crystal Beans. Knowing that, it wasn't that hard to miss it when I walked next to a store that had a star-shaped coffee bean as a logo next to a neon sign that read ‘The Crystal beans! ★’ in the windows.
The store was closed at the moment but there was a man inside of it cleaning it up. Probably closing earlier because of me.
He was a tall man and was a bit overweight, however, his arms were rather muscular, perhaps remains of times past. The top of his head was completely bald, but its rear was covered by a long mane of brown hair that reached his lower back. His soft, sunburnt face was adorned with a thick beard the same color as his hair. He wore a plain black T-Shirt along with a pair of cargo shorts and a pair of blue flip flops.
Everything about this man Screamed ‘former Rockstar’ to me. So, naturally, i knocked on the door of the store to introduce myself.
He smiled as soon as he saw me and rushed to open the door.
“Um… Are you by any chance Gregory Universe?” I asked awkwardly.
“I sure am.” He said cheerfully. “You must be Connie. Please come in.”
I accepted the invitation and entered the small coffee shop. It was rather rustic and homey and that was accentuated by the golden sunlight of twilight that passed through the windows. It had a few potted plants hanging from the ceiling, framed landscapes on the wooden walls, a Single TV next to the bar and an entire assortment of coffee, spices, and ingredients behind said bar.
He brewed some coffee for the two of us and then asked me how I was dealing with all what happened and how were my parents doing.
I answered and asked him where exactly he met my parents.
“Well, It's a rather Funny Story.” He said. “Do you know those weird Stories about children being born in cars?”
“No way…” I said.
“Yes way.” He said nodding. “Our Van broke near your town, She was about to give birth, it was raining and we were in a place we didn't knew.”
He took a sip from his cup.
“Fortunately, i happened to knock on the door of a surgeon and her fiancé. She helped Rose to give birth without a problem and He helped me fix the van. He almost freaked out when he found out I was Mister Universe; his favorite indie musician just had crashed on his home.”
“Was that something normal for you, Mister Universe?” I asked him. “Having freaked out fans?”
“Actually, I was the one who freaked out more.” He said. To be honest, i was pretty much a nobody who at best opened shows and at worst a solo concert for myself.”
“Oh…” I said blushing. “Sorry for asking that…”
“No biggie.” He said. “I’m very grateful I was very Niche. I met Rose in a Concert where no one else came, and Steven had a healthy birth thanks to your parents.”
“I see…” I said before taking a sip of my coffee.
“After that, we exchanged numbers and I told him to call me if he needed me to return the favor.” He said. “And now you're here, under my care.”
“That was quite the story Mister Universe.” I said with a smile on my face.
“Thank you.” He said. “Now that we know each other a bit more, I think I should tell you what to do under my care.”
“Okay.” I said as I took a notebook and a pen from the backpack I brought with me.
“First, you have to go to school. We'll go to register you tomorrow at Steven's school.” He said while I scribbled his words on the notebook. “Secondly, I can't actually take care of you as I would want to because of the Judge's orders, So, you'll live in the storage room of the café during your stay and you'll have to help us here in the shop Whenever you can.”
“Really?” I said with a bit of disgust in my voice. I really wasn't in the mood for sharing a bed with spiders in a dusty attic.
“Don’t worry. Steven and I tidied up for you.” He reassured me. “We even bought you a new mattress for you to sleep.”
“Thanks.” I told him.
“You’re Welcome.” He said Smiling as he looked at the dark skies from outside the windows of the shop. “Now, Why don't you go to your room and rest? We have to do a lot of stuff tomorrow.”
“Good Idea Mister Universe.” I said before picking up my backpack.
“Well, Gotta go Now.” The man said as he got off his seat. “We’ll be waiting you tomorrow for breakfast at the house.”
And so, after a rather warm welcome courtesy of Mister Universe, I followed his advice and went upstairs into the attic. Where I found that he wasn’t lying about tidying the place up: They had left the place as shiny as a pirate treasure. There was a small fern next to my bed, which was located right next to a window made up of tiny red panels of crystal. The place also smell faintly of flowers.
After I left my backpack in a nearby worktable the Universe’s left for me, I went straight to the bed, where I found a set of keys with a tag that read ‘Welcome!!<3’ on top of it.
Before I went to sleep for the day, I took a moment to open up the window and see the nocturne skyline that Made Beach City so famous in many postcards. That was when I saw him. A boy about my age that was also looking outside his window.
He had short, curly hair and seemed to be a little tubby from where I could see him. He was also wearing a yellow striped pajama that made him look a bit cute.
He saw me as well and only smiled and waved at me.
‘He’s probably Steven.’ I thought to myself before returning the wave to him, to which he smiled again before closing his window.
I did the same as he did before laying down on my bed, where i decided to use my Phone for a while before falling asleep.
This time, that mysterious app had appeared once again in a corner of my phone’s screen, however, I was too tired to properly check it that night and resolved to do it the next day.
As I felt my eyes growing heavier, i thought to myself that maybe I could make it till the end of the year in a good way with the help of the universes. Maybe probation wasn’t that bad.
And so I fell asleep.
And then, I immediately woke up again. Except that I wasn't in the Cafe's attic. I was now inside a dark cubicle lined with velvet blue cushions and Chains hanging from the ceiling. I sat up on the wooden bench I lied upon to see what was happening and found myself bound by a pair of handcuffs and wearing a tattered prisoner's uniform.
I looked around the small cell before finding the only lightsource of the room, a barred door chained up from the outside, from where a blinding golden light came from.
I stood up from my seat to look at the light but found a heavy weight on one of my legs. I had a huge iron ball bound to my left ankle.
Nevertheless, I made my way towards the bars in front of me, wanting to know more about the place I was in.
And just as I reached the chained bars I saw the silhouette of a small kid. She sported a blue police uniform that matched with the blue of the cell. Her Skin seemed to be of a bright red color and had a maroon afro framing her face. Her right Eye possessed a supernatural Golden color, while she wore an eyepatch with an stylized V letter on it over her left eye.
She smiled at me with malice moments before another girl appeared next to her.
She wore the same uniform as the previous girl, but her skin was dark blue and her long, flowing hair was pure white. Her long bangs hid her eyes from me.
Finally as my eyes adapted to the light in the room, I noticed that a woman dressed in a pure white suit was sitting behind a wooden desk.
She let out a chuckle before addressing me.
“Ah… Trickster…” She said in a creepy monotonous tone. “ Welcome, to MY Velvet room.”
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miraimisu · 7 years
These Stones We Skip | C̷͓̮̳͒͂̓̈́ha̷̖͖̯̙̫̜̋͑͝pteȑ̷̝̤̙̺͂͜͝ 1
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[Read at FF.net]
[Read at AO3.]
Summary: Ochako, as a newcomer to the most powerful guild in this forsaken village, had not only one, two; but three responsibilities: grow stronger until she was able to pin the world down, untangle the mystery that her past was and survive under the eyes of a crowd that watched over her as night chased the sun’s tail, the charade going on and on until the thread… suddenly snaps.
Rating: T because of obvious reasons such as Bakugou and swearing children. And it’s an AU. Medieval AU.
Word count: it’s fucking long get over it
Author’s note: HI. I can't fathom how many followers I'll have lost in the month I've been gone but. life man. It go me real goo in the ass, uni and feelings. FEELINGS ARE COOL SOMETIMES. But like really. Um, I was pretty much down the mood? so all my friends at discord helped me over and kinda scooped me, said "YO IF YOU DONT FINISH THIS WHO WILL" got a viking inspiration and wrote it.
It's a bit shorter than usual tho, mostly bc this and next chap were supposed to be one, but for plor reasons I decided to expand on it. Not many visions, not much Kacchako developement, but we got the lore going! Actually who am I gonna lie, we did have kacchako developement. ALso thank bestie kwife bc without her who would I be.so next update should be a bit sooner I think, but I can't make promises D: I'll try to get back to yall soon ♥ thanks for everything, YOU ALL ARE AWESOME
Warnings: long yet shorter than usual, a bit messy but IT HAS SOME GOOD STUFF DAMN SON.
I’ll very likely have to edit this once I am over this chapter and repair any little plotholes I may have poked.
I just hope Google docs hasn’t munched anything from this fic I swear to god.
"Uraraka, Uraraka!"
A muffled voice was calling her in the distance– screaming, touch blistering as all surrounding her skin reacted to the calloused touch, the hands of a madman shaking air out of her until there was no feeling of skin differentiation anymore, and suddenly, consciousness came back to push her into the real world and gasp for needed air. It was like technicolor exploding into her, suddenly reeling her out of the blackness and, in a moment, all she saw was the color of blood.
"You motherfucker!" she very well knew who that gruff voice belonged to, but she was too busy coughing the swallowed, raspy water of the river. A hand came to slap it all out, which only gave her sore skin on her back. Her body contorted, twisted to a side as the fit got tougher. "I can't believe you would be so damn reckless!"
Uraraka wiped some remains of water off her chin and blinked up to her leader, who was squatting on her side with the most displeased grimace she had ever seen him sport. Now that she noticed, he was also soaked to the bone, hair dripping and pants heavy. "B-Bakug–"
The blonde leader let out a tch of impatience and shook his head. He didn't even offer a hand to her before getting up. "That stupid thing threw some of us off the cliff, and now we are stuck here." his head snapped to meet the clearing sky, raising his fist to the air. "I can't believe we didn't get him, he would have been plenty useful as a food source."
The brunette focused her eyes on the streaming river, calmer now and splashing at her feet. The dreadful canyon stood in a faraway distance from them, clouded by morning mist and the orange streaks of sunrise. Light hit on the walls and gave the peak a magnificent glow, surrounded by clouds of aftermath and ash permeating the air, a clear evidence of the catastrophe that had taken place a few hours ago. As she looked around, she stumbled upon the realization that they must have been carried by the currents for a part of the path, and Bakugou had probably– she gasped.
He seemed to notice her sudden realization, for which he looked aside with a regretful sway of his eyes. His fists were tense, arms extended, yet his whole self was consumed by a somehow tired and fighting stance. "You were the one who… saved me?"
Bakugou hissed loudly and slapped his cape against his legs in an attempt to dry it, but ended up having to squeeze it with a grunt of displeasure. He had a knack for wearing thin and light clothing, and his cape would sometimes be uselessly lost in the spur of a battle. Turns out this was the only time when it would have been useful to not wear it. "Not a big deal. I'm making sure you don't owe me any more of your glittery stuff–"
Uraraka quickly rose to her feet and clutched the fabric of her dress frantically, only to notice that her clothes were oh so damp and her gloves were gone, tattered with dirt and water. Still, this fact didn't let her lose focus on the matter, caution prevailing on her little steps around his heart. "You saved my life, Bakugou! This isn't a small deal!"
And a part of him knew this to be true. Once her little body had crashed against his on the currents, he had almost immediately wrapped himself around her to protect her– and it was so hard to admit it, but all that had crossed his mind when he felt her aimlessly spinning was that he needed to keep her close, because she was a damn valuable member of his guild and he wouldn't let her off his sight that easily. He had found grip on the seams and tugged them both up for dear life, her body still clutched to his chest when he dozed off, and still close to her when he woke up again.
The quiet rush of the waters near him were a grim reminder of how far things had sunk into complex waters of unknown feelings, his heart stretching and twisting the peaks of his fixated vision into something so much darker and stranger than he had ever seen. Bakugou was so stranger to peculiarities and irregular corners– after all, he had to deal with crashing timelines and a freak trashing at the end of his horizons. Yet, when he looked at the soaked, puffing woman, he saw something deeper than any of his journeys combined.
Depth. Yes, depth. That was all he could see when it came to her.
He was still torn between deeming it to be a good thing or not, that he had mindlessly risked his life to shield hers back there, where water soaked more and bit less. It had felt so right to get her away from there, and no matter how much he fought to deny and hate that feeling, he just couldn't really reject her openly without backtracking.
Then, he looked into her clean eyes. Was that what she felt on a daily basis? Were these feelings all she felt when she looked at him so intensely, so menacingly yet so warm and kind to him? When had that part tagged as annoyance bloomed into something he saw as positive now?
Bakugou gritted his teeth at her, a short lived action. If only he could go back to automatically wanting to slaughter her… somehow, the idea didn't sound appealing anymore. And he… was so tired of fighting the currents anymore.
This time, when he had fought the currents, it turns out she had appeared in front of him and all he had done was protect her. He didn't feel like the danger factor hung so heavy anymore. It felt… nice.
Sun peeked from between trees and hit on Uraraka's crooked hat, on her temple, washed over her left cheek and reflected on her eyes, twinkling against his hardened ones. Wind blew again around them, making their heavy clothes and hair sway, the shadow of a small boy falling in front of her for a second, smiling at her and taking her hand like a happy child with a sister, only to fade away slowly with the blink of her eyes.
Sunshine filtered between his tresses as well, slowly, as the orange light cascaded faster on her and made his breath hitch dangerously crisp in weird places he had never known. Something clapped louder inside of her heart, and he suddenly looked so handsome in the sunset, with her, the river streaming at her feet.
"I…" her mouth was dry, hands realizing the emotional burden he must be carrying, conscious of the tremendous leap he had taken for her. "I can't define how thankful I am to you, Bakugou. I owe you a big one, and I will spend the rest of the path showing you so!"
Her head bobbed a bit in agitation, lips moving yet he couldn't really comprehend the will behind them. All he could see was how beautiful her skin shone in the milky sunset, steaming off light like the sun with the peace and serenity of the moon. That itching feeling in his heart, it was so annoying – he scratched his chest a little, feigning a mere pain but aware of the danger being inside of him, not outside. "No need to go that far, Uraraka. I am the leader of this damn guild, it's my mission to fucking ensure your safety."
"Even mine?"
That was the real quid of the question, because while Bakugou cared about his peers evenly, he couldn't even dare cross her out like another one of them, because for better or for worse, she wasn't like them. Uraraka was the embodiment of all he hated, yet also all he wanted to be if he was given the chance to be born again. She was confusing, something he had always pushed down with so so much care he had never expected her to grow out of his reach.
It somehow hurt to admit that he needed her more than he would ever aknowledge. She was strong, stupid, and that vicious tag he had put on her so stubbornly, the walls he had built around her had faded somewhere in the past, along with their bickering and their silent oaths of loyalty and promises. It was no longer possible to deny that she mattered, too.
And now it was time to let it shine.
"…Yeah." admitted he to the lullaby of his rushing heart, wind tamedly blowing and sunrise washing over them. Her eyes widened a little, and her hold on her clothes tightened some notches.
And Bakugou turned around, wiping his cape to try and remember where he had reached to see the others, maybe a pair of his comrades lost somewhere around them as well. He could recall having seen half-n-half nearby, and also a woman, yet he wasn't sure of the latter's identity. He took a step in the direction of the forest, scratching his cheek in wonder–
Something thudded on his back and sneaked arms around his waist. After a intake of air and seeing the rigged sleeves of his peer around him, his shoulders tensed. He could feel her cheek nuzzling with his cape despite its wetness, and she felt so cold on the outside yet so fucking warm with the gesture. His arms tensed and flexed in pure instinct.
"Oi, what the h–"
"Thank you so much, Bakugou!" repeated she again, but the load hung heavier on the air and her voice was clearly strained. "For looking after me! Thanks for…" her arms tightened around him, and his arms somewhat gave in and limped on his sides, eyes somber and expression tight. "for trusting me, for walking blindly and… I swear I won't let you down!"
Something sounded in his ribcage, Uraraka knew. He took a big gulp and his voice was uneven, but hard and off to her. Gruff, yet low, and he suddenly didn't feel like himself anymore. "You better not, Uraraka."
She then gingerly removed her arms from him, and padded slowly behind him as she fell into pace with him in silence. Bakugou could still feel the weight of her arms around him, and when she had taken it all away – the newfound giddiness of a hug, the warmth of her presence and the burst of colors behind his eyes – an uncomfortable void had poked itself in his gut, because a part of him wondered what it would have felt to hug her back.
He would regret that, too.
"I have seen Yaoyorozu somewhere nearby the river when we got here, and I bet some more people must have fallen down that damn cliff." of course Uraraka tensed stiff like a dry leaf, and the boy eyed her warily from ahead. "No need to lose your shit over it, they will be alright." he palmed over his waist and visibly relaxed when his fingers touched the silver of his now wasted sword.
The sorcerer followed the weapon in deep curiosity, hands folded in front of her chest. His hands were clenched around the handle, tempting the fates of the ruined fabric – it was torn on some sides, almost outstretched at the back and stained beyond repairing – as his calloused fingers tested the feeling of being guarded again. It was then when she realized that her wand had been lost as well in the spur of the river, and her head shot to the shore to see if it had ended somewhere nearby.
Still – understood she a bit later on – she could still do hand wielded magic. Uraraka gave her hands a little shake and light streamed from them effortlessly. It would drain some more energy than usual, but perhaps this would be good for her training.
The pair entered the forest, yet scanned the shore behind the trees with precautious eyes. "I can't see anybody yet." spoke the mage after a few minutes, the path stretching on and on deeper into the forest. "I wonder how far they may have gotten."
"As long as they are alive, all is good for me." answered Bakugou, almost ignoring her while his focus was put on his discarded comrades. "The river flows straight into the Capital. If the streams have taken them nearer, the faster we will get there."
The Capital… she had read some about that place while skimming through spell books – which had been useful this far and frankly, she couldn't wait to get more of them – and meals at the guild. It was an awful big place with scattered halls and stadiums, a whole palace sitting at the very center of the town with a cathedral somewhere in between houses and shops. It was mostly known for its grand walls surrounding the place, guarded by an invincible crew of ruthless reformed barbarians.
It had all seemed so dark and dangerous to her, but after seeing some paintings of it and acknowledging the fact that Bakugou and the rest would be with her, she felt a bit more assured, safe. Just having the leader close filled her with newfound security, and it made her smile to herself– she enjoyed this feeling, that of seeing him as somebody she could entrust her body to.
A part of her wanted to think he would actually take care of her even now that they were even duty-wise. A part of her knew that it was more complicated than that.
"Speaking of," she continued her train of thought absent-mindedly, but judging by how his pace slowed down the tiniest bit, he wasn't strolling too far from her own thoughts. "how are you feeling?"
Disappointed with such measly question, he stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the river. "Perfectly fine, Uraraka."
"I wasn't exactly talking about your body." the girl fidgeted on her place, and the boy actually looked back with something similar to surprise knit on his rough features. "After our fight with Midnight you… were having some awful…"
How to word those murmurs that would turn into screams in the dead of the night, when she was most unprepared yet most pendant? Were they nightmares? Were they memories? What was all that he had said so fast and jumbled that it had left her unbroken, bleeding fast inside and feeling that very same trepidation she sensed whenever he was near?
There was something intangible keeping them separated – yet undeniably close, spiraling one around the other aimlessly, her nails scraping the metal of their chains yet never rendering them useless, and she needed to know what it was that had troubled him to get chunks of separation out of their way and grasp the whole meaning of it all.
"Spit it out." murmured he. A shadow had fallen on his eyes, fangs clenched in a menace that he always put up automatically. "We don't have all time for this, Uraraka."
The last part seemed ironically incorrect and worthless, but that was not the point.
"Well, you were mumbling lots of stuff and cried when we are treating you at the bay, and even back when I was carrying–" this was the first and last time she would even blush at such mention of close contact with him. He raised an eyebrow, clearly lost in her mind games. "carrying you to the village. So I wanted to know if–"
Bakugou was no fool, and clearly caught up fast as well. His response was a snap of a branch with the blade of his sword, voice hoarse and a few octaves lower. "That's… not your goddamn business. Don't pry."
"So you remember, huh." she didn't even acknowledge his threat, only scratched her temple. Uraraka was way too used to his shenanigans, and only needed to look deep into his eyes to see that something had been nagging at him from behind all along. "I am just worried, you know. You truly looked messed up."
And he had to bite back a sarcastic remark because he definitely never looked like a mess– if only, she was the one who was always a mess, dress dirty and hair bloodstained, but that was not the point. "Again, it's not your battle to fight. I'll be alright."
The leader sprung back to his side and carefully strode down a little slope to an uncovered shore, leaving a saddened Uraraka behind, clutching her heart in even worse worry. "Bakugou…"
She had seen it, the sting of his eyes and the aloof feeling to his words. They hadn't tried to bite her, or push her back– actually, they had unwontedly drawn her closer to his seething heart. Something dark had sparked between them, in her heart, like a mirror facing a crowd of mad bees chasing after a sugar spoon. It was venomous, not easy to tackle, tough and long, but she would have never expected Bakugou to be one to passively reject a hand and not reach out.
Admittedly, she could understand his reluctance to swat her away, but the fact that she had gotten so close to reeling truth out of him only fueled her fire. Her resolve got tougher, stronger, brimming in her eyes, and she promised herself to ask him about it later.
In the meantime, Bakugou heard her skip after him instead of using the traditional way of simply sliding down slopes. She could have slipped on the landing and she for sure didn't even care. "Don't go jumping around or you will end up hurting yourself. I ain't carrying you to the Capital."
Uraraka's soles slid a bit, but they just scratched some stones. She gracefully avoided a clumsy fall with some arm flailing. "I am alright, meanie! No need to be so gruffy about it– Uh!"
There was a cough near them, a strained retail of raspy breaths and cuffed life resonating a few meters ahead of them. Uraraka stopped on her tracks and snapped at the leader in alarm, whose storm brewed eyes shone in alert. He knew who that was, too. "I can't fucking believe this."
Uraraka nodded – somewhat agreeing with him – and rushed ahead, hearing the leader's frantic steps stomping against the mossy ground in pace with hers. A blob of black appeared, then there was a silver armor and a floret shining against the sunrise that peaked on the transparent streams. The sorcerer had to cover her eyes to nor blind herself, eyes lost in a sea of orange of the sky and the redness of that familiar armor.
"Damn…" the woman's chest shook again, heaving up and down in distress. Her elbows wobbled on the earth, and attempted to support herself once again, grimacing under the other two. "My arms…"
"Yaoyorozu– please, stop." spoke Uraraka softly, hands on her knees and head tilted for kindness, a very needed softness in this stray condition. The knight looked up, eyes lighting up upon seeing the pair. "We can't allow you to strain yourself too much. Are you injured?"
In other circumstances Uraraka would have thrown her arms around the knight– yet again, this situation wouldn't invite hugs and kisses over. While Uraraka hastily healed her mentor, they locked glances and simply nodded, glad of seeing the other alright. Bakugou was too busy being a bit shitty for the time being.
"We need to get to the Capital as soon as fucking possible." spat the leader, hands in his pockets and eyes bouncing from the river back to the girls. "Otherwise we will be even more delayed and we were for once working in schedule. We have two days and one night to get there and I have no fucking i–"
"I had planned on making a boat, Bakugou." Yaoyorozu thanked the sorcerer briefly before getting up. Her skin was marred in little bruises from crashing with rocks in the river probably, hair completely disarrayed – now that Uraraka noticed, hers was also a bit messy, caked with mud and probably an awful amount of bugs and leaves – and her eyes were dulled, no more glaze of licking fire gracing the view. It made her stomach lurch with worry, but pushed it aside. "But there is an awful storm coming, I'm afraid."
This made the other two turn to the canyon without sparing a moment, and saw a mass of black clouds rolling from the back into the sunrise. The path to the Capital along the river was clear, sun gleaming on the crystal river, but something dangerous would approach them by the middle of the day. The brunette craned her eyes to the squinting leader, whose shoulders were tense in planning. Uraraka had always known this guy was intelligent, but he couldn't live up to life's mad racketing, and this sure was a setback to his prior plan.
So much for marching straight to the Capital. Judging by Bakugou's grim expression, he didn't like that, in a constant hurry to get to RampAge. Everyone was pretty hasty about the issue, but the fact that the blonde was so especially enthusiastic about getting it done so quick stood out like a sore thumb to her. And his voice came out so thick and strained that her suspicions only burst into a technicolor of darkness and sudden dread.
"Where the hell did that shit come from?" barked he, and no wonder some swearing had dipped into her vocabulary considering how much time she spent with him and his foul mouth. Uraraka had the urge to scoff.
Yaoyorozu crossed her arms, watching the clouds make their way to them ever so slowly with critical eye, brows knit in frustration. "That's what I'd like to know. I can't believe the next electric storm will get us while we are on a trip– also, I can't create anything akin to a mean of transport with this little energy and the risk of crashing on the air."
The brunette glanced at Yaoyorozu, wanting to ask oh so many questions, yet she remained silent. In such state of confusion and still trying to pick up the pieces of such catastrophic defeat at the canyon, she was in no place to meddle. She let Bakugou speak while eyeing the incoming storm with slightly narrowed eyes. Probably timelines weaving wrongly. "Seeing how the wind will pick up soon, we better take refuge somewhere."
Something clanked wrong in such brash plan, and it was time for her – as the everlasting opposite force to Bakugou's rash plans – to counterattack him. "We can't go take refuge so lightly without looking for others! There may someone injured nearby."
The hunter growled because she was right, as she usually was and there was no moment in which he enjoyed her having the upper hand. This time though, he knew the field better than her, used to survival trainings and knowing how to handle it. Not like he would convince her despite his obvious expertise – it was Uraraka who he was talking about, for crying out loud – but he wouldn't waste time in making her agree with his ideas.
"Yeah, but we can't risk our lives so lightly, either." his red irises swirled around the curves of the black puffs of chaos in the sky, frowning. "We are in a forest. The risk of having lightning reach us is too high to handle this with much other perception other than survival. We can't let a pussy storm ruin our plans because we tried to play hero."
Again, that man was intelligent to a horrifyingly high degree. His ideas were sharp, logic fast and convictions quickly founded. Whoever who mistook this mess of violence and buried emotions with an uncivilized beast was dead wrong, and Uraraka could bet that he would most probably outsmart in many aspects of life. She was no wimpy ass though, and she would not back down from the challenge of proving him to be a smartass better than him.
"Still, there may be somebody nearby who is injured." supported Yaoyorozu. She was also wary of this option and didn't really feel up to taking too many risks, but the whereabouts of her comrades worried her as well. She couldn't help but imagine any of her close companions hurt and get this gnawing feeling of nausea crawling up her throat. "I suggest making a quick sweep of the zone while we seek refuge. The shore could have washed over anybody and brought them to land."
Uraraka looked up to the leader expectantly, whose face had clouded with hesitation and vacillation, yet he ended up bending to the circumstances. "Sounds fair enough. But you better watch after your asses, I am not a babysitter."
The blonde marched onwards, again wiping his cape behind with a puff of annoyance, followed by the wobbling knight and a very offended Uraraka. "Not like we need to be babysat, jerk!"
"Who are you calling jerk now, Uraraka? Wanna go!?"
Yaoyorozu meanwhile limped a little behind the bickering pair. "Such a bunch of children…"
"Is Yaoyorozu asleep already?
Uraraka was met with crimson eyes glaring at her from the walls of the cavern. Thunder rolled outside while she shook raindrops off her hair and cape, the sheltered logs clattering to the ground under his unimpressed stare. "Not like she could hold up for much longer. And whose body would that be if it were to be anybody else?"
Uraraka wanted to feign feeling offended, but she had no energy to do more than kick the logs into the embers nearby and limp on the wall opposite to his. "Please, don't be such a jerk today. I am almost dead now." the girl sighed. She could feel Bakugou's muderous eyes peeling skin off her body, and switched topics hell fast. "Did you give her the treatments I told you to?"
He nodded curtly and hit his head against the wall, making Uraraka briefly make her eyes dance around the shades thrown onto his body, muscles rippling under the light– she forced her eyes off his figure with a gulp, a light blush covering her face for a moment. His flickered against hers from underneath his eyelashes. "Can't believe Asui's lessons paid off. I thought it would go to damn waste." his eyebrows arched at her hunched complexion, not that used to seeing her so beaten up. "Did it take much to find something dry?"
"I managed. There isn't much rain as of yet, so it wasn't that much of a challenge." she combed her hair back and blew some bangs off her face, letting Bakugou admire the dimming shimmer of her cheeks. It unsettled him for some reason, and he didn't exactly know why. Her fingers threaded and threaded until her hair was completely disarrayed, and stayed out with lidded eyes eating the fire. "I just hope the fire lasts through the storm."
The blonde leader looked outside. The cave wasn't too deep, had an end to it near the entrance and was ample enough to keep the warriors far from the other. After such tiring experience at the river and battle against that howling monster, there was no fiber of their being which would hold up against the other if they strung the wrong chords. Their grudges against each other were getting smaller, but they were still bigger than their bones and broken soul.
The girl looked out as well, the eerie silence around her, rain failling softly near her and dampening the air in solemn reminder of the tight situation they wer ein, like a clock slowly ticking into a point of chaos and complex angles, her surroundings full to the brim with shapes she couldn't distinguish, yet it was all ther ein front of her, in silence, as if mocking her for being too idle in this situation. The environment was so stable and empty, yet full of life that she couldn't believe there was such existential crisis looming over them in that very moment.
The cave… that's where the old man lived, right? Her eyes tried to make out his shape in the midst of the storm, as if he would be waiting for her there, observing her– yet there was nobody there, and it somehow unsettled her that she had had contact with him in vain. Regardless, a part of her knew their encounter had meant something– she had felt it in the air, that shift whenever time pushed her onwards.
It felt cold around her, lonely in front of a fire, colder and bleaker than any nightmare had ever etched itself to her mind. There was this soaking notion of the leader being near her, but it was no more than a notion. All she could feel was the rain falling outside, fire consuming the logs, but it all fell on an invisible carcass above her. The notion of nihilism permeated her the same way that man's hideout had, and it only made her remember the clash of solutions that had surfaced in the span of a week.
Uraraka could clearly remember how Shinsou's eyes had melted into hers, like water sipping from a creak on a rainy ceiling, and had made her feel so many emotions at once. Looking at her hands, it didn't make sense for her to stick to Bakugou's opinion, because if she had met Shinsou first, it was highly likely she would agree with his ideas. Now that she thought about it, her opinions and ideas were more foundamented on circumnstances than on facts, and believe it or not, as a direct participant on the issue, she needed to think about where she stood.
Because while she was 100% sure she was against Shinsou, she needed to find out what else to do other than think about the madness behind that sorcerer. They needed a full-proof plan, and that's what she needed Bakugou for now.
"Say, Bakugou…" his eyes snapped from the entrance to meet her in a sideways glance, one that didn't make her feel at ease at all. "why are you so against Shinsou's idea?"
Bakugou clearly was too tired to join the dots, and frowned at her with a full-on glare. "Care to elaborate?"
Always so edgy, that man. Uraraka returned the hardened stare, needing points of view despite not really needing his, out of all people. Yet, as a leader, he would offer a pretty expansive insight on the matter. If Yaoyorozu was awake, she would ask her rather than Bakugou, and and she would make sure she asked her as soon as they reached the Capital. "What Shinsou said, back then at the dungeon."
"What the fuck, Uraraka–"
"I am not taking sides, don't jump into conclusions." clarified she. Their eyes met above the fire, and there was something so enticing about his eyes staring at her so intensely, a far off memory lost in a sea of lost causes. "But I was still thinking about what got you so worked up about him. I know Shonsou's ideas are crazy–"
"You bet they are."
"– but still, is there an ulterior choice other than that?"
The blonde didn't alter his glare much after her world changing reaction. To be honest, he should have seen her coming. "Again, care to elaborate? I am not a damn mind reader."
He was getting defensive and edgy and she didn't like that thorny side of his at all. Her hands shot up in front of her defensively, smile quick to show but quivering at the corners. That man was something she could deal with for now, but he could get the best of her awfully easy sometimes. "I-I mean!" why was she even stuttering? she wanted to slap herself. "Well, all I know is that Shinsou has a plan and all, and he seems to have contacts and people to carry his plan out, or so people say – and I wondered, what exactly is our plan?"
Bakugou's eyes softened to a somewhat tender shade of red, flickered with flames licking his slight fears away after seeing her so undeniably afraid of rubbing on him the wrong way, making her just look like an innocent soul– again, he knew she was by no means innocent, but the shade that the fire threw on her momentarily blinded him.
"Go for that RampAge fucker, smash it– just destroy that motherfucker." his violent string of wording left her a bit cold on the spot, and made her eyes widen. "Then we catch the man behind the curtains and beat the shit out of him."
Uraraka had always rolled with the plan, as when Bakugou had initially explained it to her – it seems like he had forgotten about that detail or decided to let it slip, as he hadn't reprimanded her for asking again – it had all seemed fine and easy, but after Shinsou's encounter she somehow needed to come clean with the situation again. She hadn't been given a choice to pick sides with either the good team or the bad team– but what defined each, really?
The sorcerer was likely to follow the good path, but she also wanted to know what the other side had to it so she was ready for their tricks in the future. "I still don't know where RampAge's connection with the timeline issue lays. How can a monster be connected to such an intricate problem like time bending? And also, a sole man?"
It was obvious Bakugou was pissed by her inquisitive nature, but it wasn't like he shouldn't have gotten used to it by now. Look at her hands, at her eyes, those incandescent irises and her tough, violent hands which held gentle intentions with the weight of the world on her shoulders. For him, she was sometimes like a needle of glass supporting a basket of apples: fated to break, yet idle and uncracking. It sometimes made him wonder if he was made of other materials, too.
"Our theories aren't made out of thin air, you know." responded he, all but gentle, yet his voice came out like such and he hetaed this because it wasn't the first time it happened, above all in front of her. "And it's fundamented on other explorations from prior parties. Are you trying to dick with me or–"
"I wasn't attacking you, don't get so defensive." apparently he was being defensive of it, because he actually flinched at the accusation. She noted that fact down among with all other things she had to do – they were piling up – and looked at the leader even more intensely. "I just don't see how such a monumental problem can be solved so easily."
"Our problems can't come from any other source than that, stupid. That damn beast appeared when our timeline was starting to be strained, when people started having these crazy visions and when my damn weapons disappeared from my storage." he jabbed his own chest purposefully, and stood up with a jump. "So don't try to play clever with me."
Uraraka also stood up from her safe place, straightening her clothes with a huff of disappointment, since there was no way she had actually hugged this man hours ago and they were bickering once again, after so many steps forward out of the hate zone. "I am not playing games, and while I do also see this option as the most fit–"
His lips were drawn into a snarl. "Then why question it!?"
"Because I also wanna know what path I am taking, I wanna know the exact reason as to why I am not going to Shinsou's side right now instead of–"
Bakugou jumped over the small campfire to the rhythm of lighting striking outside the cave, and he landed right before her, making the sorcerer take a step back until she was hitting the walls of the cave. "What the fuck are you even implying, mentioning that fucker now!"
He was way too close, his breath fanning against her face rapidly and gusting through some disarrayed tresses– but in a way, Uraraka didn't mind it much. From such close distance, she could name each of his eyelashes, count the endless number of little scars on his cheeks – what would he do if she touched them? – and stare at the glimmer of his eyes on hers, which were considerably wider. It turned out that the bickering from seconds ago was kind of forgotten to him, as a new indescribable feeling had settled and it was not going away.
His breath hitched.
"Actually, I can see where Uraraka… is coming from."
The smooth pair tensed dramatically and turned to see Yaoyorozu scrubbing her eyes, yawning and hunched over herself. A linen blanket lay over her form and pooled around her knees now, but Bakugou couldn't focus on that now. "What the hell are you doing awake now?"
If the knight hadn't known better, she would believe she had interrupted a sensitive moment between them, but that was impossible. It was Uraraka and Bakugou, for crying out loud. "You guys are a bit loud…"
The brunette blushed and let herself sink to the floor, clothes scraping the uneven surface of the cave walls. "I'm… sorry, Yaoyorozu. That was unacceptable from us."
Unexpectedly, Bakugou nodded as well, and sat down criss-cross in front of her, near the fire. His eyes lingered on her for a bit, aggressivity gone but now replaced with a feeling that didn't sit well with Uraraka. He didn't look dangerous now, he didn't look like himself and, for a moment, he had looked ambiguely better to her, so close to touching noses and his voice so intimate. What… had that even been for?
Why had he even looked so taken aback by seeing her so close? Uraraka rubbed her face in her hands, and felt like dying for even taking such little facts into consideration.
"It's fine, Uraraka." yeah, it wasn't. "I am a light sleeper. It's only natural you guys woke me." her voice was grainy, hoarse, and so unlike her. It looked like the river and the past events had taken the worst out of each of them, and Uraraka didn't like it a single bit. "Now, about Shinsou and all that, I can get where she comes from with all this."
Bakugou was confused by this to the naked eye, yet inwardly shaken up. "What are you talking about?"
The knight scrubbed her eyes open again, feeling how the fires fed her with energy and how Uraraka's curious eyes scanned her meticulously, as if studying her. That glance of hers would go like that ever so often, but it sometimes made Yaoyorozu wonder how many things could go through her head at once. "All we have given Uraraka ever since she came to us has been either a warning or small problems to deal with, but we haven't offered her our solutions other than destruction and messy havoc."
"Not like she fucking put up a fight on that matter, y'know."
The girl shook her head. "The point is, Uraraka doesn't understand how everything ties to our final showdown with RampAge. She trusts your ideas because they are marginally better than Shinsou's, otherwise she would be completely torn on what to do."
And that was the understatement of the year, because if there was somehing the sorcerer didn't understand was the foundings of Bakugou's planning and what had him so on edge with this foe. True, he was dangerous and a threat to humankind, but there was this something that lurked behind his eyes, a glint to his skin and a tremor to his lips. It was absolutely terrifying to see a major pillar of her safety stand in the middle of a corrupted lane.
"I just wanna figure out what the point is." summarized the girl, looking at her feet as she was damn aware that the blonde was looking at her. "I don't wanna drive into another wall like with Pyrox, where all we won was gold and a ban to our heads. I just wanna know what the point even is of all of this."
And the blonde could understand where she was coming from as well, this time, because all he had given her was pain and hell to deal with while she tried her best, and only now did he see how stupid he had been for once thinking she would bite him lest he gave her his hand to cooperate. Those cheeks were to rosy for a beast, hands destined for destruction, yet on a year off-work, apparently. Uraraka was bruised, a bit bloody, yet she remained like a stained, lone sunflower in a battlefield.
It sometimes made him think she was special, too.
Still, he wouldn't give her that, so his teeth gritted again in distaste. "Already told ya, the disruptions come from that fucker, hereby we're gonna destroy him."
"It just seems so convoluted that such a enormous problem may come from such a foe like RampAge–" his glare was enough to have her scrambling for a comeback to cover her little slip. "But I can understand it though! I guess that time-travelling and this guy are the ones behind it, right?"
Yaoyorozu hugged herself with the blanket and crawled to their side. "The problem does come from time-travelling, but this monster has a good dose of history with time-travelling. It is theorized he is the one who holds all disruptional time knots together. We could say he is the one who keeps the mess going on."
That bit of information made sense, yet something was off and both older members could see the pieces clicking in the sorcerer's head. "Wait, if he is the one holding the mess together, wouldn't it be dangerous for it to come undone?"
The tea cup shattered, and it seems like the shards were too sharp for her to take them lightly. It came as a big wave rolling over her and washing over in a blank slate of whispers and statics, making her whole body tingle in trepidation as her muddy eyes shifted to the leader, whose blistering pools stared right at her as if to mirror the same inward turmoil that spirraled in a sway of chaos and doubt, it all coming out as a pained grunt of messy incoherencies that left Uraraka realizing that he knew of this setback– yet he was still willing to go on forward with yet again another risky plan, and it made her furious.
"What the hell, don't give me a bark when there is so much on the loose, Bakugou!" her voice shook her vocal chords and suddenly boomed across the cave, which was small and quickly enveloped her. "How can you be playing with the strings so uncarefully when something even worse than the actual–"
The girl was surprised to see that the female knight was not only unsupportive of her behavior – look at those black eyes, they clearly reflected something negative towards her, menace and scornful intentions shining through – but also seemed to be mad at her. Yaoyorozu sighed before speaking up. "I do agree with you to some extent, but I will never take your side on a matter like this. Trust me when I say he knows best this time."
The blonde silently thanked her for her intervention, because he didn't feel like spilling some scientific shit that late into the conflict. Uraraka had arrived at a late stage in life, and she had to understand there was no time for her to catch up with the logic behind her surroundings. All she had to do was trust them, but apparently she deemed it appropriate to stop and stare at all the interrogations around her.
He… didn't know what to make out of that, to be honest.
Still – he glanced into her sparkling eyes, a pair of pearls that never lost that angry determination of hers, and he knew he liked it, more than he would admit to himself – he knew she wouldn't be backing off easily. There were so many corners to her personality he hadn't seen yet.
"I respect Bakugou in his role as a leader, yours as my almost teacher and you both as warriors and worthy counterparts– yet, I just don't see how experience can defy the login in this." Uraraka tried to even her voice and succeeded in doing so, yet her posture was rigged and bumpy, agitated. "How is killing a chaos vessel not a risk for just the mere potential of a time collapse? Is it really worth the ris–?"
There was a big slam on the air near her, and suddenly Bakugou was standing up again, hovering over her small form. The rotten blade that had been laying around was flung to her neck, in a fashion so dangerously similar to their first meeting, giving her this sinking feeling of him taking steps away from her after they had been so, so close. "Listen up here. You got no fucking idea what that asshole is. You have no fucking idea who it is and what it's planning, nor what it has done to deserve this punishment."
"Don't interrupt me!" she silver metal breezed through her pulse, waking up hairs from her nape. The needles ticked against the clock, cures and poison scattering across a wronger timeline Bakugou was so hellbent on both destroying and saving, and the complexity of it all made her discover the thought that maybe, just maybe, more anwers to those mysteries laid inside of him, unawake. "I have my own reasons to chase that fucker, I know what it is capable of, I know his science, so just fucking shut up already!"
It also dawned on her that Bakugou had this little side of him that was so raw, animalistic and likely of him to be expected, yet it was also an uncanny side to witness. Because while he was brash and typically rude and just an ass, he didn't have such habit to scream in full force like he was doing now, or show clear anger and vexation at someone or something, like her and their current situation. It never crossed her mind that he was aggressive, yet not that abrassive as one would expect.
Why was it that he was constantly surprising her?
"Bakugou… I just don't–"
A hand came to rest on her shoulder, rubbing on the fabric of her uniform with concern. It stopped whatever dangerous discourse Uraraka was about to release, and trust Yaoyorozu when she knew and manifested that it wasn't good at all to keep on with a certain topic– above all when it involved Bakugou. "Let it be, Uraraka."
"I just…"
"It's settled, Uraraka." the sword was driven straight into the rocky ground, like a Excallibur finding its gravestone, and the leader just tried to shrug off the tension with a hand to his chest, the itchy feeling somehow appearing again. "I'mma go for a walk or something."
The only one to stop him was Yaoyorozu, as Uraraka was starting to feel the shame of prying too much into someone's life and she suddenly felt mortified after probably causing another drift between them. If her condition as a sorcerer wasn't enough she had started taking too much trust with him and– the girl buried her face into her hands. "It's not wise to go around so carefree, Bakugou. The thunderstorm is coming and it's too cloudy to–"
"I don't give a fuck." snarled the boy too calm for both girls' liking, his body filtered by a clap of thunder and the blister afterwards. Something was shadowing his eyes, his hair, his whole essence– and Uraraka could feel that clank in his armor as if she had ran her fingers through it in a daily basis, but that wasn't the case and such notion of familiarity with him was going to be their end. "I'll be back soon I guess, I don't enjoy rain either."
With a last glance in her direction, full of sporadic hatred and nausea, he punched the entrance's wall and stepped into the rain, letting Uraraka see his hair weighed down to his jaw, his cape sweeping behind him– and he suddenly didn't look like the glorified leader he preached to be, he was just a broken boy under the weight of a secret he seemed to be holding inside and was bringing him to his darkest limits. Everything was washed into gray and dust, and he looked so frail and sad under the thunder's embrace, a element he had once thrived under.
It was unsettling. She didn't like it.
"What is…" her head slowly turned to see Yaoyorozu shaking her head, tucking herself to sleep again as if this was something to be brushed aside– and what the hell, it was all but that! "What did just happen? Is he gonna be ok?"
The girl chuckled from her position. "He is no small man, Uraraka. I am pretty sure you know that already." a beat of silence flew thorugh them, the knight aware of the wistful gaze in her eyes chasing his footsteps in the mud. "I'm sure you are still going to chase after him, right?"
"Huh?" her shoulders tensed, and her eyes whipped to meet hers hastily. "I don't know what… you are talking about."
There was a mumbled giggle from her, then a sigh of mixed contentment and mockery. "You two are always playing chase with each other, trying to poke in the worst places to trigger the other. It's kinda fun to watch at first, but I can understand his reaction when some topics are taken too far."
"I just… didn't know RampAge held a personal grudge in him."
Yaoyorozu hummed in stern approval clouded by the exhaustion in her eyes, yey she voiced her thoughts clearly. "Still, you can't go around asking mindlessly. Just… don't doubt him again. Do as he says."
Uraraka glanced out again, her eyes squinted in worry. Rain was falling hard outside, his weapon lay a few feet before her shadowed by the mist, and the rain would cancel out hs only innate ability: his hand wielded explosions. He was practically defenseless out there, where monsters could come chasing at him. Regardless, that wasn't her biggest worry, and one could quickly see that physical monsters didn't scare her as much. But the inner secrets he may be hilding back… they couldn't keep on being so blind to the other.
She needed to change that. "I'm just worried. I don't want to hurt him."
The knight was bundled in her blanket by the time Uraraka got up, her feet staggering to the entrance. Rain sloshed against the mud and coated the way to the river, into the forest and into a mist that seemed too cloudy for it to be barely noon. They had been walking for hours on end, from sun to sun until their limbs had been weak and their breaths and words ragged and dirty. Still, Uraraka felt as if her energy was fueled by that man's foul behavior, and there was no way to explain it any other way than magnetism, or some kind of masochism.
"Go find him." the sorcerer turned to find the girl probably tiptoeing into another realm of the universe, eyes dotting with dots of sheer exhaustion. Her whole body was numb after so much walking and the sensation of blankets like arms wrapped around her was… nice, like being lifted up by a cloud. "It won't do to reach the Capital with a severe delay because of his stupid ass."
This was the only time Uraraka felt like the insult was severely misplaced, and blamed it on his barbarian hands pulling on her heartstrings too clumsily, too carelessly that she felt too held down, too heavy and it just mattered too much when he was supposed to mean nothing. She could only hope she would get over it soon, because overworrying for somebody who was bound to not care would be emotionally straining.
With a nod, the girl skipped out and immediately felt downpour cascading down her hair and hat, shifting it askew before Uraraka liiked up into the dark gray sky. The storm was hitting its chorus and there was no way to let it pass without wondering how such a punishment had come down from above when it was clear and sunny hours ago. Uraraka would have chuckled humorlessly if she had been tucked in a blanket, inside her guild room, but she could only muse over the absence of birds and the turned off hues of the dead forest.
The girl didn't have to walk too much to find herself lost, albeit momentarily. Trees and trees dodged her and created a little path to the forest, trunks hovering and leaves crumpling beneath her feet, humid with the rain and fog that was getting lighter and lighter. Uraraka would sometimes try to slap the volutes away, but found herself with more foggy paths. Still, the girl trudged through the rain and the humid air to find the river in front of her.
The girl squinted and it was all it took for her to find him spaced out, looking at the stream with strange fixation on its flow, sitting under a tree's shelter and he suddenly looked so small and vulnerable, as if he was made of glass, and it dawned on her that Bakugou was a stronghold, yet all barriers had their leaks.
Uraraka padded to him carefully, hand stretched out as if to feel his warmth in the middle of the rain, but it was fruitless, like most gentle approaches she tried on him. But, asif thunder had triggered him, red fierce eyes flashed at her like thunder, her heart feeling struck and paralyzed at his vicious glare and defensive flexion of his arms, curled on his knees. "What the fuck would you want now?"
It was as if he had pushed them to the starting line again, stage tilting and makign her lean, stumble and fall into his games again. But Uraraka had learnt how to handle him, or at least how not to handle him. "I know it possibly means shit to you that I wanna apologize, but…"
His hair shadowed his eyes, weighed down by remaining wetness. "It doesn't match you."
"Swearing." responded he between gritted teeth, spine tense. "The first day you came around you were still as fucking feisty, but at least a pure one language-wise." the leader scrubbed his jaw with a tint of recognition and rewinding. It suddenly looked like it had been so long since the night she arrived, but now they looked like complete strangers again.
"Bad habits tend to rub off, I guess." muttered the sorcerer in an uncharacteristic small voice. "I just… came to apologize for my behavior earlier." this time he did look up, waiting for her petty excuse to appear but no mumbled word came out, it was all sincere and heartfelt and he had this instinct that just wanted to trust her with his life. "Right before we began this journey I predicated my faith in you but… I let it slip once and it was clearly not the best time to lose grip on it."
The boy didn't look appalled at all by her meek expression, yet the way he slightly relaxed was a giveaway of his turmoil calming down, either because of her words or because her presence seemed to dim the rain around him. He wanted to think that it was because he was overly irritated with her to notice anything else. "Hell straight, Uraraka."
"I'm just… sorry. I do have faith in your expertise and I will comply to your plans. I may not agree with them but it's not like I have other choices than that, right?"
"What other choices would you even have?"
"None! That's my point." conceded the brunette with a tight smile. When his back hit the trunk behind his body she allowed herself to approach him and take shelter by his side. The way she was suddenly towering over him almost made him tug her down with him, but it wasn't worth it anyway. "I will stick to your side because I am your subordinate after all, and it's not like I can go making rules up myself. I just… was a bit short on Shinsou's side and…"
"I… get it, somehow." stumbled Bakugou, voice relatively calm for the inner storm he was facing. When she sat down by him he had this urge to push her away. "We just don't wanna risk having you walk towards that side of the coin too easily. You are still under trial, y'know. Having you wander too far into others' opinions is a bit of a risk. Still a newbie."
The girl scooted a bit closer to Bakugou with this interested look on her face which was so raw it could very well be false, but this girl was too fucking transparent to even try to lie. She looked to be that kind of person who either didn't lie or, if she did, she could pull it off effortlessly. "I… know it's hard to believe but I am willing to act under your orders, after all it's true I don't know best like you guys do."
"Well, as long as you don't fucking dare go with that bastard, I'm willing to believe you." rain fell hard in front of him, splashing on the river and hitting the mud, but they were sheltered, unaffected, and it made him look at her. Big mistake, as their eyes met only awkwardly to only look away again. He hadn't felt this stupid in his whole life. "I don't know what's the point to you coming for me into the rain, though."
Which was true, as Uraraka had no particular liking for the rainy, humid weather. "I was worried you would be too irritated to, I don't know, rage or stay out for too long."
"Again, I don't need–"
Uraraka kind of laughed and chimed in effortlessly, and he let her for this time. "I know, I know, you don't need my help, my care, whatever, but you saved me back there." her index pointed at the river, and he grunted in disdain as he could see her reminding him over and over already along their remaining journey. "I owe you this one. To care for you like you did for me."
"No need to make it such a personal issue, you know."
"But it is."
"Is fucking not."
The sorcerer crossed her arms, imitating his pose so comically he frowned at her. "Well then fine, it is personal because it's me caring for you and… admittedly, I also need something from you."
She heard a hoarse chuckle reverberate from his chest. "Of course you do."
Yet, her determined stare didn't dim or falter under his blatant exasperated tone— one that had gone from angry and hateful to just antisocial and crisp, yet she could work him through that, so she just went straight to the point. "I need deeper insight into Shinsou's plan to know what kind of person we could be running into in the future."
Of course, Bakugou looked at her with this ethereal expression of thinking she was being goddamn nerd. She reminded him of that greenie bastard too often. "Why the fuck would I provide you with all that?"
The girl sighed, and this was probably the first time Bakugou saw her actually stop and think about her next words. After all, they were in no easy situation and it was pretty precautious of her to ask about her choices – again, not like she had one, but it was not like she wasn't right on being cautious when it came to Shinsou. Besides, she was one of the very few people who could actually sweep him off his feet and throw him off a cliff if she so desired, so he was in no position to be picky.
He still waited for her to beg a little.
"Well… again, I fear what we may run into and maybe knowing what his game is will help us predict his movements." yeah, he never took her for a retarded, so of course her question would be damn clever. "Besides, after what he told me at the dungeon, I can't help but wonder why his intentions are so obscure."
"It's not like I can tell so easily, I ain't a damn psychologist." protested he, but understood what she meant. "I don't really get why his purposes are so different from ours, after all his guild isn't particularly keen on crime or dark stuff. Shinsou himself is a pretty laid-back guy, but his thoughts are wicked and distorted."
She, again, scooted a bit closer. He didn't notice. "How do you know him so much?"
"Being both leaders from champion guilds makes it only natural for us to clash, even if it's only at those shitty reunions at the Council." the girl nodded, as this was something she had kinda guessed. Treaties and stuff must be a given in big places like these, above all when clashes like the one at the dungeon happened. "Regardless, he is more than vocal about his intentions, and has the contacts to make them a reality."
That thing about contacts should have hit her as hard as it did now long time ago, really, yet when it came to her she felt an odd mix of sensations, none of them precisely good or bad, just dancing on the limbo. "Who are these contacts though? Because I haven't seen much crime around here."
"Most serious criminals have hideouts in the outskirts, some are just illegal hunters at the forest and then there are little thugs, drug dealers and the like." that was the information he had told her prior to this mess starting, but he sighed and was ready to tell her a little bit more than he'd enjoy. "However, I know he has been consulting some rogue sorcerers and hunters outside… and we can't do much about it because there is a legal loophole on it."
"How so?"
"Well, in the same way we can't go chasing monsters from other territories, we obviously can't go chasing criminals out of our frontier. If someone is making dirty business out of our territory, we wash our hands about it and push it under the rug." explained Bakugou. And this also explained some more tidbits on their ban from the day before, yet didn't quite end the one on Shinsou. "That means we can't do anything about his deals with criminals outside because it doesn't affect our village quite much, and it fucking sucks."
"But that's stupid!" exclaimed Uraraka as if Bakugou hadn't complained about it enough, and he rubbed his face with a hand tiredly, looking at her from a corner of his eyes. "How does a universal matter not include our village itself? If Shinsou is toying with the safety of our world, thus our village, we gotta–"
"Again, not that easy." he was quick to shut her up before she went on a full ramble like greenielocks usually did, and briefly wondered where he was at the moment, hoping he was taking care of his people like he would. "Shinsou has dark plans… but we cannot legally persecute him. I wanna bust that motherfucker real hard, believe me, but it ain't easy."
"But he is so obvious about them…" said Uraraka to no one in particular, hugging her knees to her chest. "How hasn't the Council made echo of the danger and told other villages?"
"With the timeline thing on their and our hands, it sure looks like Shinsou just seeks attention– but I know that fucker real well. It's all in his loser eyes." it was a bitten bark about the leader, so fierce and full of hatred that it left her speechless again. His boiling emotions were so… raw, so damn animalistic and blistering. "He seeks time bending to just destroy our timeline, because, apparently, he thinks stuff can't be fixed and that we cannot fix it–"
"And… you think you can fix it." breathed she, her eyes wide and face a bit distorted in horror. "Of all things, something as complex as a time-space issue?."
He knew where she was coming from and hurried to clamp the shitbox close. "May sound presumptuous, but trust me it can be pulled off."
It clearly couldn't be pulled off, and Uraraka knew it. So many bitten words polluted the jar of her heart and started to thump and trash around, yet never broke her pensive posture because, again, this was not her place to say anything. Still, it was true that Shinsou's plan was a bit too chaotic, but it didn't hold much of a candle compared to Bakugou's. Both were plain suicidal. And how the saying went, opposites attract, because two ends of a coin don't differ much from the other.
"Well, I just hope we can try to take out this... monster, this foe!" argued the girl, a meek insecure smile that Bakugou didn't look into invading her crestfallen expression. "I will train as much as possible to help you all, give it my all!"
Bakugou had heard that infamous phrase of hers some time ago, somewhere lost along the webs of an intrincated timeline but also somewhere closer to them, where fire hit harder and her sighs were less vibrant, less significant. Things had changed, his vision on her had changed– but her tone was as severe as it had been once, and this time he realized it could be significant.
"Ok, I fucking need to ask because you have had that shitty attitude ever since we set out and, Uraraka, what the hell?" he of course wasn't as assertive as he would have liked to, but that was another story he wasn't paying attention to that day. "What is this about giving this your all? Didn't I tell you the very first day that I wasn't gonna accept that shit on my–"
"It's different this time!"
"What did I tell you about interrupting me?" this little thing of his wasn't perpetual thing, as she had interrupted him endless times and it seemed like seldom did he mind it. "I don't know how this shit is different now. You still do seem to be doing the same shit over and over again."
"What are you even–"
"I know your shitty business more than anybody else here, Uraraka!" exclaimed he, his voice rising a notch too high than he had intended. "I don't understand how many times have I told you to stop throwing yourself around like some drag doll!"
"How are you supposed to know about me better than me myself?" her voice was somewhat knit in peaceful wonder, something akin to curiosity etched to her eyes and this infuriated him, because while she used to be the tiniest bit shaken by his words some time ago it seemed like the coin had flipped and landed on the side he would be losing to. "I am precautious with what I do, I know myself better than any of you and know my limits."
The leader scoffed and jumped to his feet, the ghost of an abandoned town of ire and hell rising to thrive again in his eyes, blistering on hers so vividly that when thunder clapped, the girl jumped into the trunk. "I am not gonna say this twice: I don't have you in my guild to go toying with your own safety. I don't think you are so fucking stupid to use too much of your power and over do it, that's why I'm fucking training you in the first place."
When her head tilted a bit down in deep thought, he thought the conversation was done with and they could get back to their comfortable pace of hating each other silently while really not doing so anymore, as Bakugou was finding himself caring about her safety more than he should be allowing himself– because the thought of her on the line of danger didn't inspire much vexation in him anymore, but a gut-clenching sensation settled itself on his being and it wasn't moving no matter how much he growled at it or her to leave.
Though, she had to speak again, didn't she?
"Still," her arms were crossed when he looked again, hands supporting her elbows while her eyes were again pinning his down, like a hurricane did to a tree on a field of unshed rain. "I will give this battle my all, for the sake of those in danger and those who still regard me as a bad luck token!"
His brow knit in confusion, her hands tucked on her waist as another knit of her now overtook her features. Wind blew on them, the storm coming to a close. "What are you–"
A streak of shy sunshine hit on some trees, washed over her clothes and melted on a side of her face, eyes shimmering like a sparkling lake and rendering his thoughts speechless and blank. "This time, I will change the curse of times with you all, and we will put this world out of its endless slumber!"
And at this, Bakugou couldn't help bit wonder, speechless again, how many impossible promises would she make before she broke.
They walked to the cave in silence, the girl almost half a kilometer away from her leader and already asleep when the boy made his way into the cave. Much to his surprise, it wasn't Uraraka who was waiting for him to wish him a good afternoon of naps, but Yaoyorozu herself with Uraraka's bag on her lap.
"I'm sorry to disturb you… but I think we must talk."
The hunter sighed, eyebrows loose. He couldn't see things going any worse than they were already now, and realized in that very same moment they were about to go downhill. "Yeah, I think there's something we need to talk about."
Yaoyorozu wordlessly rummaged through Uraraka's bag and when her fingers tapped hard covers, she held in a sharp breath. "I found this in her bag." the book was given to the blonde, making breath hitch on his throat and lungs constrict painfully at the letters engraved in front of him. "And… I am disturbed by this."
Bakugou sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. "Didn't you actually tell her not to fucking get this?" his head shook. "Seems like she didn't make much out of it. I should have seen this coming."
"What can…" Yaoyorozu's eyes drifted to Uraraka's sleeping body, then flickered to Bakugou's hands. "what should we do?"
The hunter's eyes narrowed at the volume in his hands. "... metamorphosis, huh."
"Oi kids, get here!"
"Father, we are not children!" Nameless ran to her tutors, flowers cradled to her chest in messy hues of pink and oranges. Another girl waited in front of her tutors. "I'm so sorry for being late!"
Mina frowned her eyes at her sister, glinted in malice and impatience at her sister. When Nameless was by their side, she watched her parents rub the girl's shoulders, yet never berate her for being so delayed on such an important day. "You are always late, sister! Get a hold of yourself for tonight!"
The brunette smiled at her sister sheepishly, and beamed at the shiny crown of flowers on her head. "I want a crown too! Why don't I get one?"
"So childish for not being a child, dear." mother put a set of dry sunflowers and daisies on top of the little girl's head, who seemed overly enthusiastic about the arrangement. She giggled into her bouquet of starry flowers, raising her hand to fit it a bit better. Her fingers skimmed through some petals, feeling the softness to them, and sighed in contentment.
Yet, there was no real happiness, it seemed – because she knew, in the end, nothing mattered. Life could go shooting in front of her like a shooting star and throw sparks to her eyes, lit them up in amazement, nothing would matter to her as much as she felt it should. Why couldn't she feel anything else than oddness, that crippling fear of being out of place?
Why couldn't things fall into place already, why couldn't the hanged man let the ties loose and let the puzzle pieces be settled? Why was the void only getting bigger? Still, Nameless would always smile, let the littlest of joys overpower her and let it all flow into her like a broken canvas seeking an artist's comfort.
In some certain places, the girl doing as much of a hand raise would startle more than one man.
"I love this so much, mother." then, Nameless shuffled a bit closer to Mina, the two smiling brightly at the other, surrounded by flowers and the starry night sky. The planets and comets seemed to be giving the little girl a rest from her hands, what she carried with them, and everything else that such a tiny girl could handle. "They look so good!"
Mina looped an arm around the girl's left arm. "We sure do!"
The brunette let her parents lead her away from the fields and into the lively path near the coast, hearing already the voices of talented singers and smelling the baking of fresh bread and salty fishes, all waiting for her while one of the petals from her crown fell apart, falling to the dirty mud.
The petal stood there for a while, maybe days, withered and disappeared with the earth around it, rain and piercing screams at its wake.
Life was good when skies were clear, clouds were somewhat gone and Bakugou was quiet for once – concluded Uraraka, her eyes shifting to the open sky around her. A change in the weather would have rendered her petty and whiny, her eyes shimmering in utter disbelief and stopping the sway in her hair, or the bounce in her step.
The breath of the forest and the murmur of the quiet streams had walked her into the capital with a lullaby, her chatter with Yaoyorozu somehow ebbing a weird feeling inside her chatter. The girl had sounded stern, had felt calm but had ended up coming across as mildly tired or irritated. Uraraka couldn't tell which, but there was no fiber in her being who was willing to give it much thought.
But then came a white something, a spot in the distance as the path cleared, as the river made a sudden turn to the right. A wide path with cobblestone laid ahead of them, and instead of staying behind to admire the grandness of it all, Uraraka was forced to fall into pace with her team again.
"Is that wall…?"
Bakugou increased his pace the littlest bit, either to get away from that mass of beating enthusiasm or to get there faster. Stones were missing from the nice paviment, some longer than others, and Uraraka also realized, as her steps trudged her forward, that some trees were brown with odd seasoning behavior, others chopped off, but the ones at the front stood mostly fine. Her eyebrows sunk in preoccupation, because how weirder could this get?
"The Capital." grunted Bakugou, and he made it seem as if he had been there all his life. The resentment he seemed to hold for this place told another story. "A madhouse."
He had seemed so eager to get here, yet he was so edgy now. What could have changed in the two nights they spent away from their crew. Something was shadowing his eyes, flickering his eyes with a flame no one would enjoy, yet she knew better than to hate the fire burning in his soul. After fighting with him, there was no way she couldn't bask in his sparks.
He was made of the same flesh than her.
Their steps slowed down again after going up a little stoned hill, and gasped at the comittee waiting for them at the gates of the town. "I can't believe this."
Strangely enough this was Yaoyorozu talking, not Bakugou who seemed to be about to explode. Uraraka though, didn't see anything wrong with a bunch of guards. After all the havoc with RampAge and the illegal hunters there was no way there wouldn't be a little guarding, right?
Bakugou was still fuming over this apparently, and quickly made his way down the short slope to get into the guards' peripheral vision. Much to the others' surprise, some guards acted on his presence and actually stepped out of the way, yet some stayed in their place much to the guild members' vexation. As he stepped closer, his words grew more frantic and he wiped his cape with much more strength. "Out of my fucking way! I have business in there!"
Ah, of course he would be too violent for the guard's liking, for they instantly puffed out like birds and refused even more to let him in. "Who do you think you are, boy? Stop the tantrum already."
Uraraka was quick to stop him before he drew his sword out, Yaoyorozu's hand on his bicep seemingly not being enough. "You won't do much for the situation by drawing your weapons out."
That calmed him somehow, so Uraraka stepped out to see if she could do anything to actually contribute instead of chopping some douchebags' heads off. "Excuse us, fellow guards, but we have important matters to discuss here with the heads of government here. We do not wish to put this sacred place in danger."
The brunette tilted her head back and wiggled her eyebrows at him in slight suggestion, shining with mischievous thoughts. Not so difficult, right?
Far from impressed, Bakugou emotionlessly smirked at her, the grudges from some days before shortly forgotten, despite having it deeply rooted that the talk would come one way or another. The girl whipped her head around to meet the leveled eyes of the guards, and their stares came across as vexating and somehow humiliating. Did these guys judge her for being a bit short and sweet-looking?
Honestly, if she put some damn effort on it they'd learn their lesson real hard. Instead, she swallowed her bruising pride and glared at them twice as hard. "I wouldn't like to repeat myself. My peer here has clearly stated that–"
"Oi, stop messing around, you too." one other guard stepped to the side of his mate, thumbing at the gates. "We have a situation in the city, and no one is allowed until this situation is cleared."
Uraraka bit her knuckles in frustration, because she had this inkling that there was little to zero truth in that. There was no ruckus, no disturbance in the air, and well– there was this blatant suspicion that if this were to be true, Bakugou and Midoriya would be informed beforehand by Sero and the spy team. Was Uraraka stronger and powered by the force of circumstances, been a bit more affected, and she would have wiped them out with no questions asked.
The fact that Bakugou had his arms so tightly crossed and he looked so pissed off didn't put her at ease either. Yaoyorozu, being the most mindful out of the trio, bit her tongue back before making the matters worse. However, Uraraka could tell she thought the same as she was thinking, and what Bakugou thought as well.
Sensing the awkwardness in the air, the sorcerer tugged at the high collar of her uniform, shrugging uncomfortably. "Well? What are we gonna do now?"
Bakugou tapped his fingers on his biceps, eyes blistering against the silver armors of the henchmen. He was severely torn between smacking those guys out of his damn way and directly breaking through in any other place, like a wall whether it had doors or not. Seeing how the situation was, though, he just poked daggers onto the other guys' backs, as they turned to their initial position just before the gates. "I wanna bust those fuckers into ashes. To be fair, it's not their fault some asswipe put them there."
The soldiers stood at the gates, silent and unyielding as if they hadn't heard them. They probably hadn't. "Bakugou, we can't stand here. The others must have gone in there already,"
Unlike the brunette would have expected, he only frowned and spoke as angrily as he could, no curses flying at her for being persistent. It was like the mightiest of magics to her to see him so quiet and relatively peaceful – albeit undeniably angry and grumpy, too much for the hunter –, and it would never tire her. The brunette smiled at him from the corner of his vision, and his chest puffed out a bit at this.
He was livid at her after the unfoldings from the other day, yet couldn't help reacting to her in any form possible.
"Bakugou, Uraraka is right." agreed Yaoyorozu, receiving a fair nod from Uraraka. "As you said, we have stuff to do in there. No matter what the situation is in there, it can't be that bad for us to interrupt our journey."
Yaoyorozu sighed, because the leader wasn't open to anyone's suggestions. His body and mind were separated into different entities, eyes drifting across the wall, probably seeking for ways to blow it up, and Uraraka was there, thinking as well– yet none of them were being proactive in the only occasion where it would be necessary when they were jumping at the other's throats in a daily basis.
The knight looked around meekly, hand to her chin as she racked each brick with solutions for the problem. She could create a catapult with her ability, or a ladder. Bakugou could blow up an entrance, Uraraka could lift them up. But them trespassing a legal border when being straight told they could not do so was not only illegal, but also dangerous if the situation at hand was bad.
They wouldn't know unless they tried.
"Guys," both warriors craned their head to their wandering companion. "it's of no use to remain here, we'll just have to wait."
But they were no fools, and knew what the knight was up to the moment her head whipped to fast, and how her feet marched straight to a side of the wall. Uraraka marched respectfully behind her peer, hands clutched to her front, but also saw Bakugou seething at the guards in a pretty ungraceful manner that had Uraraka stopping her walk and facing him briefly.
"Bakugou." her firm voice got his eyes on her for a split second. "Stop barking mentally at the guards. We gotta get moving somewhere, we are wasting our time here."
But the hunter's feet didn't move, and that prompted Yaoyorozu to stop as well. The moment one guard turned a bit to smirk pridefully at the blonde, the girls knew Bakugou had been triggered. When his hand clasped the ties of his cape and the fur around it, Uraraka shuddered. "Bakugou, what are you even–"
Yaoyorozu wasn't able to finish her sentence as she observed in terror – or awe, she couldn't tell – how Bakugou discarded his cape on Uraraka's hands. "Take care of this, I fucking hope you can do that much."
When he was a few meters away from her, the brunette took the liberty to hiss and bunch the fabric in her hands, fists shaking in agitation for his rashness and stupidity when pride got the best of him. Not like he wasn't that was fairly often, but there were times when it spiked up and it would never get less annoying to her. Bearable, yet still vexating.
"Oi, fucktards." some guards gasped at this outrage and held their shields a little higher. None of them held any difference between each other to Bakugou, and only faced them as pawns he had to move out of his way. "I don't wanna cause a pool of blood here, and you all sure know how capable I am of doing so without thinking twice."
None of them moved. If anything, they dig their soles to the ground and started murmuring among themselves, the silver shine of their stupid armors only making Bakugou's job a tidbit harder – but he was never one to back down from a challenge. If anything, he was the one to either trigger or finish them, and this time was no fucking exception. "I ain't asking once again. Either you fucking back off or I'll back you all off."
When the sorcerer behind him witnessed him twisting his wrists a little, her gasp came hurried and hasty. "Bakugou, don't!"
"Back off, you two." grunted the blonde, somehow making some guards actually giggle at an arrogancy that seemed undeserved, but they should know better than to underestimate him. "I ain't nursing you inside once this is over."
"What the hell, Bak–"
The leader of the team drove his palm forward, grasping his wrist for precision to then send ripples from the depths of his power, fire soaring to life in front of the guards and exploding in a huge nebula of pressure and ash which made his boots hiss against the dry soil at the pull as the fires licked the guards' skin beneath the armors, melted some spikes and set the spears on a havoc of fire and screeches at the bestial display. A warm dash of air washed over the area as Uraraka covered her ears at the white noise of various ripples eating the guards alive.
The leader's eyes had turned vicious, blistering and hungry for more flesh to burn, yet when he felt his peers give in a little to his power, he retrieved his hand from the attack and clenched his fingers in to feel his skin peachy, yet alive like it had never been. His attack had successfully cowered the mob to a stuttering mess, and Bakugou suddenly felt like a tower looming over mice.
"I gave you a damn wise advice." chided the blonde sternly. That was the girls' cue to come in, which they did with hesitant step. "No one stands in between my and my mates' goals. Not when there is something on the fucking loose as dangerous. So go fuck yourselves, you ain't of use here."
Uraraka found herself stumbling with her own words, because if his eyes had ever been so lively and frisk, she never took notice. Yes, his eyes, his irises were still there, they blinked and saw, but what lay behind it flickered gone for a pair of terrifying seconds in which his path had been momentarily blocked.
This man must be tired inside, something seeming to fuel his determination and dampen his rock solid body in something that seemed so raw, so human.
Yaoyorozu found her voice, but when it finally came out, it was somewhat coarse. "I wouldn't have been so brazen." but it was the only way out, too. "Will they be alright?"
Bakugou saw some guards scramble to their feet and break into a run, jolting out of the gates. Others lay limp and motionless on the cobblestone to where the leader walked, and deadpanned. "I should have for being so goddamn stupid. Otherwise, they'll be fine."
Uraraka looked around briefly. "We've got to keep moving. If chief guards or whatever authority they have here see us, they will have our heads."
"Well, the gate is open and empty now." addressed Yaoyorozu with a hand to the molten parts of a guard's armor, mildly impressed. "I don't think we had spectators other than this little crew."
"They talk so much shit about security, but they have their gates open all day." Bakugou sighed in exasperation while trudged forward, dragging Uraraka along by the arm emotionlessly as she stared into nowhere. "Let's get in there already, the rest must be waiting for our slow asses."
Yet, Uraraka dug her soles into the ground and pointed at a spot behind some trees that had Yaoyorozu standing still as well. "Hold on… Bakugou."
"What now?" spat he with an impatient grimace that only grew in depth as his step died, and followed the indication of her finger.
The blonde let out a loud whined groan. Two little heads sprouted from behind a tree, eyes gleaming at the previous show of might.
"What the hell!" his hands flew to his blonde mane, teeth hissing in annoyance at the two girls that skidded out of their hiding spot. "And who in the world are you two, midgets?"
The little ones were met with a threatening figure hovering over them the nearer they got, approaching the foreigners with meek expressions of both surprise and intimidation for the blonde. Uraraka clearly saw through them and walked to them softly, silently hoping Bakugou would stop whining around like a baby whenever something unexpected happened. The guy could get a grip on himself.
"Don't be startled, he isn't that dangerous." which prompted her to be almost knocked out by Bakugou's very same hands. "We are very sorry you had to watch that, we were just very hurried to get into the Capital and my friend here is kind of impatient."
"I am your damn leader, not a wimsy glitter friend of yours, angelface!" Bakugou wanted to bite those words back because 1), they were partially untrue and 2), because it had been too long since he had called her like that. Since she didn't seem to notice his words very much – she was too busy petting the kids' heads and being just too fucking kind for her own well being – he didn't speak his thoughts out.
"We didn't mean to annoy him, we're sorry for that, miss!" spoke one of the girls, looking at Uraraka while the other was comforted by Yaoyorozu and Bakugou's piercing glare. "It was just that we were given permission to wander a bit around– and we couldn't help but be attracted to such booming voice!"
Bakugou was on their toes again. "And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"
"So when we saw this man facing the guards, we were in awe. We had never seen such magnificent free displayal of power in our whole lives!"
That made the brunette turn around knowingly, already feeling the man's ego inflate from the way his breath had somewhat hitched, all under what he had previously called midgets. When he found his heart, his words on it were tiny. "...ne?" however, he quickly recovered from the mild shock and rasped out a little growl. "Whatever, no new information. I am a damn powerhouse."
"Bragger." mumbled Uraraka under her breath, expecting Bakugou to actually not hear her. In fact, she had actually expected him to laugh at her or something, not slap her nape again with that nasty habit he was gaining lately. She was torn between considering it a friendly gesture or an abuse of his power. "Meanie."
"Sassy." responded he with a frown of his own, looking down at her crouched form, hands on his waist. The gesture looked awkwardly powerful from him. "Anyway, what do you two even want from us? We don't have any sweets, we ain't damn parents."
"That's not it!" exclaimed the girl by Yaoyorozu's side, who leaped to stand before Uraraka. The knight walked to the group as well, crouching to have a better eye level with the girls, armor clanking with every one of her movements. "For your information, attacking royal guards is illegal and you could be put into prison for what you just did!"
That earned the leader a judging, pointed look from his peers, making him emit a little scoff. "Please, not like we had other option than to do that." that did the trick and them looking at the girls again, but his mind wasn't at ease knowing those girls were such cunning midgets. "Are you gonna blackmail us with that or something? We could pretty much be mercenaries and kidnap you."
Uraraka only jumped up to smack him on the neck with twice the force necessary. His head bobbed forward with a hissed groan. "What the hell, Bakugou! Don't scare them! How can you even suggest such stupidity?"
"He is right, though..." Yaoyorozu tilted her head to a side, and the girls did the same, as if actually trusting them had been a wise idea. Now that Uraraka saw it with more time, it had been a reckless move, and Bakugou had had to suffer her wrath for her to realize that– again, he was no stupid man. She sheepishly grinned up to him with a little apology, to which he frowned in disgust and mental exhaustion. "You shouldn't trust strangers so easily."
One of the girls, one with caramel long hair, grinned and pointed at herself. "I have a special ability called Short Read. I can read someone's thoughts in a span of 60 minutes, I just need to be close enough." she then pointed to the other girl with her thumb, smiling some more as Uraraka's mouth opened agape. "My sister can create weapons with her skin! They bleed out of her skin if she knows what the material is. However, she will get ugly bruises if she uses too much of it."
In cue, the girl with shorter hair let her skin melt into the shape of a knife Uraraka had seen Kirishima handle during trainings during the ban. "Impressive! So I take it you read our thoughts and deemed us to be harmless?"
This obviously irritated Bakugou to no end, but Yaoyorozu jabbed him on his spleen to make him shut his mouth. It didn't work. "We aren't any kind of softies, I just wiped out a damn army of soldiers, for fuck's sake."
"That's not the point here! We do know you aren't weaklings, that's why we need you!" answered weapon girl, stiffening at the stressed need that Bakugou was sneering at.
"So you two do wanna blackmail us."
"Not really." the girl with longer hair twined her hands behind her back, swinging on her toes innocently. "But it's possible that we would shut up about this incident if you guys helped our town with this teensy problem we have. Our father is working on the case but we need powerful people to help him out!"
The blonde's answer was quick and sharp like a razor blade. "We aren't fair puppets, girls. We have better stuff than deal with the Capital's problems, above all when they tried to ban us out of there."
But as the only way universe would have it lately, Uraraka was hell fast to face him– at this point in their story, he was by no means surprised by this. "We can't test our luck that far, Bakugou."
He only crossed his arms, then closed his eyes in lukewarm contemplation, opening one when Yaoyorozu talked again.
"What is this problem we are talking about? We are in a pretty grand quest ourselves right now, and as my bold master put it, we don't have much time in our hands to spare." gently said the knight, her features as soft as silk. Uraraka had never seen so much sympathy in that woman's face, usually stern and focused on things by far more important than this. Uraraka blinked her eyes back to the pair of girls, silently agreeing with her mate's statement. Judging by his silence, Bakugou did as well. "But we could probably make some space for this if this isn't a big mission."
Yaoyorozu knew her schedules well, knew what she was talking about and always tried to keep her words in line with what her guild required. But this time, she knew they had no other option than to comply to these little girls. She was a proud woman, but there were times in which one had to bow to an intelligent move – which she hated, because RampAge was no issue to be dodging at the moment.
She watched the girls share a look, then sink into their shoulders. "Actually… it would be best if you went visit our dad at the offices in the Court. He is the head in the case and should actually be doing paperwork in his office."
Bakugou severed his frown a bit harder, the girl's shiny eyes boring into his like the fucking sun as suddenly – just what he fucking needed, the damn nail in the coffin – that damn sorcerer's eyes turned to his too, less hesitant and hoping and more pushy and impatient. That girl was too kind for his heart to handle. Not always in a bad way.
The blonde sighed. "Fine. But we will only accept this mission if our remaining guildmates agree to it. I ain't making such important decision with everyone's approval."
The thought readers clapped her hands briefly before grabbing Uraraka's long sleeve and dragging her along the bridge to the town, across a little stream surrounding the Capital. It should be a little branch of the river – if Yaoyorozu recalled correctly – and actual boats could row down them last time she visited this town. "Thanks a lot! our father will be so glad to hear this!"
The other girl dragged Yaoyorozu by her metal gauntlets, musing over the chilly texture of her armor and the little engravings on the metallic surface. There were little waves that looked rough after so many battles, and the fingers had little dents to them. It screamed toughness and strength, which weapon girl admired in silence.
The blonde skidded his boots against the cobblestone in restless vexation at the topic he had gotten himself into. "This is gonna be a damn nightmare."
"Sorry, but you are in the wrong department."
Bakugou slammed his hands onto the marble counter before him, shoulders rising in contained lit fuse. "What the fuck? How are we in the wrong depart–"
"Your question won't be answered here." answered the woman in glasses. "This is the Help department. You must head to the Conflict Resolution department if you are seeking our conflict chief. It's right at the other wing of the building, second department."
Yaoyorozu gently peeled Bakugou off the counter before he blew it up with his heating hands. "Thank you very much, miss."
Uraraka made a good work to distract the leader from his rising anger with her soft touch on his biceps, dragging him across the hallway of the building and pinching his skin so he would calm down. "Could you please behave for once? We are in the Capital, not a barbarian bar."
He removed his arm from her strong hold, relishing on the newfound freedom and starting to hiss from the little marks she had left in there. "You don't get to give me an earful, Uraraka." the boy trudged onward to a safe distance from her, wiping his cape behind. "Where the hell do we–"
"West wing." sighed Yaoyorozu, crossed arms bouncing as she jogged a bit to make it to his side. "Also, you must have the talk with her someday, you–"
"I know." barked the blonde at her unceremoniously, taken so out of context to others that some people turned to look at him, Uraraka included. This was what somewhat troubled him the most and he didn't have no fucking clue as to why. "Let's get this out of the fucking way first."
It took them little time to reach the next department under his hurried pace, full of impatience and utter anger at what he could tell was gonna be another dismissal. Still, as a responsible member of the guild, he found necessity in keeping his cool and trying to act calmly, composed, collected, under control. There was no way he'd prove right everyone who thought of him as a barbarian. Well, he enjoyed the comparison. But not in that way.
He stomped over to the next marble table. A little golden plaque read the place he was looking for. The man behind the desk, however, didn't pay much attention to him, not even a glance. And Bakugou was hard to not notice. "Hey, excuse us! We need to go see–"
This got his attention, taking shape as a sleek sideways glance. "Are you guys visitors?"
Uraraka stepped out this time when the blonde opened his mouth a little too much. She tiptoed to put her elbows on the marble surface, eliciting a curious yet softened eye from the leader, who looked to another direction as Yaoyorozu looked at him, eyebrow arched. "We were meaning to visit an authority in the Capital called Gun…"
"Gunhead." filled in Yaoyorozu, stepping to the desk as well. It was a pretty tall desk, and seeing her companions reach it perfectly made her feel too small. Uraraka propped herself a bit higher, her soles scraping the tile floor. She could very well make herself float, but that would be even stupider. "The secretary at the Help department redirected us to your department, so we were wondering if we could arrange a meeting with him."
All they received was an asshole worthy glance of total boredom. Bakugou already hated this guy and he hadn't even met him properly. Uraraka would be willing to have a drink with him, give him a chance. Yaoyorozu was having her doubts. That was how things were until he went back to his book and flung his feet over a stool. "You guys are in the wrong–"
Bakugou banged the desk with his fist, making various items jump and shake, some others fall off the table. That guy had a fetish with banging stuff when he was angry. "The wrong fucking department again." he retrieved his hand from the cracked surface with a huff. Uraraka's face clearly gave away that all drinks she'd be sharing with him would be a shot of poison. "Where do we have to go so someone can actually listen to us?"
The receptionist ignored the clear insult. "Fourth department in the second floor, Administration and Patrolling."
"Fucking awesome." reprimanded or… answered Bakugou, his head turning to the direction of dreadful stairs waiting for them. He gave the marble desk another tempted smack before leaving in the other direction.
Uraraka detached herself from the cold marble desk to see Yaoyorozu tugging a pretty pissed Bakugou from the failed mission that was bureaucracy, the leader muttering curses that no sensitive audience should be able to hear. As if to make the point even clearer, the knight looked back to Uraraka catching up with them. "He hates paperwork like this."
The brunette sighed with closed eyes, stepping faster towards the staircase. "Tell me about it."
The two women followed the grumpy leader with pressured walks up the stairs, crestfallen expressions crowning their faces. Uraraka busied herself by looking at the surroundings and out the massive windows that ran all along the egg-shell color walls. The day outside was clear, sun filtering between some measly clouds and streaming into little markets on the plaza below. It was so strange to be in such a posh, tiled and golden building while seeing such dirty scenery outside.
She sometimes wondered if the snotty people in the facility noticed the little daily disgraces from those people, selling their only food to eventually feed hungry children. The city itself was prosperous, it showed to the naked eye– there was no sign of poverty as Uraraka or basically anyone would have expected, but as she went up the charcoal stairs, all she could do was wonder what would have happened is she was one of those sellers outside.
The moment Uraraka touched the tiles of the second floor, a little ripple of nausea hit her. It hadn't come to her that her legs were a little bit strained from their walk to the Capital, and the pain was starting to flourish now, when she needed her limbs the most. The brunette gritted her teeth, staring at the leader's back, and decided she wasn't going to be a softie now. Not when he could let all his hopes fall down the moment she showed any weaknesses.
"Damn it." muttered she, supporting her weight on the staircase bar. Her feet almost crashed with the white vase of a little tree, but the sorcerer was quick to save the fall. Yaoyorozu noticed this slip, yet didn't mention it and just noted it down, frowning in decision. Vibrant images of her night with Bakugou swung in front of her eyes as she stared at his back, thoughtful.
His shoulders held no shake to their movement, or no ripple to his usually demanding behavior. He was angry as hell now, but remarkably calm as a leader like him should be. Pretty strange. Yaoyorozu knew there was something wrong, something he wasn't showing. Bakugou could act all stoic he wanted at the end of the day, there would always be someone to decipher him. Not because she was close to him, but because they had worked together for long now.
She sighed, feeling Uraraka stagger her way to her side. Yaoyorozu addressed her presence with a secret peek at her disheveled state. "You better do something, Bakugou." her eyes shifted to see the blonde banging the desk again. "Or we'll have her as a terrorist again. And we don't like being fooled."
The red eyed foul boy was at the verge of screaming rageful words at the receptionist again, but he got himself together and pulled a hand to his waist, tapping the loops of his pants for some patience. Uraraka deeply appreciated that, and wished he'd do that in a usual basis. "We are here to fix a meeting with your chief, Gunhead. His two br–" for the second time that day, Uraraka smacked him on the head, earning her a hateful glare from him, hissing as he rubbed on the sore spot. "his two daughters came to us and offered a meeting with him for some issue on the Capital's criminal activities."
Yaoyorozu tilted to meet Uraraka's ear, not lifting her eyes from the receptionist as he, yet again, probably dismissed them. "For your information, it's a pretty good sign to see him actually not throwing an immediate fit over you hitting him, but you can't overdo it that much."
The brunette blinked up to her in silence. Then, her eyes moved to Bakugou's agitated back while yelling at another receptionist. "Well, I'm just trying to stand my ground against him, he does it too often anyway. It's no crime." there were two beats of silence in which all Uraraka did was observe him from afar, feeling how despite being a meter away, they were a galaxies away. After the other day's row, there was no doubt they'd have to talk it out soon. She smiled regardless, like she always did despite the situation. "Besides, he's starting to change some."
Surprised, the knight crossed her arms again and looked at him, skeptical. "He may be warming up to you, but he's still a major pain, sometimes."
Which was true. Bakugou remained unchanged to the public eye, also to hers in most parts of his personality – yet, she enjoyed telling herself he was changed. He was at least not trying to kill her or actively kick her out of his life, which was a pretty solid step in the right direction. However, there was always this clank to his armor that seemed unbreakable, and it sometimes looked like no matter how much she tried to do for him, he'd never understand the reason why.
Indeed, he had saved her life – and woes betide from her not being thankful, but there was something deeper to his disdain to her that she would never make out, or even reach out for. Something would always prevent him from taking a big step and seeing her actions as something good, not something he didn't need or things he never asked for. His mind hadn't learned the idea of people caring for him because he hadn't cared about anyone beyond personal levels like she did all the time.
They were awfully mismatched, and this was a fact. She would always make the stars spin around him if that would make him smile, unconditional devotion for making people happy never dimming no matter the situation and just wanting him to see her, to witness her true power, to just notice her in a big crowd of madness and greediness, see her purity and her existence.
Her mind was like a satellite around his actions lately, wrapped up in analysing all his steps to her, all the words he said, all his gestures, how warm he was, and how deeply she cared for him that is was tragic that he would never see her, that no matter how much she fought for him, he'd never notice her.
Uraraka could very well make the world stop for him, make planets fall or stars burn; Bakugou would never bother discover her, would never bother be anything else than her boss, just see that she cared so much it hurt, sometimes, to be rejected. She could fake as much as she wanted and tell him it was fine– to be fair, it used to be fine to her, to care and never be cared for, but she wanted him to grow out of his solace shell at the top of his ego mountain and she felt like one of the very few who could help him.
He was a part of him while she was not even invited to his life. It made her wonder why she was so adamant on him on the first place.
"Whatever, we ain't gonna find our stuff here, either." again, Bakugou slammed a steaming hand against the counter, his cool fuse completely blown. "Thanks for the help, fuckstick."
The man saluted them a farewell while the girls strutted by the leader's side. Yaoyorozu was the first one to say something that should have been stated before that madness started. "We aren't making any progress here, Bakugou."
"Damn me before I give up to these fucker's halfassed system of passing their clients around like dolls. Not gonna put up with that crap." cut Bakugou with his usual sharper, but this time it was hoarser and more tired than anything. His anger came and went like the wind. Frightening much. When Bakugou splurted more curses than actual words, he was to be feared. "Nothing new to me."
As they let Bakugou guide them around the floor, both members noticed that Uraraka was awfully silent for her cheery self, a little tidbit that only Yaoyorozu voiced out, voice laced with her usual concern, yet less stern than usual. "Tired much, Uraraka?"
At this, she snapped out of her reverie, meeting her eyes with a gasp. "Hm?" Bakugou turned his eyes a bit to catch her reaction, a little frown knitting his features. Her grin afterwards was cringe-worthy. "Ah, yeah! It's been a pretty hard journey this far, I can't wait to hit the mattress!"
But Bakugou was inadvertently wise to his beastly nature. He knew all his peers' expressions as if they were his own, and he had seen Uraraka pain too many times for him to admit without shuddering, because he had caused in most occasions. He had seen from the very beginning that she was tired as fuck– more than him and that was an understatement, because he wouldn't be able to handle another set of stairs. This time though, while he wasn't good with deciphering individual emotions, he could easily see when someone was lying.
So yeah, Uraraka was tired, but not as tired to lose that little spark of hers he had never noticed until now, that it was gone. It seemed like, lately, all he could see was what life lacked, what she lacked when her good things disappeared. It was a detail that put him off for some reason.
Yaoyorozu turned to Uraraka fully, pointing at the offices behind them. Her eyes were kind like water, and her usual hard points were gone for the day. It was nice to see her be at ease with the sorcerer for a change. Everyone was slightly off to Uraraka, yet she couldn't say she wasn't enjoying it. "You can always head to search for the others while we sort this out on our own."
Sensing that something was indeed very wrong if Yaoyorozu was giving a free day so easily, Bakugou snapped, his muscles tensing and his body whipping to face the girls. "Hold up, who the fuck gave you permission to give her a free day?"
The knight looked back twice as hard as he was. Tired like Bakugou was feeling, he only swallowed his pride and crossed his arms at the victim of his hatred and general foul humor. "I'm most certainly not giving her a free day, because she has the right to rest just like we do. I understand that since she is a rookie she is still a bit beaten up, so she shouldn't be giving herself such a bad time. Right, Uraraka?"
That was clearly an indirect that felt out of place to Uraraka, but the fact that Bakugou and Yaoyorozu shared the same displeased expression, only varying in hues and wrinkles or scars made her feel chided on to a point that she recoiled from their dark oozing presence. She took a step back, then another two in a faster pace. She held her hands up. "Yes! I will go search for the rest, it's not like the Capital is that big, right?"
"It's more crowded than anything." responded the other, tapping her chin in recollection. She had been to the town a few times with Todoroki and Tokoyami for information business, but she had never stopped to go sightseeing. There was little she could say about the Capital street-wise. "All streets are intricately connected among each other, and there is a residence near this building. There is also this cathedral somewhere around the walls."
Uraraka perked up at this. "Ah, you did say there was a cathedral here. Do you have any idea on where it is?"
Bakugou only raised an eyebrow, surprised to see her so interested on this kind of stuff. He would never bother to step into any religious building unless it was for a wedding – and he would have to think about it unless it was his own, and that scenario was more than unlikely, it was fucking impossible.
If the knight was surprised as well, she didn't show. "I think it's on the far northeast corner of the walls, but I could be wrong. From the data Tokoyami fed me with, not many people went there for congregation."
Uraraka wrinkled her nose at this, a grimace painted in her even features. "Such a shame, but I will pay it a visit and check. Todoroki had mentioned to me he needed to go there as soon as he got here, so it's worth checking."
"Go now before this place gets cramped." advised Yaoyorozu, knowing what she was doing when she started shoving Uraraka to the staircase down to the hallway. "We'll probably be here for a little while more, so if you get lost, come see us. I don't think we'll be allowed to enter Gunhead's office straight away even with his daughters' kudos."
"Yeah, that guy looks busy as fuck here." commented Bakugou out of nowhere. Uraraka noticed that judging by his undivided focus on his surroundings, he had been considering this for longer than usual. "I can't shake the thought there is something going on here."
Uraraka cocked her head to a side. Her frame bangs fell a bit, softly. "What do you mean?"
He snarled at her like usual, but didn't call her names like he had been avoiding to do all this time. It didn't make that little nagging, sinking feeling of ignorance fade a single bit. "I just can't fucking fathom that such an important institution like this would shake comrades off their hairs so easily. No one in our village does that and we ain't half as important as these guys here are."
Yaoyorozu looked at him in understanding, making Uraraka feel stupid for not noticing this point as something strange, and not a hindrance. She wasn't used to these kinds of protocol, and she probably would never be at this rate. The knight spoke with a tight tone this time, looking around warily as well. Some workers caught her glare and cowered some. "I know what you are talking about. It did strike me as weird to see them tossing us to each other. None of them looked that busy to not be able to treat us properly instead of dismissive."
The brunette was shocked to look around and prove this right with a tight intake of breath. Everyone around them was either talking to each other or reading, playing basketball with spare scrolls or just staring out their windows. Nobody excepting the office sportsmen seemed to be doing any regular paperwork, which put her in alert.
"It can't be they are this free of work with the illegal hunter business and RampAge on the loose," reasoned Uraraka, pensive as her surroundings blurred into a sole idea of oddity and dire disturbance. "I don't think Gunhead is low on work, too."
"His daughters seemed sharp as hell despite being midgets." answered Bakugou abnormally quiet, as to not let the workers know their clients were picking on their movements and odd behavior. "They haven't had soft education if they can use their abilities so well this early, so Gunhead must have trained hard as fuck with them."
Good reasoning – conceded Uraraka, frowning – but it wasn't enough to see through this weird situation. If Gunhead was sending off work as normal and the situation did call out for laziness from the workers, they must be the ones with a problem or a secret behind. How was the Capital working properly if their main organisation was so lax on attendance and work?
She felt out of place, and knew this wasn't their battle to meddle in. They would probably talk about this with Gunhead in given time when he received them in their office. At this rate though, it seemed like they would have to barge into his office themselves before somebody from the departments let them in with free access. If Bakugou was that right on Gunhead's meticulousness, then he'd be willing to listen to their requests.
She had never expected to face such political parts from life, so full of corruption, greed and darkness that her heart couldn't even wrap around the idea. The world was full of people and, therefore, full of intentions and purposes, yet she would never imagine that people had different mindsets to hers. It was egocentric and obnoxious, but people being touchy, greedy or ill-intended just screamed wrong to her in so many levels.
Though, she only had to look at Shinsou and see it usually depended more on philosophies and mindsets, not actual actions. This was a point that she often wondered if Bakugou understood, but it would be comprehensible if he was too blinded by competitiveness to see through the mask of a leader and see a person behind, no matter how hateful they were.
Uraraka shrugged a bit in her uniform, her eyes dancing on the hem of her dress before meeting Bakugou's unperplexed eyes. He was always like a wall and in this tense situation of being surrounded by uncertainty, he wouldn't change. So the girl swallowed all the pity she could, spit some for later relief and padded to the staircase. "Either way, I'll try to look for the others. They may be able to fill us in about this messy organization."
"Ask Tokoyami about it if you see him, he has specific information about geographical locations and views more than any of us, even than me or Midoriya." spoke Yaoyorozu, seeing the girl off with a serious, thoughtful façade to mask all the thoughts she was desiring to speak out. For the moment, she just observed Uraraka start padding out of view, glitter and pink enveloping her faked giddy aura.
Yaoyorozu could see Uraraka smile all she wanted, make her be happy all she wanted, but if one looked closer, deeper, something had faded out of place in her, ripping at the seams. And the image of the sorcerer walking away from the pair had never looked so disturbing before, when they could have killed each other if Uraraka had wanted to. In the end, it always came to her, didn't it?
Watching her slowly walk away, her uniform swinging with the breeze, Yaoyorozu had never felt so transfixed to alarm and ubiquity in her full life. Seeing Bakugou tense up so quickly made her realize that not only was she right on her theory, but that he was the one holding the seamripper.
The Capital was pretty, the Capital was beautiful but the Capital was crowded. As Uraraka treaded through the cobblestone, wide streets, people crowded her surroundings shouting various things to each other. Fruits would fall from carriers and sometimes explode into juices, sloshing on her feet. The girl hastily dodged a loaded carriage of supplies as the man ran with them for his damn life, another crossed streets right behind her and the girl found herself more stressed out than back in the Court.
Uraraka sighed to herself, busying her eyes with two tasks– actually, they were three: search for her comrades, look for a gear shop and find the cathedral. Two of those tasks were correlationed, but her need for new equipment was so desperate and obvious – some people were looking at her pretty weirdly at her scruffy clothing in such little body like hers – that Uraraka had pulled out some gold from her pockets and counted the little coins while looking for some shop to spend them in.
When she made sure that she had enough for at least a staff, she dug her coins and hands to the depths of her uniform, huffing as her soles scraped the wasted ground. From a side of the street, she heard busy talking and screaming. The brunette looked to her side warily. At the pier to the river, in one of the many ports of the town, a gruffy sailor was going on a row about something with a younger man.
Curious, Uraraka turned her head to their side, eyes impassive until she saw a little knife peeking from the sailor's pocket. That was when her walk stopped and her eyes widened a little, her step taking a leap and skipping to the gates of the pier, peeking from a side of the gate so she wouldn't be seen.
"This ain't the right fucking fish the boss asked for, asshole!" screamed the sailor heatedly, banging his fists around the air, aiming to hit the poor deliverer who only grimaced in fear. He was probably used to this treatment. "You all doing you only fucking job wrong has my business hitting rock bottom, get your shit together and do your damn job right!"
Uraraka shed a nervous smile, disbelieving the situation in front of her. The man was so pale one could use him as a harlequin. "Talk about a sailor mouth." mumbled the girl.
"We are so sorry, sir!" squirmed the lean man in utter fright. Judging by how his eyes darted to the man's hands, he was also aware of the fact that the man before him had a weapon with him. Such a brave thing to do to actually face someone so angry and armed.
The sailor grunted endless curses to himself and pulled out a disapproving scowl of pure disgust. In the meantime, Uraraka scanned her surroundings with a deepening scowl, muting the screams and blatant rage. The boxes by the sailor were wet and muddy despite the valuable objects it supposedly carried with it, thawed at some sides. If the boxes held fish or any kind of alive being, they weren't making any noise to prove so.
Uraraka searched around the area with her eyes. From the sneaky – not so sneaky – place she was in there was not much room for investigation, but she could see enough. The little boat in which the sailor had come was kind of old, had nets on a side and more boxes on the other. The waves rocked the boat on the stream, and something came to her mind the moment a wave rocked it too hard.
"Fish selling… in the middle of the river?" wondered Uraraka, well aware of the people passing behind her but murmuring to herself nonetheless. She brought her fingers to her lips, eyeing the situation – how is it logical that the Capital was buying fish from external business when they had a damn river on their barriers? Was this part of the region lacking fish population in this segment of the river?
However, when Uraraka had fallen to the streams back at the fight with Midnight – she would have to address it to Gunhead later and have to go through the feelings of being swallowed and weighted down again, such vivid images imprinted in her mind – the water had been swarmed with fishes, some of them smaller, some of them bigger, some colorful, others not. She hadn't been able to discern typologies and species, but some had nibbled her fingers and it was enough proof.
So the point still stood. The duel against Midnight had taken place only a pair of miles away from the Capital, maybe some more. Then, why was this place actually buying fish instead of employing that sailor to reel some in?
This and the odd behavior at the Court from the workers there only sparked more interest towards this place's intricate mysteries. But that was a story for another time. Right now, Uraraka had to pile that thought to the endless little notes in her head and focus on her current goal. If this man was so keen on his surroundings like he was preaching to be, perhaps he had seen either her comrades or the cathedral. He didn't seem to belong to a fighting profession, so asking for a shop would be useless.
Uraraka shyly stepped out from the gate's wall and approached the sailor as the deliverer hurried out of scene. The sailor was putting some nets in a box and opening some to see the product they had given him. Apparently, some boxes were pure trash as the man recoiled from them, and when Uraraka reached him he was emptying one of them on the river.
"Excuse me, sir?" called the sorcerer in the most neutral voice she could muster, earning a yelp from the busy man. His eyes were all but kind to her when he turned around. "I was wondering if you knew where the local cathedral is. I am no–"
"Who the fuck cares, shitty girl?" yelled the sailor, spit bubbling from his foul mouth. Uraraka, while no member of nobility, wanted to step away. "I am damn busy with my own stuff myself, don't dare try to woo me into your business!"
His talking and rash behavior screamed Bakugou all over the place and she didn't know how to take this information, because she somewhat out up with Bakugou and was enticed by him, yet all she wanted to do now was leave this man despite having the very same features as him. Still, she didn't let first impressions get the best of her, and urged a bit further.
"I just need a pair of indications, I must meet some friends there a-and…"
"Again, just fuck off already, don't you see I'm busy here? Can't take a hint it seems." grumbled the man as he tied some nets to the boxes, jotting down a pair of lines on a paper while eyeing her ever so often. She didn't seem like she was gonna move anytime soon. "What the fuck?"
"I just need some information, sir."
"Who the fuck said I'd give it to you in the first place?"
Yep, this was why this man wasn't like Bakugou now that she saw more depth to him. Bakugou would have barked at her at first, maybe the second time as well, but he would have actually given her clues, or been stubbornly useful through anger and ire. It was who Bakugou was, and while their language was the same and them both screamed violence, this man was by far simpler than her leader. Knowing such deep analysis about her blonde leader made her suddenly question why she was so adamant on trying to make a difference.
It was… disturbing. But Uraraka shook it off and went on, her feelings feeling a bit shaken up after that. "I was just hoping you would. Everyone seems so busy here and all, I don't mean to disturb you with giving me directions."
He pulled up an adamant scowl, yet seemed to accept her apology despite this being very much silly. "Your sole voice is disturbing me."
"Sorry. Either way," she shoved her hands to her pockets and tried to ignore his blazing eyes burning on her. "I was also searching for my friends here. They are a big crowd, one of them has green hair and–"
"I saw several greenie boys around here. One of them came on a boat."
"No, they didn't–"
"The others came to ask for fishes. One of them actually searched a residence to stay." answered he. "I didn't fucking give them the directions but he didn't look stupid. I bet he found his way around the town."
"That must be Midoriya then!" exclaimed Uraraka, her eyes brightening again and even the sailor had to admit it was a rather good sight, to see such a lost girl smile over such a stupid thing. Look at her. That beaming smile could light up a room. "Thank you very much, sir!"
Instead of thinking of his life choices and stopping to see that a simple answer put nicely like this could do actual good, the sailor went back to his business of not giving a fuck, and continued making the inventory for his deliveries. He waved her off with his hand. "Fuck off already. I have stuff to do."
Nodding in gratefulness, Uraraka already knew where to go. The Court building was surrounded by very few big buildings itself, opting to have minor business around to promote them. And she knew that her comrades wouldn't be looking for fish out of all things, and considering that the residence Yaoyorozu told her about was nearby… yes! Uraraka cheered in giddiness while sinking into the mad crowd again, yet somehow this didn't bother her.
"I must go see the others and ask for medicine for sore limbs and search for a shop. Todoroki must know about the cathedral." rambled Uraraka to her neck, walking aimlessly in the middle of the wide street. She counted sub-tasks with her fingers. "Also, i should get some food too–"
Suddenly, a deaf echoed pain smashed her on the neck, feeling a sudden glare stare at her through the mad crowd that swarm around her. That familiar cold sweat coated her in fear and chills like that first time at the local fair– but this time, trained to be fast, Uraraka didn't budge. The girl turned around, her clothes flailing with the sudden wiping move and searched for her prosecutor.
A dark, cloaked figure stood in the midst of the shadowed people, the hoodie washing over her grim face like an eternal veil– and the whole world stopped spinning, she stopped beating, because for a reason this presence just evoked chaos and utter confusion in her. She just didn't understand who this was, why she was there, but all it did above all was grant her a feeling of fear, make her feel horrified at the sight and widen her eyes, take in the image and drink from it like a pure psychopath.
Hands cold and trembling, she couldn't find words to say other than a strained gasp, whatever thoughts she had in mind poofing into thin air, stuck in odd parts of her body and creating a raspy knot that tightened, the clocks ticking as the wind blew, making waves rise up and make this figure stare, black spots boring into Uraraka's distanced ones, cold falling on her and numbing all senses, a thrill and shudder tickling up her spine. Gulping down and trying to make her hands snap so they'd feel, so they'd be alive, Uraraka took a crisp deep breath.
The moment Uraraka was able to take a step forward, the figure faded behind the passing people. And the more time that passed with her staring blankly at spot, the more she thought it had just been a mirage from exhaustion. Her mind was all over the place recently.
However, when the girl turned around, she had no clue as to where she was. That person's appearance had somehow made her lose track of location and all she knew was that she was surrounded by buildings, people and skies she didn't know. She could very well be dissociating or just randomly transported to another galaxy. Uraraka was, once again, lost in this forsaken town.
"Where…" Uraraka doubtingly whipped her head around a little bit, confused. She tried to read some letters on some shops, but couldn't recall having ever seen them. She could, again, very much be at the other street besides the main one, but seeing how the roofs were slightly lower than at the center of the town, she seemed to have mindlessly roam around and ended up there. "Where the hell am I now?"
Her feet stumbled a bit as she turned around in angles, hoping to find some sense of direction in this messy sketched map– to come to face a dominating façade, then columns, and suddenly, a beautiful rosette glass on top of the building. "The cathedral." breathed she. After the ominous structure had made its way to Uraraka's recognition, she again whipped around a few times to check no one had accidentally or purposefully warped her there. No one stood out from the crowd, so she considered herself to be good to go.
The girl ascended the stone steps to the big fat doors carefully, her soles relishing on the cold feel of the stone, and advanced until she was at the doors. Somehow, this felt like such a magnificent thing to do, after all she couldn't recall being in any cathedral before in her life… or all she could recall from it. Which was, like, only right before she met Yuuei.
The brunette stood before the mahogany, brown painted doors of the cathedral, and gave one of them a tentative push. The door opened with a deep creak, as if eager to reveal all secrets hidden in such sacred sanctuary. Uraraka looked inside from a little gap, and saw very dim lights illuminating the eerie interior. There was a purplish hue washing over some benches, spare people coming and going all in silence. The whole place seemed completely silent and, compared to the unstoppable rustle of people outside, it looked like a paradise.
The sorcerer quickly skipped in, as if this was a private meeting, and closed the door behind her. The heavy door closed with a fateful bang, making her spine tense and her feet jump. Had she been less aware of her surroundings and she would have snapped into anti-gravity by sheer nature, but of course she didn't let that happen. As time had gone by, Uraraka had become a bit more careful when it came to her powers, and her own ability itself. Hadn't she gotten some grip and Bakugou would have probably had her head… along everyone else, probably.
Uraraka stepped out of the entry and found herself surrounded in a bubble of silence, where even her sole thoughts seemed to make too much noise in such tranquil place. The praying benches were arranged properly in rows, red velvet covering them and, as she passed a finger around its wood on the back, someone liked them clean. The carpet beneath her feet was tainted in crimson red, running to the altar at the front of the building, where she could make out the shape of a man.
The walls of the cathedral were dimly illuminated in violet lights from a great rosette on top of the altar, shedding life to the dead corridor between benches through which Uraraka walked wordlessly. She should feel like she was attending a wedding and she was the bride, yet felt like a corpse being delivered to the reaper.
There was a little atrium with candles lit up for some kind of rithual that had been held short ago – or was probably going to be held. Again, Uraraka wasn't sure at all – and there was nobody but a man standing there, looking at them as if they held the many secrets of the universe that Uraraka couldn't know herself, yet this man probably knew by now. The closer Uraraka got, the dreaded this man looked, standing still as if he wasn't even breathing. A part of Uraraka feared that he would shatter with her sole touch.
The girl approached the little stand of candles and entwined her hands in a little prayer, intending to be respectful. "Prayers."
The man to her right smoothly craned his head to look at her. It was then when Uraraka saw that this man had incredibly long hair, all clothed in leather and sporting deep, rosy bags under his dead eyes, unblinking. It was as if this man was alive, yet was walking in a dead corpse of flesh, yet had no heart or compassion behind those black eyes of his.
He regarded her briefly, then turned to the candles again. The girl turned again, but frowned slightly at the sight of a sandy scarf cuddling on his neck. She could swear she had seen it before, in the middle of a cloudy, foggy and cold evening, just like the surroundings of this man which were freezing her skin cold, singing her heart in dread because–
The girl gasped sharply, and realized who this man was. Her shoulders shrunk a little, yet stood as high as possible to make quick work of this unexpected encounter. Her hands were clasped at her front, and her breaths, uneven and chaotic. This scruffy man made her feel uneasy. This man, carrying the words of death and premonition to his very surroundings– he made her feel scared, small but somehow… there was this feeling again, of reminiscence that hadn't come to her before in their meeting at the mountains.
This man… she had seen him before. Before this moment, before their meeting in the fog, before her even being born. Planets aligned, the sun shone in the middle of the clouds, and he spoke gently, albeit deadpanned. "These candles are for somebody I used to know."
Feeling forced to fall into sync with his tragedy, Uraraka hurried to answer. She was shaken with doubt on whether to regard him as an acquaintance or a total stranger, because she wasn't sure if he remembered her to start with. "I'm sorry for your loss."
"It wasn't my loss." stated the man. Something in his tone made her think she should know who he was talking about and why things were like these, why his situation was such gloomy mess, yet she couldn't follow that thread, and complied to her inner wishes. She remained silent, expecting him to go on. At this, the man sighed. "It was the world's loss."
At this, the girl didn't give much of a reaction despite the man seemingly interested in that aspect. She only undid her praying hands and fisted the fabric of her pockets' insides. There was no grimace in ehr face, no twist like he had seen her do so many times before, and this woman couldn't be Uraraka – he thought, breathing deeply, yet gave no signs of early alarm. Still Uraraka couldn't help but ask, peeking at him from half-lidded eyes.
"The world's?" wondered the brunette. The flames flickered for a second, knocking the girl into a short trail of thought that went off-rails when one of the candles died, prompting her to look at him more directly, turning her head a bit. "Was this person that important?"
"I thought you'd know, Uraraka." his tone was so chiding and somehow cold that a startled shudder ran down her spine. Her name fell off so easily from his name, as if he had repeated it so many times, and his stance was filled to the brim with familiarity. Her body fell backwards, broke glass and floated down into a realm of darkness. A nebulosa of pure uncertainty was bubbling inside of her and echoing to her head, making her feel all sorts of feelings– none of them good.
Invisible wind blew on the strands of a long forgotten girl, lost to the rain in the middle of a war, and then there was her, dancing across centuries like a shooting star. In the middle of a sea of tragedies and incognitas, the girl screamed for the world to show her. "You remember me, I see, despite dismissing me."
The scruffy man let out a little hmph. It wasn't arrogant like Bakugou's, giddy and humorous like Kirishima, or thoughtful like Todoroki's. It was different in all aspects and it terrified her to face such an unknown, unmoving force. Now, it seemed like no matter how much of an unstoppable force she was, he was an unmovable object no matter the universe or time. And she had this feeling she had known this too, before.
"It seems ironic. After all, in such a chaotic world like this, destined to burn at the hands of an unfair destiny, everyone forgets everyone, lost in their goals and tangled fates." spoke he wisely, making Uraraka crane her head to him again, her brow knit again in confusion. It wasn't the wording that confused her, so embroiled and mysterious, but the meaning behind it. "I am somehow able to remember everyone, every face, every body that comes to me. Yet, the world doesn't seem to remember a fading footprint on its ground."
Another candle was blown to dust. Uraraka knew she had no comebacks to offer. What could she do? Should she confort him? His voice sounded undeniably miserably, yet what kind of relief could a mere girl like her offer? She was no more than another face to him, another face to everyone. In the end, she was nothing special, and aiming to be so didn't help the situation. Uraraka just drew a hand out, touching her heart with a feeling resonating with him.
Yet, something was holding her back from saying it, and she frowned even deeper because this wasn't like her, to hold immediate thoughts in. Her eyes were fixated on the flickering candles again. Her body was made of the same chemicals as everyone, could breathe, get sunburns and blister like a slave of her life– yet felt like this man knew better than her about herself, looking at her so deeply and speaking so fondly of such a tragedy.
"S-Sir, I don't…"
"I know the feeling." muttered he. His eyes met the same candles again, closing his eyes briefly to taste how the words would roll out and probably crash her alive. He could hear her blinking at him in confusion. "I have been in this world for ages, from times on end, watching seasons pass. I know every palm of this plane, know every angle of every street, I know who passes through the gates, know every wind. Yet… this world doesn't know me, doesn't notice me." at this specific wording, Uraraka's breath hitched. "Unfair, isn't it?"
The brunette took a step back, the feeling of fright and dread drenching her whole body in a thick cover of disbelief, seeing him stare at her without mercy, hands to his pockets as if he hadn't said one of the most disturbing facts in history. Her brows were knit, lips parted as if gaping to find words that were lost and scattered to every corner of her being– because she knew the feeling, that feeling of loneliness and misunderstanding. Thoughtful, Uraraka turned to the altar, her eyes reflecting the purple sparkles from the rosette above their heads.
"I have been in this world for far longer than you will ever realize. yet from all times I have ever seen you…" feeling even more uncomfortable by this indirect stalking or this– this premonition shit he had going on, the girl turned to look at him with a grimace of disdain. "you have never looked as raw as you do now."
She grit her teeth in frustration and let her meek, polite mask fall off and clatter on the ground. "I am sorry to say you don't know me, you will never know my feelings or–"
"Excepting that I do, because I know you, Uraraka." interrupted he, slaying her voice like butter on a heated knife. She found herself shutting up too easy, even waiting him to speak so she could see where the path led to. "I know what it feels to have unilateral feelings for someone, to chase after the sun's shadow, to be unnoticed by those who you fight so much for. I know what is like to have a blindfold and discover the truth too late."
Uraraka shook her head adamantly, her hands drawn to fists as her head bobbed violently from side to side. "Truth? What truth are you even talking about? What is this you all are trying to solve, what is the reason for such fight or–"
"That's not a question for me to answer, but for you to discover." answered the black-haired man with a huff, not sparing a glance in her direction. Her eyes blinked at him, feeling again slain by his words and just overpowered by him in such a way that it was as if his heart was looming over hers and cornering it into mild abuse. "If you want to discovers answers, you must do it on your own. No one will give you the answer you are looking for but yourself."
And something echoed deep into Uraraka, because this was the first time she had felt satisfied with an actual response in her life. It was like a rush of adrenalin teasing her to havoc her mind, driving her crazy with the mere thought of being shown what it meant to be alive, what her whole existence meant and what was the solution to the problem that loomed above, under and in front of her, but never meant to be left behind.
She felt so… giddy, in the middle of an eerie place with a scary man with piercing eyes that it felt wrong. And she didn't want to believe that this man had the truth when her guildmates were perfectly capable people. Still...
"My...self?" she echoed his words with uncanny care. It was painful for the man to believe she was so hopeless and clueless on how big the problem was to everyone, to him, to her. But things could change. Meanwhile, it pained her to not believe him, in such weak state of the heart. "I can't see the sense in your words, I'm afraid."
"Not like I expected you to, anyway." the man shared an intimate, voidless look with her sparkling, determined eyes– because she had never been put in this situation, of being faced with such a hard place of either kneeling down to a set of beliefs and rules that were safe, that would make everyone happy, or find a way out. But why would she even want to not believe her comrades? That was bullshit, and for now, she had no reason to not trust them with her heart.
So she refused, took a step back with her hand on her chest. She had made an oath to stay, to protect, to save and to change. What this man was offering, was insinuating… it was just preposterous! "I have no intention to bend to the likes of you, sir. I am not some manageable girl you can play with."
"That's fine by me." muttered he again, as if he didn't care, but his words had held so much richness and impetuous tint to them that it was impossible to not see through his true intentions. Still, he held his impassive pose, and reached down for a dusty book nearby. "You can be as stubborn as you want, but I have seen you before. You will end up realizing the truth."
The elder handed her the book with strong yet reluctant grip. Uraraka took the thick, black volume with both hands. "What's this?"
"A book." answered he,as if this was the most obvious thing in the world– well, it was, but she couldn't understand what this could do for her. "A book on good, decent spells, not like the ones you are taught in Yuuei. Bakugou wouldn't want you to stand so idle, knowing that boy."
Uraraka blinked at the man, then down at the book. Ancient glyphs were engraved on the tough cover, some dust left on the sides of the volume that she swatted off with a hand. She then realized how lengthy and heavy this book was, pages lacquered in golden hues and written in handwritten lines that looked like poetry, yet spelled out dangerous, vibrant spells of probably forbidden magnitude.
Seeing her so hellbent on devouring the book so soon, he allowed himself to shed a little smile of pride and turn to his back, stepping down the aisle Uraraka had walked a few minutes ago. When Uraraka felt him leave, she sharply turned to look at him from a bit afar, her little voice filling the whole cathedral brokenly.
"I don't understand why dismiss me to then give me all these explanations or whatever, and this book– what is it even for?" her message reached across dimly, but reached him cleanly, striking on the bull's eye like a moth to a flame. Her uniform flipped with her movements, making her feel brave, alive, yet so confused and lost. She didn't need answers now, answers she was second-handedly searching for, but craved them. "I do not intend to–"
"I know what the feeling is, to be forgotten, looked down on, mistreated, and not noticed." broke he, voice smooth like silk but dreary and flawless, as if he wasn't making much effort to speaking such atrocities and mad thoughts. What was he talking about? Uraraka waited. "Feeling alone, feeling clueless. I want to fix the world, but no one seems to care but me. Shameful much, isn't it?"
And there he went again, with this business as if he knew her, her circumstances and just whatever was going through her mind– but it was impossible he knew, impossible he could see through her so easily when all they had had was an almost meeting and this… whatever this was. Her eyes searched for his around his head, volume hugged to her chest in a comfortingly familiar manner while her hand reached out to him. Yet, there was this moment when she reached for the ribbon, and for once in her entire life, it seemed like her fingers could grasp the thread and tug at it. This man was responding to her.
Her breath was stuck in her chest, feet deep in concrete and wings sprouting to make her fly– yet she felt useless, because she couldn't believe this man, couldn't even look at him without feeling indecent, like a witch being hunted to thrive in the flames. Woes betide she got herself a solution, tried to go against the currents again, and darkness drew in a little closer, hugging her from behind and making her remember she wasn't alone in the light kingdom.
"You were the one to reach out for me, I answer. Simple, right?" spoke he, turning again. So much for total closure. "One day, you will know what to do, what to say and how to decide. I'll be waiting for you, Uraraka."
And with that the man of the sand scarf left, leaving a trail of dust at his wake and a broken, puzzled magician behind with the book of hell in her hands, whispering sweet devils in a sacred cathedral.
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wasabi-duck · 7 years
halfblood joonie
guess what my school computer has a blue screen lol what is this i dont understand what’s going on
not gonna lie i would rather be updating my nct blog because those are written scenarios and i prefer writing that way because i feel like it actually shows my ability but i owe it to you guys to get something out there
my mark lee thing can wait yikes :((
anyway demigod joonie was the most requested?? and i was like
anyway i was gonna do like birth order but here we are now, doing namjoon
which is fine because i love namjoon
okay so if you guys couldn’t guess
namjoon is the son of athena
how could he not be??
the stereotype was always like blond hair and gray eyes but nah fam me and namjoon both don’t fit that stereotype and we are athena kids
but in this au namjoon is gonna have that off blond hair like there was that one photoshoot and there is a specific image in mind but it’s like sandy blond and it’s always messy because he constantly runs his hands through his hair when he’s thinking so always a mess but a nice mess because cutie
and he wears the big wire rimmed glasses that aren’t perfectly circular but almost like a bowl shape kind of thing?? like rounded at the bottom but then straight at the top or only a little bent is this making sense i bet it isn’t lol
he’s that kid that always wears the camp half blood tee with skinny jeans and some obscure accessory like idk a scarf or hat
and the aphrodite kids sit there and constantly roast him for his fashion sense but jin always scolds them and says that namjoon is a pure cutie bean who must be protected…
okay but backstory time because hell yah i love backstories
namjoon’s dad was a professor at a local college and he was a genius so it was no suprise that athena was attracted to him
unlike jin’s situation, athena and namjoon dad’s romance was a fleeting thing, and it only lasted but a few months
both of them were too proud and too headstrong to admit actual feelings or that they needed each other
but i personally believe that you don’t just have one true love, you love a lot of people in your life and it’s okay to love and be loved more than once and the mentality that you should save love for the true one actually pisses me off not gonna lie to you
and like they were in love and maybe it wasn’t the strongest love and maybe it wasn’t the truest love but it was still love regardless
athena kids are thought of like that’s how the athena kids happen i remember because percy was like do you have a belly button??
so athena was like you’re different than all my previous lovers and i think our child should be different too and that explains why namjoon naturally has black hair and brown eyes, not the usual blond and gray thing going on
when athena and his dad split up, things were kinda not amazing
his dad didn’t want to think about the relationship and about athena and so he just kind of chose to selectively forget about it
and so he doesn’t tell namjoon that he is a half blood
he tells namjoon that his mom and him were a college thing and that she didn’t want to deal with a child because she needed to finish her schooling whereas namjoon’s father was graduating
namjoon never felt a bitterness towards his birth mom but he always had the want to meet her one day and just have a conversation with her and have some sort of relationship with her…
his dad got married when namjoon was fairly young, in the third grade, and his stepmom and dad had three kids so namjoon has a bunch of half siblings
he really loves his family though, like he was extremely close to them especially his brother who’s the middle child out of the three half siblings
namjoon never felt out of place with them but there was always that longing to meet his mother that never went away
and guess what namjoon gets that chance
by age ten namjoon has already attracted numerous monsters, despite his dad’s efforts to mask his scent by marrying someone else and spraying febreeze in the house every two seconds
namjoon is already an extremely gifted and powerful demigod, already exhibiting powers that mimic something like telekinesis, and monsters have started to take notice
but namjoon, our clumsy bean child namjoon, always has a way of avoiding any harm
it’s because athena has her eye on him constantly and she’s always doing her best to make sure he’s safe
so like one day for instance, he’s walking home from the school bus and this monster comes at him and athena was posing as mom waiting for her kid or something and as soon as namjoon looked away she pulverized that monster into dust
but she seriously underestimates her child
because at age eleven namjoon is like boy genius and he notices the same lady always around and he’s like yikes creeper alert maybe??
so one day instead of you know, telling his dad, he confronts her down at the dollar store where he’s going to by his siblings some candy with his allowance money
idk the dollar store is within walking distance from my dads so this makes a lot of sense to me like this a very valid and relevant point in my mind okay so um like
anyway she senses another monster attack so she’s posing as a cashier and namjoon just kinda heads over to her counter and slams his five dollar bill on the table and he’s like
“we have the same eyes i think”
“also i see you around all the time”
and he just blinks up at her with big inquisitive eyes and she’s like oh sh-
and she’s like well i cannot just tell this kid that i’m his mom but i can at least get him to safety right??
and she’s like i gotta talk about this demigod thing but
suddenly a horde of monsters appear from the aisles and athena is like there is no time and so she uses her goddess powers to transport them to the boundaries of camp half blood
and she’s like look i know you’re probably scared and confused and worried but you need to go past this boundary here and you’ll find help i promise, but i need to get going, i’m not allowed to be this attached to you-
and she ushers namjoon past the border but then she’s gone and namjoon is like what the duck is this about
he doesn’t know if he should run back out and chase after her or if he should move forward and explore but maybe he should cry? always a valid option??
he just stands there dumbly and he feels like maybe he will cry because he doesn’t understand what’s going on but he wants to be home with his dad, not standing in the middle of god(s) only know where
but alas his saving grace arrives
it’s you
you’re the saving grace
you’re also a younger demigod and you’re in the hermes cabin currently because you haven’t been claimed and you’re just kind of wandering around camp because you still are a little !! about this whole demigod thing and you need some time to adjust
but you see namjoon standing there and you’re like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you run over and stare at him for a few seconds and you then grab his hand and you’re like we gotta find chiron
“you mean the centaur from greek mythology”
and you smile and nod excitedly “well duh, you are at camp half blood”
“what now”
“that place where all the kids if the greek gods and goddesses chill to escape the monsters in the mortal world? seriously how did you get here if you don’t know what this is”
so namjoon tells you his story and you’re holding his hand because small kids and you’re like oh i see i see okay i got it
and then you take him to see chiron and you’re like hello this is a new camper his name is joonie
and namjoon is like actually- but chiron is so busy welcoming him and all that he never really gets to say his official name (is that the right word probably not lol) isn’t joonie but whatever
anyway you stay by namjoon’s side while he gets the explanation of the whole demigod thing
and you’re the one who takes him to the hermes cabin and you’re like yes you can have your bed under my bed because we are basically best friends now!! and ofc namjoon agrees
he’s the kid who sits up really fast and bangs his head on the bunk above him
i actually fell off the top bunk once but that is another story
you and namjoon become bros and all the older demigods think it’s so adorable how you two always waddle around camp together and challenge everyone to duels and riddles and the likes
but then namjoon gets claimed
oh yes namjoon gets claimed one day when you two are sparring and it’s been a while now since he’s arrived at camp and you know what being claimed means
it means that namjoon isn’t gonna be your bunk mate anymore and it means that he’ll be at a new cabin with new siblings and he’ll probably end up forgetting about you or something
and your small brain is not about to let that happen no siree so you fail to mention the glowing emblem above namjoon’s head
you think that it would like go away eventually but it’s been thirty minutes now since it first appeared so um yikes a daisy it probably won’t go away anytime soon but you are not about to lose namjoon
while you’re sitting there debating what to do, one of the athena kids (is it annabeth chase, my queen, my hero, my everything)
no another athena kid comes over and they’re like duDE UM!!
and you’re like b i t c h do you wanna throw down
and namjoon is like wait what’s going on what’s happening am i dying or something
and the athena kid is like no, well yes, we are all technically dying, but i mean you’re our new sibling
“the athena cabin, i’m sorry”
and namjoon’s eyes light up and he’s so excited and you’re like who am i to take this happiness from him
you don’t walk with him to meet up with chiron or anything, you go sulk in the hermes cabin tbh and kick his bunk and then whine when it hurts your foot
but guess what guys
guess what
guess who comes back later
you right
it’s namjoon
he waves to you and you’re like !!
“i missed you already, you wanna keep sparing. i already got my new bunk set up and all. it’s not as fun around here without you”
and then you run into his arms but he is not expecting that and he tries to catch you but that doesn’t really go so hot and he ends up toppling backwards with you crashing down on top of him
based on true events in case you’re wondering
you knew from that day on that you and najoon were inseparable
fast forward many years so you are out of the awkward small child phase which isn’t awkward really because it isn’t middle school yet
you got claimed by your godly parent so neither you or namjoon are in the hermes cabin anymore!!
but you still are thick as thieves get it lol because hermes cabin-
okay anyway
i dont wanna be generic with all of these so guess what
in media res my dudes, on media res
behold you and namjoon are on a quest and guess who else is there it;s hoseok and yoongi and you guys are having a blast because yoongi nearly managed to become the captive bride of the god of the west wind
hoseok kidnapped a dog and he keeps the thing in his shirt when you guys are setting up camp for the night so he won’t be cold
namjoon almost became a gang lord down in southern new york
you had to fight off rampant cereal gods when the others were going to take a group bathroom break
you and namjoon are sharing a sleeping back
wait what
hoseok somehow managed to burn his and yoongi was like you can’t sleep with me you freak, im still mad you love that dog more than me anyhow and hoseok was all excuse me are you trash talking our child
they were so busy bickering and whining and namjoon, the designated squad leader, was not having it, and so he’s like hoseok here just take mine okay
and then you were like but joonie what about you
and hoseok was all like share
namjoon looked to yoongi hopelessly and yoongi just flipped him off
“excuse me, how;s jungkook gonna feel when he knows you’re trying to win me over”
and you kinda “well i mean i guess we can share”
and hoseok is like “wow what are the odds you’re the only person with the huge two person sleeping bag haha #crazy”
yes he said the word hashtag
but namjoon is all stamerry and blushy and it’s so funny because the super composed, super calculating, super strategic son of athena is at a loss for words and it’s
and yoongi is like wow i guess hoseok will take the first watch then
and hoseok is like wow that’s so sweet of you for volunteering-
yoongi smirks and curls up in his sleeping bag and yawns and slips off into dreamland and hoseok is pouting but he starts patrol duty with his puppy safely poking his head out the top of his shirt
and namjoon kinda gives you this look and you shrug “it’s not any different than that time we had to share a bunk when connor and broke the one and they needed extra room you know?”
except it is very different because namjoon is in l o v e with you and he doesn’t want to share a sleeping bag because he might do something weird like try to hold your hand or sleep talk about you and that would not be a good time
but he curls up in the sleeping bag and he motions for you to join and you’re like okay chill nice not like i like namjoon or anything haha
you snuggle up beside him and you’re like are two person sleeping bags even a real thing
they are confirmed
you guys refuse to speak and you can hear hoseok giggling and that makes things more awkward tbh but it’s okay because he’s warm
and so your put your feet on his legs and even through the socks he can feel your cold feet and now the two of you are laughing
but then yoongi sits up and threatens to murder you both in cold blood
so you end up zipping it and going to bed
hoseok wakes namjoon up an hour or two later because switch shift and he’s sleepy
namjoon groggily wakes up and he goes to sit up but??
is that your head on his chest??
why yes it is??
hoseok starts to squeal and namjoon glares but hoseok is
you know that spongebob meme with squidward and crabby patties
that’s hoseok @ namjoon
“you like them don’t you namjoon”
and namjoon was like hoe i thought that was obvious please
and hoseok was like um idk if they know dude
and najoon just groans and stands up and waves hoseok off and goes to stand guard
he doesn’t like the whole crush thing because his entire life as a child of athena you know, he’s used to approaching everything as a problem that has a solution
something that he can work through and tackle if he takes the right steps
everything is a process and with the smart logical choices, he can accomplish anything
but this is different because suddenly his head isn’t in charge and no matter how hard he tries to examine the situation logically, you can’t think like that, not when you’re in love with someone all rules go out the window and namjoon is like wth is this i am not a fan can this not be a thing
he overanalyzes every single scenario and one second he’s determined that you must be in love with him but one second later, he thinks you must hate him or something and that the two of you will never work out and it’s such a vicious cycle
he just wishes he would have some answers-
and then this voice pops up in his head and it’s very familiar and namjoon is like i know who this is but also at the same time i have no idea whatsoever
and then it hits him- the mysterious lady from his childhood, the one who got him to camp and he’s ! because he had totally forgotten about her till now
and the voice is like “you really forgot about your own mother”
and namjoon is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! because mom since when was that a thing
but it makes sense and suddenly everything starts to click and namjoon is like wow your local son of athena couldn’t figure that one out, amazing
but she’s like look kid im sorry that i havent been around, things are complicated, dont be mad
and namjoon is like im not dont sweat it
athena just tsks like thats because you never let your emotions lead
“but it’s okay to let them take over sometimes you know”
you know what she’s implying and the conversation doesn’t last much after that
and namjoon is like right i should maybe confess maybe ill do that when i get back home or something---
but suddenly he’s taken aback because there’s this clanking and rattling and all of th sudden there are these skeletons rising from the earth and namjoon is like just my luck
he draws his sword and starts yelling for the rest of you to wake up and hoseok is first up and he’s racing to get yoongi awake and meanwhile namjoon is battling off these monsters
he uses those telekinesis powers i mentioned to hurl boulders and other projectiles at them while using his long sword to fend off others but they keep multiplying
hoseok comes in with his double daggers and he’s slicing and diving and jabbing
and yoongi has his scythe and he’s totally wrecking these monsters and smashing them to dust
you’re nowhere to be found though and namjoon turns his head for a split second and that’s his mistake
he doesn’t feel the arrow pierce his shoulder, not initially, but he feels the searing pain as yoongi yanks it from his flesh later
he stumbles and trips forward and he’s clutching his shoulder and hoseok is shrieking and yoongi is cursing
namjoon feels like he’s slipping from reality and he doesn’t know what’s happening save that the world is spinning before his eyes
but then your cry snaps him back from his daze and he watches you stumble towards him
yoongi and hoseok fight off the rest of the monsters as you kneel beside namjoon, cradling his head in your lip
namjoon is too shocked to cry but then he sees the tears streaming down your face and he suddenly feels overwhelmed
yoongi and hoseok run over when the coast is clear and yoongi is the one who pulls the arrow out because hoseok is shaking too badly to do so
“i thought i heard something and so i woke up and went to check it out, but clearly i wasnt right and now you’re going to die because of me namjoon, oh gods, you can’t die!!”
and youre sobbing and hoseok is like you need to calm down so i can treat this thing and namjoon is slipping from consciousness and you’re holding his hands tightly between your own
yoongi is praying hard while hoseok does his best to clot the blood flow and go through his bag in search of ambrosia and nectar
namjoon’s eyes close and his lips part and you’re crying harder now because this it, this is the last time you’re going to see namjoon
“i love you, i love you more than life itself namjoon, and im not going to let you die, do you hear me!?”
hoseok pulls out the thermos of nectar and he hands it to you
for those who dont know, nectar is like the healing thing for demigods and it’s not guaranteed life saver, it works hella good
anyway, you hold the thermos to namjoon’s lips and do your best to make sure he drinks some of it
hoseok assures you that namjoon is gonna make it, upon further examination, the wound isn’t deep and it missed any vital nerves or organs
still you can’t help but cry
you hold namjoon in your arms the entire night and none of you guys sleep because you’re so scared??
namjoon does wake up, and he’s fine… he’s just sore the next morning
he first asks about you though if you’re okay and then he looks up and finds you staring down at him and he’s o h
you smile down at him “i swear to god, dont you ever pull that on me again”
“i wasnt trying to die”
omg wth my namjoon ones are always the longest, namjoon, yoongi and jungkook
anyway you mouth “i know” and then stroke the hair from his eyes
hoseok and yoongi watch on but they don;t interfere and they dont get nosy, they jsut let you guys have your moment
it’s like a mutual understanding after that
like the scare makes you realize that yes, you love namjoon, more than a friend
and yes, namjoon loves you too, more than anything in the world
and hoseok and yoongi realize that they’re third and fourth wheeling on the quest and it’s awkward
because once namjoon starts feeling better, it’s like a switch was turned on and now he’s trying to impress you with the psychology of attraction and holding hands and love and it’s a hot mess
and he’s vowing to protect you and you’re like honey i gotta protect you…
yoongi and hoseok regret their life choices
but they think it’s cute and when you guys all return home safely (with the dog in tow), everyone starts handing over drachmas and dollars because their was a camp wide bet on if you guys would get together on your quest
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sadrien · 7 years
Ok so YES I love the long distance internet friends au but consider! Long distance wrong number au
honestly anon, thank you so much for this tonight. 
i took long distance and made it loooooong distance to the point where it probably doesn’t make sense, but ~~suspension of disbelief~~
texts between adrien and the mystery person (wow i wonder who) are in italics because theyre in french. also i didnt want to bother anyone so ‘numéro inconnu’ is from google translate so im sorry for….that
finally i tried to streamline how i do texts for this just because the way i do texts is usually a lot clunkier? so it looks more like wanna chat but isnt in like….the contact names are still what the other person would see? like when it says pretty boy thats ninos contact name for adrien and—
frick just tell me if its too confusing and tell me how to fix it im really tired
[on ao3 in case the read more is a butt and wont open]
2:51 PM unknown number: Did this work????? unknown number: a;slkdfjadj its me btw unknown number: I mean duh its me who else would it be unknown number: If you screenshot this conversation al I swear to go d Ill kill you
Adrien squints at his phone. Not only does he not know this number, but the text are in French. That’s…unusual. He thinks that it’s a lucky coincidence that his father is from France and insisted he learned the language before replying.
2:52 PM numéro inconnu: I think you might have the wrong number. numéro inconnu: Sorry if my French is bad I don’t speak it often and I write it even less
unknown number: Ohmogd unknown number: IM SOSO RRY  IDNT MEAN OT unknown number: AHHHHH I MUSTCE TYPED IT IN WRONG???????? unknown number: Im sorry IM osrry Im sorry Im s orry Im sorry!!!!!!!!!! ; ^ ;
It takes Adrien a minute to translate the texts with the typos. He’s not nearly as fluent as he thought he was. His dad will be thrilled about that. Maybe he needs to mention to Nathalie that starting Chinese has left him a little rusty with his French…
Not that this is going to be a thing. Because it’s not. He’s not going to keep texting some random stranger from— Wait a minute.
2:54 PM numéro inconnu: On the off chance of sounding really stalkery numéro inconnu: (I’m not sure if that’s the right word, I had to use Google Translate) numéro inconnu: Do you live in France?
Yup. That question is just as creepy as it sounded in his head. Adrien spins slowly in his chair as he waits for a response, completely disregarding the homework he needs to have done before he leaves for fencing.
2:57 PM unknown number: Ummm unknown number: I dont know if i should be telling you this random stranger I texted by accident unknown number: But seeing that its a big country unknown number: ANd idk how youd find me to like murder me or something unknown number: Yes. Im from France unknown number: Why??
3:01 PM numéro inconnu: It’s just that numéro inconnu: I live in the United States so… numéro inconnu: I’m trying to figure out how you got a wrong number that…wrong numéro inconnu: That sounded mean I’m sorry!!!!!!!
Adrien puts down his phone and groans. Scaring people off from literally an ocean away. He’s always known he’s not the greatest at socializing but this is some next level shit. He stares at his darkened phone screen for a minute before deciding that whoever he’s been texting is probably extremely weirded out and won’t be replying.
He’s strangely disappointed by that.
And while he could go back to doing physics work, he’s not going to. Because now he’s distracted and he doesn’t really want to be thinking about sound waves right now. Maybe in like fifteen minute, because sound waves are cool and add a whole new layer to music that he kind of loves, but not right this second.
The next time his chair spins past the desk, he grabs his phone and pulls up his conversation with Nino.
3:09 PM pretty boy: Have you ever been texted by someone who has the wrong number before?
duuuude: yup duuuude: it was weird af duuuude: didnt turn into a full convo cause they never responded
pretty boy: What did they send?
duuuude: a rad horse painting and the message ‘jen painted another horse’
pretty boy: Ok wow yeah that is kind of weird
duuuude: yeah i didnt respond duuuude: but then the next day they asked about florida?? and flooding??? and were like yo have you seen or called anyone and i was like oh shit i should probably respond because this seems important incase theyre looking for someone
pretty boy: Yeah that sounds like a smart move pretty boy: Did you ever hear back from them
duuuude: nah duuuude: unfortunate too i wouldve loved to see more horse drawings duuuude: anyway that was kinda a random question any reason why you ask?
pretty boy: I got a text from a wrong number pretty boy: From France
duuuude: what the fuck duuuude: bruh international texting fees duuuude: good thing youre rich my dude
pretty boy: Nah it’s ok it was all iMessage
duuuude: bless duuuude: so was it like duuuude: in french
pretty boy: Yup
duuuude: aw man you lucked out duuuude: is it like a full conversaiton??
pretty boy: Idk they haven’t responded in like 15 minutes pretty boy: It was nice while it lasted
duuuude: :/ rip
Adrien blinks in surprise when a notification from the unknown number pops up at the top of the screen. He clicks it immediately, not even reading any of the text before he does.
3:27 PM unknown number: I dont?????? KNow???????????? unknown number: My friend got a new phone and wrote her number on my arm but her writing is always kinda a mess and also I smudged the numbers because IM a mess and I unknown number: Somehow???? unknown number: PLUS I managed to add the us country code????
numéro inconnu: Well I’m pretty sure that’s just a 1 so that’s understandable
unknown number: And any other numbers I needed??? Hwo did I?? unknown number: I don t know how I did it D: unknown number: Ohmy god and I just realized you probably dont want a million texts from a total stranger in a language you barely speak?? unknown number: IM SO SORRY ILL STOP NOW unknown number: YOU SEEM REALLY NICE SORRY FOR WASTING YORU TIME unknown number: OK BYE
3:36 PM numéro inconnu: It’s fine! numéro inconnu: My dad is actually from Paris so I do know French numéro inconnu: I can’t really say I’m totally fluent in it but I spoke it a lot when I was little numéro inconnu: This is good practice! numéro inconnu: And you’re weren’t wasting my time at all, I promise
Good going, Agreste, he thinks to himself. Over enthusiastic and weird. He tries not to think about it too much and goes back to physics. Physics with its constant equations and complex numbers and waves and waves and waves and waves. It gets a little easier when he’s able to connect it to something he knows. He can hear frequency in his music and beats when he tries to tune instruments. He finds his fingers itching to spread across the black and white piano keys and lose themselves in the music.
By the time Nathalie is calling him for fencing, he’s mostly forgotten about the conversation he had with the stranger across the sea. Not entirely, it’s still in the back of his mind, but he’s moved past the disappointment of likely never speaking to them again. While he’s fencing, his mind has no room for those thoughts and he throws them away. He won’t be needing them again.
When Adrien checks his phone after practice for schedule updates from Nathalie or texts about the weekend from Nino, he finds a single text in French at the bottom of his pile of notifications.
He can’t stop himself from smiling as he opens it. He’s not exactly sure what time it is in France right now, he assumes it’s fairly late and doesn’t expect a response anytime soon, but he replies quickly anyway. His reply is short and simple, but he doesn’t know what else to say, so it’ll have to be enough for now.
Maybe this is a one time thing. Maybe it isn’t. He’d like it to be the latter, but right now, he’s just winging it.
4:02 PM unknown number: Well if youre really really sure… I mean I wouldnt be talking to you often obviously!!! But it might be cool to know more about America? Ive always wanted to visit and wow this probably is super weird and Im so sorry for that like this conversation hasnt been weird enough already ahahahhhhhhhhh but um. I just mean to say that if you wanted to maybe keep talking I wouldnt mind?
5:19 PM numéro inconnu: I’d love to keep talking if you want to! :)
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School with the MAGCON boys pt 3
I Wake up the next morning in Nash’s arms, something felt strange. i made the wrong decision my dad’s gonna kill me... 
I wriggle my way out of his arms and put my bathrobe on.
“ZAHRA ARE YOU AWAKE! IT’S 8:30?!” My dad calls me from downstairs.
“Im just gonna brush my teeth and wash my face.” I replied...
I pick my phone up and see tons of texts from shawn. 
Zahra? you ok? where are you? i need to tell you something...  ARE YOU MAD AT ME?! I KNEW IT YOUR WITH NASH!
SHAWN! im fine!!!!
you ok?
and yes i WAS with Nash.
also im not mad at you, why would i be?
You got me worried... well Mahogany might be mad at you...
What Shawn why?
she told you not to speak to Nash and you did... i have no part in this so if anything goes down don’t include me!
she cant control me... i can talk to whoever i want!
well i agree with you. It’s just that...
He’s dating Darcy Thorton...
Yup. you need to talk to him now!
Boi you think im gonna just talk to him?! Im gonna bitch slap this child.
go girl! well gtg my dad’s making pancakes.
bye be safe shawnie!!!
I put my phone in the pocket of my robe. i then turn to see Nash as he sat up rubbing his eyes. “Morning!” i say trying to cover up my anger
“Morning beautiful”
“Hey Nash quick question..”
“are you in a relationship?”
“Well you see... um.. i.”
“Yes.Or.NO?” I say more sternly.
“I kinda broke up with her two weeks ago...”
“Darcy Thorton?”
“How do you know?” 
“I have my sources..” I say relieved that Shawn was in my life
“I lied... Last night...”
“I came because darcy was outside my house knocking on the door screaming my name and saying that she loves me and she wants me back. so when i was walking home after Dropping you off I see My mum looking at me from the bedroom window signaling me to sneak into the backyard. i did so and then Hayes Handed me a bag and told me to run. I then ran from the back to the front yard and Darcy saw me, she then ran after me but slowly lost me, i was in Matt’s Neighborhood so i went to his house and played video games for a few hours. i needed a place to sleep but Matt said there was no space so i figured you’d let me stay...”
“Oh.. Right. well i guess thats ok but you should’ve told me.. that she was after you.”
“Your my only girl. Only you. no one els.” he smiled at me.
“You need to brush your teeth...” 
“I have my toothbrush”
we both went into the bathroom and brushed our teeth we then tried to creep downstairs until this happened...
I walked into the kitchen trying to distract my dad while he made waffles for breakfast as Nash attempted to hide under the dining table.
“So dad hows work?” I say trying to sound interested.
“Yes father?”
“I know.”
“Tell the boy to come out its fine. i heard your conversations my room is nextdoor you know?”
“You surprise me sometimes...”
Nash appeared in the doorway of the kitchen with a smile on his face.
“Come sit down son and tel me bout yourself.”
I felt so embarrassed, i mean yes its great having a young relateable  dad and all but sometimes he brings out the really “Dad” side of him and its just weird.  
he asked questions about school, parents, siblings me.. really “Dad” stuff.I kinda enjoyed watching Nash answer his questions, it made me feel like i wasn’t alone.
Nash and i were sitting together on the sofa watching Paranormal Activity as i hugged him tight. i was scared i held him tight and he kept his arm around me holding me close.
“Hey you wanna go to a party at 4?”
“Sure whatever but dont expect me to look  like a supermodel.”
I got up and went to my room and got dressed into something more “Suitable” for this occasion. I Wore a Black skater skirt, Blue shirt and a pair of black vans. i then put my hair up in a pony tail and applied some makeup. I run back downstairs and find Nash wearing a Red “Obey” t-shirt and bluejeans. he had a cute little smirk on his face, he looked me up and down he then licked his lips. “Hey.” I say quietly. “You look good...You ready?” he says with a bit of a sexy tone, it kinda turned me on a little. “Yeah... on sec” i then poke my head upstairs and shout. “PAPA IM GONNA GO OUT SEE YA AT DINNER! IM TAKING THE KEYS!!” i then take my hoodie from the coat hanger and put my phone and keys in the pocket. i then held Nash's hand and we walked to the driveway to his house he came out of the garage in a black jeep. i sat in the front next to him. we were driving for about 20 mins until we got to a house where there were a bunch of other teenagers drunk or high. there were flashing lights and alcohol bottles everywhere including a sprinkle of condom wrappers The music was almost deafening. we walked in and i noticed Mahogany and Shawn in the corner of a small room with a closet filled with vodka and a table in the middle. i let go of Nash’s hand and run to go and hug my two bestfriends.”Guys!!!”
“what are you doing here?!” shawn asked
“....” Mahogany didnt say anything
“I just wanted to be out of the house...”
“OK I’M SO SORRY IM SUCH A BAD FRIEND ZAHRA PLEASE DONT HOLD A GRUDGE AGAINST ME!!!” mahogany sounded so sad. she hugged me tight.
“How could i be mad at you?! your my bestfriend!” I say hugging her back.
“Hey dont forget me!” Shawn said jokingly he then joined us in the group hug. 
“How about a we get some drinks.” says Mahogany releasing us from the hug.
“Sure!” I say enthusiastically.
as we walk into what was meant to be the kitchen i notice two people making out. I took a closer look and notice who it was. Nash and Darcy. I feel tears roll down my face as i run up to Nash and slap him. all i could get out of my mouth was. “I Trusted you. and you threw it away.” I stormed out of the front door dragging Shawn and Mahogany with me.  They notice me sobbing and sit me down on a bench outside the house. “I should've known...” i whispered
“Its not your fault” Replied mahogany.
“Dont cry il sing for you” Shawn says.
“You guys are the best. but...”
“What? But what?” they both say confused.
“Im gonna have to go soon... like out with my dad. I cant get too attached. I guess i learnt that the easy way. I never even had a mother to get attached to.” Depressing thought flooded my mind before being interrupted by Nash.
“Please Zahra i didnt mean to!”
“ Just leave me alone.” tears kept pouring out of my eyes.
Before i knew it the guys all surrounded me. Matt holding my hand along with Shawn. I didnt know Matt that well but from all i could collect he was a friend he was kind, nice and he didnt look too bad.
“I haven’t got time for you. I didnt think you were that type of person. Im not sorry Nash and i hope you have a good life jumping from hoe to hoe without being held down by someone who cares about you.” I let go of their hands and started walking. Matt ran after me and before i knew it he caught up.
“Hey you ok?” He asked, concerned.
“Nope. It wouldn't even work im probably gonna go live in London with my grandparents...” I was actually sad. I kinda liked it here. 
“Nash is a jerk sometimes, he barely has a brain in that head of his, but he really likes you. I mean seriously all the guys are into you...”
“Are you?” I ask curiously.
“Wow this is... weird... well yeah. i guess.” He started blushing. i wiped my tears away and gave him a cheeky smile.
“Well i dont even know how im gonna get home.” For a second i kinda felt a spark with matt. but that all went when it came to the fact that he had a dog. I have a Major problem with dogs. They chase me. all the time. When i was 6 i was attacked by a dog and it bit my leg. i have a scar but its kinda faded.
“Ill drop you off...”
“J told all of us, guess he kinda go a bit excited...”
-----Getting home-----
Matt drops me off home. i walk into my house and see my dad in the dining room setting up the table for three... I run and hug him tight. All i could say was “I dont wannna grow up papa”
“Hunny whats wrong?!” He sounded concerned. 
Instantly i started breaking down into tears and told him everything.
“Hunny, sometimes boys and men do things when they’re drunk... i dont blame you for bring upset anyone would, but think rationally. what he did was unacceptable, but you have to let him know how you feel before walking away. sweetheart i know you love him a lot. Your a strong girl like your mother. You can do this. I’m sorry that we’re always moving around. but we’re gonna stay here a little longer, only until your 16 in july. 3 days after your birthday we’re going home. Going back to your Grandparent’s house in London our journey is over soon so go have fun.” Getting that lecture from him made me feel better. I hugged him tight before i said “Dad, i bet mum loved you lots, you always know the right things to say.” I hear the doorbell ring and i run to open it. As i open the door its pushed open by everyone i had met in school bombaring me with hugs. “Guys i need to breath!!!” they all back away and i lead them into the living room. we all sat on the floor and started speaking. There were some people I didnt recognize but Shawn introduced me to them. I knew pretty much everyone we were all like a family.my dad brought dinner for all of us, There was Cameron Dallas, Jack J,Jack G,Matthew Espinosa, Taylor Caniff, Arron Carpenter, Carter Reynolds, Mahogany, Shawn and me. we were all talking about stuff and i kind of opened up to them, my dad watched us talk with a smile. i guess he was happy that i had people who loved me like a parent, shared secrets like a sibling, opened up like an aunt or uncle and stood by me like friends. 
They all left around 10 o’clock so i decided that i was gonna call it a night and put on my jammies. I took my makeup off and took a long look in the mirror and smiled. i just said to myself “Gosh Zahra sometimes things can be hard just keep getting back up and you’ll be ok...” I leave the bathroom and take one last look out my window before i ended my night. I then saw a dark shadow fun past my window. I dont think much of it and i close my curtains. *knock on window* i look back at the window and see Nash standing there.” i open it.
“What do you want?!” I say firmly not letting any of my emotions show..
“Please... let me talk to you...” i could tell he was pretty upset with himself. i let him in and shut the window.
“You have 5 mins... please dont waste it.”A part of me still loves him, and always will..
“Look, i have no excuses. I wont say she came on to me because that would be a lie. and i wont say i came onto her because that would also be a lie. i was drunk out of my mind. my had hurt and i didnt know where you were. I thought i saw you but then i blacked out the next thing i knew i was having a make out sesh with Darcy Thorton. What im trying to say is. You might not like me the way you did before. You might not see me the way you did before. and i understand. And god i wouldn’t mind having my heart broken by you having my heart broken by you would be a pleasure. But your forgiveness is all i need. Do you forgive me?” He really meant it. he really put thought into it.
“Of course i forgive you” I leaped into his arms wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me tight. I lifted my head away from his shoulder, we stared directly into  each others eyes before we had a blissful kiss. That kiss turned into a full on make out session, Our tongues danced as we kissed. he then laied me down on my bed and gave me a kiss. He was about to leave before i told him he could stay here, with me. “Please stay... I really need you here please...”
“Anything for you...”
He undressed only wearing his boxers. I bit my lip, i cant lie he looked hot. he then made his way to my bed and cuddled me to sleep and just as i was half asleep he says “goodnight sleeping beauty...” and i just whisper “Goodnight prince charming...”
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