petit-papillion · 22 days
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Miami GP Practice Day | 3 May 2024
📸 Scuderia Ferrari
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gala-art · 8 months
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The weather is getting colder. Beth and Daryl were tasked with finding a new shit town. Good job, guys. You did it.
"Radio Rick and tell him we found our next shit town."
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ao-xingyume1987 · 3 months
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witchtaunter · 1 year
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a quick ponk warm-up
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virtchandmoir · 7 months
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JayRaiden_: Day 1 in the books and gearing up for @HerMarkCanada tomorrow.
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anfeycare · 30 days
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"Toriel - warm-up doodle"
it had been so long ago since last time i sketched her before, so i made a warm-up doodle to help me with drawing her on the doodle suggestions ^꒳^
and i realized... she's so cute 🥺✨
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lynxnickromancer · 1 year
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[Own OC] Aide Warm-up Drawing
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heilith · 1 year
Boromir + touch if u still accept!
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Enjoy, dear Anon...;) Drop me a word, if you read it!
@mismaeve @scyllas-revenge @glassgulls Some Boromir at your service.
Touch Me Not
“You shouldn’t be afraid. I’m not touching you.”
The heavy “yet” hang in the air unspoken.
Your lips were too dry for someone who had afforded the highest honour a woman of this Kingdom could dream of.
Not thinking twice, you ran your tongue against them on pure instinct, and regretted it the very next moment. Absurd as it was, you longed to avoid whatever acts or gestures could promote what you knew had to happen this night.  
You could be blowing on cold water, though…His posture didn’t change - no strain came into the way he’d leaned against the door relaxedly, as if to decorate it with himself and look at you was all he meant to do for hours. The only alteration in him was how the edges of his mouth were curving upward now, so slightly you were doubting your own vision.
It must have been the damned weightless veil that let the sight you had made of yourself pass unnoticed for his eyes.
“I can leave, if you wish.”
His voice was low and soft.
He was playing with you. Suffocating in this bedchamber, like a bird in a trap, you resented it deeply. Like there was, indeed, a chance to help yourself out of your duty.
“No, please,” was all you could rasp out.
You wouldn’t have the whole Minas Tirith despise you for how you had failed to consummate your marriage to its best and most admired prize.  
His smile turned into a smirk. You’d had no time to bat an eye, before his tunic met the floor, and the undershirt followed it, leaving him half-naked and you – half-dead with consternation.
“I’m not touching you,” repeated he in a slow, mollifying undertone, “But I won’t scream murder if you touch me.”  
Blood surged to your face quicker than your heart could bear it.
Feeling like an utter fool, you allowed your legs to buckle under you and have you land onto the soft wedding bed, as if someone had suddenly cut the strings which held you upright.  
The man nodded, regarding you with as calm an air.   
“Not the time yet, then,” said he flatly, “Do not trouble yourself.”
His was bigger than you remembered even since morning. He hadn’t been that close to you then, or you hadn’t perceived it so acutely as now, when he took a seat next to you, his shoulders down, but still proudly broad.
An almost indifferent hand closed down on yours. You held a breath, as he pulled it up and against his chest, and let it stay there, against the skin so hot it seemed he was burning on the inside.
You bit through your lip – and realized it only when the taste of flesh rose in your mouth, sweet or sour – it was all the same to you. It was impossible to stop staring at the interlacement of his fingers and yours, pressed to his torso so closely that not even a hair could be pulled in between.
“Isn’t it awful?” murmured Boromir with a look of a boy, ready for a mischief unimaginable.
…You couldn’t say how you’d ended up lying next to him under the dusty furry canopy in the bed too huge for two.
Neither could you remember how he’d lulled your vigilance and cradled you into a loose embrace.
All you knew was that your hand was still draped over his chest, touching him lightly and quite willingly now.
And your veil was still hiding your face from those sharp and smiling eyes.      
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hazel-d-stone · 2 years
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Twogenes that I made as a warm-up back when Drawtectives Season 2 started! I did the second one with no reference- That’s why he is missing a lot of main parts... why didn’t I remember the piercings D: 
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thoughtportal · 10 months
warm-up for walks
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filmjunky-99 · 1 year
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [rivals, s2ep11] 'Warm-up'
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officerjennie · 8 months
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echoicsmut · 7 months
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A warmup I did of Wonder Woman.
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ineedtherapist · 2 months
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Dayum, It's been AGES and tbh I never thought I will ever came back but here I am alive and well (sadly).
Haven't write in ages tho so I'm starting off with my fav and slowly gonna work back up, gaining momentum and shi.
Hope y'all enjoy my two cents hhshsha
-al <3
Post Phantom Blood Robert
Robert general HCS Prt 1
Generally speaking, he's amazing. Like real type of amazing that people seldom realise since he's the side character and got outshine;
used by the plot to hype the main character.
The only different is that instead of Jonathan, bro got subscribed to a thick ass plot armor (unlike certain blonde 💀🙏🏻)
Robert who literally lived in Ogre Street.
Who make a living there, survived his childhood there which if anyone say it was an easy feat then ig we all are a certain high tech CEO thay bought a social media platform and banned artist compared to this young lad.
Ain't no way that's a small feat.
But then how did Robert did it?
That place was littered with scumbags and people doing cracks,it was criminals R&R with black market operating 24/7 like a damn 7-11.
And you're telling me, this hunk of a man managed to grow up somewhat save until he reached his adulthood?
"He's build a tank!"
My homies. To be able to even grow that damn big at that time where the police is as loose as the law whilst plague and poverty come hand-in-hand; and people's corpse piled up at the side of the street like a garbage heap is a work miracle itself.
Robert is smart. He's lucky and he got the looks and the charms needed to survive in that hellhole.
He didn't even come close to those who rule the Ogre Street but he's a convenient dog for those who did.
Know that place like the back of his hand. The people, the layout. Things that died and things that stay alive. Keep an eye out all the time and vigilant.
When, what, where, how. Those are the questions he always kept himself updated on. He know it and act upon it, waiting for the right time.
Robert act like a dog on a leash when in reality he's a stray one, pretending for the sake of survival.
An instinct one adapt in the harsh world where the strong devour the weak. Survival of the fittest.
Maybe he's a fallen noble, maybe he was already there the moment he opened his eyes but one thing remain the same for this man : he's alone. always is.
Has no one to rely on, to asked or question what was happening around him.
An orphan most definitely.
" Survive. Survive. Survive."
Like a broken tape, those words are repeated, buried deep inside his soul, become a part of him as he grew older.
Robert who's a smooth talker. A lady killer. An amazing conman yet never lied outside of necessities.
Robert whose mouth are as foul as it can be, even Dio seem like a saint compared to him.
And what makes the man so charming? The reason why one such as myself is deeply infatuated with him?
Robert was kind.
Despite living and growing up in a literal satan's den, he had always been kind.
Naturally, in order to survive, the line of his moralities start to blurred as the days passed and yet he didn't forget who he was.
Robert tried his best to survive and didn't yield to the others and then;
He met Jonathan
and that kind soul finally meet a reason to leave that place.
Before, he had nobody, no one to give his heart to. His loyalty. No reason to leave that place. A stray dog without an owner.
and then he met him.
Jonathan Joestar.
His saviour, his owner. The one whom he swore to be by his side no matter what happened.
Everything start to makes sense. Everything start to feel right. And his soul had never been more at peace more than anytime other than being by his side.
part 2...?
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electric-banana · 11 months
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Just my boi jojo doin a lil bit of excercisin, dont mind him
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