#Yandere Black Maria
kobb4ni2 · 5 months
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Tw: Suggestive stuff + me yapping nonsense
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So I just read the new CSM chapter and I feel like I wanna km$, re read the last few chapters and IM NOT GONNA SPOIL ANYTHING but a favourite character by the Csm manga community came back and they’re back with laces as their new aesthetic, that made me and my willy happy :3 (I shouldn’t really treat tumblr like TikTok 💀, cuz of those mfs treating me like a baby)
ANYWAYS imagine Sea Serpent! Reader who some reason got dolled up to be a Oiran. Not a Geisha but an Orian (aka the one that brings pleasure to the pleasure district…)
Maybe Sea Serpent! Reader lost a bet from Black Maria and now she’s out her seducing people left to right even if not intentionally.
AND OOOOH BOY imagine if Oiran Sea Serpent! Reader can actually be hired YANDERES WOULD GO CRAZY MAN GRAAGHHH
Your dazzling makeup with the most white foundation on your face, with red lipstick that resembles a heart to kiss you clients with, your kimono being custom-made layered kimono but with laces or trims that show seduction on your gorgeous [colored] skin. Your hair put up into whatever your hair texture is possible off, ribbons and pins making your neck and collar bones more exposed for those who desire for, your tail also decorated with ribbons and all to matched your exotic and unique features.
I can imagine Black Maria showing off Sea Serpent! Reader to the Tobi Roppo and the Calamities THE JAW IS ON THE FLOOR, Black Maria definitely won’t share so most of the time you’re with her, but that doesn’t stop King or anyone to grab their hand on you.
King tricking Black Maria to let you perform for a banquet but that “banquet” was only him….in a very fancy noise blocked bedroom….far away from the base….why is King guiding your hands to his body….
Or how Black Maria swears, that sweetly caressing your shoulders and your tail or legs is beneficial to being an Oiran, the light kisses on your cheek that is very hard to get rid off because she wants to flex you off? Very beneficial for being an Oiran!
Sasaki making you hella drunk and sweet talking his way to you, how he makes his voice much more deeper and sensual just to awaken something inside of you, your body feels hot and for some reason your eyes are dazy and all you can think of is pinning Sasaki down and ravaging him…
Something would definitely go like this….
Yandere King: *sees Oiran Sea Serpent! Reader through the window*
Yandere King: *Goes down and ask one of the girls working at the district* “How strong are the soundproof walls are here.”
Yandere Sasaki/Black Maria: “Where can I find the strongest aphrodisiac.”
PS: Sthenius is getting detained cause they knew that she’s a major cockblocker to them 😞
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Hey Sloot, I remember the thot I was going to share when Yanderes pinning Darling with minimal effort short circuited my brain.
Picture Kaido and Black Maria sharing a Darling. Black Maria becoming enchanted by Kaido's little darling as she dresses the poor dear in such exquisite cloths. Enough so she gets permission to "prepare" Darling's body to recieve Kaido's attentions.
Darling squirming and rideing Kaido's fingers nestled between Black Maria's tits. All the while trying desprately not to fall several stories as Kaido and Black Maria fuck in the lotus position.
Kaido forcing his little Darling to eat a devil fruit that will let them triple their size (15-17ft tops) between rounds. Just because he wanted be balls deep in Darling's cunt while he watches them eat his cum out of Black Maria's pussy. He still enjoyes how he and Black Maria loom over Darling.
An exausted and fucked out Darling is half dozing on Kaido's snoring chest when a sleepy Black Maria begins to finger and overstim them again just to hear those cute little sounds they make.
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reanimatedheart · 2 months
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Official character profiles for the mains for everyone looking for info + curious onlookers who wanna know about them!! ✌️
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oceans-beloved · 9 days
Inset vinfire
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@theanimeoftheblackbunnymask this is my Darktober submission. It's a segment of the most recent chapter of my fic.
Megara stared stonily at her very naked reflection.  The hand bunched in her now free curls ensured it.  She’d have killed the pirate woman if she could have.  The demoness of a spider zoan met the princess’s eyes in the mirror as Black Maria viewed the results of the brief scuffle.   Megara could already feel the burn starting in her shoulders.  That malevolent she-devil made short work of Meg’s resistance the moment she’d jerked the girl back in front of that infernal mirror. Now Meg stood spread feet secured to the floor by spider webs, some sort of bar at her knees preventing her from closing legs.  To deepen the insult, the rope formerly serving as hair tie now connected the chains at her wrists to an overhead beam. The bitch had slowly pulled it taught until she’d been satisfied that Megara wouldn’t be able to slouch or hunch in.
    Black Maria released her grip on Megara’s hair to prowl around the younger woman making a last minute inspection on her handiwork.  “Ah yes, I think we’re almost ready to begin.” The purr in her voice sent chills down Megara’s spine.  The courtesan pulled a hair stick sized for Megara’s hair out of her sleeve.  With deliberate slowness she traced it up Megara’s spine before securing the princess’s curls into a simple knot.
    “Ah yes, now there’s nothing to impede your view.”  Spitefully Meg shut her eyes. A short sharp crack to the back of the head had the princess blinking back tears and stars.  “Now dear,” Black Maria chided gently, “I can’t have you doing that. Keep your eyes open.  You can’t even imagine the ways I can make this lesson worse for you.” Meg shivered from more than cold as Black Maria lightly traced arcing spirals on her back. 
    Black Maria continued before Megara could speak.  “The purpose of this lesson is two fold.  I told you, you will enjoy being bedded by Lord Kaidou tonight. This lesson will ensure it.” Meg retreated into poker-faced silence.  “the second purpose of the lesson is to continue on the first.  So let us begin.”  Black Maria moved from behind Megara to stand in front and to the side of her. With a deceptive gentleness she cupped Megara’s cheek. “I could teach you all sorts of interesting things on how to blend pain and pleasure but it’s best to start with the basics.  Your body has all sorts of erogenous zones.” A feathering caress traced it’s way down Megara’s cheek.  “Really anywhere there are nerve endings close to the surface, like the face and neck will do.” Black Maria griped Meg by hair preventing the princess from pulling away from the light stroking touches.  Meg tasted bile in the back of her throat. She couldn’t control her flinches. Naked and shamed Black Maria forced Megara to witness the molestation.
    “You’ll have to trust me when I tell you the lips are an erogenous zone as well.  You’re still quite feral and I’d just assume not be bitten. Now repeat back what I told you.”  Stony silence earned Megara a sharp crack across the cheek.  “Don’t make me ask you again princess,” Black Maria’s threat came out as a growling purr.
    Meg discarded the idea of spitting at the woman. Well and truly trapped she bit out. “Erogenous zones are places where the skin is sensitive and nerve endings are close to the surface like the face, neck, and lips.”  Damn this bitch to all the hells at the same time.  Megara felt her breath quicken as Black Maria’s fingertips ghosted along her back. 
    “My, my,” Black Maria teased. “Don’t we have a sensitive back?” She said more but Meg couldn't quite process what it was.  The world felt strangely disconnected. Had the pirate asked her a question?
    Meg yipped in pain as the woman smacked her behind.  “What did I say about not making me repeat myself? Your erogenous zones, girl!”
    “Face, neck, lips, back,” Megara’s voice sounded strange and hollow in her own ears. It seemed to belong to someone else somehow.
    “Good girl,” Normally Megara would have been livid at being praised like a dog.  Right now things seemed too distant for her to gather up the energy to care.  She couldn’t quite track what the spider woman was doing to her.  Then a hand squeezed her breast, hard. Megara heard her own voice as if echoed from someone else’s lips.
    “Face, neck, wrists, back, breasts.” Megara felt her body warm, core tightening involuntary as Black Maria squeezed, caressed, and tugged.  Dimly Megara was aware she wanted to fight, run away from the touch but she couldn’t.  Instead she lost herself in the floating fog trying vainly to keep the sensations at bay, murmuring an occasional response when Black Maria brought her enough pain to cut through the fog.  
    “A word if I might?” Who’s-Who’s voice jolted Megara back into awareness. The hand between her legs stopped and pulled away a fraction of a moment before Megara’s world imploded in unwelcome pleasure. Meg couldn’t be sure whether she wanted to weep in relief or frustration.
    Black Maria turned to scowl at her crew mate.  “You know I had that door locked for a reason. You will recall that this is Lord Kaido’s bride I’m breaking in.” Meg saw Who’s-Who’s reflection take a lazy drag of one of his ever present cigarettes. He leaned insolently against the door frame and let out the puff of smoke before answering.
    “I can see that,” he replied in admiring tones.  “I hardly want to tell you how to do your job.”
    “But you're going to do so anyhow?” Black Maria sounded dangerous. Megara might as well have been a piece of furniture with all the attention the two Tobi Roppo paid her.
    “Hardly,” Who’s-Who replied. “This is after all your field of expertise. I did recall a few things, taboos and the like, about Achaeans that you might find useful in your current endeavor. I also have a few suspicions about her highness’s education that might inform your tactics.” Meg had to hand it to the masked pirate, his inflection conveyed a wealth of carefully neutral disapproval. “Out of her earshot.”
    Black Maria sighed, and glided towards the door. “I suppose,” she acknowledged reluctantly, “but do try to make this quick.”
    Megara pulled a few of her scattered wits together and focused her haki on the two pirates speaking outside the now closed door.
    “What is it?” Black Maria murmured in annoyance.
    “Lady Megara seems to have an education in things no Achaean princess would be taught under normal circumstances.” Who’s-Who’s said evenly. “If she’s been taught anything about psychological warfare she’ll see through what your doing to break her.”
    “Unlikely,” Black Maria snorted.
    “More likely than the swath of destruction she—Damn!” Who’s-Who cut himself off. “The chit’s spying with her observation haki. Let’s continue this discussion out of her range.” Meg could feel his presence moving away from the cabin.
    “You’re right, she is,” Black Maria’s presence moved away until Meg lost her lock on it. If she hadn’t been so hungry and thirsty she might have been able to track them further. With a grim determination Megara focused all of her attention on the movement of her diaphragm.  It helped let the pain in her limbs wash over her. And anything at all was better than the liquid head pooling in her core. Gods only knew how long her reprieve from Black Maria’s presence would be. The numb fog began to recede with the pain and the deep breathing.
    Meg finally felt centered back inside her body. It felt like twenty or thirty minutes had passed when the lock on the door clicked and Black Maria gilded back into the room, annoyance stamped on her features. Not a good sign at all. “Now where were we?” she purred at Meg. “Ah yes. Here.” She slipped a finger between Megara’s legs. Meg refused to react.
    Black Maria sighed. “Back to where we started,” the pirate said. Megara didn’t like the thoughtful way she pursed her lips. “Though that has its own possibilities.” Black Maria began the whole damn process again, and again, and again.  Each time Meg’s world was on the brink of shattering into an explosion, Black Maria stopped and waited for the mewls and keening whimpers  to subside. When the ragged breathing finally returned to normal the bitch resumed.
    Megara felt herself drifting back into the fog where she stayed. Pain she could process but this unwelcome drugging pleasure? All she could do was retract into the disconnected numb.
    A gesture brought Megara back to herself for a moment in a single moment of berserk clarity.
    “Now, dear,” Black Maria was saying as she gently tucked an errant curl behind Megara’s left ear.  The mockery of affection lit an all consuming fire of rage in the princess’s belly. How dare this fucking bitch profane her mother’s last gesture of affection. Queen Ida had been the only person to tuck that stubborn lock back like that. In reflexive fury Meg bit down hard on the fleshy bit at the base of Black Maria’s thumb. The coppery blood tasted like victory. The small bit of flesh, more skin than anything else, hit Black Maria on the cheek.
    “How Fucking Dare You! How fucking dare you, you diseased spawn of a fucking camel!” Meg’s tirade was interrupted by a punch to the guts.
    “Why you little bitch! You bit me!” While Megara wheezed, Black Maria stalked over to her bag to wipe off the blood and examine the bite wound. “You’re going to regret that,” she said, voice dangerously calm. Megara more than half expected to be gagged. It was worse. Black Maria continued to forcibly arouse her but now her touches were rough, even brutal.  Through the fog Megara dimly realized every degrading word and touch plunged her into deeper levels of humiliation. Or it would have if it didn’t feel like she was trapped as an observer floating above her own abused body.
@spooky-sloot-headcanons I think as a dark smut connisure you might enjoy this one.
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piedinthepiper · 3 months
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Prima Ballerina ˖ ⊹
Yandere!Jimin x ballerina!reader
Summary: What’s the difference between a great ballerina and the greatest ballerina? The answer is Park Jimin. And he had his eyes on you in more than a professional way.
Warnings: heavy dubcon, Jimin is super cocky and thinks he knows everything (misogyny?), cursing, corruption, Jimin is also a creep, age gap (reader is of legal age), stalking (non descriptive), smut
Wc: 4.3k
A/n: Written for this request. I love black swan and ballet so I had to do this! Hope you enjoy! Don’t be a silent reader! Like, repost and comment!
Disclaimer: This is 100% fiction. I am in no way saying that this is how any member of bts would act. Nor do I condone the actions detailed in the story. This is purely for entertainment purposes only. If any of the warnings trigger you, or you’re under 18 ¡do not read! I’m not your mother, and I don’t take any accountability for what you decide to read online!
Another disclaimer: I know nothing about ballet except for whatever ballet they show in the Barbie movies. Everything is off Google, so some technical terms and such might be incorrect.
You did a final jump before the dramatic music came to an end. His eyes were piercing through you. Watching your every movement, your every step, your every breath. But he watched you all, you thought to yourself. Everybody had to be perfect for the premiere of Swan lake. The hardest and most demanding ballet you had ever danced in your career. The choreography was almost impossible. So Mr. Park had yet again kept you there for hours overtime, and all of you were exhausted.
“Agh, my feet hurt. I hope this was the last round.”
Your friend, Maria, whispered to you. You smiled at her and was about to answer, when a loud clap was heard throughout the room. It silenced everyone.
“Ms. Sanderson, do you have something to tell the company?”
Mr. Park locked eyes with her. Staring her down from across the room like a predator. She looked a bit tongue tied for a second.
“Ehm- no. No, Mr. Park.”
He nodded at her answer.
“I do think I heard complaining back there, are you sure you didn’t say anything?”
She looked down to the floor and carefully shook her head.
“I don’t believe you, you’re pathetic. Out of my studio!”
He yelled at her and pointed a sharp finger towards the exit. Her eyes continued to stay on the floor. Accepting her fate.
“I said it!”
You yelled back and raised your hand. His eyes turned back to you.
“Bold of you, Ms. y/l/n. Thanks to you all the swans have to practice for another hour. The rest are dismissed.”
The room was filled with sighs and groans.
“Ok, let’s make that two.”
No one uttered a single word, afraid that the time would get longer.
“That’s what I thought. You, come with me.”
He briefly pointed at you, before he started to walk out of the practice room.
“The rest of you can take a 10 minute break.”
Maria looked at you with a apologetic look.
“Thank you, y/n.”
She said and grabbed your hand. You gave her a small smile. Of course you would stand up for her. She was your best friend in the company.
“Yeah, thanks a lot y/n.”
One of the other girls said sarcastically. You didn’t pay it any mind, you would also be furious if someone made you stay two hours overtime when you already were on overtime. You grabbed your leg warmers.
“No worries, you know I got you.”
You comforted Maria, before you started walking towards the exit. You knew Mr. Park went to his office. It wasn’t your first time being scolded.
“Sit down.”
He said once you entered. He was already sitting behind his desk. You sat down opposite of him, leaning down to slide into your leg warmers.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Park.”
You started off with. Trying to sound as apologetic as possible. He sighed.
“Do you think I do this for fun, y/n?”
You got up from your crouched position and looked him in the eyes.
“No I don’t.”
He was one of the best ballet teachers and directors in the whole world. It was obviously an honour just to be able to dance for him. But you knew he had a soft spot for you for some reason. That’s why you were comfortable taking Maria’s place.
“I would much rather be at home as well, relaxing and eating a good meal. But there would be no Swan lake, and there would be no good ballerinas without me.”
He pulled his hand through his black hair in stress. It was slicked back like usual, but throughout the day a few strands had loosened.
“If everyone stopped practicing at five o’clock like scheduled, the premiere would be nothing but chaos. Do you understand that, y/n?”
You nodded. He looked you up and down for a second. Taking in your form. He slowly got up and walked towards you. He grabbed your chin harshly, making you look back up at him.
“I’ve been observing you for the last days, you truly are far too beautiful and talented to be just a swan.”
You raised your eyebrows at his sudden compliment.
“You’re prima ballerina material, for sure.”
His hand slid to the side of your face, cupping your jaw.
“Too bad I have to fire you.”
Your eyebrows crossed as you shook your head out of his grip. His hand went into his pocket, making him look surprisingly relaxed.
“The two of us, let alone the entire company, knows that this isn’t your first time being sent to my office.”
You looked at him in shock. You couldn’t believe what he was saying.
“If I don’t give you the consequences, it’s going to look suspicious.”
You shook your head. He was going to fire you just because something as simple as complaining?
“You can’t do that.”
“I’ll do whatever I want with my ballerinas.”
He smirked again, before walking to stand right in front of you. You looked up and down his long body. Before looking back at him with your most innocent, but still sultry eyes.
“Please don’t fire me, Mr. Park. You wouldn’t do that to me would you?”
He cocked his head at your plea. Scanning you up and down yet again. He had a puzzled look on his face.
“Don’t test me.”
You grabbed his hand as you fell down to your knees. You knew he liked it when you begged. And since this was a life or death situation for your career, you didn’t mind being a little extra.
“I’ll do anything. Please just let me continue to dance for you. I’m nothing without you. I can’t- you can’t-”
You knew what buttons to push. His ego was too big to not take the bait.
“You’re right. It would be a shame to waste your potential.”
He lifted your head up again by your chin. A sudden sexual tension hit you, once you saw the outline of his bulge. You knew your actions had an effect on him, but not to that extent.
“It would be a shame to waste such a pretty face.”
You tried your best to look him in the eyes. It was hard to not shy away at a situation like that, even for you.
“Please, Mr. Park.”
He inhaled sharply, before he broke out in a smile.
“I forgive you, y/n. I can’t live with myself if I don’t give you another chance.”
You smiled up at him as well, preceding to get back up on your feet. But his arm found your shoulder and stopped you in your ascend.
He warned you, and you quickly sat back down on your knees.
“I like seeing you like this, it’s not often you look so- submissive.”
Chills ran down your spine at his words. You definitely did not take that as a compliment. You were quite fiery, yes. And in any normal situation you would never let a man speak to you like he did. But the fear of losing your job, combined with the reverence you felt towards him, made you defy yourself.
“After this season I want you to take private lessons with me. Every Tuesday and Thursday.”
You nodded carefully, not looking up at him.
“Don’t look so down, darling. I’ll make you my next prima ballerina.”
“He said what?”
Maria half whispered in shock.
“Ms. Sanderson.”
Mrs. Petrova, your instructor, who was so old she probably was alive when swan lake was composed, hushed her. Maria looked at her before looking down at her moving feet. The company was warming up, standing in clean lines against the railing, moving to the rhythm of the slow classical music.
“Not only did he not fire you.”
She whispered once Mrs. Petrova was at the other end of the room.
“But he also said he would make you a prima ballerina?”
You nodded.
“Switch to third position!”
The two of you switched.
“Wow, you are so lucky. Mr. Park hasn’t had a prima ballerina in years.”
You smiled at her, and lifted you head higher when Mrs. Petrova walked by. You remained silent until you knew she was far enough away.
“I’m happy of course, it’s just- I don’t know. There’s something weird about him.”
“Yeah he’s like really cocky.”
She answered and held back a laugh.
“That too, but he’s just eerie. Like I don’t know if I want to spend so much time with him alone.”
“Ms. y/l/n! Would you like to share something with the company? Or do I have to send the two of you to Mr. Parks office?”
Mrs. Petrova suddenly bursted out. You locked eyes with Maria. Not knowing what to answer the old hag.
“We were just talking about-“
“Boys, just boys.”
You interrupted Maria. Not wanting her to say anything about you or Mr. Park. Mrs. Petrova gave the two of you a strict look, before the music started playing again.
“Please focus on your movements, not the opposite gender.”
She scolded before walking away from the two of you.
“And fourth position!”
“He just kept looking at me weirdly, and telling me that I’m beautiful and shit.”
You said as the two of you were walking down towards the cafeteria for lunch.
“Oh my god! He probably has a crush on you or something!”
Maria said a little bit too loud. You poked her in her side with your elbow.
“Please, keep it down.”
She started laughing, and you quickly followed. As you turned a corner you crashed into something. Or rather someone. A hand snuck around you waist, keeping you from falling. You looked up, finding the familiar brown eyes.
“I’m so sorry, Mr. Park. I didn’t see where I was going.”
He looked at you for a second, before smiling. He didn’t let go of your waist, and when you became aware of that you awkwardly stepped away from him.
“No harm done.”
He simply said and walked away. You looked over at Maria.
“I get it.”
She simply said as you started walking again.
You asked, looking back at her as she tried to keep up with you.
“What ever look he just gave you was not the look you give to someone you have a crush on.”
The season had ended, for a minute you felt relief. Knowing you had time off now to just relax before the next season. But as you read the message on your phone, you felt that relief fade away.
“Studio 5, next Thursday at 07.00 am. Don’t be late.”
You sighed, was this really what you wanted? Of course it was a dream come true to potential become Mr. Parks new prima ballerina. But you couldn’t help but feel weird about that time in his office. It seemed like he had other intentions in mind. Mr. Park was an attractive man yes, but he was way older than you and you didn’t want his attention in that way. He was your teacher, your mentor. Not a potential hook up. You didn’t see him in that way, and you hoped against all odds that he didn’t see you like that either.
What you didn’t know was that in that moment, outside on the dark street. He was there. Looking at you through your window. Watching your puzzled look at his text. He didn’t know his intentions fully yet either. But he did know they were not good.
He simply said as he watch you dance to the music. It was your fifth lesson together, and everything was going well. You hadn’t seen the side of him that you saw when he proposed this idea. And you were enjoying yourself, getting these private lessons had really helped you improve. In the next second arabesque, you lifted your leg even higher. Showing him that you listened. But he still shut the music off. You stepped down from your tips, looking at him as he walked up to you.
“Turn around.”
He said once he reached you. And you did as instructed. You looked at him through the big mirrors.
“Do your second arabesque.”
You stood back up on your toes, and gracefully bent into a second arabesque.
“Look at yourself in the mirror.”
He said, and you did. You instinctively pushed your leg even further up, once you saw your own reflection.
“Now back to full position.”
You moved your face upwards again, looking away from the mirror. You felt his hands touch your waist. He straightened your back, before one of his hands went to your lifted leg.
“Look back at yourself.”
He almost whispered in your ear, now with one hand on your waist, and the other holding your leg higher than what you were comfortable with. You smiled once you saw yourself. Your arabesque looked different, more sophisticated.
“When you do your second arabesque, or any arabesque for that matter. Remember this. Straight back and high leg.”
He said in a low comforting tone once he saw your smile. You nodded, and stepped down from your tippy toes. He let go of your leg, but moved that hand to the other side of your waist.
“Think of me holding your waist, it’ll help you stabilise.”
He whispered now, you felt his warm breath on the back of your neck. You turned to look at him.
“Thank you.”
You muttered. His eyes immediately fell to your lips, and in a split second his lips were on yours. You were caught off guard, and didn’t respond at first. But once it dawned on you what was happening you quickly moved your face away from his. You felt his hands on your waist tighten.
“Please don’t ever do that again.”
You looked up at the mirror, wanting to see his reaction. He was looking you dead in the eye, with anger written all over his face. He leaned down to kiss your bare shoulder, still maintaining eye contact. Before he deeply whispered.
“I’ll do whatever I want with my ballerinas.”
His hand moved up to your face as he turned to kiss you yet again. You pushed him away, and tried to make a run for it. But he snaked his arm around your chest.
“Let me go!”
You struggled against him, now scared of what would happen if you didn’t get away. Your fight or flight instinct kicked in and you elbowed him as hard as you could in his side. His hand loosened and you ran. But not quick enough. He grabbed you by your arm and threw you into the big mirror. It was pure luck that it didn’t shatter. His body locked you in.
“Hush, I won’t hurt you.”
He said, and for a second you stopped fighting. You were out of breath, but still managed to give him a death glare.
“Let me go!”
You tried once again. He shook his head.
“Do you think I just give away free lessons? Don’t you think you need to repay me?”
You felt something hard against your abdomen. You wanted to cry, you didn’t know what to do. His face shifted once he saw your eyes watering.
“No, no. I’m not a rapist, y/n! God no. But if you want to be my prima ballerina. You have to get your priorities straight.”
You clung onto the little bit of relief you felt from his words.
“I’ve tried my best to stay away, y/n. I really have. But there’s just something about you.”
You felt his hips grind against yours.
“You make me fucking crazy. I can’t wait any longer. I need you.”
He let out a small moan at the friction. A tear fell down your face.
“Please, Mr. Park. Let me go.”
You sobbed. He hushed you again.
“I’ll let you go. Just listen to me.”
You took a deep breath, collecting yourself as much as you could.
“By next Thursday I want an answer. Either you show up or you don’t. Don’t be late.”
He pushed himself off the wall and gave you one last look before slowly walking out the studio. Leaving you alone in the big dance room. What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?
“I don’t know what to do, Maria. This is like a fucking nightmare!”
You said sobbing onto Marias lap as she comforted you. You called her the minute you got home, knowing that she already knew most of the backstory. She immediately came over to your place, wanting to be there for you in a situation like this. You were forever great full for having a friend like her.
“You have to report this. Surely the police could do something about him.”
She said in a calm voice, stroking your hair lightly. You sat up in your bed, wiping your tears away from your swollen face.
“Would they though?”
You asked defeated. Mr. Park was a rich and famous man. You wanted to believe Marias theory, but the hard sad truth was that you didn’t stand a chance against him. Especially with no proof.
“Either I don’t show up and give up my career or-“
You paused, collecting your thoughts.
“Or you give that bastard what he wants.”
Maria finished for you. Knowing exactly what you were thinking.
“Look, being Jimin Parks prima ballerina is huge. It really is, but- I don’t know, is it really worth it? Is it really worth loosing your dignity for a life of fame?”
She asked you with a worried face. You blinked away your tears, not wanting to cry anymore.
“What else would I do? I’ve been dancing my entire life, everything I’ve ever done has lead up to this moment. I can’t-“
You shook your head, not letting the emotions take control over you again.
“I have to show up, I have to talk some sense into him. I can’t give up now. I just can’t.”
You looked down at your hands in your lap as you felt a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“You could go to college, get a degree, get a nine to five. Anything but this, please I can’t watch you go through with this. It’s not safe to see him again.”
You looked up at her again.
“And be a complete failure? Not only to my parents, to you, to the company, but also to myself. This is all I’ve ever dreamed of, Maria.”
“You won’t be a failure! You’re an amazing dancer, you have real talent. But it’s not worth it.”
You shook your head. You had already made up your mind.
“I’m sorry.”
You mumbled. Maria sighed and got up from the bed.
“You do you, girl. But you better not call me crying next Thursday. I won’t feel bad for you.”
She said before walking out your room. You were alone with this now. But like you told her, you couldn’t give up on your dream. No matter the cost.
Thursday. You were sweating. A lump had formed itself inside your stomach, and it was impossible to to ignore it. You took what felt like your last breath before you opened the door to the studio. He stood in the other end, hands crossed over his chest, with a smirk plastered on his lips.
“You’re late.”
His voice rang through the big room, leaving an echo. You stepped into the room, the door shutting behind you. Another echo filling the otherwise dead silent room. You didn’t walk towards him, you stayed by the door. The silence making the lump in your stomach grow even larger.
“What are you doing?”
He asked, still with a slight smirk.
“Come here, we have dancing to do.”
You didn’t know what to do. Your entire body was screaming for you to run out the door and never look back. But your brain didn’t let you move.
“Come over here, y/n. Right now!”
He said in a strict tone, once you didn’t listen. Your own feet moved against your own will, as you slowly started moving forward. You put your bag down on your way.
“Good girl.”
He said, barely audible. But you heard it. All your senses were sharpened. He watched you like a predator, as you can closer and closer. You stopped at a reasonable distance. Close enough to have a conversation with him, but still just out of reach.
“Why so gloomy? You’ve made the biggest decision in your life, baby.”
He stepped closer to you. Every single muscle in your body tensed as his hand met your face in a loving embrace.
“I’m going to make you a star.”
He whispered. You shook your head.
“I don’t want to have sex with you, Mr. Park.”
His smile faded at your words. You straightened your back, trying your best to seem confident and not afraid of the man standing in front of you.
“This is all I’ve ever dreamt of. It’s all I’ve ever worked for. But I refuse to think that this is the only way I can get what I want.”
You said as you tried to conceal the shaky breath escaping your mouth.
“Please, I don’t want to sleep my way to fame. I want to earn it. So tell me, do you see a true and genuine prima ballerina in me. Or am I just a piece of meat?”
He looked at you directly in your eyes. You didn’t break eye contact. You were not giving up, not yet. He broke out in laughter after a few seconds of staring into your soul.
“Oh, y/n. Please.”
He continued laughing, as if this whole thing was a joke. You stayed as serious as ever.
“This is what I like about you. You’re so stubborn, so strong. You don’t see that often around here.”
He turned serious in a split second.
“Why would I be lying to you? Huh? I can sleep with whoever I want. If I wanted just a one night stand I’d pick one of the other girls. Someone easier to manipulate.”
His hand slid around your waist, pulling you close to him.
“I’m a man of my word, y/n. I see potential in you, I wouldn’t just say that to anyone.”
His eyes flickered down to your lips. You instinctively turned your head away, opting to looking at the two of you in the mirror. He looked back at you in the reflection.
“I see my next prima ballerina.”
He said and pointed at the mirror.
“You’re not just beautiful and talented, you have a strong mind. You’re perfect.”
You sighed, looking back at him.
“Why would you waste it all?”
He asked and softly caressed your chin. Your gaze flicked down, wanting to look anywhere but him. He was right, why would you waste the opportunity to have everything you’ve ever wanted?
“It’s honestly a package deal. You get fame and fortune, and good sex. I don’t see what the problem is honestly.”
You looked back up at him again. Trying to conceal the ick you just got.
“Fine. I’ll do it.”
His face turned into a devilish grin.
“Join me in my office.”
He hastily got rid of your bollero, throwing it onto the floor. The second you stepped into his office his lips were on yours. Your fate was sealed, there was no return now. He grabbed at your hips harshly, digging his fingers into you with desperation and lust. He lifted you up, and you instinctively wrapped your legs around his waist. He walked over to his desk, leaving your lips for a moment to push whatever was on it onto the floor. It all hit the floor and made a loud crashing noise. He placed you onto the desk, continuing his heated attack of your lips.
“I’ve been waiting for this for so long, baby.”
He said in between kisses. Working on your wrap around skirt and tights. You lifted yourself off the desk so he could slide your garments off. Leaving you in your underwear and tank top.
“You have no idea how crazy you’ve made me. How many sins I’ve done in your favour.”
His lips crashed back onto yours. You started thinking of your career as you heard him removing his belt. Preparing yourself for what was to come. He pushed your upper body down onto the desk, making your head dip over the edge of the desk. You looked at his office upside down, staring at the expensive painting hanging on the wall. You felt him sliding your underwear to the side.
“What a pretty pussy you have, baby.”
He said before sliding himself into you, making you moan as you felt yourself being filled up.
“Better than I ever imagined.”
He groaned as he started to slowly move. You continued to look at the painting of the ballerina with a bouquet in her hands bowing down in a gracious pose. Your hands found his forearms, digging your nails into his skin. Your breath got heavy as you felt his speed increase.
But still you focused on the ballerina. You imagined it was you. Maybe that would be you after this. Bowing deeply to the applause of hundreds, maybe even thousands of people in the audience. They all applauding you. You moaned loudly once he hit a good spot.
“You like that? You want it, huh?”
You said in a shaky voice. You wanted this, you wanted this more than anything. This was all worth it in the end. You would be a star, a prima ballerina. Someone little girls looked up to, and adults wanted to be. You would be like that ballerina in the painting. Gracious and beautiful in every way. Everything you ever aspired to be. Everything you were meant to be.
“God, I’m gonna-“
You belonged here. On that desk. In that studio. Alone on a stage, bowing to the audience after the greatest performance of their lives. You were Mr. Park’s new prima ballerina.
Thank you for reading! Do you want to read more?
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hongjoongscafe · 1 year
Bloody Love...
Chapter: II -Redolent-
♠︎Pairing: yandere!king!jungkookxoc(coronis)
♠︎Genre: angst, smut, yandere, gore, dark romance, horror, creepy (dark fantasy).
♠︎Summary: "you happen to be in a world where wrong is right and right is wrong."
♠︎Word count: 3.6k+
♠︎Warning: creeping, nudity, non-consensual nudity, murder, sniffing, clothes sniffing.
♠︎Note: lemme know if you wanna be added to the permanent or specific taglist! The pictures are not mine, I just edited them.
♠︎Disclaimer: I do not condone any sick behaviour. This is just fiction and please keep it that way. If someone is following you or you feel creepy vibes from someone, please ask for help. Again. This is fiction and does not literally relate to anyone who is mentioned in this. Thank you.
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Castle… The place where commoners were afraid to go. It was not a path to hell… It was hell. The things that happened within the walls of the castle stayed there. Because no one ever came out alive from that place.
Everyone knew there were darker mysteries hidden inside that hell. The darkest being the king. Some say that he has the eyes of an Eagle. He would know who is going to be the prey when he sees one. And never forgets.
His Majesty was remorseless. His words were limited yet venomous. They created chaos. They held power more than God itself. Some say that he doesn't even spare his own family.
Does he have one? No one knows.
He was mentioned in great legends, saying that he had the grandeur of a devil. It was mentioned that no one was born as handsome as he was. His body was as if made of rocks… Just like his heart.
What a waste of beauty.
The decrees of the realm stated that no outsiders, or commoners, were allowed to see him or know his name. The only thing that was revealed was ‘Jeon’.
Not a soul has ever seen him other than those bureaucrats, who were no different than him, but still, his fear was huge among humankind.
He was a ravening monster that plagued his realm and beyond.
There are seven sins: pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and indolence. He was high of pride, greedy of souls, lustful of bodies, envious of love, gluttonous of blood, wrathful against peace, and indolence after seeing the world fall apart.
“Jimin- ah,” a thick voice rang through the spacious room.
“Yes, your Majesty,” the guard in his room quickly replied.
“I want this sweet, feminine redolent forever alive. If this could come near me and stay here in my arms, I would never let it go,” he took a deep sniff from the white nightgown. He was laying on his bed, bare body covered with the clothes he stole a couple of days ago. He couldn't get them away from him.
“Your Highness, I'm sure you will have it,” the shorter male who was looking outside the window from the door said.
“Mm,” the king moaned as he rubbed his hard-on with he-like underwear. It was a white cloth in the shape of underwear and had strings to tie them around the waist. “I have never seen beauty so bright,” he closed his eyes and saw her naked, and vulnerable while taking a bath. How her body was shining through. He envied the water that got to touch her in the places, he wished, no one has ever touched apart from her. “Her long black locks were so silky. My hands wanna thread through them and pull them,” he hummed and brought her chemise to his nose. He sniffed where her perky breasts had touched.
He brought the underwear to his face, “look at that, she must be a little whore. Good for me,” said he. “Good for me. Just as long as no one else has used her,” he sighed. “If someone did, you know what is going to happen… Don't you?” he slowly asked Jimin as he looked at him at the door, holding his Halbred tightly in his hand.
Jimin gulped and nodded. “Very well, your Majesty.”
“Hm, now get my horse ready, I want to head out tonight and… See a beautiful flower. Also, summon Maria, too. Tell her that I want her mouth immediately,” he closed his eyes yet again and brought her underwear to his nose and used his hand to give himself some pleasure.
It was evening when His Majesty left the castle and rode towards the village where he last left his heart. He was dressed just like before. His eyes shone in the dark. He had two of his main guards with him. One being Jimin and the other being Mingyu. All hidden behind the black cloaks and masks. Heave jewellery decorating the sins they committed.
The Lord was aware of the time. He knew by the time he would reach there, everyone would have hit the sack. They all had to wake up early to work for the day and get the material ready for the horsemen who would come from the castle and take the material for the day. Their jobs were harder.
The clops of the horses neared the village. And by the time they reached, the whole village was shushed. The fire in the shacks was blown off. The three of them rested there and observed the village.
His Highness took a box out of his leather carrier and a letter. He smirked and got down from the horse and the other two followed. They hid their horses just outside the village and marched towards her house. The guards lit their Mashal and he took his lantern with him.
The walk to the shack was not as long. Jimin and Mingy were commanded to stay alert and away from the shack.
After he was left alone, he moved towards the back where, he figured, was the slot of his princess. Taking careful steps, he stood in front of the window from where he could see the beauty herself sleeping. His heartbeat soothed. A new feeling flowered around him, making him inch closer to her.
He looked and looked and looked at her. The itch in his hands worsened and begged him to feel you on his fingers. So he does so. He looked around to figure out how he could go inside. There his eyes caught another window which was open for fresh air to go inside. He made a silent work to hop inside the slot.
His feet took him closer to her. He kneeled and sat beside her. Her face looked peaceful under the light of the lantern. Her long-lashed kissed her cheeks. Her lips were slightly ajar. Her nightgown was loose, showing her shoulder. He brought his face to her neck and inhaled her essence deeply. He shuddered and moaned.
“Fuck,” he sniffed her again. “You are so fucking addicting. Soon I'll take you, hm? We will be together forever. I'll give you all the pleasure in the world, Princess,” he mumbled. “No one will even dare to think about taking you away.”
As much as he wanted to touch her, he didn't. He kept his hands tied and just sniffed her scent. He looked at her. Her body looked so vulnerable. Slowly, he removed the thin sheet from her. His dick twitched in his clothes as he saw her gown ridden up, showing a peak of her clothed pussy. His breath sharpened. His wicked mind made him scrunch up the gown just enough for him to see her. The strings of her underwear came undone not even a breath apart. Sneakily, he removed the front flap and saw her bare under his eyes.
His cock kept twitching, and bringing his hand to it, he rubbed himself through the clothes. A sigh of relief escaped from him. She was right there, bare for him. Her hairy pussy looked inviting. But he shook his head and carefully removed her underwear and stuffed it inside his sack and covered her back with the sheet.
Out of nowhere, a crow started cawing by the window. Its cawing was loud and was getting louder and louder. The crow fluttered its wings around.
Hearing the crow, she started moving around, making his heart thump in his chest. He quickly left the box and the letter next to her and got up. After giving a last glance, he left.
“I'll be back for you tomorrow, my Princess.”
“Coronis! Coronis! Wake up!” Circe shook Coronis. “Mother had asked for you.”
“What happened?” she sleepily mumbled.
“Something,” said Circe in a hurry.
“Okay, I'll be there in a minute,” Coronis stretched.
Circe went out of the slot and closed the door behind her. Coronis sat up and stretched her neck and looked around. Her eyes fell on a time box next to her head towel. She opened it and saw a necklace that had a tiny bone as a locket. She had seen many animal bones but this was a lot different. Maybe it was a bone from an animal she hasn't seen bones of.
Then she saw a letter laying there too. The paper was not just any ordinary paper, it was a high-quality paper that was sent to the castle. Her hands started shaking as she unfolded it. There were the words written in beautiful handwriting, and at the end, there were some dark red drops which she figured must be blood.
Her heartbeat increased and started sweating. Her shaky eyes read the letter–
“My dear, If you haven't fogged my mind with your face and lustrous body, then what have? It's been a couple of days since I have been thinking about your beauty like a little boy. My mind goes crazy. Your piquant scent lingers in my nose and makes me want to sniff you forever.
I want you to stick to me. I would never let you go or let anyone hurt you. No one gets to fondle that beauty other than me. You are mine so make sure to not let any single soul touch you unless you want to see more people hanging.
I have brought you a little present. I expect you to wear it. It's not an offer but a command. You know better what happens when someone doesn't listen to me, don't you?
Now, my Princess, I'll end it here so that you can do your job like an obedient little girl.
Your dearest♡.”
The tears threatened out of her eyes. She started hyperventilating. The terror ran through her veins. “No no no,” she mumbled. “This can not happen.”
“Coronis!” She heard her mother calling. Clearing her throat, she wiped her tears and shoved the box and the letterunder her sheet.
“What?” She asked.
“Draco and I are going to the gathering. The message was circulated early this morning. So, we both have to go. The guards will be here soon. The buckets of milk are by the entrance, and the supply of eggs and bread is also there,” Martha informed. The lady stepped closer to Coronis. “And last, you need to bring yeast and dry fruits from Nori’s.”
Coronis kept frowning but nodded. Her heart was still racing and now had no will to face the guards. “Okay.”
Before leaving the shack, Martha turned around, “take Circe with you and be careful.”
Coronis stared at the now closed door. Thoughts were running wild in her mind. There was some deep shit that she had gotten herself into without even knowing.
“Coronis, you should get ready,” Circe said as she sat down and took her slate to study some basics.
Coronis nodded and went into her slot. She moved slowly towards her sheet and took the box and the letter. She took the necklace out and fastened it around her neck with her eyes tearing up. Looking at the letter, she brought it to her nose and sniffed it. It had a scent of woodsy and musky notes. It was unique, something she had never sniffed. The redolent stuck to her nose. It was pleasant and made her want to sniff it again but her fear made her tremble and hide the letter in her trunk of clothes along with the box.
She then quickly removed her clothes to change but her breath hitched at a realisation and whispered to herself as tears dripped down her cheeks again, “He did not…”
The clops of the horses echoed through the village. The trembles in everyone's heart rose. The paths started to get cleared for the guards to match through. Kids were shoved back into their shacks.
Sighing, Coronis stood up and started taking the big buckets of milk out along with eggs and bread. The demand for her bread was supplied to the king. He always loved it. And every day, a huge amount of bread was supplied to him. He had one rule, what he used, nobody gets to use. If the bread for him was supplied by her, the rest of the castle and commoners would get it from other bakers. Not from her.
She sat outside by the steps, waiting for the guard to come and take the goods away. She looked pretty today. Her hair was down. The black gown she wore was beautiful. The full sleeves were puffy and the neck was high, covering her beautiful collarbone and neck. The reason why she wore it was because of the necklace.
She adored the colour black.
While waiting, her mind ran back to the letter and the necklace. The paper, and the redolent, both were highly graded. The bone necklace was expensive.
They wore jewellery, but it was cheaper. The chain wasn't made of metal, it was made out of black thread and had cheap silver or iron as a locket. But the one she got, the chain was of rose gold and the bone was held with gold.
Someone from the castle is creeping upon her. He is probably the one who took her clothes too after seeing her taking a bath.
Neigh of a horse pulled her out of her mind. She looked up and saw a patrol man getting off. There were two divisions; a guard and a patrolman. Patrolman wasn't the one who usually took the supplies. But he had the carriage that came for her supplies every day. So she stood up and got to work.
She didn't look up at the man but started loading the carriage with buckets of milk and other things. She went back and forth. The man kept following her movements.
After she was done, she tied up everything with a rope so nothing would break or spill. Then she took out her tiny pouch and opened it and forwarded it towards him. She flinched when she felt a warm hand touching hers. Now she looked up at the man, into his eyes. Her mouth fell open after seeing those eyes. They were the same ones she had seen when that old man was beheaded.
Coronis could never forget those eyes. The dark, vicious eyes.
The man put coins in her pouch and kept on holding her cold hands in his warm ones. They glanced into each other's eyes. He brought his hand up to her head and caressed her head.
He felt her soft hair and threaded his hands through them. Slowly, he snaked his hand down to her face and caressed her cheek. He saw how her face started to turn red. She shook in fear.
His thumb gently traced her lower lip and pulled it down. Then he traced her upper lip. It all felt too intimate. He loved the feeling of her against his hands. He wanted to take her then and there.
Coronis's breath hitched when she got the whiff of the hands of the man. They reeked of that woody and musky redolent. Her breath started shortening.
He looked down at her neck and patted it as if he was trying to find something. Then he shoved his hand down her neckline and pulled out the necklace and adored it. She saw him smiling under the mask. His eyes became small as he smiled and felt the bone against his fingers.
He looked up at her, “Never remove it,” her mouth fell ajar at his thick raspy voice.
But she shakily nodded. And pulled the locket and shoved it back into her dress.
His eyes then focused behind her, and she followed his gaze and fell on her little sister who was standing there, terrified.
Coronis got in front of his gaze so that he could not see her sister. She gulped and looked down. He grabbed her chin softly and made her look into his eyes. He looked at her, took all the details of her face and removed his hand from her face and locked the door of the carriage. Getting on his horse, he set one last glance before heading back.
She let out a heavy sigh, finally breathing properly. Now she knew who was the creep that invaded her privacy.
“Circe, go get ready, we gotta go and get the goods Mother asked us for.”
The market was, as always, tight. People were fighting for the material. Some were bargaining with the vendors to relieve some prices.
Coronis held Circe's hand tightly to not lose her anywhere. She didn't want to bring her but her staying at the shack, alone, would have been nerve-racking. “Do not leave my side, alright?” Coronis said.
“I won't,” the little girl nodded and grabbed her sister's hand tighter.
A knife was secured with the older one just in case. The open market was far more dangerous than it seemed. Predators roamed around, trying to find their prey in the open. The worst part was that no one ever helped anyone out of it. If someone is dying, they are dying. There is no other way unless they are brought to the physician. But that was mainly done by the family.
They both stopped by the Ji-un’s to buy some yeast. And then walked towards Nori.
Nori was a sweet girl. Coronis was fond of her. She was sweet-spoken and on certain occasions, she took care of Circe as her own sister. It had been a good while since she last met her.
Coronis and Nori both started chit-chatting about things. The dry fruits were looking nice. She was ordered to make some dry fruit cake. So she selected good quality dry fruits and started looking for other things for her baked goods.
Baking was something Coronis loved. She found her escape in it. Every single day, she would tie her hair up and put on her black apron. Her recipes were always secret, even from her own mother. She always said that if you love doing something and put love into it, there is no way that the goods won't turn good even if they are for the devil himself. She was gifted in baking.
Her melodious voice would tingle through the shack while she baked and mixed the ingredients together to make another scrumptious food. It was her h—
“Coronis!” a scream made Coronis's blood drain from the face. She looked around but Circe was gone.
“Coronis!” she ran towards the sound, dropping everything at Noris.
“Circe!” she called. “Where are you?!”
“Coronis!” the little girl screamed again.
There were people gathering in one place. Coronis went there and saw a patrolman holding Circe in a headlock. “Circe!” She ran towards her sister but other guards held her back. “No! Not her! Punish me! Not her!” Coronis begs, her tears running down her cheeks.
“Shut up!” the man yelled and held Circe tighter. “Do you not know what happens to those who come in our way?!”
“Please, I beg your mercy!” Coronis kneeled down and rubbed her hands together. “She is a child. She doesn't know much. Please, let her go! Take me instead! Kill me, not her!”
“You should have thought about it before, lady,” the patrolman pulled out his longsword and raised it high up in the sky, ready to take Circe away from Coronis.
Coronis begged and begged. She closed her eyes but never stopped begging for mercy. After a few, a sound of a sword separating a head came. The whole village was silenced. Only Coronis's cries were heard, still begging for Circe's life.
“Coronis!” She felt a tiny human latching onto her. She opened her eyes and saw Circe hugging her and crying like no end.
She looked around and glanced at the man who was holding Circe was not beheaded. Her eyes fell on the man who was standing near it with a bare sword drenched in blood.
Those eyes. It was him.
Coronis crawled to him and bowed down to him. “Master! Thank you for sparing her life!” Coronis cried hysterically. She kept on crying and said good words to him. Circe, too, bowed and thanked him for letting her go.
From far away, he looked at what was happening. He heard a little girl screaming for some Coronis. He would have not interfered but he saw his Princess running and crying towards the little girl that his man was holding. He could not bear to see her cry and beg such a low life for having mercy on a little girl.
He turned his horse towards them and saw that the little girl was at her shack. Coronis was rubbing her hands, begging but he was ready to take a life that could possibly ruin Coronis's life. That boiled his blood and made him see red.
He moved behind that man and worked his sword once and the head of the fucker was gone. His breath swelled. He got down from his horse and saw the sisters crying.
When Coronis crawled and thanked him for sparing Circe's life. He wanted to cry and take her in his arms and make her feel better but he knew better than to do this.
He patted both of their heads and got on his horse and rode away and two others followed him.
Coronis hugged Circe closer and stood by looking at the man who was going away and away. He was wicked and cracked. But saved her life's life. She could never thank him enough for this… even though he did unforgivable things to her last night without her knowledge. Her sister still stood higher and far more important than her dignity.
“Circe, never make me this weak, for my sake.”
Sanaa's note:
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Let me know your thoughts! Your words really help me a lot and motivate me to write more frequently! The feedback from chapter one made me write this one faster. Thank you so much! I hope you guys will keep on interacting and won't be silent! 💓
The behaviour of all the characters is visualize.
@veneziamadness @cheline @sansmilkbread @jayb17 @constantlydelulusional @8tinytings @tea4sykes; @darkuni63 @mageprincess7 @whipwhoops @ackercute @ane102 @kimseokjinsmirror1233 @sparklingglory @jungkooks21 @namjoonscrabjuice @yluv-damara-13
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kaylinlmao · 2 years
hello and welcome!
a little about me! my name is kaylin. i am bisexual and my pronouns are she/her. i love to write, and have written multiple short stories. i took a loooong break from writing in order to work on myself and my mental health but now im back and better than ever! my fandoms haven't changed, although im not entirely sure if people are still into tbp, which is why i write for mcu, stranger things, harry potter, etc. i am experimenting with writing smut and nsfw so you can request it, but be aware that if im not comfy with writing it, the request will be deleted. something that i enjoy doing is writing short stories with prompts. such as, enemies to lovers short story, and ill write it. so give me some prompts for short stories it you'd like. enjoy your stay here and have fun!
requests are: OPEN
fandoms I will write for
the black phone: robin, finney, vance, bruce, billy, gwen, donna
stranger things: nancy, steve, robin, eddie, billy, request others
it 2017: bill, richie, stan, eddie, ben, bev, mike, request others
mcu: wanda (my beloved), yelena, kate, peter, tony, natasha, jane, carol, maria, pietro, request others (i feel like i just revealed how gay i am)
harry potter: mattheo riddle (also my beloved), theodore nott, pansy parkinson, blaise zabini, lorenzo birkshire, fred and george weasley, hermione granger, request others
harry potter (marauders era): sirius black, james potter, peter pettigrew (love him), remus lupin, lily potter, regulus black, request others
tasm & tasm 2: harry osborn (my fave), peter parker, gwen stacy, max dillon (platonic)
what i will write
platonic headcannons
romantic headcannons
sfw headcannons
nsfw headcannons (as long as they're over 18)
fluff and angst
i will write and try just about everything. if I don't like it, i won't write it again.
what i WILL NOT write
i'm sure this list will get longer over time but for now, these are my hard nopes.
this blog is again mostly for the stupid scenarios and imagines in my head so please no hate. love y'all! :) -kaylin
blog started on october 13, 2022
masterlist last updated on january 24th, 2023
the black phone masterlist
stranger things masterlist (work in progress)
more to come! go check out my wattpad @kaylinlmao
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6rookie-writer0110 · 8 months
MasterList # 74
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No more Lonesome Dreams - Barbie x Male Reader (Smut)
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Little Joys - Male Reader x Wanda Maximoff
Speed - Male Reader x Wanda Maximoff (Smut)
Black morning light PT 1 & PT 2 - Wanda Maximoff x Male Reader (Smut)
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Bonus Lovę Scenes - Sandra Bullock X Male Reader (smut)
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Yandere Mihawk Would & NSFW Include…
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Hold that thought - Stiles Stilinski x Male Reader (Smut)
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Love once again - Cheryl Blossom ( Abigail blossom) x Male Reader
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Middle of the night - Maria Hill x Male Reader
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I will let you haunt me - Bix Caleen x Male Reader (Some Smut)
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kiwixlime · 2 years
Winter Passing
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O is for Obsession
What happens when one of the most powerful men in Jackson decides he wants you?
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader 
Warnings: Oh boy. This is kind of fucked up, friends. Won’t lie. Obsession, possessiveness, age difference, smut - it’s quick, consensual, and unprotected, yandere!Joel, gore, blood - your typical tlou violence, heavy manipulation, murder. There’s a lot packed in here. So if I missed something, please let me know! 
Additional Notes: This takes place in Jackson after the events of TLOU I - around the time in TLOU II when Ellie heads back to Salt Lake City. Some parts of this fic were suggested by @detectivebarba - thank you so much for your inspiration and ideas! <3 I hope I do this justice. Let’s go. 
18+ Minors DNI
“Don’t run from me, sweetheart!” Joel’s rough voice pierces through the heavy winds, and you can tell by the volume that he’s not far behind you. A pitiful cry rips through your throat as your legs pick up speed, carrying you as fast as they can through the downpour of white. Choppy breaths fall from your parted lips, your body screaming in agony for a break while your mind hushes it with determination. 
Joel keeps on yelling, you can hear him gaining ground on you. You can’t stop; your freedom depends on this, depends on losing Joel in the winter storm. If you slow down for even a second, he’ll catch up. He’ll snatch you back. And you’ll be worse off than ever before. 
Snowfall threatens your vision, but you persist beyond the sparkles of white, beyond the burning in your calves. This is your moment. After months of feeling like a prisoner in your own home, you have the chance to escape. Freedom tastes so good on your tongue as you see the walls of Jackson in the distance. Just…a bit…more. 
“Stop!” Joel screams, but you don’t. You keep going as hard as you can until you feel the breath being knocked from your body. In seconds, you collapse into the icy-slick ground, gasping out in fear and pain as you try to piece together what just happened. 
Then you hear it. As you try to pick yourself up, hands freezing as you grab at the powder beneath you for balance, the clicking sound echoes around you. You can’t see through the fog, but you can hear the high-pitched screeching, and your body paralyzes at the noise. Before you can collect your thoughts, you see it running towards you, arms flailing and the fungus around its head unmissable. The clicker falls onto you, roaring as you hold it back. 
The creature tries to aggressively bite at your face. Your hoarse voice screams for help. But there’s no safety. The only one around is Joel…
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Living in Jackson over the last few years provided you with the safety you were craving after the loss of your family. You were lucky when you ran into Tommy and Maria Miller. Once they had deduced you were not a threat to their place, they welcomed you warmly to town. They were impressed by you, and because of that, you became friendly with them. And you got to know them on a level that other residents of Jackson never would. 
From the very beginning, you knew Tommy had an older brother he recently got back into touch with. For some reason, that mysterious older brother didn’t live within Jackson. But you learned a bit about him. 
So later on, when the townies started gossiping about a man showing up with a teenage girl, you didn’t have to pry further to know who it was. Your suspicions were confirmed a few days later when Maria pulled you aside and filled you in with updates. She trusted you, so she told you everything about him. About Joel. 
Joel Miller. 
He was a gorgeous man. Maybe the prettiest man you’d ever seen. Tall, fit, silky black hair with gray strands peppered throughout. You knew he was older, but he didn’t look tired. His face bloomed with color and life, even with the more prominent scars painting his skin. He was beautiful. The first time you met him, you swooned. 
It was one of the town’s annual dances. The people of Jackson liked to try to recreate the atmosphere of the old world, bringing what they could to life as it was now. Something you appreciated having grown up in the apocalypse. Dances were never a thing for you until you found this home. 
You’d been gone for a few months on a trip with some other residents. Upon your arrival in Jackson, you found work as part of a trade group. You and a few younger volunteers would spend months, sometimes even a year, traipsing around the country looking for different towns to trade with. 
It was your luck to come back on the night of the dance. As soon as you got home, you jumped in the shower, cleaned yourself up, and picked out the cutest outfit you had. Your hair had been wrapped in braids thanks to one of your friends. And you had on the faintest dusting of makeup, something you picked up on one of your trades. You looked cute. Pretty. And you felt it. 
The church had been converted for the night, looking like something out of a charming fairytale. Twinkle lights draped from the beams in the ceiling, accompanied by thin bushels of fabric and wrapped tightly with leaves and foliage from outside. It was rustic, gorgeous, the loveliest thing you’d ever seen. 
It was crowded. Everyone from town had to be there. But that didn’t stop you from having fun. You gathered with your friends by the bar, just enjoying the vibe of the night, nursing a drink, and singing along to the songs you were familiar with. 
At one point, you were alone. The rest of your group sauntered to the dance floor, each of them finding a partner to embarrass themselves with. You, on the other hand, didn’t want to participate. You were still tired from your trip and you were happy being a wallflower. 
Honestly, you didn’t think anyone noticed you. Like, ever. You were young and all of the guys around your age were stupid or taken. It never occurred to you that someone older might be interested. 
But Joel was. He knew the moment he saw you that he wanted you. He was with someone else at the time. They weren’t serious or anything, no. She was mostly around for fun or comfort. They had an arrangement. So when Joel saw you walk into Seth’s one night, Olivia was supposed to understand. 
Joel watched you from a dark corner of the establishment. Oliva stayed glued to his side, chatting about whatever she had done that day in town. He didn’t pay attention to her rambles. No, his focus stayed on you, eyes flitting to you every couple of minutes to make sure you were still within his line of vision. When you’d disappear, he’d panic and scour the room for your whereabouts until he found you again. 
His gaze remained glued to you. Every once in a while he’d grunt in response to Olivia, making her think he was listening intently when he was already working on ways to corner you. Get you alone. God, you were pretty. 
The way you floated around the room was reminiscent of an angel. After all he lost, Joel had a hard time believing in a higher power. But with every smile your beautiful face showed, he knew that if God or whoever existed, you had to be one of His greatest creations. 
You acted like you didn’t know the power you held. But Joel could see it. He could see it in the way the boys your age fell at your feet. He could notice the subtle looks of the older men, glowing onto you like they were a predator stalking their prey. 
It infuriated him. Every longing gaze from another male had his blood boiling. If it were up to him, he’d pluck their eyeballs out of their sockets so they’d have to live the rest of their pathetic lives without seeing your beauty. His only solace was that you never seemed to return the stares. 
Not long after that night, Joel asked his brother about you. Tommy hadn’t shared much about who you were in the beginning. He only lumped you in with the rest of the trading group so Joel had to pry. He only knew the basics. Your name, what you did, your age, where you were from… But it wasn’t enough. He had to know it all; he had to devour you.  
Tommy was happy to share what he could, thinking it was a good thing for Joel to show such an interest in someone. On the surface, it seemed innocent enough. The younger Miller knew of his brother’s situation with Olivia. It was never meant to last. But you. Tommy saw the way Joel looked at you. You were different. Someone he could care for. Someone he wanted to protect. 
Joel was drawn to you. And when he saw you alone at the dance, it gave him the courage to approach you. Of course, Olivia had been with him. He tried to shake her off, but she wouldn’t budge. It was annoying to the point where Joel had to pull her aside and tell her that it was over. 
The hurt on Olivia’s face meant nothing to him. Not when you were just across the room all by your lonesome. He could save you from that. He could be your desire. 
He would be. 
Leaving Olivia in the metaphorical dust, he weaved through the bodies on the dancefloor, your innocent figure never leaving his sight. Time slowed as he made his way to you with your entire aura consuming him, making it feel like you were the only ones in the room. And when you turned your head and saw him before you, he swore he could see you tremble. 
You were even more exquisite up close. Joel felt his heart swell as he closed the distance. He drew closer, and the scent of fresh flowers invaded his space. It was you, your scent. He was intoxicated. But when you looked up at him, that was when his breath caught in his throat. Your sparkling eyes full of curiosity. Curiosity for him. 
“Hi,” you smiled, failing to hide the quiver in your voice. It was one of the cutest things he’d ever witnessed. The fact that he made you so flustered fueled the primal desire that had been clawing at his insides. 
“Hello,” Joel chuckled, offering a hand with his introduction. He practically swooned, taking your shaking hand in his. Your skin was soft. He knew it would be. It only made him wonder if the rest of you was just as soft. “I’m Joel,” he said, putting those thoughts on the back burner. 
“Oh!” You chirped, paralyzing emotions creeping up your spine at the sound of his voice. So this was Joel. You cursed Maria for not warning you about how attractive her brother-in-law was. Now you felt a bit embarrassed. “It’s so nice to meet you!” You introduced yourself properly and his smile widened. 
“I know who you are,” Joel replied, amused at the shock that took over your features. So you hadn’t noticed him watching you. Unfortunate. “I’ve seen you around,” he said, searching your eyes closely for your reaction. Were you happy he knew you? Were you excited? You had to be. You had to feel the same way. 
“Wow,” you giggled with undertones of anxiety riddled in your pretty voice. Perfect. “I didn’t really think anyone paid any attention to me,” you admitted, and Joel's rage simmered at the assumption. How could anyone not? 
“How could I not?” He declared. 
Joel’s words were smooth, just like his voice, just like the way he carried himself. Your body had never reacted to anyone like that before. That warm surge made you want to fall to your feet to worship him. 
“I’ve heard a lot about you,” you said with a worried voice. You didn’t want to blow your chance here. Joel was the guy everyone desired. You wanted him to see you as an equal. As someone he could see himself with. 
If only you knew. 
“I could say the same,” Joel admitted with a boyish grin. “I hope it was all good, though?” He prodded, stepping closer to your personal space. You welcomed the advancement. 
“Every bit of it,” you nodded, losing yourself in his intensity. His eyes flashed with something familiar, something that made your heart flutter.  
Silence enveloped you. The music flooding through the speakers fell to just a hum in the background. The array of lights flashed across his mature face. That moment you were a goner. 
“Do you want to get out of here?” Joel boldly asked you. And you were so drunk on him you didn’t even care how forward or sudden it was. The only thing flashing in your mind was his body moving with yours. 
“I’d love to,” you answered him breathlessly. 
Following Joel to his house that night was the beginning of the end. Following him to his bed? Well, that was just foolish. 
“Oh,” the soft sound tumbles from your lips as you throw your head against the cushiony pillow beneath you. You’re on your back in Joel’s bed, his hands are touching you everywhere, lips hot on your skin. You’ve never been touched like this and it’s almost too much to handle. 
His rough fingers trail up and down your sides, outlining invisible shapes into your skin as you fall apart beneath him. You let Joel take control and he loves you for it, enchanted by your taste, your smell, the feel of your body pressed against his. 
He wastes no time stripping you of your clothes and you are so enraptured by his brazen character that you let him. And when he pushes you onto his bed, you surrender yourself to him. Now he’s worshiping your body, your sounds, the way you gasp his name as he touches you. And the way you weep and beg for more with his fingers inside of you is what snaps that last wire of sanity within him. 
Your breath is knocked from your lungs as he kisses you with such a force you know he’s trying to ruin you for other men. And it’s working. He has to be some kind of wizard with this hold he has over you. You only just met, but your mind is completely clouded by thoughts of him. 
As his lips devilishly smother yours, you make slow motions to touch him, feel his strength. His chest is firm under your fingertips. You slip lower, brushing over the scars on his abdomen, curious as to how they got there, turned on by the way his muscles contract. His breath is hot and heavy, his voice is low and rough as he brings his lips to your ear. 
“You’re so beautiful, baby girl,” he purrs, pulsing two fingers in and out of your sopping cunt. You let out the sweetest moan as he curves them inside of you, eager for more of your sounds. “So sweet, so perfect,” he kisses your throat before watching his fingers disappear inside of you. 
He starts slow, teasing you with gentle brushes between your folds, and hard presses to your clit. The way you squirm as he fingers you is beautiful, and he burns it to his memory. He wants to savor this moment with you, work you up until you’re shaking for him. But he can’t seem to stop himself. He has to move quicker, eagerly fucking three fingers into you, letting those filthy squelching sounds travel to his ears. 
“Joel, please,” you gasp as your perfect body arches from his bed. “Feels so good,” you whisper with your eyes closed. He watches intently as your teeth dig into your bottom lip, proud that he can make you feel this way. 
“You’re so sensitive, little one,” he comments, dragging his fingers through your slit. He does it again and again, gathering your juices until his hand is glistening in your arousal. His eyes bore into yours as he brings his hand to his lips, flicking his tongue out to taste you. “And you taste like heaven,” he sighs. 
“J-Joel,” you whimper, feeling the heat creep up your neck. 
“Yes, baby girl?” He hums, running his hand down your thigh. He sits up slightly, spreading your legs for him. You bite back a gasp, once again relinquishing any power. “Oh,” he chuckles, hovering over you. He drags his hips against you, satisfied when you mewl. “Is this what you want?” He teases. “You want to feel me inside you?” 
“Uh huh,” your plea comes out in a pathetic breath. And it’s not good enough. Not for Joel. 
“Tell me,” he demands, pinning your hips against his mattress. “Tell me you want me,” he sighs, something dark and animalistic. “Tell me you want to feel me. Tell me you crave me.” 
“I want you, J-Joel,” you stutter, peering into his unusually dark eyes. “I crave you.” 
Satisfied, that soft smile comes back to his lips, and he leans down to kiss your nose. You cherish his gentle affections as he slips into you, caressing your face while you moan at the stretch of him. He’s much bigger than you imagined, but he’s so good with you, taking his time with shallow thrusts until you’re ready for more.  
As he hits that pleasure point, your arms fall over his shoulders, nails scratching against his back. He grumbles at the burn that comes from your lacerations. Who knew you had that in you? It’s hot and he takes the chance of you doing it harder, slamming his cock into you at a face past. To his delight, you scratch him again. 
He locks his arms on either side of you, digging the heels of his hands into the mattress, gathering momentum to fuck into you hard and deep. His lips capture yours, swallowing your moans. Those pretty sounds. He loves to hear them. And he doesn’t want anyone else to know them. 
“Oh, sweetheart,” he groans, bottoming out, his mind short-circuiting at how you feel around him. He inhales sharply, exhaling when his lips meet yours. His tongue dips into your mouth, licking every crevice, finding every spot that makes you weak. You cry out in pleasure and Joel looks down to see the tummy bulge he’s giving you. A smirk finds its way to his lips. “Look at you,” he hums, snapping his hips harder. “Taking me so well, beautiful girl.” 
His hands move to your shoulders, holding you close while yours cup his face as you kiss him harder. It’s the most passionate embrace you’ve ever been in. And when Joel rocks into you faster, foreign emotions burst in your heart. You feel so close to him.
“Thank you,” you whisper. You don’t know why you say it. Maybe because your nerves are blazing, your stomach is swirling, your head is fuzzy with lust. But you feel like Joel needs to hear a thank you. 
He’s long and thick and so fucking powerful. Not just in bed, even though he restrains you easily. He’s one of the most powerful men in Jackson and he wants you. 
He moves down to grab your ass, pulling your hips into his, sinking himself further. He’s as deep as he can go now. And you swear you feel split in two. 
“My sweet girl,” he praises. “This pussy was made for me. Fuck, you’re mine.” His voice sounds so sweet, but his words are intense. 
“More,” you urge, pushing back against him. “Please, Joel. I need you.” 
“You have me, baby girl,” he promises, picking up the speed of his thrusts. His bed shakes and your trembling hands scramble for purchase. “You’ll always have me. You’re mine, sweetheart. No one else will ever touch you like this.” 
He kisses down your neck before sitting back, pinning your hips into the bed, his thumbs bruising into your bones, pounding into you hard and fast. You’re mewling his name, reaching behind you to aggressively tug on the pillows beneath your head. 
“Baby, I’m close,” you tell him, eagerly anticipating his next moves. He’s so violently profound that you have no idea what he’s truly capable of. 
“Yeah?” He grunts lowly. “Already? I’ve barely touched you,” he taunts with a wicked tone. “Do I make you feel good?” He asks. “Do I fuck you right?” 
“Yes, yes,” you nod as the pressure builds. “Yes, Joel.” 
“Only me,” he demands you to say. 
“Only you,” you oblige. 
“Good girl,” he praises, closing his eyes. “Such a good girl. Go ahead and cum for me, baby. Cum all over this cock. You own it.” 
You cry Joel’s name as you cum, overwhelmed by his words and the feeling of him inside you. You’re amazed at how quickly your orgasm comes over you. But there is a mystery about Joel that keeps you on your toes. It keeps all your senses heightened. 
As you try to collect yourself, Joel tells you he wants to cum inside you. It makes you nervous at first, considering the state of the world, but he’s so hot and his voice is sexy, and he feels so good. “Please, baby girl?” He moans. “Want to see this pretty pussy leaking with my cum.” 
“O-okay,” you breathe in agreement. 
“Gotta make you mine,” he purrs. “Fuck, look how gorgeous you are. Feel so good.” It all sounds so delicious as he fucks you and when he comes, you’re in a daze. 
Afterward, he falls next to you, bringing an arm to wrap around your waist and pull you close. Your bodies are hot and sticky, but he doesn’t seem to mind. He’s kissing your shoulder, whispering in your ear. “I’m going to take care of you,” he says. “Darlin’, I will do everything to protect you.” 
You didn’t realize then what it would come to mean. 
That night Joel made you his. 
You weren’t just young arm candy. No, you were practically his pet, following him everywhere, obeying his every order. He took care of you. He protected you, just like he said he would. And you were so thankful to be by his side. 
Over the months, you noticed how he got more and more possessive. It didn’t bother you at first. You kind of liked to see him jealous, threatening anyone who looked at you in ways he didn’t appreciate. It was a secret shame. You liked a guy who wanted you that intensely. 
But then he started to show more of a dark side. He always had you around. And when he didn’t, he made sure you were somewhere safe. He didn’t like you going on patrols. He didn’t think it was necessary and the risk was too high. 
On the rare occasion that you did accompany him, he made sure you stayed right behind him, made sure you were always in his sights. And if you ever ran into trouble, Joel immediately took care of it. 
One time you ran into a group of bandits. They surrounded you and Joel and when he was weak, a rare event, they grabbed you. Joel lost it pretty quickly. You’d never seen such a murderous look in those kind eyes. 
The men that held him back were shocked by his sheer force, amazed at how he was able to get out of their grip. When he was free, he didn’t even bother with his gun, grabbing one of the pipes from one of their hands. 
The carnage you witnessed should have scared you off then and there. But part of you was so thankful that he came to your aid like that. You watched in horror as he knocked one guy in the knee, then when that same guy fell, watched as Joel smashed the back of his head to a pulp. The blood that seeped from the man’s skull made you nauseous, but it was the cracking sound that drew your attention back to Joel. 
He had whipped the other man across the face. The guy fell to the ground immediately, his jaw smashed in completely, eyes lifeless as red poured from his mouth. You weren’t surprised at the rage Joel held inside of him, especially given all he’d been through, but it was still shocking to witness. 
And the man that grabbed you. The one who held you against a tree and tried to shove his hand under your shirt. Joel grabbed him by the neck, dragging his feet through the dirt until he was shoved against a pile of rocks. The fire in Joel’s eyes raged on. You’d never seen anyone look so evil. You thought right then and there if the devil existed, you were in love with him. And that terrified you. 
“You are going to regret ever laying a hand on her,” Joel seethed, raising the pipe in his fists. “This won’t be quick,” he said before slamming the metal down. You closed your eyes before it made contact, the squishing noise in your ears enough for you. 
You couldn’t watch. But you couldn’t leave. So you fell against the tree, sliding down until you reached the ground. You brought your knees to your chest and covered your ears, keeping your eyes closed as you willed the time away. 
After that, you never doubted Joel’s devotion to you. 
You did your best to make sure he never overreacted again. But it got to a point where you had no idea what would set him off. The littlest things would make him snap, but never at you. No, he loved you. He’d kill for you. 
He has. 
And you made sure to thank him, whether it be with your words or your body. You loved him. You did. But at the same time, you were beginning to feel suffocated. Trapped. 
Another dance was held at the church. And someone from one of the newer groups approached you. He was a man your age. He was kind and nice and he made you laugh. You had some things in common, but you made sure to let him know that you were taken. That Joel was your love. 
He understood and kept things friendly. But Joel didn’t like it. He didn’t like a younger man talking to you. He didn’t like the fact that someone could potentially steal you away from him, even though you assured Joel that no one else would ever come between you two. 
Still, a few days later, he took Evan out on patrol with him. And at the end of the day, Evan didn’t come back. 
You knew Joel had done something, but you didn’t say anything to anyone. You only talked to him and asked what happened. You’d listen to him if he was honest with you. 
“Nothing, my love,” Joel told you. “There was an accident. He couldn’t get away,” he said. “I knew he was your friend, and I’m sorry.” 
“Joel…” You pressed, fear scratching the surface of your stomach. 
But he shut you down. “He was weak, sweetheart,” Joel snapped. “And it was his downfall. You should be happy it happened like this. He was bound to die sooner or later. I saved you.” 
“Saved me?” You huffed. “What are you talking about?” 
“Evan would have taken you down with him,” Joel insisted. The sinister tone of his voice made you shiver. Fear coursed through you. He’d never hurt you, but you if looks could kill… He cocked his head to the side, looking down at you with worry. His hand came up to brush against your cheek. “You know I love you, right?” He asked, skimming down your jaw, lifting your chin with his fingers. “I would give you the world. I would do anything for you.” 
“I know,” you said quickly, putting his mind at ease before it got out of control. “I know.” 
“You love me, right?” He questioned. “My baby, you understand what I do for you?” 
“I do, Joel,” you answered. “I love you. I understand.” 
He smiled at you. And that smile reminded you of why you fell in love with him. He leaned in to kiss you softly. Your stomach still swirled with butterflies at his touch. You softened and kissed him, moving your lips to his slowly until he put his hand to your chest and pushed you back against the wall. His eyes grew dark as he took in your innocent features. “Then don’t ever question me again,” he warned. 
The look in your eyes drove him wild. He would never hurt you, but he loved to see you helpless. It only reminded him that he was the one who could care for you. It was his duty. 
And the residents of Jackson knew it. They whispered when you were around. Of course, they didn’t know the depths of Joel’s love. But you were the envy of every woman, and a few others, in Jackson. 
They saw the way Joel looked at you with literal hearts in his eyes. But to you, those hearts were charred black. Outsiders prayed for a love like Joel’s. But you prayed that Joel’s love wouldn’t kill anymore. 
But they saw devotion. They saw a lover. They didn’t know that Joel possessed something dark. 
And how he’d burn the entire world down if he ever lost you. 
And you… You had to get out. 
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“Fuck,” you breathe as you hold the clicker back. It’s grabbing for your face and you feel your arms getting weak. The cold snow sinks through your clothes, soaking you, turning your skin to ice. Your breathing is heavy, your throat sore from exhaustion. 
This is the end, you think. You tried to escape your life only to end up dead. Joel will be so pissed when he finds your body. You’re terrified of what he will do. 
Just give in, your mind says. Let go. You can be free in death. It’s better than behind those walls. It has to be. 
Your eyes flutter closed, and you drop your hands, ready to feel the clicker tear you apart. But it never comes. Instead, you hear a gunshot, and then another. And your eyes snap open. 
It’s Joel. He runs over, pulling a shiv from his pack and jabbing it into the clicker’s throat. You hear it gurgle over its blood, disgusted by the sound, horrified that you’ve been found. 
The creature collapses quietly into the snow, painting the white with bright red. Joel reaches down to grab you. You try to wriggle away, but can’t. He’s too strong. You’re too tired. 
He pulls you up, and you start crying, falling into his chest. Fuck, you hate this. But he saved you. He always saves you. 
He grabs your arms in a tight grip, looking you over as he holds you. He shakes his head, disappointment heavy on his features. “What did I tell you?” He yells. “What did I say!” 
“Joel,” you whimper, lip quivering as you look up into his dark eyes. 
“Do you know how stupid you are for running from me?” He hisses. “Stupid girl, I take care of you!” 
“I’m sorry, Joel,” you cry. He grunts and grabs your face in his hands. 
“Don’t ever try that again,” he warns. “You’re mine. You are mine.” His face softens as his words settle around you. “Okay?” 
As warm tears trail down your cheeks, you nod. “I know, Joel,” you whisper. “I’m yours.” 
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Joel Miller Taglist: @swtaura - @chxpsi - @extraneous-trip - @cerebellam - @tiredbeebo - @kirsteng42 - @trickstersp8
385 notes · View notes
candyswirl101 · 22 days
Yandere one piece x Bartender reader (pt. 3)
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“Hey y/n!!!” It was an old friend, Maki (just an oc :3)
What Maki looks like
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(I just found this old drawing :3)
“Who the hell is this??” Kid thought
“Hey y/n, who is this?” Killer said with venom laced
“Oh, this is an old friend of mine, we go back to baby’s” she said. Kid felt rage from this, he thought you were his friend (like more than that). Killer tried to find a reason of not being upset but the world is weird and doesn’t give a shit of what you want.
“Well we close at 8:00 and it’s already 7:58 so Kid and Killer ya’ll sadly have to go.” Kid and killer were upset (they already got their drinks) Kid barely knew the guy but already hated his guts and Killer couldn’t bare to see you with him. Alone.
But they did have to go since they wanted her to get good rest :3
After that, you and Maki caught up
“So how is it been since you know the event”
“It has been fine..” you replied
“What event are you speaking of!?” A random person? Oh wait no
“Well hey Boa”
“Hello my darling~” she turns her head to Maki “Who the hell are you?” She asked visibly angry at who was with her darling
“Oh this is Maki” “And what is he doing here?” “I’m here for a month to research” Maki answered
“and what event” boa asked. Ya’ll both were scared to piss her off so you just gave in and told her
“I have a fruit…” you said
“What?” She never knew this… She never knew this. It was here right to know she is DEVOTED and how did she not even know she spies on you everyday, how did she not know???
“I have the Hito Hito No Mi ( siren fruit).”
As a Mythical Zoan-type, this is a powerful Devil Fruit. Little is known, but Orion is able to use his voice to lure others into doing what he wishes. Anyone hearing his voice is vulnerable, however it is possible to defend against by wearing earplugs or other forms of hearing protection. 
The use is unable to select specific targets with his Devil Fruit - anyone who hears his voice falls under its power. It is implied that the user cannot turn off the ability, rendering them unable to speak normally[2]. The user is also affected by the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses.
Owned by:👆
Anyways, Boa was extremely fascinated
the only thing was a group was outside listening
“Yohohohoho, I didn’t know she had one.” “Me neither” Nami said
The next day (Saturday)
“Hello y/n~” Black Maria (yasss) had said seductively
“Hello, where are the other Tobi Roppo?”
“Their back at the base, how’ve you been?” Excited to see you on the inside but she has to stay calm so you can love her (cause everyone wants a savy but calm women, right?)
“We-“ “ONII-CHANN” you were cut off by an Ulti and her brother Page One
“Can you stop acting like that in public, it’s embarrassing…” Page one said like a depressed teen.
A hug yawn came from upstairs and then came a tired Maki. May I mention the Toni ropo and the all stars are there (all stars are outside waiting on their drinks that the Tobi Roppo should be getting)
“Who the hell is this?” Who’s who asked
“It’s a-“ you were cut off with “Her boyfriend”
you immediately blushed and said
“it’s a joke.” You laughed with all their faces pissed at him for talking like that who the hell does he think he is pretending that your his girlfriend YOUR THEIRS
“Haha… funny joke” you heard Queen walk in
“Hey y/n how’ve you been? Been a long time since we’ve met.” Queen had said
“Well…” you had been a partner of queen during the old pirate era, not long before the event.
“How was the event? Did you get hurt of any kind?” He had said king and Jack heard that from a quarter away
“WHAT??!??!” Jack literLlly shouted
“I’ve been fine since then..” you felt your scales they were forming (you can turn into a siren just gave ya that) Queen knew what’ve you had been through before anyone ever knew y’all were best friends close but not as much as
“Maki, how’ve you been?” Queen didn’t like him one bit but gotta be nice in front of y/n to show her that he has some and I mean SOME niceness inside of him
“Well…” Maki Had been scared of him since he met him felt something off about him and his crew
and then they had an conversation over some beer (tobi roppo) and king and Jack were talking to you for hours.
They were your only customers for today maybe because of a closed sign in front on the bar 🙃
They had left and it was closing time, but while you and Maki were chatting about the event a familiar face showed up.
Someone that you were both enemies with…
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who do you think it is?
ALSO, Ty so much for reading and for some followers
if you don’t get this you can go to my account and scroll down to find them, but if you don’t just like one piece but also some KNY, Danganronpa, or MHA I have that 😉🫰
but really Ty and have a good night and guess in the comments to guess who it is also there is a way to know ❤️
follow for more❣️
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kobb4ni2 · 5 months
So I got bored and wanted a height comparison with Sea Serpent Reader in her human form and see how tall she would be......
The results are astonishing
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I dont know who should envy who. The "smallest" ones who reach her legs or the tallest one who can reach her chest and up.
I'll let your imagination run wild on this one. But I will say I just know Black Maria loves to hold reader close to her chest on purpose to piss off King
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TBH I was only being generous when it comes to Sea Serpent! Reader’s human height, I was gonna make her much more taller then Black Maria cuz I just LOVVVEEE TALL LADIES especially when it’s the main character that I’m doing, (sorry short readers, but y’all have so many fanfics)
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AISHAUA Katakuri is literally at Sea Serpent! Readers chest height, so that whenever she hugs Katakuri, he was grateful for the scarf that he has to hide the blushing mess he is, the same thing goes to his sister Smoothie :3
Cracker would make a suit of armor just to be at the same height as hers, but oh how the cracker armour cracked when you picked him up from his suit and peppered his face with kisses.
WHILE DOFFY (i don’t like him.) is literally just looking at Sea Serpent! Reader’s bottom 😭
EEE I can imagine Yamato just jumping super high to grab Sea Serpent! Reader’s face and kiss her IQBWUWAB I love Yamato so so much dude 😞😞🙏🙏
Sea Serpent! Reader still has to bend over to talk to anyone or she have to hold them in her hands :3
Aaaa King, what haven’t I said about King, he’s majestic, he’s cool, he’d give Black Maria a death glare whenever she hugs you, knowing damn well that your face is smooshed against her breast.
I feel like most character would love to be much more shorter then Sea Serpent! Reader it has more advantages then being tall, like being picked up by Sea Serpent! Reader at her human form or Serpent form.
Everyone is just a horndog for Sea Serpent! Reader here now (me) >\\\\\<
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Sea serpent! Reader at all her glory :DD
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Smth about more feminine yanderes (men or women) creeping on their Darling hits different
Black Maria tracing her fingers up and down your body, chuckling and swiftly untying the obi from the kimono she made for you, leaving large lipstick marks all over you and teasing you through your clothes while you're helpless
Yumichika combing Darling's hair and taking every opportunity to stroke your cheek or tuck a piece behind your ear. His eye feather keeps brushing against your skin and tickling you, and he likes how you squirm and try to hide the fact you're about to smile
Asmo dressing his Darling up in some absolutely gorgeous lingerie (matching his own, of course!) and pulling them in for a cuddle while fawning over how adorable they look. And they're on his bed, so close, and soon he starts to let his hands and lips wander while he giggles and kisses you all over. You don't really want him to stop, do you? You're just cuddling together. It feels nice, doesn't it? And he's going to make you both feel even better, and take tons of pictures and video clips showing off how wonderful they look/sound/feel together.
...I just have this specific scenario of like Asmo or the kappa guy from Nanbaka (Ruka?) slipping a hand underneath Darling's clothes and giggling at how flustered and shy they are when they murmur to ask what he's doing. His hands are so slender and soft, and as Darling is about to find out, so dexterous. He'll be kissing their neck and fingering them, saying filthy little praises and degrading words that you almost can't believe are coming from such pretty soft lips...but you know that looks can be deceiving.
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reanimatedheart · 2 months
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Hello! Welcome to the official Reanimated Heart Tumblr.
(This Pinned is Under Construction. Still figuring out the tags...)
Reanimated Heart is a character-driven horror romance visual novel about finding love in a mysterious small town. There are three love interests with their own unique personalities and storylines. Play the demo on Itch now!
Content Warning: Reanimated Heart is an 18+ game! It contains dark subject matter such as violence and sexual content. Player discretion is advised.
This blog is ran by Jack, the creator.
Itch | Link Tree | Patreon | Twitter
My policy for fanwork is that anything goes in fiction, but respect my authority and copyright outside it. This means normal fan activity like taking screencaps, posting playthroughs, and making fanart/fanfiction is completely allowed, but selling this game or its assets isn't allowed (selling fanwork of it is fine, though).
Do not use Reanimated Heart for illegal or hateful content.
Also, I expect everyone to respect the Content Warnings on the page. I'm old and do not tolerate fandom wank.
Who are the main Love Interests?
Read their character profiles here!!
Who's the team?
Jack (creator, writer, artist), mostly. I closely work with Exodus (main programmer) and Claira (music composer). My husband edits the drafts, and my friend Bonny makes art assets. I've also gotten help from outsiders like Sleepy (prologue music + vfx) and my friend Gumjamin (main menu heart animation).
For VOs, Alex Ross voices Crux, Devin McLaughlin voices Vincenzo, Christian Cruz voices Black, Maganda Marie voices Grete, and Zoe D. Lee voices Missy.
Basically, it's mostly just me & outsourcing stuff to my friends and professionals.
How can I support Reanimated Heart?
You can pay for the game, or join our monthly Patreon! If you don't have any money, just giving it a nice rating and recommending it to a friend is already good enough. :)
Where do the funds go to?
100% gets poured back into the game. More voice acting, more music, more trailers, more art, etc. I also like to give my programmer a monthly tip for helping me.
This game is really my insane passion project, and I want to make it better with community support.
I live in the Philippines and the purchasing power of php is not high, especially since many of the people I outsource to prefer USD. (One time I spent P10k of my own money in one month just to get things.) I'll probably still do that, even if no money comes in, until I'm in danger of getting kicked out the street… but maybe even then? (jk)
What platforms will it be released in?
Itch and then Steam when it's fully finished. Still looking into other options, as I hear both are getting bad.
Will the game be free?
Chapter 1 will be free. The rest will be updated on Patreon exclusively until full release.
Are you doing a mobile version?
Yeah. Just Android for now, but it's in the works.
Where can I listen to the OST?
It is currently up on YouTube, Spotify, and Bandcamp!
Why didn't you answer my ask?
A number of things! Two big ones that keep coming up are Spoilers (as in, you asked something that will be put in an update) or it's already been asked. If you're really dying to know, check the character tags or the meta commentary. You might find what you're looking for there. :)
Tag List for Navigation
Just click the tags to get to where you wanna go!
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oceans-beloved · 2 months
You there!!!
Could I mayhaps interest ya in some RH memes...?
Ya look like ya em and I got the goods right here.
Take a look!
*Opens trench coat cartoon drug dealer style*
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Was great doin' business with ya!
I'll be back with more soon!
Oh and the next shipment's supposed to be da good kush too!
.........or well...so my suppliers says...
keep it on the low tho...🤫🕵🏻‍♀️
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rouecentric · 2 years
Hello! Can I request platonic yandere Roxana Agriche and platonic yandere Jeremy with oldest agriche fem reader where reader is quite lazy but smart.
And one more thing, she is not crazy like their family.
i see! so basically a krs!cale henituse but doesn't get unlucky(well, unless having two people be yandere over you is unlucky,,)?
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Unlike your other half-siblings having to try and fight for the rights of being the next head of the black agriche, you were simply born into the number one candidate of being the future head of your family
it's not like a switch turned on for lant at a random time and decided to make you one, you were just extraordinarily smart and only helped out and made yourself a name whenever you wanted to
of course, you didn't really mind! you could just relax in luxury and do your paperwork early in the morning, finishing it before it became afternoon
the only "slight"(read: big) issue with being the heir of a dangerous and insane family, having people almost always try to kill you or manipulate your lazyass
well, you weren't the heiress to the black agriche family without a reason.
you easily found moles trying to harm or stop you from succeeding your plans, they were eaten by a tamed beast of yours in front of other maids and butlers working for you, unlike your siblings who would torture them in front of their staff before killing them
of course, some moles do worser things than others, so you'd gift one of your stepmother's, maria, them, knowing well enough she'd turn them into "dolls"
you weren't as crazy as your family, heavens no! instead, you'd teach your younger half-siblings the ropes, being hopeful that they'd at the very least live
your efforts were almost always fruitless, until roxana and jeremy (metaphorically)slammed the door to your heart open and dragged you out
ROXANA, your sweet and adorable two-faced sister, who just simply worships your actions and the ground you walk on!
she acts like an absolute angel and clingy younger sister who just wants your attention on her <3
she's simply just immensly proud of everything her smart older sister does!
roxana doesn't mind you being lazy, you deserve to rest in luxury because of your kindness/achievements! of course with you resting with her and jeremy, but you wouldn't mind that, right? :)
ah, but when she's alone with people that dislike/tried to harm you, she'd torment the insolent vermins before handing them over to jeremy 💕
right, your puppy-like obsessed younger brother, JEREMY
anyone that even tries to harm or embarass you will be faced with two monster siblings, killing for the sake of their eldest sister's happiness <3
jeremy is simply putty and puppy like in the presence of you and roxana!
he was overjoyed when roxana decided to share their beloved sister! 💕
anyone who makes fun or negatively comments about your laziness will be swiftly killed after being tortured by roxie, what a kind younger brother!
literally forbids everyone(except for rox, of course) from entering your room when you told him you were going to laze around/take a nap the entire afternoon
roxana and jeremy would never harm you! ..well, at least physically.
the only thing they'd try to do is manipulate or gaslight you! only if you show resistance to their affection, though!
they'd be overjoyed and giddy if you reciprocate their affection!
everyone else in the agriche dukedom didn't matter(except for sierra my beloved❤️❤️), they could all get burned alive for all they cared!
YOU, are the most important thing to them, a beacon of hope, a support pillar, but most importantly, a caring older sister.
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