#also. heather not working in the hospital but some other job with just as fucked hours
biillys · 1 year
been flicking between house and er and now i want the billy working at a hospital au's please
#i have no concrete thoughts and head canons just vibes#actually i do but i'm not typing all that out cos it rly is 75% vibes. and probably 25% medically incorrect. so i'll keep that to myself th#but like! good with kids! good under pressure! worked his ass off at medical school and it shows!#also i need max working there too but maybe in a different area and no one knows they're siblings#but then they'll get all /siblings bickering/ in the hallway over dumb shit#and every one's just like.... is that Legal ?#also. heather not working in the hospital but some other job with just as fucked hours#and they're housemates obvsly so every time they catch each other at home they're like#'gonna k myself. you?' 'gonna k myself. bye.' and immediately fuck off to bed or work#and okay. on one hand. billy knows he's not gods gift to this earth. his dads been telling him that his entire life#but. on the other hand. the only way he's made it this far in life is by making himself god's gift to this earth#so. it's rly hard to not be a cocky little shit at the start of his career#which unfortunately leads to small fuck ups. which leads to big fuck ups.#fuck ups he wont forget and carries with him every day#but once he finds his feet. finds his place. boy oh BOY he was made to work in this field#max didnt follow him on purpose. she rocked up on his door step the second she graduated. if that.#and billy more or less just said. im broke as shit and in so much debt i cant even buy myself a chocolate bar. take the couch#if ur staying longer than a week i want fuckin rent#except his version of rent is max pitching in for dinner and chores and groceries etc and if shes gotsome money to contribute thats cool to#but he's not about to like. kick her out#anyway. one night they're somehow magically all off and free for the first time in months. so they're having a few drinks#and heather's bitching about her job and billy's one upping her with every story#and max is like. bro it probably isn't even that hard. and billy's like. i Dare you.#(they're drunk. billy hasn't even had time to think about alcohol in Months and now he's a lightweight and he's Drunk)#and max. becos she's max. and she's never /not/ ready to prove billy wrong. decides to actually go for it#not like she's got much to lose. except money maybe also free time also mental brain capacity and the will to actually wanna live#but. like. nothing to lose! so she's opening google the next day and figuring out where to start. and before she knows it#she's there baby! she's living medical school hell! it sucks ASS. somehow she doesn't give up!#flash forward like 10 yrs and billy likes to brag that his life's so good that max had to copy him.#ran to california. works in a hospital. daddy issues. etc etc.
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ruleofrosethorns · 1 year
notes for kuwtm!! (since some of yall seem to really enjoy this au)
the main au takes place a few months after SH3
james is here because harry kinda just felt like visiting sh after a couple of years and lo n behold
he saved wittle old james and the rest is history
Harry DID NOT DIE because his protective bf (james) saved his sleepy ass
they decided to go on a road trip to Silent Hill and fuck around for a bit
(i might start writing a separate thing for that hehe)
anyway at some point harry got separated from the gang(tm) and went to alchemilla hospital
(oh and Maria was out and about terrorizing James like old times <3)
pretty much there's just a group of monsters who are kinda just hanging out and smoking weed
they're cool w/ the gang and through undisclosed plot developments i'm still tryna work out in my brain-
the weed-smoking sh group survives the purge of Harold Mason and move into the human world
not directly next to but in the same area as the Masons (much to their concern (except for Heather))
and thus, the mlm wlw rivalry begins /j
Heather enjoys hanging out w/ them but Harry and James are UNDERSTANDABLY conflicted
like idk bro letting our adopted daughter hang out with the manifestations of my guilt seems kinda wack...
but regardless they all love Lisa because she has never done anything wrong ever
Harry's alright(???) w/ Maria and PH?? James is mostly just annoyed by Maria and PANICKED BY PH
Harry and Lisa are honorary siblings <3 they didn't really get to know each other during SH but that all changed when Lisa moved in
Maria and Lisa are in love and sort of formed a found family with the monsters. co-workers of the otherworld ig
the monsters sort of look up to Maria and Lisa as mother figures, PH being the weird uncle that they all love bc he supplies them weed
James & Harry tend to COINCIDENCELY run into Maria & Lisa whenever they go on a date its an ongoing issue
Most of the monsters can't really go outside?? (y'know because grotesque eldritch horrors aren't "allowed" in public SMH)
So Maria, Lisa & Heather usually go on shopping sprees to get their demonic buddies things that they want
Unfortunately Lisa sometimes starts leaking blood so that's sometimes an issue
(she has to inhale & hold her breath to keep it at bay for long periods of time)
She is like a balloon
ALSO Harry is still an author!! He's moved away from murder mystery's and works on supernatural horror & non-fiction novels about certain cults...
James doesn't really have a job.
he just sort of fucks around and gets a new part time job every time the last one realizes he has been legally declared missing for 12-13 years
Heather's still in school (doing her last year), had to repeat once because of SH3 kinda resulting in her family needing a REAL vacation
Maria and Lisa don't have jobs. No one knows how they managed to rent a house. James thinks they probably killed the landlord.
Like seriously, where does their money keep coming from.
Heather asked one day and Lisa spoiled the mystery by admitting they sell random demonic items they find in the Otherworld.
SPEAKING OF HEATHER. she is a girl liker. i don't make the rules (i do)
Harry is also teaching her piano (yknow for puzzle related purposes), James "trys" to help her maths homework to various degrees of success.
James does most of the cooking, but can and will resort to eating dirt if needed.
(He doesn't cook because he's good at it or enjoys it tho. it's not like he is better than Harry at cooking-he just REALLY wants to help out around the house)
Oh also James &  Harry got married a few years before the events of SH3. It was a tough decision for them at first but Heather helped them work things out
(She also hijacked the music at the reception and played My Chemical Romance)
Maria n Lisa had thought about marriage but they're sort of stuck with each other for eternity sooOo
LEMME TALK ABOUT HARRIA REAL QUICK (yes harv i have coined that name it is TOO GOOD)
So Maria is directly, y'know, connected to James' subconscious, so she can go back and forth between the forms
Again, James fell in luv w/ Harry and SH panicked and said "FUCK MARIA CHANGE UR PFP"
At first she didn't have much control over it?? So like a year after SH2, Maria's just chilling w/ Lisa and then POOF
HARRIA. And Lisa's like "AYO :O I KNOW THAT GUY?!" So they found out about the boyfriends PRETTY early on
It took a few months, but she managed to figure out how to shapeshift at will. Turns out shes genderfluid!
But after SH3 she doesn't use it that much (yknow considering harry is RIGHT THERE) but she will shapeshift just to fuck w/ people
James is ashamed to admit he actually fell for it once (he was SLEEPY and half-awake, okay?!)
Harry was a lil bit freaked out at first but now he just thinks it's kinda cool
Heather just thinks it funny that this eldritch demonic horror from another world is basically just a yassified vers of her dad and James' ex-wife
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ma-lark-ey · 2 years
Riordanverse Grey's Anatomy AU: By yours truly.
Co-authored by @paging-possum take custody of our crimes.
ANNABETH, chief of surgery w/ trauma specialty. She was chief resident and head of trauma before becoming chief. head of trauma before her was Luke Castellan. But he died tragically in Grey's fashion (Nat's words not mine)
PERCY, head of pediatric surgery, has been with the hospital since his internship and doesn't plan on going anywhere. He and Annabeth are OBVIOUSLY the Merder of this world. I don't make the rules.
PIPER, cardio attending and is best at what she does. Her and Leo came in in their third year of residency together and are thick as thieves. They also, by Grey's law, definitely have slept together on more than one occasion. I'm think a Mark Sloan/Callie Torres type vibe.
LEO, head of orthopedics. It just makes sense I'm sorry. He USED to be the hospital playboy but then he had his ace-aro awakening and now he's just some fucking guy.
WILL, ortho fellow. Is known to take on the grodiest most traumatic cases ortho can find along with Leo. If Leo's diving in the deep and, Will's going with him baby.
CALYPSO, Everyone's favorite scrub nurse. She's just here to for support but also does cuss out the doctors when they start bickering over an open body
NICO, first year resident, but shows special interest in neuro surgery. Works closely with Jason.
JASON, head of neuro. Nico's his little guy who he picked up on accident. Sometimes (a lot of the time) Frank will schedule Nico to other attendings and both will throw a fit.
FRANK, chief resident! He shows interest in plastics, but he's damned good at his job. Everyone jokes that Annabeth is molding him to be the next chief.
HAZEL, general fellow. She likes to be everywhere doing everything, she likes to jump in when needed. She's also known to help Frank with his chief resident duties.
THALIA, neuro attending She and Jason are like the Shepherds of the hospital, but gender swapped. THALIA stepped down as chief of neuro once Jason wanted the position, but they regularly get in pissing matches over good cases.
MEG, littol baby intern. She's like, on her third day on the job if that. Percy's taken a liking to her, so she gets a lot of peds cases but she will venture very openly throughout the hospital and the specialties.
LESTER, repeat intern :// cringe fail of him.
REYNA, head of trauma. She's a vet who's trained for field surgery but came back and started working as a civilian doctor again (think Owen Hunt) (If you have a bad word to say about that man, this is NOT the place for you. We are PRO Owen Hunt). Her and Thalia are fucking besties. Cristina and Meredith type beat. Twisted sisters.
GROVER, peds attending. He's one of those characters like Olivia in the early seasons or Ross and Heather in that intern cycle that is like, an established guy with established lore and an arc, but just had one arc and still comes on from time to time to help drive a narrative.
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chloelucia13 · 3 years
Chapter 16: The Sauna Test
Pairing: Jonathan Byers x Henderson!reader
Prompt:  You always thought Hawkins was the most boring town of all, stuck in a vacuum void of excitement and entertainment. Well, it seems that way until the world decided to flip upside down, literally.
Chapter summary: Eleven, Max, Nancy, and Jonathan had all grown more suspicious of you and Billy after what El and Max had seen, but when everyone gets separated, the monster decides to rear its ugly head in more ways than one.
Word Count: 3352
Warnings: some angst, some fluff, some action finally (in more ways than one!!), a lil bit of cheating, language, pretty normal stuff
A/N: And we're finally getting somewhere with the Jonathan and reader plot line!!! I hope you all enjoy the chapter, and as always, my ask box and requests and tag lists are open babies! Love ya!
Tags: @just-my-fandom @nightbu-g
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El couldn't let go of what she'd seen.
You being with Billy was weird enough and its strangeness had already burrowed under her skin, making her squirm. But the way you were acting, what she had seen that night when she was messing around, it wasn't right.
But what she had seen of Heather had made her downright disturbed. Sure, Billy was an asshole and she knew not to be around him, but he wasn't a murderer... right?
"Hey, there's nothing to worry about anymore, okay?" Max told her, noticing the way that El had gotten lost in her worried thoughts.
El gave her a doubtful look and let out a huff. "It doesn't make sense," she grumbled.
"What doesn't make sense?"
"Heather. The blood. The ice... Y/N."
"Heather had a fever, so she took a cold bath, but she's better now. And Y/N is probably trying to make Billy a better person or something. That has to be it. I don't know where that blood came from, but... we saw her. We saw them both. They're totally fine."
El stared at the wall, her brows furrowed. "What about Billy?"
"What about him?"
"He seemed wrong."
Max chuckled. "Wrong is kind of like his default. But it's nice to know he's not a murderer, because that totally would've sucked. Hell, maybe he seemed different because Y/N's making him better."
The two girls chuckled, and the conversation fell silent.
As soon as panicked panting sounded in the next room, Heather rose to her feet and walked over to the two people you held captive. Heather's parents.
You and Billy watched from afar as she spoke to her father, neglecting his pleas before stepping away and allowing you and Billy to replace her spot. Billy knelt in front of Janet as you knelt in front of Tom, both of you instructing them to stay still.
Simultaneously, you both rose to your feet and the three of you walked up the metal stairs. As you ascended the stairs, you could hear their pleas become drowned out by the guttural growls and snarls.
The next morning, you had awoke with a heavy pit in your stomach.
The image of Heather's overtaking was still etched behind your eyelids, and though you hadn't witnessed the other overtakings, you imagined that they occurred very similarly.
But the screams. You could never ignore the screams.
Silently, you slipped out of your bed and walked into the kitchen, pulling the freezer open and staring blankly.
The pint of strawberry ice cream from Scoops still sat there, perfectly untouched.
God, you wanted to sob. You wanted to scream. You wanted to go back to when your life was normal- well, more normal than this. Than being fucking possessed by this strange creature who was dragging you through hell.
You wanted to see your brother and his friends again. You wanted to see your friends again. Steve and Robin and Nancy and Jonathan.
You were mentally kicking yourself, realizing that you spent the past six months avoiding him and now you don't know if you'll ever see him again.
You closed the freezer and scrubbed at your face, only to realize that tears had soaked your cheeks. Quickly, you swiped away the tears and rushed back to your room, not wanting to risk getting caught by your mother and having that creature take over once more.
After locking the door behind you, you curled up on your bed and pulled the blankets over your body. Maybe if you slept, you wouldn't have to deal with all this pain and guilt.
Just as you were drifting off, the doorbell rang. Immediately, your anxiety shot through the roof, and you contemplated not answering the door, but then the doorbell rang once more. You took deep breaths and slowly creeped out of bed, unlocking your door and leaving your room before stepping up to the front door.
Peering through the peephole, your heart sunk to your feet when you saw who was outside. Jonathan stood there awkwardly, his head bowed and his hands in his pockets.
You began to slowly walk away from the door when Jonathan began to speak, his voice traveling into the house. "Y/N?" he called out. "Are you home? I drove by the pool and you weren't there. I just... I was wondering if we could talk?" He sounded stressed, maybe even upset.
Your emotions took over, and against your better judgement, you pulled the door open. You watched as his eyebrows rose in surprise at the fact that you actually opened the door. "What's wrong?" you hummed. "I thought you had work today."
He chuckled, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Yeah, that's uh... That's part of the issue," he coughed out. "Can I come in?"
You nodded, stepping to the side and allowing him to come inside before you shut the door behind him. Afterwards, you stepped next to him and the two of sat down on the couch. "So, what's going on?"
"I got fired. Well, Nancy and I got fired."
Your brows knitted together in confusion. "Fired? How? I thought you were doing amazing at the post!" You tucked your legs under yourself and turned to face him directly.
"I was, and I really liked it there! But..." He let out a sigh. "Nancy had answered a call a few days ago from this old woman, saying that all of her fertilizer was going missing."
Sounds like a newsworthy story," you teased.
"Hey, it's serious!"
You held up your hands in surrender, but a giggle slipped past your lips. "Sorry, sorry. Continue."
He let out a playful huff, a smile cracking at the corners of his mouth. "Anyway, she realized that the fertilizer was going missing because there were rats in her basement that were eating it and the rats... They were getting sick, or something." He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "Nancy and I went to investigate, and we didn't ask any of the higher ups because we knew that they would tell us that it was stupid. We went, and we realized that she was telling the truth. The rats had eaten whole bags of fertilizer."
"Okay, hold on, you said the rats were different? In what way?"
He shrugged, shaking his head. "I have no idea. It was like they were feral, diseased." He let out a sigh before continuing. "We went back to work the next day and Nancy told everyone about what we saw. Like we expected, everyone just thought we were being stupid. That she was some paranoid and lonely old woman who sucked us into one of her many conspiracy theories so she could spend time with somebody."
Jonathan paused, lost in thought with a deep line set between his brows. Silently, you reached forward and smoothed the line with your thumb, brushing some hair away from his face at the same time. "So you got fired because you followed a potential story?"
He shook his head. "We went back last night, and we found her in her basement. She had eaten the fertilizer, along with a whole bunch of chemicals that we found around the house. She was screaming about how she had to go back." He stared silently at the carpet. "Luckily, the ambulance was able to stabilize her and she's safe at the hospital."
You could tell how much guilt he was harboring, how heavy everything weighed on his shoulders. You rested your hand on his shoulder and squeezed, earning a small smile from him. "You saved her, Johnny. I don't think there's anything you should feel bad about."
A sigh left his lips. "Tom thinks that we abused his trust, and we fed into her delusions. So he fired us."
The mention of Tom gave you flashbacks to last night, but you quickly smothered them and instead gave Jonathan a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry."
"I drove Nancy home, and we... we got into a huge fight about everything that happened. About how I needed that job and she didn't, and she fucked it up for both of us. I-I said some things I didn't mean, but..." He returned his gaze to you finally. "I'm just hurt and guilty and confused about how I feel at the same time."
"Well," you sighed, letting your hand drop from his shoulder to his hand, linking your fingers with his. "I know that you both did what you think was right, and I know that you both were so concerned about this because you've seen things that make you worry that it could be something... Out of the ordinary." You scooted a bit closer, looking him in the eye. "But I also know that maybe you let Nancy drag you into this big mess, and you blame her for everything that happened. But Nancy has been going through her own problems, and maybe she felt that she needed to prove herself and her judgement was clouded by that."
He was silent for a moment, letting his eyes search yours as he looked for the words to say. "I should call her. Apologize to her."
You sighed. "Maybe. Or maybe you should let it sit for a bit, make sure you have all of your emotions lined up, because I know you both get a bit hot-headed when you're defending your actions."
He chuckled at that, his eyes dropping to your linked hands and gliding his thumb along your knuckles. "Y'know, Max and El came up to me yesterday, and they said they were looking for you. That they were worried about you."
You resisted the urge to stiffen, instead taking a deep breath and trying to stay calm. "Really?"
He nodded. "Yeah, they said that you were being really weird. That you were even hanging out with Billy. It even freaked me out a little bit. I... I guess that was part of the reason I came here, to talk to you. I wanted to make sure you were okay, and now I feel stupid for even worrying."
Please don't feel stupid. Listen to that gut instinct. Please.
"I mean, it definitely is a little stupid," you teased, nudging his shoulder. "I think those girls just have a bit of an overactive imagination. I'm just fine. Just normal old me."
"Thank god for that," he added, a full smile finally spreading across his face.
You returned his smile before rising off the couch. "Do you want something to drink or eat?"
He shook his head, also pushing himself to his feet. "No, I should probably get going. Thank you, though."
You nodded, walking him to the door and opening it for him. "Of course. Thanks for checking up on me, Jonathan, even if I didn't need it."
He stepped out the door and stood on the porch for a moment, eyes flitting over your face. "I missed you, Y/N."
A small sigh left your lips. "I missed you too. So much. Stay in touch, okay?"
He nodded. "Okay. Bye, Y/N."
"Bye, Johnny." With one final wave, you closed the front door.
After seeing Jonathan that morning, you had felt a sort of urge to see him again, a magnetic pull towards that boy who broke your heart.
You knew it was dangerous to see him, not only because he was now in a committed relationship with your friend (though after what he told you had happened between them, you wondered if that label would last), but also due to the fact that you had no idea when this creature controlling you would make you snap and do god-knows-what.
So you locked yourself in your room once more, staring at the ceiling as you laid on the floor and attempted to will this horrible longing feeling away.
To no one's surprise, it didn't work.
Your next idea was to go spend time with Steve, hoping that maybe he would talk some sense into you. You threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater and drove to the mall in the sweltering heat, not wanting to risk letting your skin bubble and sizzle under the sun like BIlly's had.
But of course, neither Steve nor Robin were working, and no one had heard from them.
Under normal circumstances, you would be worried about their wellbeing, but you frankly had too much on your mind concerning your own wellbeing that you didn't fret about it. Instead, you ordered a pint of strawberry and a pint of mint chip from the boy at the counter and hurried out of the mall.
Before you could even stop yourself, you had pulled up (in the
car you had finally gotten fixed) onto the rocky front yard of the Byers' house.
With a few mumbled profanities towards your impulsiveness, you grabbed both pints of ice cream and stepped up the front porch steps that creaked under your feet. You knocked at the front door and shifted awkwardly, turning slightly to glance at the setting sun.
You turned around to face Jonathan who stood at the door, now dressed in an olive green tee shirt and a pair of jeans. "Hi!" you hummed, smiling brightly.
"Hi," he chuckled, mirroring your smile. "What are you doing here?"
You shrugged, brushing past him and walking into the house. "I thought you might still be feeling down about today, so I wanted to bring you some ice cream. You still like mint chip, right?"
His eyes followed your figure as you walked into the kitchen and grabbed two spoons for the both of you. "Uh, yeah. Thanks...?"
You finally stopped moving for a moment to take in his confused state. With a sigh, you sat down on the couch, placing the ice cream and spoons down on the coffee table. "And after seeing you today, I realized how much I missed spending time with you. I guess... I guess I just wanted to see you again and catch up."
His look of confusion slowly melted into one of comfort and slight melancholy. "I missed you too. I'm glad you came over." We walked over and sat on the couch, his leg bumping into yours. "And I'm glad that you brought me ice cream."
You nudged his shoulder with yours, giving him a beaming smile. "You're lucky I remembered your favorite. I was just about to get some only for me."
He shrugged, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I don't mind sharing."
"I do!"
He laughed, resting his head on your shoulder as his shoulders shook with giggles. You laughed with him, but you were acutely aware of how close he was to you.
As your laughs died down, the two of you opened your individual pints of ice cream and began to dig in. "Have you talked to Nancy yet?" you asked before shoveling a spoonful of ice cream into your mouth.
He shook his head, letting out a sigh. "Not yet. I'm taking your advice and letting everything settle for a bit," he replied, leaning back on the couch. "I just... our argument made me realize a lot."
"Like what?" you mirrored his position, leaning back on the arm of the couch.
"I mean, I knew that we both came from different backgrounds and we would never agree on some things, but..." He poked his ice cream with his spoon. "I guess I never realized that though we've spent so much time together, she still has this idea that everyone has it as good as she does. That people can just throw away something that doesn't fit them perfectly because they have the money to do so." He lifted his eyes from his ice cream and up to you. "And maybe I'm narrow-minded too, spending time with other people who knew what it was like living without a lot of money."
You frowned as he spoke, slowly leaning forward to set your ice cream and spoon down on the coffee table. "Do you think that it could... hurt you guys in the long run? Knowing what she sees about the whole situation?"
He set his ice cream down as well, pulling his feet up onto the couch and crossing his legs. "I-I don't know."
Silently, the two of you searched each other's eyes with baited breath, a million thoughts racing through your head.
It was at that moment that your judgement took a back seat, and you felt that inky fog lurking in your mind.
You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his. He let out a hum of surprise, but he made no move to pull away from you. Slowly, you moved your hands to the back of his neck and scooted closer to him so you didn't have to crane your neck. You huffed out a sigh of relief as his hands finally rested on your cheeks, his shoulders beginning to lose their tension as he finally relaxed into the kiss.
Just as you were about to deepen the kiss, you felt the familiar surge of black course through your veins, your skin beginning to burn as black veins snaked up your arms and neck.
As the pull towards the creature grew stronger, your lips fell from Jonathan's and you fought the creature for control.
Jonathan gave you a confused look when you pulled away, but he quickly pushed himself away from you when he noticed the inky veins that adorned your skin. "Y/N," he gasped, his eyes wide with panic and fear. You immediately pushed yourself off the couch and rushed towards the door, only for Jonathan to lurch forward and grab your wrist. "Y/N, what the fuck is going on!"
You snapped your gaze to him, feeling that fog slowly take over your mind as you fought to stay awake. "Let me go," you begged. "Please, I don't want to hurt you."
"Let me go, Jonathan!"
Your tone startled him, loosening his grip on your wrist just enough for you to slip away from him and out the door before the creature took control.
Jonathan began to pace back and forth a few minutes after... Whatever had just happened.
He knew those veins, those pitch black veins that flooded your skin. He saw them when he had to exorcise his own brother, and now another person he cared for so dearly was overtaken by that same creature.
When Will was fighting was controlled by that same creature, though, he didn't seem so... normal. Was it evolving? Learning?
That then made him question if it was even really you. Maybe it had learned your mannerisms, took advantage of the thoughts it had access to.
What if you didn't even want to kiss him, but that thing made you?
He shook the thought from his head. He knew you loved him, that you wanted to be with him. But he also knew that you wouldn't overstep since him and Nancy were still together, even though they had gotten in a fight.
But God, he'd kiss you again in an instant if given the chance.
With a huff, he sat back down on the couch and stared at the two half-eaten pints of ice cream, guilt and worry gnawing at his insides.
He needed to tell Nancy about what happened to you. Just not now.
You sat at the landing of the metal warehouse stairs, silently watching Heather patch up Billy's bloodied body as you thought back on what happened just minutes ago.
"The girl, was it her?" Heather asked, gently dabbing a damp cloth over Billy's shoulder.
"Yeah," Billy responded gruffly, his jaw set tight. "It was her. She knows now. She knows about me."
"Jonathan knows too," you voiced silently. "He saw."
He gripped onto Heather's wrist, stopping her actions. "She could've killed me," Billy continued, ignoring your statement.
"Yes. But not us," heather whispered. Silently, she turned to look over the rows of individuals you've sacrificed, people overtaken by the monster.
"Not us," you repeated.
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lightsupinthenorth · 4 years
A little coffe with your sugar? part 2/2
Here is the second part of my Harringrove coffee shop AU. Enjoy ;) 
Part 1
Read on AO3
Steve couldn’t believe he had forgotten to ask what was in the special before ordering it… and taking a huge bite of it, just because he had been flustered that his crush (that Steve thought totally unrequited until then) was flirting with him. It hadn’t helped that Billy had put the banana layer under the chocolate, so Steve hadn’t noticed there was one before it was literally in his mouth, trying to kill him. Steve felt betrayed. Baked goods were supposed to be his friends.
 Billy waited with him after calling 911. He looked calm enough, but he was holding Steve’s hand very tightly. In any other circumstance, Steve would have been delighted about that, but his throat was swollen, and he was struggling to breathe, so it wasn’t the best time.
 Thankfully, the paramedics arrived quickly and injected Steve with epinephrine. They took him to the hospital, and Billy rode with him in the ambulance, never letting go of his hand. His eyes looked suspiciously shiny.
 “Hey, I’ll be fine, Billy. They’re just taking me to the hospital for observation. That’s the usual procedure after an anaphylactic reaction. Thankfully, my parents insist on paying for an overpriced insurance in my name, so I’ve got it covered.”
 They were doing it mostly to patronize Steve for choosing a job that didn’t have “good benefits”, unlike a job at his father’s company would have, but Billy didn’t need to hear about that.
 “That… that’s good.” Billy exhaled shakily. “It was fucking scary.”
 “I know, but it’s okay now.”
 “No, it’s not. I’m sorry, I should have told you what the special was.”
 “Come on, I’m the one responsible, obviously. I should have asked. I generally remember to, I was just distracted.”
 “So, it is my fault: you didn’t think to ask because I was messing with you.”
 Oh… so that was all it had been? Billy had just been messing with him? Steve should have known, really. Billy had probably caught on to Steve’s crush and thought he’d have a little fun.
 That thought was nearly as much as a bummer as the allergic reaction.  
 “Look, Billy, it was all an accident, and it was my fault. You couldn’t possibly have known.”
 “If you say so…” Billy replied, but he didn’t look convinced.
 The rest of the trip to the hospital was spent in silence. Steve was busy enjoying the feel of Billy’s hand in his while he still could, since he was pretty sure it wouldn’t happen again, and Billy was seemingly lost in thought.
 At the hospital, Billy texted Robin to let her know about what had happened and he informed Steve she’d be there soon.
 When she arrived, Billy apologized again (the stubborn bastard) and bid Steve goodbye. Steve whished he’d stay, but now that Robin was there he had no reason to. It was nice enough that he had interrupted his work day to accompany Steve in the first place.
 “Stop pouting, it’s unbecoming.” Robin told him.
 Steve hadn’t even noticed he was making a face.
 “Cut me some slack, I could have died today.”
 She rolled her eyes. “That’s a low blow, dingus.”
 It might have been, but Steve didn’t care. He was feeling miserable.
 “So, what happened?” Robin asked.
 Steve cleared his throat. “Uh… well… I… Turns out there were bananas in today’s special…”
 “And how come you weren’t aware of that? I’m sure Billy knows what ingredients he puts in his baking.”
 Steve wanted to lie to save himself from the embarrassing truth, but he couldn’t come up with any explanation. He was tired, alright?
 “I… I didn’t ask… what was in it.”
 “How in the world did you forget something so important?”
 Could Robin give him a break? He’d just gone through a traumatic experience. She was being mean! Steve crossed his arms over his chest.
 “My mind was somewhere else.” That’s it Steve, stay vague. You’ve got this.
 Robin arched an eyebrow. “Where was that, exactly?”
 Ugh, she wouldn’t let it go.
 “Well… Billy might have somehow flirted with me, and it got me flustered. What can I say? I’m just a man. You can’t blame me.”
 Robin sighed. “Ah, Steve. My dear friend. My favorite dingus. You are a disaster.”
 “That’s rude.” Steve whined.
 “Maybe, but that’s also true.”
 He didn’t have anything to say in his defense. It really was true.
 “Billy flirted with you though. That’s good!”
 Robin had known Steve was crushing on Billy ever since Steve himself knew (which was to say, since the moment he met Billy).
 “Not really. He only flirted as a joke, so…”
 “What makes you say that?”
 “The fact that Billy explicitly said he was messing with me, for starters.”
 “Oh… That’s weird.”
 Robin looked confused, which was new. Steve had never seen her confused about anything. Unlike himself, Robin seemed to know what she was doing at all time. She generally had things figured out, and Steve was lowkey impressed by that.
 “Oh… uh… It’s just… I had the feeling Billy liked you back, is all.”
 Steve scoffed.
 “As if. Have you met him? He barely tolerates me, on good days.”
 “Don’t be ridiculous, Steve. Sure, he can be a bit gruff sometimes, but that doesn’t mean he ‘barely tolerates’ you. Don’t be overdramatic.”
 “I’m not.” Steve denied half-heartedly. He didn’t know why he even bothered.
 After the allergy incident, Steve steered clear of the Upside-Down café, no matter how many times Robin tried to drag him there. He pretended not to miss it, but he was: he’d been moping for weeks.
 He needed sugar as well as his weekly dose of Billy. He could get the sugar somewhere else, but it just wouldn’t be the same. Billy made the best treats. Steve would die for one of his cinnamon rolls right now. He groaned.
 Robin, who was sprawled on the couch next to him, reading a book while Steve was grading papers, sighed loudly.
 “Ugh, I’ve had it with you, dingus. Just get your ass to the Upside-Down and talk to Billy. You’ve been miserable for ages and I can’t stand it anymore.”
 She was shooting daggers at Steve with her eyes.
 “Rob, we’ve been over this… I just can’t. I’m too embarrassed. I mean, the guy mock-flirted with me and it made me so dumb I forgot to ask about allergens. He left work to come with me to the hospital, just because he felt obligated or something. That’s mortifying. I can’t ever face him again.”
 “And here you are, being overdramatic again.”
 Steve stuck his tongue out at her, behaving as maturely as one of his pupils.
 Steve ended up caving. Robin was nothing if not persistent. The fact that Steve missed the Upside-Down’s baked goods acted in her favor.
 It went surprisingly fine. Heather was at the counter, as she almost always was, and Billy didn’t come out of the kitchen while Robin and Steve were there. Steve was slightly disappointed, but mostly relieved. Robin, however, was in a sour mood.
 “What’s with you?” Steve asked, simultaneously stuffing his face with food. It was even better than he remembered.
 “Nothing… I’m just annoyed.”
 “Is there something wrong with you and Heather?”
 Their interaction earlier had sounded a bit stilted.
“You know what? Yes, there is. I’m going to talk to her to… you know… clear the air. If you don’t mind…”
 “Of course, I don’t mind. Go for it.” Steve said, taking another bite of his cinnamon roll.
 Robin went behind the counter and started whispering frantically with Heather.
 Steve swore he heard them mentioning some guy. Were they fighting because of a man? No, there was no way. Robin and Heather were the gayest girls to ever gay, and they were also made for each other, so it didn’t compute.
 At some point, they both turned toward Steve, which made him realize he’d been staring. He averted his eyes and hid his face in his giant hot chocolate cup, nearly chocking on the liquid.
 They got back to whispering for a few seconds and then stopped abruptly. Robin came back to their table and sat down heavily.
 “I take it you didn’t solve the issue?”
 “Not really, no. But we’re going solve it, alright.” Robin replied.
 Well, that was enigmatic. Either that or Steve had missed something. It wouldn’t be the first time…
 “Ok… good for you, I guess?”
 “You’ve got some icing on your chin, dingus.” Robin pointed out, effectively changing the subject.
 Steve blushed and rubbed his chin with the back of his hand. He was lucky Billy, whom he was still very much crushing on despite everything, had not been there to witness that. Not that it would change much, since Steve’s chances were already ruined (or, more accurately, had been nonexistent to begin with)… but still, Steve had dealt with enough embarrassment where Billy was concerned.
 Steve started going to the Upside-Down regularly again. At first, he would only go once in a while, and only if Robin went with him, but the frequency of his visits increased when he felt confident that he wouldn’t see Billy. He never came out of the kitchen when Steve was there.
 Either Steve’s allergy had made him realize Steve was a disaster from which he’d better stay far away, or it was a coincidence that Billy was occupied when Steve came to the café. The first option was more probable, unfortunately.
 And, Steve was mostly fine, even if he missed seeing Billy. The food was still great, and Heather was nice, and at least no one judged him for the amount of sugar he poured in his hot beverages… or if they did, they did it discreetly.
 However, it came to a head, one day. One very bad, terrible day. One of Steve’s pupils had broken his leg during recess, which was awful enough, but then the other kids had been unable to concentrate for the rest of the day, whispering among themselves and fidgeting continuously. Steve couldn’t blame them for that, but he was exhausted, nonetheless. And he was as shaken up as his pupils, after the accident. By the end of the day, he was barely functioning. He had tripped on his undone shoelaces and snapped his glasses in two (he had fixed them with tape, but the result left a lot to be desired), and he had a cut on his forehead from when he hit it on his desk after picking up the pen he had dropped on the floor.
 Steve was more than ready for this hellish day to be over, but no such luck. His parents insisted he ate dinner with them on the fifteenth of each month, which was precisely that day. They’d proceed to pretend caring about him while criticizing him at every turn, and all that through a seemingly unending meal. It was the same damn thing, every month. Steve didn’t know why he still showed up. It must have had to do with his aversion to conflict.
 Steve would never survive this without caffeine, so he stopped at the Upside-Down on his way home from work.
 “Wow, what the hell happened to you?”
 He knew he looked a bit worse for wear, but it couldn’t be that bad. Could it?
 “Hi, Heather.”
 “Oh yeah, sorry, hi Steve. Are you okay?” Concern was etched upon her face.
 “Yeah… I’m fine.” Steve lied. “It was just a rough day.”
 “Certainly looks that way... What can I get you to make it better?”
 “Er, double expresso, please.”
 Heather looked even more concerned as she rang Steve up. That was far off from what he usually ordered, so he didn’t blame her for being puzzled. He was tired, and depressed, and just needed a boost to go through dinner with his parents without a nervous breakdown. He simply couldn’t be bothered to come up with anything more elaborated, and, anyway, he couldn’t really order a pastry and hot chocolate barely an hour before he was expected to eat a five-course meal.
 “Okay, go sit down, I’ll bring it to you.”
 “Thank you.”
   Steve went to his usual table, and he definitely heard it when Heather went to the kitchen and yelled at Billy to come see Steve. He also heard Billy answer in a lower voice that he just couldn’t.
 It wasn’t as if Steve didn’t know Billy didn’t want to see him, but hearing him say it, especially now, was like a punch to the gut. At least, before, Steve could pretend Billy didn’t hate him.
 When Heather brought him his double expresso, Steve thanked her again. And, if his voice cracked, it was nobody’s business but his.
 “No problem, honey.” She said with a sad smile.
 Great. Now, she was pitying him. Because Steve was pitiful.
 Once she was back behind the counter, Steve took a sip of his drink and instantly regretted not ordering something with ten times more sugar in it (and to hell with dinner at his parents’).
 Oh no.
 Now he was crying.
 Brilliant. That was just brilliant.
 Steve started dabbing his face with a napkin, but the tears kept coming uncontrollably. He was going to get up and leave, because crying in public was not part of his plans for the day (and too many things had gone off plan already), but he was prevented from doing so when Billy put a tray on the table and sat in front of him. On the tray, there were a huge piece of lemon meringue pie, a cup of hot chocolate with extra whipped cream and marshmallows, and a sugar bowl.
 Steve cried even harder. Nice gestures made him cry, sometimes. Especially when he was not in top shape.
 “No, no, please don’t cry, Steve. It was meant to cheer you up, not make it worse.”
 Billy pushed the tray toward him.
 “Come on, eat up. Everything is banana-free, I promise.”
 Steve laughed through his tears.
 “Thanks. That’s nice of you.”
 “I mean… I basically had to, Steve. Your order was too depressing. Like, a double expresso? Really? That’s not you.” Billy joked.
 “Yeah… I have to agree with you here. What you brought is much better.”
 Steve pulled the tray all the way to himself and took a bite of the pie. It tasted delicious, unsurprisingly.
 “Man, that’s not fair. That’s just too good.”
 “Uh, thank you.” Was that a blush on Billy’s face? Mh, no, probably not. It must have been a trick of the light. “So… what’s with the double expresso?”
 Steve understood Billy’s question as what it was: a nice way of asking why he had broken down crying in the middle of the Upside-Down.
 “Some shit happened at the school I work at. It was not the best day, is all. And now I have to go to my parents’ house for our monthly dinner, and I hate it. Hence the double expresso. I needed caffeine.”
 “I see… That’s rough, man. Do you want to talk about it?”
 “Maybe another time.” Steve would surely start crying again if he had to expand on the events of that day.
 “Okay. Did you think to disinfect that cut on your forehead?”
 “Oh, yes. One of my coworkers did it for me.” It had stung like a bitch, too, but what could you do?
 “That’s good, Pretty boy.”
 “Don’t call me that.” The words were out of Steve’s mouth before his brain could catch up with his mouth.
 “Oh… sure. Sorry.” Billy passed a hand in his curls. “Do you want me to go?”
 “No, no… I didn’t mean to snap, I’m sorry. I just don’t like it when you call me this, but we’re fine as long as you don’t.”
 It was only half a lie. Indeed, if Steve did like the nickname itself, he didn’t appreciate Billy using it as a joke. There was no need to rub Steve’s crush in his face. Steve didn’t understand Billy’s deal. One second he was really sweet, bringing him hot chocolate and pie to cheer him up, and the next he’d call Steve Pretty boy as if he hadn’t admitted he’d come up with the nickname just to mess up with him.
 “I won’t.”
 Not wanting to let an awkward silence settle, Steve asked Billy about his day. Billy then proceeded to tell him about the annoying customer they had a few hours earlier. It successfully distracted Steve from his horrendous day until he had to go, lest he arrive late to his parents’, which would without a doubt warrant a lecture from his father, as if Steve was sixteen instead of twenty-five.
 That evening, as Steve’s father ranted for the umpteenth time about his job, Steve only had to think about the blue of Billy’s eyes to make his frustration and feeling of inadequacy evaporate like smoke.
 After Steve’s breakdown, Billy started coming out of the kitchen again to see Robin and Steve when they were at the Upside-Down. Steve and he were friendly to each other, and it was somewhat worse than when they never saw each other. This was torture. Billy was here but still out of reach, and Steve was pining. That was what Robin said. She was right, but Steve would not admit it. He wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. Pettiness was his only comfort, so he didn’t plan on reigning it in.
 “Come on Steve, you should just tell him you like him.”
 “Are you nuts? Why would I ever do that?”
 “Well, at least you’ll know for sure.”
 “I can’t be any surer than I am right now, Rob.”
 “Ugh! Like, yeah you’re sure, but you’re wrong! You stubborn bastard.”
 Steve rolled his eyes. Robin kept saying he might have misread the signs, but she had no proof of that. Or, if she had, she wasn’t willing to share it with the class.
 “Yeah, okay, I’m wrong. Whatever. At least I have some dignity left.”
 Not much, after the allergy AND the breakdown, but still a little bit more than he would if he confessed his already obvious crush to Billy only to get rejected even more explicitly than before.
 “You’re so infuriating, Steve, I swear.”
 “I love you too.” He just said, getting drinks out of the fridge.
 They were waiting for Heather, whom Robin had invited to their movie night. Steve had not been eager to spend the entire evening third wheeling, but he was reconsidering. At least, Heather would get Robin off his back by taking all of her attention. It sounded perfect, right then.
 At least, that was what Steve thought before he opened his front door to find not only Heather, but also Billy, behind it.
 Robin, that fucking traitor!
 He hid his surprise (probably badly) and invited them inside. As soon as they had their backs turned to him, Steve glared at Robin. He was also pouting, though, so it might have ruined his attempt at expressing his righteous anger.
 “Sorry for tagging along… Heather said you didn’t mind. I brought cranberry white chocolate chips cookies, and also chocolate truffles.” Billy said, putting the two boxes he was carrying on the kitchen table.
 Okay, so Steve had indeed not hidden his surprise well.
 “Uh… yeah, yeah, of course it’s fine. Thanks for bringing food. It sounds delicious.” Steve rushed out the words, speaking a tad too fast.
 Once the pizza Steve and Robin had ordered arrived, they all went to the living-room and set the food and drinks on the coffee table.
 “Oooh, we’re watching Lights Out? That’s cool. I wanted to watch it for a long time but never got around to it.” Heather said.
 Billy’s face lost all color.
 “Oh… right. That’s… cool.” His voice was slightly higher than usual.
 “Are you sure? We can watch something else, if you’re not into that kind of things.”
 High-school Steve would have made fun of Billy for being a sissy. Fuck high-school Steve, though. That guy was a grade A asshole.
 “Yeah, I’m sure. It’s fine.” Billy assured in a clipped tone.
 Steve hoped he hadn’t offended him with his question. It was the opposite of his goal.
 Heather and Robin curled up together in Steve’s big, comfy chair, which left the couch to Billy and him. Steve tried to focus on the movie, but at first he was more focused on the food, and then he was more focused on Billy, who was sitting straight and looked pretty tense overall.
 Every time a loud sound came from the tv, or something appeared suddenly on the screen, Billy would startle. Of course, it was the point of jumpscares, but Billy’s reactions were more violent than most people’s.
 “Are you okay, Billy?”
 “Yes. Just the fucking jumpscares… they’re annoying.”
 Steve wasn’t convinced Billy was alright, but he kept silent. He didn’t want to put Billy on the spot by insisting.
 About halfway through, Billy announced he was going for a smoke break and declined Heather’s offer to pause the movie. Steve waited a minute, at most, before following Billy outside. He found him sitting on the front steps of his building, without a cigarette in sight.
 “Hey… Sorry I followed you.”
 “It’s okay. I… I should have agreed when you suggested we watch something else. I just thought I’d be fine, for once. It’s just a movie, you know. But, like, I’m just too jumpy to deal with this kind of movies. I don’t like loud noises and shit.”
 Billy was bouncing his right leg. Steve sat down next to him on the stairs and put his hand over his knee to settle him.
 “I get it, you don’t have to explain yourself. Jumpscares are a cheap way to frighten the audience, anyway. We could have gone for a better movie. We can get back to the flat and watch something else if you want, I’m sure the girls won’t mind.”
 “Thank you, but that’s not necessary. I’m going to stay here a while. The fresh air is nice.” Billy assured him.
 “You want me to leave you alone?”
 “I’d rather you stay, pretty boy, but it’s up to you.”
 “Here you go again with that nickname.”
 Steve took his hand off Billy’s knee.
 “Shit, sorry.” He looked sheepish.
 “Look, I don’t want to make a big deal out of this, but it kind of is a big deal to me. I just think it’s mean.” Steve said.
 He wanted to get this out of the way, so Billy and he could really become friends. Friendship was better than nothing.
 “What? Why mean?”
 Billy was frowning.
 “Well, you know I have a crush on you… I mean, you pretended to flirt with me once and I basically lost all common sense, so there’s no way you don’t know. So, I think it’s really a dick move to call me… call me that, when you clearly don’t like me back.”
 Steve had gotten worked up. It was a stupid thing to get worked up over, but his frustration had to find an out, at some point.
 “Hold on, hold on a sec. Who told you I don’t like you back?” Billy’s tone was full of disbelief.
 “Well, uh, you did. At the hospital. You said that you were messing with me when you flirted before I had my allergic reaction, remember?”
 “I didn’t mean I was just pretending to flirt with you, Steve, what the fuck? I said I messed with you because I noticed you were flustered, and I made it worse by continuing to flirt… But it was no joke. Truth is, the first time I called you Pretty boy, it just slipped out… because I keep calling you that in my mind since I met you.”
 Billy was now kneeling in front of Steve on the steps, with both his hands on Steve’s knees.
 Steve had so many questions, but one of them needed an answer more urgently than the others:
 “Can I kiss you?”
 “Can eagles fly, Pretty boy?”
 Steve was going to tell him to shut up, because Billy was being obnoxious, but he figured that joining their lips would be far more effective, and far more pleasant. So, he bent down to kiss Billy, who instantly put a hand in Steve’s hair.
 Steve had been planning on keeping it chaste, but it didn’t happen that way. As soon as his lips were on Billy’s, his restraint went up in flames. He’d been longing to do that ever since he had laid eyes on Billy, after all. And his lips were so soft, and they felt so good. He deepened the kiss, making Billy moan. He’d be very satisfied about that fact if he wasn’t too occupied getting lost in Billy.
 “Fuck, Pretty boy, you’ll be the death of me.” Billy said in a husky voice when they separated to catch their breath.
 “Well, I think I’ve died already and now I’m in heaven.”
 Billy gasped.
 “Steve, that was so cheesy.” He was smiling.
 “You can’t complain. You started it.”
 “I wasn’t complaining”, Billy assured, before going back to kissing Steve.
 Heather, who had been sent by Robin to check up on them, found them in the exact same spot an hour later.
 “Thank God, you guys finally got your heads out of your asses. I was starting to lose hope you ever would.” Heather said.
 Steve blushed and Billy rolled his eyes.
 “Okay… so, you might have been right.”
 “I might have been?” Heather arched an eyebrow.
 “Okay, you definitely were….” Billy huffed. “I’m never going to hear the end of this, am I?”
 Steve could have had the exact same conversation with Robin, so he couldn’t help but laugh.
 “I mean… I did have to listen to you pine for ages. Oh, Heather, I can’t speak to Steve anymore, I nearly killed him last time. I’m a menace. And then: no Heather, I can’t be more than friends with him, it makes him uncomfortable when I flirt with him, he asked me not to do it anymore, oh but he’s so pretty, oh and his hair looks so soft, and his eyes are so big… Ugh, you were the worst.”
 Billy hid his face in his hands and groaned, probably embarrassed. He should wait until he heard what Robin had to say about Steve’s own pining. She was a hundred percent going to drag him.
Steve kissed Billy’s temple, which made him stop hiding.
 “Well, it all worked out, in the end.” Billy said, looking into Steve’s eyes.  
 “Oh no… You’re gonna be so sickeningly sweet, aren’t you?” Heather looked like she was discovering a flaw in her plan.
 “You bet.” Steve confirmed, not looking away from Billy’s eyes.
 It made sense for them to be overly sweet, after all, considering how they had met.
Thanks a lot for reading! :)
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marshunter06 · 4 years
Duncan’s Good Reputation?
Inspo credit and mad love to @stuckupwindbag your post about Duncan’s first PO becoming a monk totally inspired this. Then it turned into a 5+1 cause I’m a sucker for those things.
Oddly enough, Courtney first finds it through a letter. She hadn’t meant to be snooping, but with their relationship beginning again, trust was a touchy subject. She can just hear her mother’s voice- “once a cheater always a cheater hun, don’t ever forget that.'' To be fair, he left the open letter in plain view. It was just sitting on top of his kitchen counter close to where she placed her car keys. She was only looking for her keys when she accidently ended up glancing at the letter. It was handwritten. She would only skim it.
Nice to hear from you personally instead of through your new parole officer asking for advice. Glad to see that you’re out of trouble nowadays. I always knew you had a golden heart. Speaking of advice, I gave you some that I know you took- Congrats on the outcome - I finally did listen to my heart as well. After some traveling I found my place on a mountain on a little island. I’m finally at peace and I’m happy. Never thought I would say this, but thanks for getting in trouble all those years ago. I wouldn’t be on top of the world if it wasn’t for you.
Much love,
Your old PO
David, a newly devote Monk
“Hey Princess, did you find your keys?”
She jumps as the voice and moves as far away from the counter. If he noticed she was acting weird, he didn’t say anything about it. Instead, he picks up her keys then tosses it to her. He smiles as he sees the letter.
“Thanks… I guess I’ll see you tomorrow morning?”
“Is it cool if we meet for an early lunch instead? I gotta mail David back.”
“You mean brunch? Sure… who’s David again?”
“Brunch is for pansies. He’s my old parole officer. Dude just became a monk, go figure.”
Confusion was written all over her face as she chose to ignore his brunch statement. She waits to see if he’ll elaborate, and surprisingly, he does.
“We met the first time I got out of juvie, he was meant to be a mentor to me sorta. It didn’t work out that way. I kept getting into trouble and he tried to help, but he couldn’t because of protocol. I didn’t really care, but it bothered the hell out of him. Right before I left for Island, I told him to quit his job and do some soul searching since he was so unhappy. Besides, I figured I’d win and I wouldn’t need him anymore. Guess he finally found his calling.”
Duncan shrugs it off like it’s no big deal, but Courtney knows there’s more to the story he’s not telling her. She doesn’t push for the details, just happily accepts that he opened up about a piece of his past.
She almost loses it when she finds him repeatedly liking the same girl’s post on Instagram. She decides to get information before confronting him. When she finds out the girl was an ex she was ready to kill him, until she reads through the comments. The first picture is of a selfish of this gorgeous blonde with blue eyes. The caption read: Your fav girl is back, and this time with a new username!
duncansthename: with love huh?
ashwithlove: you know it dunkie (;
The second picture wasn’t any better. The same girl is smiling at the camera in a bikini at the beach. The caption read: Sun’s out so your fav hun’s out!
duncansthename: you’re not very creative Ash.
ashwithlove: did you even read your own @?
duncansthename: lol same old Ashley
ashwithlove: back at cha asshole (:
The third picture is when she became curious instead of just angry. Another selfie except this time her hair was considerably shorter. The caption read: New hair, who dis?
duncansthename: geez who hurt you babe?
ashwithlove: *rolls eyes* says the guy who broke up with me through a text.
duncansthename: we were 13! I said sorry already, besides you were going to do the same thing.
ashwithlove: I know, I’m just teasing (:
The fourth and final picture she comes across is what finally gives her all the pieces. Ashley was smiling with her eyes and both hands up pointing at a rainbow. The caption read: Never been happier in my life than right at this moment.
duncansthename: guessing it went well then, congrats Ash
ashwithlove: I owe it to you dunkie! Thanks to you, I can be ash with love <3
duncansthename: don’t get all soft on me now, I don’t do that shit
ashwithlove: sure tough guy, maybe I should message your princess (;
duncansthename: stay away from my girl, you live on the other side of the world now anyways
ashwithlove: no promises, besides the heart knows not distance only love
duncansthename: you’re unbelievable
ashwithlove: I learned from the best (;
“Pizza’s here if you’re ready for a break Princess.”
Even though she was no longer jealous, she still wanted to make sure her assumptions were correct.
“Duncan, who’s Ashley?”
He doesn’t even flinch, a good sign since he all but jumped away when she confronted him about Gwen way back.
“She’s an ex girlfriend of mine. My first girlfriend actually.”
“Don’t worry Princess, I’m not carrying a torch for her. Besides, she has a girlfriend now.”
“You’re not just saying that right?”
“No? That’s a dumb thing to lie about. If you met her, you would know. She’d hit on you instantly.”
“But you just said she has a girlfriend.”
“Her girl would probably hit on you too. You’re fucking gorgeous Court.”
She feels her cheeks warm up at his compliment. She still wasn’t used to him being sweet again, so she shrugs it off.
“Stop changing the subject.”
“Just being honest. Anyways, you just reminded me to reply to her message.”
“You still message each other?”
“Every now and then… She says hi… shit and now she’s FaceTiming.”
“Dunkie! Let me talk to your princess! I know she’s there!”
“No! I always knew you would try and steal my girlfriend after having your heart broken by me.”
“As if. You were the one left heartbroken after I came out to you.”
“Yeah yeah, whatever.”
“Okay, but for real. Thanks dude! I can finally be me now. It’s officially! Your fav girl is out and proud! Mom took it better than I thought and she’s going to meet Dana on Monday!”
“Told you she would accept you. Your mom loves you.”
“I know, thanks for listening though.”
“Anything for my first girlfriend.”
“Careful, I might actually hold you to that! I gotta go, but double date soon?”
“You live in London!”
“So? Okay I really gotta go! Bye Dunkie! Tell your princess I said hi!”
Ashley hangs up on the call leaving Duncan slightly annoyed, but not really. He was about to apologize to Courtney, but she stops him. There was no need, besides the pizza was getting cold.
If being on a reality show taught Courtney anything was that she shouldn’t be surprised at anything. Still, she was caught off guard when she bumped into Chef Hatchet on her daily run through the park. She was even more thrown off when she sees that he’s not alone. He had six kids with him. He lets them take their hands off the walking rope as long as they promise to stay within the playground. The children all nodded yes then ran off towards the slides and swings.
“Courtney? Is that you?”
“Chef? What are you doing here?”
“Just taking the daycare kids on an outing. They’re repairing our playground, so I thought it would be nice to take the kids to the park.”
“Daycare kids?”
“Yeah! I’m a daycare teacher now.”
She must be in an alternate reality, there’s no way Chef Hatchet could be around children voluntarily. Especially with half the shit he helped pull on Total Drama, no sane person would hire the man.
“I can see you’re confused, but this is my true calling!”
“No offense Chef, but are you okay? Do I need to take you to the hospital?”
“I’m perfectly fine, Courtney. I thought Duncan would have told you already.”
“Yeah, he was the one to convince me I needed to do something different.”
“Wait, Duncan told you to quit and you actually listened?”
“He gives pretty good advice, that kid’s a good listener. I’ve never been happier.”
“What exactly did he say to you?”
“Just that even I deserve to be happy and to give it a chance.”
One of the kids starts crying and Chef is immediately on the move. It’s a strange sight, but Chef is extremely patient with the child and soon the little one is off running again. Who would have thought?
Courtney was ready to go grab her second cup of coffee when her phone buzzes. It was a text from Heather. She was going to ignore it until she saw that her boyfriend’s name was mentioned.
Heather: I just wanted to say I’m sorry. Pass that message to Duncan. He still has my number blocked.
Courtney: How do you even have my number? Also why were you texting Duncan?
Heather: Your boyfriend’s the one who gave it to me. Also that’s none of your business.
Courtney: You made it my business when you texted me. What did you do?
Heather: I didn’t do anything… okay fine I bitched him out for being nosy.
Courtney: Um… what?
Heather: He was butting in on my relationship with Alejandro again.
Courtney: Are you sure we're talking about the same Duncan?
Heather: Okay fine. I may have bothered him about my relationship.
Courtney: … and why would you do that?
Heather: He’s honest and he’s not afraid to tell it to my face even if he knows I’ll get angry.
Heather: Look, just tell him I’m sorry and that Alejandro and I are okay now.
Duncan picks her up after work and she immediately wants to bring up the messages. She waits until they’re back at her place to say anything.
“How was work Princess?”
“Fine… um… so Heather says she’s sorry?”
He raises an eyebrow at that. He wasn’t expecting that either apparently.
“I told her to only talk to you in case of emergencies. I should have never given her your number, sorry Court.”
“Normally I would be angry, but I’m just curious now.”
“Heather’s been picking fights with Alejandro because she’s afraid of commitment. She found out we got back together, so she asked me how we did it. I told her that she was being stupid and that he clearly loves her. Somehow I end up listening to her break up and get back together with him only to break up again. This was only last month too.”
“Well, I guess they’re back together again. She told me I should tell you that too. Is that why you blocked her? Cause she was being too annoying?”
“No. She obviously loves the guy, she just needed someone to slap some sense into her. I’m surprised she apologized though.”
“Me too, guess she’s really changed. Are you going to unblock her? I think she genuinely feels bad.”
“She should after what she said.”
Courtney waits patiently to see if he would tell her, and just like last time, he does. There were no secrets between the two. Duncan just had a bad habit of forgetting to tell her things that he didn’t think was important.
“She said some shit about you and I got pissed.”
“Typical. Well I don’t care what she thinks. I can’t believe she would talk about me and expect me to help her.”
Her phone buzzes and she can’t help but roll her eyes at the message. It was from Heather again, unbelievable.
Heather: By the way, you’re both invited to my engagement party.
Courtney learned long ago that she could only count on herself. She learned that the hard way after she started drifting apart from her sister and her parents were no help. Admittedly, part of it is her fault too. They were always interested in different things, it was hard to find common ground.
Things started to change on her birthday. She gets a call from Cate and maybe it’s because they’re older now, but they reconnect. She’s grateful that she at least has one family member she can count on.
The two sisters become inseparable and they tell each other everything. Today was no different.
“I can’t stand him sometimes, but I love him.”
“He’s a good guy Court. You know, I still haven’t thanked him yet.”
“Thank him for what?”
“For bringing us together.”
“What are you going on about Cate?”
“While mom and dad were going through their divorce he reached out to me and asked how I was doing. He told me that you didn’t take it very well and he suggested that we talk about it. I put it off for months. I didn’t know what to say, but then it was your birthday and I knew this was my chance to say something without it being totally awkward. Now here we are.”
“He did that?”
“He did. He really loves you big sis. You picked a good one.”
She smiles at that. It’s true. She didn’t fall for a bad boy after all.
A bonus-
She used to think he ruined her life, turns out he made it so much better. Well, until now.
She almost hangs up at him when she got the phone call. The only reason she didn’t is because her stupid heart told her she still loves him. She really should’ve expected this. He went to juvie, he had a record, why wouldn’t he end up in jail again?
“Princess are you still there?”
“You wanna tell me why you’re locked up? Again!”
“How was I supposed to know I wasn’t allowed to walk inside?”
“The door was locked and it was someone else’s home!”
“Well they need a better security system, that was way too easy.”
“I’m going to hang up on you.”
“Wait! I’m kidding. Sorry, can you please just come bail me out.”
“I’ll think about it.”
She hangs up the phone then screams into the closest throw pillow. It was supposed to be their date night and now her date was in jail. He is never going to hear the end of this once she bails him out. She was all dressed up and now she was going to waste it by going to a detention center.
She was still fuming as she gave the address to the Uber driver. She didn’t even notice that she had arrived until the driver told her so. Except she was definitely not where she needed to be. She was in a neighborhood with nice houses up and down the block. Duncan must’ve given her the address of the house he broke into instead. Great. She was just about to figure out how to call Duncan back when the phone rings again.
“Are you here yet Princess?”
“I thought you only get one phone call.”
“I took another guy’s turn. Where are you at?”
“I’m at the house you tried to break into. You gave me the wrong address!”
“Shit. Sorry, it’s right down the street. Just cut across the park and you should be there.”
“You’re in so much trouble when I get there!”
She had to take a deep breath and calm herself before she started walking. He is so lucky she loves him.
When she enters the park, bright lights catch her attention. She wants to look away, but the path is along the lights. She stops when she reaches the bridge. There he was standing in the middle smiling at her. She heads toward him already asking a bunch of questions, but he doesn’t answer any of it. Instead he pulls her close and kisses her. When her eyes open he’s kneeling on the ground with a ring.
“Courtney, I love you. You’re my favorite girl and I know that everything that happened in my past lead me to you. I know I can be myself around you and still be accepted. We have our ups and downs, and I know I don’t deserve you, but I love you. There’s no one else I can count on without fear of judgement. You’re my princess, marry me?”
“Yes! Of course it’s a yes! I love you too and that’s all that matters.”
She brings him up to kiss him again then he slips the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly.
“You know, you really had me worried.”
“I’m not dumb enough to get caught. I left that life behind me anyways.”
“No, not that. I was worried that you were going to lose your good reputation.”
“Did I scare you that badly? My reputation is anything but good Court.”
“Oh I don’t know Dunkie, I think there are a few people who would say otherwise.”
A/N- There probably could’ve been a better title... anyways, 5 times Courtney finds out Duncan changes someone’s life for the better and the one time he changes her life for the better. (Alternatively you can say that she changes his life for the bonus as well).
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thinger-strang · 5 years
no one dies and everyone's gay au
Nancy finds Barb when she gets stuck in the Upside Down when she's in the forest with Jonathan (don't ask me about the logistics) and so Steve ends up finding Jonathan and Barb in Nancy's room? And he's confused because at first he'd just seen Jon and thought Nancy was cheating but then he saw Barb walk into the room? (traumatic sleepover time! except Jon stays on the ground and Barb and Nance cuddle on the bed bc they're best friends and BARB WAS MISSING FOR LIKE TWO DAYS I THINK? she deserves snugs)
But Tommy and Carol started talking about how Nancy was probably sleeping with both, everyone knew Barb was the biggest d*ke in Hawkins, Nancy probably got curious about the other side!
He doesn't necessarily agree but still doesn't stop Tommy from spray painting the theater (because Nancy still lied to him? Lying generally meant there was something? going on? idk Steve's just confused and a little hurt rn)
The rest of the season goes pretty much the same, Barb's just there trying to not die and trying to help the Gang™ find Will and fight this bitch ass demogorgon (I don't think she's really be part of the Nancy and Jonathan luring it to the house and fighting it, she'd help with set up and the plan but I think she'd fuck right off when it comes down to facing it, she's had enough monsters for one life time thx)
But she'd so wanna help get Will out so she's there with Joyce and everyone talking to El while she's in the bath finding Will and talking Hop and Joyce about the Upside Down
(and she's been to the hospital, she didn't get a face sucking monster thing so she recovered quicker? idk don't ask logistics again lmao)
But she and Will end up getting along and sometimes when she's hanging out with Nancy and the party comes over she'll say hi to Will and like ruffle his hair
(also I want a little scene after the big monster hunting trip scene where a) Nancy and Jonathan explain everything to Steve and b) where Steve sees Barb again and pulls her into the biggest hug and starts like apologizing for not paying attention that night and for letting her get taken and even though she assured him it wasn't his fault he still feels guilty about it, it was his house, he should have helped her bandage her hand or something? idk but this right here is the beginning of the Barb/Steve friendship and the start of the "fall of King Steve")
cue s2
and so the four get really close, Jonathan and Steve are actually friends (idk what s2 was pulling but they're friends) and Barb talks to Nancy about Steve and Jonathan and Nancy ends up breaking up with Steve way earlier (bc you know none of that drama would have happened if Barb was there so)
But they're all still good friends, Steve's cool about the break up, and Nancy and Jonathan get together but it's not like right after? so it's all chill and they all went through a dramatic experience together so they remain close knit yeah
and Barb eventually comes out to them (everyone's supportive obviously) and Steve's is ready to throw down with anyone for her
cue Billy
the four of them are sizing up the new guy, Nancy doesn't really care, Jonathan thinks his hair is a little ridiculous (which I mean, that first day? when he steps out of the Camaro? yeah it was a lil rough), Barb can see right through his macho bullshit, and Steve? has a little bi meltdown. bc this kid has definitely had boy crushes before and knows he likes both (kid listens to queen of course he knew he was bi lmao)
blah blah blah s2 happens, Barb, Steve, and Billy have the same English class and Billys generally quiet during school, kinda stand-off-ish, only really bugs people during gym/basketball, but he literally sits in the back and does absolutely nothing during class and still somehow has the highest grade
(FUCK him and Barb get paired for a project and she fucking calls him out? like she's just like you're gay I'm lesbian you can cut the crap around me and they become...not friends? but they have solidarity, they're cool)
and I'm a slut for this trope but BILLY FIGHTS DEMODOGS WITH THEM lmao he hears Max sneak out and follows her and finds her in the junkyard armouring up a bus with fucking Harrington and a couple of nerds? and like the sun is setting and he needs to get Max home so he's like "Maxine! I don't know what the fuck this is and I don't fucking care, we gotta go!" and the four are like yelling at him to either leave or get in the bus! and he's so confused, I'm not here to play games Max! and Steve's running out of the bus with a FUCKING NAIL BAT WHAT THE FUCK HARRINGTON? And Steve's like behind you! and swings at a demodog. Billy has a borderline panic attack before he finds like a fender or exhaust pipe or whatever and starts swinging too
the dogs run away and Billy rounds onto Steve like what the living shit was that? and Steve has to explain everything with Dustin and Lucas interrupting and Max shrugging and trying to understand too? it's a mess
s2 continues with Billy and with HOPPER NOT BEING ABLE TO STAND HIM bc he's caught him speeding and underage drinking and shit and Billy's nervous as hell around cops which makes him mouthy and ITS A MESS
they're all at Joyce's (Barb's there too bc Will's possessed and they need to check up on her too? and she's concerned for Will anyway yeah she's in this too) and El shows up and Steve and Billy are just like what? another one? who the fuck? like Steve heard about her but this isn't a tiny child without hair??? idk it's funny
(obviously Steve isn't passed out and the kids don't drive the car, it's Billy's awful impulse control that leads to them going into the tunnels)
okay I couldn't decide where to put Barb here? so I left her with Steve and Billy to babysit and she ends up in the tunnels too? and she's def handling it better than the boys are fuck yeah
Steve has his bat and is in front and Billy found an axe in the pile of shit from the Byers' shed and he pulls up the end
it's awesome
yada yada Steve and Billy end up becoming weirdly good friends by the end and he's good with him and Barb, idk about Nance and Jon but eh
s3 now
Billy ends up getting two jobs; lifeguard and cook at Benny's (bc he's alive too, fight me bitches this is the ultimate fix it) and Barb ends up working as a waitress there too (and working together builds the weirdest bonds so they are besties now)
everything in s3 is pretty much the same but with diner scenes too? and like all the Hawkins moms swarm Benny's too and leave lipstick stains on their kitchen tips and "send my compliments to the chef *wink*"
Billy eats it up but Barb can tell he also kinda hates it bc he's barely 18 and not even remotely into women and it makes him super uncomfortable but publicly he "loves" it (he starts wearing tank tops to the pool and tries to hide out in the kitchen but it really doesn't work)
he still gets caught up with the mind flayer but it's not bc he's about to sleep with Karen bc ew, idk why he's driving out by the warehouse idk maybe he's out on a drive bc he can't sleep yeah
anyway he gets caught up but like he knows, or kind of knows, what this is and calls in sick to both jobs and talks to Hopper bc WHAT THE FUCK isn't the gate closed? I got face fucked my an interdimensional monster so unless you know where the fuck that came from?? and they deal with it earlier (most of the shit still happens but it's less...messy? like Hop and Joyce are more involved in the Billy shit and Steve knows about it?)
Steve still gets caught up with the Russians (I don't think he'd have a chance to tell anyone (specifically Hopper) bc he finds out about Billy then the elevator stuff happens like right after and yada yada)
so for most of the season it's them trying to actually help Billy! and they end up saving a lot of people? (specifically Heather bc she was really nice to Billy and I want he to live fight me it's my au)
but enough people get melted and shit that starcourt still get destroyed blah blah blah!
but Billy makes it and so does Hop and Alexie (no one dies au) and they all end up doing the thing in the mall like they did in the shed with Will? like breaking Billy out? Barb talks about working at the diner and their secret and Steve talks about them hanging out and playing basketball and the tunnels and Max talks about Billy buying her a new board and them scream-singing along to ACDC in the Camaro and the kids mention him giving them rides and shit and yeah! El talks about his mom and that's it! Joyce and Hop close the gate while Billy's holding the one arm (he doesn't get stabbed in the chest, as cool as that scar would be, no...but he gets some on his hands and upper arms and his sides?)
(also Billy's drinking like bleach rn so they try and reverse that as much as possible while he's possessed so that he has a better recovery later bc no! chlorine is not good for you! and Billy tries so hard to not drink it but sometimes he can't fucking stop? idk but he has a support system now!)
and Robin came out to Steve and Steve comes out to her too? like kinda? he alludes to it vaguely bc he's so not ready to be out to anyone FUCK
And Billy comes out to Steve (he was planning on doing it earlier that summer but shit happened)
and Robin becomes friends with everyone (ITS ROBIN X BARB HOURS BITCHES)
(OKAY small like side shit? Benny and Hopper have known each other for years and Benny's like one of the only registered foster parents on Hawkins so he ends up fostering a lot of wayward kids while Hop figures out legal stuff (he hasn't adopted anyone yet but him and his husband (yeah Benny's gay deal with it) really want to? they just haven't yet, all the kids they take care of end up in their care temporarily) BUT Hop finds out about Billy and Max's home life (I know a lot of people write that Neil wouldn't hit Max but...nah son not how that works? idk but he needs to get them out? and Neil's bad to Susan too (he's the worst to Billy but still bad to Max and Susan) anyway Hop helps Susan leave Neil (it takes a while and Billy and Max end up with Benny for a little bit while the divorce is going down and all the legal shit yeah it's safer out of the house rn) long story short Billy ends up staying with Benny after everything and ends up getting adopted (they're like we know you're 18 and you don't need a guardian but if you want we can be your dads? and Billys like yeah sure that'd be nice and yeah) Hop ends up being a weird like uncle figure? idk like I said him and Benny are close and they both adopted kids so yeah? and Billy ends up considering El his little sister and he still visits Max and Susan and yeah?)
ANYWAY everything kind of calms down, Hop and Joyce get together (I just realized I forgot about Bob so...idk I guess this isn't an everyone survives au? no no that's weird um idk him and Joyce end up breaking up idk why) but yeah Hop and Joyce get together and like it's kind of fast but they've been in love for a long time so it's kind of fine? like idk but yeah
Barb and Robin get together (ITS FUCKING CUTE they go to aquariums and have paint dates where they sit on some old sheets and paint while listening to Robin's records ITS CUTE!)
STEVE COMES OUT TO EVERYONE! he definitely cries bc fuck he was scared! bc he likes both and he wasn't sure if that was a thing or whatever for a while and Billy's like oh yeah, like David Bowie or Freddie Mercury? and that's when Steve's cries bc oh thank God you guys get it and you're cool with it oh fuck and YEAH
UM Max is bi too, Will comes out as gay (listen I know none of this is like 80's realistic but everyone's gay and alive and happy, fuck off)
Um it takes forever for Billy and Steve to get together, it's awful. like Barb and Robin have to deal with their pining and shit? and like Robin hears about it from Steve at work and Barb hears about it from Billy at the diner and they put their knowledge together and make a Plan ™
it's like elaborate and dramatic (shut up they're all like 18-19) and shit? BUT LMAO okay one day they're all hanging out at Steve's (bc I've also hopped aboard the neglectful parents train sorry) and idk Steve and Billy are there before Robin and Barb are so the girls walk in on them arguing over whatever and like Billy's talking really fast and Steve's talking with his hands and idk what it's about but Billy ends up yelling that he loves him BUT THEY KEEP ARGUING FOR LIKE A SOLID MINUTE AFTER THAT BEFORE IT HITS THEM and Steve gets all quiet and is just like you love me? and Billy doesn't fucking know what to do?? he's like bright red and frozen and Robin and Barb are by the door trying to not like break the spell (bc it's been months guys) and Billy's like of course I do asshole and Robin thinks Steve's about to have a panic attack but he like rushes forward and cups Billy's face and kisses him senseless and it's like the best thing Robin and Barb have ever seen
and they're resting their foreheads together, Steve's still holding Billy's face and Billy has his hands on Steve's chest it's really tender but Robin's like yeah congrats and shit but you guys ruined our Plan™! and she gives them a long ass rundown of their elaborate scheme and Steve and Billy are like still touching and bumping into each other as they listen and Barb interrupts and says that this was better and Robin rolls her eyes but agrees
and they're watching a movie or whatever, cuddling in their respective couples and Steve fucking jumps up randomly and rounds on Billy like hey woah fuck I love you too, I didn't say that earlier! and Billy's looking up at him like yeah I know that asshole and yeah
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yutaya · 4 years
Discord was all, “what would Danny be like in an AU where he was CEO instead of the Iron Fist?” and then they were like “What would WARD be like if he was the Iron Fist instead of CEO?”, and I was like “wow interesting question and I kind of want to answer but also I have to go to work ttyl” - and then I didn’t reply for like, a week and a half, but - here we go.
So. A role reversal AU where Danny is the CEO of Rand Enterprises and Ward is the Iron Fist.
So maybe in this universe, it wasn’t Madame Gao who approached Harold with an offer to save him. Maybe it was Harold, desperately searching for any way to prolong his own life, who hears whispers about shadows who don’t die, that there’s an organization, and Harold doesn’t even hesitate to offer them a deal in exchange for immortality. It’s nothing to Harold to dip his company into criminal enterprises, after all. He even suggests a solution to the possibility of his straight-laced business partner hindering their business - a plane crash related solution.
But the Hand likes to believe they control everything, and in this universe, it was not their idea to approach Harold Meachum and acquire Rand as a resource. The audacity! This man thinks he can come and use them, an outsider, using their substance, and doesn’t even have the honor to offer a true sacrifice in return, only that which he wouldn’t mind giving up and which he may even be planning on doing with his company and his business partner anyway?
So the Hand says, interesting proposition, meet us in one of our upcoming base locations where we may be able to discuss terms and your supplying the building for our next facility there, and then just as Harold so eagerly suggested a plane crash for his business partner, he finds his own travel to Anzou cut short.
A plane crash may be too showy for the Hand’s usual tastes, but Madame Gao does appreciate the poetic-ism of it.
In another world, Wendall took Heather and Danny with him on his trip to investigate the Anzou facility. In this world, Harold took Ward, for another “lesson” on “being an effective business man”.
Did he bring Joy as well? Spin it as some family vacation time in China after daddy’s business meeting is through? Intend to have Ward watch her while he conducted the more unsavory parts of his business?
If Joy and Ward are both on the plane:
-A: Joy, like Heather, dies in the plane crash, leaving Ward as sole survivor. This would absolutely devastate Ward, and not really work, I think - maybe it would be convenient to create a whole “fueled solely by revenge and with nothing left to lose, Ward channels all his energy and stubbornness and drive into destroying the Hand who took his baby sister” plot line, but… that’s like, Darkest Timeline content, and it makes me sad to think about, and also Ward is at his core more of a “protector of those he loves” guy than a “dark and vengeful” guy, so.
-B: Both children survive the crash. Their father does not. Joy is devastated, and ten years old, and Ward’s first priority is to prevent his little sister from freezing to death on a snowy mountain top in the fucking Himalayas. So how does this go? Ward and Joy both grow up in K'un Lun. Joy wants to go home to Danny and Heather and Wendall and their company, so when the pass opens fifteen years later, she takes off, and Ward goes with her, because of course he does. 
Maybe in this world they’re closer, still brought together by living through their father’s death and by having to present a united front against the sharks in the water, even if those sharks are monks sneering at the foreigners this time instead of businessmen looking to tear down the children running a company, but without Ward isolating himself, going down a path of drug abuse and mysterious injuries. Without Joy going to college and law school and struggling to prove herself next to her “prodigy” big brother.
These Meachum siblings go back to New York and to a Danny Rand who lost both of his siblings and his uncle in one fell swoop, who was left alone but for his parents. Wendall and Heather, to their credit, are kind and loving parents who hug him and do their best to support their child through the entire family’s grief and talk to him about death and such, but they are still adults with jobs and responsibilities and a whole lot of workload dropped onto their plates in the fallout of the entire Meachum family’s tragic demises.
How does Danny fare, left all alone? He grieves. He’s lonely. He’s angry at the circumstances, at faulty planes, at the shoddy craftsmanship that must have gone into it because it’s easier to rail against that than the idea that sometimes these things just… happen. He’s even guiltily angry with the Meachums, for leaving him. But he’s also Danny Rand, who came out of tragedy and abuse a kung-fu master ball of hope and light.
So Danny makes the best of things. Maybe when he gets a little older, hits his teenager years, he starts going out. Gets really good at slipping away from his security guards - learns to be light on his feet. Goes to skate parks, marvels at some of the tricks the other kids can do, and starts learning a bit of parkour, just because it’s cool. Maybe he explores the city he only really saw before from penthouse balconies - makes friends with hole-in-the-wall restaurant owners and moving company workers and homeless dudes in the park. Maybe he visits Chinatown, Harlem, Hell’s Kitchen.
Maybe Danny ends up with connections all across the city, and in this universe, all those Rand Enterprises ads about being “for the family” and “there to support people” are a little more true than in another universe where the Hand was pulling Harold’s was pulling Ward’s strings. Wendall and Heather and business school teach Danny not to just give away all their products at cost when he takes over after Wendall either decides to retire early or just steps down into a lower position as part of a planned, gradual transition for the company, but maybe Danny helps set up programs to help get their product to disadvantaged groups without immediately inviting the board to oust him. 
Maybe Rand is heavily involved in philanthropy. Maybe a certain portion of those funds go to research on aircraft safety, and to families of plane crash victims. Maybe Danny still always separates out brown m&ms.
And then, one day, two adults show up claiming to be the long dead Joy and Ward Meachum, with a fantastical tale about surviving the plane crash and being raised in a monastery, and coming back now to reconnect with their old friend. They do not say that the monastery was part of a village that only connects to the rest of the world every fifteen years, or that the people there are all part of a cult dedicated to fighting a shadow organization of undead ninja criminals, or that, by the way, Ward punched a dragon in the heart and his fist glows now, because they are not idiots, but it still seems a little too good to be true. Danny wants to believe, but his parents caution him, and Danny’s fingerprint in an old ceramic gift won’t necessarily help ID Joy and Ward Meachum. Still, let’s say the Rands are a lot more willing to civilly work to gain proof one way or the other, and Joy and Ward don’t take offense to the need for verification, and somehow they figure it out and commence awkwardly trying to reconnect now that they’re all adults with different life experiences and nothing turned out how they’d expected it would as children.
And maybe the Meachum siblings get wind of the Hand in New York, or the Hand gets wind of the Iron Fist in New York, and they kind of try to keep Danny out of it but HA like that was ever going to work; they finish fending off a group of attackers in their new penthouse living room and once the ninjas disappear through the top-of-a-skyscraper-window they turn to find Danny standing in the doorway with an army’s worth of Chinese take-out in his arms and his mouth gaping.
They try to play it off. Danny points out that he literally just saw them fighting off fucking ninjas who left through the penthouse window and also Ward’s hand was GLOWING. They hesitantly explain, already formulating a backup plan to insist ‘no officer, Danny was super drunk last night, really,’ in case he calls the mental hospital on them. Danny, to their astonishment, listens seriously to their story, nods, and announces that there are some people he thinks they should meet.
CUE DEFENDERS. How does Danny know them in this AU? Probably through Claire, let’s be honest. He probably keeps bringing random bystanders he finds in trouble on the streets to the hospital and paying all their medical bills, managed to make friends with half the nurses in the city, and was super concerned when one of the hospitals was attacked by ninjas and one of his nurse friends died and another abruptly quit and all the officials were being very hush-hush about it, but Danny has connections with the part of the city that people like to ignore, and there were witnesses that night in the homeless and the street kids and the struggling immigrants working night shift across the street, and he tracks down nurse Claire in Harlem to make sure she’s alright (and to gush about her mother’s cooking, wow, Claire, I didn’t know your family owned a restaurant, that’s so cool!)
…and maybe a few days in to the whole “wow some people claiming to be my childhood friends back from the dead have appeared” business he goes to visit his girlfriend at her struggling dojo that she refuses to let him help with and finds! Claire! learning martial arts! Cool!!
And some other shenanigans, idk, how do timelines work, somehow Danny’s protagonist luck and sunshine power means he manages to meet all the other Defenders at least once somewhere in-between starting to sneak out when he’s fifteen and getting himself adopted by the entire city by the time he’s twenty-five, and then all this Meachum-vs-the-Hand stuff is happening and the city’s favorite billionaire is in the thick of it, and lol guess what Danny your girlfriend has secretly been a member of the Hand this entire time, yeah she didn’t have the “Danny hates the Hand” thing as a reason to hesitate on telling him this time but also their relationship was moving a lot slower when he wasn’t hiding in her dojo from hitmen, so forgive her if she hadn’t quite gotten to the family conversation yet -
- but that’s all part of a lovely universe where K'un Lun makes Ward and Joy more of a unit, and Danny was forced to make other friends with a whole city to choose from rather than just an abusive monastery cult and Davos. Let’s rewind.
Fifteen-year-old Ward is on the plane with Harold. Ten-year-old Joy is at home, staying with the Rands for the duration of Daddy’s boring business trip.
The plane goes down.
Ward finds the pilots with black creeping up their veins. He finds Dad, dead in the snow. He’s at a loss, and a little sad, but also, guiltily, relieved.
He’s free.
He’s also stranded on a snowy mountaintop and likely to freeze to death, cold and alone and without ever seeing Joy again.
Ward is stubborn beyond belief. He has an iron core of contrary asshole-ness that got him through 30 years of abuse. He never gives up without a fight. He never gives up, period.
He picks a direction, and starts walking.
There are monks. Maybe he didn’t find his own salvation. Maybe the monks saw the crash and came to investigate, and found a teenager trudging through the snow. But he wasn’t collapsed in the ice. He stubbornly insists that he might have made it on his own, that they didn’t rescue him. He’s not helpless. He’s not.
This one has fight, the monks murmur to each other. There is fire in his spirit.
They take him back to the village, where there is warmth, and food, and dry clothing, and a tree that smells like brown sugar. Ward wants a phone, so he can call the Rands. Explain what happened. Talk to Joy.
We don’t have phones here.
Fair enough, it is a monastery on top of a mountain in the Himalayas. Ward doesn’t know why anyone would want to live in a monastery on top of a mountain in the Himalayas, but he doesn’t really care. There must be a way they get down the mountain, for supplies and stuff. There must be a way people get up the mountain, to visit the monastery. Ward wants to go home.
The pass is closed. K'un Lun sits on another plane of existence. The pass only opens once every fifteen years, and then it is guarded by the Iron Fist, to protect us from the Hand. You can not leave.
Ward has managed to walk himself right into the clutches of a new enemy. These people intend to imprison him.
Ward has never been a planner, but he has tenacity in spades. Over the next month he makes 21 escape attempts.
“There’s no point,” says one of the bratty monk children that’s taken to following him around. Ward knows this one is the child of the head monk here. His father taught him to look out for political details like that. He doesn’t know the kid’s name, and he doesn’t care. David or something. (His father was always disappointed in Ward for failing those lessons too.)
Ward ignores him. He takes off into the snowy wind - walks and walks and nearly freezes in the cold and when he finally spots lights in the distance and makes his way to salvation, it’s just fucking K'un Lun again.
He doesn’t give up. He doesn’t. But. It might be smart to recuperate. Conserve his resources. Break into the monks’ plum wine barrels. Serves them right if their captives steal their stupid wine. Stupid monks.
Some asshole makes a remark about his foreigner status. Ward swings a punch at them. They take him down in two seconds, and laugh about it. They sneer at him, mock him.
He’ll show them.
Ward trains in their stupid kung-fu cult school. The teachers are harsher on him than all of their students, he can tell. They’re trying to break him. Jokes on them, Ward has survived Harold Meachum for fifteen years. In another life, he makes it for thirty, kills the bastard, and thrives. This is nothing.
The harder they try to break him, the stronger the steel in Ward’s spine holds him up. Fuck them, and their fucking pass, and their kung-fu cult, and their pretty little prison. Ward claws his way to the top on pure spite.
He becomes the Iron Fist.
The monks have grown complacent, after fifteen years. They send him outside, into the pass, alone and away from the village even as he’s expected to guard it. The Hand could travel between the outside world and K'un Lun. Anyone could.
A bird flies overhead, and Ward feels triumph.
He’s finally going back to New York.
In New York, at Rand Enterprises, there are Danny and Joy. After the tragic death of her remaining family, Joy is adopted by the Rands. She keeps her last name. She acknowledges Heather and Wendall as her parents, but still calls them by their first names. They all go to visit Harold’s and Ward’s graves every year, on the anniversary, and also on their birthdays, on Father’s Day, sometimes just when they’re passing by or having a bad day, or have life milestone news to share, like when Joy gets into law school, or when Danny is thinking he might want to let Joy and his parents handle the business and become a nurse. 
Both times Joy and Danny get older than Ward ever got to be, they hole up in one of their rooms together and go through 3 bottles of wine, and their parents don’t ground them in the morning. Danny visits Joy on campus, and she rolls her eyes but grins as she introduces him to her friends. Joy holds Danny’s hand while he comes out to his parents as bi. Danny and Joy put all the brown m&ms in a dish in front of an empty seat, for Ward, even though he was never a part of that game with them. When they play monopoly, no one ever uses “Ward’s piece”. In this universe, Joy and Danny are the close siblings - not codependent, like Joy and Ward were, but best friends, in a way that Joy and Ward weren’t.
Joy did not have to fight tooth and claw to prove to herself that she could live up to her father’s legacy or her brother’s reputation. She becomes a cutthroat business woman with a strategic mind, but she also knows how to put away the shark teeth in her personal life. Danny grows up on neither the hope of seeing the rest of his family again nor with the weight of having to start over and make new friends. He, Joy, and Ward were isolated kids, and he and Joy stay fairly isolated once Ward is gone, since they still have each other.
Danny has a sunshine nature, and he still learns the names and faces of all the Rand employees. He still chats cheerfully with all the delivery people and waiters and checkout clerks that cross his path. But - he’s not as lonely, here. He’s more content in his upper-class world, schmoozing at the charity galas even if he’d much rather be camped at the refreshment table, and he talks to the catering staff just as much as the bigwigs he’s supposed to be networking with. He puts on his tuxedo and accompanies Joy to orchestral concerts, and he is absolutely the big gun his family breaks out when they need to show a client someone earnest and hopeful and who truly believes in the good of their company.
When Ward comes back, he may lose his temper on the security team at Rand. Just a little. He’s come so far, and he’s waited so long, and he’s SO CLOSE to seeing his baby sister again, and these idiots think they can stop him?
So maybe he breaks past them. It’s not the smartest move, but. Dad always said Ward didn’t think things through. And Joy is right there, only a few floors away. He won’t be stopped now.
He busts into her office. Joy threatens to call security. Danny rushes in, and they stand side-by-side, a united front, examining this stranger claiming to be their dead brother.
Ward’s goal, all these years, has mostly been about getting back to Joy. But he can’t deny that when he thought about her, sometimes he’d think about Danny, too. It was unavoidable - they share so many memories, after all. It’s always been Joy-and-Danny, and big-brother-Ward, their whole lives. Joy-and-Danny-and-babysitter-Ward. Joy-and-Danny playing make believe and Ward, being an asshole.
So Ward stands frozen in the doorway, and just as he’d exclaimed “Joy!” when he burst in, he now breathes “Danny?”
And Danny and Joy have always been the more hopeful of the three siblings, the two who want to believe, who can look at a package of m&ms and think ’it’s a dream come true.’
They look at the way the stranger hasn’t made any move to hurt them, and the way he looks like Ward, and the way he can’t keep his eyes off of Joy, but not in a creepy way like so many businessmen they’ve had to deal with: in a way that seems so relieved and hopeful - and they run a DNA test. Joy is right there, after all, and there’s no question about her identity. They’re literally standing in their pharmaceutical company. They pop down to one of the labs and Danny asks Eva if she could do him a favor, pretty please with a cherry on top, and Eva laughs and says “you got it, Mr. Rand,” and Danny whines “Eva, I keep telling you, it’s Danny,” and Eva grins and says “whatever you say, Mr. Rand,” and basically Ward is Ward and they’re in for some complications what with all the telling Wendall and Heather they have to do and the reviving Ward legally they have to do, and the getting to know him again after fifteen years of thinking he was dead, and Joy definitely snaps at some point down the line and screams at Ward and cries and hits his chest going “you left, you left, you left,” and Danny had gotten used to telling Ward’s ghost all his woes and relying on an idealized version of him and is now suddenly remembering with trepidation what an asshole Ward actually was, and. it’s gonna be a rough time. It’s gonna be a rough time, but they’ll get through it, because they all refuse not to.
….And maybe we still have to deal with the part where Ward is the Iron Fist, and the Hand are in New York, and maybe Ward doesn’t actually give a flying fuck about stopping the Hand or anything that fucking monk cult kept going on about, but the Hand sure does care about manipulating the Iron Fist into doing its bidding. And Ward may not care about K'un Lun, but like HELL is he going to sit back and twiddle his thumbs when those assholes inevitably threaten his family.
“You will not touch them,” Ward seethes, and suddenly his fist is glowing and he’s beating the assailants up, and his fist is glowing and is that a tattoo, and Ward’s FIST IS GLOWING.
“What the fuck, Ward.”
“Right,” Ward says, pushing back his hair. “There’s something else I should tell you.”
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A Study in Fate - Chapter 6
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Lucy took a deep breath, leaning against the door of Emily’s car and closing her eyes. Cool air swirled around her, calming her heartbeat as she pulled her phone and earbuds out of her pocket. Sighing, she put them in her ears, subconsciously moving along to the song flooding through her earbuds.
When her hands stopped trembling a few moments later, she opened her eyes to find Buffy and Amber standing in front of her.
“There she is,” Amber said, smiling gently. Lucy nodded, gathering Amber into her arms in a warm hug. “You scared me, Luce.”
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled into Amber’s shoulder. “Where’s Teej?”
“Told him to take the other car home.”
“And Buffy’s here because…?” Lucy glanced over Amber’s shoulder, watching as Buffy’s eyes widened at the use of her first name. Lucy winked, smiling as Amber opened her mouth.
“-Can speak for herself, I imagine?” Lucy teased, pulling away from the hug and looking to Buffy.
“I’m here to apologize,” Buffy supplied, stepping forward. “So, um, here goes. I’m...sorry. For everything. You’re here for what? 6 hours? And I was awful to you, and you didn't deserve that. At all. You’re more talented than I thought,” she admitted.
“That is how one apologizes, yes, good job,” Lucy chuckled, offering Buffy her hand. “I appreciate it.”
Buffy grinned, taking her hand and shaking it.
“...But I‘m still not joining the dance team,” Lucy said, grinning maliciously.
“Damn,” Buffy huffed.
“I’m just not a big ‘school dance team’ person. Cheerleading? Already in the works. Studio dance team? Already on it. But school dance teams? No thank you.”
“How the hell are you going to fit all that into your schedule? Maya told me you signed up for a 25 hour dance week,” Buffy said, eyebrows furrowed.
“Cheer is before school, with games on the weekends. I can make games after dance. And competition team will be during dance hours- I pulled some strings, and now it replaces strength and conditioning in Maya’s eyes. I guess that’s because it meets every day- also I now only have a 22 hour week- and I keep up with workouts. So anyway, I still get the key to the studio, and competitions will replace classes- shit. I forgot- I’ll be right back!”
With that, she was rushing back into the studio. They watched her go for a few moments before turning back to one another.
“Is she just...Permanently renouncing sleep?” Buffy asked, leaning against the car.
“She already has,” Amber said casually. “And yes, she’s always like this.”
“Hmm. Fair enough.” Buffy smiled as Lucy stepped back out of the studio. “What’d you do now?”
“Got Maya to let be choreograph the team’s numbers for the competition in two weeks,” Lucy said, smirking smugly.
“All of them?” Buffy asked.
“Mhm, why not?”
“That’s insane! How did Maya Beck let you do that? Her own son wasn’t even allowed to when he asked two seasons ago. Granted, Jonah Beck is awful. Should definitely just stick with his guitar. But he is her son. Like- the literal and actual continuation of her family. They’re not flesh and blood, but-”
“They’re family, we get it.” Lucy rolled her eyes in amusement as she and Amber slid into the car. “You getting in?”
“I- what?”
“Don’t you want a ride home?” Lucy asked, smiling like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“...Please don’t kill me,” Buffy mumbled, sliding into the backseat. “Jesus Christ, this thing is worth more than three times my mother’s entire pregnancy of American medical bills. And that woman needed an emergency C-section.”
“Interesting yardstick you’re using there,” Lucy chuckled, pulling out of the parking lot.
“Yeah, yeah. You still haven’t answered my question, though.”
“It’s like you said, Buffy.” Lucy briefly made eye contact with her in the rearview mirror. “I’m more talented than you might think.”
“...You are so fucking cocky, Kippen number 1,” Buffy said, gesturing for Lucy to take a right.
“So are Kippens 2-3,” Amber responded. “So what are you going to do for the competition?”
“I don’t know yet. But I do have a hell of an idea for a duo and one for a group routine. We don’t have nearly enough people for the group though, there are only seven girls including me. And no boys.”
“What are you gonna do?”
“...Probably some bullshit ‘7 Rings’ piece for the group. A duo to ‘Ghost of You’? That one’s gonna take a hell of a lot of work. Maybe a trio to ‘Hold On’-”
“Which one?” Amber interrupted.
“Extreme Music.”
“And you’ll be performing in all of these, I imagine?”
“Well, yeah. Maya said I’m probably best off taking the reins for a few competitions until I can get my girls in shape.
“Good. Anything else?”
“A solo. My solo.”
“Wait, are you going to-”
“Yup.” Lucy cut Amber off, hands tightening on the wheel.
“I thought you said you’d never perform that one again, no matter how much we liked it.”
“What? No! Not that one! That solo can rot, it’s awful. I mean ‘War of Hearts’.” Amber let out a low whistle, eyes wide.
“What’s ‘War of Hearts’?” Buffy asked from the back seat, leaning forward in interest. Amber waved her off, manicured acrylics dismissing her.
“Hang on. You’re going to pull out that solo on your first competition?”
“I don’t see why not.” Lucy shrugged.
“Because you almost died last time!”
“I did not ‘almost die’! I broke my leg and ankle, calm down. Plus, it’s never been performed in front of an audience, the choreo is done, and I only need one prop,” she bargained, rolling her eyes at Amber.
“A prop that almost paralyzed you last time!”
“I was not- okay I was almost paralyzed,” she conceded. “But it wasn’t the table’s fault! I just, uh, screwed up the fall. A little.”
“A little? Lucy, you had like three surgeries because they couldn’t figure out what the hell to do all at once!” Amber argued.
“What the hell is this routine?!” Buffy yelled. “It sounds like she has to like jump to her peril.”
“Not much better! She has to fucking fouetté off a table!”
“I do not fouetté off the table! I fouetté to the edge of the table and then fall off!” Lucy defended. She slowed to a stop at a red light, glancing at Buffy in the rearview mirror. “Very different experiences. Trust me, I’ve done both. Why are you so worried about this, anyway?” She drummed her fingers against the wheel, waiting for the light to turn.
“Lucy! You came back home a little banged up last time. But if you’d fallen a little further onto your neck? You wouldn’t have come home at all.”
Amber squeezed her eyes shut, pointing to the green light in front of them to distract from the fact that she was crying. Lucy sighed, waiting for the traffic in front of them to start through the light before she followed.
“Okay, I won’t-” Lucy was cut off by a flash of dark blue metal crossing her peripheral vision. Someone was about to run their light and kill them all. She’d always imagined she’d know what to do in this situation. Maybe she’d hit the breaks, maybe she’d turn out of the way. And yet somehow, she was on autopilot. She swerved to avoid the car, but it was too late. A loud shatter of glass signaled the car smashing into the passenger side of theirs.
Lucy paced back and forth in the hallway, phone pressed to her ear.
“Goddamnit TJ, pick up!” She nearly threw her phone across the hallway, but Buffy’s hand on her forearm stopped her. “Hey! You’re okay!”
“Just needed some stitches. Thank God I was sitting behind you, not Amber.”
“I am so sorry, Buffy. If I hadn’t offered you that ride…”
“If you hadn’t offered me that ride, maybe it would have been me and my mom in that accident. It wasn’t your fault, Lucy.”
“Is she on her way? Your mom?”
“Yeah, but it’s not her I’m worried about. Any word from TJ?” she asked, sitting down in a chair against the wall. Lucy sat down next to her, shaking her head and burying it in her hands.
“Nothing yet. I’m gonna try Aunt Em.” She put her phone to her ear, reciting the same word over and over. Please.
“Emily? Oh thank God,” Lucy sighed. “Listen, is TJ with you? He’s not answering his phone.”
“No, he headed to the park to play some basketball, what’s going on?’
“I’ll explain later. Just get TJ and come to the hospital. Amber’s in a coma.”
“Just get down here!”
“On my way.” Lucy sighed, hanging up and running her hands through her hair.
“Em’s coming. She’s gotta run by the park to get TJ.”
“How many cars does that woman have?”
“How many billions was my family born into?” Lucy retorted.
“Do I want to know?”
“Nope,” she laughed, popping the ‘p’. “The Kippens are neither humble nor poor, though I wish we were the former.”
“You know, your lack of humility? It’s kind of your most signature characteristic in my mind to date. Care to change that?”
“...You do know that ‘to date’ is literally just one date to you, right? You met me this morning, Buffy.”
Buffy simply nodded in defeat, leaning back into her chair.
“...But, we are more complex than lack of humility,” she said.
“Alright, give me a rundown,” Buffy said, grinning. “I want the full out, ever present narrator in a teenage romcom description.”
And who was Lucy to say no to that?
“You ever seen Heathers?”
“...Yes? Do I want to know where this is going?”
“The Kippen triplets are kind of...that.” Lucy put on her best narrator voice, a dramatic expression on her face as she readied herself to speak about herself in the third person.
“Really?” Buffy asked. “Like- felony arson and all?”
“No,” Lucy laughed. “Like- they’re the Heathers. Chandler, Duke, and McNamara.”
“Then who’s who?”
“Well, there’s TJ, or Heather Duke in our case. Kind of seems like your classic white douchebag jock, but he’s actually a really sweet guy. He’s the baby of the triplets, but packs a hell of an angry punch. Don’t get in his way unless you absolutely have to. That goes for all three of them though; they’re a bit of a feisty trio.
“Um, then Amber, the middle triplet. And our Heather McNamara. She’s… A bit of a popular girl cliche. She and Lucy were co-captains of the cheer squad in New York. She, TJ, and Lucy are best friends, and together… They’re kind of a murderous group. Amber knows how to throw a punch pretty damn well for a rich girl with stiletto shaped acrylics- she’s just as good as TJ. Maybe better. If she wants something, she knows how to get it.”
“And that leaves…?” Buffy prompted.
“Heather Chandler. Lucy Kippen. In our case, one and the same. Lucy’s pretty much the head bitch of her life.”
“Fascinating,” Buffy said, propping her chin up on her hand. “Does that make you a mythic bitch?”
“Yeah alright, that’s over now,” Lucy said, reverting to her natural voice. “Listen, I’m just a normal person, Buffy.”
“You’re a Kippen.”
“Okay, I’m like… 70% a normal person.”
“Alright, but I’m only really concerned for your whole 100%?” Buffy said slowly.
“Alright fine. I’m a dancer. 100%.”
“One hell of a cop-out you’ve got there.”
“Ugh, fine! My favorite color is red, I get all A's in school, my favorite subject is math, my lucky number is 28, I am 6’1”, I weigh 127.8 pounds, my favorite animal is a cat. Anything I missed?”
“Hold up, you only weigh 128 pounds and you’re 6’1”? Alright, not my business. I know.”
“Good. Don’t criticize a ballerina’s weight, idiot,” she teased, knocking her shoulder into Buffy’s.
“I know, I realized it the second I said it,” Buffy apologized sheepishly.
“Don’t sweat it, Driscoll. It’s all good.”
“Have you met me? On the outside, totally good. But definitely gonna sweat it, Kippen. You will actually never hear the end of this apologetic tirade.”
“Please don’t bore me with that.”
“Ms. Kippen?” Lucy turned her attention to the doctor standing in front of her.
“Your sister is still unconscious, but you’re welcome to see her now,” Dr. Lawrence said gingerly.
“Oh- thank you so much. Is- is she…?”
“We can’t be sure of anything right now, Ms. Kippen.”
“Okay, thank you. Um, Buffy, stay here and tell TJ and Emily where I am? Please?”
“I’m not going anywhere, Kippen. I’ll tell them.”
“Thank you,” Lucy whispered, turning to follow Dr. Lawrence.
She stepped into Amber’s room, breath catching in her throat. She’d never seen her sister like this; she was covered in bandages and stitched up cuts. Lucy pulled a chair up to Amber’s bedside, sitting down with a heavy sigh.
“Hey, Ambs. I don’t know if you can hear me, but, you know. I’m still going to talk to you. God, I’m so sorry. I don’t even know what to say, Amber. I’m supposed to have this eloquent speech about how you’ve changed me as a person and I miss you so much and please come back, but… I don’t know what there is to say. You’re my best friend, Ambs. TJ and I would be lost without you. But you already knew that. And I’m not- I’m not going to tell you to wake up. Because, if you have to go, Ambs, I get it. I’ll cry and scream and I’ll break down and probably resent you a little bit, but I’ll get it. If you need to go, I want you to know that I understand. However, I am definitely going to plead with you here a little bit. Please, please wake up, Amber. I can’t do all of this without you. TJ relies on us for fucking everything, and I rely on you two, too. There have been three of us since the very beginning, Amber. And there will be three of us until the end. So just- God, just wake up.”
“You think that works?” Lucy turned around to find TJ leaning against the doorframe.
“Teej,” she breathed, looping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug.
“How’s our girl?”
“She’s… Alive. Somehow.”
“She’s a fighter. Learned from the best, I guess.”
“Who?” Lucy asked, meeting TJ’s eyes.
“You, dumbass,” he teased. “You are by far the strongest person we know.”
“I’m strong and a dumbass?”
“You’re a multitasker. Hell of a good one, too.”
“Well, if a girl an be a strong dumbass, there’s nothing else to want!” Lucy said with a roll of her eyes and a shove of TJ’s shoulder.
“My point exactly. Listen, do you mind if I…?” he gestured to Amber. Lucy nodded, squeezing his forearm.
“I’ll go find Buffy. And maybe also a coffee. Want anything?”
“Um… I could really go for some chocolate.”
“On it,” Lucy promised. “Be back soon.”
As Lucy stepped out of the room, TJ sat down in the seat she left behind. She gently let the door click closed, turning down the hall toward the waiting room.
“How’s she doing?” Buffy immediately asked, standing up when Lucy stepped out of the hallway. “Um, this is my mom.”
“Ms. Driscoll,” Lucy said, extending a hand to the woman next to Buffy. “It’s so nice to meet you.”
“You too, Lucy. Please, call me Pat. How’s your sister?”
“She’s good. I guess. She’s alive. Comatose, but well and truly alive.”
“I’m so glad.”
“Lucy!” Emily exclaimed, rushing forward to hug Lucy tightly. “I’m so sorry, honey.”
“It was awful, Em,” Lucy sobbed into Emily’s chest. “And it’s all my fault.”
“Hey. This is not your fault, okay? You didn’t do anything wrong, kiddo.” Emily’s voice was measured and careful as she pulled back to squeeze Lucy’s hand. “In fact, you did everything right. You tried to avoid the accident, you were quick to call 911. Hell, you have Amber’s blood on your leotard because you kept her conscious until the EMT came. You’re basically a damn superhero, Lucy Eleanora Kippen.”
“Eleanora?” Buffy hissed, eyes wide.
“I didn’t choose it,” Lucy defended, glancing down at her outfit. “Holy shit. That’s actually Amber’s blood.”
“You didn’t notice?” Pat asked.
“Not really. I- I’ll change… at some point. But for now, I am on a coffee and chocolate run.”
“Coffee… and chocolate?” Buffy asked.
“Long story. Come with me?” Lucy asked quickly.
“Uh, sure?” Lucy tugged her down the hall without a second thought, only stopping when they found a coffee machine.
“What’s going on? You good?”
“Yep,” Lucy said, pulling Buffy forward and kissing her. Buffy’s hands tangled in her hair as she stood on her toes to reach Lucy’s lips. They pulled apart after a few moments, and Lucy nodded decisively.
“Uhh…” Buffy said slowly. “What was that about, exactly?”
“Thank you.” Lucy nodded again, as if confirming something, before disappearing back down the hallway.
“...Any time.”
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Do The Republicans Back Trump
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-do-the-republicans-back-trump/
Why Do The Republicans Back Trump
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Republican Voters Turn Against Their Partys Elites
Why many Republicans are refusing to back Donald Trump
The Tea Party movement, which sprang into existence in the early years of the Obama administration, was many things. It was partly about opposing Obamas economic policies foreclosure relief, tax increases, and health reform. It was partly about opposing immigration when Theda Skocpol and Vanessa Williamson;interviewed Tea Party activists across the nation, they found that “immigration was always a central, and sometimes the central, concern” those activists expressed.
But the Tea Party also was a challenge to the Republican Party establishment. Several times, these groups helped power little-known far-right primary contenders to shocking primary wins over establishment Republican politicians deemed to be sellouts. Those candidates didnt always win office, but their successful primary bids certainly struck fear into the hearts of many other GOP incumbents, and made many of them more deferential to the concerns of conservative voters.
Furthermore, many Republican voters also came to believe, sometimes fairly and sometimes unfairly, that their partys national leaders tended to sell them out at every turn.
Talk radio and other conservative media outlets helped stoke this perception, and by May 2015 Republican voters were far more likely to say that their partys politicians were doing a poor job representing their views than Democratic voters were.
He Didnt Sign The Paris Climate Accord
Speaking of Paris, Trump stood alone among politicians in realizing that a lot of the climate change rhetoric is designed to heavily tax American industry while it lets other countries slide and keep polluting. Hes not pro-pollution, but he doesnt want to sacrifice the American middle class in the process of fighting it.
Hes Not Politically Correct
We are living in an age where most people have to bite their lips to the point of bleeding for fear of offending some delicate soul who will scream bloody murder and call the cops and press if you dare to say anything that hurts their feelings. This is mind control and tyranny of the worst formrepression of thoughts. For all that the media and academics say they want diversity, dont you dare utter a contrary opinion or they will ruin your life. Then along comes Trump and says, fuck that.
Don’t Miss: Most Republican States 2018
‘combative Tribal Angry’: Newt Gingrich Set The Stage For Trump Journalist Says
All these factors combined to produce a windfall for Republicans all over the country in the midterms of 1994, but it was a watershed election in the South. For more than a century after Reconstruction, Democrats had held a majority of the governorships and of the Senate and House seats in the South. Even as the region became accustomed to voting Republican for president, this pattern had held at the statewide and congressional levels.
But in November 1994, in a single day, the majority of Southern governorships, Senate seats and House seats shifted to the Republicans. That majority has held ever since, with more legislative seats and local offices shifting to the GOP as well. The South is now the home base of the Republican Party.
The 2020 aftermath
No wonder that in contesting the results in six swing states he lost, Trump seems to have worked hardest on Georgia. If he had won there, he still would have lost the Electoral College decisively. But as the third most populous Southern state, and the only Southern state to change its choice from 2016, it clearly held special significance.
Trump Blasts Mcconnell And His Leadership In Lengthy Response To Recent Criticism
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Where will the party turn in its hour of crisis? If the past is any guide, it will turn in two directions: to the right, and to the South. These have been the wellsprings of strength and support that have brought the party back from the brink in recent decades.
That was the strategy that led to Richard Nixon’s elections as president in 1968 and 1972, and it was still working for Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.
Solidifying the South and energizing conservatives were also crucial factors in the Republican tsunami of 1994, when the GOP surged to majorities in Congress and in statehouses. That hamstrung the remainder of Bill Clinton’s presidency and presaged the election of Republican George W. Bush in 2000.
It was a lesson not lost on Trump. While not even a Republican until late in life, he started his primary campaign billboarding the party’s most conservative positions on taxes, trade, immigration and abortion. And the first of his rallies to draw a crowd in the tens of thousands was in a football stadium in Mobile, Ala., two months after he declared his candidacy in the summer of 2015.
Whether the next standard-bearer for the GOP is Trump himself or someone else, there is little doubt the playbook will be the same.
Low points, then turnarounds
Perhaps the most discouraging of these for the GOP was Johnson’s tidal wave, which carried in the biggest majorities Democrats in Congress had enjoyed since the heyday of Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal.
Read Also: Trump People Magazine Quote 1998
The Tucker Carlson Fans Who Got Vaxxed
I asked vaccinated fans of the Fox News host what it will take to get more Republicans to get their shots.
Late last month, as the Delta variant of the coronavirus filled hospitals across the under-vaccinated South, Tucker Carlson took to his usual perch as the most-watched host on the most-watched cable-news network, just asking questions about the COVID-19 vaccines. Tonight, congressional Democrats have called for a vaccine mandate in Congress, Carlson said, as if flabbergasted by every word. Members and staffers would be required to get a shot that the CDC told us today doesnt work very well and, by the way, whose long-term effects cannot be known.
Carlsons Facebook followers commented eagerly on the video clip, spreading unfounded fears about vaccination among themselves. Completely disappointed in our government, dont believe a word they speak! Will not get the shot! one person wrote. Together, Carlson and his viewers are a placenta and embryo, gestating dangerous ideas and keeping the pandemic alive.
Its no secret that Carlsons audience, and Foxs, are overwhelmingly Republican and right-wing. And in poll after poll, Republicans are much less likely than Democrats to say they have been vaccinated and much more likely to say they definitely wont be vaccinated. The partisan gap in vaccinations has only grown over time.
The Republican Party Was Founded To Oppose The Slave Power
For the first half-century after the United States founding, slavery was only one of many issues in the countrys politics, and usually a relatively minor issue at that. The American South based its economy on the enslavement of millions, and the two major parties which by the 1850s were the Democrats and the Whigs were willing to let the Southern states be.
But when the US started admitting more and more Western states to the Union, the country had to decide whether those new states should allow slavery or not. And this was an enormously consequential question, because the more slave states there were, the easier it would be for the slaveholding states to get their way in the Senate and the Electoral College.
Now, the issue here wasnt that Northern politicians were desperate to abolish slavery in the South immediately, apart from a few radical crusaders. The real concern was that Northerners feared the “Slave Power” the South would become a cabal that would utterly dominate US politics, instituting slavery wherever they could and cutting off opportunity for free white laborers, as historian Heather Cox Richardson writes in her book To Make Men Free.
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Republicans Fear Trump Will Lead To A Lost Generation Of Talent
The 45th president has brought new voices and voters to the party, but hes driven them out too. Insiders fear the repercussions.
06/01/2021 04:30 AM EDT
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As Donald Trump ponders another presidential bid, top Republicans have grown fearful about what theyre calling the partys lost generation.
In conversations with more than 20 lawmakers, ex-lawmakers, top advisers and aides, a common concern has emerged that a host of national and statewide Republicans are either leaving office or may not choose to pursue it for fear that they cant survive politically in the current GOP. The worry, these Republicans say, is that the party is embracing personality over policy, and that it is short sighted to align with Trump, who lost the general election and continues to alienate a large swath of the voting public with his grievances and false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.
Trump has driven sitting GOP lawmakers and political aspirants into early retirements ever since he burst onto the scene. But there was hope that things would change after his election loss. Instead, his influence on the GOP appears to be as solid as ever and the impact of those early shockwaves remain visible. When asked, for instance, if he feared the 45th president was causing a talent drain from the GOP ranks, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush perhaps inadvertently offered a personal demonstration of the case.
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I Think He’s Wrong On This Issue One Republican Senator Said Of Trump
Black Republican women explain why they support President Donald Trump
Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski and Mitch McConnell
It’s finally infrastructure week and Donald Trump is mad.
Trump tried but ultimately failed to stop Senate Republicans from supporting;the Democrats’ $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill. His effort to shame Republicans out of voting in support of the measure was impotent, as the Senate passed the bipartisan bill on Tuesday.
The former president made his feelings known ahead of the vote when he ripped Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., as “overrated.”;
“Nobody will ever understand why Mitch McConnell allowed this non-infrastructure bill to be passed. He has given up all of his leverage for the big whopper of a bill that will follow,” Trump wrote in a statement.;
“I have quietly said for years that Mitch McConnell is the most overrated man in politicsnow I don’t have to be quiet anymore,” the former president said, adding: “He is working so hard to give Biden a victory, now they’ll go for the big one, including the biggest tax increases in the history of our Country.”
Despite Trump’s rhetoric, the Senate minority leader nevertheless remained steadfast in his support of the landmark measure, voting in support of the bill on Tuesday. Although he;made clear that he will not back any Democratic-led effort at budget reconciliation, which would allow the Democrats to pass an additional $3.5 trillion bill intended to target education, health, childcare, and climate action in the coming months.;
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The Partys Core Activists Dont Want To Shift Gears
This is the simplest and most obvious explanation: The GOP isnt changing directions because the people driving the car dont want to.;
When we think of Republicans, we tend to think of either rank-and-file GOP voters or the partys highest-profile elected officials, particularly its leaders in Congress. But in many ways, the partys direction is driven by a group between those two: conservative organizations like Club for Growth and the Heritage Foundation, GOP officials at the local and state level and right-wing media outlets. That segment of the party has been especially resistant to the GOP abandoning its current mix of tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, opposition to expansions of programs that benefit the poor and an identity politics that centers white Americans and conservative Christians.
You could see the power and preferences of this group in the response to the Capitol insurrection.
In the days immediately following Jan. 6, many GOP elected officials, most notably McConnell, signaled that the party should make a permanent break from Trump. Pollsfound an increased number of rank-and-file GOP voters were dissatisfied with the outgoing president. But by the time the Senate held its trial over Trumps actions a month later, it was clear that the party was basically back in line with Trump.;
related:Why Being Anti-Media Is Now Part Of The GOP Identity Read more. »
Republicans Think Democrats Always Cheat
The Republican strategy has several sources of motivation, but the most important is a widely shared belief that Democrats in large cities i.e., racial minorities engage in systematic vote fraud, election after election. We win because of our ideas, we lose elections because they cheat us, insisted Senator Lindsey Graham on Fox News last night. The Bush administration pursued phantasmal vote fraud allegations, firing prosecutors for failing to uncover evidence of the schemes Republicans insisted were happening under their noses. In 2008, even a Republican as civic-minded as John McCain accused ACORN, a voter-registration group, of maybe perpetrating one of the greatest frauds in voter history in this country, maybe destroying the fabric of democracy.
The persistent failure to produce evidence of mass-scale vote fraud has not discouraged Republicans from believing in its existence. The failure to expose it merely proves how well-hidden the conspiracy is. Republicans may despair of their chances of proving Trumps vote-fraud charges in open court, but many of them believe his wild lies reflect a deeper truth.
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How Republicans Made Common Cause With Southern Democrats On Economic Matters
Roosevelts reforms also brought tensions in the Democratic coalition to the surface, as the solidly Democratic South wasnt too thrilled with the expansion of unions or federal power generally. As the years went on, Southern Democrats increasingly made common cause with the Republican Party to try to block any further significant expansions of government or worker power.
“In 1947, confirming a new alliance that would recast American politics for the next two generations, Taft men began to work with wealthy southern Democrats who hated the New Deals civil rights legislation and taxes,” Cox Richardson writes. This new alliance was cemented with the Taft-Hartley bill, which permitted states to pass right-to-work laws preventing mandatory union membership among employees and many did.
Taft-Hartley “stopped labor dead in its tracks at a point where unions were large, growing, and confident in their economic and political power,” Rich Yeselson has written. You can see the eventual effects above pro-Democratic unions were effectively blocked from gaining a foothold in the South and interior West, and the absence of their power made those regions more promising for Republicans’ electoral prospects.
He Gives The Republicans Full Control Of Washington Again
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For all you hear about how great Barack Obama was, do you realize that he had promised to cut the national debt in half but actually more than doubled it? Thats righthe saddled you and your descendants with a tax bill that you will likely never be able to pay off. Now, with Republicans in charge, we can roll back some of the excesses of the Obama era and encourage business growth rather than government growth.
Also Check: How Many Democrats Have Been President Vs Republicans
We Must Give Credit To Media And Technology
While the reason Trump voters believe Trumps lies in their psyche, we cant ignore that social media and cable news have created multiple realties in which people exist. According to Fox News, not once has Trump ever said something negative about; military service members .
Of course, Fox News is considered responsible;when compared to the even-more fringe outlets the way-the-f*ck-out-there mental prison camps like OAN and Americas News that are down-right propaganda channels devoted exclusively to milking angry republicans of their last dime, their last drop of empathy, and their last connection to a reality-based existence. They make Alex Jones look sane. Einstein was right just didnt realize at the time he was talking about political discourse.
Grand Jury Convened In Criminal Investigation Of Trump
Only one president, Grover Cleveland, has ever lost a re-election bid and come back to reclaim the White House. In modern times, one-term presidents have worried more about rehabilitating their legacies by taking on nonpartisan causes Democrat Jimmy Carter by building housing for the poor and George H.W. Bush by raising money for disaster aid, for example than about trying to shape national elections. But Trump retains a hold on the Republican electorate that is hard to overstate, and he has no intention of relinquishing it.
“There’s a reason why they’re called ‘Trump voters,'” Miller said. “They either don’t normally vote or don’t normally vote for Republicans.”
Trump lost the popular vote by more than 7 million last year and the Electoral College by the same 306-232 result by which he had won four years earlier but he got more votes than any other Republican nominee in history. And it would have taken fewer than 44,000 votes, spread across swing states Georgia, Arizona and Wisconsin, to reverse the outcome.
Republicans, including Trump allies, say it’s too early to know what he will do, or what the political landscape will look like, in four years. A busload of Republican hopefuls are taking similar strides to position themselves. They include former Vice President Mike Pence, who is speaking to New Hampshire Republicans on Thursday, an event that the Concord Monitor called the kickoff of the 2024 race.
That’s basically what Trump is doing.
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Klobuchar: Trump’s Actions Are Like A ‘global Watergate’ Scandal
Today, as Democrats in the House of Representatives move toward bringing articles of impeachment against President Donald Trump, with the next Judiciary Committee hearing of evidence set for Monday, few Democrats are still clinging to the hope that Republicans will reach a breaking point with Trump like they did with Nixon.
“I really don’t think there is any fact that would change their minds,” Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn., a member of the House Intelligence Committee, told NBC News.
Why? Two key changes since Nixon: a massive divide in American political life we hate the other team more than ever before and a media climate that fuels and reinforces that chasm, powered by Fox News on the Republican side.
Himes said he was “a little stunned by the unanimity on the Republican side,” especially among retiring lawmakers who don’t have to worry about surviving a GOP primary had they gone against Trump. “We’re in a place right now where all that matters to my Republican colleagues is the defense of the president,” he added.
No Republican congressmen have said they support impeachment. In the Senate, the entire GOP voted to condemn the impeachment inquiry, except for three moderates: Mitt Romney of Utah, Susan Collins of Maine, and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. The three have stopped short of saying they support Trump’s impeachment, however, and it would take at least 20 Republican senators to vote to convict him in a Senate trial for removal to succeed.
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bostonboy · 4 years
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Freeze Your Brain | In Conversation with Cooper Anderson
Sit down with our Westerburg High ‘cool guy’ and find out all the gossip from inside Heathers: The Musical, now running at The Dolby Theatre, Los Angeles.
Firstly, I have to ask, what’s your favourite number in the musical?
Without a question, I gotta choose Seventeen. It’s a phenomenal number. I get to stand on stage and watch Brie crush it. I just chime in every now and then with a few lines but she owns that song. [Oh yeah, she’s incredible as Veronica Sawyer] Right? It- It’s just so good. I’m a sucker for good harmonies and my job is easy, I’ve just got to keep up with Brie during that scene---  Honestly, I have the most fun on that song because there’s plenty of big belt notes which I love to hit. I just love the energy this scene creates. Veronica has such hope for this poor guy and is just like “dude come on, let’s just go be teenagers,” but yeah, JD isn’t that easy to deal with.
What was your audition process like?
Uh, well, heh. This has been sort of in the works for a long while. I took some time off earlier this year and well- uh. I got a call from my agent who was so excited that I barely caught the beginning of her sentence. She was just like “Cooper, you have to take this role, it’s incredible.” I should probably point out she’s a huge fan of the musical anyway. [So you took the role for your agent?] Ha, well, somewhat? I mean I’d been debating what to do once I returned to Hollywood. I’ve dabbled here, there and everywhere and when she said that I sort of just stopped and was considering it like .... yeah, yeah y’know what? I really f-in miss theatre. It’s such a rush. So I did a few sort of readthroughs with our amazing director to see if we had anything to work with here. [Turns out you did] Hah! Fortunately for me, yeah. So we were sat there with this amazing show, my dumb ass and a great director. I had some friends in theatre who I could recommend for other roles but we were stuck on Veronica. I’ve always been a huge believer of just putting open calls out and seeing what oppourtunities you can give to people. [Were you at the auditions?] Yeah, yeah I wasn’t there for the first ring of initial casting. I actually had a meeting that morning in the building across the street, our director text me and was saying how well it was going, so I just dropped by. Spent six hours there reading lines with all these amazingly talented women and there was just something about Brie, so we got our Veronica.
Now the musical centres around high school, what were your high school years like? Where did you attend? Were you the jock or the cool kid?
Hell no. Man you’re opening old wounds, haha. I grew up in Newton near to Boston. I went to Fenway High School. I wasn’t tall enough for football so I definitely wasn’t a jock. I did play soccer when I was in kindergarten but I wasn’t really into sports. I was the guy that was either in band or in the music rooms or drama department. I was already becoming established in the industry at that age, which was really weird. My Mom kept me in a public high school and I was told I had to manage both my career and school life. I was more the drama and music nerd, that’s where my love was in school.
Did you have a nickname in High School?
Yeah, Little Man. I was really short as a kid and had a loud mouth. Some of the seniors dubbed this little asshole with that name when he was trying to square up to them. Thankfully they just accepted me as a source of humour rather than throwing my ass in a locker. Which I saw plenty of growing up.
How has it been playing JD? How would you describe him?
Absolutely fucking insane. He’s so much fun to play. I go full psychopath in Meant to be Yours. Listen to Jamie Muscato- who by the way is incredible on the cast album, then think how much fun I get to have with that number. [Oh I know, you looked like you were having a blast] You saw it? That makes me so unbelieveably happy. It’s just a lot of screaming and gasping for breath, by the end I’m clawing for breath on the floor. I think it’s such a beautiful representation of the chaos in this poor kid’s mind. Dont get me wrong, he’s an absolute maniac but also he’s just been dealt such a bad hand in life. He lost his Mom, he’s got no friends, he’s been to like ten high schools, his father is good for nothing. Then the love of his life just walked out on him. He’s having a pure mental breakdown in this scene and the composers Laurence O’Keefe and Kevin Murphy really nailed that. [You have a lot of fun with all the energy of that song] Yeah he goes quick, slow, I also love how the beat runs and I can just play with it. Our conductor is a legend, he let’s me run that scene at my own pace.
How has backstage life been at The Dolby Theatre?
Nothing but smiles and good vibes. I won’t have it any other way. The cast know the drill by now, I call by every person before show time, I’m always one of the earliest on the call sheet. It’s jsut good to go by all the dressing rooms, see my friends. I love calling in a makeup, they- heh. Fun fact, I’m incredibly ticklish so even though I have the least amount of make up in the entire cast, I’m a nightmare to put in the chair. Another fun fact, they have to airbrush my tattoos so when my coat rides up my wrists, it doesn’t show them. I’m used to that, I played Elder Price who has short-sleeved shirts. I just can’t cope so I have a set time, they get me done in twenty minutes then practically throw me out of there as fast as they can. Wardrobe are great too. I just go in and complain that I’m too hot in that coat all the time. I request if JD can have a summer vaction look as we are in Los Angeles. That request hasn’t been fulfilled quite yet. It’s just fun, everyone get along. Most of the time I’m in my room on the PlayStation or I’m doing my best to irritate Brie.
You have ten seconds to plug whatever you want.
Only ten? Wow, okay. No pressure. Please check out two charities I hold really dear to my heart. St Jude’s Children’s Hospital and Mind. They’re both incredible charities that do amazing things. There’s more information on my website if you forget those names between now and then- look I’m well aware this is over ten seconds- can you guys link them below or something? You can? Awesome. Yeah. That’s all I got then. Thank you for having me.
      ----- Catch Cooper Anderson playing JD in Heathers: The Musical -----
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my-mystic-messenger · 7 years
(Pst watch dead girl walking from heathers if u arent busy cuz its related to my request)so mc broke in their room from the window and she woke them and said thry aint gonna sleep tonight and she'll break them (rfa+v)
Ihave to say that I really loved this prompt. At first I was extremelyconfused by it, mainly cause I didn’t know what the heck Heatherswas, but then I googled the song and I stumbled over this animaticversion of it and it was such a great experience OMFG! I watched themovie I’d never heard of (and loved it), I watched the musical I’dnever seen before (and loved it, although the actor for JD wasn’tRyan in the recording, sadly) and listened to all the songs again andagain, singing loudly to almost all of them. If anyone wants tofangirl over Heathers, my door is wide open. Especially to those wholove the fuck out of JD, cause I sure as fuck found a new obsession.
Anyway,I had to change the prompt ever so slightly, making it more angry sexlike in the musical instead of directly translating it with the wholewindow climbing thing. To make up for it I hid almost the entire DeadGirl Walking lyrics within this prompt. One of the reasons it took meso long to write. It also got rather long…again. I have toapologize though, because you requested V, but I just couldn’timagine him in such a situation. Instead I wrote Saeran and used thisas an addition to the troublemaker prompt I posted a while ago. Sohere is || PART 2||and a link to || PART 1 ||.I really hope you enjoy.Writing smut was hard this time.
He’d called you about amillion times and you had yet to grace him with a reply. Not ananswer, not a call, not even a quick text message to let him knowthat you were still alive. Zen was possessive and overprotective tobegin with, but since the accident a couple of months ago where he’ddramatically found out that you were running a huge drug cartel hisworries for your safety had gotten even worse. Rightly so, he likedto remind you, as it hadn’t been the last time you’d found yourselfshot or otherwise harmed. Not to mention that you alwaysrefused to go to the hospital – “Zen, honey, think about it.How the fuck am I supposed to explain why my body contains twobullets without admitting to smuggling drugs?” - which meantthe only patch-up you ever got was from yours truly and Zen was a lotof things, but not a goddamn doctor. The wounds took longer to healthan he was used to and the scars never fully faded. As an actor,who’s job depended on body, he wished you would take better care ofyours. 
Then again, it wasn’t likeyou having those kind of scars made you aesthetically unpleasing tohim. He couldn’t have cared less, if that is the only thing wrongwith out. What really bugged him was that you seemed to be growingincreasingly more reckless, scars multiplying rather quickly. Hecouldn’t keep up with it. Eventually he’d given up on receiving areply, hoping and praying that you were alright and come morning he’dfind you asleep by his side. He’d fallen asleep eventually, thoughreluctantly and fitful.
“Zen, wake up”, youwhispered into his ear. You let your lips brush over the sensitiveskin behind it, watching with pleasure as the little hairs on hisnape began standing up. You chuckled lowly, pleased to see theimmediate response his body gave to you. You wrapped your arms aroundhim from behind, trailing them down his chiseled chest to the V ofhis hips and eventually dipped below the rubber band of his boxerbriefs. You smirk to yourself when just that is enough to catch Zen’sattention, making him squirm and moan lowly.
Long fingers wrappedaround his girth without further hesitation, slowly pumping the longmember into hardness. It never really took long to get Zen aroused, afact that both of you had dwelled in a lot over the years. Hisrefractory period was amazingly short and allowed you to have sexagain and again and again. His lust was truly without compare, onlyever matched by yours. When he’d called himself a beast he hadn’tlied and you were very appreciative of said fact. This time around,however, it was time for the beast in you to awake.
Once you’d felt theprecome beginning to coat your fingers you’d removed your hand,trailing it up his body and to his chest. You’d dug your nails intohis pecs, forcefully turning him onto his back and climbing on top ofhim. Zen’s eyes had jumped open, a gasp falling from his lips. Youcould tell that he was about to say something, effectively silencinghim by rolling your hips, creating sweet friction against hiserection. “Sorry, but I really had to wake you. See…I decided Imust ride you ‘till I break you.”
Zen, who’d still been halfasleep, found himself rather awake when you’d decided to free hiscock from the restriction of his underwear. He watched with wideeyes, as you lifted your skirt, pushed aside your lace panties andsank down onto his thick appendage. You hissed at his girth splittingyou up and yet didn’t stop for a second, burying him deeper inside ofyou until his entire length was nestled within your hot, tight walls.You stopped, giving yourself a moment to get used to the suddenintrusion before beginning to roll your hips languidly.
It felt good to be incontrol for once, the fact that he was naked while you were stillfully dressed adding some sort of thrill to it. At first yourmovements were slow and deliberate, allowing you to take in the sightbefore you. Zen’s eyes were half lidded and dazed, lips parted andshiny from where he’d licked them. The way he looked at you made yourblood rush faster, heating your skin pleasantly. He reached out then,resting his big hands on your hips. His fingers dug into your skinmomentarily, leaving his marks on you like you’d hoped he would.
While you rested yourhands on his chest, using that hold as leverage, his hands travelledhigher to grasp your breasts, holding them firmly as he played withyour nipples until they hardened under his admission. It was thenthat you’d decided that enough was enough, slapping away his hands.You were the one making the calls, not him. To drive that point homeyou dug your nails into his chest, making him hiss quietly, beforestarting to roll your hips with more fervour. You were using him topleasure yourself and you enjoyed it.
“P-please…”, hebegged eventually, red eyes trained only on you. You met his gaze,licking and nibbling at your bottom lip, smirking devilishly.Torturously slow you started to lift yourself off of his cock untilmerely the tip of it remain buried inside you. When you didn’t moveright away he whined, making you claw at his chest once more. Youtook mercy on him, sinking back down. This time, however, yourmovements weren’t half as slow. You started to gain in speed,practically bouncing on his erection.
Zen attempted to flip youover multiple times, but you made sure it didn’t happen untileventually he gave up, merely looking up at you with awe and arousalshining through his eyes. The pace you set was brutal, almostpunishing. You wanted to feel him, feel the sting of his girthspreading you impossibly as you buried him inside you again andagain. Once this would end and you would have to leave, you wanted tofeel him there for days to come. You could feel yourself growingcloser, reaching down to pleasure yourself while you rode yourlover.
“Fuck, Zen”, you moaned, head thrown back and eyesshut. With the added stimuli to your clit your orgasm rapidlyapproached, your movements becoming erratic on top of Zen. The soundscoming from your mouth became filthier by the minute, from mewls andwhine to low groans and screams of pleasure. Zen wasn’t unaffectedeither, as you could feel his cock jump and pulse within you,announcing his nearing orgasm as well. “I want you to come insideof me, Zen. Make me yours. Mark me from within.”You’d neverdone it without a condom – you becoming pregnant the last thingeither of you could afford – but now you didn’t care. You wereabout to die anyway, so might as well make the best of it. A couplemore strokes to your hardened sex and you came, calling out yourlovers name as your walls tightened impossibly around his erection.Zen followed soon after, a mere handful of thrusts upwards as heburied himself inside you one last time before spilling his hot seed.Both of you were exhausted, shaking through our overwhelming orgasm.
You collapsed next to theother, both of you panting as you lay side by side. “Damn, thisscreams for a post-orgasm cig”, Zen said, chuckling. You smirked,snorting out a chuckle before reaching out for the nightstand,fiddling for a moment, before handing Zen a lighter and a cigarette.Only then did his smile fall, his head turning to look at youproperly. “Something is going to happen, isn’t it.” You didn’tmeet his eye, a sad smile curling around your lips. “Don’t worryabout me, babe. I’m just your usual dead girl stillwalking.”
Once you’d admitted toyour special activities, it had been rather hard for Yoosungto go about even the most mundane of things. He was constantlyreminded of the day you’d killed a man right before his eyes, cut himup like it was nothing. Whenever he thought he was somewhat over it –the fact that he even considered getting over it was crazy –pictured began to flash in his mind. So much blood and he hadn’t evenaverted his gaze. Yoosung only noticed that he’d gotten lost in histhoughts when the cashier cleared her throat loudly.Heblushed and quickly paid for everything and pushed his cart along.Walking home with the groceries his mind drifted off once more.Suddenly everything you did seemed so much heavier than it didbefore. All the times you’d talked about going for drinks with yourfriends or having to stay late for work…all he could think aboutwas whether you were actually killing someone instead. Those weren’tthe things that bothered him the most, though. What really got toYoosung was the fact that…he didn’t really mind?When hecame home you weren’t there yet, so he put away the groceries andlaid down on the coach, arms crossed behind his head as he stared atthe ceiling. He’d been shocked at first, like every normal personwould, but now he didn’t even flinch when you told him about yournewest kill. He never told anyone. Never called the police. In fact,on more than one occasion he’d found himself anticipating the nextstory. He’d gotten addicted to the thrill like you’d anticipated himto. Had you had more time, you were sure he would have joined youeventually.
When you got home,slightly out of breath and with a racing heart you’d found yourhusband napping on the couch, Some of the stress had melted away atthe adorable sigh, a soft smile appearing. In a world filled with somuch hate and filth he was like your safe haven. Everything about himwas innocent, sweet and pure and whatever worry you had melted awaywhen greeted by such a sight. Or it usually did. This time, however,things were a little grimmer. This time you needed something else tocheer you up.
You made your way to thecouch, rather impure thoughts on your mind. You would have feltguilty any other time, but not this time. Instead you kneeled beforethe couch, carefully massaging your husband through his pants,feeling the outline of his cock harden under your admission. Asomewhat high pitched groan fell from Yoosungs lips as his eyesfluttered open. He rubbed at them, still obviously disoriented, untilhe finally noticed you on your knees beside him. Yoosung instantlyjumped into a sitting position, just the way you’d hoped he would.
Hisface heated horribly as he scrambled to cover his erection with apillow. You had to bite your lip not to laugh, smiling at howdevastatingly adorable Yoosung was. “Don’t be shy, honey. I wantto”, you assured him. You wrapped your hand around his wrist,tracing the vein with your thumb as you pushed his hand away toremove the pillow. As you began unzipping his pants, still feelinghim up through the fabric, you could feel the twitch of his dickunder your palm and it only fed into your hunger for the man.
Youmade a quick job of removing his clothes, no patience or time totease or any finesse. You wanted his dick inside your mouth asap.Once Yoosungs tighty-whities had joined his jeans around his anklesyou’d smirked up at the other, hungrily licking your lips. Yoosungseyes widened and he swallowed loudly. You grasped the base of hiscock, pumping it steadily while licking along the underside of hiscock, paying special attention to the prominent vein that always madehim mewl when licked and sucked at.
GettingYoosung off with your mouth had always been the easiest of things foryou. At first you merely sucked at his head, twirling your tonguearound it, making Yoosung groan and relax under your touch beforereleasing it with a filthy popping, leaving him to plead. Only thendid you wrap your lips around his cock, slowly inching lower untilthey were nestled around his entire shaft. At first you would merelysuck before bobbing your head, moaning around him to send vibrationsup his erection, cock twitching within your mouth.
Afterthat it didn’t take much longer for Yoosung to come. The second hishead hit the back of your throat it usually overwhelmed him. Beingcompletely settled in the wet heat of your mouth was all it took forhim to spill his hot seed down your awaiting throat. You swallowedevery last drop, pulling off to lick his cock as well as your lipsclean, humming in appreciation. Usually you would have let him enjoythe buzz for a while longer, but not this time around. You had otherplans as you got up and rested your hands on his shoulders.
“Geton all fours”, you demanded and Yoosung instantly obeyed. “Sucha good boy.” You brushed through his unruly, blond hair, caressinghim. He looked at you with his big eyes before pushing up your pencilskirt and removing your barely there underwear. He licked at yourfolds, hesitant at first until your grip on his hair tightened. “Kissthis dead girl walking!”He sat up a little, hands coming to rest on your thighs for betterleverage. He began licking at your folds hungrily, tongue worming itsway into your core.
Youclosed your eyes, focusing on Yoosung’s tongue moving inside you, hisnose brushing against your clit with every other lick. You started togrind your hips onto his mouth just the slightest bit, taking fullcontrol over your own pleasure by doing so. You weren’t the only oneenjoying themselves, however. Yoosung groaned against your sex andhis cock jumped every time you rolled your hips or gripped his headtighter to guide his head the way you wanted to. “God, you’re sucha good boy, honey. Beautiful”, you praised.
Youwatched in awe as his cheeks reddened even further, beads of pre-comegathering at the tip of his cock once more. He was getting off onthis as much as you were! Your grip tightened once more and youripped him away from you, causing Yoosung to hiss. Your juices werecovering his mouth, swollen and glistening. Without having so sayanything Yoosung understood. Something had happened. His firstinstinct was to protect you, but before he could voice that thoughthe was once more guided back to your dripping cunt.
“Idon’t have to stay and let them catch me. I could change my name andmove to Geoje”, you said as his lips closed around your clit. Hesucked at it and you moaned. “But I don’t really want to leave sohere’s something I’d like to achieve: Spend those thirty hoursgettin’ freaky!” And that you did. You began practically ridinghis tongue and lips, your orgasm approaching quickly. Not that youhad any intention of stopping after just one. If this was really yourlast night together, and you feared as much, you neither of you wouldspend it sleeping.
Hisskilled, little tongue was still swirling your hardened nub whensuddenly two of his fingers pushed inside you. The intrusion camewithout warned and you gasped as another sensation was added to themix. He crooked his fingers and began fingering you, hitting all theright places within you. You began panting uncontrollable as pleasureoverwhelmed you, an intense orgasm making you weak in the knees. Helicked you through it until you pulled him up, kissing him hungrily.The kiss was messy, wet ans filthy and exactly what you had in mind.
From the moment Nam hadappeared at your shared apartment things had become rather tense. Notonly for Jaehee but you as well. You knew better than to think hewould leave you in peace like that. Now that he was more or lesspermanently out of prison his first order would be to collect whatwas his; namely money, drugs and you. You tried to hide such thoughtsfrom Jaehee, but she was too smart to be fooled, even by you. If youwere willing to cut his throat with a knife like you’d been that day,he was obviously not to be taken lightly.
Still, you attempted to goabout your daily life like you’d been doing before. You took care ofthe café together, cooked and ate at peace, shared a home and a bed.Yet, the atmosphere was so obviously different, thick and heavy tothe point you imagined being able to cut it with a knife. You knewJaehee had a million questions and while you were ready to answerthem, Jaehee apparently wasn’t ready to ask. So you waited for her tobe prepared until one day the process was sped up by a little card inyour mailbox. A card with a familiar symbol.
Jaehee had beenthe one to find it, watching you pale upon looking at the doubledragon on the otherwise blank card. That is when you started to talk,about who your father was before his early death, how he’d marriedyou off to Nam to not only bind the two biggest mafia groups intoone, but to also secure you a safe living. You also explained thatthe double dragon was a symbol of high rank in the group you weretechnically the head off and that Nam had sent the card as a warning.He was coming to get you. Soon, from the looks of it.
Thetwo of you had sat in silence for a long time. You’d been boiling andfuming, angry at the mans audacity. Hadn’t you made your point clearby almost slicing his throat? You weren’t his trophy wife and youweren’t his possession. He couldn’t just rip you away from the lifeyou’d established with Jaehee just because it fit into his schedulenow. Jaehee on the other hand seemed strangely quiet and you began toworry. This was probably a lot more to take in for her, harder forher, than it was for you. The least you could do was try to explain.
Jaeheelistened as you talked about your upbringing, about how Nam and youhad actually known one another since early childhood. You’d grown uptogether, going to the same schools. He’d always been infatuated withyou, but you’d never returned such feelings. You’d eventually agreedto marrying him just because there hadn’t been anyone else you’ddesired and because you knew it would make your father happy.However, now you had Jaehee and you loved her. You promised toprotect her, no matter what, and that Nam wouldn’t harm her.
Yourgirlfriend didn’t care much for her own safety, however. What she wastruly worried about was yours. You’d grown up in such a dangerousworld and while by some miracle you’d survived so far, there was noguarantee that you’d survive it any further. To her you were still asinnocent and delicate as ever. With a man like Nam-Il after you, sheconsidered you in grave danger without any idea on how to protectyou. If he got to you, took you away like he apparently planned, shewas certain that you’d meet your demise sooner or later and thatthought killed her.
Thefollowing day Jaehee refused to open the café, insisting to keep youat home and at least somewhat safe. She’d even jumped over her shadowand called Jumin, requesting a couple of bodyguards for you, if heagreed. Despite not explaining the entire situation to him – andJumin still being disappointed in Jaehee for leaving – he’d agreedand send over two guards to protect you. Only a day later you foundboth of them knocked out in front of your door, another card lying onone of the mens chest. The second and last warning you would get.
Jaeheealmost had a break down, as she realized that there was absolutelynothing she could do to protect you. Seeing her so upset, no matterhow little she might have shown it on the outside, infuriated youeven more. You send the guards back, apologized to Jumin for gettingthem harmed and used the opportunity to send a burned version of thecard right back to Nam. If he wanted to threaten you? Fine. But youwere not willing to drag Jaehee into his silly mind games. You’d facehim head on some day now, but for that day you had other plans.
Whenyou finally got home Jaehee instantly jumped off the coach, about tosay something you never got to hear. You cut her off with a kiss,possessively licking into her mouth, sucking her tongue into yours.She was unresponsive at first, mostly due to shock, until you pulledher flush against you rolling your hips against hers. Finally shesighed and melted into the kiss, your tongues dancing together.Eventually you broke the kiss, leaving Jaehee obviously dazed.Needless to say that seeing you had such an effect did great thingsfor you.
You took her wrist in yourhand and began tugging her towards the bedroom. She was hesitant atfirst, trying to ask what was going on, but quickly gave up when sherealized she would not be getting a reply. You sat her onto the bed,massaging her thighs and spreading her legs apart, kissing your wayup from her knee until you reached her crotch. Pressing featherykisses against her panties, turning it damp. You were happy to notethat the dampness was furthered by Jaehee herself, who was growingincreasingly wet, squirming under your admission.
You looked up at her, eyesburning with passion, and didn’t break the gaze once as you slowlypulled down her underwear, throwing it aside carelessly. When youkissed her sex this time there was no layer to hold you back. Youlicked between her folds, stimulating her clit with your fingerswhile licking inside of her. Jaehee was still shy about oral sex, butmostly because she was so damn responsive to it. Every lick, nibbleor suck got delicious sounds out of her and you swore to yourselfthat you would coax out every last one of them that night.
After about fifteenminutes of going down on her, working Jaehee towards her secondorgasm for the night she asked you to stop, wondering why you weredoing this all of a sudden. “'Cause Nam-Il says I gots to go,you’ll be my last meal on death row”, you’d merely replied,grinning up at her before going back down, making her gasp and forgether question altogether. Eventually your tongue had been replaced byone, then two and eventually four fingers, thrusting in and out ofher. Just by crooking them ever so slightly you were granted the mostbeautiful view.
Jaehee was gripping the sheets, head thrownback and her wavy hair a mess. You could see the flush in her cheeks,her teeth digging into her bottom lip to muffle the sounds ofpleasure she still didn’t quite allow herself. Well, you’d make sureto change that. You pulled your fingers out, instead standing up topush Jaehee onto the mattress. She had no idea what was going on, butJaehee had long stopped questioning you. She watched with wide eyesas you undressed before coming to straddle her. It was only when youput a pillow under her hip and threw her leg over your shoulder thatshe understood.
You decided to scissorJaehee, both your wet cunts rubbing together. It was something youhadn’t tried often, mostly out of shyness. Now was not the time forthat though. Both of you moaned in wanton as your sexes rolledtogether, sparks of pleasure shooting through both of you. Youreached out for Jaehee’s hand, pulling it to your mouth to suck twoof her fingers in before guiding her to her clit. She didn’t hesitateto pleasure you and you instantly returned the favour, your bodiessliding together in perfect harmony until finally you reached yourpeak, screaming out your orgasm.
Surprisingly, Juminfinding out that you were the daughter of the head of one of Korea’sbiggest mafia groups didn’t put as much of a dent into yourrelationship as you’d initially thought it would. In fact, for someabsurd reason, he seemed to enjoy that little secret you’d hiddenfrom it. You couldn’t quite puzzle together what the appeal was, butapparently he liked knowing everything about you. He also seemed toenjoy the thrill that came with it. Preppy Jumin Han married to theheir of Chil Sung Pa’s admittedly huge empire.
As it turned out, therewere also quite some business merits to being married to you. Forone, people and entire companies had some sort of newfound respectfor the two of you as well as C&R International in general. Itprobably stemmed from fear, but Jumin was an opportunist with successin mind and anything that helped the company was fine for him. C&R’snetworth increased rapidly, especially when you roped your fatherinto signing certain contracts that would ensure not only safety butinvestments.
Everything was fine andthe business was booming until someone attempted to harm your fatherand you snapped. You were preppy, well-mannered and calm, but ifsomeone dared to harm or so much as insult the people you cared forand loved, you turned into a fury with no regards for morals. You hadno problem getting your hands dirty. By the time you arrived at theheadquarters, however, it turned out that your father was fine andthe person had been taken care of in a rather traditional sense. Youwere still pissed about the attempt, though, and with nowhere else tolet steam off, you turned to Jumin.
When you snuck intoJumin’s office his back was turned to you. He was on the phone withsomeone, staring out of the window wall, discussing a deal you knewhe’d been working on for a long while. You leaned against the walland watched him work for a minute or two, enjoying the way hismuscles flexed under that perfectly fitting and tight suit, the wayhis voice sounded when he talked business. Your always found hisvoice extremely sexy, that low rumble that could make anyone weak inthe knees, but especially when talking business.
Eventuallyyour patience had been stripped too thin and it didn’t seem like hewas planning to hang up any time soon, so you decided to take theinitiative. You put down your bag and coat, silently making your wayto where your husband is standing. From behind you sling your armsaround his slender but muscular frame, trailing them down his chestplayfully. It is your way of warning him of what is about to follow.Whether he hangs up for it or not is completely up to him. You canfeel his muscles tense and relax but nothing else. Well then.
You press a kiss betweenhis shoulder blades, unbuttoning his shirt from behind, skilledfingers doing a quick job. Finally able to touch bare skin you buryyour nails in it, trailing them down his torso to leave your marks.Had you dug any deeper you would have drawn blood. Jumin’s breathhitches every so slightly and yet he continues to talk, as composedas ever. You smirk. A challenge can be quite amusing when having itwith Jumin. Both of you are competitive, in control of every aspectof your life and stubborn. Still, this one will be your win.
Your hand moves lower tounbutton his trousers, slowly pulling down the zipper to tease himwith the sound itself, even. You can feel the deep intake of breathhe makes, knowing that he is preparing himself. Your curious fingerslip past the boxers and into his pants, your free hand still holdingonto that beautifully tones stomach, feeling the muscles therecontract with every teasing touch. Jumin is so fun to play with. Yourwrap your hand around his long cock, squeezing it just for thebriefest of moments to get his attention.
Apparently this stillisn’t enough to get Jumin to end the call, so you increase yourefforts. You begin jerking him off, strong, long pumps of your first.You use your thumb to trace the veins raking over his length beforestarting to pay special attention to the head. You circle itteasingly, tapping the slit ever so slightly until finally you canfeel the first beads of seed gather, spreading them eagerly. Jumineventually starts to rock his hips into your hand, biting down on hisbottom lip to keep himself quiet while the other person talked.
While you admired yourhusbands self control, you were rather happy when it finally came toan end. Ads you sped up the movements of your hand the snapping ofhis hips turned from shallow to erratic. The pre-come was now coatingyour entire hand, making the slide much easier and therefor quicker.You could feel his shaft pulse with the need to release. You stood onyour tip toes, nibbling at your lovers earlobe and whispering thedirty things you wanted to do to him until finally Jumin spilled overyour hand.
Luckily Jumin was a bit ofa silent type as it was, so the orgasm didn’t make him scream out orany such thing. It would have been quite hilarious to have himexplain that to an executive partner, but maybe it was for the bestthat it didn’t happen. As it was Jumin apologized, explaining that hehad some very important business to take care of and would call themback later. You were happy to know that said important business wasyou. He turned in your arms, claimed your mouth with a hungry kisswhile lifting you onto his desk.
Jumin broke the kiss to goon his knees before you, pushing up your skirt just enough to get toyour panties. He carefully pulled them down over your long legs,pressing kisses on the smooth skin along the way. He then proceededto kiss his way back up, the kisses and playful nibbles to your thighalready getting you excited for what was to come. By the time hefinally began eating you out you were a panting, wet mess. Jerkinghim off, having that control over your husband, it always turned youon. You knew it wouldn’t take much.
He licked between yourfolds eagerly, your hand coming to rest on his head and pull at hishair as he did so. When you’d first started to have sex he hadn’tbeen much of a lover. After all, he’d never touched a woman beforeyou. However, many, many times later – honestly, you’d been allover each other for a while – and Jumin knew your body and all it’ssoft spots better than you knew it yourself, probably. He was verycategoric about it. He knew exactly how to please you, sucking atyour clit while fingering you open using three finger.
About five minutes lateryou finally came, rolling your hips onto the tongue he’d pushedinside you, as your orgasm shook your body. However, you weren’tquite done with him yet and from the fact that Jumin was hard againas well, he seemed to be on board. You pulled him up, kissing him asyou wrapped your legs around his hips. “Let’s go, you know thedrill; I’m hot and pissed and on the pill”, you said, pulling himcloser by the arse, cock brushing between your folds. Jumin growledhungrily, reaching between you to grasp his cock and push insideyou.
You mewled at the feelingbut attempted to muffle it. The doors were thin and if you could walkin, so could anyone else. "Full steam ahead, let’s break thedesk”, you snickered, grinding against your husband to bury himdeeper. Needless to say, he did well in attempting to break it. Juminknew that when you were in the mood, you could take quite thepounding and he delivered perfectly. His thrust were quick and hard,hitting all the right spots within you. When you finally came youstarted to scream his name, Jumin had to silence you by kissing. Nota bad way to be silenced.
The night after he’d foundout about your work for another agency Saeyoung had lain awake formany hours, curled together on the side as he attempted to catalogueall the new input. His agency was ruined, because of him. Someonefrom another agency had send you to kill him. The two of you hadactually fallen in love instead and he knew for a fact that it wouldsoon cause your agency to be after you as well. You’d not only failedto fulfil your given task, but you’d also bonded with the enemy andsuch things never sat well with agencies like yours.For along time Saeyoung contemplated your options. Neither of you werereally safe living a normal life and yet fleeing seemed like such atedious option. He’d spent too much of his life running away andabandoning things he loved in the process. Saeyoung was done with it.The alternative he came up with was rather unconventional, but maybethat would ensure it’s success in the end. What if, instead ofjoining another agency for protection, the two of you started yourown? Maybe you could even team up with Saeran?
He knew that his twin wasstill a little unstable, but maybe it made that option all the moresuitable. Doing hacking and footwork was something familiar forSaeran. He had no further education that would allow him to pursueany other career and this way he would not only have a stable job,but also one where both you and Saeyoung could keep him safe andmostly sane. The longer he thought about it the cleared the imaginein his head became. When he pitched the idea of you you’d beensurprise but then a grin had spread on your face and you’d agreed.
When Saeyoung had firstsuggested starting your own, small but effectively agency you’dhesitated for two reasons. For one you’d been rather sure that yourfiancée had had other plans for the future. He’d always talked aboutsome kind of toy store, building his little robots and similar thingsto sell them. Not to mention that he’d been so eager to heal andprotect his brother that you could not imagine how on earth opening asecret agency fit into the picture. Was he so willing to endanger hisbrother further only for you?
Which lead you directly to yoursecond reason; safety. By following through with his plan the levelof danger in which all three of you would move would multiplygravely. Saeyoungs former agency would be after you. Your formeragency would be after you and every agency you’d fuck over in thefuture as well. Still, you’d eagerly agreed as the thrill of goingdown that path together drew you in. That was until a job wenthorribly wrong and you found yourself fearing for your life. Well,fearing was the wrong word. You were mostly pissed.
Every normal human wouldhave tried to flee when faced with a threat like the one you werefacing – you know, teams of agents targeting you in specific –but not you. No, you were pissed that you had nothing to do about it.You could either run away or sit around and wait for their attack andfend it off as best as possible. That is until you walked into thebedroom to find a naked Saeyoung sprawled out on the bed, giving youall sorts of ideas how to better spend that time waiting, other thansitting around and twiddling your thumbs.
You slowly climbed on topof the bed and your fiancée, handing brushing up his legs, massaginghis thighs before pulling them apart. You rested between your loverslegs, mouthing at his cock, pressing little kisses all over it untilit jumped to life. You kissed your way up Saeyoungs body who wasslowly beginning to wake up, twirling your tongue around his nipplesbefore biting down on one. Finally his eyes flew open and he stareddown at you with a gasp of pain, pleasure and surprise. He blinkedrapidly, reaching for his glasses and putting them on.
The sight was surprising,to say the least. You usually weren’t into that whole somnophiliathing. He’d tried once and you’d kicked him out of the bed for it.Saeyoung, on the other hand, sure loved surprised. Especiallysurprises like that. He smiled down at you, cupping your face andpulling you up for a passionate kiss. His tongue snuck into yourmouth, hungrily exploring and claiming what he thinks of as his. Youmelted into the kiss, allowing him the control for a brief moment.Tongues dancing together you swallowed each others moans before youpulled off
“No sleep tonight foryou, better chug that PhD Pepper”, you announced upon sitting up,grinding your hips against his erect cock. He didn’t react at first,still sleep dazed. You weren’t gonna let that pass, instead wrappingyour hand around his neck, using your thumb to tilt his face up. “Getyour ass in gear, Saeyoung. Come on, make this whole town disappear!”He sat up than, wrapping an around your middle, holding you tightwhile thrusting his hips upwards to rub his hard sex against yours.Even through your panties he could feel the wetness. 
Neitherof you had the patience to neither get up nor get you undressed.Instead he merely ripped the fabric away – he’d buy you new onessome other time – and pushed inside you in one long go. You gaspedas the sensation of being filled but didn’t hesitate to glide up anddown the others length, burying him deep inside you to hit all theright spots. “Slap me! Pull my hair”, you gasped the command andSaeyoung happily complied. He slapped your rear, hard and quick untilpale skin turned bright red.You gasped with every blow, thesting a pleasant sensation. You could feel the wetness between yourlegs getting more intense, arousal making itself known to Saeyoung aswell. He knew exactly what he was doing to you and from the diabolicgrin on his lips he quite enjoyed it. That is when he reached foryour hair, holding it together and circling it around between hisfingers to get a better grip. Saeyoung tugged harshly, a hiss fallingfrom your lips. You quite enjoyed when he got rough with you, allfrustration making way for pleasure.His mouth attacked youneck, tongue trailing the vein there before he sucked at the tenderskin. The sounds falling from your lips were of pure ecstasy, as yourneck was rather sensitive and his lips were skilled. He then begannibbling and biting at the skin, leaving his marks all over yourotherwise untouched skin. Meanwhile his hips were snapping upwards ina slow but pointed rhythm, making you squirm on his lap, pleasureseemingly overwhelming you. “What is it, sweetheart? You’re souncommonly quiet”, he teased.
“Touch me”, youpanted. “Touch me everywhere and no more talking.” You removedhis hand from your behind to guide it to your centre for him to feeljust what he was doing to you. He moaned as he dipped his fingersinto the wetness awaiting him, circling your clit with his thumb ashe pushed two fingers inside your tight heat alongside his cock. Youfelt even fuller now, desperately bouncing onto his cock and fingers,crocked inside you, driving you mad. All of it seemed too much andyet too little at the same time.
You found your peak whenSaeyoung began sucking on your nipple, squeezing your breast with hisfree hand while nibbling hungrily at the other. His thrusts hadbecome harsh and almost burning and the hickeys now spread over yourchest as well. A handful of jabs later you were coming, cunttightening around his cock, pulling the orgasm out of him as well ashe spent himself within your welcoming heat. You collapsed againsthim, Saeyoung falling back onto the mattress with you on top. “Fuck,I really needed that.”
After the night you’dshared upon realizing Saeran knew about your job all along the two ofyou had been mostly on the run. You got in hits here and there andyou could work as whistle blower from about anywhere, so it wasn’tthat much of an issue, but settling down hadn’t been an option for acouple of months at that point. You made it a habit to send Saeyounga card once a month to let him know you and his sweet, sweet brotherwere still alive. Other than that, neither you nor Saeran dared tocontact everyone else in fear of endangering them.You did,however, attempt to help with the parties. Be it by sending Saeyoungsome files of potential guests or donating a bunch of money towhatever cause they were supporting. Everything beyond that wasstrictly taboo for the both of you. Not that you minded too much.Most of the time you were either busy with work – people sure likedto have other people killed or fucked over – or with one another.The two of you had learned early on that every day spent alive was aprivilege and you wanted to make the best out of every single one ofthem.
It was about two yearsinto your spree that things began getting tighter. One of yourteam-mates on the whistle blower team had made a traceable mistakeand now the FBI and CIA were after he both of you. Keeping a lowprofile wasn’t that big of a problem until you’d decided thatsplitting up was for the best, at least for the time being, andregretted the decision the second the two of you entered your newhotel room all by yourself, respectively. Both of you were miserableall alone and with no means to contact the other without beingtraced.
Aftertrashing in bed for about an hour, sleep nowhere near, you decidedthat enough was enough. You were so used to sharing a bed with Saeranthat sleeping by yourself seemed near impossible at this point. Yougot out of bed and walked the multiple blocks to the motel you knewSaeran was staying it. Of course you couldn’t just waltz in throughthe front door and have anyone see you. It was bad enough that youwere visiting him at all, let alone be that direct about it. Soinstead you found yourself climbing up the wall and through thewindow.
WhenSaeran had broken into Rika’s apartment he’d made it look much easierthan it turned out to be. You’d been staying at the fourteenth floorwith rather intruder-proof windows and yet he’d managed to easilymake his way inside like some sort of dark angel. Yet here you were,climbing through a fourth floor window, almost wheezing loud enoughto wake Saeran that way. Admittedly, you should have brought moreequipment, but the decision to come in the first place had been arather rash one so you hadn’t been on top of your game.
Whateverthe case, you were inside now and no one had seen you. So instead ofwasting any more of the precious time you had together – comemorning you would have to split up again – you made your way to thebed, climbing atop the others body and waking him up by gentlycaressing his face and brushing through his hair. Saeran was a lightsleeper to begin with, but since you started the job he was even morewary than he’d been before. The drop of a pin could wake him and thissituation was no different.
Hiseyes instantly shot up, hand harshly wrapping around your wrist andtugging you down. You found yourself on your back, pressed into themattress by your lovers weight. Admittedly, that turned you on morethan it should have. Then again you had come to his room with thatparticular situation in mind, so really he’d merely sped the entireprocess up. He was panting, staring at you with wide eyes beforefrowning in confusion as you grinned up at him mischievously. “Iwas a little lonely up in my room, so I thought I’d pay you a visit.”
Saeranhuffed, letting go of your wrist and sitting up, brushing the strandsof her from his eyes. “If someone saw you, you’re dead. We bothare. Are you seriously horny enough to risk your life for this”, heasked, looking at you with an intense and calculating look. You letyour eyes wander over his face, reaching out once more to cup it withone hand, thumb tracing the line of his cheekbone. “I’m willing torisk my life for you.” Apparently that took Saeran bysurprise, even after all this time, as his face fell and he quicklylooked away from you, seemingly ashamed. 
Youknow where this behaviour is coming from, something that happened attimes when things seemed to finally become undeniably serious betweenthe two of you and Saeran feared of getting too attached and losingsomething beloved once more overwhelmed him. You sighed, leaningforward to press a kiss to his forehead. "You say you’renumb inside, but I can’t agree, Saeran”, you said, getting hisattention.“So the world’s unfair? Keep it locked out there!”You move closer then, burying your face in the crock of his neck,kissing along the sensitive skin. “In here it’s beautiful.”
Saeranwas never good with emotions, but he was damn fantastic when it cameto sex. Maybe because he was capable of detaching those two things,delivering on one without messing up the other. He tugged on yourhair, catching your mouth with his. He kiss was breathtaking andbruising, your lips spit slick and swollen once he broke it. Suckingyour bottom lip into his mouth before tugging at just enough for itto sting without drawing blood. “Let’s make this beautiful,then”, he agreed, voice dipped dangerously low. Promisinglylow.
When he spoke like thisyou knew you were in for a ride and it wouldn’t be the gentle kind.The way you two moved was quick and precise with no time to waste.You tugged his shirt over his head while he ripped open yours,leaving it in shreds on the floor. You’d have to worry about thattomorrow. The rest of your clothes joined the shirt in a haze, nakedbodies colliding in a storm of desire and passion. Saeran slid intoyour awaiting heat with easy, your legs over his shoulders as hesnapped his hips against yours, almost snapping you in half in theprocess.
You pulled him evencloser, your bodies rubbing against one another with every harshthrust. Your nipples were hard against his chest, breasts jolting.You clawed down his back, leaving marks that would stay for days ashe left his mark within you. Subtle, but no less effective. Youpulled him in for a kiss, both of you fighting for dominance until helet you in, let your tongue push past his to lick into his mouth withfervour. Both of you moaned into the kiss, the bed shaking under thetwo of you. You didn’t see the orgasm coming, hitting you by surprisewith an intensity that almost made you black out.
“Oh no, princess. Nosleeping for you”, he said, pulling out and leaving you empty anddripping with your own juices. You were about to beg – whether formercy or more you weren’t sure – when he suddenly flipped you over,lifted your hips of the bed and thrust right back home. “You wokeme for this, remember”, he hissed, pointing each word with a harshjab. When your moans increased in volume he reached around to coveryour mouth, his hot breath ghosting over your ear as he fucked youfrom behind like some rabid dog.
You reached for theheadboard for support, gripping it with both hands until yourknuckles were about to rip the skin. You’d just come and yet youcould feel another orgasm steadily building as he fucked inside you,one hand covering your mouth while the other rubbed at your sensitiveclit. “I love taking you like this, like a little bitch”, hewhispered into your ear, nibbling at it. He kept up the pace untilyou felt his cock twitch and jump within you. This time the two ofyou came together, his seed filling you up as the two of you trembledwith ecstasy and collapsed onto the bed with exhausted and satedhuffs.
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Heathers/ITH Au
What do ya know it’s another AU. Look, this one was waiting on the back burner, and now it’s done. So sit back, relax and watch me delve into this.
So they way I’ve got it is this: 
It starts off pretty much like Heathers, with a few changes (to both canons, actually):
Sonny would be our Veronica, and a 16-yr junior, while pretty much everyone else is a senior; it does cause conflict, everyone he knows is graduating and getting out and he’s gonna be alone, further fuel for the “I hate school fire.”
Nina (17) could be Martha, closest friend Sonny who’s really smart, and she would have a crush on Benny
Benny (18) and Lincoln (17)  could be Ram and Kurt, respectively, minus the assholeness; they fit the same arc (somewhat, obvs. some things will have to be redacted), just not the character. They’re both trying to fit in by being on the football team; Benny because he comes across as a tough guy, why wouldn’t he be on the team? And Lincoln because he’s trying to please his father. They’re just going along with what the rest of the team expects to not be socially shunned (Lincoln especially).
Usnavi (20) doesn’t fit into a character (besides being a parental figure); he’s there for comfort, to provide Sonny advice (doesn’t always work). Looks after Sonny with Abuela Claudia (though Chip probably does most of the work). Usnavi’s been crushing on Vanessa for ‘about two years, hasn’t taken any initiative of course, for reasons (coughagecough). He still runs the bodega, and Sonny still works shifts there.
Pete’s kind of like J.D.? (hear me out); Pete’s got this friend who has the more “unstable” personality and mental traits. The two of them together create the whole J.D character, Pete being the part that genuinely cares for Sonny and doesn’t like society, the “friend” the part that deals with all their problems by blowing them up. Oh and Pete’s 18, the friend 19
And of course, the queens: Vanessa (17), Daniela (18), and Carla (17). They’re the Salon Girls (always hanging out at some salon, their bags have enough stuff to be a mobile one). They act the way they to fit in expectations; do they really want to be such bitches? Not really, but it keeps them on top. Vanessa-H. Chandler, Daniela-H. Duke, Carla-H.Mcnamara
And then we move onto a plot I’ve conceived for this.
The girls take Sonny under their wing because he manages to talk their way out of a problem and make him a pretty boy. (But he’s not getting rid of the hat, no one can do that).
Sonny meets Pete first at a shop, probably at Usnavi’s bodega, Pete there freezing his brain, lowkey flirtation starts, and then Sonny's introduced to Pete's friend, who is acting shady af. And they hang out until Usnavi comes in and asks if they’re gonna pay for all those drinks (and lowkey get away from my cousin you look like gang members so please back off). Sonny introduces Pete to Usnavi, and Usnavi is suspicious™.
The girls try to get Sonny to get Nina to embarrass herself at a party at one of the homecoming party at some dude’s house. Sonny denies them at first, and the girls are like “Sure, do what you want. Just don’t come crying to us when everybody hates you.” Benny ends up inviting Nina anyway.
Doesn’t matter much, because Benny and Lincoln are there to defend her
Sonny, drunk and high af (Usnavi would be disappointed), is having a good time and he brought Pete along (Pete’s just uncomfortable he’d rather be tagging a wall). The girls are about to pull some sick joke on Nina, so Sonny confronts them and vomits on Vanessa’s shoes. Sonny drags Pete with him when he runs out of the party. Benny and Lincoln take Nina home.
The whole “Dead Girl Walking” thing doesn’t happen (yet?). Sonny’s drunk and high (not a healthy combination) and Pete’s not drunk enough to just do something like that with Sonny, no matter how much Sonny insists it’s okay. Both of them are not in the most stable mental place right now to make that decision and deal with the repercussions. The end up agreeing that they have a thing (whatever that could be), but they’re not going to deal with the have stuff yet.
"Pete, I'm probably gonna die tomorrow, both socially and physically, so I really want to take our relationship up like three levels." "wat."
The next day, Sonny and Pete go over to apologize to Vanessa about last night (for moral and ethical reasons), and Pete's friend comes along (they weren’t invited, and want to be involved in something). The friend pulls off the switch drink with cleaning solution, but Pete notices and slaps the drink out of Vanessa’s hand (a bit too late; she did drink some of it)
Vanessa ends up in a coma. And Usnavi is not happy with that no no. Now all Usnavi knows is that Sonny was invited to some party, not everything that followed. Sonny doesn't want to say anything because a)Last person at the scene of the crime and b)He'll have to explain everything else and Usnavi already doesn't like Pete and hates the friend.The event is painted as a failed suicide and generates sympathy for Vanessa. It also provides an opening for Daniela to take control of the Salon Girls. Sonny's not dealing with any of this well, and while Pete is trying to be a source of comfort, but the friend is making it apparent that they like Sonny at the same time.
Kinda inconvenient timing, seeing that Sonny and Pete at this point are kind of a thing.
Some rumor starts up that Sonny's gay (and a little something else that I won’t say now) and it's high school people are fucking rude and they bash on him for it. Lincoln ends up coming up to him and they have a little heart to heart conversation where Lincoln comes out as gay and Sonny really appreciates the support (Sonny feels this isn’t something he can turn to Usnavi for). Nina pops up too and they both help Sonny sort through what’s going on.
The friend, on the other hand, manages to convince Sonny that they can socially attack whoever started the rumor (all they know is that it was someone on the football team) and bury away Sonny’s social stigma. Pete’s already in on it so Sonny agrees, but he’s not buying the "Ich Luge" bullets bullshit. But Pete’s not questioning anything so Sonny reluctantly goes with it. (The basically called two “random” guys from the team to have them fake a suicide pact, bringing them under the premise that the Salon girls wanted to see them). Sonny’s supposed to keep the guys in a certain spot until the friend fires the gun. Turns out it’s Lincoln and Benny. Sonny tries to subtly tell them to run, but Lincoln gets shot before the message is received and Benny books it. And what does the friend do? Straight up shoots Sonny.Sonny ends up in the hospital, and Usnavi’s so worried and he’s asking all these questions and Sonny just can’t take it and breaks down. But he still doesn’t say anything to Usnavi (boi just talk to your cousin). All he really manages to say is “Cuz, I think I fucked up.”
Usnavi’s not having any of this first Vanessa now Sonny wtf is going on. And Sonny’s not helping with Usnavi’s parental anxiety.
It’s when Sonny gets back to school that Lincoln actually died and he’s just living in a panic cause shit he and the other guys go to the same school how the hell am I going to avoid them? Cause he doesn’t want to see either of them because they’re both bad news and he’s done with everybody’s bullshit. Not to mention he blames himself in a way for Lincoln’s death.
Nina is not okay. She’s just so sad and lost. She goes to Benny (those two have been growing closer), and Benny kinda spills that Sonny was there when Lincoln “died.” Nina goes to confront Sonny about what Benny said, but he refuses to say anything and Nina’s particular dislike and eventual resentment of Sonny grows; he's acting weird and he's not answering her questions (she needs answers please just help her). She almost tries to commit suicide but Benny’s there to help her.
Sonny does run into Pete, and while he’s unsure about everything, the two patch up and manage to get on some level ground.
The friend, however, thinks they did nothing wrong and Sonny is being unreasonable. I poisoned a girl and killed a guy for you and you still won’t go out with me?The friend breaks into Sonny’s room, detailing the plan to blow up the school (Pete’s already there setting up the bombs). 
Fighting time! Sonny and Pete gang up on the friend and they end up getting shot (taste of your own medicine you jerk). But now what to do with the bomb? Pete got the bomb out while Sonny was distracted, and is determined™ to blow up with it. Sonny obviously ain’t having that and literally they have a fight over the bomb until the friend comes up and just holds them all together before taking the bomb. But he doesn’t back up and it goes off too close.
But everything’s okay because while badly injured they still manage to stay alive and with the troublemaker gone we can try to patch things up and bring things back to normal. Vanessa wakes up after the social hierarchy is broken down, so she can just relax. Nina gets her acceptance letter into Standford, Benny manages to convince Mr. Rosario to give him a job at their dispatch (I think you see where this is going).
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bpdkipland · 7 years
literally do them all lmao For the strawberry: a lizard person, a little gray alien, an orb, and the Burger King himself For mr horse: ur opinion on the Charmin toilet paper bears
thank you so much anon fuc ily 
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone? 
yikes startin out w a hard one then um when i was a kid i had such a stressful emotional time that it caused me to wet the bed until i was like 12 or 13? it was fuct up 
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be? 
probs my crush or my friend jacob bc he gives gr8 hugs ♥♥
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why? 
Lugia bc when i was little i had a card that was all holographic and it had lugia on it. i never really got super into pokemon lol 
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like? 
oh god it would be a mess 
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had? 
honestly the only one coming to mind is the one i had as a kid where this creature opened up its head and ate my sister and im still scared of going outside in the dark to this day bc of it 
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend? 
i have multiple best friends but theyre mostly all there for me whenever i need them? like one time jacob drove from the other side of town to give me earbuds bc i had lost mine 
😘 talk about your crush or partner 
GOD my crush is a literal angel???? like????? hoy fuk i love her so much she’s so sweet and kind and caring and she just radiates light and love and i got to kiss her on new years ♥♥♥♥
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back? 
depends on HOW rude they were. like,... i was nice to my ex for so long lol 
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!) 
i like my nose, freckles, and the fact that im Nice
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it? 
well its being abandoned by everyone i love and guess what thats starting to happen and im coping lmao
🎁 what never fails to make you happy? 
this video
💙 what annoys you about some people? 
if they chew with their fockin mouth open i die 
😤 do you get angry easily? 
nope i actually am pretty slow to anger lol 
🐇 what do you always daydream about? 
do intrusive thoughts of people coming on to me count 
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change? 
well no offense but republicans would be illegal. sent off to an island not allowed to communicate with the rest of the world lol, strawberries would be in season year round, and weed would be legal bc i cant think of anything else 
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry? 
kiss: orb ♥♥befriend: lizard person kill: k i l l t h e b o r g (burger king) marry: gray alien 
✈️ what is your dream city and why? 
ive not been to any good cities so i dont know 
☕️ talk about your ideal day 
hanging out with all my friends, they dont all hate each other, we all watch movies in a big cuddle puddle and im in the middle of it ♥♥
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert? 
definitely an ambivert. 
💧 when was the last time you cried? 
fuck????? i dont remember???? my eyes welled up yesterday does that count 
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment 
in no particular order: 1. Come On Eileen 2. Insomnia (by Dirty Heads) 3. Birdhouse in Your Soul4. Ana Ng5. Moving On (by James)
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why? 
pyrokinesis so i can light all abusers on fire lol 
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say? 
Listen, kid, there’s a reason you hate yourself and there’s a reason you wanna die all the time but lemme tell you, it ain’t worth it. those hospital stays aren’t worth it. you might not believe it but you’re over 250 days clean! didn’t think you’d make it this far, huh? you also made it to 18 years of age. you’re gonna be okay, kid. 
💚 who are you jealous of and why? 
myself when i’m in a nice mood bc like??? shut yo nice ass up 
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why? 
bravery honestly. i have reasons but i dont have words for the reasons rn 
🙊 what are you ashamed of? 
um that secret i told the fuck
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn? 
i know English and tiny bits of French and i’d love to become fluent in French and Italian? 
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be? 
i wanna be best friends with mike wazowski 
☁️ talk about your dream universe. 
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today? 
it’s a bit late but did do some dishes for my mom cleaned off my desk so i could start painting again :> 
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why? 
new c/r/yptid: Lance Cube.
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike 
y’know when ur eyes just start crying when the rest of u is fine?? like wow i didnt know i was supposed to be emotional but ig???? 
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately 
i’m anxious because my doctors office isnt giving my medical records to the michigan works people im working with so they cant open a case for me, making it so they cant help me find a job bc of my mental illnesses 
   🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
 i wanted to be a veterinarian but now i wanna be a zookeeper 
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods? 
i loooove peach rings and sour patch kids and !!!! strawberry shortcake 
🍑 what are you obsessed with? 
animal crossing tbh i love it so much 
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed? 
i get auditory hallucinations and i just start crying no matter what stressed mood im in. angry stressed? crying. happy stressed? crying. anxious stressed? crying 
😪 what are you sick of? 
having kidney disease??? ?
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker? 
i mean? sometimes? but yall gotta talk me into going on roller coasters 
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have? 
red beet eggs are my LIFE if i could eat them daily i would die, peppers are fucking gross, and tea is fucking gross unless its Tea 
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person? 
i like to think i am a good person? 
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies? 
draw & sing!!!! 
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself? 
You Ain’t No Saint by Aaron West and The Roaring Twenties 
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
I’m annoying. I plan on improving it by shutting my ass up 
 🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
i draw people and eyes mainly. and the occasional hand 
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams? 
i’m too shy and bisexual for this 
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you? 
fuck i dont remember i just know i have the same one as Fox Mulder and thats why it fits me lmao
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite! 
...u didnt give me 3 ppl.... 
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why? 
mothman because he’s my boyfriend 
🐴 opinion on __? (Charmin Toilet Paper Bears) 
they wipe my ass for me 
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person? 
i used to be. now im not so sure. 
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them. 
yall i’ve only read 3 books 
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
i usually mope around and sleep a lot. it doesnt help usually. 
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad? 
Death Anxiety 
🌍 which country do you live in? 
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words 
needy, petty, and damaged 
🐵 which quotes changed you? 
“What’s your Fursona” - @thebpdevil“Your job is to break death’s heart” 
💭 do you keep a diary? 
I keep a bullet journal!! i think thats kinda similar 
💫 who inspires you? 
honestly my dad??? but also idk :/ 
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why? 
hell YES because i am one
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like? 
department store clearance section & band merch 
🎬 what are some of your favourite films? 
Heathers, Taken, Girl Interrupted, and if u watch the OA in one shot it counts as a movie i’m counting it 
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory? 
Throwing mashed potatoes at my sister. 
🐱 what’s your dream pet like? 
Cat snake (ferret) who loves to cuddle and doesnt bite :-) 
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be? 
probably???? um???? Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz honestly. 
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maha-ya · 4 years
April is the oldest of her siblings, she has a younger brother and a younger sister. Her father, Leon was rarely around, and she never knew what he was doing. Heather, her mother, on the other hand was always home, extremely kind and loving. April is a redhead, she’s slim and white and she has green eyes. Both her siblings have black hair like their mother, and they were a lot younger than April. April was born in 1998, back then her parents were a couple, her dad had an actual job and her mom cooked dinner every night. They were barely getting by but they were happy.
When April was 11 years old, her younger brother Ash was born. 3 years after that her sister was born and named Casey. Things started getting less happy after that, Leon was home less often and the kids’ mother seemed a lot sadder. She was emotionally weak and Leon not being around did a number on her. At least financially, they were still ok since Leon always came back with money when money was short.
April got into her first year of high school. By that time her mother was physically ill, Leon had not came back for almost a year and before that he disappeared for 9 whole months. April was angry, very angry. She hated how her dad would occasionally boost their hope only to let them down. She hated how her younger siblings don’t know what a dad should be like. And she hated how she had to grow up so quickly to help support her family. But what she hated the most was how weak her mother was, how despite her pain she never once told Leon to stay. She always just let him leave. April believes that her mother is the biggest problem in the family, because while her dad actually did something whether it was right or wrong, her mom never did anything. She just stayed at home accepting whatever happened.
April started working part time jobs as soon as she could which was when she was 14. After her father left them for a whole week, April dropped out of her first year of high school and took more part time jobs. Heather almost never leaves home, which had its benefits, April didn’t have to worry about the kids and their studies. At least her mother was still kind to them and always looked after them and their studies. April took on the role of the provider and kept working to pay the bills and put food on the table.
April almost got into drug dealing once. Ash had a high fever that would not go down, she and her mother tried everything but eventually they had to take him to the hospital. Ash got better, and was home safe and healthy. But April had the hospital bill in her hand and she had no idea how to pay it. She took to the streets one night, she wanted to stay away from home and figure out what to do. Some guy offered her something, she didn’t even know what it was exactly. Instead of buying it she told the guy she wanted to work with him. He took her to his boss, they were a really small ring of drug dealers, their boss needed more people so he always accepts newcomers.
April met the boss in a warehouse and asked him for a job. She told him it was temporary and that she only needed money to pay a bill. He was ok with that, he had his ways to pin her to the job later. There was another guy standing next to the boss, he had an old gameboy in his hand and he was very focused playing with it. The boss started asking April a few questions, why she needed the money, why she can’t get it any other way, etc. As she answered, the guy with the gameboy got interested. He interrupted them and escorted April outside. April contested, she really needed the money and she was still talking to the boss! Gameboy guy asked her right off the bat “how much money do you want?”. April was aggressive and defensive so she told him to “eat shit”. He sighed, “I don’t work with them. Ralf’s an asshole. He’s my friend but he’s an asshole.” he said. April was very confused, but still aggressive. She told him to “fuck off” as she pushed him aside and walked back to the warehouse. He stopped her again and glared at her and said “I’m not done talking”. She froze, he suddenly appeared very big. “I don’t do drugs, I don’t sell drugs, I’ve been friends with Ralf since I can remember. He’s a clever idiot. It won’t be temporary, it’ll be a job for good. You have your baby siblings to take care -“
“They’re not babies!” April interrupted. He ignored her and kept going “I’ll loan you the money, pay it back later. If you don’t I’ll have Ralf deal with you. I’m sure even you can tell he’s a sociopath. This deal is less risky don’t you think?” April didn’t reply. He told her to meet him in two days, if she decides to go on with it.
Two days later, April didn’t have any other ideas to pay the hospital bill. So she went to meet Gameboy guy. His name was Kevin. He lent her the money and they agreed on how she’ll pay him back. Right after that, he dropped the scary guy act and suddenly became very friendly. Kevin was definitely a confusing man, but he was always genuine. April met with him many times, he was a mystery to her, an interesting one. And with time Kevin grew protective of April. He felt like an older brother and he made sure she felt the same way.
She never knew where he got the money he lent her. Especially that he’s basically homeless (by choice). She tried to ask but he would always avoid it with jokes. Whenever she tried to ask him about his family or how he ended up where he is now, he would get angry. She decided to not ask about it anymore, all she knows from his past is that Ralf was always there.
April and Kevin’s relationship remained the same, she never knows what he’s doing but he’s always there whenever she needs him. She learned from him how to stop being angry. Her mother’s weakness didn’t bother her anymore, and her father’s disappearance barely meant anything. He basically helped her to move on.
Around 4 years since her father’s disappearance, he suddenly came home one day. He seemed like a different person, he somehow seemed dead inside and extremely energetic at the same time. Like he could feel excitement but also doesn’t feel physical pain. Nonetheless, he came home as if he never left. Had dinner with everyone, asked the kids how’s school and complemented Heather’s cooking. April was quitely observing, she realized that he knew everything. He knew exactly what’s going on with each member of the family. That’s why he’s so casual, because he believes he never really left. She doesn’t know if he was watching them the whole time, or if he just recently decided to know about his family. Either way, he was just a guy now, like a family friend. They’re just saying hi and he’ll leave for another four years.
April was wrong, Leon kept visiting. He never had a pattern, but he didn’t disappear for years anymore. He sometimes has some money but he’s definitely not reliable. Once April decided to not put faith in people and instead put faith in herself, she was freed from so many toxic restraining feeling that used to control her.
She still works multiple jobs, she plans to keep doing so until her siblings graduate. She leaves home for a night or two whenever she feels overwhelmed and Kevin always has a place for her to stay.
At one of her jobs, she met Benjamin’s girlfriend, a customer who eventually became a friend. And then April was introduced to more Benjamin and their friends. Things were always interesting in this small group.
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guyfierisrealwife · 4 years
yall mind if i fuckin uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh cw for fuckin abuse ig
im so fucking lonely and i hate living here so much like im seriously at my limit idk what to do anymore like. theres really no safe place to be? like some of my friends have offered to let me stay with them for a little bit and that is extremely kind and generous of them and i love them very much and if either of you are reading this thank you so much ily ily but like i cannt do that to you and i also cant leave my mom alone with her ex as much as id want to leave this place and as much as i appreciate the offer i cant leave her
but at the same time both my mom’s house and my dad’s house are unsafe places for me to be at but i cant leave and i dont even know if ill be able to go back to school in the fall like rn idk what’s going to happen and like if the virus isnt like. less. by then i cant go. like i have severe asthma like it gets set off by anything and if i get it i might go to the hospital or die or whatever and its just not worth going back to school for a semester if i might just fucking die but also i Hate being home and i dont want to fall behind where i want to be with school and i dont want to be a semester behind all of my friends and graduate late like i know thats kind of stupid but i dont want to yknow
but most importantly with that i dont want to lose my fucking job if i have to take the semester off like thatd be devastating to me like my father isnt helping me pay for school and my mom is helping a little but i want her to save her fucking money like id rather be in debt than have her live with chris any longer than she has to so working is really important and i love my job a lot and im like Good at it and i dont want to lose my job
idk im just worried and if my dad screams at me one more time or makes some weird sexual comment or like moans loudly in our shitty small apartment where i can hear everything he does im going to fucking lose it like please im Literally Begging you to shut up like i hate living here i hate it but i dont have a fucking choice and like i know that there are solutions to this but none of them can like. work because i cant leave and move away without my mom being able to do the same
plus my brother screams at me for doing literally anything and he steals money and food from me like sometimes ill have like alcohol in the house bc how the fuck else am i supposed to cope and he just Takes it and he steals money from me even though he doesnt fucking need it like he’s not going to school and if he needs something my dad will get it for him bc mikey is physically the largest and strongest one of us so my dad is just like “here have whatever you want”
and my dad literally doesnt care about anyone but himself i was like “if your friend is in the house can you please have both of you wear a mask” and he lost his fucking mind at me which is like. cool. ok thank you. i mean there’s a pandemic and you and i are in high risk groups and i know the only thing you’d care about if i died would be that i wouldn’t have any more accomplishments you can take the credit for and if you fucking cried when i died id haunt you for the rest of fucking time you disgusting pervert id make your life hell like the fucking hell you made me grow up in but whatever
also we’re fucking poor which honestly does suck like a lot of the time like im not allowed to shower that often bc my like 10 minute showers every other day take ‘too much hot water and make the bill too high’ but if mikey takes an hour long shower every day he doesnt say Shit, and he’ll buy himself a lot of new shit and make fun of me for buying a computer with the money i made by working (at a job he doesn’t think is like a ‘real job’ even though it. is?? like i dont get his logic?? is it bc i work for the school i go to? whatever.) becauyse my computer broke beyond fucking repair and id had it for like 5 years and the new one i got the fucking person at the store was like “you need this one” and it was on sale because parts of it dont work so i was like “yeah ok sure” and my dad is like “um :-) you cant say anythign bc you bought a new computer” and its like yeah and i dont pay the water bill so whatever if you want to complain abt something complain about how you drink a 12 pack of beer a day and scream at your kids about how when we ask for food it’s too expensive because we’re like “can we have milk and sandwich stuff in the house?” and youre like “literally die i hate you i hate you. im such a good dad :) you are so ungrateful :) no one helps with anything in this house :)” even though i literally do?? like so much??? and if im like “im going to wash dishes” since we dont have a dishwash machine he’s like “NO DONT FUCKING DO THAT YOUD USE HOT WATER” and its like please im fucing begging you to have a brain dude like im really begging you to think for once in your goddamn life about literally anything
not to mention hes a huge homophobe and fucking ableist even though he has a gay, mentally ill daughter and a neurodivergent son that he refused for YEARS to admit has some kind of neurodivergency and didnt let live with my mom because he “didnt want to lose his only son” even though hes abusive to him and all 3 of his fucking daughters lmao and he wonders WHY heather and alyssa hate him so much its because he says things like “youre so hot” to his daughters and then screams at them and says shit like “ladies shouldnt fucking swear” and threatens us and screams so much and thinks that an “im sorry...................you know how i am...........i was just upset..............why are you so angry that i screamed at you until you cried and then got even more mad that you were crying............................. i didnt do anything wrong and you should forgive me even though i never will change.” like dude i told you it made me anxious when you came into my room when i was in 6th grade and you laughed in my face!!! you laughed at me!!! when i was clearly nervous and visbily afraid you were LAUGHING at me
AND HE FUCKING LIES SO MUCH!!!! HE LIES TO EXTENDED FAMILY MEMVERS TO MAKE THEM THNK HES A GOOD PERSON AND HE ACTS SO BELITTLING i hate him so much i literally hate him and the times that im so fucking lonely bc i have no one else i live with to talk to i say something to him and hes like “shut the fuck up and go away” and its lik :-) ok. how do you expect any of your kids to talk to you if you tell me to go away as soon as i say anything
and dont look at my goddamn ass and legs and dont look at other women like that either and dont masturbate with the door open just FUCKIN STOP YOURE DISGUSTING I HATE IT HERE
also mister “i NEVER hurt any of you” like yeah ok THATS why you screamed about hitting us and threatened us and literally?? did??? hit us with your fcuking belt? like what lmao do you have fucking memory loss ??? like do you not remember like ik it was a while ago but think back like. i remember clearly you slapping my brother across the face but ok lol
anyway i Do hate it here lol
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