junebugjo · 9 months
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will take a better picture eventually but this is my first linocut print
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gyossaith · 1 year
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Vitaly Bulgarov
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salamiinbits · 2 months
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Upon a steel steed
(32x32 pixels, originally created 17.3.24 for Pixel Dailies theme "anachronism")
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nocountryforiguanodon · 3 months
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You'd think they wouldn't put an Early Permian synapsid in the same picture as a Late Jurassic dinosaur. You'd think wrong. A Google image search confirmed this was originally an (allegedly) serious illustration for a book called Prehistoric Animals and Fossils, which was featured in Love in the Time of Chasmosaurs. The book also includes the most adorkable out-of-shape goofasaurus trying to catch the Jurassic bus. Go check it out, will ya?
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mbrainspaz · 2 months
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some fun anachronistic photos I took at the 2013 Medieval Fair in Norman, Oklahoma.
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stedeswardrobe · 1 year
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johbeil · 1 year
Photo of James Dean Taking a Selfie
We live in an anachronistic world Artificial intelligence renders it all possible… The prompt I entered for the machine was “Detailed vintage color photo of James Dean dressed as in Rebel without a Cause taking a selfie with an android phone.”
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elennalore · 4 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor/Sauron | Mairon Characters: Sauron (Tolkien), Morgoth Bauglir | Melkor, Ilmarë (Tolkien), Elbereth Gilthoniel | Varda Elentári, Alatar (Tolkien), Saruman (Tolkien), Aulë | Mahal, Yavanna Kementári, Pallando (Tolkien), Maiar Characters (Tolkien), Other Character Tags to Be Added Additional Tags: Years of the Lamps, Anachronistic, Light-Hearted, Crack Treated Seriously, Fluff and Crack, Inspired by Music, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Alternate Universe - 1980s, Pop Culture, Strangers to Lovers, Rock Stars Summary:
A notorious rock band comes to Almaren, and Mairon goes to see them. Nothing will ever be the same again.
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riotclitshave · 6 months
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cherrys-writings · 1 year
A lot of improbable things here for the time, but let’s pretend they’re not.
TW: physical abuse
                               ABDUCTED FROM HOME
   Iowa language and science prodigy,(14) was taken from her home in the early morning hours. Her father and older brother were found by neighbors badly beaten, claiming that “uniformed men” took her. Their neighbor arrived at the normal time to take the girl to the medical college where he is a maintenance worker and she attends on scholarship. 
   Her family was the only witness to this tragic event that occurred on the eighth anniversary of her mother’s mysterious death. The brother (17) says, “It’s like they watched us for a long time before doing this. We didn’t know they were in the house until the screaming started; she put up a fight.” The girl genius was published in a medical journal for her ideas of using the same kind of electric wiring in our own homes to create prostheses that, “function exactly like a normal limb.” 
   Her physical description is given below along with her photograph. Distinct features include: glasses for bilateral astigmatism, left-handedness, and a habit of “finger fluttering”. Investigators are offering a reward to anyone with information that leads to her safe return.
   “We’re going to be late again,” Steve scolded, “what held you up?”
   Bucky reached into his bag and unfolded the newspaper, “A genius went missing. They published some of her writing, it’s interesting.”
   Steve skimmed the article, “next thing you know there’ll be flying cars.”
   When the guard showed her the article, Felicity knew she would never make it home. If these people could get a New York newspaper to wherever they were keeping her, they could find her anywhere. She didn’t ask questions when they gave her papers with equations to solve or chemical formulas to correct. Felicity hadn’t spoken since the night she was taken. Then one day they decided to let her out of her cell. A guard on either side of her, briskly walking through the wet tunnels.
   “Where are you taking me?”
   “Shut up,” says the guard on the left.
   “Are you letting me out?” Felicity let the littlest spark of hope into her voice.
   “I said shut up,” the guard hit the side of her head with his baton. 
   She let out a shriek, tears clouding her view, as they walked further into the labyrinth. Seeming to go in circles before finally arriving in a room Felicity vaguely recognized, an operating theatre. She sniffled, gently rubbing the knot forming where she had been hit. 
   “WHAT did I say about keeping her undamaged?” A tall brown-haired man yelled from one of the chairs. 
   The guard that hit her answered quickly, “she was giving us some trouble. Wouldn’t follow directions to be silent.”
   “Oh?” The man blinks, “she has problems following directions.” He stalks towards them, then kicks the knees out from the guard. He punches the guard repeatedly holding him by the collar with one hand, “SHE has problems following directions.” 
   Blood gushes from the guard’s nose, Felicity can’t look away. The situation was too horrifying to believe. Finally, the brown-haired man drops the guard’s limp form and kicks him, “perhaps you should worry about following your own orders. The soul-touched is not to be harmed in any way.”
   Soul-touched? What kind of crazy is this man?
   The brown-haired man stands over her now, blood speckling his face, “I’m sorry for all that, child.” He takes Felicity’s hand and leads her further into the room. “I am Commander Johann Schmidtt. The man sitting in the chair is Dr. Abraham Erskine and you are going to tell me what killed the man laying on the operating table.”
   “What?” she stopped walking and stared up at the Commander. 
   He glared at her, nostrils flaring as he attempted to control his temper. She couldn’t stop the whimper as she shrank away from him, having already glimpsed what he’s capable of. Felicity flinched, whirling around to see she had backed into Dr. Erskine.
   When did he get up?
   He offered a small smile, holding his hands as if in surrender, “I hear you are a bright one. You were in medical school in the states, yes?” She nodded. “So you are familiar with a post-mortem. Will you work with me to find out why this man died?” 
   A choice? Do I even have a choice?  
   Felicity walked towards the operating table. The Commander smiled when she said in perfect German, “I will assist with the post-mortem.”
   “Dr. Erskine, is there a way we can figure out why these men all have enlarged adrenal glands?” 
   “I’ve told you a thousand times, child, all me Abe or Abraham,” Erskine sighed, “To answer your question, no. I would prefer to spare you from seeing the whole picture.”
   Felicity dropped the organs into a bowl and washed her hands, hoping Erskine would leave rather than continue adding frustration. Sitting at the desk, she began recording her findings to later report to Schmidtt. 
   At least here no one ties my hand down or hits it every time I try to write.
   When a door slams, Felicity doesn’t react, having lost count of the endless days walking from her cell to the operating theatre, examining the latest unfortunate man, prepare her report, and walk back to the cell. There had been few changes since she’s been here, the pipes have stopped freezing and the walls aren’t as wet. Then her chair is ripped from under her. Landing hard on her knees, Felicity blinks up at the Commander. 
   “You have been here seven months and I have no results,” he spits, “Is Erskine deliberately sabotaging your work?”
   She keeps her eyes on the ground as she stands, “my work has been examining the deceased volunteers. Dr. Erskine does not keep me from doing that.”
   Schmidtt grabs her jaw, forcing her to stand taller and meet his eyes, “Has he told you what they volunteer for?”
   Felicity tries to shake her head, but Schmidtt holds firm, wanting explanation. “He said they are soldiers in training who want to do better.” The Commander accepts the lie quickly seeming satisfied, he lets go.
   He briskly walked towards the door, no indication of where they were going. The tunnels, although wet, are well lit as they traverse the route Felicity walks daily. Until they turned left, walked up a stairway, and onto a metal catwalk. Felicity looked down, nothing but hard concrete and a few men below them. Several turns later, they are standing in an office lit by afternoon sun. Having forgotten who she was with, she ran to the window. Pressing her hands on the cold, smooth panes. 
   Seven months. 
   Has the sky always had so many shades of blue? 
   She wipes at the tears streaming down her face and turns around. 
   “You have done decently given your lack of knowledge of the overall goal. Your findings and analysis reports have aided in marginal improvement on Erskine’s end,” Schmidtt said,  “As of now, you are my most valuable asset. Enjoy your birthday gift.”
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estres-y-strass · 2 years
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the girls and the gays going to instagram to follow sofia coppola
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cashthecomposer · 10 months
could i hear about your musical :O im really interested in the story it's based on
Yes!!! I saw your post expressing love for historical shows, so I'll explain a little about the historical accuracy:
The story is focused on the summer of 1816, at the Villa Diodati, when Lord Byron challenged several of his contemporaries to compose their own ghost stories, culminating in Mary Shelley creating Frankenstein.
In terms of historical accuracy, it's not 100% exactly what happened that summer. For starters, I condensed the events of three months into three days, performed over two hours. I also take a fair number of liberties for dramatic purpose- as an example, instead of Polidori merely suggesting his jealousy and Byron sticking up for Percy, an actual duel occurs. Because who doesn't want a swordfight?
That being said, there's a number of aspects of the show that I've had to fight for that are accurate. One big one is Mary's identity as a mother- at the start of the show, she has a six month old son, and he is a huge part of her Identity, and an even bigger source of internal and external conflict for her, not least because the boy was named after her estranged father! And while I don't outright state it, there are multiple references to her past miscarriages and deceased daughter (the reason I don't outright state it is because someone close to me would be very triggered by that, and this is already a show that covers enough heavy topics!). Far too many adaptations treat her as this modern gothic feminist icon, and feel they must erase her motherhood rather than embracing it, something she and her own mother would have hated to see. Also, I want breastfeeding to happen onstage, as that was incredibly important to both of the Shelleys, and I'm all about #freethenipple.
The show also is very blatant about Byron's predatory actions, not just towards Claire Clairmont, but Percy and Polidori as well. A lot of people- and adaptations of this story, by extension- sugar coat the fact that he was a fucking creep. I don't, I lean into it. The guy I cast in the role is affable, genuine, and really makes you feel conflicted about Byron being such an ass.
Perhaps the most important thing to me is the title, and its source: Fantasmagoriana, a collection of ghost stories which inspired Byron's challenge. Many adaptations don't give this collection the weight it deserves, so I devote almost an entire scene to two stories Mary Shelley identified as major sources of inspiration for Frankenstein. This was an uphill battle, and took an embarrassing number of tries to get right.
The thing that Tumblr audiences will care about the most is probably the exploration of sexuality and relationships. I never use modern terminology to quantify any of the relationships, save for Percy and Mary who refer to one another as fiancee. The mutual attraction between Percy and Byron is shown explicitly with at minimum a blowjob on a boat in the middle of act 2. And, given the spirit of free love, when Percy tries to tell Mary about his indiscretion, she brushes it aside- while it does hurt, and that's something her sister would later admonish both men for, her love for Percy and her thankfulness that he survived nearly drowning greatly outweighs any upset she may have had. I also heavily lean into the unrequited adoration of Polidori to Byron, and include the moment when the illusion is shattered for John. As an aside, I have him kill himself right then and there (he drinks the poison and leaves the stage), rather than waiting until he gets home, for the ~drama~.
In short (too late), it's not perfectly accurate, it can't be. But it does cover many parts of the story others have chosen to neglect or even erase, definitely showing my biases.
One last note- the instrumentation for the accompaniment has two iterations, one for solo piano, one for string orchestra. I am adamant about keeping the music mostly historically accurate. It's not perfect because I love Shostakovich and Sondheim too much not to use them for some inspiration. I take most of my cues from Liszt for the piano, and Beethoven for the orchestra, early romantic style with big, heavy orchestration, lots of fun key changes, repetition that explores the limits of the instruments.
One thing that really bothers me about historical musicals is when the characters say or sing things that are straight up anachronistic, so that never happens in my show (even the innuendo are thoroughly researched, to be historically accurate!), until the very end, when it's appropriate- when Mary invents the genre of science fiction, which is all about anachronisms! :D
The research phase of this show took me eight years. I read everything Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley, Claire Clairmont, John Polidori, and Lord Byron ever penned, including their correspondences. Please trust me when I say that the liberties I take are in pursuit of loyalty to their spirit... literally.
If you want to learn more about my show, please feel free to ask any questions, and check out my Patreon- you can do the free trial option to get access to all previously posted materials, and the lowest level patronage that'll give you regular updates on the show is just $1 a month! It goes to support me as I bring this show to the stage, in my journey of being transparent about the production process. :)
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kitsunestudios · 8 months
Was not expecting the theme to Serial Experiments Lain to be playing at the coffee shop this morning.
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apollos-scholar · 11 months
Ach, wie die Blaureiher fein tirilieren,
Zwingen mich kontemplativ zu sinnieren.
Nebulös sind die Gedanken am innervieren,
Um redliche Eindrücke zu implementieren.
Die Sonne antwortet dem Blütentau spiegelbildlich,
Stimmige Saiten schwingen anmutend sinnlich.
Die Hummeln tanzen reglos empfindlich,
Ach, wie fühle ich mich regressiv kindlich.
Dunstig riecht der morgendliche Frühlingstau,
Verschiedene Blumensorten veranstalten eine Mauerschau.
Sirenenklang ertönt in mein scharfes Gehör,
Äolsharfen leiten den lieblichen Frühlingschor.
Lasset die Jahreszeit mein Gemüt dirigieren,
Und mein schmachtendes Herz enchantieren.
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esculentevil · 6 months
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tetrabytez · 10 months
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