#and anon I’ll answer you soon too ❤️
oshiawaseni · 1 year
do y think at the end OFA'll disappear with AFO and Deku'll become a quirkless hero? (Maybe it could slowly fade, like All Might.) I hope that OFA disappears 'cause by the end of the manga the status quo of hero society MUST CHANGE and I believe that with All Might fighting AFO without quirk but with support items's the PERFECT setting to graft this change: ex n.1 hero who for years supported the strength of quirks, now becomes the symbol of the heroism that's born despite one's weaknesses.
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You've pretty much got the answer yourself!
My thoughts are two options here: OFA disappears from Izuku, leaving him with just the stockpiling quirk that AFO gave Yoichi. It's an okay end, but it doesn't really slice through to the heart of the series like Izuku finishing the way he started does.
The difference being that Katsuki now loves him, and considers him his hero: quirk or no quirk. And this way Izuku, the symbol of the weak and different, is shown fully embraced by the symbol of quirk society: Katsuki.
I read that when mangaka hand in their first three names (like a draft) of their manga for consideration in being serialised, they also include the last page they would like the manga to end on... Hori knew how he wanted to end the manga, before it even started. And I’d like to think I know Hori's writing well enough to say he's the kind of writer who would bookend his story’s beginning and end with perfect contrast of each other. ESPECIALLY because BNHA started very bleak, and uplifting themes of dreams and hope and love are at the very core of this series.
So what do we see at the very beginning of BNHA? Katsuki bashing up Izuku when they were kids and Izuku noting the disparity between an individual’s value, of lives not being equal and the unfairness of it all that he was taught very early on because he was born lacking.
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The way this will be inverted at the end will be with Katsuki and Izuku together - Izuku probably won’t have his quirk anymore - and we will get some kind of opposite to Katsuki’s “hate” and rejection of Izuku and his hurting him: Love. Acceptance. Warmth. Think chapter 322’s embrace, but even better. 💕
(And yes I think Hori will drive home the theme of their perfect teamwork together before the end. Probably in the final battle and then might have Izuku be a quirkless hero working together with Katsuki with the help of support items.)
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Now that Izuku has dropped his ideal date “with a boyfriend,” I am pretty convinced the final scene will be bkdk’s crepe date, for Kohei to make it REALLY obvious to readers that they are now boyfriends, but even if it’s not this date specifically, I still think the final page will either be them holding hands or hugging each other. It’ll be a really loving final page, fully encapsulating Izuku’s journey of being somebody who was born different and thus rejected by quirk society (Katsuki), to somebody who is being loved and accepted by it (also Katsuki).
But I do think there will be a lot more emphasis on their personal relationship and romantic love for each other in general. Basically it is impossible to end this series in an open ended way that doesn’t appreciate their absolute love for each other, just as they are. 💕
It all started with bkdk, so it’ll end with bkdk. 😌 🧡💚
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Hiya!! Love your work so much😆
I was wondering if you’d write something where the paladins (especially keith hehe) have to go to a formal event like a gala to bring the coalition together (??) and how they’d ask y/n to be their date and/or how they’d react to y/n in their formal attire?? (maybe even add Matt too if you feel inspired) Thank youuu 🫶
Brooooo stoooppppp I am so weak for this idea holy shit 😩 And you are my first non anon request so THANKS FRIEND 🥹 I went with my three fav paladins 💙❤️💚AND Mattie boy 🧡Also I love writing with emojis, sorry not sorry. ENJOY DARLING~
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He waits until the last minute to ask you, let’s be honest. Like a day before the event, he’s sitting beside you in the training room, trying to catch his breath when he goes “So that thing tomorrow. Wanna go together?” And you’re like 😏 “Are you asking me to be your date?” And now he’s like 🙄 “Shut up before I change my mind.”
It’s silent for a second but he’s staring at you. “So, are you gonna answer my question?” “Yes, Keith. I’ll be your date to the gala.” And he’s bright red in the face now.
He tries to act all cool and mysterious as you both leave the training deck and go opposite ways. As soon as you’re out of sight, he’s SPRINTING to Lance’s room.
He’s so fucking annoyed as he spends hours trying to memorize and properly recite pick up lines to Lance as practice.
He also totally does not steal a bottle of cologne from Lance’s bathroom before he leaves.
The morning of, he finds Shiro for wardrobe assistance. Big brother Shiro totally cleans Keith up, giving him a more semi-formal look. Keith thinks he’s too cool for a coat and tie. Shiro also convinces Keith to pull his hair back into a low pony tail.
He decides he’s just too nervous to meet you at your room so he kinda just sits on his bed for a while, fully dressed and smelling great and waiting for you.
Finally you step into his open door way, instantly catching his attention. He stands quickly, almost stumbling over his own feet as he approaches you, admiring your look for the evening.
“OH WOW. Oh…Uh…sorry. You look really nice.” You look so nice he’s stressed out about it like wtf why are you so gorgeous? He thinks you’re sooooo far out of his league.
“I like your hair pulled back like that.” You smile at him and he thinks he might just spontaneously combust rn.
He keeps his arm linked with yours as you walk together to the front of the castle where all the guests are.
Once there, you mostly hang out together or with the other paladins. You’re both kind of shy and you find comfort in being together. You’re like the two emo kids at prom who just stand against the wall and complain about the lame music.
At some point, you two disappeared from the party. Allura and Shiro are like Hello? Where did they go? Shiro wanders outside to look for you only to find you both laying on your backs in the grass right outside the castle’s front entrance, staring up at the sky. He smiles as he hears you laughing at something Keith said.
“Im serious! Lance told me to say ‘even in zero gravity, I’d still fall for you’.” “BOOOOO that’s a terrible line!” You laugh up to the dark night sky.
His hand moves slowly to the side until it meets yours. When you feel the touch, you link your pinky finger with his and look over at him. He’s still staring up at the stars as a smile grows across his face.
He was so worried about disappointing you tonight, he just wanted to charm you. But he didn’t need pick up lines or fancy clothes to make you smile. Just being his normal self seemed to make you happy.
You guessed it…Lance is going all out for you.
The morning that they are told about it from Allura, he’s literally interrupting the whole meeting to ask you to be his date.
Freaking cheese ball gets down on one knee, takes your hand and kisses the back of it softly. When he looks up at you, he’s got that flirty smirk on his thin lips. “Would you, (Y/N), make me the happiest man in the universe and be my date to the coalition gala?”
You: 😍🥵🤭
Lance: 😘😏😎
Everyone else: 🤢🫣🙄
Obvi, you say yes with dreamy eyes and a goofy smile on your face.
You thought it was cute that he asked you even though you’ve been dating for a while now. You just assumed you’d be going together anyways. What a sweet boy~
While you’re feeling fine about the whole thing, Lance is freaking out. He’s digging through his clothes looking for something fancy to wear, he’s doing double face masks, he’s forcing Pidge to smell different colognes and help him pick the best one, he’s practicing his slow dance AND his salsa skills. Keep in mind, the gala isn’t for another week but he needs to get prepared NOW!
“There’s not even gonna be music, idiot. It’s a gala, not prom. When are you two even gonna have the chance to do the lift from dirty dancing?” “SHUT UP, PIDGE! IT’LL HAPPEN!!!”
He just wants to impress you so bad. It’s his top priority at the moment.
The night of the event, he’s freshly showered, dressed for the gods, smelling like a whole bath and body works and he’s sitting in your room keeping you company while you get ready.
“Lance, the gala doesn’t start for another 4 hours. Why are you- nevermind. Forget it. You look great.” And he gets so excited at the compliment.
He watches as you get ready. He’s not as talkative as he usually is.
“You okay?” He nods with a dopey grin on his face. He’s just admiring you, that’s all. A compliment leaves his mouth like every 5 minutes as you continue to get all dolled up.
He follows along side you all the way there, his hand is in yours and it’s SWEATY. He’s so nervous.
Once you’re there, his attention span is that of a gold fish. He’s so excited and chatty and asking people questions and he never fails to introduce you to everyone…every single person…S E P A R A T E L Y. He just wants to brag.
“This fine little honey right here…yeah, all mine. I know what you’re thinking, how’d I get so lucky? I ask myself that every day.” What a sap omfg
He notices you’re looking less than happy, kind of tired. Your social battery is at like 5%. He can tell you need a break.
As you’re standing beside Allura, listening to her talk to an ally of the coalition, Lance grabs your hand and pulls you away. You’re running behind him just to keep up with his long legs.
“Where are we going?” “You’ll see.”
THIS MF SET UP FAIRY LIGHTS AND MUSIC AND CANDLES IN HIS ROOM. BRO IS LITERALLY SUCH A HOPELESS ROMANTIC I CANT DEAL WITH IT. That’s why he came to your room so early. He didn’t wanna risk you coming in to his room and seeing everything.
You might think this is so extra but if Lance is anything, it’s extra. He takes any chance he can to make you smile and feel special. He’s so sweet, it’s disgusting.
“I just really wanna dance with you, (Y/N)…” “You did all this…for me?” He nods with a shy smile, bitting his lip as he watches for your reaction. You’re over the moon, your smile uncontrollable now.
So you dance together for a couple songs. He gently caresses your back as he sways with you, occasionally letting his hands roam to your hips. At this point, his cheeks hurt from how hard he’s smiling. It’s cute and sweet and innocent and you’ve never loved him more.
Bc they’re too shy for that romantic shit.
They’re like “Who else would they go with? I’m not worried.”
They assume y’all are going together bc you’re obviously more than just friends.
They will get dressed up nice for you tho. They know everyone else will be dressed up too but they secretly WANT to make you swoon over them. Like plz feed their ego.
They actually go to Hunk for help with their wardrobe. Hunk is the best wingman to ever exist, change my mind. Also, they are really unsure whether they want to wear something more masculine or more feminine and they really trust Hunk with the topic of their gender identity.
“Hey, you guys ready?” You pop into Hunk’s room, all dressed up and ready to go.
“Almost! Hunk is just helping me with the zipper on-“ Once Pidge lays eyes on you, the little gears in their head stop completely. It’s like everything else faded away as they looked you up and down. You’re so angelic, wow oh wow.
“Aww, Pidge! You look stunning.” Aaaaand you broke them. You’re gonna have to turn them off and restart them.
“Uh yeah, you’re good now.” Hunk assures and nudges Pidge back to reality. “Go.” He whispers as he ushers them to move towards you.
You walk together in complete silence, your arm linked with theirs. Finally, they speak up first.
“Are you nervous?” “Yeah, are you?” “Yeah…” “I hate parties.” “Me too.”
So together you devise a plan: you’re gonna sneak around and pull silly little pranks on people and just eat all the food you can get your grubby little hands on.
And you do exactly that. You’re both having so much fun! You’re laughing so hard you’re snorting. You’re far from nervous now.
Pidge is the best at breaking you out of your shell and making you feel comfortable. You can be your true, authentic self around them. They are your best friend first and your ✨partner✨ second.
After a while, you two sneak off to their room to play video games. The food was good and the pranks were hilarious but you had both had enough.
As soon as the door shuts behind you, you’re both ripping off your uncomfortable fancy clothes and changing into pajamas.
You’re sitting beside them, watching the loading screen for the game. It’s taking a while…
“So…what do I have to do to get you to stare at me like that again?” Pidge whips their head around, watching you with nervous eyes. They take a deep breath before they speak. “I always stare at you like that. You’ve just never noticed.” “AAAAWWWWWWWW REALLY?!”
Forget the video game. CUE THE CUDDLEFEST!!! 💚💚💚
Matt literally goes like this: 😌👉🏻👈🏻 “Hey…uhm hey…wanna be my date to the gala tomorrow?” *blushies*
And you’re like “Matthew, we’ve been dating for 8 months.” “Yeah, so?” You sigh heavily. “Yes, I’ll be your date, you dork.”
He doesn’t go to anyone for help with anything. Man is so confident and he knows you love him no matter what he looks like.
But of course he cleans up for you. He dresses up all formal and uses mouth wash like 10 times. He puts on so much lotion. He got some from Lance bc his hands are always so dry. He just wants to hold your soft hand in his own soft hand, ya know?
He’s waiting outside your door for a while, giving you privacy while you get ready but being right there for you when you’re done.
Once your door slides open, he turns and now he’s looking at you like he just won the lottery.
“HOT DAMN, YOU ARE SO FINE! What did I ever do to deserve you? Oh my god, you’re so perfect. You are the most perfect thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on, did you know that? I swear, you are so precious-“ “Maaattttt, stooooopppppp.” You’re blushing so hard rn and he LOVES IT.
He walks with his arm around your shoulders, chatting with you about who is attending the event tonight and the importance of it all.
You sort of follow him around most the night, not doing much of the talking bc you’d rather listen to him talk.
He is so intelligent, just like Pidge. He uses words so big you cant even begin to imagine what half of them mean. He was so smooth with his words, the way he could spit facts about anything and everything without a second thought took your breath away.
At some point, you lost him in the crowd. He was busy, he was working to protect the universe. You understand. This is more than just a party.
You wander outside for some fresh air and a break from all the loud banter. Matt is meeting you out there within minutes.
“Hey. You alright?” He rests a hand on your upper back, rubbing his thumb back and forth between your shoulder blades. “Yep! Just…need a break.” “Yeah, I get it. It’s overwhelming.”
He turns and looks over his shoulder before he waves, a big smile on his face. “Oh hey! Yeah, this is (Y/N), my partner. The one I was telling you about.” He’s introducing you to an ally of the coalition who he’d just met earlier this evening.
You can’t help but smile, your heart pounding in your chest. He was talking about you to someone here tonight? What was he saying? Did he just call you his partner??? You’ve never actually heard him call you that. You’re so blushy and flattered and happy.
After a brief meeting, the visitor leaves you two alone. You pull Matt into a hug, squeezing him as tight as you can.
“You know I love you, right?” “Yes. You know I love YOU, right?” “Yeah, I know.” “Good, don’t you ever forget it.” You can decide who said what. Either way, y’all are so in love it’s not even funny.
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HLC react to being allowed to touch your face
Dear Anon, tumblr got hungry and decided to eat your ask. BAD TUMBLR! *flicks its nose* I hope you see this post, Anon! I hope it's okay that I just did the boys.
"HLC react to being able to touch your face when you're usually very afraid of people touching it."
Sebastian Sallow 💚 - Feels like the luckiest man in the wizarding AND muggle worlds. Tries to move slowly so he doesn’t frighten you, but he’s too excited to control himself for long. He brushes your hair out of your face, runs his fingers over any scars you have. He’s tempted to press soft kisses to every inch of your face, he wants you to know how loved you are, but convinces himself to save that for next time. Can’t get over how soft your skin is under his calloused fingers.  
Ominis Gaunt 💚 - Takes his time running his fingers over the plains and dips of your face, mapping it. Beyond excited to finally ‘see’ what you look like, but he plays it cool. His fingers are cold against your flushed face. He laughs nervously the whole time. When he’s done he cups your face in his hands. “Yep, just as I suspected. You’re beautiful, MC.” 
Leander Prewett ❤️ - Very sweet about it, asking why you don't like to be touched, but understanding when you aren’t ready to answer. Probably the first person you let get this close. Even though you gave him permission he still let it happen on your schedule. “I’ll put my hand up here and you can lean into it when you’re ready. It’s okay if you decide to pull away, I don’t want to rush you.” His hands are warm and soft. When you press your cheek against his waiting palm he lets out a deep sigh, his eyes fluttering closed for a second. Asks if it’s okay to move his hand before doing so. Rubs little circles against your skin with his thumb. Can't believe you trusted him and isn’t afraid to tell you so.  
Amit Thakkar 💙 - Rubs his hands together to warm them before gently dragging the back of his index finger over your cheeks and chin. “You’re sure this is okay, MC? You’ll tell me if it becomes too much, yes?” His hands shake as they brush over your skin. 
Garreth Weasley ❤️ - Is most interested in feeling your lips. Stands extremely close to you, whispering your name as he drags a thumb over your lips, tracing them. Loves the blush that spreads across your cheeks. “Your lips always look so soft, MC.”  Boops your nose before pulling away instead of asking if he can kiss you. Regrets that decision as soon as you walk away.
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bisexualcage · 5 months
If it’s not a problem, can I request a fluffy MK1 Johnny Cage x male reader fic where reader suffers from a lot of chronic pain? I suffer a lot from it and I’m just really in need of some comfort from my bbg Johnny. I’d greatly appreciate it if you did do this!
-🦇 anon (idk if this was taken but if not im now bat anon)
(Sorry this took a bit long!! I hope you enjoy ❤️)
A Rising (Fallen) Star ⭐️ | Johnny Cage x Male Reader
Warnings: no warnings, just very damn tooth rotting fluff!
Relationship: Johnny Cage x Male Reader, MLM
An: I didn’t really proof read so rip
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It was nearly 7 pm, Johnny had a busy day but you decided to stay in while he worked. He insisted on staying to pamper you all day but you basically forced him out, he wasn’t gonna miss a directing opportunity because of you. Or at least that’s how you saw it. Every time your chronic pain flared up you felt like hell warmed over, you didn’t want to burden anyone else too much with it and that included Johnny even though he consistently told you otherwise. That didn’t stop him from spamming your phone with texts which you’ve missed in your deep pained slumber.
“Babe, u feeling better? Take ur pain killers. U looked so tired b4 I left”
“I’m gonna buy u some stuff as soon as
I’m out of this building, I think they like my script idea! Watch out! Director Johnny Cage incoming 😎 no but seriously, u ok?”
“Hello? Honey???”
“They accepted my pitch! You’re worrying me. I’m heading over to the pharmacy to pick up some knick knacks for u stud😚”
Of course, your phone was left accidentally on silent and by the time you read these with guilt on your face you already heard the front door opening and closing, heavy steps approaching your bedroom door. You groan and yawn, sitting up weakly from the bed and rub your sore back. “Ah shit…” you mumbled under your breath.
The door clicks open and you see a worrisome Johnny with bags of stuff hanging from his hands. He takes his shades off as he spots your tired pained figure on the edge of the bed and walks over dropping the bags immediately on the floor.
“Babe, are you okay? You weren’t answering me.” He kneels in front of you and kisses your nose, his eyes so big and soft.
“My back aches so bad. I’m so sorry- as soon as you left I knocked out and-“ you rambled in guilt.
“Shhh, nonsense. Now, do you want me to start a warm bath for you?” He mumbled and caressed your jaw with his hands. “Get those muscles to relax a bit?”
You blush and nod, standing up with a wince.
“Atta boy’.” Johnny smirks and guides you to the bathroom slowly, getting the bath water going immediately.
“I’ll take it from here, okay?” You said softly, you didn’t want him to see you as weak. This has happened one too many times. It was stupid, he insisted that he didn’t see you as a burden and that he liked caring for you when you were in pain yet you just couldn’t stop being stubborn about it.
Johnny made a sigh, looking over you one last time before nodding and then peeping through the open crack of the door one last time, “Shout at me, I’ll be right outside if you need anything okay, honey?” He said tenderly.
The actor had a knowing expression, the way you were trying to act tough all of a sudden and able. You knew that he could see through your facade. When the door closed you started stripping and then submerged yourself in the warm water, you sighed in pleasure as your sore muscles relaxed. About 15 minutes passed while you were soaking in there, you winced in pain as you pulled yourself up from the bath. Carefully leaning over to get a towel, you were practically shaking.
“Christ-“ you sigh tiredly as you rubbed the towel down your torso and legs. Once you were done drying and dressing up, you started to smell something as you made your way towards the kitchen.
Johnny never cooked, not if he could help it.
Oh no. He’s cooking.
“Johnny wh-“
“Don’t worry baby, I ain’t burned the house down yet.” He turned around from the stove to face you, something simmering in a pot. Johnny looked at you up and down in your cozy pajamas and wet hair, walking over to you and wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling you tightly against him. He started rubbing the back of your wet head as he held you in his arms and talked.
“How was that bath? Warm enough?” He mumbled against your neck with his eyes closed, very at peace to be in your arms.
You grew warm and smile softly for the first time all day, “It was good, very nice.” You whisper, overlooking his shoulder and seeing the food being cooked. “Is that…soup?”
Johnny chuckled and pulled back, “It’s canned soup I got you from the pharmacy. Among other things.”
“Are you sure you’re cooking that-“
“Honey, I ain’t gonna stink up the house like last time I promise. It’s just simple soup I’m warming up for my, baby boy.” He smirks at you and walks over to the soup, turning the stove off.
You grow warm, whenever he called you baby boy he knew it sent you over the moon. He was being purposeful.
“Before you eat…” He looks back at you briefly and starts pouring the hot vegetable soup in to a bowl, your stomach already grumbling, “…I’m gonna give you some pain killers alright? You haven’t drank any right?”
You scratch your head, you could have sworn in your painful delirium earlier that you planned on taking them but you just knocked out immediately. “No I haven’t…damn it.”
Johnny chuckles, walking over to you with the soup in hand and places it on the kitchen island, motioning for you to sit. As you do, he takes out a painkiller bottle and gives you two pills with a glass of water. “Drink BOTH.” He said a bit sternly but with the upmost care in his eyes.
You groan, “Johnny-“
“Don’t Johnny me, I know you hate pills and swallowing them.” He crosses his arms, waiting for you to swallow them.
He was right, you hated them and you always had trouble downing them. But you took a deep breath as he rubbed your arm and swallowed them easily. It’s like his presence alone made things easier.
“Good boy! Woohoo!” He kisses your cheek, “Nothing The Cagester can’t bring out of people.” He jokes and winks at you.
“Alright alright- settle down movie star.” You smirk at him as you start practically downing the soup at a crazy pace. “These are good, no burn flavor.”
Johnny rolls his eyes and watches you eat with a small smile on his face, he was like a hawk. “I know you didn’t eat all day or take your pills.”
You look at him with shyness, “I didn’t mean to.”
“I know honey, I know. I can’t imagine what’s it’s like to hurt all the time. You start to loose the energy to do basic things.” He says with an understanding face, yet he was holding something back. Biting his tongue.
“Johnny, I thank you for all of this. I know it’s not easy sometimes and I sure don’t make them easy.” You say lowly, looking down at your lukewarm soup.
Johnny looks at you with glassy eyes, or maybe that was the dim lights in the kitchen, you couldn’t tell. Nonetheless he swallowed heavily and walked between your legs on the chair you were sitting and placed both of his hands on your cheeks— looking deep in to your tired eyes.
“When I’m with you it’s like I’m a damn lovesick puppy, you make things unbelievably easy for me. I’ve told you before, I don’t care about what you got going on. You’re not a burden-“
“I didn’t say-“
“But you’re thinking it. You’re constantly thinking it. I saw it back in the bathroom. I see it now. And if I need to reassure you a billion times that you’re nothing but a star in my life then I will. I like taking care of you. I like doing these things for you. You’re my guy, you’re my boy.” He runs his thumbs across your cheeks, his eyes filled with nothing but care.
Suddenly, he leans in and crashes his lips on to yours, you’re engulfed by his warmness, his proximity, his love. He shifts his lips softly against yours, taking his time, your noses rubbing against one another. A small grunt leaves your throat and you reciprocate just as passionately. You then both pull back slightly, breathing heavily and trying to catch your breath with him. He keeps his arms around your waist, rubbing lightly at your sore back in circular motions.
“Someone’s passionate today…” you chuckle.
“For you? Always. Now eat up. After that you’re gonna lay down for me and we’re gonna try the new heat pad I bought you.” He grins with excitement.
“Another one?! I have like 5 heating pads from you already!” You laugh.
“But this one supposedly has some cotton flex technology that helps muscles or some shit, isn’t that cool?” His eyes are shiny.
“Is this what you decide to buy with your big new director money?” you laugh more with a blush.
“Hey! This big new director got his script approved today. Green lit baby! So more heating pads coming your way.” He says playfully, loving the banter between you both.
“Congratulations!” You say lovingly with a huge smile on your face, “I’m so proud of you ahh.” You squeeze him closer to you.
“Thank you, sweetheart! I told you, that Karate Zombie script was gold- wait a second are you trying to distract me from you eating your soup cause it’s cold now?” He says teasingly.
You snort loudly, clearly being caught a bit. But you were still proud of him regardless.
“Eat the soup! I will feed it through your nose if I gotta!”
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metallicaislife · 7 months
Birthday Boy
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A/N: It is never too early to celebrate Cliff's birthday. Or just celebrate Cliff in general❤️
Requested by: Anon
Genre: 18+ mostly fluff with a smutty ending
Word Count: 1,246
Warnings: oral(m receiving), m x f pairing
The last thing I wanted to do was seem suspicious, like I was plotting something. Even though that is exactly what I was doing. 
Many weeks before Cliff’s birthday in the most nonchalant manor I asked if he had any plans for his birthday. 
“We have a show that night. Afterwards I’ll probably just go home and light a joint.” He shrugged. 
“That sounds like a nice chill birthday.” I replied. 
Cliff and I had been friends for years, and the past few months we’ve been more than friends. No label though, we’re just going with the flow. I still want to absolutely spoil him though. He doesn’t realize how much he truly means to me and the rest of the guys. 
That’s when I cooked up the best plan, and I was thankful the guys were on board to help. I was worried Lars would get too excited and ruin the surprise, but he hasn't, which is a goddamn miracle. 
My first surprise was executed with the help of his parents. Jan called me to tell me he was asleep and Ray brought Cliff’s car keys to me at the front door. I didn’t technically steal his car, I just happened to take it without him knowing. I took it to the gas station and filled it up so it would be full when he went to leave for the Metallimansion in the afternoon. I also popped a new tape he’d been talking about for a while in the cassette player, placing the cover in the glove box. 
My second surprise was going over to the Metallimansion a couple hours before he was due to arrive so I could make breakfast for lunch for him and the guys. I dipped before he arrived so I could keep on schedule to get the party after the show ready. 
While at home gathering the supplies I’d collected my phone rang. 
“Hello?” I answered. 
“Now I know the guys can make something in a jam, but they don’t make pancakes like you do. Why’d you leave?” Cliff’s voice came over the receiver. 
“I was going to stay, but I got called into work. I’m just finishing getting ready to go.” I lied. 
“From this house, someone from work called you here?” He pushed. 
“Yes, Susan has that number for emergencies if she can’t reach me at home.” Not a lie, it just wasn’t the truth in this case. 
“Alright. Well, will you be available tonight? I’m bummed you didn’t get to stay for lunch and I want to spend time with you today.” He said, making my heart skip a beat. 
“Yeah, I’ll be around.” I replied. 
“Good. Thanks for the gas and cassette by the way.” I could hear the grin in his voice. 
“Happy Birthday, Cliff.” I said smiling. 
“See you tonight.” He replied and hung up. I placed the phone on the hook and leaned against the wall with my hand over my heart. That man will be the death of me. 
The rest of the day went by quickly as I got everything in order. It was cheesy, and he might hate it but I decorated the Metallimansion, I had a little bit of help as some of his friends from other bands filtered in. 
His friends and I were just chilling. I checked the time and they would be home soon so we turned the lights off and hid. 
I could hear James, Kirk and Lars enter. 
“Why didn’t anyone flick on the lights?” Cliff asked, he turned the lights on, I jumped out with the few friends of his I had invited. 
“Surprise!” We shouted. 
Cliff stared at us, he began to smile wide, it even reached his eyes. So either he hated it and was pretending not to, or he was actually happy with this. 
“Thank you guys, this really means the world to me.” Cliff beamed. 
“Don’t thank us, it was all her.” Lars said, nodding to me. 
Cliff looked over, our eyes met. I couldn’t begin to describe the look in them. 
“Thank you.” He said again. 
“You mean a lot to us, all of us. Happy birthday Cliff.” I smiled sweetly at him. 
The party was well underway, everyone was chatting. Cliff seemed happy to see his friends. 
I was in the kitchen getting some water when arms snaked around my middle and a chin landed softly on my head. 
“Wanna get out of here?” Cliff asked. 
“It’s your party birthday boy.” I replied. 
“I’ve had my fill. I just wanna spend the rest of the night with you.” He said and nuzzled my head. 
“I gotta clean up.” 
“You've done so much, you planned all this and decorated. Let the guys take it down. Are you really going to deny me my birthday wish?” He said, giving my middle a squeeze. My cheeks heated up. 
“Okay, where to?” I asked 
“Your place.” He answered. 
“Your wish is my command. Let’s go.” I replied. His arms loosened, before I could get far he turned me and pulled me into him placing a tender kiss on my lips. 
“Thank you.” He smiled at me. 
“You’re welcome.” I replied, smiling back at him.
We slipped out the back, the drive to my place was quick. He couldn’t keep his hands to himself as we entered my room.
“Let me thank you properly.” He said as he nipped at my neck.
“Mmm, as nice as that sounds, you're the birthday boy and I want to celebrate your body.” I said. 
“That was so cheesy.” He laughed. 
“Shuddup you love it. Now sit.” I commanded. 
“Yes ma’am.” He said with a grin as he sat on the edge of my bed. I slowly took my clothes off leaving the lingerie set I’d bought for this occasion. Cliff’s eyes widened slightly, then he began to smirk. 
I knelt in front of him and unzipped his jeans. I reached in pulling out his cock rubbing it softly. Cliff groaned as I gave his tip a couple kitten licks. I licked from the base to the top a couple times before taking him in my mouth. He leaned back on his elbows as I began bobbing my head back and forth in a slow sensual manner. 
“Shit. Feels s’good.” He groaned, throwing his head back as his eyes closed. I started to move a bit faster. His hips started to move as he thrust into my mouth. My eyes were glossy as he repeatedly hit the back of my throat. He opened his eyes looking at me. 
“So goddamn beautiful, sucking me so well.” He praised me. He laid back, and his hand gripped my hair as he pushed my head down as far as I could go, he came down my throat. His grip on my hair loosened and I released his cock from my mouth. His chest heaved. I wiped the spit and cum that had dribbled out from my chin. 
“Come here.” He opened his arms. I crawled and laid in his arms. 
“Thank you for the best birthday, babe.” He murmured. 
“You’re welcome. You’re really special to me so I wanted to show you that.” I replied softly. 
“Mm you’re so sweet.” He kissed my forehead. “Can I ask for one more birthday wish?” He asked. 
“Of course.” I replied. 
“Will you let me drown between your thighs now?” He asked with a smirk. I giggled. 
“Your wish is my command.”
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
A little accident (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**Anon request. I hope this is similar to what you imagined and that everyone else likes it too ❤️**
Word count: 2362
“Thank you for driving me to training”, tells me Rúben when we park at the training centre. 
“It’s ok. You sure someone can drive you back home later? I don’t mind picking you up”.
“Yes. Bernardo will drive me home and my car will be fixed tomorrow. Don’t worry”.
“Perfect”, I say, giving him a goodbye kiss. “I’ll be waiting for you then. I can use my time at your place to work without noisy neighbours bothering me. And I could cook dinner for us, maybe?”
“If you want to”, he says, already out of the car and getting his bag. “But we can order something”.
“I’m happy cooking today”, I love cooking for people. “Have a good training”.
He’s already by my door so he can steal another kiss before leaving.
“Thank you. See you later!”
When I’m back at Rúben’s, I put the kettle on before I start to get everything ready for work. I haven’t been able to do much lately due to my neighbours doing renovations in their apartment at the worst times, so I’m looking forward to a productive afternoon.
In between work sessions, I start googling recipes for dinner. What should I cook?
Two hours, a coffee and two cups of tea later, I’m done with everything I needed to do so far for the project I’m working on. So I decide to check we got all the ingredients I need for the pie I’m planning on cooking for dinner. Rúben should be back in an hour, so I’ll be taking the food out of the oven by the time he’s back. Perfect.
Moving around Rúben’s place isn’t always the easiest. He’s no giant, so his things are at normal height for most people…but not for someone as short as me. He loves joking about our height difference but always makes sure the things I need are not on the highest shelves. However, he can’t do that when he doesn’t know what I’ll be needing, like right now.
Walking around the kitchen carrying a chair so I can reach some of the ingredients I need makes me feel so dumb. Thankfully, no one is here to see it. But it gets the work done.
Being a bit of an organisation freak, I start to get all the bowls out to put the chopped veggies in them, in the order I’ll cook them. Once the carrots are done, everything is set. I only need to get the spices and I’ll be able to start cooking.
Oh, and I need a baking dish to put everything on. So I check the oven to see if the one that’s usually there can be used but…there’s nothing inside. How odd.
The drawers under the oven are full of stuff, but no baking dishes. Where has this man put them now?
After opening every drawer and cabinet door, I finally spot the baking dishes. On the top shelf. Of course. That’d be my luck. I guess it’s time to get the chair again. Being short isn’t that fun sometimes.
Checking the clock, I see I need to hurry up if I want to have the food ready for when Rúben is back. Even if he wouldn’t mind waiting a little bit, I know he’ll be starving after training.
But the damn chair isn’t enough for me to reach the shelf. Does he have a ladder? No, we joked about it sometimes and he doesn’t have one. 
I realise the only answer is going on the counter and immediately hear my mum’s voice telling me I can’t do that because it’s gross and I’ll slip and fall. Well, I can clean the area when I’m down. And I won’t fall. I’m tiny but, thankfully, not clumsy. And I need that bloody dish.
I soon find out it’s easier said than done and that the area where I’ll be standing is quite small, which reduces my movements a lot. But here I am, finally face to face with the dishes. Which one is the right size?
I get two out and hold them in front of me to try and compare sizes when I lose my balance and realise I have no empty hands to hold onto anything. So my survival instinct kicks in and I drop one of the dishes to try and hold onto the cabinet’s door. But I don’t manage to grab it, grabbing a little figure instead and taking it down with me.
I fear the noise would have been heard throughout the entire building. It was almost deafening. But once it’s all silent again, I finally open my eyes to see the damage made.
Both dishes are on the floor, but not broken. I’ll write a letter to the brand to congratulate them. Their unbreakable promise wasn't just smart advertising.
But something is broken. The little figure I tried to hold onto so I wouldn’t fall. And when I see what it is, I want to cry. My butt also hurts from falling and I’ll probably have a sore back tomorrow but all I can see is the figure.
When I first visited Rúben’s apartment, he showed it to me, telling me how it had belonged to his grandma and how she gave it to his mum when she lived abroad. Now it was Rúben’s turn to have it since he was living away from home. The figure itself wasn’t anything too special. Rúben even joked about keeping it in the cabinet because of how ugly it was. But it had so much sentimental value and now I broke it. God, he’s going to hate me.
My first stupid instinct is to get the pieces and try to do what? Superglue them together? I don’t even know if he has superglue at home. But I frantically get them so I can bring them to the counter and try and do something. 
While I do it, I hear the front door opening, which makes me panic and cut myself with one of the sharp pieces. I’m so panicked I don’t even feel the pain and just get a piece of kitchen cloth to wrap around my hand. That’ll do, it was a superficial cut.
“Hi…what happened?”, asks Rúben when he gets to the kitchen and finds me in my current state. 
“Sorry”, I say, starting to feel the tears in my eyes.
“Why are you apologizing? What happened?”
He keeps walking towards me while assessing the situation in the kitchen. The food is on the counter, ready to be cooked. The two baking dishes are still on the floor and I’m crying holding my bandaged hand and one of the pieces from the broken figure. I’m surprised he hasn’t run away yet.
“I fell and I broke…your figure…but I didn’t mean to…I’m sorry…I just couldn’t reach…”, the sobs make it impossible for me to speak correctly.
“Just calm down”, he says, but I can see him getting impatient. “Are you bleeding?”
He’s now holding my hand and trying to get the cloth off to see the cut but I take it away.
“It’s nothing. I’m sorry I broke your figure. I just tried to hold…”.
“Stop talking about the stupid figure”, he says, raising his voice. “Let me see your hand”.
“I’m fine”.
“You’re not. The cloth is soaked with blood”.
Is it?  Yes, when I look at my hand, I can see it is. Maybe the cut is not as superficial as I thought.
“I’ll clean it in a bit and put on a plaster. But first, we need to fix this. I have all the pieces and if you’ve got some glue, we can maybe make it decent”.
“If you don’t stop talking about that figure, I swear I’ll throw the pieces out of the window”.
I’ve seen him angry at the matches but that anger was never directed towards me and I don’t know how to react. But of course, he’s right about being angry at me. I come to his apartment and make all this mess. 
“I’m so sorry, Rúben. This is honestly so embarrassing. I’ll clean everything and…”.
But he’s no longer listening. He goes to get my bag and takes my keys out of it.
“What are you doing?”
“We are leaving”.
He’s kicking me out of the house?
“To the hospital. I’m going to clean that cut the best I can and bandage it properly, not with a plaster”, he says, trying not to roll his eyes. “And then we’ll go to the hospital. You might need stitches. And if you’ve fallen, you might be hurt somewhere else”.
“I feel fine”.
But the look he gives me says the conversation is over and we’re doing as he says.
Ten minutes later, we are getting in my car since Rúben’s is still being fixed. And his annoyance is only getting worse.
“How can anyone fit here?”, he complains, moving the seat from my normal position to one where his legs can fit comfortably. 
“Stop apologizing”.
The drive is silent and I just try not to cry again, but I start feeling the pain from the fall in my body now that the adrenaline is gone and it’s not pretty.
“Are you alright?”, asks Rúben when he notices me moving, trying to find a comfortable position.
“My back hurts a bit”.
He sighs and keeps his eyes on the road. “We’ll be there soon”.
And he was right. Only a couple of minutes later, we are at the hospital and it doesn’t seem to be super busy at A&E. Finally some luck.
“I think she might need stitches”, says Rúben to the nurse who’s taking notes of all my injuries.
“Let me see, sweetie”, and I do, finally looking at the cut myself and having to look away immediately. “Yes, stitches for sure. Come with me, we need to disinfect it well before the doctor can do some sawing. He’s great at it. I’m always trying to get him to fix my clothes”.
I try to smile at her attempt at a joke but can barely do it. Rúben and I still don’t talk to each other and this feeling of guilt is killing me. But he still stays with me the whole time, which makes me feel a bit better.
The doctor who fixes my cut also checks my back, after telling him how I fell and injured myself and I can hear Rúben swearing under his breath when I take my shirt off.
“What?”, I ask, worried.
“It’s a nasty bruise”, answers the doctor. “But just a bruise. I’ll give you some medicine for the pain and you’ll be fine in a couple of days”.
By the time we are back at the car, Rúben still hasn’t talked to me. He was happy to speak with the doctors and nurses but had no words for me. And now it’s starting to piss me off. It’s not as if I did this on purpose.
Out of habit, I go to open the door with my right hand, only to realise I can’t move it because of the bandage and the stitches. So I try with my left hand, but can’t open the door because Rúben stops me from doing it.
I turn to look at him but before I have time to say anything, he brings my body to his and hugs me tightly. Thank God I didn't hurt my ribs when I fell.
“Rúben…thank you for looking after me”.
“Don’t you even injure yourself again, you hear me?”
“Do you know how scared I was when I saw you in the kitchen, crying and bloodied? I almost had a heart attack”, he tells me, holding my face with his hands.
“I thought you were angry at me”.
“Why would I be angry?”
“You yelled at me. You never yell at me”, I say, trying to make sense of the last hour. I just wanted to make some Shepherd’s pie.
“I was scared and didn’t know what to do and it frustrated me”, he says, hugging me again. “And then you kept talking about that figure you broke, when I was worried about you breaking a bone or something and…I don’t know, I lost it, I guess”.
I enjoy being in this embrace for a little longer before moving back to look at him.
“I just wanted to cook dinner but the dishes were too high up”.
“Instead of making the house child-proof, I’ll have to make it midget-proof”, he says, making me slap his arm…with my injured hand.
“I’m an idiot”, I say, putting my head in his chest and closing my eyes.
“Did that hurt?”
“Nah, but I’ll have to get used to being left-handed for a couple of days”.
“It could have been worse. That bruise you have on your back scared me even more than the blood, you know?”
“Is it really that bad?”
“I’ll show you when we are home. Let’s go. I’ll cook us some dinner”.
“Try not to break the entire kitchen. You’re so clumsy sometimes”, I joke, making us both laugh for the first time in a long while.
We finally make it back to his apartment and I get to see my lovely bruise, which does look pretty terrifying. And I also get to change into clothes that don't have any blood on them.
When I go back to the kitchen, I see all the mess I made has been cleaned by Rúben, who is making some quick dinner for the both of us.
“Are you sure you’re not angry at me for breaking that figure?”
“No. It was really ugly anyways”.
“But it was a family tradition”.
“It wasn’t when it was bought. We can buy another one and turn it into one. Family heirlooms or traditions aren’t made that way, we give them that meaning. I can buy more or make more”, he says, making me feel a bit better. “But I can’t make more of you if you fall again and break your neck”.
“Oh, don’t worry. I’m not going to go up a counter ever again”.
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hb-writes · 5 months
Just a Joke
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Summary: When Mia gets hungry and tries to make herself dinner, her clumsy nature gets the best of her causing Edward and Esme to step in.
Characters: Esme Cullen, Edward Cullen, Bella Swan & Mia Cullen (OC)
Request (from anon): Hello! For June requests how about, “Don’t worry, I got this.” & “Come on, take my hand.” For Twilight pretty please 💜
Content Warnings: N/A
Twilight Masterlist
Please take a moment to tell me what y'all think! Reviews and comments are always appreciated. 😌❤️
Mia glanced up from her book as her stomach rumbled, the sound audible to her, and likely to her brother, but not to her brother’s girlfriend settled at the other end of the couch.
They had been sitting there on the couches in near silence ever since school let out, devouring their respective books for hours as Edward practiced piano in the next room over. Since the rest of Mia’s siblings left for Denali straight from the school parking lot, they’d been left entirely undisturbed. It was a rare gift, that, and Bella hadn’t pulled her eyes from the book since settling, completely absorbed in the pages before her.
Edward probably should have been with the others in Denali. He needed to hunt just as much as the rest of them, but he’d elected to stay behind, something he was doing more and more often these days—trading his lengthier hunting trips with the others for short stints that allowed him to remain only borderline satiated, but far closer to home. 
Mia loved her brother, and there was a time when being apart for any significant portion of time had been difficult, but she wasn’t entirely certain if Edward’s near-constant presence these days was a gift or not, though she supposed it divided her parents’ attention a bit. The presence of Bella gave her parents someone else to fuss over, too. 
Esme had gone out shortly after they arrived home, giving the kids their space as she often did, but Mia knew she would return soon. Carlisle would be back from his shift at the hospital any time now, too, and Mia was certain it was only a matter of time before the parents descended, soliciting their opinions on dinner, ready for the rare opportunity to cook for two rather than one.
Mia couldn’t remember the last time they’d let her cook anything for herself, so rare was it that they gave up the opportunity to dote. The opportunity to engage in something so entirely human as cooking. Mia liked to joke that she'd never survive on her own since they let her do so little in the kitchen. It wasn't far from the truth.
Mia watched Bella for a moment, trying to decide whether or not to interrupt the girl's reading, the only sound between them Edward's piano and another rumble of Mia's stomach.
“Bella,” Mia whispered, nudging the girl with her foot when the whispering didn’t provide any result other than a shift in Edward’s playing to something quieter and slower in tempo. 
Mia rolled her eyes, glaring at her brother through the wall for his nosiness. 
“Hmm?” Bella asked after a moment, finally pulling her eyes from the book as she finished her paragraph. She blinked as if she'd forgotten where she was. As if by pulling her eyes from the words on the page she was suddenly somewhere else entirely.
“Are you hungry?” Mia asked.
Bella glanced back to the book for a moment before meeting Mia’s eye, a grimace on her lips. “Starved, actually.”
Mia nodded, standing up from the couch and depositing her blanket and book. “Then I’ll make us something.” 
Mia strode across the floor and through the next room where Edward had already stood to meet her.
“What do you want?” he asked. “I’ll make it.” 
Mia waved her brother off. “I can cook for myself, Edward.” 
Edward raised an eyebrow. "Since when?"
"Since I can," she answered, pushing him out of her path. “Don’t worry, I got this.” 
Edward followed after her. He was poised to argue, poised to insist that his sister take up his offer, but Bella cleared her throat from the threshold of the living room, giving him a pointed look. 
“Leave her alone, Edward.” 
“Yeah, Edward, leave me alone,” Mia echoed, throwing a smirk at him as she then gave a grateful smile to Bella. Edward raised his hands in surrender and Mia turned away, practically skipping to the kitchen.  
Mia skid to a halt as she entered the pristine kitchen. The cabinets and refrigerator were fully stocked, or as fully stocked as the family ever dared to be considering it was only Mia who ever actually ate anything. She was feeling snacky, uncertain that she had enough patience in her to cook an entire meal when her stomach already felt so empty, but she diligently looked to the paper where Esme had already planned the meals for the week anyway. Spinach lasagna—one of Mia’s favorites—was next on the docket, but that would take well over an hour to prepare and cook.
As hungry as she was, Mia wouldn't last that long, and yet she strived to make a point.
She was capable of cooking for herself.
Capable of following a simple recipe.
Mia moved around the kitchen, pulling one of the cookbooks out as she headed to her favorite cabinet—the snack cabinet—grateful that there was still something satisfying and snacky left there, some healthy version of a chip that Mia had come to like at a certain point because it wasn’t as if her family was going to allow actual junk food into the house.
She poured out a portion into a bowl before walking to the living room where Edward and Bella were seated on the couch, in a vaguely respectful position, though Mia hadn’t missed the flush of Bella’s cheeks and the awkward positioning.
She had given them plenty of notice, walking with purpose and making certain that her steps were able to be heard. 
“Appetizer,” Mia announced as she set the bowl on the coffee table before walking back to the kitchen.
Mindlessly snacking on her own bowl of pseudo-chips, Mia flipped through the book and found the lasagna recipe. She had seen the process probably hundreds of times, settled at the counter while she watched her mother or father or one of her siblings putting the meal together for her. 
There were times when her family went through the process of making the pasta by hand. There were times when the noodles came from a box. Mia knew without a thought that she would be doing the latter. 
Wiping the chip dust on her hands off on her jeans, Mia moved around the room, pulling out the necessary ingredients. The noodles, the sauce ingredients, the cheeses, the spinach. Mia mixed the ricotta mixture together and started the sauce on the stove before she started searching the cabinets for the glass baking dish. 
She searched the bottom row of cabinets twice before deciding it wasn't in its usual spot. Biting her lip, Mia surveyed the upper cabinets. Two cabinets in, she spotted the dish on the top shelf, clearly put away by one of her brothers.
Mia reached out for it, but it was just out of reach even when she leaned on the counter, lifting up onto the tips of her toes. She could get a good grip on it if she got up on the counter, but Mia knew better. She was clumsy and it wasn't safe and she had no interest in visiting her father in the emergency room on a Friday afternoon.
So Mia refrained, instead pulling a pair of tongs from one of the nearby drawers. She just needed to pull it down a few inches and then she could catch it in her other hand.
Mia set about it, standing on the tips of her toes once again for a little extra height. She reached out, setting her tongs around the glass handle of the dish. She eased the dish towards the edge, all of her focus there until she heard the gentle click of the door to her left.
She pulled her eyes from the dish to see her mother standing there, back from running her errands in town. 
Mia flinched as dish tipped from the shelf. She let out a scream as the glass shattered around her upon impact, shards littering the floor at her feet.
Edward was there in the doorway less than a second later, soon enough to witness Mia’s fear shift to annoyance as she cursed under her breath. 
“Come on, take my hand,” Esme said softly, extending a hand to guide her daughter safely through the field of glass littering the kitchen floor. “We'll clean this up and Edward will get you another dish so you can finish cooking,” she said, nodding at Edward and then to the cabinets. 
“It smells delicious,” Esme told Mia as she gathered her daughter to her side, an arm around her shoulders. 
Edward was unable to stop himself from snorting as he crossed the room, easily stepping around the glass. He was sure it smelled fine to a human, but to him…and to his mother…whatever his sister was putting together smelled nothing less than abhorrent.
“Yeah, maybe if you like dirt,” he said, earning a sharp glance from Esme by way of reprimand. 
"Ah, yes. Of course." Mia pulled out of her mother's hold. “Because you prefer the entrancing scent of blood. I can step on a piece of glass if that would be—”
Mia stretched a bare foot out towards the glass, barely making it within a few inches before a pair of deceptively strong arms lifted her from the floor.
“Hey! Put me down!” Mia complained as she hung draped over Esme’s shoulder. It looked ridiculous, the woman holding the teenaged girl in such a position when she was barely five and a half feet tall.
"Please?" Mia added, but Esme made no effort to let her down.
“Not in my kitchen,” Esme answered as she carried Mia to the edge of the room. "You’re officially banned."
“Mom, it was just a joke, I swear,” Mia said, her arms gesturing to accompany her words even as she dangled upside down. “Look, Edward’s even laughing.” 
Esme twisted to glance at her son, and the look she gave alone wiped a bit of the smirk from Edward's face.
He wasn't laughing at his sister's "joke." Truth be told, Edward hadn’t found it particularly funny either, but he couldn’t help but chuckle at the image of Esme swinging his sister over her shoulder and carrying her around. Even as Esme looked at him, the grin on his face grew once again. He couldn't help it, but then he met Esme's eye once again.
As Edward’s face sobered a bit further, Esme lowered Mia to the floor in front of her. 
“Well, you’ll both have to excuse me for not finding the notion of my daughter slicing herself open very funny,” she said, frowning at her daughter and then at Edward. “I don’t believe your father would find it very funny either.” 
“I know, I know.” Mia sighed, forcing herself to take a breath before she gave a proper response. Even if it was only a joke, she knew her parents could be testy about that sort of thing, her father especially. “I’m sorry. There’s really no need to revoke kitchen privileges. I promise I wasn’t actually going to—”
“Maybe it’s for the best, Mia,” Edward interrupted from where he now stood at the counter, his nose wrinkling as he hovered over the lasagna components. “This really does smell like—”
Esme opened her mouth to interrupt—to chastise, but she simply rose an eyebrow at him instead. 
“It was just a joke,” Edward answered. 
“Not a very funny one,” Mia answered. 
“Alright,” Esme said, stepping back in front of Mia, meeting both her and Edward’s eyes in turn before continuing. “That’s enough. Both of you take your jokes and get out of my kitchen.” 
Mia was poised to complain…poised to continue making her case for being allowed to stay and finish up her dinner, but Edward was too quick and too strong, and he swept his sister up in his arms before she could say another word. 
Esme only rolled her eyes fondly as Edward carried a complaining Mia away. While the sound of children arguing may have frayed the patience of some mothers, Esme found she didn’t mind the sound of Edward and Mia teasing. Just as she didn't mind the opportunity to finish putting together dinner for Mia and Bella. 
Even if Edward was right. 
The lasagna did smell like dirt.
Twilight Masterlist
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atths--twice · 1 year
Do you take prompts
If so....
After a date.......
"Can I kiss you goodbye?"
"You can in the morning"
... Pulls them into their apartment/hotel
Well anon, as a matter of fact, I do take prompts. I love them. ❤️ Thank you so much for this one. I know you sent it yesterday, but I only saw it this morning. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it and so… I hope you enjoy the story I’ve created. ❤️❤️
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The Undeniable Spark
Dinner had been good, though there was a different feel to it than other meals they had shared. A spark that seemed to crackle between them these days, rose and fell as they ate and talked.
Scully smiled as Mulder nodded his head to the music that was playing from the live band in the back of the pub.
“Were you wanting anything else?” the waitress asked as she walked over to their table and Mulder’s attention was pulled away from the music.
“I don’t think so,” he said, raising his eyebrows as he looked at Scully.
“Just the bill,” she said, taking out her credit card and handing it to the waitress.
“You got it,” she replied, taking the credit card and walking away.
“I was going to pay,” Mulder said, shaking his head as he leaned closer to her.
“I asked you to dinner. It’s my treat,” Scully said with a shrug. “You can get the next one.”
“Hmm,” he hummed with a nod. His gaze dropped to her lips for a quick second and her stomach quivered as she imagined how it would feel to kiss him.
Kiss him again, you mean, she thought to herself as she remembered their all too brief kiss a month ago on New Year’s Eve.
“Here you go,” the waitress said, bringing back the credit card and the bill. Handing it to Scully, she waited for her to sign it and then she left the table, smiling with a nod.
“How about a walk?” Mulder suggested as they stood up and gathered their things. “Maybe a stop at the ice cream shop a few blocks over?”
“Ohhh, the one that carries the rice ice cream?”
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that,” Mulder said with a scoff and shake of his head. She smiled as she put on her coat and he rolled his eyes at her. “Seriously… live a little, Scully. Eat the ice cream. The real, full fat ice cream.”
“We’ll see,” she teased and he shook his head again. “I’m sure you’re planning to get something chocolatey.”
“Mmm,” he agreed, his hand landing on the small of her back as they began to exit the pub. “With chocolate sauce and possibly whipped cream.”
“Is that right?” she asked, as images began to fill her head that were not partnerly.
“Yup. And I’ll share it with you, so long as your ice cream is of equal desirable value.”
“Hmm,” she hummed as they walked out the door, smiling at one another.
They walked in silence for a while, looking around at the other people out for a winter stroll. It was cold, but not overly so, and many had decided to take advantage of the moment.
A large group of loud teenagers rushed past them, forcing Scully to move closer to Mulder and grab his arm for balance.
“Where’s the fire?” Mulder mumbled as they watched them nearly run into other people on the sidewalk.
“No idea,” Scully answered, still holding onto Mulder’s arm and shaking her head.
“Kids today, huh?” he asked as he shifted his arm, allowing her to slip hers through his as they kept walking.
She dipped her head as she smiled and he began talking about something. Her attention was not on the story however, but on the feel of her arm linked with his and the ease at which it had happened.
They’d held hands, or even linked arms before, but it was usually in times of worry or grief. This was different and that spark that passed between them felt like a static charge waiting to pop.
The ice cream shop came into view all too soon and she had to break their connection in order for them to get through the door.
“Smells good in here,” Mulder said as he looked at the menu and she hummed in response as she did the same.
She saw the rice ice cream and she smiled as she glanced at Mulder, deciding she would forgo it tonight for something she knew he would enjoy sharing with her.
“Know what you’d like?” the kind older woman behind the counter asked them and Scully stepped forward.
“Yes. I’ll have the vanilla-”
“Hmm,” Mulder hummed and shook his head at the seemingly boring choice.
“With caramel sauce and cookie crumbles. In a waffle cone.”
“Ohh,” he said, looking at her in surprise and she smiled coquettishly.
“Desirable enough for you?” she asked as the woman began to prepare her ice cream.
“The ice cream?” he asked, his gaze dropping to her lips again and she drew in a deep breath as she nodded. “Very much so.”
“Good,” she said softly and he smiled before licking his lips and turning to the woman to give her his order. “Chocolate, with chocolate sauce, chocolate chips, and mini marshmallows. In a waffle cone. Two spoons.”
“Jesus,” Scully breathed, taking her cone and shaking her head as the woman behind the counter laughed jovially.
Napkins were shoved into their pockets as they left the shop and walked to a bench. Sitting down, they shared the ice cream, Mulder eating the greater portion of them as she began to feel too full.
She broke off pieces of her cone and dipped them into his ice cream, scooping up a marshmallow and a few chocolate chips.
“Admit it, rice ice cream will never beat chocolate,” he said, taking a huge bite as he raised his eyebrows.
“It’s not fair to compare the two,” she stated, letting the cold chocolate chips roll around in her mouth before she chewed them up. “They’re completely different.”
“And one is far superior. It’s okay to admit that, Scully,” he said, taking another bite.
“I’ll admit nothing of the sort,” she said, wiping chocolate from the corner of his mouth with a napkin as she laughed quietly.
“Coward,” he said and she laughed again as she shook her head.
He walked her to her door forty five minutes later, stopping as she took out her keys and placed them in the lock.
“Well,” he said, as the door opened. “Goodnight, Scully.”
“Goodnight, Mulder,” she replied, smiling softly at him.
Neither of them moved and she once again felt that spark growing between them.
“Could…” he started and then stopped.
He stepped closer and her heart began to beat faster as her breathing increased. His eyes held hers and then dropped to her lips, lingering longer than they had all night.
“Can I kiss you goodbye?” he whispered, looking into her eyes again and she exhaled as she felt the spark pop and pull her toward him.
Goodbye, she thought. No… I don’t want this to be goodbye. Not yet.
Reaching up, she placed her hands on his chest and he drew in a breath as she did the same, her heart now racing. She stood up on tiptoes as he bent his head closer, his mouth opening slightly.
Just before their lips met, she paused, her decision made.
“You can kiss me goodbye… in the morning,” she whispered, and he moaned as he kissed her and she pulled him into her apartment, the door closing behind them.
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beebeetheclown · 4 months
request.....perhaps a kendall x pregnant!reader?
Hello anon!❤️
Since I’ve been busy, this one shot is shorter than how I usually make them so my apologies but I really wanted to write and I loved this request👀
Thank you for this request🥰 I hope you like it and that it isn’t too short lol💗
Kendall Roy x Reader - Request
One Shot
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^ I imagined season 1 Kendall while writing this.. but it’s so hard to find happy Kendall pics😭
Kendall hadn’t given you his name yet but he had given you his baby; the two of you have only been together for a little over a year. Even though you knew you wanted a baby someday, you were never in a rush. Kendall had just gotten so obsessed with you, he didn’t want to wait any longer. Kendall almost kept you under some sort of spell, he made it easy for you to give in and love him easily. You would say yes to him more than you would say no to things he wanted. Even when the two of you would get in heated arguments, they would always end with sex and then you’d forgive him.
You have been pregnant for four months now, your belly wasn’t that big yet, but it was still noticeable without baggy clothing. Kendall actually got you pregnant while the two of you were in a fancy hotel room. He made love to you as the room service lady was knocking on the door, waiting for an answer.
Kendall already knew he loved you on the first date, he loved everything about you. He loved your smile, your eyes, your body, and your personality. He loved all the sweet little things about you, but he also loved how easy you were. He loved how you’d give in to his needs so easily.
It is the end of the week now, Friday, Kendall will be home in about an hour and he’ll be home for the rest of the weekend. Before he went to work, he had told you that he actually wanted to take you on a small vacation for the weekend. He didn’t tell you where he was wanting to go, he only told you that you would enjoy it, even if it was just for two days.
You get a call from him just as he is on his way home to you. You answer it then hear his voice on the other end,
“Hey, how are you? I was thinking of just getting chinese for dinner, is that something you’d be into?”
“Sure, that sounds just fine.”
“Okay, I’ll be there in about twenty minutes then.”
“How come you are picking food up? We never do that.”
“I don’t know, I guess I just want the food to come fast. I don’t have time to wait around.”
“Did you not eat lunch?”
You can hear him laugh softly on the other end, “No baby, it’s not because I’m hungry, it’s because I’ve been needing to have you. I want to be able to have a quick dinner so I can fuck you, I don’t know how much longer I can hold off.”
“You’re so ridiculous Kendall.” You reply, a wide grin is on your face.
“Uh huh, right. I’ll see you soon.”
“Okay, I’ll see you soon.”
Fifteen minutes after the phone call is when Kendall arrives home, the large paper bag of take out food is in his hand. He sets down his things and you walk into the room. He looks up at you before walking over to you, “Hello you.” He says before gently placing a kiss on your lips, “I thought about you a lot today, you have no idea.” He says with a grin. He kisses you cheek gently before caressing your back with one of his hands,
“Don’t be so cheesy, it’s a turn off.” You say with a soft chuckle.
“Okay what then? You want me to just be completely honest?”
“I’ve been wanting to fuck you all day.”
“You are gross, don’t tell me you touched yourself at work.”
“And what if I did? Don’t act like that doesn’t turn you on.”
“It doesn’t Kendall.”
“No?” He brings his hand up and slowly begins to unzip your sweater. “Are you sure?” You only nod your head before answering quietly,
“Yes Kendall, I’m sure.”
He smiles a little, “You know, a lot of people were trying to give me a hard time today. Maybe they think they can beat me and win, but they lose, they lose because they don’t get to have you like this. They don’t get to touch you, they don’t get to fuck you, only I do. I’m the fucking winner here. Give me my fucking crown.” He chuckles a little to himself then pulls your sweater off you, “Dinner can wait.” He takes your hand then pulls you towards the bedroom, “I want dessert first.”
You laugh as you let him pull you along, “Turn off.”
He chuckles with you, “You love it, don’t lie.” He doesn’t even bother closing the door when you arrive in the bedroom, “Come here.” He says lowly before pulling you to kiss your lips for a moment.
Kendall soon begins to help you undress, he starts off slowly to tease you but he himself couldn’t be patient enough and begins to undress you faster. He has a grin on his face when he helps you sit down on the bed. Before you could lie down on your back, he puts one hand on your shoulder and lets the other hand travel down to your pussy.
As soon as he plays with you, your eyes close for a second before you look up at him and catch his gaze. You let soft moans escape your lips. A smile stays on his face.
“You’ve been so much more needy lately. How come having my baby inside you makes you so much more wet? Huh?”
“I don’t know Kendall.”
“I like it. I like having you this fucking needy.”
“Just fuck me.”
“Ask nicely.”
Being pregnant makes you more horny at times, but it also makes you have no patience for anything. You want what you want right away, whether it’s food, your bed, or for Kendall to be inside you,
“Kendall, I don’t have time for this. Just fuck me.”
A deep chuckle leaves him, “You’re so impatient. How badly do you want it?” He begins to let his fingers move more quickly, pressing them against you more to put more pressure on your sensitive clit.
“So badly.”
You nod your head, “Yes Kendall. Please, please fuck me.”
He pulls his fingers away only so he can start underdressing himself, “Lie on your back.” When you do so, he continues to take his clothes off quickly. He wants it as bad as you, “Fuck, I can’t wait to be inside you.”
You feel his hands come to spread your legs apart, “Once your little tummy gets even bigger, everyone will know that they can’t have you,” he begins to caress your thighs, “because they’ll know you’re mine and that you belong to me.” He lines himself up with you, “They’ll know just how good you take my cock.” He thrusts forward after his last words. He’s gentle with you, but he still couldn’t help himself and let himself fully sink inside you, “You belong to me now.”
You moan softly as soon as you feel him inside you, you have been needing it all day, “Kendall- fuck.”
He moans along with you before a deep groan leaves him, “Shit baby. I can’t wait to fuck you when you’re not so fragile.” He grips the sides of your hips, “I’ll fuck you however I want and however I’m not able to right now. I’ll bend you over the kitchen counter,” you moan out at the thought of it, “and then I’ll take you into the shower and fuck you again. I’ll make love to you until you can’t take it anymore, until you’re begging for me to stop.”
“You take me so well- every fucking time. But you’re so fucking tight.”
You have only been pregnant for four months, but you can’t wait to have Kendall fuck you harder. As he continues with his quick but gentle pace, you think about all the times the two of you had sex with each other before he got you pregnant and how dirty it would be.
You think about the time when he made you bring him coffee while he was at work and how he texted you to wear a skirt with no panties when you delivered his coffee. He brought you into a small storage room as soon as you set the coffee on his desk. The storage room wasn’t very big, but he fucked you against the wall anyways.
Then you start to think of another time he had you. It was during a Roy family dinner. As dinner was being made and everyone was downstairs chatting, he snook you up into one of the bedrooms and fucked you as if there was no tomorrow. You remembered how he had his large hand covering your mouth nearly the whole time. The two of you then went down to dinner right after and acted as if nothing happened.
His deep voice pushes you out of your thoughts, “How long have you wanted this?” He asked before letting out a grunt, “I bet you’ve wanted this all day haven’t you?”
“Yes, yes Kendall.”
“Well I have too. Fuck, I got so fucking hard while I was at work. I was thinking about you, thinking about how sexy you look. So fucking hot.”
As his hips keep meeting yours, you feel close to the edge already. Kendall can tell by how your moans start to turn into tiny, helpless whimpers.
“Already close baby? Am I fucking you that good?”
You grip the sheets tightly with your one hand and let the other hold onto the top off the headboard, “Yes.” Your reply came out more like a moan.
Your reply makes him grin, “Just hold off a few more seconds, I’m not there yet, I need to cum with you.” You sigh out a whimper, unsure if you can wait any longer. His name pathetically falls from your lips again. Kendall looks down at himself entering you again and again before closing his eyes for a second while a soft but deep moan leaves him. He then watches your body, your breasts, how tightly your hands were gripping things, and then he looks down and the small bump on your stomach, “Let go for me. Fuck baby, cum for me.”
After his demands and his pleads, you finish immediately, not being able to hold back any longer. Your moans echoed through the room as they got louder and you called out his name.
Kendall follows right after you, making his last thrust rough before keeping his dick inside you as he came. You both let out pathetic little moans as you got over your highs. He gives you a few more little thrusts before he pulls out.
He comes to lie beside you and then looks over at you. He smiles over at you for a moment and put his hand flat on your stomach, “I can never get enough of you.”
You smiled back at him before speaking, “Kendall?”
“Do you think our food is cold now?”
This makes him laugh a little, “Baby, I just gave you some of my best work and you’re worried about the food being cold?”
“Well do you think it’s cold?”
“Yeah, maybe. But I’d rather have sex and eat cold food over eating hot food with no sex, wouldn’t you?”
“I guess.” You reply teasingly.
“I could fuck you again and make the food even more cold.”
“Nope, I want my food.”
“Okay, fine. But can we at least have sex after dinner?”
“I don’t know, we’ll see.”
“No, it wasn’t a question.”
You laugh a little as you get up from the bed, “Uh, yeah it was.”
“Okay, well, I didn’t mean for it to be a question. We will have sex after dinner because I say so.”
“And what if I say no?”
He smiles, “You won’t.”
“Yeah, okay, you’re right, I probably won’t.”
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tooweirdforyou · 5 months
Will u not come back? :((((
hello, anon! hope you’re doing well and apologies for the late response. I hope you see this! ❤️
so, I guess this will be my answer and also my first post in about a year or so.. Im not gonna make any excuses or whatever, and cut straight to the point.
Bit of a long post but it will explain most things without being too personal just because it’s been a long time and part of me feels as though I lost that respect and privilege of being comfortable and being myself around you guys. Anyone and everyone who stayed or is a newcomer to my account.
It’s the new year. Here’s how I’ll answer you.
Do I wish to come back? Yes.
Have I been actively attempting to come back? Yes and no. I have been attempting to work on chapters for my Quotev books, but lots of writers block and just pure unmotivated to continue with where I am. Knowing it can be better if I were to redo it, continue with force or if I simply make a new book, (( which due to my imagination and inspiration by things I’ve come across, I keep wanting to start new books. ))
Have things drastically changed for me as I’ve been away? Yeah, kinda. I mean, things are getting a little more difficult for me, I won’t go into too much detail but it’s been really difficult for me personally the last several months. I’ve never been consistent in my feelings and almost always ended up more numb, empty and sad. And some days it would be so bad that I couldn’t be alone and had to be in a room with another person I knew. I’m really working on it but it really isn’t something that just goes away, as most of may or may not understand.
Am I still dating? Yes! I’m still very happy with the guy I’ve known and started dating last year and in fact, we’ll be hitting our two years very soon. I know this may be personal but I kinda just wanted an excuse to talk about him, haha.
Now, am I still writing? / interested in writing? Definitely. I just have huge motivation problems but I definitely still love that creative form of expressing your imagination into words and making a story. The problem is that I have all these ideas and it just sucks to have to do all this beginning stuff instead of making the reader or OC in love with the person already!! 😂 but yes. I honestly do love to write still and my boyfriend tries to encourage and supports me but it’s really my own fault.
do I still Roleplay? I remember mentioning this and then making an separate acc for this but never really interacted with it often because at the time I was busy. And now, I don’t anymore because it makes my boyfriend jealous, haha. I do miss it though :)
Do I still go on tumblr? Every once in a while, which is like every two weeks or so? Or just under two weeks or sometimes longer. It depends. But yes, I do check and I do love to read every new comment and message I get, I just don’t respond to it because I’m honestly a little scared.
Will I come back? I want to. I really do. But there’s a few factors that come into play-
- so much time has passed that I worry I no longer have like a mutual bond with you all and that it’s too late for me to come back and just pretend like everything is fine. It’s not. I’m worried it’s too late to just start writing again, I guess I’m nervous? I missed being able to be comfortable and be myself on here but I don’t know. I think my time has passed.
- not only that, I don’t quite know how to use tumblr anymore.
- I can’t stick to one fandom, just like my mood swings, my current obsession changes so often that I’m worried I won’t be able to keep up with certain works or keep everyone happy with my work.
- I don’t know if I should continue mt old works ( ones on Quotev )?
Start new ones?
Go back to scenarios and oneshots like I used to?
Refresh on tumblr and continue here again?
Move to AO3?
It’s the new year and I do want to better myself and change and I really hope that that means I can start over with myself and my writings once again.
I missed all my comments and messages and having mutuals and interacting with everyone. It makes me feel connected and honestly little less lonely when my boyfriend has his long busy hours..
But to finally answer properly. Yes, I want to come back but I honestly don’t know where to start or if I can.
I’ll be checking tumblr so if anyone has any questions, comments or suggestions or whatever you wish to tell me, I will be here. Maybe by next month I’ll have an answer of what I’ll be doing in regards to writing. Whether I take any advice from you guys or make my own decision.
im very deeply sorry for my absence. I hope this answers everyone’s thoughts.
sending lots of love. ❤️ thank you to everyone.
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A Sweet Hurt
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Genre: Baekhyun AU, EXO AU, Fluff
Characters: Baekhyun x Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2k
Summary: You belatedly tell your boyfriend, Baekyun, who is away doing his military service, that you broke your leg while falling down the stairs and he insists on taking care of you over his military break. 
A/N: Another Baek request! Thank you to the Anon who requested this adorable scenario! And I am so sorry to hear that you broke your leg. ❤️ I hope this brightens your day just a little bit!☀️
“Wait, so tell me again how it happened?”, your friend Eun demanded.
It felt like you’d re-lived this story over and over, again and again, in the past few days. It had been an average day at work and your boss had asked you to bring a box of materials down to the accounting department. You’d grabbed the box of materials from the closet and started the trek down the hall to the stairs.
If only the box hadn’t been so heavy, or so large, then maybe it wouldn’t have blocked your view…then you might have seen the “wet floor” sign before you descended down the stairs. It had taken only a second before you’d found yourself sprawled on the landing to the third floor, leg throbbing in pain, unable to move from shock. 
“...and then my co-worker, Jaehyun, carried me to his car and drove me to the hospital, where I got THIS,” you finished, gesturing fluidly like a game show hostess to the bulky, white cast engulfing a good portion of your leg. 
“Very sexy,” Eun chuckled, before turning serious. “Hey, I’m sorry this happened to you…if you need anything, just yell and I’ll be there.” 
“Thanks, Eun. The doctor said it’s been enough time that I can bear some weight on it, but I’ll still probably take you up on that offer at some point. With me living on my own, I’m sure there’ll be a lightbulb that needs changing, groceries that need to be carried….maybe a leg that needs shaving,” you returned, half-joking, half-serious. 
“Speaking of living alone–have you told Baekhyun about any of this–it’s been a while since this happened, right?” Eun skillfully directed the conversation to a place you’d been striving to avoid. 
“Nope–don’t give me that look, Eun–you know how he is with stuff like this.” He worried way, way too much.  You smiled, remembering the time he’d insisted you call in sick to work because you’d been stung by a bee and he hadn’t wanted you to “overexert yourself”. He’d also maintained the need for copious amounts of cuddling all day under the guise of “needing to take care of his baby”. 
Most importantly, you didn’t want him to worry. Your boyfriend was away completing his compulsory military service, so you weren’t able to see him that often. You kept in constant contact via phone, well, as much as you could, with Baekhyun’s busy military schedule. He sent you little things from time to time–chocolates, flowers, food deliveries–so that he knew you were well-taken care of in his absence. 
Time was running out, though. Baekhyun was due for a military leave very soon and you knew you’d have to tell him before he came home to find you hobbling around on crutches with no explanation. 
“You better do it soon, that’s all I’m saying,” Eun advised, taking a sip from her coffee cup. 
You nodded in agreement. Tonight. You promised yourself you’d do it tonight. 
It was nighttime now, you were settled on the couch, your leg elevated per the doctor’s orders, nervously counting down the minutes until your nightly phone call with Baekhyun. Usually, you were bouncing off the walls with excitement, giddy to tell him all about your day, about how much you missed him. However, today you were apprehensive, knowing he’d be worried and probably angry–or worse–hurt that you didn’t tell him about something so important. 
As soon as the clock read 7:00 PM, your phone rang, Baekhyun’s name flashing on the screen. 
“Hello, love,” you answered as cheerfully as you could. 
“Hey, baby. How’s my sweet girl doing today?” As smooth a talker as ever. Baekhyun’s words were warm, practically dripping with honey. 
“Oh, fine, I guess–” 
“Something the matter?” he interjected. The man was a little too perceptive for his own good. 
“No, no, no, no, everything’s totally fine,” you lied through your teeth. 
“So, when are you coming home?” you interjected before he could ask more questions. “I know your break is coming up soon.” Chicken. You’re a chicken. 
“Soon,” he replied simply. 
Since when was Baekhyun so vague? He was generally over-communicative about his breaks–when they were, for how long, etc. – so you could plan out what you wanted to do during that precious, precious time. 
“What do you mean ‘soon’? When is ‘soon’?” you tried to clarify. 
“Just soon” was his only response. You could hear him huffing and puffing, as though he was exerting himself, along with the pitter patter of steps echoing in an open space. 
“Are you going up stairs?” you wondered aloud.
“What? No–I’m not going up stairs–why would I be doing that?”, his voice higher-pitched this time–which often happened when he tried to lie. 
“Seriously, Baek, where are–” you cut off at the sound of the door. Turning your head, you were greeted with the sight of your boyfriend walking to stand in front of you, carrying the largest bouquet of roses you’d ever seen. 
“Surprise, baby!” Baekhyun smiled and held out the roses to you in a dramatic gesture, still breathing slightly heavily from his trek up the stairs. His eyes traveled over your body, taking you in like a thirsty man who’d just found water. When his gaze fell on your casted leg, his smile slowly disappeared, his eyes grew wide, and he grew oh so still. 
“Babe, what happened to your leg?” Baekhyun questioned, his voice unusually soft. He set the flowers down on the table, moving to run his fingers gently down the plastered material. 
“Baek–I was going to tell you–tonight, actually–but then you–,” you rushed to explain. “I didn’t want you to worry….please don’t be mad,” you said, feeling guilty. You waited with bated breath for his response. 
He gingerly slid onto the couch next to you, burrowing his face in your neck, arms encircling your middle. 
“Love, I’m not mad, okay? I’m just worried. My sweet baby’s broken and I didn’t know about it–and I couldn’t even be here to take care of you.” He placed a delicate kiss on your neck.
You told him all about the accident, assuring him you weren’t in any pain. He pouted when he heard about your struggles to get around, declaring himself “at your service” for the duration of his time home.
The next day, you woke up keenly aware of your boyfriend’s presence. Closing your eyes, you gently rubbed his back in small circles, basking in the feeling of having him in your arms again. Placing a kiss against his chest, you nuzzled him with your cheek, calmed by the steady beat of his heart. 
Slowly coming awake, he hummed softly in his throat, a lazy smile gracing his perfect features. 
“Good morning, love. What should we do today?” he wondered aloud. “I am at your disposal today.” He brushed your hair from your eyes, moving to cover your mouth with his own.
Sighing with contentment, you mentioned needing some things from the store. Like an eager puppy, Baekhyun left to do your bidding, returning an hour later with the groceries and a bakery box full of delicious treats from Paris Baguette. 
“Ahhh”, Baekhyun coaxed, holding up your favorite strawberry mochi doughnut for you to take  a bite. Taking the bait, you sank your teeth into the soft pastry, the taste of fresh strawberries hitting you like a fresh wind. 
“Mmmmm”, you hummed your approval as you chewed. “A girl could get used to this.” 
“Get used to what? Staying in bed all day? Delicious doughnuts? A devilishly handsome boyfriend?” Baekhyun teased you with an ease that you’d missed in his absence. 
“All of the above,” you affirmed, stretching like a cat to relieve the tension in your shoulders. 
Over the next week, Baekhyun was true to his word, practically waiting on you hand and foot. Well, as much as you would let him, that is. He *attempted* to cook you food, helped you to the bathroom, plastic-wrapped your cast before a shower, and brushed your hair when you were done. “Helping his baby”, he’d said, beaming with pride. 
With Baekhyun’s leave coming to a close, you grew sad at the thought of not having him around everyday. Waking up in his arms in the morning, hearing him sing to himself while attempting to fry an egg, even the way he smacked his lips when he ate, you’d miss them all. On the morning of his departure, it was your turn to be clingy–finding any and every opportunity to touch him–a hug from behind, lacing his fingers through yours, sweet eskimo kisses. 
With his bag packed, Baekyun stood in the living room, taking in the space one last time before his departure. From your vantage point on the couch, you could see him fidgeting with his hands, almost looking nervous. Perhaps he was nervous about leaving you alone to fend for yourself. 
Coming to stand before you, Baekhyun cleared his throat. 
“Baby, this week has been so wonderful. Taking care of you this week has really made me think about how important you are in my life. I know I have to leave, but it doesn’t feel right leaving you alone to fend for yourself.”
“Baek–”, you started to interject. 
“No, love, it’s my job as your boyfriend to take care of you–which is why I’ve talked to my mother–she wants you to move in with her and my dad for a while while you recover.”
“No ‘buts’, love. I want you to have the support you need to heal. It’ll be great–you’ll get fed–you know my mom’s a great cook–and she’ll help you get around. Though she is a *bit* miffed that you didn’t mention this to her prior to this.” He gave you a pointed look with that last sentence. 
“Baekhyun, that sounds lovely–but it’s not appropriate for their son’s girlfriend to be staying in their home.”
“I know, I know, it wouldn’t be appropriate for my girlfriend to be staying there, but my fiancée staying there would be an entirely different matter.”
You froze as his words, lips suddenly immobile as his words soaked in. Baekhyun fiddled with something in his pocket, pulling out a black, velvet box. Getting down on one knee, he opened the box to reveal the most gorgeous ring you’d ever seen. Heart in his eyes, he stared up at you.
“Baby, I love you so much–and I want to be your support, your protector, and your lover for the rest of my life. Marry me?”
Moving as fast as your casted leg would let you, you inelegantly threw your arms around his neck. Baekhyun steadied you, pulling you close in an intimate embrace.
“So, I’m assuming that’s a ‘yes’?”, he said, chuckling at your enthusiasm. 
“Yes! A hundred times, yes!” You took his face between your hands, pulling it forward to smash your lips to his. After you both came up for air, Baekhyun slid the stunning, halo-cut ring on your finger. His hand lingered, enjoying the feel of his ring in its rightful place.
Baekhyun’s phone buzzed, indicating his ride back to base was here. You pulled him in for one more hug, memorizing his scent, hoping it would last until the next time he came home. He grabbed his bag and started towards the door, looking back to keep you in his gaze as long as possible. 
“Goodbye, wife.” He grinned, clearly liking your new title. 
“Goodbye, husband.” You returned his smile, heart fluttering. “What a week–doughnuts AND a proposal…and a fiancée who’s leaving me.” You jutted your lower lip out into a dramatic pout.
“My poor baby”, Baekhyun cooed, striding back to pull you in for one last hug. “Wait just a little longer, my love, then I’ll be at your service for life.” 
Hello! Thank you for reading A Sweet Hurt! If you liked what you read, please consider liking, commenting and/or re-blogging so this content is easier for others to find. My requests are OPEN, so feel free to submit an ask if you have an idea! 😊
*Please note: I consulted https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/broken-leg/ for information about in order to write this story, as I am not a medical professional, nor am I knowledgeable about the treatment of broken legs. If you are in such a situation, please seek appropriate medical attention.*
XOXO, Emmy
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Can i try asking for
with honestly john maybe? ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks for sending this in, anon! Sorry it took a bit to be written. I hope you enjoy! 🥰❤️
I have 3 more of these little blurb requests sitting in my inbox — I promise I haven’t forgotten about them!
🩹 tending to each other's wounds
☁️ enemies to lovers
🤠 fake dating
💕 a moment of jealousy
A Brief Lapse in the Way Things Usually Are
warnings: slight injuries, mentions of blood
It’s late at night and (Y/N) hears a knock on her door.
“What have you done this time, Shelby?” (Y/N) asks with a sigh as she opens her door to find John Shelby standing on the other side of it.
“Don’t you ever think that maybe something happened to me?” he quirks an eyebrow in response as he looks at her.
“No,” she shakes her head without second thought, “why did you come here anyway?”
“This house was the closest...and since we’ve signed that deal, we’re on the same side now, remember?” he answers her, a slight grin forming on his face as he brings up the agreement between their two families that had been reached not too long ago.
“Don’t remind me,” (Y/N) remarks with a groan, an unhappy expression on her face.
“You gonna let me come in, or not?” John asks after they stood in silence for a few moments, “you know, since I am your boyfriend.”
“Not out of public you ain’t,” (Y/N)’s quick to shoot back, a pointed glare on her face before she purses her lips as she thinks about his first statement. “I’d rather not, but I guess that I should so I don’t have any more trouble showing up at my doorstep,” she says finally, exhaling a defeated sigh before she steps aside to let the man in.
John takes a seat at her dining table and looks at her expectantly. “What?” she asks, her eyebrows raised.
“Nothing,” John shakes his head before looking away from her.
That’s when she notices. “John, you’re bleeding,” her words come out in a gasp as she takes in the cut by his ear that she somehow missed when he first showed up at her door.
“Got into a fight,” he brushes her statement off, shrugging his shoulders.
“It should still be cleaned,” she insists, moving to her cabinets to get a rag and some alcohol then. “Let me see it,” she says as she sits down in the chair across from him.
Before she’s able to start, however, John notices something about her. “You’ve got some blood on you too,” he points out, pointing to her right hand.
(Y/N) looks down after hearing his statement to see that she has a cut in her thumb. “I was cutting vegetables and must’ve nicked it when I heard you knocking,” she answers in the same nonchalant tone as he did.
“Lemme clean it up first...since you’ll need your hands to clean my cut,” John offers and, after a moment of thought, (Y/N) allows him.
They go through the motions silently; John cleaning her cut and then (Y/N) cleaning his. It was fine while he was doing his work, but (Y/N) couldn’t shake the weird feeling inside of her as John watched her intently clean his wound. Unbeknownst to her, he had that same feeling.
“There...good as new,” (Y/N) announces as she finishes her work, a slight smile on her lips as she sits back in her chair again.
Before anything else could be said, a third voice enters the conversation, “how’s the dinner goin’, (Y/N)?” It’s a man, one that John hadn’t met before, and instantly he starts to feel what only could be described as jealously bubble up in his stomach.
“It’s getting there,” (Y/N) brushes the man off.
“Is that a Shelby?” the man asks then.
“It is. He’s leaving soon...go back in the sitting room and I’ll call you in when the food’s done,” she dismisses him and the man does what he’s told.
“Who’s that?” John can’t help but ask, trying hard to not let his feelings come through in his words because he had no clue why he was feeling them in the first place.
“Just a guy who works for my family. He’s harmless,” (Y/N) responds, a bit of a grin on her face because she could see right through John’s front.
“Good, because you have a boyfriend, you know,” John points out, feeling a bit more relaxed now.
“I have a fake boyfriend,” (Y/N) clarifies, the grin still on her lips, “but he shouldn’t worry, because that man’s like five years older than me and is already married,” she then puts his mind to rest even more.
The two smile at each other then, and John can’t help but laugh. Maybe it’d be nice to get along with her instead, he thinks.
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Hi, it’s me, Fanfic Anon #2. This piece is inspired by his trip this week. Hope everyone enjoys!
“Mhmm,” he moaned as he felt her massaging the sunscreen into his back, her firms hands moving skillful over his skin, through the knots in his tight muscles, the weight of the world slowly releasing from his shoulders as they shared the beach chair.
She pressed a gentle kiss to his shoulder when she finished, before wrapping her arms around his waist as she rested her head in the crook of his neck, enjoying the warmth of the sun, the cool breeze, the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves as his chest expanded and deflated under her palms. “This is nice,” she smiled, eyes slipping shut behind her sunglasses.
“So nice,” he agreed with a smile of his own. He paused, looking around and noticing the beach was deserted except for the far away silhouettes of their bodyguards. “Wanna take a dip?” He asked, turning over his shoulder.
“I just put it on your back! You’re going to wash it all off!” She protested
“First, I wouldn’t mind if you do it again -“
“Emmanuel -“
“Second,” he interrupted before she could get too mad at him, “I never said ‘swim.’ In fact, what I have in mind, I can do while standing.”
“Oh no,” she laughed as she realized what he was suggested, especially as he slipped his glasses down his nose, his eyes darkened. “No way.”
“Come on. I’ll make sure you’re satisfied.”
“Chéri, that’s not my complaint.”
“Please -“ he pouted.
“Naughty boy,” she shook her head, relenting.
“Your naughty boy,” he smirked as he lifted her into his arms, carrying her towards the water, kissing her as soon as her legs wrapped around his hips when they had met the water.
The blaring alarm cut through the soft images now fading from his mind, drawing an unhappy groan from his mouth. Sighing once he had silenced the intrusion he rolled towards the empty side of his bed, rubbing his hand gently against the cool, undisturbed sheets.
“Oh, Brigitte,” he whispered longingly into the silence only to be startled again by the sound of his phone.
“Oh what now!” He huffed as he rolled back over.
Good morning, mon cœur. One day closer to coming home! Hope you have a great day. I love you. ❤️
“Oh, Brigitte,” he whispered lovingly into the silence warmed beyond words that even with the physical distance she was always there when she needs him.
He presses her name and sinks into the sheets as he hears the ring.
“Good morning, chéri!” Her warm voice greets as she answers, flooding his heart with the warmth only she creates.
Hello fanfic anon#2! ❤️
I like Emmanuel’s dream quite a lot 🤭 Maybe one day you can develop that thought? 😏
Annoying alarm but at least there it was compensated by Brigitte’s message and call 🥰
Thank you so much, fanfic anon #2! ❤️❤️❤️
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Radom Everlark Thought: Ariana Grande’s new song “we can’t be friends (wait for your love)” is SO post-thg Everlark, like its the gap between the first games and the Victory Tour?
The line: “I don’t like how you paint me, yet I’m still here hanging” BC KATNISS HATED PEETAS PAINTINGS BC PEETA ONLY PAINTED THE GAMES 😭😭
and the major theme of it “We can’t be friends, but I’d like to just pretend” and “Love, I’ll wait for your love” IF THAT DOESN’T SCREAM PEETA MELLARK POV IDK WHAT DOES
sorry this is a sharp turn from all the spicy asks you’ve been getting HAHA dw I’ll send a horny ask to make up for the emotional dump
lol Anon, it’s all good. As much as I (usually) enjoy receiving the spicy Anons, I actually enjoy them more if I get tame ones like this, too. It gets exhausting after a while to have only one flavor of Anon, even if that flavor is 🌶️.
Btw, I got your follow on 🌶️ asks. I’ll answer them soon. Some of them require thought and effort tho, so probably not today. 😘
❤️ kdnfb
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navybrat817 · 4 months
Hi Navy! It’s been a minute since I, 🫠 anon has made a report. I hope youre well!!
Still no date with PT!Daddy sadly, but what I’m finding I love about him is how consistent and communicative he is.
He has a busy job (just opened his own gym and works every day, plus takes care of his kiddo as a single dad when he has time with her) so I get it. But he’s always reminding me he does want to see me when he has time, always saying good morning and asking about my day and reminding me to take care of myself. Even encouraging me to go on other dates and making sure I know how I deserve to be treated (which oh my god, how is he real?)
I always remind him how handsome I think he is and how much I want to see him (and he is sure to always shower me in compliments as well) and one day last week I apologized for being pushy and he said “I’ll never complain about a sexy thing like you pushing to see me. I love it” and OH BOOOY I SURE DID MELT 🫠🫠🫠
I have a work thing coming up in his town soon (he’s over 2 hours from me 😩) so I might just text him when I’m there and see if I can at least get a look at his stupid handsome face in person.
Much love!
🫠 Nonnie
Nonnie, I'm SO sorry it took me so long to answer this. I've you've seen some of my blog updates, work has been occupying a lot of my time and energy. ❤️
I LOVE that he's communicating and checking in while balancing everything else. It isn't easy! It sounds like it goes both ways, too, which is even better. The fact that he's also uplifting and acknowledging how you deserve to be treated is top notch.
I hope you get a chance to see him during your work trip or event! I'm rooting for you and sorry again it look me so long to reply. Love and thanks! ❤️
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the-pale-goddess · 2 years
If the roles were reversed, Tiffany is the 36 yo attending and Ethan is the 27 yo intern, would they still be into each other? Would things still work out between them? Would she have the same concerns Ethan had in book 1?
Anon, dear, you reminded me of my what if AU project I started long time ago 🥲 I don’t plan on finishing this particular idea anytime soon, so I’ll drop a chaotic word vomit overview to answer your lovely ask—thank you for sending it! ❤️
Fresh out of med school, post-heartbreak Ethan was in his major asshole era: he tried to cover all his issues with overwhelming confidence and attitude that prevented him from gaining friends during the internship. He shut off completely to avoid further emotional damage, focusing solely on his mission to become the absolute best doctor in the field. His frustratingly huge ambition and perfectionist tendencies pushed him to work harder than the rest. Above all that, he was well aware of the advantage he had—exceptional intelligence and drive. Still mending his wounds after the Beatrice & Tobias fiasco, he didn’t seek human connection as he found it pointless, distracting and disappointing. He was past his ONS phase by that time, though didn’t rule out casual dating. Like the emotionally constipated Capricorn he is.
He met Doctor Addams at a very content stage of her life. She was a well-renowned diagnostician—the kind of doctor he aspired to be. He was fascinated by her work and aura from the start. At first, he just wanted to impress her. Wanted her to notice him. And she did, obviously. His impeccable performance stood out, making other interns boil from jealousy mixed with awe. He was excited for the opportunity to work with such an incredible doctor. She humbled him, challenged him, inspired him to be better, kinder, hopeful. He did everything he could to spend more time with her. It was good for his career, he thought.
He actively ignored the fact that she was engaged to Mass Kenmore’s Chief. Her personal life was none of his business. But his occasional dates became a rarity. Every person seemed too boring, too vain, too random. There was nothing that kept his interest in the world outside Edenbrook.
Tiffany found bonding with an intern purely innocent at first. Ethan was so brilliant, so able, so annoyingly sure of himself, she had no choice but to teach him a lesson. And, much to her surprise, he was eager to learn. She enjoyed his company, sharp tongue and dry humor immensely. There was nothing inappropriate about their relationship—there was no relationship.
But when Ethan—the most promising intern—was chosen to attend the National Medical Symposium in Miami alongside Doctor Addams, the rumor mill ran wild and Tiffany began to ponder on the hidden duality of her motives. Began to notice hints and patterns in Ethan’s behavior that only seemed to be courting disaster.
All that didn’t stop her from inviting him to a dinner after the lectures. Medical topics smoothly blended with personal, proving how two seemingly different people could connect on a deeper level. But he was still just a lost boy, desperate to prove himself and find his place, while she has already found hers and had to protect it.
The dinner extended to a glass of whiskey on the balcony in her room. The ocean had to admit defeat; they were too absorbed in the conversation, in each other, to break the gaze and admire the breathtaking views.
Inspired by the treacherous, alcohol-induced adrenaline rush and her life-ruining smile, Ethan made a move, and Tiffany didn’t resist. Her lips captured his as if she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. As if this devastating kiss was meant to happen.
When their curious hands began to wander, reality sobered them in a flash; Tiffany broke the kiss, accepting Ethan’s profuse apology.
Neither of them was ready to face their feelings, so they promised to never talk about that moment of weakness again. They managed to remain strictly professional and continued to work together flawlessly. It was fairly easy due to the completely opposite emotional levels they were on: Ethan was terrified of commitment, and Tiffany needed stability. Though they cared for each other deeply, the timing buried the forbidden fantasy slowly forming in their heads. The age gap in this case proved to be a huge gap in emotional maturity. He couldn’t be the man that she needed. She wasn’t some weapon he should choose to fight with his demons.
After the residency, Ethan left Edenbrook. Made a name for himself. Wrote a book. Became the second best diagnostician in the country.
Tiffany broke the engagement soon after Ethan left. Took over the diagnostics team. Put most of her energy in research.
A few years later, Doctor Addams and Doctor Ramsey bump into each other at a medical conference. They hug like old friends in greeting, feeling the heavy smell of the past reminding them of the blossoming bond they had to destroy before it had a chance to ruin everything. The lost boy she once knew is an imposing man now, but she was never fooled by his rough exterior. She’s just as spectacular as he remembered.
They agree to meet up for a drink in the evening. He never stopped thinking of her lips.
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