#and i made plans with a friend and talked to my grandma. and listened to music today for the first time in a while
see things cannot be too bad bc i put my fairy lights up in my bedroom today (finally) and i bought some really fucking good peppermint tea at the grocery store and im watching scooby doo movies before bed !
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neonghostlights · 10 months
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Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Actress!Reader (best friends to lovers-slow burn)
★ Series Summary: It’s the ‘90s in LA and you and your best friend Eddie have both made it big. The following is a series of Interviews, News Reports and One Shots showing you and Eddie’s story throughout the years.
★ Chapter Summary: We've got a flashback. It’s prom season. You rescue Eddie. And something happens that will never be spoken of again.
★ Warnings: Reader wears makeup, a dress, and heels. Bullying. Sad Eddie. Jealousy. Unrequited crush. This is the first time Eddie breaks our hearts. 18+ only.
★ Wordcount: 3.5k
Series Masterlist
Chapter Five: The Prom Incident
May 1985
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Eddie asked as he slammed on the brakes. The tires squealed as the van lurched to a sudden stop. You flew forward in your seat, thankful for the seatbelt you were wearing. Your palms smacked against the dashboard. 
Eddie stared at you, mouth wide and brows lifted high on his forehead in shock. You hadn’t expected the news to slip out. But apparently Gareth likes to gossip and he runs to Eddie with any news he gets. 
Especially if it pertains to you. 
“Eddie, pull the hell over or wait until we get home. We’re in the middle of the damn road,” you snapped, pissed off and embarrassed from his reaction. You wanted to tell him, of course, but after the fact. Not like this. 
Eddie let off the brakes, van picking up speed again as he drove down the back road. You were thankful there were no cars behind you when he did that. Tire marks in the road now proof of his reaction. 
He drove the rest of the way to the trailer park in silence, not even speaking when he put it in park and climbed out. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and marched inside the trailer. You followed silently, you wished you were brave enough to run but he would just follow you to your trailer for the conversation instead and you knew your grandma would be listening to every word. You loved her but she was so nosey. Maybe she could play mediator, you knew she would take your side and tell Eddie to get over himself in the most loving way possible. 
Eddie didn’t speak until you were both sitting in his bedroom. You sat on the bed and fiddled with your fingers awkwardly. Eddie sat in the chair in front of the desk, plucking at his guitar. He wasn’t really playing any music, seemingly lost in thought as he sat with furrowed brows. 
You had enough of his silence. You knew he was doing it on purpose to make you break and it was working. “Are we gonna talk about it or are you going to mope all evening?” You finally asked. 
Eddie sighed, setting the guitar to the side in favor of messing with his rings. 
“Thought you didn’t care about prom,” he finally said. 
“I don’t- I mean I didn't. Not before,” you stuttered out. 
“Before what? Before Chase Clarkes asked you?” He snapped. 
In reality, you had always cared about prom a little bit. You had been saving money all school year by babysitting Will Byers or by helping clean Mrs. White’s house when she had a hard time keeping up with it. Going to prom wasn’t always a sure thing for you, always a fantasy that seemed out of reach. But you got asked out of the blue by Chase who sits beside you in math about a week ago. And you said yes. 
Word must have gotten back to Hellfire about it finally. 
You didn’t think Eddie was going to react quite like this. It just so happened to be the night he had planned for Hellfire to get together for a massive movie night. He had been planning it for a while and you knew he was excited for it. You just didn’t think he would be this bent out of shape over you missing out. You weren’t even a real member of Hellfire, you just watched them play and helped Eddie with his campaigns. It was more of Eddie’s thing, not yours. 
“I can still help make stuff for the movie night,” you offered, trying to soften the blow. 
“That’s not what this is about. It’s about the principle.” 
“What principle? It’s not my fault you hate prom. It’s not my fault you didn’t go last year but I only get one senior year and I want to go,” you yelled. 
Eddie’s face turned red. “Yeah, because I’m such a failure because I can’t pass senior year.” 
You sighed, throwing your head back. You shouldn’t have even brought it up. You were a year behind Eddie, making this your first senior year and his second. You were kind of excited that he stayed behind so you could go through senior year with your best friend by your side. But now he was going to have to do senior year again while you were moving on. You hadn’t meant to throw it in his face like that and now the guilt was gnawing at your stomach. 
You got up slowly, the springs of his hand me down bed creaking from your movement. You crossed the room and crouched slightly so you could wrap your arms around him as he sat in the chair. He huffed at first, not hugging back until he finally broke and wrapped his arms around you tightly and pressed his face into your neck. He could never stay mad at you for long. 
“I’m sorry,” you finally said, muffled by his shirt. You stood finally, your legs burning from your position. 
“No. I’m sorry,” Eddie apologized, looking up at you. “I just wanted to have a night with everyone before you graduated. I’m gonna be here again next year without you and I’m just getting sad over it.”
Your heart broke and crumbled at his words. Guilt gnawed at you for deciding to go to prom. You saw Eddie everyday, all day, but he was having a hard time with not graduating again and he needed you. How could you be so selfish? 
“You know what,” you said, taking his hand. “I didn’t want to go to prom anyways. I was just being nice,” you lied. 
“Really?” He asked, looking hopeful. 
“Really,” you nodded with a smile. “I can let him down gently tomorrow. You can help me think of what to say. We can still do movie night.” 
“Yes!” He cheered, pumping his fist. 
You let out a half-hearted laugh to cover up your disappointment. You thought about the pretty red dress in your closet that cost all of your savings and you would probably never have the chance to wear now. 
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The next few days were normal. Until they weren’t. 
Eddie was missing at lunch, which was unusual for him since he sometimes dealt during that time. 
“I can’t believe he canceled the movie night,” Jeff grumbled from across from you, picking at his pizza. 
“What do you mean?” You asked, peeling an orange. “It’s back on. I canceled my date with Chase.”
Chase had been reasonably upset that you agreed to go with him then turned him down. You made up an excuse about a family thing that night instead. 
“You didn’t hear?” Gareth spoke up. “Jenny Johnson asked Eddie to prom yesterday in gym class.” Gareth leaned in, ready to deal the final blow. “And he said yes.”
Your world spun at the news you were hearing. Jenny Johnson, the pretty cheerleading captain extraordinaire, had convinced Eddie Munson to go to prom. Eddie, who had convinced you to drop your date in favor of spending the night with you just to drop you instead at the first chance he got. 
You were going to be sick. 
“Are you okay?” Gareth asked, noticing the look on your face. 
You stood up so fast that your chair fell behind you. The hard plastic hit the floor hard enough for the other tables around you to go quiet and stare in your direction. You didn’t bother to pick it up. 
You fled to the bathroom, feeling stupid and dramatic for your reaction to the news. How could he sit there and preach about wanting to spend time with you just to jump at the chance to spend the night with someone else? He had never done anything like this before. Ever. 
It had always been just you and Eddie for as long as you could remember. 
You splashed water on your face, letting the cold drops drip down your neck and run into the neckline of your shirt. You stared into the mirror with a blank expression. 
Why were you behaving this way? So he lied. He told you to cancel your plans just to make ones of his own. And with a cheerleader? He hated cheerleaders. If he wanted to go to prom so bad why didn’t he just tell you? Why didn’t he just take you himself? You immediately brushed that last thought out of your head. That would be ridiculous. 
You went the rest of the day avoiding Eddie and trying to tune out the whispers about Eddie going to prom with Jenny. Some people shot you some pitying looks from strangers in the hall which you weren’t sure why. Eddie having a date didn’t have anything to do with you.  
When it was time to go home Eddie was silent in the van. He knew you knew. You could feel the uncertain tension in the air. He waited until he pulled up to the trailer to talk to you. 
“You’re mad.” Not a question. It wouldn’t surprise you if he could feel the anger radiating off of you at this point. 
“Nope,” you said, short and sweet. 
Eddie sighed, tapping his hands against the steering wheel while he stared ahead. 
“I didn’t know she was going to ask.”
“It’s fine,” you gritted out, opening the door and climbing out before closing it with a slam. 
Eddie followed you to your trailer door. 
“You’re not coming over?” He asked.
You shook your head. “I have a headache. I want to go to sleep.”
“You’re lying.”
“So what?” You asked, spinning around to face him. “You lied first. You made me cancel my plans just for you to ditch me. I was really looking forward to going.”
“It’s not a big deal. Just tell him you changed your mind,” Eddie offered, grasping for straws. 
“It doesn’t work like that. He already asked someone else,” you said in a forced, bored tone, doing your best not to cry. 
Eddie sputtered looking around like an idea might come to him. 
You turned back around, climbing up the steps and slamming the door to your trailer behind you. Your grandma looked up from the table where she sat with a cigarette and some sweet tea. She had probably heard all of that. You could expect her to offer her grandmotherly advice later on once she gave you some space.  
You locked the door before Eddie could follow, hoping he wouldn’t think to use his copy of the key. 
You collapsed into bed with the pillow pulled over your face as you mulled over the fucked up turn of events. You waited for Eddie to come into your room, tap on the window, call the phone or something to let you know he changed his mind and you two were hanging out instead. But he didn’t 
He left you alone for the night and you weren’t sure if you were happy and disappointed. 
And then he continued to leave you alone for the rest of the week. 
You caught rides with your grandma to school. It was almost comical, your grandma driving down the road with Eddie’s van right behind yours. Everytime you looked in the mirror at him you’d see him with a sad look on his face. He wasn’t even doing his usual morning headbanging.  
When you got to school you’d get out, and spend the whole day avoiding him. 
Lunch was spent with him sending you sad looks from across the room. You decided to sit with some other friends you never usually sat with because you usually spent every lunch with Eddie. They seemed surprised to see you but no one mentioned the elephant in the room. 
He sent Gareth or Jeff to try to be peacemakers a few times but you blew them off as nicely as you could. They shouldn’t be involved in it. 
It went like that. All week. Until Saturday, the day of prom came around.
Your Grandma did her best to try to cheer you up all day as you moped around the trailer. You had told her what was going on between you and Eddie. Turns out she already knew. Eddie had told Wayne who told your grandma because nothing was ever a secret around here. 
She told you to try to talk it out with Eddie but you didn’t want to. 
You were currently laying face down in your bed with a song about heartbreak playing on the radio in front of your window.. Prom had started probably an hour ago and you wondered how amazing it was. 
You were so sad, angry, and frustrated with the whole situation. 
The phone rang twice since you’d been in here. Your grandma was over having dinner with Wayne. She offered for you to come but you refused, not wanting to see anyone with the last name Munson for the rest of your life. 
The phone rang again, making you groan into your pillow. You would need to answer now. It could be your grandma calling to check in on you. 
You huffed as you pushed yourself out of the bed, trying to get your legs moving quickly to reach the phone in the kitchen. 
“Hello?” You said as soon as the phone was pressed to your ear. You flipped through the piles of takeout menus that sat on the counter, trying to decide what you wanted to order. 
“Hey. It’s me,” Eddie muttered into the phone, he sounded like he was trying to keep his voice down so no one could hear him. 
“Eddie? Why are you calling me? Aren’t you supposed to be at prom?” You asked, looking out the window to see his van wasn’t parked in front of the trailer. You had heard it start up and pull away over an hour ago. 
“I need you to come to the school. Please,” he begged. “It was all a joke and I’m hiding in the bathroom. Well, not yet right now I’m at the payphone but the bathroom’s my next stop.” 
“What?!” You gasped into the phone. “Wait, why are you planning on hiding in the bathroom?” 
“Because they were all laughing at me about how I fell for it and I told them I had another date anyways and I need you to be that date please.” 
You pulled the phone off your ear and stared down at it. Part of you wanted to let him suffer and hide in that bathroom before he would eventually have to admit defeat. The other part of you ached for your best friend. He would come rescue you if the situation was reversed.  
“I’ll be there in fifteen.” 
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Your grandma and Wayne almost fell out on the floor when you asked for a ride to the school, dressed in your red dress, heels and make up. 
You had decided to go all out, even painting your lips with red lipstick. You had never worn makeup before only buying this specifically for tonight. 
You stumbled when you climbed out of your grandma's station wagon. You officially planned to never have to wear heels again for the rest of your life.You spotted the payphone where Eddie must have called you off before scurrying off to the bathroom with his tail between his legs. 
The station wagon pulled off with a rumble as you stared up at the entrance to the gym. You could hear the thump of the music and see the lights flashing inside. 
You took a deep breath, straightened your back, and then marched through those doors to go rescue Eddie. 
Blue and white streamers covered the ceilings. Blue tinted lights made it hard to see but you could make out the movement of bodies on the dancefloor. The prom committee had decided to go with an under the sea theme yet again, recycling the same decorations year after year to save some money. 
You found the boy’s bathroom in the hallway just outside the gym. You hesitated, unsure if you could just barge in or not. You raised a tentative fist to the door and knocked three times in rapid succession. 
The door creaked open a crack before a hand reached out and grabbed you, pulling you in. You barely had time to register what was happening before you were falling into Eddie, not able to keep your feet planted on the floor in your heels. 
“Sorry,” Eddie said in a hushed voice as he kept you standing up. You pulled away to put distance between you. You were still mad at him for the whole situation. 
 He went to say something but then he  paused, eyes going wide as he looked you up and down. 
You crossed your arms over your chest, feeling embarrassed by Eddie’s stare. He had never looked at you the way he was looking at you now. 
You eyed him too. He had his hair pulled back into a bun and wore a suit that was too loose on his frame. Most likely an outfit that Wayne had pulled out from the back of a closet. 
“Are you ready to get out of here?” You asked, pointing a thumb over your shoulder feeling like you may have overdressed.  
Eddie cleared his throat, eyes meeting yours again. “I think we should go out there for just one dance. Don’t you think so?” 
“Why?” You asked, wobbling slightly on your heels. Eddie reached out and cupped your elbows to keep you steady. 
Eddie shrugged, “why not?” before leading you out to the gym with an arm wrapped around you. 
The loud pop song that played slowed to a ballad. You stared at Eddie awkwardly, unsure what to do. Eddie wasn’t much of a dancer and you weren’t either. It was shocking that he was willing to do this at all. Maybe he felt bad for the events leading up to this. Maybe this is his way of making it up to you. 
Eddie made the first move, pulling you closer with his arms around your waist. You naturally wrapped yours on his shoulders as you started to sway together. You could see Eddie’s so called date and her friends staring from across the gym but you didn’t care. 
“Thank you for coming to rescue me” 
“You know I always will” 
Eddie nodded, still swaying you to the music but slower than the beat like he was distracted by something. 
Eddie’s face was close to yours. You don’t know how it got so close but you could feel the warmth of his breath against your cheek and it made the hair on the back of your neck stand up straight. You fought the urge to shiver from the feeling against your skin. Eddie had been close to you like this before, so why was it affecting you so much now? 
“You have no clue how much you mean to me,” Eddie whispered, this time you did shiver. You knew he felt it because he squeezed you around the waist tighter. 
You turned your head to speak to him, to tell him how much he meant to you too. But when you turned your head, your lips met his instead. You jumped slightly, surprised before you realized he was actually kissing you. His lips moving against yours spurred you on and before you knew it you were kissing him back, using a hand on the back of his head to push him closer to you. 
Eddie broke away first staring at you in a way you didn’t understand. You felt flustered, had that been an accident? Had he meant to kiss you? You sputtered, pulling away from him and making him release you from his grip. 
“Sorry,” you said, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You weren’t sure what you were sorry for but you needed to fix this. Eddie’s eyes flicked down to watch you wipe his kiss off of your lips and his face dropped a bit. You were sure that you had smeared lipstick all over your face.“We should go.” 
Eddie nodded, following you out of the gym. 
He was uncharacteristically silent as he started the van and you felt the need to explain yourself, to try to salvage your friendship. The kiss had been an accident, clearly. Something that happens once between friends and is never brought up again. 
Eddie didn’t like you like that and it was something that you had come to terms with years ago when you were thirteen and had a raging crush on him. You almost told him, but had read in a magazine that sometimes it was better to keep your crush secret so you wouldn’t ruin your relationship. A world where you weren’t friends with Eddie was the worst thing you could ever imagine. 
A little part of you wondered, though. Had something changed and your feelings had finally been reciprocated after all these years? You let the little shred of hope go through your bloodstream and light up your heart with happy emotions. 
“That was a mistake,” Eddie finally said, not looking at you. “Are we still friends?” 
You felt your heart sink into your gut. 
“Yeah. Of course. Still friends.” 
And as you rode home with Eddie, you finally let that little crush for him go. Because if you kept feeling this way about him then it was going to kill you. 
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thegirlwhohid · 4 months
I see my mother's hometown in nightmares. When I was a child, I spent half of my summer holidays there. It was quite dull; the town itself was sleepy and uneventful. The routine didn't change: waking up early, then to the local market, then to my grandma's dacha, then back home and to bed. No TV, no friends (except from grandma's), and a few books - I was happy to be back home. I wasn't thinking about this town much. And when, in 2014, russia occupied it. My grandma moved to my mom. She talked a lot about returning, to her garden, her things, to my grandpa's and uncle's graves. She made plans for her own funeral near them. But when she died, it was impossible to organize. So she rested far away from them. Since the occupation, I've often dreamt of this town. I walk its streets, pick flowers from my grandma's dacha, look around from her balcony and listen to swifts' cries. But lately, my dreams turned into nightmares. I tried speaking to locals and realized they saw me as a spy. I tried to flee the town, but the soldiers at the checkpoint arrested me. I tried to hide in my grandma's apartment, but someone banged on the door, and the floor crumbled under my feet… And the worst thing? For me, that's just a nightmare. It taints my memories, yes, but - thanks to the Armed Forces of Ukraine - I live in a free city. But for thousands of Ukrainians under the russian occupation, all of this is a horrifying reality.
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cutelittleriot · 4 months
Return to origin band together
It was time for King Gristle and Bridget's wedding and everyone was so excited and happy for the soon to be married couple.
Poppy especially was happy her best friend was getting married and she was going to help her with her wedding dress! She has so many ideas she wants to share!
Right now she has to go get Branch who said he had something to do. She had let him be for the time being but now she has to go find him it's almost time for the wedding!
When Branch was heading out to go help King Gristle he passed by his Grandma's old pod. He looked at it both fondly and sad. He had alot of good memories there with her and his brothers but also some bad ones. Like her getting eaten,his brothers arguing and well leaving him. He hasn't gone back this entire time but now that he feels better mentally he thinks he is finally ready to take that step.
Slowly he makes his want into her old pod. Instantly he is hit with smells....old smells that he could faintly recognize. He could smell sweat which was gross probably from when Spruce was working out,he could smell books he once caught Clay reading in secret and he promised he wouldn't tell anyone and he never did. He could also just barely make out Grandma's old fluffleberry cake smell. Everything else he couldn't put a name too but he knows 2 of them were Floyd's and John Dory's he just couldn't tell who was who.
Looking around everything was exactly how he left it before the great escape. He made sure to at least clean up her pod before he left just becuase he needed something to do when he wasn't working on his bunker plans. Walking around he spots them,brozone merchandise some posters and records mostly, grandma always did support them even if she wished John wasn't so hard on his younger brothers.
Taking a record he looks at it fondly, maybe one song wouldn't hurt right? Contemplating it he puts in the record player that still worked and soon the song played and it felt like he was there again....back to the night it all went wrong. He thinks about his brothers,would they even recognize him? How would they even react to his new body?
He doesn't know how long he was there staring at that album record but the next thing he knows is Poppy is talking to him. "Uhm Branch?" She asks him curiously quickly he sets the album beside the record player while he stops the record player from playing anymore music,he didn't want to hear anymore.
"Oh um hi Poppy" He says trying to smile but it's forced and it very much hurts his face to do so. "Are you alright? It looks like your smiling and crying at the same time it kind of looks like it's hurting your face" She points out. "Yeah it does hurt my face" Deciding that it's no use he stops smiling,no point in smiling she could easily tell something was bothering him.
"I guess I'm just missing my uhm grandma, I was just listening to some of her old records" He says fondly as he puts up the old record. Poppy takes a look at the album and gasps "Brozone! No way I love Brozone!" She says excited her tail wagging like it loves to do.
"Really?" He asks excited with his own tail wagging a bit before he stops it "I mean really
?" He didn't meant to sound excited but finding out that your girlfriend loves the boyband you were part of does one excited even if he would like to put that behind him.
"I didn't know you liked them too" She tells him as she throws him the old record to which he scrambles to catch but thankfully he does. "I don't I'm actually hate listening it's a new thing. My grandma had very questionable tastes just look at how she decorated this place" He gestures around the old pod. "I'm sorry but there's just some stuff that shouldn't be macramed,am I right?" He asks before he goes to put away the record. He really didn't want to look at it anymore and bring up more memories.
Poppy looks at her Boyfriend she could tell something was bothering him,if his tail flicking back and forth was also an indicator along with the way he was talking. "Uhm kind of seems like there's something your not telling me" She says looking athim curious but also a bit worried. She knows Branch often keeps things to himself but they were a couple and couples share stuff. She won't force him but she can try to coax him into telling her later on.
"What? Don't be silly,no" He says with a fake grin trying to wave her off he really didn't want to talk about his brothers at all. "Hey I need you to be real with me" She tells him gently taking his paws into hers. "It seems more than a macrama issue,if your having feelings you can talk about them" She gently coaxes him.
He looks at her and really thinks about it,she has been there for him throughout so much and he has been there for her for so much from becoming friends with the bergens to the world tour to the transformation he knows Poppy will listen. "Ok....your right" He says he wants to say it he keeps trying but nothing would come out. Mentally he sighs maybe he can tell her after the whole wedding thing was over.
Speaking of weddings "Oh hey look at the time we're gonna be late to the royal wedding! Let's go get married " He redirects the conversation and grabs Poppy's Paw and begins to head out. "Wha Branch!?" Poppy exclaims very confused at what Branch said. "Huh oh I meant let's go get Brudget and Gristle married" Branch says trying to correct his mistake although....he wouldn't mind marrying Poppy but nows not the time to be thinking about that.
"Oh yeah becuase it would be weird if we got married" Poppy jokes and Branch agrees with her though the atmosphere was very awkward. The two transformed trolls head out of the old pod and begin to sing.
*Timeskip past the song cause there's no way in hell I'm writing that*
Soon every bergen and troll are there to celebrate. Bridget who is in a wedding dress covered in balloons floats down happy as she can be as King Gristle watches in awe at his beautiful soon to be wife.
Poppy jumps onto Bridget's shoulder as she looks at Bridget's beautiful dress in awe. "Oh my gosh Bridget you look so adorable!" Poppy gushes. "Thank you so much for being my maid of honor Poppy you really have no idea how much this means to me. I couldnt have done this without you" Bridget says with a smile.
"Oh of course Bridget I love you like a sister,probably. I don't have a sister,so I wouldn't know,which is fine. It's something I'm coming to terms with slowly" Poppy says beginning to ramble. "Uh Poppy can we uhm unpack the sister thing after the vows?" Brudget asks interrupting her rambling.
"Ah yeah no of course,you go get em girl! Before I do!" Poppy says grinning before using one of her claws to pop the balloons on the dress releasing a bunch of glitter. "Like a beautiful angel sent from heaven" King Gristle gushes as he looks at his soon to be wife.
Bridget begins to skate her way up the isle as Poppy and Branch watch together happy as they could be with their tails entertwined. Bridget walks up the stairs to King Gristle and he happily takes her hand as they look into eachother eyes lovingly.
"Hey Bridget you still have time to run for it" A bergen tells her to which King Gristle laughs sarcastically. "Haha very funny Aunt Smead. I'm uh so glad you could make it" He tells his aunt.
"Dear beloved we are gathered here today to celebrate the sweet sweet love of Bridget-Hey girl, and Mr.Yummy-Tummy himself, King Gristle. Now falling in love is easy,we've all done it, I've done it a hundred times,thousands even if you could that semester I spent abroad". They trail off when Branch hears something.
He isn't sure what but his ear twitches it sounds like footsteps small ones so it has to be a troll or something around the same size as a troll. Looking around he tries to pinpoint the noise when Poppy notices him looking around. "What is it Branch?" She whispers to him. "I hear something and I'm trying to find out what it is" He whispers back as he continues to search but isn't having any luck.
"Stop the wedding!" A voice yells out much to the surprise of everyone. Branch knows he has heard that voice before he just can't remember where. Everyone gasps and looks around to where the voice is coming from. They look up only to see what appears to be a troll standing on top of a antenna.
"Uh Brudget do you know this guy" Gristle asks confused. "I can't remember all my suitors Grissy" She says to him. The troll then slides down a clothes line and then jumps and hangs onto a balloon strong and then lands and that's when Branch recognizes just who that is.
"Sorry is this bad timing?" The troll asks their skin was a semi muted teal color along with their hair being a darker teal color. They were wearing a pair of goggles a brown vest with fluff at the top and shorts. Their ears were turned just a bit downward almost seemingly stuck that way. Branch gasps at seeing just who decided to show up after 20 years.
'No no why now? Why him?!' Branch mentally screams as his ears lower and his tail tucks showing how nervous and scared he was. 'Please for the love of sugar don't recognize me' He begs to whatever deity there is out there.
"I'm just trying to find a troll named....Woah Baby Branch!" The troll looks at Branch and Gasps and runs up to him with a grin Branch knows all to well. "Uh your making a mistake stranger that looks similar to me there's no Branch here" He says hoping to fool him but he can tell it doesn't work.
"Look at you, you got so big! Your not a Branch anymore your like a trunk ! Junk in the trunk!" He yells smacking Branch on his butt and ow that hurt his tail did not like that.
"I bet I can still pick you up!" He says happily as he picks up Branch even though it was obvious Branch did not like it at all. "Ooh you got heavy" the troll complains as he throws him up in the air. "Ahh there goes my back!" He complains as Branch tries to climb away only to fall on top of the unknown trolls face. "Ahhh Charly horse! Oh God two Charley horses!" He complains as Branch is still trying to get away.
It was taking everything Branch had to not unsheathe his claws right now. Even if Branch didn't want to see him again he still didn't want to claw at his face even on accident. "Hey! Stop right there, you put my boyfriend down and us who you are and what you want!" Poppy says taking charge and unconsciously begins to slightly bare her fangs to the unknown troll as a warning as her tail flicks back and forth.
The troll sets down Branch who backs away in case he gets anymore ideas of picking him up. "Hey your right totally rude of me. Didn't introduce myself, I'm Branchs brother " He explains holding out a hand with a grin .
Everyone gasps at the new information "WHAT?!" Poppy screams in shock as everyone else gasps. "Oooh drama corn me Dinkles" Tiny Diamond says always eager for some good drama as Mr Dinkles shoots out a small bucket of popcorn to which tiny happily munches on.
"Correction, used to be my brother, not anymore" Branch says turning around and crossing his arms his tail flicking in irritation.
"Hey uhm remember earlier when I said you should open up to me and be real?" Poppy asks as she looks at her boyfriend.
"Well..." Branch starts before Poppy cuts him off. "You could've started by telling me you had a secret brother!" She tells him as said brother takes a good look at his baby brother especially at his differently shaped legs and flicking tail.
"Former brother" He says correcting her. "That's not how DNA works!" She says feeling a bit frustrated at how much he wasn't telling her. "Dad did you know about this?" She asks hoping he can answer her. "Oh what would I know about secret family members" He says and Branch catches in that he knows something but isn't going to share. That's something to talk about later.
"Oh my gosh I was being so rude. I've never met anyone from Branch's family before. I'm Poppy Branch's girlfriend, should we hug,fist-bump smile and wave for now and see where the night takes us?" She says so excited to meet someone from her boyfriends family.
"All of the above" He says with a smile and a shrug. "Wait I know you. Your the guy from Brozone! We were just listening to them!" She says so excited to see a member of her favorite boyband in person! "Yeah brozone!" Cooper yells joining Poppy in on her excitement
"Oh wait wait wait wait, don't tell me. OK um well your not the heartthrob" She says trying to go through the various members. "Well that's your opinion" the troll says awkward. "The fun one? No your kind of uptight" She says. "Uptight?" The troll says surprised at being called uptight. "Hmmm not the sensitive one either" She says quickly rubbing it of band members. "Ok alot of assumptions of someone you just met thirty seconds ago" the troll says awkward.
"Oh oh I got your John Dory! " Poppy says finally figuring it who it was. "The leader" John says with a smirk. "The old one!" Poppy calls him to which Branch almost laughs and John just sighs.
"Uhm sorry to interrupt but we lose the venue at eleven so" King Gristle says to the trolls but ends up shushed by Bridget. "Shhhh I'm trying to listen to very hot gossip" She says with a grin she was always a bergen for gossip.
"So wait if your Branch's bro then that means all the other Brozone bros are Branch's bros, too! Branch! How come you never told me?" She asks him both confused and excited. "Becuase it's complicated" Branch simply states not looking at them his tail giving another irritated flick.
"Oh sweetie,it's cause you weren't in the band" She says trying to placitate him by patting his back. Heh wasn't in the band yeah right. "Oh Branch was in the band alright" John Dory says with a grin. "What?! No way! Which one was he?" Poppy asks dying to know which one her boyfriend was. "Bitty B" John answers smiling. "Bitty B?! No that's impossible Bitty B had glasses!" Poppy says unable to comprehend her boyfriend was Bitty B the litteral baby of Brozone. "Oh and a diaper" John adds.
"Aaaaaaand a falsetto made of gold. Not that anyone cared,but that's all in the past. Because they stopped being my brothers the day they walked out on me and never came back!" He says almost growling out the words as his fangs are showing and his ears are pinned back.
"Whoa whoa whoa,that's not fair Branch I did come back really. I was only gone for a month tops. I needed some time to clear my head and I would come back and I did but the thing is that when I came back nobody was there. The tree was destroyed and well I thought you were dead" John explains to him his ears drooping a little.
That surprised Branch his brother actually came back? It was only 2 weeks after their big fight and breakup that grandma got eaten and a week later they had the great escape "It wasn't until I heard about you saving the world from the rock apocalypse that I even realized you were even still alive" Jd tries to explain.
"Oh,that's so sweet he realized I was still alive 20 years too late!" He exclaims. "Hi I'm sorry he gets hangry if he skips breakfast" Poppy says getting between the two and gently pushing Branch away before something bad happens as she could tell that Branch was getting more irritated by the second as it looks like his claws were about to come out any second now.
"I had breakfast it was avocado toast with two poached eggs some cayenne for a little kick and you know what it was delightful!" Branch says taking what she said litterally. She gently pulls him off to the side "Branch what's going on with you?" She asks wonder just why was he acting this way she hasn't seen him this riled up in a while not since he was grey.
"The question we should be asking is what's going on with him!" He say pointing at Jd. "I bet you he's only here becuase he needs something" he says crossing his arms. Why else would he show up after 20 years unless he needed something. "That's not true Branch he's your brother" She tells him hoping to prove him wrong.
"Branch I'm gonna be straight with you. I need something." John dory says proving Branch correct. "And there it is" He says secretly upset about being right. "Come on man I'm trying here" Poppy tells Jd she really was trying to help him here.
"Wait wait wait hold up Branch. It's about Floyd" He tells him. His ears perk up Floyd? What was going on with Floyd? He subconsciously begins to feel around the same vest he has wore for 20 years. "What do you mean?" He asks a bit worried. "He's in danger. I hadn't heard from him since the Band broke up. Until I got a letter from him. Dear John Dory I'm being held against my will by superstars Velvet and Veneer. Come to Mount Rageous at once and bring our brothers,love Floyd" He explains.
"Wait wait so you got a letter one night from Floyd after 20 years of no contact? Doesn't that sound just a bit suspicious?" Branch asks his eyes narrowed. "I know it sounded suspicious but just in case it was real I went to Mount Rageous alone before I went looking for you guys. Besides it not like I knew where any of you were.
"I found where this Velvet and Veneer were performing that night,and there was Floyd. He was trapped in a diamond prison. And you and I both know the only thing that can shatter Diamond" Jd tells him and Branch nods the perfect family harmony. The very thing that caused them all to break up is now the very thing they need to save Floyd.
"So you came here to get the band back together and sing the perfect family harmony" Poppy says to which Jd nods. "Oh yeah so we can attempt to sing something we've only tried once and failed so miserably at that we broke up and never talked to eachother again" Branch exclaims getting annoyed at all of this.
"We are so in!" Poppy exclaims excited with her tail tumping against the ground. "What?! Uhm could you give us a second" Branch tells Jd and he moves Poppy away from hearing distance.
"Okay what are you doing?" He asks because just what was going through his girlfriends mind right now?! "This is your second chance with your brothers Branch" She explains as if it was that simple. "Its not that easy okay?? You don't get it Poppy you don't have any siblings" He says even though he thinks he might be wrong with the way King Peppy was acting.
"That's my point. Branch you are so lucky to have a brother to fight for. I mean,if I had a sister it would be so perfect. We'd be best friends,and we'd teach each other things,and we'd never fight. And we'd always have each others back and we wouldn't even have to talk cause we'd think all the same thoughts, and everyonewould ask us if we were twins and we'd laugh-" "Poppy!" Branch says stopping his girlfriend as she was getting into one of those phases.
"But...if she were ever in trouble I would do everything I could to help her, I would show up" She says smiling hoping Branch understood where she was coming from. "Okay listen if there was a brother that I might do this for-and I'm not saying there is.....it would be Floyd" He says. While he did lobe all of his brothers Floyd was definately his favorite.
"I'm not hearing no!" Poppy exclaims excited. "Yeah that works for me!" Jd exclaims having heard Poppy. "Yeah! Brozone 2.0,Brozone reunion,Brozone here we bro again,Brozone where'd they bro? I don't know we're gonna find them!" Poppy says excitedly coming up with new names and titles.
Then their ears perk up when they hesr rumbling it was loud and they can feel the ground shaking. "Hey looks like our rides here!" John exclaims as the dirt beneath him moves up like something was coming out of it and soon enough a armadillo bus pops out of the ground. "Here she is!" John explains happily as he jumps off the bus.
"Oh that's coming out of the deposit" Gristle winces at the damage. "Meet Rhonda,yall ain't she a beaut?" John asks happy to show his baby brother and his girlfriend Rhonda. Rhonda happily makes a weird roaring noise at them tail wagging. "She's uh really something" Branch says not really knowing how to react.
His instincts are telling him to run away from the big armadillo bus but he is staying right here he isn't going to run. Rhonda happily licks Poppy covering her in glitter. "I think she likes me?" Poppy questions as her instincts were telling her the same thing.
"Yeah she does,or she's marking you as prey,you can never quite tell with Rhonda" Jd laughs as he heads inside. "Uh guys I'd you don't mind I really cannot wait another minute to marry the gorgeous specimen" Gristle says lovingly holding Bridget's hands and giving them a kiss. "I now pronounce you husband and wife" the bergen says and Bridget happily jumps on Gristle and begins to smother him in kisses as the bergens cheer.
The two trolls watch on happy for the now married couple. "Okay all aboard who's going aboard." John says hopping inside Rhonda. "Bye everybody! We're getting the band back together!"
Poppy tells the snack pack along with Prince D and Peppy who bid them farewells.
"Have an awesome honeymoon!" Poppy tells Bridget with a wave. "Thanks Poppy" Bridget says thanking her troll best friend before resuming kissing her husband.
"I love you guys!" She yells out one last thing before they take off inside the armadillo bus.
For anyone curious here are everyone's ages and my timeline for this series
Brozone break up
Great escape
Still the same
Timeskip to the movie
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hum-aapke-koi-nahi · 8 months
A friend of mine called me while I was doing maths today. I picked up his call and he immediately asked me "Are you at home? Free? Wanna go out?". My mom was sitting infront of me and as calmly as possible I replied, "Yes I am. Let's hangout outside, under the krishnachura tree."
Everyone in my family knows Bibhash. But hanging out with him often is not very liked by my parents. Not because he's a bad person to be friends with, but because I need to Study.
Talking with him after ages felt good. It was really nice to listen to him ranting about his Sikkim tour. But the mosquitoes decided otherwise. Constant mosquito disturbance made me already feel like I got dengue. After sometime my mom came out because she was visiting my Grandma and asked us to part ways due to extreme mosquito infestation. Now it was only me, my little bro and my snoring dad at home while my mom went off to Granny's place.
As soon as I went into my room, I called Bibhash and asked him, "What plan did you have of going somewhere earlier?". On hearing this he got excited and said, "Do you wanna ride with me? Anyplace you want? Just say." And I said, "Yes".
Bibhash came back within a minute, waiting infront of my house. I hurriedly climbed behind him on the back seat and off he went. Neither my mom nor my dad and not even my brother knew about this. The feeling of getting caught was constant, but the immaculate feeling of bliss and adventure I got cannot be described. This was one of the wildest thing I ever did in my 16 years of life. As daring it may sound, we decided to be Dora the Explorer for the evening and went through narrow lanes to God knows where. The entire ride my heart rate was high and I feared of getting recognised by someone on the streets. The amount adrenaline rush I got was incredible. Bibhash would occasionally speed up and I constantly chanted into his ears, "Slow down, I don't wanna die today", and held onto him tightly, and he replied, "Baby, calm down, I won't let you die today." After almost 15 minutes which felt like hours, he dropped me back home and no one got a whiff of it.
I was in a lot of shit lately which made me feel terribly down. Today, I smiled and laughed after a long time, made a core memory. The mindless ride with him felt like a breath of fresh air which made my heart flutter.
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i think the first time i listened to this episode i just had to. sit down. i might have been cleaning or something and i just stopped my task and then made a long audio to my friend (who does't know anything about tma) and just explained the whole plot thus far. they were like "i have no idea what you're talking about)
comments not in chronological order, my brain is chaotic, post statement part goes first
okay CAN WE TALK ABOUT how JON'S FIRST IMPULSE WAS TO RUN TO MARTIN. not Daisy who he has probably been talking to more, not Basira, not Melanie. Martin after all this time..
ARCHIVIST: (squawk) Uh, I, I don’t know. I don’t – know. But… maybe it’s worth it? The risk – y-you and me, together, getting out of here – [....] But what if you don’t? (small exhale) We could just leave. I mean, whatever their plan is for me, I am damn sure that doing that isn’t it. I’d derail everything – we could derail everything, and then just – leave!
gay people and their (never happening) plans to run aways together...
[When Martin laughs, all humorless and dry, it nearly sounds like he’s crying.]
MARTIN: Who are you kidding, Jon? You’re not going to do any of that.
ARCHIVIST: The Lonely’s really got you, hasn’t it? MARTIN: (no hesitation) You know, I think it always did.
their entire dialoge in the end.... crying their timing was so off, literally if the entire archives crew had kept better relationships (not neccessarily romanitc ones!!) no one could have gotten marked by the lonely and they could all be FINE!!
BESIDES THAT i think it's very smart of Jon to grab a statement the eye is trying to hide and it's so ironic that both Geryy and his dad gave their statements as ghosts
GERTRUDE: (amused) Hm. I’m not exactly a mother figure.
you are an excellent murder Grandma tho. i named a plant after you <3
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pensat-i-fet · 2 years
Take Two: Part 1 (Rúben Dias)
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Part 2 l Part 3 
“So the movie is being filmed in London, right?”, asked Mariana.
“Mainly, but there are other locations in England where you’ll have to do some small scenes”.
“Ok, I hope it’s not too cold there”.
She could see her agent rolling her eyes at her. Anyone could tell she had been unbearable lately. Complaining about every little detail when she usually just worked and never mentioned anything in a negative way. But moving to England…it brought back too many memories. The main one was her ex, who was now living there. But she wouldn’t have to see him at all. She’ll go to London and all those little towns in the middle of nowhere and get this film done. After the success of her last two roles, everyone agreed it was time for her to go for a role that could get her nominated for some type of award. And this role was exactly that. 
“Ready to go?”, asked Amelia, her make-up artist and best friend. Life in Hollywood was lonely. One didn’t know who they could really trust, but Amelia had proven to be a good friend multiple times.
“Yeah”, she answered and entered the jet. 
The flight was going to be a long one, so they planned on spending it watching a couple of movies and trying to get some sleep to better adjust to the British timezone once they landed. 
When they made it to England, Mariana was tired and desperate for a relaxing bath. 
“Want to order some food and watch a movie?”, asked Amelia.
“Sorry Ames, I’m shattered”.
“Ok, grandma. Do you want me to get your schedule to your room when Felix gets here? So he doesn’t bother you?”
Back in her room, she quickly took her clothes off and got the bath ready. The selection of oils wasn’t that great for a 5-star hotel but it’d have to do. Just another annoying thing to add to her already growing list of complaints.
Her bath time was like meditation time for her. Almost sacred. She didn’t listen to any music or watch any movies. She just closed her eyes and took deep breaths, trying to empty her mind. And more often than not, she fell asleep.
“Babe?”, she heard Amelia say from the other side of the door. She always got a spare key to Mariana’s room.
The water was starting to get cold and she felt a chill all over her body when she got out of the bath.
“What is it?”, she asked once she was back in the room.
“Your schedule”, said Amelia, with a weird look on her face.
“What’s that look for?”
“Just look at the schedule”.
And so she did.
  -Oct 10th-20th: filming in London. Parts 3 and 5 from the script.
  -Oct 22nd-26th: filming in Birmingham. Studio. Parts 1, 7 and 8.
  -Nov 1st- Dec 12th: filming in Manchester. Rest of the script.
“I thought I was filming in London!”, she yelled. “That motherfucker!”
“Babe, no. Wait! Mariana!”.
But Amelia’s plea fell on deaf ears because Mariana left her room, wearing only a bathrobe, and ready to confront Felix. How could he do that to her?
“Open the door right now!”, she screamed, almost punching the door instead of knocking.
“You got the schedule, then”, said Felix, as if nothing had happened.
“You lied to me! You lied to me multiple times! I said England was bad enough but Manchester?”
“It’s the best role you could get to finally get the award you crave so much. I’m doing what’s best for you”.
“You’re fired”, screamed Mariana.
“No, I’m not. You are going to bed now and you’ll realize that I’m doing what’s best for you. Then you’ll stop being a brat and you’ll thank me when you do your speech at the stupid Oscars”.
Her fury was getting worse and worse. How dare he talk to her like that?
“Felix, do you think you’re untouchable or something?”, she hissed.
“No, I just know I’m good at my job and that I’m doing what’s best for my client. No, actually, not only that. I’m doing what she, what you asked me to do. This is the role you wanted. The film has to be done in Manchester too and that’s that. I can’t tell them where to film when they’ve been preparing for this movie for months just because you don’t want to be there”.
“Yes, I don’t want to be there. I don’t want to be in the same country as him and I don’t want to be in the same city as him. The last time we were seen in the same place, people went mad. I can’t do that again!”
“I thought you were over him”.
“I am”, she said, firmly.
“Then act like it. People won’t even know where you are filming apart from London. I’ll deal with the paparazzi”.
“I still hate you”, she said, leaving and conceding this defeat. She knew he was right and that annoyed her most than anything else.
London was full of paparazzi trying to catch her and the rest of the cast filming scenes for the movie. Security had a hard time getting rid of them. But as Felix had predicted, by the time they moved to Birmingham, no one followed them. She even managed to go shopping around the city centre without bodyguards and not one person bothered her. That felt good. Almost like being back to the times before she became famous. It definitely lifted her spirit. She hadn’t been her cheerful self for a while and she could tell that the stories that would come out of this set would be about what a bitch she was.
She was just tired. And homesick. And lonely. So lonely. 
But Birmingham was great. She loved filming in beautiful locations but there was something about studios that she loved even more. And even though some of the hardest scenes had to be filmed on those sets, she enjoyed it. Comedy wasn’t her forte, she was a drama actress and she planned on proving that to everyone with this film.
“Here”, said Amelia when she sat down in Mariana’s bed.
“What is it?”, she asked, unwrapping a box. “Under eye patches?”, she laughed.
“That’s the best present I can give you. Crying so much for those scenes is making your eyes too puffy”.
“Aren't you the best make-up artist?”, teased Mariana. “Then you’ll be able to make me look good next week despite the puffy eyes”.
“I don’t know, babes. I can’t perform miracles”.
And they both fell on her bed laughing. It was so good to have someone she could be herself with. She had missed that feeling.
Somehow, October had already finished. The filming of the movie was going well but it was time for the biggest part of it. The part that was filmed in Manchester.
“It’ll be fine”, said Felix, holding Mariana’s hand while they were being driven to the hotel.
“So you keep saying”.
“I got it under control”, he reassured her.
Felix wasn’t only an agent and publicist, he was her other good friend. Someone who knew how to help her in every situation and not just because of money. He had proven that many times before as well. 
“What’s my schedule for the days before we go back to filming?”
“We have a photoshoot for Vogue. It took a lot to get it so you better make the best out of it. And then we have a gala. I managed to get Louis Vuitton to dress you for it. We’re doing the fitting tomorrow”.
“Sounds good”, she said, sighing and looking out of the window at the city she’ll be spending a lot of time in. His city.
"I don't like not having you as my make-up artist", complained Mariana on her way to the photoshoot.
"You know how these fashion people are. I'm not good enough for them".
"They don't know much then".
"Hey, you ok?", asked Amelia, noticing her friend looking out of the window with sad eyes.
"Just one of those moments when everything feels like too much, you know?”
"Well, I'm here to talk".
"I know", said Mariana, putting her head on her friend's shoulder and closing her eyes.
When they got to the studio, everyone started to move her around to get her ready. She felt three hands pulling at her hair while others tried to put clothes on her to see what looked best. It was unbearable. 
"So you're an actress?", asked one of the women doing her makeup.
"Would I know you from something?"
"I don't know. Did you watch the last Jake Matthew's movie?"
"Oh yeah, the one with the cute blonde on it, right?"
"That one, yeah", she sighed, knowing she meant her coprotagonist, Josh.
"He's so hot. Who were you in the movie?"
"The one that played his wife".
"Can't remember that".
And that was the story of her career. Being the pretty actress next to the actor who got all the fame and recognition. That's why she was tired of those movies and wanted to do something serious. Something real. Something that showed people she was good at her job. 
"Wait", said the stylist. "Didn't you date a footballer?"
From the corner of her eye, Mariana saw Amelia looking at her worryingly.
"No. You must be confusing me with someone else", she answered, wanting to avoid the conversation altogether.
"Yeah, the City guy. The hot Portuguese".
"Who?", asked another one of the make-up artists.
"I can't remember his name. My boyfriend loves him and I love looking at him”, she laughed making everyone else join her. “Are you sure you didn't date him?"
"Confident", said Mariana with a fake smile. It was a good thing she was really good at her job.
The shoot lasted three long hours and by the time she was done, she could overhear the photographer telling the stylist that maybe one of the photos could be used to which she responded that it was ok because “no one knew her in the UK anyways”. 
Mariana took her coat and left without even saying goodbye. She was so tired of all these fake people. And of having to be fake herself.
"You ok?", asked Felix when she got to the hotel's lobby.
"How was the shoot?"
"Do you know how to speak long sentences?", he asked her, annoyed at her attitude.
"I'm just tired. I'll take a bath and go to bed".
"No, you have the Louis Vuitton fitting".
"Don't whine".
"Felix, please", she begged, almost crying. She just needed to be alone for an hour or two.
He hugged her and let her use him as support like she had many times. 
"Just do this quickly", he whispered, "and then I'll get you your favourite food and leave you alone until tomorrow evening, ok?"
"Ok", she sighed and walked to her room, where the Louis Vuitton people were waiting for her. Time for more fake smiles. When had she gotten so good at faking?
Felix had kept his promise and allowed her to have a morning off. She spent some of her time going through the script. Practising her accent as her coach had taught her. Most people were surprised to find she wasn't American when they heard her talk in English letting her accent come through. 
Once she was done, she asked Amelia to go shopping and for lunch. She didn't really know the area but was sure she could find a cute little place to eat. She tended to avoid the big spaces…even if no one really knew her in the UK. She thought about that line again, rolling her eyes. Who knew them two anyway? 
"So because of the gorgeous neckline of the dress, I thought about putting your hair up. And then we'll do a smokey eye in the same shade as the dress. It'll compliment your eyes so well", said Amelia, excitedly. She loved her job just as much as Mariana loved hers, and she also loved playing with her face as if she was a doll. If it made her friend happy, she'd let her experiment as much as she wanted.
"I'm sure you'll make me look perfect but don't use all the time on me, you need to get ready too".
"Eeeeek!", screamed Amelia, making everyone look at them. "Sorry, I still can't believe you convinced them to let me have a dress too so I could attend the event with you".
"A bit stupid of me to take someone prettier than me as a plus one but oh well, I'll allow you to outshine me for one night", she laughed.
"Oh yeah, I'm sure all the big celebs will fall in love with me".
"You never know", said Mariana with a wink.
After a long shower, she started to get ready with the help of Amelia. For once, it was just the two of them, plus the occasional visit from Felix, and it just felt like two friends getting ready for a night out. Mariana didn’t stop smiling the whole time. 
"Ready?", asked Mariana when they were about to leave the limo to join the red carpet.
"No, but I can't hide now, can I?"
"No", she laughed, taking her friend's hand.
The red carpet was another place where she could just act and pretend. She kept her head high while she heard the photographers yelling all types of things at her. And once she reached the end of the carpet, she took a deep breath.
"That was amazing!!!!", said Amelia.
Mariana turned to see her beaming. At least someone enjoyed the experience.
The aim of the night was to show her clothes and to say hello to the important people. Or those who everyone thought were important people. 
"Can I steal her from you for a second?", asked Felix smoothly while taking her away from everyone else.
"What is it?"
"I need you to not freak out", he said, making her freak out.
"Rúben is here".
She could feel her chest contracting at the words. What was he doing here?
"I don't know. I checked the list at least 20 times and his name wasn't there. It isn't there now. But he is here. Unless he's got a twin that showed up at the event and I find that a bit unlikely".
Mariana closed her eyes to try and control her reaction. She couldn't see him. They couldn't be seen together. Not again. 
"I need the toilet", she said.
"Don't run away without telling me, please".
"I won't", she promised. And continued her way to the bathrooms.
She kept looking at herself in the mirror trying to find there the strength to deal with this moment. Her face looked pale from the shock of the news and her eyes were watering. But she wouldn't let anyone notice how affected she was. She would just say goodbye to everyone and leave before Rúben could even realize she was there.
Determined, she made her way back to where she thought Felix would be.
"Ana?", she gulped after hearing that voice. His voice. And that nickname. No one called her that anymore. She made sure of it.
"Hi Rúben", she said back, turning to look at him. Seeing him up close after such a long time made her knees feel weak. He had changed a little, but not much. He still looked like her Rúben and that made her heart beat too fast. Hearts can be so stupid sometimes.
"I didn't expect you to be here".
"Yeah, same. I gotta go and talk to people. It was nice seeing you, though", she said and tried to get away from him as quickly as possible.
"Don't go", he said, holding her arm. The contact made her skin burn. "Can't we talk and maybe catch up? We haven't seen each other in so long".
"I don't want people seeing us together", she said and saw him flinch.
"I…I didn't mean it like that. I just, you remember the last time we were in the same restaurant and people thought we were back together. It was madness for our publicists. And we weren't even there the same day".
"Is that all you care about now? About publicists and what people think of you?", he said, with a sad look.
"Don't judge me like that. You play the same game. And I have to care. You don't get how hard this career is".
"Whatever you say, Mariana”, he said, making her own name sound like an insult. “I'll leave you so I don't taint your perfect image".
His words tickled her.
"Don't be a child", she said, following him and tripping on her long gown. Damn it!
"You ok?", asked Rúben, kneeling down to check on her.
"Yeah, just twisted my ankle. But I'll be fine".
"Here. Let me help".
She took his hand and let him pull her up and closer to him than she had been in a very long time. They both were thinking the same. It was clear in the way they looked at each other.
A camera flash woke them up from their daydreaming. 
"Fuck! Great!", said Mariana, separating herself from Rúben.
"Do you need help? To go back to your people?"
"No, thank you. I'm fine. You enjoy your night".
And she ran to where she thought Felix would be, but couldn't find him at first. Her panic kept rising but Amelia found her to save the day once again.
"You ok?"
"No. Can we go?"
"Of course. You've done the red carpet already and talked to reporters. Let's go find a car".
Once they were back in their comfortable pyjamas, Amelia made them some hot chocolate and they sat down on the bed to talk.
"I'm sorry I cut the night short, Ames. I know you wanted to experience this kind of event but seeing him…".
"Hey, I get it", she told her, holding her hand. "How are you feeling?"
"I don't know. We hadn't really seen each other since our break up and…I just, I…having him so close and talking to him, it felt so natural. But then we were already getting annoyed at each other. It confused me".
"He was your first love. It's understandable".
Rúben wasn't just her first love. He was her only love. 
"I just hope I don't see him again while I'm here. I don't need this".
"I'll get him banned from all of the places we go to", said Amelia, trying to make her friend laugh and achieving it.
"It should be fine. No more events. Just work and then we go back to LA".
"Yes", agreed Amelia. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?"
The next morning, Mariana woke up determined to not let her encounter with Rúben affect her. 
"Morning Fifi", she said to Felix, joining him at his table for breakfast.
"You are in a good mood", he said, like it was a bad thing.
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"Have you checked your social media?", he asked.
"No, why?"
She had actually avoided her phone last night. It wouldn't have been the first time she felt vulnerable and went to Rúben's Instagram to check what he was up to. Seeing him moving on with his life both helped her move on with her own and made her hurt. It depended on the day.
"See it for yourself", he said, giving her his iPad.
There he had collected all the articles about her and Rúben. The photo featured in all of them was of them holding hands and looking into each other's eyes. She couldn't deny they looked like a couple. 
The headlines and articles weren't much better. All of them wondered if her being in Manchester had anything to do with him, if they had decided to give their relationship a second chance. 
The hardest part was seeing all the old photos they posted. All of those photos from their happy times together. She had those photos saved and looked at them sometimes, remembering the good times. They actually tended to lift her spirit but they did the exact opposite this time.
What would be Rúben's reaction to all of this? Would he care? He seemed upset at her for being bothered by what people could think but would he just brush it off and move on? She wished she could ask him. But asked Felix instead.
"What do Rúben's people think of this?"
"I still haven't been able to talk to them", he told her, disappointing her. "Are you ok?"
"No", she said, laughing sadly. "But I will be. People will forget in a couple of weeks like they did the last time, right?"
"We can hope. Besides, you're back to filming soon and can concentrate on that".
"Yes", she said with a smile. "I'll do that".
For the next couple of days, Mariana concentrated on work. She and her co-lead had decided to do some rehearsals on their own. It was great to finally work with someone who took his job as seriously as she did. And that allowed her to forget about Rúben for a couple of hours every day. Until she had to go back to the hotel and ask Amelia to stay with her and take her phone. She was so tempted to contact Rúben. Felix told her his publicists kept ignoring his calls and emails and she didn't know what to think of that. Did he not care at all? Did he not care about her being hurt by this situation? She wondered about how he was dealing with it all the time.
"Hear me out", said Felix when he got to her trailer where she was going through her lines.
"Nothing good has ever come out of your mouth after saying that. Plus, we are in a public place and you know I can't make a scene. So rip the band-aid quickly so I can refuse your idea just as quickly and we move on".
"You need to fake date Rúben".
Out of all the things he had ever said, that was the craziest one yet.
"I'm sorry. Are you on drugs?"
"I've tried to keep you away from all of it, but everyone is going crazy over your photos together. Your name has never been mentioned in the press this much and his social media engagement has gone crazy. And his publicists need the good press. He's been single for too long and that leads to rumours they don't like. A serious boyfriend image gets contracts more easily. You know how it works".
"No, you're actually high. I'll get someone to get a cup you can pee in and test it".
"Mariana, come on. It wouldn't be your first rodeo".
And that hurt more than the suggestion of this publicity stunt with Rúben. Yes, she had done the same with her last two co-protagonists. Everyone in Hollywood did it. But this was different.
"It's not the same. I dated Rúben for two years and it was very real. I can't act when it comes to him. I'm not a sociopath", she said, fighting the tears.
"I know it would be hard for you. It wasn't my idea, you know?"
"Whose idea was it?"
"Rúben's PR people".
Why would they want that? Didn't people just assume football players slept around? Wouldn't they prefer for him to be single so a potential cheating scandal could be avoided? It made no sense.
"What would I get from that? He's the one who wins in this situation but what about me? He isn't even famous in America and that's my main market".
"All fair points", conceded Felix. "But you really wanted to get that role in the next movie by your favourite Portuguese director and this would help. You’ve been away for so long, people don’t even see you as Portuguese anymore but he represents the national team in soccer".
"Football", she corrected him but Felix ignored her.
"And I've already gotten requests from many magazines asking to feature you both if you are back together. Do you know how hard it was to get one photo of you in British Vogue? And now I have all these Portuguese magazines asking to have you on their covers".
If it was someone else, she would have said yes. She hadn't been interested in dating ever since her break up with Rúben anyways.
"Can I think about it?", she asked.
"Talk to him".
“I don’t…I can't”.
“Talk to him”.
But she wasn't sure that was going to help.
After much debating and getting Amelia's advice, Mariana decided to talk to Rúben. She needed to know if this was as crazy of an idea for him as it was for her. It had to be. He would have never accepted something like this before and she doubted he had changed that much in these two years.
Many meeting spots were out of the equation because of how public they were. And so was Rúben's apartment. Paparazzi had been there ready to get a photo of the two of them for days. So they met at one of his teammate's houses.
"So, what do you think?", she asked.
"I don't know. When I was first told about it, I wanted to tell them to fuck off but they made good points, I guess".
"That's why we hired them. They make crazy ideas sound slightly logical", she said with a small laugh.
"I guess. Um…so what do you think of all of it?"
"I mean, the decision is yours, Rúben. I have so much work between filming and castings. I don't have time to date anyways, so there's no risk of meeting someone. But if you did and this got in your way, I'd feel so bad and…".
"What do you mean not having time for dating?", he interrupted her. "You were dating those actors you worked with. So there is time for that".
When she looked up at him, she realized how quickly he understood what her look meant.
"It was also fake".
She nodded.
"So you haven't been with anyone else since we broke up?", he asked.
"No. I mean, I've been with men but…nothing serious. You?"
And there was something about that admission that made both of them feel relieved. 
"So, are we doing this?", asked Rúben.
"If we do it’s with one condition. Non-negotiable".
"We don't lie to our parents", she said. "I loved your parents and mine loved you. I can't lie to them about this. Give them…hope, you know?"
"We'll disappoint them instead, then?"
"Better than lying to them", she said, seriously. It really was her only condition. 
"Deal", he said, offering his hand for her to shake. And that's how they embarked on what could be their best idea…or the worst.
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drysdaleknieslee · 3 months
Strawberry Scone - Part 1
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Here is the official part one of our Will x Isabella series. Sorry it took so long but Spring Break is giving me free time to catch up on things. I hope you find this cute and anyone in the Filipino community, if I misspelled anything or didn't accurately depict something from your culture, PLEASE let me know!
WARNINGS: mention death of a parent, funerals, hospital and cursing (one time), and bad ex-boyfriends
Wills POV
It has been two weeks since I last saw Isabella. I was thinking about her a completely normal amount. Not like I went by the café she worked at after practice to see if she was there and memorize her schedule…
I sound like a creep. Gabe confirmed it when I spilled my guts to him in the library.
“Why don’t you just, I don’t know, talk to her like a normal human being and stop making me a two-way communicator?”
He was right but I wasn’t going to tell him that. Every time I thought about her, I got hot. She wasn’t even near me, and I got nervous just from the thought of her. And I thought of those scones she brought the last time…
We have a game tomorrow so she might be there, and I think I vaguely remember Gabe saying she worked on Wednesdays…
“I’ll see her tomorrow.” I didn’t sound convincing in the slightest and Gabe knew this as he let out a chuckle.
“Sure, you will…I’ll come with you to see your head pop off.” I throw my pencil at him which he dodges easily. “What do you plan to say to her exactly?”
Saying it in my head wouldn’t sound good out loud and Gabe knew it. Realistically I wanted to get closer to her in a non “I think your hot and you make me anxious which has never happened” way. “I want to get closer to her. Be friends first at least and hopefully…ask her on a date.”
“Not bad, but sadly you’re not her type.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I didn’t mean to sound as defensive as I did but I didn’t exactly care. Especially since Gabe has been friends with her since they were kids so either he’s joking or being completely serious. Gabe is protective of Isabella, and we’ve been friends since juniors. I’d like to think he’d trust my feelings for Isabella so if he’s serious I’d be worried.
“Don’t take this the wrong way, my guy. You’re my best bud. I honestly have no problem with you dating her. Go for it,” he says scribbling on his notebook absentmindedly, “she’s been through a bad relationship in the past with a few guys who took her niceness for granted.”
I softened a bit at what Gabe had said. Gabe really did care for Isabella and that’s one of the things I admire about Gabe. He cares about the people close to him. And hearing those guys took advantage of Isabella for her being too nice or naïve made my blood boil.
“Don’t ever tell her I told you this.” He looks around the library to make sure no one overhears. Thankfully it was mostly empty, and everyone was too wrapped up in their own work. The librarian was even nose deep in her own book to care.
“Her dad got sick after they moved here. She missed a bit of school because she and her family were trying to acquire citizenship and her mom began working doubles at the local nursing home.” He paused to make sure I was still listening, and I motioned him to continue. I didn’t want to miss a thing.
“Well, the sickness got worse. She would make desserts with her grandma and take them to him in the hospital to make him feel better. Well, one day, she went with her mom and grandma not knowing…” He didn’t need to say anything.
“We were about eight at that time. I remember the funeral. Since then, she still bakes as a way of coping. She developed and actual love for it overtime but it took a long time before she was ok again. It’s also become her love language.”
I can’t even imagine going through that at a young age. Two years after moving to a new country and losing a parent is something no one ever thinks to experience. Especially a child. And learning that cooking is her love language…
“What’s her favorite dessert?”
He looks at me confused and ponders for a second. “Mamon or Puto. Why, you can’t cook.”
“I can try!” I said a little too loudly earning a few glances from nearby students and a scowl from the librarian before delivering a forceful, ‘SHHHH!’
“Why ask all of a sudden?” he says in a whisper.
“You said food was her love language, right? Sounds like he gives a lot to people but doesn’t receive anything back. I want to change that.”
A rise of shock came on Gabe’s face, like he’d never heard someone suggest that for Isabella before outside of family members. Maybe not even himself. He puts a smirk on his face before nodding slightly. “In my opinion Mamon is gonna be the easiest for you as you can’t cook,” I kick him under the table and he winces, “but even if it’s bad it’ll be the thought that counts for her.”
After the leaving the library me and Gabe headed back to the dorm, and I managed to find the easiest recipe I could for Mamon. Of course, we didn’t have half the ingredients, so Gabe door dashed them, and he called reinforcements. Isabella’s mom. That would be less obvious.
“Hi Ms. Flores…. I’m doing fine…. yes, I’m eating a lot, Bella makes sure of that…. I need help making Mamon…...just because…. yes, yours will always be better…”
Gabe’s relationship with Isabella’s family was truly something. Judging from the audio she talks to him how my mom talks to me. A very nurturing tone. Gabe was Isabella’s only friend when she came to the U.S., so her family basically adopted him as their unofficial son.
Gabe recited the tips from Ms. Flores as I try not to make the batter overly dry or wet. We didn’t have a mixer, so I had to stir it by hand. Gabe of course was reciting everything to me and “couldn’t multitask.” I lowkey hope these turn out dense enough I can throw it at the side of his head.
By now most of the progress is done and the Mamon’s are in the oven and the urge to not stare at them makes me anxious.
“Do you think she’ll like them? How much sugar did her mom say use? What if I mismeasured? She said teaspoon or table-?”
“Will. Please, shut the fuck up. It’s the thought that counts with Bella. They could be the most disgusting things on the planet and she’ll still appreciate you doing this. Especially since it’s a Filipino food.”
Silence falls over the kitchen but my mind is still racing with questions. But I only ask one.
“What’s her family like?”
Gabe lets out a light chuckle as he stares at the oven. “The nicest people on the face of this planet.”
The Day After at the Café
My hands are shaking as I hold this try of Mamon’s as I try not to drop all of them and I’m a nervous wreck. I don’t even get this nervous before games. Gabe said she was opening the shop today so I wanted to get there early enough before we headed to our game today. As I walk towards the café, I see it’s lights on and a floppy high ponytail in the back in the kitchen preparing for the morning rush.
I take in one last breath of cold air before walking in and hearing the jingle of the bell above my head.
“Welcome in! Just a sec-“Her eyes locked on mine and I muster a small smile which she returns. “Good morning.” Is all I’m able to get out as I prepare the rest of my words in my head.
“Good morning.” She giggled. I love that sound. “Don’t you and Gabe have a game today?” She eyes the tray in my hand and tilts her head slightly and furrows her brows.
“Oh, yeah, we do. I just wanted to…drop these off for you…” The back of my neck is burning.
I place the tray down on the counter and uncover some…questionably shaped Mamon’s. They looked like half decent biscuits. Nowhere near the picture I got on the website and probably don’t taste as good. She picked up the best looking one out of the batch and bit into it hesitantly. Then her face lit up along with a bit of rosiness on the edge of her nose.
“These are Mamon’s…” she whispered mainly to herself. I let out a breath I’d been holding sense this morning.
“How did you learn how to make these? I’m assuming Gabe told you this is one of my favorite desserts.”
“He did. He helped me make them. Along with some help from your mom…”
“You called my mom?” she said alarmed now.
“No! Gabe did, she gave him the instructions and tips and he said them back to me.” I rub the back of my neck in embarrassment. Please don’t think I’m creepy…
“Gabe said making others food was your love language and I figured I could…reciprocate it I guess.”
For a second, he face went from confusion to surprise and finally what looked like…oh no she was crying.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry!” I say looking for tissues.
“It’s ok! Don’t apologize. I love these thank you. Although some may be…misshapen, no one’s done this for me before so…really, thank you.”
She gave me that soft smile that would make the saddest of souls rethink life. My phone buzzing distracted me for a second but not before I asked her one last thing before I left…
“Well? How did we do?”
I turned to Gabe as we sat on the bus with a grin. “I got her number. And a strawberry scone.”
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thedarkestgreys · 7 months
"you know me better than anyone. you always have." for fexi 🥰
apologies for the wait!
Fezco’s always kept people at an arm's length - it made things easier that way. Even Rue, who he considered his family, didn’t really know him know him, if you get what he’s saying. Rue knew Fez the drug dealer, the guy who doesn’t quiet revolve around the sun in the same direction as everyone else, the one who keeps a glock shoved in his waistband at all times and has to deal with all types of low lifes thanks to his career. But the girl wouldn’t have been able to tell anyone that the guy she claims as a brother had hopes and dreams outside of his life of crime. Fuck, not even Ashtray knew he had plans outside of dealin’. No one knew ‘bout that side of him, not really. No one but Lexi that is. The younger Howard sister came into his life like a motherfuckin’ hurricane, breechin’ his walls with her galeforce personality an’ knockin’ out his defense with that electric smile of hers. Knocked him the fuck out if he’s honest. Lexi had stormed into his life nearly a year ago - a year in which Fez is pretty fuckin’ sure he’s talked more than he’s ever talked before - and maybe it’s some corny ass shit to say, but it feels like he’s known Lexi a whole lifetime instead of nine fuckin’ months. “Where’d you go?” her hears her askin’, pullin’ him outta his spiraling train of thought. “You were telling me a story about you and your grandma and you just sorta… disappeared for a second there?” Lexi’s sittin’ pretty on the Dairy counter, her ankles crossed daintily from where they hang against the white wooden frame. She’s got a soft, concerned sorta look on her face - still open and curious but her eyes are clouded with worry. Fez shakes off his thoughts, literally. “Nah girl. Sorry ‘bout that. Just got lost in thought I guess.” Lexi leans forward on her hands, a teasing smile playing across her red lips. “What about?” Honesty slips from his mouth before he even has a chance to think about it. “You.” That pretty fuckin’ pink blush he’s always seeking out paints across Lexi’s face. Yeah, they’ve made out with growing frequency over the last few months (and he finally got his mouth on her tits in the back of the Caddy last weekend) but they’ve never defined what was going on between them. He’s down to move at whatever pace Lexi’s cool with, no pressure on her whatsoever. But him being affectionate with her still throws her off her game sometimes. “Oh um,” Lexi squeaks, clearly nervous. “What about me?” He doesn’t know why he’s feeling so anxious about havin’ to answer this all the sudden. “You know you my best friend right?” Fez starts, eyes darting to literally anywhere but Lexi’s face. “I uh, I just go to thinkin’ that you know me better than anyone.” The sound of Lexi’s little gasp causes him to look up. His girl is absolutely beaming. “Really?” Fezco takes the opportunity to move himself in front of her, insanely pleased when Lexi opens her knees in order for him to get closer. “Hell the fuck yeah ma,” he responds, leaning in to press the lightest of kisses against Lexi’s full lips. “You always have.” “That’s not true.” He hushes her with a finger pressed firmly to her mouth. “Nah nah, listen to me. You seen the real me since you planted yo’ ass on that couch at Virgil’s. Started askin’ me the deep shit from the jump, ain’t no one done that before.” “Well that’s just becau–” Lexi starts before he shuts her up by kissing her harder, doing his best to calm her ass down and pour in every emotion he can muster right now. A brief, kinda insane thought flashes across his mind as Lexi presses their bodies closer, and Fez knows he’s gon’ have to come back to it sooner rather than later. But that stray thought can linger for the time being, cause Fez has more important things to worry about - like makin’ Lexi his actual girlfriend. It’s about time they got around to that shit anyway. But first? He’s gonna enjoy kissing the absolute fuck outta her.
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sammiesonyourleft · 5 months
city lights - p.p.
pairing: peter parker x black best friend f!reader
summary: your best friend finds you in a strange place mourning your failed relationship
notes: dedicated to everyone who had a bad situationship) (dis my own canon)
word count: 906
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"Oh hi, Peter," You say pausing your music, sitting up from your position.
"Don’t just ‘hI pEtEr’ me? What’re you doing up here dude? It's so late!"
"I needed to breathe. I hope you don't mind. What're you doing here?"
"This is where I come when I take breaks from night patrol. Is everything alright?"
Taking a deep breath in, "No Pete, they're not."
Y'all sit in uncomfortable silence before he asks "Do ya wanna talk about it?"
"I loved him but it wasn’t worth the heartache ya know. I lost myself trying to be what he wanted. I changed so much, and not to say those changes were bad… I made some pretty healthy ones. they were just for him. I adapted so that he’d be more comfortable… so he’d love me back… I realized that it was hella wrong. I shouldn’t be hiding parts of myself because he’s uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have to hold my tongue because he doesn’t like my response. I've spent many nights crying over the fact that he didn’t want to be with me and that I was trying to force something that was not there in the first place. I just wanted to see if he’d come around, ya know. that wasn’t my first mistake. my first mistake was not leaving when he told me he didn’t want a relationship when I told him I had feelings for him. my second mistake was staying."
He opens his mouth in disbelief, pausing before deciding his next words, "But you couldn’t have known that, y/n."
Shaking your head, "Peter, when a guy knows he loves you, he loves you. And he means it. no ifs, and, or buts about it. He will do anything to make you happy and keep you happy. I would know… I’ve seen it before. My grandfather… has dementia. He still goes out and buys my grandma flowers every week. I knew. I just wanted to see if he felt the same. Turns out he didn’t, and I'm difficult to deal with, and “I do too much”. Serves me right though… I knew this rel— whatever this was — had an expiration date, no matter how long I pretended it didn’t. I wasted my time." Sighing dramatically, you lay back down, covering your eyes as you finally come to terms with your feelings.
Peter rushes to lie down next to you, "No, you didn’t; This was a learning experience for you. Sometimes we go through stuff that we don’t want to. but it teaches us for the next time. so now if some guy comes to you now, you have the chance to set boundaries and make sure you're being intentional with who you're spending your time with. And if he takes off running then he’s not the one. If he stays and gets to know you, the real you, not the one that dirtbag tried to make you into, he could be the one."
"But how do I know that it’s not gonna end up the same way again? I’ve been in so many talking stages. I'm tired of learning what to do and what not to do to keep a guy. that was the longest one. and this one hurt the most. we had so many plans together. and now they’re all gone. because of me."
"Absolutely not. Wrong. Not because of you. Because of him. He couldn’t see past everything that’s inside you. He only saw what he wanted to see. He waited until you were fragile enough for him to break you over and over again. He decided he wanted to flirt with you after you told him you had feelings. He’s the one who stayed after you said I love you. He got into your head and convinced you that you were crazy. when you’re not. He had so many opportunities to say “hey I’m sorry, I know what you want but we don’t want the same things, so I think it’s best if we go our separate ways.”
"But he told me he wasn’t ready. I should have just listened."
No. Absolutely not. I’ve seen the text messages. He told you that after y'all bared your hearts to one another. Did you forget where he said he loved you back? Because I don't! That was a big thing. Y/N, Im so sorry he played with your feelings for months. You deserve so much better than that. I’m happy he’s gone."
"Well now you sound like MJ."
"Yea she kind of gave me the run down of what happened, but I knew I needed to talk to you. I don't regret any of my actions."
"What'd you do? Web him up in an alley?
His eyes get wide, and he pops up really fast, "Well well well, we have school tomorrow, why don't we get going?
"Peter Parker, what did you do?"
"I had to do something! He hurt my best friend! So I dragged him out his sleep and he's currently handing above the dumpster behind his apartment building."
You scream, "PETE! He's HANGING???"
"Yea... Please don't be mad. I can go take him down if you'd like." He looks genuinely scared when he says this.
You laugh, pulling him in for a hug, "Thanks Pete, you're the best friend anybody could ask for. Now let's go. We have pictures to take with a certain boy.
We be word vomiting. Please if you liked it this pic let me know. Any comments or advice will be greatly appreciated!
dai :)
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cherryc1nnam0n · 1 year
Can I request a Loki x plus!size reader. Where Loki and the reader get into a big argument and Loki goes to Stark's party and gets drunk the reader gets dressed up and goes to Stark's party to apologize but when she finds him she sees him kissing some blond model Loki notices and tries to tell the reader that she came on to him but she won't listen so she starts hanging out with bucky and Loki is jealous of course he feels like he is dying inside watching them have fun together but the reader and Bucky are just friends Loki plans a romantic dinner and apologizes to the reader and tells her how much she means to him and proposes the reader says yes. "My gosh sorry this is so long"😑
Hi! Thanks for the request! This is just perfect! I love well prepared and long concepts so don't worry if it's too long!
I can explain! | Avenger!Loki x Plus Size!Reader
Summary: Loki made a mistake and you saw something out of context, but he can definitely explain what happened, right?
Cw: Angst, some humor, mild heartbreak, jealousy, cussing, verbal fighting, fluff and comfort
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Loki and Y/n had been together for a long time now, almost 5 years! Ever since he moved to Midgard or well, Earth, he sparked your attention and he immediately fell in love with you, crazy right? A literal god falling in love with you? You're quite pretty, even if you were in the bigger side of body types but who cares? You got Loki and he never failed you, right?
"I can't believe you did that Loki!" You yelled at him as you two entered your apartment at the tower "You embarrassed me in front of everyone!"
A few minutes ago, Loki had pulled a stunt of his with your family, it was a family dinner and he had the great idea of "having fun" and "lighting up the mood" by making the roast chicken walk all along the table, scaring your family to death almost giving your grandma a heart attack
"Come on love, it was just some fun!" He tried to humor you
"Fun?! You almost kill granny Betty! Do you know how old is she?!"
He rolled his eyes "Darling, just calm down okay-"
"No! I won't forgive this one! I don't want to see you!" You stormed into your room while he plopped down on the sofa
"Damn it..."
The next day... Or well night-
Loki was getting ready for Tony's party, it was really important and big, lots of people would be there and he wanted you to go
"Honey? Are you going with me?" He asked knocking on your door
"No! Go away!" You yelled
"Fine... I'll miss you..."
With that he left, you stayed in bed, feeling anger bubble in you from yesterday, how dare he just leave? He's supossed to stay here and ask you if you're okay and you'll say yes but you're actually not okay, so he will then keep asking and you'll grow more angry and-
"Fuck it!" You said standing up and throwing on some random clothes, going to the bar and general area where Tony would have his party
You walked through the crowds of people, trying to find Loki, wanting to apologize for your tantrums and to have a great time with him
But why is his tongue down a blonde's throat?
Wait what?!
"LOKI!" You yelled, he ripped the girl off of him but before he could talk you ran away
So much for an apology...
"Honey wait! I can explain!"
"Yeah right! That's what they all say!"
"No really! She came on me! It was her I didn't want her to kiss me! Honey I love you!" He tries to reason but you just kept walking "Damn it!" He had a seidr outburst making the furniture fly away and the stereo break "Shit, sorry!" He teleported away before Tony could yell at him
Days later... Women am I right?
You had been distant from Loki, he had fucked up twice and you were done with it, not quite breaking up with him but almost, just keeping your distance
And on these days, you were getting closer with Bucky, who only wanted to be friends with you, nothing more, but to Loki it seemed like something else, you talking with that metal man was boiling his blood so he planned something mischievous
That night... Damn this is long just kiss already-
Loki of course, couldn't talk to you, you would immediately run off or smack him... And run off
So he sent himself, as a cat... Genius right? Nothing could go wrong with tha-
"Shoo!" You said chasing Lokitty with a water spray, he hissed running away
Okay maybe not as a cat? Maybe a bird?
"Awwwwe, aren't you so cute?" You said as a beautiful green bird came onto your balcony and sat on the railing "So cute..." You said petting it
He knew this would work, so he gave in, but suddenly he was locked in a cage
"Too cute not to keep, I always say that"
"Damnit!" He yelled, now he could not get out "Y/n!" He yelled
You quickly came into the room, the bird was yelling for you?!
"Loki! You damned god!"
"Okay listen before you throw me out, I'm sorry okay? I was trying to just, get to you, forgive me my darling, I just wish to get peace between us, allow me to invite you to a nice dinner tonight, please?"
You thought for a moment, before giving in "Fine... I'll go with you... I guess..." You walked away
"Thank you darling.... Darling?... I'm still locked in here... Y/n!"
After Loki somehow got out of the cage...
He was nervous, this night was too important to ruin, nothing could go wrong tonight
When he saw you though, he felt his knees go weak, your dress hugged your voluptuous figure so nicely, and you looked so well with your hair styles like that
"Darling... You look like a goddess..." He said admiring your beauty "Let's go in..."
The table was situated on a nice view of the city, Tony had gotten you guys this restaurant and the table
"So darling... I want to begin saying that, I am so sorry, first for the dinner with your family and then, the party, that girl, she came on me, kissed me out nowhere, I couldn't react on time..."
You just listened to him, nodding
"And I'm sorry... Will you forgive me darling? You know I'm hooked with you, how you say it here, and I'm so in love with you I couldn't picture myself without you..." He stood up, getting on one knee for you "So that's why..."
"Please darling let me finish I-"
"No Loki you're stepping on my foot"
He quickly stood up, making the food on the table fall and the wine fall on your dress, he cussed and felt like crying
"Damn it! Nothing ever goes how I planned it!"
"Loki calm down..." You giggled "It's okay... Finish your speech honey..."
He got back on one knee, opening the little box to show you en emerald ring on a gold band, you gasped for air, it was gorgeous
He double checked to see if he wasn't stepping on you again
"Will you marry me?"
You jumped up, tackling him down, kissing his face "YES YES YES!"
He laughed, while sitting back up, placing the ring on your finger, kissing it afterwards "Thank you darling..."
At the end... He could explain...
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hhighkey · 1 year
Haunted // Chapter One, state of dreaming
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Inumaki Toge x OC (female)
Chapter Rating: general
Story Contains: unhealthy relationships, strangers to lowkey!friends to lovers, family issues, OC is in high school going into university after summer, she thought curses were ghosts, bad parents want their child dead, 18/19 character ages, toge is so in love, eventual sex prior to relationship, soft dom toge, dacryphylia, over protective/ possessive toge, jealous toge, just both super clingy (refer to my toge headcanons ‘if you're in school’)
Word Count: 1955
KEY: ‘text written with single quotations are writing/typing in notes or messages by toge' and bold text is when japanese sign language comes in
Tags: reply if interested in being tagged :)
Keiko had no idea who or what her family really was. Her whole life she'd been locked away- private schooling, hand picked friends, odd interactions... all of it that made the poor girl wonder what was wrong. So much so that everyone in her life treat her with the utmost delicacy. Her parents only gave a simple answers when she asked if they saw what she could. It was never talked about again.
For so long her answers came from sneaking out of her room to listen to grown-up conversations. She'd heard voices, some recognizable, some not, talking about sorcerers, curses, and a prophecy.
The oddest part about the treatment sent her way, was that it all changed two weeks ago on her eighteenth birthday. They'd pulled her aside after her celebration to tell her "You've gotten older our dear, we want you to be able to experience as much as you'd like. Feel free to do as you please and don't worry about us." It was so strange; strange with how they almost seemed melancholy about it. But in all her excitement about the news, Keiko forgot to truly pay attention to the interaction. A regret of hers in hindsight.
The sun was already set, Keiko was sitting at her desk where she just finished up her final homework for the term. She felt an involuntary yawn come over her as she pulled her legs to her chest, heels digging into the edge of her seat. Spinning her chair slightly with her hand against the desk, her headed her head on her knees where she glanced at her bed. On it resting was her black cat, Jelly, laid curled up sleeping. She smiled.
Suddenly an impatient KNOCK sounded at Keiko's door immediately followed by it opening, with no permission to enter came in a young girl staring down at her phone.
"Keiks, we need to plan a trip or something for break or else I'm going to die of boredom." Aki said just barging in and heading straight for the bed.
Sato Aki was Keiko's best friend, practical sister in lame terms. She wasn't someone her parents would have picked for her to spend her time with, but fortunately it was her dad's best friends daughter- he couldn't say no. In every way the two girls complimented each other, their strengths and weakness helped to uplift the other to be their very best. Aki wasn't scared of anything it seemed; she was patient, a little wild, and always pushed Keiko out of her shell. Much different to Keiko who was raised to question everything and be scared. If it hadn't been for the bright girl becoming her best friend five years ago, Keiko probably would have struggled to form sentences or make eye contact.
Aki had the prettiest green eyes, light brown hair to her shoulders that was always wavy. She could always brighten up someone's mood if they were down with her jokes or simply helping them out; whatever they needed.
"Of course, where ya thinking?" it wasn't unusual for her to do this, it actually made Keiko happy that she did.
"Well with your new found freedom we really need to take advantage of it... hmm what about Kyoto?" Aki took a seat on Keiko's bed across from where she sat at her desk, making sure not to wake Jelly or else he'd be in a mood.
"I don't see why not. I'll look into hotels."
"Awesome." Aki smiled, "my grandma was telling me some stuff we could do, said she may want to come with just to see friends. Could help convince our parents."
"That would definitely be ideal. I've also never been so if she can show us around a little?"
"She would love that oh my god." Aki always forgot that Keiko was never allowed to leave Tokyo proximity- which she found insane for the longest time. Keiko needed more experience with the world it wasn't her fault she'd been too sheltered.
"Let her know so then I'll tell my parents. Pretty crazy to know they'll actually say yes too. I feel so much lighter these days. In a way," Keiko laughed. Just knowing she could leave her house without asking did wonders for her mental health already. Was this what other kids experienced? Because it was lovely.
Aki shot her a smile before taking a deep breath and going on to completely change the topic of conversation,
"So I've been doing some snooping for awhile, wanted to wait to actually have something before telling you about it... which might I add was a hassle not telling you I've been itching too,"
Keiko cocked her head to the side with confusion, "and?"
"Well, there's this school called Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College... a mouthful to say I know, that's got some odd dealings. I don't think it's a normal school actually."
"Remember that one time I went through your dads office-"
"- Oh you bet I do," Keiko grumbled, "thought I was going to get killed."
"Still surprised we didn't get caught... but! That's asides the point," Aki proclaimed excitedly, "this school has to do with those sorcerers you talked about overhearing once. Every time something weird happens in the city they're there."
"What do you mean by weird?" at first Keiko thought this was just another one of Aki's
"That night all those explosions happened by my apartment, sightings of these weird humanoid things marching about... remember that?" Keiko nodded and her friend continued, "reports about it were on your dads desk. Sort of like I was meant to see it in a way.. and well, your dads signatures were all over the thing like it needed approval from him."
Keiko frowned, "like he's some important person?"
"I think we can conclude that from where you live," Aki laughed, "you've always wondered where your family money came from! Maybe this is it."
She gulped feeling slight hesitancy as it was something she liked not to think about, "I- uh, never told you this but.. years ago I asked my parents if they could see what I can and they nodded a 'yes'." Aki's eyes bulged at what she heard as it was all new, "but basically were like never bring it up again."
"Oh shit.. and this whole time I thought you were crazy... just kidding." she laughed as Keiko shot her a look.
"I mean I guess there's times I still think that I am."
Aki shrugged, "don't think like that. There's actual crazy people out there, like murderers and all. You just uh.. see things."
"And they're scary too.. like they can't be cute?" Keiko asked in a joking tone, "like spiders had to be made scary."
"Practically I guess. If one of those things were latched onto me like... you'd tell me right?"
"Oh of course. Well— I'd text you I wouldn't go near you." she laughed.
"Some friend you are. But Keiko think about it, besides a small trip what else are we going to do for break?"
"Um, I don't know? Go somewhere else?"
"No no, are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Aki said with a devilish grin.
"Huh?" Keiko cocked her head in a confused manner,
"Seriously? Ugh..." her friend sighed, "we need to investigate this school! Your parents!"
Keiko's mouth formed an 'O' as she understood now, "I mean, I don't see why not.."
"We have to use your new found freedom somehow! Our first big adventure Keiks."
"And perfect timing too, tomorrow's the last day before break." Keiko grinned feeling excitement rise in her chest.
"That's the spirit!"
The two girls went on to attempt to plan the start of their investigation. It was all silly, them thinking they could play detective to solve their life issues. It was all in fun but they didn't know how real it would get. Keiko thought she had it bad now, she was wrong. A small part of her brain told her that going around asking questions she may not want the answer to was a bad idea, a tiny gut feeling perhaps. But Keiko really wanted to see if the two of them could find out even the tiniest shred of information to help her.
"So, I'll see you tomorrow.. we'll go get food, talk to my grandma and have an awesome break." Aki's smile could just melt every worry Keiko had, she was so reassuring, keeping her up and out or else she'd stay in bed all day.
"Sounds good. Love you bye," Keiko called after her friend who was already halfway out the door already on to the next thing. As fast as she was there she was gone.
Keiko watched with small dismay as Aki left her room knowing she'd be alone now. She sighed, spinning around in her chair as once again her thoughts dove into her life. Keiko lived in a mansion, yet she had no idea where her family got money. There were even parts of the estate she wasn't allowed to venture into. The gardens in the back where she knew was an old, abandoned temple was the main area. She always wondered if living and growing up on these grounds is why she can see ghosts or feel energies from others, and rooms. It was painful to worry about every place or person she met. Scary to walk out her door to go about her daily routine and wonder if she'll see another monster that day. She hated losing sleep or even her sanity over her little gift...
Sometimes Keiko felt like she was dreaming all day everyday. There were times in her life that she had to pretend she was elsewhere, someone else so she could escape her current life. All by herself she had to deal with the emotional toll of seeing ghosts/monsters that took on someone and thinking she was nuts. Sometimes she'd be in class and the hairs on her body was stand straight up as a powerful wave of remembrance of fear would hit her making her dread.
At the age of eighteen she felt on fire. Lost in her own world so she didn't have to deal with her reality. Anywhere she went she was terrified she'd see one or feel death, she was terrified to be alone as it seemed to get worse by each passing week. Her perfect world would be where she didn't feel haunted by ghosts; by the shame, sadness, anger of others.
That night Keiko dreamed that she was in the vast garden behind her home, slowly creeping down the paths she was forbidden from. Her form was elegant in a milk white dress with no shoes but the ground with rocks didn't hurt. From above the light of the moon shone a perfect path for her to follow, little lightning bugs fluttered around, and the flowers swayed in the wind. It was ethereal, she felt like she'd been walking on air as she began to hurry to her destination.
Suddenly she dreamed she was inside the abandoned temped with overgrown vines and weeds sprouting from the ground. A spiral staircase was in the center and her body instinctively moved to it and then down. Once she was down, down what seemed miles below the entrance... it was surprisingly light, a large pedestal in the center of the room.
Like she watched from first person view, her dream took her to the pedestal. On it was a young girl with pitch black hair, pale skin, and fast asleep. She looked familiar. On her frail wrist was an outline like a scar, a birthmark.. a sliver of a moon.
It was her.
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THETA, VERA: Tenth Doctor
Pairing: Tenth Doctor x Timelord!Fem!OC (Vera)
Warnings: None I don't think... (there is a Sontaran but he's a good guy so there's no blood-shed)
Summary: Vera was just trying to get back to her own Tardis, but it didn't go according to plan.
Word Count: 3.4K
A/N: Once again, unedited. This is set just after doomsday but before anything else I've written so keep that in mind :)
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Night was always gorgeous on Gallifrey. Red skies parading over the hills that were silhouetted against the little light we got from the two suns after they set and the grass that spread for miles and miles over the fields. This was always the time I would wake up. Just gone midnight, sneaking out the window of the Academy. 
I would trek across the small distance between my dorm and his, and knock on his window. Koschei would be fast asleep as my best friend popped up from under the glass, grinning and pushing it open. I would step back as he climbed out, still in his soft sleepwear. I would hold my hand out and he would take it, then we would run.
And in our dreams, we wouldn't stop.
In our dreams, we didn't have to stop running. There was nothing for us to do but run and play and laugh and just have each other. No one else, no responsibility and no purpose. Just two people who wanted to spend time together. 
Real life wasn't like that, though. Before dawn we would have to retreat back to our dorms. I would give him a soft hug, he would press a soft kiss to my temple and we would part. Go back to bed and pretend we were there the whole night.
Eventually, we both got jobs. He moved on, I moved away. Work got the better of us and we were no longer kids with no responsibility, instead adults with gruelling time restraints. He eventually got married, had kids who had kids and worked and worked and worked. It was a little after then when it all went wrong. 
The wrong people, maybe? I didn't know. One day he just… disappeared. His wife came to me asking if I knew where he had gone, that even the police were looking for him, but I didn't even know that he had disappeared. For no apparent reason.
Not soon after, my grandma passed. She had brought me up, having lost my parents after I was born, and then she died. Too soon, everyone said. They gave me their condolences but it was never enough. I ended up burying myself into my work, never going home and never seeing any of my friends. Why else was I on this planet but to serve and make progress? That's what my job did and until I died that was surely all I could do. 
When my friends had told me I was working too hard, that soon I would find something I didn't want to find — I should have listened to them. 
Gallifrey had a lot of files. It had been a society for a long, long time and lots of files were a consequence of that. Turns out, the information about my family was in there. I hadn't even been looking for it, nor anything of the sort but there it was. My birth certificate. 
And none other than Lord High President Rassilon and his wife listed as parents. 
I didn't speak to anyone. I didn't look at anyone. I shoved the files back in where they were supposed to go and ran towards where they kept the Tardis's. Stole a Type 41 Tardis and ran to the furthest planet I could find. Well, as far as I could get. I didn't think about what I did or why I was doing but I knew that I couldn't stay on Gallifrey any longer. That was all.
A few centuries passed. A couple regenerations that made me feel odd not being able to talk to anyone about but I got a hold of it eventually. Oddly, I made my way around the galaxies and made friends and connections. Spoken to people and species that I would never have had the chance to speak to in Gallifrey. It was such a wonderful world out there, yet Timelords only studied the world once time had already passed.
This was seeing it as it happened. And, god, was it incredible. 
Until rumours spread about the Time War. That was how it started. Just small rumours that I didn't believe. But then there were stories about people being sent out and Dalek ships were seen heading towards Seraphia and then towards the edge of the galaxy, where Gallifrey hung. Normally I would be sent out to fight but instead, I was hiding away. 
I didn't want to die. That was the simplicity of it. I had a good life where I was, and going back to Gallifrey would only end in death at the hands of Daleks or death for betraying my planet. Neither of which I wanted to participate in. I stayed away from my home planet and found a temporary home on Earth. It wasn't like my old life, but until the war was over, it would have to do. 
The next time I ventured out was years later. Late 20th century it must have been, on Earth at least. I had gone to visit a few different places and discovered that Gallifrey had burned at the cold hearts of the Daleks. People were confused when I broke down sobbing in the middle of a Yousol Marketplace, but I couldn't bear it. I couldn't bear the thought of my planet being gone, even if I hated the people and ideologies. It was still my home, where I was born, and where all my friends were. And it meant all my friends were dead. Gone forever. 
To be honest, it wasn't like I had many people to lose. My best friend disappeared long ago, presumed dead and my grandmother died as well. 
Still, my home was gone.
A few more years passed. I spent a few of them travelling between different times and planets and universes. I went back to the beginning of everything and watched as the universe became itself, and on the same day, travelled to the end of it all and watched as the universe burnt, just like my home had. Everything burnt in the end. Even those that believed the universes would exist forever were wrong. That burned and died just like everything else. 
Currently, I'm fighting a Gournoraf with Stike, a Sontaran that I'd managed to change… hopefully. You could never really fully trust a Sontaran but from how long I'd known Stike and all the things he's done for me, there was a good chance I could trust him. 
The Gourns had been trying to take over Earth from a ship about 200 miles from the planet's surface. They were a shape-shifting race which meant they were hard to find but my Tardis had been tracking them for years now under the radar, and finally, we found them. The main issue was that they were better fighters than us, and the poisonous oil that coated their skin made it hard to come in contact with them to actually do any harm.
"Stike, go back to the Tardis!" I turned to face him, holding out my sonic for him to take. "It's too dangerous."
"I'm a warrior, Vera. I can handle this." 
"You're just a Sontaran, dude, you won't be able to survive what I've gotta do to all these Gourns. You have to get back to the Tardis." I tell him, not giving him a choice and pushing the device into his hand. "Put the sonic in the console, it will get you somewhere safe automatically; don’t worry about me."
He looked up at me. "How are you going to get back?" 
"I've got my Tardis key." I grinned, looking behind me and seeing a Gourn following us, sludging down the corridor. "I can just teleport over to you when I've done it, but I can't teleport the both of us." 
Stike threw his hand up in a salute. "Ma'am." 
"Shut up. Just go!" I laughed, sending him a lazy, two-fingered salute back as he ran off. 
I face the Gourn that is now getting closer and closer to me. Just before it touched me, I ducked and rolled behind it, not seeing anymore, and ran towards the centre of the ship. Many people might think I'm stupid but it's where the core was, all I had to do was throw a vial of Goufan oil into it and the ship would explode. I would have a few seconds to grab the Tardis key that hung around my neck and I'd be back on my own ship, safe. 
The hard part was avoiding the Gourns. The ship was completely taken over by their true form which consisted of a mucky green sludge that mimicked the oil they secreted whenever they weren't in their true form. Horrible creatures but it meant you could hear them coming. 
Finally, I reached the core of the ship. There was the Goufan Core, where the species was cloned from and what kept the ship running, held behind barriers taller than the eye could see. I pulled the bolt cutters that I'd sonicked earlier and cut a hole, big enough for me to get through. The vial was tucked in my pocket, so I pulled it out and threw it at the green core. 
A white, hot light erupted, but I pulled the key from around my neck and pressed it up against my lips. It took me back to the Tardis and safety. I could just about hear the explosion as I left. 
Though it wasn't my Tardis.
The desktop was murky. The console looked run down and the only lights were turned low, dust and muck everywhere. Definitely not my Tardis, at all. 
I pushed myself up from where I had fallen on the ground, feeling hard metal grates against my back, and getting a better look at wherever I had teleported. It was definitely a Tardis, because the console was covered in Gallifreyan, but… written on sticky notes? On small pieces of paper all over the console, reminders or something, of what things did. And it read circular, not linear, which was what I had my settings as. 
"Where the fuck am I?" 
Then a man came running in from the door that led to the rest of the Tardis. My Timelord senses kicked in, so I knew he must have been one but that wasn't possible. He wore a pinstriped suit, messy brown hair sticking every which way, holding a half-eaten banana. He spotted me immediately and stopped dead in his tracks, like a deer in headlights. 
I blinked at the man several times before being able to speak. He managed to get in a few more 'what's before I could speak, even if I couldn't answer. "Listen, shut it with the what's, because I don't know either."
"Shut it." I stepped forward, down the metal steps to get closer to the man that was still confused. "I was just trying to get back to my Tardis, but evidently, that didn't go as planned." 
He swallowed. "Your Tardis? There's another Tardis."
"Yes, my Tardis." 
"Who are you?" He asks, putting the banana skin over what he hasn't eaten yet and rushing past me, up to the console.
I spin on the balls of my feet to face him again. "Does it matter?" 
He turns around and leans on the console with his hands, crossing his legs. His mannerisms are so familiar, as if I know him better than strangers, and yet I can't place him. I don't recognize him and there is no sense of anything timelord-like in the air, which there would be if he was one.
"Because there shouldn't be another Tardis. Mine is the last one, the most recent type, and any others made were burned when Gallifrey died. There is no possible way you could have another Tardis, which means something is wrong." He explains, looking at me like I was an anomaly. Like I shouldn't exist. 
"I'm Vera, the last timelord." 
His face dropped. Any suspicion or cockiness that he held left it immediately and his hands dropped from where they kept him up against the console. "That's not possible." 
"Well I'm here, so it must be." I shrugged, walking back up the grated steps. "I ran from Gallifrey before the war broke out. I never went back so I survived." 
“I ran. I survived.”
“What’s your name?” I ask, knowing that whatever he replied with would make it evident if he was a timelord or just posing as one, which had happened to be before in the past. It was always easy to figure it out.
He stuck his hand out. “I’m the Doctor.”
I smiled and laughed, not shaking his hand in return and watching as it dropped at his side, my own arms crossing over my chest. “I’m not an idiot. That’s not a Gallifreyan name.”
“My name burned when our planet did.”
“Ooh.” I sucked in a breath between my teeth, watching ‘The Doctor’s mannerisms as the conversation went on. “Good answer. If you’re an actual Timelord then you would want to tell me your name. Nice Tardis, by the way, it must have taken a lot of planning to nick it, props to you, for that.” As I spoke, I turned around, walking around the console, curving back around eventually.
He was silent for a little, and I could feel his gaze on me as I wandered around the stolen ship. There was a part of me that wanted to believe he was a Timelord, and that maybe I wasn’t alone, but it just wasn’t possible. Everyone died, and if he didn’t, then why hadn’t I found him sooner? Why hadn’t my Tardis picked him up on the navigator like it did every ship? It’s not like I had come into contact with every ship in existence, but normally Tardis’ are good at communicating with each other, and since they would be the last two in existence, it wouldn’t make it that difficult. 
Then his voice was hesitant when he spoke again like he was scared of the impossible, scared of feeling hopeful, even. “Are you Vera Rubato, by any chance?”
I spun around and swallowed, watching the man that had just named me. Out of the billions of people who had lived on Gallifrey, he could name me. “How did you do that?”
“Oh, my god.”
“What?” I took a daring step forward. “What? How did you know that?
“Do you really want to know my real name?” He asked, also taking a step forward. 
I tilted my head ever so slightly. “Yes.”
“Theta Sigma.”
That was when my brain emptied. No words came from my mouth as it dropped open. I stared up at this man. My best friend. It wasn’t possible. It couldn’t be possible. He was supposed to be dead, he went missing, he shou- We never found the body. He simply could have done what I did. Stolen a Tardis and flew away. He could have been travelling this whole time, just like I had been. There was no confirmation he was dead, we all just assumed it, even the police assumed it. 
“Please don’t tell me this is a sick joke.” I murmured, latching onto him as a few tears glazed over my eyes. 
He shook his head. “It’s not. Vera, my star, I promise, this isn’t a sick joke. It’s really me.” 
With the mix of my motivation and the fact his knees were probably weak from hope, I nearly pushed us both onto the floor with the momentum of the hug. I practically threw myself at him. He held onto me, latched around my waist, face buried into my shoulders. I felt the tears fall from my eyes onto his suit jacket.
I couldn’t have told you how long we stood there for. It could have been seconds, it could have been centuries, millennia, even. All that I really cared about was that I was able to hold my best friend again. Not even that; simply just that I was no longer alone. I had someone to talk to, someone that I could tell everything to and know that they would understand. 
"I thought you were dead," I spoke into his shoulder. "You just… disappeared one day and we all assumed you were dead." 
"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry. I wish I could have told you before I left, but I couldn't. I'll explain everything, I promise." He sighs, gripping my clothing tighter still, as if he never wanted to let go. I never wanted to let go. My best friend was alive. The person I thought was dead all these years, and he was alive. 
Finally, we let go. My hands rested on his shoulders, looking up at him, slowly moving to cup his cheeks, his eyes staring down at me, as if I was his everything. 
"I went back to Gallifrey, after a while to fight in the war." He explained, voice fragile. "I went to your grandmother's house, to see if you were still there but it was barren. It was completely forgotten like no one had ever lived there in the first place. Everyone told me you had gone, disappeared like I had, but unlike me, you never came back."
I shook my head, pushing myself into his chest again. "I couldn't have.”
“Vera, why did you leave?”
“Remember how whenever I’d ask my grandmother about my parents, she would always dismiss it all, or distract me, either way, refuse to answer it or tell me who they were?” I asked, pushing myself off him and lifting myself to sit on the edge of the console. 
Sensing some big news was going to come, Theta grabbed my hand. Maybe it was also that he didn’t want to let go of me ever again, but that wasn’t important. “Yeah?”
“Rassilon is my father. Was my father, at least.” I told him, laughing stupidly as my head fell into my hands. Theta looked at me eyebrows furrowed, a disbelieving look painted on his face. 
“You’re kidding.”
“You know they resurrected him for the Time War? They literally pulled him from his tomb and resurrected him, because they thought he was the only one that could win the war.” Theta explained, leaning sideways against the console, pressed up against me ever so slightly. 
I nodded at him. “Yeah, that’s why I didn’t go back. I’ve never been good at resisting, have I? Knowing me I would have ended up storming into the council war room and confronting him. There was no way I could have gone back.”
“Now you’ll never meet him.”
“Part of me is happy about that.” I shrug, swallowing because I was finally talking to someone that would understand my thoughts and feelings, but it also meant I didn’t have an excuse for pushing all my feelings down. This was just the tip of the iceberg, there was still so much that I hadn’t even thought about, stuff I wouldn’t even know I was feeling. But at least I had Theta to talk to about it. “The rumours of what he did? I couldn’t bear for that to be my father, even if they were just rumours.”
He was silent for a moment, taking in what I had said, just staring at me. I had started fiddling with my fingers, picking at the nails and trying to decode what his stare was. What he was thinking. Though he was my best friend, it had still been centuries since I had seen him and I couldn’t account for how much he might have changed. 
But then he broke out in a large grin. A massive, toothy grin that could only possibly mean he wasn’t thinking about what I had just said. 
“I can’t believe we found each other again.”
I look up at him, a soft, slightly confused smile curved into my lips, eyes slightly narrowed at him. “Believe it.”
“I could kis-
And I probably could have kissed him, too, if he hadn’t gotten interrupted. But a bunch of particles appeared by the door of the Tardis, and a woman, clad in a gorgeous wedding dress appeared. My eyes went wide, as did Theta’s, as we stared at this woman that had just appeared in the Tardis.
“What?” Theta exclaimed. 
“Who are you?” The woman spoke.
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TWST Diasomnia Chapter Part 1
Summary notes(/reactions) I wrote while reading with the help of Google translate...obviously spoilers-
(2022.12.19) EP 7-1 to EP 7-19
yuu dreamed about the maleficent
freaks out, runs out to look at statue
meets diasomnia gang, calls Malleus 'Tsunotaro'
Sebek angy, Silver and Malleus shush him
Lilia runs in 'in school girl fashion'
slept over bcuz gamer night (Idia?), Silver tried to wake him up 3 times
Lilia is gloomy/anxious(?) during when waking up, bed-hair
Malleus invites yuu to talk about Maleficent
gang leaves to 3rd year orientation for 4th year
3 months per season, 3 courses, must do 2 to attempt graduation exam
company applications through interviews and grades
Trey thinks between food industry and science
Cater thinks between media and theme park management(?)
Ace's brother chose theme park management(?) back then
Should switch between companies for experience
Trey&Cater "idk what to choose, so time to listen to some classmates" tour begins; Vil&Rook
Vil - movie studio or potion, no college
Rook sad he cant see Vil in 4th grade
Rook- archaeological research, chose it after STYX accident showed him hidden beauty in world, college maybe?
Leona where the fck did you climb up from
lol he occupying a row to nap
Vil: take this seriously Leona: already applied :] everyone:??????
he's read the papers while Crowley was talking
Leona - mining and energy research company (geology)
of course he chose it to bitch about it for his bro
Rook: IDIA Idia: i do not exist
no Ortho here bcuz he's 1st year :)))
Idia: its a waste of time here when im already got a job offer everyone:????
he got offers after presentation on culture festival
Vil: is it…. STYX? Idia: nah hell, got kicked out temporally basically so media wont come after my fam *point at letter by dad*
Idia's parents got angy when he built a vacuum robot at age 8 and other shits
Vil: so where did u apply? Idia:……Olympus (no.1. market place, hardest to apply to) (btw web designer or what) everyone: EEEEEEHHHHH??!?!?!? (side note: this genuinely got me sad bcuz he first declined the offer back in chapter 5 epilogue)
Lilia: why are you laying on the desk, Cater?
Malleus cant decide which ones worth it
Lilia………….didn't choose anything……bcuz he will drop out of school
Yuu showed the pic of Mickey, gang go uuuhh?
Grim: his ears are bigger than mine…
Ortho connecting to google, doesnt find anything about Mickey
Yuu talks about Mickey's room and friends
summary by Ortho: 1, Mickey is not from TWST, 2, time moves in Mickey's world too, 3, can only talk to him when he's sleeping
something with the mirror… Ortho uses this word: 銀歯 (silver-tooth????)
Ortho: do you know [Kouseki Radio]? (鉱石ラジオ)
oh we're going technology nerd talk, basically a radio made from ores and things without any electricity involved
sooooooooo the 'silver-tooth' he described is what used as a signal recorder(?)... like the needle on old vinyl
next nerd talk item: [Hitomi no Kagami], a hand mirror
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current theory by Ortho: the mirror in Yuu's room is a [Hitomi no Kagami], a mirror used for communication
gang: wait.....then if Mickey is from another world, there might be a way to find Yuu's home world???
research group with 1st year gang! everyone takes turn at taking a chance to meet Mickey at night :D
Sebek and Silver flabbergasted that Lilia leaves school
LILIA....HIS MAGIC IS RUNNING OUT......... he can no longer fly, thats why he ran in the morning...
His home country(?) is [Akatatsu no Kuni] (red dragon)
He wants to live in peace and not being b-tched around :(
Silver and Sebek are so heartbroken;;;;;;;;
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Lilia: I'm impatient bcuz I don't have much time! me: *chewing pillow*
Malleus: Are you sure you're not gonna change your mind? Lilia: Nope!..or rather, It has been decided a long time ago, no matter what..
"Fate can't be changed..."
oh man heeeeeee's maaaaad....
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Lilia asked Sebek and Silver to help out packing up
Silver cleaning up one of Lilia's drawer be like; 'a test from 2 years ago......broken keyboard........expired coupon......hardened nail polish......candy boxes.....Is he really sure he can live like this? 😭'
..Ring on chain with rotten seeds(?) in candy box....
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Silver: ".....Have I seen this ring before?....Aurora-colored jewels..."
Silver: .........so sleepy..... Lilia: Silver?
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Silver: I found this box with the withered seeds(?)........can I throw it away- LIlia: NO!
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Silver: So.. should I pack it? Lilia: No, I'll just take the bracelet (there's a bracelet in the box too??????),...and the ring can be given back to the rightful owner.. Lilia: To you, Silver. Silver: ??????
Lilia found baby Silver with the jewels on, and planned to give it back when he's grown up 🥺
Silver almost asks about his parents but then he just goes 'thank you'
Sebek found a.....magic tool?... Lilia's weapon when he was still a guard
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Sebek notices that the metal part of the tool is made of [Mistium], an old metal thats no longer mined
...and Lilia used to use it also as an ordinary axe..rip Sebek...
MICKEY HUNTING BEGINS! First night: Ace&Duece!
Riddle only let them have away from dorm if they study, so he made study tests for them,even for Yuu&Grim💀
Grim: If Yuu goes back to their original world....can I still stay in NRC?
Nooo sad time :"( gang is sad, then got back to midnight study session
Day 1 to meet Mickey - failed
Yuu can't sleep, but then sees light and a shadow outside
It's Tsunotaro......and not in a good mood..
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And Malleus seems really out of focus........snaps back his attention when Yuu appears, and stops the snowing
Malleus starts talking (read: trauma dumping) about how he got scolded(?) by Lilia for having the castle in ice bcuz of an argument he had with his grandma, and no one else dared to get close to him
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Lilia made shredded ice with syrup from the ice and gave it to tiny Mal Mal???
Lilia: "You have a great power...don't waste it" Lilia: "Today who's here at this table could have died"
Malleus: You can say Lilia was always close to me.......but now.....he'll no longer scold me....
Malleus: so after my trauma dumping, what do we have here Yuu? :) Yuu: there might be a way to get home Malleus: ......................................so you're leaving too...
Yuu: I feel lonely about saying goodbye to everyone Malleus: ....if there was a way without losing anyone....would you wish for it?
Yuu says it's normal to be sad about goodbye, and goes back inside with a good night/goodbye..
Lilia: "You have a great power...don't waste it" Lilia: "Today who's here at this table could have died"
Malleus: ...Even with great power, I get nothing, I just lose... Malleus: ...they will leave me, leave the table eventually...
Malleus: ...those who invite me...are no more...
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pocket-luv101 · 1 year
Forget Me Not // Chapter 3
Fandom: Genshin Impact Ship: CynoNari
Summary: After Cyno broke their engagement, Tighnari left Gandharva Ville. He returned years later so Collei could attend school there. Collei could see the unspoken feelings between Cyno and Tighnari and decided to help them get back together. Cyno couldn’t explain to Collei that he left Tighnari to protect him. (Modern AU)
Ch.1 // Ch.2 // (Ch.3) //
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“Tighnari, can a friend come to our house tomorrow? We started a study group.” Collei’s request surprised Tighnari. He didn’t expect her to find a new friend who she felt comfortable enough to invite them to their home. Considering how reserved she was, she would wait a few weeks before she decided whether she could trust someone. He didn’t judge her for her approach because he knew how complicate her past was. That was also why he was happy that she made a friend so quickly.
“Of course. The house is still a mess, but I should be able to clear the living room for your study group if I stay up to unpack everything tonight. You can focus on your homework and sleep early tonight, Collei. Most of these boxes are mine since I bought a lot of books and research papers.” Tighnari looked over the boxes cluttering the house. He liked to keep their house organized but they had been busy since they moved to Gandharva Ville. They barely had the time to settle into their new home.
He picked up a box and moved it to the couch. Collei didn’t return to her room immediately and she lingered in the doorway. She started to speak a few times but then she would trail off. He raised her and he could easily sense that she wanted to ask him something. Tighnari couldn’t think of anything she would hesitate to tell him.
“Do you need help with your homework, Collei? You know you can talk to me about anything.” While he was a blunt person, Tighnari didn’t want to directly question her before she was ready. It was his responsibility as her father to protect and help her.
“I overheard your conversation with Madame Faruzan.” She admitted. “You never told me that you were engaged once. At the time, you said that seeing him again didn’t bother you but is that true? Gandharva Ville has a good school but maybe it would’ve been better if we stayed in Sumeru City. The Akademiya has a good reputation as well.”
“Are you bringing this up because you miss our old home or because you’re worried about me? If it’s the latter, I assure you that there’s no need. Cyno and I broke up long ago and I want to focus on family right now. On the other hand, if you’re homesick, we can visit grandma on our next long weekend.” With the compromise, he expected the conversation to be settled. He turned his attention back to the boxes and cut the tape. “Do you want to keep the photo albums in the cupboard or your room?”
Collei couldn’t remember seeing Tighnari go on a date with someone so she was curious about his fiancé. “I only heard Madame Faruzan mention his name but I don’t think I met him before. What kind of person is he?”
“Cyno is currently the head of the ethics committee. Despite everything that happened in the past, I have to admit he’s the best person for the job. He’s convicted to his morals so much that it’s almost a hindrance to him. I can’t count the number of times I had to treat his wounds after he got in over his head. Since he always won the fight in the end, he wouldn’t listen.”
Tighnari intended his words to be a rant yet he found himself chuckling slightly. He quickly covered his mouth to stifle the laugh and corrected himself. “I don’t have time to date anyone and least of all someone who works at the university. It’s unprofessional. You can go to him in the event you must report academic corruption or anything else. He’ll help you. I’m taking this box back to my room and I’ll unpack the rest later. Goodnight, Collei.”
Collei watched him leave and thought over the plan she made with Nahida. She tentatively agreed that they would arrange a scenario where their fathers could spend time together again. However, Collei had her own condition for the plan. She needed to know that Tighnari was open to a relationship with Cyno. She didn’t want to see him hurt. The way Tighnari spoke of Cyno was different from how he addressed others. There was a tenderness in his voice.
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“Nahida, be careful. You’re going to trip over the steps.” Cyno warned her. When she didn’t slow down, he held his hand over her backpack so he could catch her in case she fell. She felt excited to study with her new friend but he had his reservation. He wanted to meet the family. Rukkhadevata disappeared under suspicious circumstances and he worried someone would target her daughter.
They climbed up the handful of steps to the patio and knocked on the door. The last person he expected opened the door and, from Tighnari’s expression, he was also surprised. For a few moments, they only stared at each other in confusion. Cyno tried to greet him yet he was left speechless by the situation. It was easier to remain professional and forget their past relationship while they were on campus. Seeing Tighnari in casual clothes and glasses reminded him of the weekends they would spend together.
“I’m here to study with Collei!” Nahida’s words pulled them out of their daze. She didn’t wait for Tighnari to invite her into the house before she skipped past him. She spotted Collei sitting in the living room and quickened her steps to join her. Standing on her toes, she whispered. “Our plan will work! I read this scenario in a book. They’ll have breakfast together and fall in love.”
“We shouldn’t be too confident that we’ve succeeded yet. We should wait and see how things go.” Collei whispered back to her. She prayed that Tighnari couldn’t hear them with his tall ears. Since he appeared distracted by Cyno, she reasoned that he hadn’t overheard them. “Love isn’t that simple, Nahida. We need to give them time.”
Cyno smiled sheepishly and apologized for her rudeness. “Sorry about Nahida. She was excited to talk to someone in Faruzan’s class.”
“It’s okay, she’s a child. Though, you have a responsibility to teach her proper manners.” Tighnari stepped back and gestured for Cyno to follow him. “Collei didn’t tell me that her classmate was Nahida. This shouldn’t be a problem for either of us because we agreed to not let our past relationship affect our current work. You don’t need to have such a worried expression, Cyno.”
Most people wouldn’t be able to see the subtle changes in Cyno’s face because he would hide his emotions. Tighnari was the only one who could see through him. If only Cyno could see Tighnari’s face in the moment. He had turned away from him. The only hint he had to how he felt was his downcast ears and limp tail.
“This is unexpected but it might be helpful. I haven’t finished opening all the boxes yet. Cyno, can you watch over Collei and Nahida and help them with their homework while I unpack? I’ll cook lunch for you as payment for babysitting.” He offered.
“Cyno should help you unpack!” Collei said and peaked her head out from the living room. From her tone, it was more of an order than a suggestion. Tighnari wasn’t able to disagree before Collei continued: “I’m old enough to study with my classmates without my dad watching me. Cyno will be more helpful to you since he can carry the heavy boxes.”
“Papa said honourable heroes will help those in need.” Nahida added. The two girls had an innocent smile yet Tighnari had a growing suspicion on their intention. He didn’t know what their goal could be though. Collei asked him about his past relationship with Cyno but he doubted she intended to play matchmaker for him. He told her that he didn’t plan to date Cyno again.
In the end, Tighnari decided to set aside his doubt. He swung his tail into his hands and petted his tail. “As long as Cyno doesn’t have anywhere he needs to go, I don’t mind. Don’t feel like you have to stay and help, Cyno. I can unpack everything on my own and you probably have your own work to do. Collei, I’ll be upstairs if you need anything.”
Tighnari fully expected Cyno to turn and leave. When he broke their engagement, it was clear that he cared for his work more than their relationship. He climbed the stairs and listened for the sound of the closing with Cyno’s departure. To his surprise, he heard his footsteps behind him. Cyno fell into step beside him and said, “Just tell me where you want me to put the boxes.”
“It’s rare for the General Mahamatra to take orders from others.” Tighnari used the nickname that their friends would often call Cyno. “Imagine how your co-workers would react if they knew this.”
“Not even the General Mahamatra can say no to the General Forest Watcher.” He retorted. They both chuckled at the joke from their past.
They ascended the stairs to the second floor that was cluttered with boxes and cases. Tighnari picked up a box labelled for his study. “Most of the boxes have been moved to their proper place and the only ones left are my books.”
Tighnari shifted the large box into one arm and struggled to keep it balanced as he reached for the doorknob. Then, Cyno’s arm circled him and opened the door for him. His chest was pressed against his back and Tighnari felt heat rise up his cheek. He quickly stepped out of his embrace and into the room. He told himself that Cyno only stood close to him because he wanted to open the door. Between the narrow hallway and the pile of boxes, there was barely enough room for them to walk next to each other.
“Thank you, Cyno.” He said and set the box on the table. He couldn’t meet Cyno’s eyes at that moment. No matter how many times he told himself he shouldn’t be with Cyno, a part of him still missed him. To keep his mind distracted from their past relationship, he occupied himself by unpacking. The furniture was already placed in the room but he needed to build the plant nursery for his office. “Can you place my books on the shelf while I put this together?”
Cyno nodded and carried a box labelled ‘books’ to the bookcase. He organized the books on the shelf based on their subject and plant family like he knew Tighnari preferred. While Tighnari worked on the other side of the room with his back to him, Cyno was distinctly aware of his presence. The silence of the room was strange to him.
He opened a second cardboard box but he didn’t find textbooks inside like he expected. Instead, photo albums and framed pictures sat in the case. “I think this box of books belongs to Collei. Should we bring it downstairs for her?”
Tighnari moved to his side to look inside the box. On top of the pile was a Collei holding a trophy and grinning into the camera. His face softened into a fond smile as soon as he recalled that day. He picked up the picture and then set it on his desk. “That’s my box. I wanted to have a few family pictures in my office. You can set that aside for now.”
While Cyno could appear cold and serious, he understood his sentimental feelings. He kept an old photograph of Tighnari in his desk and he would draw reassurance from it whenever he felt overwhelmed with work. “Was the trophy for a sport or school?”
“It was just a toy trophy that she won at a carnival. There was an archery game and she managed to knock over all of the targets. You should’ve seen how happy she was. The trophy might as well have been made of gold.” Tighnari grinned proudly as he told him of that night. Then, his smile became sad. “She was looking forward to going to a summer festival with her friends but that will be difficult now.”
“The popup carnival should be in town next week. It’s not as big as the one in Sumeru City but Collei might still have fun there.” Cyno suggested.
“It’s not just the festival. Collei was looking forward to going with Amber and her friends. She’s a great kid so I’m sure she’ll make new friends but that’ll take time. I was happy for her when she said she wanted to hold a study group at our house.”
“You weren’t expecting me, were you? I’m sorry.” He said and he placed the lid over the box of photos and memories. Tighnari reached across the box and placed his hand over his. Cyno looked into his green eyes but he wasn’t able to read his expression or his thoughts like he could in the past.
“There’s nothing for you to apologize for, Cyno. Let’s finish unpacking and then I can make that lunch that I promised you and Nahida.”
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Cyno sat at his desk and stared at the clock clicking by. An hour had passed yet he barely made progress on the project he needed to review. His mind was distracted by Tighnari. He loved him and those feelings hadn’t changed with time or distance. He couldn’t ask him for a second chance though. Tighnari would be endangered by the people he investigated. Moreover, he broke Tighnari’s heart and he might hurt him again. He needed to protect him.
“What am I going to do?” Cyno groaned and ran his hand through his hair. He leaned back in his chair until he could stare up at the ceiling. The university staff would call him cold and heartless whenever he investigated their projects for malpractice. His life would be simpler if that were true. He could be professional during his work but, at the end of the day, he was human.
The selfish part of his heart wished he could be with Tighnari again. He opened the drawer of his desk and searched for the photo he kept of him and Tighnari. Cyno rarely allowed himself to reminisce on their relationship but he would look at the picture whenever he felt uncertain about his work. He shifted through the files and his heart slowly sank.
He couldn’t find the picture.
Cyno’s mind raced as he thought where it could be. Only a few people had access to his study and less knew about the photograph of Tighnari. He would’ve noticed if someone entered his study. Nothing was out of place on his desk. If someone was able to break into the room, why would they take the photo instead of the valuable papers in the safe?
As he went through the list of people who could’ve entered his office, one name made his heart sink. He left the study and walked down the hall. Cyno knocked on Nahida’s door and waited for her to answer. Since it was well past her bedtime, it took her a few moments to open the door. He knelt down so they were eye level. “Nahida, do you remember the photo I kept in my desk? Did you take it?”
She tilted her head. There was a haze of sleep in her eyes and Cyno knew it would be difficult to speak with her while she was half awake. Nahida hummed a few times before her eyes widened. In contrast to her cheery answer, Cyno’s heart sank further. “The one of Professor Tighnari? I wanted to show it to Collei so I brought it to our study session and… Oh, no. I think I forgot it at Collei’s house.”
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Cyno found himself in front of Tighnari’s door without a plan. His only thought was that he needed to retrieve the photo before Tighnari could discover it. Someone as observant and intelligent as Tighnari would question why he kept the photo even after he broke their engagement. He drove back to his house with Nahida sleeping in the backseat.
After he rang his doorbell, he thought of an excuse for his sudden visit. The curtains were closed but light filtered through the thin fabric told him that Tighnari was awake. He only needed to wait a few seconds before the door opened. Cyno quickly said, “I’m sorry but Nahida forgot her book here. Can I come inside and find it? I’ll only take a few minutes because Nahida is sleeping in the car. I didn’t want to leave her home alone so I bought her with me.”
“Did she forget this?” Tighnari slipped a familiar photograph from his pocket. Cyno looked between the picture to Tighnari’s face—both were motionless. He dreaded Tighnari discovering the photo and the questions that would follow but he didn’t say a word to him. Cyno reached out to take the photograph but then he noticed his fingers tense around the paper.
“Were you staying awake for work? It’s not good for your health to do that.” He reached past the photograph to cup his hand around Tighnari’s.
“I was waiting for you. I knew you would come once you realized that Nahida stole our picture and hid it here.” His words made Cyno’s heart swell in his chest. Did he stay up for him? Then, Tighnari closed the door behind him and leaned against the door. His amber-green eyes were a mix of hesitant emotions. “We talked about our relationship but it looks like it’s not going to be simple just being colleagues. Our daughters might be trying to play matchmaker with us.”
“Do you think so? Nahida is just a kid so she isn’t thinking of things like romance yet. She just wanted to show her friend a picture. She probably thought that it was cool that their dads knew each other.” Cyno stood next to Tighnari. He watched the car where Nahida slept so no one could attack her. “She never talked to me about this.”
“Nahida is too young for a romantic relationship.” He agreed. “She’s probably trying to set us up because she’s looking for a family unit like the ones she reads about in books and fairy tales. When I first adopted Collei, my mother insisted I find a mother for her. I’m a single dad but that’s not a bad thing as long as she’s happy. People would joke that I mother Collei enough on my own.”
“I’m hopeless as a father if I can’t see through Nahida’s trick like you did.” Cyno let out a heavy breath. A fluffy tail wrapped around his waist and he thought of how Tighnari would comfort him with the gesture in the past. Did he do it again out of habit?
“Raising kids can be difficult. I adopted Collei years ago and it’s still a struggle for me sometimes. You’re doing fine with Nahida. She’s happy and very bright.” Tighnari reassured him. “Though, you should talk to her and dissuade her from trying something like this again. I’ll discuss this with Collei too. I’m sure our daughters aren’t malicious but I don’t want them to cause trouble for your job.”
Cyno started to tell him that he never considered Tighnari or Nahida a burden but then he bit his tongue against the words. He struggled with the reverse, where his job could hurt the people who he loved. Any relationship with him would be difficult and Tighnari deserved a normal life—especially since he had a daughter now.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” Cyno asked before he could stop himself. He quickly added: “Your mother suggested dating someone for Collei’s sake.”
“You should know that I’m not the type to date someone just because it would help my image of if it’s expected for me to be married by this age. I’ll only date someone I can spend my life with. Unfortunately, I don’t have the best track record in relationships.” The mention of their broken engagement stung Cyno. “I’m not dating anyone. Between raising Collei and the Amurta project, I don’t have time for that.”
“I’m sorry, I kept you up this late over a photo when you’re busy. I’ll be more mindful. Goodnight, Tighnari.” His apologetic voice held remorse for far more than that night. Cyno walked down the porch to his car. To his surprise, Tighnari followed him.
He took his hand and said, “One more thing, Cyno. Our relationship didn’t work out but I’m glad you work at the university. It’s reassuring that Collei has one more person looking out for her. There’s one warning I’ll give you. Collei might begin to look to you as a father figure. Please, be careful of that. She has been through enough and I don’t want you to get her hopes up. It’ll hurt her if your work makes you leave again.”
The last sentence was a reminder to himself. Tighnari dropped his hand from Cyno’s and returned to his home.
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winderlylandchime · 5 months
Hello! I’m here to tell you that my brother and Brian the cat are officially back home! I have to tell you some stuff tho! I was asked (nicely) to send you a message and i almost died when i got texts from my dad yesterday, so i knew i had to let you know. Anyway just a little thing for you to read because i thought you should see it as well.
I got a text from my dad that my brother befriended the old lady that sat next to him on the plane and they discussed Desperate Housewives because he is still watching it (he isnt at Gales season yet) and the lady really liked it back when it aired. He originally mentioned Gale and was about to tell her about qaf and my dad smacked him on the head and went ‘don’t even think about it. I’m not (my name)’ (he mentioned Gale and went ‘he was on this show Queer as OW’ according to my dad. You can take a guess when my dad smacked him) So he definitely has different ways of dealing with him than I do..I wouldve let it happen and then watch in amusement for 5 hours while he has an old lady trapped with him on a plane while he talks about two dudes in love.
ALSO! They had a surprise party planned for him. And i got a video sent to me of my brother’s girls (aka the queens) and his best friends that came to wait for him at the airport. They even made him a sign (the sign said ‘welcome back Mr Wannabe Kinney’) and he was so happy. And then they all surprised him at that bar they all go to! Turns out my mom, grandma, grandpa and the queens planned a surprise welcome home party. They decorated it all with signs that based on some photos had qaf topics written on them and balloons and when he sent me a photo this morning of all of them in a group, i swear it’s the cutest shit ever. I wish you could’ve seen it but just imagine a shit ton of people where 98% are queer, a few drag queens and then in the middle a dude with a Britin shirt on that looks like he doesn’t even belong there. It’s adorable how happy they all are to have him back and I can’t wait to find out how long that lasted until he unloaded all of his qaf/gale/randy/britin knowledge on them.
And secondly, I’m a little late with this but he did text me before he boarded the plane, asking me to relay a message to you: ‘yooo tell them that I just read that last chapter while we were waiting on our flight. What a fucking ending. I actually loved it, felt good, felt nice, felt like the right time. Wish that the real show ended in a similar way. For real (my name), you’re gonna love it when you read it.’
After that I texted him your replies to my message and he immediately texted me back ‘DRAG QUEEN STORY IS NEXT?! FUCK YEAH! I CANT FUCKING WAIT!’ And then in the middle of the night (so for him around 3 am) a very lovely text followed up: ‘can you nicely ask them to tell their Hannah Montana friend that I fucking love the new story. I have so many guesses and theories how it’s gonna go and I can’t wait to be wrong cause I know it’s gonna be better. And this shit is based on how the other person’s friends met?! I have so many questions, I feel like they’re right up my ally.’ After that he spammed my phone to ask me if I’ve read both of the fics yet (i have and they’re absolutely brilliant. You guys are talented as fuck)
Today he actually called me to talk to me about your epilogue and about your friends fic. This is really how we will bond from now on, isn’t it? I did send him your little teaser of the drag queen fic and he completely lost his shit. He’s so excited and if you were nervous about writing this fic, just so you know, you got a random straight dude in your corner because he is so excited for it, it’s kinda ridiculous (not really, its actually really sweet)
Btw, about the podcast Ron and Dan were on, I’ve also never listened to their podcasts even though I knew about it. But curiosity did get the best of me so I went and checked it out. It was a pretty decent interview. I don’t think it made me hate them more or less, kinda just the same. They didn’t say anything that I would clock as bad. I did see that they might do a part 2 where they’ll answer fan’s questions so i guess we’ll see then how i feel about them.
Dear sweet anon! Thank you so much for sending this update.
Queer as OW I'm dying! I would have let him trap that lady too. Maybe gotten another viewer of the show!
Welcome Back Mr. Wannabe Kinney! Oh I love that. I'm going to guess that since they're his friends, they're used to him info-dumping on them and they signed up for this. Otherwise, they wouldn't have encouraged it with their care packages. They know who he is.
I'm so glad he (and you!) enjoyed the final chapter of Fireflies. It was a short chapter given how long it took me to write it. I'm just terrible at ending fics.
This is my friend's story (as I texted it to the fic author):
"We were at a sex party and after fucking, I asked for his number and he actually gave me his real number instead of what he usually did which was give out the number of the last guy who had 'exchanged' numbers with him."
I'm excited that he's excited for the drag queen AU. It's going to be a long time coming though. I mapped it out yesterday and it's going to be about 20 chapters because I want a chapter devoted to each of the drag race all-stars challenges. And I'm going to include actual queens from the show. I want to have a good amount written before I start posting to make sure I'm up to the challenge. It's hard to capture everyone's voices and balance that many moving parts. My fics tend to focus on relationships and mental health, I don't write super plotty fics so this is new for me. I'm really excited for it though.
I'm going to check out the podcast! After I finish listening to my library book. WHILE WE WAIT FOR ANOTHER RANDY PODCAST EPISODE.
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