#and then came home and did chores and now i’m comfy with my cats
chantalstacys · 1 year
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saturday 🫶🏻 popped out for some treats, went to the park and did a little shopping 🍃📖🧸🥐
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kurowrites · 4 years
“You broke into my apartment drunk thinking it was your friend’s house and I should call the cops but my cat kinda likes you so we’re good” Wangxian with rabbits? : ) If you like?
Wei Ying released the latch carefully and slid the window back. It had taken him a while to figure out how to do it, but by now, he was a pro at getting inside any window even while drunk. He felt a little bad having to sneak around like this, but he didn’t want to wake Jiang Yanli in the middle of the night. At the same time, he didn’t want her to have to give him another scolding for camping out on a park bench somewhere because he missed the last bus home. So sneaking in and borrowing Jin Zixuan’s overpriced sofa for the night it was. It wasn’t like he cared about Jin Zixuan’s inevitable whining, after all.
He fumbled around in the dark for a moment, trying to orient himself. But strangely enough, he didn’t encounter furniture where he expected it to be. Was he that drunk, or had they recently redecorated the living room without telling him? Was this some kind of mischievous plan concocted by Jin Zixuan? The ridiculously giant flatscreen TV was gone, in any case. He wouldn’t even be able to binge on some mindless late-night TV show before he inevitably conked out. Instead, there was… a cage?
Curious, he got closer to the cage to inspect this new addition to the living room. It was, in fact, a large animal cage! And as he watched, there was a movement in the little hutch at the end of the cage. A moment later, a rabbit poked its little nose out, wiggling it curiously.
“Heyyyyyy, babyyy,” Wei Ying cooed. “What a cutie you are! I never knew Dajie liked rabbits.”
The rabbit, maybe hoping for a snack, cautiously hopped out of the hutch. In the darkness, he looked kind of greyish, but in daylight, he must be a pretty white.
“Aw, you are so pretty! Come here, little beauty! Is it fine if I pet you?”
With clumsy fingers, he worked to undo the latch of the cage door. Disturbed by the noise, a second rabbit hopped out of the hutch. This one was black.
“Aw, another one! Come to papa,” Wei Ying coaxed, stretching his hand through the cage door.
The white rabbit came to him easily. Wei Ying lifted him out of the cage and carefully set it onto his lap. Then he picked up the black one, lifting it to his face.
“Such good children,” he cooed. “So well-behaved. You deserve some cuddles.”
He pressed a quick kiss onto the little black rabbit’s forehead.
Wei Ying was starting to feel really tired, and sitting upright seemed like too much of a chore after sneaking through the window. So he lay down onto the carpet on the floor, and then placed the two rabbits onto his chest, where they would be comfortable and where he could pet them.
They really were very good children, not scrabbling around but sitting on Wei Ying’s chest peacefully, content with Wei Ying softly ruffling their incredibly soft fur.
“I wonder if the peacock did something dumb and bought you as an apology,” Wei Ying mused. “It would be so much better if Dajie just kicked him out. She can keep you two, though. I think I like you. You are very soft. I like soft things.”
One of the rabbits hopped forward and managed to somehow cram itself under Wei Ying’s chin, as if snuggling up to him. The rabbit was so soft, and it was such a sweet gesture that Wei Ying nearly cried.
“I think I need some rabbits, too,” he said, blinking tears out of his eyes. “And if you’re behaving badly, I can always make rabbit stew.”
The next moment, the light in the living room suddenly turned on, and Wei Ying was momentarily blinded by the sudden glare of the light.
“What do you think you are doing?”
“What the hell!” Wei Ying groaned, trying to shield himself from the stabbing pain of the bright light. “That hurts!”
The next thing he knew, the two rabbits were removed from his chest.
“Noo!” Wei Ying whined. “We just became friends! The cruelty!”
But no mercy awaited him. Instead, once his vision cleared, he found a perfect stranger staring down at him, the two rabbits safely cradled in his arms.
“What do you think you are doing?” the stranger asked again.
“What the fuck are you doing in Dajie’s house?” Wei Ying shot back, a little hysterical. He’d never seen this man before in his life. What was he doing in his precious sister’s house?
“This is my house!” the stranger exclaimed.
That gave Wei Ying pause. With blurry eyes, he looked around. The general architecture of the house seemed to be quite similar to the one Jiang Yanli shared with the peacock, but the furniture most definitely wasn’t. The furniture here was all elegant dark wood with white and blue accents, absolutely nothing that Jin Zixuan would ever want in his gaudy house.
This was also the point where Wei Ying remembered that his sister lived on a street with several houses that were built around the same time and looked remarkably similar to each other, and uh. His orientation might not work best when he was inebriated?
“Fuuuuuuuck,” he groaned. “This is not Dajie’s house. Shit, she’s going to kill me. I’m just going to show myself out. And maybe drown myself in the next body of water. I promise I wasn’t trying to rob you or anything.”
He struggled to his feet, trying to find his footing. Somehow, the movement made him feel a little dizzy, and before he knew it, he’d grasped the stranger’s arm to steady himself.
That brought him eye to eye with the rabbits again.
“Awww babies, I’m so sooorry,” he cooed to them. “We only just met and it’s already goodbye. Be good children for your papa, okay?”
He leaned forward and gave both of them a little smooch.
As he straightened up, he came face to face with the stranger. And what a handsome stranger it was! Such pretty, dark eyes, and such elegant eyebrows! And that mouth! So kissable! Did he know that his mouth was very kissable?
“Do you know you’re really, really handsome?” Wei Ying asked the stranger. “Like, so handsome. Kissable handsome. Oh! Do you also want a kiss? I would totally kiss you. Ah, but I’m a man. Maybe you don’t like getting kisses from men. What a waste though. I would totally kiss you. And do wicked, wicked things with you. Well, not that I’ve ever done wicked things with anyone. I would make an exception for you, though! Too handsome not to be kissed.”
The handsome stranger was not at all impressed, apparently. Without comment, he untangled himself from Wei Ying and went over to the rabbit cage, placing the rabbits back inside the cage. He didn’t close the latch before giving both of them a quick petting.
It was very sweet, Wei Ying thought. He also wanted someone to put him to bet with a little bit of gentle petting.
“I’m, uh,” he stuttered, “just going to show myself out, I guess.”
But before he could return to the window he had snuck in from, the stranger had taken a hold of him and was pushing him down the hallway.
“Oh,” Wei Ying said as the stranger opened a door that clearly led to a bedroom. “Is this some kind of kinky porn situation? ‘Please, don’t call the cops, I’ll do whatever you want!’ Am I doing it right?”
The stranger did not comment, but placed him on the bed and disappeared for a moment. When he returned, he handed Wei Ying a pair of pyjamas.
“Good night,” the handsome stranger said. “Do not disturb the rabbits again.”
And then he was left alone.
Wei Ying considered a window escape for a short moment, but he was already sitting on a very comfy bed, he was tired, and it was cold outside. Inertia was already claiming him. With a shrug of his shoulders, he wriggled out of his own clothing and clumsily slipped into the (very comfortable) pyjamas. By the time his head hit the pillow, his eyes were already closed.
Wei Ying woke up in an unfamiliar room.
He panicked for a moment. Fuck, where was he?
But then his mind was generous enough to remind him of his little criminal break-in last night, and he shot out of bed in a panic, scrambling to slip into his clothes. He had broken into a stranger’s house! And played with said stranger’s rabbits in a dark living room!
Okay, the rabbits had been very cute.
But still!
He left the bedroom, hurried down the hallway and burst into the living room without ceremony.
There was the same stranger from last night, Wei Ying saw with relief, his precious little rabbits settled in his lap as he was feeding them some leafy greens.
“I am so sorry!” Wei Ying exclaimed. “I totally broke into your house last night. And you even let me sleep here! I guess I really have to thank you for not calling the cops on me.”
“Hn,” the strangers replied, and gave another green leaf to the black rabbit.
“I’m Wei Ying, by the way,” Wei Ying said awkwardly. “In case you want a name. For the police. Or, uh.”
The stranger finally deigned to look up from the rabbits in his lap, and look at Wei Ying properly.
“Lan Zhan,” he said, and then he turned back to his rabbits.
A pretty name for a handsome man. It seemed unfair somehow.
Wei Ying stood in the middle of the living room for a moment, unsure of what he was supposed to do now. But the rabbits were right there, adorably munching on their leaves. Wei Ying inched a little closer, hoping against hope that he would manage to get another cuddle in before he was kicked out of the house.
Lan Zhan looked up when he saw Wei Ying approach, but turned his attention back to the rabbits without comment, so Wei Ying chose to interpret this as permission.
Once he had come close enough, Lan Zhan lifted the black rabbit and held it out for Wei Ying to hold.
“This is Ying,” Lan Zhan explained. Then he pointed at the white rabbit still in his lap. “This is Guang.”
Wei Ying laughed. “Guangying. I see. You are terrible at naming things.”
Lan Zhan sent him a flat look that clearly spelled people who drunkenly break into other people’s homes have no room to complain.
“Sorry,” Wei Ying laughed. He cradled Ying to his chest and cooed at him. “A-Ying is a good child, despite the terrible name. Ah, you are so cute, I want to eat you.”
Lan Zhan sent him a stern glare that made Wei Ying laugh again.
“No eating the rabbits, I see,” he hummed as he bumped noses with Ying. “Just a lot of kisses and love.”
“You promised me one too.”
Wei Ying looked at Lan Zhan in confusion, but Lan Zhan was still feeding Guang, not looking at Wei Ying.
“You said I’m too handsome not to be kissed.”
Wei Ying blushed deeply and hid behind little Ying. “Oh my god, don’t listen to my drunk babbling! I can’t believe that after I broke into your house, I also harassed you.”
“So, not handsome enough to be kissed?”
He peeked out behind Ying and found Lan Zhan gazing at him with a peculiar look in his eyes. When Lan Zhan was sure he had Wei Ying’s attention, he lifted his finger to his lips and tapped them twice.
Wei Ying burned. There was no way he could possibly–
He strode forwards to deposit little Ying safely back into Lan Zhan’s lap. But before Wei Ying could draw back and flee to safety himself, Lan Zhan had taken hold of his arm and drawn him in.
Their lips brushed gently, and when Lan Zhan released him, there was a smile on his face.
“Payment,” he said with evident satisfaction. “Go to your sister. She must be worried.”
And Wei Ying, still blushing furiously, could do nothing but flee. This time, out of the front door and not the window.
What a payment, he thought as he hurried along the path in front of the house. Stealing someone’s first kiss like that. How could he take the words of a drunken man seriously!
He turned a corner and watched the house disappear. Never again was he getting lost in this street!
…but maybe he might want to break in again. Just for the rabbits. To make sure Lan Zhan was treating them right.
* Ying as in 影 yǐng, not 婴 yīng.
* Guang as in 光, the same character as Hanguang-jun. :3
* So it’s…. light and shadow, basically. Hahaha.
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the-silentium · 4 years
Pairing: The Swedes x Reader
Words: 3300 words
Warnings: Mention of semi-nudity.
A/N: Hey dear people. I know I usually write for Five, but I had to write at least once for these nice brothers who I clearly love too much. @jossambird​ this one is for AND is because of you. Please enjoy!
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What made you pleasant in the brothers’ eyes was exactly why people generally avoided you. You didn't talk much, always preferring to stay by yourself instead of gathering into groups, passing your time daydreaming, and drawing on a weird small board instead of drinking collectively with the rest of the Commission's workers. You had a perfect mission success rate and to the surprise of many, you always came back unscathed. A lot of agents asked you about your methods but you never answered, much to their annoyance. Not even your supervisor knew, not that he minded. 
So a majority of the Commissioners treated you like an outcast, someone to be left alone and forget. In your time as a reject, you met the only trio that was as silent as you. You never planned on accepting more than one cooperative mission with them, but something attracted you to the brothers. Maybe it was their acceptance of your personality, how they never forced you to express yourself and treated you like a normal person or perhaps it was the bond they shared that made you desire to not be alone anymore. 
The boys didn't mind your presence around them. They quickly realized that a lot of the rumors about you were false, you had so much more to give to those who accepted your introvertness. You were diligent in everything you were a part of, always taking initiative before the brothers even asked you to do something, you were observative enough to predict what they needed and always gave them a helping hand whenever they asked. You were a hard worker, that was for sure. On the other side, after a couple of missions alongside you, they noticed that you often put everyone's need before your own, so they had to keep that in mind. 
A year later, you were an unofficial member of the group, accompanying them more often than not on their trips. Oscar became your best friend, the one with whom you'd share the second twin size bed available in the crappy motel rooms, the one who had managed to make you open up about your past -some part of it, at least- and the one who would always hold your hand whenever the dark was too much for you to handle.
Axel was often the one to make you laugh, with his snarky remarks to Oscar's stupid pranks or with his silly fire camp stories. (The boys will never tell you that, but these stories were made solely for you as a mean for Axel to hear your melodious laugh. Never did the older brother tell his siblings stories of the sort. Oscar and Otto were quick to realize their brother's enamored behavior, to which Axel threatened them to keep their mouth shut about.) To your delight, Axel even let you cook meals from your country. He often helped you around the kitchen just like you often did when he was the cook. 
To your embarrassment, you systematically seemed to fall asleep on Otto whenever he was your couch buddy. His body heat mixed with his height made it perfect for his bicep to serve as your pillow. He always said that it was fine, that you needed the rest but you couldn't stop yourself from feeling ashamed. In return, you made sure that you helped him with the chores and the cleaning. 
You smiled as you stopped the vacuum, admiring your handy work. Wherever you guys went, the stray cats were always welcome into your little temporary home, meaning that cat hairs were everywhere. This time wasn't so bad, the only two stray felines passed the majority of the time on someone's knees seeking body heat. 
You put away the vacuum in its rightful place and made your way to your bed. It was rare, but sometimes you had your own bed. You were grateful that Otto found a place for rent, causing you to have your very own room for the first time in three months. You loved Oscar but you couldn't wait to remove your pants and bra and walk around your room with only a baggy t-shirt and panties on. 
You passed the table where Axel was reading a file and Otto was bent over a map marked with red dots here and there. You stopped at Otto's side in hope of catching his attention. It didn't take long. 
"I finished the vacuum, you won't have to do it later." You smiled as he huffed and rolled his eyes, unsurprised that you hadn't listened to him when he told you to take the day to yourself and let him do the cleaning. "If you guys need me, I'll be in my room." 
Otto hummed in response as Axel nodded, a small smile on his lips. You had to curl up your toes to refrain yourself from moving forward and do something stupid. Quickly, you turned around and walked to your room, glancing for a second at the snow covering the houses, trees and yards. The sight was truly bewitching, although you weren't a fan of the cold temperature. 
Looking under your bed, you pulled out your bag and searched around in its depth, taking out your fully charged iPad and apple pencil. 
Drawing has always been a part of you, despite what it caused. You had to get your thoughts and ideas out of your head and drawing was your way of doing it. All you had to do was find a way so no one could see your drawings. It wasn't easy with your old sketchbook, anyone could find the book and open it, so you requested an iPad with a compatible pencil and locked it with a very complex password. 
You verified that the door was completely closed before caving to your wants and discarded any unnecessary clothing, leaving you in your most comfy oversized t-shirt and your undergarment. 
Now comfortable, you jumped into the bed next to your tablet and started drawing as soon as you positioned yourself with your back pressed onto the headboard. You didn't know how long you passed there, drawing the content of your mind, only knowing that you were at your fourth piece when the door flew open, presenting you Oscar with a shit-eating grin plastered on his face, leaning in the doorway. 
"I came to ask if you wanted to watch a movie, but I see you already have one." He snickered. 
You had once told the brothers what your "small board" was, although skipping the part that it was your drawing tablet. You showed them the music and videos kindly pre-installed by your supervisor and of course, Oscar wanted to watch modern movies with you. You'd never scrolled through the entirety of the movie selection available, but you should have. Before you knew, Oscar had selected Fifty Shades of Grey and everything went down from there. Needless to say that his own time period wasn't that open into showing nudity so it was a shock for him. At first. You were only grateful that the older brothers weren't interested into watching modern movies and that they never knew why Oscar teased you with a color. 
"I'm not watching anything, Oscar." You countered defensively.
He entered the room, unbothered by your appearance. 
"What are you doing then?" He reached for the iPad, causing you to hit the lock button in a hurry, hiding the lines and color behind a hard black screen and a password. 
"But I wanted to see." He whined, putting. You made the error of rolling your eyes, giving Oscar the opportunity to grab your pencil out of your hand. 
"Give it back!" You yelled, reaching for the electronic crayon. Oscar stepped away from the bed, almost making you fall off the bed. 
"It's a pen? You draw? Can I see it?" His eyes were sparkling, but it didn't hurt in the slightest when a categorical no fell from your lips. "But why?" 
You jumped out of bed, ready to jump on him if need be to recover your stolen good. 
"Because. I don't have to give you a reason- Oscar!" You followed him out of the room as soon as he dashed for the door. He stopped in the living room, where he used his height to annoy you and keep the device out of your reach. You tried to reach it on your tippytoes, without success. 
"Oscar I'm not kidding. Give it back." Your patience was getting thinner by the second. 
"Same for me. I want to see." He smirked at something behind your shoulder, but you couldn't care less at the moment. 
"I said no!" You tried again to reach for your iPad in the outstretched arm of the younger Swede, unconsciously offering a perfect view of your behind to two completely red Scandinavian. 
"Give it back!" The desperation in your voice caused Axel to intervene, his heart reacting to your panicked state. 
You felt tears forming into your eyes, from anger or distress, you didn't know, but you harshly wiped at them in hope of concealing your weakness. Oscar froze at your movement, eyes widening at the sight. Someone behind you grabbed the devices from Oscar's hand, before handing them to you. 
"Enough brother. She said no." His tone was hard and let no place for discussion, not that Oscar would have tried to argue after he saw the water in your eyes. 
With shaky hands, you pressed the electronics to your chest, protecting them from any other wandering hands. With them close and safe, your frantic heartbeat could finally slow down. 
You turned to Axel to thank him until you noticed how bright red his cheeks and neck were. He was still glaring at Oscar, although when he realized that you had turned to him, his gaze fell somewhere near you. The realization of why he couldn't meet your gaze dawned on you like a cold bucket of water, your very own cheek reddening. 
Mortified, you fled to the security of your room, the door banging on its hinges behind you. You searched the doorknob for a lock, helplessness invading you when you found none. Rushing to the bed to hide under the covers, you could only hope that the boys would leave you alone for as long as you needed. Forever would be an acceptable amount of time. 
You cried yourself to sleep, remnants of your panic playing tricks in your head, tormenting you with what-ifs. What if Oscar had seen your drawing? What if he decided to try again in the future? What if the boys decided that they had had enough of you? What if- whatif--
A soft knock resonated through the door, waking you in a panic. You had a terrible headache and your eyes were burning. You were disoriented until Otto's soft voice reached your ears. 
"Dinner is ready. I brought you a plate." 
You couldn't possibly think of eating at the moment, but you couldn't find it in yourself to let your sweet Otto turn back, defeated, to the kitchen. 
"Come in." You managed to croak out, your throat not used to form words instead of sobs. 
Otto opened the door slowly, the light of the house entering your dark room, allowing Otto to see your form concealed under the sheets. Only half of your head was poking out of your safe zone, giving him all the information he needed on your state. 
You managed to give him a small smile as he walked into the room to place the plate onto your nightstand. He paused for a second, seemingly thinking over what he wanted to do or say, before making up his mind.
"Oscar is very sorry." His hands formed fists when he met your red eyes. 
"I won't say it's fine because it's not." You answered, breaking the eye contact to concentrate on the wet spots on your pillow. 
"We know." A shadow blocked the light coming from the hallway and into your room, creating an enormous dark form onto the opposite wall. You lifted the covers to hide the remaining of your face, causing Otto to walk out of the room to keep the newcomer outside. 
The smell of the food was heavenly despite the fact that your stomach wasn't ready to welcome any of it soon. You pulled the cover off your face to allow fresh air to enter your lungs and repositioned yourself in a somewhat comfortable position. It didn't take you long to drift off, too tired to resist the welcoming arms of Morpheus. 
You woke up to a pair of steely eyes glaring at you from the doorway. Nervous, you got up from the bed and followed the retreating figure. On your way, you grabbed and slipped on your sweat pants, running to catch up with Axel. You collided with his back when he stopped abruptly and fell on your ass due to the force of the impact. 
Your eyes widened as soon as you caught sight of Oscar's body lying on the floor, blood running down his nose, eyes open but unseeing. A scream died in your throat, the pitiful sounds you managed to do were muffled by your hand covering your mouth. Axel turned to you, glaring at you from his vantage point. 
"He saw your drawings. It's your fault." 
Sobs shook your body as tears ran down your face once more. All you could do was chant a succession of no, desperately wishing that it wasn't true, that you didn't kill him. 
You expected the older brother to kill you in retaliation, but he must have known. No, he knew. As a fruit of your imagination, he knew how to make you suffer. Slowly, his arm lifted to the side, pointing towards the door where Otto was waiting, a blank expression darkening his features. 
Your heart stopped. You would be alone again. Just like the past 16 years of your life. The only ones who accepted you were now rejecting you because they had seen what you so desperately tried to hide. Because your selfishness had broken them. Why couldn't you just stop drawing? Why-
Axel's hand closed firmly on your upper arms, the surprise and fear causing you to shot up into your bed, the sheets falling from your body and exposing your sweaty skin to the chilly air of the room. You slammed your hands onto your mouth in hope of containing the sobs and not disturb the other residents of the little house. 
Just in time, your body stopped shaking, your tears stopped falling and your breath stopped breaking. You stiffened as a knock resonated in the air, Oscar's voice breaking the silence. 
"Are you up?" 
You were relieved to hear his voice, to know that he was still alive and well. You really wanted to answer him, to let him know that he was forgiven and that you didn't hate him, but you knew you looked like hell and that it would only hurt him more. So you stayed silent, waited until your heard his footsteps walking away to get up, gather your clothes for the day and with the discretion that one could only acquire after years of training, you made your way to the bathroom down the hallway. 
The woman looking at you through the mirror looked definitely dead, with her dull puffy eyes, her untamed hair, the tear tracks on her cheeks and her pale skin. Quickly, you showered to remove any trace of your sadness, took an aspirin to lower the pressure into your skull and got dressed to not embarrass anyone furthermore. Now, the woman looked just like you, healthy and beautiful, if not just a little more down than usual. 
As you came out of the bathroom and entered the living room connected to the kitchen, Oscar immediately shot up from the couch like he had waited for you all this time. You knew Otto and Axel's attention were on the both of you even if they continued with their activities, making breakfast and petting the cats. 
"I am so sorry. I crossed a line and I know it wasn't right. Please, don't hate me. I'm sorry." He was as shaken as you were if his disheveled hair was anything to go by. This was a first. 
"I don't hate you, Oscar." He relaxed at your word, a soft smile leaving his lips. "I forgive you, but please, don't do it again." 
He shook his head and wrapped you in his arms. The tightness was a bit too much, but you didn't mind, you hugged him just as tightly. 
"Thank you." He whispered as he pulled away, a small smile on his handsome face. 
You playfully punched his shoulder to which Oscar retaliated by poking your sides until you were on the floor, laughing so much that your headache came back. 
"Food's ready." You cheered at Axel's statement, successfully pushing your white-haired friend off of you when he wasn't focussing. 
"Thank you." You said to the cook while getting seated to your place. He hummed, just as usual, the events of the day before seemingly forgotten. 
Despite your great appetite, you didn't touch your fork, instead gathering the courage to come clean. 
"My birthday is October 1st, 1989." The Swedes froze, surprised about the new information. Everyone at the Commission knew about the children born on this particular day. You continued when Oscar opened his mouth. "My ability," you frowned, "if I could call it like that, is that if I accomplish a specific task, people die."
The brothers were lost, not getting to what you were implying. 
"If someone sees a drawing I've made, they die. Generally in the next day or so. It can be by a heart attack, a brain hemorrhage or a stupid accident." Your gaze found Oscar's grey one. "You didn't see it, did you?" 
He shook his head, a smirk stretching his lips. "You're that bad, eh?" 
You kicked his ankle under the table, a yelp resonating into the room. 
"You could have died, you moron." 
"You're not kidding?" His head tilted to the side.
"No! How do you think I killed for the Commission for the last 16 years? I only had to show them a drawing and they were dead by the next day!" You huffed, frustrated that he didn't believe you at first. "I've lost my family because of it, I won't lose my friends too." You chewed on the interior of your cheek, your gaze fleeing everyone’s by falling on your plate. 
Before any dark thoughts could invade your mind, a hand fell on your shoulder. Axel didn't have to say it in words for you to understand. They'd never give up on you, no matter what, the reassurance making you smile to your plate. 
"Why don't you stop?" Otto's question pulled at your heart. 
"Because whenever I draw, I draw my family. I miss them a lot." You could hear the laugh of your little sister in the wind sometimes or could see yourself playing in the snow with your older brother. It was an accident, you didn't know at the time, but when you showed your very first drawing of the neighbor's dog to your family at dinner, you had sealed their fate. Four heart attacks under the same roof on the same night was hardly a coincidence, leading the Commission to take your case seriously. They took you in and made you who you were. 
A chair moving harshly on the floor caught your attention. Oscar walked around the table to hug you from behind, his face pressed against yours.
"We are your family now." 
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sherrybaby14 · 4 years
Thor’s Kitten
Request:  Hi can I request a dark!thor fic? Something where reader falls asleep in his bed(I imagine it’s the biggest and most comfy and unused cuz it’s Thor). She doesn’t know he’s coming tho and when he finds her he thinks she’s like a welcome back gift. So he uses her until she wakes up. Thank you!
Warnings: Rough sex, Dark!Thor,  Non-con (Please do not read if this offends you), turns into dub con.  
Pairing:  Thor x reader
Words:  2500
A/N:  this is FILTHY!!
It was a stupid chore.  Changing the linens on every royal’s room in the palace even if they hadn’t slept there the night before.  Here you found yourself changing the sheets on Prince Thor’s bed for the twelfth day in a row when he was no where to be found, probably fighting some important battle.  You doubted he was even on Asgard.  
You dropped the clean set of sheets on the chair next to the bed and looked at the flawless mattress.  The gold and red comforter and satin pillow cases looked so inviting.   It was large enough you had to get on your knees and crawl across the thing to get the linens down so you were aware how soft it was.  
A yawn left your mouth.  This was your final task of the day.  You looked down at your blue dress.  You were leaving here to meet up with friends and already changed out of the maid’s uniform.  Managed to freshen up your hair and makeup too.    
You changed early since the servant’s rooms were on the far side of the palace and you didn’t want to walk back after doing this meaningless task.  Nobody was expecting to see you again the rest of the night.  You told your friends you weren’t coming, you could still surprise them a few hours late.  There really was no need to rush.  
Besides, the bed looked so inviting.   Another yawn left and you fell forward, hugging an untouched pillow, spreading out over the massive piece of furniture.  Just a little cat nap, you told yourself as you drifted off.  
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“That was a battle for the ages.”  Loki took off his helmet as they walked into the palace.  
“Another victory for Asgard.”  Thor ran his fingers through his locks.  “One that must be celebrated.”  
He looked to his comrades.  They all looked exhausted.  Lady Siff shook her head.  
“None of you want to play?”  Thor turned to look at them, holding his arms up.  “Surely you have the spirit for celebration brother?”  
“I’m having a kitten sent to your room.”  Loki laughed.  “That way you will always have something to entertain yourself, since none of us can keep up.”  
“One that scratches!”  Fandral added in.  “Claws at our leader’s eyes.”  
“And plays games, keeps Thor on his toes when they’re not biting at them.”  Siff laughed.  
“Of course!”  Loki clapped.  “Thor always benefits from a challenge.  A kitten eager for a lesson.  The mighty Thor will have the poor thing meowing at his feet by the end of the night.”  
The group exploded with chuckles and Thor shrugged.  
“Tomorrow night then.”  Thor pointed at them.  “There will be a feast.”  
He was greeted with forced enthusiasm and shook his head as he spun around.  The warriors needed to learn to let loose a little.  
When Thor arrived at his rooms he took in the scent.  Home.  Maybe the group was right to spend the evening relaxed.   Besides, there was a tint of himself in his nose.  He needed a long hot shower.  He didn’t bother lighting his room as he went straight for the wash.  
The hot water did him good, as he washed away the blood and grime on his body.  When he stepped out he wrapped a deep red towel around his hips.   He should be more tired than his comrades, but his blood was still pumping.  
Maybe he would dress and leave the walls.  Find a way to wear out the adrenaline coursing his veins.  He stepped into the main room and lit the area.  He was heading to his wardrobe when he heard a soft nose from the bed.  
His eyes went wide when he saw her.  
“Brother.”  Thor shook his head as he cracked his jaw.  “You’ve outdone yourself.”    
A kitten in the bed.  One who would scratch and claw.  The night just took an interesting turn.
You were on a beach, your toes in the sand.  The wind was in your hair and there was a picnic next to you.  The sand started to wave.  Was water coming?  
“Good evening Kitten.”
The voice was to real.  You glanced around.  You were alone on the beach.  The sand started to give way and you tumbled.  
Your eyes popped open and you looked around, confused.  Where was the water?  The clear skies?  
“You’re quite the actress.”  The deep focus focused your thoughts.  “How did Loki acquire you on such short notice?”  
“What?”  You looked at the face next to you in bed and your eyes widened as you scooted away.  “Your highness.  I apologize.  This is so unprofessional of me.”  
You were going to lose your job.
“A Kitten who wants to play games.”  Thor reached out and grabbed your waist, yanking you back to him like you weighed nothing.  “I have a feeling you will keep me entertained until all hours of the morning even without them.”  
You pushed your hands to his chest and tried to scoot away.  Unsure what he was talking about, or why he was touching you this way.  Your sleep was so deep you couldn’t quite comprehend anything but embarrassment.  
“Please don’t tell anyone.”  You turned to the ceiling, wanting to roll across the bed and stand, but Thor rolled you onto your back and pinned you with one hand.  “I fell asleep.  I didn’t mean to, I mean that is a lie.  I did not think you would return.”  
“So the theme is sleeping beauty.”  Thor moved so he was on top of you from behind, his hands ran up your back and grabbed your wrists, moving them above your head as he inhaled your neck.  “I guess I should awake you with a kiss.”  
His lips met your neck and your eyes flashed open.  
“No.” You tried to buck underneath him.  “I am a maid. This is not a game.  I fell asleep in your bed.  I apologize.”  
“If you wanted to role play maid you should’ve at least warn the outfit.”  Thor sighed and rolled off your back.  “Breaking character already Kitten?  I am a bit disappointed.”  
You didn’t quite understand what he was talking about, but got the general gist and started crawling toward the end of the bed, eager to escape this embarrassment.
“But all is forgivable.”  A hand was on your ankle yanking you back before you made it to the edge.  
“NO! Please.”  You were spun on to your back. “This is a misunderstanding.  I can explain everything!”
“Drop the maid angle.”  Thor’s hands went to the straps of your dress.  “Your prince desires to wake up his beauty with much more than a kiss.”  
What the fuck?  You blinked as he tugged on your straps, destroying the dress like it was nothing.  
“Stop!”  You went to cover yourself, but the blonde grinned down at you as he shredded your outfit.  “STOP!”  
You tried to twist and turn away, but his hands were too powerful and his thighs gripped you in place.   So you brought your arms to your chest to cover yourself while Thor did away with the rest of your clothing, leaving you bare to the man.  
“This is a mistake.”  Your chest started to heave.  “An error!  Please you must stop! Let me leave!”  
“Now now Kitten.”  Thor’s fingers ran up your arms until they grabbed your wrists, spreading you for his view.  “Let me enjoy my victory.”  
Heat covered your body as your mind caught up to what was happening.  You struggled against his grip, but all it did was make your chest bounce for the heir to the throne.   He responded by licking his lips and dropping his head.  
You cried out as he sucked a nipple into his mouth.  
“Stop!”  You tried to wiggle into the mattress, but his tongue worked you like an expert, flicking you into a hard peak.
He moved his mouth to your other breast, and the air felt cool against your hard pebble, but Thor dropped your wrist and began tweaking at it.  At first you moaned, grateful the pressure was back to your teased nub.  
Then you realized you had a free hand.  You started shoving at him, but he was like a wall.  You tried to slap, pull his hair, claw at him.  But he kept sucking and pinching you.  
“STOP!”  You dug your nails as hard as you could into his shoulder.  
That elicited a grunt from the man who lifted his head and lost attention on your chest.  There was an electricity in his eyes as he glared down at you.
“I was warned you would scratch.”  He tightened his grip on your wrist to the point you whimpered.  “But NONE OF THAT!  You will behave yourself Kitten, do you understand?”  
The boom of his voice shook you to your core.  Hot tears on your cheeks, fear in your soul.  You responded without thinking, nodding your head yes.
“Good Kitten.”  Thor smiled and his grip lessened. “Don’t worry, I’ll have you purring by the end of the night.”  
His head dipped again.  You winced as he resumed his attention on your breasts.  Flickering his tongue and teasing his teeth on one while he kneaded the other.  
You were too scared and confused to react, but your body had other ideas as you began to rub your thighs together, hoping to make a friction between your legs.  What was wrong with you?  Why were you enjoying this?
“Very good Kitten.”  Thor lifted his head, smiling.  “You deserve a reward for that.”
He went back on his haunches, letting you go as he dropped the towel.   A massive godly cock sprung forward.  Your pussy clenched at the sight, but your brain kicked into gear.
“No, no no,” You turned and started to crawl away.
“Here I was going to let you have a lick.”  Thor grabbed your hips before he pushed your head into the mattress and snaked his other arm around your hips, holding your ass in the air.  “But it appear my Kitten is eager for more.”  
“Please.  You’re too big.”  You gripped the sheets, trying to pull away from him.  “I can’t.”  
“Oh you can.”  You felt the head of his cock run up and down your slit.  “And you’re so nice and wet for me.  Good girl.”  
He began to press inside.  Your muscles struggled to accommodate his girth.  Again the tears came back.  
“PLEASE STOP!”  You were just a maid.  How did the happen.  “PLEASE.”
Your shoulder started to shake as you sobbed into the bed.   To your surprise he did, not pressing into you further.  He leaned over you and found your ear.  
“I promise, I care about your pleasure as much as my own.  You’re doing a great job by the way.  Loki really outdid himself with you.”  He kissed your cheek.  “You’re so convincing.  But lets continue with the game.”  
Your head was spinning.  A game? Loki?  What the hell was he talking about.  
His fingers stroked the top of your pussy and then found your pleasure.  Thor pushed down on your clit and started to rub, going in a circle, then up and down.  You squealed in response and your hips bucked backward, taking him further in causing you to gasp.
“Eager now Kitten?”  Thor let out a booming laugh.  “Don’t worry.  I’m here to take care of you.”  
Thor began to press down.  He was splitting you in half.  You let out an other worldly shriek and tried to bite down into the mattress.
“If you need to bite.”  His fingers grabbed your chin as he turned your head.  “These will do.”  
Two of his fingers slid into your mouth.  You didn’t know why but you found yourself moaning against them.   His other hand worked your clit further while he stretched you with his cock.  You found yourself sucking of them, like some safety blanket as he speared you.  
“Very good Kitten.”  Thor’s voice elicited a response in your body you weren’t expecting.  “We’re almost there.”  
Your vision started to blur.  The pleasure and the pain and the softness in your mouth as you sucked at his digits.  Sweat started to erupt all across your body.  
“Perfection.”  Thor’s pelvis touched your rear.  “You’re doing so well. I told you you could take me.”  
He leaned over and kissed your shoulder before spreading his thighs.  
“Let’s make you purr.”  He pulled out slightly, it created a strange ache and burn in your core.  
Then he went right back in.  You didn’t know if you wanted him gone or were happy he was back.  Before you could decide his fingers began to dance.  Changing the level of pressure of your now swollen bud, rubbing, stroking, light, hard.  
You found yourself sucking on his finger in response to your confusion, trying to pulsate at the same pace he was, but unable to keep up.  
“Such a good Kitten.”  Thor was now slamming in and out you.  
How had you not noticed?  Did it matter?  You started to rock against him, your body now desperate for his return.  
The coil in your center started to form.  Your vision going blurry as every effort you were capable of focused on one thing.  The sounds of your body slamming into each other, the taste of him in your mouth.  You wrapped your fingers around his wrist, needing him more than the bed or escape right now.  
“Prrrrr…” Thor let out a cat noise and your body shook in response.  
You were getting closer and closer, making unintelligible noises around his fingers.   He let out a grunt.  Lightning.  That was the only way you could describe it.  Your body started to convulse, more energy built up than you thought possible.  
It burst, like a thunderous roar.  Your veins flooded with him, you cried and moaned forgetting his fingers as you went limp under him.  
He held you close, pressing down on your clit as he joined you in release, flooding your womb with his seed.  You struggled for breath as he fell on top of your back.   Both of you struggling to regulate.  
Sleep started to return when SMACK!  Your ass exploded with pain while Thor’s member slipped out.  
“You did so well this first round.”  He pulled your to his chest as he laid on his back.  “But I was promised you’d be sleeping by my feet at the end of the night.  And you know, I am up to the challenge.”  
Yet again you had no clue what he was talking about, but you no longer cared.  You just wanted him to make you purr again.  
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ninjakitty15 · 3 years
Chapter 15: Trickster Treats (Loki X OFC Pairing)
"You know, not that I'm complaining here, but you don't have to bribe me with chocolate chip pumpkin pancakes and pumpkin spice latte, as much as I missed those breakfast foods this time of year," I assured my best friend in the whole fucking multiverse.
"You have no idea how fucking bored I've been since you went MIA, I tried making new friends honest, but you of all people know how hard that is."
"Even in Salem where the weird are welcomed?" I asked.
Zari just nodded while shoveling crispy strips of freshly made bacon onto my already full plate. "I also think you need this, I know you don't extensively need to eat being dead and all but how the hell else do you recharge after kicking terrorist ass?"
"Mischievous magical sex certainly helps," I chirped.
"Is that why he hasn't come down for food like you did?" she asked, jerking her head toward the guest room we stayed in.
"Not as much as usual actually, we were both just tired and needed company over intimacy. Asgardians are fucking addicting, pun intended."
"Let's hope he doesn't wish he knew how to quit you," she teased.
I scoffed and shoveled more food into my mouth. "He aint never had it this good, the best thing about necrophilia is the dead can't say no."
"Jesus, woman, still with the dead jokes after all this time?"
"Always," I replied smoothly.
"So what should we do today while I got you?" she asked excitedly.
"Like you said, I gotta recharge and then I gotta celebrate properly since I missed out so many times, too many really, it's a good thing I got out before I missed it this year or I'd be seriously depressed."
"You're only really alive during this time of the year despite the veil between worlds being so thin and your death powers being strongest then, irony that is. So what was it like being in the Avengers company?"
"Kinda boring when I wasn't actively shagging the only other person on house arrest there, I'm not terribly into new state of the art tech Tony's all about. I mean yeah it looks cool and shit but like I've no idea how to use the majority of it."
"It did take forever for you to get a smartphone when the rest of the first world had been through like 5 at least."
"That was partially because I was under the impression I couldn't afford one or didn't need that much stuff just to contact people."
She rolled her eyes at me and scoffed. "Whatever, Ms. Slide to Text Not Smart Phone."
"Call me what you want but whenever I dropped that phone, the worst that happened was the battery popping out, let's see you drop a smartphone any height without a protective cover and see if it even works after that."
"Get with the times, woman!"
"Don't wanna!" I retorted and crossed my arms in a pretend pout.
"How the hell does Loki put up with you really?"
"I already told you, copious amounts of kinky and experimental sex, keep up."
"What about sex?" a familiar smooth accented voice interrupted.
We both turned to see a groggy looking Loki that shifted into his mortal form Tom seamlessly, a hand combing through his short sandy curls and a lazy smile tugging at his lips upon setting his eyes on me. "Zari wants to know why you put up with me."
"Put up with? Why would it be a chore to be with you?"
"My thoughts exactly. See, Zari, it's not me, it's you," I taunted.
"Shut up and eat your damn pancakes," she demanded.
"So orange is for the pumpkins everyone picks and carves into what you then call Jacko Lanterns, black is for the night of the holiday and the darkness and death that comes after the season more or less, white is for the spirits free to roam about, what about purple, I know I've seen some of that mixed in as well as green," Loki commented while we raided some more tourist stores full of holiday goodies.
"Purple seems to come out more in kid friendly type decor or even dare I say glitsy stuff I'd rather not. Green's also a bit kiddish but it also goes with the monsters and other characters people tend to dress as for the occasion," I explained, sifting through the sweatshirts that all had Salem something or other on it.
"And what's the most common costumes?"
"Well I mean every year there's always a select group of costumes that's all the rage of that year, like maybe Tony did something wicked awesome the world knows about so everyone's gotta be Iron Man that year, but then there's also something for the girls that's excessively popular but at a certain age or older it's gotta be either slutty or some other form of sexy because that's society in a nutshell. Dudes can be anything but chicks are just breathing sex dolls."
"That's disgusting, why didn't you people let me destroy New York when I had the chance?"
"What do you mean 'you people'?" I asked suspiciously. "You know how I feel about that city."
Loki picked up a rather cute looking scarf that of course was green and wrapped it around his neck then turned to me. "What do you think?"
"Lay off the green or go back to your real form, you can't have it both ways, even I know that and I never go undercover."
He scowled at my logic as he had made a habit of by now but put it back all the same and chose an orange one with black skulls instead. "As a child then, to your knowledge and not society's, what were the most popular costumes of choice?"
"I think even before I came into existence, the classic ones were: witch, ghost, devil, clown, cat, skeleton...those ones at least. They were the easiest to make as well if you didn't have the money or time to buy one and the economy has always been shit. Oh and there was the Grim Reaper of course, how could I forget that?"
"That was your first costume, wasn't it?"
"Nah." I smiled. "I don't remember much before I died, no faces or names or anyone really but I do know I was a witch...glad I can remember that much of my childhood. Ghost was the absolute easiest fucking costume to make but witch was the bees knees for me."
"What made a ghost costume?"
"Oh just find any old white or offwhite bedsheet that didn't drag too much on the ground or you'd probably trip over it half the time you're trick or treating, cut two holes for your eyes, boom done, you're a ghost, I sheet you not."
"Zari warned me you were fond of bad jokes and puns, I found them amusing but now I'm sort of wary."
It was my turn to scowl at this, he seemed to enjoy my wordplay till she had to ruin it. "She and I are gonna have words later about that, ruining my fun when I just got here." I snagged a comfy looking black and orange hoodie with a cute witch pun on it to purchase and snagged Loki's scarf as well to pay myself despite his protests. "Shush, Zari gave us spending cash since we want to stay under the radar and cards will fuck us over that way."
"I know but I wanted to pay for it myself," he insisted.
"Listen, this city is all about my favorite holiday and said holiday only has one law, trick or treat and since you are the master of tricks here, if you want anything in this city, it'll be my treat."
He opened his mouth to argue a few times before deciding he wasn't going to win what I thought was a smooth as fuck reply that should also be bulletproof too. "Fine. Well played."
"Jolly good, and thanks, been known to happen. How long do you think we'll have before we're found by either party?"
"Stark will hopefully find us first, I'd rather not be locked up again, I'm sure you agree there. As to how long...a few days give or take with his resources. Worried, love?"
"Something occurred to me just now. While this is my turf and I'm nigh unstoppable here, I don't want the other agents coming here and sullying my slice of heaven or Valhalla in your case and that's what they'll do, they're a plague, spreading and destroying everything they come in contact with."
"I can understand that, that's what I felt with Asgard before it went down in flames. What would you have us do then?"
"I don't want them here, but I still need to sort out the traitors, there's gotta be more than the two I saw there at the base. I'm also tired of being targetted, that's the reason I left the country in the first place and literally the second I come back before I can even touch native soil, I'm back to being wanted by the wrong people. This country sucks."
"The Avengers have already tried many times to nip it in the bud as you Midgardians would say. I'm willing to bet there's several more hidden bases off the radar we won't be able to find ourselves unless they want us too."
"What are you saying?"
"We won't be able to rid them of the world unfortunately, they've been around since 1940s at least and don't plan on retiring despite their old age. Although...what did you say about getting rid of certain household arachnids earlier on?"
I blinked and wracked my memory, wondering where he was going with his musings before it dawned on me and a wide wicked grin spread across my face. "If you can't kill em, make em wish they never came in. What do you know, you can teach an old god new tricks."
His smirk from pulling a page out of my own book went back into an unamused though half hearted glare at my last bit. "You're lucky I don't know how to quit you."
And once more I was the one scowling again. "You wouldn't survive the withdrawals, I'm a fever you can't sweat out. Also, it's rude to spy on other people's conversations. That's classified information you don't have clearance for."
"I'm a god, I have clearance for everything, silly woman."
"Eventually that card will expire that you keep pulling," I muttered, tugging him out of the shop and onto another while pulling on my new hoodie.
Outside in the heart of Salem, the cobblestone streets were damn near packed like Mardi Gras  in the South, street vendors everywhere, tourists and people that just bloody love the upcoming holiday getting it while it was there. The park across the street from all the chaos was busy with fair rides and games for the kiddos, fried dough, candy apples and fresh apple cider as fair food. This was my home, my heaven, if I died for good then and there, I'd regret nothing because I'd already be in heaven and there was no telling what kind of afterlife I was in for. The air was crisp and smelled of hay rides and apples and I couldn't remember a time I was more in love than I was then. I pulled Loki out of the crowded street and into a side alley between shops, grabbed him by his cute new scarf and snogged him passionately. Even in human form I couldn't get enough of him, would you blame me? He cupped the side of my face once we pulled away and studied me almost tenderly.
"This will be our place," he murmured. "Not Stark's, not the Avengers, not Hydra's. I've already watched one place I love go down in flames and I've already lost one woman I love fall before that even happened, I won't let either of which happen again, not while I'm still breathing. I swear it on my life. We can't let them near this but we can't run from them either, so we'll take the fight to them or die trying."
"Well, you might die, I'm already there but yes, I concur. First we enjoy our mini vacation, then we raise some hell and all the damned that comes with it. To mischief, to merriment, to manslaughter!"
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niall-is-my-dream · 5 years
Lost Without You - Part Six
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At 10am the following Monday morning you received a call from Foundation Interior Designs.  Your hands were trembling as you answered the call and you could hardly contain the squeals that were threatening to escape when they offered you the job.
After working your arse off for three years at University you had finally landed one of your dream roles. A few months working in Paris before settling back in London to start your career.
You first called Niall, probably should have been your parents or Jess and Hannah but he was the first person you thought off. Niall as you expected was so excited and told you that he knew you would get it. Asking him to thank Willie for the interview advice, you told him you were going to call your parents and that you would speak to him later. He was about to go into a meeting anyway, so said he would call you when it finished.
Your parents were ecstatic at the news, offering to treat you to lunch when they came down from Nottingham the next day. Your dad had hired a van and they were going to help you move and buy your furniture for the flat above The Cosy Coffee Corner. Although you would be leaving the flat for a few months, you would need it when you got back from Paris in December.
After firing off a message on your group chat with Jess and Hannah asking them to meet you at the cafe in half an hour, you grabbed your purse and headed out. You were excited to tell Audrey your news, she had become an unexpected agony Aunt while you had lived here. Jess and Hannah said they'd meet you there and as you pushed open the door to the cafe you spotted Audrey straight away.
 "Morning Emma, how are you? All set for tomorrow?" She asked.
"Yes my parents are coming down to help. And I got some great news about a job!" 
"Well???!!!" She said eagerly.
"I got the internship in Paris and if that goes well it will extend to the London office as well!"
Audrey went crazy, clapping and cheering as she rounded the counter and pulled you into a hug.
"I knew you could do it, didn't I tell you? Oh Paris!! Think of all the coffee and pastries you can try!"
Typical Audrey thinking about coffee and baked goods, however she had a point. You'd probably have to take up running when you got there. 
You chatted with her about the job and your plans for the flat. Audrey offered to keep an eye on the flat for you while you were gone and to cover the bills for you, but you declined her offer. She had been more than generous when it came to the flat. It was a two bedroom place and she wasn't taking any deposit from you, hadn't made you sign any tenancy agreement and only wanted you to cover the bills, with the rent she had asked for was the same as the studio flats you had been looking at. She had even updated the kitchen and bathroom and put new carpet throughout.
Audrey stayed and chatted with you until Hannah and Jess arrived, excusing herself when they sat down offering to bring some coffees over for you. It was at this point that you decided you wanted to do something special for Audrey. Something to show her that you appreciated having her in your life. You would have to have a think about how to repay her for her kindness. Maybe you could invite her to Paris for the weekend when you were there?
Hannah soon pulled you from your thoughts and you began discussing the job.
"So have you told Niall yet?" She asked.
"Yeah I did, he was really happy for me."
"Where does this leave you guys then?" Jess asked.
"Well we talked on the phone for like two hours Saturday night after I finished work. He is wanting to make us exclusive and wants to see how we go."
"And what do you think, because your face isn't convincing me." Hannah replied.
"Honestly, I thought he was going to end things when he asked to talk to me."
"Do you want to end things with him, because I'm not convinced you want that either."
It was then that Audrey came over with your coffees and some pastries, you swear she was trying to fatten you all up. She left you all to it, sensing that you were in deep conversation about something.
"I'm so confused about everything." You admitted to them. "He's so ridiculously perfect for me but I'm worried about us being apart and getting my heart broken. Should I get out now and save myself or do I risk it and I could end up with something amazing?"
"Do you want me to be honest?" Hannah asked you.
"Yes, tell me what you think. Because I'm so conflicted."
"I was shocked when you said you'd applied for jobs that took you abroad, I was shocked when you started seeing Niall. As badass as I think you are, you are not a risk taker. Going to Paris is completely out of your comfort zone but look how amazing it is going to be. You will learn so much and have an experience to talk to your grandkids about. So take the risk with Niall, see how you go. Your heart can be fixed if it doesn't work out, but I think you'd be fucking stupid to let him go."
You sat there looking at Hannah, someone you had been best friends with for three years and took in the words she had just said.
"What about you Jess?" You asked turning to her.
"Agree with Hannah, take the risk with him. Even if you were staying in London and he wasn't doing all this promo over the world, being with him would still be hard. I think he's worth it, you've been so ridiculously happy since you met him it's sickening." She replied smirking. "And anyway, he's rich you can fly to each other whenever you want."
"I don't want to be seen as using him for money though, I don't expect that sort of thing." 
"He won't think that, that's not you at all!" Hannah replied quickly.
"Ok, well looks like we will be having a long distance relationship." You said.
"It does, doesn't it. I might be too, we should compare notes." Jess added, taking a sip of her coffee.
You tilted your head and looked at her with raised eyebrows.
"Care to explain?" You asked her smiling.
"Conor and I have been talking since we went to his gig the other week."
"How in the hell have you kept that a secret?!" Hannah almost screeched across the table at her.
"You never keep anything a secret when it comes to guys!" You added.
"Just been texting and getting to know each other slowly. They're in Europe at the moment but are back next week and he's taking me to dinner."
You could tell by her face that she had been desperate to tell you both, but you understood her need to keep it quiet. While Wild Youth weren't as big in the celebrity world as Niall was, they were still well known musicians. 
"Great, I'll be the one alone at home with all her cats while you two are out walking the red carpet at some fancy celebrity award show." Hannah said her forehead pressing into a frown.
You all burst out laughing then, the thought of that seeming ridiculous.
"Niall has some cute friends, I'll play matchmaker if you like?!"
"No, don't want to seem too desperate." She replied.
"Sounds like you are though." Jess added and laughing at the ridiculousness of the conversation.
Building flat pack furniture really was a chore. Your parents had driven down from Nottingham early this morning, collected you from your dorm before heading to Ikea.  You had brought a bed, wardrobes, drawers, a dining table and chairs and a sofa. Your Gran had given you some money and along with some gifted from your parents you had got everything you needed. Everything had been brought back to the flat above The Cosy Coffee Corner, with the sofa and bed being delivered the next day.
After heading into Audreys and getting some take away sandwiches and drinks, you headed up to the flat to eat and begin assembling the furniture. Your Mum was in the kitchen putting away some of the new plates and cutlery when your phone rang. 
"Who's Niall?! He's calling by the way!" She called out to you. "And he's incredibly attractive!" She added, clearly seeing the picture of you both that you had as his caller id.
"He's someone I've been spending time with." You admitted, as you made your way from the bedroom where you'd been building furniture. The call rang out as you hadn't been quick enough to answer it.
"Why is this the first I'm hearing about it?!" She replied.
"Because I'm a terrible daughter!" You laughed as you hit the call button to call him back.
You left the kitchen, choosing to speak to Niall without your Mum listening in. With your Dad busy building the wardrobe in your bedroom, you went into the living room and closed the door.
"Hi Emma." Niall said as he answered the call.
"Hi Niall, sorry I missed your call. I was in the other room building flat packed furniture." You replied smiling.
"How's it going?"
"Pretty good actually. Getting through it all quite quickly."
"I'm done with my meetings so wondered if you wanted me to come over and help?" He asked you.
"You don't have to do that. Go enjoy the rest of your day off."
"I'd enjoy my day better if I was with you."
"If you come over you'd have to meet my parents." You said, your voice low. 
"I don't mind that, unless you don't want me to."
"It's up to you if you want to meet my crazy mother." You replied, making sure she wasn't listening.
"She can't be that bad. You wait till you meet mine!" He said, and you smiled at the thought that he wanted to introduce you to his Mum. "I just really want to see you if I'm honest. I've missed you."
You'd not seen him since he'd left the pub on Friday evening. He had been busy over the weekend and you'd had work and had spent some time packing in preparation for your move today. 
"I've missed you too."
"So, can I come over?"
"Of course, but you'll be set to work if you're not careful."
"I don't mind that, happy to help."
Half an hour later and you saw from the bedroom window Niall's car appear in the car park at the back of the cafe. He looked cute in his shorts and t-shirt, you loved it when he was all casual and comfy. Something about it was so attractive and you weren't sure why.
You could feel your mother's eyes burning into the back of your head as you answered the door to Niall. He smiled and kissed your cheek as he came across the threshold, very tame for him but he had clearly seen your Mum behind you. He offered her a small wave and a greeting as you closed the door.
Niall was a natural with your parents, you could tell that he met new people frequently. He knew exactly what to say to charm your Mum and soon got into helping your Dad finish off building your wardrobe. You could hear them talking about Derby County from the living room and it made you smile. With the furniture built your Mum started to hoover around the flat, tidying up as she went and you went with Niall and your Dad to your dorm.
It felt a bit sad to be loading up the van your Dad had driven down in. In went your desk, your bedside cabinet and your comfy armchair. Along with numerous boxes and bags of clothes. You had already cleaned the bathroom and kitchenette so didn't need to come back anymore to do anything else.
So many memories had been had in this room, from getting ready to go out to the student union with Jess and Hannah. To cramming in all the revision and working on all the projects for your degree. And then there was the time you'd spent with Niall, laying in your bed talking and getting to know one another. The next chapter in your life was going to be scary but you knew it was worth the risk.
Your time with Niall was like a ticking time bomb.
As the first few weeks of August slipped away, you knew it was only a matter of weeks before you would both go your separate ways for 3.5 months.
And you were dreading it.
You had just finished working your last shift in the cafe, your last shift in the pub had been last night. Deciding to give yourself a few weeks off to spend with Niall and your family before you went away. Since your parents and Gran had given you money for your furniture and Audrey hadn't taken a deposit you had some leave way with money and could afford to do it.
The doorbell to your flat sounded a few minutes after you got back and you left the bag half packed as you went to answer it. Jess and Hannah were stood at the entrance with massive grins on their faces.
"I love your boyfriend!" Jess declared.
"I'm aware of that!" You smiled as you ushered them in, their suitcases being pulled along behind them.
When Niall had added you to a WhatsApp group at the beginning of last week, that consisted of him, his cousins and some of his friends you were confused. Until he requested that you add Jess and Hannah. You found out he had booked a ten bedroom villa in Italy, complete with large pool and countryside views and he wanted everyone to be ready Saturday night for a flight.
Jess and Hannah of course had called you screaming and asking if it was a joke. Apparently it wasn't, with him being away for a few months he had wanted to get everyone together for a 5 day break to end the summer. Niall knew he wouldn't see any of them until probably Christmas time, so wanted to spend some quality time with everyone he cared about. He wanted to get to know Hannah and Jess better considering he hadn't even met them yet and he also wanted you to have some company. Niall had said there was no way he would've gone away without you.
Having got about an hour before you needed to be ready to be picked up it surprised you to see the girls here early. Both were incredibly excited and grateful to have been included in the plans. Niall had said it was a no brainer to invite them, the more the merrier and it gave you all an opportunity to celebrate finishing University.
After having a shower, you dressed and finished packing your case. You were nervous to say the least.
When you finally got picked up the lads were full of it, singing songs in the back of the minibus to get into the spirit. The nerves were still there even though Niall had been holding your hand the entire journey to the airport and got significantly worse when you saw the private jet on the run way.
Niall Horan was a truly amazing guy and you were lucky to be able to call him your boyfriend. You couldn't wait to spend some time with him and your friends. 
Part Seven
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namjoontunes · 5 years
Lost and Found, Chapter Eight
BTS Members x Reader
Genre: Fantasy AU, Fluff
Warning: N/A
Word Count: 1.5k (exactly!)
Author’s Notes: Okay so updates here are gonna continue to be pretty messy until I can get to my computer so the links are going to be unavailable until then, but at least i got the read more working! I'm doing my best lmao, hope you enjoy!
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Prologue || Most Recent
“How do you know when it's done?”
“You just have to wait until it's all brown and actually looks like taco meat.”
“Oh okay. And what about seasoning?”
“That goes in after it's all browned, then you let it cook for a little while longer.”
“Oohhh. So when should I get a job then?”
Jin put down the spoon he was using to stir the meat and gave Y/n a stern look. “We've already been over this, Y/n,” He gently reminded her. “We really don't need you to get a job, and after you told us how people treated you when you tried working in the past, none of us want you to have to expose yourself to all that negativity for no reason.”
“But there would be a reason!” Y/n insisted. “Everyone else has a job, and I want to pull my weight around here.” She had already had this argument with each of the boys at least once, but none of them seemed to take her side. It's not that they were dismissive of her concerns, they tried to give her enough responsibilities to make her feel like she was contributing, but she still never felt like she was doing enough.
“Everyone else having a job just means we have enough money so you don't have to work,” he pointed out. “You help out enough around the house and it's honestly a big relief not worrying about chores when we get home. Plus, I'm teaching you how to cook so that's another thing you can help out with.”
“Hey,” Jin interrupted, putting his hand on her shoulder. “You're a member of this family, and if we thought you weren't doing enough, we'd talk to you. Now why don't you go set the table?”
Y/n frowned, seeing that this conversation was getting her nowhere. “Okay…”
He smiled, and gently tussled her hair. “Thank you. Oh, and why don't you get the others after you're done with that.”
Jin sighed inwardly as he watched her walk away and start setting the table. He understood how she felt. After Namjoon, Hobi, and Yoongi saved his life, he felt as if he would never be able to pay them back. Even now he still felt indebted to them, but he'd moved past feeling guilty for accepting their help, and just focused on being a good friend and roommate to them.
Y/n on the other hand seemed to drown in guilt for every tiny favor she received. He wished he could make her understand that it was okay to get help, to rely on people, and that she didn't have to fight for her place here. She had already earned her spot in the family, and they weren't letting her go anytime soon. But he knew that it was difficult for her to trust that safety after everything she had been through. Just the thought of her past made his heart ache. He had only known her for a little over two weeks, but all he wanted to do was take away all the hurt from her past and give her a future where she could be as happy as humanly possible. It's the least she deserved.
“Hello? Earth to Jin?”
Jimin’s voice broke Jin out of his thoughts, and he blinked a few times to focus back on what he was doing. “Sorry, did you say something?”
“Yeah man, you're starting to burn the meat,” Jimin pointed out.
Jin swore and quickly moved the pan off the burner, examining it to make sure it wasn't ruined.
Jimin laughed as he watched him pout over his mistake. “I know it's weird having a cute girl in the house for once, but try to keep it together hyung,” he teased.
“That's- I wasn't- shouldn't you be doing something else Jimin? Go help Y/n or something!” Jin scolded, trying to ignore the heat creeping into his face.
“What a way to thank the guy who saved dinner,” Jimin replied, quickly escaping the kitchen with a smirk on his face before Jin could deny anything further.
After dinner (which wasn't even noticeably burnt), everyone changed into their pajamas and piled into the living room with their pillows and blankets for movie night. Jin had bought Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin, and Y/n cute onesies of a dog, dragon, fox, and cat respectively as a gag-gift. Well, it was a gag-gift until everyone had seen how Y/n's eyes lit up when she saw them. None of them dared say anything about them and risk upsetting her, especially with Jungkook leering at them over her shoulder. Not to mention that once she was wearing hers she looked so cute that it made it all worth it.
And so that was how half of the household ended up dressed as various animals as they settled down for the movie. Y/n was snuggled up between Hobi and Namjoon, with Jungkook draped over the couch right behind her. Jin tried to pretend like he didn't wish he was the one cuddling her.
“So what do you guys wanna watch?” Namjoon asked as he absently clicked through Netflix.
“What about that new horror movie that just came out?” Jungkook suggested.
“And give me nightmares? I thought we agreed to only do horror movies on certain nights when only some of us were here,” Hobi complained.
“We could start watching The Haunting of Hill House, everyone has been talking about how good that one is,” Jimin said.
“Were you not listening to a single thing I just said. “
“No not really.”
“I'm with Hobi,” Jin interrupted, before the two of them could start arguing. “No horror movies or horror series.”
“Well, since this is Y/n's first movie night, why don't we let her decide?” Tae suggested.
“Yeah!” Jungkook agreed. “What's your favorite movie?”
“Well… I dunno… it's kind of silly,” she said, absently messing with the zipper on her onesie.
“No need to be embarrassed, Y/n. I'm sure it's a good movie,” Namjoon reassured, pulling her closer to his side.
“Yeah I mean Hobi's favorite movie is still Finding Nemo,” Yoongi pointed out.
“It's a good movie!” Hobi defended.
“I'm not saying it's not, I'm just saying that it might sound silly to have it as your favorite movie as a 25 year old,” Yoongi replied, rolling his eyes.
“It's a good movie…” Hobi repeated quietly, pouting now.
“Oh! Well I mean if you guys don't mind kids movies, I've always loved Lilo and Stitch,” she admitted.
“You get me, Y/n,” Hobi whispered dramatically, holding her face between his hands. “You get me.”
She giggled and nodded enthusiastically. “Don't worry Hobi, I'm always on your side!”
“What about my side?” Jungkook whined, reaching out to play with her hair.
“Well of course I'm on your side too Kookie!” she declared, face still squished between Hobi's hands.
“What happens if they're on different sides Y/n?” Jimin pointed out.
“Well- I…” Y/n stammered, looking back and forth between the two of them anxiously.
“Oh hey look! The movie's starting!” Namjoon announced loudly.
Y/n gasped and immediately turned her full attention to the TV, bouncing slightly with excitement as the opening credits began.
By the time the movie ended, Yoongi and Jimin were fast asleep, Y/n had cried three separate times, and Jungkook had finished the entire bowl of popcorn by himself.
“I think… I ate too much popcorn…” Jungkook groaned.
"You literally do this to yourself every movie night Jungkook,” Jin pointed out.
“You literally do this to yourself every movie night,” Jungkook grumbled, hugging the empty bowl close to his chest.
“What now?” Y/n asked, glancing over at Jimin passed out in the recliner. “Do you guys usually just sleep out here or go back to your rooms?”
“It depends,” Namjoon answered. “Usually Yoongi sleeps out here since none of us are brave enough to wake him, but for the rest of us it's just based on who's already fallen asleep and who prefers to sleep in their bed.”
“I for one am already pretty comfy,” Hobi said, nuzzling into Y/n's hair.
She hummed contentedly in response, leaning into Hobi's embrace. “I think I'll stay out here too then! If only to enjoy the company,” she giggled.
“Well, I have a nice soft mattress calling my name, so I'll see you guys in the morning,” Jin announced, stretching as he stood from the ground.
“Goodnight then Jinnie! I hope you sleep well!” Y/n said, followed by a chorus of good-nights from the boys still awake.
“Goodnight, Y/n,” Jin smiled fondly, reaching down to pat her head. “Goodnight guys!”
As Jin walked down the hallway, Y/n snuggled down between Hobi and Namjoon, content smile on her face.    
“Goodnight everyone,” she murmured sleepily. “I love you.”
She drifted off to sleep to the sound of their mumbled replies, feeling safe at last, and surrounded by love.
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jejublr · 6 years
A/N: I’m back~ (but will be away again shortly on a vacaycay lmao soz) Basically, I didn’t realize how soft I am for Wonwoo until I finished this one. Like, seriously, I had to stop myself because this got so long. I hope this is something @honeywonu would love bc that girl loves Wonwoo (But also Mingyu? Girl, I’m confused. You like him or nah?). Anyways, I have something else popping out by the end of this week so I hope you’ll be looking forward to it, friends!
at first you weren’t even sure if he likes you?
like, he avoided you at all cost like you had the plague or something
always had this weird look on his face whenever you’re around
you know which face I’m talking about
it wasn’t until you started getting these cute poems out of the blue
and you don’t know that many people who would go out of their way to confess to someone like this
fine, you only know one but he kinda, don’t like you, right?
lmao wrong bc the boy asked you out when he realized you’re not gonna make a move soon
“wonwoo, are you asking me out?”
“I–I.. no! I mean, yeah?? yes..”
didn’t expect you to say yes and he then he has the cutest grin on his face and his nose was all scrunched up
you weren’t even sure if the guy liked you at first because he seemed so distant
and it did take it you a long time for him to warm up to you but it’s totally worth it
him opening up and getting super comfortable around you reminds you how flowers bloom
whenever he’s confused or get excited over the smallest things his face just scrunches
and it’s,,, cute UGH
you guys would become the ultimate geek couple
nerding out about recent anime/video games with him
speaking of video games
bOI, is he hardcore
so freaking loud
you can be doing your chores quietly in the room next door and you’d jump every 10 minutes bc this guy is so into it
“wonwoo, istg I will pull out the cable if you don’t tone it down.”
quite but very loving in public
I don’t think he’s the type to show a lot of skinship in public so he’ll probably settle with hand holding
although~ he’s very down for cuddles when you’re at home~
the cats love him!!!
seeing him surrounded by cats and going soft because he looks so cute running his hands through their soft fur in child-like amazement
you secretly took so many pictures of him and made one your home screen shh
bc he reads so much romance?? he’s definitely a romantic under all that emo
can you imagine tho?
you guys would probably take a weekend trip to the countryside to watch the stars
you and him lying down on a picnic rug, trying to name all the constellations
him telling you random space facts
“did you know that hundreds of years from now, our galaxy the milky way is going to merge with andromeda? the stars will literally litter the sky.”
halfway through it, he’d just end up watching you admiring the sky instead
bc he’s watching the stars with someone with stars in their eyes themselves??
“tf? did you just..? who are you and what did you do to wonwoo?”
will stop in the middle of the street just to pet every cat he sees
but will shove you into the dirt he sees a dog lmaoo
also I would like to remind you how huge of a bookworm wonwoo is
takes care of his collection of books very meticulously
dusts them and makes sure there isn’t any folded pages or anything
“babe, not that I don’t love you but if there’s a fire, I’d save these books first. you have legs, right? you can get out by yourself.”
loves to hear you read out to him while he rests his head on your lap, with one of your hand brushing through his hair while you read to him
you have to beg him hard enough to hear that smooth-ass deep voice read to you
but he’ll sing to you if you ask him nicely enough
him singing you to sleep with his deep voice and the gentle rumble of his chest lulling you to sleep
calm mornings and tangled feet
he lives for neck kisses tbh
him telling you random facts he’s read somewhere
“did you know that water came from magma?”
“no way.”
“yes way.”
s*** when it comes to taking selfies
“babe, how about this angle?”
“no, wonwoo that’s bad.”
“how about this?”
“that’s even wORsE, oh my god.”
“yOU take it then.”
him being playful at the most random moments
like, one moment he’d be quietly reading a book but then he’d peck you out of the blue
“wtf, won?”
“...I love you.”
like you’ll be vacuuming the room while he lies down singing Mr. Simple off-key
“hEy Mr. sImplE.”
“won, get your lazy bum off the couch and help me, godangit.”
holds your hand in crowded places
he’d blush whenever you compliment him and tell him that he’s cute
also he’ll probably die if you wear one of his sweaters???
“is that.. my sweater??”
“ye, why?”
but it’s not nothing bc you can see the tips of his ears getting red but you didn’t say anything bc his sweaters are comfy and it smells like him and you kinda like seeing him get flustered like this so shhh
also, he’ll let you borrow his glasses if you ask nicely
him being the practical and pragmatic one whenever you go out shopping with him
“wonwoo, look!!! a marshmallow shooter!!!”
“y/n, we came here for a dish rack and shower curtains, we don’t need a marshmallow shooter.”
you: :(((
proceeded to buy that dang marshmallow shooter bc he couldn’t stand you looking sad
but it’s worth it after seeing you smile
he has a hard time saying “no” to you and you use it to your advantage most of the time lol
you guys would just face each other and talk about whatever
he gets super talkative at night
also super deep wow
it can go either way:
1) “y/n, where is the line between art and not art?” “oh my god, wonwoo, go to sleep.” “what is art?” “istg wonwoo-”
or 2) you guys go on a lengthy discussion about life and philosophy and everything in between
sends you beautiful poetry
he would send it in a beautiful hand-written letter or text messages and honestly anything as long as it gets to you
you getting texts of his random bursts of inspirations 
a strong, deep bond and unspoken understanding between the two of you
you don’t need big words to show that you care around him
he knows and you know and that’s all that matter
Other Boyfriend!Seventeen
S.Coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | The8 | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino 
623 notes · View notes
kanochii · 6 years
Missing You
Marlowe belongs to the lovely @paper-bridge
Nox is mine!
              It had been a lonely day for Nox. Marlowe had business with Corrin at the Hoshido castle, so he was gone most of the day. He spent his time alone doing chores. The tactician cleaned their small but comfortable house, tended to their garden, fed their many house pets, and started the laundry. Since the Nohr and Hoshido war ended, the life the two shared on the country side was peaceful and much needed. Things were quiet and pleasant, Nox couldn’t have asked for a better place to settle down and start a family with the man he loved most. He was happy… Happier than words could even describe. After years of no contact with Chrom, the couple decided to send mail to Ylisse to let the prince know of why they disappeared and how they were doing now. Chrom and Sumia always replied, along with drawings and pictures from Lucina and Cynthia. Though he wasn’t ready for it, Nox one day hoped him and Marlowe could send things from their own children to the prince they once worked so dearly with.
              As the ginger set the rest of the laundry out to dry, he sat on the back porch of his home and read the newest letter he received from Chrom. It seemed Lucina had been sick and Cynthia tried her best to act like Lissa in order to take care of her. Nox couldn’t help but smile at that thought. Chrom then mentioned that Lissa was expecting a child soon, her and Lon’qu had gotten married only two years ago, but it seems she was eager to start her family. The letter mentioned other things about how life was in Ylisse now and how he wished for Nox and Marlowe to visit one day. The tactician hoped that he would be brave enough to make the trek back to Ylisse, he felt he could do it with Marlowe at his side. There was a letter from Sumia as well, containing her best wishes for the couple. She even included her famous rhubarb-and-fiddlehead pie recipe, she finally remembered how to make it. Since being in contact with the royal couple, Nox had been trading recipes with Sumia, along with a few Marlowe had found as well.
              After reading the letters Nox began to write a reply, but found himself unable to say much. He decided to leave the reply for a later date and finish the rest of his chores. By the time laundry was done and tending the garden, it was evening. Marlowe still wasn’t home… Whatever was going on at the castle must have been pretty important if he wasn’t home yet. Nox merely shrugged and began to cook dinner. He decided on a stew recipe Sumia gave him, one that could be left to simmer on a fire for hours and still taste fine. He figured that would be best if his husband was going to be late. Nox cooked alone, though the several cats they had rescued over the years tried their best help, and by helping they mean making a mess on the counter as Nox tried to prepare the food.
              Despite Nox’s delicate hand work on the battlefield, wielding a knife to make food was a task that did not come easy to him. He was clumsy, often cutting himself as he cut vegetables and meat. Marlowe, a man with only one hand, was much more skilled at doing such things. However, the tactician was getting better and hoped he would soon be as good as Marlowe when it came to cooking. After a few nicks in his hands and oddly shaped vegetables later, the stew was finished and left to simmer. Nox stirred it every few minutes until it was ready, then poured it into a bowl for him to eat. He sat at the small table near the kitchen, looking longingly across to the seat in front of him. It felt so wrong seeing it Empty… The ginger sighed as he ate, realizing how much he missed the flier he loved to dearly… He hoped he would return soon.
              After dinner, Nox fed his animals and prepared for bed. He drew himself a bath, using a bit of fire magic to stoke the water and make it hot. He melted in the warmth of the water, wishing he could share this quiet moment with Marlowe. Next time he went to the castle, Nox decided he would ask if he could come along… Being home alone felt a little sad. He soaked in the bath for quite a while before getting out and changing into his night clothes. He tucked himself into bed, brought out a book, and began reading until he fell sound asleep.
              “Aren’t you sweet, little robin” s soft voice called. Nox blinked his eyes open before muttering a small “nh…?”. Standing above him was a beautiful man with long, white hair and a smile that could charm dozens. The tactician sat up and rubbed his eyes “Marlowe…” he cooed, reaching out to hug his husband. The flier hugged back and kissed the ginger’s head, smiling contently as they held each other. “You looked so cute with your book to your chest, sleeping soundly… I almost didn’t want to wake you…” he said quietly “But I missed you so much I couldn’t help it…”
              “I’m glad you woke me… I was lonely all day” Nox said, pulling away from the hug to press a hand to his lover’s cheek. “You look exhausted… Did you eat…? And bathe…?” he asked. The flier nodded and crawled into bed with Nox. “I did… You stew was delicious, I see Sumia’s recipes are doing you well yes?” Marlowe said. Nox couldn’t help but blush and he nodded his head sheepishly before burying his face in his husband’s chest. The flier merely smiled and stroked Nox’s hair, humming quietly. Nox listened to Marlowe’s heartbeat. To him, it was the most beautiful sound. Nothing sounded better than Marlowe being alive and well…
              “I must have worried you… Being out so late,” the monk began “Lady Corrin asked me to help train some newly classed Dark Fliers… I didn’t think I would be much help, but it turns out they really took my training to heart… I felt good… It was nice to see Lady Corrin and the Hoshidan royals again… I don’t miss war, but I do miss them at times.” Nox smiled against Marlowe’s chest. He didn’t doubt the trainees took a liking to him. Marlowe could light up a room with only a smile and a few words. He was kind and warm, a person who wouldn’t hesitate to help you.
              “I understand… There are days where I wish I could make a trip to Nohr and see Lord Kamui and Lord Leo… I miss sparring with them at times.  But Nohr is much too far, letters make them seem close though, so it’s not all bad” Nox said in reply. Marlowe nodded, not saying any more on the subject before leaning down and placing a kiss on Nox’s lips. Nox kissed back, wrapping his arms around his flier and holding him tight. They kissed for what felt like ages before they pulled apart, both panting lightly. “I’m home…” Marlowe whispered. Nox smiled and cupped his husband’s face “Welcome home, my love” he cooed back, taking time to kiss his lover once more.
              The two continued kissing until Nox found himself under Marlowe. He pulled away, blushing hard as he spoke “Are you wanting to go further…?” he asked. Marlowe nodded sheepishly and smiled “If that’s what you would like as well, Nox” he said. Without much hesitation, the tactician nodded and kissed the man once more, now inching his hands to the bottom of Marlowe’s shirt to pull it over his head. He continued to help his lover undress and himself until they were both naked. Normally Marlowe liked to undress Nox himself, but it seemed he was struggling to do so in the dark. Nox at times felt bad for helping him, his husband was capable of doing lots with one arm, so he often felt bad for helping when not asked. However, this didn’t seem the case this time. The flier seemed happy to have each other undressed so quickly.
              Marlowe kissed Nox’s body and caressed him gently, taking things slow. This is just how Nox liked it… Having rough sex with Marlowe was wonderful, but he preferred the slow and gentle side of him. The white-haired man treated his lover as if he were glass, kissing him gently and running his fingers along his body, as if even the littlest of pressure would break him. Nox did his own work as well. He curled his hands in Marlowe’s hair and kissed his neck, leaving beautiful purple bruises with each press of his lips. The two continued on like this, soft gasps and moans coming from each other as their touches got more feverish and needy. Soon Nox found he couldn’t keep up like this and began playing with himself, often using his other free hand to do the same for Marlowe. By now, the flier was pressing his fingers inside the tactician’s ass, scissoring him gently to prepare for the next step. Nox leaned in and gave his husband a hot kiss before whispering “Marlowe please… I’m ready… I want you…”.
              “Anything for you little robin” the flier cooed back. Marlowe reached over to their bed side table, pulling out a rubber and rolling it on. Before he went further, Nox changed their positions so he was now sitting in his husband’s lap. “More comfy…?” he asked. Marlowe nodded and smiled, placing a kiss on the tactician’s cheek as he lowered himself onto his hard on. Nox gasped, his hands curling in Marlowe’s shoulder before he relaxed. “Be gentle… I want this to be long…” he asked. The flier couldn’t help but laugh, but he nodded and began thrusting into his partner at a slow pace.
              It felt wonderful. The softness of their sex felt refreshing and well needed. Both of them felt loved and wanted, as if they absolutely had to have each other to continue on. Marlowe looked at Nox, finding himself lost in the man’s beautiful pleasured faces. The ginger had a habit of keeping his eyes closed when they had sex, but his lips were always slightly parted when he moaned. Marlowe’s favorite look though, was when Nox had his eyes half lidded. He looked fierce, as if he was the ginger’s prey, and he would gladly give himself up to the man with just that look alone. For a moment, he saw Nox give him that half lidded eye look. There were times where Marlowe wished he could convey how beautiful Nox was, but the tactician always denied it. That’s why, in times like this, he hoped his lover felt beautiful.
              These thoughts swirled in the flier’s head as Nox kept his pace. What would he do without this man? Did he deserve him? How was he able to land such a wonderful, caring person? Marlowe didn’t know. All he knew is that Nox was his and he would sooner die than be without him. He continued to think this until his face twisted into a pained expression and tears pooled in his eyes. Nox was his everything… He didn’t deserve such a man, but by the gods was he going to treasure him. The tactician lidded his eyes once again only to see his husband crying. He stopped moving and cupped his lover’s face, kissing his tears away. “What’s the matter…? Darling please tell me… I’m here. Did I hurt you?” he asked softly. The flier accepted the kisses and places his hands on Nox’s, holding them there. He shook his head and drew in a short breath before speaking.
              “No I’m not hurt…” he whispered “I’m so lucky to have you Nox…. Gods I love you so much… If I ever lost you… Gods… I would die… Please don’t leave me…” more tears spilled over the flier’s beautiful amber eyes. He pulled his husband close and kissed him all over before wrapping his arm around his neck “Even if you tire of me I will keep following you and never let you go… You’re stuck with me, you hear that…? S-Stuck… Gods Nox I love you… Say you love me too… Please…” Nox was a little taken aback by the request and behavior of his lover. It was so unlike him to cry, especially during sex. It hurt the tactician’s heart to see this, so much so that he started crying too. He kissed Marlowe sweetly and nuzzled him.
              “You fool… I love you so very much… I’ll never leave…” he said, his voice cracking a bit “If I’m stuck with you I’m the luckiest man in the world… I would rather die than part with you… I love you…. Gods you fool I love you…! Never forget that… You’re mine and I’m yours and that how it’ll be forever, understand?” the two shared a long embrace, wiping each other’s tears, and giving each other tender kisses before continuing their love making. They held each other close and whispered sweet nothings. They held on for quite a while before Nox could no longer take it and he climaxed, Marlowe was quick to follow though. Once done, Marlowe removed his rubber and helped Nox clean himself up before they laid back in bed together, snuggling.
              Nox traced patterns into the flier’s chest, finding himself listening to the man’s heartbeat again. It was beating fast, a most beautiful sound. “You’re the most wonderful thing that has happened to me…” Marlowe said after a long period of silence “I never had a lot of good things in my life… But you’re one of them… I’m holding onto you and never letting go, like a spoiled child”. The ginger laughed and nodded, lifting his head up to place a kiss on Marlowe’s jaw. “It’s the same for me… Now go to sleep, you had a long day… I promise when you wake up, you’ll still be holding me…” he said, closing his eyes. The white-haired man nodded as well and closed his eyes.
              “As long as you promise…” was the last thing he said before they drifted to sleep. And just like Nox said, in the morning, they woke up holding each other. Just like they would every morning after that.
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gotfuckingseven · 6 years
Enchanted - Shownu Pt. 2
Reader x Hyunwoo (Shownu)
Genre: Witch AU
Word Count: 1,369
Summary: While waiting for their manager to arrive and pick them up, Monsta X hears a cat in distress. What happens when Changkyun decides to bring her back to the dorm? What will happen when they learn that even ‘animals’ have their fair share of secrets?
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Kihyun heard a purr next to him, followed right after by paws kneading his chest. That’s when he knew it was time to wake up. When he opened his eyes to see the dark colored Midnight looking at him with content behavior, Kihyun smiled and petted the cat. “Good morning to you too lady.” He got up from the bed and prepared to wake the others like he is already used to. Looking at Jooheon totally comfy on his sweater and sweat shorts, Kihyun came closer and touched his shoulder “Let’s wake up Jooheon. It’s time to go to work.” The boy turned his face to Kihyun, still with closed eyes, followed by a moan “Great, you better don’t take long. After I get out the bathroom you go in” Kihyun said turning his back to the boy and following to the bathroom. *meow* *meow* Jooheon heard the cat. He knew that in instants Midnight would be next to his body to greet him like she always does. “Morning purrfect” He felt the cat purring and standing on his belly. Opening his eyes to look at the cat, he smiled and sat on his bed. Kihyun exiting the bathroom right after. “Looks like I need to go to the bathroom now” he stood up and followed his roommate’s routine, but before closing the door he looked at Midnight “You know what to do right?” The cat made her way to the only body left in the room. Standing right in front of his face and carefully putting her paws on his cheek. At first, the boy did not bother to move or demonstrate any type of expression, but after the persistence of the cat’s paw massaging his face, Hyungwon came into a conscious state, waking up minutes after. Seeing that the last boy in the room woke up, Midnight went excitedly in the direction of the other room. Arriving at the room, Midnight came in the direction of Hyunwoo’s bed. Ever since the first day she came to live with the boys the cat slept at the end of his mattress. Carefully bitting his hands in a playful way, the cat managed to wake up the heavy sleeper. 
“Good morning for you too Midnight. Did you sleep well?” The boy petted the cat’s ears, right after he stood up. “Time to wake up guys! I’m going to the bathroom first and then someone goes after me. Don’t take that long because the schedule is tight today, and the last thing we want is to see the manager mad again.” Midnight them jumped to Changkyun’s on top of Hoseok’s bed, pressing her head on his hands, asking for some attention. It took a while but the young man finally granted the cat’s wish and petted her. After all the boys were gathered at the kitchen cleaning after breakfast, Midnight slowly moved over the sofa, staying at a good height to prepare for the boys farewell. Some minutes passed, and when they all gathered at the door, each one patted the cat before getting out of the apartment to work. The last one to get out, Hyunwoo, always checked if everything was alright inside the house to then talk to the cat. “Bye Midnight. Don’t forget to take care of the house for me.” With the doors closed, the cat went to the nearest bathroom, to minutes later come back into a young girl. You loved when you came back to your original form. You walked on two legs, took showers, sang, and did small chores for the boys. While you prepared some coffee for breakfast your cellphone started to ring. “Hey, Sierra. What’s up?” Your friend from many years, also a witch, called you as she always does to update you about the Summis, the witch hunters that almost killed you the other day. “Just called to say that one of the witches on the Polaris coven in Greece was caught last night. Some think that they are focusing on some leads they got in Europe. All the covens are taking their precautions so no one can be captured.” Sierra said through the phone. “Do you think some of the hunters are still in Seoul? Because I am with the boys for three months already and I am afraid of putting them in danger.” You said looking at the landscape outside the apartment. Mind thinking a billion of different strategies to move and go back to your home. “Well, you never can trust these assholes. Maybe they are gone, maybe not.” She stated. “Alright. I need to go right now. Be safe and say to the girls that I miss them.” You turned to the kitchen when the coffee machine made an alarm sound, meaning that the coffee was ready. “Y/N please be careful. I know you are fearless, but you almost got caught this last time. Think before acting okay?” The girl had a serious, almost scared tone in her voice. “Yes, yes, I will. I need to hang up now, see ya.” Turning off the cell phone and heading to the kitchen to get a mug, you heard footsteps coming in the dorm’s direction, and the sound of the keys turning to open the door. Despair got inside of you, and before you think of anything the door opened. Eyes looking on you, now frozen to the ground. “Meow” Was the only thing you rationally thought of doing. When Hyunwoo eyes fixed on you, he paralyzed. Soon after six other heads appeared behind him. All the boys were shaken to see you in their kitchen. Meowing was the only phonetic noise you thought to get out of your mouth. “Who are you and how did you get into our dorm?” Kihyun was the only member that managed to get out of the trance and talk to you. Concern and kindness were on his facial expression. At the same time that he was irritated, he managed to keep calm. “I-I…” You did not have words to explain how you were there, about to drink coffee, holding the mug in your hands. “Are you a fan?” Hoseok came forward to fully enter the apartment. “No.” You replied shortly after. “Are you a thief?” Hyungwon tried to ask this time. “No.” You answered again, this time more confident and less tense as before. “Then who are you? And where is Midnight?” Changkyun was mad, just when he noticed the cat was nowhere to be seen his mind thought the girl did something to the pet. You took a deep breath and glanced at the ground defeated by the whole situation. “My name is Y/N. I’m the cat.” Silence filled the room. A heavy, uncomfortable silence that could cut diamond even. “That’s it. She’s crazy.” Hyungwon shook his hands and walked a little far away from the boys and closer to you. “No, I’m not!” You put the mug on the kitchen counter, making a loud sound when it touched the marble. Signing you calmed down once again. “Look, I know this all looks crazy but it is the truth okay.” When you looked at the boys still in disbelief, you decided to just lead the situation “I can prove to you all that I’m the cat indeed, but first you need to go to work so you don’t get in trouble, and when you come back I’ll be here waiting to explain everything.” The boys were hesitant, you could feel it. “Deal” Hyunwoo said, still with his brows furrowed a bit. All the boys looked at him surprised. “Are you kidding?” Minhyuk whispered near Hyunwoo’s ear. He shook his head side to side in response. Reluctantly they all got out of the apartment for the second time. You just gathered enough strength to throw yourself on the sofa. “What do I do right now?” You thought to yourself. The situation that was already a mess now has seven ordinary guys to add to it. Perfect. It could not get worse. The only thing to do now is waiting for them to come back and for you explain the whole situation to the boys in hoping they would understand.
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The Awakening: Part 1
Narrated by: Ankha 
From my cold slumber I awaken, stretching my cold and stiff joints. Out of habit, I take a large breath, and sigh as I realize I haven’t died. Then I remember: I’m immortal.
Slowly, I push open the lid of my coffin, straightening the wrinkles in my gauze that’s tightly wrapped around my body. Seeing as it’s a saturday, I won’t change my gauze until monday, or Sunday night after a bath. 
The cavernous echo of my feet padding against the floor is replaced by a familiar song that Keaton introduced to me. I’ve grown to love it, and today I shall play it endlessly. I linger for a moment, closing my eyes to savor the thought of K.K. Sonata. The crisp and softness of the piano pleasantly bounces around the high walls of my home, only to be entangled with the intruding vines on the ceiling.
Not needing to eat, I spend my morning outside my imprisoning pyramid, tending to my slumbering neighbors rose gardens. Traditionally, a garden of golden roses is planted around the graves of egyptian royalty, but since me and two others were forgotten inside manmade mountains, the gardens had evolved into lakes. I quickly became lost in the task of dusting off sand from the leaves, and ignoring strange looks from people passing by. After the roses were taken care of, I began to tidy up the insides of the neighboring pyramids, making sure everything were to be in order should one of them wake up. 
Having completed my morning chore, I was left to do as I wished throughout the day. Mostly, I would try to catch up on the news, since I’d only awoken from my slumber in the last decade, but Keaton usually liked to do that with me, so I’d save that for later. Instead, I sat down and began to read a book.
The book went on strange twists and turns, and was also in English, which I was still perfecting. As usual, I ended up losing my place while daydreaming of when I was alive. Shortly I returned to the place I’d left off, and resumed my adventures around the world. But the only thing that book had done for me, was made me jealous. 
For centuries, I’ve endured a seemingly never-ending coma where I’d relive my previous life thousands of times. For so long I’d been stuck in the same loop, and once I’d woken, I wanted nothing more than to leave. Nobody that I’d once loved or cared for had survived for as long as I, and it was terribly depressing at first to stay in the place where you’d been abandoned. And that was only because any time that you looked at your once most treasured possessions, or the lyrics to your once favorite songs, or glanced in a mirror, it only would remind you of the life that you’d once lived. They were only reminders, painful at that, and they would have nowhere to go that wouldn’t cause trouble. So I put them all in one place, and redecorated my cage. 
A bright fire burned in its brick home, surrounded by two towering bookshelves, off to the right of my door. On top of the fireplace, a stack of my favorites were lopsidedly stacked, bookmarks protruding from the pages. Next to these, was a portrait of Keaton, my best friend. In front of the fireplace, there was a plush rug and a comfy chair filled with pillows. On the far wall, a brick countertop held an old phonograph, and next to that there was a box of records. To the left of those, in the north western corner of my cage, my polished tomb was balanced against the wall, resting on another plush rug. Hanging around my tomb were various different stitchings of gauze and wrappings that I wore, and next to my tomb was a small table littered with letters and a writing quill and ink. On the western wall, another brick countertop, but this one contained a globe. To the right of the globe, a map of the world was pinned to the wall, and to the left of the globe, an old painting hung encased by gold. In the south western part of my cage, all of my old favorite things were crammed. My old golden chair, old favorite dress, old crown, and old painting. And on either side of the entrance/doorway, torches were hooked into place. It was much more homey than my old surroundings, which were nonexistent.
Bored once again, I decided to set out for Keaton’s house, and seek out his company. I donned a more casual set of clothes, a white tank top and cargo shorts, and began to peddle down the sandy road on my bike. Since I was living out in the desert and Keaton lived all the way over at the beach, I had quite a ways to go. The hours it took to reach his home were passed by switching bus stops and lugging my bike around, but at long last I reached his driveway. 
The board planks that lead up to his front door were sandy from the beach he lived on, and a few feral birds were playing in his fountain. I parked my bike inside of his fence, and hesitated a moment before knocking. Inside I could hear the dimming of music, something cheerful as always, and the clicking of his talons on the floor. I resisted a smile when he opened the door and the scent of breakfast foods washed over my nose. Keaton grinned at me and gestured inside, waiting for me to sit before starting a conversation.
“Ankha, what’s up? Always great when you stop in,” he greeted, his casualty not quite throwing me off guard anymore. I glanced around his quaint little home, jealous of his freedom to choose his own house placement, but then again, an agent probably gave him tips. 
“Bored, again.” My gaze came to my own framed portrait on Keaton’s dresser, and I fought the urge to laugh. We were quite the unlikeliest of friends, but yet, we were one of the best pairs out there. 
“Wow, that’s got to be a record, man. Usually you’ll last until afternoon,” Keaton teased. I rolled my eyes and smiled as he handed a cup of iced tea to me, keeping one for himself, and ushered me outside. We sat on the shore, my paws bumping against his toes whenever the waves crashed up against our feet. Had anyone seen such a sight, they would’ve thought us to be two romantics, but we were only half of that. 
“So, did anyone ever find out what was under those waves?” I wondered, tossing the question up for conversation. I could ask it now without the blank response of silence, to a real person instead of to myself. Keaton took a long sip of his tea before reclining on his elbows.
“Well, not all the way. I guess the scientists kind of ‘scraped the tip of the iceberg,’ or whatever they call it,” he offered, never lifting his gaze from me.
“That’s a horrible explanation. Tell me about them. Do they talk like we do? Civilizations? Technology? Or are they all feral? Left to the mercy of the tide?” The questions had slipped my mind sooner than I could control them, and Keaton laughed. 
“Who knows? Although, I’m pretty sure they’re feral. If they weren’t, then I guess we wouldn’t have sushi, huh? As for what they look like, some are giants, as large as half of cruisers, and some are so small you can hardly see them. It’s a whole other world down there, and we land dwellers haven’t even explored it all.” Keaton was gazing out at the waves now, lost in his own words. I joined him and watched contently as the waves swelled, and as the occasional fish leapt out of the water. The horizon was specked with vapor clouds, quickly disappearing in the sun, from water mammals. My trance was broken from Keaton’s voice. “Hey, uh, do you ever think about moving? I mean, it takes so long to get between houses, dude. Don’t you ever feel isolated?” he asked, trying not to seem rude. His voice was soft and I began to think about what he’d said. 
“I have, yes. I think about it every day. But, I was meant to be isolated, or I wouldn’t have been sealed away in a cage to be forgotten. If I left, then who would take care of the others? I’ve accepted my role as caretaker, and until they awaken, I must stay. I do wish that I could escape, to move to the forest, the town... Maybe even here, if you’d have me. We might’ve been neighbors...” The bittersweet words fell from my tongue slowly and dreamily, and I could feel Keaton’s gaze on my eyes. I turned to look at him, and he smiled a sad smile. 
“We still could be, man. What if you lived here, and there?” His voice was hopeful, and I hated myself for shaking my head.
“I’d have to go there everyday to check, though. To see if they’d woken, to care for the roses. You know how much I hate it, but who else would? What if they did wake up and I wasn’t there? If they were discovered... It would be a disaster,” I rambled, giving him a bittersweet smile. I knew that it was possible to leave the last of my old life behind, but I also still had a heart for those that didn’t have to yet. I would wait for them, and care for them while I did. It was too much to risk them waking up on their own. They could be careless, and I had to know who they were. They could be family, or friends. Although, whoever was friends with the old Ankha was most likely dead...
“We could be neighbors, Ankha. And, if you wanted it too, roommates,” Keaton pleaded, gently edging toward me. I blushed slightly at the last suggestion, then laughed at the thought of us living together. Him, a mortal bird, and me, an immortal cat. What a thought. 
“No, Keaton. I have to find out who they are first. Maybe someday, if you’re still alive,” I said softly, patting his wing that had taken my paw. He looked out to the waves again, disappointed. “Sorry.”
“It’s ok,” he mumbled understandingly. I turned my head to the waves, listening to the crashing and distant roaring. “It’s ok.” 
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multi-reader-writer · 7 years
Cuddles of the Great Beast
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03142019 _ 10:50PM
Happy Pi Day! Another questions thing ‘cause I’m bored :D 
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed? I don’t have a closet where I sleep :’) 
(2) Do You Have Freckles? nope
(3) Can You Whistle? yeppp
(4) Last Song You Listened To. Rewrite the Stars - Zac Efron & Zendaya vers. from The Greatest Showman 
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour? black or blue
(6) Relationship Status. taken
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now? 42 degrees Fahrenheit outside 
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky? always.
(9) How Many Followers? 0. we gon’ keep it that way on this side blog
(10) Zodiac Sign. eastern - dog  western - aquarius 
(11) What Is Your Eye Colour? brown
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily? nahh. not yet lol 
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower? sometimes
(14) What Books Are You Reading? none right now. I should definitely get back into that
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14. literally too lazy to do this rn lol maybe i’ll come back to this question later
(16) Favourite Anime? aaahhh I can’t decide... probably banana fish 
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of? Nick
(18) Do You Collect Anything? pokemon on pogo :D 
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch? banana, honey-roasted cashews, & cheezits
(20) Do You Dance In The Car? no way that is so dangerous while driving lol 
(21) Favourite Animal? right now, probably jellyfish 
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics? depends on the event. 
(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed? like 2AM
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now? nope
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean? pool. the ocean is scary :O 
(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog? mine, obviously. lol 
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water? bottled! water can definitely taste different! 
(28) What Makes You Happy? food, anime merch, and the people I love :D 
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now. insert bored.gif here 
(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music? with! I need some sort of chill music in the background. silence becomes distracting with the thoughts swimming around my head 
(31) Dogs Or Cats? honestly, both. 
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be? black or some shade of ocean blue 
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox. PC bitchessss. I will never understand xbox controls for my life. 
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean? neither!! deep water is scary no matter where. 
(35) Do You Believe In Magic? nope. there is always a trick underneath. 
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing? beige 
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue? noooo. I don’t know how people do it 
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It? both. I save a majority of my paycheck & gotta spend the rest on necessities ;) 
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You? uhhh.... a french cookie wrapper (unopened, cuz i’m not a slob like that who just leaves wrappers lying around) 
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now? SHEITH. uhhh... that’s pretty much it. lol 
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? nahhh. we took care of some in first grade tho. 
(42) Are You Easily Influenced By Other People? depends on what the event is, but I’d hope not. 
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams? oh yes. I can’t remember most of the details when I wake up, but the details I do remember, they are fcking weeeeird. 
(44) Do You Like Going On Airplanes? The idea of the adventure & traveling is fun, but I hate planes just for the popping of my ears ;~; and the landing. I hate that feeling of my stomach lurching. 
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry. ohmygod. KIMI NO NA WA. ;~; 
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds? uhhhh... peanuts? I guess? I don’t really like either though... 
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be? OLDCODEX <3 
(48) Are You A Picky Eater? I wouldn’t say so. As long as it doesn’t smell repulsive, I’ll try anything once. 
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper? if I don’t have any responsibilities in the morning 
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning? nahh. I love watching & hearing storms from inside. they’re pretty calming. 
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write? oh yeaaah. I should do both more often. I used to a lot back in middle school, but I still enjoy them. 
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud? only when I’m doing chores xD 
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents? oooh carve pumpkins! I’ve never carved one before in my life. 
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up? Kaze to Hoshi ni Dakarete - Kuribayashi Minami
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather) still winter~ spring is coming up next week though! 
(56)What Are You Craving Right Now? panda express, korean fried chicken, cajun shrimp, pasta, any food. LOL 
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed. it’s just all gay anime porn & memes lol 
(58) What Is Your Gender? female 
(59) Coffee Or Tea? tea! <3 
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About? nahhh.. life of an adult, dude. 
(61) What Is Your Sexuality? ima dirty hetero lmao 
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning? hayll nah. 
(63) Favourite Pokemon? milotic! sobble is coming in hot tho LOL 
(64) Favourite Social Media? twitter 
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories? dumbbbb. tried too hard to be like snapchat 
(66) Do You Get Homesick? nopee since I’m here everyday. lol 
(67) Are You A Virgin? nah
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now? suave - the cheap drug store brand :D 
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free? i’ll rent that crappy motel room. why not? 
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life? yaaa
(71)  Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters? detective pikachu! 
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex? fuck no. I don’t wish the best for him either. 
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now? “Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.” 
(74) What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest? heterochromia :D doesn’t matter which colors
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set? LOVED swinging as a child. I don’t pass by many parks nowadays though. 
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate? sticky rice & broccoli :D 
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone? too many. lol pogo is the major one, then a bunch of idle tapping games 
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not? no, because I am not certified 
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? oh yeah. 
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? lol i’ve definitely tried 
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People? not really. I’m sooo antisocial and bad with people ;~;
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them. not on a regular basis. for special occasions? yes. 
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed? I don’t have a bedroom door :’) 
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today? went to work, ate, now I’m sitting on my ass. 
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed? t-shirt & shorts! 
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now. pretty much all the basic stuff. I don’t use most of it though. au natural :D 
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person? definitely a night person xD 
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc. noo that’s too many D; 
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened. I don’t remember any of them 
(90) Favourite Soda Drink? canada dry ginger ale :P 
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite? crunching leaves / crispy food 
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More? jeans 
(93) How Do You Look Right Now? comfy xD ready for bed. 
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You. laying in bed, in a warm pile of my blankets & pillows <3 
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want? I’ve only really contemplated two different ones..   first one is kinda nerdy - I want a blade of marmora insignia on the back of my neck  second one would be having cursive-calligraphy-written ‘agape’ on the inside of my left wrist 
(96) Favourite YouTuber? right now, it’s gotta be The Try Guys :D 
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thespian-and-proud · 7 years
Can't sleep, haven't done one of these in a while..
1:Is there a boy/girl in your life? Yes there is 
2:Think of the last person who hurt you; do you forgive them? Yes, they didn't mean it 
3:What do you think of when you hear the word “meow?” Super Troopers 
4:What’s something you really want right now? To win the lotto 
5:Are you afraid of falling in love? No, just afraid of falling for the wrong person 
6:Do you like the beach? Love the beach, and have a love/hate relationship with the ocean 
7:Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else? Yeah, my couch at my parents is a corner couch so we weren't squished 
8:What’s the background on your cell? My cat 
9:If someone came to your house weekly to do one chore for you, what chore would you have them do? umm i guess clean my room 
10:Do you like your phone? I love it! 
11:Honestly, are things going the way you planned? Some thing are, some things aren't 
12:Who was the last person whose phone number you added to your contacts? Trevor which i'm surprised about. He was my first friend when I moved down here 
13:Would you rather have a poodle or a Rottweiler? Rottweiler definitely 
14:Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain? Emotional 
15:Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum? Zoo. I like animals :) 
16:Are you tired? Exhausted... all the time.. both physically and emotionally 
17:How long have you known your 1st phone contact? 1st as in alphabetically? umm i only knew him for a semester at school years ago. We haven't talked since i dropped out 
18:Are they a relative? No just a friend from a previous school 
19:Would you ever consider getting back together with any of your exes? Nope. It didn't work then, it won't work now 
20:When did you last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with? recently, actually 
21:If you knew you had the right person, would you marry them today? Well yeah, that's the goal isn't it? 
22:Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Of course I would, anytime, any place 
23:How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now? Just my FitBit if that even counts as a bracelet 
24:Is there a certain quote you live by? "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind" -Dr. Seuss 
25:What’s on your mind? Too many things... 
26:Do you have any tattoos? No but i'm in the process of planning my first! 
27:What is your favorite color? Purple 
28:Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? Not for a while.. 
29:Who are you texting? No one at the moment, that's why i'm doing this :p 
30:Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch? Yes I have 
31:Have you ever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right? lol too often 
32:Who is one person that you miss talking to, and why? Oh man.. ummm i'm gonna say everyone in new york cause I suck at keeping in contact with people i don't physically see on a regular basis 
33:Do you think anyone has feelings for you? I sure hope so 
34:Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? All the time, especially at work 
35:Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? I'd walk away 
36:Were you single on Valentines Day? Nope! 
37:Are you friends with the last person you kissed? Lol yes i am 
38:What do your friends call you? Rachel 
39:Has anyone upset you in the last week? No one has directly upset me no 
40:Have you ever cried over a text? yes 
41:Where’s your last bruise located? On my thigh from flipping chairs at work 
42:If you could take a roadtrip somewhere, where would you go and why? New York to visit the family and friends I haven't seen in a while 
43:Last time you wanted to be away from somewhere really bad? Every once in a while I imagine what things might be like if I just went off the grid 
44:Who was the last person you were on the phone with? Tim, cause the guy installing our TV service had a question 
45:Do you have a favourite pair of shoes? Yes but I rarely get to wear them cause i never go out 
46:Do you wear hats if your having a bad hair day? Doesn't everyone? 
47:Would you ever go bald if it was the style? I don't think so.. maybe short but not bald... 
48:Do you make supper for your family? On the rare occasion that i'm actually home at dinner time and i have the money for ingredients yeah i do 
49:Does your bedroom have a door? yeah, it would be awkward if it didn't 
50:Top 3 web-pages? that i visit on the daily? facebook, twitter, and the nmsu website 
51:Do you know anyone who hates shopping? Me :p 
52:Does anything on your body hurt? I'm sore from the gym 
53:Are goodbyes hard for you? Depends on who i'm saying goodbye to, but yeah I actually try and avoid goodbyes cause they're awkward for me 
54:What was the last beverage you spilled on yourself? A coke at work when i was cleaning off tables and spilled the drink 
55:How is your hair? I've been having really good hair days lately 
56:What do you usually do first in the morning? Check my phone and go through social media to wake up my brain before getting out of bed 
57:Do you think two people can last forever? I do, if they're the right people for each other 
58:Who has been your all-time favorite celebrity crush? Mila Kunis 
59:Green or purple grapes? Green 
60:When’s the next time you will give someone a BIG hug? Honestly? I have no idea... 
61:Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? I mean i'm pretty comfy.. 
62:When will be the next time you text someone? Probably sometime tomorrow 
63:What is your favorite meal? Medium rare steak and garlic mashed potatoes 
64:What were you doing at 8 this morning. Sleeping 
65:This time last year, can you remember who you liked? Same as this year 
66:Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile? More than one actually 
67:Did you kiss or hug anyone today? hugged 
68:What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I was watching The Simpsons so probably something related to that 
69:Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? All the time 
70: List your favorite Youtubers Joe Santagato and Cristine Rotenberg are my top 2 right now 
71:If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you visit and why? Puerto Rico to learn about my culture 
72:What is your ringtone? My call ringtone is one of the default iPhone ones, my text tone is the Kim Possible one 
73:How old are you? 23 
74:Where is your Mum right now? New York 
75:Why aren’t you with the person you were first in love with or almost in love? We broke up because we lived on opposite sides of the US and then we both moved on, we're still friends though and talk every once in a while 
76:Have you held hands with somebody in the past three days? Nope 
77:Are you friends with the people you were friends with two years ago? some yeah 
78:Do you remember who you had a crush on in year 7? I wasn't alive in the year 7... when i was 7 years old? no idea... 7th grade? Orlando Bloom 
79:If you could choose anywhere in the world to live, where would you live and why? Just somewhere peaceful away from neighbors 
80:Have you ever fallen asleep in someones arms? Yes, but I don't do it very often, usually I like to cuddle until i'm ready to sleep then we separate cause I move around in my sleep 
81:How many people have you liked in the past three months? i like my friends! so a lot of people ☺️ 
82:Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the last 3 days? Nope 
83:Will you talk to the person you like tonight? Nope.. 
84:You’re drunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with? I don't think i'd ever get drunk enough to do that.. 
85:If your BF/GF was into drugs would you care? It would depend on a lot of things... 
86:What was the most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie? There was a child running around that I wanted to punch... 
87:Who was your last received call from? My boss 
88:If someone gave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you? I'm a broke college student, what do you think? 
89:What is something you wish you had more of? Money :p and patience 
90:Have you ever trusted someone too much? Yup... 
91:Do you sleep with your window open? No it's too hot here for that 
92:Do you get along with girls? Not many.. 
93:Are you keeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth? Nope 
94:Does sex mean love? Nope 
95:You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem? Haha not at all 
96:What is your favorite book, and why? I don't read many books unfortunately but I guess my favorite would be Ella Enchanted cause it gives me all the feels and I can literally start it over as soon as I finish it and I still get the same reactions (p.s. the book and the movie are totally different stories and the book is so much more amazing) 
97:Did you sleep alone this week? Yup 
98:Everybody has somebody that makes them happy, do you? I'm lucky enough to have a few 
99:Do you believe in love at first sight? No but I believe in instant attraction 
100:What do you do for a career, and what would you love to be doing if you could do anything for a career? I'm stuck in food service but I would love to be working in theater or welding
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